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File metadata and controls

63 lines (46 loc) · 1.99 KB


Dircloud is yet another program to show and navigate through the contents of a disc. The key issue in this one is that it works easily via web using a wordcloud interface with minimal dependencies.

I was looking for something like xdu (or xdiskusage) to display the contents of a server via web in a graphical way, showing the big directories bigger so it could be easier to see how is it used, but I didn't find anything. There are plenty for a desktop box, but nothing that I like for a server to show via web. The home page of gave me the inspiration and CSS magic.

Like the original xdu (still my favourite for desktop use), you have to run du yourself, keeping the output in a file.

As Phil Dykstra, author of xdu, rightly observed (, his tool is also useful as a general purpose tree data display program for any input data formatted like the output of du. Dircloud, having a more textual interface, is more appropiated for text data, such as directories or library catalogs.

Dircloud follows approach and it is distributed as a single self-contained file. No installatacion is necessary.


Dependecies are minimal and easily found in any Linux box.

  • python
  • for python <= 2.6, argparse; it is included in newer versions
  •, the wonderful yet minimal web building framework
  • du, from GNU coreutils
  • locate, mlocate or sclocate, with a provision of using something else (here using dict as an example:

On a Debian based system, bottle is found in the pacakge python-bottle. But as bottle it just a single file, copying both in the same directory should be enough.


$ du / >/tmp/du.out
$ python /tmp/du.out
 Bottle server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
 Listening on http://localhost:2010/
 Use Ctrl-C to quit.

Point your browser to http://localhost:2010/

Forks, paches or comments welcome.

Ferran Jorba [email protected]