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683 lines (547 loc) · 26.1 KB

File metadata and controls

683 lines (547 loc) · 26.1 KB

Structure of the configuration file

The configuration is fetched from the file fabfile.yaml and should have the following structure:

name: <the project name>

  - list of methods

requires: 2.0



Here's the documentation of the supported and used keys:


The name of the project, it's only used for output.


List here all needed methods for that type of project. Available methods are:

  • local runs all commands for that configuration locally.
  • git for deployments via git
  • ssh
  • drush for support of drupal installations
  • files
  • mattermost for slack-notifications
  • webhook to invoke webhooks when running specific tasks
  • docker for docker-support
  • composer for composer support
  • drupalconsole for drupal-concole support
  • platform for deploying to
  • artifacts--ftp to deploy to a ftp-server
  • artifacts--git to deploy an artifact to a git repository
  • yarn to run yarn tasks when doing a deploy/reset
  • npm to run npm tasks when doing a deploy/reset
  • mysql to add support for a mysql database
  • sqlite to add support for a sqlite database
  • laravel for laravel-based applications
  • k8s to interact with an application hosted in a Kubernetes cluster

Needs can be set also per host. You can also declare additionalNeeds per host. If you need to "remove" a need on a per host-bases you need to completely override needs.

Example for drupal 7

  - ssh
  - git
  - drush
  - files

Example for drupal 8/9 composer based and dockerized

  - ssh
  - git
  - drush
  - composer
  - docker
  - files

Example for a local installed laravel application with sqlite

  - local
  - git
  - composer
  - sqlite
  - laravel
  - files


The file-format of phabalicious changed over time. Set this to the lowest version of phabalicious which can handle the file. Should bei 2.0


Hosts is a list of host-definitions which contain all needed data to connect to a remote host. Here's an example

    user: example_user
    port: 2233
    type: dev
      description: An example of a configuration
        id: 01-example
        label: An example category
    rootFolder: /var/www/public
    gitRootFolder: /var/www
    siteFolder: /sites/default
    filesFolder: /sites/default/files
    backupFolder: /var/www/backups
    supportsInstalls: true|false
    supportsCopyFrom: true|false
    branch: develop

You can get all host-information including the default values using the phabalicious command about:

phab --config=staging about

This will print all host configuration for the host staging.

General keys

  • hidden hide this configuration from list:hosts, but can still be used
  • inheritOnly this configuration is just for inheritance, it wont be validated, and hidden for list:hosts
  • info additional human readable information for this config (supports replacemnt-patterns)
    • description: a human readable description outputted by list:hosts -v
    • publicUrl/publicUrls: One or many urls for this configuration, will be displayed to the user on certain occasions. Make sure, that the most important url is the first one
    • category: A category to group the output of list:hosts -- can be a string or:
      • id: the id of the category, used for sorting
      • label: the label of the category
  • type defines the type of installation. Currently there are four types available:
    • dev for dev-installations, they won't backup the databases on deployment
    • test for test-installations, similar than dev, no backups on deployments
    • stage for staging-installations.
    • prod for live-installations. Some tasks can not be run on live-installations as install or as a target for copyFrom The main use-case is to run different scripts per type, see the common-section.
  • rootFolder the web-root-folder of the installation, typically exposed to the public.
  • needs a list of needed methods, if not set, the globally set needs gets used.
  • additionalNeeds a list of additional needs. The list will be appended to the global or per-host needs-declaration.
  • configName is set by phabalicious, it's the name of the configuration
  • supportsInstalls, default is true for types != prod. If sent to true you can run the install-task
  • supportsCopyFrom, default is true. If set to true, you can use that configuration as a source for the copy-from-task.
  • backupBeforeDeploy is set to true for types stage and prod, if set to true, a backup of the DB is made before a deployment.
  • tmpFolder, default is /tmp.
  • environment contains a list of environment variables to set before running any command
  • shellProvider defines how to run a shell, where commands are executed, current values are
    • local: all commands are run locally
    • ssh: all commands are run via a ssh-shell
    • docker-exec all commands are run via docker-exec.
    • docker-exec-over-ssh all commands are run via docker-exec on a remote instance
    • kubectl all commands are handled via kubectl inside a dedicated pod
  • inheritFromBlueprint this will apply the blueprint to the current configuration. This makes it easy to base the common configuration on a blueprint and just override some parts of it.
    • config this is the blueprint-configuration used as a base.
    • variant this is the variant to pass to the blueprint
  • knownHosts a list of hosts which should be added to the known-hosts file before running a ssh-/git-command. Here's an example:
    They can be overridden on a per host-basis.
  • protectedProperties a list of properties which wont be affected by a override.yaml file. See local overrides

Configuration for the local-method

  • shellProvider default is local, see above.
  • shellExecutable default is /bin/bash The executable for running a shell. Please note, that phabalicious requires a sh-compatible shell.
  • shellProviderExecutable, the command, which will create the process for a shell, here /bin/bash

Configuration for the ssh-method

  • host, user, port are used to connect via SSH to the remote machine. Please make sure SSH key forwarding is enabled on your installation.
  • disableKnownHosts, default is false, set to true to ignore the known_hosts-file.
  • sshTunnel phabalicious supports SSH-Tunnels, that means it can log in into another machine and forward the access to the real host. This is handy for dockerized installations, where the ssh-port of the docker-instance is not public. sshTunnel needs the following informations
    • bridgeHost: the host acting as a bridge.
    • bridgeUser: the ssh-user on the bridge-host
    • bridgePort: the port to connect to on the bridge-host
    • localPort: the local port which gets forwarded to the destPort. If localPort is omitted, the ssh-port of the host-configuration is used. If the host-configuration does not have a port-property a random port is used.
    • destHost: the destination host to forward to
    • destHostFromDockerContainer: if set, the docker's Ip address is used for destHost. This is automatically set when using a docker-configuration, see there.
    • destPort: the destination port to forward to
    • shellProviderExecutable, default is /usr/bin/ssh, the executable to establish the connection.

Configuration for the git-method

  • gitRootFolder the folder, where the git-repository is located. Defaults to rootFolder
  • branch the name of the branch to use for deployments, they get usually checked out and pulled from origin.
  • ignoreSubmodules default is false, set to false, if you don't want to update a projects' submodule on deploy.
  • gitOptions a keyed list of options to apply to a git command. Currently only pull is supported. If your git-version does not support --rebase you can disable it via an empty array: pull: []

Configuration for the composer-method

  • composer.rootFolder the folder where the composer.json for the project is stored, defaults to git.rootFolder.

Configuration for the drush-method

  • uuid of the drupal 8 site (D8 only) Needed for proper config imports

  • siteFolder is a drupal-specific folder, where the settings.php resides for the given installation. This allows to interact with multisites etc.

  • filesFolder the path to the files-folder, where user-assets get stored and which should be backed up by the files-method

  • revertFeatures, defaults to True, when set all features will be reverted when running a reset (drush only)

  • configurationManagement, an array of configuration-labels to import on reset, defaults to ['staging']. You can add command arguments for drush, e.g.

        - drush cim -y
        - echo "do sth else"
  • configBaseFolder, where all the configurations are stored, it defaults to ../config -- the folder to the actual configuration gets computed, e.g. with the above example it would be ../config/sync

  • forceConfigurationManagement defaults to false. If set to true, phab will not try to autodetect if a config import is doable and force the config importsync

  • adminUser, default is admin, the name of the admin-user to set when running the reset-task on dev-instances

  • adminPass, default is empty, will be computed on request. You can get it via phab -c<config> get:property adminPass -- this can be overridden per host or globally.

  • deploymentModule name of the deployment-module the drush-method enables when doing a deploy

  • replaceSettingsFile, default is true. If set to false, the settings.php file will not be replaced when running an install.

  • alterSettingsFile, default is true. If set to false, the settings.php file wont be touched by phabalicious.

  • installOptions default is distribution: minimal, locale: en, options: ''. You can change the distribution to install and/ or the locale.

  • drupalVersion set the drupal-version to use. If not set phabalicious is trying to guess it from the needs-configuration.

  • drushVersion set the used crush-version, default is 8. Drush is not 100% backwards-compatible, for phabalicious needs to know its version.

  • drushErrorHandling defaults to lax. If set to strict phab will terminate with an error if it detects a failed drush-execution.

Configuration of the mysql-method

  • supportsZippedBackups default is true, set to false, when zipped backups are not supported
  • database the database-credentials the install-tasks uses when installing a new installation.
    • name the database name
    • host the database host
    • user the database user
    • pass the password for the database user
    • prefix the optional table-prefix to use
    • skipCreateDatabase do not create a database when running the install task.
    • driver, which method should handle the database-interactions, mysql when using the mysql as a need.
  • mysqlOptions, mysqlDumpOptions, mysqlAdminOptions, arrays with cli-options for these commands to apply when running them.

Configuration of the sqlite-method

  • supportsZippedBackups default is true, set to false, when zipped backups are not supported
  • database the database-credentials the install-tasks uses when installing a new installation.
    • prefix the optional table-prefix to use
    • skipCreateDatabase do not create a database when running the install task.
    • driver, which method should handle the database-interactions, sqlite when using the sqlite as a need.

Configuration of the laravel-method

  • laravel.rootFolder folder where the package.json is located, defaults to the (git-) root-folder.
  • artisanTasks:
    • reset: (array) A list of aritsan tasks to execute for the reset-command. Default is
      • config:cache
      • migrate
      • cache:clear
    • install: (array) A list of aritsan tasks to execute for the install-command. Default is
      • db:wipe --force
      • migrate
      • db:seed

Configuration of the yarn-method

    buildCommand: ...
    context: ...
    rootFolder: ...
  • yarn.rootFolder folder where the package.json is located.
  • yarn.buildCommand build-command for yarn to execute when running the install- or reset-task. If the value is an array, then the value is handled as a script block, so please add the name of the executable
  • yarn.context in which context should the command be executed. Defaults to host. Possible values are:
    • host yarn is executed on the host, where the app is also running
    • docker-host is executed on the parent host, which controls docker execution
    • docker-image is executed in a dedicated docker-image, see script execution context for possible config options
    • docker-image-on-docker-host a mixture of docker-image and docker-host (still experimental)

Configuration of the npm-method

    buildCommand: ...
    context: ...
    rootFolder: ...
  • npm.rootFolder folder where the package.json is located.
  • npm.buildCommand build-command for npm to execute when running the install- or reset-task.
  • npm.context in which context should the command be executed. See the configuration of the yarn-method for possible options

Configuration of the artifacts--ftp-method

  • target keeps all configuration bundled:
    • user the ftp-user
    • password the ftp password
    • host the ftp host
    • port, default is 21, the port to connect to
    • rootFolder the folder to copy the app into on the ftp-host.
    • lftpOptions, an array of options to pass when executing lftp
    • actions a list of actions to perform. See detailed documentation for more info.

Configuration of the artifacts--git method

  • target contains the following options
    • repository the url of the target repository
    • branch the branch to use for commits
    • baseBranch if phab needs to create a new branch on the target repository, which should be the branch to branch off from.
    • useLocalRepository if set to true, phab will use the current directory as a source for the artifact, if set to false, phab will create a new app in a temporary folder and use that as a artifact
    • actions a list of actions to perform. See detailed documentation for more info.

Configuration of the artifacts--custom method

  • target contains the following options
    • actions a list of actions to perform. See detailed documentation for more info.

    • stages a list of custom stages to perform. A combination of these values:

      - installCode
      - installDependencies
      - runActions
      - runDeployScript

Configuration of the docker-method

  • docker for all docker-relevant configuration. configuration and name/service are the only required keys, all other are optional and used by the docker-tasks.
    • configuration should contain the key of the dockerHost-configuration in dockerHosts
    • name contains the name of the docker-container. This is needed to get the IP-address of the particular docker-container when using ssh-tunnels (see above).
    • for docker-compose-base setups you can provide the service instead the name, phabalicious will get the docker name automatically from the service.

Configuration of the mattermost-method

  • notifyOn: a list of all tasks where to send a message to a Mattermost channel. Have a look at the global Mattermost-configuration-example below.

Configuration of the k8s-method

The Kubernetes integration is documented here.


dockerHosts is similar structured as the hosts-entry. It's a keyed lists of hosts containing all necessary information to create a ssh-connection to the host, controlling the docker-instances, and a list of tasks, the user might call via the docker-command. See the docker-entry for a more birds-eye-view of the concepts.

Here's an example dockerHosts-entry:

    runLocally: false
    user: vagrant
    password: vagrant
    port: 22
    rootFolder: /vagrant
      WEBROOT: %host.rootFolder%
        - docker logs

Here's a list of all possible entries of a dockerHosts-entry:

  • shellProvider, the shell-provider to use, currently local or ssh.
  • runLocally: if set to true, the local-shell-provider will be used.
  • host, user and port: when using the ssh-shell-provicer.
  • environment a keyed list of environment-variables to set, when running one of the tasks. The replacement-patterns of scripts are supported, see there for more information.
  • tasks a keyed list of commands to run for a given docker-subtask (similar to scripts). Note: these commands are running on the docker-host, not on the host. All replacement-patterns do work, and you can call even other tasks via execute(<task>, <subtask>) e.g. execute(docker, stop) See the scripts-section for more info.

You can use inheritsFrom to base your configuration on an existing one. You can add any configuration you may need and reference to that information from within your tasks via the replacement-pattern %dockerHost.keyName% e.g.

You can reference a specific docker-host-configuration from your host-configuration via

      configuration: mbb


common contains a list of commands, keyed by task and type which gets executed when the task is executed.


      - echo "running reset on a dev-instance"
      - echo "running reset on a stage-instance"
      - echo "running reset on a prod-instance"
      - echo "preparing deploy on a dev instance"
      - echo "deploying on a dev instance"
      - echo "finished deployment on a dev instance"

The first key is the task-name (reset, deploy, ...), the second key is the type of the installation (dev, stage, prod, test). Every task is prepended by a prepare-stage and appended by a finished-stage, so you can call scripts before and after an actual task. You can even run other scripts via the execute-command, see the scripts-section.


A keyed list of available scripts. This scripts may be defined globally (on the root level) or on a per host-level. The key is the name of the script and can be executed via

phab --config=<configuration> script <key>

A script consists of an array of commands which gets executed sequentially.

An example:

    - echo "Running script test"
    - echo "Running script test2 on %host.config_name%
    - execute(script, test)

Scripts can be defined on a global level, but also on a per host-level.

You can declare default-values for arguments via a slightly modified syntax:

      name: Bob
      - echo "Hello"

Running the script via phab config:mbb script:defaultArgumentTest,name="Julia" will show Hello Julia. Running phab config:mbb script:defaultArgumentTest will show Hello Bob.

For more information see the main scripts section below.


The jira-command needs some configuration. It is advised to store this configuration in your user folder (~/.fabfile.local.yaml) or somewhere upstream of your project folder, as it might contain sensitive information.

  host: <jira-host>
  user: <jira-user>
  pass: <jira-password>

The command will use the global key as project-key, you can override that via the following configuration:

  projectKey: <jira project-key>


Phabalicious can send notifications to a running Mattermost instance. You need to create an incoming webhook in your instance and pass this to your configuration. Here's an example

  username: phabalicious
  webhook: https://chat.your.server.tld/hooks/...
  Channel: "my-channel"

      - mattermost
      - deploy
      - reset
  • mattermost contains all global mattermost config.
    • username the username to post messages as
    • webhook the address of the web-hook
    • channel the channel to post the message to
  • notifyOn is a list of tasks which should send a notification

You can test the Mattermost config via

phab notify "hello world" --config <your-config>


Provides integration with the restic command. Restic is used as a backup command if configured correctly and enabled via needs. Restic will be executed in the host-context, that means phab will create a shell for the given host-config and executes the restic-command there. It will try to install restic if it can't find an executable.

You can configure how restic is executed by adding the following snippet either in the global scope, or in a host-configuration. Use a secret to prevent storing sensitive data in the fabfile.

    question: Password for offsite restic-repository?
    onePasswordId: xxx
    onePasswordVaultId: xxx
    tokenId: default

  # defaults:
  allowInstallation: 1
    - --verbose
  # required:
  repository: <url-to-your-repo>
    RESTIC_PASSWORD: "%secret.restic-password%"

Phab will include the repository, any options ir environment variables when executing restic, so no need to add them by yourself. All command line arguments will be passed to restic.


Phabalicious provides a command to invoke webhooks from the command line, but also integrates invoking webhooks when running a specific task or as a callback for scripts.

Webhooks are declared in the global namespace:

    url: <url-of-webhook>
    method: <get|post|delete>
    format: <json|form_params>
      prop1: value1
      prop2: value2
    # a list of options passed directly to guzzle.
    options: []

The data in payload get submitted depending on the chosen format, e.g. as JSON or as form-values. You can use the replacement patterns for entries in the payload known similar to scripts, e.g.

    url: <url>
    method: get
      branch: "%host.branch%"
      token: "%settings.token%"
      someOtherValue: ""

webhooks has a special entry called defaults where you can add common defaults for all webhook invokations like special headers, etc

The current defaults are:

    format: json
        User-Agent: phabalicous
        Accept: application/json

To invoke a webhook from a script-section, use the built-in function webhook(name-of-webhook, arguments):

      - git
      - artifacts--git
      - webhook
      - echo "Invoking webhook ..."
      - webhook(myWebhook, foo=bar)

Alternatively you can use the webhooks-keyword to provide a mapping of task and webhook to invoke:

      - git
      - artifacts--git
      - webhook
      deployPrepare: myWebhook1
      deployFinished: myWebhook2


Phab supports that host-configurations can override the path to specific executables. These overrides can be done on a global level (e.g. the root level of the fabfile) and/ or on a per host-basis. Phab detects an executable name by the hash-bang notation (#!) or when $$ prefixes the executable-name. Here are some examples:

$$echo "hello world"
#!git pull origin main
#!tar -xzvf files.tgz
#!cat dump.sql | #!mysql -u root -p root db

Phab will lookup the actual executable from the global executables-setting or from the actual host-configuration, here's an example fabfile:

  echo: echo
  git: /usr/local/bin/git --quiet
  tar: /usr/bin/tar

      mysql: /usr/local/bin/mariadb

As you can see, this allows you to specify the exact path to the executable without relying on rc scripts, env-vars, etc. It allows you also to use completely different executables in certain scenarios, e.g. some hosting providers do have dedicated php executables per version, e.g. php74 php8, etc.

You can use this mechanism also in your scripts, by using the above mentioned prefixes, e.g.

  git: /usr/local/bin/git
  chmod: /bin/true
  php: /usr/local/bin/php74
  drush: /usr/local/bin/php80 /var/www/vendor/bin/drush
    # Please note, that the next line is quoted, so yaml wont
    # interpret the hash as a comment. That's actually also
    # the reason, why there is the second prefix $$
    - "#!git pull origin main"
    - $$chmod -R 777 .

This mechanism allows you to solve some complicated setup stuff (e.g. like disabling the chmod in the above example by replacing it with /bin/true or by specifying a dedicated php executable for drush) by keeping your script code relatively sane, which allows that scripts can be reused more often.


  • sqlSkipTables a list of table-names drush should omit when doing a backup.
  • configurationManagement a list of configuration-labels to import on reset. This defaults to ['sync'] and may be overridden on a per-host basis. You can add command arguments to the the configuration label.
  • rsyncOptions additional options to pass to rsync when doing a copyFrom.


deploymentModule: my_deployment_module
usePty: false
useShell: false
    - --rebase
    - --quiet
  - cache
  - watchdog
  - session
     - drush config-import -y staging
     - drush config-import -y dev --partial
  - --delete