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BinCAT manual

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Main commands and features

Launch the plugin

  • Use the Edit >> Plugins >> Bincat menu, or the Ctrl + Shift + b shortcut

Start an analysis

In the IDA View-A view, go to the instruction you want the analysis to start from. Then, you can either:

  • Use the Edit >> BinCAT >> Analyze from here menu
  • Use the context menu (right click in IDA View-A), then select the BinCAT >> Analyze from here menu
  • Use the Ctrl + Shift + a shortcut

BinCAT Start analysis dialog

  • Click Start to run the analysis with a new configuration (automatically generated)

Override taint

Taint can be overridden for any register value or memory byte, at any instruction of the program. Overrides will apply at the next instruction.

Taint overrides can be defined from the following views:

  • from the IDA View-A view: right click on a register name or memory address, then use the Edit >> BinCAT >> Add taint override... menu, or the contextual menu (right click)

Add override from IDA View-A using context menu

  • from the IDA View-A view: click on a register name or memory address, then use the Ctrl + Shift + o shortcut
  • from the BinCAT Tainting view which shows the registers: right click on a register, then choose the Add taint override menu

Add override from BinCAT Tainting view using context menu

  • from the BinCAT Hex view which shows the contents of the memory: select a memory range, then right click, then choose the Override taint for selection menu, and input a mask that must be applied to each selected byte

Add override from BinCAT Hex view using context menu

The following values can be used for register overrides:

  • TAINT_ALL indicates that all register bytes are tainted
  • TAINT_NONE indicates that no register bytes are tainted
  • a binary or hexadecimal taint mask, such as 0x0F or 0b00001111, which will taint the least significant nibble, and untaint the others

For values stored in memory, binary or hexadecimal taint masks are supported.

Defined taint overrides are then displayed in the BinCAT Overrides view.

IDA Views

IDA View-A view

On this view, the BinCAT plugin sets the background color for analyzed instructions:

  • Instructions that have been analyzed AND have at least one tainted operand have a green background
  • Instructions that have been analyzed, but do not manipulate tainted data have a gray background

BinCAT View-A view

BinCAT Tainting

This view displays taint and value for each register (general, flags, segment registers), at a given point in the analysis.

The current RVA is displayed. The instruction that is present at this address may have been analyzed several times, especially if it is part of a loop. In that case, the analyzer will have created one "node" for each analysis. This view allows choosing the node that is currently being viewed.

Register contents are represented:

  • Values are represented as text, using both an hexadecimal and an ascii representation. The ? value indicates that at least one bit of the represented byte or nibble is set to to abstract value TOP, meaning its value is unknown
  • Taint is represented using colors, for each represented nibble or byte:
    • black means that none of its bits are tainted, with no taint uncertainty
    • green means that all of its bits are tainted, with no taint uncertainty
    • blue means that at least one of the bits is uncertainly tainted
    • yellow is used if there is no taint uncertainty, and some of the bits only are tainted
  • Type is displayed as a tooltip, shown when the mouse hovers a register, if type data is available

BinCAT Tainting view

BinCAT Hex view

This view displays the memory contents. BinCAT's representation splits memory into 3 regions: heap, stack, and global, which can be chosen using a drop-down menu on this view. Then, a second drop-down menu allow selecting the displayed address range.

Memory contents are displayed as a grid, using the same conventions are for the BinCAT Tainting view described above, regarding value, taint and type.

BinCAT Hex view

BinCAT Overrides

This view lists all user-defined taint overrides, rendered as a grid. Overrides can be directly modified by editing grid cells. To remove an override, right click on the override that is to be removed, then choose the Remove menu.

This view also features a Re-run analysis button, which allows conveniently re-run the analysis, with updated overrides.

BinCAT Overrides view

BinCAT Debugging

This view displays the list of BinCAT intermediate language instruction that represents the currently selected instruction, as well as the associated bytes.

BinCAT only outputs intermediate language debugging data if loglevel > 2 in the analysis parameters. This data is useful for BinCAT developers and debuggers.

BinCAT Debugging view

BinCAT Configurations

This view displays the list of BinCAT analysis configurations that were saved by the user. Users may:

  • Display or edit configurations: select a configuration, then click the Edit button
  • Export configurations; select a configuration, then click the Export button
  • Delete configurations: select a configuration, right click, then choose the Remove menu

BinCAT Configuration view

Ida Output Window

This view displays log messages that stem from the BinCAT plugin, or the BinCAT analyzer.

It also features a python shell, which can be used to debug the BinCAT plugin: a global variable (bc_state) allows accessing its internal objects.