File extension regex
This package exports regular expressions suitable for matching file extensions. It also provides a regular expression factory function to create file extension expressions.
Regular expressions exported from this package can be used to test both file extensions and names. A factory function is also exported that can be used to create a regular expression for any given file extension.
- Expressions are ECMAScript-compatible. They have not been tested with other flavors (PCRE, PCRE2, etc)
This package is ESM only.
yarn add @flex-development/ext-regex
From Git:
yarn add @flex-development/ext-regex@flex-development/ext-regex
See Git - Protocols | Yarn for details on requesting a specific branch, commit, or tag.
import { DECORATOR_REGEX } from '@flex-development/ext-regex'
import { EXT_DTS_REGEX, EXT_TS_REGEX } from '@flex-development/ext-regex'
import * as mlly from '@flex-development/mlly'
import pathe from '@flex-development/pathe'
import * as tscu from '@flex-development/tsconfig-utils'
import type { Nullable } from '@flex-development/tutils'
import type {
} from 'esbuild'
import type { URL } from 'node:url'
* Returns a plugin that allows esbuild to handle [`emitDecoratorMetadata`][1].
* [1]:
* @param {tscu.LoadTsconfigOptions?} [options] - Plugin options
* @return {Plugin} Decorator metadata plugin
const plugin = (options?: tscu.LoadTsconfigOptions): Plugin => ({
name: 'decorators',
setup: async ({ initialOptions, onLoad }: PluginBuild): Promise<void> => {
const { absWorkingDir = '.', tsconfig = 'tsconfig.json' } = initialOptions
* User compiler options.
* @const {tscu.CompilerOptions} compilerOptions
const compilerOptions: tscu.CompilerOptions = tscu.loadCompilerOptions(
pathe.resolve(absWorkingDir, tsconfig),
// exit early if decorator metadata should not be emitted
if (!compilerOptions.emitDecoratorMetadata) return void 0
* TypeScript module.
* @const {typeof import('typescript')} ts
const ts: typeof import('typescript') = (await import('typescript')).default
* {@linkcode onLoad} callback options.
* @const {OnLoadOptions}
const opts: OnLoadOptions = { filter: /.*/ }
// transpile typescript modules containing decorators
onLoad(opts, async (args: OnLoadArgs): Promise<Nullable<OnLoadResult>> => {
* Callback result.
* @var {Nullable<OnLoadResult>} result
let result: Nullable<OnLoadResult> = null
// transpile typescript modules, but skip typescript declaration modules
if (EXT_TS_REGEX.test(args.path) && !EXT_DTS_REGEX.test(args.path)) {
* URL of module to load.
* @const {URL} url
const url: URL = mlly.toURL(args.path)
* File content at {@linkcode args.path}.
* @const {string} source
const source: string = (await mlly.getSource(url)) as string
// do nothing if module does not use decorators
if (!DECORATOR_REGEX.test(source)) return null
// transpile module to emit decorator metadata
const { outputText: contents } = ts.transpileModule(source, {
compilerOptions: tscu.normalizeCompilerOptions(compilerOptions)
result = { contents }
return result
return void 0
export default plugin
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This package exports the following identifiers:
There is no default export.
TypeScript declaration file extension regex.
Supported extensions:
Named capturing groups:
: Letter between'.'
in file extension
JavaScript file extension regex.
Supported extensions:
Named capturing groups:
: Letter between'.'
in file extension
JSON file extension regex.
Supported extensions:
Named capturing groups:
: Character after'json'
in file extension
TypeScript file extension regex.
Supported extensions:
Named capturing groups:
: Letter'd'
if extension is declaration file extensiontype
: Letter between'.'
in file extension
Creates a regular expression matching the given file extension, ext
The file extension does not need to begin with a dot character ('.'
). If it doesn't, however, it will be formatted
before being converted into a regular expression pattern. The returned regular expression will match the formatted file
extension instead.
— File extension to evaluate{Options?}
— Regular expression options
Regular expression matching ext
If ext
is not a string.
This package is fully typed with TypeScript.
— Decorator regexexport-regex
statement regeximport-regex
statement regex