In Visual Studio Code you can hover over the const’s value to get the hexadecimal.
const WS_CAPTION: isize = 0xC0000; const WS_POPUP: isize = 0x80000000; const WS_SYSMENU: isize = 0x80000; const WS_MAXIMIZEBOX: isize = 0x10000; const WS_MINIMIZEBOX: isize = 0x20000; const WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW: isize = 0x80; const WS_EX_APPWINDOW: isize = 0x40000; const WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW: isize = 0xCF0000; const WS_VISIBLE: isize = 0x10000000;
Do this after .
let hwnd = wind.raw_handle(); let hwnd: HWND = unsafe { mem::transmute(hwnd) };
CoInitializeEx(Some(null()), COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); let test: ITaskbarList3 = CoCreateInstance(&TaskbarList, None, CLSCTX_ALL)?; let result = (*test).AddTab(hwnd);