- Name
- The name of the association is "FeatherMC Association".
- Purpose
- The purposes of the association are
- the promotion, development, maintenance, and distribution of the open-source project Feather and its subprojects; and
- the general support of open-source projects related to Minecraft.
- The purposes of the association are
- Membership
- Anyone whose interests are in accordance with the association's purposes as defined in section 2 and has paid the membership fee is considered a member of the association.
- A membership is valid from the calendar month in which the membership fee is paid and continues to be valid for the following 11 months.
- The membership fee is determined by the General Assembly.
- In the event of a serious violation of the Articles of Association or the association's policies, or in the event of direct opposition to the functions of the association or the purposes stipulated in section 2, the board may exclude a member if a majority of the board members are in favour.
- The member in question must be notified in writing that its exclusion has been proposed - including a reason for the exclusion -, no later than 14 days before the board meeting where the decision is made. The member has the right to give an explanation to the board in writing, and speak at the board meeting before the vote.
- General Assembly
- The General Assembly is the highest authority of the association.
- The Annual General Assembly is held via teleconference once a year before the end of April and is convened with at least three weeks' notice by email to members.
- The public is eligible to attend the General Assembly.
- All members who are actively contributing towards the purposes stipulated in section 2 are eligible to vote.
- The agenda for the annual General Assembly must contain at least the following items:
- Election of the speaker
- Election of the secretary
- Determination of present members
- Financial reporting
- Consideration of proposals received
- Determination of membership fee
- Approval of the budget
- Election of the chairman
- Election of the deputy chairman
- Election of 3-7 board members and 2 substitutes
- Election of auditor(s) and one deputy auditor
- Any other business
- Proposals that are to be considered at the General Assembly must be received by the Board of Directors no later than 8 days before the General Assembly. Proposals for amendments to the Articles of Association that are to be considered must be received by the Board of Directors no later than three weeks before the General Assembly.
- The General Assembly makes its resolutions by 1/2 majority of present members elgible to vote via electronic voting.
- Voting can be done anonymously if 1/3 of the current Board of Directors is in favour.
- Extraordinary General Assembly
- An Extraordinary General Assembly may be held when the Board of Directors deems it necessary or when at least 1/3 of the members submit a written reasoned request to the chairman and deputy chairman. In such cases, the General Assembly must be held no later than four weeks after the request has come to the knowledge of the chairman or deputy chairman.
- The daily management of the association
- The daily management of the association is run by the Board of Directors, which in addition to the chairman consists of the deputy chairman, the treasurer and two to six additional members. The Board of Directors is elected by the General Assembly.
- The Board of Directors leads the association in accordance with these Articles of Association and the resolutions of the General Assembly.
- No later than 14 days after re-electing the Board of Directors, a constituent meeting is held, where the Board of Directors elects the treasurer from among its members.
- The Board of Directors also determines its own rules of procedure. It may set up subcommittees and working groups to carry out specific tasks.
- The chairman - and in their absence the deputy chairman - convenes and chairs the meetings of the board. Convening is done in writing stating the agenda when the chairman deems it necessary, or at least three members of the Board of Directors make a request to the chairman. In such cases, the meeting shall be held no later than 2 weeks after the request has come to the knowledge of the chairman.
- Finance, accounting and auditing
- The association's financial year follows the calendar year.
- The Board of Directors is responsible to the General Assembly for the budget and accounts.
- The association's accounts are kept by the treasurer, who also keeps the association's membership register.
- The accounts are audited by the auditor(s) and deputy auditor elected at the General Assembly.
- Signing authority
- The association is signed externally by the signature of the chairman and at least one additional board member in the association.
- The members of the association are not personally liable for the obligations incumbent on the association.
- Amendments to the Articles of Association
- These Articles of Association can only be amended by a 2/3 majority at a General Assembly, where the proposed amendment appears on the agenda.
- The amendments to the articles of association enter into force with effect from the General Assembly at which they are adopted.
- Dissolution
- Dissolution of the association can only take place with a 2/3 majority at two consecutive General Assemblies, one of which must be ordinary.
- In the event of dissolution, the association's assets shall be used in accordance with the purposes stipulated in section 2 or for other non-profit purposes. The decision on the specific use of the assets is made by the dissolving General Assembly.