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Regl-Scatterplot: A Scalable Interactive JavaScript-based Scatter Plot Library |
14 February 2023 |
paper/refs.bib |
Scatter plots are one of the most popular visualization methods to surface correlations (like trends or clusters) in bivariate data. They are used across all scientific domains. With datasets ever increasing in size, it can become challenging to effectively render and explore scatter plots. Hence, there is a need for scalable and interactive scatter plot libraries.
is a general-purpose data visualization library written in
JavaScript for rendering large-scale scatter plots on the web
(\autoref{fig:teaser}). Every aspect of the library focuses on performance.
Thanks to its WebGL-based renderer, which is written with regl
[@regl], the
library can draw up to twenty million points while offering smooth pan and zoom.
To interact with the data points, regl-scatterplot
implements fast lasso
selections using a spatial index [@kdbush].
Beyond the rendering and interaction performance, visualizing large datasets as
scatter plots also poses perceptual challenges [@micallef2017towards]. In
particular, the right level of opacity is critical to faithfully represent the
data distribution while ensuring that outliers are perceivable. To simplify this
aspect of the scatter plot design, regl-scatterplot
implements a density-based
point opacity that extends an approach by @reusser2022selecting. In addition to
the original approach, the opacity dynamically adjusts to the points within the
field of view as the user pans and zooms. Finally, regl-scatterplot
drawing spline-interpolated point connections and animated transitions of the
point location and color encoding when drawing a new dataset with point
correspondences (\autoref{fig:additional}).
was designed for visualization researchers and practitioners.
It has already been cited in a number of scientific publications
[@lekschas2020peax; @santala2020fast; @narechania2022vitality;
@bauerle2022symphony; @warchol2023visinity], it formed the software foundation
for a computer science master thesis [@hindersson2021scatterplot], and it is
actively used in scientific software tools [@peax; @histocat; @eodash;
@gotreescape; @jscatter; @warchol2023visinity; @cabrera23zeno]. The focus on
scalable rendering and interactions in combinations with a wide variety of
design customizations in regl-scatterplot
enables visualization researchers
and practitioners to build, study, and test new visualization tools and
applications for scalable exploration of the ever-increasing number of
large-scale datasets.
There are several related JavaScript packages for rendering scatter plots on the
web. General-purpose visualization libraries like d3
[@bostock2011d3] or
[@satyanarayan2016vegalite] are broadly useful, but are not well
suited to render datasets with millions of data points due to the reliance on a
Document Object Model (in the case of d3
) and limited support for GPU-based
rendering. Like regl-scatterplot
, CandyGraph
[@candygraph] overcomes this
limitation by using WebGL for the rendering. However, being a general-purpose
plotting library means that CandyGraph
does not offer critical features for
exploring scatter plots interactively like pan-and-zoom, lasso selections, etc.
The visualization charting library plotly.js
[@plotlyjs] has support for WebGL
rendering and offers interactive pan-or-zoom and lasso selection, but is lacking
other features like animated transitions, dynamic point opacity, or
synchronization of multiple scatter plot instances. Similarly, the bespoke
[@reglscatter2d] library offers scalable WebGL-based rendering
of scatter plots and allows customizing the point shape. However, it does not
support data-driven visual encodings or interactive point selections. Finally,
[@deepscatter] is another scalable scatter plot library that
offers data-driven visual encodings. Its reliance on tile-based data enables
even greater scalability compared to regl-scatterplot
but at the expense of
having to preprocess data. Also, as of today, the library is lacking support for
lasso selections or the ability to synchronize multiple scatter plot instances.
In the future, we plan to add built-in support for streaming tiled Apache Arrow
files in regl-scatterplot
to further improve the performance. We also plan to
move as much or ideally all of regl-scatterplot
's code to web workers, which
would help to avoid any performance impact on the main thread.
We acknowledge contributions from Jeremy A. Prescott, Trevor Manz, and Emlyn Clay, and Dušan Josipović.