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File metadata and controls

37 lines (30 loc) · 2.71 KB


Python script to randomly select a subsample of reads with desired coverage from a fasta or fastq file. The subsample can be randomly selected or selected having the read lengths following a gaussian distribution with a chosen mean and standard deviation, for instance to match a different data sample.

Usage: -i <inputfile> -t <faqtype> -c <coverage> -r <refsize> -m <mean> -s <std> -o <omean> -u <ostd> -f <corrfact> -p <compfile>

input file: fasta or fastq file of reads from which extract a subsample
faqtype: format of output file, fasta or fastq  [fasta]
coverage: desired coverage for subsample
refsize: reference size or expected genome size needed to calculate coverage, in Mb
mean,std: mean and standard deviation of read lengths distribution desired for subsample. If not defined, reads are randomly selected 
omean,ostd,corrfact: to get a gaussian shape you likely need to suppress the area around the original read-length peak: set here original mean, original std, and correction factor (0:1), 0 being not corrected, maximally corrected. If not defined, oringinal shape not corrected for, subset gaussian shape will likely be deformed 
compfile: fasta or fastq file of reads to compare to the subsample read length distribution


subreads...fasta:  fasta or fastq file with the selected reads
lengths.pdf: plot comparing (a) the read length distribution of the original file, 
		(b) the read length distribution of the selected subsample,
		[c] if mean and std are selected: a gaussian with mean and std, having the same area as (b)
		[d] if a compfile is defined: the read length distribution of the cmopfile 


With the random selection, each read has the same probability to be picked, but as the original read-length distribution will follow a peaked shape, read-lengths around the peak will have higher chances to get picked, as there are more reads in that area. Thus the random selection will reproduce the original shape but at a lower depth (chosen by the parameter -c). When mean and std are defined, the probability to get picked has been modified to follow the shape of a gaussian, but the actual shape is still affected by the original distribution. Generally the more the desired coverage is close to the original one, or the further from a flat distribution is the original shape the more the final shape will differ from a gaussian. The gaussian option is not optimized, you can try to correct for the original shape by using the parameters -o, -u and -f, but a manual correction of the original shape might be necessary.


Python 2 or 3, modules needed: biopython, numpy, matplotlib