💥 - Breaking change.
✨ - New feature.
🐛 - Bug fix.
⚡️ - Performance improvement.
📝 - Documentation.
- 👷 [RUM] add application id as query parameter (#405)
- 👷 Removing lodash dependencies (#396)
- ✨[RUMF-473] collect view loading time in ns and integrate the load event timing in the loading time calculation (#401)
- ✨[RUMF-373] Add View load duration and load type (#388)
- ✨[RUMF-465] collect client service, env and version (#392)
- ♻️[RUMF-471] rename version (#382)
- [RUMF-447]: Only collect first-contentful-paint if page is visible (#361)
- 🐛 [RUM] fix view update after its end (#373)
- Change view logic to emit LifeCycle events (#366)
- [RUMF-441] Track event counts for user actions (#358)
- ✨[RUMF-43] add proxyHost init option (#354)
- ✨ [RUMF-438] add user action reference to the internal context (#352)
- ✨[RUMF-435] add session type on all events (#347)
- 🐛[RUMF-431] fix CSP issue with global object strategy (#345)
- ✨[RUMF-430] new session strategy (disabled) (#343)
- ✨[RUMF-383] automatic click user action collection (disabled) (#338)
- 🔥[RUMF-430] stop maintaining old cookies (#342)
- ✨[RUMF-430] new session cookie format (#337)
- 🐛 [RUMF-430] fix rollback (#334)
- 🥅[RUMF-430] handle potential session rollback (#329)
- 🐛fix feature check (#320)
- 🔊[RUMF-408] add new session check logs (#318)
- [RUMF-407] improve resource timings collection (#315)
- 🔧 improve CBT test names (#314)
- [RUMF-382] prepare support for multiple feature flags (#312)
- 🔧 update cbt chrome mobile (#313)
- ✨add an option to silent multiple Init errors (#310)
- 🐛 replace console.error by console.warn when cookies are not supported (#307)
- 🔒 upgrade vulnerable packages (#306)
- 🐛[RUMF-403] fix checkURLSupported (#302)
- ✅ add cbt error case (#299)
- [RUM] enable request with batch time by default (#297)
- 🐛[RUMF-396] try to fix view date shift (#295)
- 🐛[RUMF-320] Remove url-polyfill dependency (#294)
- ✨[RUMF-375] do not collect irrelevant timings (#292)
- 🐛[RUMF-266] xhr tracker: add fallback on event listener (#287)
- ⚗️[RUMF-371] add batch time to rum intake requests (#285)
- 🐛[RUMF-266] fix xhr incorrect status reported on late abortion (#283)
- 🐛[RUMF-330] fix intake requests exclusion (#281)
- ✨[RUMF-315] collect initial document timing (#276)
- ⬆️ Bump codecov from 3.6.1 to 3.6.5 (#277)
- ✨[RUMF-342] use startTime for events timestamp (#275)
- ✨[RUMF-264] add compatibility with server side rendering (#273)
- 🔧 add repository link for each package (#271)
- 🐛 [RUM] fix retrieving early timings (#268)
- 🔇[RUMF-257] remove logging (#265)
- 🐛 [RUMF-71] do not report negative performance timing duration (#264)
- [MRO] update Node version (#263)
- ✨ [Browser SDK][rum-291] Allow logs when cookies are disabled (#255)
- 🔊[RUMF-257] rework logging (#261)
- 🐛[RUMF-308] do not track session without id (#260)
- 📄 add check-licenses script (#258)
- 🔊 [RUMF-71] add internal logs messages when an abnormal duration is spoted (#251)
- 🔊[RUMF-257] report abnormal performance.now() (#254)
- ✅[e2e] wait for browser url loaded (#253)
- 🐛[RUMF-293][fetch] handle fetch response text error (#252)
- 🐛[jsonStringify] do not crash on serialization error (#242)
- 🐛[init] remove deprecate prerender check (#240)
- 🏷 [TypeScript] ensure 3.0 minimal support (#237)
- ✅[e2e] cleaner tests (#233)
- 🔧[coverage] setup codecov (#232)
- 🔊[e2e] add extra logging (#231)
- 🔥[rum/logs] remove outdated attributes (#230)
- ♻️[e2e] wait request to reach server before assertions (#229)
- ⚡️[batch] limit view update events (#228)
- 🔊[e2e] output server response in logs (#226)
- 🔧[e2e cbt] add retry case (#227)
- 🔊[e2e] output test server log (#225)
- 🔧[e2e] fix local tests on chrome 79 (#224)
- [RUMF-188] add traceId to fetch calls (#221)
- 🐛 [RUMF-201] use timing.navigationStart to compute fake timings (#217)
- ✅ fix e2e cbt tests on Edge (#222)
- 🐛[types] do not globally override ts types (#215)
- [RUMF-201] add debug monitoring for navigation timing entries (#214)
- [RUMF-158] fix view id associated to different session id (#211)
- 🔧[packages] add scripts to release & publish (#212)
- 📝[packages] improve README.md (#209)
- 🔧[packages] force exact version (#208)
- 🚀[ci] publish npm packages on tag (#207)
- ✨[packages] allow to publish publicly (#206)
- 🔊🐛 [RUMF-201] add internal logs for buggy load event measures (#204)
- ✨[packages] use new names (#203)
- ⬆️[security] fix alert by upgrading webpack (#202)
- [e2e cbt] add android browser (#200)
- 💚[gitlab] use new project name (#199)
- 🐛[request] do not consider opaque response as error (#197)
- ✅[e2e cbt] add edge and firefox (#196)
- ✅[e2e cbt] make scenarios compatible with safari (#195)
- ✅[karma cbt] add retry for UnhandledException (#194)
- 🐛[request] do not monitor xhr.send monkey patch (#193)
- 🔥[RUM] remove deprecated count (#192)
- ✨[init] add extra checks (#191)
- 🐛[core] ensure that document.cookie is not null (#190)
- ✨[RUM] add view resource count (#189)
- ✨[RUM] do not snake case user defined contexts (#188)
- 📝[Readme] Remove deployment part (#187)
- Rename repository (#186)
- ✨[RUM] exclude trace intake requests (#185)
- 🐛[RUM] fix wrong url on spa last view event (#184)
- 📄[license] update third parties (#183)
- 🔧[ci] fix cbt fail on release (#182)