From 3d7551cc83806f4b8959727c9afeb6d54c83fa0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Joseph Bonnici Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2015 10:42:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] addition of source files --- BoostTestAdapter.sln | 59 + BoostTestAdapter/App.config | 27 + .../Boost/Results/BoostStandardError.cs | 57 + .../Boost/Results/BoostStandardOutput.cs | 241 + .../Results/BoostTestResultOutputBase.cs | 88 + .../Boost/Results/BoostTestResultXMLOutput.cs | 71 + BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostXmlLog.cs | 232 + .../Boost/Results/BoostXmlReport.cs | 153 + .../Boost/Results/IBoostTestResultOutput.cs | 21 + .../Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntry.cs | 50 + .../Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryError.cs | 43 + .../LogEntryTypes/LogEntryException.cs | 58 + .../LogEntryTypes/LogEntryFatalError.cs | 43 + .../Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryInfo.cs | 43 + .../LogEntryTypes/LogEntryMemoryLeak.cs | 93 + .../Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryMessage.cs | 43 + .../LogEntryStandardErrorMessage.cs | 26 + .../LogEntryStandardOutputMessage.cs | 26 + .../Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryWarning.cs | 43 + BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/TestResult.cs | 226 + .../Boost/Results/TestResultCollection.cs | 226 + .../Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunner.cs | 14 + .../Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerBase.cs | 260 + .../Runner/BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs.cs | 444 + .../Runner/BoostTestRunnerFactoryOptions.cs | 12 + .../Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerSettings.cs | 40 + .../Runner/BoostTestRunnerTimeoutException.cs | 77 + .../Runner/DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactory.cs | 63 + .../Boost/Runner/ExternalBoostTestRunner.cs | 132 + .../Boost/Runner/IBoostTestRunner.cs | 32 + .../Boost/Runner/IBoostTestRunnerFactory.cs | 16 + BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/ITestVisitable.cs | 15 + BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/ITestVisitor.cs | 20 + BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestCase.cs | 106 + BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestFramework.cs | 90 + .../Boost/Test/TestFrameworkBuilder.cs | 144 + BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestSuite.cs | 162 + BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestUnit.cs | 147 + BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestAdapter.csproj | 219 + BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestDiscoverer.cs | 104 + .../BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions.cs | 12 + .../BoostTestDiscovererInternal.cs | 357 + BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestExeDiscoverer.cs | 89 + BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestExecutor.cs | 707 + .../DefaultBoostTestDiscovererFactory.cs | 61 + .../ExternalBoostTestDiscoverer.cs | 298 + BoostTestAdapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs | Bin 0 -> 7554 bytes BoostTestAdapter/IBoostTestDiscoverer.cs | 12 + .../IBoostTestDiscovererFactory.cs | 16 + BoostTestAdapter/ProjectInfo.cs | 37 + BoostTestAdapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 42 + .../Settings/BoostTestAdapterSettings.cs | 94 + .../BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider.cs | 72 + .../ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings.cs | 180 + .../ConditionalInclusionsMachine.cs | 287 + .../DiscardingDueToFailedIf.cs | 83 + .../DiscardingDueToMultilineDefine.cs | 47 + .../DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf.cs | 52 + .../IConditionalInclusionsState.cs | 18 + .../ConditionalInclusions/IncludingDueToIf.cs | 119 + .../ConditionalInclusions/NormalState.cs | 115 + .../ConditionalInclusionsFilter.cs | 45 + .../SourceFilter/CppSourceFile.cs | 19 + .../SourceFilter/ExpressionEvaluation.cs | 97 + BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/IEvaluation.cs | 30 + .../SourceFilter/ISourceFilter.cs | 18 + .../SourceFilter/MultilineCommentFilter.cs | 75 + .../SourceFilter/QuotedStringsFilter.cs | 102 + .../SourceFilter/SingleLineCommentFilter.cs | 29 + .../SourceFilter/SourceDiscoveryException.cs | 32 + .../SourceFilter/SourceFilterFactory.cs | 46 + BoostTestAdapter/Utility/Code.cs | 22 + BoostTestAdapter/Utility/CommandEvaluator.cs | 117 + BoostTestAdapter/Utility/CommandLine.cs | 41 + BoostTestAdapter/Utility/Logger.cs | 140 + BoostTestAdapter/Utility/NativeMethods.cs | 77 + .../Utility/ProcessStartInfoEx.cs | 64 + .../Utility/QualifiedNameBuilder.cs | 195 + BoostTestAdapter/Utility/ROTException.cs | 36 + BoostTestAdapter/Utility/SourceFileInfo.cs | 63 + BoostTestAdapter/Utility/TestRun.cs | 59 + .../VisualStudio/DefaultDiscoverySink.cs | 61 + .../DefaultVisualStudioInstanceProvider.cs | 135 + .../IVisualStudioInstanceProvider.cs | 16 + .../Utility/VisualStudio/VSTestModel.cs | 287 + BoostTestAdapter/Utility/XmlReaderHelper.cs | 29 + BoostTestAdapter/packages.config | 4 + .../BoostTestAdapter.dll.config | 27 + .../BoostTestAdapterNunit.csproj | 179 + .../BoostTestAdaptorNunitTestRunner.nunit | 6 + .../BoostTestDiscovererTest.cs | 79 + .../BoostTestExeDiscovererTest.cs | 412 + .../BoostTestExecutorTest.cs | 689 + BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestResultTest.cs | 709 + .../BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgsTest.cs | 56 + .../BoostTestSettingsTest.cs | 228 + BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestTest.cs | 446 + BoostTestAdapterNunit/CommandEvaluatorTest.cs | 45 + .../ConditionalInclusionsFilterTest.cs | 273 + .../CorrectReferencedAssembliesTest.cs | 31 + .../DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactoryTest.cs | 72 + .../DefaultTestDiscovererFactoryTest.cs | 68 + .../ExpressionEvaluationTest.cs | 64 + .../ExternalBoostTestDiscovererTest.cs | 121 + .../Fakes/ConsoleMessageLogger.cs | 20 + .../Fakes/DefaultTestContext.cs | 161 + BoostTestAdapterNunit/LoggerTest.cs | 166 + .../MultiLineCommentFilterTest.cs | 29 + .../ProjectOutPutCheckerVs12Nunit.cs | 93 + .../Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 37 + .../QuotedStringsFilterTest.cs | 28 + .../CppSources/BoostFixtureTestCase.cpp | 40 + .../CppSources/BoostFixtureTestSuite.cpp | 61 + .../CppSources/BoostUnitTestSample.cpp | 42 + ...ostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters.cpp | 66 + .../BoostTestAdapter.dll.config | 27 + .../AbortedTest/sample.test.log.xml | 1 + .../AbortedTest/ | 1 + .../BoostFailTest/sample.test.log.xml | 1 + .../BoostFailTest/ | 1 + .../FailedRequireTest/sample.test.log.xml | 1 + .../FailedRequireTest/ | 1 + .../MemoryLeakTest/sample.test.log.xml | 12 + .../MemoryLeakTest/ | 7 + .../MultipleTests/sample.test.log.xml | 20 + .../MultipleTests/ | 12 + .../NestedTestSuite/sample.test.log.xml | 1 + .../NestedTestSuite/ | 1 + .../NoMatchingTests/sample.test.log.xml | 0 .../NoMatchingTests/ | 1 + .../OutputTest/ | 5 + .../PassedTest/sample.test.log.xml | 1 + .../PassedTest/ | 1 + .../SpecialCharacters/sample.test.log.xml | 1 + .../SpecialCharacters/ | 1 + .../conditionalIncludesDisabled.runsettings | 11 + .../Resources/Settings/default.runsettings | Bin 0 -> 1102 bytes .../Resources/Settings/empty.runsettings | 3 + .../Settings/externalTestRunner.runsettings | 15 + .../Resources/Settings/sample.2.runsettings | 42 + .../Resources/Settings/sample.runsettings | 19 + ...ditionalInclusionsBadSourceFileNesting.cpp | 156 + ...itionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationFail.cpp | 6 + ...exEvaluationSuccess_FilteredSourceCode.cpp | 112 + ...EvaluationSuccess_UnfilteredSourceCode.cpp | 112 + ...alInclusionsIfTests_FilteredSourceCode.cpp | 518 + ...InclusionsIfTests_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp | 518 + ...nclusionsIfdefTests_FilteredSourceCode.cpp | 155 + ...lusionsIfdefTests_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp | 156 + ...ultiLineCommentTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp | 19 + ...tiLineCommentTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp | 19 + ...edStringsFilterTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp | 15 + ...StringsFilterTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp | 15 + ...neCommentFilterTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp | 7 + ...CommentFilterTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp | 7 + .../Resources/TestLists/empty.test.list.xml | 4 + .../Resources/TestLists/sample.test.list.xml | 18 + .../SingleLineCommentFilterTest.cs | 28 + BoostTestAdapterNunit/SourceFiltersTest.cs | 31 + BoostTestAdapterNunit/TestDiscovererNunit.cs | 246 + .../Utility/DummySolution.cs | 119 + .../Utility/DummySourceFile.cs | 65 + .../Utility/DummyVSProvider.cs | 28 + .../Utility/ReadOnlyDictionaryWrapper.cs | 79 + .../Utility/SourceFilterTestBase.cs | 44 + BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/TestHelper.cs | 71 + .../Utility/VisualStudioInstanceBuilders.cs | 184 + .../Utility/Xml/XmlComparison.cs | 239 + BoostTestAdapterNunit/VSTestModelTest.cs | 435 + .../VisualStudio2012AdapterTest.cs | 91 + BoostTestAdapterNunit/packages.config | 6 + BoostTestPlugin/BoostTestAdapter.dll.config | 27 + BoostTestPlugin/BoostTestPlugin.csproj | 146 + BoostTestPlugin/Boost_preview.png | Bin 0 -> 106654 bytes .../VC/Test/Boost Unit Test | Bin 0 -> 114989 bytes BoostTestPlugin/LICENSE_1_0.txt | 23 + .../VC/Test/Boost Unit Test | Bin 0 -> 119676 bytes BoostTestPlugin/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 34 + BoostTestPlugin/Release Notes.txt | 157 + BoostTestPlugin/app.config | 11 + BoostTestPlugin/boost_test_logoSquare.ico | Bin 0 -> 212693 bytes BoostTestPlugin/packages.config | 4 + BoostTestPlugin/source.extension.vsixmanifest | 36 + Doku/TestCasesListing.Detailed.xml | 18 + Doku/TestCasesListing.Simple.xml | 18 + .../accessing_the_test_explorer_window.png | Bin 0 -> 48212 bytes Doku/images/adding_boost_unit_test_file.png | Bin 0 -> 45022 bytes ...alyze_code_coverage_for_selected_tests.png | Bin 0 -> 40125 bytes Doku/images/boost_includes_path.png | Bin 0 -> 49346 bytes Doku/images/boost_library_path.png | Bin 0 -> 54204 bytes Doku/images/boost_test_adapter_solution.png | Bin 0 -> 18694 bytes ...test_adapter_in_extensions_and_updates.png | Bin 0 -> 58082 bytes Doku/images/boost_unit_test_project.png | Bin 0 -> 61842 bytes Doku/images/boost_unit_test_project_files.png | Bin 0 -> 103649 bytes Doku/images/clear_search.png | Bin 0 -> 13985 bytes Doku/images/context_menu_add_new_item.png | Bin 0 -> 40605 bytes Doku/images/debug_selected_tests.png | Bin 0 -> 50239 bytes Doku/images/discovered_tests_01.png | Bin 0 -> 113372 bytes Doku/images/enumerated_tests.png | Bin 0 -> 27251 bytes Doku/images/excluded_from_build.png | Bin 0 -> 67299 bytes Doku/images/experimental_instance.png | Bin 0 -> 46409 bytes Doku/images/group_by_duration.png | Bin 0 -> 33460 bytes Doku/images/group_by_outcome.png | Bin 0 -> 28973 bytes Doku/images/group_by_project.png | Bin 0 -> 28897 bytes Doku/images/group_by_traits.png | Bin 0 -> 29716 bytes Doku/images/grouping_by_traits.png | Bin 0 -> 34602 bytes .../indentifying_boost_library_toolset.png | Bin 0 -> 12255 bytes Doku/images/jit_visual_studio_selection.png | Bin 0 -> 19293 bytes .../launch_debugger_compilation_symbol.png | Bin 0 -> 75132 bytes Doku/images/logger_initialized.png | Bin 0 -> 10398 bytes Doku/images/memory_leak_detection.png | Bin 0 -> 58202 bytes Doku/images/myPlaylist.png | Bin 0 -> 21568 bytes Doku/images/platform_toolset.png | Bin 0 -> 89020 bytes Doku/images/project_configuration_type.png | Bin 0 -> 56158 bytes Doku/images/run_all_execution.png | Bin 0 -> 122954 bytes Doku/images/run_selected_tests.png | Bin 0 -> 67385 bytes .../running_tests_in_code_coverage_mode.png | Bin 0 -> 25228 bytes ...unning_tests_not_in_code_coverage_mode.png | Bin 0 -> 29868 bytes Doku/images/save_new_playlist.png | Bin 0 -> 55689 bytes Doku/images/search_filters.png | Bin 0 -> 18864 bytes Doku/images/select_test_settings_file.png | Bin 0 -> 22520 bytes Doku/images/set_as_startup_project.png | Bin 0 -> 45686 bytes Doku/images/source_extension_vsixmanifest.png | Bin 0 -> 85519 bytes Doku/images/start_external_program.png | Bin 0 -> 76919 bytes Doku/images/start_without_debugging.png | Bin 0 -> 16069 bytes Doku/images/test_adapter_registration.png | Bin 0 -> 34817 bytes Doku/images/test_case_output.png | Bin 0 -> 84171 bytes Doku/images/test_execution_timeout.png | Bin 0 -> 70824 bytes Doku/images/test_explorer_successfull_run.png | Bin 0 -> 16243 bytes Doku/images/unit_test_location.png | Bin 0 -> 128536 bytes ...upported_preprocessor_evaluated_macros.png | Bin 0 -> 47160 bytes Doku/images/visual_studio_debugging.png | Bin 0 -> 85352 bytes Doku/images/visual_studio_jit_debugger.png | Bin 0 -> 24296 bytes ...ternalTestRunnerDiscoveryType1.runsettings | 16 + ...ternalTestRunnerDiscoveryType2.runsettings | 18 + Doku/sample.runsettings | 15 + | 458 +- VisualStudio2012Adapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs | Bin 0 -> 1996 bytes .../Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 38 + VisualStudio2012Adapter/VisualStudio2012.cs | 14 + .../VisualStudio2012Adapter.csproj | 82 + VisualStudio2013Adapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs | Bin 0 -> 1996 bytes .../Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 37 + VisualStudio2013Adapter/VisualStudio2013.cs | 14 + .../VisualStudio2013Adapter.csproj | 82 + VisualStudio2015Adapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs | Bin 0 -> 1996 bytes .../Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 38 + VisualStudio2015Adapter/VisualStudio2015.cs | 14 + .../VisualStudio2015Adapter.csproj | 82 + VisualStudioAdapter/Defines.cs | 110 + VisualStudioAdapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs | Bin 0 -> 1230 bytes VisualStudioAdapter/IProject.cs | 25 + VisualStudioAdapter/IProjectConfiguration.cs | 19 + VisualStudioAdapter/IPropertySheet.cs | 7 + VisualStudioAdapter/ISolution.cs | 20 + VisualStudioAdapter/IVCPPCompilerOptions.cs | 14 + VisualStudioAdapter/IVisualStudio.cs | 18 + .../Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 37 + .../VisualStudioAdapter.csproj | 56 + VisualStudioAdapterShared/Project.cs | 138 + .../ProjectConfiguration.cs | 55 + VisualStudioAdapterShared/Solution.cs | 104 + .../VCppCompilerOptions.cs | 211 + VisualStudioAdapterShared/VisualStudio.cs | 55 + packages/NUnit.2.6.4/NUnit.2.6.4.nupkg | Bin 0 -> 99004 bytes packages/NUnit.2.6.4/NUnit.2.6.4.nuspec | 27 + packages/NUnit.2.6.4/lib/nunit.framework.xml | 10984 ++++++ packages/NUnit.2.6.4/license.txt | 15 + .../log4net.2.0.3/lib/net10-full/log4net.xml | 30525 +++++++++++++++ .../log4net.2.0.3/lib/net11-full/log4net.xml | 30548 +++++++++++++++ .../log4net.2.0.3/lib/net20-full/log4net.xml | 30771 +++++++++++++++ .../lib/net35-client/log4net.xml | 31609 +++++++++++++++ .../log4net.2.0.3/lib/net35-full/log4net.xml | 31814 ++++++++++++++++ .../lib/net40-client/log4net.xml | 31609 +++++++++++++++ .../log4net.2.0.3/lib/net40-full/log4net.xml | 31814 ++++++++++++++++ packages/log4net.2.0.3/log4net.2.0.3.nupkg | Bin 0 -> 1931465 bytes packages/log4net.2.0.3/log4net.2.0.3.nuspec | 20 + packages/repositories.config | 7 + 278 files changed, 248425 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter.sln create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/App.config create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostStandardError.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostStandardOutput.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostTestResultOutputBase.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostTestResultXMLOutput.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostXmlLog.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostXmlReport.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/IBoostTestResultOutput.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntry.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryError.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryException.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryFatalError.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryInfo.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryMemoryLeak.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryMessage.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryStandardErrorMessage.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryStandardOutputMessage.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryWarning.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/TestResult.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/TestResultCollection.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunner.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerBase.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerFactoryOptions.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerSettings.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerTimeoutException.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactory.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/ExternalBoostTestRunner.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/IBoostTestRunner.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/IBoostTestRunnerFactory.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/ITestVisitable.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/ITestVisitor.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestCase.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestFramework.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestFrameworkBuilder.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestSuite.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestUnit.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestAdapter.csproj create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestDiscoverer.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestDiscovererInternal.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestExeDiscoverer.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestExecutor.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/DefaultBoostTestDiscovererFactory.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/ExternalBoostTestDiscoverer.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/IBoostTestDiscoverer.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/IBoostTestDiscovererFactory.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/ProjectInfo.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Settings/BoostTestAdapterSettings.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Settings/BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Settings/ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/ConditionalInclusionsMachine.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/DiscardingDueToFailedIf.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/DiscardingDueToMultilineDefine.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/IConditionalInclusionsState.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/IncludingDueToIf.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/NormalState.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusionsFilter.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/CppSourceFile.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ExpressionEvaluation.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/IEvaluation.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ISourceFilter.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/MultilineCommentFilter.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/QuotedStringsFilter.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/SingleLineCommentFilter.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/SourceDiscoveryException.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/SourceFilterFactory.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/Code.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/CommandEvaluator.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/CommandLine.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/Logger.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/NativeMethods.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/ProcessStartInfoEx.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/QualifiedNameBuilder.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/ROTException.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/SourceFileInfo.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/TestRun.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/DefaultDiscoverySink.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/DefaultVisualStudioInstanceProvider.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/IVisualStudioInstanceProvider.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/VSTestModel.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/Utility/XmlReaderHelper.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapter/packages.config create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestAdapter.dll.config create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestAdapterNunit.csproj create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestAdaptorNunitTestRunner.nunit create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestDiscovererTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestExeDiscovererTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestExecutorTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestResultTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgsTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestSettingsTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/CommandEvaluatorTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/ConditionalInclusionsFilterTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/CorrectReferencedAssembliesTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactoryTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/DefaultTestDiscovererFactoryTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/ExpressionEvaluationTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/ExternalBoostTestDiscovererTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Fakes/ConsoleMessageLogger.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Fakes/DefaultTestContext.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/LoggerTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/MultiLineCommentFilterTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/ProjectOutPutCheckerVs12Nunit.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/QuotedStringsFilterTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostFixtureTestCase.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostFixtureTestSuite.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostUnitTestSample.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Log4NetConfigFile/BoostTestAdapter.dll.config create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/AbortedTest/sample.test.log.xml create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/AbortedTest/ create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/BoostFailTest/sample.test.log.xml create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/BoostFailTest/ create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/FailedRequireTest/sample.test.log.xml create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/FailedRequireTest/ create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MemoryLeakTest/sample.test.log.xml create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MemoryLeakTest/ create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MultipleTests/sample.test.log.xml create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MultipleTests/ create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NestedTestSuite/sample.test.log.xml create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NestedTestSuite/ create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NoMatchingTests/sample.test.log.xml create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NoMatchingTests/ create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/OutputTest/ create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/PassedTest/sample.test.log.xml create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/PassedTest/ create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/SpecialCharacters/sample.test.log.xml create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/SpecialCharacters/ create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/conditionalIncludesDisabled.runsettings create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/default.runsettings create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/empty.runsettings create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/externalTestRunner.runsettings create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/sample.2.runsettings create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/sample.runsettings create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsBadSourceFileNesting.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationFail.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationSuccess_FilteredSourceCode.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationSuccess_UnfilteredSourceCode.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfTests_FilteredSourceCode.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfTests_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfdefTests_FilteredSourceCode.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfdefTests_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/MultiLineCommentTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/MultiLineCommentTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/QuotedStringsFilterTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/QuotedStringsFilterTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/SingleLineCommentFilterTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/SingleLineCommentFilterTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/TestLists/empty.test.list.xml create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/TestLists/sample.test.list.xml create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/SingleLineCommentFilterTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/SourceFiltersTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/TestDiscovererNunit.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/DummySolution.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/DummySourceFile.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/DummyVSProvider.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/ReadOnlyDictionaryWrapper.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/SourceFilterTestBase.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/TestHelper.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/VisualStudioInstanceBuilders.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/Xml/XmlComparison.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/VSTestModelTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/VisualStudio2012AdapterTest.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestAdapterNunit/packages.config create mode 100644 BoostTestPlugin/BoostTestAdapter.dll.config create mode 100644 BoostTestPlugin/BoostTestPlugin.csproj create mode 100644 BoostTestPlugin/Boost_preview.png create mode 100644 BoostTestPlugin/ItemTemplates/VC/Test/Boost Unit Test create mode 100644 BoostTestPlugin/LICENSE_1_0.txt create mode 100644 BoostTestPlugin/ProjectTemplates/VC/Test/Boost Unit Test create mode 100644 BoostTestPlugin/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs create mode 100644 BoostTestPlugin/Release Notes.txt create mode 100644 BoostTestPlugin/app.config create mode 100644 BoostTestPlugin/boost_test_logoSquare.ico create mode 100644 BoostTestPlugin/packages.config create mode 100644 BoostTestPlugin/source.extension.vsixmanifest create mode 100644 Doku/TestCasesListing.Detailed.xml create mode 100644 Doku/TestCasesListing.Simple.xml create mode 100644 Doku/images/accessing_the_test_explorer_window.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/adding_boost_unit_test_file.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/analyze_code_coverage_for_selected_tests.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/boost_includes_path.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/boost_library_path.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/boost_test_adapter_solution.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/boost_unit_test_adapter_in_extensions_and_updates.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/boost_unit_test_project.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/boost_unit_test_project_files.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/clear_search.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/context_menu_add_new_item.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/debug_selected_tests.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/discovered_tests_01.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/enumerated_tests.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/excluded_from_build.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/experimental_instance.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/group_by_duration.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/group_by_outcome.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/group_by_project.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/group_by_traits.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/grouping_by_traits.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/indentifying_boost_library_toolset.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/jit_visual_studio_selection.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/launch_debugger_compilation_symbol.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/logger_initialized.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/memory_leak_detection.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/myPlaylist.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/platform_toolset.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/project_configuration_type.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/run_all_execution.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/run_selected_tests.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/running_tests_in_code_coverage_mode.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/running_tests_not_in_code_coverage_mode.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/save_new_playlist.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/search_filters.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/select_test_settings_file.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/set_as_startup_project.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/source_extension_vsixmanifest.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/start_external_program.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/start_without_debugging.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/test_adapter_registration.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/test_case_output.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/test_execution_timeout.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/test_explorer_successfull_run.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/unit_test_location.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/unsupported_preprocessor_evaluated_macros.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/visual_studio_debugging.png create mode 100644 Doku/images/visual_studio_jit_debugger.png create mode 100644 Doku/sample-WithExternalTestRunnerDiscoveryType1.runsettings create mode 100644 Doku/sample-WithExternalTestRunnerDiscoveryType2.runsettings create mode 100644 Doku/sample.runsettings create mode 100644 VisualStudio2012Adapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudio2012Adapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudio2012Adapter/VisualStudio2012.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudio2012Adapter/VisualStudio2012Adapter.csproj create mode 100644 VisualStudio2013Adapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudio2013Adapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudio2013Adapter/VisualStudio2013.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudio2013Adapter/VisualStudio2013Adapter.csproj create mode 100644 VisualStudio2015Adapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudio2015Adapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudio2015Adapter/VisualStudio2015.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudio2015Adapter/VisualStudio2015Adapter.csproj create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapter/Defines.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapter/IProject.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapter/IProjectConfiguration.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapter/IPropertySheet.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapter/ISolution.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapter/IVCPPCompilerOptions.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapter/IVisualStudio.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapter/VisualStudioAdapter.csproj create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapterShared/Project.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapterShared/ProjectConfiguration.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapterShared/Solution.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapterShared/VCppCompilerOptions.cs create mode 100644 VisualStudioAdapterShared/VisualStudio.cs create mode 100644 packages/NUnit.2.6.4/NUnit.2.6.4.nupkg create mode 100644 packages/NUnit.2.6.4/NUnit.2.6.4.nuspec create mode 100644 packages/NUnit.2.6.4/lib/nunit.framework.xml create mode 100644 packages/NUnit.2.6.4/license.txt create mode 100644 packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net10-full/log4net.xml create mode 100644 packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net11-full/log4net.xml create mode 100644 packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net20-full/log4net.xml create mode 100644 packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net35-client/log4net.xml create mode 100644 packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net35-full/log4net.xml create mode 100644 packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net40-client/log4net.xml create mode 100644 packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net40-full/log4net.xml create mode 100644 packages/log4net.2.0.3/log4net.2.0.3.nupkg create mode 100644 packages/log4net.2.0.3/log4net.2.0.3.nuspec create mode 100644 packages/repositories.config diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter.sln b/BoostTestAdapter.sln new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b6ddee --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter.sln @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 +# Visual Studio 2012 +Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "BoostTestAdapter", "BoostTestAdapter\BoostTestAdapter.csproj", "{BC4B3BED-9241-4DD6-8070-A9B66DFC08C1}" + ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject + {EB0051E3-1DDA-418C-ABAF-C1DA5339114C} = {EB0051E3-1DDA-418C-ABAF-C1DA5339114C} + EndProjectSection +EndProject +Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "BoostTestPlugin", "BoostTestPlugin\BoostTestPlugin.csproj", "{7918D2BE-590C-4F1B-9A72-9F1CE4640AA9}" +EndProject +Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "VisualStudioAdapter", "VisualStudioAdapter\VisualStudioAdapter.csproj", "{62347CC7-C839-413D-A7CE-598409F6F15B}" +EndProject +Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "VisualStudio2012Adapter", "VisualStudio2012Adapter\VisualStudio2012Adapter.csproj", "{30ECC867-CE89-425F-B452-7A8A320F727D}" +EndProject +Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "VisualStudio2013Adapter", "VisualStudio2013Adapter\VisualStudio2013Adapter.csproj", "{82DF0AEB-582A-4B38-96FC-AAEE773BEAFE}" +EndProject +Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "VisualStudio2015Adapter", "VisualStudio2015Adapter\VisualStudio2015Adapter.csproj", "{EB0051E3-1DDA-418C-ABAF-C1DA5339114C}" +EndProject +Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "BoostTestAdapterNunit", "BoostTestAdapterNunit\BoostTestAdapterNunit.csproj", "{FE58A67C-D313-46FD-B8F3-F80383EE5FD1}" +EndProject +Global + GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution + Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU + Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution + {BC4B3BED-9241-4DD6-8070-A9B66DFC08C1}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU + {BC4B3BED-9241-4DD6-8070-A9B66DFC08C1}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU + {BC4B3BED-9241-4DD6-8070-A9B66DFC08C1}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU + {BC4B3BED-9241-4DD6-8070-A9B66DFC08C1}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU + {7918D2BE-590C-4F1B-9A72-9F1CE4640AA9}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU + {7918D2BE-590C-4F1B-9A72-9F1CE4640AA9}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU + {7918D2BE-590C-4F1B-9A72-9F1CE4640AA9}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU + {7918D2BE-590C-4F1B-9A72-9F1CE4640AA9}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU + {62347CC7-C839-413D-A7CE-598409F6F15B}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU + {62347CC7-C839-413D-A7CE-598409F6F15B}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU + {62347CC7-C839-413D-A7CE-598409F6F15B}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU + {62347CC7-C839-413D-A7CE-598409F6F15B}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU + {30ECC867-CE89-425F-B452-7A8A320F727D}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU + {30ECC867-CE89-425F-B452-7A8A320F727D}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU + {30ECC867-CE89-425F-B452-7A8A320F727D}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU + {30ECC867-CE89-425F-B452-7A8A320F727D}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU + {82DF0AEB-582A-4B38-96FC-AAEE773BEAFE}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU + {82DF0AEB-582A-4B38-96FC-AAEE773BEAFE}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU + {82DF0AEB-582A-4B38-96FC-AAEE773BEAFE}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU + {82DF0AEB-582A-4B38-96FC-AAEE773BEAFE}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU + {EB0051E3-1DDA-418C-ABAF-C1DA5339114C}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU + {EB0051E3-1DDA-418C-ABAF-C1DA5339114C}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU + {EB0051E3-1DDA-418C-ABAF-C1DA5339114C}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU + {EB0051E3-1DDA-418C-ABAF-C1DA5339114C}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU + {FE58A67C-D313-46FD-B8F3-F80383EE5FD1}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU + {FE58A67C-D313-46FD-B8F3-F80383EE5FD1}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU + {FE58A67C-D313-46FD-B8F3-F80383EE5FD1}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU + {FE58A67C-D313-46FD-B8F3-F80383EE5FD1}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU + EndGlobalSection + GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution + HideSolutionNode = FALSE + EndGlobalSection +EndGlobal diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/App.config b/BoostTestAdapter/App.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..400ca7b --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/App.config @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostStandardError.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostStandardError.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03ed9b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostStandardError.cs @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +using System.IO; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results +{ + /// + /// Standard Error as emitted by Boost Test executables + /// + public class BoostStandardError : BoostTestResultOutputBase + { + /// + /// Constructor accepting a path to the external file + /// + /// The path to an external file. File will be opened on construction. + public BoostStandardError(string path) + : base(path) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a stream to the file contents + /// + /// The file content stream. + public BoostStandardError(Stream stream) + : base(stream) + { + } + + #region BoostTestResultOutputBase + + public override void Parse(TestResultCollection collection) + { + Utility.Code.Require(collection, "collection"); + + string err = null; + + using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(this.InputStream)) + { + err = reader.ReadToEnd(); + } + + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(err)) + { + // Attach the stderr output to each TestCase result in the collection + // since we cannot distinguish to which TestCase (in case multiple TestCases are registered) + // the output is associated with. + foreach (TestResult result in collection) + { + // Consider the whole standard error contents as 1 entry. + result.LogEntries.Add(new LogEntryStandardErrorMessage(err)); + } + } + } + + #endregion BoostTestResultOutputBase + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostStandardOutput.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostStandardOutput.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6c0171 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostStandardOutput.cs @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +using System.IO; +using System.Text.RegularExpressions; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results +{ + /// + /// Standard Output as emitted by Boost Test executables + /// + public class BoostStandardOutput : BoostTestResultOutputBase + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a path to the external file + /// + /// The path to an external file. File will be opened on construction. + public BoostStandardOutput(string path) + : base(path) + { + this.FailTestOnMemoryLeak = false; + } + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a stream to the file contents + /// + /// The file content stream. + public BoostStandardOutput(Stream stream) + : base(stream) + { + this.FailTestOnMemoryLeak = false; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + public bool FailTestOnMemoryLeak { get; set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region IBoostOutputParser + + /// + /// Processes the standard output and populates the relevant test result data of the referenced collection + /// + /// test result collection where the leak information data will be inserted at + public override void Parse(TestResultCollection collection) + { + string strConsoleOutput = StreamToString(this.InputStream); + + //the below regex is intended to only to "detect" if any memory leaks are present. Note that any console output printed by the test generally appears before the memory leaks dump. + Regex regexObj = new Regex(@"Detected\smemory\sleaks!\nDumping objects\s->\n(.*)Object dump complete.", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline); + Match outputMatch = regexObj.Match(strConsoleOutput); + + //leak has been detected + if (outputMatch.Success) + { + RegisterMemoryLeak(outputMatch.Groups[1].Value, collection); + } + + // Extract non-memory leak output + string output = strConsoleOutput.Substring(0, ((outputMatch.Success) ? outputMatch.Index : strConsoleOutput.Length)); + RegisterStandardOutputMessage(output, collection); + } + + #endregion IBoostOutputParser + + private void RegisterMemoryLeak(string leakInformation, TestResultCollection collection) + { + foreach (TestResult result in collection) + { + if (this.FailTestOnMemoryLeak) + { + result.Result = TestResultType.Failed; + } + + Regex regexLeakInformation = new Regex(@"(?:([\\:\w\rA-z.]*?)([\w\d.]*)\((\d{1,})\)\s:\s)?\{(\d{1,})\}[\w\s\d]*,\s(\d{1,})[\s\w.]*\n(.*?)(?=$|(?:[\\\w.:]*\(\d{1,}\)\s:\s)?\{\d{1,}\d)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline); //the old one wasRegex regexLeakInformation = new Regex(@"^(.*\\)(.*?)\((\d{1,})\).*?{(\d{1,})}.*?(\d{1,})\sbyte", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline); + /* + + The same regex works for when the complete file path along with the line number are reported in the console output such as in the below sample output + + d:\hwa\dev\svn\boostunittestadapterdev\branches\tempbugfixing\sample\boostunittest\boostunittest2\adapterbugs.cpp(58) : {869} normal block at 0x00A88A58, 4 bytes long. + Data: < > CD CD CD CD + d:\hwa\dev\svn\boostunittestadapterdev\branches\tempbugfixing\sample\boostunittest\boostunittest2\adapterbugs.cpp(55) : {868} normal block at 0x00A88788, 4 bytes long. + Data: < > F5 01 00 00 + + and also when this information is not reported such as in the below sample output + + {869} normal block at 0x005E8998, 4 bytes long. + Data: < > CD CD CD CD + {868} normal block at 0x005E8848, 4 bytes long. + Data: < > F5 01 00 00 + + */ + + #region regexLeakInformation + + // (?:([\\:\w\rA-z.]*?)([\w\d.]*)\((\d{1,})\)\s:\s)?\{(\d{1,})\}[\w\s\d]*,\s(\d{1,})[\s\w.]*\n(.*?)(?=$|(?:[\\\w.:]*\(\d{1,}\)\s:\s)?\{\d{1,}\d) + // + // Options: Case insensitive; Exact spacing; Dot matches line breaks; ^$ don't match at line breaks; Numbered capture + // + // Match the regular expression below «(?:([\\:\w\rA-z.]*?)([\w\d.]*)\((\d{1,})\)\s:\s)?» + // Between zero and one times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «?» + // Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 1 «([\\:\w\rA-z.]*?)» + // Match a single character present in the list below «[\\:\w\rA-z.]*?» + // Between zero and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy) «*?» + // The backslash character «\\» + // The literal character “:” «:» + // A “word character” (Unicode; any letter or ideograph, digit, connector punctuation) «\w» + // The carriage return character «\r» + // A character in the range between “A” and “z” (case insensitive) «A-z» + // The literal character “.” «.» + // Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 2 «([\w\d.]*)» + // Match a single character present in the list below «[\w\d.]*» + // Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «*» + // A “word character” (Unicode; any letter or ideograph, digit, connector punctuation) «\w» + // A “digit” (0–9 in any Unicode script) «\d» + // The literal character “.” «.» + // Match the character “(” literally «\(» + // Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 3 «(\d{1,})» + // Match a single character that is a “digit” (0–9 in any Unicode script) «\d{1,}» + // Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «{1,}» + // Match the character “)” literally «\)» + // Match a single character that is a “whitespace character” (any Unicode separator, tab, line feed, carriage return, vertical tab, form feed, next line) «\s» + // Match the character “:” literally «:» + // Match a single character that is a “whitespace character” (any Unicode separator, tab, line feed, carriage return, vertical tab, form feed, next line) «\s» + // Match the character “{” literally «\{» + // Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 4 «(\d{1,})» + // Match a single character that is a “digit” (0–9 in any Unicode script) «\d{1,}» + // Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «{1,}» + // Match the character “}” literally «\}» + // Match a single character present in the list below «[\w\s\d]*» + // Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «*» + // A “word character” (Unicode; any letter or ideograph, digit, connector punctuation) «\w» + // A “whitespace character” (any Unicode separator, tab, line feed, carriage return, vertical tab, form feed, next line) «\s» + // A “digit” (0–9 in any Unicode script) «\d» + // Match the character “,” literally «,» + // Match a single character that is a “whitespace character” (any Unicode separator, tab, line feed, carriage return, vertical tab, form feed, next line) «\s» + // Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 5 «(\d{1,})» + // Match a single character that is a “digit” (0–9 in any Unicode script) «\d{1,}» + // Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «{1,}» + // Match a single character present in the list below «[\s\w.]*» + // Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «*» + // A “whitespace character” (any Unicode separator, tab, line feed, carriage return, vertical tab, form feed, next line) «\s» + // A “word character” (Unicode; any letter or ideograph, digit, connector punctuation) «\w» + // The literal character “.” «.» + // Match the line feed character «\n» + // Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 6 «(.*?)» + // Match any single character «.*?» + // Between zero and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy) «*?» + // Assert that the regex below can be matched, starting at this position (positive lookahead) «(?=$|(?:[\\\w.:]*\(\d{1,}\)\s:\s)?\{\d{1,}\d)» + // Match this alternative (attempting the next alternative only if this one fails) «$» + // Assert position at the end of the string, or before the line break at the end of the string, if any (line feed) «$» + // Or match this alternative (the entire group fails if this one fails to match) «(?:[\\\w.:]*\(\d{1,}\)\s:\s)?\{\d{1,}\d» + // Match the regular expression below «(?:[\\\w.:]*\(\d{1,}\)\s:\s)?» + // Between zero and one times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «?» + // Match a single character present in the list below «[\\\w.:]*» + // Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «*» + // The backslash character «\\» + // A “word character” (Unicode; any letter or ideograph, digit, connector punctuation) «\w» + // A single character from the list “.:” «.:» + // Match the character “(” literally «\(» + // Match a single character that is a “digit” (0–9 in any Unicode script) «\d{1,}» + // Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «{1,}» + // Match the character “)” literally «\)» + // Match a single character that is a “whitespace character” (any Unicode separator, tab, line feed, carriage return, vertical tab, form feed, next line) «\s» + // Match the character “:” literally «:» + // Match a single character that is a “whitespace character” (any Unicode separator, tab, line feed, carriage return, vertical tab, form feed, next line) «\s» + // Match the character “{” literally «\{» + // Match a single character that is a “digit” (0–9 in any Unicode script) «\d{1,}» + // Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «{1,}» + // Match a single character that is a “digit” (0–9 in any Unicode script) «\d» + + #endregion regexLeakInformation + + Match matchLeakInformation = regexLeakInformation.Match(leakInformation); + while (matchLeakInformation.Success) + { + LogEntryMemoryLeak leak = new LogEntryMemoryLeak(); + + result.LogEntries.Add(leak); + + //Capturing group 1,2 and 3 will have the 'Success' property false in case the C++ new operator has not been replaced via the macro + + // Temporary variable used to try and parse unsigned integer values; + uint value = 0; + + if (matchLeakInformation.Groups[1].Success && matchLeakInformation.Groups[2].Success && matchLeakInformation.Groups[3].Success) + { + leak.LeakSourceFilePath = matchLeakInformation.Groups[1].Value; + + leak.LeakSourceFileName = matchLeakInformation.Groups[2].Value; + + if (uint.TryParse(matchLeakInformation.Groups[3].Value, out value)) + { + leak.LeakLineNumber = value; + } + + leak.LeakSourceFileAndLineNumberReportingActive = true; + } + else + { + leak.LeakSourceFileAndLineNumberReportingActive = false; + } + + if (uint.TryParse(matchLeakInformation.Groups[4].Value, out value)) + { + leak.LeakMemoryAllocationNumber = value; + } + + if (uint.TryParse(matchLeakInformation.Groups[5].Value, out value)) + { + leak.LeakSizeInBytes = value; + } + + leak.LeakLeakedDataContents = matchLeakInformation.Groups[6].Value; + + matchLeakInformation = matchLeakInformation.NextMatch(); + } + } + } + + private static void RegisterStandardOutputMessage(string output, TestResultCollection collection) + { + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(output)) + { + foreach (TestResult result in collection) + { + result.LogEntries.Add(new LogEntryStandardOutputMessage(output)); + } + } + } + + private static string StreamToString(Stream stream) + { + StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream); + return reader.ReadToEnd(); + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostTestResultOutputBase.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostTestResultOutputBase.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..018a128 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostTestResultOutputBase.cs @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +using System; +using System.IO; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results +{ + /// + /// Base class for IBoostTestResultOutput implementations + /// providing common functionality. + /// + public abstract class BoostTestResultOutputBase : IBoostTestResultOutput + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor for external files. + /// + /// The path to an external file. File will be opened on construction. + protected BoostTestResultOutputBase(string path) + { + this.CloseStreamOnDispose = true; + this.InputStream = File.OpenRead(path); + this.IsDisposed = false; + } + + /// + /// Constructor for streams. Ideal for test purposes. + /// + /// The stream containing the output. + protected BoostTestResultOutputBase(Stream stream) + { + this.CloseStreamOnDispose = false; + this.InputStream = stream; + + this.IsDisposed = false; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + /// + /// Flag stating whether the stream should be closed on dispose. + /// + protected bool CloseStreamOnDispose { get; set; } + + /// + /// The input stream representing the content. + /// + protected Stream InputStream { get; set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region IBoostOutputParser + + public abstract void Parse(TestResultCollection collection); + + #endregion IBoostOutputParser + + #region IDisposable + + public void Dispose() + { + Dispose(true); + + GC.SuppressFinalize(this); + } + + protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) + { + if (!IsDisposed) + { + if (disposing) + { + if (this.CloseStreamOnDispose) + { + this.InputStream.Dispose(); + } + } + } + + IsDisposed = true; + } + + private bool IsDisposed { get; set; } + + #endregion IDisposable + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostTestResultXMLOutput.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostTestResultXMLOutput.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0b455a --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostTestResultXMLOutput.cs @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +using System.IO; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results +{ + + /// + /// Boost Test Result abstraction needed for the proper handling of XML documents. + /// + public abstract class BoostTestResultXMLOutput : BoostTestResultOutputBase + { + protected BoostTestResultXMLOutput(string path) + : base(AddXMLEncodingDeclaration(path)) + { + this.CloseStreamOnDispose = true; + } + + protected BoostTestResultXMLOutput(Stream stream) + : base(stream) + { + + } + + /// + /// Boost UTF does not add any XML Encoding Declaration in the XML file so in case a file contains German characters, + /// upon loading the xml document an exception will be thrown due to un-allowed characters + /// + /// path of the xml file to be loaded + /// Stream object containing the xml file data + private static Stream AddXMLEncodingDeclaration(string path) + { + MemoryStream memoryStream = null; + try + { + memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); + StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(memoryStream); + writer.WriteLine(""); + writer.Flush(); + FileStream fileStream = null; + try + { + fileStream = File.OpenRead(path); + fileStream.CopyTo(memoryStream); + } + finally + { + if (fileStream != null) + { + fileStream.Close(); + } + else + { + Logger.Error("filestream was found to be null when handling path: " + path); + } + } + + memoryStream.Position = 0; + } + catch + { + if (memoryStream != null) + { + memoryStream.Close(); + } + throw; + } + + return memoryStream; + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostXmlLog.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostXmlLog.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95277a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostXmlLog.cs @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +using System.Globalization; +using System.IO; +using System.Xml; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results +{ + /// + /// Boost Xml Log + /// + public class BoostXmlLog : BoostTestResultXMLOutput + { + #region Constants + + /// + /// Xml constants + /// + private static class Xml + { + public const string TestLog = "TestLog"; + public const string TestSuite = "TestSuite"; + public const string TestCase = "TestCase"; + public const string Name = "name"; + public const string TestingTime = "TestingTime"; + public const string Info = "Info"; + public const string Message = "Message"; + public const string Warning = "Warning"; + public const string Error = "Error"; + public const string FatalError = "FatalError"; + public const string Exception = "Exception"; + public const string LastCheckpoint = "LastCheckpoint"; + public const string File = "file"; + public const string Line = "line"; + } + + #endregion Constants + + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a path to the external file + /// + /// The path to an external file. File will be opened on construction. + public BoostXmlLog(string path) + : base(path) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a stream to the file contents + /// + /// The file content stream. + public BoostXmlLog(Stream stream) + : base(stream) + { + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region IBoostOutputParser + + public override void Parse(TestResultCollection collection) + { + XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); + doc.Load(this.InputStream); + + if (doc.DocumentElement.Name == Xml.TestLog) + { + ParseTestUnitsLog(doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes, new QualifiedNameBuilder(), collection); + } + } + + #endregion IBoostOutputParser + + /// + /// Parses child TestUnit nodes. + /// + /// The collection of Xml nodes which are valid TestUnit nodes. + /// The QualifiedNameBuilder which hosts the current fully qualified path. + /// The TestResultCollection which will host the result. + private static void ParseTestUnitsLog(XmlNodeList nodes, QualifiedNameBuilder path, TestResultCollection collection) + { + foreach (XmlNode child in nodes) + { + if (child.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) + { + if (child.Name == Xml.TestSuite) + { + ParseTestSuiteLog(child, path, collection); + } + else if (child.Name == Xml.TestCase) + { + ParseTestCaseLog(child, path, collection); + } + } + } + } + + /// + /// Parses a TestSuite log node. + /// + /// The TestSuite Xml node to parse. + /// The QualifiedNameBuilder which hosts the current fully qualified path. + /// The TestResultCollection which will host the result. + private static void ParseTestSuiteLog(XmlNode node, QualifiedNameBuilder path, TestResultCollection collection) + { + path.Push(node.Attributes[Xml.Name].Value); + + ParseTestUnitsLog(node.ChildNodes, path, collection); + + path.Pop(); + } + + /// + /// Parses a TestCase log node. + /// + /// The TestCase Xml node to parse. + /// The QualifiedNameBuilder which hosts the current fully qualified path. + /// The TestResultCollection which will host the result. + private static void ParseTestCaseLog(XmlNode node, QualifiedNameBuilder path, TestResultCollection collection) + { + // Temporarily push TestCase on TestSuite name builder to acquire the fully qualified name of the TestCase + path.Push(node.Attributes[Xml.Name].Value); + + // Acquire result record of this TestCase + TestResult result = collection[path.ToString()]; + if (result == null) + { + result = new TestResult(collection); + collection[path.ToString()] = result; + } + + // Reset path to original value + path.Pop(); + + XmlNode testingTime = node.SelectSingleNode(Xml.TestingTime); + + if (testingTime != null) + { + // Duration is in seconds i.e. remember to * 10 for milliseconds. + result.Duration = uint.Parse(testingTime.InnerText, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); + } + + ParseTestCaseLogEntries(node.ChildNodes, result); + } + + /// + /// Parses Log Entries from the collection of log nodes. + /// + /// The collection of Xml nodes which are valid LogEntry nodes. + /// The TestResult which will host the parsed LogEntries. + private static void ParseTestCaseLogEntries(XmlNodeList nodes, TestResult result) + { + foreach (XmlNode child in nodes) + { + if (child.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) + { + LogEntry entry = null; + + switch (child.Name) + { + case Xml.Info: entry = new LogEntryInfo(child.InnerText); break; + case Xml.Message: entry = new LogEntryMessage(child.InnerText); break; + case Xml.Warning: entry = new LogEntryWarning(child.InnerText); break; + case Xml.Error: entry = new LogEntryError(child.InnerText); break; + case Xml.FatalError: entry = new LogEntryFatalError(child.InnerText); break; + case Xml.Exception: entry = ParseTestCaseLogException(child); break; + } + + if (entry != null) + { + entry.Source = ParseSourceInfo(child); + result.LogEntries.Add(entry); + } + } + } + } + + /// + /// Parse SourceFileInfo from the provided node. + /// + /// The Xml node which contains source file information. + /// A SourceFileInfo populated from the provided Xml node. + private static SourceFileInfo ParseSourceInfo(XmlNode node) + { + SourceFileInfo info = null; + + XmlAttribute file = node.Attributes[Xml.File]; + if (file != null) + { + info = new SourceFileInfo(file.Value); + } + + if (info != null) + { + XmlAttribute line = node.Attributes[Xml.Line]; + if (line != null) + { + info.LineNumber = int.Parse(line.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); + } + } + + return info; + } + + /// + /// Parse a LogException from the provided node. + /// + /// The Xml node which contains exception information. + /// A LogEntryException populated from the provided Xml node. + private static LogEntryException ParseTestCaseLogException(XmlNode node) + { + LogEntryException exception = new LogEntryException(); + + foreach (XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes) + { + if (child.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA) + { + exception.Detail = child.InnerText; + } + else if ((child.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (child.Name == Xml.LastCheckpoint)) + { + exception.LastCheckpoint = ParseSourceInfo(child); + exception.CheckpointDetail = child.InnerText; + } + } + + return exception; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostXmlReport.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostXmlReport.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d5e6ce --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/BoostXmlReport.cs @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +using System.Globalization; +using System.IO; +using System.Xml.XPath; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results +{ + /// + /// Boost Xml Report + /// + public class BoostXmlReport : BoostTestResultXMLOutput + { + #region Constants + + /// + /// Xml constants + /// + private static class Xml + { + public const string TestResult = "TestResult"; + public const string TestSuite = "TestSuite"; + public const string TestCase = "TestCase"; + public const string Name = "name"; + public const string Result = "result"; + public const string AssertionsPassed = "assertions_passed"; + public const string AssertionsFailed = "assertions_failed"; + public const string ExpectedFailures = "expected_failures"; + } + + #endregion Constants + + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a path to the external file + /// + /// The path to an external file. File will be opened on construction. + public BoostXmlReport(string path) + : base(path) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a stream to the file contents + /// + /// The file content stream. + public BoostXmlReport(Stream stream) + : base(stream) + { + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region IBoostOutputParser + + public override void Parse(TestResultCollection collection) + { + XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument(this.InputStream); + XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator(); + + // Move to document root node + if ((nav.MoveToFirstChild()) && (nav.LocalName == Xml.TestResult)) + { + ParseTestUnitsReport(nav, null, collection); + } + } + + #endregion IBoostOutputParser + + /// + /// Parses child TestUnit nodes. + /// + /// The parent XPathNavigator which hosts TestUnit nodes. + /// The parent TestSuite to which TestUnits are attached to. + /// The TestResultCollection which will host the result. + private static void ParseTestUnitsReport(XPathNavigator nav, TestSuite parent, TestResultCollection collection) + { + foreach (XPathNavigator child in nav.SelectChildren(Xml.TestSuite, string.Empty)) + { + ParseTestSuiteReport(child, parent, collection); + } + + foreach (XPathNavigator child in nav.SelectChildren(Xml.TestCase, string.Empty)) + { + ParseTestCaseReport(child, parent, collection); + } + } + + /// + /// Parses a TestSuite node. + /// + /// The XPathNavigator pointing to a TestSuite node. + /// The parent TestSuite to which TestUnits are attached to. + /// The TestResultCollection which will host the result. + private static void ParseTestSuiteReport(XPathNavigator node, TestSuite parent, TestResultCollection collection) + { + TestSuite testSuite = new TestSuite(node.GetAttribute(Xml.Name, string.Empty), parent); + collection[testSuite] = ParseTestResult(node, testSuite, collection); + + ParseTestUnitsReport(node, testSuite, collection); + } + + /// + /// Parses a TestCase node. + /// + /// The XPathNavigator pointing to a TestCase node. + /// The parent TestSuite to which TestUnits are attached to. + /// The TestResultCollection which will host the result. + private static void ParseTestCaseReport(XPathNavigator node, TestSuite parent, TestResultCollection collection) + { + TestCase testCase = new TestCase(node.GetAttribute(Xml.Name, string.Empty), parent); + collection[testCase] = ParseTestResult(node, testCase, collection); + } + + /// + /// Parses a general test result information from the provided node. + /// + /// The XPathNavigator pointing to a TestUnit node. + /// The test unit for which the test results are related to. + /// The TestResultCollection which will host the result. + private static TestResult ParseTestResult(XPathNavigator node, TestUnit unit, TestResultCollection collection) + { + TestResult result = new TestResult(collection); + + result.Unit = unit; + result.Result = ParseResultType(node.GetAttribute(Xml.Result, string.Empty)); + + result.AssertionsPassed = uint.Parse(node.GetAttribute(Xml.AssertionsPassed, string.Empty), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); + result.AssertionsFailed = uint.Parse(node.GetAttribute(Xml.AssertionsFailed, string.Empty), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); + result.ExpectedFailures = uint.Parse(node.GetAttribute(Xml.ExpectedFailures, string.Empty), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); + + return result; + } + + /// + /// Parses a Result enumeration from string. + /// + /// The value to parse. + /// The parsed Result enumeration value. + private static TestResultType ParseResultType(string value) + { + switch (value.ToUpperInvariant()) + { + case "PASSED": return TestResultType.Passed; + case "FAILED": return TestResultType.Failed; + case "ABORTED": return TestResultType.Aborted; + case "SKIPPED": return TestResultType.Skipped; + } + + return TestResultType.Skipped; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/IBoostTestResultOutput.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/IBoostTestResultOutput.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a819bec --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/IBoostTestResultOutput.cs @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +using System; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results +{ + /// + /// Interface for Boost Test result output. + /// + public interface IBoostTestResultOutput : IDisposable + { + /// + /// Parses the referenced output and updates the referred to + /// TestResultCollection with the newly collected information. + /// + /// + /// Implementations should check whether the collection already has an entry + /// defined for a particular TestUnit and update the entry or rewrite as necessary. + /// + /// The TestResultCollection which will host the parsed details. + void Parse(TestResultCollection collection); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntry.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntry.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b8e787 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntry.cs @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes +{ + /// + /// Base class for Log entries + /// + public abstract class LogEntry + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Default constructor. + /// + protected LogEntry() + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a SourceFileInfo + /// + /// Source file information related to this log message. May be null. + protected LogEntry(SourceFileInfo source) : + this() + { + this.Source = source; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + /// + /// Source file information related to this log message. May be null. + /// + public SourceFileInfo Source { get; set; } + + /// + /// returns a string with the description of the class + /// + /// string having the description of the class + public override string ToString() + { + return "Base"; + } + + /// + /// Log detail message. + /// + public string Detail { get; set; } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryError.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryError.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0333a94 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryError.cs @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes +{ + /// + /// 'Error' log entry + /// + public class LogEntryError : LogEntry + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a detail message + /// + /// detail message of type string + public LogEntryError(string detail) + { + this.Detail = detail; + } + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a detail message and a SourceFileInfo object + /// + /// detail message of type string + /// Source file information related to this log message. May be null. + public LogEntryError(string detail, SourceFileInfo source) + : base(source) + { + this.Detail = detail; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + /// + /// returns a string with the description of the class + /// + /// string having the description of the class + public override string ToString() + { + return "Error"; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryException.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryException.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..388a1e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryException.cs @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes +{ + /// + /// A LogEntry specification detailing an exception message. + /// + public class LogEntryException : LogEntry + { + #region Constructors + + public LogEntryException() : + this(null) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a detail message of type string + /// + /// Exception detail message + public LogEntryException(string detail) : + this(detail, null) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor accepting an exception detail message and a SourceFileInfo object + /// + /// detail message of type string + /// Source file information related to this log message. May be null. + public LogEntryException(string detail, SourceFileInfo source) + : base(source) + { + this.Detail = detail; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + /// + /// Last Checkpoint source information. + /// + public SourceFileInfo LastCheckpoint { get; set; } + + /// + /// Checkpoint detail message. + /// + public string CheckpointDetail { get; set; } + + /// + /// returns a string with the description of the class + /// + /// string having the description of the class + public override string ToString() + { + return "Exception"; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryFatalError.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryFatalError.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c213dc --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryFatalError.cs @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes +{ + /// + /// A 'Fatal Error' log entry. + /// + public class LogEntryFatalError : LogEntry + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a detail message of type string + /// + /// Exception detail message + public LogEntryFatalError(string detail) + { + this.Detail = detail; + } + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a detail message and a SourceFileInfo object + /// + /// detail message of type string + /// Source file information related to this log message. May be null. + public LogEntryFatalError(string detail, SourceFileInfo source) + : base(source) + { + this.Detail = detail; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + /// + /// returns a string with the description of the class + /// + /// string having the description of the class + public override string ToString() + { + return "Fatal Error"; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryInfo.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryInfo.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abd244a --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryInfo.cs @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes +{ + /// + /// An 'Info' log entry + /// + public class LogEntryInfo : LogEntry + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a detail message of type string + /// + /// Exception detail message + public LogEntryInfo(string detail) + { + this.Detail = detail; + } + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a detail message and a SourceFileInfo object + /// + /// detail message of type string + /// Source file information related to this log message. May be null. + public LogEntryInfo(string detail, SourceFileInfo source) + : base(source) + { + this.Detail = detail; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + /// + /// returns a string with the description of the class + /// + /// string having the description of the class + public override string ToString() + { + return "Info"; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryMemoryLeak.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryMemoryLeak.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a089d26 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryMemoryLeak.cs @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes +{ + /// + /// Log entry for an identified memory leak. + /// + public class LogEntryMemoryLeak : LogEntry + { + private const string MemoryLeakNotification = "Memory leaks have been been detected. Please refer to the output tab for more details."; + + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Default constructor. + /// + public LogEntryMemoryLeak() + { + this.Detail = MemoryLeakNotification; + } + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a SourceFileInfo object + /// + /// Source file information related to this log message. May be null. + public LogEntryMemoryLeak(SourceFileInfo source) + : base(source) + { + } + + public LogEntryMemoryLeak(string leakSourceFilePath, string leakSourceFileName, uint? leakLineNumber, uint? leakSizeInBytes, uint? leakMemoryAllocationNumber, string leakLeakedDataContents) + { + this.LeakSourceFilePath = leakSourceFilePath; + this.LeakSourceFileName = leakSourceFileName; + this.LeakLineNumber = leakLineNumber; + this.LeakSizeInBytes = leakSizeInBytes; + this.LeakMemoryAllocationNumber = leakMemoryAllocationNumber; + this.LeakLeakedDataContents = leakLeakedDataContents; + this.Detail = MemoryLeakNotification; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + /// + /// returns a string with the description of the class + /// + /// string having the description of the class + public override string ToString() + { + return "Memory leak"; + } + + /// + /// Indicates the source file path where the leak was detected at + /// + /// If null, the information regarding the leak source file path is not available. This generally is because the macro to replace the C++ operator new has not been utilized in the test project. + public string LeakSourceFilePath { get; set; } + + /// + /// Indicates the source filename where the leak was detected at + /// + /// If null, the information regarding the leak source file name is not available. This generally is because the macro to replace the C++ operator new has not been utilized in the test project. + public string LeakSourceFileName { get; set; } + + /// + /// Line number (respective the source file specified in property LeakSourceFileName) where the leak is detected at + /// + /// If null, the information regarding the leak line number is not available. This generally is because the macro to replace the C++ operator new has not been utilized in the test project, or the parsing of the line number failed. + public uint? LeakLineNumber { get; set; } + + /// + /// Number of bytes leaked. + /// + /// The Boost UTF always reports the leak size in bytes. If null, then it means that the parsing of the respective console output failed. + public uint? LeakSizeInBytes { get; set; } + + /// + /// Property containing the memory allocation number of the leak/ + /// + /// The Boost UTF always reports the Memory allocation number whenever a memory leak is reported. If null, then it means that the parsing of the respective console output failed. + public uint? LeakMemoryAllocationNumber { get; set; } + + /// + /// Property containing the leaked data contents as reported by Boost UTF + /// + public string LeakLeakedDataContents { get; set; } + + /// + /// Property serves as an indicator wheather the source file and the line number information for the memory leak were available or not + /// + public bool LeakSourceFileAndLineNumberReportingActive { get; set; } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryMessage.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryMessage.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ffab19 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryMessage.cs @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes +{ + /// + /// A 'Message' log entry + /// + public class LogEntryMessage : LogEntry + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a detail message + /// + /// detail message of type string + public LogEntryMessage(string detail) + { + this.Detail = detail; + } + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a detail message and a SourceFileInfo object + /// + /// detail message of type string + /// Source file information related to this log message. May be null. + public LogEntryMessage(string detail, SourceFileInfo source) + : base(source) + { + this.Detail = detail; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + /// + /// returns a string with the description of the class + /// + /// string having the description of the class + public override string ToString() + { + return "Message"; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryStandardErrorMessage.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryStandardErrorMessage.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e10566 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryStandardErrorMessage.cs @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes +{ + /// + /// Log entry for a message emitted to standard error. + /// + public class LogEntryStandardErrorMessage : LogEntry + { + #region Constructors + + public LogEntryStandardErrorMessage(string detail) + { + this.Detail = detail; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region object overrides + + public override string ToString() + { + return "Standard Error"; + } + + #endregion object overrides + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryStandardOutputMessage.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryStandardOutputMessage.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..daea3ee --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryStandardOutputMessage.cs @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes +{ + /// + /// Log entry for a message emitted to standard output. + /// + public class LogEntryStandardOutputMessage : LogEntry + { + #region Constructors + + public LogEntryStandardOutputMessage(string detail) + { + this.Detail = detail; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region object overrides + + public override string ToString() + { + return "Standard Output"; + } + + #endregion object overrides + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryWarning.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryWarning.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1dfacff --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/LogEntryTypes/LogEntryWarning.cs @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes +{ + /// + /// A 'Warning' log entry + /// + public class LogEntryWarning : LogEntry + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a detail message + /// + /// detail message of type string + public LogEntryWarning(string detail) + { + this.Detail = detail; + } + + /// + /// Constructor accepting a detail message and a SourceFileInfo object + /// + /// detail message of type string + /// Source file information related to this log message. May be null. + public LogEntryWarning(string detail, SourceFileInfo source) + : base(source) + { + this.Detail = detail; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + /// + /// returns a string with the description of the class + /// + /// string having the description of the class + public override string ToString() + { + return "Warning"; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/TestResult.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/TestResult.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05be8e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/TestResult.cs @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results +{ + /// + /// Test result enumeration. + /// + public enum TestResultType + { + Passed, + Skipped, + Aborted, + Failed + } + + /// + /// Aggregates Boost Test result information. + /// + public class TestResult + { + /// + /// Constructor. + /// + public TestResult() : + this(null) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor. + /// + /// The parent collection which hosts this TestResult. + public TestResult(TestResultCollection collection) + { + this.Collection = collection; + this.LogEntries = new List(); + } + + /// + /// Parent collection which hosts this result. + /// + public TestResultCollection Collection { get; private set; } + + /// + /// Test Unit related to this test result. + /// + public TestUnit Unit { get; set; } + + /// + /// Result type. + /// + public TestResultType Result { get; set; } + + /// + /// Number of assertions passed. + /// + public uint AssertionsPassed { get; set; } + + /// + /// Number of assertions failed. + /// + public uint AssertionsFailed { get; set; } + + /// + /// Number of expected failures. + /// + public uint ExpectedFailures { get; set; } + + /// + /// Number of contained test cases which passed. + /// + public uint TestCasesPassed + { + get + { + return GetCount(TestResultType.Passed); + } + } + + /// + /// Number of contained test cases which failed. + /// + public uint TestCasesFailed + { + get + { + return GetCount(new TestResultType[] { TestResultType.Failed, TestResultType.Aborted }); + } + } + + /// + /// Number of contained test cases which were skipped. + /// + public uint TestCasesSkipped + { + get + { + return GetCount(TestResultType.Skipped); + } + } + + /// + /// Number of contained test cases which were aborted. + /// + public uint TestCasesAborted + { + get + { + return GetCount(TestResultType.Aborted); + } + } + + /// + /// Duration of test in microseconds + /// + public uint Duration { get; set; } + + /// + /// Collection of related log entries. + /// + public ICollection LogEntries { get; private set; } + + #region Utility + + /// + /// Returns the number of contained test cases which are of the specified Result type. + /// + /// The result type to lookup + /// The number of contained test cases which are of the specified Result type. + private uint GetCount(TestResultType type) + { + return GetCount(new TestResultType[] { type }); + } + + /// + /// Returns the number of contained test cases which are of the specified Result type. + /// + /// The result types to lookup + /// The number of contained test cases which are of the specified Result type. + private uint GetCount(IEnumerable types) + { + if (this.Collection == null) + { + if (this.Unit is TestCase) + { + return (types.Contains(this.Result)) ? 1u : 0u; + } + } + else + { + TestCaseResultVisitor visitor = new TestCaseResultVisitor(this.Collection, types); + this.Unit.Apply(visitor); + return visitor.Count; + } + + return 0u; + } + + /// + /// Boost Test Unit visitor implementation. Aggregates the number of + /// test cases which are of a specific Result type. + /// + private class TestCaseResultVisitor : ITestVisitor + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor. + /// + /// The TestResultCollection which hosts all results. + /// The types to lookup + public TestCaseResultVisitor(TestResultCollection collection, IEnumerable types) + { + this.Collection = collection; + this.ResultTypes = types; + this.Count = 0; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + public TestResultCollection Collection { get; private set; } + + public IEnumerable ResultTypes { get; private set; } + + /// + /// The number of test cases encountered which are of the specified Result type. + /// + public uint Count { get; private set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region ITestVisitor + + public void Visit(TestCase testCase) + { + Utility.Code.Require(testCase, "testCase"); + + TestResult result = this.Collection[testCase]; + + if ((result != null) && (this.ResultTypes.Contains(result.Result))) + { + ++this.Count; + } + } + + public void Visit(TestSuite testSuite) + { + Utility.Code.Require(testSuite, "testSuite"); + + foreach (TestUnit unit in testSuite.Children) + { + unit.Apply(this); + } + } + + #endregion ITestVisitor + } + + #endregion Utility + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/TestResultCollection.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/TestResultCollection.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d56533 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Results/TestResultCollection.cs @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.IO; +using System.Linq; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test; +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results +{ + /// + /// Collection of Boost Test Results. + /// + public class TestResultCollection : IEnumerable + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Default Constructor. + /// + public TestResultCollection() + { + this.Results = new Dictionary(); + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + private Dictionary Results { get; set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region Indexers + + /// + /// Returns the result for the requested TestUnit or null if not found. + /// + /// TestUnit to lookup. + /// The results associated with the requested TestUnit or null if not found. + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1043:UseIntegralOrStringArgumentForIndexers")] + public TestResult this[TestUnit unit] + { + get + { + Utility.Code.Require(unit, "unit"); + return this[unit.FullyQualifiedName]; + } + + set + { + Utility.Code.Require(unit, "unit"); + this[unit.FullyQualifiedName] = value; + } + } + + /// + /// Returns the result for the requested TestUnit fully qualified name or null if not found. + /// + /// The TestUnit's fully qualified name to lookup. + /// The results associated with the requested TestUnit fully qualified name or null if not found. + public TestResult this[string fullyQualifiedName] + { + get + { + TestResult value = null; + if (this.Results.TryGetValue(fullyQualifiedName, out value)) + { + return value; + } + + return null; + } + + set + { + this.Results[fullyQualifiedName] = value; + } + } + + #endregion Indexers + + /// + /// Parses the Xml report and log file as specified within the provided + /// BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs instance. + /// + /// The BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs which specify the report and log file. + /// The BoostTestAdapterSettings which specify adapter specific settings. + public void Parse(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestAdapterSettings settings) + { + IEnumerable parsers = Enumerable.Empty(); + + try + { + parsers = new IBoostTestResultOutput[] { + GetReportParser(args), + GetLogParser(args), + GetStandardOutput(args, settings), + GetStandardError(args) + }; + + Parse(parsers); + } + finally + { + foreach (IBoostTestResultOutput parser in parsers) + { + if (parser != null) + { + parser.Dispose(); + } + } + } + } + + /// + /// Parses the collection of BoostTestResultOutput. Results are stored + /// within this instance. + /// + /// The Boost Test output which will be parsed. + public void Parse(IEnumerable output) + { + Utility.Code.Require(output, "output"); + + foreach (IBoostTestResultOutput parser in output) + { + if (parser != null) + { + parser.Parse(this); + } + } + } + + #region IBoostTestResultOutput Factory Methods + + /// + /// Factory method which provides the report IBoostTestResultOutput based on the provided BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs + /// + /// The command line args which were used to generate the test results + /// An IBoostTestResultOutput or null if one cannot be identified from the provided arguments + private static IBoostTestResultOutput GetReportParser(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args) + { + string report = args.ReportFile; + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(report)) + { + if (args.ReportFormat == OutputFormat.XML) + { + return new BoostXmlReport(args.ReportFile); + } + } + + return null; + } + + /// + /// Factory method which provides the log IBoostTestResultOutput based on the provided BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs + /// + /// The command line args which were used to generate the test results + /// An IBoostTestResultOutput or null if one cannot be identified from the provided arguments + private static IBoostTestResultOutput GetLogParser(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args) + { + string log = args.LogFile; + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(log)) + { + if (args.LogFormat == OutputFormat.XML) + { + return new BoostXmlLog(args.LogFile); + } + } + + return null; + } + + /// + /// Factory method which provides the standard output IBoostTestResultOutput based on the provided BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs and BoostTestAdapterSettings + /// + /// The command line args which were used to generate the test results + /// The run time settings which were used to generate the test results + /// An IBoostTestResultOutput or null if one cannot be identified from the provided arguments + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2000:Dispose objects before losing scope")] + private static IBoostTestResultOutput GetStandardOutput(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestAdapterSettings settings) + { + if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.StandardOutFile)) && (File.Exists(args.StandardOutFile))) + { + return new BoostStandardOutput(args.StandardOutFile) + { + FailTestOnMemoryLeak = settings.FailTestOnMemoryLeak + }; + } + + return null; + } + + /// + /// Factory method which provides the standard error IBoostTestResultOutput based on the provided BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs and BoostTestAdapterSettings + /// + /// The command line args which were used to generate the test results + /// An IBoostTestResultOutput or null if one cannot be identified from the provided arguments + private static IBoostTestResultOutput GetStandardError(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args) + { + if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.StandardErrorFile)) && (File.Exists(args.StandardErrorFile))) + { + return new BoostStandardError(args.StandardErrorFile); + } + + return null; + } + + #endregion IBoostTestResultOutput Factory Methods + + #region IEnumerable + + public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() + { + // Only enumerate over TestCase results since for our general use case, those are the most important. + return this.Results.Values.Where((result) => { return (result.Unit as TestCase) != null; }).GetEnumerator(); + } + + IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() + { + return this.GetEnumerator(); + } + + #endregion IEnumerable + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunner.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunner.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a50799 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunner.cs @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner +{ + /// + /// IBoostTestRunner implementation. Executes stand-alone + /// (i.e. test runner included within '.exe') Boost Tests. + /// + public class BoostTestRunner : BoostTestRunnerBase + { + public BoostTestRunner(string exe) : + base(exe) + { + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerBase.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerBase.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2115381 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerBase.cs @@ -0,0 +1,260 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Diagnostics; +using System.Linq; +using System.Management; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner +{ + /// + /// Abstract IBoostTestRunner specification which contains common functionality + /// for executing external '.exe' Boost Test runners. + /// + public abstract class BoostTestRunnerBase : IBoostTestRunner + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor. + /// + /// Path to the '.exe' file. + protected BoostTestRunnerBase(string testRunnerExecutable) + { + this.TestRunnerExecutable = testRunnerExecutable; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + /// + /// Boost Test runner '.exe' file path. + /// + protected string TestRunnerExecutable { get; private set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region IBoostTestRunner + + public virtual void Debug(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestRunnerSettings settings, IFrameworkHandle framework) + { + Utility.Code.Require(settings, "settings"); + + using (Process process = Debug(framework, GetStartInfo(args, settings))) + { + MonitorProcess(process, settings.Timeout); + } + } + + public virtual void Run(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestRunnerSettings settings) + { + Utility.Code.Require(settings,"settings"); + + using (Process process = Run(GetStartInfo(args, settings))) + { + MonitorProcess(process, settings.Timeout); + } + } + + public virtual string Source + { + get { return this.TestRunnerExecutable; } + } + + #endregion IBoostTestRunner + + /// + /// Monitors the provided process for the specified timeout. + /// + /// The process to monitor. + /// The timeout threshold until the process and its children should be killed. + /// Thrown in case specified timeout threshold is exceeded. + private static void MonitorProcess(Process process, int timeout) + { + process.WaitForExit(timeout); + + if (!process.HasExited) + { + KillProcessIncludingChildren(process); + + throw new TimeoutException(timeout); + } + } + + /// + /// Starts a Process in a debug session using the provided command line arguments string. + /// + /// The IFrameworkHandle which provides debug session handling. + /// The process start info which will be used to launch the external test program. + /// The newly spawned debug process. + private static Process Debug(IFrameworkHandle framework, ProcessStartInfo info) + { + if (framework == null) + { + return Run(info); + } + + Dictionary environment = + info.EnvironmentVariables.Cast().ToDictionary( + item => item.Key.ToString(), + item => item.Value.ToString() + ); + + int pid = framework.LaunchProcessWithDebuggerAttached( + info.FileName, + info.WorkingDirectory, + info.Arguments, + environment + ); + + // Get a process on the local computer, using the process id. + return Process.GetProcessById(pid); + } + + /// + /// Starts a Process using the provided command line arguments string. + /// + /// The process start info which will be used to launch the external test program. + /// The newly spawned debug process. + private static Process Run(ProcessStartInfo info) + { + // Wrap the process inside cmd.exe in so that we can redirect stdout, + // stderr to file using a similar mechanism as available for Debug runs. + return Process.Start(ProcessStartInfoEx.StartThroughCmdShell(info.Clone())); + } + + /// + /// Builds a ProcessStartInfo instance using the provided command line string. + /// + /// The command line arguments. + /// The Boost Test runner settings currently being applied. + /// A ProcessStartInfo instance. + protected virtual ProcessStartInfo GetStartInfo(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestRunnerSettings settings) + { + Utility.Code.Require(args, "args"); + + ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo + { + CreateNoWindow = false, + UseShellExecute = false, + WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, + WorkingDirectory = args.WorkingDirectory, + FileName = this.TestRunnerExecutable, + Arguments = args.ToString(), + RedirectStandardError = false, + RedirectStandardInput = false + }; + + return startInfo; + } + + /// + /// Kills a process identified by its pid and all its children processes + /// + /// process object + /// + private static void KillProcessIncludingChildren(Process process) + { + Logger.Info("Finding processes spawned by process with Id [{0}]", process.Id); + + // Once the children pids are available we start killing the processes. + // Enumerate each and every child immediately via the .toList() method. + List children = EnumerateChildren(process).ToList(); + + // Killing the main process + if (KillProcess(process)) + { + Logger.Error("Successfully killed process {0}.", process.Id); + } + else + { + Logger.Error("Unable to kill process {0}. Process may still be running.", process.Id); + } + + foreach (Process child in children) + { + // Recurse + KillProcessIncludingChildren(child); + } + } + + /// + /// Enumerates all live children of the provided parent Process instance. + /// + /// The parent process whose live children are to be enumerated + /// An enumeration of live/active child processes + private static IEnumerable EnumerateChildren(Process process) + { + ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT ProcessId FROM Win32_Process WHERE ParentProcessId = " + process.Id.ToString()); + ManagementObjectCollection collection = searcher.Get(); + + foreach (ManagementBaseObject item in collection) + { + int childPid = Convert.ToInt32(item["ProcessId"]); + + Process child = null; + + try + { + child = Process.GetProcessById(childPid); + } + catch (ArgumentException /* ex */) + { + Logger.Error("Child process [{0}] does not exist.", childPid); + // Reset child to null so that it is not enumerated + child = null; + } + catch (Exception /* ex */) + { + child = null; + } + + if (child != null) + { + yield return child; + } + } + } + + /// + /// Kill a process immediately + /// + /// process object + /// return true if success or false if it was not successfull + private static bool KillProcess(Process process) + { + return KillProcess(process, 0); + } + + /// + /// Kill a process + /// + /// process object + /// the timeout in milliseconds to note correct process termination + /// return true if success or false if it was not successfull + private static bool KillProcess(Process process, int killTimeout) + { + if (process.HasExited) + { + return true; + } + + try + { + // If the call to the Kill method is made while the process is already terminating, a Win32Exception is thrown for Access Denied. + + process.Kill(); + return process.WaitForExit(killTimeout); + } + catch (Exception e) + { + Logger.Error(e.Message); + } + + return false; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3af5da3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs.cs @@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Globalization; +using System.IO; +using System.Text; +using System.Text.RegularExpressions; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner +{ + /// + /// Output format options for Boost Test output. + /// Reference: + /// + public enum OutputFormat + { + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "HRF")] + HRF, // Human Readable Format + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "XML")] + XML, + + Default = HRF + } + + /// + /// Log level enumeration + /// Reference: + /// + public enum LogLevel + { + All, + Success, + TestSuite, + Message, + Warning, + Error, + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Cpp")] + CppException, + SystemError, + FatalError, + Nothing, + + Default = Error + } + + /// + /// Report level enumeration + /// Reference: + /// + public enum ReportLevel + { + None, + Confirm, + Short, + Detailed, + + Default = Confirm + } + + /// + /// Aggregates all possible command line options made available by the Boost Test framework. + /// Reference: + /// + public class BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs + { + #region Constants + + private const string RunTestArg = "--run_test"; + + private const string LogFormatArg = "--log_format"; + private const string LogLevelArg = "--log_level"; + private const string LogSinkArg = "--log_sink"; + + private const string ReportFormatArg = "--report_format"; + private const string ReportLevelArg = "--report_level"; + private const string ReportSinkArg = "--report_sink"; + + private const string DetectMemoryLeakArg = "--detect_memory_leak"; + + private const string TestSeparator = ","; + + private const char ArgSeparator = ' '; + private const char ArgValueSeparator = '='; + + private const char RedirectionOperator = '>'; + private const string ErrRedirectionOperator = "2>"; + + #endregion Constants + + #region Members + + private string _reportFile = null; + private string _logFile = null; + private string _stdOutFile = null; + private string _stdErrFile = null; + + #endregion Members + + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Default Constructor. Initializes options to their defaults as specified in: + /// + /// + public BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs() + { + this.Tests = new List(); + + this.LogFormat = OutputFormat.Default; + this.LogLevel = LogLevel.Default; + + this.ReportFormat = OutputFormat.Default; + this.ReportLevel = ReportLevel.Default; + + this.DetectMemoryLeaks = 1; + } + + /// + /// Copy Constructor. Creates a shallow copy of the provided instance. + /// + /// The instance to be copied. + protected BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args) + { + Utility.Code.Require(args, "args"); + + this.WorkingDirectory = args.WorkingDirectory; + + // Shallow copy + this.Tests = args.Tests; + + this.LogFormat = args.LogFormat; + this.LogLevel = args.LogLevel; + this.LogFile = args.LogFile; + + this.ReportFormat = args.ReportFormat; + this.ReportLevel = args.ReportLevel; + this.ReportFile = args.ReportFile; + + this.DetectMemoryLeaks = args.DetectMemoryLeaks; + + this.StandardOutFile = args.StandardOutFile; + this.StandardErrorFile = args.StandardErrorFile; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + /// + /// Specify the process' working directory + /// + public string WorkingDirectory { get; set; } + + /// + /// List of fully qualified name tests which are to be executed. + /// + public IList Tests { get; private set; } + + /// + /// Output format for log information. + /// + public OutputFormat LogFormat { get; set; } + + /// + /// Log level. + /// + public LogLevel LogLevel { get; set; } + + /// + /// Path (relative to the WorkingDirectory) to the log file which will host Boost Test output. + /// + public string LogFile + { + get + { + return GetPath(this._logFile); + } + + set + { + this._logFile = value; + } + } + + /// + /// Output format for report information. + /// + public OutputFormat ReportFormat { get; set; } + + /// + /// Report level. + /// + public ReportLevel ReportLevel { get; set; } + + /// + /// Path (relative to the WorkingDirectory) to the report file which will host Boost Test report output. + /// + public string ReportFile + { + get + { + return GetPath(this._reportFile); + } + + set + { + this._reportFile = value; + } + } + + /// + /// Set to value greater than 0 to detect memory leaks. + /// Refer to: + /// + public uint DetectMemoryLeaks { get; set; } + + /// + /// Path (relative to the WorkingDirectory) to the report file which will host the standard output content. + /// + public string StandardOutFile + { + get + { + return GetPath(this._stdOutFile); + } + + set + { + this._stdOutFile = value; + } + } + + /// + /// Path (relative to the WorkingDirectory) to the report file which will host the standard error content. + /// + public string StandardErrorFile + { + get + { + return GetPath(this._stdErrFile); + } + + set + { + this._stdErrFile = value; + } + } + + /// + /// Provides a string representation of the command line. + /// + /// The command line as a string. + public override string ToString() + { + StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder(); + + // --run_tests=a,b,c + if (this.Tests.Count > 0) + { + AddArgument(RunTestArg, string.Join(TestSeparator, this.Tests), args); + } + + if (this.LogFormat != OutputFormat.Default) + { + // --log_format=xml + AddArgument(LogFormatArg, OutputFormatToString(this.LogFormat), args); + } + + if (this.LogLevel != LogLevel.Default) + { + // --log_level=test_suite + AddArgument(LogLevelArg, LogLevelToString(this.LogLevel), args); + } + + // --log_sink=log.xml + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._logFile)) + { + AddArgument(LogSinkArg, this._logFile, args); + } + + if (this.ReportFormat != OutputFormat.Default) + { + // --report_format=xml + AddArgument(ReportFormatArg, OutputFormatToString(this.ReportFormat), args); + } + + if (this.ReportLevel != ReportLevel.Default) + { + // --report_level=detailed + AddArgument(ReportLevelArg, ReportLevelToString(this.ReportLevel), args); + } + + // --report_sink=report.xml + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._reportFile)) + { + AddArgument(ReportSinkArg, this._reportFile, args); + } + + if (this.DetectMemoryLeaks != 1) + { + // --detect_memory_leak + AddArgument(DetectMemoryLeakArg, this.DetectMemoryLeaks.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), args); + } + + // > std.out + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._stdOutFile)) + { + args.Append(RedirectionOperator).Append(ArgSeparator).Append(Quote(this._stdOutFile)).Append(ArgSeparator); + } + + // 2> std.err + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._stdErrFile)) + { + args.Append(ErrRedirectionOperator).Append(ArgSeparator).Append(Quote(this._stdErrFile)); + } + + return args.ToString().TrimEnd(); + } + + /// + /// Returns a rooted path for the provided one. + /// + /// The path to root. + /// The rooted path. + protected string GetPath(string path) + { + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && !Path.IsPathRooted(path)) + { + return Path.Combine(this.WorkingDirectory, path); + } + + return path; + } + + /// + /// Provides a (valid) string representation of the provided OutputFormat. + /// + /// The value to serialize to string. + /// A (valid) string representation of the provided OutputFormat. + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")] + private static string OutputFormatToString(OutputFormat value) + { + return value.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); + } + + /// + /// Provides a (valid) string representation of the provided LogLevel. + /// + /// The value to serialize to string. + /// A (valid) string representation of the provided LogLevel. + private static string LogLevelToString(LogLevel value) + { + return LevelToString(value.ToString()); + } + + /// + /// Provides a (valid) string representation of the provided ReportLevel. + /// + /// The value to serialize to string. + /// A (valid) string representation of the provided ReportLevel. + private static string ReportLevelToString(ReportLevel value) + { + return LevelToString(value.ToString()); + } + + /// + /// Provides a (valid) string representation of the provided LogLevel/ReportLevel. + /// Changes from pascal case to underscore separated lower case. + /// + /// The value to serialize to string. + /// A (valid) string representation of the provided LogLevel/ReportLevel. + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")] + private static string LevelToString(string value) + { + return Regex.Replace(value, "([A-Z])", "_$1").Substring(1).ToLowerInvariant(); + } + + /// + /// Adds a no-value command-line argument to the provided StringBuilder. + /// + /// The command line option. + /// The StringBuilder which will host the result. + /// host + protected static StringBuilder AddArgument(string prefix, StringBuilder host) + { + return AddArgument(prefix, string.Empty, host); + } + + /// + /// Adds a command-line argument to the provided StringBuilder. + /// + /// The command line option. + /// The command line option's value. + /// The StringBuilder which will host the result. + /// host + protected static StringBuilder AddArgument(string prefix, string value, StringBuilder host) + { + return AddArgument(prefix, ArgValueSeparator, value, host); + } + + /// + /// Adds a command-line argument to the provided StringBuilder. + /// + /// The command line option. + /// The separator to use between the prefix and the value. + /// The command line option's value. + /// The StringBuilder which will host the result. + /// host + protected static StringBuilder AddArgument(string prefix, char separator, string value, StringBuilder host) + { + Utility.Code.Require(host, "host"); + + if (separator == ' ') + { + prefix = Quote(prefix); + value = Quote(value); + } + else + { + host.Append('"'); + } + + host.Append(prefix); + + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) + { + host.Append(separator).Append(value); + } + + if (separator != ' ') + { + host.Append('"'); + } + + return host.Append(ArgSeparator); + } + + /// + /// Quotes the provided string within double quotation marks. + /// + /// The string to quote. + /// The quoted value. + private static string Quote(string value) + { + return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) ? value : ('"' + value + '"'); + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerFactoryOptions.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerFactoryOptions.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6448434 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerFactoryOptions.cs @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner +{ + /// + /// Aggregates all options for BoostTestRunnerFactory + /// + public class BoostTestRunnerFactoryOptions + { + public ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings ExternalTestRunnerSettings { get; set; } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerSettings.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerSettings.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb76830 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerSettings.cs @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +using System; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner +{ + /// + /// Aggregates common settings for a Boost Test execution. + /// + public class BoostTestRunnerSettings : ICloneable + { + /// + /// Constructor. Initializes all settings to their default state. + /// + public BoostTestRunnerSettings() + { + this.Timeout = -1; + } + + /// + /// Timeout for unit test execution. + /// + public int Timeout { get; set; } + + #region IClonable + + public BoostTestRunnerSettings Clone() + { + return new BoostTestRunnerSettings() + { + Timeout = this.Timeout + }; + } + + object ICloneable.Clone() + { + return this.Clone(); + } + + #endregion IClonable + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerTimeoutException.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerTimeoutException.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e4961c --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/BoostTestRunnerTimeoutException.cs @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +using System; +using System.Runtime.Serialization; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner +{ + /// + /// An exception raised in case a timeout threshold is exceeded. + /// + [Serializable] + public class TimeoutException : Exception + { + #region Constructors + + #region Standard Exception Constructors + + public TimeoutException() : + this(-1) + { + } + + public TimeoutException(string message) : + this(-1, message) + { + } + + public TimeoutException(string message, Exception innerException) : + base(message, innerException) + { + this.Timeout = -1; + } + + protected TimeoutException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : + base(info, context) + { + this.Timeout = info.GetInt32("Timeout"); + } + + #endregion Standard Exception Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The timeout threshold which was exceeded. + public TimeoutException(int timeout) : + this(timeout, "The Boost Test Runner exceeded the timeout threshold of " + timeout) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The timeout threshold which was exceeded. + /// The message for this exception. + public TimeoutException(int timeout, string message) : + base(message) + { + this.Timeout = timeout; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + /// + /// The timeout threshold which was exceeded. + /// + public int Timeout { get; protected set; } + + #region ISerializable + + public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) + { + base.GetObjectData(info, context); + info.AddValue("Timeout", this.Timeout); + } + + #endregion ISerializable + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactory.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d38d5c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +using System.IO; +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner +{ + /// + /// Default implementation for IBoostTestRunnerFactory. + /// + public class DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactory : IBoostTestRunnerFactory + { + #region IBoostTestRunnerFactory + + /// + /// Based on the provided file name, returns a suitable IBoostTestRunner + /// instance or null if none are available. + /// + /// The identifier which is to be executed via the IBoostTestRunner. + /// test runner settings + /// A suitable IBoostTestRunner instance or null if none are available. + public IBoostTestRunner GetRunner(string identifier, BoostTestRunnerFactoryOptions options) + { + IBoostTestRunner runner = null; + + if ((options != null) && (options.ExternalTestRunnerSettings != null)) + { + // Provision an external test runner + runner = GetExternalTestRunner(identifier, options.ExternalTestRunnerSettings); + } + + // Provision a default internal runner + if (runner == null) + { + runner = GetInternalTestRunner(identifier); + } + + return runner; + } + + private static IBoostTestRunner GetInternalTestRunner(string source) + { + switch (Path.GetExtension(source)) + { + case ".exe": return new BoostTestRunner(source); + } + + return null; + } + + private static IBoostTestRunner GetExternalTestRunner(string source, ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings settings) + { + Utility.Code.Require(settings, "settings"); + + if (settings.ExtensionType == Path.GetExtension(source)) + { + return new ExternalBoostTestRunner(source, settings); + } + + return null; + } + + #endregion IBoostTestRunnerFactory + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/ExternalBoostTestRunner.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/ExternalBoostTestRunner.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..296860c --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/ExternalBoostTestRunner.cs @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +using System; +using System.Diagnostics; +using System.Globalization; +using System.Linq; +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner +{ + /// + /// Configurable External Boost Test Runner. Launches a process as specified + /// in the provided configuration to execute tests. + /// + public class ExternalBoostTestRunner : BoostTestRunnerBase + { + #region Constants + + private const string SourcePlaceholder = "source"; + private const string TimeoutPlaceholder = "timeout"; + private const string BoostArgsPlaceholder = "boost-args"; + + #endregion Constants + + #region Members + + private string _source = null; + + #endregion Members + + /// + /// Constructo + /// + /// The test source (dll/exe) for which this external test runner will execute + /// External test runner configuration + public ExternalBoostTestRunner(string source, ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings settings) : + base(GetTestExecutable(settings, source)) + { + this._source = source; + this.Settings = settings; + } + + public ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings Settings { get; private set; } + + #region IBoostTestRunner + + public override string Source + { + get { return this._source; } + } + + #endregion IBoostTestRunner + + #region BoostTestRunnerBase + + /// + /// Provides a ProcessStartInfo structure containing the necessary information to launch the test process. + /// Aggregates the BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs structure with the command-line arguments specified at configuration stage. + /// + /// The Boost Test Framework command line arguments + /// The Boost Test Runner settings + /// A valid ProcessStartInfo structure to launch the test executable + protected override ProcessStartInfo GetStartInfo(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestRunnerSettings settings) + { + ProcessStartInfo info = base.GetStartInfo(args, settings); + + CommandEvaluator evaluator = BuildEvaluator(this.Source, args, settings); + CommandEvaluationResult result = evaluator.Evaluate(this.Settings.ExecutionCommandLine.Arguments); + + string cmdLineArgs = result.Result; + if (!result.MappedVariables.Contains(BoostArgsPlaceholder)) + { + cmdLineArgs = result.Result + (result.Result.EndsWith(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal) ? string.Empty : " ") + args.ToString(); + } + + info.FileName = this.Settings.ExecutionCommandLine.FileName; + info.Arguments = cmdLineArgs; + + return info; + } + + #endregion BoostTestRunnerBase + + /// + /// Extracts and evaluates the test executable from the external Boost Test runner configuration. + /// + /// The external Boost Test runner configuration + /// The test source module containing the tests to execute + /// The evaluated, test executable program string + private static string GetTestExecutable(ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings settings, string source) + { + Utility.Code.Require(settings, "settings"); + Utility.Code.Require(settings.ExecutionCommandLine, "settings.ExecutionCommandLine"); + + return BuildEvaluator(source).Evaluate(settings.ExecutionCommandLine.FileName).Result; + } + + /// + /// Provides a preset CommandEvaluator instance for evaluating strings containing the source placeholder. + /// + /// The source placeholder value + /// A CommandEvaluator instance for evaluating strings containing the source placeholder. + private static CommandEvaluator BuildEvaluator(string source) + { + CommandEvaluator evaluator = new CommandEvaluator(); + + evaluator.SetVariable(SourcePlaceholder, source); + + return evaluator; + } + + /// + /// Provides a preset CommandEvaluator instance for evaluating strings containing the source, timeout and boost-args placeholders. + /// + /// The source placeholder value + /// The boost arguments placeholder value + /// The test runner settings which contains the timeout placeholder value + /// A CommandEvaluator instance for evaluating strings containing the source, timeout and boost-args placeholders. + private static CommandEvaluator BuildEvaluator(string source, BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestRunnerSettings settings) + { + CommandEvaluator evaluator = BuildEvaluator(source); + + if (settings.Timeout > -1) + { + evaluator.SetVariable(TimeoutPlaceholder, settings.Timeout.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); + } + + evaluator.SetVariable(BoostArgsPlaceholder, args.ToString()); + + return evaluator; + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/IBoostTestRunner.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/IBoostTestRunner.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dfc82c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/IBoostTestRunner.cs @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner +{ + /// + /// BoostTestRunner interface. Identifies a Boost Test Runner. + /// + public interface IBoostTestRunner + { + /// + /// Initializes a debug instance of this Boost Test runner. + /// + /// The Boost Test framework command line options. + /// The Boost Test runner settings. + /// An IFrameworkHandle which provides debugging capabilities. + /// Thrown in case specified timeout threshold is exceeded. + void Debug(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestRunnerSettings settings, IFrameworkHandle framework); + + /// + /// Executes the Boost Test runner with the provided arguments. + /// + /// The Boost Test framework command line options. + /// The Boost Test runner settings. + /// Thrown in case specified timeout threshold is exceeded. + void Run(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestRunnerSettings settings); + + /// + /// Provides a source Id distinguishing different instances + /// + string Source { get; } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/IBoostTestRunnerFactory.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/IBoostTestRunnerFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a9e4f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Runner/IBoostTestRunnerFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner +{ + /// + /// Abstract Factory which provides IBoostTestRunner instances. + /// + public interface IBoostTestRunnerFactory + { + /// + /// Returns an IBoostTestRunner based on the provided identifier. + /// + /// A unique identifier able to distinguish different BoostTestRunner types. + /// A structure which states particular features of interest in the manufactured product. + /// An IBoostTestRunner instance or null if one cannot be provided. + IBoostTestRunner GetRunner(string identifier, BoostTestRunnerFactoryOptions options); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/ITestVisitable.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/ITestVisitable.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d8415d --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/ITestVisitable.cs @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test +{ + /// + /// Visitor design pattern interface intended for Boost.Test.TestUnit concrete implementations. + /// + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Visitable")] + public interface ITestVisitable + { + /// + /// Applies the test visitor over this instance. + /// + /// The visitor which will be visiting this instance. + void Apply(ITestVisitor visitor); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/ITestVisitor.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/ITestVisitor.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bb1daa --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/ITestVisitor.cs @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test +{ + /// + /// Visitor design pattern interface for Boost.Test.TestUnit visitor implementations. + /// + public interface ITestVisitor + { + /// + /// Visits the provided TestCase + /// + /// The TestCase which is to be visited + void Visit(TestCase testCase); + + /// + /// Visits the provided TestSuite + /// + /// The TestSuite which is to be visited + void Visit(TestSuite testSuite); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestCase.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestCase.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d250bf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestCase.cs @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +using System.Globalization; +using System.Xml; +using System.Xml.Schema; +using System.Xml.Serialization; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test +{ + [XmlRoot(Xml.TestCase)] + public class TestCase : TestUnit, IXmlSerializable + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor. Required as per IXmlSerializable requirements. + /// + public TestCase() : + this(null, null) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// Test Unit (local) name. + /// Parent/Owner Test Unit of this instance. + public TestCase(string name, TestSuite parent) + : base(name, parent) + { + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + /// + /// Optional source file information related to this test. + /// + public SourceFileInfo Source { get; set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region IXmlSerializable + + /// + /// Xml Tag/Attribute Constants + /// + internal static class Xml + { + public const string TestCase = "TestCase"; + public const string File = "file"; + public const string Line = "line"; + } + + public XmlSchema GetSchema() + { + return null; + } + + public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader) + { + base.ReadXmlAttributes(reader); + + string file = reader.GetAttribute(Xml.File); + + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) + { + this.Source = new SourceFileInfo(file); + this.Source.LineNumber = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute(Xml.Line), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); + } + + reader.MoveToElement(); + bool empty = reader.IsEmptyElement; + reader.ReadStartElement(Xml.TestCase); + + if (!empty) + { + reader.ReadEndElement(); + } + } + + public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer) + { + base.WriteXmlAttributes(writer); + + if (this.Source != null) + { + writer.WriteAttributeString(Xml.File, this.Source.File); + writer.WriteAttributeString(Xml.Line, this.Source.LineNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); + } + } + + #endregion IXmlSerializable + + #region ITestVisitable + + public override void Apply(ITestVisitor visitor) + { + Utility.Code.Require(visitor, "visitor"); + + visitor.Visit(this); + } + + #endregion ITestVisitable + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestFramework.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestFramework.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed584a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestFramework.cs @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +using System.Xml; +using System.Xml.Schema; +using System.Xml.Serialization; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test +{ + [XmlRoot(Xml.BoostTestFramework)] + public class TestFramework : IXmlSerializable + { + #region Constructors + + public TestFramework() : + this(null, null) + { + } + + public TestFramework(string source, TestSuite master) + { + this.Source = source; + this.MasterTestSuite = master; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + /// + /// Fully qualified path detailing the source Dll/EXE which contains these tests + /// + public string Source { get; private set; } + + /// + /// Boost Test Master Test Suite + /// + public TestSuite MasterTestSuite { get; private set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region IXmlSerializable + + /// + /// Xml Tag/Attribute Constants + /// + private static class Xml + { + public const string BoostTestFramework = "BoostTestFramework"; + public const string Source = "source"; + } + + public XmlSchema GetSchema() + { + return null; + } + + public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader) + { + Utility.Code.Require(reader, "reader"); + + reader.MoveToElement(); + + this.Source = reader.GetAttribute(Xml.Source); + + bool empty = reader.IsEmptyElement; + reader.ReadStartElement(Xml.BoostTestFramework); + + if (!empty) + { + XmlSerializer deserialiser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TestSuite)); + this.MasterTestSuite = deserialiser.Deserialize(reader) as TestSuite; + + reader.ReadEndElement(); + } + } + + public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer) + { + Utility.Code.Require(writer, "writer"); + + writer.WriteAttributeString(Xml.Source, this.Source); + + if (this.MasterTestSuite != null) + { + XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TestSuite)); + serializer.Serialize(writer, this.MasterTestSuite); + } + } + + #endregion IXmlSerializable + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestFrameworkBuilder.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestFrameworkBuilder.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3250a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestFrameworkBuilder.cs @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test +{ + /// + /// Allows building TestFrameworks with ease using the Builder pattern. + /// + public class TestFrameworkBuilder + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// Boost Test EXE/Dll file path + /// Name of Master Test Suite + public TestFrameworkBuilder(string source, string name) : + this(source, name, null) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// Boost Test EXE/Dll file path + /// Name of Master Test Suite + /// Id of Master Test Suite + public TestFrameworkBuilder(string source, string name, int? id) + { + this.Source = source; + + this.MasterTestSuite = new TestSuite(name, null); + this.MasterTestSuite.Id = id; + + this.Parent = this.MasterTestSuite; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + /// + /// Boost Test EXE/Dll file path + /// + private string Source { get; set; } + + /// + /// Master Test Suite + /// + private TestSuite MasterTestSuite { get; set; } + + /// + /// Current TestSuite Parent + /// + private TestSuite Parent { get; set; } + + #endregion Properties + + /// + /// Builds a new TestSuite. Starts a new context in which + /// newly created TestUnits will be parented to this TestSuite. + /// + /// Test Suite Name + /// this + public TestFrameworkBuilder TestSuite(string name) + { + return this.TestSuite(name, null); + } + + /// + /// Builds a new TestSuite. Starts a new context in which + /// newly created TestUnits will be parented to this TestSuite. + /// + /// Test Suite Name + /// Test Suite Id + /// this + public TestFrameworkBuilder TestSuite(string name, int? id) + { + TestSuite testSuite = new TestSuite(name, this.Parent); + testSuite.Id = id; + + this.Parent = testSuite; + + return this; + } + + /// + /// Builds a new TestCase. + /// + /// Test Case Name + /// this + public TestFrameworkBuilder TestCase(string name) + { + return this.TestCase(name, null, null); + } + + /// + /// Builds a new TestCase. + /// + /// Test Case Name + /// Test Case Id + /// this + public TestFrameworkBuilder TestCase(string name, int? id) + { + return this.TestCase(name, id, null); + } + + /// + /// Builds a new TestCase. + /// + /// Test Case Name + /// Test Case Id + /// Test Case source file debug information + /// this + public TestFrameworkBuilder TestCase(string name, int? id, SourceFileInfo source) + { + TestCase testCase = new TestCase(name, this.Parent); + testCase.Id = id; + testCase.Source = source; + + return this; + } + + /// + /// Ends the current TestSuite context and moves up one level in the hierarchy. + /// + /// this + public TestFrameworkBuilder EndSuite() + { + this.Parent = (TestSuite)this.Parent.Parent; + + return this; + } + + /// + /// Builds the TestFramework. + /// + /// The TestFramework + public TestFramework Build() + { + return new TestFramework(this.Source, this.MasterTestSuite); + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestSuite.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestSuite.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e90953a --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestSuite.cs @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Xml; +using System.Xml.Schema; +using System.Xml.Serialization; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test +{ + [XmlRoot(Xml.TestSuite)] + public class TestSuite : TestUnit, IXmlSerializable + { + #region Members + + private List _children = null; + + #endregion Members + + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor. Required as per IXmlSerializable requirements. + /// + public TestSuite() : + this(null) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// Test Unit (local) name. + public TestSuite(string name) + : this(name, null) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// Test Unit (local) name. + /// Parent/Owner Test Unit of this instance. + public TestSuite(string name, TestSuite parent) + : base(name, parent) + { + this._children = new List(); + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + public override IEnumerable Children + { + get + { + return this._children; + } + } + + #endregion Properties + + public override void AddChild(TestUnit unit) + { + this._children.Add(unit); + } + + #region IXmlSerializable + + /// + /// Xml Tag/Attribute Constants + /// + internal static class Xml + { + public const string TestSuite = "TestSuite"; + } + + public XmlSchema GetSchema() + { + return null; + } + + public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader) + { + base.ReadXmlAttributes(reader); + + reader.MoveToElement(); + bool empty = reader.IsEmptyElement; + reader.ReadStartElement(Xml.TestSuite); + + if (!empty) + { + reader.ConsumeUntilFirst(XmlReaderHelper.ElementFilter); + + while (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) + { + if (reader.Name == Xml.TestSuite) + { + new TestSuite(null, this).ReadXml(reader); + } + else if (reader.Name == TestCase.Xml.TestCase) + { + new TestCase(null, this).ReadXml(reader); + } + + reader.ConsumeUntilFirst(XmlReaderHelper.ElementFilter); + } + + reader.ReadEndElement(); + } + } + + public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer) + { + base.WriteXmlAttributes(writer); + + foreach (TestUnit child in this.Children) + { + child.Apply(new BoostTestXmlVisitor(writer)); + } + } + + private class BoostTestXmlVisitor : ITestVisitor + { + private XmlSerializer SuiteSerializer { get; set; } + + private XmlSerializer CaseSerializer { get; set; } + + private XmlWriter Writer { get; set; } + + public BoostTestXmlVisitor(XmlWriter writer) + { + this.SuiteSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TestSuite)); + this.CaseSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TestCase)); + + this.Writer = writer; + } + + public void Visit(TestCase testCase) + { + this.CaseSerializer.Serialize(this.Writer, testCase); + } + + public void Visit(TestSuite testSuite) + { + this.SuiteSerializer.Serialize(this.Writer, testSuite); + } + } + + #endregion IXmlSerializable + + #region ITestVisitable + + public override void Apply(ITestVisitor visitor) + { + Utility.Code.Require(visitor, "visitor"); + + visitor.Visit(this); + } + + #endregion ITestVisitable + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestUnit.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestUnit.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5eb1e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Boost/Test/TestUnit.cs @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Globalization; +using System.Linq; +using System.Xml; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test +{ + /// + /// Base class for Boost Test test components. Follows the composite design pattern. + /// + public abstract class TestUnit : ITestVisitable + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// Test Unit (local) name. + /// Parent/Owner Test Unit of this instance. + protected TestUnit(string name, TestUnit parent) + { + this.Id = null; + this.Name = name; + this.Parent = parent; + + if (parent != null) + { + parent.AddChild(this); + } + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + /// + /// Test Unit Id. Optional. + /// + public int? Id { get; set; } + + /// + /// Test Unit (local) Name. + /// + public string Name { get; private set; } + + /// + /// Parent/Owner Test Unit of this instance. + /// + public TestUnit Parent { get; private set; } + + /// + /// Child Test Units of this instance. + /// + public virtual IEnumerable Children + { + get + { + return Enumerable.Empty(); + } + } + + /// + /// Identifies the fully qualified name of this TestUnit + /// + public string FullyQualifiedName + { + get + { + return new QualifiedNameBuilder(this).ToString(); + } + } + + #endregion Properties + + /// + /// Adds a child to this TestUnit + /// + /// The unit to add as a child + public virtual void AddChild(TestUnit unit) + { + throw new InvalidOperationException(); + } + + #region IXmlSerializable Helpers + + /// + /// Xml Tag/Attribute Constants + /// + private static class Xml + { + public const string Id = "id"; + public const string Name = "name"; + } + + /// + /// Reads common Xml attributes from a TestUnit Xml node. + /// + /// XmlReader + protected void ReadXmlAttributes(XmlReader reader) + { + Utility.Code.Require(reader, "reader"); + + this.Name = reader.GetAttribute(Xml.Name); + + string id = reader.GetAttribute(Xml.Id); + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) + { + this.Id = int.Parse(id, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); + } + } + + /// + /// Writes common Xml attributes from a TestUnit Xml node. + /// + /// XmlWriter + protected void WriteXmlAttributes(XmlWriter writer) + { + Utility.Code.Require(writer, "writer"); + + if (this.Id.HasValue) + { + writer.WriteAttributeString(Xml.Id, this.Id.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); + } + + writer.WriteAttributeString(Xml.Name, this.Name); + } + + #endregion IXmlSerializable Helpers + + #region ITestVisitable + + public abstract void Apply(ITestVisitor visitor); + + #endregion ITestVisitable + + #region object overrides + + public override string ToString() + { + return this.FullyQualifiedName; + } + + #endregion object overrides + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestAdapter.csproj b/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestAdapter.csproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b1516d --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestAdapter.csproj @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ + + + + + Debug + AnyCPU + {BC4B3BED-9241-4DD6-8070-A9B66DFC08C1} + Library + Properties + BoostTestAdapter + BoostTestAdapter + v4.5 + 512 + + + + true + full + false + bin\Debug\ + TRACE;DEBUG; + prompt + 4 + false + AnyCPU + AllRules.ruleset + true + + + pdbonly + true + bin\Release\ + TRACE + prompt + 4 + false + false + + + false + + + + + + + + $(MSBuildProgramFiles32) + + $(ProgramFiles%28x86%29) + + $(ProgramFiles) (x86) + + $(ProgramFiles) + + + + ..\packages\log4net.2.0.3\lib\net40-full\log4net.dll + + + $(ProgramFiles32)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.dll + + + ..\packages\NCalc.1.3.8\NCalc.dll + + + True + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + {30ecc867-ce89-425f-b452-7a8a320f727d} + VisualStudio2012Adapter + + + {82df0aeb-582a-4b38-96fc-aaee773beafe} + VisualStudio2013Adapter + + + {eb0051e3-1dda-418c-abaf-c1da5339114c} + VisualStudio2015Adapter + + + {62347cc7-c839-413d-a7ce-598409f6f15b} + VisualStudioAdapter + + + + + {80CC9F66-E7D8-4DDD-85B6-D9E6CD0E93E2} + 8 + 0 + 0 + primary + False + False + + + {1A31287A-4D7D-413E-8E32-3B374931BD89} + 8 + 0 + 0 + primary + False + False + + + + + + + + + + REM required for the BoostTestPlugin so that the log4net config file is inlcuded as part of the vsix installation +xcopy /c /i /y $(TargetFileName).config ..\..\..\BoostTestPlugin +REM required by some unit tests in LoggerTest.cs so as to have a certain degree of confidence that log4net is actually logging to file +xcopy /c /i /y $(TargetFileName).config ..\..\..\BoostTestAdapterNunit + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestDiscoverer.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestDiscoverer.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc899b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestDiscoverer.cs @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.IO; +using System.Linq; +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Logging; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter +{ + [FileExtension(DllExtension)] + [FileExtension(ExeExtension)] + [DefaultExecutorUri(BoostTestExecutor.ExecutorUriString)] + public class BoostTestDiscoverer : ITestDiscoverer + { + #region Constants + + public const string DllExtension = ".dll"; + public const string ExeExtension = ".exe"; + + #endregion Constants + + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Default constructor (the one that is called off by Visual Studio before being able to call method DiscoverTests) + /// + public BoostTestDiscoverer() + :this(new DefaultBoostTestDiscovererFactory()) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor accepting an object of type IBoostTestDiscovererFactory (for mocking) + /// + /// + public BoostTestDiscoverer(IBoostTestDiscovererFactory newTestDiscovererFactory) + { + this.TestDiscovererFactory = newTestDiscovererFactory; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + private IBoostTestDiscovererFactory TestDiscovererFactory { get; set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region ITestDiscoverer + + /// + /// Method call by Visual studio ("discovered via reflection") for test enumeration + /// + /// path, target name and target extensions to discover + /// discovery context settings + /// + /// Unit test framework Sink + /// Entry point of the discovery procedure + public void DiscoverTests(IEnumerable sources, IDiscoveryContext discoveryContext, IMessageLogger logger, + ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink) + { +#if DEBUG && LAUNCH_DEBUGGER + System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch(); +#endif + + BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider.GetSettings(discoveryContext); + + BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions options = new BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions(); + options.ExternalTestRunnerSettings = settings.ExternalTestRunner; + + try + { + Logger.Initialize(logger); + + var sourceGroups = sources.GroupBy(Path.GetExtension); + + foreach (IGrouping sourceGroup in sourceGroups) + { + IBoostTestDiscoverer discoverer = TestDiscovererFactory.GetTestDiscoverer(sourceGroup.Key, options); + + if (discoverer != null) + { + discoverer.DiscoverTests(sourceGroup, discoveryContext, logger, discoverySink); + } + } + } + catch (Exception ex) + { + Logger.Error("Exception caught while discovering tests: {0} ({1})", ex.Message, ex.HResult); + Logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); + } + finally + { + Logger.Shutdown(); + } + } + + #endregion ITestDiscoverer + + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca6c737 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions.cs @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter +{ + /// + /// Options for Boost Test discoverer provisioning + /// + public class BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions + { + public ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings ExternalTestRunnerSettings { get; set; } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestDiscovererInternal.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestDiscovererInternal.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11b9cd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestDiscovererInternal.cs @@ -0,0 +1,357 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.IO; +using System.Linq; +using BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; +using VisualStudioAdapter; +using VSTestCase = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestCase; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter +{ + /// + /// Contains method to find boost test cases from list of files + /// + public class BoostTestDiscovererInternal + { + #region Constants + + /// + /// Constants identifying Boost Test tokens. + /// + private static class Constants + { + public const string TypedefListIdentifier = "typedef list"; + public const string TypedefMplListIdentifier = "typedef mpl::list"; + public const string TypedefBoostMplListIdentifier = "typedef boost::mpl::list"; + public const string AutoTestCaseIdentifier = "BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE"; + public const string FixtureTestCaseIdentifier = "BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE"; + public const string AutoTestSuiteIdentifier = "BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE"; + public const string FixtureTestSuiteIdentifier = "BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE"; + public const string AutoTestSuiteEndIdentifier = "BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END"; + public const string TestCaseTemplateIdentifier = "BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE"; + } + + #endregion Constants + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The Visual Studio instance provider + /// source filters object that will be used to filter inactive code + public BoostTestDiscovererInternal(IVisualStudioInstanceProvider provider, ISourceFilter[] newSourceFilters) + { + this.VSProvider = provider; + this._sourceFilters = newSourceFilters; + } + + #region Members + + /// + /// Collection of source filters which are applied to sources for correct test extraction + /// + private readonly ISourceFilter[] _sourceFilters; + + #endregion Members + + #region Properties + + /// + /// Visual Studio Instance provider + /// + public IVisualStudioInstanceProvider VSProvider { get; private set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region Public methods + + /// + /// gets (parses) all testcases from cpp files checking for + /// BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE and BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE parameter + /// + /// mapping between projectexe and the corresponding .cpp files + /// UTF component for collecting testcases + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")] + public void GetBoostTests(IDictionary solutionInfo, ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink) + { + if (solutionInfo != null) + { + foreach (KeyValuePair info in solutionInfo) + { + string source = info.Key; + ProjectInfo projectInfo = info.Value; + + foreach(var sourceFile in projectInfo.CppSourceFiles) + { + try + { + using (var sr = new StreamReader(sourceFile)) + { + try + { + var cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile() + { + FileName = sourceFile, + SourceCode = sr.ReadToEnd() + }; + + /* + * it is important that the pre-processor defines at project level are not modified + * because every source file in the project has to have the same starting point. + */ + + ApplySourceFilter(cppSourceFile, new Defines(projectInfo.DefinesHandler)); + //call to cpy ctor + DiscoverBoostTests(cppSourceFile, source, discoverySink); + } + catch (Exception ex) + { + Logger.Error( + "Exception raised while discovering tests from \"{0}\" of project \"{1}\", ({2})", + sourceFile, projectInfo.ProjectExe, ex.Message); + Logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); + } + } + } + catch + { + Logger.Error("Unable to open file \"{0}\" of project \"{1}\".", sourceFile, projectInfo.ProjectExe); + } + } + } + } + else + { + Logger.Error("the solutionInfo object was found to be null whilst"); + } + } + + /// + /// Discovers Boost Test from the provided C++ source file. Notifies test discovery via the provided discoverySink. + /// + /// The C++ source file to scan for Boost Tests + /// The associated test source EXE + /// The discoverySink to which identified tests will be notified to + private static void DiscoverBoostTests(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, string source, ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink) + { + string[] code = cppSourceFile.SourceCode.TrimEnd(new[] { ' ', '\n', '\r' }).Split('\n'); + + SourceFileInfo sourceInfo = new SourceFileInfo(cppSourceFile.FileName, 0); + + QualifiedNameBuilder suite = new QualifiedNameBuilder(); + // Push the equivalent of the Master Test Suite + suite.Push(QualifiedNameBuilder.DefaultMasterTestSuiteName); + + var templateLists = new Dictionary>(); + + foreach (string line in code) + { + ++sourceInfo.LineNumber; + + string[] splitMacro = line.Split(new[] { '<', '>', '(', ',', ')', ';' }); + string desiredMacro = splitMacro[0].Trim(); + + /* + * Currently the below is not able to handle BOOST UTF signatures spread over multiple lines. + */ + switch (desiredMacro) + { + case Constants.TypedefListIdentifier: + case Constants.TypedefMplListIdentifier: + case Constants.TypedefBoostMplListIdentifier: + { + var dataTypes = new List(); + int i; + + for (i = 1; i < splitMacro.Length - 2; ++i) + { + dataTypes.Add(splitMacro[i].Trim()); + } + + templateLists.Add(splitMacro[i].Trim(), dataTypes); + break; + } + + case Constants.TestCaseTemplateIdentifier: + { + string listName = splitMacro[3].Trim(); + //third parameter is the corresponding boost::mpl::list name + + if (templateLists.ContainsKey(listName)) + { + foreach (var dataType in templateLists[listName]) + { + string testCaseName = splitMacro[1].Trim(); + //first parameter is the test case name + string testCaseNameWithDataType = testCaseName + "<" + dataType + ">"; + + var testCase = CreateTestCase(source, sourceInfo, + suite, testCaseNameWithDataType); + + AddTestCase(testCase, discoverySink); + } + } + break; + } + + case Constants.FixtureTestSuiteIdentifier: + case Constants.AutoTestSuiteIdentifier: + { + suite.Push(splitMacro[1].Trim()); + break; + } + + case Constants.FixtureTestCaseIdentifier: + case Constants.AutoTestCaseIdentifier: + { + string testCaseName = splitMacro[1].Trim(); + + var testCase = CreateTestCase(source, sourceInfo, suite, + testCaseName); + + AddTestCase(testCase, discoverySink); + break; + } + + case Constants.AutoTestSuiteEndIdentifier: + { + suite.Pop(); + break; + } + default: + break; + } + } + } + + /// + /// Applies the filter actions created in the _sourceFilters object onto the source code + /// + /// source code related information + /// reference to the defines instances handling the pre-processor defines + private void ApplySourceFilter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler) + { + foreach (var sourceFilter in _sourceFilters) + { + sourceFilter.Filter(cppSourceFile, definesHandler); + } + } + + /// + /// Prepares the test case data. Maps each source to a project within the currently loaded solution. + /// + /// List of exe files present in the solution. + /// Dictionary mapping each source to a ProjectInfo that will be populated with the project information + public IDictionary PrepareTestCaseData(IEnumerable sources) + { + Dictionary solutionInfo = new Dictionary(); + + // Get the currently loaded VisualStudio instance + IVisualStudio vs = this.VSProvider.Instance; + + if (vs != null) + { + // Copy the enumerable to a list so that we can maintain/modify this local copy + List sourcesCopy = sources.ToList(); + + foreach (IProject project in vs.Solution.Projects) + { + IProjectConfiguration configuration = project.ActiveConfiguration; + + //Iterating over projects and then the sources for improved performance + int index = sourcesCopy.FindIndex(source => string.Equals(source, configuration.PrimaryOutput, StringComparison.Ordinal)); + if (index != -1) + { + ProjectInfo projectInfo = new ProjectInfo(sourcesCopy[index]); + + // Maintain (copied) list of sources so that we may exit early if possible + sourcesCopy.RemoveAt(index); + + projectInfo.DefinesHandler = configuration.CppCompilerOptions.PreprocessorDefinitions; + foreach (string sourceFile in project.SourceFiles) + { + projectInfo.CppSourceFiles.Add(sourceFile); + } + + solutionInfo.Add(projectInfo.ProjectExe, projectInfo); + + if (sourcesCopy.Count == 0) + { + break; + } + } + } + } + + return solutionInfo; + } + + #endregion Public methods + + #region Private helper methods + + /// + /// Creates a new TestCase object. + /// + /// Name of the project executable + /// .cpp file path and TestCase line number + /// The suite in which testcase is present + /// Name of the testcase + /// The created TestCase object + private static VSTestCase CreateTestCase(string sourceExe, SourceFileInfo sourceInfo, QualifiedNameBuilder suite, string testCaseName) + { + suite.Push(testCaseName); + + string qualifiedName = suite.ToString(); + + suite.Pop(); + + var testCase = new VSTestCase(qualifiedName, BoostTestExecutor.ExecutorUri, sourceExe) + { + CodeFilePath = sourceInfo.File, + LineNumber = sourceInfo.LineNumber, + DisplayName = testCaseName, + }; + + GroupViaTraits(suite.ToString(), testCase); + + return testCase; + } + + /// + /// Sets the Traits property for the testcase object. + /// + /// Name of the test suite to which the testcase belongs + /// [ref] The testcase object + private static void GroupViaTraits(string suiteName, VSTestCase testCase) + { + string traitName = suiteName; + + if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(suiteName)) + { + traitName = QualifiedNameBuilder.DefaultMasterTestSuiteName; + } + + testCase.Traits.Add(VSTestModel.TestSuiteTrait, traitName); + } + + /// + /// Helper methods which adds a test case to an internal list and sends the test to the discovery sink + /// + /// the test case to be added + /// the discovery sink where the test case is sent to + private static void AddTestCase(VSTestCase testCase, ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink) + { + //send to discovery sink + if (null != discoverySink) + { + Logger.Info("Found test: {0}", testCase.FullyQualifiedName); + discoverySink.SendTestCase(testCase); + } + } + + #endregion Private helper methods + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestExeDiscoverer.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestExeDiscoverer.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc707ca --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestExeDiscoverer.cs @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; +using BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Logging; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter +{ + /// + /// Implementation of ITestDiscoverer for Boost Tests contained within .exe files + /// + public class BoostTestExeDiscoverer : IBoostTestDiscoverer + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Default constructor + /// + public BoostTestExeDiscoverer() + : this(new DefaultVisualStudioInstanceProvider()) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// + public BoostTestExeDiscoverer(IVisualStudioInstanceProvider provider) + { + this.VSProvider = provider; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + public IVisualStudioInstanceProvider VSProvider { get; private set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region ITestDiscoverer + + /// + /// Find and pass all the testcases to discovery sink. + /// + /// Test files containing testcases + /// discovery context settings + /// + /// Unit test framework Sink + public void DiscoverTests(IEnumerable sources, IDiscoveryContext discoveryContext, + IMessageLogger logger, ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink) + { + + BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider.GetSettings(discoveryContext); + var testDiscovererInternal = new BoostTestDiscovererInternal(this.VSProvider, SourceFilterFactory.Get(settings)); + IDictionary solutioninfo = null; + + var numberOfAttempts = 100; + + // try several times to overcome "Application is Busy" COMException + while (numberOfAttempts > 0) + { + try + { + solutioninfo = testDiscovererInternal.PrepareTestCaseData(sources); + // set numberOfAttempts = 0, because there is no need to try again, + // since obviously no exception was thrown at this point + numberOfAttempts = 0; + } + catch (COMException) + { + --numberOfAttempts; + + // re-throw after all attempts have failed + if (numberOfAttempts == 0) + { + throw; + } + } + } + + testDiscovererInternal.GetBoostTests(solutioninfo, discoverySink); + } + + #endregion ITestDiscoverer + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestExecutor.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestExecutor.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d8ce33 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/BoostTestExecutor.cs @@ -0,0 +1,707 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.IO; +using System.Linq; +using System.Xml; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner; +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Logging; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio; +using VSTestCase = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestCase; +using VSTestResult = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestResult; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter +{ + /// + /// Implementation of ITestExecutor interface for Boost Tests. + /// + [ExtensionUri(ExecutorUriString)] + public class BoostTestExecutor : ITestExecutor + { + #region Constants + + public const string ExecutorUriString = "executor://BoostTestExecutor/v1"; + public static readonly Uri ExecutorUri = new Uri(ExecutorUriString); + + // Error issued by Boost Test when a test cannot be executed. + private const string TestNotFound = "Test setup error: no test cases matching filter"; + + /// + /// Static class aggregating constant file extensions. + /// + private static class FileExtensions + { + public const string LogFile = ".test.log.xml"; + public const string ReportFile = ""; + public const string StdOutFile = ".test.stdout.log"; + public const string StdErrFile = ".test.stderr.log"; + } + + #endregion Constants + + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Default constructor + /// + public BoostTestExecutor() + : this(new DefaultBoostTestDiscovererFactory(), new DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactory()) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The ITestDiscovererFactory which is to be used + /// The IBoostTestRunnerFactory which is to be used + public BoostTestExecutor(IBoostTestDiscovererFactory discovererFactory, IBoostTestRunnerFactory testRunnerFactory) + { + this.DiscovererFactory = discovererFactory; + this.TestRunnerFactory = testRunnerFactory; + + this._cancelled = false; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Member variables + + private volatile bool _cancelled = false; + + #endregion Member variables + + #region Properties + + private IBoostTestDiscovererFactory DiscovererFactory { get; set; } + + private IBoostTestRunnerFactory TestRunnerFactory { get; set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region Delegates + + private delegate BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs CommandLineArgsBuilder(string source, BoostTestAdapterSettings settings); + + #endregion Delegates + + /// + /// Factory function which returns an appropriate ITestDiscoverer + /// for the provided source or null if not applicable. + /// + /// The source module which requires test discovery + /// An IBoostTestDiscoverer valid for the provided source or null if none are available + private IBoostTestDiscoverer GetTestDiscoverer(string source, BoostTestAdapterSettings settings) + { + Utility.Code.Require(settings, "settings"); + + BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions options = new BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions(); + options.ExternalTestRunnerSettings = settings.ExternalTestRunner; + + return this.DiscovererFactory.GetTestDiscoverer(source, options); + } + + /// + /// Factory function which returns an appropriate IBoostTestRunner + /// for the provided source or null if not applicable. + /// + /// The test for which to retrieve the IBoostTestRunner + /// An IBoostTestRunner valid for the provided source or null if none are available + private IBoostTestRunner GetTestRunner(VSTestCase testCase, BoostTestAdapterSettings settings) + { + BoostTestRunnerFactoryOptions options = new BoostTestRunnerFactoryOptions(); + options.ExternalTestRunnerSettings = (settings == null) ? null : settings.ExternalTestRunner; + + IBoostTestRunner runner = this.TestRunnerFactory.GetRunner(testCase.Source, options); + + // Using null instance pattern to avoid null reference exceptions raised with use of Linq GroupBy statements + return (runner == null) ? NullTestRunner.Instance : runner; + } + + /// + /// Initialization routine for running tests + /// + /// The logger which will be used to emit log messages + private void SetUp(IMessageLogger logger) + { +#if DEBUG && LAUNCH_DEBUGGER + System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch(); +#endif + + this._cancelled = false; + Logger.Initialize(logger); + } + + /// + /// Termination/Cleanup routine for running tests + /// + private static void TearDown() + { + Logger.Shutdown(); + } + + #region ITestExecutor + + /// + /// Execute the tests one by one. Run All. + /// + /// Collection of test modules (exe/dll) + /// Solution properties + /// Unit test framework handle + /// Entry point of the execution procedure whenever the user requests to run all the tests + public void RunTests(IEnumerable sources, + IRunContext runContext, + IFrameworkHandle frameworkHandle) + { + Utility.Code.Require(sources, "sources"); + Utility.Code.Require(runContext, "runContext"); + Utility.Code.Require(frameworkHandle, "frameworkHandle"); + + SetUp(frameworkHandle); + + BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider.GetSettings(runContext); + + foreach (string source in sources) + { + if (this._cancelled) + { + break; + } + + IBoostTestDiscoverer discoverer = GetTestDiscoverer(source, settings); + + if (discoverer != null) + { + try + { + DefaultTestCaseDiscoverySink sink = new DefaultTestCaseDiscoverySink(); + + // NOTE IRunContext implements IDiscoveryContext + // NOTE IFrameworkHandle implements IMessageLogger + + // Re-discover tests so that we could make use of the RunTests overload which takes an enumeration of test cases. + // This is necessary since we need to run tests one by one in order to have the test adapter remain responsive + // and have a list of tests over which we can generate test results for. + discoverer.DiscoverTests(new string[] { source }, runContext, frameworkHandle, sink); + + IEnumerable batches = null; + if (runContext.IsDataCollectionEnabled) + { + // Batch tests into grouped runs based by source so that we avoid reloading symbols per test run + // NOTE For code-coverage speed is given preference over adapter responsiveness. + batches = BatchTestsPerSource(sink.Tests, settings, GetCodeCoverageArguments); + } + else + { + batches = BatchTestsIndividually(sink.Tests, settings, GetDefaultArguments); + } + + // Delegate to the RunBoostTests overload which takes an enumeration of test batches + RunBoostTests(batches, runContext, frameworkHandle); + } + catch (Exception ex) + { + Logger.Error("Exception caught while running tests from {0} ({1})", source, ex.Message); + } + } + else + { + Logger.Error("No suitable discoverer found for {0}.", source); + } + } + + TearDown(); + } + + /// + /// Execute the tests one by one. Run Selected + /// + /// Testcases object + /// Solution properties + /// Unit test framework handle + /// Entry point of the execution procedure whenever the user requests to run one or a specific lists of tests + public void RunTests(IEnumerable tests, IRunContext runContext, IFrameworkHandle frameworkHandle) + { + Utility.Code.Require(tests, "tests"); + Utility.Code.Require(runContext, "runContext"); + Utility.Code.Require(frameworkHandle, "frameworkHandle"); + + SetUp(frameworkHandle); + + BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider.GetSettings(runContext); + + IEnumerable batches = null; + if (runContext.IsDataCollectionEnabled) + { + // Batch tests into grouped runs based on test source and test suite so that we minimize symbol reloading + // + // NOTE Required batching at test suite level since Boost Unit Test Framework command-line arguments only allow + // multiple test name specification for tests which reside in the same test suite + // + // NOTE For code-coverage speed is given preference over adapter responsiveness. + batches = BatchTestsPerTestSuite(tests, settings, GetCodeCoverageArguments); + } + else + { + batches = BatchTestsIndividually(tests, settings, GetDefaultArguments); + } + + RunBoostTests(batches, runContext, frameworkHandle); + + TearDown(); + } + + /// + /// Cancel the execution of tests + /// + public void Cancel() + { + _cancelled = true; + } + + #endregion ITestExecutor + + #region Test Batching + + /// + /// Produces test runs, one per test source + /// + /// The tests to prepare in batches + /// Adapter settings which are currently in use + /// A builder which produces an appropriate BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs structure for a given test and settings pair + /// An enumeration of batched test runs, one per distinct test source + private IEnumerable BatchTestsPerSource(IEnumerable tests, BoostTestAdapterSettings settings, CommandLineArgsBuilder argsBuilder) + { + BoostTestRunnerSettings adaptedSettings = settings.TestRunnerSettings.Clone(); + adaptedSettings.Timeout = -1; + + return tests. + GroupBy((source) => GetTestRunner(source, settings), new BoostTestRunnerComparer()). + Where((group) => (group.Key != NullTestRunner.Instance)). + // Project IGrouping into TestRun instances + Select(group => + { + BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args = argsBuilder(group.Key.Source, settings); + + // NOTE the --run_test command-line arg is left empty so that all tests are executed + + return new TestRun(group.Key, group, args, adaptedSettings); + }); + } + + /// + /// Produces batched test runs grouped by source and test suite + /// + /// The tests to prepare in batches + /// Adapter settings which are currently in use + /// A builder which produces an appropriate BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs structure for a given test and settings pair + /// An enumeration of groups of tests batched into test runs + private IEnumerable BatchTestsPerTestSuite(IEnumerable tests, BoostTestAdapterSettings settings, CommandLineArgsBuilder argsBuilder) + { + BoostTestRunnerSettings adaptedSettings = settings.TestRunnerSettings.Clone(); + adaptedSettings.Timeout = -1; + + // Group by test runner + IEnumerable> sourceGroups = + tests.GroupBy((source) => GetTestRunner(source, settings), new BoostTestRunnerComparer()). + Where((group) => (group.Key != NullTestRunner.Instance)); + + foreach (IGrouping sourceGroup in sourceGroups) + { + // Group by test suite + IEnumerable> suiteGroups = sourceGroup.GroupBy(test => test.Traits.First(trait => (trait.Name == VSTestModel.TestSuiteTrait)).Value); + foreach (IGrouping suiteGroup in suiteGroups) + { + BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args = argsBuilder(sourceGroup.Key.Source, settings); + + foreach (VSTestCase test in suiteGroup) + { + // List all tests by display name + // but ensure that the first test is fully qualified so that remaining tests are taken relative to this test suite + args.Tests.Add((args.Tests.Count == 0) ? test.FullyQualifiedName : test.DisplayName); + } + + yield return new TestRun(sourceGroup.Key, suiteGroup, args, adaptedSettings); + } + } + } + + /// + /// Produces test runs, one per test case provided + /// + /// The tests to prepare in batches + /// Adapter settings which are currently in use + /// A builder which produces an appropriate BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs structure for a given test and settings pair + /// An enumeration of batched test runs, one per test + private IEnumerable BatchTestsIndividually(IEnumerable tests, BoostTestAdapterSettings settings, CommandLineArgsBuilder argsBuilder) + { + return tests.Select(test => + { + IBoostTestRunner runner = GetTestRunner(test, settings); + + if (runner == NullTestRunner.Instance) + { + return null; + } + + BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args = argsBuilder(runner.Source, settings); + args.Tests.Add(test.FullyQualifiedName); + + return new TestRun(runner, new VSTestCase[] { test }, args, settings.TestRunnerSettings); + }).Where((testRun) => (testRun != null)); + } + + /// + /// An equality comparer useful for grouping equivalent BoostTestRunners + /// + private class BoostTestRunnerComparer : IEqualityComparer + { + #region IEqualityComparer + + public bool Equals(IBoostTestRunner x, IBoostTestRunner y) + { + Utility.Code.Require(x, "x"); + Utility.Code.Require(y, "y"); + + return x.Source == y.Source; + } + + public int GetHashCode(IBoostTestRunner obj) + { + Utility.Code.Require(obj, "obj"); + + return obj.Source.GetHashCode(); + } + + #endregion IEqualityComparer + } + + #endregion Test Batching + + #region Helper methods + + /// + /// Run tests one test at a time and update results back to framework. + /// + /// List of test batches to run + /// Solution properties + /// Unit test framework handle + private void RunBoostTests(IEnumerable testBatches, IRunContext runContext, IFrameworkHandle frameworkHandle) + { + BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider.GetSettings(runContext); + + foreach (TestRun batch in testBatches) + { + if (_cancelled) + { + break; + } + + DateTimeOffset start = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now); + + try + { + Logger.Info("{0}: -> [{1}]", ((runContext.IsBeingDebugged) ? "Debugging" : "Executing"), string.Join(", ", batch.Tests)); + + CleanOutput(batch.Arguments); + + // Execute the tests + if (ExecuteTests(batch, runContext, frameworkHandle)) + { + foreach (VSTestResult result in GenerateTestResults(batch, start, settings)) + { + // Identify test result to Visual Studio Test framework + frameworkHandle.RecordResult(result); + } + } + } + catch (BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner.TimeoutException ex) + { + foreach (VSTestCase testCase in batch.Tests) + { + VSTestResult testResult = GenerateTimeoutResult(testCase, ex); + testResult.StartTime = start; + + frameworkHandle.RecordResult(testResult); + } + } + catch (Exception ex) + { + Logger.Error("Exception caught while running test batch {0} [{1}] ({2})", batch.Source, string.Join(", ", batch.Tests), ex.Message); + } + } + } + + /// + /// Delete output files. + /// + /// The BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs which contains references to output files. + private static void CleanOutput(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args) + { + DeleteFile(args.LogFile); + DeleteFile(args.ReportFile); + DeleteFile(args.StandardOutFile); + DeleteFile(args.StandardErrorFile); + } + + /// + /// Checks to see if the file is available and deletes it. + /// + /// The file to delete. + /// true if the file is deleted; false otherwise. + private static bool DeleteFile(string file) + { + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file) && File.Exists(file)) + { + File.Delete(file); + return true; + } + + return false; + } + + /// + /// Executes the provided test batch + /// + /// The test batch which will be executed. + /// The RunContext for this TestCase. Determines whether the test should be debugged or not. + /// The FrameworkHandle for this test execution instance. + /// + private static bool ExecuteTests(TestRun run, IRunContext runContext, IFrameworkHandle frameworkHandle) + { + if (run.Runner != null) + { + if (runContext.IsBeingDebugged) + { + run.Debug(frameworkHandle); + } + else + { + run.Run(); + } + } + else + { + Logger.Error("No suitable executor found for [{0}].", string.Join(", ", run.Tests)); + } + + return run.Runner != null; + } + + /// + /// Factory function which returns an appropriate BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs structure + /// + /// The TestCases source + /// The Boost Test adapter settings currently in use + /// A BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs structure for the provided source + private BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs GetDefaultArguments(string source, BoostTestAdapterSettings settings) + { + BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args = new BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs(); + + args.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(source); + + string filename = Path.GetFileName(source); + + // Specify log and report file information + args.LogFormat = OutputFormat.XML; + args.LogLevel = settings.LogLevel; + args.LogFile = SanitizeFileName(filename + FileExtensions.LogFile); + + args.ReportFormat = OutputFormat.XML; + args.ReportLevel = ReportLevel.Detailed; + args.ReportFile = SanitizeFileName(filename + FileExtensions.ReportFile); + + args.StandardOutFile = SanitizeFileName(filename + FileExtensions.StdOutFile); + args.StandardErrorFile = SanitizeFileName(filename + FileExtensions.StdErrFile); + + return args; + } + + /// + /// Factory function which returns an appropriate BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs structure for code coverage + /// + /// The TestCases source + /// The Boost Test adapter settings currently in use + /// A BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs structure for the provided source + private BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs GetCodeCoverageArguments(string source, BoostTestAdapterSettings settings) + { + BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args = GetDefaultArguments(source, settings); + + // Disable standard error/standard output capture + args.StandardOutFile = null; + args.StandardErrorFile = null; + + // Disable memory leak detection + args.DetectMemoryLeaks = 0; + + return args; + } + + /// + /// Sanitizes a file name suitable for Boost Test command line argument values + /// + /// The filename to sanitize. + /// The sanitized filename. + private static string SanitizeFileName(string file) + { + return file.Replace(' ', '_'); + } + + /// + /// Generates TestResults based on Boost Test result output. + /// + /// The tests which have been executed in the prior test run. + /// The test execution start time. + /// boost test adapter settings + /// A Visual Studio TestResult related to the executed test. + private static IEnumerable GenerateTestResults(TestRun testRun, DateTimeOffset start, BoostTestAdapterSettings settings) + { + return GenerateTestResults(testRun, start, DateTimeOffset.Now, settings); + } + + /// + /// Generates TestResults based on Boost Test result output. + /// + /// The tests which have been executed in the prior test run. + /// The test execution start time. + /// The test execution end time. + /// boost test adapter settings + /// A Visual Studio TestResult related to the executed test. + private static IEnumerable GenerateTestResults(TestRun testRun, DateTimeOffset start, DateTimeOffset end, BoostTestAdapterSettings settings) + { + TestResultCollection results = new TestResultCollection(); + + try + { + results.Parse(testRun.Arguments, settings); + } + catch (XmlException) + { + string text = File.ReadAllText(testRun.Arguments.ReportFile); + + if (text.Trim() == TestNotFound) + { + return testRun.Tests.Select(GenerateNotFoundResult); + } + else + { + // Re-throw the exception + throw; + } + } + + return testRun.Tests. + Select(test => + { + // Locate the test result associated to the current test + BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.TestResult result = results[test.FullyQualifiedName]; + + if (result != null) + { + // Convert the Boost.Test.Result data structure into an equivalent Visual Studio model + VSTestResult vsResult = result.AsVSTestResult(test); + vsResult.StartTime = start; + vsResult.EndTime = end; + + return vsResult; + } + + return null; + }). + Where(result => (result != null)); + } + + /// + /// Generates a default TestResult for a timeout exception. + /// + /// The test which failed due to a timeout. + /// The exception related to this timeout. + /// A timed-out, failed TestResult related to the provided test. + private static VSTestResult GenerateTimeoutResult(VSTestCase test, BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner.TimeoutException ex) + { + VSTestResult result = new VSTestResult(test); + + result.ComputerName = Environment.MachineName; + + result.Outcome = TestOutcome.Failed; + result.Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(ex.Timeout); + result.ErrorMessage = "Timeout exceeded. Test ran for more than " + ex.Timeout + " ms."; + + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(test.CodeFilePath)) + { + result.ErrorStackTrace = new SourceFileInfo(test.CodeFilePath, test.LineNumber).ToString(); + } + + return result; + } + + /// + /// Generates a default TestResult for a 'test not found' exception. + /// + /// The test which failed due to a timeout. + /// A timed-out, failed TestResult related to the provided test. + private static VSTestResult GenerateNotFoundResult(VSTestCase test) + { + VSTestResult result = new VSTestResult(test); + + result.ComputerName = Environment.MachineName; + + result.Outcome = TestOutcome.Skipped; + result.ErrorMessage = GetNotFoundErrorMessage(test); + + return result; + } + + /// + /// Provides a suitable message in case the provided test is not found. + /// + /// The test which was not found. + /// A suitable 'not-found' for the provided test case. + private static string GetNotFoundErrorMessage(VSTestCase test) + { + if (test.FullyQualifiedName.Contains(' ')) + { + return TestNotFound + " (Test name contains spaces)"; + } + else if (test.FullyQualifiedName.Contains(',')) + { + return TestNotFound + " (Test name contains commas)"; + } + + return TestNotFound; + } + + #endregion Helper methods + + #region Helper classes + + private class NullTestRunner : IBoostTestRunner + { + #region IBoostTestRunner + + public void Debug(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestRunnerSettings settings, IFrameworkHandle framework) + { + // NO OP + } + + public void Run(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestRunnerSettings settings) + { + // NO OP + } + + public string Source + { + get { return string.Empty; } + } + + #endregion IBoostTestRunner + + public static readonly IBoostTestRunner Instance = new NullTestRunner(); + } + + #endregion Helper classes + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/DefaultBoostTestDiscovererFactory.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/DefaultBoostTestDiscovererFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a857922 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/DefaultBoostTestDiscovererFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +using System.IO; +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter +{ + /// + /// Default implementation for IBoostTestDiscovererFactory. + /// + public class DefaultBoostTestDiscovererFactory : IBoostTestDiscovererFactory + { + #region IBoostTestDiscovererFactory + + /// + /// Provides a test discoverer based on the extension type of the identifier. + /// + /// The output path and name of the target name along with its extension + /// A structure which states particular features of interest in the manufactured product. + /// An IBoostTestDiscoverer instance or null if one cannot be provided. + public IBoostTestDiscoverer GetTestDiscoverer(string identifier, BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions options) + { + IBoostTestDiscoverer discoverer = null; + + // Prefer external test discoverers over internal ones + if ((options != null) && (options.ExternalTestRunnerSettings != null)) + { + discoverer = GetExternalTestDiscoverer(identifier, options.ExternalTestRunnerSettings); + } + + if (discoverer == null) + { + discoverer = GetInternalTestDiscoverer(identifier); + } + + return discoverer; + } + + private static IBoostTestDiscoverer GetInternalTestDiscoverer(string source) + { + switch (Path.GetExtension(source)) + { + case ".exe": return new BoostTestExeDiscoverer(); + } + + return null; + } + + private static IBoostTestDiscoverer GetExternalTestDiscoverer(string source, ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings settings) + { + Utility.Code.Require(settings, "settings"); + + if (settings.ExtensionType == Path.GetExtension(source)) + { + return new ExternalBoostTestDiscoverer(settings); + } + + return null; + } + + #endregion IBoostTestDiscovererFactory + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/ExternalBoostTestDiscoverer.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/ExternalBoostTestDiscoverer.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b58805 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/ExternalBoostTestDiscoverer.cs @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Diagnostics; +using System.IO; +using System.Xml.Serialization; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test; +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Logging; +using TestCase = BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test.TestCase; +using VSTestCase = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestCase; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter +{ + /// + /// A Boost Test Discoverer which discovers tests based on configuration. + /// + public class ExternalBoostTestDiscoverer : IBoostTestDiscoverer + { + #region Constants + + private const string ListFileSuffix = ".test.list.xml"; + + #endregion Constants + + public ExternalBoostTestDiscoverer(ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings settings) + { + this.Settings = settings; + } + + public ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings Settings { get; private set; } + + #region IBoostTestDiscoverer + + public void DiscoverTests(IEnumerable sources, IDiscoveryContext discoveryContext, IMessageLogger logger, ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink) + { + Utility.Code.Require(sources, "sources"); + Utility.Code.Require(discoverySink, "discoverySink"); + + foreach (string source in sources) + { + TestFramework framework = DiscoverTestFramework(source); + + if ((framework != null) && (framework.MasterTestSuite != null)) + { + BoostTestCaseDiscoverer frameworkDiscoverer = new BoostTestCaseDiscoverer(source, discoverySink); + framework.MasterTestSuite.Apply(frameworkDiscoverer); + } + } + } + + #endregion IBoostTestDiscoverer + + /// + /// Based on the establishsed configuration, discovers the tests within the provided test source module. + /// + /// The test source module + /// The test framework describing all tests contained within the test source or null if one cannot be provided. + private TestFramework DiscoverTestFramework(string source) + { + if (this.Settings.DiscoveryMethodType == DiscoveryMethodType.DiscoveryFileMap) + { + return ParseStaticTestList(source); + } + else if (this.Settings.DiscoveryMethodType == DiscoveryMethodType.DiscoveryCommandLine) + { + return ExecuteExternalDiscoveryCommand(source); + } + + return null; + } + + /// + /// Executes the discovery command as specified in the configuration for the requested test source. + /// + /// The test source module + /// The test framework describing all tests contained within the test source or null if one cannot be provided. + private TestFramework ExecuteExternalDiscoveryCommand(string source) + { + // Use a temporary file to host the result of the external discovery process + string path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(source), Path.GetFileName(source) + ListFileSuffix); + + // Perform cleanup to avoid inconsistent listing + if (File.Exists(path)) + { + File.Delete(path); + } + + CommandEvaluator evaluator = new CommandEvaluator(); + + evaluator.SetVariable("source", source); + evaluator.SetVariable("out", path); + + // Evaluate the discovery command + CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine + { + FileName = evaluator.Evaluate(this.Settings.DiscoveryCommandLine.FileName).Result, + Arguments = evaluator.Evaluate(this.Settings.DiscoveryCommandLine.Arguments).Result + }; + + // Execute the discovery command via an external process + if (ExecuteCommand(commandLine)) + { + // Parse the generate TestFramework from the temporary file + return ParseTestFramework(path); + } + + return null; + } + + /// + /// Executes the provided command line as an external process. + /// + /// The process command line + /// true if the process terminated successfully (exit code = 0); false otherwise. + private static bool ExecuteCommand(CommandLine commandLine) + { + ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo + { + CreateNoWindow = false, + UseShellExecute = false, + WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, + WorkingDirectory = Path.GetTempPath(), + FileName = commandLine.FileName, + Arguments = commandLine.Arguments, + RedirectStandardError = false, + RedirectStandardInput = false + }; + + Process process = Process.Start(ProcessStartInfoEx.StartThroughCmdShell(info)); + if (process != null) + { + process.WaitForExit(); + + return (process.ExitCode == 0); + } + + return false; + } + + /// + /// Parses a static file containing the test lising for the requested test source as specified in the configuration. + /// + /// The test source module + /// The test framework describing all tests contained within the test source or null if one cannot be provided. + private TestFramework ParseStaticTestList(string source) + { + string path = null; + if (this.Settings.DiscoveryFileMap.TryGetValue(Path.GetFileName(source), out path)) + { + return ParseTestFramework(path); + } + + return null; + } + + /// + /// Deserializes a TestFramework from the Xml file path provided. + /// + /// A valid path to a TestFramework Xml file. + /// The deserialized TestFramework + private static TestFramework ParseTestFramework(string path) + { + using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(path)) + { + XmlSerializer deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TestFramework)); + return deserializer.Deserialize(stream) as TestFramework; + } + } + + /// + /// ITestVisitor implementation. Visits TestCases and registers them + /// with the supplied ITestCaseDiscoverySink. + /// + private class BoostTestCaseDiscoverer : ITestVisitor + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The source test module which contains the discovered tests + /// The ITestCaseDiscoverySink which will have tests registered with + public BoostTestCaseDiscoverer(string source, ITestCaseDiscoverySink sink) + { + this.Source = source; + this.Sink = sink; + + this.TestSuite = new QualifiedNameBuilder(); + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + public ITestCaseDiscoverySink Sink { get; private set; } + + private QualifiedNameBuilder TestSuite { get; set; } + + public uint Count { get; private set; } + + private TestSuite MasterTestSuite { get; set; } + + public string Source { get; private set; } + + #endregion Properties + + public void Visit(Boost.Test.TestCase testCase) + { + Utility.Code.Require(testCase, "testCase"); + + // Convert from Boost.Test.TestCase to a Visual Studio TestCase object + VSTestCase test = GenerateTestCase(testCase); + + if (test != null) + { + Logger.Info("Found test: {0}", testCase.FullyQualifiedName); + + ++this.Count; + + // Register test case + this.Sink.SendTestCase(test); + } + } + + public void Visit(TestSuite testSuite) + { + Utility.Code.Require(testSuite, "testSuite"); + + this.TestSuite.Push(testSuite); + + // Identify Master Test Suite + if ((this.MasterTestSuite == null) && (testSuite.Parent == null)) + { + this.MasterTestSuite = testSuite; + } + + foreach (TestUnit child in testSuite.Children) + { + child.Apply(this); + } + + this.TestSuite.Pop(); + } + + /// + /// Generates a Visual Studio equivalent test case structure. + /// + /// The Boost.Test.TestCase to convert. + /// An equivalent Visual Studio TestCase structure to the one provided. + private VSTestCase GenerateTestCase(TestCase testCase) + { + // Temporarily push TestCase on TestSuite name builder to acquire the fully qualified name of the TestCase + this.TestSuite.Push(testCase); + + VSTestCase test = new VSTestCase( + this.TestSuite.ToString(), + BoostTestExecutor.ExecutorUri, + this.Source + ); + + // Reset TestSuite QualifiedNameBuilder to original value + this.TestSuite.Pop(); + + if (testCase.Source != null) + { + test.CodeFilePath = testCase.Source.File; + test.LineNumber = testCase.Source.LineNumber; + } + + test.DisplayName = testCase.Name; + + // Register the test suite as a trait + test.Traits.Add(new Trait(VSTestModel.TestSuiteTrait, GetCurrentTestSuite())); + + return test; + } + + /// + /// Provides the fully qualified name of the current TestSuite + /// + /// The fully qualified name of the current TestSuite + private string GetCurrentTestSuite() + { + // Since the master test suite name is not included in the fully qualified name, identify + // this edge case and explicitly return the master test suite name in such cases. + if (this.TestSuite.Level == QualifiedNameBuilder.MasterTestSuiteLevel) + { + return (this.MasterTestSuite == null) ? QualifiedNameBuilder.DefaultMasterTestSuiteName : this.MasterTestSuite.Name; + } + + return this.TestSuite.ToString(); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a4154c8bc93469078e43b62b16153cebc8bc8dbc GIT binary patch literal 7554 zcmeI1U2juI5QgWvQvZYH-cSk5*F{xSDkYG#Q3)WNQczW?COL83ICkW74EWEteV>^u z=PM3K!30_>O6+rXclMo`cV=fc|NMQ^Zd%9o?8ruz>)W9|$Cl|^JkRwuvjaW9vW5OW zu&JIH->``dGNiq_N`cvtxam+o^tLT9@l*_v~|ELzncmeI*p&7-&_Y zc_ZyM*Ei;O^m*hXj3a|jr&`x>T?p(p;j_?qLC8CKu@_e0N==MzTc8F&>HNX zYtGc?@)Vk~9_yb-0&)hLli772U-(?UGkPLRf|}<{tM@C`DDmvM9s}*i9)Ygzv#>?l zzqEAX3-a;XP}V8zhW5cb`*y7NVY$GA|C8TgNjX}gxrk%Ip}C|NlEkj3!XA7}=(;V& zbsC)O`pRVCD%KK3*LECVlfB6j+uD^#=~gV-v6n(K7peodDExpE6V0nKHCcK&U(Xb)nK=nHm(`**#=zTtJo?rHD7M<}s$qPY)+8vBDR7dCv9>wU6$Gpc(nTh^oZ zn)KgwDMVbZ-$O}dAD9UrCYphty4qvIZrd%pqu+b_{#vs~veaWCsxvva-!uYmwk79{ z@>8%nKaWGPs-FMmTXoy|+B)g2wn7gU9q5YntEQIAi^G>xRv4YNcai(1|A;8aR z1UnIzpbIA82bcnj$d)NJdE2sY1r9Ti~&DE#BE7avN0*XD{^>C*q;6 zeY-Rt6Q9&KmtkC)r+fBHvWWCJ_j~q87>Bmydd##}c|x?uw(PBEa`Jm*=g-r37oC}R z-FFYAb$I82*hw{aWIxF=)E6`7Yg^aSGU1E%*;%ah#g@hYVH zKF!bVn%G50!Ffx)!g))b6U<9zYpUg;MeSA}`U8#QzbvALKTn z*|jXYWv#Ee-sntrgr~5(x~W*7-m76iJ4&hGsAZ{c`L9v`UZUQma+8(%o)_w1A6?mP VRQvp>-d6>-C*C=o`roo={TD(mP=5db literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/IBoostTestDiscoverer.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/IBoostTestDiscoverer.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38aff16 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/IBoostTestDiscoverer.cs @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Logging; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter +{ + public interface IBoostTestDiscoverer + { + void DiscoverTests(IEnumerable sources, IDiscoveryContext discoveryContext, IMessageLogger logger, + ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/IBoostTestDiscovererFactory.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/IBoostTestDiscovererFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e00c42 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/IBoostTestDiscovererFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +namespace BoostTestAdapter +{ + /// + /// Abstract Factory which provides ITestDiscoverer instances. + /// + public interface IBoostTestDiscovererFactory + { + /// + /// Returns an IBoostTestDiscoverer based on the provided identifier. + /// + /// A unique identifier able to distinguish different ITestDiscoverer types. + /// A structure which states particular features of interest in the manufactured product. + /// An IBoostTestDiscoverer instance or null if one cannot be provided. + IBoostTestDiscoverer GetTestDiscoverer(string identifier, BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions options); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/ProjectInfo.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/ProjectInfo.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20a9eda --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/ProjectInfo.cs @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter +{ + /// + /// Aggregates necessary project information for EXE Boost test discovery. + /// + public class ProjectInfo + { + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The EXE test source path + public ProjectInfo(string projectExe) + { + ProjectExe = projectExe; + CppSourceFiles = new List(); + } + + /// + /// Preprocessor definitions in use by the test source + /// + public Defines DefinesHandler { get; set; } + + /// + /// Collection of C++ source files related to the test source + /// + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Cpp")] + public IList CppSourceFiles { get; private set; } + + /// + /// Boost Test EXE source path + /// + public string ProjectExe { get; private set; } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52ef303 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +using System; +using System.Reflection; +using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; + +// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following +// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information +// associated with an assembly. + +[assembly: AssemblyTitle("BoostTestAdapter")] +[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] +[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] +[assembly: AssemblyProduct("BoostTestAdapter")] +[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2013")] +[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] +[assembly: CLSCompliant(false)] + +// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible +// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from +// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type. + +[assembly: ComVisible(false)] + +// The following GUID is for the Id of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM + +[assembly: Guid("28c1228a-afc5-4bf9-9cc7-fa3d2e81a8ff")] + +// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: +// +// Major Version +// Minor Version +// Build Number +// Revision +// +// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers +// by using the '*' as shown below: +// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] +[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] +[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] +[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("BoostTestAdaptorNUnit")] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Settings/BoostTestAdapterSettings.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Settings/BoostTestAdapterSettings.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0640c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Settings/BoostTestAdapterSettings.cs @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +using System.ComponentModel; +using System.Xml; +using System.Xml.Serialization; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Settings +{ + /// + /// Settings relating to the Boost Test Visual Studio Adapter. + /// + /// + /// Distinguish between BoostTestAdapterSettings and BoostTestRunnerSettings. + /// BoostTestAdapterSettings aggregate both adapter specific settings and + /// BoostTestRunner settings as required. + /// + [XmlRoot(XmlRootName)] + public class BoostTestAdapterSettings : TestRunSettings + { + public const string XmlRootName = "BoostTest"; + + public BoostTestAdapterSettings() : + base(XmlRootName) + { + this.TestRunnerSettings = new BoostTestRunnerSettings(); + + // Set default configuration values + + this.FailTestOnMemoryLeak = false; + + this.ConditionalInclusionsFilteringEnabled = true; + + this.LogLevel = LogLevel.TestSuite; + + this.ExternalTestRunner = null; + } + + #region Properties + + #region Serialisable Fields + + [DefaultValue(-1)] + public int TimeoutMilliseconds + { + get + { + return this.TestRunnerSettings.Timeout; + } + + set + { + this.TestRunnerSettings.Timeout = value; + } + } + + [DefaultValue(false)] + public bool FailTestOnMemoryLeak { get; set; } + + [DefaultValue(true)] + public bool ConditionalInclusionsFilteringEnabled { get; set; } + + [DefaultValue(LogLevel.TestSuite)] + public LogLevel LogLevel { get; set; } + + public ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings ExternalTestRunner { get; set; } + + #endregion Serialisable Fields + + [XmlIgnore] + public BoostTestRunnerSettings TestRunnerSettings { get; private set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region TestRunSettings + + public override XmlElement ToXml() + { + XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); + + using (XmlWriter writer = doc.CreateNavigator().AppendChild()) + { + XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(BoostTestAdapterSettings)); + serializer.Serialize(writer, this); + } + + // Remove any namespace related attributes + doc.DocumentElement.RemoveAllAttributes(); + + return doc.DocumentElement; + } + + #endregion TestRunSettings + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Settings/BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Settings/BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f664c22 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Settings/BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider.cs @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +using System.ComponentModel.Composition; +using System.Xml; +using System.Xml.Serialization; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Settings +{ + /// + /// A Visual Studio ISettingsProvider implementation. Provisions BoostTestAdapterSettings. + /// + [Export(typeof(ISettingsProvider))] + [SettingsName(BoostTestAdapterSettings.XmlRootName)] + public class BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider : ISettingsProvider + { + #region Constructors + + public BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider() + { + this.Settings = new BoostTestAdapterSettings(); + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + /// + /// Reference to the recently loaded settings. May be null if no settings were specified or the settings failed to load. + /// + public BoostTestAdapterSettings Settings { get; private set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region ISettingsProvider + + public void Load(XmlReader reader) + { + Utility.Code.Require(reader, "reader"); + + // NOTE This method gets called if the settings name matches the node name as expected. + + if (reader.Read() && reader.Name.Equals(BoostTestAdapterSettings.XmlRootName)) + { + XmlSerializer deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(BoostTestAdapterSettings)); + this.Settings = deserializer.Deserialize(reader) as BoostTestAdapterSettings; + } + } + + #endregion ISettingsProvider + + /// + /// Builds a BoostTestAdapterSettings structure based on the information located within the IDiscoveryContext instance. + /// + /// The discovery context instance + /// A BoostTestRunnerSettings instance based on the information identified via the provided IDiscoveryContext instance. + public static BoostTestAdapterSettings GetSettings(IDiscoveryContext context) + { + Utility.Code.Require(context, "context"); + + BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = new BoostTestAdapterSettings(); + + BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider provider = (context.RunSettings == null) ? null : context.RunSettings.GetSettings(BoostTestAdapterSettings.XmlRootName) as BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider; + if (provider != null) + { + settings = provider.Settings; + } + + // Return defaults + return settings; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Settings/ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Settings/ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca235c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Settings/ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings.cs @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Xml; +using System.Xml.Schema; +using System.Xml.Serialization; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Settings +{ + [Serializable] + public enum DiscoveryMethodType + { + DiscoveryCommandLine, + DiscoveryFileMap + } + + /// + /// Identifies the external test runner configuration block and its configuration options. + /// + [XmlRoot(Xml.ExternalTestRunner)] + public class ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings : IXmlSerializable + { + #region Constants + + public const string DefaultExtensionType = ".dll"; + + #endregion Constants + + #region Constructors + + public ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings() + { + this.ExtensionType = DefaultExtensionType; + this.DiscoveryFileMap = new Dictionary(); + + this.DiscoveryCommandLine = new CommandLine(); + this.ExecutionCommandLine = new CommandLine(); + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + /// + /// Specifies the file extension for which this test runner applies to + /// + public string ExtensionType { get; set; } + + /// + /// Specifies the discovery method i.e. either via a file map or via an external command + /// + public DiscoveryMethodType DiscoveryMethodType { get; set; } + + /// + /// Maps a source to a test discover Xml file path + /// + public IDictionary DiscoveryFileMap { get; private set; } + + public CommandLine DiscoveryCommandLine { get; set; } + + public CommandLine ExecutionCommandLine { get; set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region IXmlSerializable + + private static class Xml + { + public const string ExternalTestRunner = "ExternalTestRunner"; + public const string Type = "type"; + + public const string DiscoveryCommandLine = "DiscoveryCommandLine"; + + public const string DiscoveryFileMap = "DiscoveryFileMap"; + public const string DiscoveryFileMapEntry = "File"; + public const string DiscoveryFileMapSource = "source"; + + public const string ExecutionCommandLine = "ExecutionCommandLine"; + } + + public XmlSchema GetSchema() + { + return null; + } + + public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader) + { + Utility.Code.Require(reader, "reader"); + + this.ExtensionType = reader.GetAttribute(Xml.Type); + if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ExtensionType)) + { + this.ExtensionType = DefaultExtensionType; + } + + reader.ReadStartElement(); + + reader.ConsumeUntilFirst(XmlReaderHelper.ElementFilter); + + bool empty = reader.IsEmptyElement; + string name = reader.Name; + + this.DiscoveryMethodType = (DiscoveryMethodType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DiscoveryMethodType), name); + + reader.ReadStartElement(); + if (name == Xml.DiscoveryCommandLine) + { + empty = false; + this.DiscoveryCommandLine = CommandLine.FromString(reader.ReadString()); + } + else if (name == Xml.DiscoveryFileMap) + { + reader.ConsumeUntilFirst(XmlReaderHelper.ElementFilter); + while (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) + { + string key = reader.GetAttribute(Xml.DiscoveryFileMapSource); + + reader.MoveToElement(); + empty = reader.IsEmptyElement; + reader.ReadStartElement(); + + this.DiscoveryFileMap[key] = (empty) ? string.Empty : reader.ReadString(); + + if (!empty) + { + reader.ReadEndElement(); + } + + reader.ConsumeUntilFirst(XmlReaderHelper.ElementFilter); + } + } + + if (!empty) + { + reader.ReadEndElement(); + } + + reader.ConsumeUntilFirst(XmlReaderHelper.ElementFilter); + this.ExecutionCommandLine = CommandLine.FromString(reader.ReadElementString(Xml.ExecutionCommandLine)); + + reader.ReadEndElement(); + } + + public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer) + { + Utility.Code.Require(writer, "writer"); + + writer.WriteAttributeString(Xml.Type, this.ExtensionType); + + if (DiscoveryMethodType == DiscoveryMethodType.DiscoveryCommandLine) + { + writer.WriteElementString(Xml.DiscoveryCommandLine, this.DiscoveryCommandLine.ToString()); + } + else if (DiscoveryMethodType == DiscoveryMethodType.DiscoveryFileMap) + { + if (this.DiscoveryFileMap.Count > 0) + { + writer.WriteStartElement(Xml.DiscoveryFileMap); + + foreach (KeyValuePair entry in this.DiscoveryFileMap) + { + writer.WriteStartElement(Xml.DiscoveryFileMapEntry); + + writer.WriteAttributeString(Xml.DiscoveryFileMapSource, entry.Key); + writer.WriteString(entry.Value); + + writer.WriteEndElement(); + } + + writer.WriteEndElement(); + } + } + + writer.WriteElementString(Xml.ExecutionCommandLine, this.ExecutionCommandLine.ToString()); + } + + #endregion IXmlSerializable + + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/ConditionalInclusionsMachine.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/ConditionalInclusionsMachine.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49077e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/ConditionalInclusionsMachine.cs @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Text.RegularExpressions; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter.ConditionalInclusions +{ + internal enum SourceLineType + { + Other = 1, + Ifclause, + Elifclause, + Elseclause, + Endifclause, + Defineclause, + MultiLineDefineclause, + Undefineclause, + Ifdefclause, + Ifndefclause + } + + internal enum ParserState + { + NormalState = 1, + IncludingDueToIf, + DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf, + DiscardingDueToFailedIf, + DiscardingDueToMultilineDefine + } + + /// + /// Filters source code that is controlled via the preprocessor directives such as: + /// #if, #elif, #else, #endif, #ifdef, #ifndef, #undef, #define, #if defined and if !defined + /// + public class ConditionalInclusionsMachine + { + private static readonly Regex LinefeedRegex = new Regex(@"[ \t]*?\r??\n", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline); + private static readonly Regex UndefineRegex = new Regex(@"#undef\s{1,}(\w{1,})"); + private static readonly Regex IfdefRegex = new Regex(@"#if(?:(?:\s{1,}defined)|(?:def))\s{1,}(\w{1,})"); + private static readonly Regex IfndefRegex = new Regex(@"#if(?:(?:\s{1,}!(?:\s{0,})defined)|(?:ndef))\s{1,}(\w{1,})"); + private static readonly Regex IfRegex = new Regex(@"#if\s+?(.+)"); + private static readonly Regex ElifRegex = new Regex(@"#elif\s+?(.+)"); + private static readonly Regex ElseRegex = new Regex(@"#else"); + private static readonly Regex EndifRegex = new Regex(@"#endif"); + private static readonly Regex DefineRegex = new Regex(@"#define\s+(\w{1,})(.*)"); + private static readonly Regex DefineRegexMacro = new Regex(@"#define\s{1,}(\w{1,})\("); + private static readonly Regex DefineRegexMultiline = new Regex(@"#define\s{1,}(\w{1,}).*\\\s{0,}$", RegexOptions.Multiline); + + private readonly IConditionalInclusionsState _normalState; + private readonly IConditionalInclusionsState _includingDueToIf; + private readonly IConditionalInclusionsState _discardingDueToSuccessfullIf; + private readonly IConditionalInclusionsState _discardingDueToFailedIf; + private readonly IConditionalInclusionsState _discardingDueToMultilineDefine; + + private IConditionalInclusionsState _conditionalInclusionsMachineState; + + private readonly Stack _parserState; + + /// + /// + /// + internal IEvaluation Evaluator { get; private set; } + + internal Defines DefinesHandler { get; private set; } + + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor accepting an expression evaluator object + /// + public ConditionalInclusionsMachine(IEvaluation evaluator) + { + this.Evaluator = evaluator; + this._parserState = new Stack(); + + _normalState = new NormalState(this); + _includingDueToIf = new IncludingDueToIf(this); + _discardingDueToSuccessfullIf = new DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf(this); + _discardingDueToFailedIf = new DiscardingDueToFailedIf(this); + _discardingDueToMultilineDefine = new DiscardingDueToMultilineDefine(this); + } + + #endregion Constructors + + /// + /// Updates the state machine according to the state indicated by the top most element of the stack + /// + private void UpdateStateMachine() + { + switch (_parserState.Peek()) + { + case ParserState.NormalState: + _conditionalInclusionsMachineState = _normalState; + break; + + case ParserState.IncludingDueToIf: + _conditionalInclusionsMachineState = _includingDueToIf; + break; + + case ParserState.DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf: + _conditionalInclusionsMachineState = _discardingDueToSuccessfullIf; + break; + + case ParserState.DiscardingDueToFailedIf: + _conditionalInclusionsMachineState = _discardingDueToFailedIf; + break; + + case ParserState.DiscardingDueToMultilineDefine: + _conditionalInclusionsMachineState = _discardingDueToMultilineDefine; + break; + + default: + throw new SourceDiscoveryException("Programming error. Found un-catered machine state (" + _parserState.Peek() + ")"); + } + } + + /// + /// Adds a new state to the stack and updates the state machine according to the new state + /// + /// new state + internal void AddState(ParserState newParserState) + { + _parserState.Push(newParserState); + UpdateStateMachine(); + } + + /// + /// Updates the current state of the state machine with a newly defined state. + /// + /// new state + internal void UpdateCurrentState(ParserState newParserState) + { + _parserState.Pop(); + _parserState.Push(newParserState); + UpdateStateMachine(); + } + + /// + /// Called whenever we are done with the current state and therefore we can continue with + /// the previous state before wed branched off in handling another state + /// + internal void FinishWithCurrentState() + { + _parserState.Pop(); + UpdateStateMachine(); + } + + /// + /// Driver method for the management of the state machine + /// + /// source file information + /// pre-processor defines + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "cpp")] + public void Apply(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler) + { + Utility.Code.Require(cppSourceFile, "cppSourceFile"); + + DefinesHandler = definesHandler; + + string[] sourceLines = LinefeedRegex.Split(cppSourceFile.SourceCode); + + _parserState.Clear(); + AddState(ParserState.NormalState); //initial state + + SourceLineType sourceLineType; + string expression; + string subtitutionText; + int lineNumber = 0; + + try + { + for (; lineNumber < sourceLines.Length; lineNumber++) + { + Inspect(sourceLines[lineNumber], out sourceLineType, out expression, out subtitutionText); + + _conditionalInclusionsMachineState.Process(ref sourceLines[lineNumber], sourceLineType, expression, + subtitutionText); + } + + /* + * Once the parsing is complete we just check that the parserState is back to Normal State. + * If not it is either because we parsed bad code (i.e. the code structure was not consistent to start with) + * or we've got a problem (programmatically) with our state engine + */ + + //sanity check + if (_parserState.Peek() != ParserState.NormalState) + { + Logger.Error("The conditionals filter state machine failed to return to normal state. The source file \"{0}\" will not be filtered for conditionals.", cppSourceFile.FileName); + + //the source code for the specific file is left unfiltered in case the state machine did not return to a normal state. + } + else + { + //State machine returned to normal state so we can apply the filtering done by the conditional inclusions machine + cppSourceFile.SourceCode = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, sourceLines); + } + } + catch (Exception ex) + { + Logger.Error( + "The conditionals filter encountered error: {0} whilst processing line number {1} of source file \"{2}\". The source file will not be filtered for conditionals", + ex.Message, lineNumber + 1, cppSourceFile.FileName); + } + } + + /// + /// Inspects the source line and sets the sourceLineType (byref) according to detected code syntax + /// and sets also the expression variable (byref) to the matched identifier statement/expression where applicable + /// + /// source line to inspect + /// match type + /// extracted expression or identifier respective to the source type + /// extracted substitution text (applicable only to a define match) + private static void Inspect(string sourceLine, out SourceLineType sourceLineType, out string token, out string substitutiontext) + { + if (ElifRegex.IsMatch(sourceLine)) + { + sourceLineType = SourceLineType.Elifclause; + token = ElifRegex.Match(sourceLine).Groups[1].Value; + substitutiontext = ""; + } + else if (ElseRegex.IsMatch(sourceLine)) + { + sourceLineType = SourceLineType.Elseclause; + token = ""; + substitutiontext = ""; + } + else if (EndifRegex.IsMatch(sourceLine)) + { + sourceLineType = SourceLineType.Endifclause; + token = ""; + substitutiontext = ""; + } + else if (IfdefRegex.IsMatch(sourceLine)) + { + sourceLineType = SourceLineType.Ifdefclause; + token = IfdefRegex.Match(sourceLine).Groups[1].Value; + substitutiontext = ""; + } + else if (IfndefRegex.IsMatch(sourceLine)) + { + sourceLineType = SourceLineType.Ifndefclause; + token = IfndefRegex.Match(sourceLine).Groups[1].Value; + substitutiontext = ""; + } + else if (IfRegex.IsMatch(sourceLine)) + { + sourceLineType = SourceLineType.Ifclause; + token = IfRegex.Match(sourceLine).Groups[1].Value; + substitutiontext = ""; + } + else if (DefineRegexMultiline.IsMatch(sourceLine)) + { + sourceLineType = SourceLineType.MultiLineDefineclause; + token = DefineRegexMultiline.Match(sourceLine).Groups[1].Value; + substitutiontext = ""; + } + else if (DefineRegexMacro.IsMatch(sourceLine)) + { + sourceLineType = SourceLineType.Defineclause; + token = DefineRegexMacro.Match(sourceLine).Groups[1].Value; + substitutiontext = ""; + } + else if (DefineRegex.IsMatch(sourceLine)) + { + sourceLineType = SourceLineType.Defineclause; + token = DefineRegex.Match(sourceLine).Groups[1].Value; + substitutiontext = DefineRegex.Match(sourceLine).Groups[2].Value.Trim(); + } + else if (UndefineRegex.IsMatch(sourceLine)) + { + sourceLineType = SourceLineType.Undefineclause; + token = UndefineRegex.Match(sourceLine).Groups[1].Value; + substitutiontext = ""; + } + else + { + //any other type of source code that is an unrelated to the conditional inclusions + sourceLineType = SourceLineType.Other; + token = ""; + substitutiontext = ""; + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/DiscardingDueToFailedIf.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/DiscardingDueToFailedIf.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07bec63 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/DiscardingDueToFailedIf.cs @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +using System.Globalization; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter.ConditionalInclusions +{ + /// + /// Class handling the state when the Conditional Inclusions Machine is discarding code when an if statement evaluated to false + /// + internal class DiscardingDueToFailedIf : IConditionalInclusionsState + { + private readonly ConditionalInclusionsMachine _conditionalInclusionsMachine; + + #region Constructor + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// reference to the state machine + internal DiscardingDueToFailedIf(ConditionalInclusionsMachine conditionalInclusionsMachine) + { + _conditionalInclusionsMachine = conditionalInclusionsMachine; + } + + #endregion Constructor + + /// + /// Called so as to make the necessary decision making whilst the state machine is discarding code during a failed if + /// + /// source line under analysis + /// source code type as inspected by the Inspect function in the conditional inclusions machine + /// expression to be evaluated in case the source Line type is an elif + /// + public void Process(ref string sourceLine, SourceLineType sourceLineType, string expression, string subtitutionText) + { + sourceLine = ""; + switch (sourceLineType) + { + case SourceLineType.Ifclause: + case SourceLineType.Ifdefclause: + case SourceLineType.Ifndefclause: + /* + * In case we encounter an other if whilst discarding we add an other layer + * so as to keep the matching endif clauses. + * + * The reason why we push DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf is to suppress any + * attempt any elif and else at this level. + */ + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf); + break; + + case SourceLineType.Elifclause: + switch (_conditionalInclusionsMachine.Evaluator.EvaluateExpression(expression, _conditionalInclusionsMachine.DefinesHandler)) + { + case EvaluationResult.IsFalse: + /* + * in case the evaluation failed the state remains the same. We just + * continue discarding. + */ + break; + + case EvaluationResult.IsTrue: + /* + * in case the evaluation is successfull we just change the state of + * the current level + */ + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.UpdateCurrentState(ParserState.IncludingDueToIf); + break; + + case EvaluationResult.UnDetermined: + throw new SourceDiscoveryException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Unable to evaluate expression \"{0}\"", expression)); + } + break; + + case SourceLineType.Elseclause: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.UpdateCurrentState(ParserState.IncludingDueToIf); + break; + + case SourceLineType.Endifclause: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.FinishWithCurrentState(); + break; + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/DiscardingDueToMultilineDefine.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/DiscardingDueToMultilineDefine.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6331fd --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/DiscardingDueToMultilineDefine.cs @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +using System.Text.RegularExpressions; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter.ConditionalInclusions +{ + /// + /// Class handling the state when the Conditional Inclusions Machine is discarding code due to a multiline define. + /// + /// Multiline defines are not supported by the current implementation and so any substitution text is just being discarded + internal class DiscardingDueToMultilineDefine : IConditionalInclusionsState + { + private static readonly Regex defineRegexMultilineContinuation = new Regex(@"\\\s*$"); + private readonly ConditionalInclusionsMachine _conditionalInclusionsMachine; + + #region Constructor + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// reference to the state machine + internal DiscardingDueToMultilineDefine(ConditionalInclusionsMachine conditionalInclusionsMachine) + { + _conditionalInclusionsMachine = conditionalInclusionsMachine; + } + + #endregion Constructor + + /// + /// Called so as to make the necessary decision making whilst the state machine is discarding code during a multiline define + /// + /// source line under analysis + /// source code type as inspected by the Inspect function in the conditional inclusions machine + /// not used + /// not used + public void Process(ref string sourceLine, SourceLineType sourceLineType, string expression, string subtitutionText) + { + if (!(defineRegexMultilineContinuation.IsMatch(sourceLine))) + { + //last line of the multiline define met (which should be discarded as well) + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.FinishWithCurrentState(); + } + { + //still in the multiline define + } + sourceLine = ""; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c941187 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf.cs @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter.ConditionalInclusions +{ + /// + /// Class handling the state when the Conditional Inclusions Machine is discarding code due to a previously successfull if statement + /// + internal class DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf : IConditionalInclusionsState + { + private readonly ConditionalInclusionsMachine _conditionalInclusionsMachine; + + #region Constructor + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// reference to the state machine + internal DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf(ConditionalInclusionsMachine conditionalInclusionsMachine) + { + _conditionalInclusionsMachine = conditionalInclusionsMachine; + } + + #endregion Constructor + + /// + /// Called so as to make the necessary decision making whilst the state machine is discarding code due to a previously + /// successful if statement (i.e. we are currently in some elif or else statement) + /// + /// source line under analysis + /// source code type as inspected by the Inspect function in the conditional inclusions machine + /// not used + /// not used + public void Process(ref string sourceLine, SourceLineType sourceLineType, string expression, string subtitutionText) + { + sourceLine = ""; + switch (sourceLineType) + { + case SourceLineType.Ifclause: + case SourceLineType.Ifndefclause: + case SourceLineType.Ifdefclause: + /* + * In case we encounter an other if whilst discarding we add an other layer + * so as to keep the matching endif clauses + */ + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf); + break; + + case SourceLineType.Endifclause: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.FinishWithCurrentState(); + break; + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/IConditionalInclusionsState.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/IConditionalInclusionsState.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9922532 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/IConditionalInclusionsState.cs @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter.ConditionalInclusions +{ + /// + /// Interface for any of the expected states of the conditional inclusions machine. + /// + /// The different states expected are: + /// NormalState, + /// IncludingDueToIf, + /// DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf, + /// DiscardingDueToFailedIf, + /// DiscardingDueToMultilineDefine + /// + /// + internal interface IConditionalInclusionsState + { + void Process(ref string sourceLine, SourceLineType sourceLineType, string expression, string subtitutionText); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/IncludingDueToIf.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/IncludingDueToIf.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1183a69 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/IncludingDueToIf.cs @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +using System.Globalization; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter.ConditionalInclusions +{ + /// + /// Class handling the state of the Conditional inclusions machine when source is not being discarded to a positively evaluated conditional + /// + internal class IncludingDueToIf : IConditionalInclusionsState + { + private readonly ConditionalInclusionsMachine _conditionalInclusionsMachine; + + #region Constructor + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// reference to the state machine + internal IncludingDueToIf(ConditionalInclusionsMachine conditionalInclusionsMachine) + { + _conditionalInclusionsMachine = conditionalInclusionsMachine; + } + + #endregion Constructor + + /// + /// Called so as to make the necessary decision making when a positively evaluated conditional has been met + /// + /// source line under analysis that may or may not be filtered + /// source code type as inspected by the Inspect function in the conditional inclusions machine + /// expression to be evaluated in case the source Line type is a conditional based on an expression + /// substitution text in case of a define + public void Process(ref string sourceLine, SourceLineType sourceLineType, string expression, string subtitutionText) + { + switch (sourceLineType) + { + case SourceLineType.Other: + //Encountered source code NOT related to the conditional inclusions. + break; + + case SourceLineType.Elifclause: + //since we were in successfull if inclusion and now we met an elif we have to discard anything in the elif + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.UpdateCurrentState(ParserState.DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf); + sourceLine = ""; + break; + + case SourceLineType.Elseclause: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.UpdateCurrentState(ParserState.DiscardingDueToSuccessfullIf); + sourceLine = ""; + break; + + case SourceLineType.Endifclause: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.FinishWithCurrentState(); + sourceLine = ""; + break; + + case SourceLineType.Ifclause: + switch (_conditionalInclusionsMachine.Evaluator.EvaluateExpression(expression, _conditionalInclusionsMachine.DefinesHandler)) + { + case EvaluationResult.IsFalse: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.DiscardingDueToFailedIf); + break; + + case EvaluationResult.IsTrue: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.IncludingDueToIf); + break; + + case EvaluationResult.UnDetermined: + throw new SourceDiscoveryException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Unable to evaluate expression \"{0}\"", expression)); + } + sourceLine = ""; + break; + + case SourceLineType.MultiLineDefineclause: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.DiscardingDueToMultilineDefine); + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.DefinesHandler.Define(expression, ""); + sourceLine = ""; + break; + + case SourceLineType.Defineclause: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.DefinesHandler.Define(expression, subtitutionText); + sourceLine = ""; + break; + + case SourceLineType.Undefineclause: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.DefinesHandler.UnDefine(expression); + sourceLine = ""; + break; + + case SourceLineType.Ifdefclause: + switch (_conditionalInclusionsMachine.DefinesHandler.IsDefined(expression)) + { + case true: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.IncludingDueToIf); + break; + + case false: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.DiscardingDueToFailedIf); + break; + } + sourceLine = ""; + break; + + case SourceLineType.Ifndefclause: + switch (_conditionalInclusionsMachine.DefinesHandler.IsDefined(expression)) + { + case true: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.DiscardingDueToFailedIf); + break; + + case false: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.IncludingDueToIf); + break; + } + sourceLine = ""; + break; + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/NormalState.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/NormalState.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a078000 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusions/NormalState.cs @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +using System.Globalization; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter.ConditionalInclusions +{ + /// + /// Class handling the state of the Conditional Inclusions machine when the machine is no under particular state (i.e. not under the influence + /// of some type of conditional) + /// + internal class NormalState : IConditionalInclusionsState + { + private readonly ConditionalInclusionsMachine _conditionalInclusionsMachine; + + #region Constructor + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// reference to the state machine + internal NormalState(ConditionalInclusionsMachine conditionalInclusionsMachine) + { + _conditionalInclusionsMachine = conditionalInclusionsMachine; + } + + #endregion Constructor + + /// + /// Called so as to make the necessary decision making whilst the state machine is in normal sate + /// + /// source line under analysis that may or may not be filtered + /// source code type as inspected by the Inspect function in the conditional inclusions machine + /// expression to be evaluated in case the source Line type is a conditional based on an expression + /// substitution text in case of a define + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA2204:Literals should be spelled correctly", MessageId = "endif"), System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA2204:Literals should be spelled correctly", MessageId = "elif")] + public void Process(ref string sourceLine, SourceLineType sourceLineType, string expression, string subtitutionText) + { + switch (sourceLineType) + { + case SourceLineType.Ifdefclause: + switch (_conditionalInclusionsMachine.DefinesHandler.IsDefined(expression)) + { + case true: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.IncludingDueToIf); + break; + + case false: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.DiscardingDueToFailedIf); + break; + } + sourceLine = ""; + break; + + case SourceLineType.Ifndefclause: + switch (_conditionalInclusionsMachine.DefinesHandler.IsDefined(expression)) + { + case true: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.DiscardingDueToFailedIf); + break; + + case false: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.IncludingDueToIf); + break; + } + sourceLine = ""; + break; + + case SourceLineType.Ifclause: + switch (_conditionalInclusionsMachine.Evaluator.EvaluateExpression(expression, _conditionalInclusionsMachine.DefinesHandler)) + { + case EvaluationResult.IsFalse: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.DiscardingDueToFailedIf); + break; + + case EvaluationResult.IsTrue: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.IncludingDueToIf); + break; + + case EvaluationResult.UnDetermined: + throw new SourceDiscoveryException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Unable to evaluate expression \"{0}\"", expression)); + } + sourceLine = ""; + break; + + case SourceLineType.MultiLineDefineclause: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.AddState(ParserState.DiscardingDueToMultilineDefine); + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.DefinesHandler.Define(expression, ""); + sourceLine = ""; + break; + + case SourceLineType.Defineclause: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.DefinesHandler.Define(expression, subtitutionText); + sourceLine = ""; + break; + + case SourceLineType.Undefineclause: + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.DefinesHandler.UnDefine(expression); + sourceLine = ""; + break; + + case SourceLineType.Other: + //Encountered source code NOT related to the conditional inclusions. + break; + + case SourceLineType.Elifclause: + // ReSharper disable once StringLiteralTypo + throw new SourceDiscoveryException("unexpected #elif found."); + case SourceLineType.Elseclause: + throw new SourceDiscoveryException("unexpected #else found."); + case SourceLineType.Endifclause: + throw new SourceDiscoveryException("unexpected #endif found."); + default: + throw new SourceDiscoveryException("unexpected conditional found. code " + sourceLineType); + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusionsFilter.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusionsFilter.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c4c0ec --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ConditionalInclusionsFilter.cs @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter.ConditionalInclusions; +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter +{ + /// + /// An ISourceFilter implementation which filters out source + /// code based on preprocessor conditionals. + /// + public class ConditionalInclusionsFilter : ISourceFilter + { + #region Members + + private readonly ConditionalInclusionsMachine _conditionalInclusionsMachine; + + #endregion Members + + #region Constructor + + /// + /// Constructor accepting an expression evaluator + /// + /// expression evaluator + public ConditionalInclusionsFilter(IEvaluation evaluator) + { + _conditionalInclusionsMachine = new ConditionalInclusionsMachine(evaluator); + } + + #endregion Constructor + + #region ISourceFilter + + /// + /// Applies the filter action onto the source code + /// + /// source file information + /// pre-processor defines + public void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler) + { + _conditionalInclusionsMachine.Apply(cppSourceFile, definesHandler); + } + + #endregion ISourceFilter + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/CppSourceFile.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/CppSourceFile.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65f874a --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/CppSourceFile.cs @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter +{ + /// + /// Aggregates a C++ source file path and its content. + /// + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Cpp")] + public class CppSourceFile + { + /// + /// Source code content of the C++ source file. + /// + public string SourceCode { get; set; } + + /// + /// C++ source file path. + /// + public string FileName { get; set; } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ExpressionEvaluation.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ExpressionEvaluation.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4052492 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ExpressionEvaluation.cs @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +using System; +using System.Globalization; +using NCalc; +using NCalc.Domain; +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter +{ + /// + /// Evaluates an expression using NCalc + /// + /// + public class ExpressionEvaluation : IEvaluation + { + #region Members + + private Defines _definesHandler; + + #endregion Members + + #region IEvaluation + + /// + /// Evaluates an expression + /// + /// expression to be evaluated + /// reference to the defines handler + /// + public EvaluationResult EvaluateExpression(string expression, Defines definesHandler) + { + this._definesHandler = definesHandler; + + Expression e = new Expression(expression, EvaluateOptions.NoCache); + e.EvaluateParameter += EvaluateParam; + e.EvaluateFunction += EvaluateFunction; + + EvaluationResult evaluationResult = EvaluationResult.UnDetermined; + + try + { + object result = e.Evaluate(); + + evaluationResult = Convert.ToBoolean(result, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) ? EvaluationResult.IsTrue : EvaluationResult.IsFalse; + } + catch + { + evaluationResult = EvaluationResult.UnDetermined; + } + + return evaluationResult; + } + + #endregion IEvaluation + + /// + /// Parameter evaluator called off by function EvaluateExpression so as to elimiate the need of trying to cast the expression parameters to a more defined type. + /// Additionally it adds the possibility that an expression parameter itself can be of complex type. + /// + /// name of the parameter + /// ParameterArgs object where to store the evaluation result + private void EvaluateParam(string name, ParameterArgs args) + { + if (this._definesHandler.SubstitutionTokens.ContainsKey(name)) + { + object substituionText; + this._definesHandler.SubstitutionTokens.TryGetValue(name, out substituionText); + Expression parameterExpression = new Expression((string)substituionText); + parameterExpression.EvaluateParameter += EvaluateParam; + + try + { + args.Result = parameterExpression.Evaluate(); + } + catch (EvaluationException) + { + //in case an exception occurred we do not set args and hence the evaluation will be undefined + } + } + //in case the key is not found we do not set args and hence the evaluation will be undefined + } + + /// + /// NCalc custom function evaluator + /// + /// name of the function to be evaluated + /// FunctionArgs object from where the function arguments will be read and the function evaluation result will be stored + private void EvaluateFunction(string name, FunctionArgs args) + { + if (name == "defined") + { + //it is here assumed that defined always takes one argument and is of type identifier + Identifier identifier = (Identifier)args.Parameters[0].ParsedExpression; + args.Result = _definesHandler.IsDefined(identifier.Name); + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/IEvaluation.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/IEvaluation.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a83c6f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/IEvaluation.cs @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter +{ + /// + /// Identifies the state of an evaluation result + /// + public enum EvaluationResult + { + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "Un")] + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1702:CompoundWordsShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "UnDetermined")] + UnDetermined = -1, + IsFalse = 0, + IsTrue + } + + /// + /// IEvaluation implementations evaluate boolean expressions. + /// + public interface IEvaluation + { + /// + /// Given an expression encoded as a string, parses and evaluates the encoded boolean expression. + /// + /// The string expression to evaluate + /// A collection of identifiers (named constants/variables) which may be referenced during evaluation + /// The result of the boolean expression evaluation. May return Undetermined if the statement cannot be parsed or evaluated. + EvaluationResult EvaluateExpression(string expression, Defines definesHandler); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ISourceFilter.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ISourceFilter.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8b4909 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/ISourceFilter.cs @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter +{ + /// + /// An ISourceFilter filters out redundant information from source code. + /// + public interface ISourceFilter + { + /// + /// Filters the provided C++ source file's source code. + /// + /// The C++ source file to filter + /// C++ preprocessor definitions + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "cpp")] + void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/MultilineCommentFilter.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/MultilineCommentFilter.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cc27b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/MultilineCommentFilter.cs @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +using System.Text.RegularExpressions; +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter +{ + /// + /// Filters any multiline comments from the source code + /// + public class MultilineCommentFilter : ISourceFilter + { + //regex used to extract the line breaks off a multiLine commented section + private static readonly Regex lineBreakRegex = new Regex(@"(\r\n?|\n)", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline); + + // (\r\n?|\n) + // + // Options: Case insensitive; Exact spacing; Dot matches line breaks; ^$ don't match at line breaks; Numbered capture + // + // Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 1 «(\r\n?|\n)» + // Match this alternative (attempting the next alternative only if this one fails) «\r\n?» + // Match the carriage return character «\r» + // Match the line feed character «\n?» + // Between zero and one times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «?» + // Or match this alternative (the entire group fails if this one fails to match) «\n» + // Match the line feed character «\n» + + private static readonly Regex multiLineCommentRegex = new Regex(@"(/\*(?:.+?)\*/)", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline); + // (/\*(?:.+?)\*/) + // + // Options: Case insensitive; Exact spacing; Dot matches line breaks; ^$ don't match at line breaks; Numbered capture + // + // Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 1 «(/\*(?:.+?)\*/)» + // Match the character “/” literally «/» + // Match the character “*” literally «\*» + // Match the regular expression below «(?:.+?)» + // Match any single character «.+?» + // Between one and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy) «+?» + // Match the character “*” literally «\*» + // Match the character “/” literally «/» + + #region ISourceFilter + + /// + /// Filters any multiline comments from the source code. + /// + /// CppSourceFile object containing the source file information + /// not used for this filter + public void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler) + { + Utility.Code.Require(cppSourceFile, "cppSourceFile"); + cppSourceFile.SourceCode = multiLineCommentRegex.Replace(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, ComputeMultiLineCommentReplacement); + } + + #endregion ISourceFilter + + /// + /// Provides the replacement string for a multiline commented section. The replacement string will just contain line breaks. + /// + /// comment section for which a replacement string needs to be provided + /// replacement string containing only the line breaks off the section to be replace. It is important to note that line breaks of + /// unix types or dos types present in the source are preserved + private static string ComputeMultiLineCommentReplacement(Match multiLineCommentMatch) + { + string replacementString = ""; + + Match matchLineBreak = lineBreakRegex.Match(multiLineCommentMatch.Groups[0].ToString()); + while (matchLineBreak.Success) + { + replacementString = replacementString + matchLineBreak.Groups[0]; //line break types are preserved + matchLineBreak = matchLineBreak.NextMatch(); + } + + return replacementString; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/QuotedStringsFilter.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/QuotedStringsFilter.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ee89d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/QuotedStringsFilter.cs @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +using System.Text.RegularExpressions; +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter +{ + /// + /// Filters any quoted strings from the sourcecode. This filtering process is required so as to simplyfy the subsequent filtering operations + /// + public class QuotedStringsFilter : ISourceFilter + { + private static readonly Regex quotedStringsRegex = new Regex(@"(?""", RegexOptions.Singleline); + /* + * Options: Case sensitive; Exact spacing; Dot matches line breaks; ^$ don't match at line breaks; Numbered capture + * + * Match the character “L” literally (case sensitive) «L?» + * Between zero and one times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «?» + * Match the character string “R"” literally (case sensitive) «R"» + * Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 1 «(.*)» + * Match any single character «.*» + * Between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «*» + * Match the character “(” literally «\(» + * Match the regular expression below «(?:.*?)» + * Match any single character «.*?» + * Between zero and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy) «*?» + * Match the character “)” literally «\)» + * Match the same text that was most recently matched by capturing group number 1 (case sensitive; fail if the group did not participate in the match so far) «\k<1>» + * Match the character “"” literally «"» + */ + + private static readonly Regex lineBreakRegex = new Regex(@"(\r\n?|\n)", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline); + // (\r\n?|\n) + // + // Options: Case insensitive; Exact spacing; Dot matches line breaks; ^$ don't match at line breaks; Numbered capture + // + // Match the regex below and capture its match into backreference number 1 «(\r\n?|\n)» + // Match this alternative (attempting the next alternative only if this one fails) «\r\n?» + // Match the carriage return character «\r» + // Match the line feed character «\n?» + // Between zero and one times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) «?» + // Or match this alternative (the entire group fails if this one fails to match) «\n» + // Match the line feed character «\n» + + #region ISourceFilter + + /// + /// Applies the quoted strings filter action on the supplied sourceCode string + /// + /// CppSourceFile object containing the source file information + /// not used for this filter + public void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler) + { + Utility.Code.Require(cppSourceFile, "cppSourceFile"); + + /* + * It is important not to the change order of the filters. + */ + cppSourceFile.SourceCode = stringLiteralsRegex.Replace(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, new MatchEvaluator(ComputeReplacement)); + + cppSourceFile.SourceCode = quotedStringsRegex.Replace(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, ""); + } + + #endregion ISourceFilter + + /// + /// The string literal syntax can span over multiple lines so when generating the replacement string we need to make sure that the number of + /// line breaks and their types are preserved + /// + /// section of the source code to be replaced + /// the replacement string + private string ComputeReplacement(Match m) + { + string replacementString = ""; + + Match matchLineBreak = lineBreakRegex.Match(m.Value); + while (matchLineBreak.Success) + { + replacementString = replacementString + matchLineBreak.Groups[0]; //line break types are preserved + matchLineBreak = matchLineBreak.NextMatch(); + } + + return replacementString; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/SingleLineCommentFilter.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/SingleLineCommentFilter.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7bfa3d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/SingleLineCommentFilter.cs @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +using System.Text.RegularExpressions; +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter +{ + /// + /// ISourceFilter implementation. Filters single line comments. + /// + public class SingleLineCommentFilter : ISourceFilter + { + private static readonly Regex singleLineCommentRegex = new Regex(@"(?://(?:.*))", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline); + + #region ISourceFilter + + /// + /// Filters any single line comments from the source code + /// + /// CppSourceFile object containing the source file information + /// not used for this filter + public void Filter(CppSourceFile cppSourceFile, Defines definesHandler) + { + Utility.Code.Require(cppSourceFile, "cppSourceFile"); + + cppSourceFile.SourceCode = singleLineCommentRegex.Replace(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, ""); + } + + #endregion ISourceFilter + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/SourceDiscoveryException.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/SourceDiscoveryException.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0bc2d93 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/SourceDiscoveryException.cs @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +using System; +using System.Runtime.Serialization; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter +{ + [Serializable] + public class SourceDiscoveryException : Exception + { + #region Standard Exception Constructors + + public SourceDiscoveryException() + { + } + + public SourceDiscoveryException(string message) : + base(message) + { + } + + public SourceDiscoveryException(string message, Exception innerException) : + base(message, innerException) + { + } + + protected SourceDiscoveryException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : + base(info, context) + { + } + + #endregion Standard Exception Constructors + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/SourceFilterFactory.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/SourceFilterFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f839ea --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/SourceFilter/SourceFilterFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter +{ + /// + /// Factory class responsible to create the right set of filters to apply onto a sourcefile + /// + public static class SourceFilterFactory + { + /// + /// Provides a collection of ISourceFilters based on the provided BoostTestAdapterSettings. + /// + /// The BoostTestAdapterSettings + /// An collection of ISourceFilters based on the provided settings. + public static ISourceFilter[] Get(BoostTestAdapterSettings settings) + { + Utility.Code.Require(settings, "settings"); + + if (settings.ConditionalInclusionsFilteringEnabled) + { + return new ISourceFilter[] + { + new QuotedStringsFilter(), + new MultilineCommentFilter(), + new SingleLineCommentFilter(), + new ConditionalInclusionsFilter( + new ExpressionEvaluation() + ) + }; + } + else + { + Logger.Warn("Conditional inclusions filtering is disabled."); + + return new ISourceFilter[] + { + new QuotedStringsFilter(), + new MultilineCommentFilter(), + new SingleLineCommentFilter(), + //conditional inclusions filter omitted + }; + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/Code.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/Code.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84e2c47 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/Code.cs @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +using System; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility +{ + /// + /// Utility class to reduce boilerplate code + /// and to comply with code analysis. + /// + internal static class Code + { + /// + /// Asserts that an object is not null. + /// + /// The argument to test + /// The name of arg + /// Thrown if arg is null + public static void Require(object arg, string argName) + { + if (arg == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(argName); + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/CommandEvaluator.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/CommandEvaluator.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c52f093 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/CommandEvaluator.cs @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Text.RegularExpressions; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility +{ + /// + /// Result structure for command evaluation. + /// + public class CommandEvaluationResult + { + public CommandEvaluationResult(string result, IEnumerable variables) + { + this.Result = result; + this.MappedVariables = variables; + } + + /// + /// The resulting string after command evaluation. + /// + public string Result { get; private set; } + + /// + /// A listing of all variables which were successfully mapped during command evaluation. + /// + public IEnumerable MappedVariables { get; private set; } + } + + /// + /// Allows for string substution following a format similar to: A {variable} to be substituted. + /// + public class CommandEvaluator + { + #region Members + + private IDictionary _variables = null; + + #endregion Members + + #region Constructors + + public CommandEvaluator() + { + this._variables = new Dictionary(); + } + + #endregion Constructors + + /// + /// Specifies a value for the given variable placeholder. + /// + /// The variable placeholder label. + /// The respective variable value. + public void SetVariable(string variable, string value) + { + this[variable] = value; + } + + /// + /// Removes the mapped variable. + /// + /// The variable placeholder label to remove. + public void ResetVariable(string variable) + { + _variables.Remove(variable); + } + + public string this[string variable] + { + get + { + string value = null; + return (_variables.TryGetValue(variable, out value)) ? value : null; + } + + set + { + _variables[variable] = value; + } + } + + /// + /// Evaluates the given string for any and all variable placeholders. + /// + /// The string to evaluate containing variable placeholders + /// A CommandEvaluationResult detailing the result of the evaluation process + public CommandEvaluationResult Evaluate(string input) + { + string evaluation = input; + + ISet mappedVariables = new HashSet(); + + foreach (KeyValuePair entry in this._variables) + { + KeyValuePair entryRef = entry; + + Regex variable = GetVariablePlaceholderRegex(entry.Key); + evaluation = variable.Replace(evaluation, (match) => + { + mappedVariables.Add(entryRef.Key); + return (entryRef.Value ?? "null"); + }); + } + + return new CommandEvaluationResult(evaluation, mappedVariables); + } + + /// + /// Provides a Regex which can identify the provided variable placeholder + /// + /// The variable placeholder to capture + /// A Regex which can identify the provided variable placeholder + private static Regex GetVariablePlaceholderRegex(string variable) + { + return new Regex('{' + Regex.Escape(variable) + '}'); + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/CommandLine.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/CommandLine.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bb5302 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/CommandLine.cs @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +using System; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility +{ + /// + /// 2-tuple defining the FileName and Arguments of a command line string + /// + public class CommandLine + { + public CommandLine() : + this(string.Empty, string.Empty) + { + } + + public CommandLine(string fileName, string arguments) + { + FileName = fileName; + Arguments = arguments; + } + + public string FileName { get; set; } + public string Arguments { get; set; } + + public override string ToString() + { + return FileName + ' ' + Arguments; + } + + public static CommandLine FromString(string cmdLine) + { + cmdLine = (cmdLine == null) ? string.Empty : cmdLine; + int index = cmdLine.IndexOf(' '); + + return new CommandLine + { + FileName = cmdLine.Substring(0, Math.Max(0, index)), + Arguments = cmdLine.Substring(index + 1) + }; + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/Logger.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/Logger.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94646b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/Logger.cs @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +using System; +using System.Diagnostics; +using System.Globalization; +using System.IO; +using System.Reflection; +using log4net; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Logging; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility +{ + /// + /// Logger static class that provides the utility to print messages to the Tests output window. + /// + public static class Logger + { + private static IMessageLogger _loggerInstance = null; + + private static readonly ILog log4netLogger = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); + + /// + /// Accepts a handle to the logger instance so that subsequently, textual messages can be sent to it. + /// + /// Reference to the logger. + public static void Initialize(IMessageLogger logger) + { + _loggerInstance = logger; //VS sink handle + + ConfigureLog4Net(); + + Info("Logger initialized. Logging to {0}", log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["LogFilePath"]); + } + + /// + /// Configures the Log4Net module + /// + private static void ConfigureLog4Net() + { + string pathOfExecutingAssembly = GetPathOfExecutingAssembly(); + string assemblyName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name; + + string logFilePath = Path.Combine(pathOfExecutingAssembly, (assemblyName + ".dll.log")); + string configFilePath = Path.Combine(pathOfExecutingAssembly, (assemblyName + ".dll.config")); + + log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["pid"] = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; + log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["LogFilePath"] = logFilePath; + log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(configFilePath)); + } + + /// + /// Method that accepts a message along with the severity level so as to be printed onto the tests output tab + /// + /// level parameter used to indicate the severity of the message + /// text message that needs to be printed + /// In case the Logger is not properly initialized then any messages are simply discared without raising any exceptions + public static void SendMessage(TestMessageLevel testMessageLevel, string message) + { + if (_loggerInstance != null) + { + _loggerInstance.SendMessage(testMessageLevel, message); + } + + switch (testMessageLevel) + { + case TestMessageLevel.Informational: + log4netLogger.Info(message); + break; + + case TestMessageLevel.Warning: + log4netLogger.Warn(message); + break; + + case TestMessageLevel.Error: + log4netLogger.Error(message); + break; + } + } + + /// + /// Logs the provided message at the requested severity level. Uses a format, args pair to construct the log message. + /// + /// level parameter used to indicate the severity of the message + /// Format string + /// Arguments for the format string + public static void SendMessage(TestMessageLevel testMessageLevel, string format, params object[] args) + { + SendMessage(testMessageLevel, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, args)); + } + + /// + /// Logs the provided message at the 'Informational' severity level. Uses a format, args pair to construct the log message. + /// + /// Format string + /// Arguments for the format string + public static void Info(string format, params object[] args) + { + SendMessage(TestMessageLevel.Informational, format, args); + } + + /// + /// Logs the provided message at the 'Warning' severity level. Uses a format, args pair to construct the log message. + /// + /// Format string + /// Arguments for the format string + public static void Warn(string format, params object[] args) + { + SendMessage(TestMessageLevel.Warning, format, args); + } + + /// + /// Logs the provided message at the 'Error' severity level. Uses a format, args pair to construct the log message. + /// + /// Format string + /// Arguments for the format string + public static void Error(string format, params object[] args) + { + SendMessage(TestMessageLevel.Error, format, args); + } + + /// + /// Disposes the underlying log module + /// + public static void Shutdown() + { + if (log4netLogger != null) + { + log4netLogger.Logger.Repository.Shutdown(); + } + } + + /// + /// Gets the path of the executing assembly + /// + /// returns the path of the executing assembly + private static string GetPathOfExecutingAssembly() + { + Uri codeBase = new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase); + return Path.GetDirectoryName(codeBase.LocalPath); + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/NativeMethods.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/NativeMethods.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6f77f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/NativeMethods.cs @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility +{ + public static class NativeMethods + { + private const int S_OK = 0; + + [DllImport("ole32.dll")] + private static extern int GetRunningObjectTable(int reserved, out IRunningObjectTable prot); + + [DllImport("ole32.dll")] + private static extern int CreateBindCtx(int reserved, out IBindCtx ppbc); + + /// + /// Get a snapshot of the running object table (ROT). + /// + /// + /// A hashtable mapping the name of the object + /// in the ROT to the corresponding object + /// + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA2204:Literals should be spelled correctly", MessageId = "GetObject"), System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA2204:Literals should be spelled correctly", MessageId = "GetRunningObjectTable"), System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1065:DoNotRaiseExceptionsInUnexpectedLocations"), System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA2204:Literals should be spelled correctly", MessageId = "IRunningObjectTable")] + public static IDictionary RunningObjectTable + { + get + { + var result = new Dictionary(); + + var numFetched = new IntPtr(); + IRunningObjectTable runningObjectTable; + IEnumMoniker monikerEnumerator; + var monikers = new IMoniker[1]; + + var runningObjectTableReturnCode = GetRunningObjectTable(0, out runningObjectTable); //This function can return the standard return values E_UNEXPECTED and S_OK. + + if (runningObjectTableReturnCode != S_OK) + { + throw new ROTException("GetRunningObjectTable returned with code:" + runningObjectTableReturnCode); + } + + runningObjectTable.EnumRunning(out monikerEnumerator); + monikerEnumerator.Reset(); + + while (monikerEnumerator.Next(1, monikers, numFetched) == 0) + { + IBindCtx ctx; + + var createBindCtxReturnCode = CreateBindCtx(0, out ctx); //This function can return the standard return values E_OUTOFMEMORY and S_OK + + if (createBindCtxReturnCode != S_OK) + { + throw new ROTException("GetRunningObjectTable returned with code:" + createBindCtxReturnCode); + } + + string runningObjectName; + monikers[0].GetDisplayName(ctx, null, out runningObjectName); + + object runningObjectVal; + //usage is described at + var getObjectReturnValue = runningObjectTable.GetObject(monikers[0], out runningObjectVal); //This function call can return the standard return values S_FALSE and S_OK + + if (getObjectReturnValue != S_OK) + { + throw new ROTException("IRunningObjectTable::GetObject returned with code:" + getObjectReturnValue); + } + + result[runningObjectName] = runningObjectVal; + } + + return result; + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/ProcessStartInfoEx.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/ProcessStartInfoEx.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a00b2c --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/ProcessStartInfoEx.cs @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Diagnostics; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility +{ + /// + /// Utility class containing utility methods for ProcessStartInfo + /// + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1711:IdentifiersShouldNotHaveIncorrectSuffix")] + public static class ProcessStartInfoEx + { + public static ProcessStartInfo Clone(this ProcessStartInfo info) + { + Utility.Code.Require(info, "info"); + + ProcessStartInfo clone = new ProcessStartInfo + { + FileName = info.FileName, + Arguments = info.Arguments, + CreateNoWindow = info.CreateNoWindow, + WindowStyle = info.WindowStyle, + WorkingDirectory = info.WorkingDirectory, + Domain = info.Domain, + LoadUserProfile = info.LoadUserProfile, + UserName = info.UserName, + Password = info.Password, + ErrorDialog = info.ErrorDialog, + ErrorDialogParentHandle = info.ErrorDialogParentHandle, + Verb = info.Verb, + UseShellExecute = info.UseShellExecute, + RedirectStandardError = info.RedirectStandardError, + RedirectStandardInput = info.RedirectStandardInput, + RedirectStandardOutput = info.RedirectStandardOutput, + StandardErrorEncoding = info.StandardErrorEncoding, + StandardOutputEncoding = info.StandardOutputEncoding + }; + + foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in info.EnvironmentVariables) + { + string variable = entry.Key.ToString(); + + if (!clone.EnvironmentVariables.ContainsKey(variable)) + { + clone.EnvironmentVariables.Add(variable, entry.Value.ToString()); + } + } + + return clone; + } + + public static ProcessStartInfo StartThroughCmdShell(ProcessStartInfo info) + { + Utility.Code.Require(info, "info"); + + string fileName = info.FileName; + string arguments = info.Arguments; + + info.FileName = "cmd.exe"; + info.Arguments = "/S /C \"\"" + fileName + "\" " + arguments + '"'; + + return info; + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/QualifiedNameBuilder.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/QualifiedNameBuilder.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9165b90 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/QualifiedNameBuilder.cs @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility +{ + /// + /// Builds qualified names for Boost Test Test Units. + /// + public class QualifiedNameBuilder + { + #region Constants + + private const string Separator = "/"; + + #endregion Constants + + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Default constructor. + /// + public QualifiedNameBuilder() + { + this.Path = new List(); + } + + /// + /// Constructor. Initializes this qualified name based on the provided TestUnit. + /// + /// The TestUnit from which this qualified name is to be initialized. + public QualifiedNameBuilder(TestUnit root) : + this() + { + Initialize(root); + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Helper Methods + + /// + /// Helper function which aids in the implementation of QualifiedNameBuilder(TestUnit) constructor + /// + /// The test unit which is to be listed + private void Initialize(TestUnit root) + { + if (root == null) + { + return; + } + + Initialize(root.Parent); + + this.Push(root); + } + + #endregion Helper Methods + + #region Properties + + /// + /// The Master Test Suite local name. + /// + public string MasterTestSuite + { + get { return this.Path.FirstOrDefault(); } + } + + /// + /// Stack which contains the entries for this qualified name. + /// + private List Path { get; set; } + + /// + /// The depth of this fully qualified name. + /// A depth of 0 implies an empty object. + /// + public int Level { get { return this.Path.Count; } } + + #endregion Properties + + #region Constant Properties + + /// + /// Identifies the standard depth level at which the MasterTestSuite is located. + /// + public static uint MasterTestSuiteLevel { get { return 1; } } + + /// + /// Identifies the default MasterTestSuite test suite name. + /// + public static string DefaultMasterTestSuiteName { get { return "Master Test Suite"; } } + + #endregion Constant Properties + + /// + /// Pushes the test unit on this structure. + /// + /// The test unit to push + /// this + public QualifiedNameBuilder Push(TestUnit unit) + { + Utility.Code.Require(unit, "unit"); + + return this.Push(unit.Name); + } + + /// + /// Pushes the (local) name of a test unit on this structure. + /// + /// The test unit (local) name to push + /// this + public QualifiedNameBuilder Push(string name) + { + this.Path.Add(name); + + return this; + } + + /// + /// Peeks at the last (local) name pushed on this builder. + /// + /// The last (local) name pushed on this builder. + public string Peek() + { + return (this.Path.Count > 0) ? this.Path[this.Path.Count - 1] : null; + } + + /// + /// Pops the last test unit from this instance. + /// + /// this + public QualifiedNameBuilder Pop() + { + if (this.Path.Count > 0) + { + this.Path.RemoveAt(this.Path.Count - 1); + } + + return this; + } + + #region object overrides + + /// + /// Provides a string representation of this fully qualified name as expected by Boost Test standards. + /// + /// A string representation of this fully qualified name as expected by Boost Test standards. + public override string ToString() + { + // Skip the Master Test Suite. Master Test Suite is omitted in qualified name. + return string.Join(Separator, this.Path.Skip(1)); + } + + #endregion object overrides + + /// + /// Factory method which creates a QualifiedNameBuilder + /// from an already existing qualified name string. + /// + /// The qualified name + /// A QualifiedNameBuilder from the provided string. + public static QualifiedNameBuilder FromString(string name) + { + // Assume Master Test Suite name + return FromString(DefaultMasterTestSuiteName, name); + } + + /// + /// Factory method which creates a QualifiedNameBuilder + /// from an already existing qualified name string. + /// + /// The local name of the master test suite + /// The qualified name + /// A QualifiedNameBuilder from the provided string. + public static QualifiedNameBuilder FromString(string masterSuite, string name) + { + Utility.Code.Require(masterSuite, "masterSuite"); + Utility.Code.Require(name, "name"); + + QualifiedNameBuilder builder = new QualifiedNameBuilder(); + + builder.Push(masterSuite); + + foreach (string part in name.Split(new string[] { Separator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) + { + builder.Push(part); + } + + return builder; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/ROTException.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/ROTException.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1260802 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/ROTException.cs @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +using System; +using System.Runtime.Serialization; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility +{ + /// + /// Exception class used to raised exceptions when dealing with the Running Object Table (ROT) + /// + [Serializable] + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "ROT")] + public class ROTException : Exception + { + #region Standard Exception Constructors + + public ROTException() + { + + } + public ROTException(string message) : + base(message) + { + } + + public ROTException(string message, Exception innerException) : + base(message, innerException) + { + } + + protected ROTException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : + base(info, context) + { + } + + #endregion Standard Exception Constructors + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/SourceFileInfo.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/SourceFileInfo.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b419e55 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/SourceFileInfo.cs @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +using System.IO; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility +{ + /// + /// Identifies a source file and a respective line of interest. + /// + public class SourceFileInfo + { + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The source file path. + public SourceFileInfo(string file) : + this(file, -1) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The source file path. + /// The associated line number of interest or -1 if not available. + public SourceFileInfo(string file, int lineNumber) + { + this.File = file; + this.LineNumber = lineNumber; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + /// + /// Source file path. + /// + public string File { get; private set; } + + /// + /// Line number within File. Defaults to -1 meaning no line number information is available. + /// + public int LineNumber { get; set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region object overrides + + public override string ToString() + { + string file = Path.GetFileName(this.File); + if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) && (this.LineNumber > -1)) + { + file = "unknown location"; + } + + return file + ((this.LineNumber > -1) ? (" line " + this.LineNumber) : string.Empty); + } + + #endregion object overrides + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/TestRun.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/TestRun.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b8d065 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/TestRun.cs @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; +using VSTestCase = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestCase; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility +{ + /// + /// Abstraction for a Boost Test execution run. + /// Aggregates the necessary data structures in one convenient location. + /// + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1710:IdentifiersShouldHaveCorrectSuffix")] + public class TestRun + { + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The IBoostTestRunner which will be used to run the tests + /// The Visual Studio test cases which will be executed + /// The command-line arguments for the IBoostTestRunner representing the Visual Studio test cases + /// Additional settings required for correct configuration of the test runner + public TestRun(IBoostTestRunner runner, IEnumerable tests, BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestRunnerSettings settings) + { + this.Runner = runner; + this.Tests = tests; + this.Arguments = args; + this.Settings = settings; + } + + public IBoostTestRunner Runner { get; private set; } + + public string Source + { + get { return this.Runner.Source; } + } + + public IEnumerable Tests { get; private set; } + + public BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs Arguments { get; private set; } + public BoostTestRunnerSettings Settings { get; private set; } + + /// + /// Executes the contained IBoostTestRunner with the contained arguments and settings + /// + public void Run() + { + this.Runner.Run(this.Arguments, this.Settings); + } + + /// + /// Executes the contained IBoostTestRunner in debug mode with the contained arguments and settings + /// + /// The Visual Studio framework handle which allows for program attaching + public void Debug(IFrameworkHandle frameworkHandle) + { + this.Runner.Debug(this.Arguments, this.Settings, frameworkHandle); + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/DefaultDiscoverySink.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/DefaultDiscoverySink.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31fc922 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/DefaultDiscoverySink.cs @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio +{ + /// + /// An ITestCaseDiscoverySink implementation. Aggregates all tests + /// within an internal collection which is publicly accessible. + /// + public class DefaultTestCaseDiscoverySink : ITestCaseDiscoverySink + { + private ICollection _tests = new HashSet(new TestCaseComparer()); + + /// + /// The collection of discovered TestCases + /// + public IEnumerable Tests + { + get + { + return _tests; + } + } + + #region ITestCaseDiscoverySink + + public void SendTestCase(TestCase discoveredTest) + { + this._tests.Add(discoveredTest); + } + + #endregion ITestCaseDiscoverySink + + /// + /// TestCase equality comparer which defines equality based on the TestCase's + /// Fully Qualified Name. + /// + private class TestCaseComparer : IEqualityComparer + { + #region IEqualityComparer + + public bool Equals(TestCase x, TestCase y) + { + Utility.Code.Require(x, "x"); + Utility.Code.Require(y, "y"); + + return x.FullyQualifiedName == y.FullyQualifiedName; + } + + public int GetHashCode(TestCase obj) + { + Utility.Code.Require(obj, "obj"); + + return obj.FullyQualifiedName.GetHashCode(); + } + + #endregion IEqualityComparer + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/DefaultVisualStudioInstanceProvider.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/DefaultVisualStudioInstanceProvider.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8378c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/DefaultVisualStudioInstanceProvider.cs @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Diagnostics; +using System.Globalization; +using System.Management; +using System.Text.RegularExpressions; +using EnvDTE80; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio +{ + /// + /// Default implementation of an IVisualStudioInstanceProvider. Provides an IVisualStudio instance based on currently running Visual Studio IDE instances. + /// + public class DefaultVisualStudioInstanceProvider : IVisualStudioInstanceProvider + { + /// + /// Default prefix for VisualStudio DTE monickers + /// + private const string VisualStudioDTEPrefix = "!VisualStudio.DTE."; + + /// + /// Regex to extract Visual Studio version Id + /// + private static readonly Regex VisualStudioDTEVersionRegex = new Regex("^" + Regex.Escape(VisualStudioDTEPrefix) + @"(\d+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); + + #region IVisualStudioInstanceProvider + + public VisualStudioAdapter.IVisualStudio Instance + { + get + { + string processId = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); + string parentProcessId = GetParentProcessId(processId); + + DTEInstance dte = GetSolutionObject(parentProcessId); + + if (dte.DTE != null) + { + switch (dte.Version) + { + case "11": + return new VisualStudio2012Adapter.VisualStudio(dte.DTE); + case "12": + return new VisualStudio2013Adapter.VisualStudio(dte.DTE); + case "14": + return new VisualStudio2015Adapter.VisualStudio(dte.DTE); + } + } + + return null; + } + } + + #endregion IVisualStudioInstanceProvider + + /// + /// Get a table of the currently running instances of the Visual Studio .NET IDE. + /// + /// + /// Only return instances + /// that have opened a solution + /// + /// + /// The DTE object corresponding to the name of the IDE + /// in the running object table + /// + private static DTEInstance GetSolutionObject(string processId) + { + foreach (KeyValuePair entry in NativeMethods.RunningObjectTable) + { + var candidateName = entry.Key; + + if (candidateName.StartsWith(VisualStudioDTEPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && + candidateName.EndsWith(processId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) + { + return new DTEInstance + { + DTE = entry.Value as DTE2, + Version = GetVersion(candidateName) + }; + } + } + + return null; + } + + /// + /// Gets the process id of the parent process. + /// + /// The process id of the child process. + /// + private static string GetParentProcessId(string processId) + { + string query = "SELECT ParentProcessId FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = " + processId; + uint parentId; + + using (ManagementObjectSearcher search = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2", query)) + { + ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator results = search.Get().GetEnumerator(); + results.MoveNext(); + ManagementBaseObject queryObj = results.Current; + parentId = (uint)queryObj["ParentProcessId"]; + } + + return parentId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); + } + + /// + /// Given a Visual Studio DTE monicker, extracts the version Id from the name + /// + /// The Visual Studio COM object display name + /// The Visual Studio COM Object version or an empty string if the version cannot be located + private static string GetVersion(string candidateName) + { + Match match = VisualStudioDTEVersionRegex.Match(candidateName); + if (match.Success) + { + return match.Groups[1].Value; + } + + return string.Empty; + } + + /// + /// Minor class used to aggregate version information + /// and the respective Visual Studio DTE2 instance. + /// + private class DTEInstance + { + public string Version { get; set; } + + public DTE2 DTE { get; set; } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/IVisualStudioInstanceProvider.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/IVisualStudioInstanceProvider.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f89792 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/IVisualStudioInstanceProvider.cs @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio +{ + /// + /// Abstract factory which provides IVisualStudio instances. + /// + public interface IVisualStudioInstanceProvider + { + /// + /// Provides an IVisualStudio instance. + /// + /// An IVisualStudio instance or null if provisioning is not possible. + IVisualStudio Instance { get; } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/VSTestModel.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/VSTestModel.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..045a881 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/VisualStudio/VSTestModel.cs @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using System.Text; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel; +using VSTestCase = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestCase; +using VSTestOutcome = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestOutcome; +using VSTestResult = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestResult; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio +{ + /// + /// Static class hosting utility methods related to the + /// Visual Studio Test object model. + /// + public static class VSTestModel + { + /// + /// TestSuite trait name + /// + public static string TestSuiteTrait + { + get + { + return "TestSuite"; + } + } + + /// + /// Converts a Boost.Test.Result.TestResult model into an equivalent + /// Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestResult model. + /// + /// The Boost.Test.Result.TestResult model to convert. + /// The Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestCase model which is related to the result. + /// The Boost.Test.Result.TestResult model converted into its Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestResult counterpart. + public static VSTestResult AsVSTestResult(this BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.TestResult result, VSTestCase test) + { + Utility.Code.Require(result, "result"); + Utility.Code.Require(test, "test"); + + VSTestResult vsResult = new VSTestResult(test); + + vsResult.ComputerName = Environment.MachineName; + + vsResult.Outcome = GetTestOutcome(result.Result); + + // Boost.Test.Result.TestResult.Duration is in microseconds + vsResult.Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(result.Duration / 1000); + + if (result.LogEntries.Count > 0) + { + foreach (TestResultMessage message in GetTestMessages(result)) + { + vsResult.Messages.Add(message); + } + + // Test using the TestOutcome type since elements from the + // Boost Result type may be collapsed into a particular value + if (vsResult.Outcome == VSTestOutcome.Failed) + { + LogEntry error = GetLastError(result); + + if (error != null) + { + vsResult.ErrorMessage = GetErrorMessage(result); + vsResult.ErrorStackTrace = ((error.Source == null) ? null : error.Source.ToString()); + } + } + } + + return vsResult; + } + + /// + /// Converts a Boost.Test.Result.Result enumeration into an equivalent + /// Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestOutcome. + /// + /// The Boost.Test.Result.Result value to convert. + /// The Boost.Test.Result.Result enumeration converted into Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestOutcome. + private static VSTestOutcome GetTestOutcome(TestResultType result) + { + switch (result) + { + case TestResultType.Passed: return VSTestOutcome.Passed; + case TestResultType.Skipped: return VSTestOutcome.Skipped; + + case TestResultType.Failed: + case TestResultType.Aborted: + default: return VSTestOutcome.Failed; + } + } + + /// + /// Converts the log entries stored within the provided test result into equivalent + /// Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestResultMessages + /// + /// The Boost.Test.Result.TestResult whose LogEntries are to be converted. + /// An enumeration of TestResultMessage equivalent to the Boost log entries stored within the provided TestResult. + private static IEnumerable GetTestMessages(BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.TestResult result) + { + foreach (LogEntry entry in result.LogEntries) + { + string category = null; + + if ( + (entry is LogEntryInfo) || + (entry is LogEntryMessage) || + (entry is LogEntryStandardOutputMessage) + ) + { + category = TestResultMessage.StandardOutCategory; + } + else if ( + (entry is LogEntryWarning) || + (entry is LogEntryError) || + (entry is LogEntryFatalError) || + (entry is LogEntryMemoryLeak) || + (entry is LogEntryException) || + (entry is LogEntryStandardErrorMessage) + ) + { + category = TestResultMessage.StandardErrorCategory; + } + else + { + // Skip unknown message types + continue; + } + + yield return new TestResultMessage(category, GetTestResultMessageText(result.Unit, entry)); + } + } + + /// + /// Given a log entry and its respective test unit, retuns a string + /// formatted similar to the compiler_log_formatter.ipp in the Boost Test framework. + /// + /// The test unit related to this log entry + /// The log entry + /// A string message using a similar format as specified within compiler_log_formatter.ipp in the Boost Test framework + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1308:NormalizeStringsToUppercase")] + private static string GetTestResultMessageText(TestUnit unit, LogEntry entry) + { + if ((entry is LogEntryStandardOutputMessage) || (entry is LogEntryStandardErrorMessage)) + { + return entry.Detail.TrimEnd() + Environment.NewLine; + } + + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + + if (entry.Source != null) + { + AppendSourceInfo(entry.Source, sb); + } + + sb.Append(entry.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()). + Append(" in \""). + Append(unit.Name). + Append("\""); + + LogEntryMemoryLeak memoryLeak = entry as LogEntryMemoryLeak; + if (memoryLeak == null) + { + sb.Append(": ").Append(entry.Detail.TrimEnd()); + } + + LogEntryException exception = entry as LogEntryException; + if (exception != null) + { + if (exception.LastCheckpoint != null) + { + sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); + AppendSourceInfo(exception.LastCheckpoint, sb); + sb.Append("last checkpoint: ").Append(exception.CheckpointDetail); + } + } + + if (memoryLeak != null) + { + if ((memoryLeak.LeakSourceFilePath != null) && (memoryLeak.LeakSourceFileName != null)) + { + sb.Append("source file path leak detected at :"). + Append(memoryLeak.LeakSourceFilePath). + Append(memoryLeak.LeakSourceFileName); + } + + if (memoryLeak.LeakLineNumber != null) + { + sb.Append(", "). + Append("Line number: "). + Append(memoryLeak.LeakLineNumber); + } + + sb.Append(", "). + Append("Memory allocation number: "). + Append(memoryLeak.LeakMemoryAllocationNumber); + + sb.Append(", "). + Append("Leak size: "). + Append(memoryLeak.LeakSizeInBytes). + Append(" byte"); + + if (memoryLeak.LeakSizeInBytes > 0) + { + sb.Append('s'); + } + + sb.Append(Environment.NewLine). + Append(memoryLeak.LeakLeakedDataContents); + } + + // Append NewLine so that log entries are listed one per line + return sb.Append(Environment.NewLine).ToString(); + } + + /// + /// Compresses a message so that it is suitable for the UI. + /// + /// The erroneous LogEntry whose message is to be displayed. + /// A compressed message suitable for UI. + private static string GetErrorMessage(BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.TestResult result) + { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + + foreach (LogEntry error in GetErrors(result)) + { + sb.Append(error.Detail).Append(Environment.NewLine); + } + + // Remove redundant NewLine at the end + sb.Remove((sb.Length - Environment.NewLine.Length), Environment.NewLine.Length); + + return sb.ToString(); + } + + /// + /// Appends the SourceInfo instance information to the provided StringBuilder. + /// + /// The SourceInfo instance to stringify. + /// The StringBuilder which will host the result. + /// sb + private static StringBuilder AppendSourceInfo(SourceFileInfo info, StringBuilder sb) + { + sb.Append((string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.File) ? "unknown location" : info.File)); + if (info.LineNumber > -1) + { + sb.Append('(').Append(info.LineNumber).Append(')'); + } + + sb.Append(": "); + + return sb; + } + + /// + /// Given a TestResult returns the last error type log entry. + /// + /// The TestResult which hosts the necessary log entries + /// The last error type log entry or null if none are available. + private static LogEntry GetLastError(BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.TestResult result) + { + // Select the last error issued within a Boost Test report + return GetErrors(result).LastOrDefault(); + } + + /// + /// Enumerates all log entries which are deemed to be an error (i.e. Warning, Error, Fatal Error and Exception). + /// + /// The TestResult which hosts the log entries. + /// An enumeration of error flagging log entries. + private static IEnumerable GetErrors(BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.TestResult result) + { + IEnumerable errors = result.LogEntries.Where((e) => + (e is LogEntryWarning) || + (e is LogEntryError) || + (e is LogEntryFatalError) || + (e is LogEntryException) + ); + + // Only provide a single memory leak error if the test succeeded successfully (i.e. all asserts passed) + return (errors.Any() ? errors : result.LogEntries.Where((e) => (e is LogEntryMemoryLeak)).Take(1)); + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/XmlReaderHelper.cs b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/XmlReaderHelper.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0b6f71 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/Utility/XmlReaderHelper.cs @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +using System; +using System.Xml; + +namespace BoostTestAdapter.Utility +{ + /// + /// Helper functionality related to System.Xml.XmlReader + /// + internal static class XmlReaderHelper + { + /// + /// Default filter for Xml Elements + /// + public static readonly XmlNodeType[] ElementFilter = new XmlNodeType[] { XmlNodeType.Element, XmlNodeType.EndElement }; + + /// + /// Consumes nodes from the reader until the first ocurance of the XmlNodeType identified within types. + /// + /// The reader from which to consume Xml nodes + /// The XmlNodeType types of interest which will halt consumption + public static void ConsumeUntilFirst(this XmlReader reader, XmlNodeType[] types) + { + while (Array.IndexOf(types, reader.NodeType) < 0) + { + reader.Read(); + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapter/packages.config b/BoostTestAdapter/packages.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fe6773 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapter/packages.config @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestAdapter.dll.config b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestAdapter.dll.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..400ca7b --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestAdapter.dll.config @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestAdapterNunit.csproj b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestAdapterNunit.csproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..236c9f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestAdapterNunit.csproj @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ + + + + + Debug + AnyCPU + {FE58A67C-D313-46FD-B8F3-F80383EE5FD1} + Library + Properties + BoostTestAdapterNunit + BoostTestAdapterNunit + v4.5 + 512 + + + true + full + false + bin\Debug\ + DEBUG;TRACE + prompt + 4 + true + + + pdbonly + true + bin\Release\ + TRACE + prompt + 4 + + + + $(MSBuildProgramFiles32) + + $(ProgramFiles%28x86%29) + + $(ProgramFiles) (x86) + + $(ProgramFiles) + + + + False + + + ..\packages\FakeItEasy.1.13.1\lib\net40\FakeItEasy.dll + + + ..\packages\log4net.2.0.3\lib\net40-full\log4net.dll + + + $(ProgramFiles32)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.dll + + + False + + + ..\packages\NUnit.2.6.4\lib\nunit.framework.dll + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + {bc4b3bed-9241-4dd6-8070-a9b66dfc08c1} + BoostTestAdapter + + + {30ecc867-ce89-425f-b452-7a8a320f727d} + VisualStudio2012Adapter + + + {62347cc7-c839-413d-a7ce-598409f6f15b} + VisualStudioAdapter + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestAdaptorNunitTestRunner.nunit b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestAdaptorNunitTestRunner.nunit new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e715531 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestAdaptorNunitTestRunner.nunit @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestDiscovererTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestDiscovererTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..633d403 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestDiscovererTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using BoostTestAdapter; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Fakes; +using FakeItEasy; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + internal class BoostTestDiscovererTest + { + /// + /// The scope of this test is to check that if the Discoverer is given multiple project, + /// method DiscoverTests splits appropiately the sources of type exe and of type dll in exe sources and dll sources + /// and dispatches the discovery accordingly. + /// + [Test] + public void CorrectBoostTestDiscovererDispatching() + { + var bootTestDiscovererFactory = A.Fake(); + var boostDllTestDiscoverer = A.Fake(); + var boostExeTestDiscoverer = A.Fake(); + var defaultTestContext = new DefaultTestContext(); + var consoleMessageLogger = new ConsoleMessageLogger(); + var defaultTestCaseDiscoverySink = new DefaultTestCaseDiscoverySink(); + + ITestDiscoverer boostTestDiscoverer = new BoostTestDiscoverer(bootTestDiscovererFactory); + + var projects = new string[] + { + "project1" + BoostTestDiscoverer.DllExtension, + "project2" + BoostTestDiscoverer.ExeExtension, + "project3" + BoostTestDiscoverer.ExeExtension, + "project4" + BoostTestDiscoverer.DllExtension, + "project5" + BoostTestDiscoverer.DllExtension, + }; + + var dllProjectsExpected = new string[] + { + "project1" + BoostTestDiscoverer.DllExtension, + "project4" + BoostTestDiscoverer.DllExtension, + "project5" + BoostTestDiscoverer.DllExtension, + }; + + var exeProjectsExpected = new string[] + { + "project2" + BoostTestDiscoverer.ExeExtension, + "project3" + BoostTestDiscoverer.ExeExtension, + }; + + IEnumerable dllProjectsActual = null; + IEnumerable exeProjectsActual = null; + + A.CallTo(() => bootTestDiscovererFactory.GetTestDiscoverer(BoostTestDiscoverer.DllExtension, A.Ignored)) + .Returns(boostDllTestDiscoverer); + A.CallTo(() => bootTestDiscovererFactory.GetTestDiscoverer(BoostTestDiscoverer.ExeExtension, A.Ignored)) + .Returns(boostExeTestDiscoverer); + + A.CallTo( + () => + boostDllTestDiscoverer.DiscoverTests(A>.Ignored, defaultTestContext, + consoleMessageLogger, defaultTestCaseDiscoverySink)) + .Invokes(call => dllProjectsActual = call.GetArgument>(0)); + + A.CallTo( + () => + boostExeTestDiscoverer.DiscoverTests(A>.Ignored, defaultTestContext, + consoleMessageLogger, defaultTestCaseDiscoverySink)) + .Invokes(call => exeProjectsActual = call.GetArgument>(0)); + + boostTestDiscoverer.DiscoverTests(projects, defaultTestContext, consoleMessageLogger, defaultTestCaseDiscoverySink); + + Assert.AreEqual(dllProjectsExpected, dllProjectsActual); + Assert.AreEqual(exeProjectsExpected, exeProjectsActual); + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestExeDiscovererTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestExeDiscovererTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53a3bd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestExeDiscovererTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using BoostTestAdapter; +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Fakes; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; +using NUnit.Framework; +using VisualStudioAdapter; +using VSTestCase = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestCase; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + internal class BoostTestExeDiscovererTest + { + #region Test Data + + private const string Source = "test.boostd.exe"; + + private const string BoostUnitTestSample = "BoostUnitTestSample.cpp"; + private const string BoostFixtureTestSuite = "BoostFixtureTestSuite.cpp"; + private const string BoostFixtureTestCase = "BoostFixtureTestCase.cpp"; + private const string BoostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters = "BoostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters.cpp"; + + #endregion Test Data + + #region Helper Methods + + /// + /// Applies the discovery procedure over the dummy solution + /// + /// A dummy solution from which to discover tests from + /// An enumeration of discovered test cases + private IEnumerable Discover(DummySolution solution) + { + return Discover(solution.Provider, new string[] { solution.Source }); + } + + /// + /// Applies the discovery procedure over the dummy solution + /// + /// A dummy solution from which to discover tests from + /// The IDiscoveryContext to use + /// An enumeration of discovered test cases + private IEnumerable Discover(DummySolution solution, IDiscoveryContext context) + { + return Discover(solution.Provider, new string[] { solution.Source }, context); + } + + /// + /// Applies the discovery procedure over the provided sources + /// + /// An IVisualStudioInstanceProvider instance + /// The sources which to discover tests from + /// An enumeration of discovered test cases + private IEnumerable Discover(IVisualStudioInstanceProvider provider, IEnumerable sources) + { + return Discover(provider, sources, new DefaultTestContext()); + } + + /// + /// Applies the discovery procedure over the provided sources + /// + /// An IVisualStudioInstanceProvider instance + /// The sources which to discover tests from + /// The IDiscoveryContext to use + /// An enumeration of discovered test cases + private IEnumerable Discover(IVisualStudioInstanceProvider provider, IEnumerable sources, IDiscoveryContext context) + { + ConsoleMessageLogger logger = new ConsoleMessageLogger(); + DefaultTestCaseDiscoverySink sink = new DefaultTestCaseDiscoverySink(); + + IBoostTestDiscoverer discoverer = new BoostTestExeDiscoverer(provider); + discoverer.DiscoverTests(sources, context, logger, sink); + + return sink.Tests; + } + + /// + /// Asserts general test details for the test with the requested fully qualified name + /// + /// The discovered test case enumeration + /// The fully qualified name of the test case to test + /// The expected test case source + /// The test case which has been tested + private VSTestCase AssertTestDetails(IEnumerable tests, QualifiedNameBuilder fqn, string source) + { + VSTestCase vsTest = tests.FirstOrDefault(test => test.FullyQualifiedName == fqn.ToString()); + + Assert.That(vsTest, Is.Not.Null); + AssertTestDetails(vsTest, fqn, source); + + return vsTest; + } + + /// + /// Asserts general test details for the provided test case + /// + /// The test case to test + /// The expected test case fully qualified name + /// The expected test case source + private void AssertTestDetails(VSTestCase vsTest, QualifiedNameBuilder fqn, string source) + { + Assert.That(vsTest, Is.Not.Null); + Assert.That(vsTest.DisplayName, Is.EqualTo(fqn.Peek())); + Assert.That(vsTest.ExecutorUri, Is.EqualTo(BoostTestExecutor.ExecutorUri)); + Assert.That(vsTest.Source, Is.EqualTo(source)); + + string suite = fqn.Pop().ToString(); + if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(suite)) + { + suite = QualifiedNameBuilder.DefaultMasterTestSuiteName; + } + + Assert.That(vsTest.Traits.Where((trait) => (trait.Name == VSTestModel.TestSuiteTrait) && (trait.Value == suite)).Count(), Is.EqualTo(1)); + } + + /// + /// Asserts source file details for the provided test case + /// + /// The test case to test + /// The expected source file qualified path + /// The expected line number for the test case + private void AssertSourceDetails(VSTestCase vsTest, string codeFilePath, int lineNumber) + { + if (vsTest.CodeFilePath != null) + { + Assert.That(vsTest.CodeFilePath, Is.EqualTo(codeFilePath)); + } + + if (lineNumber != -1) + { + Assert.That(vsTest.LineNumber, Is.EqualTo(lineNumber)); + } + } + + /// + /// Asserts test details for tests contained within the "BoostFixtureTestSuite.cpp" source file + /// + /// The discovered test case enumeration + /// The dummy solution which contains a project referencing "BoostFixtureTestSuite.cpp" + private void AssertBoostFixtureTestSuiteTestDetails(IEnumerable tests, DummySolution solution) + { + DummySourceFile codeFile = solution.SourceFileResourcePaths.First((source) => source.TempSourcePath.EndsWith(BoostFixtureTestSuite)); + AssertBoostFixtureTestSuiteTestDetails(tests, solution.Source, codeFile.TempSourcePath); + } + + /// + /// Asserts test details for tests contained within the "BoostFixtureTestSuite.cpp" source file + /// + /// The discovered test case enumeration + /// The source for which "BoostFixtureTestSuite.cpp" was compiled to + /// The fully qualified path for the on-disk version of "BoostFixtureTestSuite.cpp" + private void AssertBoostFixtureTestSuiteTestDetails(IEnumerable tests, string source, string codeFilePath) + { + VSTestCase test1 = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("FixtureSuite1/BoostTest1"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(test1, codeFilePath, 30); + + VSTestCase test2 = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("FixtureSuite1/BoostTest2"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(test2, codeFilePath, 35); + + VSTestCase test3 = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("BoostTest3"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(test3, codeFilePath, 43); + + VSTestCase test4 = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("FixtureSuite2/Fixturetest_case1"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(test4, codeFilePath, 50); + + VSTestCase testint = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("FixtureSuite2/TemplatedTest"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(testint, codeFilePath, 57); + + VSTestCase testlong = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("FixtureSuite2/TemplatedTest"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(testlong, codeFilePath, 57); + + VSTestCase testchar = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("FixtureSuite2/TemplatedTest"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(testchar, codeFilePath, 57); + } + + /// + /// Asserts test details for tests contained within the "BoostUnitTestSample.cpp" source file + /// + /// The discovered test case enumeration + /// The dummy solution which contains a project referencing "BoostUnitTestSample.cpp" + private void AssertBoostUnitTestSampleTestDetails(IEnumerable tests, DummySolution solution) + { + DummySourceFile codeFile = solution.SourceFileResourcePaths.First((source) => source.TempSourcePath.EndsWith(BoostUnitTestSample)); + AssertBoostUnitTestSampleTestDetails(tests, solution.Source, codeFile.TempSourcePath); + } + + /// + /// Asserts test details for tests contained within the "BoostUnitTestSample.cpp" source file + /// + /// The discovered test case enumeration + /// The source for which "BoostUnitTestSample.cpp" was compiled to + /// The fully qualified path for the on-disk version of "BoostUnitTestSample.cpp" + private void AssertBoostUnitTestSampleTestDetails(IEnumerable tests, string source, string codeFilePath) + { + VSTestCase test123 = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("Suite1/BoostUnitTest123"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(test123, codeFilePath, 16); + + VSTestCase test1234 = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("Suite1/BoostUnitTest1234"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(test1234, codeFilePath, 20); + + VSTestCase test12345 = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("BoostUnitTest12345"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(test12345, codeFilePath, 26); + + VSTestCase testint = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("my_test"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(testint, codeFilePath, 33); + + VSTestCase testlong = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("my_test"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(testlong, codeFilePath, 33); + + VSTestCase testchar = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("my_test"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(testchar, codeFilePath, 33); + } + + /// + /// Asserts test details for tests contained within the "BoostFixtureTestCase.cpp" source file + /// + /// The discovered test case enumeration + /// The source for which "BoostFixtureTestCase.cpp" was compiled to + /// The fully qualified path for the on-disk version of "BoostFixtureTestCase.cpp" + private void AssertBoostFixtureTestCaseTestDetails(IEnumerable tests, string source, string codeFilePath) + { + VSTestCase test1 = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("Suit1/BoostUnitTest1"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(test1, codeFilePath, 19); + + VSTestCase test2 = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("Suit1/Fixturetest_case1"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(test2, codeFilePath, 24); + + VSTestCase test3 = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("Suit1/Fixturetest_case2"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(test3, codeFilePath, 30); + + VSTestCase test4 = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("Fixturetest_case3"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(test4, codeFilePath, 37); + } + + private void AssertBoostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters(IEnumerable tests, DummySolution solution) + { + DummySourceFile codeFile = solution.SourceFileResourcePaths.First((source) => source.TempSourcePath.EndsWith(BoostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters)); + AssertBoostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters(tests, solution.Source, codeFile.TempSourcePath); + } + + private void AssertBoostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters(IEnumerable tests, string source, + string codeFilePath) + { + VSTestCase test1 = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("Suite1/BoostUnitTest123"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(test1, codeFilePath, 16); + + VSTestCase test2 = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("Suite1/BoostUnitTest1234"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(test2, codeFilePath, 20); + + VSTestCase test3 = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("BoostUnitTest12345"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(test3, codeFilePath, 26); + + VSTestCase testint = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("my_test"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(testint, codeFilePath, 40); + + VSTestCase testlong = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("my_test"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(testlong, codeFilePath, 40); + + VSTestCase testchar = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("my_test"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(testchar, codeFilePath, 40); + + VSTestCase testConditional = AssertTestDetails(tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("BoostUnitTestConditional"), source); + AssertSourceDetails(testConditional, codeFilePath, 54); + } + + #endregion Helper Methods + + #region Tests + + /// + /// Given an valid source compiled from a single test source file, the discovery process reports the found tests accordingly. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that tests can be discovered from a valid .cpp file. + /// + [Test] + public void DiscoverTests() + { + using (DummySolution solution = new DummySolution(Source, new string[] { BoostUnitTestSample })) + { + IEnumerable tests = Discover(solution); + Assert.That(tests.Count(), Is.EqualTo(6)); + + AssertBoostUnitTestSampleTestDetails(tests, solution); + + // NOTE BoostUnitTest123 should not be available since it is commented out + Assert.That(tests.Any((test) => test.FullyQualifiedName == "BoostUnitTest123"), Is.False); + } + } + + /// + /// Given an valid source compiled from multiple test source files, the discovery process reports the found tests accordingly. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that tests can be discovered from multiple valid .cpp files. + /// + [Test] + public void DiscoverTestsFromMultipleFiles() + { + using (DummySolution solution = new DummySolution(Source, new string[] { BoostFixtureTestSuite, BoostUnitTestSample })) + { + IEnumerable tests = Discover(solution); + Assert.That(tests.Count(), Is.EqualTo(13)); + + AssertBoostFixtureTestSuiteTestDetails(tests, solution); + AssertBoostUnitTestSampleTestDetails(tests, solution); + } + } + + /// + /// Given valid sources compiled from multiple test source files, the discovery process reports the found tests accordingly. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that tests can be discovered from multiple sources. + /// - Ensure that tests can be discovered from 'complex' project structures which include folders and other source file types. + /// + [Test] + public void DiscoverTestsFromMultipleSources() + { + const string boostFixtureTestSuiteSource = "BoostFixtureTestSuite.boostd.exe"; + const string boostUnitTestSampleSource = "BoostUnitTestSample.boostd.exe"; + + using (DummySourceFile boostFixtureTestSuiteCodeFile = new DummySourceFile(BoostFixtureTestSuite)) + using (DummySourceFile boostFixtureTestCaseCodeFile = new DummySourceFile(BoostFixtureTestCase)) + using (DummySourceFile boostUnitTestSampleSourceCodeFile = new DummySourceFile(BoostUnitTestSample)) + { + IVisualStudio vs = new FakeVisualStudioInstanceBuilder(). + Solution( + new FakeSolutionBuilder(). + Name("SampleSolution"). + Project( + new FakeProjectBuilder(). + Name("FixtureSampleProject"). + PrimaryOutput(boostFixtureTestSuiteSource). + Sources( + new List() + { + boostFixtureTestSuiteCodeFile.TempSourcePath, + boostFixtureTestCaseCodeFile.TempSourcePath + }) + ). + Project( + new FakeProjectBuilder(). + Name("SampleProject"). + PrimaryOutput(boostUnitTestSampleSource). + Sources( + new List() + { + boostUnitTestSampleSourceCodeFile.TempSourcePath, + }) + ) + ).Build(); + + IEnumerable vsTests = Discover(new DummyVSProvider(vs), new string[] { boostFixtureTestSuiteSource, boostUnitTestSampleSource }); + Assert.That(vsTests.Count(), Is.EqualTo(17)); + + AssertBoostFixtureTestSuiteTestDetails(vsTests, boostFixtureTestSuiteSource, boostFixtureTestSuiteCodeFile.TempSourcePath); + AssertBoostFixtureTestCaseTestDetails(vsTests, boostFixtureTestSuiteSource, boostFixtureTestCaseCodeFile.TempSourcePath); + AssertBoostUnitTestSampleTestDetails(vsTests, boostUnitTestSampleSource, boostUnitTestSampleSourceCodeFile.TempSourcePath); + } + } + + /// + /// The scope of this test is to check the correct discovery of tests when the source file contains: + /// 1) Code that is commented (both single and multiline) + /// 2) Boost UTF macros that might be as part of literal strings (and that hence should be filtered out) + /// 3) Code that its inclusion is controlled by some type of conditional inclusion + /// + [Test] + public void DiscoverTestsFromSourceFileRequiringUseOfFilters() + { + using (DummySolution solution = new DummySolution(Source, new string[] { BoostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters })) + { + IEnumerable vsTests = Discover(solution); + Assert.That(vsTests.Count(), Is.EqualTo(7)); + AssertBoostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters(vsTests, solution); + } + } + + /// + /// Given valid sources containing conditionally compiled tests, based on the .runsettings configuration, tests may still be discovered. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that conditionally compiled tests are still discovered if configured to do so via the .runsettings configuration. + /// + [Test] + public void DiscoverTestsUsingRunSettings() + { + using (DummySolution solution = new DummySolution(Source, new string[] { BoostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters })) + { + DefaultTestContext context = new DefaultTestContext(); + context.RegisterSettingProvider(BoostTestAdapterSettings.XmlRootName, new BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider()); + context.LoadEmbeddedSettings("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.Settings.conditionalIncludesDisabled.runsettings"); + + IEnumerable vsTests = Discover(solution, context); + + Assert.That(vsTests.Count(), Is.EqualTo(8)); + AssertBoostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters(vsTests, solution); + + VSTestCase testConditional = AssertTestDetails(vsTests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("BoostUnitTestShouldNotAppear3"), Source); + AssertSourceDetails(testConditional, solution.SourceFileResourcePaths.First().TempSourcePath, 47); + } + } + + #endregion Tests + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestExecutorTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestExecutorTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a411a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestExecutorTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,689 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.IO; +using System.Linq; +using BoostTestAdapter; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner; +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Fakes; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility; +using FakeItEasy; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Logging; +using NUnit.Framework; +using TimeoutException = BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner.TimeoutException; +using VSTestCase = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestCase; +using VSTestResult = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestResult; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + class BoostTestExecutorTest + { + #region Test Setup/Teardown + + [SetUp] + public void SetUp() + { + this.TempDir = null; + + this.RunnerFactory = new StubBoostTestRunnerFactory(this); + + this.Executor = new BoostTestExecutor( + new StubBoostTestDiscovererFactory(this), + this.RunnerFactory + ); + + this.FrameworkHandle = new StubFrameworkHandle(); + + this.RunContext = new DefaultTestContext(); + } + + #endregion Test Setup/Teardown + + #region Test Data + + /// + /// Test case fully qualified name which should generate a timeout exception. + /// + private const string TimeoutTestCase = "Timeout"; + + /// + /// Timeout threshold. + /// + private const int Timeout = 10; + + /// + /// Default test case fully qualified name. + /// + private string DefaultTestCase + { + get + { + return "XmlDomInterfaceTestSuite/ParseXmlFileWithoutValidationTest"; + } + } + + /// + /// Fully qualified path to the default test source. + /// + private string DefaultSource + { + get + { + // Use temporary file path in order to allow NUnit + // tests to execute within different environments... + // + // And to be able to access test result output + // since test results are placed relative to the + // test source file. + return Path.Combine(TempDir, "default"); + } + } + + private string _tempdir = null; + + private string TempDir + { + get + { + if (_tempdir == null) + { + _tempdir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetTempPath()); + } + + return _tempdir; + } + + set + { + this._tempdir = value; + } + } + + /// + /// Empty test source fully qualified path. + /// + private string EmptySource + { + get + { + return "empty"; + } + } + + private StubBoostTestRunnerFactory RunnerFactory { get; set; } + private BoostTestExecutor Executor { get; set; } + private StubFrameworkHandle FrameworkHandle { get; set; } + private DefaultTestContext RunContext { get; set; } + + #endregion Test Data + + #region Stubs/Mocks + + /// + /// Utility base class allowing access to the parent class. + /// + /// + private abstract class InnerClass + { + protected InnerClass(T parent) + { + this.Parent = parent; + } + + /// + /// Parent class hosting this inner class. + /// + protected T Parent { get; private set; } + } + + /// + /// Stub ITestDiscovererFactory implementation. Generates StubBoostTestDiscoverer instances. + /// + private class StubBoostTestDiscovererFactory : InnerClass, IBoostTestDiscovererFactory + { + public StubBoostTestDiscovererFactory(BoostTestExecutorTest parent) : + base(parent) + { + } + + #region ITestDiscovererFactory + + public IBoostTestDiscoverer GetTestDiscoverer(string identifier, BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions options) + { + return new StubBoostTestDiscoverer(this.Parent); + } + + #endregion ITestDiscovererFactory + } + + /// + /// Stub ITestDiscoverer implementation. Based on the requested source, generates fake discovery results. + /// + private class StubBoostTestDiscoverer : InnerClass, IBoostTestDiscoverer + { + public StubBoostTestDiscoverer(BoostTestExecutorTest parent) : + base(parent) + { + } + + #region ITestDiscoverer + + public void DiscoverTests(IEnumerable sources, IDiscoveryContext discoveryContext, IMessageLogger logger, ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink) + { + foreach (string source in sources) + { + foreach (VSTestCase test in this.Parent.GetTests(source)) + { + discoverySink.SendTestCase(test); + } + } + } + + #endregion ITestDiscoverer + } + + /// + /// Stub IBoostTestRunnerFactory implementation. Provisions fake IBoostTestRunner instances + /// which simulate certain conditions based on the requested source. + /// + private class StubBoostTestRunnerFactory : InnerClass, IBoostTestRunnerFactory + { + public StubBoostTestRunnerFactory(BoostTestExecutorTest parent) : + base(parent) + { + this.ProvisionedRunners = new List(); + } + + public IList ProvisionedRunners { get; private set; } + + /// + /// Reference to the latest IBoostTestRunner which was provisioned by this factory. + /// + public IBoostTestRunner LastTestRunner + { + get { return this.ProvisionedRunners.LastOrDefault(); } + } + + #region IBoostTestRunnerFactory + + public IBoostTestRunner GetRunner(string identifier, BoostTestRunnerFactoryOptions options) + { + switch (identifier) + { + case TimeoutTestCase: + { + IBoostTestRunner timeoutRunner = A.Fake(); + A.CallTo(() => timeoutRunner.Source).Returns(identifier); + A.CallTo(() => timeoutRunner.Run(A._, A._)).Throws(new TimeoutException(Timeout)); + A.CallTo(() => timeoutRunner.Debug(A._, A._, A._)).Throws(new TimeoutException(Timeout)); + + return Provision(timeoutRunner); + } + } + + return Provision(new MockBoostTestRunner(this.Parent, identifier)); + } + + #endregion IBoostTestRunnerFactory + + private IBoostTestRunner Provision(IBoostTestRunner runner) + { + this.ProvisionedRunners.Add(runner); + return runner; + } + } + + /// + /// Mock IBoostTestRunner implementation. + /// + /// - Provides access to the latest call information for post-request checking. + /// - Allows for mocking test results by using temporary files which can be accessed by the rest of the system. + /// + private class MockBoostTestRunner : InnerClass, IBoostTestRunner + { + #region Constructors + + public MockBoostTestRunner(BoostTestExecutorTest parent, string source) : + base(parent) + { + this.Source = source; + this.DebugExecution = false; + this.RunCount = 0; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region Properties + + public bool DebugExecution { get; private set; } + public BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs Args { get; private set; } + public BoostTestRunnerSettings Settings { get; private set; } + public uint RunCount { get; private set; } + + #endregion Properties + + #region IBoostTestRunner + + public void Debug(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestRunnerSettings settings, IFrameworkHandle framework) + { + this.DebugExecution = true; + + Execute(args, settings); + } + + public void Run(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestRunnerSettings settings) + { + Execute(args, settings); + } + + public string Source { get; private set; } + + #endregion IBoostTestRunner + + private void Execute(BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args, BoostTestRunnerSettings settings) + { + ++this.RunCount; + + this.Args = args; + this.Settings = settings; + + Assert.That(args.ReportFile, Is.Not.Null); + Assert.That(args.ReportFormat, Is.EqualTo(OutputFormat.XML)); + + Assert.That(args.LogFile, Is.Not.Null); + Assert.That(args.LogFormat, Is.EqualTo(OutputFormat.XML)); + + Assert.That(Path.GetDirectoryName(args.ReportFile), Is.EqualTo(this.Parent.TempDir)); + Assert.That(Path.GetDirectoryName(args.LogFile), Is.EqualTo(this.Parent.TempDir)); + + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.StandardOutFile)) + { + Assert.That(Path.GetDirectoryName(args.StandardOutFile), Is.EqualTo(this.Parent.TempDir)); + } + + // Copy the default result files to a temporary location so that they can eventually be read as a TestResultCollection + + foreach (string test in args.Tests) + { + if (ShouldSkipTest(test)) + { + Copy("", args.ReportFile); + Copy("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.NoMatchingTests.sample.test.log.xml", args.LogFile); + } + else + { + Copy("", args.ReportFile); + Copy("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.PassedTest.sample.test.log.xml", args.LogFile); + } + } + } + + private bool ShouldSkipTest(string test) + { + return test.Contains(' ') || test.Contains(','); + } + + private void Copy(string embeddedResource, string path) + { + using (Stream inStream = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource(embeddedResource)) + using (FileStream outStream = File.Create(path)) + { + inStream.CopyTo(outStream); + } + } + } + + /// + /// Stub IFrameworkHandle implementation. Allows access to recorded TestResults. + /// + private class StubFrameworkHandle : ConsoleMessageLogger, IFrameworkHandle + { + public StubFrameworkHandle() + { + this.Results = new List(); + } + + public ICollection Results { get; private set; } + + #region IFrameworkHandle + + public bool EnableShutdownAfterTestRun + { + get + { + throw new NotImplementedException(); + } + set + { + throw new NotImplementedException(); + } + } + + public int LaunchProcessWithDebuggerAttached(string filePath, string workingDirectory, string arguments, IDictionary environmentVariables) + { + throw new NotImplementedException(); + } + + #endregion IFrameworkHandle + + #region ITestExecutionRecorder + + public void RecordAttachments(IList attachmentSets) + { + throw new NotImplementedException(); + } + + public void RecordEnd(VSTestCase testCase, TestOutcome outcome) + { + throw new NotImplementedException(); + } + + public void RecordResult(VSTestResult testResult) + { + this.Results.Add(testResult); + } + + public void RecordStart(VSTestCase testCase) + { + throw new NotImplementedException(); + } + + #endregion ITestExecutionRecorder + } + + #endregion Stubs/Mocks + + #region Helper Methods + + /// + /// Factory function which returns an enumeration of tests based on the provided test source + /// + /// The test source + /// An enumeration of tests related to the requested source + private IEnumerable GetTests(string source) + { + if (source == DefaultSource) + { + return GetDefaultTests(); + } + + return Enumerable.Empty(); + } + + /// + /// Enumerates a sample collection of tests. + /// + /// An enumeration of sample test cases + private IEnumerable GetDefaultTests() + { + VSTestCase test = CreateTestCase( + DefaultTestCase, + DefaultSource + ); + + return new VSTestCase[] { test }; + } + + /// + /// Creates a Visual Studio TestCase based on the provided information + /// + /// The fully qualified name of the test case + /// The test case source + /// A Visual Studio TestCase intended for BoostTestExecutor execution + private VSTestCase CreateTestCase(string fullyQualifiedName, string source) + { + VSTestCase test = new VSTestCase(fullyQualifiedName, BoostTestExecutor.ExecutorUri, source); + + test.Traits.Add(VSTestModel.TestSuiteTrait, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString(fullyQualifiedName).Pop().ToString()); + + return test; + } + + /// + /// Asserts test properties for the DefaultTestCase + /// + /// + private void AssertDefaultTestResultProperties(ICollection results) + { + Assert.That(this.FrameworkHandle.Results.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1)); + + VSTestResult result = results.First(); + + Assert.That(result.ComputerName, Is.EqualTo(Environment.MachineName)); + + Assert.That(result.Outcome, Is.EqualTo(TestOutcome.Passed)); + + Assert.That(result.TestCase.Source, Is.EqualTo(DefaultSource)); + Assert.That(result.TestCase.FullyQualifiedName, Is.EqualTo(DefaultTestCase)); + } + + #endregion Helper Methods + + #region Tests + + /// + /// Test execution via the 'Run All' command. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that all tests within a source are executed and reported. + /// + [Test] + public void RunTestsFromSource() + { + this.Executor.RunTests( + new string[] { DefaultSource }, + this.RunContext, + this.FrameworkHandle + ); + + AssertDefaultTestResultProperties(this.FrameworkHandle.Results); + } + + /// + /// A 'Run All' command on an empty source does not fail. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that a request for running no tests operates correctly. + /// + [Test] + public void RunTestsFromEmptySource() + { + this.Executor.RunTests( + new string[] { EmptySource }, + this.RunContext, + this.FrameworkHandle + ); + + Assert.That(this.FrameworkHandle.Results.Count(), Is.EqualTo(0)); + } + + /// + /// A selection of tests can be executed. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that when users select a test selection, only those tests are executed. + /// + [Test] + public void RunTestSelection() + { + this.Executor.RunTests( + GetDefaultTests(), + this.RunContext, + this.FrameworkHandle + ); + + AssertDefaultTestResultProperties(this.FrameworkHandle.Results); + } + + /// + /// Debug test runs are available when selecting 'Debug Tests' for a test selection from the test adapter. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that when users select to perform a debug test run, a debug run is actually performed. + /// + [Test] + public void DebugTestSelection() + { + this.RunContext.IsBeingDebugged = true; + + this.Executor.RunTests( + GetDefaultTests(), + this.RunContext, + this.FrameworkHandle + ); + + MockBoostTestRunner runner = this.RunnerFactory.LastTestRunner as MockBoostTestRunner; + + Assert.That(runner, Is.Not.Null); + Assert.That(runner.DebugExecution, Is.True); + + AssertDefaultTestResultProperties(this.FrameworkHandle.Results); + } + + /// + /// Given a valid .runsettings, test execution should respect the configuration. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that test execution is able to interpret valid .runsettings. + /// + [Test] + public void RunTestsWithTestSettings() + { + this.RunContext.RegisterSettingProvider(BoostTestAdapterSettings.XmlRootName, new BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider()); + this.RunContext.LoadEmbeddedSettings("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.Settings.sample.runsettings"); + + this.Executor.RunTests( + GetDefaultTests(), + this.RunContext, + this.FrameworkHandle + ); + + AssertDefaultTestResultProperties(this.FrameworkHandle.Results); + + MockBoostTestRunner runner = this.RunnerFactory.LastTestRunner as MockBoostTestRunner; + + Assert.That(runner, Is.Not.Null); + + Assert.That(runner.Settings.Timeout, Is.EqualTo(600000)); + } + + /// + /// Given a test fully-qualified names which contain characters which are not compatible with the Boost Test + /// command-line, generate a 'test not found' notification to the user. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that tests which cannot be individually referenced from Boost Test command line are identified + /// and marked as skipped. + /// + [Test] + public void TestSkipEdgeCases() + { + this.Executor.RunTests( + new VSTestCase[] { + CreateTestCase("my_test", DefaultSource), + CreateTestCase("boost::bind(my_other_test,3)", DefaultSource) + }, + this.RunContext, + this.FrameworkHandle + ); + + Assert.That(this.FrameworkHandle.Results.Count(), Is.EqualTo(2)); + + foreach (VSTestResult result in this.FrameworkHandle.Results) + { + Assert.That(result.Outcome, Is.EqualTo(TestOutcome.Skipped)); + } + } + + /// + /// Given a long running test, test execution should stop after a pre-determined timeout threshold and inform the user accordingly. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that with proper configuration, long running tests generate a timeout test failure. + /// + [Test] + public void TestTimeoutException() + { + this.Executor.RunTests( + new VSTestCase[] { CreateTestCase("test", TimeoutTestCase) }, + this.RunContext, + this.FrameworkHandle + ); + + Assert.That(this.FrameworkHandle.Results.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1)); + + VSTestResult result = this.FrameworkHandle.Results.First(); + + Assert.That(result.Outcome, Is.EqualTo(TestOutcome.Failed)); + Assert.That(result.Duration, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Timeout))); + Assert.That(result.ErrorMessage.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("timeout"), Is.True); + } + + /// + /// Given a request for code coverage on all tests, tests should execute as usual, possibly in an optimized manner. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that it is possible to run code coverage on a tests of a particular source. + /// + [Test] + public void TestCodeCoverage() + { + this.RunContext.IsDataCollectionEnabled = true; + + this.Executor.RunTests( + new string[] { DefaultSource }, + this.RunContext, + this.FrameworkHandle + ); + + IList runners = this.RunnerFactory.ProvisionedRunners.OfType().ToList(); + + // Although multiple runners (one per testcase) will be provisioned, only one type of runner (specific to DefaultSource) is used + Assert.That(runners.GroupBy(runner => runner.Source).Count(), Is.EqualTo(1)); + + // Only one runner is executed and that runner is only executed once + MockBoostTestRunner testRunner = runners.FirstOrDefault(runner => runner.RunCount == 1); + + Assert.That(testRunner, Is.Not.Null); + + // All tests are executed + Assert.That(testRunner.Args.Tests, Is.Empty); + } + + /// + /// Given a request for code coverage on selected tests, tests should execute as usual, possibly in an optimized manner. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that it is possible to run code coverage on a selection of tests. + /// + [Test] + public void TestCodeCoverageSelection() + { + this.RunContext.IsDataCollectionEnabled = true; + + this.Executor.RunTests( + new VSTestCase[] { CreateTestCase("Test1", DefaultSource), CreateTestCase("Test2", DefaultSource) }, + this.RunContext, + this.FrameworkHandle + ); + + IList runners = this.RunnerFactory.ProvisionedRunners.OfType().ToList(); + + Assert.That(runners.GroupBy(runner => runner.Source).Count(), Is.EqualTo(1)); + + MockBoostTestRunner testRunner = runners.FirstOrDefault(runner => runner.RunCount == 1); + + Assert.That(testRunner, Is.Not.Null); + + // All selected tests are executed + Assert.That(testRunner.Args.Tests.Count(), Is.EqualTo(2)); + } + + #endregion Tests + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestResultTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestResultTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f37688 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestResultTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,709 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Diagnostics; +using System.IO; +using System.Linq; +using System.Xml; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility; +using NUnit.Framework; +using BoostTestResult = BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.TestResult; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + internal class BoostTestResultTest + { + #region Test Setup/Teardown + + [SetUp] + public void SetUp() + { + this.TestResultCollection = new TestResultCollection(); + } + + #endregion Test Setup/Teardown + + #region Test Data + + private TestResultCollection TestResultCollection { get; set; } + + #endregion Test Data + + #region Helper Methods + + /// + /// Asserts BoostTestResult against the expected details + /// + /// The BoostTestResult to test + /// The expected parent BoostTestResult of testResult + /// The expected TestCase display name + /// The expected TestCase execution result + /// The expected number of passed assertions (e.g. BOOST_CHECKS) + /// The expected number of failed assertions (e.g. BOOST_CHECKS, BOOST_REQUIRE, BOOST_FAIL etc.) + /// The expected number of expected test failures + private void AssertReportDetails( + BoostTestResult testResult, + BoostTestResult parentTestResult, + string name, + TestResultType result, + uint assertionsPassed, + uint assertionsFailed, + uint expectedFailures + ) + { + Assert.That(testResult.Unit.Name, Is.EqualTo(name)); + + if (parentTestResult == null) + { + Assert.That(testResult.Unit.Parent, Is.Null); + } + else + { + Assert.That(parentTestResult.Unit, Is.EqualTo(testResult.Unit.Parent)); + } + + Assert.That(testResult.Result, Is.EqualTo(result)); + + Assert.That(testResult.AssertionsPassed, Is.EqualTo(assertionsPassed)); + Assert.That(testResult.AssertionsFailed, Is.EqualTo(assertionsFailed)); + Assert.That(testResult.ExpectedFailures, Is.EqualTo(expectedFailures)); + } + + /// + /// Asserts BoostTestResult against the expected details + /// + /// The BoostTestResult to test + /// The expected parent BoostTestResult of testResult + /// The expected TestCase display name + /// The expected TestCase execution result + /// The expected number of passed assertions (e.g. BOOST_CHECKS) + /// The expected number of failed assertions (e.g. BOOST_CHECKS, BOOST_REQUIRE, BOOST_FAIL etc.) + /// The expected number of expected test failures + /// The expected number of passed child TestCases + /// The expected number of failed child TestCases + /// The expected number of skipped child TestCases + /// The expected number of aborted child TestCases + private void AssertReportDetails( + BoostTestResult testResult, + BoostTestResult parentTestResult, + string name, + TestResultType result, + uint assertionsPassed, + uint assertionsFailed, + uint expectedFailures, + uint testCasesPassed, + uint testCasesFailed, + uint testCasesSkipped, + uint testCasesAborted + ) + { + AssertReportDetails(testResult, parentTestResult, name, result, assertionsPassed, assertionsFailed, + expectedFailures); + + Assert.That(testResult.TestCasesPassed, Is.EqualTo(testCasesPassed)); + Assert.That(testResult.TestCasesFailed, Is.EqualTo(testCasesFailed)); + Assert.That(testResult.TestCasesSkipped, Is.EqualTo(testCasesSkipped)); + Assert.That(testResult.TestCasesAborted, Is.EqualTo(testCasesAborted)); + } + + /// + /// Asserts general log details contained within a BoostTestResult + /// + /// The BoostTestResult to test + /// The expected test case execution duration + private void AssertLogDetails(BoostTestResult testResult, uint duration) + { + AssertLogDetails(testResult, duration, new List()); + } + + /// + /// Asserts general log details contained within a BoostTestResult + /// + /// The BoostTestResult to test + /// The expected test case execution duration + /// The expected list of log entries generated from test case execution + private void AssertLogDetails(BoostTestResult testResult, uint duration, IList entries) + { + Assert.That(testResult.LogEntries.Count, Is.EqualTo(expected: entries.Count)); + + Assert.That(testResult.Duration, Is.EqualTo(duration)); + + foreach (LogEntry entry in entries) + { + LogEntry found = + testResult.LogEntries.Where( + (e) => + { + return (e.ToString() == entry.ToString()) && (e.Detail == entry.Detail); + }) + .FirstOrDefault(); + Assert.That(found, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertSourceInfoDetails(found.Source, entry.Source); + } + + var entriesMemLeaks = entries.Where((e) => e is LogEntryMemoryLeak).GetEnumerator(); + var testResultMemleaks = testResult.LogEntries.Where((e) => e is LogEntryMemoryLeak).GetEnumerator(); + + while (testResultMemleaks.MoveNext() && entriesMemLeaks.MoveNext()) + { + AssertMemoryLeakDetails((LogEntryMemoryLeak) testResultMemleaks.Current, + (LogEntryMemoryLeak) entriesMemLeaks.Current); + } + } + + /// + /// Compares 2 LogEntryMemoryLeak for equivalence. Issues an assertion failure if leak information is not equivalent. + /// + /// The left-hand side LogEntryMemoryLeak instance + /// The right-hand side LogEntryMemoryLeak instance + private void AssertMemoryLeakDetails(LogEntryMemoryLeak lhs, LogEntryMemoryLeak rhs) + { + Assert.AreEqual(lhs.LeakLineNumber, rhs.LeakLineNumber); + Assert.AreEqual(lhs.LeakLeakedDataContents, rhs.LeakLeakedDataContents); + Assert.AreEqual(lhs.LeakMemoryAllocationNumber, rhs.LeakMemoryAllocationNumber); + Assert.AreEqual(lhs.LeakSizeInBytes, rhs.LeakSizeInBytes); + Assert.AreEqual(lhs.LeakSourceFileAndLineNumberReportingActive, + rhs.LeakSourceFileAndLineNumberReportingActive); + Assert.AreEqual(lhs.LeakSourceFileName, rhs.LeakSourceFileName); + Assert.AreEqual(lhs.LeakSourceFilePath, rhs.LeakSourceFilePath); + } + + /// + /// Tests the provided LogEntryException's properties against the expected values + /// + /// The LogEntryException to test + /// The expected source file information for the exception + /// The expected checkpoint message + private void AssertLogEntryExceptionDetails(LogEntryException entry, SourceFileInfo checkpointInfo, + string checkpointMessage) + { + AssertSourceInfoDetails(checkpointInfo, entry.LastCheckpoint); + Assert.That(entry.CheckpointDetail, Is.EqualTo(checkpointMessage)); + } + + /// + /// Tests the provided LogEntry's general properties against the expected values + /// + /// The LogEntryException to test + /// The expected log entry type + /// The expected log message + /// The expected source file information for the log entry + private void AssertLogEntryDetails(LogEntry entry, string entryType, string message, SourceFileInfo info) + { + Assert.That(entry.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(entryType)); + Assert.That(entry.Detail, Is.EqualTo(message)); + + AssertSourceInfoDetails(entry.Source, info); + } + + /// + /// Compares 2 SourceFileInfo for equivalence. Issues an assertion failure if leak information is not equivalent. + /// + /// The left-hand side SourceFileInfo instance + /// The right-hand side SourceFileInfo instance + private void AssertSourceInfoDetails(SourceFileInfo lhs, SourceFileInfo rhs) + { + if (lhs == null) + { + Assert.That(rhs, Is.Null); + } + else + { + Assert.That(lhs.File, Is.EqualTo(rhs.File)); + Assert.That(lhs.LineNumber, Is.EqualTo(rhs.LineNumber)); + } + } + + /// + /// Tests TestResultCollection for the expected contents when populated from '' + /// + /// The BoostTestResult for the sole test case present in the '' report + private BoostTestResult AssertPassedReportDetails() + { + BoostTestResult masterSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection[string.Empty]; + Assert.That(masterSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(masterSuiteResult, null, "CnvrtTest", TestResultType.Passed, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); + + BoostTestResult testSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection["XmlDomInterfaceTestSuite"]; + Assert.That(testSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testSuiteResult, masterSuiteResult, "XmlDomInterfaceTestSuite", TestResultType.Passed, 3, + 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); + + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = + this.TestResultCollection["XmlDomInterfaceTestSuite/ParseXmlFileWithoutValidationTest"]; + Assert.That(testCaseResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testCaseResult, testSuiteResult, "ParseXmlFileWithoutValidationTest", + TestResultType.Passed, 3, 0, 0); + + return testCaseResult; + } + + /// + /// Parses the *Xml* report stream and the *Xml* log stream into the contained TestResultCollection. + /// Additionally, the standard output and standard error can also be parsed. + /// + /// The Xml report stream to parse. + /// The Xml log stream to parse. + /// The text standard output stream to parse. + /// The text standard error stream to parse. + private void Parse(Stream report, Stream log, Stream stdout = null, Stream stderr = null) + { + this.TestResultCollection.Parse(new IBoostTestResultOutput[] + { + ((report == null) ? null : new BoostXmlReport(report)), + ((log == null) ? null : new BoostXmlLog(log)), + ((stdout == null) ? null : new BoostStandardOutput(stdout) {FailTestOnMemoryLeak = true}), + ((stderr == null) ? null : new BoostStandardError(stderr)) + }); + } + + /// + /// Parses the *Xml* report stream and the *Xml* log stream into the contained TestResultCollection. + /// Additionally, the standard output and standard error can also be parsed. + /// + /// the path of the XML file report to parse. + /// the path of the log file that is to be parsed + /// The text standard output stream to parse. + /// The text standard error stream to parse. + private void Parse(string reportFilePath, string logFilePath, Stream stdout = null, Stream stderr = null) + { + this.TestResultCollection.Parse(new IBoostTestResultOutput[] + { + ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(reportFilePath)) ? null : new BoostXmlReport(reportFilePath)), + ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(logFilePath)) ? null : new BoostXmlLog(logFilePath)), + ((stdout == null) ? null : new BoostStandardOutput(stdout) {FailTestOnMemoryLeak = true}), + ((stderr == null) ? null : new BoostStandardError(stderr)) + }); + } + + #endregion Helper Methods + + /// + /// Boost Test XML log containing special characters. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - The aim of the test is to make sure that we are able to handle Boost xml logs that contain special characters. Boost UTF does + /// not technically generate a valid xml document so we need to add the encoding declaration ourselves (this is done in class BoostTestXMLOutput) + [Test] + public void ParseBoostReportLogContainingGermanCharacters() + { + + string reportFilePath = TestHelper.CopyEmbeddedResourceToDirectory("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.SpecialCharacters", "", Path.GetTempPath()); + string logFilePath = TestHelper.CopyEmbeddedResourceToDirectory("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.SpecialCharacters", "sample.test.log.xml", Path.GetTempPath()); + + Parse(reportFilePath, logFilePath); + + BoostTestResult masterSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection[string.Empty]; + Assert.That(masterSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(masterSuiteResult, null, "MyTest", TestResultType.Failed, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); + + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = this.TestResultCollection["SpecialCharactersInStringAndIdentifier"]; + Assert.That(testCaseResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testCaseResult, masterSuiteResult, "SpecialCharactersInStringAndIdentifier", TestResultType.Failed, 0, 4, 0); + AssertLogDetails(testCaseResult + , 2000 + , new[] + { + new LogEntryError("check germanSpecialCharacterString == \"NotTheSameString\" failed [Hello my name is Rüdiger != NotTheSameString]",new SourceFileInfo("boostunittest.cpp", 8)), + new LogEntryError("check germanSpecialCharacterString == \"\" failed [üöä != ]",new SourceFileInfo("boostunittest.cpp", 12)), + new LogEntryError("check anzahlDerÄnderungen == 1 failed [2 != 1]",new SourceFileInfo("boostunittest.cpp", 17)), + new LogEntryError("check üöä == 1 failed [2 != 1]",new SourceFileInfo("boostunittest.cpp", 18)), + + }); + + Assert.That(testCaseResult.LogEntries.Count, Is.EqualTo(4)); + + } + + + /// + /// Boost Test Xml report + log detailing an exception. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Boost Test results for a test case execution resulting in an exception are parsed accordingly. + /// + [Test] + public void ParseExceptionThrownReportLog() + { + using (Stream report = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("")) + using (Stream log = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.AbortedTest.sample.test.log.xml")) + { + Parse(report, log); + + BoostTestResult masterSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection[string.Empty]; + Assert.That(masterSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(masterSuiteResult, null, "MyTest", TestResultType.Failed, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1); + + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = this.TestResultCollection["BoostUnitTest123"]; + Assert.That(testCaseResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testCaseResult, masterSuiteResult, "BoostUnitTest123", TestResultType.Aborted, 0, 1, 0); + AssertLogDetails(testCaseResult, 0, new[] { new LogEntryException("C string: some error", new SourceFileInfo("unknown location", 0)) }); + + Assert.That(testCaseResult.LogEntries.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); + + LogEntry entry = testCaseResult.LogEntries.First(); + AssertLogEntryDetails(entry, "Exception", "C string: some error", new SourceFileInfo("unknown location", 0)); + AssertLogEntryExceptionDetails((LogEntryException) entry, new SourceFileInfo("boostunittestsample.cpp", 13), "Going to throw an exception"); + } + } + + /// + /// Boost Test Xml report + log detailing a test case failure due to BOOST_REQUIRE. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Boost Test results for a test case execution resulting in failure are parsed accordingly. + /// + [Test] + public void ParseRequireFailedReportLog() + { + using (Stream report = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("")) + using (Stream log = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.FailedRequireTest.sample.test.log.xml")) + { + Parse(report, log); + + BoostTestResult masterSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection[string.Empty]; + Assert.That(masterSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(masterSuiteResult, null, "Test runner test", TestResultType.Failed, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1); + + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = this.TestResultCollection["test1"]; + Assert.That(testCaseResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testCaseResult, masterSuiteResult, "test1", TestResultType.Aborted, 0, 2, 0); + AssertLogDetails(testCaseResult, 0, new LogEntry[] { + new LogEntryError("check i == 2 failed [0 != 2]", new SourceFileInfo("test_runner_test.cpp", 26)), + new LogEntryFatalError("critical check i == 2 failed [0 != 2]", new SourceFileInfo("test_runner_test.cpp", 28)), + }); + } + } + + /// + /// Boost Test Xml report + log detailing a test case failure due to BOOST_CHECK. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Boost Test results for a test case execution resulting in failure are parsed accordingly. + /// + [Test] + public void ParseBoostFailReportLog() + { + using (Stream report = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("")) + using (Stream log = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.BoostFailTest.sample.test.log.xml")) + { + Parse(report, log); + + BoostTestResult masterSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection[string.Empty]; + Assert.That(masterSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(masterSuiteResult, null, "Test runner test", TestResultType.Failed, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1); + + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = this.TestResultCollection["test3"]; + Assert.That(testCaseResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testCaseResult, masterSuiteResult, "test3", TestResultType.Aborted, 0, 1, 0); + + Assert.That(testCaseResult.LogEntries.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); + + LogEntry entry = testCaseResult.LogEntries.First(); + AssertLogDetails(testCaseResult, 1000, new LogEntry[] { + new LogEntryFatalError("Failure", new SourceFileInfo("test_runner_test.cpp", 93)), + }); + } + } + + /// + /// Boost Test Xml report + log detailing a passed test case. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Boost Test results for a positive test case execution are parsed accordingly. + /// + [Test] + public void ParsePassedReportLog() + { + using (Stream report = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("")) + using (Stream log = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.PassedTest.sample.test.log.xml")) + { + + Parse(report, log); + + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = AssertPassedReportDetails(); + AssertLogDetails(testCaseResult, 18457000); + } + } + + /// + /// Boost Test Xml report (only) detailing a passed test case. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Boost Test results for a positive test case execution are parsed accordingly. + /// - Boost Test results can be built from an Xml report without the need of the Xml log. + /// + [Test] + public void ParsePassedReportOnly() + { + using (Stream report = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("")) + { + Parse(report, null); + + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = AssertPassedReportDetails(); + AssertLogDetails(testCaseResult, 0); + } + } + + /// + /// Boost Test Xml report + log detailing a passed test case nested within test suites. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Boost Test results for a positive test case execution are parsed accordingly. + /// + [Test] + public void ParseNestedTestSuiteReportLog() + { + using (Stream report = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("")) + using (Stream log = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.NestedTestSuite.sample.test.log.xml")) + { + Parse(report, log); + + BoostTestResult masterSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection[string.Empty]; + Assert.That(masterSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(masterSuiteResult, null, "Test runner test", TestResultType.Passed, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); + + BoostTestResult testSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection["SampleSuite"]; + Assert.That(testSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testSuiteResult, masterSuiteResult, "SampleSuite", TestResultType.Passed, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); + + BoostTestResult nestedTestSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection["SampleSuite/SampleNestedSuite"]; + Assert.That(nestedTestSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(nestedTestSuiteResult, testSuiteResult, "SampleNestedSuite", TestResultType.Passed, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); + + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = this.TestResultCollection["SampleSuite/SampleNestedSuite/test3"]; + Assert.That(testCaseResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testCaseResult, nestedTestSuiteResult, "test3", TestResultType.Passed, 2, 0, 0); + AssertLogDetails(testCaseResult, 1000, new LogEntry[] { + new LogEntryMessage("Message from test3", new SourceFileInfo("test_runner_test.cpp", 48)), + new LogEntryWarning("condition false == true is not satisfied", new SourceFileInfo("test_runner_test.cpp", 50)), + }); + } + } + + /// + /// Boost Test Xml report + log detailing multiple passed test cases. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Boost Test results for positive test case execution are parsed accordingly. + /// + [Test] + public void ParseMultipleTestResultsReportLog() + { + using (Stream report = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("")) + using (Stream log = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.MultipleTests.sample.test.log.xml")) + { + Parse(report, log); + + BoostTestResult masterSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection[string.Empty]; + Assert.That(masterSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(masterSuiteResult, null, "CnvrtTest", TestResultType.Passed, 50, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0); + + BoostTestResult testSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection["CCRootSerialiserTestSuite"]; + Assert.That(testSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testSuiteResult, masterSuiteResult, "CCRootSerialiserTestSuite", TestResultType.Passed, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0); + + ICollection results = new HashSet(); + + { + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = this.TestResultCollection["CCRootSerialiserTestSuite/DeserialiseInvalidFile"]; + Assert.That(testCaseResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testCaseResult, testSuiteResult, "DeserialiseInvalidFile", TestResultType.Passed, 1, 0, 0); + AssertLogDetails(testCaseResult, 5000); + + results.Add(testCaseResult); + + BoostTestResult testCase2Result = this.TestResultCollection["CCRootSerialiserTestSuite/DeserialiseNonExistingFile"]; + Assert.That(testCase2Result, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testCase2Result, testSuiteResult, "DeserialiseNonExistingFile", TestResultType.Passed, 1, 0, 0); + AssertLogDetails(testCase2Result, 0); + + results.Add(testCase2Result); + } + + BoostTestResult testSuite2Result = this.TestResultCollection["DET108781TestSuite"]; + Assert.That(testSuite2Result, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testSuite2Result, masterSuiteResult, "DET108781TestSuite", TestResultType.Passed, 48, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0); + + { + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = this.TestResultCollection["DET108781TestSuite/ExtendedMultiplexingTest"]; + Assert.That(testCaseResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testCaseResult, testSuite2Result, "ExtendedMultiplexingTest", TestResultType.Passed, 26, 0, 0); + AssertLogDetails(testCaseResult, 792000); + + results.Add(testCaseResult); + + BoostTestResult testCase2Result = this.TestResultCollection["DET108781TestSuite/QPGroupingTest"]; + Assert.That(testCase2Result, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testCase2Result, testSuite2Result, "QPGroupingTest", TestResultType.Passed, 22, 0, 0); + AssertLogDetails(testCase2Result, 941000); + + results.Add(testCase2Result); + } + + // Only *TestCase* results should be enumerated. + Assert.That(results.Intersect(this.TestResultCollection).Count(), Is.EqualTo(results.Count)); + } + } + + /// + /// Boost Test ''Xml'' report detailing that no tests could be found with the given name. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Boost Test results in a non-Xml format throw a parse exception. + /// + [Test] + [ExpectedException(typeof(XmlException))] + public void ParseNoMatchingTestsReportLog() + { + using (Stream report = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("")) + using (Stream log = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.NoMatchingTests.sample.test.log.xml")) + { + Parse(report, log); + } + } + + /// + /// Tests the correct memory leak discovery for an output that does not contain the source file and the line numbers available + /// + [Test] + public void MemoryLeakNoSourceFileAndLineNumbersAvailable() + { + using (Stream report = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("")) + using (Stream log = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.MemoryLeakTest.sample.test.log.xml")) + using (Stream stdout = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.MemoryLeakTest.sample.NoSourceFileAndLineNumbersAvailable.test.stdout.log")) + { + Parse(report, log, stdout); + + BoostTestResult masterSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection[string.Empty]; + Assert.That(masterSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + // NOTE The values here do not match the Xml report file since the attributes: + // 'test_cases_passed', 'test_cases_failed', 'test_cases_skipped' and 'test_cases_aborted' + // are computed in case test results are modified from the Xml output + // (which in the case of memory leaks, passing tests may be changed to failed). + AssertReportDetails(masterSuiteResult, null, "MyTest", TestResultType.Passed, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); + + BoostTestResult testSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection["LeakingSuite"]; + Assert.That(testSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testSuiteResult, masterSuiteResult, "LeakingSuite", TestResultType.Passed, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); + + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = this.TestResultCollection["LeakingSuite/LeakingTestCase"]; + Assert.That(testCaseResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testCaseResult, testSuiteResult, "LeakingTestCase", TestResultType.Failed, 0, 0, 0); + AssertLogDetails(testCaseResult, 0, new LogEntry[] { + new LogEntryMessage("Test case LeakingTestCase did not check any assertions", new SourceFileInfo("./boost/test/impl/results_collector.ipp", 220)), + new LogEntryMemoryLeak(null, null, null, 8, 837, " Data: < > 98 D5 D9 00 00 00 00 00 \n"), + new LogEntryMemoryLeak(null, null, null, 32, 836, " Data: <`- Leak... > 60 2D BD 00 4C 65 61 6B 2E 2E 2E 00 CD CD CD CD ") + }); + } + } + + /// + /// Tests the correct leak discovery for an output that does contain the source file and the line numbers available + /// + [Test] + public void MemoryLeakSourceFileAndLineNumbersAvailable() + { + using (Stream report = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("")) + using (Stream log = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.MemoryLeakTest.sample.test.log.xml")) + using (Stream stdout = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.MemoryLeakTest.sample.SourceFileAndLineNumbersAvailable.test.stdout.log")) + { + Assert.IsNotNull(report); + Assert.IsNotNull(log); + Assert.IsNotNull(stdout); + + Parse(report, log, stdout); + + BoostTestResult masterSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection[string.Empty]; + Assert.That(masterSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + // NOTE The values here do not match the Xml report file since the attributes: + // 'test_cases_passed', 'test_cases_failed', 'test_cases_skipped' and 'test_cases_aborted' + // are computed in case test results are modified from the Xml output + // (which in the case of memory leaks, passing tests may be changed to failed). + AssertReportDetails(masterSuiteResult, null, "MyTest", TestResultType.Passed, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); + + BoostTestResult testSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection["LeakingSuite"]; + Assert.That(testSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testSuiteResult, masterSuiteResult, "LeakingSuite", TestResultType.Passed, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); + + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = this.TestResultCollection["LeakingSuite/LeakingTestCase"]; + Assert.That(testCaseResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testCaseResult, testSuiteResult, "LeakingTestCase", TestResultType.Failed, 0, 0, 0); + AssertLogDetails(testCaseResult, 0, new LogEntry[] { + new LogEntryMessage("Test case LeakingTestCase did not check any assertions", new SourceFileInfo("./boost/test/impl/results_collector.ipp", 220)), + new LogEntryMemoryLeak(@"d:\hwa\dev\svn\boostunittestadapterdev\branches\tempbugfixing\sample\boostunittest\boostunittest2\",@"adapterbugs.cpp", 60, 4, 935, " Data: < > CD CD CD CD \n") + { + LeakSourceFileAndLineNumberReportingActive = true + }, + new LogEntryMemoryLeak(@"d:\hwa\dev\svn\boostunittestadapterdev\branches\tempbugfixing\sample\boostunittest\boostunittest2\",@"adapterbugs.cpp", 57, 4, 934, " Data: < > F5 01 00 00 ") + { + LeakSourceFileAndLineNumberReportingActive = true + } + }); + } + } + + /// + /// Boost Test Xml report + standard out and standard error detailing positive test execution. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Boost Test results in can parse and record standard output and standard error text output. + /// + [Test] + public void ParseOutputTestReportLogStdOutStdErr() + { + using (Stream report = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("")) + using (Stream stdout = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.OutputTest.sample.test.stdout.log")) + using (Stream stderr = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.ReportsLogs.OutputTest.sample.test.stderr.log")) + { + Parse(report, null, stdout, stderr); + + BoostTestResult masterSuiteResult = this.TestResultCollection[string.Empty]; + Assert.That(masterSuiteResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(masterSuiteResult, null, "MyTest", TestResultType.Passed, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); + + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = this.TestResultCollection["MyTestCase"]; + Assert.That(testCaseResult, Is.Not.Null); + + AssertReportDetails(testCaseResult, masterSuiteResult, "MyTestCase", TestResultType.Passed, 1, 0, 0); + AssertLogDetails(testCaseResult, 0, new LogEntry[] { + new LogEntryStandardOutputMessage("Hello Standard Output World"), + new LogEntryStandardErrorMessage("Hello Standard Error World") + }); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgsTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgsTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d18b94 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgsTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + class BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgsTest + { + #region Tests + + /// + /// Default configuration of a command-line arguments structure. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that a default command-line arguments structure does not generate a command-line string. + /// + [Test] + public void DefaultCommandLineArgs() + { + BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args = new BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs(); + Assert.That(args.ToString(), Is.Empty); + } + + /// + /// Non-default configuration of a command-line arguments structure. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that all non-default command-line arguments are listed accordingly. + /// + [Test] + public void SampleCommandLineArgs() + { + BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs args = new BoostTestRunnerCommandLineArgs(); + + args.Tests.Add("test"); + args.Tests.Add("suite/*"); + + args.LogFormat = OutputFormat.XML; + args.LogLevel = LogLevel.TestSuite; + args.LogFile = "log.xml"; + + args.ReportFormat = OutputFormat.XML; + args.ReportLevel = ReportLevel.Detailed; + args.ReportFile = "report.xml"; + + args.DetectMemoryLeaks = 0; + + args.StandardOutFile = "stdout.log"; + args.StandardErrorFile = "stderr.log"; + + Assert.That(args.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("\"--run_test=test,suite/*\" \"--log_format=xml\" \"--log_level=test_suite\" \"--log_sink=log.xml\" \"--report_format=xml\" \"--report_level=detailed\" \"--report_sink=report.xml\" \"--detect_memory_leak=0\" > \"stdout.log\" 2> \"stderr.log\"")); + } + + #endregion Tests + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestSettingsTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestSettingsTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94aa2dd --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestSettingsTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.IO; +using System.Xml; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner; +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Fakes; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility.Xml; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + class BoostTestSettingsTest + { + #region Helper Methods + + /// + /// Deserialises a BoostTestAdapterSettings instance from the provided embedded resource. + /// + /// Fully qualified path to a .runsettings Xml embedded resource + /// The deserialised BoostTestAdapterSettings + private BoostTestAdapterSettings Parse(string path) + { + BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider provider = new BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider(); + + DefaultTestContext context = new DefaultTestContext(); + context.RegisterSettingProvider(BoostTestAdapterSettings.XmlRootName, provider); + context.LoadEmbeddedSettings(path); + + return provider.Settings; + } + + /// + /// Tests the contents of a BoostTestAdapterSettings instance, making sure they comply to the default expected values. + /// + /// The BoostTestAdapterSettings instance to test + private void AssertDefaultSettings(BoostTestAdapterSettings settings) + { + Assert.That(settings.TimeoutMilliseconds, Is.EqualTo(-1)); + Assert.That(settings.FailTestOnMemoryLeak, Is.False); + Assert.That(settings.ConditionalInclusionsFilteringEnabled, Is.True); + Assert.That(settings.LogLevel, Is.EqualTo(LogLevel.TestSuite)); + Assert.That(settings.ExternalTestRunner, Is.Null); + } + + /// + /// Compares the serialized content of the settings structure against an Xml embedded resource string. + /// + /// The settings structure whose serialization is to be compared + /// The path to an embedded resource which contains the serialized Xml content to compare against + private void Compare(BoostTestAdapterSettings settings, string resource) + { + XmlElement element = settings.ToXml(); + + using (Stream stream = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource(resource)) + { + XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); + doc.Load(stream); + + XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/RunSettings/BoostTest"); + + XmlComparer comparer = new XmlComparer(); + comparer.CompareXML(element, root, XmlNodeTypeFilter.DefaultFilter); + } + } + + #endregion Helper Methods + + #region Tests + + /// + /// Default BoostTestAdapterSettings instance. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that the default state of a BoostTestAdapterSettings complies with requirements. + /// + [Test] + public void DefaultSettings() + { + BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = new BoostTestAdapterSettings(); + AssertDefaultSettings(settings); + } + + /// + /// Deserializing a BoostTestAdapterSettings instance from a .runsettings Xml document. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that BoostTestAdapterSettings can be deserialised from .runsettings files. + /// + [Test] + public void ParseSampleSettings() + { + BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = Parse("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.Settings.sample.runsettings"); + + Assert.That(settings.TimeoutMilliseconds, Is.EqualTo(600000)); + Assert.That(settings.FailTestOnMemoryLeak, Is.True); + + Assert.That(settings.ExternalTestRunner, Is.Not.Null); + Assert.That(settings.ExternalTestRunner.ExtensionType, Is.EqualTo(".dll")); + Assert.That(settings.ExternalTestRunner.DiscoveryMethodType, Is.EqualTo(DiscoveryMethodType.DiscoveryCommandLine)); + Assert.That(settings.ExternalTestRunner.DiscoveryCommandLine.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("C:\\ExternalTestRunner.exe --test \"{source}\" --list-debug \"{out}\"")); + Assert.That(settings.ExternalTestRunner.ExecutionCommandLine.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("C:\\ExternalTestRunner.exe --test \"{source}\"")); + } + + /// + /// Deserializing a semantically empty .runsettings Xml document provides a default BoostTestAdapterSettings instance. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that empty .runsettings files do not hinder BoostTestAdapterSettings deserialization. + /// + [Test] + public void ParseEmptySettings() + { + BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = Parse("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.Settings.empty.runsettings"); + AssertDefaultSettings(settings); + } + + /// + /// BoostTestAdapterSettings can be deserialised from a simple .runsettings Xml document. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that BoostTestAdapterSettings instances can be deserialised from a .runsettings file. + /// + [Test] + public void ParseDefaultSettings() + { + BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = Parse("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.Settings.default.runsettings"); + AssertDefaultSettings(settings); + } + + /// + /// BoostTestAdapterSettings can be deserialised from a 'complex' .runsettings Xml document. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that BoostTestAdapterSettings instances can be deserialised from a relatively 'complex' .runsettings file. + /// + [Test] + public void ParseComplexSettings() + { + BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = Parse("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.Settings.sample.2.runsettings"); + Assert.That(settings.TimeoutMilliseconds, Is.EqualTo(100)); + } + + /// + /// BoostTestAdapterSettings can be serialized as an Xml fragment. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that BoostTestAdapterSettings instances can be serialized to an Xml fragment. + /// - Ensure that the generated Xml fragment contains all of the necessary information to deserialize for later use. + /// + [Test] + public void SerializeSettings() + { + BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = new BoostTestAdapterSettings(); + + settings.TimeoutMilliseconds = 600000; + settings.FailTestOnMemoryLeak = true; + + settings.ExternalTestRunner = new ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings() + { + ExtensionType = ".dll", + DiscoveryMethodType = DiscoveryMethodType.DiscoveryCommandLine, + DiscoveryCommandLine = new CommandLine("C:\\ExternalTestRunner.exe", "--test \"{source}\" --list-debug \"{out}\""), + ExecutionCommandLine = new CommandLine("C:\\ExternalTestRunner.exe", "--test \"{source}\"") + }; + + Compare(settings, "BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.Settings.sample.runsettings"); + } + + /// + /// Ensure that external test runner settings utilitsing a file map can be deserialised from a .runsettings Xml document. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that external test runner settings utilitsing a file map can be deserialised from a .runsettings Xml document. + /// + [Test] + public void ParseExternalTestRunnerDiscoveryMapSettings() + { + BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = Parse("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.Settings.externalTestRunner.runsettings"); + + Assert.That(settings.TimeoutMilliseconds, Is.EqualTo(-1)); + Assert.That(settings.FailTestOnMemoryLeak, Is.False); + Assert.That(settings.ConditionalInclusionsFilteringEnabled, Is.True); + Assert.That(settings.LogLevel, Is.EqualTo(LogLevel.TestSuite)); + Assert.That(settings.ExternalTestRunner, Is.Not.Null); + + Assert.That(settings.ExternalTestRunner.ExtensionType, Is.EqualTo(".dll")); + Assert.That(settings.ExternalTestRunner.DiscoveryMethodType, Is.EqualTo(DiscoveryMethodType.DiscoveryFileMap)); + + IDictionary fileMap = new Dictionary + { + {"test_1.dll", "C:\\tests\\test_1.xml"}, + {"test_2.dll", "C:\\tests\\test_2.xml"} + }; + + Assert.That(settings.ExternalTestRunner.DiscoveryFileMap, Is.EqualTo(fileMap)); + Assert.That(settings.ExternalTestRunner.ExecutionCommandLine.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("C:\\ExternalTestRunner.exe --test \"{source}\"")); + } + + /// + /// Ensure that external test runner settings utilitsing a file map can be deserialised from a .runsettings Xml document. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that external test runner settings utilitsing a file map can be deserialised from a .runsettings Xml document. + /// + [Test] + public void SerialiseExternalTestRunnerDiscoveryMapSettings() + { + BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = new BoostTestAdapterSettings(); + + settings.ExternalTestRunner = new ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings + { + ExtensionType = ".dll", + DiscoveryMethodType = DiscoveryMethodType.DiscoveryFileMap, + ExecutionCommandLine = new CommandLine("C:\\ExternalTestRunner.exe", "--test \"{source}\"") + }; + + settings.ExternalTestRunner.DiscoveryFileMap.Add("test_1.dll", "C:\\tests\\test_1.xml"); + settings.ExternalTestRunner.DiscoveryFileMap.Add("test_2.dll", "C:\\tests\\test_2.xml"); + + Compare(settings, "BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.Settings.externalTestRunner.runsettings"); + } + + #endregion Tests + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47f9b4c --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/BoostTestTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,446 @@ +using System; +using System.IO; +using System.Xml; +using System.Xml.Serialization; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility.Xml; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + class BoostTestTest + { + #region Test Data + + /// + /// Default test source + /// + private const string Source = @"C:\tests.dll"; + + #endregion Test Data + + #region Helper Classes + + /// + /// Base implementation of ITestVisitor which visits children accordingly. + /// + private class DefaultTestVisitor : ITestVisitor + { + public virtual void Visit(TestCase testCase) + { + } + + public virtual void Visit(TestSuite testSuite) + { + foreach (TestUnit child in testSuite.Children) + { + child.Apply(this); + } + } + } + + /// + /// ITestVisitor implementation which counts the number of test cases. + /// + private class TestCaseCounter : DefaultTestVisitor + { + public uint Count { get; private set; } + + public override void Visit(TestCase testCase) + { + ++this.Count; + } + } + + /// + /// ITestVisitor implementation which counts the number of test suites. + /// + private class TestSuiteCounter : DefaultTestVisitor + { + public uint Count { get; private set; } + + public override void Visit(TestSuite testSuite) + { + ++this.Count; + + base.Visit(testSuite); + } + } + + /// + /// ITestVisitor implementation which looks up test units based on their qualified name. + /// + private class TestUnitLookup : ITestVisitor + { + public TestUnitLookup(string fullyQualifiedName) + { + this.FullyQualifiedName = fullyQualifiedName; + } + + public string FullyQualifiedName { get; private set; } + public TestUnit Unit { get; private set; } + + public void Visit(TestCase testCase) + { + Check(testCase); + } + + public void Visit(TestSuite testSuite) + { + if (!Check(testSuite)) + { + foreach (TestUnit child in testSuite.Children) + { + child.Apply(this); + if (this.Unit != null) + { + break; + } + } + } + } + + private bool Check(TestUnit unit) + { + bool match = (unit.FullyQualifiedName == this.FullyQualifiedName); + + if (match) + { + this.Unit = unit; + } + + return match; + } + } + + #endregion Helper Classes + + #region Helper Methods + + /// + /// States the number of test suites for the provided test unit (including itself) + /// + /// The root test unit from which to start enumerating test suites + /// The number of test suites for the provided test unit + private uint GetTestSuiteCount(TestUnit root) + { + TestSuiteCounter counter = new TestSuiteCounter(); + root.Apply(counter); + return counter.Count; + } + + /// + /// States the number of test cases for the provided test unit (including itself) + /// + /// The root test unit from which to start enumerating test cases + /// The number of test cases for the provided test unit + private uint GetTestCaseCount(TestUnit root) + { + TestCaseCounter counter = new TestCaseCounter(); + root.Apply(counter); + return counter.Count; + } + + /// + /// Looks up a test unit by fully qualified name + /// + /// The root test unit from which to start searching + /// The fully qualified name of the test unit to look for + /// The test unit with the requested fully qualified name or null if it cannot be found + private TestUnit Lookup(TestUnit root, string fullyQualifiedName) + { + TestUnitLookup lookup = new TestUnitLookup(fullyQualifiedName); + root.Apply(lookup); + return lookup.Unit; + } + + /// + /// Deserialises an embedded resource as a TestFramework + /// + /// The fully qualified path to the embedded resource + /// The TestFramework deserialised from the embedded resource + private TestFramework Deserialize(string path) + { + using (Stream stream = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource(path)) + { + XmlSerializer deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TestFramework)); + return deserializer.Deserialize(stream) as TestFramework; + } + } + + /// + /// Serializes the provided TestFramework as an XmlDocument + /// + /// The TestFramework to serialize + /// The serialized Xml for the provided TestFramework + private static XmlDocument Serialize(TestFramework framework) + { + XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); + + using (XmlWriter writer = doc.CreateNavigator().AppendChild()) + { + XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TestFramework)); + serializer.Serialize(writer, framework); + } + + return doc; + } + + /// + /// Asserts test unit details + /// + /// The test unit to test + /// The expected type of the test unit + /// The expected Id of the test unit + /// The expected parent of the test unit + private void AssertTestUnit(TestUnit unit, Type type, int id, TestUnit parent) + { + Assert.That(unit, Is.Not.Null); + Assert.That(unit, Is.TypeOf(type)); + Assert.That(unit.Id, Is.EqualTo(id)); + Assert.That(unit.Parent, Is.EqualTo(parent)); + } + + /// + /// Asserts test suite details + /// + /// The test suite to test + /// The expected Id of the test suite + /// The expected parent of the test suite + private void AssertTestSuite(TestUnit unit, int id, TestUnit parent) + { + AssertTestUnit(unit, typeof(TestSuite), id, parent); + } + + /// + /// Asserts test case details + /// + /// The test case to test + /// The expected Id of the test case + /// The expected source file information of the test case + /// The expected parent of the test case + private void AssertTestCase(TestUnit unit, int id, SourceFileInfo info, TestUnit parent) + { + AssertTestUnit(unit, typeof(TestCase), id, parent); + + TestCase test = ((TestCase) unit); + + Assert.That(test.Children, Is.Empty); + + SourceFileInfo unitInfo = test.Source; + + if (info == null) + { + Assert.That(unitInfo, Is.Null); + } + else + { + Assert.That(unitInfo.File, Is.EqualTo(info.File)); + Assert.That(unitInfo.LineNumber, Is.EqualTo(info.LineNumber)); + } + } + + #endregion Helper Methods + + #region Tests + + /// + /// Test cases cannot be parents of other test units. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that TestCases cannot accept other test units as children. + /// + [Test] + [ExpectedException(typeof(InvalidOperationException))] + public void AddChildToTestCase() + { + TestSuite master = new TestSuite("master", null); + TestCase test = new TestCase("test", master); + + test.AddChild(new TestCase()); + } + + /// + /// Tests can be uniquely identified via their qualified name. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Tests with similar names can still be distinctly identified based on their fully qualified name. + /// + [Test] + public void TestQualifiedNamingScheme() + { + TestFramework framework = new TestFrameworkBuilder(Source, "Master Test Suite", 1). + TestCase("test", 2). + TestSuite("suite", 3). + TestSuite("suite", 4). + TestCase("test", 5). + EndSuite(). + EndSuite(). + Build(); + + // Master Test Suite fully qualified name is equivalent to the empty string + Assert.That(framework.MasterTestSuite.FullyQualifiedName, Is.Empty); + + // Test Units which fall directly under the Master Test Suite will + // have their (local) name equivalent to their fully qualified name + foreach (TestUnit child in framework.MasterTestSuite.Children) + { + Assert.That(child.FullyQualifiedName, Is.EqualTo(child.Name)); + } + + // Test Fully Qualified Name scheme via lookup + + TestUnit test = Lookup(framework.MasterTestSuite, "test"); + AssertTestCase(test, 2, null, framework.MasterTestSuite); + + TestUnit suite = Lookup(framework.MasterTestSuite, "suite"); + AssertTestSuite(suite, 3, framework.MasterTestSuite); + + TestUnit suiteSuite = Lookup(framework.MasterTestSuite, "suite/suite"); + AssertTestSuite(suiteSuite, 4, suite); + + TestUnit suiteSuiteTest = Lookup(framework.MasterTestSuite, "suite/suite/test"); + AssertTestCase(suiteSuiteTest, 5, null, suiteSuite); + } + + /// + /// TestFramework instances can be deserialised from Xml listings. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Given a valid Xml fragment, a TestFramework can be deserialised from the contained information. + /// + [Test] + public void ParseTestList() + { + TestFramework framework = Deserialize("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.TestLists.sample.test.list.xml"); + + Assert.That(framework.Source, Is.EqualTo(Source)); + + Assert.That(framework.MasterTestSuite, Is.Not.Null); + Assert.That(framework.MasterTestSuite.Name, Is.EqualTo("Test runner test")); + Assert.That(framework.MasterTestSuite.Id, Is.EqualTo(1)); + + Assert.That(GetTestSuiteCount(framework.MasterTestSuite), Is.EqualTo(4)); + Assert.That(GetTestCaseCount(framework.MasterTestSuite), Is.EqualTo(7)); + + string sourceFile = "test_runner_test.cpp"; + + AssertTestCase( + Lookup(framework.MasterTestSuite, "test1"), + 65536, + new SourceFileInfo(sourceFile, 26), + framework.MasterTestSuite + ); + + AssertTestCase( + Lookup(framework.MasterTestSuite, "test2"), + 65537, + new SourceFileInfo(sourceFile, 35), + framework.MasterTestSuite + ); + + TestUnit sampleSuite = Lookup(framework.MasterTestSuite, "SampleSuite"); + AssertTestSuite(sampleSuite, 2, framework.MasterTestSuite); + + TestUnit sampleNestedSuite = Lookup(framework.MasterTestSuite, "SampleSuite/SampleNestedSuite"); + AssertTestSuite(sampleNestedSuite, 3, sampleSuite); + + AssertTestCase( + Lookup(framework.MasterTestSuite, "SampleSuite/SampleNestedSuite/test3"), + 65538, + new SourceFileInfo(sourceFile, 48), + sampleNestedSuite + ); + + TestUnit templateSuite = Lookup(framework.MasterTestSuite, "TemplateSuite"); + AssertTestSuite(templateSuite, 4, framework.MasterTestSuite); + + AssertTestCase( + Lookup(framework.MasterTestSuite, "TemplateSuite/my_test"), + 65539, + new SourceFileInfo(sourceFile, 79), + templateSuite + ); + + AssertTestCase( + Lookup(framework.MasterTestSuite, "TemplateSuite/my_test"), + 65540, + new SourceFileInfo(sourceFile, 79), + templateSuite + ); + + AssertTestCase( + Lookup(framework.MasterTestSuite, "TemplateSuite/my_test"), + 65541, + new SourceFileInfo(sourceFile, 79), + templateSuite + ); + + AssertTestCase( + Lookup(framework.MasterTestSuite, "TemplateSuite/my_test"), + 65542, + new SourceFileInfo(sourceFile, 79), + templateSuite + ); + } + + /// + /// TestFramework instances can be deserialised from semantically empty Xml listings. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Given a valid Xml fragment describing an empty framework, a TestFramework can be deserialised from the contained information. + /// + [Test] + public void ParseEmptyTestList() + { + TestFramework framework = Deserialize("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.TestLists.empty.test.list.xml"); + + Assert.That(framework.MasterTestSuite, Is.Not.Null); + Assert.That(framework.Source, Is.Empty); + Assert.That(GetTestSuiteCount(framework.MasterTestSuite), Is.EqualTo(1)); + Assert.That(GetTestCaseCount(framework.MasterTestSuite), Is.EqualTo(0)); + } + + /// + /// TestFramework can be serialized as an Xml listing. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - A TestFramework can be serialized to Xml successfully. + /// + [Test] + public void SerializeTestFramework() + { + string sourceFile = "test_runner_test.cpp"; + + TestFramework framework = new TestFrameworkBuilder(Source, "Test runner test", 1). + TestCase("test1", 65536, new SourceFileInfo(sourceFile, 26)). + TestCase("test2", 65537, new SourceFileInfo(sourceFile, 35)). + TestSuite("SampleSuite", 2). + TestSuite("SampleNestedSuite", 3). + TestCase("test3", 65538, new SourceFileInfo(sourceFile, 48)). + EndSuite(). + EndSuite(). + TestSuite("TemplateSuite", 4). + TestCase("my_test", 65539, new SourceFileInfo(sourceFile, 79)). + TestCase("my_test", 65540, new SourceFileInfo(sourceFile, 79)). + TestCase("my_test", 65541, new SourceFileInfo(sourceFile, 79)). + TestCase("my_test", 65542, new SourceFileInfo(sourceFile, 79)). + EndSuite(). + Build(); + + using (Stream stream = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.TestLists.sample.test.list.xml")) + { + XmlDocument baseXml = new XmlDocument(); + baseXml.Load(stream); + + XmlComparer comparer = new XmlComparer(); + comparer.CompareXML(baseXml, Serialize(framework), XmlNodeTypeFilter.DefaultFilter); + } + } + + #endregion Tests + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/CommandEvaluatorTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/CommandEvaluatorTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd4581b --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/CommandEvaluatorTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + public class CommandEvaluatorTest + { + [SetUp] + public void SetUp() + { + CommandEvaluator = new CommandEvaluator(); + } + + private CommandEvaluator CommandEvaluator { get; set; } + + /// + /// Variable placeholder string substition + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that variable placholders are properly substituted using their pre-defined value + /// + /// The un-evaluated string which is to be evaluated + /// A list of string pairs consisting of the variable placeholder label and its respective value + /// The evaluated string + [TestCase("Hello {World}!", "World", "Welt", Result = "Hello Welt!")] + [TestCase("Hello {World}!", "World", null, Result = "Hello null!")] + [TestCase("C:\\ExternalTestRunner.exe --test \"{source}\" --discover", "source", "boost.test.dll", "timeout", "10", Result = "C:\\ExternalTestRunner.exe --test \"boost.test.dll\" --discover")] + [TestCase("{source} \"--run_test={test}\" {boost-args}", "source", "test.boostd.exe", "test", "TestSuite/TestCase", "timeout", "10", "boost-args", "--log_level=all", Result = "test.boostd.exe \"--run_test=TestSuite/TestCase\" --log_level=all")] + [TestCase("{$}", "$", "jQuery", Result = "jQuery")] + [TestCase("{MyVariable} {Is} {Not} {Available}", "MyVariable", "Cikku", Result = "Cikku {Is} {Not} {Available}")] + [TestCase("{A}{B}{A}", "A", "1", "B", "2", Result = "121")] + public string Evaluate(string input, params string[] variables) + { + Assert.That(variables.Length % 2, Is.EqualTo(0)); + + for (int i = 0; i < variables.Length; i += 2) + { + CommandEvaluator.SetVariable(variables[i], variables[i + 1]); + } + + return CommandEvaluator.Evaluate(input).Result; + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/ConditionalInclusionsFilterTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/ConditionalInclusionsFilterTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22f4672 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/ConditionalInclusionsFilterTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,273 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility; +using NUnit.Framework; +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + class ConditionalInclusionsFilterTest + { + /// + /// The scope of this test is to make sure of the proper handling of the if conditionals of the conditional inclusions filter. The filter is supplied with a fairly + /// complex nested if structure and the result generated is compared against the expected filtered output. For this test the expression complexity of the conditional + /// is kept to a fairly low level. + /// + [Test] + public void ConditionalInclusionsIfTests() + { + #region setup + + var definesHandler = new Defines(); + + definesHandler.Define("DEBUG", ""); + definesHandler.Define("NDEBUG", ""); + definesHandler.Define("DEBUGGER", ""); + + var expectedPreprocessorDefines = new HashSet() + { + "DEBUG", + "NDEBUG", + "DEBUGGER", + "DLEVEL" + }; + + var filter = new ConditionalInclusionsFilter( new ExpressionEvaluation() ); + + const string nameSpace = "BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.SourceFiltering."; + const string unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName = "ConditionalInclusionsIfTests_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp"; + const string filteredSourceCodeResourceName = "ConditionalInclusionsIfTests_FilteredSourceCode.cpp"; + + string sourceCodeOriginal = TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName); + string sourceCodeExpected = TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(nameSpace + filteredSourceCodeResourceName); + + var cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile() + { + FileName = nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName, + SourceCode = sourceCodeOriginal + }; + + #endregion + + #region excercise + + filter.Filter(cppSourceFile, definesHandler); + + #endregion + + #region verify + + Assert.AreEqual(sourceCodeExpected, cppSourceFile.SourceCode); + Assert.AreEqual(expectedPreprocessorDefines, definesHandler.NonSubstitutionTokens); + Assert.AreEqual(0, definesHandler.SubstitutionTokens.Count); + + #endregion + + } + + /// + /// The scope of this test is to test the proper handling of the #define, #undef, #if, #else, #elif and #endif...with particular focus on the #define. + /// This test limits itself on checking that the ConditionalInclusionsFilter handles properly the presence of the tokens, so text substitutions and + /// and parametrized macro are out of scope. + /// + [Test] + public void ConditionalInclusionsIfdefTests() + { + + #region setup + + var definesHandler = new Defines(); + + definesHandler.Define("DEBUG", ""); + definesHandler.Define("NDEBUG", ""); + definesHandler.Define("DEBUGGER", ""); + + var expectedPreprocessorDefines = new HashSet() + { + "NDEBUG", + "DEBUGGER" + }; + + var filter = new ConditionalInclusionsFilter( new ExpressionEvaluation()); + + const string nameSpace = "BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.SourceFiltering."; + const string unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName = "ConditionalInclusionsIfdefTests_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp"; + const string filteredSourceCodeResourceName = "ConditionalInclusionsIfdefTests_FilteredSourceCode.cpp"; + + string sourceCodeOriginal = TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName); + string sourceCodeExpected = TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(nameSpace + filteredSourceCodeResourceName); + + var cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile() + { + FileName = nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName, + SourceCode = sourceCodeOriginal + }; + + #endregion + + #region excercise + + filter.Filter(cppSourceFile, definesHandler); + + #endregion + + #region verify + + Assert.AreEqual(sourceCodeExpected, cppSourceFile.SourceCode); + Assert.AreEqual(expectedPreprocessorDefines, definesHandler.NonSubstitutionTokens); + Assert.AreEqual(0, definesHandler.SubstitutionTokens.Count); + + #endregion + + } + + /// + /// The scope of this test is to make sure that if the state machine does not return to the "normal state", we bypass all filtering + /// done on the file and return the source code unfiltered + /// + [Test] + public void ConditionalInclusionsBadSourceFileNesting() + { + #region setup + + var definesHandler = new Defines(); //no defines supplied + + var filter = new ConditionalInclusionsFilter(new ExpressionEvaluation()); + + const string nameSpace = "BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.SourceFiltering."; + const string unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName = "ConditionalInclusionsBadSourceFileNesting.cpp"; + + string sourceCodeOriginal = TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName); + string sourceCodeExpected = sourceCodeOriginal; + + var cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile() + { + FileName = nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName, + SourceCode = sourceCodeOriginal + }; + + #endregion + + #region excercise + + filter.Filter(cppSourceFile, definesHandler); + + #endregion + + #region verify + + Assert.AreEqual(sourceCodeExpected, cppSourceFile.SourceCode); //no filtering should be done due to missing #endif + + #endregion + + } + + /// + /// The scope of this test is to supply the filter with expressions that is not able to handle, so as to make sure + /// that in case the filter is not able to handle the expression complexity we abort any filtering on the entire sourcecode + /// and return back the source code unfiltered + /// + [Test] + public void ConditionalInclusionsComplexExpressionEvaluationFail() + { + #region setup + + var definesHandler = new Defines(); //no defines supplied + + var filter = new ConditionalInclusionsFilter(new ExpressionEvaluation()); + + const string nameSpace = "BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.SourceFiltering."; + const string unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName = "ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationFail.cpp"; + + string sourceCodeOriginal = TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName); + string sourceCodeExpected = sourceCodeOriginal; + + var cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile() + { + FileName = nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName, + SourceCode = sourceCodeOriginal + }; + + #endregion + + #region excercise + + filter.Filter(cppSourceFile, definesHandler); + + #endregion + + #region verify + + Assert.AreEqual(sourceCodeExpected, cppSourceFile.SourceCode); //no filtering should be done due to inability to evaluate an expression + + #endregion + } + + /// + /// The scope of this test is to supply the filter with expressions that it can handle and to make sure that it filters in and + /// out the source code in a correct fashion. + /// + [Test] + public void ConditionalInclusionsComplexExpressionEvaluationSuccess() + { + #region setup + + var definesHandler = new Defines(); + + var expectedNonSubstitutionTokens = new HashSet() + { + "VERSION", + "HALF", + "THIRD", + "DEBUG", + "SIN", + "MAX", + "CUBE", + "fPRINT", + "ASSERT", + }; + + var expectedSubtitutionTokens = new Dictionary() + { + {"LEVEL", "19"}, + {"EVER", ";;"}, + {"BIG", "(512)"}, + {"PRINT", "cout << #x"}, + }; + + var filter = new ConditionalInclusionsFilter(new ExpressionEvaluation()); + + const string nameSpace = "BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.SourceFiltering."; + const string unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName = "ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationSuccess_UnfilteredSourceCode.cpp"; + const string filteredSourceCodeResourceName = "ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationSuccess_FilteredSourceCode.cpp"; + + string sourceCodeOriginal = TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName); + + string sourceCodeExpected = TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(nameSpace + filteredSourceCodeResourceName); + + var cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile() + { + FileName = nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName, + SourceCode = sourceCodeOriginal + }; + + #endregion + + #region excercise + + filter.Filter(cppSourceFile, definesHandler); + + #endregion + + #region verify + + Assert.AreEqual(sourceCodeExpected, cppSourceFile.SourceCode); + Assert.AreEqual(expectedNonSubstitutionTokens, definesHandler.NonSubstitutionTokens); + Assert.AreEqual(expectedSubtitutionTokens, definesHandler.SubstitutionTokens); + + #endregion + } + + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/CorrectReferencedAssembliesTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/CorrectReferencedAssembliesTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..099631c --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/CorrectReferencedAssembliesTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +using System.Linq; +using System.Reflection; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + internal class CorrectReferencesAssembliesTest + { + /// + /// It is critical that assemblies are compiled with the correct references. The scope of these tests are to ensure that a user + /// is referencing the correct Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel and the correct Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine + /// in all the complied assemblies. The idea is taken off the Nunit tests of NUnit nunit3-vs-adapter/src/NUnitTestAdapterTests/ProjectTests.cs on GitHub + /// + /// the dll name + /// the assembly that we are going to check that is properly referenced + /// version number that assembly must have + [TestCase("BoostTestAdapter.dll", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel", 11, TestName = "CorrectlyReferencedBoostTestAdapter", Description = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel in BoostTestAdapter must point to the VS2012 version")] + [TestCase("VisualStudio2012Adapter.dll", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine", 11, TestName = "CorrectlyReferencedVisualStudio2012Adapter", Description = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine in VisualStudio2012Adapter must point to the VS2012 version")] + [TestCase("VisualStudio2013Adapter.dll", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine", 12, TestName = "CorrectlyReferencedVisualStudio2013Adapter", Description = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine in VisualStudio2013Adapter must point to the VS2013 version")] + [TestCase("VisualStudio2015Adapter.dll", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine", 14, TestName = "CorrectlyReferencedVisualStudio2015Adapter", Description = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine in VisualStudio2015Adapter must point to the VS2015 version")] + public void CorrectReferences(string dll, string assemblyReferenceName, int versionMajor) + { + var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "/" + dll); + var referencedAssemblies = assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies().Where(ass => ass.Name == assemblyReferenceName).ToList(); + Assert.IsTrue(referencedAssemblies != null && referencedAssemblies.Count() == 1, "No reference to " + assemblyReferenceName + " found"); + Assert.IsTrue(referencedAssemblies[0].Version.Major == versionMajor, + assemblyReferenceName + " in " + dll + " is referenced to an incorrect version"); + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactoryTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactoryTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9e1c71 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactoryTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +using System; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Runner; +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + class DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactoryTest + { + #region Test Setup/Teardown + + [SetUp] + public void SetUp() + { + this.Factory = new DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactory(); + } + + #endregion Test Setup/Teardown + + #region Test Data + + private DefaultBoostTestRunnerFactory Factory { get; set; } + + #endregion Test Data + + #region Tests + + /// + /// Provisions internal and external IBoostTestRunner instances based on the requested source and settings. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that the proper IBoostTestRunner type is provided for the requested source. + /// + // Exe types + [TestCase("test.exe", null, typeof(BoostTestRunner))] + [TestCase("test.exe", ".dll", typeof(BoostTestRunner))] + [TestCase("test.exe", ".exe", typeof(ExternalBoostTestRunner))] + // Dll types + [TestCase("test.dll", null, null)] + [TestCase("test.dll", ".dll", typeof(ExternalBoostTestRunner))] + [TestCase("test.dll", ".exe", null)] + // Invalid extension types + [TestCase("test.txt", null, null)] + [TestCase("test.txt", ".dll", null)] + [TestCase("test.txt", ".exe", null)] + public void ExternalBoostTestRunnerProvisioning(string source, string externalExtension, Type type) + { + BoostTestRunnerFactoryOptions options = new BoostTestRunnerFactoryOptions(); + options.ExternalTestRunnerSettings = new ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings + { + ExtensionType = externalExtension, + DiscoveryCommandLine = new CommandLine(), + ExecutionCommandLine = new CommandLine() + }; + + IBoostTestRunner runner = this.Factory.GetRunner(source, options); + + if (runner == null) + { + Assert.That(type, Is.Null); + } + else + { + Assert.That(runner, Is.AssignableTo(type)); + } + } + + #endregion Tests + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/DefaultTestDiscovererFactoryTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/DefaultTestDiscovererFactoryTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bff9642 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/DefaultTestDiscovererFactoryTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +using System; +using BoostTestAdapter; +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + class DefaultTestDiscovererFactoryTest + { + #region Test Setup/Teardown + + [SetUp] + public void SetUp() + { + this.Factory = new DefaultBoostTestDiscovererFactory(); + } + + #endregion Test Setup/Teardown + + #region Test Data + + private DefaultBoostTestDiscovererFactory Factory { get; set; } + + #endregion Test Data + + #region Tests + + /// + /// Provisions internal and external TestDiscoverer instances ones based on the requested source and settings. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that the proper ITestDiscoverer type is provided for the requested source. + /// + // Exe types + [TestCase("test.exe", null, Result = typeof(BoostTestExeDiscoverer))] + [TestCase("test.exe", ".dll", Result = typeof(BoostTestExeDiscoverer))] + [TestCase("test.exe", ".exe", Result = typeof(ExternalBoostTestDiscoverer))] + // Dll types + [TestCase("test.dll", null, Result = null)] + [TestCase("test.dll", ".dll", Result = typeof(ExternalBoostTestDiscoverer))] + [TestCase("test.dll", ".exe", Result = null)] + // Invalid extension types + [TestCase("test.txt", null, Result = null)] + [TestCase("test.txt", ".dll", Result = null)] + [TestCase("test.txt", ".exe", Result = null)] + public Type TestDiscovererProvisioning(string source, string externalExtension) + { + ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings settings = null; + + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(externalExtension)) + { + settings = new ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings { ExtensionType = externalExtension }; + } + + BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions options = new BoostTestDiscovererFactoryOptions + { + ExternalTestRunnerSettings = settings + }; + + IBoostTestDiscoverer discoverer = this.Factory.GetTestDiscoverer(source, options); + + return (discoverer == null) ? null : discoverer.GetType(); + } + + #endregion Tests + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/ExpressionEvaluationTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/ExpressionEvaluationTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6dd9b84 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/ExpressionEvaluationTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter; +using NUnit.Framework; +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + class ExpressionEvaluationTest + { + /// + /// Tests the expression evaluator with different expressions of varying complexities + /// + [TestCase("0", Result = EvaluationResult.IsFalse)] + [TestCase("1", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + [TestCase("1+1", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + [TestCase("1+1-0", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + [TestCase("1+(1)", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + [TestCase("(1)", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + [TestCase("1.0", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + [TestCase("VERSION > 0", "VERSION", "5", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + [TestCase("VERSION > 0", "VERSION", "0", Result = EvaluationResult.IsFalse)] + [TestCase("0 || 2", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + [TestCase("1 && 2", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + [TestCase("0 && 1", Result = EvaluationResult.IsFalse)] + [TestCase("VERSION > 0", Result = EvaluationResult.UnDetermined)] + [TestCase("(1", Result = EvaluationResult.UnDetermined)] + [TestCase("1/0", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + [TestCase("version > 0", "VERSION", "1", Result = EvaluationResult.UnDetermined)] /* case sensitivity test */ + [TestCase("VALUE1 > VALUE2", "VALUE1", "10", "VALUE2", "9", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + [TestCase("-1", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + [TestCase("BIG == 512", "BIG", "(512)", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + [TestCase("BIG == 512", "BIG", "(SMO + 1)", "SMO", "(511)", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + [TestCase("BIG == 512", "BIG", "(SMO + 1)", Result = EvaluationResult.UnDetermined)] + [TestCase("BIGA == 512", Result = EvaluationResult.UnDetermined)] + [TestCase("defined(TEST1) && !defined(TEST2)", Result = EvaluationResult.IsFalse)] + [TestCase("defined(TEST1) && !defined(TEST2)", "TEST1", "", "TEST2", "", Result = EvaluationResult.IsFalse)] + [TestCase("defined(TEST1) && !defined(TEST2)", "TEST1", "", Result = EvaluationResult.IsTrue)] + public EvaluationResult ExpressionEvaluation(string expression, params string[] definitions) + { + ExpressionEvaluation e = new ExpressionEvaluation(); + return e.EvaluateExpression(expression, GenerateDefines(definitions)); + } + + /// + /// Given a parameter list of strings, generates a Defines structure + /// where pairs of strings are treated as a definition and its value. + /// + /// The string pair definitions array from which to generate the Defines structue + /// A Defines structure built out of string pairs available in the definitions array + private Defines GenerateDefines(string[] definitions) + { + Assert.That(definitions.Length % 2, Is.EqualTo(0)); + + Defines definesHandler = new Defines(); + + for (int i = 1; i < definitions.Length; i += 2) + { + definesHandler.Define(definitions[i - 1], definitions[i]); + } + + return definesHandler; + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/ExternalBoostTestDiscovererTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/ExternalBoostTestDiscovererTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da3bb79 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/ExternalBoostTestDiscovererTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.IO; +using System.Linq; +using BoostTestAdapter; +using BoostTestAdapter.Settings; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Fakes; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel; +using NUnit.Framework; +using VSTestCase = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestCase; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + public class ExternalBoostTestDiscovererTest + { + #region Helper Methods + + /// + /// Asserts general test properties + /// + /// The enumeration of discovered tests + /// The qualified test name which is to be tested + /// The source from which the test should have been discovered + /// Optional source file information related to the test under question + private void AssertVSTestCaseProperties(IEnumerable tests, QualifiedNameBuilder qualifiedName, string source, SourceFileInfo info) + { + VSTestCase test = tests.FirstOrDefault((_test) => (_test.FullyQualifiedName == qualifiedName.ToString())); + + Assert.That(test, Is.Not.Null); + Assert.That(test.DisplayName, Is.EqualTo(qualifiedName.Peek())); + Assert.That(test.Source, Is.EqualTo(source)); + Assert.That(test.ExecutorUri, Is.EqualTo(BoostTestExecutor.ExecutorUri)); + + if (info != null) + { + Assert.That(test.CodeFilePath, Is.EqualTo(info.File)); + Assert.That(test.LineNumber, Is.EqualTo(info.LineNumber)); + } + + Assert.That(test.Traits.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1)); + + Trait trait = test.Traits.First(); + Assert.That(trait.Name, Is.EqualTo(VSTestModel.TestSuiteTrait)); + + string suite = qualifiedName.Pop().ToString(); + if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(suite)) + { + suite = qualifiedName.MasterTestSuite; + } + + Assert.That(trait.Value, Is.EqualTo(suite)); + } + + #endregion Helper Methods + + #region Tests + + /// + /// External test discovery based on static test listings + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that if configured to use static test listing, test discovery lists only the tests which can be mapped to a valid test source. + /// + [Test] + public void DiscoveryFileMapDiscovery() + { + string listing = TestHelper.CopyEmbeddedResourceToDirectory("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.TestLists", "sample.test.list.xml", Path.GetTempPath()); + + try + { + ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings settings = new ExternalBoostTestRunnerSettings + { + ExtensionType = ".dll", + DiscoveryMethodType = DiscoveryMethodType.DiscoveryFileMap + }; + + settings.DiscoveryFileMap["test_1.dll"] = listing; + + ExternalBoostTestDiscoverer discoverer = new ExternalBoostTestDiscoverer(settings); + + DefaultTestContext context = new DefaultTestContext(); + ConsoleMessageLogger logger = new ConsoleMessageLogger(); + DefaultTestCaseDiscoverySink sink = new DefaultTestCaseDiscoverySink(); + + const string mappedSource = "C:\\test_1.dll"; + const string unmappedSource = "C:\\test_2.dll"; + + discoverer.DiscoverTests(new string[] { mappedSource, unmappedSource }, context, logger, sink); + + // A total of 7 tests should be discovered as described in the Xml descriptor + Assert.That(sink.Tests.Count(), Is.EqualTo(7)); + + // All of the discovered tests should originate from C:\test_1.dll. + // No mapping to C:\test_2.dll exist so no tests should be discovered from that source. + Assert.That(sink.Tests.Count((test) => test.Source == mappedSource), Is.EqualTo(7)); + + const string masterTestSuite = "Test runner test"; + + AssertVSTestCaseProperties(sink.Tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString(masterTestSuite, "test1"), mappedSource, new SourceFileInfo("test_runner_test.cpp", 26)); + AssertVSTestCaseProperties(sink.Tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString(masterTestSuite, "test2"), mappedSource, new SourceFileInfo("test_runner_test.cpp", 35)); + AssertVSTestCaseProperties(sink.Tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString(masterTestSuite, "SampleSuite/SampleNestedSuite/test3"), mappedSource, new SourceFileInfo("test_runner_test.cpp", 48)); + AssertVSTestCaseProperties(sink.Tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString(masterTestSuite, "TemplateSuite/my_test"), mappedSource, new SourceFileInfo("test_runner_test.cpp", 79)); + AssertVSTestCaseProperties(sink.Tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString(masterTestSuite, "TemplateSuite/my_test"), mappedSource, new SourceFileInfo("test_runner_test.cpp", 79)); + AssertVSTestCaseProperties(sink.Tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString(masterTestSuite, "TemplateSuite/my_test"), mappedSource, new SourceFileInfo("test_runner_test.cpp", 79)); + AssertVSTestCaseProperties(sink.Tests, QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString(masterTestSuite, "TemplateSuite/my_test"), mappedSource, new SourceFileInfo("test_runner_test.cpp", 79)); + } + finally + { + if (File.Exists(listing)) + { + File.Delete(listing); + } + } + } + + #endregion Tests + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Fakes/ConsoleMessageLogger.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Fakes/ConsoleMessageLogger.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2339c77 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Fakes/ConsoleMessageLogger.cs @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +using System; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Logging; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit.Fakes +{ + /// + /// IMessageLogger implementation. Writes all logged messages to standard output. + /// + public class ConsoleMessageLogger : IMessageLogger + { + #region IMessageLogger + + public void SendMessage(TestMessageLevel testMessageLevel, string message) + { + Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", testMessageLevel, message); + } + + #endregion IMessageLogger + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Fakes/DefaultTestContext.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Fakes/DefaultTestContext.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a45d6da --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Fakes/DefaultTestContext.cs @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.IO; +using System.Xml; +using System.Xml.XPath; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Adapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit.Fakes +{ + /// + /// Default implementation of IRunContext/IDiscoveryContext/IRunSettings for testing purposes. + /// + public class DefaultTestContext : IRunContext, IRunSettings + { + /// + /// Default constructor + /// + public DefaultTestContext() : + this(false, string.Empty) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// Flag which identifies whether or not this RunContext is a debug run context or not. + public DefaultTestContext(bool debug) : + this(debug, string.Empty) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// Flag which identifies whether or not this RunContext is a debug run context or not. + /// An Xml string which identifies the runsettings in use. + public DefaultTestContext(bool debug, string settings) + { + this.IsBeingDebugged = debug; + this.SettingsXml = settings; + + this.IsDataCollectionEnabled = false; + + this.SettingProviders = new Dictionary(); + } + + /// + /// Map of SettingProvider name to a respective SettingProvider instance. + /// + private IDictionary SettingProviders { get; set; } + + #region IRunContext + + public ITestCaseFilterExpression GetTestCaseFilter(IEnumerable supportedProperties, Func propertyProvider) + { + throw new NotImplementedException(); + } + + public bool InIsolation { get; set; } + + public bool IsBeingDebugged { get; set; } + + public bool IsDataCollectionEnabled { get; set; } + + public bool KeepAlive { get; set; } + + public string SolutionDirectory { get; set; } + + public string TestRunDirectory { get; set; } + + #region IDiscoveryContext + + public IRunSettings RunSettings + { + get { return this; } + } + + #endregion IDiscoveryContext + #endregion IRunContext + + #region IRunSettings + + public ISettingsProvider GetSettings(string settingsName) + { + SettingProviderContext context = null; + if (this.SettingProviders.TryGetValue(settingsName, out context)) + { + // If no Xml fragment is found for a particular provider, return null + return (context.IsSet) ? context.Provider : null; + } + + return null; + } + + public string SettingsXml + { + get; + set; + } + + #endregion IRunSettings + + /// + /// An attempt to emulate the C# MEF export. + /// + /// The settings name + /// The settings provider to register under the provided name + public void RegisterSettingProvider(string name, ISettingsProvider provider) + { + this.SettingProviders[name] = new SettingProviderContext(provider); + } + + /// + /// Loads the embedded resource path and populates the registered providers accordingly. + /// + /// The path to the embedded resource + public void LoadEmbeddedSettings(string path) + { + this.SettingsXml = TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(path); + + // Populate SettingProviders + using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(this.SettingsXml)) + { + XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument(reader); + XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator(); + + foreach (XPathNavigator child in nav.Select("/RunSettings/*")) + { + if (this.SettingProviders.ContainsKey(child.LocalName)) + { + this.SettingProviders[child.LocalName].Load(child.ReadSubtree()); + } + } + } + } + + /// + /// An internal class used to aggregate a SettingsProvider + /// and a flag which states the result of the loading attempt. + /// + private class SettingProviderContext + { + public SettingProviderContext(ISettingsProvider provider) + { + this.Provider = provider; + this.IsSet = false; + } + + public ISettingsProvider Provider { get; set; } + public bool IsSet { get; set; } + + public void Load(XmlReader reader) + { + this.Provider.Load(reader); + this.IsSet = true; + } + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/LoggerTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/LoggerTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c19f21 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/LoggerTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +using System.IO; +using System.Text.RegularExpressions; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility; +using FakeItEasy; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Logging; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + /// + /// Tests which cover the Logger class + /// + [TestFixture] + class LoggerTest + { + + #region Test Setup/Teardown + + [SetUp] + public void SetUp() + { + } + + [TearDown] + public void TearDown() + { + } + + #endregion + + /// + /// The scope of this test is to make sure that in case a message is sent to an initalized loggerInstance, the loggerInstance SendMessage methods are called + /// with the right type of message severity and message text + /// + [Test] + public void InitializedLogger_loggerInstanceSendMessageCalled() + { + var messageLogger = A.Fake(); + Logger.Initialize(messageLogger); + Logger.SendMessage(TestMessageLevel.Informational, "This is an informational type test message"); + A.CallTo(() => messageLogger.SendMessage(TestMessageLevel.Informational, "This is an informational type test message")).MustHaveHappened(); + Logger.SendMessage(TestMessageLevel.Warning, "This is an warning type test message"); + A.CallTo(() => messageLogger.SendMessage(TestMessageLevel.Warning, "This is an warning type test message")).MustHaveHappened(); + Logger.SendMessage(TestMessageLevel.Error, "This is an error type test message"); + A.CallTo(() => messageLogger.SendMessage(TestMessageLevel.Error, "This is an error type test message")).MustHaveHappened(); + } + + /// + /// The scope of this test is to make sure that in case a logger is left uninitialized, the loggerInstance related functions are never called + /// + [Test] + public void UninitializedLoggerNeverCalled() + { + var messageLogger = A.Fake(); + //Logger is never initialized + Logger.SendMessage(TestMessageLevel.Informational, "test"); + A.CallTo(() => messageLogger.SendMessage(A.Ignored, A.Ignored)).MustNotHaveHappened(); + } + + /// + /// The scope of this test is to test that the logging to file is working + /// + [Test] + public void Log4NetCorrectLoggingToFileVerification() + { + string resourceFileName = "BoostTestAdapter.dll.config"; + string logFileName = "BoostTestAdapter.dll.log"; + + string resourceFilePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), resourceFileName); + string logFilePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), logFileName); + + #region cleanup from possible previous test executions + //deletion of the log4net config file + DeleteFileIfExists(resourceFilePath); + //deletion of the log4net log file + DeleteFileIfExists(logFilePath); + #endregion + + /*the config file is copied over to the working directory of the assembly. To please note that in case of unit tests this path is different + * from the executing assembly directory (due to the shadow copying) so that cannot be used. Additionally the executing assembly directory + * of the NUnit project will be different from the executing assembly directory of code/project under test + */ + + #region test setup + CopyLog4NetConfigFileFromAssemblyToWorkingDirectory(resourceFileName); + string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); + Assert.That(File.Exists(resourceFilePath), Is.True); + #endregion + + #region test + var messageLogger = A.Fake(); + Logger.Initialize(messageLogger); + Logger.SendMessage(TestMessageLevel.Informational, "This is an informational type test message"); + Logger.SendMessage(TestMessageLevel.Warning, "This is a warning type test message"); + Logger.SendMessage(TestMessageLevel.Error, "This is an error type test message"); + Logger.Shutdown(); + #endregion + + #region results verification + + Assert.That(File.Exists(logFilePath), Is.True); + string logFileContents = File.ReadAllText(logFilePath); + //check that the logger initialization message exists in file and is of type informational + if ( + !Regex.IsMatch(logFileContents, @"INFO(.+)Logger initialized", + RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) + { + Assert.Fail("Failed to find logger initialization message in log file"); + } + //check that the informational test message exists and has the expected contents + if ( + !Regex.IsMatch(logFileContents, @"INFO(.+)This is an informational type test message", + RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) + { + Assert.Fail("Failed to find informational type test message in log file"); + } + //check that the warning test message exists and has the expected contents + if ( + !Regex.IsMatch(logFileContents, @"WARN(.+)This is a warning type test message", + RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) + { + Assert.Fail("Failed to find warning type test message in log file"); + } + //check that the error test message exists and has the expected contents + if ( + !Regex.IsMatch(logFileContents, @"ERROR(.+)This is an error type test message", + RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) + { + Assert.Fail("Failed to find error type test message in log file"); + } + + #endregion + } + + /// + /// Helper method so as to copy the log4net config file from the assembly (because it is included as an embedded resource) to + /// the working directory (and not the executing directory!) of the assembly + /// + /// the filename of the embedded resource that needs to copied over + static private void CopyLog4NetConfigFileFromAssemblyToWorkingDirectory(string resourceName) + { + using (Stream stream = TestHelper.LoadEmbeddedResource("BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.Log4NetConfigFile." + resourceName)) + using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), resourceName), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) + { + if (stream == null) + { + Assert.Fail("Failed to load the requested embedded resource. Please check that the resource exists and the fully qualified name is correct"); + } + stream.CopyTo(fileStream); + } + } + + /// + /// Helper method that deletes file if exists + /// + /// complete file path of the file to be deleted + static private void DeleteFileIfExists(string filePath) + { + if (File.Exists(filePath)) + { + File.Delete(filePath); + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/MultiLineCommentFilterTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/MultiLineCommentFilterTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5cfdb13 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/MultiLineCommentFilterTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + class MultiLineCommentFilterTest : SourceFilterTestBase + { + /// + /// Tests the correct operation (greediness wise) of the multiline comment filter + /// + [Test] + public void MultiLineComment() + { + const string nameSpace = "BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.SourceFiltering."; + const string unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName = "MultiLineCommentTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp"; + const string filteredSourceCodeResourceName = "MultiLineCommentTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp"; + + FilterAndCompareResources( + new MultilineCommentFilter(), + null, + nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName, + nameSpace + filteredSourceCodeResourceName + ); + } + + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/ProjectOutPutCheckerVs12Nunit.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/ProjectOutPutCheckerVs12Nunit.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..752d8ac --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/ProjectOutPutCheckerVs12Nunit.cs @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +using CheckForProjectOutPut_VS12; +using CheckForprojectOutPut_VS13; +using FakeItEasy; +using NUnit.Framework; +using EnvDTE; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine; + +namespace BoostTestAdaptorNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + class ProjectOutPutCheckerVs12Nunit + { + Project _fackProjObj; + ConfigurationManager _fakeConfigurationManager; + Configuration _fakeActiveConfiguration; + VCProject _fackVcProject; + IVCCollection _fakeCollection; + VCConfiguration _fakeVcConfiguration; + + /** + * Bellow test cases uses faked object for testing IsProjectOutputSame method + * Faked objects are created using FakeItEasy and configured in testcases + * If any method or property is not configured on fake object created it will try to call the actual implementation + * call to actual implementation from fake object causes exception + */ + [TestFixtureSetUp] + public void FakeTheProjectInterface() + { + _fackProjObj = A.Fake(); + _fakeConfigurationManager = A.Fake(); + _fakeActiveConfiguration = A.Fake(); + _fackVcProject = A.Fake(); + _fakeCollection = A.Fake(); + _fakeVcConfiguration = A.Fake(); + } + + [Test] + public void CheckOutputForVsProj2012_OutputPathMatchTrue() + { + A.CallTo(() => _fackProjObj.ConfigurationManager).Returns(_fakeConfigurationManager); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration).Returns(_fakeActiveConfiguration); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeActiveConfiguration.ConfigurationName).Returns("Debug"); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeActiveConfiguration.PlatformName).Returns("Win32"); + A.CallTo(() => _fackProjObj.Object).Returns(_fackVcProject); + A.CallTo(() => _fackVcProject.Configurations).Returns(_fakeCollection); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeCollection.Item("Debug|Win32")).Returns(_fakeVcConfiguration); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeVcConfiguration.PrimaryOutput).Returns("exePath"); + + Assert.AreEqual(true, ProjectOutputCheckerVs12.IsProjectOutputSame(_fackProjObj, "exePath")); + } + + [Test] + public void CheckOutputForVsProj2012_OutputPathMatchFalse() + { + A.CallTo(() => _fackProjObj.ConfigurationManager).Returns(_fakeConfigurationManager); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration).Returns(_fakeActiveConfiguration); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeActiveConfiguration.ConfigurationName).Returns("Release"); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeActiveConfiguration.PlatformName).Returns("Win32"); + A.CallTo(() => _fackProjObj.Object).Returns(_fackVcProject); + A.CallTo(() => _fackVcProject.Configurations).Returns(_fakeCollection); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeCollection.Item("Release|Win32")).Returns(_fakeVcConfiguration); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeVcConfiguration.PrimaryOutput).Returns("exePathDiff"); + + Assert.AreEqual(false, ProjectOutputCheckerVs12.IsProjectOutputSame(_fackProjObj, "exePath")); + } + + [Test] + public void CheckOutputForVsProj2013_OutputPathMatchFalse() + { + + A.CallTo(() => _fackProjObj.ConfigurationManager).Returns(_fakeConfigurationManager); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration).Returns(_fakeActiveConfiguration); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeActiveConfiguration.ConfigurationName).Returns("Release"); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeActiveConfiguration.PlatformName).Returns("Win32"); + A.CallTo(() => _fackProjObj.Object).Returns(_fackVcProject); + A.CallTo(() => _fackVcProject.Configurations).Returns(_fakeCollection); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeCollection.Item("Release|Win32")).Returns(_fakeVcConfiguration); + A.CallTo(() => _fakeVcConfiguration.PrimaryOutput).Returns("exePathDiff"); + + Assert.AreEqual(false, ProjectOutputCheckerVs13.IsProjectOutputSame(_fackProjObj, "exePath")); + } + + [TestFixtureTearDown] + public void ClearTheFakeObject() + { + _fackProjObj = null; + _fakeActiveConfiguration = null; + _fakeConfigurationManager = null; + _fakeCollection = null; + _fakeVcConfiguration = null; + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2961920 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +using System; +using System.Reflection; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; + +// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following +// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information +// associated with an assembly. +[assembly: AssemblyTitle("BoostTestAdaptorNunit")] +[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] +[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft")] +[assembly: AssemblyProduct("BoostTestAdaptorNunit")] +[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © Microsoft 2013")] +[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] +[assembly: CLSCompliant(false)] + +// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible +// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from +// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type. +[assembly: ComVisible(false)] + +// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM +[assembly: Guid("2cf57374-a6f8-4410-a9a2-41dfc0ccd7d6")] + +// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: +// +// Major Version +// Minor Version +// Build Number +// Revision +// +// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers +// by using the '*' as shown below: +// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] +[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] +[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/QuotedStringsFilterTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/QuotedStringsFilterTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3aca613 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/QuotedStringsFilterTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + class QuotedStringsFilterTest : SourceFilterTestBase + { + /// + /// Tests the correct operation of the quoted strings filter on C++ source files + /// + [Test] + public void QuotedStringsFilter() + { + const string nameSpace = "BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.SourceFiltering."; + const string unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName = "QuotedStringsFilterTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp"; + const string filteredSourceCodeResourceName = "QuotedStringsFilterTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp"; + + FilterAndCompareResources( + new QuotedStringsFilter(), + null, + nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName, + nameSpace + filteredSourceCodeResourceName + ); + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostFixtureTestCase.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostFixtureTestCase.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9bc6b4d --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostFixtureTestCase.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +#include "stdafx.h" + +struct F +{ + F() : i(0) + { + BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("setup fixture"); + } + ~F() + { + BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("teardown fixture"); + } + + int i; +}; + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(Suit1) + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BoostUnitTest1) +{ + BOOST_CHECK(1 == 1); +} + +BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(Fixturetest_case1, F) +{ + BOOST_CHECK(i == 1); + ++i; +} + +BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(Fixturetest_case2, F) +{ + BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(i, 1); +} + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() + +BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(Fixturetest_case3, F) +{ + BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(i, 1); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostFixtureTestSuite.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostFixtureTestSuite.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ceefa9e --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostFixtureTestSuite.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +#include "stdafx.h" +#include +#include + +class TestClassA +{ +public: + TestClassA() + { + m_testVar = 999; + } + ~TestClassA() + {} + + int m_testVar; +}; + +class TestClassB +{ +public: + TestClassB() + { + } + ~TestClassB() + {} +}; + +BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(FixtureSuite1, TestClassA); + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BoostTest1) +{ + BOOST_CHECK(m_testVar == 999); +} + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BoostTest2) +{ + m_testVar = 0; + BOOST_CHECK(m_testVar == 999); +} + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END(); + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BoostTest3) +{ + BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Outside the Fixture test Suite"); +} + +BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(FixtureSuite2, TestClassA); + +BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(Fixturetest_case1, TestClassB) +{ + BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, 1); +} + +typedef boost::mpl::list type_list; + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(TemplatedTest, T, type_list) +{ + BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sizeof(T), (unsigned)4); +} +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostUnitTestSample.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostUnitTestSample.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a61477e --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostUnitTestSample.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +// +// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. +// (See copy at +// + +#include "stdafx.h" +#include +#include + +int add(int i, int j) +{ + return i + j; +} + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(Suite1) +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BoostUnitTest123) +{ + BOOST_WARN(sizeof(int) == sizeof(short)); +} +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BoostUnitTest1234) +{ + BOOST_WARN(sizeof(int) == sizeof(short)); +} +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BoostUnitTest12345) +{ + BOOST_WARN(sizeof(int) == sizeof(short)); +} + +typedef boost::mpl::list test_types; + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(my_test, T, test_types) +{ + BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sizeof(T), (unsigned)4) +} +/* +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( BoostUnitTest123 ) +{ + BOOST_WARN( sizeof(int) == sizeof(short) ); +} +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48628a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/CppSources/BoostUnitTestSampleRequiringUseOfFilters.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +// +// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. +// (See copy at +// + +#include "stdafx.h" +#include +#include + +int add(int i, int j) +{ + return i + j; +} + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(Suite1) + BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BoostUnitTest123) +{ + BOOST_WARN(sizeof(int) == sizeof(short)); +} +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BoostUnitTest1234) +{ + BOOST_WARN(sizeof(int) == sizeof(short)); +} +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() + + BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BoostUnitTest12345) +{ + BOOST_WARN(sizeof(int) == sizeof(short)); +} + +std::cout << "BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BoostUnitTestShouldNotAppear1) " << std::endl; + +//BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BoostUnitTestShouldNotAppear2) +//{ +// BOOST_WARN(sizeof(int) == sizeof(short)); +//} + +typedef boost::mpl::list test_types; + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(my_test, T, test_types) +{ + BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sizeof(T), (unsigned)4) +} + +#if defined(WINNT) + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BoostUnitTestShouldNotAppear3) +{ + BOOST_WARN(sizeof(int) == sizeof(short)); +} + +#else + +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BoostUnitTestConditional) +{ + BOOST_WARN(sizeof(int) == sizeof(short)); +} + +#endif + +/* +BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( BoostUnitTestShouldNotAppear4 ) +{ +BOOST_WARN( sizeof(int) == sizeof(short) ); +} +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Log4NetConfigFile/BoostTestAdapter.dll.config b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Log4NetConfigFile/BoostTestAdapter.dll.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..400ca7b --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Log4NetConfigFile/BoostTestAdapter.dll.config @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/AbortedTest/sample.test.log.xml b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/AbortedTest/sample.test.log.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b275209 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/AbortedTest/sample.test.log.xml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/AbortedTest/ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/AbortedTest/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3190b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/AbortedTest/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/BoostFailTest/sample.test.log.xml b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/BoostFailTest/sample.test.log.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9291efa --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/BoostFailTest/sample.test.log.xml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +1000 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/BoostFailTest/ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/BoostFailTest/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59ebaa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/BoostFailTest/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/FailedRequireTest/sample.test.log.xml b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/FailedRequireTest/sample.test.log.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0525e7d --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/FailedRequireTest/sample.test.log.xml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/FailedRequireTest/ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/FailedRequireTest/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e74d3d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/FailedRequireTest/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MemoryLeakTest/sample.test.log.xml b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MemoryLeakTest/sample.test.log.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b718dd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MemoryLeakTest/sample.test.log.xml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MemoryLeakTest/ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MemoryLeakTest/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a45c7d --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MemoryLeakTest/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MultipleTests/sample.test.log.xml b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MultipleTests/sample.test.log.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e9f406 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MultipleTests/sample.test.log.xml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + + + + 5000 + + + 0 + + + + + 792000 + + + 941000 + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MultipleTests/ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MultipleTests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce9b8c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/MultipleTests/ @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NestedTestSuite/sample.test.log.xml b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NestedTestSuite/sample.test.log.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e460c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NestedTestSuite/sample.test.log.xml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +1000 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NestedTestSuite/ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NestedTestSuite/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f85b880 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NestedTestSuite/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NoMatchingTests/sample.test.log.xml b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NoMatchingTests/sample.test.log.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NoMatchingTests/ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NoMatchingTests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a23c44 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/NoMatchingTests/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Test setup error: no test cases matching filter diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/OutputTest/ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/OutputTest/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a60f92 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/OutputTest/ @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/PassedTest/sample.test.log.xml b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/PassedTest/sample.test.log.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe55c41 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/PassedTest/sample.test.log.xml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +18457000 diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/PassedTest/ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/PassedTest/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3585b6e --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/PassedTest/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/SpecialCharacters/sample.test.log.xml b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/SpecialCharacters/sample.test.log.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ee4f2f --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/SpecialCharacters/sample.test.log.xml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +2000 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/SpecialCharacters/ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/SpecialCharacters/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8285af1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/ReportsLogs/SpecialCharacters/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/conditionalIncludesDisabled.runsettings b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/conditionalIncludesDisabled.runsettings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0968355 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/conditionalIncludesDisabled.runsettings @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + + + + + + + + false + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/default.runsettings b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/default.runsettings new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..acbb0429929a380ca7d6863e0f8240679021005b GIT binary patch literal 1102 zcmd^;OHTqp5QOV&;(s9CeI;s)Ss@B~@?ZpwhfNHufW&1m%i`nDt6$H6tSq8;GlzL} zb@g<0_s4srnqDR=hb>3DB|OYk51Jd7jue4T}yW1WH=Vawri_~&ZjWA_tsZ|jMZMF{-H zp6J0NV%<#jy3-k&2Asnu{o)A9xG6&u+YrW-`>MzdU9jQ;OHqwT+bCXqS*DLwX0B(G z98>hL>X_ckJpO~Crrlq(_^w`yx@GjN_4g$@THp52F{7GQ-Rh8eFy_^`pE=KAvd-x0 k#j`%rS;fh$s*Kpveko=dwa7F3L+Bx!+TUh!jx5jjCt+R5`2YX_ literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/empty.runsettings b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/empty.runsettings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48f1ec5 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/empty.runsettings @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/externalTestRunner.runsettings b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/externalTestRunner.runsettings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d0aba1 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/externalTestRunner.runsettings @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + + + + + + + C:\tests\test_1.xml + C:\tests\test_2.xml + + C:\ExternalTestRunner.exe --test "{source}" + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/sample.2.runsettings b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/sample.2.runsettings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aea874c --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/sample.2.runsettings @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + + + + + + .\TestResults + + + x86 + + + Framework40 + + + + + + + + + + + .*CPPUnitTestFramework.* + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 100 + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/sample.runsettings b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/sample.runsettings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65666d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/Settings/sample.runsettings @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ + + + + + + + + 600000 + + true + + + + C:\ExternalTestRunner.exe --test "{source}" --list-debug "{out}" + C:\ExternalTestRunner.exe --test "{source}" + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsBadSourceFileNesting.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsBadSourceFileNesting.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c5d134 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsBadSourceFileNesting.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ + + +#ifdef DEBUG + std:cout << "Hello 01\n"; + #undef DEBUG + std:cout << "Hello 02\n"; +#endif + +#ifndef DEBUG + std:cout << "Hello 03\n"; +#elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 04\n"; +#endif + +#define DEBUG +#undef DEBUG +#define VER + +#ifdef DEBUG + #define CLIENT1 + std:cout << "Hello 05\n"; + #ifdef VER + std:cout << "Hello 06\n"; + #undef VER + std:cout << "Hello 07\n"; + #endif + + #ifndef VER + std:cout << "Hello 08\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 09\n"; + #endif + + #define VER + #undef VER + + #ifdef VER + std:cout << "Hello 10\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 12\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 13\n"; + #endif +#elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 14\n"; + #ifdef VER + std:cout << "Hello 15\n"; + #undef VER + std:cout << "Hello 16\n"; + #endif + + #ifndef VER + std:cout << "Hello 17\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 18\n"; + #endif + + #define VER + #undef VER + + #ifdef VER + std:cout << "Hello 19\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 20\n"; + #elif 1 + #define VER + std:cout << "Hello 21\n"; + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 22\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 23\n"; + #endif + + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 24\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 25\n"; + #endif + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 26\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 27\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 28\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 29\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 30\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 31\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 32\n"; + #endif + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 33\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 34\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 35\n"; + #ifdef VER + std:cout << "Hello 36\n"; + #undef VER + std:cout << "Hello 37\n"; + #endif + + #ifndef VER + std:cout << "Hello 38\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 39\n"; + #endif + + #define VER + #undef VER + + #ifdef VER + std:cout << "Hello 40\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 41\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 42\n"; + #endif + + #define VER + + #if defined VER + std:cout << "Hello 42\n"; + #undef VER + std:cout << "Hello 43\n"; + #endif + + #if !defined VER + std:cout << "Hello 44\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 45\n"; + #endif + + #define VER + #undef VER + + #ifdef VER + std:cout << "Hello 46\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 47\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 48\n"; + #endif + + #endif + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 49\n"; + #endif +#elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 50\n"; +//missing endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationFail.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationFail.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..518f467 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationFail.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + +#if LEVEL > 18 + cout << "correct evaluation"; +#else + cout << "incorrect evaluation"; +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationSuccess_FilteredSourceCode.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationSuccess_FilteredSourceCode.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ab032a --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationSuccess_FilteredSourceCode.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +//all defines are expected to be read and filtered + + + + + + + + + + + + + +//multiline defines are expected to be filtered + + + + + + + + +#pragma region testing whether the tokens are defined + + + cout << "VERSION defined"; + + + + cout << "LEVEL defined"; + + + + cout << "EVER defined"; + + + + cout << "HALF defined"; + + + + cout << "THIRD defined"; + + + + cout << "BIG defined"; + + + + cout << "DEBUG defined"; + + + + cout << "SIN defined"; + + + + cout << "SIN defined"; + + + + cout << "CUBE defined"; + + + + cout << "PRINT defined"; + + + + cout << "fPRINT defined"; + + + + cout << "ASSERT defined"; + + +#pragma endregion testing whether the tokens are defined + +#pragma region correct evaluation testing + + + cout << "correct evaluation"; + + + + + + cout << "correct evaluation"; + + + + + + cout << "correct evaluation"; + + + + + + cout << "correct evaluation"; + + + + + + cout << "correct evaluation"; + + + + +#pragma endregion correct evaluation testing \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationSuccess_UnfilteredSourceCode.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationSuccess_UnfilteredSourceCode.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a511899 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsComplexEvaluationSuccess_UnfilteredSourceCode.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +//all defines are expected to be read and filtered +#define VERSION +#define LEVEL 19 +#define EVER ;; +#define HALF(x) x/2 +#define THIRD(x) ((x)/(3)) +#define BIG (512) +#define DEBUG +#define SIN(x) sin(x) +#define MAX(x,y) ( (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) ) +#define CUBE(a) ( (a) * (a) * (a) ) +#define PRINT cout << #x +#define fPRINT(x) f ## x ## Print + +//multiline defines are expected to be filtered +#define ASSERT(x) \ +if (! (x)) \ +{ \ + cout << "ERROR!! Assert " << #x << " failed << endl; \ + cout << " on line " << __LINE__ << endl; \ + cout << " in file " << __FILE__ << endl; \ +} + +#pragma region testing whether the tokens are defined + +#if defined VERSION + cout << "VERSION defined"; +#endif + +#if defined LEVEL + cout << "LEVEL defined"; +#endif + +#if defined EVER + cout << "EVER defined"; +#endif + +#if defined HALF + cout << "HALF defined"; +#endif + +#if defined THIRD + cout << "THIRD defined"; +#endif + +#if defined BIG + cout << "BIG defined"; +#endif + +#if defined DEBUG + cout << "DEBUG defined"; +#endif + +#if defined SIN + cout << "SIN defined"; +#endif + +#if defined MAX + cout << "SIN defined"; +#endif + +#if defined CUBE + cout << "CUBE defined"; +#endif + +#if defined PRINT + cout << "PRINT defined"; +#endif + +#if defined fPRINT + cout << "fPRINT defined"; +#endif + +#if defined ASSERT + cout << "ASSERT defined"; +#endif + +#pragma endregion testing whether the tokens are defined + +#pragma region correct evaluation testing + +#if LEVEL > 18 + cout << "correct evaluation"; +#else + cout << "incorrect evaluation"; +#endif + +#if LEVEL > (18) + cout << "correct evaluation"; +#else + cout << "incorrect evaluation"; +#endif + +#if LEVEL > LEVEL/2 + cout << "correct evaluation"; +#else + cout << "incorrect evaluation"; +#endif + +#if LEVEL > (LEVEL/2) + cout << "correct evaluation"; +#else + cout << "incorrect evaluation"; +#endif + +#if BIG == 512 + cout << "correct evaluation"; +#else + cout << "incorrect evaluation"; +#endif + +#pragma endregion correct evaluation testing \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfTests_FilteredSourceCode.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfTests_FilteredSourceCode.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87aae9f --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfTests_FilteredSourceCode.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,518 @@ + + + +//std:cout' that are commented "should not filtered" should not be filtered. The others we assume that have to be filtered + +int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) +{ + +#region testing positive if along with an else statement. The "Hello 02" is expected to be left unfiltered + + + std:cout << "Hello 01\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + +#endregion + + +#region testing negative if along with an else statement. The "Hello 04" is expected to be left unfiltered + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 04\n"; //should not be filtered + + +#endregion + +#region testing simple elif. The "Hello 06" is expected to be left unfiltered + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 06\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + +#endregion testing a more complex elif. The "Hello 10" is expected to be left unfiltered + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 10\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + +#endregion + +#region testing a case where if and elif failed, The "Hello 15" is expected to be left unfiltered + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 15\n"; //should not be filtered + + +#endregion + +#region testing of medium complexity nesting with only if, elif and endif + + + std:cout << "Hello 16\n"; //should not be filtered + //--> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 48\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 50\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + std:cout << "Hello 51\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 54\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + + //--> + std:cout << "Hello 58\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 60\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + std:cout << "Hello 61\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 64\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 68\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 69\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + std:cout << "Hello 71\n"; //should not be filtered + + + std:cout << "Hello 72\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 75\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 79\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 102\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + std:cout << "Hello 104\n"; //should not be filtered + + + std:cout << "Hello 105\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 108\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 112\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 146\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + std:cout << "Hello 148\n"; //should not be filtered + + + std:cout << "Hello 149\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 152\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 156\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 179\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + std:cout << "Hello 181\n"; //should not be filtered + + + std:cout << "Hello 182\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 185\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 189\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + +#endregion + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfTests_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfTests_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..255b825 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfTests_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,518 @@ +#define DLEVEL +#define NDEBUG + +//std:cout' that are commented "should not filtered" should not be filtered. The others we assume that have to be filtered + +int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) +{ + +#region testing positive if along with an else statement. The "Hello 02" is expected to be left unfiltered + +#if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 01\n"; //should not be filtered +#else + std:cout << "Hello 02\n"; +#endif + +#endregion + + +#region testing negative if along with an else statement. The "Hello 04" is expected to be left unfiltered + +#if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 03\n"; +#else + std:cout << "Hello 04\n"; //should not be filtered +#endif + +#endregion + +#region testing simple elif. The "Hello 06" is expected to be left unfiltered + +#if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 05\n"; +#elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 06\n"; //should not be filtered +#else + std:cout << "Hello 07\n"; +#endif + +#endregion testing a more complex elif. The "Hello 10" is expected to be left unfiltered + +#if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 08\n"; +#elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 09\n"; +#elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 10\n"; //should not be filtered +#else + std:cout << "Hello 11\n"; +#endif + +#endregion + +#region testing a case where if and elif failed, The "Hello 15" is expected to be left unfiltered + +#if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 12\n"; +#elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 13\n"; +#elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 14\n"; +#else + std:cout << "Hello 15\n"; //should not be filtered +#endif + +#endregion + +#region testing of medium complexity nesting with only if, elif and endif + +#if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 16\n"; //should not be filtered + //--> + #if 0 + //--> + std:cout << "Hello 17\n"; + #if 0 + //--> + std:cout << "Hello 18\n"; + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 19\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 20\n"; + #endif + + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 21\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 22\n"; + #endif + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 23\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 24\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 25\n"; + #endif + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 26\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 27\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 28\n"; + #endif + + #else + + std:cout << "Hello 29\n"; + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 30\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 31\n"; + #endif + + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 32\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 33\n"; + #endif + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 34\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 35\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 36\n"; + #endif + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 37\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 38\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 39\n"; + #endif + + #endif + + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 40\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 41\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 42\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 43\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 44\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 45\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 46\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 47\n"; + #endif + #else + std:cout << "Hello 48\n"; //should not be filtered + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 49\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 50\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 51\n"; //should not be filtered + #else + std:cout << "Hello 52\n"; + #endif + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 53\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 54\n"; //should not be filtered + #else + std:cout << "Hello 55\n"; + #endif + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 56\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 57\n"; + #else + //--> + std:cout << "Hello 58\n"; //should not be filtered + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 59\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 60\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 61\n"; //should not be filtered + #else + std:cout << "Hello 62\n"; + #endif + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 63\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 64\n"; //should not be filtered + #else + std:cout << "Hello 65\n"; + #endif + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 66\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 67\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 68\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + #endif + + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 69\n"; //should not be filtered + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 70\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 71\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 72\n"; //should not be filtered + #else + std:cout << "Hello 73\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 74\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 75\n"; //should not be filtered + #else + std:cout << "Hello 76\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 77\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 78\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 79\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + #else + std:cout << "Hello 80\n"; + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 81\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 82\n"; + #endif + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 83\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 84\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 85\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 86\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 87\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 88\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 89\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 90\n"; + #endif + #endif + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 91\n"; + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 92\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 93\n"; + #endif + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 94\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 95\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 96\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 97\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 98\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 99\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 100\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 101\n"; + #endif + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 102\n"; //should not be filtered + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 103\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 104\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 105\n"; //should not be filtered + #else + std:cout << "Hello 106\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 107\n"; //should be filtered + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 108\n"; //should not be filtered + #else + std:cout << "Hello 109\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 110\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 111\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 112\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + #else + std:cout << "Hello 113\n"; + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 114\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 115\n"; + #endif + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 116\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 117\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 118\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 119\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 120\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 121\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 122\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 123\n"; + #endif + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 124\n"; + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 125\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 126\n"; + #endif + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 127\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 128\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 129\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 130\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 131\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 132\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 133\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 134\n"; + #endif + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 135\n"; + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 136\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 137\n"; + #endif + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 138\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 139\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 140\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 141\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 142\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 143\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 144\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 145\n"; + #endif + #else + std:cout << "Hello 146\n"; //should not be filtered + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 147\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 148\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 149\n"; //should not be filtered + #else + std:cout << "Hello 150\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 151\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 152\n"; //should not be filtered + #else + std:cout << "Hello 153\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 154\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 155\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 156\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + #endif + #endif + + #if 0 + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 157\n"; + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 158\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 159\n"; + #endif + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 160\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 161\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 162\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 163\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 164\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 165\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 166\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 167\n"; + #endif + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 168\n"; + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 169\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 170\n"; + #endif + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 171\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 172\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 173\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 174\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 175\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 176\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 177\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 178\n"; + #endif + #else + std:cout << "Hello 179\n"; //should not be filtered + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 180\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 181\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 182\n"; //should not be filtered + #else + std:cout << "Hello 183\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 184\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 185\n"; //should not be filtered + #else + std:cout << "Hello 186\n"; + #endif + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 187\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 188\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 189\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + #endif +#endif + +#endregion + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfdefTests_FilteredSourceCode.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfdefTests_FilteredSourceCode.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f25a568 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfdefTests_FilteredSourceCode.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +//std:cout' that are commented "should not be filtered" should not be filtered. The others we assume that have to be filtered + + + std:cout << "Hello 01\n"; //should not be filtered + + std:cout << "Hello 02\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + std:cout << "Hello 03\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 14\n"; //should not be filtered + + std:cout << "Hello 15\n"; //should not be filtered + + std:cout << "Hello 16\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + std:cout << "Hello 17\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 21\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + std:cout << "Hello 23\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + std:cout << "Hello 24\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 31\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 35\n"; //should not be filtered + + std:cout << "Hello 36\n"; //should not be filtered + + std:cout << "Hello 37\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + std:cout << "Hello 38\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 41\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 42\n"; //should not be filtered + + std:cout << "Hello 43\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + std:cout << "Hello 44\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + + + std:cout << "Hello 47\n"; //should not be filtered + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfdefTests_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfdefTests_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0c1a49 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/ConditionalInclusionsIfdefTests_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +//std:cout' that are commented "should not be filtered" should not be filtered. The others we assume that have to be filtered + +#ifdef DEBUG + std:cout << "Hello 01\n"; //should not be filtered + #undef DEBUG + std:cout << "Hello 02\n"; //should not be filtered +#endif + +#ifndef DEBUG + std:cout << "Hello 03\n"; //should not be filtered +#elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 04\n"; +#endif + +#define DEBUG +#undef DEBUG +#define VER + +#ifdef DEBUG + #define CLIENT1 //tests that defines during a discarded section are not added to the define list + std:cout << "Hello 05\n"; + #ifdef VER + std:cout << "Hello 06\n"; + #undef VER + std:cout << "Hello 07\n"; + #endif + + #ifndef VER + std:cout << "Hello 08\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 09\n"; + #endif + + #define VER + #undef VER + + #ifdef VER + std:cout << "Hello 10\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 12\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 13\n"; + #endif +#elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 14\n"; //should not be filtered + #ifdef VER + std:cout << "Hello 15\n"; //should not be filtered + #undef VER + std:cout << "Hello 16\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + + #ifndef VER + std:cout << "Hello 17\n"; //should not be filtered + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 18\n"; + #endif + + #define VER + #undef VER + + #ifdef VER + std:cout << "Hello 19\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 20\n"; + #elif 1 + #define VER + std:cout << "Hello 21\n"; //should not be filtered + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 22\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 23\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + + #if 1 + std:cout << "Hello 24\n"; //should not be filtered + #else + std:cout << "Hello 25\n"; + #endif + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 26\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 27\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 28\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 29\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 30\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 31\n"; //should not be filtered + #else + std:cout << "Hello 32\n"; + #endif + + #if 0 + std:cout << "Hello 33\n"; + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 34\n"; + #else + std:cout << "Hello 35\n"; //should not be filtered + #ifdef VER + std:cout << "Hello 36\n"; //should not be filtered + #undef VER + std:cout << "Hello 37\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + + #ifndef VER + std:cout << "Hello 38\n"; //should not be filtered + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 39\n"; + #endif + + #define VER + #undef VER + + #ifdef VER + std:cout << "Hello 40\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 41\n"; //should not be filtered + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 42\n"; + #endif + + #define VER + + #if defined VER + std:cout << "Hello 42\n"; //should not be filtered + #undef VER + std:cout << "Hello 43\n"; //should not be filtered + #endif + + #if !defined VER + std:cout << "Hello 44\n"; //should not be filtered + #elif 0 + std:cout << "Hello 45\n"; + #endif + + #define VER + #undef VER + + #ifdef VER + std:cout << "Hello 46\n"; + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 47\n"; //should not be filtered + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 48\n"; + #endif + + #endif + #elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 49\n"; + #endif +#elif 1 + std:cout << "Hello 50\n"; +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/MultiLineCommentTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/MultiLineCommentTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..502a818 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/MultiLineCommentTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ + std::cout << "Hello World 01\n"; //not filtered + + + + + + std::cout << "Hello World 04\n"; //not filtered +*/ //this is technically a syntax error //not filtered + std::cout << "Hello World 05\n"; //not filtered + + + + + + + + + + std::cout << "Hello World 10\n"; //not filtered \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/MultiLineCommentTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/MultiLineCommentTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45d6b29 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/MultiLineCommentTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ + std::cout << "Hello World 01\n"; //not filtered +/* + std::cout << "Hello World 02\n"; + + std::cout << "Hello World 03\n"; +*/ + std::cout << "Hello World 04\n"; //not filtered +*/ //this is technically a syntax error //not filtered + std::cout << "Hello World 05\n"; //not filtered +/* + std::cout << "Hello World 06\n"; + + std::cout << "Hello World 07\n"; +/* + std::cout << "Hello World 08\n"; + + std::cout << "Hello World 09\n"; +*/ + std::cout << "Hello World 10\n"; //not filtered \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/QuotedStringsFilterTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/QuotedStringsFilterTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb6c95f --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/QuotedStringsFilterTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#include "header" + +cout << << newline << << endl; +cout << << tab << << endl; +cout << << backspace << << endl; +cout << << backslash << << endl; +cout << << nullChar << << endl; + + +const wchar_t* raw_wide = ; +const char* good_parens = ; +const wchar_t* newline = +; +char str[] = ; +const wchar_t* raw_wide = + ; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/QuotedStringsFilterTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/QuotedStringsFilterTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64f07a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/QuotedStringsFilterTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#include "header" + +cout << "Newline character: " << newline << "ending" << endl; +cout << "Tab character: " << tab << "ending" << endl; +cout << "Backspace character: " << backspace << "ending" << endl; +cout << "Backslash character: " << backslash << "ending" << endl; +cout << "Null character: " << nullChar << "ending" << endl; + + +const wchar_t* raw_wide = LR"(An unescaped " character)"; +const char* good_parens = R"xyz()")xyz"; +const wchar_t* newline = LR"(hello +goodbye)"; +char str[] = "12" "34"; +const wchar_t* raw_wide = LR"(An unescaped " character)" + R"(An unescaped " character)"; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/SingleLineCommentFilterTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/SingleLineCommentFilterTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54de660 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/SingleLineCommentFilterTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + +std::cout << "Hello World 02\n"; + +std::cout << "Hello World 03\n"; + +std::cout << "Hello World 04\n"; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/SingleLineCommentFilterTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/SingleLineCommentFilterTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf0abcf --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/SourceFiltering/SingleLineCommentFilterTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +//std::cout << "Hello World 01\n"; + +std::cout << "Hello World 02\n"; //comment + +std::cout << "Hello World 03\n"; + +std::cout << "Hello World 04\n"; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/TestLists/empty.test.list.xml b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/TestLists/empty.test.list.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4c5bb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/TestLists/empty.test.list.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/TestLists/sample.test.list.xml b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/TestLists/sample.test.list.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a06d53c --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Resources/TestLists/sample.test.list.xml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/SingleLineCommentFilterTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/SingleLineCommentFilterTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e82e409 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/SingleLineCommentFilterTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + public class SingleLineCommentFilterTest : SourceFilterTestBase + { + /// + /// Tests the correct operation of the single line comments filter on C++ source files + /// + [Test] + public void SingleLineCommentFilter() + { + const string nameSpace = "BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.SourceFiltering."; + const string unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName = "SingleLineCommentFilterTest_UnFilteredSourceCode.cpp"; + const string filteredSourceCodeResourceName = "SingleLineCommentFilterTest_FilteredSourceCode.cpp"; + + FilterAndCompareResources( + new SingleLineCommentFilter(), + null, + nameSpace + unfilteredSourceCodeResourceName, + nameSpace + filteredSourceCodeResourceName + ); + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/SourceFiltersTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/SourceFiltersTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca2f8ca --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/SourceFiltersTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + class SourceFiltersTest + { + /// + /// Given an source line, the QuotedStringFilter filters out any quoted text. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that the QuotedStringsFilter filters out quoted text as expected. + /// + [TestCase("std::cout << \"hello world\" << std::endl;", Result = "std::cout << << std::endl;")] + [TestCase("BOOST_MESSAGE(\"This is a \\\"test\");", Result = "BOOST_MESSAGE();")] + [TestCase("BOOST_MESSAGE(\"This is a \\\"test\",\"\");", Result = "BOOST_MESSAGE(,);")] + [TestCase("BOOST_MESSAGE(\"This is a \\\"test\",\"This is a test\");", Result = "BOOST_MESSAGE(,);")] + [TestCase("BOOST_MESSAGE(\"This is a test\\\"\");", Result = "BOOST_MESSAGE();")] + [TestCase("BOOST_MESSAGE(\"This is a just a\\\" test\");", Result = "BOOST_MESSAGE();")] + [TestCase("#include \"stdafx.h\"", Result = "#include \"stdafx.h\"")] + public string FilterQuotedString(string input) + { + ISourceFilter filter = new QuotedStringsFilter(); + CppSourceFile cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile(){SourceCode = input}; + filter.Filter(cppSourceFile, null); + return cppSourceFile.SourceCode; + } + + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/TestDiscovererNunit.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/TestDiscovererNunit.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4f67b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/TestDiscovererNunit.cs @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using BoostTestAdapter; +using BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Fakes; +using BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel; +using NUnit.Framework; +using QualifiedNameBuilder = BoostTestAdapter.Utility.QualifiedNameBuilder; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + internal class TestDiscovererNunit + { + #region Test Setup/TearDown + + [SetUp] + public void SetUp() + { + Logger.Initialize(new ConsoleMessageLogger()); + } + + [TearDown] + public void TearDown() + { + Logger.Shutdown(); + } + + #endregion Test Setup/TearDown + + #region Test Data + + private const string DefaultSource = "TestCaseCheck.exe"; + + #endregion Test Data + + #region Helper Methods + + /// + /// Applies the discovery process over the provided DummySolution + /// + /// The dummy solution on which to apply test discovery + /// The list of tests which were discovered from the dummy solution + private IList DiscoverTests(DummySolution solution) + { + DefaultTestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink = new DefaultTestCaseDiscoverySink(); + + ISourceFilter[] filters = new ISourceFilter[] + { + new QuotedStringsFilter(), + new MultilineCommentFilter(), + new SingleLineCommentFilter(), + new ConditionalInclusionsFilter(new ExpressionEvaluation()) + }; + + BoostTestDiscovererInternal discoverer = new BoostTestDiscovererInternal(solution.Provider, filters); + IDictionary solutionInfo = discoverer.PrepareTestCaseData(new string[] { solution.Source }); + discoverer.GetBoostTests(solutionInfo, discoverySink); + + return discoverySink.Tests.ToList(); + } + + /// + /// Assert that a trait with the provided name exists. + /// + /// The testcase which contains the trait collection in question + /// The name of the trait to look for + private void AssertTrait(TestCase testCase, string name) + { + Assert.That(testCase.Traits.Any((trait) => { return (trait.Name == name); }), Is.True); + } + + /// + /// Assert that a trait with the provided name and value exists. + /// + /// The testcase which contains the trait collection in question + /// The name of the trait to look for + /// The value the looked-up trait should have + private void AssertTrait(TestCase testCase, string name, string value) + { + Assert.That(testCase.Traits.Any((trait) => { return (trait.Name == name) && (trait.Value == value); }), Is.True); + } + + /// + /// Assert that a 'TestSuite' trait with the provided value exists. + /// + /// The testcase which contains the trait collection in question + /// The test suite value the looked-up trait should have + private void AssertTestSuite(TestCase testCase, string value) + { + AssertTrait(testCase, VSTestModel.TestSuiteTrait, value); + } + + /// + /// Asserts general test case details + /// + /// The test case to test + /// The expected qualified name of the test case + private void AssertTestDetails(TestCase testCase, QualifiedNameBuilder qualifiedName) + { + AssertTestDetails(testCase, qualifiedName, null, -1); + } + + /// + /// Asserts general test case details + /// + /// The test case to test + /// The expected qualified name of the test case + /// The expected source file path of the test case or null if not available + /// The expected line number of the test case or -1 if not available + private void AssertTestDetails(TestCase testCase, QualifiedNameBuilder qualifiedName, string sourceFile, int lineNumber) + { + Assert.That(testCase.DisplayName, Is.EqualTo(qualifiedName.Peek())); + Assert.That(testCase.FullyQualifiedName, Is.EqualTo(qualifiedName.ToString())); + + string suite = qualifiedName.Pop().ToString(); + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(suite)) + { + AssertTestSuite(testCase, suite); + } + else + { + // The default 'Master Test Suite' trait value should be available + AssertTrait(testCase, VSTestModel.TestSuiteTrait); + } + + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceFile)) + { + Assert.That(testCase.CodeFilePath, Is.EqualTo(sourceFile)); + } + + if (lineNumber > -1) + { + Assert.That(testCase.LineNumber, Is.EqualTo(lineNumber)); + } + } + + #endregion Helper Methods + + #region GetBoostTestsCase + + /// + /// Tests the proper identification of a testcase + /// + [Test] + public void CorrectDiscoveryGenericBoostTests() + { + using (DummySolution solution = new DummySolution(DefaultSource, "BoostUnitTestSample.cpp")) + { + #region excercise + + IList tests = DiscoverTests(solution); + + #endregion excercise + + #region verify + + AssertTestDetails(tests.Last(), QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("my_test"), solution.SourceFileResourcePaths.First().TempSourcePath, 33); + + #endregion verify + } + } + + /// + /// Tests the correct discovery (and correct generation of the fully qaulifed name) + /// of tests for when Boost UTF macro BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE is utilized + /// + [Test] + public void CorrectTestsDiscoveryForFIXTURE_TEST_SUITE() + { + using (DummySolution solution = new DummySolution(DefaultSource, "BoostFixtureTestSuite.cpp")) + { + #region exercise + + /** The BoostFixtureSuiteTest.cpp file consists of 3 test cases: FixtureTest1, FixtureTest2 and BoostTest, + * BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE -> FixtureSuite1 + * -->BoostTest1 + * -->BoostTest2 + * -> Master Suite + * -->BoostTest3 + * BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE -> FixtureSuite2 + * -->Fixturetest_case1 + * -->TemplatedTest (BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE) + * -->TemplatedTest (BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE) + * -->TemplatedTest (BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE) + */ + + IList testList = DiscoverTests(solution); + + #endregion exercise + + #region verification + + AssertTestDetails(testList[0], QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("FixtureSuite1/BoostTest1")); + AssertTestDetails(testList[1], QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("FixtureSuite1/BoostTest2")); + AssertTestDetails(testList[2], QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("BoostTest3")); + AssertTestDetails(testList[3], QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("FixtureSuite2/Fixturetest_case1")); + AssertTestDetails(testList[4], QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("FixtureSuite2/TemplatedTest")); + AssertTestDetails(testList[5], QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("FixtureSuite2/TemplatedTest")); + AssertTestDetails(testList[6], QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("FixtureSuite2/TemplatedTest")); + + #endregion verification + } + } + + /// + /// Tests the correct discovery (and correct generation of the fully qaulifed name) + /// of tests for when Boost UTF macro BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE is utilized + /// + [Test] + public void CorrectTestsDiscoveryForFIXTURE_TEST_CASE() + { + using (DummySolution solution = new DummySolution(DefaultSource, "BoostFixtureTestCase.cpp")) + { + #region excercise + + /** The BoostFixtureTestCase.cpp file consists of 4 test cases: BoostUnitTest1, Fixturetest_case1, Fixturetest_case1 and Fixturetest_case1, + * BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE -> Suit1 + * -->BoostUnitTest1 + * -->Fixturetest_case1 + * -->Fixturetest_case2 + * -> Master Suite + * -->Fixturetest_case3 + */ + + IList testList = DiscoverTests(solution); + + #endregion excercise + + #region verify + + AssertTestDetails(testList[0], QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("Suit1/BoostUnitTest1")); + AssertTestDetails(testList[1], QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("Suit1/Fixturetest_case1")); + AssertTestDetails(testList[2], QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("Suit1/Fixturetest_case2")); + AssertTestDetails(testList[3], QualifiedNameBuilder.FromString("Fixturetest_case3")); + + #endregion verify + } + } + + #endregion GetBoostTestsCase + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/DummySolution.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/DummySolution.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f25d234 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/DummySolution.cs @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio; +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility +{ + /// + /// Builds and emulates a Visual Studio solution with a single test project. + /// Copies resource files to their intended location for later reference. + /// + public class DummySolution : IDisposable + { + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The fully qualified path of a test source + /// The embedded resource file name which is to be considered as the sole source file for this test project + public DummySolution(string source, string sourceFileName) : + this(source, new string[] { sourceFileName }) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The fully qualified path of a test source + /// An enumeration of embedded resource file names which are to be considered as source files for this test project + public DummySolution(string source, IEnumerable sourceFileNames) + { + this.Source = source; + this.SourceFiles = sourceFileNames; + + this.SourceFileResourcePaths = new List(); + + SetUpSolutionEnvironment(); + SetUpSolution(); + } + + /// + /// Sets up the solution environment by copying the embedded resources to disk + /// for later reference by the necessary algorithms. + /// + private void SetUpSolutionEnvironment() + { + foreach (string source in this.SourceFiles) + { + this.SourceFileResourcePaths.Add( new DummySourceFile(source) ); + } + } + + /// + /// Sets up a fake Visual Studio environment consisting of a solution with 1 test project whose + /// primary output is the specified construction-time source and the respective code file sources. + /// + private void SetUpSolution() + { + IList sources = this.SourceFileResourcePaths.Select(source => source.TempSourcePath).ToList(); + + IVisualStudio vs = new FakeVisualStudioInstanceBuilder(). + Solution( + new FakeSolutionBuilder(). + Name("SampleSolution"). + Project( + new FakeProjectBuilder(). + Name("SampleProject"). + PrimaryOutput(this.Source). + Sources(sources) + ) + ). + Build(); + + this.Provider = new DummyVSProvider(vs); + } + + /// + /// The test source + /// + public string Source { get; private set; } + + /// + /// The test code source files + /// + public IEnumerable SourceFiles { get; private set; } + + /// + /// The respective DummySourceFiles for the test code source files + /// + public ICollection SourceFileResourcePaths { get; private set; } + + /// + /// The IVisualStudio instance provider for this DummySolution + /// + public IVisualStudioInstanceProvider Provider { get; private set; } + + #region System.IDisposable + + protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) + { + if (disposing) + { + foreach (DummySourceFile resource in this.SourceFileResourcePaths) + { + resource.Dispose(); + } + } + + GC.SuppressFinalize(this); + } + + public void Dispose() + { + this.Dispose(true); + } + + #endregion System.IDisposable + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/DummySourceFile.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/DummySourceFile.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..112e431 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/DummySourceFile.cs @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +using System; +using System.IO; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility +{ + /// + /// Emulates a CPP source file. Copies an embedded resource as an OS temporary file using + /// the embedded resource name as the file name. + /// + /// Performs cleanup on calling Dispose. + /// + public class DummySourceFile : IDisposable + { + /// + /// Default resource namespace + /// + private const string DefaultResourceNamespace = "BoostTestAdapterNunit.Resources.CppSources"; + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The embedded resource file name located in the default resource namespace + public DummySourceFile(string filename) : + this(DefaultResourceNamespace, filename) + { + } + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The embedded resource namespace + /// The embedded resource file name located in nameSpace + public DummySourceFile(string nameSpace, string filename) + { + this.TempSourcePath = TestHelper.CopyEmbeddedResourceToDirectory(nameSpace, filename, Path.GetTempPath()); + } + + /// + /// The temporary file path of the copied embedded resource + /// + public string TempSourcePath { get; private set; } + + #region IDisposable + + protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) + { + if (disposing) + { + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TempSourcePath) && File.Exists(this.TempSourcePath)) + { + File.Delete(this.TempSourcePath); + } + } + + GC.SuppressFinalize(this); + } + + public void Dispose() + { + this.Dispose(true); + } + + #endregion IDisposable + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/DummyVSProvider.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/DummyVSProvider.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85e4929 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/DummyVSProvider.cs @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio; +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility +{ + /// + /// A stub implementation for the IVisualStudioInstanceProvider interface. + /// Provides an IVisualStudio instance which is defined at construction time. + /// + public class DummyVSProvider : IVisualStudioInstanceProvider + { + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The IVisualStudio instance which is to be provided on a 'Get()' call + public DummyVSProvider(IVisualStudio vs) + { + this.Instance = vs; + } + + #region IVisualStudioInstanceProvider + + public IVisualStudio Instance { get; private set; } + + #endregion IVisualStudioInstanceProvider + } + +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/ReadOnlyDictionaryWrapper.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/ReadOnlyDictionaryWrapper.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5195724 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/ReadOnlyDictionaryWrapper.cs @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility +{ + /// + /// A wrapper class for a generic Dictionary which provides a read-only access interface. + /// + /// The key type + /// The mapped-value type + public class ReadOnlyDictionaryWrapper : IReadOnlyDictionary + { + #region Members + + /// + /// The wrapped Dictionary instance + /// + private IDictionary _dictionary = null; + + #endregion Members + + #region Constructors + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The Dictionary instance which will be wrapped + public ReadOnlyDictionaryWrapper(IDictionary dictionary) + { + this._dictionary = dictionary; + } + + #endregion Constructors + + #region IReadOnlyDictionary + + public bool ContainsKey(TK key) + { + return this._dictionary.ContainsKey(key); + } + + public IEnumerable Keys + { + get { return this._dictionary.Keys; } + } + + public bool TryGetValue(TK key, out TV value) + { + return this._dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value); + } + + public IEnumerable Values + { + get { return this._dictionary.Values; } + } + + public TV this[TK key] + { + get { return this._dictionary[key]; } + } + + public int Count + { + get { return this._dictionary.Count; } + } + + public IEnumerator> GetEnumerator() + { + return this._dictionary.GetEnumerator(); + } + + IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() + { + return this.GetEnumerator(); + } + + #endregion IReadOnlyDictionary + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/SourceFilterTestBase.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/SourceFilterTestBase.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6bd25ba --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/SourceFilterTestBase.cs @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +using BoostTestAdapter.SourceFilter; +using NUnit.Framework; +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility +{ + /// + /// Base class which includes common functionality used throughout SourceFilerTests + /// + public class SourceFilterTestBase + { + /// + /// Given 2 embedded resources locations, filters the left-hand resource and checks whether the filtered output matches that of the right-hand resource. + /// + /// The source filter to apply + /// The preprocessor definitions which are to be used by the source filter + /// The left-hand embedded resource fully qualified location whose content will be filtered + /// The right-hand embedded resource fully qualified location whose content is used to compare the filtered result + protected void FilterAndCompareResources(ISourceFilter filter, Defines defines, string lhsEmbeddedResource, string rhsEmbeddedResource) + { + FilterAndCompare( + filter, + defines, + TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(lhsEmbeddedResource), + TestHelper.ReadEmbeddedResource(rhsEmbeddedResource) + ); + } + + /// + /// Given 2 strings, filters the left-hand string and checks whether the filtered output matches that of the right-hand string. + /// + /// The source filter to apply + /// The preprocessor definitions which are to be used by the source filter + /// The left-hand string whose value will be filtered + /// The right-hand string whose value is used to compare the filtered result + protected void FilterAndCompare(ISourceFilter filter, Defines defines, string lhs, string rhs) + { + var cppSourceFile = new CppSourceFile(){SourceCode = lhs}; + filter.Filter(cppSourceFile, defines); + + Assert.AreEqual(cppSourceFile.SourceCode, rhs); + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/TestHelper.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/TestHelper.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9ce554 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/TestHelper.cs @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +using System.IO; +using System.Reflection; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility +{ + internal static class TestHelper + { + /// + /// Loads in an embedded resource as a stream. + /// + /// The fully qualified path to the embedded resource + /// The embedded resource as a stream + public static Stream LoadEmbeddedResource(string path) + { + // Reference: + + Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); + return assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(path); + } + + /// + /// Reads in an embedded resource as a string. + /// + /// The fully qualified path to the embedded resource + /// The whole content of the embedded resource as a string + public static string ReadEmbeddedResource(string path) + { + using (Stream stream = LoadEmbeddedResource(path)) + { + StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream); + return reader.ReadToEnd(); + } + } + + /// + /// Helper method so as to copy an embedded resource to the path supplied + /// + /// namespace of the where the resource file is located at + /// the filename of the embedded resource that needs to copied over + /// the path where the file need to be copied over to + /// The output path of the successfully copied resource + static public string CopyEmbeddedResourceToDirectory(string nameSpace, string resourceName, string outputDirectoryPath) + { + if (!Directory.Exists(outputDirectoryPath)) + { + Assert.Fail("The requested output directory is invalid"); + } + + string input = nameSpace + (nameSpace.EndsWith(".") ? "" : ".") + resourceName; + string output = Path.Combine(outputDirectoryPath, resourceName); + + using (Stream stream = LoadEmbeddedResource(input)) + using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(output, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) + { + if (stream == null) + { + Assert.Fail("Failed to load the requested embedded resource. Please check that the resource exists and the supplied embedded file namespace is correct"); + } + stream.CopyTo(fileStream); + } + + if (!File.Exists(output)) + { + Assert.Fail("Failed to copy embedded resource " + nameSpace + resourceName + " to output directory " + outputDirectoryPath); + } + + return output; + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/VisualStudioInstanceBuilders.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/VisualStudioInstanceBuilders.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..553db59 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/VisualStudioInstanceBuilders.cs @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using FakeItEasy; +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility +{ + /// + /// Builds fake IVisualStudio instances + /// + public class FakeVisualStudioInstanceBuilder + { + private ISolution _solution = null; + + /// + /// Assigns a solution to the VisualStudio instance + /// + /// The fake solution builder which is to be registered with this fake VisualStudio instance + /// this + public FakeVisualStudioInstanceBuilder Solution(FakeSolutionBuilder solution) + { + return this.Solution(solution.Build()); + } + + /// + /// Assigns a solution to the VisualStudio instance + /// + /// The solution which is to be registered with this fake VisualStudio instance + /// this + public FakeVisualStudioInstanceBuilder Solution(ISolution solution) + { + this._solution = solution; + return this; + } + + /// + /// Commits any pending changes and builds a fake IVisualStudio instance. + /// + /// A fake IVisualStudio instance consisting of the previously registered solutions + public IVisualStudio Build() + { + IVisualStudio fake = A.Fake(); + + A.CallTo(() => fake.Version).Returns("MockVisualStudioInstance"); + A.CallTo(() => fake.Solution).Returns(this._solution); + + return fake; + } + } + + /// + /// Builds fake ISolution instances + /// + public class FakeSolutionBuilder + { + private string _name = string.Empty; + private readonly IList _projects = new List(); + + /// + /// Identifies the name of the solution + /// + /// The name for the solution + /// this + public FakeSolutionBuilder Name(string name) + { + this._name = name; + return this; + } + + /// + /// Assigns a project to the solution + /// + /// The fake project builder which is to be registered with this fake solution instance + /// this + public FakeSolutionBuilder Project(FakeProjectBuilder project) + { + return this.Project(project.Build()); + } + + /// + /// Assigns a project to the solution + /// + /// The project which is to be registered with this fake solution instance + /// this + public FakeSolutionBuilder Project(IProject project) + { + this._projects.Add(project); + return this; + } + + /// + /// Commits any pending changes and builds a fake ISolution instance. + /// + /// A fake ISolution instance consisting of the previously registered name and projects + public ISolution Build() + { + ISolution fake = A.Fake(); + + A.CallTo(() => fake.Name).Returns(this._name); + A.CallTo(() => fake.Projects).Returns(this._projects); + + return fake; + } + } + + /// + /// Builds fake IProject instances + /// + public class FakeProjectBuilder + { + private string _name = string.Empty; + private string _primaryOutput = string.Empty; + private IList _sourcesFullFilePath = new List(); + private Defines _definitions = new Defines(); + + /// + /// Identifies the name of the project + /// + /// The name for the project + /// this + public FakeProjectBuilder Name(string name) + { + this._name = name; + return this; + } + + /// + /// Identifies the project's primary output location + /// + /// The primary output path + /// this + public FakeProjectBuilder PrimaryOutput(string output) + { + this._primaryOutput = output; + return this; + } + + /// + /// Identifies the project's configured preprocessor definitions + /// + /// The preprocessor definitions in use by this project + /// this + public FakeProjectBuilder Defines(Defines definitions) + { + this._definitions = definitions; + return this; + } + + /// + /// Assigns the projects resources (source files, filters etc.) + /// + /// The sources which are to be registered with this fake project instance + /// this + public FakeProjectBuilder Sources(IList sourcesFullFilePath) + { + this._sourcesFullFilePath = sourcesFullFilePath; + return this; + } + + /// + /// Commits any pending changes and builds a fake IProject instance. + /// + /// A fake IProject instance consisting of the previously registered output, definitions and sources + public IProject Build() + { + IProject fake = A.Fake(); + + A.CallTo(() => fake.Name).Returns(this._name); + + IProjectConfiguration fakeConfiguration = A.Fake(); + A.CallTo(() => fakeConfiguration.PrimaryOutput).Returns(this._primaryOutput); + + IVCppCompilerOptions fakeCompilerOptions = A.Fake(); + A.CallTo(() => fakeCompilerOptions.PreprocessorDefinitions).Returns(this._definitions); + + A.CallTo(() => fakeConfiguration.CppCompilerOptions).Returns(fakeCompilerOptions); + + A.CallTo(() => fake.ActiveConfiguration).Returns(fakeConfiguration); + A.CallTo(() => fake.SourceFiles).Returns(this._sourcesFullFilePath); + + return fake; + } + } + +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/Xml/XmlComparison.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/Xml/XmlComparison.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0746147 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/Utility/Xml/XmlComparison.cs @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using System.Xml; +using NUnit.Framework; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit.Utility.Xml +{ + /// + /// Interface which identifies a mechanism for filtering particular xml nodes. + /// + public interface IXmlNodeFilter + { + /// + /// States whether the node should be filtered or not + /// + /// The node to test + /// true if the node should be filtered; false otherwise + bool Filter(XmlNode node); + } + + #region Default IXMLNodeFilter Implementations + + /// + /// IXmlNodeFilter implementation. Does not filter any xml node. + /// + public class NullFilter : IXmlNodeFilter + { + public bool Filter(XmlNode node) + { + return false; + } + } + + /// + /// IXmlNodeFilter implementation. Filter each and every xml node. + /// + public class AllFilter : IXmlNodeFilter + { + public bool Filter(XmlNode node) + { + return true; + } + } + + #endregion + + /// + /// IXmlNodeFilter implementation. Filters xml nodes based on their NodeType. + /// + public class XmlNodeTypeFilter : IXmlNodeFilter + { + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The collection of XmlNodeTypes which should be filtered out + public XmlNodeTypeFilter(IEnumerable filtered) + { + this.FilteredTypes = filtered; + } + + /// + /// A collection of XmlNodeTypes which are to be filtered out + /// + public IEnumerable FilteredTypes { get; private set; } + + #region IXmlNodeFilter + + /// + /// States whether the node should be filtered or not + /// + /// The node to test + /// true if the node should be filtered; false otherwise + public bool Filter(XmlNode node) + { + return Filter(node.NodeType); + } + + #endregion IXmlNodeFilter + + /// + /// States whether the node type should be filtered or not + /// + /// The node type to test + /// true if the node type should be filtered; false otherwise + public bool Filter(XmlNodeType type) + { + return this.FilteredTypes.Contains(type); + } + + /// + /// Creates an XmlNodeTypeFilter which does not filter out anything + /// + public static XmlNodeTypeFilter None + { + get + { + return new XmlNodeTypeFilter(Enumerable.Empty()); + } + } + + /// + /// Creates a default XmlNodeTypeFilter used within most of the tests + /// + public static XmlNodeTypeFilter DefaultFilter + { + get + { + return new XmlNodeTypeFilter(new XmlNodeType[] { XmlNodeType.CDATA, XmlNodeType.Comment, XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction, XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration }); + } + } + + } + + public class XmlComparer + { + + private IEnumerator GetXmlCollectionEnumerator(IEnumerable enumerable) + { + return (enumerable == null) ? null : enumerable.GetEnumerator(); + } + + /// + /// Loads an Xml string fragment + /// + /// the Xml string fragment + /// The Xml DOM representation + private XmlDocument LoadXml(string xml) + { + XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); + doc.LoadXml(xml); + + return doc; + } + + /// + /// Compares the 2 Xml collections. + /// + /// The left-hand side Xml collection enumerator + /// The right-hand side Xml collection enumerator + /// The XmlNodeType filter to apply during comparison + private void CompareXML(IEnumerator lhs, IEnumerator rhs, IXmlNodeFilter filter) + { + bool lhsNext = lhs != null && lhs.MoveNext(); + bool rhsNext = rhs != null && rhs.MoveNext(); + + while (lhsNext && rhsNext) + { + XmlNode lhsChild = (XmlNode)lhs.Current; + XmlNode rhsChild = (XmlNode)rhs.Current; + + if (filter.Filter(lhsChild)) + { + lhsNext = lhs.MoveNext(); + continue; + } + else if (filter.Filter(rhsChild)) + { + rhsNext = rhs.MoveNext(); + continue; + } + + _CompareXML(lhsChild, rhsChild, filter); + + lhsNext = lhs.MoveNext(); + rhsNext = rhs.MoveNext(); + } + + // Ensure that any remaining nodes are filtered + // and not important for the comparison process + while (lhsNext) + { + Assert.IsTrue(filter.Filter((XmlNode)lhs.Current)); + lhsNext = lhs.MoveNext(); + } + + while (rhsNext) + { + Assert.IsTrue(filter.Filter((XmlNode)rhs.Current)); + rhsNext = rhs.MoveNext(); + } + } + + /// + /// Internal version of CompareXML. Compares the 2 Xml subtrees. + /// + /// In contrast to the public CompareXML, this version avoids checking whether both elements should be filtered or not. + /// The left-hand side Xml subtree + /// The right-hand side Xml subtree + /// The XmlNodeType filter to apply during comparison + private void _CompareXML(XmlNode lhs, XmlNode rhs, IXmlNodeFilter filter) + { + Assert.AreEqual(lhs.NodeType, rhs.NodeType); + + Assert.AreEqual(lhs.NamespaceURI, rhs.NamespaceURI); + Assert.AreEqual(lhs.LocalName, rhs.LocalName); + + if (lhs.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA || lhs.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment || lhs.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) + { + Assert.AreEqual(lhs.Value, rhs.Value); + } + + CompareXML(GetXmlCollectionEnumerator(lhs.ChildNodes), GetXmlCollectionEnumerator(rhs.ChildNodes), filter); + CompareXML(GetXmlCollectionEnumerator(lhs.Attributes), GetXmlCollectionEnumerator(rhs.Attributes), filter); + } + + /// + /// Compares the 2 Xml subtrees. + /// + /// The left-hand side Xml subtree + /// The right-hand side Xml subtree + /// The XmlNodeType filter to apply during comparison + public void CompareXML(XmlNode lhs, XmlNode rhs, IXmlNodeFilter filter) + { + bool lhsFilter = filter.Filter(lhs); + bool rhsFilter = filter.Filter(rhs); + + Assert.AreEqual(lhsFilter, rhsFilter); + + // At this point, lhsFilter and rhsFilter are known to be equal. + // If both elements should be filtered, avoid comparing the subtrees altogether. + if (!lhsFilter) + { + _CompareXML(lhs, rhs, filter); + } + } + + /// + /// Compares the 2 Xml string fragments. + /// + /// The left-hand side Xml fragment + /// The right-hand side Xml fragment + /// The XmlNodeType filter to apply during comparison + public void CompareXML(string lhs, string rhs, IXmlNodeFilter filter) + { + this.CompareXML(LoadXml(lhs), LoadXml(rhs), filter); + } + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/VSTestModelTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/VSTestModelTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8442e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/VSTestModelTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using BoostTestAdapter; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.LogEntryTypes; +using BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility; +using BoostTestAdapter.Utility.VisualStudio; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel; +using NUnit.Framework; +using BoostTestResult = BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Results.TestResult; +using TestCase = BoostTestAdapter.Boost.Test.TestCase; +using VSTestCase = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestCase; +using VSTestResult = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.TestResult; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + public class VSTestModelTest + { + #region Test Setup/Teardown + + [SetUp] + public void SetUp() + { + this.TestCase = new VSTestCase(DefaultTestName, ExecutorUri, DefaultSource); + } + + #endregion Test Setup/Teardown + + #region Test Data + + private static readonly Uri ExecutorUri = BoostTestExecutor.ExecutorUri; + private const string DefaultTestName = "suite/test"; + private const string DefaultSource = "void"; + + private VSTestCase TestCase { get; set; } + + #endregion Test Data + + #region Helper Classes + + /// + /// BoostTestResult Builder. Provides a fluent-api interface to easily express BoostTestResult instances. + /// + private class BoostTestResultBuilder + { + public BoostTestResultBuilder() + { + this.Logs = new List(); + } + + #region Properties + + private TestResultType ResultType { get; set; } + private uint TimeDuration { get; set; } + private IList Logs { get; set; } + private TestUnit Unit { get; set; } + + #endregion Properties + + /// + /// Determine the Visual Studio test case for which this BoostTestResult is associated with. + /// + /// The Visual Studio test case to associate with the generated result + /// this + public BoostTestResultBuilder For(VSTestCase test) + { + TestSuite parent = new TestSuite("Master Test Suite"); + + string[] fragments = test.FullyQualifiedName.Split('/'); + for (int i = 0; i < (fragments.Length - 1); ++i) + { + parent = new TestSuite(fragments[i], parent); + } + + return For(new TestCase(fragments[(fragments.Length - 1)], parent)); + } + + /// + /// Determine the Boost.Test.TestUnit test case for which this BoostTestResult is associated with. + /// + /// The Boost.Test.TestUnit test case to associate with the generated result + /// this + public BoostTestResultBuilder For(TestUnit unit) + { + this.Unit = unit; + return this; + } + + /// + /// States that the test case passed. + /// + /// this + public BoostTestResultBuilder Passed() + { + return Result(TestResultType.Passed); + } + + /// + /// States that the test case was aborted during execution. + /// + /// this + public BoostTestResultBuilder Aborted() + { + return Result(TestResultType.Aborted); + } + + /// + /// States that the test case failed. + /// + /// this + public BoostTestResultBuilder Failed() + { + return Result(TestResultType.Failed); + } + + /// + /// States that the test case was skipped by the testing framework. + /// + /// this + public BoostTestResultBuilder Skipped() + { + return Result(TestResultType.Skipped); + } + + /// + /// States that the test case result. + /// + /// The test case execution result + /// this + public BoostTestResultBuilder Result(TestResultType result) + { + this.ResultType = result; + return this; + } + + /// + /// The duration of the test case execution in microseconds. + /// + /// Test case execution duration in microseconds + /// this + public BoostTestResultBuilder Duration(uint time) + { + this.TimeDuration = time; + return this; + } + + /// + /// Registers a log entry. + /// + /// A log entry generated during test execution + /// this + public BoostTestResultBuilder Log(LogEntry entry) + { + this.Logs.Add(entry); + return this; + } + + /// + /// Generates a BoostTestResult instance from the contained configuration. + /// + /// A BoostTestResult instance based on the pre-set configuration + public BoostTestResult Build() + { + BoostTestResult result = new BoostTestResult(null); + + result.Result = this.ResultType; + result.Unit = this.Unit; + result.Duration = this.TimeDuration; + + foreach (LogEntry entry in this.Logs) + { + result.LogEntries.Add(entry); + } + + return result; + } + } + + #endregion Helper Classes + + #region Helper Methods + + /// + /// Asserts general Visual Studio TestResult properties for the default TestCase. + /// + /// The Visual Studio TestResult to test + private void AssertVSTestModelProperties(VSTestResult result) + { + AssertVSTestModelProperties(result, this.TestCase); + } + + /// + /// Asserts general Visual Studio TestResult properties for the provided TestCase. + /// + /// The Visual Studio TestResult to test + /// The Visual Studio TestCase for which the result is based on + private void AssertVSTestModelProperties(VSTestResult result, VSTestCase test) + { + Assert.That(result.TestCase, Is.EqualTo(test)); + Assert.That(result.ComputerName, Is.EqualTo(Environment.MachineName)); + } + + /// + /// Asserts that a log entry resulting in a test failure is correctly noted + /// in the Visual Studio TestResult. + /// + /// The Visual Studio TestResult to test + /// The log entry detailing a test case error + private void AssertVsTestModelError(VSTestResult result, LogEntry entry) + { + Assert.That(result.ErrorMessage, Is.EqualTo(entry.Detail)); + Assert.That(result.ErrorStackTrace, Is.EqualTo(entry.Source.ToString())); + } + + /// + /// Converts from microseconds to a TimeSpan + /// + /// Duration in microseconds + /// A TimeSpan describing the microsecond duration + private TimeSpan Microseconds(int value) + { + return TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Math.Truncate(value / 1000F)); + } + + /// + /// Given a LogEntry instance, identifies the respective Visual Studio + /// TestResult message category. + /// + /// The LogEntry instance to test + /// The respective Visual Studio Message category for the provided LogEntry + private string GetCategory(LogEntry entry) + { + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = new BoostTestResultBuilder(). + For(this.TestCase). + Log(entry). + Build(); + + VSTestResult result = testCaseResult.AsVSTestResult(this.TestCase); + + return result.Messages.First().Category; + } + + #endregion Helper Methods + + #region Tests + + /// + /// Boost Test Case passed + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that Boost TestCases which pass are identified accordingly in Visual Studio TestResults. + /// + [Test] + public void ConvertPassToVSTestResult() + { + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = new BoostTestResultBuilder(). + For(this.TestCase). + Passed(). + Duration(1000). + Log(new LogEntryMessage("BOOST_MESSAGE output")). + Build(); + + VSTestResult result = testCaseResult.AsVSTestResult(this.TestCase); + + AssertVSTestModelProperties(result); + + Assert.That(result.Outcome, Is.EqualTo(TestOutcome.Passed)); + Assert.That(result.Duration, Is.EqualTo(Microseconds(1000))); + + Assert.That(result.Messages.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); + + TestResultMessage message = result.Messages.First(); + Assert.That(message.Category, Is.EqualTo(TestResultMessage.StandardOutCategory)); + } + + /// + /// Boost Test Case failed + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that Boost TestCases which fail are identified accordingly in Visual Studio TestResults. + /// + [Test] + public void ConvertFailToVSTestResult() + { + LogEntryError error = new LogEntryError("Error: 1 != 2", new SourceFileInfo("file.cpp", 10)); + + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = new BoostTestResultBuilder(). + For(this.TestCase). + Failed(). + Duration(2500). + Log(error). + Build(); + + VSTestResult result = testCaseResult.AsVSTestResult(this.TestCase); + + AssertVSTestModelProperties(result); + + Assert.That(result.Outcome, Is.EqualTo(TestOutcome.Failed)); + Assert.That(result.Duration, Is.EqualTo(Microseconds(2500))); + + AssertVsTestModelError(result, error); + + Assert.That(result.Messages.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); + + TestResultMessage message = result.Messages.First(); + Assert.That(message.Category, Is.EqualTo(TestResultMessage.StandardErrorCategory)); + } + + /// + /// Boost Test Case skipped + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that Boost TestCases which are skipped are identified accordingly in Visual Studio TestResults. + /// + [Test] + public void ConvertSkipToVSTestResult() + { + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = new BoostTestResultBuilder(). + For(this.TestCase). + Skipped(). + Build(); + + VSTestResult result = testCaseResult.AsVSTestResult(this.TestCase); + + AssertVSTestModelProperties(result); + + Assert.That(result.Outcome, Is.EqualTo(TestOutcome.Skipped)); + Assert.That(result.Duration, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.Zero)); + + Assert.That(result.Messages.Count, Is.EqualTo(0)); + } + + /// + /// Boost Test Case exception + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that Boost TestCases which throw an exception are identified accordingly in Visual Studio TestResults. + /// + [Test] + public void ConvertExceptionToVSTestResult() + { + LogEntryException exception = new LogEntryException("C string: some error", new SourceFileInfo("unknown location", 0)); + exception.LastCheckpoint = new SourceFileInfo("boostunittestsample.cpp", 13); + exception.CheckpointDetail = "Going to throw an exception"; + + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = new BoostTestResultBuilder(). + For(this.TestCase). + Aborted(). + Duration(0). + Log(exception). + Build(); + + VSTestResult result = testCaseResult.AsVSTestResult(this.TestCase); + + AssertVSTestModelProperties(result); + + Assert.That(result.Outcome, Is.EqualTo(TestOutcome.Failed)); + Assert.That(result.Duration, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromTicks(0))); + + AssertVsTestModelError(result, exception); + + Assert.That(result.Messages.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); + + TestResultMessage message = result.Messages.First(); + Assert.That(message.Category, Is.EqualTo(TestResultMessage.StandardErrorCategory)); + } + + + /// + /// Boost Test Case Memory Leak + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that Boost TestCases which leak memory are identified accordingly in Visual Studio TestResults. + /// + [Test] + public void ConvertMemoryLeakToVSTestResult() + { + LogEntryMemoryLeak leak = new LogEntryMemoryLeak(); + + leak.LeakLineNumber = 32; + leak.LeakMemoryAllocationNumber = 836; + leak.LeakLeakedDataContents = " Data: <`- Leak... > 60 2D BD 00 4C 65 61 6B 2E 2E 2E 00 CD CD CD CD "; + + leak.LeakSourceFilePath = @"C:\boostunittestsample.cpp"; + leak.LeakSourceFileName = "boostunittestsample.cpp"; + + BoostTestResult testCaseResult = new BoostTestResultBuilder(). + For(this.TestCase). + Passed(). + Duration(1000). + Log(leak). + Build(); + + VSTestResult result = testCaseResult.AsVSTestResult(this.TestCase); + + AssertVSTestModelProperties(result); + + Assert.That(result.Outcome, Is.EqualTo(TestOutcome.Passed)); + Assert.That(result.Duration, Is.EqualTo(Microseconds(1000))); + + Assert.That(result.Messages.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); + + TestResultMessage message = result.Messages.First(); + Assert.That(message.Category, Is.EqualTo(TestResultMessage.StandardErrorCategory)); + } + + /// + /// Log entries identification in Visual Studio TestResults + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that Boost log entries are categorized as expected when converted into Visual Studio TestResult Messages. + /// + [Test] + public void TestLogEntryCategory() + { + // Standard Output + Assert.That(GetCategory(new LogEntryInfo("Info")), Is.EqualTo(TestResultMessage.StandardOutCategory)); + Assert.That(GetCategory(new LogEntryMessage("Message")), Is.EqualTo(TestResultMessage.StandardOutCategory)); + Assert.That(GetCategory(new LogEntryStandardOutputMessage("StdOut")), Is.EqualTo(TestResultMessage.StandardOutCategory)); + + // Standard Error + Assert.That(GetCategory(new LogEntryWarning("Warning")), Is.EqualTo(TestResultMessage.StandardErrorCategory)); + Assert.That(GetCategory(new LogEntryError("Error")), Is.EqualTo(TestResultMessage.StandardErrorCategory)); + Assert.That(GetCategory(new LogEntryFatalError("FatalError")), Is.EqualTo(TestResultMessage.StandardErrorCategory)); + Assert.That(GetCategory(new LogEntryException("Exception")), Is.EqualTo(TestResultMessage.StandardErrorCategory)); + Assert.That(GetCategory(new LogEntryMemoryLeak()), Is.EqualTo(TestResultMessage.StandardErrorCategory)); + Assert.That(GetCategory(new LogEntryStandardErrorMessage("StdErr")), Is.EqualTo(TestResultMessage.StandardErrorCategory)); + } + + #endregion Tests + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/VisualStudio2012AdapterTest.cs b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/VisualStudio2012AdapterTest.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47ae329 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/VisualStudio2012AdapterTest.cs @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +using EnvDTE; +using FakeItEasy; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine; +using NUnit.Framework; +using VisualStudioAdapter; + +namespace BoostTestAdapterNunit +{ + [TestFixture] + public class VisualStudio2012AdapterTest + { + #region Test Setup/Teardown + + [SetUp] + public void SetUp() + { + this.FakeVS = new FakeVisualStudio2012(); + this.Project = new VisualStudioAdapter.Shared.Project(this.FakeVS.Project); + } + + #endregion Test Setup/Teardown + + #region Test Data + + private FakeVisualStudio2012 FakeVS { get; set; } + private IProject Project { get; set; } + private const string DefaultProjectName = "SampleProject"; + private const string DefaultOutput = "test.boostd.exe"; + + #endregion Test Data + + #region Helper Classes + + /// + /// Aggregates fake Visual Studio EnvDTE and VCProjectEngine structures + /// + private class FakeVisualStudio2012 + { + public FakeVisualStudio2012() + { + this.Project = A.Fake(); + this.ConfigurationManager = A.Fake(); + this.ActiveConfiguration = A.Fake(); + this.VCProject = A.Fake(); + this.ConfigurationCollection = A.Fake(); + this.VCConfiguration = A.Fake(); + + A.CallTo(() => this.Project.FullName).Returns(DefaultProjectName); + A.CallTo(() => this.Project.ConfigurationManager).Returns(this.ConfigurationManager); + + A.CallTo(() => this.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration).Returns(this.ActiveConfiguration); + A.CallTo(() => this.Project.Object).Returns(this.VCProject); + + A.CallTo(() => this.ActiveConfiguration.ConfigurationName).Returns("Debug"); + A.CallTo(() => this.ActiveConfiguration.PlatformName).Returns("Win32"); + + A.CallTo(() => this.VCProject.Configurations).Returns(this.ConfigurationCollection); + + A.CallTo(() => this.ConfigurationCollection.Item("Debug|Win32")).Returns(this.VCConfiguration); + + A.CallTo(() => this.VCConfiguration.PrimaryOutput).Returns(DefaultOutput); + } + + public Project Project { get; private set; } + private ConfigurationManager ConfigurationManager { get; set; } + private Configuration ActiveConfiguration { get; set; } + private VCProject VCProject { get; set; } + private IVCCollection ConfigurationCollection { get; set; } + private VCConfiguration VCConfiguration { get; set; } + } + + #endregion Helper Classes + + #region Tests + + /// + /// Visual Studio 2012 adaptation. + /// + /// Test aims: + /// - Ensure that EnvDTE and VCProjectEngine structures are properly adapted to VisualStudioAdapter structures. + /// + [Test] + public void VisualStudio2012Adaptation() + { + Assert.That(this.Project.Name, Is.EqualTo(DefaultProjectName)); + Assert.That(this.Project.ActiveConfiguration.PrimaryOutput, Is.EqualTo(DefaultOutput)); + } + + #endregion Tests + } +} diff --git a/BoostTestAdapterNunit/packages.config b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/packages.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8390c48 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestAdapterNunit/packages.config @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestPlugin/BoostTestAdapter.dll.config b/BoostTestPlugin/BoostTestAdapter.dll.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..400ca7b --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestPlugin/BoostTestAdapter.dll.config @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestPlugin/BoostTestPlugin.csproj b/BoostTestPlugin/BoostTestPlugin.csproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18ade76 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestPlugin/BoostTestPlugin.csproj @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ + + + + 11.0 + 11.0 + $(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion) + + + boost_test_logoSquare.ico + + + + Debug + AnyCPU + 2.0 + {82b43b9b-a64c-4715-b499-d71e9ca2bd60};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC} + {7918D2BE-590C-4F1B-9A72-9F1CE4640AA9} + Library + Properties + BoostUnitTestAdapter + BoostUnitTestAdapter + v4.5 + false + false + false + false + false + false + + + true + full + false + bin\Debug\ + TRACE;DEBUG + prompt + 4 + BasicCorrectnessRules.ruleset + + + pdbonly + true + bin\Release\ + TRACE + prompt + 4 + + + + $(MSBuildProgramFiles32) + + $(ProgramFiles%28x86%29) + + $(ProgramFiles) (x86) + + $(ProgramFiles) + + + + + + + Always + true + + + Always + true + + + Always + true + + + Always + true + + + true + Always + + + Always + true + + + Designer + + + + + true + Always + + + + + {bc4b3bed-9241-4dd6-8070-a9b66dfc08c1} + BoostTestAdapter + + + {30ecc867-ce89-425f-b452-7a8a320f727d} + VisualStudio2012Adapter + BuiltProjectOutputGroup%3bBuiltProjectOutputGroupDependencies%3bGetCopyToOutputDirectoryItems%3bSatelliteDllsProjectOutputGroup%3b + DebugSymbolsProjectOutputGroup%3b + + + {82df0aeb-582a-4b38-96fc-aaee773beafe} + VisualStudio2013Adapter + BuiltProjectOutputGroup%3bBuiltProjectOutputGroupDependencies%3bGetCopyToOutputDirectoryItems%3bSatelliteDllsProjectOutputGroup%3b + DebugSymbolsProjectOutputGroup%3b + + + {eb0051e3-1dda-418c-abaf-c1da5339114c} + VisualStudio2015Adapter + BuiltProjectOutputGroup%3bBuiltProjectOutputGroupDependencies%3bGetCopyToOutputDirectoryItems%3bSatelliteDllsProjectOutputGroup%3b + DebugSymbolsProjectOutputGroup%3b + + + {62347cc7-c839-413d-a7ce-598409f6f15b} + VisualStudioAdapter + BuiltProjectOutputGroup%3bBuiltProjectOutputGroupDependencies%3bGetCopyToOutputDirectoryItems%3bSatelliteDllsProjectOutputGroup%3b + DebugSymbolsProjectOutputGroup%3b + + + + + ..\packages\NCalc.1.3.8\NCalc.dll + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestPlugin/Boost_preview.png b/BoostTestPlugin/Boost_preview.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f65b2ee226253f678dba55c4638ccef19e5489a4 GIT binary patch literal 106654 zcma&MV|XP|w=EoW$F^v2Ek#J@=gZ-RJ)LeiYVI zRjX>PIpl7|JlHY?8{8Sz&?v*B}6qm49>c~dziJ% zJe{+YB63-k`L317W`v~Y({`GLG$J-3GO@GYuKw~~GB7va;ACfKH#F~FdI9p)6H>1z zy4`YpGJ_0+Z-?9Y_yXf6qd4#;BnX_s38nrhGP|t|*o7`zqMhCw7wS~8hTWV0nW0W{aCYu{_3k40EwI{KJEiykNFD|h`ISq`THn)B=PtOHopZ2GhI@`{I zNsA=meglM;Lz^!f5o^Lfo}>Hldst0Rt07xJcYV#7&}W^tM;~jUgsmn|0sK;D9VP=c z{2}%|uEPhJ&^GV?>I#cCxr}$K3$-`d%6+`MUF%0zG`DZv z{zD&sH?QdwH`GP@d3H7Ty9tOJ+NR57>wx|D8nj)P+4N*B@`h&!=?ca=*Ofv)JHzw% z+O+UtYPDc)Ew8!UE1h$cw- 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Change these attribute values to modify the information +// associated with an assembly. +[assembly: AssemblyTitle("BoostTestPlugin")] +[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] +[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] +[assembly: AssemblyProduct("BoostTestPlugin")] +[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")] +[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] +[assembly: CLSCompliant(false)] + +// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible +// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from +// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type. +[assembly: ComVisible(false)] + +// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: +// +// Major Version +// Minor Version +// Build Number +// Revision +// +// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers +// by using the '*' as shown below: +// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] +[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] +[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] diff --git a/BoostTestPlugin/Release Notes.txt b/BoostTestPlugin/Release Notes.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e28af91 --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestPlugin/Release Notes.txt @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +# Version History + +_The version history is presented in descending order (i.e. the latest version updates are presented at the top of the page)_ + +--- +### Version + +Misc: + - A major code re-factoring activity has been done. + - Release code as open source + +New features: +- In the previous versions of the Boost Unit Test Adapter, there was no reporting with respect to memory leaks. The memory leaks information reported by Boost Unit Test Framework is now being parsed and reported to the user. The user is also given the possibility to fail a test if any memory leaks are discovered via a user settable option. +- In the previous versions only the last test result of a particular unit test was reported back to the user. In this new version, the user is able to see all the test results respective to a test. +- All the output (being what is commonly referred to as stdout and stderr) generated by a unit test is reported into an output screen accessible at unit test level. +- Any exceptions raised by the Boost Unit Test Adapter itself and any informational logs are now logged to a log file. +- Added support for nested test suites. The user is able to deduce the nesting level via the naming of the testcase as presented in the test explorer. +- Replaced and updated the user manual which was previously in a pdf format to one written in a GitHub flavoured markdown format. +- The user can now specify an execution timeout. If a test takes more than a configurable amount of time, the test is considered as failed. +- Conditional Inclusions statements such as #if....#elif....#else....#endif, #ifdef, #if defined, #ifndef, #if !defined are now supported with some limitations on the conditional complexity. +- Filtering for multi-line comments and single line comments are now much more robust. +- Created a Boost External Test Runner so that users can execute Boost Unit test project compiled as a dynamic link library. +- Added support to Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 RC. +- Added support that in case a source file is excluded from build( the source file is not parsed for any Boost Unit Tests. +- Header files are now also parsed for Boost Unit Tests. + +--- +### Version 0.9.4 (Beta 5) + + +Bug fixes: +- Previous version has not been working with Visual Studio 2012. Issue is now fixed. + +--- +### Version 0.9.3 (Beta 4) + + +Misc: +- In the output window of Visual Studio, the currently executed unit test is now shown. + +--- +### Version 0.9.2 (Beta 3) + + +Bug fixes: +- Known limitation from Version 0.9.1 (Beta 3) is fixed by catching the COMException "Application is Busy" and retrying several times. Only if all retries have failed, the COMException will be thrown. A sufficient number of retries shall avoid this issue. + +--- +### Version 0.9.1 (Beta 3) + + +Bug fixes: +- When a test case cannot be executed at all (possibly due to incorrect usage or parsing problems), the add-in crashed and no other unit test could be executed any more. Now any occurrence of exception during of the execution of unit tests are handled and written to the output window of Visual Studio. + +Known Limitation: +- In case unit tests are not shown in the text explorer of Visual Studio, rebuild the solution/project. + +--- +### Version 0.9 (Beta 3) + + +Features: +- Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 added. + +--- +### Version 0.8 (Beta 2) + + +Features: +- Support for BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE and BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE macros. + +--- +### Version 0.7 (Beta 1) + + +Features: +- now displaying unit tests when 64-bit is selected as platform. + +--- +### Version 0.6.3 (ALPHA 6) + + +Bug Fixes: +- targetver.h, that has been removed from the project template in the previous version, has been added again. + +--- +### Version 0.6.2 (ALPHA 6) + + +Bug Fixes: +- A mechanism that is supposed to ignore inactive code within the pattern /*... */ did not work properly. Whenever using this pattern, not a single unit test has been discovered. This is now fixed. +- The XML output mechanism has been changed: instead of piping the test results to a file via standard output, the boost mechanism is used (--log_sink=, --report_sink=). + It is now possible to use std::cout in unit tests without affecting the test results (e.g. by using special characters like &, ). + +--- +### Version 0.6.1 (ALPHA 6) + + +Bug Fixes: +- XML output file will be overwritten when having more than one unit test project. This is now fixed by writing unique xml files for each project in the solution. +- Final bug fix: for target names different from the project name unit tests have not been displayed in the test explorer so far. + + +--- +### Version 0.5.4 (ALPHA 5) + + +Features: +- Debug unit tests using the VS2012 Test Explorer Window. + +Bug Fixes: +- Adjusted the project settings of the template project (C/C++ -> Advanced -> Use Full Paths -> Yes (/FC)) +- When Visual studio projects are structured in solution folders, the extension now recognizes all tests. +- When the number of test cases to be run exceeds 30, the Boost Unit Test Adapter does not throw an exception anymore. +- For target names different from the project name unit tests have not been displayed in the test explorer so far. This is now fixed. + +Misc: +- Project template modified (file containing target version removed). + +--- +### Version 0.4 (ALPHA 4) + + +Features: +- Support for the BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE macro. + +Bug Fixes: +- When changing the output directory individually, the Boost Unit Test Adapter can now discover the unit test cases and does not throw an exception. + +--- +### Version 0.3 (ALPHA 3) + + +Bug Fixes: +- If a test case is commented out by /**/, the adapter does now ignore this test case and does not display or execute it any-more. Also, an exception is not thrown any-more. +- If a test case containing the macro BOOST_CHECK_THROW fails, an additional empty line has been displayed below the error reason. This it now fixed. + +--- +### Version 0.2 (ALPHA 2) + + +Bug Fixes: +- If a Boost Unit Test project is structured in a folder, the Boost Unit Test Adapter does now recognize the unit tests. +- When "creating" memory leaks (accidentally, for instance) the Unit Test Adapter does not throw an exception. +- In the test explorer, error message provided by BOOST is displayed when using the macro BOOST_CHECK_THROW(). +- When installing the Boost Unit Test Adapter directly from Visual Studio (go to Tools -> Extensions and Updates-> Online and search for term Boost), the Unit test adapter gets installed without any error. + +--- +### Version 0.1 (ALPHA 1) + +Features: +- Display of test cases +- Run all test cases +- Failed test details +- Finding test case location in source +- Running selective test cases +- Search for a test case diff --git a/BoostTestPlugin/app.config b/BoostTestPlugin/app.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ab4f2a --- /dev/null +++ b/BoostTestPlugin/app.config @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BoostTestPlugin/boost_test_logoSquare.ico b/BoostTestPlugin/boost_test_logoSquare.ico new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b0fa35659cf0327709852a973954b89a54e300e GIT binary patch literal 212693 zcmeFa2Ut@}yDz>Hf(gB-i1eZ;0tyNUO0`h!jb0R$rVs=r)C3R`r395?p(#y71O)`7 z1yN9uj-Y^a1VrhOP;+Mm*xOyc?>Xmx{`cN@r2tw{f0QxIs3?>O=~<1MS*tybtjr4jCh~<%1q-K<#7Bd6k_r^Jod~P<2d&!bc>bB3{79VSJ3fsN`L8 zxmH{oP_K*Mj?_w>;B`mj7ke&wrQ@;qV2%0FQhM04Xfb2|5#-qHtOuR`WlXfoMe`+R zgQy7S0dp81!4)DXAD0c#Gb%Cau-CN@u6MJFW&Os`C~eJG z6^M4P>9#@>uFgj2A?hUx*0&^|6%x+GdwZ`B9g3G28=t<&j2$AXptJ?Q#t`b}@jgCT zJbtZ@65dqyQuSG^&xi^5aMOCEpd5t&+xX!{IdzW-(XMW$yf`t8zw#?%D1Y3+b*}YA zS1QxEHZVXJIT$LMUedI|jm;TywBMEr<03pf@DYRZ6CL5B6jM8Wi)jUxdv|YoH_PiU zW|v5Y+GjXkzV$llgSbKBW=D#e6QR!wJA|_x&p>fULV`q4zWJ31Et|*~d~@6bopt9@ z&(RS66toe7FitnxKNi-vfzo*MzUJA@`PlD5roxda1NWk$EDcSSO68;nzPJb@y_aU& zJ?LhFo4+06$f98-|%meQ%k4avs`TseVcN)G-G^*%;AaFGJI` 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please file an issue at + + LICENSE_1_0.txt + + Release Notes.txt + boost_test_logoSquare.ico + Boost_preview.png + C++, Unit Testing, Testing, test explorer, TDD, Boost, Boost Test Library, Visual Studio, Test Adapter + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Doku/TestCasesListing.Detailed.xml b/Doku/TestCasesListing.Detailed.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f04b71 --- /dev/null +++ b/Doku/TestCasesListing.Detailed.xml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Doku/TestCasesListing.Simple.xml b/Doku/TestCasesListing.Simple.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f7f7b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Doku/TestCasesListing.Simple.xml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Doku/images/accessing_the_test_explorer_window.png b/Doku/images/accessing_the_test_explorer_window.png new file mode 100644 index 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It makes use of the Unit Test Explorer (UTE) provided by Microsoft to visualize and run unit test cases that are written using open source Boost Test Library. +## Contents +- [Introduction](#introduction) +- [Setup](#setup) + + [Pre-Requisites](#pre-requisites) + + [Installation](#installation) + * [Boost Unit Test Adapter Extension](#boost-unit-test-adapter-extension) + * [Boost Unit Test project template](#boost-unit-test-project-template) + * [Optional One-time Settings](#optional-one-time-settings) + + [Uninstallation](#uninstallation) +- [Quick Start](#quick-start) +- [Supported Boost Test Macros](#supported-boost-test-macros) +- [Usage](#usage) + + [Add a New Boost Project Using the Boost Unit Test Project Template](#add-a-new-boost-project-using-the-boost-unit-test-project-template) + + [Add a New Boost Unit Test File Using the Boost Unit Test File Template](#add-a-new-boost-unit-test-file-using-the-boost-unit-test-file-template) + + [Display Test Cases](#display-test-cases) + + [Run All Test Cases](#run-all-test-cases) + + [Run Selected Test Cases](#run-selected-test-cases) + + [Group Test Cases](#group-test-cases) + + [Find the Test Case Location in Source](#find-the-test-case-location-in-source) + + [Search and Filter the Test Case List](#search-and-filter-the-test-case-list) + + [Clear the Search Results](#clear-the-search-results) + + [View the Summary of the Test Case Results](#view-the-summary-and-output-of-the-test-case-results) + + [Add and Run a Playlist](#add-and-run-a-playlist) + + [Debug Unit Tests Using Test Explorer Window](#debug-unit-tests-using-test-explorer-window) + + [Analyzing Code Coverage for Boost Tests](#analyzing-code-coverage-for-boost-tests) + + [Boost Unit Test Adapter Configuration](#boost-unit-test-adapter-configuration) + + [Failing Tests in case Memory Leaks are detected](#failing-tests-in-case-memory-leaks-are-detected) + + [Specifying a Test Execution Timeout](#specifying-a-test-execution-timeout) + + [Disabling the Conditional Inclusions Filter](#disabling-the-conditional-inclusions-filter) + + [Modifying Boost Test Log Verbosity](#modifying-boost-test-log-verbosity) + + [Utilization of an External Test Runner](#utilization-of-an-external-test-runner) + + [Tests discovery configuration](#tests-discovery-configuration) + + [Tests execution configuration](#tests-execution-configuration) +- [Limitations](#limitations) +- [License](#license) + + [Boost Unit Test Adapter License](#boost-unit-test-adapter-license) + + [Third-party Software Credits](#third-party-software-credits) +- [Appendix](#appendix) + + [Version History](#version-history) + + [Reporting Issues](#reporting-issues) + + [Building from sources](#building-from-sources) + + [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) -Refer for detailed information on Boost Test Library. +## Introduction +The Boost Unit Test Adapter is available as a free extension for Microsoft Visual Studio. It makes use of the Unit Test Explorer (UTE) provided by Microsoft in the Visual Studio IDE to visualize and run unit test cases that are written using the open source Boost Unit Test Framework libraries. Boost provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source libraries. Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful and usable across a broad spectrum of applications. Boost works on almost any modern operating system, including UNIX and Windows variants. -**Pre-Requisites** +Refer to []( for detailed information about the Boost libraries. -In order to use the Boost Test Adapter, the user must have the following: -- Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (Update 1 or later is supported) or Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 -- Boost Libraries (tested versions: 1.49.0, 1.53.0, 1.55.0) +## Setup -**Installation** +### Pre-Requisites -Installation is available in the Visual Studio Gallery: [Boost Unit Test Adapter]( +In order to use the Boost Unit Test Adapter, the following components must be available: +- [Boost Libraries]( +- [Microsoft Visual Studio]( The following versions are supported: + + Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 (Pro, Premium, Ultimate). + + Visual Studio 2013 (Pro, Premium, Ultimate). + + Visual Studio 2015 RC (Enterprise). +### Installation +#### Boost Unit Test Adapter Extension +The pre-built binary of the Boost Unit Test Adapter installation package ( __.vsix__ file ) can be downloaded and installed either by: +- downloading and installing the __.vsix__ file via the [Microsoft Visual Studio gallery]( +- searching for the tool via the Visual Studio's Extensions and Updates form via __Tools__ -> __Extensions and Updates__ and then clicking __Download__ as shown in the below snippet. +![image]( +- downloading and compiling the Boost Unit Adapter packages from this [GitHub]( location. + +#### Boost Unit Test Project Template + +The Boost Unit Test Project template as well as the Boost Unit Test File template are installed as part of Boost Unit Test Adapter extension installation above. + +#### Optional One-time Settings + +The below mentioned settings are optional and are here being suggested as a good working practice and are by no way required by the Visual Studio Boost Unit Test adapter. These setting relate to the setup of the Boost include file paths and the Boost library paths. Rather then setting the paths inside the project's property pages, it is suggested to make use of environment variables. + +In order to set these environment variables: + +1. Select advanced system settings in Control Panel +2. Select advanced tab in system properties window +3. Click environment variable button +4. Click new button in User variable section (or at System Level) +5. Give __BOOST_INC__ as variable name and boost install directory as variable value. Eg: __D:\boost_dir__ +6. Create one more variable with __BOOST_LIB__ as variable name and boost library directory as variable value. Eg: __D:\boost_dir\lib__ + +In case multiple Boost library versions are utilized, when naming the environment variables it is suggested to include the library version as part of the environment variable name. The same concept should also be applied with the processor architecture type the library is targeted for. Some examples are the following __BOOST_1440_INC__, __BOOST_1440_LIB__, __BOOST_1440_INC_X64__, __BOOST_1440_LIB_X64__, __BOOST_1490_INC__, __BOOST_1490_LIB__, __BOOST_1490_INC_X64__, __BOOST_1490_LIB_X64__ + +### Uninstallation + +1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio. +2. Go to __Tools__ -> __Extensions and Updates__. +3. Select _Boost Unit Test Adapter_. +4. Click Uninstall. +5. Restart Microsoft Visual Studio. + +## Quick start + +- Double click BoostTestPlugin.vsix. This will install the Boost Unit Test Project template, Boost Unit Test File template and Boost Unit Test Adapter extension. +- Follow the optional installation steps as described in section [Other optional settings](#other-optional-settings) so as to create the environment variables. This is a one time process so if this has already been done, this step can be skipped. +- Create a new project using the __Boost Unit Test Project__ template available in the Add New Project dialog. This can be found under: __Installed__ -> __Visual C++__ -> __Test__ -> __Boost Unit Test Project__. +- This will result in a new solution having a project which contains 2 header files (viz. stdafx.h and targetver.h) and 3 source files (viz. stdafx.cpp, BoostUnitTestSample.cpp and BoostUnitTest.cpp). +- Set the Platform Toolset property value of the newly added project. This can be found under: Project Property Pages -> __Configuration Properties__ -> __General__ -> __Platform Toolset__. +- Build the solution and make sure that the project built correctly. +- Once a successful build is achieved, the test cases should have been discovered and made visible in the __Test Explorer Window__. (If the __Test Explorer Window__ is not visible, it can be accessed via the menu item __Test__ -> __Windows__ -> __Test Explorer__). +- The test cases appear with a light blue icon, indicating that they are newly discovered. +- Run the test cases by using the _Run All_ option. As a result, the units tests cases are executed and the corresponding results are updated. The green tick symbolizes that the test case has passed. In case the test case failed (due to failed assertions or memory leaks) the test icon will be red. In case of other failures, the icon will be a yellow triangle. +- Selecting a test case will provide additional information regarding execution duration, failed assertions, test output and test duration. + +### Supported Boost Test Macros + +The [Boost Unit Test Framework]( supports a number of macros but for the scope of the Boost Unit Test Adapter only the below subset of macros are relevant: + +| Macro Name | Boost Documentation Reference | +| ---------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | +| BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE | [Webpage Link]( | +| BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE | [Webpage Link]( | +| BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END | [Webpage Link]( | +| BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE | [Webpage Link]( | +| BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE | [Webpage Link]( | +| BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE | [Webpage Link]( | + + +## Usage + +### Add a New Boost Project Using the Boost Unit Test Project Template + +A new project can be added using the Boost Unit Test Project template available in the __Add New Project__ context menu. This can be found under __Installed__ -> __Visual C++__ -> __Test__ -> __Boost Unit Test Project__ as shown in the below snippet. + +![image]( + +This will result in the creation of a new solution having a project which contains 2 header files (viz. stdafx.h and targetver.h) and 3 source files (viz. stdafx.cpp, BoostUnitTestSample.cpp and BoostUnitTest.cpp) as shown below. + +![image]( + +The relevant platform toolset property value need to set next for the newly created project. This property can be accessed via the Property Pages -> __Configuration Properties__ -> __General__ -> __Platform Toolset__ as shown also in the below snippet. + +![image]( + +It is important to note that by default the __Boost Unit Test Project__ template does not have any value set for __Platform Toolset__ property. This means that by default, the property value is set to whatever Visual Studio version is the project being created and compiled with. Failure to properly set the __Platform Toolset__ version might cause linking failures in case any compiled libraries are not available for the __Platform Toolset__ version selected. + +As soon as a Boost Project is newly created using the Boost Unit Test Project template, it is suggested that the solution is built so as to make sure that no compilation or linking issues occur. The most common issue is that users might have incorrect references of either the Boost includes path or the Boost library paths, so in case of compiler warnings of include files not found, undefined identifiers or linker issues, it is suggested to check the __Additional Include Directories__ and the __Additional Library Directories__ as shown in the below two snippets. The configuration shown in the below two snippets assume that the steps as indicated in section [Optional one time settings](#optional-one-time-settings) have been followed. In case not, the user has to write the paths of the Boost include directories and the Boost library directory respectively. + +![image]( + +![image]( + +Another common pitfall is having an incorrectly set __Platform Toolset__ version. This generally occurs because in case the Boost pre-compiled binaries are utilized, some Boost libraries might not be available for certain levels of __Platform Toolset__ utilized. In such case it is suggested to change the __Platform Toolset__ version according the __Platform Toolset__ the library has been built for, which can be generally easily identified via the library filename(s) as shown in the below snippet. + + +![image]( + +Once a successful build is achieved, the test cases should have been discovered and should be visible in the __Test Explorer Window__. (If the __Test Explorer Window__ is not visible, it can be accessed here via the menu item __Test__ -> __Windows__ -> __Test Explorer__ as shown in the below snippet.) + +![image]( + + +### Add a New Boost Unit Test File Using the Boost Unit Test File Template + +A new file can be added using the __Boost Unit Test File__ template available via the context menu __Add__ -> __New Item__ and selecting __Boost Unit Test File__ under __Visual C++__->__Test__ dialog as shown in the below two snippets. + +![image]( +![image]( + +### Display Test Cases + +In order for the Boost Unit Test Adapter to enumerate the list of available unit tests in a Boost Unit Test project, the project should be successfully built first. Once the project is successfully built, the test cases are enumerated in the Test Explorer window as shown in the below snippet. + +![image]( + +If the Test Explorer Window is not visible, it can be accessed here via the menu item __Test__ -> __Windows__ -> __Test Explorer__ as shown in the below snippet + +![image]( + +### Run All Test Cases + +When the __Run All__ button is clicked, the test cases are executed and test explorer window is updated accordingly. The passed and failed test cases are listed separately. Successful unit tests are indicated via a green icon while failed tests are indicated via a red icon. In case a discovered test case cannot be found whilst trying to execute a test, the test will be indicated by a yellow triangle. + +![image]( + +The execution of the tests can be monitored by selecting __Tests__ in the drop down menu available in the __Output window__. + +### Run Selected Test Cases + +Test cases can be executed individually by selecting the desired test cases, then right clicking on them and then clicking the __Run Selected Tests__ option. Their execution can again be monitored by selecting __Tests__ in the drop down menu available in the __Output window__. + +![image]( + +### Group Test Cases + +The test cases can be grouped by any of the four options given in the table below, by selecting the __Group By__ menu item in the __Test Explorer Window__ and selecting the desired option. + +| Group Type | Description | +| ------------- | ----------- | +| Project | Groups test cases according to its project’s name. | +| Traits/Suites | Groups test cases according to the suite it belongs to. | +| Outcome | Groups test cases by execution results: Failed Tests, Skipped Tests, and Passed Tests. | +| Duration | Groups test cases by execution time: Fast (\<100 ms), Medium (>100 ms), and Slow (>1sec). | +| Class | Unsupported by the Boost Unit Test Adapter. | + +- Grouping by Project: +![image]( + +- Grouping by Traits/Suites: +__[Available for MS Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 and onwards]__ +By selecting the Traits option in the Test Explorer Window, the test cases are grouped via the test suite they fall under. If any of the test cases does not belong to any test suite, then it falls under the Master Test Suite. +![image]( + +- Grouping by Outcome: +By default, the test cases are grouped by outcome, with execution times listed. +![image]( + +- Grouping by Duration: +![image]( + +### Find the Test Case Location in Source + +The source file name as well as the line number of a unit test is displayed in the lower pane of the Test Explorer Window. Clicking on these hyper links will focus the source code window on the file and line in question. Additionally, double-clicking a test case will also navigate to the test case source code. + +![image]( + +### Search and Filter the Test Case List + +When you type a string in the Test Explorer search box and press ENTER, the test case list is filtered to display only those test cases whose fully qualified names contain the string being searched. More advanced filtering can be done on also other aspects of the tests (such as on the Output) by using the search filters provided by Visual Studio. + +![image]( + +### Clear the Search Results + +The **X** button available on the right of the search filter clears the search box's content and resets the __Test Explorer__'s test filter. + +![image]( + +### View the Summary and Output of the Test Case Results + +After a unit test has been executed, single-click the test case to view the summary of its results. The __Output__ hyperlink will focus on a new window showing the output generated during test execution. Information contained in the _Output_ window include: +- Standard Output Messages +- Standard Error Messages +- Failed Assertions +- Memory Leaks + +![image]( + +### Add and Run a Playlist + +**[Available for MS Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 and onwards]** +Test cases can be grouped using the _Playlist_ feature. After selecting a series of test cases, use the right-click context menu to save the tests in a playlist as shown below. + +![image]( + +By selecting the Playlist option in the __Test Explorer__ window, all the test cases of the particular playlist are displayed and can be executed. + +![image]( + +### Debug Unit Tests Using Test Explorer Window + +The unit test cases can be debugged using the __Test Explorer__ Window in the following manner: +1. Select the test cases to be debugged. Assuming breakpoints have been already set in the code that is going to be debugged, right click on the applicable test case and select __Debug Selected Tests__. + +![image]( + +2. The debug point would get hit and then the unit tests can be debugged normally via the Visual Studio debug functions/keyboard shortcuts. +3. After the debug run is complete, the result of the test case is shown in the __Test Explorer__ Window. +4. If all the test cases in the solution need to be debugged, go to: __Test__ -> __Debug__ -> __All Tests__. All the test cases can be debugged and the result would be displayed in the __Test Explorer__ Window. + +### Analyzing Code Coverage for Boost Tests + +Code coverage can be analyzed via the Boost unit tests discovered through the test adapter. By navigating to the __Test__ -> __Analyze Code Coverage__ -> __All Tests__ menu option from the Visual Studio menu bar, all discovered unit tests are executed and the debugger will analyze the amount of code covered by the executed tests. + +![image]( + +Apart from analyzing code coverage of all the tests, tests can be individually selected and code coverage metrics can be identified for the selected subset via the right-click context menu or via the __Test__ -> __Analyze Code Coverage__ -> __Selected Tests__ menu option. + +Note that code coverage does not report standard output, standard error and memory leak information for executed tests. In order to minimise executable re-loading, tests are executed in batches and as a result, standard output, standard error and memory leaks cannot be distinguished per test case. The difference in the execution behaviour can be seen via the Tests output log window as shown in the snippets below. + +![image]( + +![image]( + +The top snippet shows the tests being executed __not__ for code coverage analysis purposes and as it can be noticed the tests are executed individually. This is done so as to permit the extraction of the standard output and the detection of memory leaks. + +The bottom snippet shows the tests being executed for code coverage purposes and as it can be noticed the tests are executed in a batch, grouped at a test suite level. + +For further information about code coverage in Visual Studio, please refer to the [_Using Code Coverage to Determine How Much Code is being Tested_]( MSDN article. + +### Boost Unit Test Adapter Configuration + +The Boost Unit Test adapter can be configured via a [Visual Studio _.runsettings_ configuration file]( Selecting and using an appropriate test settings file containing a valid `````` section allows for running tests which cater for specific use-cases. The configuration file can be loaded via the Visual Studio menu option __Test__ -> __Test Settings__ -> __Select Test Settings File__ as shown in the below snippet. In general, omitting a configuration option implies that its default value is taken into consideration. + +![image]( + +A [sample]( settings file is available in the [repository]( The supported configuration options will be described in the following sub sections. + +#### Failing Tests in case Memory Leaks are detected + +In case tests are required to fail in case memory leaks are detected, the configuration option `````` should be set to ```true``` (or ```1```). By default, this configuration option is set to ```false``` (or ```0```). + +As soon as tests are executed, in case memory leaks are detected, the specific test with leaking memory is reported as failed as shown in the below snippet. If the user clicks on the Output link, the user can see the memory allocation number detail, the leak size and the leak contents. + +![image]( + +#### Specifying a Test Execution Timeout + +Limiting test execution time can be configured via the `````` configuration option. The configuration value specifies the amount of time in milliseconds each test case is allowed to run. By default, this option is set to ```-1``` implying that tests are allowed to run indefinitely. + +The below snippet shows a test scenario where a test execution lasted more than the configured 1000ms (i.e. 1 second) + +![image]( + +#### Disabling the Conditional Inclusions Filter + +Conditional inclusions directives such as ```#if```, ```#elif```, ```#else```, ```#ifdef``` and ```#if defined``` are by default taken into consideration when the Boost Unit Test Adapter is parsing the source code so as to determine what code segments are to be included or excluded. In case the user for any reason, requires this type of functionality to be disabled, (such as when utilizing some of the unsuppported lanague caveats as mentioned in the [Limiations](#limitations) section), the conditional inclusions filter can be disabled by setting the `````` configuration option to ```false``` (or ```0```). By default, this configuration option is set to ```true``` (or ```1```). + +Test discovery for Boost Test exe modules parses the source files in the active solution in order to perform test discovery. In case of issues with test discovery, the conditional inclusions filter can be disabled via the `````` option. + +#### Modifying Boost Test Log Verbosity + +To modify the amount of log information displayed in the test adapter, the `````` configuration option needs to be explicitly set to one of the following values: + +- ``All`` +- ``Success`` +- ``TestSuite`` +- ``Message`` +- ``Warning`` +- ``Error`` +- ``CppException`` +- ``SystemError`` +- ``FatalError`` +- ``Nothing`` + +By default, this option is set to ```TestSuite```. Please refer to the _log_level_ [Boost Runtime Configuration]( for further information about log verbosity. + +#### Utilization of an External Test Runner + +The Boost Unit Test Adapter supports the utilization of an External Test Runner for test discovery and test execution. This is useful in case a user, for example, wants to compile the Boost unit tests project as a dll rather than as an executable. + +The example configuration described in this section will make use of the sister project [Boost External Test Runner]( available at [GitHub]( but a user can use any other compatible Boost Test Runner as long as the test results are in the same format as those generated typically by the [Boost Unit Test Framework]( In addition, with respect to the test execution aspect, the same [argument structure]( as the Boost Unit Test Framework needs to be supported. + +##### Tests Discovery Configuration + +The discovery phase of the tests can be done/configured in two ways: + +* The first option is for the Boost Unit Test Adapter to issue a command to External Test Runner so as to initiate the discovery process. This command is configured by the inclusion of the information element `````` as shown in the XML _.runsettings_ configuration snippet below. + +```xml + + C:\PROGRA~2\BoostExternalTestRunner.exe --test "{source}" --list-debug "{out}" + C:\PROGRA~2\BoostExternalTestRunner.exe --test "{source}" {boost-args} + +``` + Before initiating the discovery process, the Boost Unit Test Adapter will read the contents of the `````` information element and replace the sub-string __{source}__ with the full path of the project for which the discovery is required and replace the sub-string __{out}__ with the full file path where the Boost Unit Test Adapter would like to have the generated XML file generated at, containing the enumeration of the tests in the Boost Unit Test Framework format. An example of the command generated is shown here below. +``` +C:\PROGRA~2\BoostExternalTestRunner.exe –-test "D:\dev\svn\SampleBoostProject\Debug\TestProject.dll" –-list-debug "D:\dev\svn\SampleBoostProject\Debug\TestProject.detailed.xml" +``` +The Boost Unit Test Framework will then execute the command and upon completion it will read the generated XML file. + +A [sample _.runsettings_ configuration file]( configured for this type of test discovery methodology is provided at the [GitHub repository]( + +* Alternatively, a user can configure the discovery phase of the tests so that the listing of the tests is read via a static file as shown by the XML _.runsettings_ configuration below. + +```xml + + + D:\dev\svn\SampleBoostProject\TestProject.TestCaseListing.xml + + C:\PROGRA~2\BoostExternalTestRunner.exe --test "{source}" {boost-args} + +``` + This type of test case listing is useful in case a user wants to manipulate what tests gets listed in Test Explorer manually. + + A [sample _.runsettings_ configuration file]( utilizing this type of test discovery methodology is provided at the [GitHub repository]( + + For reference purposes the [GitHub repository]( contains also two sample XML outputs containing the two types of XML test case listing formats expected by the Boost Unit Test Adapter. The difference between the two samples is that [TestCasesListing.Simple.xml]( when compared to [TestCasesListing.Detailed.xml]( does not contain the line number and the source file name where the testcase has been defined at. These sample XML files can be utilized as a reference in case a custom External Test Runner is developed and integrated with the Boost Unit Test Adapter as mentioned in (1). The same sample XML files can be also utilized in case the user wants to define the tests via a static file as mentioned in (2). + +##### Tests Execution Configuration + +The configuration of the execution phase is performed via the information element `````` as shown in the _.runsettings_ XML configuration snippets shown above in the two discovery configuration options section. Similar to the discovery phase the Boost Unit Test Adapter will replace the sub-string __{source}__ with the full path and name of the project and __{boost-args}__ with the boost arguments so as to run the test. An example of the command generated is +``` +C:\PROGRA~2\BoostExternalTestRunner.exe –-test "D:\dev\svn\SampleBoostProject\Debug\TestProject.dll" "--run_test=SpecialCharactersInIdentifier" "--log_format=xml" "--log_level=test_suite" "--log_sink=SpecialCharacters.exe.test.log.xml" "--report_format=xml" "--report_level=detailed" "" > "SpecialCharacters.exe.test.stdout.log" 2> "SpecialCharacters.exe.test.stderr.log" +``` +The Boost Unit Test Adapter will issue the generated command and upon the process completion it will read the generated tests results in XML format (in format that is typically generated by Boost Unit Test Framework XML format) along with the standard output and standard error stream output and then display the test results accordingly in the Test Explorer window. + +## Limitations + +- If the [log redirection functionality]( of Boost test is used, the Boost Unit Test Adapter will not work. This is due to the fact that adapter internally uses the redirected log output. +- Test discovery for Boost Test exe modules makes use of an in-built C++ parser specifically written to detect the Boost Unit Test Framework macros as listed in the section [Supported Boost Test Macros](#supported-boost-test-macros), which acts on the un-preprocessed source code. The in-built parser has not been written to support all the language caveats possible and so a number of limitations exist (and hence are areas of possible future work). The known limitations (but actually not limited to) with this regard are: + 1. ```#include``` directives are ignored. This means that if for example ```#defines``` are defined, undefined or redefined within the _included_ files, these will be ignored. This also means if these defines (defined within the _included_ files) are utilized for any conditional inclusions or exclusions within the source code being parsed for the Boost Unit Test macros, the test might be included or excluded erroneously. + 2. The __Stringizing__ (_#_), the __Charzing__ and __Token-pasting__ (_##_) operators are not supported. + 3. Evaluation of __Multi-line defines__ such as in the case shown in the below code is not supported, but any symbol used in the defines (the token _VERSION_ in the below case) can be used on ```#ifdef``` or ```#ifndef``` conditional in any subsequent code after the end of the Multi-line define. +```c++ +1: #define VERSION 5 +2: +3: #define TWICE(VERSION) \ +4: x*2 +5: +6: #if TWICE(VERSION) > 9 +7: ... +8: #else +9: ... +10: #endif +``` +- Defining a pre-processing symbol for a specific source file as explained on []( is not supported. +- The support for compiler predefined symbols as per []( is limited. The only macros that are supported are ```__DATE__```, ```__FILE__```, ```__LINE__```, ```__TIME__```, ```__TIMESTAMP__```, ```__COUNTER__```, ```__cplusplus```, ```__FUNCDNAME__```, ```__FUNCSIG__```, ```__FUNCTION__```, ```_INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS```, ```_MSC_BUILD```, ```_MSC_FULL_VER```, ```_MSC_VER```, ```_WIN32R``` and can be utilized _only_ within the context of a ```#ifdef``` or a ```#ifndef``` conditional inclusions and _not_ for any text substitution. This means that constructs like the below code snippet +```c++ +1: #ifdef _MSC_VER +2: ..... +3: #endif +``` +                 are supported but constructs like the below code snippet +```c++ +1: #if _MSC_VER > 1000 +2: ..... +3: #endif +``` +                 are not supported. +- Unable to evaluate macros such as ```$(OS)``` ( that evaluates to ```Windows_NT``` ) in the [Preprocessor definitions]( property and/or in the [Undefine Preprocessor Definitions]( property. Hence tests should not be written in a fashion that their inclusion or exclusion depends on such definitions. +- The C++ code parser of the Boost Unit Test Adapter does require that the Boost macros (and their parameters) as listed in section [Supported Boost Test Macros](#supported-boost-test-macros) need to be written within the same line of code. This means that macros along with its parameters cannot be separated by any type of line breaks. If this rule is not followed the Boost Internal Test Adapter will not recognise the test correctly. +- Running the tests via the [VSTest.console]( is not supported. +- Test suites and/or test cases which are manually registered are not discovered for exe builds. +- Any spaces in the test suite name and/or the test case name (in case the test cases are registered manually) are not supported due to a limitation in the Boost Unit Test Framework in the handling of spaces when specifying the ``--run_test`` option via the command line. +- ```BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE``` type lists containing a type which contains a space (e.g. ```unsigned int```) are not supported due to a limitation in the Boost Unit Test Framework in the handling of spaces when specifying the ``--run_test`` option via the command line. + +## License + +### Boost Unit Test Adapter License + +The Boost Unit Test Adapter is released under the [Boost Software Licence - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003]( + +### Third-party Software Credits + +The Boost Unit Test Adapter makes use of the below list of dynamically linked libraries for which we would like to thank their contributors: + +* [Apache __log4net v1.2.13__]( distributed under [Apache License Version 2.0](, which is used for logging purposes within the Boost Unit Test Adapter. The legal copyright for [Apache __log4net__]( is __Copyright 2001-2006 The Apache Software Foundation__. +* [__NCalc__ - Mathematical Expression Evaluator for .NET Version v1.3.8]( distributed under the [MIT License](, which is used to the evaluate the pre-processor related expressions in the conditional inclusions filter. The copyright statement for [NCalc]( is [__Copyright (c) 2011 Sebastien Ros__]( +* [__Boost__]( libraries and examples distributed under [Boost Software License, Version 1.0](, which are used for the external Boost Unit Test Adapter. The copyright statement for the examples utilized on which the external Boost Test Adapater is heavily based upon is __(C) Copyright Gennadiy Rozental 2005-2007__. +* [__NUnit__]( which is a unit-testing framework and is used to test the core functionality of the Boost Unit Test Adapter. The Boost Unit Test Adapter Unit Test project was written using NUnit 2.6.4 and is released under the [NUnit License]( The legal copyright statement for NUnit is [__Portions Copyright © 2002-2012 Charlie Poole or Copyright © 2002-2004 James W. Newkirk, Michael C. Two, Alexei A. Vorontsov or Copyright © 2000-2002 Philip A. Craig__]( +* [__FakeItEasy v1.13.1__]( which is used so as to easily mock classes in the unit test project of the Boost Unit Test Adapter. This component is released under the [MIT license]( and its the legal copyright statement is [__Copyright (c) FakeItEasy contributors. (]( + +## Appendix + +### Version history + +The version history is maintained at the following [link](/../../wiki/Version-History). + +### Reporting Issues + +Reporting Issues can be done at the following [link]( + +### Building from sources + +The process of building the Boost Test Adapter from sources is maintained at the following [link](/../../wiki/Building). + +### Troubleshooting + +The troubleshooting page is maintained at the following [link](/../../wiki/Troubleshooting). diff --git a/VisualStudio2012Adapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs b/VisualStudio2012Adapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5cf8c1d4dd7c8160c3eb76a068983624e47050b6 GIT binary patch literal 1996 zcmd6oUuzRl5XI+N@H;GdQn0P_wLM{IdkUB&7a?Ac4nE)Y-Obdo^Dy!R`BHehPQ<+*nhV@zi(~JPWG`?mgBp} z!+mRPnQeGmVyh2pW>ahIj?a#BfzRZy=C+KHp4t;o2uIGT8o!ck4NvmVSXa>^yJBcn zyfuD~%`?l-kto;Jeqfz*`qbJCpL&*)SnEB0Yodk$&XO2aL{Jb{(F;yz5sl7dSXHqq z-NjmJcH8KakS;kX-wI2MB4-zjox;TKj_2^9~y=o>{CTC!caSx_-}`iyy(W^f-htiqme7rk6qgM&H;N|{!(FT`ijiGMd_(mnCa%b; zNf~t*&Fl+k8c;1Fqtb^oQQ_BBYGV3f#SImmc=q|K$f4QO^trl)`z!CnuXkOxOL9-+ zgld*H_`UeC}G`_uc3`X@1pCNA*3C93jBnbJdrhx#-k$Joy8 zrCsp7 + /// Adapter for a Visual Studio 2012 running instance. + /// + public class VisualStudio : VisualStudioAdapter.Shared.VisualStudio + { + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "dte")] + public VisualStudio(EnvDTE80.DTE2 dte) : + base(dte, "11") + { + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/VisualStudio2012Adapter/VisualStudio2012Adapter.csproj b/VisualStudio2012Adapter/VisualStudio2012Adapter.csproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b1e2bd --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudio2012Adapter/VisualStudio2012Adapter.csproj @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ + + + + + Debug + AnyCPU + {30ECC867-CE89-425F-B452-7A8A320F727D} + Library + Properties + VisualStudio2012Adapter + VisualStudio2012Adapter + v4.5 + 512 + + + true + full + false + bin\Debug\ + DEBUG;TRACE + prompt + 4 + true + AllRules.ruleset + + + pdbonly + true + bin\Release\ + TRACE + prompt + 4 + + + + False + + + False + + + + False + + + + + + + Project.cs + + + ProjectConfiguration.cs + + + Solution.cs + + + VCppCompilerOptions.cs + + + VisualStudio.cs + + + + + + + + {62347cc7-c839-413d-a7ce-598409f6f15b} + VisualStudioAdapter + + + + + diff --git a/VisualStudio2013Adapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs b/VisualStudio2013Adapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6736fe2b1db8be3b0abe86767a6b016e6442b96 GIT binary patch literal 1996 zcmd6oUuzRl5XI+N@H;H~q+nZHL80J7QHn((LPCp(4{LUttR|b#yIaYZSAXYDmi-gz zn@~b>_wLM{IdkUB&7a>Vc4CRmY-yzho^DxJR`BHehPQ>~?7!QN-*>iQC;Np}mf^d@ z!+mRPiLH5CVypLSVpD5u%jb@BfzM>WX10itp4t;o2uH@L8o!ck4Nvk^9M-MY`amd@C#+ii};L0^uto=ktR&8E3?Mz-JSEwew1KUhJ=lpg0*mg}sRO zUG&wntZSGQYV8Y7&wFficxJJVjC{)B=!QLWF53JZ)2&_o znv}H1XkuSL(|{_Ej7lHUM1@~psV&nFD{idlmS>-@iX56fO`oe>tU{j9*?_18tQ+<5E<#2kRQU4@H(ZmJ5w?tJQDN}l=@KB#pa$MM{ zy|gpF=RDuzUBc8S5Dk?a>;{W;b4i?E+)u9Ru#Ytbwa-LiZ)5DkY4EHwVt2FYzSqPS z^I~vHmIe&!s&Jj!E0E>bwpcVdsXe!EadsaQzs{L-zZmiRh8kYO?-f<(-cgUG9@P@4 zcS)t1AMq}APN-G)!qPtCvx9BjU^%|d;IQ9{+H$T~e$VCqwJ*bdNRj=#kFh%sss9X( jX#%AF{-mlq!`^&=S^aNZv+5?zqf#|v>UcLXojU&l4n|s; literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/VisualStudio2013Adapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/VisualStudio2013Adapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1926795 --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudio2013Adapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +using System; +using System.Reflection; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; + +// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following +// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information +// associated with an assembly. +[assembly: AssemblyTitle("VisualStudio2013Adapter")] +[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] +[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] +[assembly: AssemblyProduct("VisualStudio2013Adapter")] +[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2015")] +[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] +[assembly: CLSCompliant(false)] + +// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible +// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from +// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type. +[assembly: ComVisible(false)] + +// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM +[assembly: Guid("bdbc88e7-c383-4c64-adbf-84aeacb7d198")] + +// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: +// +// Major Version +// Minor Version +// Build Number +// Revision +// +// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers +// by using the '*' as shown below: +// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] +[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] +[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] diff --git a/VisualStudio2013Adapter/VisualStudio2013.cs b/VisualStudio2013Adapter/VisualStudio2013.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c737a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudio2013Adapter/VisualStudio2013.cs @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +namespace VisualStudio2013Adapter +{ + ///

    + /// Adapter for a Visual Studio 2013 running instance. + /// + public class VisualStudio : VisualStudioAdapter.Shared.VisualStudio + { + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "dte")] + public VisualStudio(EnvDTE80.DTE2 dte) : + base(dte, "12") + { + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/VisualStudio2013Adapter/VisualStudio2013Adapter.csproj b/VisualStudio2013Adapter/VisualStudio2013Adapter.csproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b0574e --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudio2013Adapter/VisualStudio2013Adapter.csproj @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ + + + + + Debug + AnyCPU + {82DF0AEB-582A-4B38-96FC-AAEE773BEAFE} + Library + Properties + VisualStudio2013Adapter + VisualStudio2013Adapter + v4.5 + 512 + + + true + full + false + bin\Debug\ + DEBUG;TRACE + prompt + 4 + true + AllRules.ruleset + + + pdbonly + true + bin\Release\ + TRACE + prompt + 4 + + + + False + + + False + + + + False + + + + + + + Project.cs + + + ProjectConfiguration.cs + + + Solution.cs + + + VCppCompilerOptions.cs + + + VisualStudio.cs + + + + + + + + {62347cc7-c839-413d-a7ce-598409f6f15b} + VisualStudioAdapter + + + + + diff --git a/VisualStudio2015Adapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs b/VisualStudio2015Adapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..221754a4ada668e62d96198ad330b1f6297030b0 GIT binary patch literal 1996 zcmd6oUuzRl5XI+N@H;H~q+nZHP@&*MQHn((LPCp(4{LUttR|b#yIaYZSAXYDmi-gz zn@~b>_wLM{IdkUB&7a>Vc4CRmY-yzho^DxJR`BHehPQ>~?7!QN-*>iQC;Np}mf^d@ z!+mRPiLH5CVypLSVpD5u%jb@BfzM>WX10itp4t;o2uH@L8o!ck4Nvk^9M-MY`amd@C#+ii};L0^uto=ktR&8E3?Mz-JSEwew1KUhJ=lpg0*mg}sRO zUG&wntZSGQYV8Y7&wFficxJJVjC{)B=!QLWF53JZ)2&_o znv}H1XkuSL(|{_Ej7lHUM1@~psV&nFD{idlmS>-@iX56fO`oe>tU{j9*?_18tQ+<5E<#2kRQU4@H(ZmJ5w?tJQDN}l=@KB#pa$MM{ zy|gpF=RDuzUBc8S5Dk?a>;{W;b4i?E+)u9Ru#Ytbwa-LiZ)5DkY4EHwVt2FYzSqPS z^I~vHmIe&!s&Jj!E0E>bwpcVdsXe!EadsaQzs{L-zZmiRh8kYO?-f<(-cgUG9@P@4 zcS)t1AMq}APN-G)!qPtCvx9BjU^%|d;IQ9{+H$T~e$VCqwJ*bdNRj=#kFh%sss9X( jX#%AF{-mlq!`^&=S^aNZv+5?zqf#|v>UcLXojU&l6Si8L literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/VisualStudio2015Adapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/VisualStudio2015Adapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44f65da --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudio2015Adapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +using System; +using System.Reflection; +using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; + +// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following +// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information +// associated with an assembly. +[assembly: AssemblyTitle("VisualStudio2015Adapter")] +[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] +[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] +[assembly: AssemblyProduct("VisualStudio2015Adapter")] +[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2015")] +[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] +[assembly: CLSCompliant(false)] + +// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible +// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from +// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type. +[assembly: ComVisible(false)] + +// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM +[assembly: Guid("bcd49beb-00b6-422e-96d7-abc7806f6e79")] + +// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: +// +// Major Version +// Minor Version +// Build Number +// Revision +// +// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers +// by using the '*' as shown below: +// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] +[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] +[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] diff --git a/VisualStudio2015Adapter/VisualStudio2015.cs b/VisualStudio2015Adapter/VisualStudio2015.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c57cb9d --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudio2015Adapter/VisualStudio2015.cs @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +namespace VisualStudio2015Adapter +{ + /// + /// Adapter for a Visual Studio 2015 running instance. + /// + public class VisualStudio : VisualStudioAdapter.Shared.VisualStudio + { + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "dte")] + public VisualStudio(EnvDTE80.DTE2 dte) : + base(dte, "14") + { + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/VisualStudio2015Adapter/VisualStudio2015Adapter.csproj b/VisualStudio2015Adapter/VisualStudio2015Adapter.csproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4dacb2d --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudio2015Adapter/VisualStudio2015Adapter.csproj @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ + + + + + Debug + AnyCPU + {EB0051E3-1DDA-418C-ABAF-C1DA5339114C} + Library + Properties + VisualStudio2015Adapter + VisualStudio2015Adapter + v4.5 + 512 + + + true + full + false + bin\Debug\ + DEBUG;TRACE + prompt + 4 + true + AllRules.ruleset + + + pdbonly + true + bin\Release\ + TRACE + prompt + 4 + + + + False + + + False + + + False + + + + + + + + Project.cs + + + ProjectConfiguration.cs + + + Solution.cs + + + VCppCompilerOptions.cs + + + VisualStudio.cs + + + + + + + + {62347cc7-c839-413d-a7ce-598409f6f15b} + VisualStudioAdapter + + + + + diff --git a/VisualStudioAdapter/Defines.cs b/VisualStudioAdapter/Defines.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e51a1f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudioAdapter/Defines.cs @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; + +namespace VisualStudioAdapter +{ + /// + /// Manages the define collection. Substitution defines are kept seperate from the non substitution defines + /// so that whenever an expression needs to evaluated, we do supply it only with the substitution defines. + /// + public class Defines + { + /// + /// Default constructor + /// + public Defines() + { + SubstitutionTokens = new Dictionary(); + NonSubstitutionTokens = new HashSet(); + } + + /// + /// Copy constructor + /// + /// Defines instance to be copied + public Defines(Defines previousDefine) + { + if (previousDefine == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("previousDefine"); + + SubstitutionTokens = new Dictionary(previousDefine.SubstitutionTokens); + NonSubstitutionTokens = new HashSet(previousDefine.NonSubstitutionTokens); + } + + /// + /// Returns the substitution tokens + /// + /// a dictionary with the substitution tokens + public Dictionary SubstitutionTokens { get; private set; } + + /// + /// Returns the non substitution tokens + /// + /// a hashset with the non substitution tokens + public HashSet NonSubstitutionTokens { get; private set; } + + /// + /// Adds a token to the define collection. If the token exists it gets redefined. + /// + /// the define token + /// the substitution text + public void Define(string token, string substitutionText) + { + substitutionText = (substitutionText == null) ? string.Empty : substitutionText; + + /*if the collections already contains the same key we remove it and replace it with + * the new key value pair...which means that we actually redefining + */ + UnDefine(token); + + substitutionText = substitutionText.Trim(); + + if (substitutionText.Length == 0) + { + NonSubstitutionTokens.Add(token); + } + else + { + SubstitutionTokens.Add(token, substitutionText); + } + } + + /// + /// Undefines a token + /// + /// token to be undefined + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "Un")] + public void UnDefine(string token) + { + if (NonSubstitutionTokens.Contains(token)) + { + NonSubstitutionTokens.Remove(token); + } + else + { + if (SubstitutionTokens.ContainsKey(token)) + { + SubstitutionTokens.Remove(token); + } + } + } + + /// + /// Clears any defines being handled + /// + public void Clear() + { + NonSubstitutionTokens.Clear(); + SubstitutionTokens.Clear(); + } + + /// + /// Evaluates if a token is defined or not + /// + /// token to be checked whether it is defined or not + /// true if defined, false if not + public bool IsDefined(string token) + { + return NonSubstitutionTokens.Contains(token) || SubstitutionTokens.ContainsKey(token); + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/VisualStudioAdapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs b/VisualStudioAdapter/GlobalSuppressions.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a23d96e45b2ae6c81504550807c2e6415181fe3 GIT binary patch literal 1230 zcmaKrOH0F05QS$g_#Z-63ci=_iXysDgo+^IBDS%OwyAg%p?_Ze&Rj2PQKEawZWGjLY@a-;&dA=lkIF?ps(-4xx}>vqZ2s%9 z*h4Mo4M@uR4)@q^iCwJRlqjo)ggCZ+%GxPC_`o#TAf + /// Abstracts a Visual Studio Project + /// + public interface IProject + { + /// + /// Project Name + /// + string Name { get; } + + /// + /// The projects active configuration. This is determined by the currently selected platform type and configuration. + /// + IProjectConfiguration ActiveConfiguration { get; } + + /// + /// Enumeration of source files to be parsed. + /// + IEnumerable SourceFiles { get; } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/VisualStudioAdapter/IProjectConfiguration.cs b/VisualStudioAdapter/IProjectConfiguration.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..033129a --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudioAdapter/IProjectConfiguration.cs @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +namespace VisualStudioAdapter +{ + /// + /// Abstraction for a Visual Studio Project Configuration + /// + public interface IProjectConfiguration + { + /// + /// Determines the fully-qualified path of the project's primary output + /// + string PrimaryOutput { get; } + + /// + /// C++ compiler options. If this project is not a C++ project, this property returns null. + /// + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Cpp")] + IVCppCompilerOptions CppCompilerOptions { get; } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/VisualStudioAdapter/IPropertySheet.cs b/VisualStudioAdapter/IPropertySheet.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9719acf --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudioAdapter/IPropertySheet.cs @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +namespace VisualStudioAdapter +{ + public interface IPropertySheet + { + IVCPPCompilerOptions CPPCompilerOptions { get; } + } +} diff --git a/VisualStudioAdapter/ISolution.cs b/VisualStudioAdapter/ISolution.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8dfa182 --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudioAdapter/ISolution.cs @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; + +namespace VisualStudioAdapter +{ + /// + /// Abstraction for a Visual Studio solution. + /// + public interface ISolution + { + /// + /// Solution Name + /// + string Name { get; } + + /// + /// Enumeration of all child projects + /// + IEnumerable Projects { get; } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/VisualStudioAdapter/IVCPPCompilerOptions.cs b/VisualStudioAdapter/IVCPPCompilerOptions.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f0ee80 --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudioAdapter/IVCPPCompilerOptions.cs @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +namespace VisualStudioAdapter +{ + /// + /// Abstraction for Visual Studio C++ Compiler Options + /// + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Cpp")] + public interface IVCppCompilerOptions + { + /// + /// Lists all Preprocessor defines currently configured. This includes all properties, even those configured within property sheets. + /// + Defines PreprocessorDefinitions { get; } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/VisualStudioAdapter/IVisualStudio.cs b/VisualStudioAdapter/IVisualStudio.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0c06c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudioAdapter/IVisualStudio.cs @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +namespace VisualStudioAdapter +{ + /// + /// Abstracts a Visual Studio runnning instance. + /// + public interface IVisualStudio + { + /// + /// Visual Studio version. Identifies the incremental version e.g. VS2012 -> 11, VS2013 -> 12 + /// + string Version { get; } + + /// + /// Currently loaded solution. + /// + ISolution Solution { get; } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/VisualStudioAdapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/VisualStudioAdapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abfa512 --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudioAdapter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +using System; +using System.Reflection; +using System.Runtime.InteropServices; + +// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following +// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information +// associated with an assembly. +[assembly: AssemblyTitle("VisualStudioAdapter")] +[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] +[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] +[assembly: AssemblyProduct("VisualStudioAdapter")] +[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2015")] +[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] +[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] +[assembly: CLSCompliant(false)] + +// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible +// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from +// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type. +[assembly: ComVisible(false)] + +// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM +[assembly: Guid("03397212-1fe6-4f51-9cc8-8d1a807f648b")] + +// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: +// +// Major Version +// Minor Version +// Build Number +// Revision +// +// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers +// by using the '*' as shown below: +// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] +[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] +[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] diff --git a/VisualStudioAdapter/VisualStudioAdapter.csproj b/VisualStudioAdapter/VisualStudioAdapter.csproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6727e37 --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudioAdapter/VisualStudioAdapter.csproj @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ + + + + + Debug + AnyCPU + {62347CC7-C839-413D-A7CE-598409F6F15B} + Library + Properties + VisualStudioAdapter + VisualStudioAdapter + v4.5 + 512 + + + true + full + false + bin\Debug\ + DEBUG;TRACE + prompt + 4 + true + AllRules.ruleset + + + pdbonly + true + bin\Release\ + TRACE + prompt + 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/VisualStudioAdapterShared/Project.cs b/VisualStudioAdapterShared/Project.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..128772d --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudioAdapterShared/Project.cs @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine; +using VSProjectItem = EnvDTE.ProjectItem; +using VsFileType = Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.eFileType; //descriptions at + +namespace VisualStudioAdapter.Shared +{ + /// + /// Adapter for a Visual Studio Project + /// + public class Project : IProject + { + private EnvDTE.Project _project = null; + private ProjectConfiguration _configuration = null; + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The EnvDTE.Project which is to be adapted + public Project(EnvDTE.Project project) + { + if (project == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("project"); + + this._project = project; + this.Name = project.FullName; + } + + #region IProject + + public string Name { get; private set; } + + public IProjectConfiguration ActiveConfiguration + { + get + { + if (this._configuration == null) + { + VCConfiguration configuration = this.Configuration; + + // Cache the adapted configuration in case it is requested multiple times + this._configuration = (configuration == null) ? null : new ProjectConfiguration(configuration); + } + + return this._configuration; + } + } + + #endregion IProject + + /// + /// Retrieves the active configuration from the base Visual Studio Project + /// + private VCConfiguration Configuration + { + get + { + // Cast to a specific VS201* VCProject instance + VCProject vcProj = this._project.Object as VCProject; + if (vcProj != null) + { + var configs = vcProj.Configurations as IVCCollection; + if (configs != null) + { + return configs.Item(ActiveConfigurationName) as VCConfiguration; + } + } + + return null; + } + } + + /// + /// Provides the currently active project configuration name + /// + private string ActiveConfigurationName + { + get + { + return this._project.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.ConfigurationName + "|" + this._project.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.PlatformName; + } + } + + /// + /// Enumerates all source files that need to be parsed in the solution + /// + /// An enumeration of all sources files within the project + public IEnumerable SourceFiles + { + /* + * + * has been used as reference. + */ + get + { + var activeConfiguration = ActiveConfigurationName; + + // NOTE If this cast fails, it will throw an InvalidCastException. + // This is expected behaviour. + var vcProject = (VCProject) this._project.Object; + IVCCollection filesCollection = (IVCCollection) vcProject.Files; + + foreach (var vcFile in filesCollection.Cast()) + { + switch (vcFile.FileType) + { + case VsFileType.eFileTypeCppClass: + case VsFileType.eFileTypeCppCode: + case VsFileType.eFileTypeCppHeader: + var vcCollection = vcFile.FileConfigurations as IVCCollection; + if (vcCollection != null) + { + foreach (var fileConfiguration in vcCollection.Cast()) + { + if (fileConfiguration.Name == activeConfiguration && + !fileConfiguration.ExcludedFromBuild) + { + yield return vcFile.FullPath; + } + } + } + break; + } + } + } + } + + #region Object Overrides + + public override string ToString() + { + return this.Name; + } + + #endregion Object Overrides + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/VisualStudioAdapterShared/ProjectConfiguration.cs b/VisualStudioAdapterShared/ProjectConfiguration.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d96698 --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudioAdapterShared/ProjectConfiguration.cs @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +using System; +using System.Linq; + +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine; + +namespace VisualStudioAdapter.Shared +{ + /// + /// Adapter class for a Visual Studio Project Configuration + /// + public class ProjectConfiguration : IProjectConfiguration + { + private VCConfiguration _configuration = null; + private VCppCompilerOptions _cppCompiler = null; + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The base Visual Studio project configuration which is to be adapted + public ProjectConfiguration(VCConfiguration configuration) + { + if (configuration == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("configuration"); + + this._configuration = configuration; + this.PrimaryOutput = configuration.PrimaryOutput; + } + + #region IProjectConfiguration + + public string PrimaryOutput { get; private set; } + + public IVCppCompilerOptions CppCompilerOptions + { + get + { + if (this._cppCompiler == null) + { + IVCCollection tools = this._configuration.Tools as IVCCollection; + if (tools != null) + { + VCCLCompilerTool compiler = tools.OfType().FirstOrDefault(); + if (compiler != null) + { + this._cppCompiler = new VCppCompilerOptions(this._configuration, compiler); + } + } + } + + return this._cppCompiler; + } + } + + #endregion IProjectConfiguration + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/VisualStudioAdapterShared/Solution.cs b/VisualStudioAdapterShared/Solution.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7604fed --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudioAdapterShared/Solution.cs @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using VSProject = EnvDTE.Project; +using VSProjectItem = EnvDTE.ProjectItem; +using VSSolution = EnvDTE.Solution; + +namespace VisualStudioAdapter.Shared +{ + /// + /// Adapter for a Visual Studio solution + /// + public class Solution : ISolution + { + /// + /// Constant strings which distinguish Solution item kinds. + /// + private static class EnvDTEProjectKinds + { + /// + /// Solution folder item kind label + /// + public const string VsProjectKindSolutionFolder = "{66A26720-8FB5-11D2-AA7E-00C04F688DDE}"; + + /// + /// C++ project item kind label + /// + public const string VsProjectKindVCpp = "{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}"; + } + + private VSSolution _solution = null; + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The base Visual Studio solution reference + public Solution(VSSolution solution) + { + if (solution == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("solution"); + + this._solution = solution; + this.Name = solution.FullName; + } + + #region ISolution + + public string Name { get; private set; } + + public IEnumerable Projects + { + get + { + foreach (VSProject folderOrProject in this._solution.Projects.OfType()) + { + //Call 364853 + //Loop through the solution folders (if any) to get all the projects within a solution + foreach (IProject project in GetProjects(folderOrProject)) + { + yield return project; + } + } + } + } + + #endregion ISolution + + /// + /// Recursively retrieves projects form the provided Visual Studio project + /// + /// A reference to a Visual Studio Project or Solution Folder + /// An enumeration of all Visual Studio projects (only) + private IEnumerable GetProjects(VSProject folderOrProject) + { + // it is a solution folder + if (folderOrProject.Kind == EnvDTEProjectKinds.VsProjectKindSolutionFolder) + { + foreach (VSProjectItem item in folderOrProject.ProjectItems) + { + // it is a project + if (item.SubProject != null) + { + foreach (IProject project in GetProjects(item.SubProject)) + { + yield return project; + } + } + } + } + else if (folderOrProject.Kind == EnvDTEProjectKinds.VsProjectKindVCpp) + { + yield return new Project(folderOrProject); + } + } + + #region Object Overrides + + public override string ToString() + { + return this.Name; + } + + #endregion Object Overrides + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/VisualStudioAdapterShared/VCppCompilerOptions.cs b/VisualStudioAdapterShared/VCppCompilerOptions.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3d7a36 --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudioAdapterShared/VCppCompilerOptions.cs @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using System.Text.RegularExpressions; +using Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine; + +namespace VisualStudioAdapter.Shared +{ + /// + /// Adapter class for Visual Studio C++ compiler options + /// + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Cpp"), System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Cpp"), System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Cpp")] + public class VCppCompilerOptions : IVCppCompilerOptions + { + private static readonly Regex RegexPreProcesserDefines = new Regex(@"\A(.+?)(?:=|#)(.*)\z"); + + private VCConfiguration _configuration = null; + private VCCLCompilerTool _compiler = null; + + private Defines _defines = null; + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The Visual Studio Configuration parent of the compiler options + /// The Visual Studio compiler tool which is to be adapted + public VCppCompilerOptions(VCConfiguration configuration, VCCLCompilerTool compiler) + { + this._configuration = configuration; + this._compiler = compiler; + } + + #region IVCppCompilerOptions + + public Defines PreprocessorDefinitions + { + get + { + if (this._defines == null) + { + this._defines = GetPreprocessorDefines(); + } + + return this._defines; + } + } + + #endregion IVCppCompilerOptions + + /// + /// Traverses the necessary Visual Studio structures to retrieve any and all + /// C++ Preprocessor definitions currently defined. + /// + /// + private Defines GetPreprocessorDefines() + { + Defines definesHandler = new Defines(); + + RegisterAnsiCompliantPredefinedMacros(definesHandler); + + // Extract defines from property sheets + foreach (VCPropertySheet sheet in this.PropertySheets) + { + VCCLCompilerTool tool = GetVCppCompilerOptions(sheet.Tools); + if (tool != null) + { + GetPreprocessorDefines(tool, definesHandler); + } + } + + // Avoid registering the Microsoft defines if the /u option is specified + if (!this._compiler.UndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions) + { + RegisterMicrosoftPreDefinedCompilerMacros(definesHandler); + } + + // Extract defines from compiler options + GetPreprocessorDefines(this._compiler, definesHandler); + + return definesHandler; + } + + /// + /// Enumerates property sheets sorted in evaluation order + /// + private IEnumerable PropertySheets + { + get + { + IVCCollection sheets = this._configuration.PropertySheets as IVCCollection; + if (sheets != null) + { + /* + * It has been observed (i.e. we did not manage to find it documented anywhere) + * that when the property sheets are iterated over in reverse we are actually + * mimicking the evaluation order. + */ + + return sheets.OfType().Reverse(); + } + + return Enumerable.Empty(); + } + } + + /// + /// Given an IVCCollection of tools, identifies and returns the C++ tools. + /// + /// The IVCCollection to search + /// The C++ tools or null if not available + private static VCCLCompilerTool GetVCppCompilerOptions(dynamic toolsCollection) + { + IVCCollection tools = toolsCollection as IVCCollection; + if (tools != null) + { + return tools.OfType().FirstOrDefault(); + } + + return null; + } + + /// + /// Populates the provided definesHandler with the preprocessor defines available within the compiler argument + /// + /// The base Visual Studio C++ compiler configuration + /// The target structure which will host the extracted preprocessor definitions + private static void GetPreprocessorDefines(VCCLCompilerTool compiler, Defines definesHandler) + { + string definitions = compiler.PreprocessorDefinitions.Trim(); + string undefinitions = compiler.UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions.Trim(); + + if (definitions.Length > 0) + { + string[] preProcessorDefinesArray = definitions.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); + + foreach (string preProcessorDefine in preProcessorDefinesArray) + { + // the below code is to support valued defines as per + + Match matchResult = RegexPreProcesserDefines.Match(preProcessorDefine); + + if (matchResult.Success) + { + definesHandler.Define(matchResult.Groups[1].Value.Trim(), matchResult.Groups[2].Value); + } + else + { + if (!preProcessorDefine.Contains("$(INHERIT)")) + { + definesHandler.Define(preProcessorDefine.Trim(), "1"); + //by default user assigned pre-processor defines have a value of 1 + } + } + } + } + + if (undefinitions.Length > 0) + { + string[] preProcessorUnDefinesArray = undefinitions.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); + + foreach (var preProcessorUnDefine in preProcessorUnDefinesArray) + { + if (!preProcessorUnDefine.Contains("$(NOINHERIT)")) + { + definesHandler.UnDefine(preProcessorUnDefine.Trim()); + } + } + } + } + + /// + /// Registers the ANSI-Compliant Predefined Macros + /// + private static void RegisterAnsiCompliantPredefinedMacros(Defines definesHandler) + { + definesHandler.Define("__DATE__", ""); + definesHandler.Define("__FILE__", ""); + definesHandler.Define("__LINE__", ""); + definesHandler.Define("__TIME__", ""); + definesHandler.Define("__TIMESTAMP__", ""); + } + + /// + /// Registers the Microsoft specific PreDefined compiler defines + /// + private static Defines RegisterMicrosoftPreDefinedCompilerMacros(Defines definesHandler) + { + /* + * taken off + * + * Only a limited number of pre defined macros is taken off the list present on Microsoft's website. The general philosophy used + * is that the ones selected are those which are always present. i.e. that their presence is not dependent on the compiler settings, processor + * architecture used. + * + */ + + definesHandler.Define("__COUNTER__", ""); + definesHandler.Define("__cplusplus", ""); + definesHandler.Define("__FUNCDNAME__", ""); + definesHandler.Define("__FUNCSIG__", ""); + definesHandler.Define("__FUNCTION__", ""); + definesHandler.Define("_INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS", ""); + definesHandler.Define("_MSC_BUILD", ""); + definesHandler.Define("_MSC_FULL_VER", ""); + definesHandler.Define("_MSC_VER", ""); + definesHandler.Define("_WIN32", ""); + + return definesHandler; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/VisualStudioAdapterShared/VisualStudio.cs b/VisualStudioAdapterShared/VisualStudio.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f3846e --- /dev/null +++ b/VisualStudioAdapterShared/VisualStudio.cs @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +using EnvDTE80; + +namespace VisualStudioAdapter.Shared +{ + /// + /// Base class for DTE2-based Visual Studio instances. + /// + public abstract class VisualStudio : IVisualStudio + { + private DTE2 _dte = null; + private Solution _solution = null; + + /// + /// Constructor + /// + /// The DTE2 instance for a running Visual Studio instance + /// The version identifying the Visual Studio instance + [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "dte"), System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "dte"), System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "dte")] + protected VisualStudio(DTE2 dte, string version) + { + this._dte = dte; + + this.Version = version; + } + + #region IVisualStudio + + public string Version { get; private set; } + + public ISolution Solution + { + get + { + if (this._solution == null) + { + // Wrap the solution in a respective adapter instance + this._solution = new Solution(this._dte.Solution); + } + + return this._solution; + } + } + + #endregion IVisualStudio + + #region Object Overrides + + public override string ToString() + { + return "!VisualStudio.DTE." + this.Version; + } + + #endregion Object Overrides + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/NUnit.2.6.4/NUnit.2.6.4.nupkg b/packages/NUnit.2.6.4/NUnit.2.6.4.nupkg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..379b15bf5cd076569cd68476cd21a17795c0587c GIT binary patch literal 99004 zcmb5U1#lfbvnFij#B9gR%*>9NkC~Z{nU5J`#+d1tDQ0G-m@(#mj9h?rAQt9--lPRz zAZYWj{>A#gzb-p^1iyOP+mX5hT|m~34npK?%&g?3KnF8Nb881nA#yiY3npIjufl?= zKsyuHzZ@VdYbOxtUl9k85V@7Bs}ny93&_k0Xm0{yc60(d{Oz%Dbg?&a{o8c0WN|Vv zvo)~nR`MqX*cAOY~J6crMvdg|K-kp}l z2-xo8=I^YM(?buqq8Kwh%!CbwREJKqf{8S*tIBx3=%X!{dr#@vr##WPuJ=?)X#g9^ zCJgaevEM`^%V#XF0~nBrq|R~?-~)Q zf`y`T;0#iv-|2G3 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zS=hTcI|5Aq7bXs-AOPrpLWA7FP5+~O|0~qY7A({M8}yGl|8LO028#cM@&97ee~e0h zTb1Qc6o5kz@(mNje-3xo{g**UkPr~RH>7_KM-Ya;earIOPtJbDeG zhQN{g5f%ah`QLyn;In^f9`j#r`zMmieis!R+{Xs`pDg)cARxeT11_!rX0X%#3G~ic zsZbaP^HP2Tf%|VPli_{?O<4Y + + + NUnit + 2.6.4 + NUnit + Charlie Poole + Charlie Poole + + + + false + NUnit features a fluent assert syntax, parameterized, generic and theory tests and is user-extensible. A number of runners, both from the NUnit project and by third parties, are able to execute NUnit tests. + +Version 2.6 is the seventh major release of this well-known and well-tested programming tool. + +This package includes only the framework assembly. You will need to install the NUnit.Runners package unless you are using a third-party runner. + NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages with a strong TDD focus. + Version 2.6 is the seventh major release of NUnit. + +Unlike earlier versions, this package includes only the framework assembly. You will need to install the NUnit.Runners package unless you are using a third-party runner. + +The nunit.mocks assembly is now provided by the NUnit.Mocks package. The pnunit.framework assembly is provided by the pNUnit package. + en-US + nunit test testing tdd framework fluent assert theory plugin addin + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/NUnit.2.6.4/lib/nunit.framework.xml b/packages/NUnit.2.6.4/lib/nunit.framework.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..450552c --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/NUnit.2.6.4/lib/nunit.framework.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10984 @@ + + + + nunit.framework + + + + + The different targets a test action attribute can be applied to + + + + + Default target, which is determined by where the action attribute is attached + + + + + Target a individual test case + + + + + Target a suite of test cases + + + + + Delegate used by tests that execute code and + capture any thrown exception. + + + + + The Assert class contains a collection of static methods that + implement the most common assertions used in NUnit. + + + + + We don't actually want any instances of this object, but some people + like to inherit from it to add other static methods. Hence, the + protected constructor disallows any instances of this object. + + + + + The Equals method throws an AssertionException. This is done + to make sure there is no mistake by calling this function. + + + + + + + override the default ReferenceEquals to throw an AssertionException. This + implementation makes sure there is no mistake in calling this function + as part of Assert. + + + + + + + Throws a with the message and arguments + that are passed in. This allows a test to be cut short, with a result + of success returned to NUnit. + + The message to initialize the with. + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Throws a with the message and arguments + that are passed in. This allows a test to be cut short, with a result + of success returned to NUnit. + + The message to initialize the with. + + + + Throws a with the message and arguments + that are passed in. This allows a test to be cut short, with a result + of success returned to NUnit. + + + + + Throws an with the message and arguments + that are passed in. This is used by the other Assert functions. + + The message to initialize the with. + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Throws an with the message that is + passed in. This is used by the other Assert functions. + + The message to initialize the with. + + + + Throws an . + This is used by the other Assert functions. + + + + + Throws an with the message and arguments + that are passed in. This causes the test to be reported as ignored. + + The message to initialize the with. + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Throws an with the message that is + passed in. This causes the test to be reported as ignored. + + The message to initialize the with. + + + + Throws an . + This causes the test to be reported as ignored. + + + + + Throws an with the message and arguments + that are passed in. This causes the test to be reported as inconclusive. + + The message to initialize the with. + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Throws an with the message that is + passed in. This causes the test to be reported as inconclusive. + + The message to initialize the with. + + + + Throws an . + This causes the test to be reported as Inconclusive. + + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint to be applied + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint to be applied + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint expression to be applied + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + The message to display if the condition is false + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + The message to display if the condition is false + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + An ActualValueDelegate returning the value to be tested + A Constraint expression to be applied + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + An ActualValueDelegate returning the value to be tested + A Constraint expression to be applied + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + An ActualValueDelegate returning the value to be tested + A Constraint expression to be applied + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Apply a constraint to a referenced value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint to be applied + + + + Apply a constraint to a referenced value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint to be applied + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Apply a constraint to a referenced value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint to be applied + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that the code represented by a delegate throws an exception + that satisfies the constraint provided. + + A TestDelegate to be executed + A ThrowsConstraint used in the test + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + Used as a synonym for That in rare cases where a private setter + causes a Visual Basic compilation error. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint to be applied + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + Used as a synonym for That in rare cases where a private setter + causes a Visual Basic compilation error. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint to be applied + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + Used as a synonym for That in rare cases where a private setter + causes a Visual Basic compilation error. + + + This method is provided for use by VB developers needing to test + the value of properties with private setters. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint expression to be applied + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws a particular exception when called. + + A constraint to be satisfied by the exception + A TestDelegate + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws a particular exception when called. + + A constraint to be satisfied by the exception + A TestDelegate + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws a particular exception when called. + + A constraint to be satisfied by the exception + A TestDelegate + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws a particular exception when called. + + The exception Type expected + A TestDelegate + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws a particular exception when called. + + The exception Type expected + A TestDelegate + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws a particular exception when called. + + The exception Type expected + A TestDelegate + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws a particular exception when called. + + Type of the expected exception + A TestDelegate + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws a particular exception when called. + + Type of the expected exception + A TestDelegate + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws a particular exception when called. + + Type of the expected exception + A TestDelegate + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws an exception when called + and returns it. + + A TestDelegate + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws an exception when called + and returns it. + + A TestDelegate + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws an exception when called + and returns it. + + A TestDelegate + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws an exception of a certain Type + or one derived from it when called and returns it. + + The expected Exception Type + A TestDelegate + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws an exception of a certain Type + or one derived from it when called and returns it. + + The expected Exception Type + A TestDelegate + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws an exception of a certain Type + or one derived from it when called and returns it. + + The expected Exception Type + A TestDelegate + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws an exception of a certain Type + or one derived from it when called and returns it. + + The expected Exception Type + A TestDelegate + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws an exception of a certain Type + or one derived from it when called and returns it. + + The expected Exception Type + A TestDelegate + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Verifies that a delegate throws an exception of a certain Type + or one derived from it when called and returns it. + + The expected Exception Type + A TestDelegate + + + + Verifies that a delegate does not throw an exception + + A TestDelegate + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that a delegate does not throw an exception. + + A TestDelegate + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Verifies that a delegate does not throw an exception. + + A TestDelegate + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + + + + Asserts that a condition is false. If the condition is true the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a condition is false. If the condition is true the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that a condition is false. If the condition is true the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + + + + Asserts that a condition is false. If the condition is true the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a condition is false. If the condition is true the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that a condition is false. If the condition is true the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + + + + Verifies that the object that is passed in is not equal to null + If the object is null then an + is thrown. + + The object that is to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the object that is passed in is not equal to null + If the object is null then an + is thrown. + + The object that is to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the object that is passed in is not equal to null + If the object is null then an + is thrown. + + The object that is to be tested + + + + Verifies that the object that is passed in is not equal to null + If the object is null then an + is thrown. + + The object that is to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the object that is passed in is not equal to null + If the object is null then an + is thrown. + + The object that is to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the object that is passed in is not equal to null + If the object is null then an + is thrown. + + The object that is to be tested + + + + Verifies that the object that is passed in is equal to null + If the object is not null then an + is thrown. + + The object that is to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the object that is passed in is equal to null + If the object is not null then an + is thrown. + + The object that is to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the object that is passed in is equal to null + If the object is not null then an + is thrown. + + The object that is to be tested + + + + Verifies that the object that is passed in is equal to null + If the object is not null then an + is thrown. + + The object that is to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the object that is passed in is equal to null + If the object is not null then an + is thrown. + + The object that is to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the object that is passed in is equal to null + If the object is not null then an + is thrown. + + The object that is to be tested + + + + Verifies that two ints are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two ints are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two ints are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + + + + Verifies that two longs are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two longs are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two longs are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + + + + Verifies that two unsigned ints are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two unsigned ints are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two unsigned ints are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + + + + Verifies that two unsigned longs are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two unsigned longs are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two unsigned longs are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + + + + Verifies that two decimals are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two decimals are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two decimals are equal. If they are not, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + + + + Verifies that two doubles are equal considering a delta. If the + expected value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. If + they are not equal then an is + thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The maximum acceptable difference between the + the expected and the actual + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two doubles are equal considering a delta. If the + expected value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. If + they are not equal then an is + thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The maximum acceptable difference between the + the expected and the actual + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two doubles are equal considering a delta. If the + expected value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. If + they are not equal then an is + thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The maximum acceptable difference between the + the expected and the actual + + + + Verifies that two doubles are equal considering a delta. If the + expected value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. If + they are not equal then an is + thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The maximum acceptable difference between the + the expected and the actual + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two doubles are equal considering a delta. If the + expected value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. If + they are not equal then an is + thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The maximum acceptable difference between the + the expected and the actual + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two doubles are equal considering a delta. If the + expected value is infinity then the delta value is ignored. If + they are not equal then an is + thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The maximum acceptable difference between the + the expected and the actual + + + + Verifies that two objects are equal. Two objects are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value. NUnit + has special semantics for some object types. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + The value that is expected + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two objects are equal. Two objects are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value. NUnit + has special semantics for some object types. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + The value that is expected + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two objects are equal. Two objects are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value. NUnit + has special semantics for some object types. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + The value that is expected + The actual value + + + + Verifies that two ints are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two ints are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two ints are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + + + + Verifies that two longs are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two longs are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two longs are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + + + + Verifies that two unsigned ints are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two unsigned ints are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two unsigned ints are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + + + + Verifies that two unsigned longs are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two unsigned longs are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two unsigned longs are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + + + + Verifies that two decimals are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two decimals are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two decimals are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + + + + Verifies that two floats are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two floats are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two floats are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + + + + Verifies that two doubles are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two doubles are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two doubles are not equal. If they are equal, then an + is thrown. + + The expected value + The actual value + + + + Verifies that two objects are not equal. Two objects are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value. NUnit + has special semantics for some object types. + If they are equal an is thrown. + + The value that is expected + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two objects are not equal. Two objects are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value. NUnit + has special semantics for some object types. + If they are equal an is thrown. + + The value that is expected + The actual value + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that two objects are not equal. Two objects are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value. NUnit + has special semantics for some object types. + If they are equal an is thrown. + + The value that is expected + The actual value + + + + Asserts that two objects refer to the same object. If they + are not the same an is thrown. + + The expected object + The actual object + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that two objects refer to the same object. If they + are not the same an is thrown. + + The expected object + The actual object + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that two objects refer to the same object. If they + are not the same an is thrown. + + The expected object + The actual object + + + + Asserts that two objects do not refer to the same object. If they + are the same an is thrown. + + The expected object + The actual object + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that two objects do not refer to the same object. If they + are the same an is thrown. + + The expected object + The actual object + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that two objects do not refer to the same object. If they + are the same an is thrown. + + The expected object + The actual object + + + + Verifies that the double that is passed in is an NaN value. + If the object is not NaN then an + is thrown. + + The value that is to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the double that is passed in is an NaN value. + If the object is not NaN then an + is thrown. + + The value that is to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the double that is passed in is an NaN value. + If the object is not NaN then an + is thrown. + + The value that is to be tested + + + + Verifies that the double that is passed in is an NaN value. + If the object is not NaN then an + is thrown. + + The value that is to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the double that is passed in is an NaN value. + If the object is not NaN then an + is thrown. + + The value that is to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the double that is passed in is an NaN value. + If the object is not NaN then an + is thrown. + + The value that is to be tested + + + + Assert that a string is empty - that is equal to string.Empty + + The string to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Assert that a string is empty - that is equal to string.Empty + + The string to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Assert that a string is empty - that is equal to string.Empty + + The string to be tested + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is empty + + An array, list or other collection implementing ICollection + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is empty + + An array, list or other collection implementing ICollection + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is empty + + An array, list or other collection implementing ICollection + + + + Assert that a string is not empty - that is not equal to string.Empty + + The string to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Assert that a string is not empty - that is not equal to string.Empty + + The string to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Assert that a string is not empty - that is not equal to string.Empty + + The string to be tested + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is not empty + + An array, list or other collection implementing ICollection + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is not empty + + An array, list or other collection implementing ICollection + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is not empty + + An array, list or other collection implementing ICollection + + + + Assert that a string is either null or equal to string.Empty + + The string to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Assert that a string is either null or equal to string.Empty + + The string to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Assert that a string is either null or equal to string.Empty + + The string to be tested + + + + Assert that a string is not null or empty + + The string to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Assert that a string is not null or empty + + The string to be tested + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Assert that a string is not null or empty + + The string to be tested + + + + Asserts that an object may be assigned a value of a given Type. + + The expected Type. + The object under examination + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that an object may be assigned a value of a given Type. + + The expected Type. + The object under examination + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that an object may be assigned a value of a given Type. + + The expected Type. + The object under examination + + + + Asserts that an object may be assigned a value of a given Type. + + The expected Type. + The object under examination + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that an object may be assigned a value of a given Type. + + The expected Type. + The object under examination + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that an object may be assigned a value of a given Type. + + The expected Type. + The object under examination + + + + Asserts that an object may not be assigned a value of a given Type. + + The expected Type. + The object under examination + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that an object may not be assigned a value of a given Type. + + The expected Type. + The object under examination + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that an object may not be assigned a value of a given Type. + + The expected Type. + The object under examination + + + + Asserts that an object may not be assigned a value of a given Type. + + The expected Type. + The object under examination + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that an object may not be assigned a value of a given Type. + + The expected Type. + The object under examination + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that an object may not be assigned a value of a given Type. + + The expected Type. + The object under examination + + + + Asserts that an object is an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that an object is an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that an object is an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + + + + Asserts that an object is an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that an object is an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that an object is an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + + + + Asserts that an object is an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that an object is an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that an object is an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + + + + Asserts that an object is not an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that an object is not an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that an object is not an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + + + + Asserts that an object is not an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that an object is not an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that an object is not an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + + + + Asserts that an object is not an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that an object is not an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that an object is not an instance of a given type. + + The expected Type + The object being examined + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is greater than or equal tothe second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be greater + The second value, expected to be less + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Verifies that the first value is less than or equal to the second + value. If it is not, then an + is thrown. + + The first value, expected to be less + The second value, expected to be greater + + + + Asserts that an object is contained in a list. + + The expected object + The list to be examined + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that an object is contained in a list. + + The expected object + The list to be examined + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that an object is contained in a list. + + The expected object + The list to be examined + + + + Helper for Assert.AreEqual(double expected, double actual, ...) + allowing code generation to work consistently. + + The expected value + The actual value + The maximum acceptable difference between the + the expected and the actual + The message to display in case of failure + Array of objects to be used in formatting the message + + + + Gets the number of assertions executed so far and + resets the counter to zero. + + + + + AssertionHelper is an optional base class for user tests, + allowing the use of shorter names for constraints and + asserts and avoiding conflict with the definition of + , from which it inherits much of its + behavior, in certain mock object frameworks. + + + + + Helper class with properties and methods that supply + a number of constraints used in Asserts. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply + the following constraint to all members of a collection, + succeeding only if a specified number of them succeed. + + + + + Returns a new PropertyConstraintExpression, which will either + test for the existence of the named property on the object + being tested or apply any following constraint to that property. + + + + + Returns a new AttributeConstraint checking for the + presence of a particular attribute on an object. + + + + + Returns a new AttributeConstraint checking for the + presence of a particular attribute on an object. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests two items for equality + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests that two references are the same object + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is greater than the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is greater than or equal to the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is greater than or equal to the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is less than the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is less than or equal to the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is less than or equal to the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual + value is of the exact type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual + value is of the exact type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is assignable from the type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is assignable from the type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is assignable from the type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is assignable from the type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is a collection containing the same elements as the + collection supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is a subset of the collection supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a new CollectionContainsConstraint checking for the + presence of a particular object in the collection. + + + + + Returns a new CollectionContainsConstraint checking for the + presence of a particular object in the collection. + + + + + Returns a new ContainsConstraint. This constraint + will, in turn, make use of the appropriate second-level + constraint, depending on the type of the actual argument. + This overload is only used if the item sought is a string, + since any other type implies that we are looking for a + collection member. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value contains the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value contains the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that fails if the actual + value contains the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value starts with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value starts with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that fails if the actual + value starts with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value ends with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value ends with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that fails if the actual + value ends with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value matches the regular expression supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value matches the regular expression supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that fails if the actual + value matches the pattern supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the path provided + is the same as an expected path after canonicalization. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the path provided + is the same path or under an expected path after canonicalization. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the path provided + is the same path or under an expected path after canonicalization. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value falls + within a specified range. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression that negates any + following constraint. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression that negates any + following constraint. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply + the following constraint to all members of a collection, + succeeding if all of them succeed. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply + the following constraint to all members of a collection, + succeeding if at least one of them succeeds. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply + the following constraint to all members of a collection, + succeeding if all of them fail. + + + + + Returns a new ConstraintExpression, which will apply the following + constraint to the Length property of the object being tested. + + + + + Returns a new ConstraintExpression, which will apply the following + constraint to the Count property of the object being tested. + + + + + Returns a new ConstraintExpression, which will apply the following + constraint to the Message property of the object being tested. + + + + + Returns a new ConstraintExpression, which will apply the following + constraint to the InnerException property of the object being tested. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for null + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for True + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for False + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for a positive value + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for a negative value + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for NaN + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for empty + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether a collection + contains all unique items. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether an object graph is serializable in binary format. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether an object graph is serializable in xml format. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether a collection is ordered + + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. Works + identically to Assert.That. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint to be applied + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. Works + identically to Assert.That. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint to be applied + The message to be displayed in case of failure + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. Works + identically to Assert.That. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint to be applied + The message to be displayed in case of failure + Arguments to use in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the method throws + an . Works Identically to + . + + The evaluated condition + The message to display if the condition is false + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the method throws + an . Works Identically to + . + + The evaluated condition + The message to display if the condition is false + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the method throws + an . Works Identically to . + + The evaluated condition + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + A Constraint expression to be applied + An ActualValueDelegate returning the value to be tested + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + A Constraint expression to be applied + An ActualValueDelegate returning the value to be tested + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + An ActualValueDelegate returning the value to be tested + A Constraint expression to be applied + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Apply a constraint to a referenced value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint to be applied + + + + Apply a constraint to a referenced value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint to be applied + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Apply a constraint to a referenced value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an assertion exception on failure. + + The actual value to test + A Constraint to be applied + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that the code represented by a delegate throws an exception + that satisfies the constraint provided. + + A TestDelegate to be executed + A ThrowsConstraint used in the test + + + + Returns a ListMapper based on a collection. + + The original collection + + + + + Provides static methods to express the assumptions + that must be met for a test to give a meaningful + result. If an assumption is not met, the test + should produce an inconclusive result. + + + + + The Equals method throws an AssertionException. This is done + to make sure there is no mistake by calling this function. + + + + + + + override the default ReferenceEquals to throw an AssertionException. This + implementation makes sure there is no mistake in calling this function + as part of Assert. + + + + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an InconclusiveException on failure. + + A Constraint expression to be applied + The actual value to test + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an InconclusiveException on failure. + + A Constraint expression to be applied + The actual value to test + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an InconclusiveException on failure. + + A Constraint expression to be applied + The actual value to test + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + The message to display if the condition is false + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the method throws + an . + + The evaluated condition + The message to display if the condition is false + + + + Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition is false the + method throws an . + + The evaluated condition + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an InconclusiveException on failure. + + A Constraint expression to be applied + An ActualValueDelegate returning the value to be tested + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an InconclusiveException on failure. + + A Constraint expression to be applied + An ActualValueDelegate returning the value to be tested + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Apply a constraint to an actual value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an InconclusiveException on failure. + + An ActualValueDelegate returning the value to be tested + A Constraint expression to be applied + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Apply a constraint to a referenced value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an InconclusiveException on failure. + + A Constraint expression to be applied + The actual value to test + + + + Apply a constraint to a referenced value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an InconclusiveException on failure. + + A Constraint expression to be applied + The actual value to test + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Apply a constraint to a referenced value, succeeding if the constraint + is satisfied and throwing an InconclusiveException on failure. + + A Constraint expression to be applied + The actual value to test + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that the code represented by a delegate throws an exception + that satisfies the constraint provided. + + A TestDelegate to be executed + A ThrowsConstraint used in the test + + + + Waits for pending asynchronous operations to complete, if appropriate, + and returns a proper result of the invocation by unwrapping task results + + The raw result of the method invocation + The unwrapped result, if necessary + + + + A set of Assert methods operationg on one or more collections + + + + + The Equals method throws an AssertionException. This is done + to make sure there is no mistake by calling this function. + + + + + + + override the default ReferenceEquals to throw an AssertionException. This + implementation makes sure there is no mistake in calling this function + as part of Assert. + + + + + + + Asserts that all items contained in collection are of the type specified by expectedType. + + IEnumerable containing objects to be considered + System.Type that all objects in collection must be instances of + + + + Asserts that all items contained in collection are of the type specified by expectedType. + + IEnumerable containing objects to be considered + System.Type that all objects in collection must be instances of + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Asserts that all items contained in collection are of the type specified by expectedType. + + IEnumerable containing objects to be considered + System.Type that all objects in collection must be instances of + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that all items contained in collection are not equal to null. + + IEnumerable containing objects to be considered + + + + Asserts that all items contained in collection are not equal to null. + + IEnumerable containing objects to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Asserts that all items contained in collection are not equal to null. + + IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Ensures that every object contained in collection exists within the collection + once and only once. + + IEnumerable of objects to be considered + + + + Ensures that every object contained in collection exists within the collection + once and only once. + + IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Ensures that every object contained in collection exists within the collection + once and only once. + + IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are exactly equal. The collections must have the same count, + and contain the exact same objects in the same order. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are exactly equal. The collections must have the same count, + and contain the exact same objects in the same order. + If comparer is not null then it will be used to compare the objects. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The IComparer to use in comparing objects from each IEnumerable + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are exactly equal. The collections must have the same count, + and contain the exact same objects in the same order. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are exactly equal. The collections must have the same count, + and contain the exact same objects in the same order. + If comparer is not null then it will be used to compare the objects. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The IComparer to use in comparing objects from each IEnumerable + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are exactly equal. The collections must have the same count, + and contain the exact same objects in the same order. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are exactly equal. The collections must have the same count, + and contain the exact same objects in the same order. + If comparer is not null then it will be used to compare the objects. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The IComparer to use in comparing objects from each IEnumerable + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are equivalent, containing the same objects but the match may be in any order. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are equivalent, containing the same objects but the match may be in any order. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are equivalent, containing the same objects but the match may be in any order. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are not exactly equal. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are not exactly equal. + If comparer is not null then it will be used to compare the objects. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The IComparer to use in comparing objects from each IEnumerable + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are not exactly equal. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are not exactly equal. + If comparer is not null then it will be used to compare the objects. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The IComparer to use in comparing objects from each IEnumerable + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are not exactly equal. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are not exactly equal. + If comparer is not null then it will be used to compare the objects. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The IComparer to use in comparing objects from each IEnumerable + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are not equivalent. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are not equivalent. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Asserts that expected and actual are not equivalent. + + The first IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The second IEnumerable of objects to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that collection contains actual as an item. + + IEnumerable of objects to be considered + Object to be found within collection + + + + Asserts that collection contains actual as an item. + + IEnumerable of objects to be considered + Object to be found within collection + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Asserts that collection contains actual as an item. + + IEnumerable of objects to be considered + Object to be found within collection + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that collection does not contain actual as an item. + + IEnumerable of objects to be considered + Object that cannot exist within collection + + + + Asserts that collection does not contain actual as an item. + + IEnumerable of objects to be considered + Object that cannot exist within collection + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Asserts that collection does not contain actual as an item. + + IEnumerable of objects to be considered + Object that cannot exist within collection + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that the superset does not contain the subset + + The IEnumerable subset to be considered + The IEnumerable superset to be considered + + + + Asserts that the superset does not contain the subset + + The IEnumerable subset to be considered + The IEnumerable superset to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Asserts that the superset does not contain the subset + + The IEnumerable subset to be considered + The IEnumerable superset to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that the superset contains the subset. + + The IEnumerable subset to be considered + The IEnumerable superset to be considered + + + + Asserts that the superset contains the subset. + + The IEnumerable subset to be considered + The IEnumerable superset to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + + + + Asserts that the superset contains the subset. + + The IEnumerable subset to be considered + The IEnumerable superset to be considered + The message that will be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is empty + + An array, list or other collection implementing IEnumerable + The message to be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is empty + + An array, list or other collection implementing IEnumerable + The message to be displayed on failure + + + + Assert that an array,list or other collection is empty + + An array, list or other collection implementing IEnumerable + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is empty + + An array, list or other collection implementing IEnumerable + The message to be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is empty + + An array, list or other collection implementing IEnumerable + The message to be displayed on failure + + + + Assert that an array,list or other collection is empty + + An array, list or other collection implementing IEnumerable + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is ordered + + An array, list or other collection implementing IEnumerable + The message to be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is ordered + + An array, list or other collection implementing IEnumerable + The message to be displayed on failure + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is ordered + + An array, list or other collection implementing IEnumerable + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is ordered + + An array, list or other collection implementing IEnumerable + A custom comparer to perform the comparisons + The message to be displayed on failure + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is ordered + + An array, list or other collection implementing IEnumerable + A custom comparer to perform the comparisons + The message to be displayed on failure + + + + Assert that an array, list or other collection is ordered + + An array, list or other collection implementing IEnumerable + A custom comparer to perform the comparisons + + + + Helper class with properties and methods that supply + a number of constraints used in Asserts. + + + + + Returns a new CollectionContainsConstraint checking for the + presence of a particular object in the collection. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value contains the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Summary description for DirectoryAssert + + + + + The Equals method throws an AssertionException. This is done + to make sure there is no mistake by calling this function. + + + + + + + override the default ReferenceEquals to throw an AssertionException. This + implementation makes sure there is no mistake in calling this function + as part of Assert. + + + + + + + We don't actually want any instances of this object, but some people + like to inherit from it to add other static methods. Hence, the + protected constructor disallows any instances of this object. + + + + + Verifies that two directories are equal. Two directories are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + A directory containing the value that is expected + A directory containing the actual value + The message to display if directories are not equal + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two directories are equal. Two directories are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + A directory containing the value that is expected + A directory containing the actual value + The message to display if directories are not equal + + + + Verifies that two directories are equal. Two directories are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + A directory containing the value that is expected + A directory containing the actual value + + + + Verifies that two directories are equal. Two directories are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + A directory path string containing the value that is expected + A directory path string containing the actual value + The message to display if directories are not equal + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two directories are equal. Two directories are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + A directory path string containing the value that is expected + A directory path string containing the actual value + The message to display if directories are not equal + + + + Verifies that two directories are equal. Two directories are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + A directory path string containing the value that is expected + A directory path string containing the actual value + + + + Asserts that two directories are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + A directory containing the value that is expected + A directory containing the actual value + The message to display if directories are not equal + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that two directories are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + A directory containing the value that is expected + A directory containing the actual value + The message to display if directories are not equal + + + + Asserts that two directories are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + A directory containing the value that is expected + A directory containing the actual value + + + + Asserts that two directories are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + A directory path string containing the value that is expected + A directory path string containing the actual value + The message to display if directories are equal + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that two directories are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + A directory path string containing the value that is expected + A directory path string containing the actual value + The message to display if directories are equal + + + + Asserts that two directories are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + A directory path string containing the value that is expected + A directory path string containing the actual value + + + + Asserts that the directory is empty. If it is not empty + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + The message to display if directories are not equal + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that the directory is empty. If it is not empty + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + The message to display if directories are not equal + + + + Asserts that the directory is empty. If it is not empty + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + + + + Asserts that the directory is empty. If it is not empty + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + The message to display if directories are not equal + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that the directory is empty. If it is not empty + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + The message to display if directories are not equal + + + + Asserts that the directory is empty. If it is not empty + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + + + + Asserts that the directory is not empty. If it is empty + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + The message to display if directories are not equal + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that the directory is not empty. If it is empty + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + The message to display if directories are not equal + + + + Asserts that the directory is not empty. If it is empty + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + + + + Asserts that the directory is not empty. If it is empty + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + The message to display if directories are not equal + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that the directory is not empty. If it is empty + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + The message to display if directories are not equal + + + + Asserts that the directory is not empty. If it is empty + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + + + + Asserts that path contains actual as a subdirectory or + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + sub-directory asserted to exist under directory + The message to display if directory is not within the path + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that path contains actual as a subdirectory or + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + sub-directory asserted to exist under directory + The message to display if directory is not within the path + + + + Asserts that path contains actual as a subdirectory or + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + sub-directory asserted to exist under directory + + + + Asserts that path contains actual as a subdirectory or + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + sub-directory asserted to exist under directory + The message to display if directory is not within the path + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that path contains actual as a subdirectory or + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + sub-directory asserted to exist under directory + The message to display if directory is not within the path + + + + Asserts that path contains actual as a subdirectory or + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + sub-directory asserted to exist under directory + + + + Asserts that path does not contain actual as a subdirectory or + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + sub-directory asserted to exist under directory + The message to display if directory is not within the path + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that path does not contain actual as a subdirectory or + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + sub-directory asserted to exist under directory + The message to display if directory is not within the path + + + + Asserts that path does not contain actual as a subdirectory or + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + sub-directory asserted to exist under directory + + + + Asserts that path does not contain actual as a subdirectory or + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + sub-directory asserted to exist under directory + The message to display if directory is not within the path + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that path does not contain actual as a subdirectory or + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + sub-directory asserted to exist under directory + The message to display if directory is not within the path + + + + Asserts that path does not contain actual as a subdirectory or + an is thrown. + + A directory to search + sub-directory asserted to exist under directory + + + + Summary description for FileAssert. + + + + + The Equals method throws an AssertionException. This is done + to make sure there is no mistake by calling this function. + + + + + + + override the default ReferenceEquals to throw an AssertionException. This + implementation makes sure there is no mistake in calling this function + as part of Assert. + + + + + + + We don't actually want any instances of this object, but some people + like to inherit from it to add other static methods. Hence, the + protected constructor disallows any instances of this object. + + + + + Verifies that two Streams are equal. Two Streams are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + The expected Stream + The actual Stream + The message to display if Streams are not equal + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two Streams are equal. Two Streams are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + The expected Stream + The actual Stream + The message to display if objects are not equal + + + + Verifies that two Streams are equal. Two Streams are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + The expected Stream + The actual Stream + + + + Verifies that two files are equal. Two files are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + A file containing the value that is expected + A file containing the actual value + The message to display if Streams are not equal + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two files are equal. Two files are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + A file containing the value that is expected + A file containing the actual value + The message to display if objects are not equal + + + + Verifies that two files are equal. Two files are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + A file containing the value that is expected + A file containing the actual value + + + + Verifies that two files are equal. Two files are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + The path to a file containing the value that is expected + The path to a file containing the actual value + The message to display if Streams are not equal + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Verifies that two files are equal. Two files are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + The path to a file containing the value that is expected + The path to a file containing the actual value + The message to display if objects are not equal + + + + Verifies that two files are equal. Two files are considered + equal if both are null, or if both have the same value byte for byte. + If they are not equal an is thrown. + + The path to a file containing the value that is expected + The path to a file containing the actual value + + + + Asserts that two Streams are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + The expected Stream + The actual Stream + The message to be displayed when the two Stream are the same. + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that two Streams are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + The expected Stream + The actual Stream + The message to be displayed when the Streams are the same. + + + + Asserts that two Streams are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + The expected Stream + The actual Stream + + + + Asserts that two files are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + A file containing the value that is expected + A file containing the actual value + The message to display if Streams are not equal + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that two files are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + A file containing the value that is expected + A file containing the actual value + The message to display if objects are not equal + + + + Asserts that two files are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + A file containing the value that is expected + A file containing the actual value + + + + Asserts that two files are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + The path to a file containing the value that is expected + The path to a file containing the actual value + The message to display if Streams are not equal + Arguments to be used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that two files are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + The path to a file containing the value that is expected + The path to a file containing the actual value + The message to display if objects are not equal + + + + Asserts that two files are not equal. If they are equal + an is thrown. + + The path to a file containing the value that is expected + The path to a file containing the actual value + + + + GlobalSettings is a place for setting default values used + by the framework in performing asserts. + + + + + Default tolerance for floating point equality + + + + + Class used to guard against unexpected argument values + by throwing an appropriate exception. + + + + + Throws an exception if an argument is null + + The value to be tested + The name of the argument + + + + Throws an exception if a string argument is null or empty + + The value to be tested + The name of the argument + + + + Helper class with properties and methods that supply + a number of constraints used in Asserts. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply + the following constraint to all members of a collection, + succeeding only if a specified number of them succeed. + + + + + Returns a new PropertyConstraintExpression, which will either + test for the existence of the named property on the object + being tested or apply any following constraint to that property. + + + + + Returns a new AttributeConstraint checking for the + presence of a particular attribute on an object. + + + + + Returns a new AttributeConstraint checking for the + presence of a particular attribute on an object. + + + + + Returns a new CollectionContainsConstraint checking for the + presence of a particular object in the collection. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression that negates any + following constraint. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply + the following constraint to all members of a collection, + succeeding if all of them succeed. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply + the following constraint to all members of a collection, + succeeding if at least one of them succeeds. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply + the following constraint to all members of a collection, + succeeding if all of them fail. + + + + + Returns a new ConstraintExpression, which will apply the following + constraint to the Length property of the object being tested. + + + + + Returns a new ConstraintExpression, which will apply the following + constraint to the Count property of the object being tested. + + + + + Returns a new ConstraintExpression, which will apply the following + constraint to the Message property of the object being tested. + + + + + Returns a new ConstraintExpression, which will apply the following + constraint to the InnerException property of the object being tested. + + + + + Interface implemented by a user fixture in order to + validate any expected exceptions. It is only called + for test methods marked with the ExpectedException + attribute. + + + + + Method to handle an expected exception + + The exception to be handled + + + + Helper class with properties and methods that supply + a number of constraints used in Asserts. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests two items for equality + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests that two references are the same object + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is greater than the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is greater than or equal to the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is greater than or equal to the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is less than the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is less than or equal to the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is less than or equal to the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual + value is of the exact type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual + value is of the exact type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is assignable from the type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is assignable from the type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is assignable from the type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is assignable from the type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is a collection containing the same elements as the + collection supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is a subset of the collection supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value contains the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value starts with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value ends with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value matches the regular expression supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the path provided + is the same as an expected path after canonicalization. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the path provided + is under an expected path after canonicalization. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the path provided + is the same path or under an expected path after canonicalization. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value falls + within a specified range. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression that negates any + following constraint. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply + the following constraint to all members of a collection, + succeeding if all of them succeed. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for null + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for True + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for False + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for a positive value + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for a negative value + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for NaN + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for empty + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether a collection + contains all unique items. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether an object graph is serializable in binary format. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether an object graph is serializable in xml format. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether a collection is ordered + + + + + The ITestCaseData interface is implemented by a class + that is able to return complete testcases for use by + a parameterized test method. + + NOTE: This interface is used in both the framework + and the core, even though that results in two different + types. However, sharing the source code guarantees that + the various implementations will be compatible and that + the core is able to reflect successfully over the + framework implementations of ITestCaseData. + + + + + Gets the argument list to be provided to the test + + + + + Gets the expected result + + + + + Indicates whether a result has been specified. + This is necessary because the result may be + null, so it's value cannot be checked. + + + + + Gets the expected exception Type + + + + + Gets the FullName of the expected exception + + + + + Gets the name to be used for the test + + + + + Gets the description of the test + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is ignored. + + true if ignored; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is explicit. + + true if explicit; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets the ignore reason. + + The ignore reason. + + + + The Iz class is a synonym for Is intended for use in VB, + which regards Is as a keyword. + + + + + The List class is a helper class with properties and methods + that supply a number of constraints used with lists and collections. + + + + + List.Map returns a ListMapper, which can be used to map + the original collection to another collection. + + + + + + + ListMapper is used to transform a collection used as an actual argument + producing another collection to be used in the assertion. + + + + + Construct a ListMapper based on a collection + + The collection to be transformed + + + + Produces a collection containing all the values of a property + + The collection of property values + + + + + Randomizer returns a set of random values in a repeatable + way, to allow re-running of tests if necessary. + + + + + Get a randomizer for a particular member, returning + one that has already been created if it exists. + This ensures that the same values are generated + each time the tests are reloaded. + + + + + Get a randomizer for a particular parameter, returning + one that has already been created if it exists. + This ensures that the same values are generated + each time the tests are reloaded. + + + + + Construct a randomizer using a random seed + + + + + Construct a randomizer using a specified seed + + + + + Return an array of random doubles between 0.0 and 1.0. + + + + + + + Return an array of random doubles with values in a specified range. + + + + + Return an array of random ints with values in a specified range. + + + + + Get a random seed for use in creating a randomizer. + + + + + The SpecialValue enum is used to represent TestCase arguments + that cannot be used as arguments to an Attribute. + + + + + Null represents a null value, which cannot be used as an + argument to an attribute under .NET 1.x + + + + + Basic Asserts on strings. + + + + + The Equals method throws an AssertionException. This is done + to make sure there is no mistake by calling this function. + + + + + + + override the default ReferenceEquals to throw an AssertionException. This + implementation makes sure there is no mistake in calling this function + as part of Assert. + + + + + + + Asserts that a string is found within another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + The message to display in case of failure + Arguments used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a string is found within another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that a string is found within another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + + + + Asserts that a string is not found within another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + The message to display in case of failure + Arguments used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a string is found within another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that a string is found within another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + + + + Asserts that a string starts with another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + The message to display in case of failure + Arguments used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a string starts with another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that a string starts with another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + + + + Asserts that a string does not start with another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + The message to display in case of failure + Arguments used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a string does not start with another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that a string does not start with another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + + + + Asserts that a string ends with another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + The message to display in case of failure + Arguments used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a string ends with another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that a string ends with another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + + + + Asserts that a string does not end with another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + The message to display in case of failure + Arguments used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a string does not end with another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that a string does not end with another string. + + The expected string + The string to be examined + + + + Asserts that two strings are equal, without regard to case. + + The expected string + The actual string + The message to display in case of failure + Arguments used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that two strings are equal, without regard to case. + + The expected string + The actual string + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that two strings are equal, without regard to case. + + The expected string + The actual string + + + + Asserts that two strings are not equal, without regard to case. + + The expected string + The actual string + The message to display in case of failure + Arguments used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that two strings are Notequal, without regard to case. + + The expected string + The actual string + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that two strings are not equal, without regard to case. + + The expected string + The actual string + + + + Asserts that a string matches an expected regular expression pattern. + + The regex pattern to be matched + The actual string + The message to display in case of failure + Arguments used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a string matches an expected regular expression pattern. + + The regex pattern to be matched + The actual string + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that a string matches an expected regular expression pattern. + + The regex pattern to be matched + The actual string + + + + Asserts that a string does not match an expected regular expression pattern. + + The regex pattern to be used + The actual string + The message to display in case of failure + Arguments used in formatting the message + + + + Asserts that a string does not match an expected regular expression pattern. + + The regex pattern to be used + The actual string + The message to display in case of failure + + + + Asserts that a string does not match an expected regular expression pattern. + + The regex pattern to be used + The actual string + + + + The TestCaseData class represents a set of arguments + and other parameter info to be used for a parameterized + test case. It provides a number of instance modifiers + for use in initializing the test case. + + Note: Instance modifiers are getters that return + the same instance after modifying it's state. + + + + + The argument list to be provided to the test + + + + + The expected result to be returned + + + + + Set to true if this has an expected result + + + + + The expected exception Type + + + + + The FullName of the expected exception + + + + + The name to be used for the test + + + + + The description of the test + + + + + A dictionary of properties, used to add information + to tests without requiring the class to change. + + + + + If true, indicates that the test case is to be ignored + + + + + If true, indicates that the test case is marked explicit + + + + + The reason for ignoring a test case + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The arguments. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The argument. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The first argument. + The second argument. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The first argument. + The second argument. + The third argument. + + + + Sets the expected result for the test + + The expected result + A modified TestCaseData + + + + Sets the expected exception type for the test + + Type of the expected exception. + The modified TestCaseData instance + + + + Sets the expected exception type for the test + + FullName of the expected exception. + The modified TestCaseData instance + + + + Sets the name of the test case + + The modified TestCaseData instance + + + + Sets the description for the test case + being constructed. + + The description. + The modified TestCaseData instance. + + + + Applies a category to the test + + + + + + + Applies a named property to the test + + + + + + + + Applies a named property to the test + + + + + + + + Applies a named property to the test + + + + + + + + Ignores this TestCase. + + + + + + Ignores this TestCase, specifying the reason. + + The reason. + + + + + Marks this TestCase as Explicit + + + + + + Marks this TestCase as Explicit, specifying the reason. + + The reason. + + + + + Gets the argument list to be provided to the test + + + + + Gets the expected result + + + + + Returns true if the result has been set + + + + + Gets the expected exception Type + + + + + Gets the FullName of the expected exception + + + + + Gets the name to be used for the test + + + + + Gets the description of the test + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is ignored. + + true if ignored; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is explicit. + + true if explicit; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets the ignore reason. + + The ignore reason. + + + + Gets a list of categories associated with this test. + + + + + Gets the property dictionary for this test + + + + + Provide the context information of the current test + + + + + Constructs a TestContext using the provided context dictionary + + A context dictionary + + + + Get the current test context. This is created + as needed. The user may save the context for + use within a test, but it should not be used + outside the test for which it is created. + + + + + Gets a TestAdapter representing the currently executing test in this context. + + + + + Gets a ResultAdapter representing the current result for the test + executing in this context. + + + + + Gets the directory containing the current test assembly. + + + + + Gets the directory to be used for outputing files created + by this test run. + + + + + TestAdapter adapts a Test for consumption by + the user test code. + + + + + Constructs a TestAdapter for this context + + The context dictionary + + + + The name of the test. + + + + + The FullName of the test + + + + + The properties of the test. + + + + + ResultAdapter adapts a TestResult for consumption by + the user test code. + + + + + Construct a ResultAdapter for a context + + The context holding the result + + + + The TestState of current test. This maps to the ResultState + used in nunit.core and is subject to change in the future. + + + + + The TestStatus of current test. This enum will be used + in future versions of NUnit and so is to be preferred + to the TestState value. + + + + + Provides details about a test + + + + + Creates an instance of TestDetails + + The fixture that the test is a member of, if available. + The method that implements the test, if available. + The full name of the test. + A string representing the type of test, e.g. "Test Case". + Indicates if the test represents a suite of tests. + + + + The fixture that the test is a member of, if available. + + + + + The method that implements the test, if available. + + + + + The full name of the test. + + + + + A string representing the type of test, e.g. "Test Case". + + + + + Indicates if the test represents a suite of tests. + + + + + The ResultState enum indicates the result of running a test + + + + + The result is inconclusive + + + + + The test was not runnable. + + + + + The test has been skipped. + + + + + The test has been ignored. + + + + + The test succeeded + + + + + The test failed + + + + + The test encountered an unexpected exception + + + + + The test was cancelled by the user + + + + + The TestStatus enum indicates the result of running a test + + + + + The test was inconclusive + + + + + The test has skipped + + + + + The test succeeded + + + + + The test failed + + + + + Helper class with static methods used to supply constraints + that operate on strings. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value contains the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that fails if the actual + value contains the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value starts with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that fails if the actual + value starts with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value ends with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that fails if the actual + value ends with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value matches the Regex pattern supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that fails if the actual + value matches the pattern supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply + the following constraint to all members of a collection, + succeeding if all of them succeed. + + + + + TextMessageWriter writes constraint descriptions and messages + in displayable form as a text stream. It tailors the display + of individual message components to form the standard message + format of NUnit assertion failure messages. + + + + + MessageWriter is the abstract base for classes that write + constraint descriptions and messages in some form. The + class has separate methods for writing various components + of a message, allowing implementations to tailor the + presentation as needed. + + + + + Construct a MessageWriter given a culture + + + + + Method to write single line message with optional args, usually + written to precede the general failure message. + + The message to be written + Any arguments used in formatting the message + + + + Method to write single line message with optional args, usually + written to precede the general failure message, at a givel + indentation level. + + The indentation level of the message + The message to be written + Any arguments used in formatting the message + + + + Display Expected and Actual lines for a constraint. This + is called by MessageWriter's default implementation of + WriteMessageTo and provides the generic two-line display. + + The constraint that failed + + + + Display Expected and Actual lines for given values. This + method may be called by constraints that need more control over + the display of actual and expected values than is provided + by the default implementation. + + The expected value + The actual value causing the failure + + + + Display Expected and Actual lines for given values, including + a tolerance value on the Expected line. + + The expected value + The actual value causing the failure + The tolerance within which the test was made + + + + Display the expected and actual string values on separate lines. + If the mismatch parameter is >=0, an additional line is displayed + line containing a caret that points to the mismatch point. + + The expected string value + The actual string value + The point at which the strings don't match or -1 + If true, case is ignored in locating the point where the strings differ + If true, the strings should be clipped to fit the line + + + + Writes the text for a connector. + + The connector. + + + + Writes the text for a predicate. + + The predicate. + + + + Writes the text for an expected value. + + The expected value. + + + + Writes the text for a modifier + + The modifier. + + + + Writes the text for an actual value. + + The actual value. + + + + Writes the text for a generalized value. + + The value. + + + + Writes the text for a collection value, + starting at a particular point, to a max length + + The collection containing elements to write. + The starting point of the elements to write + The maximum number of elements to write + + + + Abstract method to get the max line length + + + + + Prefix used for the expected value line of a message + + + + + Prefix used for the actual value line of a message + + + + + Length of a message prefix + + + + + Construct a TextMessageWriter + + + + + Construct a TextMessageWriter, specifying a user message + and optional formatting arguments. + + + + + + + Method to write single line message with optional args, usually + written to precede the general failure message, at a givel + indentation level. + + The indentation level of the message + The message to be written + Any arguments used in formatting the message + + + + Display Expected and Actual lines for a constraint. This + is called by MessageWriter's default implementation of + WriteMessageTo and provides the generic two-line display. + + The constraint that failed + + + + Display Expected and Actual lines for given values. This + method may be called by constraints that need more control over + the display of actual and expected values than is provided + by the default implementation. + + The expected value + The actual value causing the failure + + + + Display Expected and Actual lines for given values, including + a tolerance value on the expected line. + + The expected value + The actual value causing the failure + The tolerance within which the test was made + + + + Display the expected and actual string values on separate lines. + If the mismatch parameter is >=0, an additional line is displayed + line containing a caret that points to the mismatch point. + + The expected string value + The actual string value + The point at which the strings don't match or -1 + If true, case is ignored in string comparisons + If true, clip the strings to fit the max line length + + + + Writes the text for a connector. + + The connector. + + + + Writes the text for a predicate. + + The predicate. + + + + Write the text for a modifier. + + The modifier. + + + + Writes the text for an expected value. + + The expected value. + + + + Writes the text for an actual value. + + The actual value. + + + + Writes the text for a generalized value. + + The value. + + + + Writes the text for a collection value, + starting at a particular point, to a max length + + The collection containing elements to write. + The starting point of the elements to write + The maximum number of elements to write + + + + Write the generic 'Expected' line for a constraint + + The constraint that failed + + + + Write the generic 'Expected' line for a given value + + The expected value + + + + Write the generic 'Expected' line for a given value + and tolerance. + + The expected value + The tolerance within which the test was made + + + + Write the generic 'Actual' line for a constraint + + The constraint for which the actual value is to be written + + + + Write the generic 'Actual' line for a given value + + The actual value causing a failure + + + + Gets or sets the maximum line length for this writer + + + + + Helper class with properties and methods that supply + constraints that operate on exceptions. + + + + + Creates a constraint specifying the exact type of exception expected + + + + + Creates a constraint specifying the exact type of exception expected + + + + + Creates a constraint specifying the type of exception expected + + + + + Creates a constraint specifying the type of exception expected + + + + + Creates a constraint specifying an expected exception + + + + + Creates a constraint specifying an exception with a given InnerException + + + + + Creates a constraint specifying an expected TargetInvocationException + + + + + Creates a constraint specifying an expected TargetInvocationException + + + + + Creates a constraint specifying an expected TargetInvocationException + + + + + Creates a constraint specifying that no exception is thrown + + + + + Attribute used to apply a category to a test + + + + + The name of the category + + + + + Construct attribute for a given category based on + a name. The name may not contain the characters ',', + '+', '-' or '!'. However, this is not checked in the + constructor since it would cause an error to arise at + as the test was loaded without giving a clear indication + of where the problem is located. The error is handled + in NUnitFramework.cs by marking the test as not + runnable. + + The name of the category + + + + Protected constructor uses the Type name as the name + of the category. + + + + + The name of the category + + + + + Used to mark a field for use as a datapoint when executing a theory + within the same fixture that requires an argument of the field's Type. + + + + + Used to mark an array as containing a set of datapoints to be used + executing a theory within the same fixture that requires an argument + of the Type of the array elements. + + + + + Attribute used to provide descriptive text about a + test case or fixture. + + + + + Construct the attribute + + Text describing the test + + + + Gets the test description + + + + + Enumeration indicating how the expected message parameter is to be used + + + + Expect an exact match + + + Expect a message containing the parameter string + + + Match the regular expression provided as a parameter + + + Expect a message that starts with the parameter string + + + + ExpectedExceptionAttribute + + + + + + Constructor for a non-specific exception + + + + + Constructor for a given type of exception + + The type of the expected exception + + + + Constructor for a given exception name + + The full name of the expected exception + + + + Gets or sets the expected exception type + + + + + Gets or sets the full Type name of the expected exception + + + + + Gets or sets the expected message text + + + + + Gets or sets the user message displayed in case of failure + + + + + Gets or sets the type of match to be performed on the expected message + + + + + Gets the name of a method to be used as an exception handler + + + + + ExplicitAttribute marks a test or test fixture so that it will + only be run if explicitly executed from the gui or command line + or if it is included by use of a filter. The test will not be + run simply because an enclosing suite is run. + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Constructor with a reason + + The reason test is marked explicit + + + + The reason test is marked explicit + + + + + Attribute used to mark a test that is to be ignored. + Ignored tests result in a warning message when the + tests are run. + + + + + Constructs the attribute without giving a reason + for ignoring the test. + + + + + Constructs the attribute giving a reason for ignoring the test + + The reason for ignoring the test + + + + The reason for ignoring a test + + + + + Abstract base for Attributes that are used to include tests + in the test run based on environmental settings. + + + + + Constructor with no included items specified, for use + with named property syntax. + + + + + Constructor taking one or more included items + + Comma-delimited list of included items + + + + Name of the item that is needed in order for + a test to run. Multiple itemss may be given, + separated by a comma. + + + + + Name of the item to be excluded. Multiple items + may be given, separated by a comma. + + + + + The reason for including or excluding the test + + + + + PlatformAttribute is used to mark a test fixture or an + individual method as applying to a particular platform only. + + + + + Constructor with no platforms specified, for use + with named property syntax. + + + + + Constructor taking one or more platforms + + Comma-deliminted list of platforms + + + + CultureAttribute is used to mark a test fixture or an + individual method as applying to a particular Culture only. + + + + + Constructor with no cultures specified, for use + with named property syntax. + + + + + Constructor taking one or more cultures + + Comma-deliminted list of cultures + + + + Marks a test to use a combinatorial join of any argument data + provided. NUnit will create a test case for every combination of + the arguments provided. This can result in a large number of test + cases and so should be used judiciously. This is the default join + type, so the attribute need not be used except as documentation. + + + + + PropertyAttribute is used to attach information to a test as a name/value pair.. + + + + + Construct a PropertyAttribute with a name and string value + + The name of the property + The property value + + + + Construct a PropertyAttribute with a name and int value + + The name of the property + The property value + + + + Construct a PropertyAttribute with a name and double value + + The name of the property + The property value + + + + Constructor for derived classes that set the + property dictionary directly. + + + + + Constructor for use by derived classes that use the + name of the type as the property name. Derived classes + must ensure that the Type of the property value is + a standard type supported by the BCL. Any custom + types will cause a serialization Exception when + in the client. + + + + + Gets the property dictionary for this attribute + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Marks a test to use pairwise join of any argument data provided. + NUnit will attempt too excercise every pair of argument values at + least once, using as small a number of test cases as it can. With + only two arguments, this is the same as a combinatorial join. + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Marks a test to use a sequential join of any argument data + provided. NUnit will use arguements for each parameter in + sequence, generating test cases up to the largest number + of argument values provided and using null for any arguments + for which it runs out of values. Normally, this should be + used with the same number of arguments for each parameter. + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Summary description for MaxTimeAttribute. + + + + + Construct a MaxTimeAttribute, given a time in milliseconds. + + The maximum elapsed time in milliseconds + + + + RandomAttribute is used to supply a set of random values + to a single parameter of a parameterized test. + + + + + ValuesAttribute is used to provide literal arguments for + an individual parameter of a test. + + + + + Abstract base class for attributes that apply to parameters + and supply data for the parameter. + + + + + Gets the data to be provided to the specified parameter + + + + + The collection of data to be returned. Must + be set by any derived attribute classes. + We use an object[] so that the individual + elements may have their type changed in GetData + if necessary. + + + + + Construct with one argument + + + + + + Construct with two arguments + + + + + + + Construct with three arguments + + + + + + + + Construct with an array of arguments + + + + + + Get the collection of values to be used as arguments + + + + + Construct a set of doubles from 0.0 to 1.0, + specifying only the count. + + + + + + Construct a set of doubles from min to max + + + + + + + + Construct a set of ints from min to max + + + + + + + + Get the collection of values to be used as arguments + + + + + RangeAttribute is used to supply a range of values to an + individual parameter of a parameterized test. + + + + + Construct a range of ints using default step of 1 + + + + + + + Construct a range of ints specifying the step size + + + + + + + + Construct a range of longs + + + + + + + + Construct a range of doubles + + + + + + + + Construct a range of floats + + + + + + + + RepeatAttribute may be applied to test case in order + to run it multiple times. + + + + + Construct a RepeatAttribute + + The number of times to run the test + + + + RequiredAddinAttribute may be used to indicate the names of any addins + that must be present in order to run some or all of the tests in an + assembly. If the addin is not loaded, the entire assembly is marked + as NotRunnable. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The required addin. + + + + Gets the name of required addin. + + The required addin name. + + + + Summary description for SetCultureAttribute. + + + + + Construct given the name of a culture + + + + + + Summary description for SetUICultureAttribute. + + + + + Construct given the name of a culture + + + + + + SetUpAttribute is used in a TestFixture to identify a method + that is called immediately before each test is run. It is + also used in a SetUpFixture to identify the method that is + called once, before any of the subordinate tests are run. + + + + + Attribute used to mark a class that contains one-time SetUp + and/or TearDown methods that apply to all the tests in a + namespace or an assembly. + + + + + Attribute used to mark a static (shared in VB) property + that returns a list of tests. + + + + + Attribute used in a TestFixture to identify a method that is + called immediately after each test is run. It is also used + in a SetUpFixture to identify the method that is called once, + after all subordinate tests have run. In either case, the method + is guaranteed to be called, even if an exception is thrown. + + + + + Provide actions to execute before and after tests. + + + + + When implemented by an attribute, this interface implemented to provide actions to execute before and after tests. + + + + + Executed before each test is run + + Provides details about the test that is going to be run. + + + + Executed after each test is run + + Provides details about the test that has just been run. + + + + Provides the target for the action attribute + + The target for the action attribute + + + + Method called before each test + + Info about the test to be run + + + + Method called after each test + + Info about the test that was just run + + + + Gets or sets the ActionTargets for this attribute + + + + + Adding this attribute to a method within a + class makes the method callable from the NUnit test runner. There is a property + called Description which is optional which you can provide a more detailed test + description. This class cannot be inherited. + + + + [TestFixture] + public class Fixture + { + [Test] + public void MethodToTest() + {} + + [Test(Description = "more detailed description")] + publc void TestDescriptionMethod() + {} + } + + + + + + Descriptive text for this test + + + + + TestCaseAttribute is used to mark parameterized test cases + and provide them with their arguments. + + + + + Construct a TestCaseAttribute with a list of arguments. + This constructor is not CLS-Compliant + + + + + + Construct a TestCaseAttribute with a single argument + + + + + + Construct a TestCaseAttribute with a two arguments + + + + + + + Construct a TestCaseAttribute with a three arguments + + + + + + + + Gets the list of arguments to a test case + + + + + Gets or sets the expected result. Use + ExpectedResult by preference. + + The result. + + + + Gets or sets the expected result. + + The result. + + + + Gets a flag indicating whether an expected + result has been set. + + + + + Gets a list of categories associated with this test; + + + + + Gets or sets the category associated with this test. + May be a single category or a comma-separated list. + + + + + Gets or sets the expected exception. + + The expected exception. + + + + Gets or sets the name the expected exception. + + The expected name of the exception. + + + + Gets or sets the expected message of the expected exception + + The expected message of the exception. + + + + Gets or sets the type of match to be performed on the expected message + + + + + Gets or sets the description. + + The description. + + + + Gets or sets the name of the test. + + The name of the test. + + + + Gets or sets the ignored status of the test + + + + + Gets or sets the ignored status of the test + + + + + Gets or sets the explicit status of the test + + + + + Gets or sets the reason for not running the test + + + + + Gets or sets the reason for not running the test. + Set has the side effect of marking the test as ignored. + + The ignore reason. + + + + FactoryAttribute indicates the source to be used to + provide test cases for a test method. + + + + + Construct with the name of the data source, which must + be a property, field or method of the test class itself. + + An array of the names of the factories that will provide data + + + + Construct with a Type, which must implement IEnumerable + + The Type that will provide data + + + + Construct with a Type and name. + that don't support params arrays. + + The Type that will provide data + The name of the method, property or field that will provide data + + + + The name of a the method, property or fiend to be used as a source + + + + + A Type to be used as a source + + + + + Gets or sets the category associated with this test. + May be a single category or a comma-separated list. + + + + + [TestFixture] + public class ExampleClass + {} + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Construct with a object[] representing a set of arguments. + In .NET 2.0, the arguments may later be separated into + type arguments and constructor arguments. + + + + + + Descriptive text for this fixture + + + + + Gets and sets the category for this fixture. + May be a comma-separated list of categories. + + + + + Gets a list of categories for this fixture + + + + + The arguments originally provided to the attribute + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this should be ignored. + + true if ignore; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets or sets the ignore reason. May set Ignored as a side effect. + + The ignore reason. + + + + Get or set the type arguments. If not set + explicitly, any leading arguments that are + Types are taken as type arguments. + + + + + Attribute used to identify a method that is + called before any tests in a fixture are run. + + + + + Attribute used to identify a method that is called after + all the tests in a fixture have run. The method is + guaranteed to be called, even if an exception is thrown. + + + + + Adding this attribute to a method within a + class makes the method callable from the NUnit test runner. There is a property + called Description which is optional which you can provide a more detailed test + description. This class cannot be inherited. + + + + [TestFixture] + public class Fixture + { + [Test] + public void MethodToTest() + {} + + [Test(Description = "more detailed description")] + publc void TestDescriptionMethod() + {} + } + + + + + + Used on a method, marks the test with a timeout value in milliseconds. + The test will be run in a separate thread and is cancelled if the timeout + is exceeded. Used on a method or assembly, sets the default timeout + for all contained test methods. + + + + + Construct a TimeoutAttribute given a time in milliseconds + + The timeout value in milliseconds + + + + Marks a test that must run in the STA, causing it + to run in a separate thread if necessary. + + On methods, you may also use STAThreadAttribute + to serve the same purpose. + + + + + Construct a RequiresSTAAttribute + + + + + Marks a test that must run in the MTA, causing it + to run in a separate thread if necessary. + + On methods, you may also use MTAThreadAttribute + to serve the same purpose. + + + + + Construct a RequiresMTAAttribute + + + + + Marks a test that must run on a separate thread. + + + + + Construct a RequiresThreadAttribute + + + + + Construct a RequiresThreadAttribute, specifying the apartment + + + + + ValueSourceAttribute indicates the source to be used to + provide data for one parameter of a test method. + + + + + Construct with the name of the factory - for use with languages + that don't support params arrays. + + The name of the data source to be used + + + + Construct with a Type and name - for use with languages + that don't support params arrays. + + The Type that will provide data + The name of the method, property or field that will provide data + + + + The name of a the method, property or fiend to be used as a source + + + + + A Type to be used as a source + + + + + AllItemsConstraint applies another constraint to each + item in a collection, succeeding if they all succeed. + + + + + Abstract base class used for prefixes + + + + + The Constraint class is the base of all built-in constraints + within NUnit. It provides the operator overloads used to combine + constraints. + + + + + The IConstraintExpression interface is implemented by all + complete and resolvable constraints and expressions. + + + + + Return the top-level constraint for this expression + + + + + + Static UnsetObject used to detect derived constraints + failing to set the actual value. + + + + + The actual value being tested against a constraint + + + + + The display name of this Constraint for use by ToString() + + + + + Argument fields used by ToString(); + + + + + The builder holding this constraint + + + + + Construct a constraint with no arguments + + + + + Construct a constraint with one argument + + + + + Construct a constraint with two arguments + + + + + Sets the ConstraintBuilder holding this constraint + + + + + Write the failure message to the MessageWriter provided + as an argument. The default implementation simply passes + the constraint and the actual value to the writer, which + then displays the constraint description and the value. + + Constraints that need to provide additional details, + such as where the error occured can override this. + + The MessageWriter on which to display the message + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by an + ActualValueDelegate that returns the value to be tested. + The default implementation simply evaluates the delegate + but derived classes may override it to provide for delayed + processing. + + An + True for success, false for failure + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given reference. + The default implementation simply dereferences the value but + derived classes may override it to provide for delayed processing. + + A reference to the value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Write the actual value for a failing constraint test to a + MessageWriter. The default implementation simply writes + the raw value of actual, leaving it to the writer to + perform any formatting. + + The writer on which the actual value is displayed + + + + Default override of ToString returns the constraint DisplayName + followed by any arguments within angle brackets. + + + + + + Returns the string representation of this constraint + + + + + This operator creates a constraint that is satisfied only if both + argument constraints are satisfied. + + + + + This operator creates a constraint that is satisfied if either + of the argument constraints is satisfied. + + + + + This operator creates a constraint that is satisfied if the + argument constraint is not satisfied. + + + + + Returns a DelayedConstraint with the specified delay time. + + The delay in milliseconds. + + + + + Returns a DelayedConstraint with the specified delay time + and polling interval. + + The delay in milliseconds. + The interval at which to test the constraint. + + + + + The display name of this Constraint for use by ToString(). + The default value is the name of the constraint with + trailing "Constraint" removed. Derived classes may set + this to another name in their constructors. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression by appending And + to the current constraint. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression by appending And + to the current constraint. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression by appending Or + to the current constraint. + + + + + Class used to detect any derived constraints + that fail to set the actual value in their + Matches override. + + + + + The base constraint + + + + + Construct given a base constraint + + + + + + Construct an AllItemsConstraint on top of an existing constraint + + + + + + Apply the item constraint to each item in the collection, + failing if any item fails. + + + + + + + Write a description of this constraint to a MessageWriter + + + + + + AndConstraint succeeds only if both members succeed. + + + + + BinaryConstraint is the abstract base of all constraints + that combine two other constraints in some fashion. + + + + + The first constraint being combined + + + + + The second constraint being combined + + + + + Construct a BinaryConstraint from two other constraints + + The first constraint + The second constraint + + + + Create an AndConstraint from two other constraints + + The first constraint + The second constraint + + + + Apply both member constraints to an actual value, succeeding + succeeding only if both of them succeed. + + The actual value + True if the constraints both succeeded + + + + Write a description for this contraint to a MessageWriter + + The MessageWriter to receive the description + + + + Write the actual value for a failing constraint test to a + MessageWriter. The default implementation simply writes + the raw value of actual, leaving it to the writer to + perform any formatting. + + The writer on which the actual value is displayed + + + + AssignableFromConstraint is used to test that an object + can be assigned from a given Type. + + + + + TypeConstraint is the abstract base for constraints + that take a Type as their expected value. + + + + + The expected Type used by the constraint + + + + + Construct a TypeConstraint for a given Type + + + + + + Write the actual value for a failing constraint test to a + MessageWriter. TypeConstraints override this method to write + the name of the type. + + The writer on which the actual value is displayed + + + + Construct an AssignableFromConstraint for the type provided + + + + + + Test whether an object can be assigned from the specified type + + The object to be tested + True if the object can be assigned a value of the expected Type, otherwise false. + + + + Write a description of this constraint to a MessageWriter + + The MessageWriter to use + + + + AssignableToConstraint is used to test that an object + can be assigned to a given Type. + + + + + Construct an AssignableToConstraint for the type provided + + + + + + Test whether an object can be assigned to the specified type + + The object to be tested + True if the object can be assigned a value of the expected Type, otherwise false. + + + + Write a description of this constraint to a MessageWriter + + The MessageWriter to use + + + + AttributeConstraint tests that a specified attribute is present + on a Type or other provider and that the value of the attribute + satisfies some other constraint. + + + + + Constructs an AttributeConstraint for a specified attriute + Type and base constraint. + + + + + + + Determines whether the Type or other provider has the + expected attribute and if its value matches the + additional constraint specified. + + + + + Writes a description of the attribute to the specified writer. + + + + + Writes the actual value supplied to the specified writer. + + + + + Returns a string representation of the constraint. + + + + + AttributeExistsConstraint tests for the presence of a + specified attribute on a Type. + + + + + Constructs an AttributeExistsConstraint for a specific attribute Type + + + + + + Tests whether the object provides the expected attribute. + + A Type, MethodInfo, or other ICustomAttributeProvider + True if the expected attribute is present, otherwise false + + + + Writes the description of the constraint to the specified writer + + + + + BasicConstraint is the abstract base for constraints that + perform a simple comparison to a constant value. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The expected. + The description. + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + BinarySerializableConstraint tests whether + an object is serializable in binary format. + + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Write the actual value for a failing constraint test to a + MessageWriter. The default implementation simply writes + the raw value of actual, leaving it to the writer to + perform any formatting. + + The writer on which the actual value is displayed + + + + Returns the string representation + + + + + CollectionConstraint is the abstract base class for + constraints that operate on collections. + + + + + Construct an empty CollectionConstraint + + + + + Construct a CollectionConstraint + + + + + + Determines whether the specified enumerable is empty. + + The enumerable. + + true if the specified enumerable is empty; otherwise, false. + + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Protected method to be implemented by derived classes + + + + + + + CollectionContainsConstraint is used to test whether a collection + contains an expected object as a member. + + + + + CollectionItemsEqualConstraint is the abstract base class for all + collection constraints that apply some notion of item equality + as a part of their operation. + + + + + Construct an empty CollectionConstraint + + + + + Construct a CollectionConstraint + + + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied EqualityAdapter. + NOTE: For internal use only. + + The EqualityAdapter to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied IComparer object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied IComparer object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied Comparison object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied IEqualityComparer object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied IEqualityComparer object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Compares two collection members for equality + + + + + Return a new CollectionTally for use in making tests + + The collection to be included in the tally + + + + Flag the constraint to ignore case and return self. + + + + + Construct a CollectionContainsConstraint + + + + + + Test whether the expected item is contained in the collection + + + + + + + Write a descripton of the constraint to a MessageWriter + + + + + + CollectionEquivalentCOnstraint is used to determine whether two + collections are equivalent. + + + + + Construct a CollectionEquivalentConstraint + + + + + + Test whether two collections are equivalent + + + + + + + Write a description of this constraint to a MessageWriter + + + + + + CollectionOrderedConstraint is used to test whether a collection is ordered. + + + + + Construct a CollectionOrderedConstraint + + + + + Modifies the constraint to use an IComparer and returns self. + + + + + Modifies the constraint to use an IComparer<T> and returns self. + + + + + Modifies the constraint to use a Comparison<T> and returns self. + + + + + Modifies the constraint to test ordering by the value of + a specified property and returns self. + + + + + Test whether the collection is ordered + + + + + + + Write a description of the constraint to a MessageWriter + + + + + + Returns the string representation of the constraint. + + + + + + If used performs a reverse comparison + + + + + CollectionSubsetConstraint is used to determine whether + one collection is a subset of another + + + + + Construct a CollectionSubsetConstraint + + The collection that the actual value is expected to be a subset of + + + + Test whether the actual collection is a subset of + the expected collection provided. + + + + + + + Write a description of this constraint to a MessageWriter + + + + + + CollectionTally counts (tallies) the number of + occurences of each object in one or more enumerations. + + + + + Construct a CollectionTally object from a comparer and a collection + + + + + Try to remove an object from the tally + + The object to remove + True if successful, false if the object was not found + + + + Try to remove a set of objects from the tally + + The objects to remove + True if successful, false if any object was not found + + + + The number of objects remaining in the tally + + + + + ComparisonAdapter class centralizes all comparisons of + values in NUnit, adapting to the use of any provided + IComparer, IComparer<T> or Comparison<T> + + + + + Returns a ComparisonAdapter that wraps an IComparer + + + + + Returns a ComparisonAdapter that wraps an IComparer<T> + + + + + Returns a ComparisonAdapter that wraps a Comparison<T> + + + + + Compares two objects + + + + + Gets the default ComparisonAdapter, which wraps an + NUnitComparer object. + + + + + Construct a ComparisonAdapter for an IComparer + + + + + Compares two objects + + + + + + + + Construct a default ComparisonAdapter + + + + + ComparisonAdapter<T> extends ComparisonAdapter and + allows use of an IComparer<T> or Comparison<T> + to actually perform the comparison. + + + + + Construct a ComparisonAdapter for an IComparer<T> + + + + + Compare a Type T to an object + + + + + Construct a ComparisonAdapter for a Comparison<T> + + + + + Compare a Type T to an object + + + + + Abstract base class for constraints that compare values to + determine if one is greater than, equal to or less than + the other. This class supplies the Using modifiers. + + + + + ComparisonAdapter to be used in making the comparison + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Modifies the constraint to use an IComparer and returns self + + + + + Modifies the constraint to use an IComparer<T> and returns self + + + + + Modifies the constraint to use a Comparison<T> and returns self + + + + + Delegate used to delay evaluation of the actual value + to be used in evaluating a constraint + + + + + ConstraintBuilder maintains the stacks that are used in + processing a ConstraintExpression. An OperatorStack + is used to hold operators that are waiting for their + operands to be reognized. a ConstraintStack holds + input constraints as well as the results of each + operator applied. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Appends the specified operator to the expression by first + reducing the operator stack and then pushing the new + operator on the stack. + + The operator to push. + + + + Appends the specified constraint to the expresson by pushing + it on the constraint stack. + + The constraint to push. + + + + Sets the top operator right context. + + The right context. + + + + Reduces the operator stack until the topmost item + precedence is greater than or equal to the target precedence. + + The target precedence. + + + + Resolves this instance, returning a Constraint. If the builder + is not currently in a resolvable state, an exception is thrown. + + The resolved constraint + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this instance is resolvable. + + + true if this instance is resolvable; otherwise, false. + + + + + OperatorStack is a type-safe stack for holding ConstraintOperators + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The builder. + + + + Pushes the specified operator onto the stack. + + The op. + + + + Pops the topmost operator from the stack. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is empty. + + true if empty; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets the topmost operator without modifying the stack. + + The top. + + + + ConstraintStack is a type-safe stack for holding Constraints + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The builder. + + + + Pushes the specified constraint. As a side effect, + the constraint's builder field is set to the + ConstraintBuilder owning this stack. + + The constraint. + + + + Pops this topmost constrait from the stack. + As a side effect, the constraint's builder + field is set to null. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is empty. + + true if empty; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets the topmost constraint without modifying the stack. + + The topmost constraint + + + + ConstraintExpression represents a compound constraint in the + process of being constructed from a series of syntactic elements. + + Individual elements are appended to the expression as they are + reognized. Once an actual Constraint is appended, the expression + returns a resolvable Constraint. + + + + + ConstraintExpressionBase is the abstract base class for the + ConstraintExpression class, which represents a + compound constraint in the process of being constructed + from a series of syntactic elements. + + NOTE: ConstraintExpressionBase is separate because the + ConstraintExpression class was generated in earlier + versions of NUnit. The two classes may be combined + in a future version. + + + + + The ConstraintBuilder holding the elements recognized so far + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class passing in a ConstraintBuilder, which may be pre-populated. + + The builder. + + + + Returns a string representation of the expression as it + currently stands. This should only be used for testing, + since it has the side-effect of resolving the expression. + + + + + + Appends an operator to the expression and returns the + resulting expression itself. + + + + + Appends a self-resolving operator to the expression and + returns a new ResolvableConstraintExpression. + + + + + Appends a constraint to the expression and returns that + constraint, which is associated with the current state + of the expression being built. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class passing in a ConstraintBuilder, which may be pre-populated. + + The builder. + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply + the following constraint to all members of a collection, + succeeding only if a specified number of them succeed. + + + + + Returns a new PropertyConstraintExpression, which will either + test for the existence of the named property on the object + being tested or apply any following constraint to that property. + + + + + Returns a new AttributeConstraint checking for the + presence of a particular attribute on an object. + + + + + Returns a new AttributeConstraint checking for the + presence of a particular attribute on an object. + + + + + Returns the constraint provided as an argument - used to allow custom + custom constraints to easily participate in the syntax. + + + + + Returns the constraint provided as an argument - used to allow custom + custom constraints to easily participate in the syntax. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests two items for equality + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests that two references are the same object + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is greater than the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is greater than or equal to the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is greater than or equal to the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is less than the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is less than or equal to the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the + actual value is less than or equal to the suppled argument + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual + value is of the exact type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual + value is of the exact type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is of the type supplied as an argument or a derived type. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is assignable from the type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is assignable from the type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is assignable from the type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is assignable from the type supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is a collection containing the same elements as the + collection supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value + is a subset of the collection supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a new CollectionContainsConstraint checking for the + presence of a particular object in the collection. + + + + + Returns a new CollectionContainsConstraint checking for the + presence of a particular object in the collection. + + + + + Returns a new ContainsConstraint. This constraint + will, in turn, make use of the appropriate second-level + constraint, depending on the type of the actual argument. + This overload is only used if the item sought is a string, + since any other type implies that we are looking for a + collection member. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value contains the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value contains the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value starts with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value starts with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value ends with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value ends with the substring supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value matches the regular expression supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that succeeds if the actual + value matches the regular expression supplied as an argument. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the path provided + is the same as an expected path after canonicalization. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the path provided + is the same path or under an expected path after canonicalization. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the path provided + is the same path or under an expected path after canonicalization. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether the actual value falls + within a specified range. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression that negates any + following constraint. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression that negates any + following constraint. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply + the following constraint to all members of a collection, + succeeding if all of them succeed. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply + the following constraint to all members of a collection, + succeeding if at least one of them succeeds. + + + + + Returns a ConstraintExpression, which will apply + the following constraint to all members of a collection, + succeeding if all of them fail. + + + + + Returns a new ConstraintExpression, which will apply the following + constraint to the Length property of the object being tested. + + + + + Returns a new ConstraintExpression, which will apply the following + constraint to the Count property of the object being tested. + + + + + Returns a new ConstraintExpression, which will apply the following + constraint to the Message property of the object being tested. + + + + + Returns a new ConstraintExpression, which will apply the following + constraint to the InnerException property of the object being tested. + + + + + With is currently a NOP - reserved for future use. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for null + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for True + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for False + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for a positive value + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for a negative value + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for NaN + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests for empty + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether a collection + contains all unique items. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether an object graph is serializable in binary format. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether an object graph is serializable in xml format. + + + + + Returns a constraint that tests whether a collection is ordered + + + + + ContainsConstraint tests a whether a string contains a substring + or a collection contains an object. It postpones the decision of + which test to use until the type of the actual argument is known. + This allows testing whether a string is contained in a collection + or as a substring of another string using the same syntax. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The expected. + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied IComparer object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied IComparer object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied Comparison object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied IEqualityComparer object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied IEqualityComparer object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to ignore case and return self. + + + + + Applies a delay to the match so that a match can be evaluated in the future. + + + + + Creates a new DelayedConstraint + + The inner constraint two decorate + The time interval after which the match is performed + If the value of is less than 0 + + + + Creates a new DelayedConstraint + + The inner constraint two decorate + The time interval after which the match is performed + The time interval used for polling + If the value of is less than 0 + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for if the base constraint fails, false if it succeeds + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a delegate + + The delegate whose value is to be tested + True for if the base constraint fails, false if it succeeds + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given reference. + Overridden to wait for the specified delay period before + calling the base constraint with the dereferenced value. + + A reference to the value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Write the actual value for a failing constraint test to a MessageWriter. + + The writer on which the actual value is displayed + + + + Returns the string representation of the constraint. + + + + + EmptyCollectionConstraint tests whether a collection is empty. + + + + + Check that the collection is empty + + + + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + + + + + EmptyConstraint tests a whether a string or collection is empty, + postponing the decision about which test is applied until the + type of the actual argument is known. + + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + EmptyDirectoryConstraint is used to test that a directory is empty + + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Write the actual value for a failing constraint test to a + MessageWriter. The default implementation simply writes + the raw value of actual, leaving it to the writer to + perform any formatting. + + The writer on which the actual value is displayed + + + + EmptyStringConstraint tests whether a string is empty. + + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + EndsWithConstraint can test whether a string ends + with an expected substring. + + + + + StringConstraint is the abstract base for constraints + that operate on strings. It supports the IgnoreCase + modifier for string operations. + + + + + The expected value + + + + + Indicates whether tests should be case-insensitive + + + + + Constructs a StringConstraint given an expected value + + The expected value + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given string + + The string to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Modify the constraint to ignore case in matching. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The expected string + + + + Test whether the constraint is matched by the actual value. + This is a template method, which calls the IsMatch method + of the derived class. + + + + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + EqualConstraint is able to compare an actual value with the + expected value provided in its constructor. Two objects are + considered equal if both are null, or if both have the same + value. NUnit has special semantics for some object types. + + + + + If true, strings in error messages will be clipped + + + + + NUnitEqualityComparer used to test equality. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The expected value. + + + + Flag the constraint to use a tolerance when determining equality. + + Tolerance value to be used + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied IComparer object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied IComparer object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied IComparer object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied Comparison object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied IEqualityComparer object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Flag the constraint to use the supplied IEqualityComparer object. + + The IComparer object to use. + Self. + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write a failure message. Overridden to provide custom + failure messages for EqualConstraint. + + The MessageWriter to write to + + + + Write description of this constraint + + The MessageWriter to write to + + + + Display the failure information for two collections that did not match. + + The MessageWriter on which to display + The expected collection. + The actual collection + The depth of this failure in a set of nested collections + + + + Displays a single line showing the types and sizes of the expected + and actual enumerations, collections or arrays. If both are identical, + the value is only shown once. + + The MessageWriter on which to display + The expected collection or array + The actual collection or array + The indentation level for the message line + + + + Displays a single line showing the point in the expected and actual + arrays at which the comparison failed. If the arrays have different + structures or dimensions, both values are shown. + + The MessageWriter on which to display + The expected array + The actual array + Index of the failure point in the underlying collections + The indentation level for the message line + + + + Display the failure information for two IEnumerables that did not match. + + The MessageWriter on which to display + The expected enumeration. + The actual enumeration + The depth of this failure in a set of nested collections + + + + Flag the constraint to ignore case and return self. + + + + + Flag the constraint to suppress string clipping + and return self. + + + + + Flag the constraint to compare arrays as collections + and return self. + + + + + Switches the .Within() modifier to interpret its tolerance as + a distance in representable values (see remarks). + + Self. + + Ulp stands for "unit in the last place" and describes the minimum + amount a given value can change. For any integers, an ulp is 1 whole + digit. For floating point values, the accuracy of which is better + for smaller numbers and worse for larger numbers, an ulp depends + on the size of the number. Using ulps for comparison of floating + point results instead of fixed tolerances is safer because it will + automatically compensate for the added inaccuracy of larger numbers. + + + + + Switches the .Within() modifier to interpret its tolerance as + a percentage that the actual values is allowed to deviate from + the expected value. + + Self + + + + Causes the tolerance to be interpreted as a TimeSpan in days. + + Self + + + + Causes the tolerance to be interpreted as a TimeSpan in hours. + + Self + + + + Causes the tolerance to be interpreted as a TimeSpan in minutes. + + Self + + + + Causes the tolerance to be interpreted as a TimeSpan in seconds. + + Self + + + + Causes the tolerance to be interpreted as a TimeSpan in milliseconds. + + Self + + + + Causes the tolerance to be interpreted as a TimeSpan in clock ticks. + + Self + + + + EqualityAdapter class handles all equality comparisons + that use an IEqualityComparer, IEqualityComparer<T> + or a ComparisonAdapter. + + + + + Compares two objects, returning true if they are equal + + + + + Returns true if the two objects can be compared by this adapter. + The base adapter cannot handle IEnumerables except for strings. + + + + + Returns an EqualityAdapter that wraps an IComparer. + + + + + Returns an EqualityAdapter that wraps an IEqualityComparer. + + + + + Returns an EqualityAdapter that wraps an IEqualityComparer<T>. + + + + + Returns an EqualityAdapter that wraps an IComparer<T>. + + + + + Returns an EqualityAdapter that wraps a Comparison<T>. + + + + + EqualityAdapter that wraps an IComparer. + + + + + Returns true if the two objects can be compared by this adapter. + Generic adapter requires objects of the specified type. + + + + + EqualityAdapter that wraps an IComparer. + + + + + EqualityAdapterList represents a list of EqualityAdapters + in a common class across platforms. + + + + + ExactCountConstraint applies another constraint to each + item in a collection, succeeding only if a specified + number of items succeed. + + + + + Construct an ExactCountConstraint on top of an existing constraint + + + + + + + Apply the item constraint to each item in the collection, + succeeding only if the expected number of items pass. + + + + + + + Write a description of this constraint to a MessageWriter + + + + + + ExactTypeConstraint is used to test that an object + is of the exact type provided in the constructor + + + + + Construct an ExactTypeConstraint for a given Type + + The expected Type. + + + + Test that an object is of the exact type specified + + The actual value. + True if the tested object is of the exact type provided, otherwise false. + + + + Write the description of this constraint to a MessageWriter + + The MessageWriter to use + + + + ExceptionTypeConstraint is a special version of ExactTypeConstraint + used to provided detailed info about the exception thrown in + an error message. + + + + + Constructs an ExceptionTypeConstraint + + + + + Write the actual value for a failing constraint test to a + MessageWriter. Overriden to write additional information + in the case of an Exception. + + The MessageWriter to use + + + + FailurePoint class represents one point of failure + in an equality test. + + + + + The location of the failure + + + + + The expected value + + + + + The actual value + + + + + Indicates whether the expected value is valid + + + + + Indicates whether the actual value is valid + + + + + FailurePointList represents a set of FailurePoints + in a cross-platform way. + + + + + FalseConstraint tests that the actual value is false + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Helper routines for working with floating point numbers + + + The floating point comparison code is based on this excellent article: + + + + "ULP" means Unit in the Last Place and in the context of this library refers to + the distance between two adjacent floating point numbers. IEEE floating point + numbers can only represent a finite subset of natural numbers, with greater + accuracy for smaller numbers and lower accuracy for very large numbers. + + + If a comparison is allowed "2 ulps" of deviation, that means the values are + allowed to deviate by up to 2 adjacent floating point values, which might be + as low as 0.0000001 for small numbers or as high as 10.0 for large numbers. + + + + + Compares two floating point values for equality + First floating point value to be compared + Second floating point value t be compared + + Maximum number of representable floating point values that are allowed to + be between the left and the right floating point values + + True if both numbers are equal or close to being equal + + + Floating point values can only represent a finite subset of natural numbers. + For example, the values 2.00000000 and 2.00000024 can be stored in a float, + but nothing inbetween them. + + + This comparison will count how many possible floating point values are between + the left and the right number. If the number of possible values between both + numbers is less than or equal to maxUlps, then the numbers are considered as + being equal. + + + Implementation partially follows the code outlined here: + + + + + + Compares two double precision floating point values for equality + First double precision floating point value to be compared + Second double precision floating point value t be compared + + Maximum number of representable double precision floating point values that are + allowed to be between the left and the right double precision floating point values + + True if both numbers are equal or close to being equal + + + Double precision floating point values can only represent a limited series of + natural numbers. For example, the values 2.0000000000000000 and 2.0000000000000004 + can be stored in a double, but nothing inbetween them. + + + This comparison will count how many possible double precision floating point + values are between the left and the right number. If the number of possible + values between both numbers is less than or equal to maxUlps, then the numbers + are considered as being equal. + + + Implementation partially follows the code outlined here: + + + + + + + Reinterprets the memory contents of a floating point value as an integer value + + + Floating point value whose memory contents to reinterpret + + + The memory contents of the floating point value interpreted as an integer + + + + + Reinterprets the memory contents of a double precision floating point + value as an integer value + + + Double precision floating point value whose memory contents to reinterpret + + + The memory contents of the double precision floating point value + interpreted as an integer + + + + + Reinterprets the memory contents of an integer as a floating point value + + Integer value whose memory contents to reinterpret + + The memory contents of the integer value interpreted as a floating point value + + + + + Reinterprets the memory contents of an integer value as a double precision + floating point value + + Integer whose memory contents to reinterpret + + The memory contents of the integer interpreted as a double precision + floating point value + + + + Union of a floating point variable and an integer + + + The union's value as a floating point variable + + + The union's value as an integer + + + The union's value as an unsigned integer + + + Union of a double precision floating point variable and a long + + + The union's value as a double precision floating point variable + + + The union's value as a long + + + The union's value as an unsigned long + + + + Tests whether a value is greater than the value supplied to its constructor + + + + + The value against which a comparison is to be made + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The expected value. + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Tests whether a value is greater than or equal to the value supplied to its constructor + + + + + The value against which a comparison is to be made + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The expected value. + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + InstanceOfTypeConstraint is used to test that an object + is of the same type provided or derived from it. + + + + + Construct an InstanceOfTypeConstraint for the type provided + + The expected Type + + + + Test whether an object is of the specified type or a derived type + + The object to be tested + True if the object is of the provided type or derives from it, otherwise false. + + + + Write a description of this constraint to a MessageWriter + + The MessageWriter to use + + + + Tests whether a value is less than the value supplied to its constructor + + + + + The value against which a comparison is to be made + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The expected value. + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Tests whether a value is less than or equal to the value supplied to its constructor + + + + + The value against which a comparison is to be made + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The expected value. + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Static methods used in creating messages + + + + + Static string used when strings are clipped + + + + + Returns the representation of a type as used in NUnitLite. + This is the same as Type.ToString() except for arrays, + which are displayed with their declared sizes. + + + + + + + Converts any control characters in a string + to their escaped representation. + + The string to be converted + The converted string + + + + Return the a string representation for a set of indices into an array + + Array of indices for which a string is needed + + + + Get an array of indices representing the point in a enumerable, + collection or array corresponding to a single int index into the + collection. + + The collection to which the indices apply + Index in the collection + Array of indices + + + + Clip a string to a given length, starting at a particular offset, returning the clipped + string with ellipses representing the removed parts + + The string to be clipped + The maximum permitted length of the result string + The point at which to start clipping + The clipped string + + + + Clip the expected and actual strings in a coordinated fashion, + so that they may be displayed together. + + + + + + + + + Shows the position two strings start to differ. Comparison + starts at the start index. + + The expected string + The actual string + The index in the strings at which comparison should start + Boolean indicating whether case should be ignored + -1 if no mismatch found, or the index where mismatch found + + + + NaNConstraint tests that the actual value is a double or float NaN + + + + + Test that the actual value is an NaN + + + + + + + Write the constraint description to a specified writer + + + + + + NoItemConstraint applies another constraint to each + item in a collection, failing if any of them succeeds. + + + + + Construct a NoItemConstraint on top of an existing constraint + + + + + + Apply the item constraint to each item in the collection, + failing if any item fails. + + + + + + + Write a description of this constraint to a MessageWriter + + + + + + NotConstraint negates the effect of some other constraint + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The base constraint to be negated. + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for if the base constraint fails, false if it succeeds + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Write the actual value for a failing constraint test to a MessageWriter. + + The writer on which the actual value is displayed + + + + NullConstraint tests that the actual value is null + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + NullEmptyStringConstraint tests whether a string is either null or empty. + + + + + Constructs a new NullOrEmptyStringConstraint + + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + The Numerics class contains common operations on numeric values. + + + + + Checks the type of the object, returning true if + the object is a numeric type. + + The object to check + true if the object is a numeric type + + + + Checks the type of the object, returning true if + the object is a floating point numeric type. + + The object to check + true if the object is a floating point numeric type + + + + Checks the type of the object, returning true if + the object is a fixed point numeric type. + + The object to check + true if the object is a fixed point numeric type + + + + Test two numeric values for equality, performing the usual numeric + conversions and using a provided or default tolerance. If the tolerance + provided is Empty, this method may set it to a default tolerance. + + The expected value + The actual value + A reference to the tolerance in effect + True if the values are equal + + + + Compare two numeric values, performing the usual numeric conversions. + + The expected value + The actual value + The relationship of the values to each other + + + + NUnitComparer encapsulates NUnit's default behavior + in comparing two objects. + + + + + Compares two objects + + + + + + + + Returns the default NUnitComparer. + + + + + Generic version of NUnitComparer + + + + + + Compare two objects of the same type + + + + + NUnitEqualityComparer encapsulates NUnit's handling of + equality tests between objects. + + + + + + + + + + Compares two objects for equality within a tolerance + + The first object to compare + The second object to compare + The tolerance to use in the comparison + + + + + If true, all string comparisons will ignore case + + + + + If true, arrays will be treated as collections, allowing + those of different dimensions to be compared + + + + + Comparison objects used in comparisons for some constraints. + + + + + List of points at which a failure occured. + + + + + RecursionDetector used to check for recursion when + evaluating self-referencing enumerables. + + + + + Compares two objects for equality within a tolerance, setting + the tolerance to the actual tolerance used if an empty + tolerance is supplied. + + + + + Helper method to compare two arrays + + + + + Method to compare two DirectoryInfo objects + + first directory to compare + second directory to compare + true if equivalent, false if not + + + + Returns the default NUnitEqualityComparer + + + + + Gets and sets a flag indicating whether case should + be ignored in determining equality. + + + + + Gets and sets a flag indicating that arrays should be + compared as collections, without regard to their shape. + + + + + Gets the list of external comparers to be used to + test for equality. They are applied to members of + collections, in place of NUnit's own logic. + + + + + Gets the list of failure points for the last Match performed. + The list consists of objects to be interpreted by the caller. + This generally means that the caller may only make use of + objects it has placed on the list at a particular depthy. + + + + + RecursionDetector detects when a comparison + between two enumerables has reached a point + where the same objects that were previously + compared are again being compared. This allows + the caller to stop the comparison if desired. + + + + + Check whether two objects have previously + been compared, returning true if they have. + The two objects are remembered, so that a + second call will always return true. + + + + + OrConstraint succeeds if either member succeeds + + + + + Create an OrConstraint from two other constraints + + The first constraint + The second constraint + + + + Apply the member constraints to an actual value, succeeding + succeeding as soon as one of them succeeds. + + The actual value + True if either constraint succeeded + + + + Write a description for this contraint to a MessageWriter + + The MessageWriter to receive the description + + + + PathConstraint serves as the abstract base of constraints + that operate on paths and provides several helper methods. + + + + + The expected path used in the constraint + + + + + Flag indicating whether a caseInsensitive comparison should be made + + + + + Construct a PathConstraint for a give expected path + + The expected path + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Returns true if the expected path and actual path match + + + + + Returns the string representation of this constraint + + + + + Transform the provided path to its canonical form so that it + may be more easily be compared with other paths. + + The original path + The path in canonical form + + + + Test whether one path in canonical form is under another. + + The first path - supposed to be the parent path + The second path - supposed to be the child path + Indicates whether case should be ignored + + + + + Modifies the current instance to be case-insensitve + and returns it. + + + + + Modifies the current instance to be case-sensitve + and returns it. + + + + + Predicate constraint wraps a Predicate in a constraint, + returning success if the predicate is true. + + + + + Construct a PredicateConstraint from a predicate + + + + + Determines whether the predicate succeeds when applied + to the actual value. + + + + + Writes the description to a MessageWriter + + + + + PropertyConstraint extracts a named property and uses + its value as the actual value for a chained constraint. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The name. + The constraint to apply to the property. + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Write the actual value for a failing constraint test to a + MessageWriter. The default implementation simply writes + the raw value of actual, leaving it to the writer to + perform any formatting. + + The writer on which the actual value is displayed + + + + Returns the string representation of the constraint. + + + + + + PropertyExistsConstraint tests that a named property + exists on the object provided through Match. + + Originally, PropertyConstraint provided this feature + in addition to making optional tests on the vaue + of the property. The two constraints are now separate. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The name of the property. + + + + Test whether the property exists for a given object + + The object to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Write the actual value for a failing constraint test to a + MessageWriter. + + The writer on which the actual value is displayed + + + + Returns the string representation of the constraint. + + + + + + RangeConstraint tests whether two values are within a + specified range. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + From. + To. + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + RegexConstraint can test whether a string matches + the pattern provided. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The pattern. + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + ResolvableConstraintExpression is used to represent a compound + constraint being constructed at a point where the last operator + may either terminate the expression or may have additional + qualifying constraints added to it. + + It is used, for example, for a Property element or for + an Exception element, either of which may be optionally + followed by constraints that apply to the property or + exception. + + + + + Create a new instance of ResolvableConstraintExpression + + + + + Create a new instance of ResolvableConstraintExpression, + passing in a pre-populated ConstraintBuilder. + + + + + Resolve the current expression to a Constraint + + + + + This operator creates a constraint that is satisfied only if both + argument constraints are satisfied. + + + + + This operator creates a constraint that is satisfied only if both + argument constraints are satisfied. + + + + + This operator creates a constraint that is satisfied only if both + argument constraints are satisfied. + + + + + This operator creates a constraint that is satisfied if either + of the argument constraints is satisfied. + + + + + This operator creates a constraint that is satisfied if either + of the argument constraints is satisfied. + + + + + This operator creates a constraint that is satisfied if either + of the argument constraints is satisfied. + + + + + This operator creates a constraint that is satisfied if the + argument constraint is not satisfied. + + + + + Appends an And Operator to the expression + + + + + Appends an Or operator to the expression. + + + + + ReusableConstraint wraps a constraint expression after + resolving it so that it can be reused consistently. + + + + + Construct a ReusableConstraint from a constraint expression + + The expression to be resolved and reused + + + + Converts a constraint to a ReusableConstraint + + The constraint to be converted + A ReusableConstraint + + + + Returns the string representation of the constraint. + + A string representing the constraint + + + + Resolves the ReusableConstraint by returning the constraint + that it originally wrapped. + + A resolved constraint + + + + SameAsConstraint tests whether an object is identical to + the object passed to its constructor + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The expected object. + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Summary description for SamePathConstraint. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The expected path + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The expected path + The actual path + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + SamePathOrUnderConstraint tests that one path is under another + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The expected path + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The expected path + The actual path + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + SomeItemsConstraint applies another constraint to each + item in a collection, succeeding if any of them succeeds. + + + + + Construct a SomeItemsConstraint on top of an existing constraint + + + + + + Apply the item constraint to each item in the collection, + succeeding if any item succeeds. + + + + + + + Write a description of this constraint to a MessageWriter + + + + + + StartsWithConstraint can test whether a string starts + with an expected substring. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The expected string + + + + Test whether the constraint is matched by the actual value. + This is a template method, which calls the IsMatch method + of the derived class. + + + + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + SubPathConstraint tests that the actual path is under the expected path + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The expected path + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The expected path + The actual path + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + SubstringConstraint can test whether a string contains + the expected substring. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The expected. + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + ThrowsConstraint is used to test the exception thrown by + a delegate by applying a constraint to it. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class, + using a constraint to be applied to the exception. + + A constraint to apply to the caught exception. + + + + Executes the code of the delegate and captures any exception. + If a non-null base constraint was provided, it applies that + constraint to the exception. + + A delegate representing the code to be tested + True if an exception is thrown and the constraint succeeds, otherwise false + + + + Converts an ActualValueDelegate to a TestDelegate + before calling the primary overload. + + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Write the actual value for a failing constraint test to a + MessageWriter. The default implementation simply writes + the raw value of actual, leaving it to the writer to + perform any formatting. + + The writer on which the actual value is displayed + + + + Returns the string representation of this constraint + + + + + Get the actual exception thrown - used by Assert.Throws. + + + + + ThrowsNothingConstraint tests that a delegate does not + throw an exception. + + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True if no exception is thrown, otherwise false + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given delegate + + Delegate returning the value to be tested + True if no exception is thrown, otherwise false + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Write the actual value for a failing constraint test to a + MessageWriter. Overridden in ThrowsNothingConstraint to write + information about the exception that was actually caught. + + The writer on which the actual value is displayed + + + + The Tolerance class generalizes the notion of a tolerance + within which an equality test succeeds. Normally, it is + used with numeric types, but it can be used with any + type that supports taking a difference between two + objects and comparing that difference to a value. + + + + + Constructs a linear tolerance of a specdified amount + + + + + Constructs a tolerance given an amount and ToleranceMode + + + + + Tests that the current Tolerance is linear with a + numeric value, throwing an exception if it is not. + + + + + Returns an empty Tolerance object, equivalent to + specifying no tolerance. In most cases, it results + in an exact match but for floats and doubles a + default tolerance may be used. + + + + + Returns a zero Tolerance object, equivalent to + specifying an exact match. + + + + + Gets the ToleranceMode for the current Tolerance + + + + + Gets the value of the current Tolerance instance. + + + + + Returns a new tolerance, using the current amount as a percentage. + + + + + Returns a new tolerance, using the current amount in Ulps. + + + + + Returns a new tolerance with a TimeSpan as the amount, using + the current amount as a number of days. + + + + + Returns a new tolerance with a TimeSpan as the amount, using + the current amount as a number of hours. + + + + + Returns a new tolerance with a TimeSpan as the amount, using + the current amount as a number of minutes. + + + + + Returns a new tolerance with a TimeSpan as the amount, using + the current amount as a number of seconds. + + + + + Returns a new tolerance with a TimeSpan as the amount, using + the current amount as a number of milliseconds. + + + + + Returns a new tolerance with a TimeSpan as the amount, using + the current amount as a number of clock ticks. + + + + + Returns true if the current tolerance is empty. + + + + + Modes in which the tolerance value for a comparison can be interpreted. + + + + + The tolerance was created with a value, without specifying + how the value would be used. This is used to prevent setting + the mode more than once and is generally changed to Linear + upon execution of the test. + + + + + The tolerance is used as a numeric range within which + two compared values are considered to be equal. + + + + + Interprets the tolerance as the percentage by which + the two compared values my deviate from each other. + + + + + Compares two values based in their distance in + representable numbers. + + + + + TrueConstraint tests that the actual value is true + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + UniqueItemsConstraint tests whether all the items in a + collection are unique. + + + + + Check that all items are unique. + + + + + + + Write a description of this constraint to a MessageWriter + + + + + + XmlSerializableConstraint tests whether + an object is serializable in XML format. + + + + + Test whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value + + The value to be tested + True for success, false for failure + + + + Write the constraint description to a MessageWriter + + The writer on which the description is displayed + + + + Write the actual value for a failing constraint test to a + MessageWriter. The default implementation simply writes + the raw value of actual, leaving it to the writer to + perform any formatting. + + The writer on which the actual value is displayed + + + + Returns the string representation of this constraint + + + + + Represents a constraint that succeeds if all the + members of a collection match a base constraint. + + + + + Abstract base for operators that indicate how to + apply a constraint to items in a collection. + + + + + PrefixOperator takes a single constraint and modifies + it's action in some way. + + + + + The ConstraintOperator class is used internally by a + ConstraintBuilder to represent an operator that + modifies or combines constraints. + + Constraint operators use left and right precedence + values to determine whether the top operator on the + stack should be reduced before pushing a new operator. + + + + + The precedence value used when the operator + is about to be pushed to the stack. + + + + + The precedence value used when the operator + is on the top of the stack. + + + + + Reduce produces a constraint from the operator and + any arguments. It takes the arguments from the constraint + stack and pushes the resulting constraint on it. + + + + + + The syntax element preceding this operator + + + + + The syntax element folowing this operator + + + + + The precedence value used when the operator + is about to be pushed to the stack. + + + + + The precedence value used when the operator + is on the top of the stack. + + + + + Reduce produces a constraint from the operator and + any arguments. It takes the arguments from the constraint + stack and pushes the resulting constraint on it. + + + + + + Returns the constraint created by applying this + prefix to another constraint. + + + + + + + Constructs a CollectionOperator + + + + + Returns a constraint that will apply the argument + to the members of a collection, succeeding if + they all succeed. + + + + + Operator that requires both it's arguments to succeed + + + + + Abstract base class for all binary operators + + + + + Reduce produces a constraint from the operator and + any arguments. It takes the arguments from the constraint + stack and pushes the resulting constraint on it. + + + + + + Abstract method that produces a constraint by applying + the operator to its left and right constraint arguments. + + + + + Gets the left precedence of the operator + + + + + Gets the right precedence of the operator + + + + + Construct an AndOperator + + + + + Apply the operator to produce an AndConstraint + + + + + Operator that tests for the presence of a particular attribute + on a type and optionally applies further tests to the attribute. + + + + + Abstract base class for operators that are able to reduce to a + constraint whether or not another syntactic element follows. + + + + + Construct an AttributeOperator for a particular Type + + The Type of attribute tested + + + + Reduce produces a constraint from the operator and + any arguments. It takes the arguments from the constraint + stack and pushes the resulting constraint on it. + + + + + Represents a constraint that succeeds if the specified + count of members of a collection match a base constraint. + + + + + Construct an ExactCountOperator for a specified count + + The expected count + + + + Returns a constraint that will apply the argument + to the members of a collection, succeeding if + none of them succeed. + + + + + Represents a constraint that succeeds if none of the + members of a collection match a base constraint. + + + + + Returns a constraint that will apply the argument + to the members of a collection, succeeding if + none of them succeed. + + + + + Negates the test of the constraint it wraps. + + + + + Constructs a new NotOperator + + + + + Returns a NotConstraint applied to its argument. + + + + + Operator that requires at least one of it's arguments to succeed + + + + + Construct an OrOperator + + + + + Apply the operator to produce an OrConstraint + + + + + Operator used to test for the presence of a named Property + on an object and optionally apply further tests to the + value of that property. + + + + + Constructs a PropOperator for a particular named property + + + + + Reduce produces a constraint from the operator and + any arguments. It takes the arguments from the constraint + stack and pushes the resulting constraint on it. + + + + + + Gets the name of the property to which the operator applies + + + + + Represents a constraint that succeeds if any of the + members of a collection match a base constraint. + + + + + Returns a constraint that will apply the argument + to the members of a collection, succeeding if + any of them succeed. + + + + + Operator that tests that an exception is thrown and + optionally applies further tests to the exception. + + + + + Construct a ThrowsOperator + + + + + Reduce produces a constraint from the operator and + any arguments. It takes the arguments from the constraint + stack and pushes the resulting constraint on it. + + + + + Represents a constraint that simply wraps the + constraint provided as an argument, without any + further functionality, but which modifes the + order of evaluation because of its precedence. + + + + + Constructor for the WithOperator + + + + + Returns a constraint that wraps its argument + + + + + Thrown when an assertion failed. + + + + The error message that explains + the reason for the exception + + + The error message that explains + the reason for the exception + The exception that caused the + current exception + + + + Serialization Constructor + + + + + Thrown when an assertion failed. + + + + + + + The error message that explains + the reason for the exception + The exception that caused the + current exception + + + + Serialization Constructor + + + + + Thrown when a test executes inconclusively. + + + + The error message that explains + the reason for the exception + + + The error message that explains + the reason for the exception + The exception that caused the + current exception + + + + Serialization Constructor + + + + + Thrown when an assertion failed. + + + + + + + The error message that explains + the reason for the exception + The exception that caused the + current exception + + + + Serialization Constructor + + + + + + + + + + + Compares two objects of a given Type for equality within a tolerance + + The first object to compare + The second object to compare + The tolerance to use in the comparison + + + + diff --git a/packages/NUnit.2.6.4/license.txt b/packages/NUnit.2.6.4/license.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..def2bb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/NUnit.2.6.4/license.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +Copyright 2002-2014 Charlie Poole +Copyright 2002-2004 James W. Newkirk, Michael C. Two, Alexei A. Vorontsov +Copyright 2000-2002 Philip A. Craig + +This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. + +Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: + +1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment (see the following) in the product documentation is required. + +Portions Copyright 2002-2014 Charlie Poole or Copyright 2002-2004 James W. Newkirk, Michael C. Two, Alexei A. Vorontsov or Copyright 2000-2002 Philip A. Craig + +2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. + +3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. diff --git a/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net10-full/log4net.xml b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net10-full/log4net.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b9904b --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net10-full/log4net.xml @@ -0,0 +1,30525 @@ + + + + log4net + + + + + Appender that logs to a database. + + + + appends logging events to a table within a + database. The appender can be configured to specify the connection + string by setting the property. + The connection type (provider) can be specified by setting the + property. For more information on database connection strings for + your specific database see + + + Records are written into the database either using a prepared + statement or a stored procedure. The property + is set to (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify a prepared statement + or to (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify a stored + procedure. + + + The prepared statement text or the name of the stored procedure + must be set in the property. + + + The prepared statement or stored procedure can take a number + of parameters. Parameters are added using the + method. This adds a single to the + ordered list of parameters. The + type may be subclassed if required to provide database specific + functionality. The specifies + the parameter name, database type, size, and how the value should + be generated using a . + + + + An example of a SQL Server table that could be logged to: + + CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Log] ( + [ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , + [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL , + [Thread] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Level] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL , + [Logger] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Message] [varchar] (4000) NOT NULL + ) ON [PRIMARY] + + + + An example configuration to log to the above table: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Lance Nehring + + + + Abstract base class implementation of that + buffers events in a fixed size buffer. + + + + This base class should be used by appenders that need to buffer a + number of events before logging them. For example the + buffers events and then submits the entire contents of the buffer to + the underlying database in one go. + + + Subclasses should override the + method to deliver the buffered events. + + The BufferingAppenderSkeleton maintains a fixed size cyclic + buffer of events. The size of the buffer is set using + the property. + + A is used to inspect + each event as it arrives in the appender. If the + triggers, then the current buffer is sent immediately + (see ). Otherwise the event + is stored in the buffer. For example, an evaluator can be used to + deliver the events immediately when an ERROR event arrives. + + + The buffering appender can be configured in a mode. + By default the appender is NOT lossy. When the buffer is full all + the buffered events are sent with . + If the property is set to true then the + buffer will not be sent when it is full, and new events arriving + in the appender will overwrite the oldest event in the buffer. + In lossy mode the buffer will only be sent when the + triggers. This can be useful behavior when you need to know about + ERROR events but not about events with a lower level, configure an + evaluator that will trigger when an ERROR event arrives, the whole + buffer will be sent which gives a history of events leading up to + the ERROR event. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Abstract base class implementation of . + + + + This class provides the code for common functionality, such + as support for threshold filtering and support for general filters. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface for your own strategies for printing log statements. + + + + Implementors should consider extending the + class which provides a default implementation of this interface. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Log the logging event in Appender specific way. + + The event to log + + + This method is called to log a message into this appender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + Interface for appenders that support bulk logging. + + + + This interface extends the interface to + support bulk logging of objects. Appenders + should only implement this interface if they can bulk log efficiently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Log the array of logging events in Appender specific way. + + The events to log + + + This method is called to log an array of events into this appender. + + + + + + Interface used to delay activate a configured object. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then the method + must be called by the container after its all the configured properties have been set + and before the component can be used. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Activate the options that were previously set with calls to properties. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then this method must be called + after its properties have been set before the component can be used. + + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Default constructor + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + Finalizes this appender by calling the implementation's + method. + + + + If this appender has not been closed then the Finalize method + will call . + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Closes the appender and release resources. + + + + Release any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + This method cannot be overridden by subclasses. This method + delegates the closing of the appender to the + method which must be overridden in the subclass. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The event to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the abstract method. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the method. + + + + + + Test if the logging event should we output by this appender + + the event to test + true if the event should be output, false if the event should be ignored + + + This method checks the logging event against the threshold level set + on this appender and also against the filters specified on this + appender. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + + + + + Adds a filter to the end of the filter chain. + + the filter to add to this appender + + + The Filters are organized in a linked list. + + + Setting this property causes the new filter to be pushed onto the + back of the filter chain. + + + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + + + Checks if the message level is below this appender's threshold. + + to test against. + + + If there is no threshold set, then the return value is always true. + + + + true if the meets the + requirements of this appender. + + + + + Is called when the appender is closed. Derived classes should override + this method if resources need to be released. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Subclasses of should implement this method + to perform actual logging. + + The event to append. + + + A subclass must implement this method to perform + logging of the . + + This method will be called by + if all the conditions listed for that method are met. + + + To restrict the logging of events in the appender + override the method. + + + + + + Append a bulk array of logging events. + + the array of logging events + + + This base class implementation calls the + method for each element in the bulk array. + + + A sub class that can better process a bulk array of events should + override this method in addition to . + + + + + + Called before as a precondition. + + + + This method is called by + before the call to the abstract method. + + + This method can be overridden in a subclass to extend the checks + made before the event is passed to the method. + + + A subclass should ensure that they delegate this call to + this base class if it is overridden. + + + true if the call to should proceed. + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The event rendered as a string. + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Where possible use the alternative version of this method + . + That method streams the rendering onto an existing Writer + which can give better performance if the caller already has + a open and ready for writing. + + + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Use this method in preference to + where possible. If, however, the caller needs to render the event + to a string then does + provide an efficient mechanism for doing so. + + + + + + The layout of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The name of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The level threshold of this appender. + + + + There is no level threshold filtering by default. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The first filter in the filter chain. + + + + Set to null initially. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The last filter in the filter chain. + + + See for more information. + + + + + Flag indicating if this appender is closed. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The guard prevents an appender from repeatedly calling its own DoAppend method + + + + + StringWriter used to render events + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderSkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the threshold of this appender. + + + The threshold of the appender. + + + + All log events with lower level than the threshold level are ignored + by the appender. + + + In configuration files this option is specified by setting the + value of the option to a level + string, such as "DEBUG", "INFO" and so on. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The of the appender + + + The provides a default + implementation for the property. + + + + + + The filter chain. + + The head of the filter chain filter chain. + + + Returns the head Filter. The Filters are organized in a linked list + and so all Filters on this Appender are available through the result. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The layout of the appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + + Tests if this appender requires a to be set. + + + + In the rather exceptional case, where the appender + implementation admits a layout but can also work without it, + then the appender should return true. + + + This default implementation always returns false. + + + + true if the appender requires a layout object, otherwise false. + + + + + The default buffer size. + + + The default size of the cyclic buffer used to store events. + This is set to 512 by default. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + the events passed through this appender must be + fixed by the time that they arrive in the derived class' SendBuffer method. + + + Protected constructor to allow subclassing. + + + The should be set if the subclass + expects the events delivered to be fixed even if the + is set to zero, i.e. when no buffering occurs. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + + + Flushes any events that have been buffered. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will NOT be flushed to the appender. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + set to true to flush the buffer of lossy events + + + Flushes events that have been buffered. If is + false then events will only be flushed if this buffer is non-lossy mode. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will only be flushed if is true. + In this case the contents of the buffer will be tested against the + and if triggering will be output. All other buffered + events will be discarded. + + + If is true then the buffer will always + be emptied by calling this method. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. + + + + Close this appender instance. If this appender is marked + as not then the remaining events in + the buffer must be sent when the appender is closed. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + + Stores the in the cyclic buffer. + + + The buffer will be sent (i.e. passed to the + method) if one of the following conditions is met: + + + + The cyclic buffer is full and this appender is + marked as not lossy (see ) + + + An is set and + it is triggered for the + specified. + + + + Before the event is stored in the buffer it is fixed + (see ) to ensure that + any data referenced by the event will be valid when the buffer + is processed. + + + + + + Sends the contents of the buffer. + + The first logging event. + The buffer containing the events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override . + + + + + + Sends the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override this method to process the buffered events. + + + + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + Set to by default. + + + + + The cyclic buffer used to store the logging events. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator that causes the buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event causes the entire + buffer to be sent immediately. This field can be null, which + indicates that event triggering is not to be done. The evaluator + can be set using the property. If this appender + has the ( property) set to + true then an must be set. + + + + + Indicates if the appender should overwrite events in the cyclic buffer + when it becomes full, or if the buffer should be flushed when the + buffer is full. + + + If this field is set to true then an must + be set. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator filters discarded events. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event that is discarded should + really be discarded or if it should be sent to the appenders. + This field can be null, which indicates that all discarded events will + be discarded. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + The events delivered to the subclass must be fixed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender is lossy. + + + true if the appender is lossy, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + This appender uses a buffer to store logging events before + delivering them. A triggering event causes the whole buffer + to be send to the remote sink. If the buffer overruns before + a triggering event then logging events could be lost. Set + to false to prevent logging events + from being lost. + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the + logging events. + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + + The option takes a positive integer + representing the maximum number of logging events to collect in + a cyclic buffer. When the is reached, + oldest events are deleted as new events are added to the + buffer. By default the size of the cyclic buffer is 512 events. + + + If the is set to a value less than + or equal to 1 then no buffering will occur. The logging event + will be delivered synchronously (depending on the + and properties). Otherwise the event will + be buffered. + + + + + + Gets or sets the that causes the + buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The that causes the buffer to be + sent immediately. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is appended to this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will + immediately be sent (see ). + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the to use. + + + The value of the to use. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is discarded from this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will immediately + be sent (see ). + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if only part of the logging event data + should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the + event data to be fixed and serialized. This will improve performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets a the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + The event fields that will be fixed before the event is buffered + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Public default constructor to initialize a new instance of this class. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Override the parent method to close the database + + + + Closes the database command and database connection. + + + + + + Inserts the events into the database. + + The events to insert into the database. + + + Insert all the events specified in the + array into the database. + + + + + + Adds a parameter to the command. + + The parameter to add to the command. + + + Adds a parameter to the ordered list of command parameters. + + + + + + Writes the events to the database using the transaction specified. + + The transaction that the events will be executed under. + The array of events to insert into the database. + + + The transaction argument can be null if the appender has been + configured not to use transactions. See + property for more information. + + + + + + Formats the log message into database statement text. + + The event being logged. + + This method can be overridden by subclasses to provide + more control over the format of the database statement. + + + Text that can be passed to a . + + + + + Creates an instance used to connect to the database. + + + This method is called whenever a new IDbConnection is needed (i.e. when a reconnect is necessary). + + The of the object. + The connectionString output from the ResolveConnectionString method. + An instance with a valid connection string. + + + + Resolves the connection string from the ConnectionString, ConnectionStringName, or AppSettingsKey + property. + + + ConnectiongStringName is only supported on .NET 2.0 and higher. + + Additional information describing the connection string. + A connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + Retrieves the class type of the ADO.NET provider. + + + + Gets the Type of the ADO.NET provider to use to connect to the + database. This method resolves the type specified in the + property. + + + Subclasses can override this method to return a different type + if necessary. + + + The of the ADO.NET provider + + + + Prepares the database command and initialize the parameters. + + + + + Connects to the database. + + + + + Cleanup the existing command. + + + If true, a message will be written using LogLog.Warn if an exception is encountered when calling Dispose. + + + + + Cleanup the existing connection. + + + Calls the IDbConnection's method. + + + + + Flag to indicate if we are using a command object + + + + Set to true when the appender is to use a prepared + statement or stored procedure to insert into the database. + + + + + + The list of objects. + + + + The list of objects. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The that will be used + to insert logging events into a database. + + + + + The database command. + + + + + Database connection string. + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + String type name of the type name. + + + + + The text of the command. + + + + + The command type. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AdoNetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the database connection string that is used to connect to + the database. + + + The database connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + The connections string is specific to the connection type. + See for more information. + + + Connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "DSN=MS Access Database;UID=admin;PWD=;SystemDB=C:\data\System.mdw;SafeTransactions = 0;FIL=MS Access;DriverID = 25;DBQ=C:\data\train33.mdb" + + Another connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;UID=;PWD=;" + + Connection string for MS Access via OLE DB: + "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;User Id=;Password=;" + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + Gets or sets the type name of the connection + that should be created. + + + The type name of the connection. + + + + The type name of the ADO.NET provider to use. + + + The default is to use the OLE DB provider. + + + Use the OLE DB Provider. This is the default value. + System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the MS SQL Server Provider. + System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the ODBC Provider. + Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection,Microsoft.Data.Odbc,version=1.0.3300.0,publicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089,culture=neutral + This is an optional package that you can download from + + search for ODBC .NET Data Provider. + + Use the Oracle Provider. + System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection, System.Data.OracleClient, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + This is an optional package that you can download from + + search for .NET Managed Provider for Oracle. + + + + + Gets or sets the command text that is used to insert logging events + into the database. + + + The command text used to insert logging events into the database. + + + + Either the text of the prepared statement or the + name of the stored procedure to execute to write into + the database. + + + The property determines if + this text is a prepared statement or a stored procedure. + + + + + + Gets or sets the command type to execute. + + + The command type to execute. + + + + This value may be either (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify + that the is a prepared statement to execute, + or (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify that the + property is the name of a stored procedure + to execute. + + + The default value is (System.Data.CommandType.Text). + + + + + + Should transactions be used to insert logging events in the database. + + + true if transactions should be used to insert logging events in + the database, otherwise false. The default value is true. + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether transactions should be used + to insert logging events in the database. + + + When set a single transaction will be used to insert the buffered events + into the database. Otherwise each event will be inserted without using + an explicit transaction. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Should this appender try to reconnect to the database on error. + + + true if the appender should try to reconnect to the database after an + error has occurred, otherwise false. The default value is false, + i.e. not to try to reconnect. + + + + The default behaviour is for the appender not to try to reconnect to the + database if an error occurs. Subsequent logging events are discarded. + + + To force the appender to attempt to reconnect to the database set this + property to true. + + + When the appender attempts to connect to the database there may be a + delay of up to the connection timeout specified in the connection string. + This delay will block the calling application's thread. + Until the connection can be reestablished this potential delay may occur multiple times. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to insert + logging events into a database. Classes deriving from + can use this property to get or set this . Use the + underlying returned from if + you require access beyond that which provides. + + + + + Parameter type used by the . + + + + This class provides the basic database parameter properties + as defined by the interface. + + This type can be subclassed to provide database specific + functionality. The two methods that are called externally are + and . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Default constructor for the AdoNetAppenderParameter class. + + + + + Prepare the specified database command object. + + The command to prepare. + + + Prepares the database command object by adding + this parameter to its collection of parameters. + + + + + + Renders the logging event and set the parameter value in the command. + + The command containing the parameter. + The event to be rendered. + + + Renders the logging event using this parameters layout + object. Sets the value of the parameter on the command object. + + + + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + + Flag to infer type rather than use the DbType + + + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + + The to use to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this parameter. + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + The name of this parameter. The parameter name + must match up to a named parameter to the SQL stored procedure + or prepared statement. + + + + + + Gets or sets the database type for this parameter. + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + The database type for this parameter. This property should + be set to the database type from the + enumeration. See . + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the type from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the precision for this parameter. + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + The maximum number of digits used to represent the Value. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the precision from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the scale for this parameter. + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + The number of decimal places to which Value is resolved. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the scale from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the size for this parameter. + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + The maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the size from the value. + + + For BLOB data types like VARCHAR(max) it may be impossible to infer the value automatically, use -1 as the size in this case. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the to use to + render the logging event into an object for this + parameter. + + + The used to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + The that renders the value for this + parameter. + + + The can be used to adapt + any into a + for use in the property. + + + + + + Appends logging events to the terminal using ANSI color escape sequences. + + + + AnsiColorTerminalAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific level of message to be set. + + + This appender expects the terminal to understand the VT100 control set + in order to interpret the color codes. If the terminal or console does not + understand the control codes the behavior is not defined. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + When configuring the ANSI colored terminal appender, a mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + + These color values cannot be combined together to make new colors. + + + The attributes can be any combination of the following: + + Brightforeground is brighter + Dimforeground is dimmer + Underscoremessage is underlined + Blinkforeground is blinking (does not work on all terminals) + Reverseforeground and background are reversed + Hiddenoutput is hidden + Strikethroughmessage has a line through it + + While any of these attributes may be combined together not all combinations + work well together, for example setting both Bright and Dim attributes makes + no sense. + + + Patrick Wagstrom + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Ansi code to reset terminal + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colours + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible display attributes + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the ANSI color attributes. + + + + + + + text is bright + + + + + text is dim + + + + + text is underlined + + + + + text is blinking + + + Not all terminals support this attribute + + + + + text and background colors are reversed + + + + + text is hidden + + + + + text is displayed with a strikethrough + + + + + text color is light + + + + + The enum of possible foreground or background color values for + use with the color mapping method + + + + The output can be in one for the following ANSI colors. + + + + + + + color is black + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is magenta + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is white + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + An entry in the + + + + This is an abstract base class for types that are stored in the + object. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + + + Initialize any options defined on this entry + + + + Should be overridden by any classes that need to initialise based on their options + + + + + + The level that is the key for this mapping + + + The that is the key for this mapping + + + + Get or set the that is the key for this + mapping subclass. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together + and append the attributes. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + + + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + + + The combined , and + suitable for setting the ansi terminal color. + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a AppenderCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + An AppenderCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + An empty readonly static AppenderCollection + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new AppenderCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the AppenderCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the AppenderCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the AppenderCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the AppenderCollection. + + The to locate in the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire AppenderCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the AppenderCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the AppenderCollection. + + The to remove from the AppenderCollection. + + The specified was not found in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the AppenderCollection. + + An for the entire AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another AppenderCollection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current AppenderCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + Return the collection elements as an array + + the array + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the AppenderCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + + Appends log events to the ASP.NET system. + + + + + Diagnostic information and tracing messages that you specify are appended to the output + of the page that is sent to the requesting browser. Optionally, you can view this information + from a separate trace viewer (Trace.axd) that displays trace information for every page in a + given application. + + + Trace statements are processed and displayed only when tracing is enabled. You can control + whether tracing is displayed to a page, to the trace viewer, or both. + + + The logging event is passed to the or + method depending on the level of the logging event. + The event's logger name is the default value for the category parameter of the Write/Warn method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Write the logging event to the ASP.NET trace + + the event to log + + + Write the logging event to the ASP.NET trace + HttpContext.Current.Trace + (). + + + + + + Defaults to %logger + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The category parameter sent to the Trace method. + + + + Defaults to %logger which will use the logger name of the current + as the category parameter. + + + + + + + + Buffers events and then forwards them to attached appenders. + + + + The events are buffered in this appender until conditions are + met to allow the appender to deliver the events to the attached + appenders. See for the + conditions that cause the buffer to be sent. + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different + thresholds and filters for the same appender at different locations + within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface for attaching appenders to objects. + + + + Interface for attaching, removing and retrieving appenders. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + Add the specified appender. The implementation may + choose to allow or deny duplicate appenders. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Returns an attached appender with the specified. + If no appender with the specified name is found null will be + returned. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders. + + + + Gets a collection of attached appenders. + If there are no attached appenders the + implementation should return an empty + collection rather than null. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Send the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + Forwards the events to the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this buffering appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ColoredConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific type of message to be set. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes directly to the application's attached console + not to the System.Console.Out or System.Console.Error TextWriter. + The System.Console.Out and System.Console.Error streams can be + programmatically redirected (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). + This appender will ignore these redirections because it needs to use Win32 + API calls to colorize the output. To respect these redirections the + must be used. + + + When configuring the colored console appender, mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + combination of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + HighIntensity + + + + Rick Hobbs + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colors + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + The console output stream writer to write to + + + + This writer is not thread safe. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible color values for use with the color mapping method + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the colors. + + + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is white + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is purple + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is intensified + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level. + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level. + + + + + + The combined and suitable for + setting the console color. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + debug system. + + + Events are written using the + method. The event's logger name is passed as the value for the category name to the Write method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + If is true then the + is called. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Writes events to the system event log. + + + + The appender will fail if you try to write using an event source that doesn't exist unless it is running with local administrator privileges. + See also + + + The EventID of the event log entry can be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + + + The Category of the event log entry can be + set using the Category property () + on the . + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + When configuring the EventLogAppender a mapping can be + specified to map a logging level to an event log entry type. For example: + + + <mapping> + <level value="ERROR" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Error" /> + </mapping> + <mapping> + <level value="DEBUG" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Information" /> + </mapping> + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and eventLogEntryType can be any value + from the enum, i.e.: + + Erroran error event + Warninga warning event + Informationan informational event + + + + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Thomas Voss + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + The to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Add a mapping of level to - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the event log entry type for a level. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create an event log source + + + Uses different API calls under NET_2_0 + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + the event to log + + Writes the event to the system event log using the + . + + If the event has an EventID property (see ) + set then this integer will be used as the event log event id. + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + + + + Get the equivalent for a + + the Level to convert to an EventLogEntryType + The equivalent for a + + Because there are fewer applicable + values to use in logging levels than there are in the + this is a one way mapping. There is + a loss of information during the conversion. + + + + + The log name is the section in the event logs where the messages + are stored. + + + + + Name of the application to use when logging. This appears in the + application column of the event log named by . + + + + + The name of the machine which holds the event log. This is + currently only allowed to be '.' i.e. the current machine. + + + + + Mapping from level object to EventLogEntryType + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The event ID to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The event category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EventLogAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The maximum size supported by default. + + + + The 32766 documented max size is two bytes shy of 32K (I'm assuming 32766 + may leave space for a two byte null terminator of #0#0). The 32766 max + length is what the .NET 4.0 source code checks for, but this is WRONG! + Strings with a length > 31839 on Windows Vista or higher can CORRUPT + the event log! See: System.Diagnostics.EventLogInternal.InternalWriteEvent() + for the use of the 32766 max size. + + + + + The maximum size supported by a windows operating system that is vista + or newer. + + + See ReportEvent API: + + ReportEvent's lpStrings parameter: + "A pointer to a buffer containing an array of + null-terminated strings that are merged into the message before Event Viewer + displays the string to the user. This parameter must be a valid pointer + (or NULL), even if wNumStrings is zero. Each string is limited to 31,839 characters." + + Going beyond the size of 31839 will (at some point) corrupt the event log on Windows + Vista or higher! It may succeed for a while...but you will eventually run into the + error: "System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception : A device attached to the system is + not functioning", and the event log will then be corrupt (I was able to corrupt + an event log using a length of 31877 on Windows 7). + + The max size for Windows Vista or higher is documented here: + + Going over this size may succeed a few times but the buffer will overrun and + eventually corrupt the log (based on testing). + + The maxEventMsgSize size is based on the max buffer size of the lpStrings parameter of the ReportEvent API. + The documented max size for EventLog.WriteEntry for Windows Vista and higher is 31839, but I'm leaving room for a + terminator of #0#0, as we cannot see the source of ReportEvent (though we could use an API monitor to examine the + buffer, given enough time). + + + + + The maximum size that the operating system supports for + a event log message. + + + Used to determine the maximum string length that can be written + to the operating system event log and eventually truncate a string + that exceeds the limits. + + + + + This method determines the maximum event log message size allowed for + the current environment. + + + + + + The name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + The string name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + This is the name of the log as it appears in the Event Viewer + tree. The default value is to log into the Application + log, this is where most applications write their events. However + if you need a separate log for your application (or applications) + then you should set the appropriately. + This should not be used to distinguish your event log messages + from those of other applications, the + property should be used to distinguish events. This property should be + used to group together events into a single log. + + + + + + Property used to set the Application name. This appears in the + event logs when logging. + + + The string used to distinguish events from different sources. + + + Sets the event log source property. + + + + + This property is used to return the name of the computer to use + when accessing the event logs. Currently, this is the current + computer, denoted by a dot "." + + + The string name of the machine holding the event log that + will be logged into. + + + This property cannot be changed. It is currently set to '.' + i.e. the local machine. This may be changed in future. + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the EventLog. + + + The used to write to the EventLog. + + + + The system security context used to write to the EventLog. + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the EventId to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The EventID of the event log entry will normally be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The Category of the event log entry will normally be + set using the Category property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and its event log entry type. + + + + + + The for this entry + + + + Required property. + The for this entry + + + + + + Appends logging events to a file. + + + + Logging events are sent to the file specified by + the property. + + + The file can be opened in either append or overwrite mode + by specifying the property. + If the file path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. The file encoding can be + specified by setting the property. + + + The layout's and + values will be written each time the file is opened and closed + respectively. If the property is + then the file may contain multiple copies of the header and footer. + + + This appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + The supports pluggable file locking models via + the property. + The default behavior, implemented by + is to obtain an exclusive write lock on the file until this appender is closed. + The alternative models only hold a + write lock while the appender is writing a logging event () + or synchronize by using a named system wide Mutex (). + + + All locking strategies have issues and you should seriously consider using a different strategy that + avoids having multiple processes logging to the same file. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Rodrigo B. de Oliveira + Douglas de la Torre + Niall Daley + + + + Sends logging events to a . + + + + An Appender that writes to a . + + + This appender may be used stand alone if initialized with an appropriate + writer, however it is typically used as a base class for an appender that + can open a to write to. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and + sets the output destination to a new initialized + with the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender. + The to output to. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and sets + the output destination to the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender + The to output to + + The must have been previously opened. + + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + This method determines if there is a sense in attempting to append. + + + + This method checks if an output target has been set and if a + layout has been set. + + + false if any of the preconditions fail. + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method writes all the bulk logged events to the output writer + before flushing the stream. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. The underlying stream or writer is also closed. + + + Closed appenders cannot be reused. + + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Clears internal references to the underlying + and other variables. + + + + Subclasses can override this method for an alternate closing behavior. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Called to allow a subclass to lazily initialize the writer + + + + This method is called when an event is logged and the or + have not been set. This allows a subclass to + attempt to initialize the writer multiple times. + + + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying + or output stream will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logging events are not actually persisted if and when the application + crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TextWriterAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or set whether the appender will flush at the end + of each append operation. + + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + append operation. + + + If this option is set to false, then the underlying + stream can defer persisting the logging event to a later + time. + + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results in + a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + Sets the where the log output will go. + + + + The specified must be open and writable. + + + The will be closed when the appender + instance is closed. + + + Note: Logging to an unopened will fail. + + + + + + Gets or set the and the underlying + , if any, for this appender. + + + The for this appender. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Gets or sets the where logging events + will be written to. + + + The where logging events are written. + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout, file and append mode. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + flag to indicate if the file should be appended to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout and file specified. + The file will be appended to. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Activate the options on the file appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This will cause the file to be opened. + + + + + + Closes any previously opened file and calls the parent's . + + + + Resets the filename and the file stream. + + + + + + Called to initialize the file writer + + + + Will be called for each logged message until the file is + successfully opened. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + Acquires the output file locks once before writing all the events to + the stream. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the previously opened file. + + + + Writes the to the file and then + closes the file. + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + Calls but guarantees not to throw an exception. + Errors are passed to the . + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + If there was already an opened file, then the previous file + is closed first. + + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer used for file output + + the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This implementation of creates a + over the and passes it to the + method. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to wrap the + in some way, for example to encrypt the output + data using a System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + the writer over the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to + wrap the in some way. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if we should append to the file + or overwrite the file. The default is to append. + + + + + The name of the log file. + + + + + The encoding to use for the file stream. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The stream to log to. Has added locking semantics + + + + + The locking model to use + + + + + The fully qualified type of the FileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + The path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + + If the path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether the file should be + appended to or overwritten. + + + Indicates whether the file should be appended to or overwritten. + + + + If the value is set to false then the file will be overwritten, if + it is set to true then the file will be appended to. + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + The default encoding set is + which is the encoding for the system's current ANSI code page. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + The used to lock the file. + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + There are three built in locking models, , and . + The first locks the file from the start of logging to the end, the + second locks only for the minimal amount of time when logging each message + and the last synchronizes processes using a named system wide Mutex. + + + The default locking model is the . + + + + + + Write only that uses the + to manage access to an underlying resource. + + + + + True asynchronous writes are not supported, the implementation forces a synchronous write. + + + + + Exception base type for log4net. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Locking model base class + + + + Base class for the locking models available to the derived loggers. + + + + + + Open the output file + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Helper method that creates a FileStream under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + + Typically called during OpenFile or AcquireLock. + + + If the directory portion of the does not exist, it is created + via Directory.CreateDirecctory. + + + + + + + + + + Helper method to close under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + Does not set to null. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this LockingModel + + + The for this LockingModel + + + + The file appender this locking model is attached to and working on + behalf of. + + + The file appender is used to locate the security context and the error handler to use. + + + The value of this property will be set before is + called. + + + + + + Hold an exclusive lock on the output file + + + + Open the file once for writing and hold it open until is called. + Maintains an exclusive lock on the file during this time. + + + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Does nothing. The lock will be released when the file is closed. + + + + + + Acquires the file lock for each write + + + + Opens the file once for each / cycle, + thus holding the lock for the minimal amount of time. This method of locking + is considerably slower than but allows + other processes to move/delete the log file whilst logging continues. + + + + + + Prepares to open the file when the first message is logged. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Provides cross-process file locking. + + Ron Grabowski + Steve Wranovsky + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + - and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + + + + + + This appender forwards logging events to attached appenders. + + + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different thresholds + and filters for the same appender at different locations within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Forward the logging event to the attached appenders + + The event to log. + + + Delivers the logging event to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Forward the logging events to the attached appenders + + The array of events to log. + + + Delivers the logging events to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Logs events to a local syslog service. + + + + This appender uses the POSIX libc library functions openlog, syslog, and closelog. + If these functions are not available on the local system then this appender will not work! + + + The functions openlog, syslog, and closelog are specified in SUSv2 and + POSIX 1003.1-2001 standards. These are used to log messages to the local syslog service. + + + This appender talks to a local syslog service. If you need to log to a remote syslog + daemon and you cannot configure your local syslog service to do this you may be + able to use the to log via UDP. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a local syslog service. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Adds a to this appender. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Marshaled handle to the identity string. We have to hold on to the + string as the openlog and syslog APIs just hold the + pointer to the ident and dereference it for each log message. + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Open connection to system logger. + + + + + Generate a log message. + + + + The libc syslog method takes a format string and a variable argument list similar + to the classic printf function. As this type of vararg list is not supported + by C# we need to specify the arguments explicitly. Here we have specified the + format string with a single message argument. The caller must set the format + string to "%s". + + + + + + Close descriptor used to write to system logger. + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The log4net Level maps to a syslog severity using the + method and the + class. The severity is set on . + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facility defines which subsystem the logging comes from. + This is set on the property. + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Stores logging events in an array. + + + + The memory appender stores all the logging events + that are appended in an in-memory array. + + + Use the method to get + the current list of events that have been appended. + + + Use the method to clear the + current list of events. + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + The events that have been logged + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + Stores the in the events list. + + + + + Clear the list of events + + + Clear the list of events + + + + + The list of events that have been appended. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether only part of the logging event + data should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the event + data to be fixed and stored in the appender, hereby improving performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + Logs entries by sending network messages using the + native function. + + + + You can send messages only to names that are active + on the network. If you send the message to a user name, + that user must be logged on and running the Messenger + service to receive the message. + + + The receiver will get a top most window displaying the + messages one at a time, therefore this appender should + not be used to deliver a high volume of messages. + + + The following table lists some possible uses for this appender : + + + + + Action + Property Value(s) + + + Send a message to a user account on the local machine + + + = <name of the local machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a user account on a remote machine + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a domain user account + + + = <name of a domain controller | uninitialized> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to all the names in a workgroup or domain + + + = <workgroup name | domain name>* + + + + + Send a message from the local machine to a remote machine + + + = <name of the local machine | uninitialized> + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + + + + + Note : security restrictions apply for sending + network messages, see + for more information. + + + + + An example configuration section to log information + using this appender from the local machine, named + LOCAL_PC, to machine OPERATOR_PC : + + + + + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + + + + + The sender of the network message. + + + + + The message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Initializes the appender. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using a network message. + + + + + + Sends a buffer of information to a registered message alias. + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + The message alias to which the message buffer should be sent + The originator of the message. + The message text. + The length, in bytes, of the message text. + + + The following restrictions apply for sending network messages: + + + + + Platform + Requirements + + + Windows NT + + + No special group membership is required to send a network message. + + + Admin, Accounts, Print, or Server Operator group membership is required to + successfully send a network message on a remote server. + + + + + Windows 2000 or later + + + If you send a message on a domain controller that is running Active Directory, + access is allowed or denied based on the access control list (ACL) for the securable + object. The default ACL permits only Domain Admins and Account Operators to send a network message. + + + On a member server or workstation, only Administrators and Server Operators can send a network message. + + + + + + + For more information see Security Requirements for the Network Management Functions. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. + + + + + + Gets or sets the sender of the message. + + + The sender of the message. + + + If this property is not specified, the message is sent from the local computer. + + + + + Gets or sets the message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + The recipient of the message. + + + This property should always be specified in order to send a message. + + + + + Gets or sets the DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + + For Windows NT 4.0 and earlier, the string should begin with \\. + + + If this property is not specified, the local computer is used. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the OutputDebugString system. + + + + OutputDebugStringAppender appends log events to the + OutputDebugString system. + + + The string is passed to the native OutputDebugString + function. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + the event to log + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + + + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + the string to output + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Logs events to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + The BSD syslog protocol is used to remotely log to + a syslog daemon. The syslogd listens for for messages + on UDP port 514. + + + The syslog UDP protocol is not authenticated. Most syslog daemons + do not accept remote log messages because of the security implications. + You may be able to use the LocalSyslogAppender to talk to a local + syslog service. + + + There is an RFC 3164 that claims to document the BSD Syslog Protocol. + This RFC can be seen here: + This appender generates what the RFC calls an "Original Device Message", + i.e. does not include the TIMESTAMP or HOSTNAME fields. By observation + this format of message will be accepted by all current syslog daemon + implementations. The daemon will attach the current time and the source + hostname or IP address to any messages received. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Sends logging events as connectionless UDP datagrams to a remote host or a + multicast group using an . + + + + UDP guarantees neither that messages arrive, nor that they arrive in the correct order. + + + To view the logging results, a custom application can be developed that listens for logging + events. + + + When decoding events send via this appender remember to use the same encoding + to decode the events as was used to send the events. See the + property to specify the encoding to use. + + + + This example shows how to log receive logging events that are sent + on IP address and port 8080 to the console. The event is + encoded in the packet as a unicode string and it is decoded as such. + + IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); + UdpClient udpClient; + byte[] buffer; + string loggingEvent; + + try + { + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080); + + while(true) + { + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint); + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer); + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent); + } + } + catch(Exception e) + { + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); + } + + + Dim remoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint + Dim udpClient as UdpClient + Dim buffer as Byte() + Dim loggingEvent as String + + Try + remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0) + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080) + While True + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ByRef remoteEndPoint) + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer) + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent) + Wend + Catch e As Exception + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()) + End Try + + + An example configuration section to log information using this appender to the + IP on port 8080: + + + + + + + + + + Gert Driesen + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified or + an invalid remote or local TCP port number was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + The TCP port number assigned to or is less than or greater than . + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using an UDP datagram. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + Closes the UDP connection and releases all resources associated with + this instance. + + + + Disables the underlying and releases all managed + and unmanaged resources associated with the . + + + + + + Initializes the underlying connection. + + + + The underlying is initialized and binds to the + port number from which you intend to communicate. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to + which the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number from which the will communicate. + + + + + The instance that will be used for sending the + logging events. + + + + + The encoding to use for the packet. + + + + + Gets or sets the IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + + Multicast addresses are identified by IP class D addresses (in the range to + Multicast packets can pass across different networks through routers, so + it is possible to use multicasts in an Internet scenario as long as your network provider + supports multicasting. + + + Hosts that want to receive particular multicast messages must register their interest by joining + the multicast group. Multicast messages are not sent to networks where no host has joined + the multicast group. Class D IP addresses are used for multicast groups, to differentiate + them from normal host addresses, allowing nodes to easily detect if a message is of interest. + + + Static multicast addresses that are needed globally are assigned by IANA. A few examples are listed in the table below: + + + + + IP Address + Description + + + + + + Sends a message to all system on the subnet. + + + + + + + + Sends a message to all routers on the subnet. + + + + + + + + The DHCP server answers messages on the IP address, but only on a subnet. + + + + + + + A complete list of actually reserved multicast addresses and their owners in the ranges + defined by RFC 3171 can be found at the IANA web site. + + + The address range to is reserved for administrative scope-relative + addresses. These addresses can be reused with other local groups. Routers are typically + configured with filters to prevent multicast traffic in this range from flowing outside + of the local network. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + The underlying will send messages to this TCP port number + on the remote host or multicast group. + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + + The underlying will bind to this port for sending messages. + + + Setting the value to 0 (the default) will cause the udp client not to bind to + a local port. + + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets used to write the packets. + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to send logging events + over a network. Classes deriving from can use this + property to get or set this . Use the underlying + returned from if you require access beyond that which + provides. + + + + + Gets or sets the cached remote endpoint to which the logging events should be sent. + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + The method will initialize the remote endpoint + with the values of the and + properties. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Syslog port 514 + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to syslog severity mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The syslog severities. + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facilities + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Delivers logging events to a remote logging sink. + + + + This Appender is designed to deliver events to a remote sink. + That is any object that implements the + interface. It delivers the events using .NET remoting. The + object to deliver events to is specified by setting the + appenders property. + + The RemotingAppender buffers events before sending them. This allows it to + make more efficient use of the remoting infrastructure. + + Once the buffer is full the events are still not sent immediately. + They are scheduled to be sent using a pool thread. The effect is that + the send occurs asynchronously. This is very important for a + number of non obvious reasons. The remoting infrastructure will + flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + Because the events are sent asynchronously using pool threads it is possible to close + this appender before all the queued events have been sent. + When closing the appender attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but + this will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If this appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. If the runtime terminates the threads before + the queued events have been sent then they will be lost. To ensure that all events + are sent the appender must be closed before the application exits. See + for details on how to shutdown + log4net programmatically. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + The events are not sent immediately. They are scheduled to be sent + using a pool thread. The effect is that the send occurs asynchronously. + This is very important for a number of non obvious reasons. The remoting + infrastructure will flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + The events to send. + + + + Override base class close. + + + + This method waits while there are queued work items. The events are + sent asynchronously using work items. These items + will be sent once a thread pool thread is available to send them, therefore + it is possible to close the appender before all the queued events have been + sent. + + This method attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but this + method will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If the appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. + + + + + A work item is being queued into the thread pool + + + + + A work item from the thread pool has completed + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + This method is designed to be used with the . + This method expects to be passed an array of + objects in the state param. + + the logging events to send + + + + The URL of the remote sink. + + + + + The local proxy (.NET remoting) for the remote logging sink. + + + + + The number of queued callbacks currently waiting or executing + + + + + Event used to signal when there are no queued work items + + + This event is set when there are no queued work items. In this + state it is safe to close the appender. + + + + + Gets or sets the URL of the well-known object that will accept + the logging events. + + + The well-known URL of the remote sink. + + + + The URL of the remoting sink that will accept logging events. + The sink must implement the + interface. + + + + + + Interface used to deliver objects to a remote sink. + + + This interface must be implemented by a remoting sink + if the is to be used + to deliver logging events to the sink. + + + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + Array of events to log. + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + + + + + Appender that rolls log files based on size or date or both. + + + + RollingFileAppender can roll log files based on size or date or both + depending on the setting of the property. + When set to the log file will be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled + once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed. + When set to the log file will be + rolled once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed, but within a date boundary the file will also be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled when + the appender is configured. This effectively means that the log file can be + rolled once per program execution. + + + A of few additional optional features have been added: + + Attach date pattern for current log file + Backup number increments for newer files + Infinite number of backups by file size + + + + + + For large or infinite numbers of backup files a + greater than zero is highly recommended, otherwise all the backup files need + to be renamed each time a new backup is created. + + + When Date/Time based rolling is used setting + to will reduce the number of file renamings to few or none. + + + + + + Changing or without clearing + the log file directory of backup files will cause unexpected and unwanted side effects. + + + + + If Date/Time based rolling is enabled this appender will attempt to roll existing files + in the directory without a Date/Time tag based on the last write date of the base log file. + The appender only rolls the log file when a message is logged. If Date/Time based rolling + is enabled then the appender will not roll the log file at the Date/Time boundary but + at the point when the next message is logged after the boundary has been crossed. + + + + The extends the and + has the same behavior when opening the log file. + The appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + When rolling a backup file necessitates deleting an older backup file the + file to be deleted is moved to a temporary name before being deleted. + + + + + A maximum number of backup files when rolling on date/time boundaries is not supported. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Edward Smit + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RollingFileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes. + + the writer to set + + + + Write out a logging event. + + the event to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Write out an array of logging events. + + the events to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Performs any required rolling before outputting the next event + + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Creates and opens the file for logging. If + is false then the fully qualified name is determined and used. + + the name of the file to open + true to append to existing file + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + Get the current output file name + + the base file name + the output file name + + The output file name is based on the base fileName specified. + If is set then the output + file name is the same as the base file passed in. Otherwise + the output file depends on the date pattern, on the count + direction or both. + + + + + Determines curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + + + + + Generates a wildcard pattern that can be used to find all files + that are similar to the base file name. + + + + + + + Builds a list of filenames for all files matching the base filename plus a file + pattern. + + + + + + + Initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + The following is done + + determine curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + + + Does the work of bumping the 'current' file counter higher + to the highest count when an incremental file name is seen. + The highest count is either the first file (when count direction + is greater than 0) or the last file (when count direction less than 0). + In either case, we want to know the highest count that is present. + + + + + + + Attempts to extract a number from the end of the file name that indicates + the number of the times the file has been rolled over. + + + Certain date pattern extensions like yyyyMMdd will be parsed as valid backup indexes. + + + + + + + Takes a list of files and a base file name, and looks for + 'incremented' versions of the base file. Bumps the max + count up to the highest count seen. + + + + + + + Calculates the RollPoint for the datePattern supplied. + + the date pattern to calculate the check period for + The RollPoint that is most accurate for the date pattern supplied + + Essentially the date pattern is examined to determine what the + most suitable roll point is. The roll point chosen is the roll point + with the smallest period that can be detected using the date pattern + supplied. i.e. if the date pattern only outputs the year, month, day + and hour then the smallest roll point that can be detected would be + and hourly roll point as minutes could not be detected. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Sets initial conditions including date/time roll over information, first check, + scheduledFilename, and calls to initialize + the current number of backups. + + + + + + + + + .1, .2, .3, etc. + + + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + + set to true if the file to be rolled is currently open + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + Resets curSizeRollBackups. + If fileIsOpen is set then the new file is opened (through SafeOpenFile). + + + + + + Renames file to file . + + Name of existing file to roll. + New name for file. + + + Renames file to file . It + also checks for existence of target file and deletes if it does. + + + + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + the path to the file + true if the file exists + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + + + + + Deletes the specified file if it exists. + + The file to delete. + + + Delete a file if is exists. + The file is first moved to a new filename then deleted. + This allows the file to be removed even when it cannot + be deleted, but it still can be moved. + + + + + + Implements file roll base on file size. + + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. Moreover, File is + renamed File.1 and closed. + + + A new file is created to receive further log output. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + + + + Implements file roll. + + the base name to rename + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + This is called by to rename the files. + + + + + + Get the start time of the next window for the current rollpoint + + the current date + the type of roll point we are working with + the start time for the next roll point an interval after the currentDateTime date + + + Returns the date of the next roll point after the currentDateTime date passed to the method. + + + The basic strategy is to subtract the time parts that are less significant + than the rollpoint from the current time. This should roll the time back to + the start of the time window for the current rollpoint. Then we add 1 window + worth of time and get the start time of the next window for the rollpoint. + + + + + + This object supplies the current date/time. Allows test code to plug in + a method to control this class when testing date/time based rolling. The default + implementation uses the underlying value of DateTime.Now. + + + + + The date pattern. By default, the pattern is set to ".yyyy-MM-dd" + meaning daily rollover. + + + + + The actual formatted filename that is currently being written to + or will be the file transferred to on roll over + (based on staticLogFileName). + + + + + The timestamp when we shall next recompute the filename. + + + + + Holds date of last roll over + + + + + The type of rolling done + + + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB + + + + + There is zero backup files by default + + + + + How many sized based backups have been made so far + + + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + + The rolling mode used in this appender. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by date. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by size. + + + + + Value indicating whether to always log to the same file. + + + + + Value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + + + FileName provided in configuration. Used for rolling properly + + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Gets or sets the strategy for determining the current date and time. The default + implementation is to use LocalDateTime which internally calls through to DateTime.Now. + + + An implementation of the interface which returns the current date and time. + + + + Gets or sets the used to return the current date and time. + + + The default strategy is . + + + + + + Gets or sets the date pattern to be used for generating file names + when rolling over on date. + + + The date pattern to be used for generating file names when rolling + over on date. + + + + Takes a string in the same format as expected by + . + + + This property determines the rollover schedule when rolling over + on date. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum number of backup files that are kept before + the oldest is erased. + + + The maximum number of backup files that are kept before the oldest is + erased. + + + + If set to zero, then there will be no backup files and the log file + will be truncated when it reaches . + + + If a negative number is supplied then no deletions will be made. Note + that this could result in very slow performance as a large number of + files are rolled over unless is used. + + + The maximum applies to each time based group of files and + not the total. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size in bytes that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property is equivalent to except + that it is required for differentiating the setter taking a + argument from the setter taking a + argument. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB (10*1024*1024). + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property allows you to specify the maximum size with the + suffixes "KB", "MB" or "GB" so that the size is interpreted being + expressed respectively in kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. + + + For example, the value "10KB" will be interpreted as 10240 bytes. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB. + + + If you have the option to set the maximum file size programmatically + consider using the property instead as this + allows you to set the size in bytes as a . + + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling file count direction. + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + Indicates if the current file is the lowest numbered file or the + highest numbered file. + + + By default newer files have lower numbers ( < 0), + i.e. log.1 is most recent, log.5 is the 5th backup, etc... + + + >= 0 does the opposite i.e. + log.1 is the first backup made, log.5 is the 5th backup made, etc. + For infinite backups use >= 0 to reduce + rollover costs. + + The default file count direction is -1. + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling style. + + The rolling style. + + + The default rolling style is . + + + When set to this appender's + property is set to false, otherwise + the appender would append to a single file rather than rolling + the file each time it is opened. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + true if the file name extension should be preserved. + + + + By default file.log is rolled to file.log.yyyy-MM-dd or file.log.curSizeRollBackup. + However, under Windows the new file name will loose any program associations as the + extension is changed. Optionally file.log can be renamed to file.yyyy-MM-dd.log or + file.curSizeRollBackup.log to maintain any program associations. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always log to + the same file. + + + true if always should be logged to the same file, otherwise false. + + + + By default file.log is always the current file. Optionally + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd for current formatted datePattern can by the currently + logging file (or file.log.curSizeRollBackup or even + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd.curSizeRollBackup). + + + This will make time based rollovers with a large number of backups + much faster as the appender it won't have to rename all the backups! + + + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + + + Roll files once per program execution + + + + Roll files once per program execution. + Well really once each time this appender is + configured. + + + Setting this option also sets AppendToFile to + false on the RollingFileAppender, otherwise + this appender would just be a normal file appender. + + + + + + Roll files based only on the size of the file + + + + + Roll files based only on the date + + + + + Roll files based on both the size and date of the file + + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + + + Roll the log not based on the date + + + + + Roll the log for each minute + + + + + Roll the log for each hour + + + + + Roll the log twice a day (midday and midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each day (midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each week + + + + + Roll the log each month + + + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + Used primarily to allow test classes to plug themselves in so they can + supply test date/times. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Default implementation of that returns the current time. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Send an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. + + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Authentication and setting the server Port are only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + For these features to be enabled you need to ensure that you are using a version of + the log4net assembly that is built against the MS .NET 1.1 framework and that you are + running the your application on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. On all other platforms only sending + unauthenticated messages to a server listening on port 25 (the default) is supported. + + + Authentication is supported by setting the property to + either or . + If using authentication then the + and properties must also be set. + + + To set the SMTP server port use the property. The default port is 25. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + + Send the email message + + the body text to include in the mail + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be carbon copied (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be blind carbon copied. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the SMTP relay mail server to use to send + the e-mail messages. + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + + + Obsolete + + + Use the BufferingAppenderSkeleton Fix methods instead + + + + Obsolete property. + + + + + + The mode to use to authentication with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + Valid Authentication mode values are: , + , and . + The default value is . When using + you must specify the + and to use to authenticate. + When using the Windows credentials for the current + thread, if impersonating, or the process will be used to authenticate. + + + + + + The username to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the username will be ignored. + + + + + + The password to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the password will be ignored. + + + + + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening + + + Server Port is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening. The default + port is 25. The Port can only be changed when running on + the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + + + + + Gets or sets the priority of the e-mail message + + + One of the values. + + + + Sets the priority of the e-mails generated by this + appender. The default priority is . + + + If you are using this appender to report errors then + you may want to set the priority to . + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + Gets or sets the body encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Values for the property. + + + + SMTP authentication modes. + + + + + + No authentication + + + + + Basic authentication. + + + Requires a username and password to be supplied + + + + + Integrated authentication + + + Uses the Windows credentials from the current thread or process to authenticate. + + + + + Send an email when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. Rather than sending via smtp it writes a file into the + directory specified by . This allows services such + as the IIS SMTP agent to manage sending the messages. + + + + The configuration for this appender is identical to that of the SMTPAppender, + except that instead of specifying the SMTPAppender.SMTPHost you specify + . + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Niall Daley + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + + + + + Activate the options on this appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. This should be the same + as that used by the agent sending the messages. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the pickup directory. + + + The used to write to the pickup directory. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appender that allows clients to connect via Telnet to receive log messages + + + + The TelnetAppender accepts socket connections and streams logging messages + back to the client. + The output is provided in a telnet-friendly way so that a log can be monitored + over a TCP/IP socket. + This allows simple remote monitoring of application logging. + + + The default is 23 (the telnet port). + + + Keith Long + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TelnetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Overrides the parent method to close the socket handler + + + + Closes all the outstanding connections. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Create the socket handler and wait for connections + + + + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + + The default value is 23 (the telnet port). + + + The value specified is less than + or greater than . + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Helper class to manage connected clients + + + + The SocketHandler class is used to accept connections from + clients. It is threaded so that clients can connect/disconnect + asynchronously. + + + + + + Opens a new server port on + + the local port to listen on for connections + + + Creates a socket handler on the specified local server port. + + + + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + the text to send + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + + + + + Add a client to the internal clients list + + client to add + + + + Remove a client from the internal clients list + + client to remove + + + + Callback used to accept a connection on the server socket + + The result of the asynchronous operation + + + On connection adds to the list of connections + if there are two many open connections you will be disconnected + + + + + + Close all network connections + + + + Make sure we close all network connections + + + + + + Test if this handler has active connections + + + true if this handler has active connections + + + + This property will be true while this handler has + active connections, that is at least one connection that + the handler will attempt to send a message to. + + + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + + + Create this for the specified + + the client's socket + + + Opens a stream writer on the socket. + + + + + + Write a string to the client + + string to send + + + Write a string to the client + + + + + + Cleanup the clients connection + + + + Close the socket connection. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + trace system. + + + Events are written using the System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(string,string) + method. The event's logger name is the default value for the category parameter + of the Write method. + + + Compact Framework
    + The Compact Framework does not support the + class for any operation except Assert. When using the Compact Framework this + appender will write to the system rather than + the Trace system. This appender will therefore behave like the . +
    + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski +
    + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Defaults to %logger + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + The category parameter sent to the Trace method. + + + + Defaults to %logger which will use the logger name of the current + as the category parameter. + + + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's domain to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required domains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's repository to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required repositories. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + The name of the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The domain to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Obsolete. Use instead of . + + + + + + Use this class to quickly configure a . + + + + Allows very simple programmatic configuration of log4net. + + + Only one appender can be configured using this configurator. + The appender is set at the root of the hierarchy and all logging + events will be delivered to that appender. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The fully qualified type of the BasicConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system with a default configuration. + + + + Initializes the log4net logging system using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + + + + + Initializes the with a default configuration. + + The repository to configure. + + + Initializes the specified repository using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + The repository to configure. + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appenders. + + The repository to configure. + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Base class for all log4net configuration attributes. + + + This is an abstract class that must be extended by + specific configurators. This attribute allows the + configurator to be parameterized by an assembly level + attribute. + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor used by subclasses. + + the ordering priority for this configurator + + + The is used to order the configurator + attributes before they are invoked. Higher priority configurators are executed + before lower priority ones. + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Abstract method implemented by a subclass. When this method is called + the subclass should configure the . + + + + + + Compare this instance to another ConfiguratorAttribute + + the object to compare to + see + + + Compares the priorities of the two instances. + Sorts by priority in descending order. Objects with the same priority are + randomly ordered. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging domain for the assembly. + + + + DomainAttribute is obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging domains. Each domain has its own + logging repository. This attribute specified on the assembly controls + the configuration of the domain. The property specifies the name + of the domain that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the repository objects to create for the domain. If + this attribute is not specified and a is not specified + then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging repository for the assembly. + + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging repository. This attribute specified + on the assembly controls + the configuration of the repository. The property specifies the name + of the repository that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the object + to create for the assembly. If this attribute is not specified or a + is not specified then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the repository. + + The name of the repository. + + + Initialize the attribute with the name for the assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the logging repository. + + + The string name to use as the name of the repository associated with this + assembly. + + + + This value does not have to be unique. Several assemblies can share the + same repository. They will share the logging configuration of the repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + The type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + + The type of the repository to create for the assembly. + The type must implement the + interface. + + + This will be the type of repository created when + the repository is created. If multiple assemblies reference the + same repository then the repository is only created once using the + of the first assembly to call into the + repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the domain. + + The name of the domain. + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + If neither of the or + properties are set the configuration is loaded from the application's .config file. + If set the property takes priority over the + property. The property + specifies a path to a file to load the config from. The path is relative to the + application's base directory; . + The property is used as a postfix to the assembly file name. + The config file must be located in the application's base directory; . + For example in a console application setting the to + config has the same effect as not specifying the or + properties. + + + The property can be set to cause the + to watch the configuration file for changes. + + + + Log4net will only look for assembly level configuration attributes once. + When using the log4net assembly level attributes to control the configuration + of log4net you must ensure that the first call to any of the + methods is made from the assembly with the configuration + attributes. + + + If you cannot guarantee the order in which log4net calls will be made from + different assemblies you must use programmatic configuration instead, i.e. + call the method directly. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Configure the repository using the . + The specified must extend the + class otherwise the will not be able to + configure it. + + + The does not extend . + + + + Attempt to load configuration from the local file system + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + Configure the specified repository using a + + The repository to configure. + the FileInfo pointing to the config file + + + + Attempt to load configuration from a URI + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfiguratorAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the filename of the configuration file. + + + The filename of the configuration file. + + + + If specified, this is the name of the configuration file to use with + the . This file path is relative to the + application base directory (). + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets the extension of the configuration file. + + + The extension of the configuration file. + + + + If specified this is the extension for the configuration file. + The path to the config file is built by using the application + base directory (), + the assembly file name and the config file extension. + + + If the is set to MyExt then + possible config file names would be: MyConsoleApp.exe.MyExt or + MyClassLibrary.dll.MyExt. + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to watch the configuration file. + + + true if the configuration should be watched, false otherwise. + + + + If this flag is specified and set to true then the framework + will watch the configuration file and will reload the config each time + the file is modified. + + + The config file can only be watched if it is loaded from local disk. + In a No-Touch (Smart Client) deployment where the application is downloaded + from a web server the config file may not reside on the local disk + and therefore it may not be able to watch it. + + + Watching configuration is not supported on the SSCLI. + + + + + + Class to register for the log4net section of the configuration file + + + The log4net section of the configuration file needs to have a section + handler registered. This is the section handler used. It simply returns + the XML element that is the root of the section. + + + Example of registering the log4net section handler : + + + +
    + + + log4net configuration XML goes here + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Parses the configuration section. + + The configuration settings in a corresponding parent configuration section. + The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and is a null reference. + The for the log4net section. + The for the log4net section. + + + Returns the containing the configuration data, + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a plugin to attach to + the repository. + + + + Specifies the type of a plugin to create and attach to the + assembly's repository. The plugin type must implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface used to create plugins. + + + + Interface used to create a plugin. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates the plugin object. + + the new plugin instance + + + Create and return a new plugin instance. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type name of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + Where possible use the constructor that takes a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + + + + Creates the plugin object defined by this attribute. + + + + Creates the instance of the object as + specified by this attribute. + + + The plugin object. + + + + Returns a representation of the properties of this object. + + + + Overrides base class method to + return a representation of the properties of this object. + + + A representation of the properties of this object + + + + Gets or sets the type for the plugin. + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type name for the plugin. + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + Where possible use the property instead. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Construct provider attribute with type specified + + the type of the provider to use + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Configures the SecurityContextProvider + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Creates a provider instance from the specified. + Sets this as the default security context provider . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SecurityContextProviderAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the provider to use. + + + the type of the provider to use. + + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
    + + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration URI. + + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration data stream. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
    + + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + URI. + + The repository to configure. + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the specified repository using a log4net element. + + The hierarchy to configure. + The element to parse. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + This method is ultimately called by one of the Configure methods + to load the configuration from an . + + + + + + Maps repository names to ConfigAndWatchHandler instances to allow a particular + ConfigAndWatchHandler to dispose of its FileSystemWatcher when a repository is + reconfigured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Class used to watch config files. + + + + Uses the to monitor + changes to a specified file. Because multiple change notifications + may be raised when the file is modified, a timer is used to + compress the notifications into a single event. The timer + waits for time before delivering + the event notification. If any further + change notifications arrive while the timer is waiting it + is reset and waits again for to + elapse. + + + + + + The default amount of time to wait after receiving notification + before reloading the config file. + + + + + Holds the FileInfo used to configure the XmlConfigurator + + + + + Holds the repository being configured. + + + + + The timer used to compress the notification events. + + + + + Watches file for changes. This object should be disposed when no longer + needed to free system handles on the watched resources. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class to + watch a specified config file used to configure a repository. + + The repository to configure. + The configuration file to watch. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Called by the timer when the configuration has been updated. + + null + + + + Release the handles held by the watcher and timer. + + + + + The implementation of the interface suitable + for use with the compact framework + + + + This implementation is a simple + mapping between repository name and + object. + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not support retrieving assembly + level attributes therefore unlike the DefaultRepositorySelector + this selector does not examine the calling assembly for attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Interface used by the to select the . + + + + The uses a + to specify the policy for selecting the correct + to return to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to use to lookup to the + The for the assembly. + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. The results of this method must be repeatable, i.e. + when called again with the same arguments the result must be the + save value. + + + + + + Gets the named . + + The name to use to lookup to the . + The named + + Lookup a named . This is the repository created by + calling . + + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + The assembly to use to create the domain to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the domain + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. + + + + + + Creates a new repository with the name specified. + + The name to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the name + specified such that a call to with the + same name will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + An array of the instances created by + this . + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Create a new repository selector + + the type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new compact repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + throw if is null + throw if does not implement + + + + Get the for the specified assembly + + not used + The default + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Get the named + + the name of the repository to lookup + The named + + + Get the named . The default + repository is log4net-default-repository. Other repositories + must be created using the . + If the named repository does not exist an exception is thrown. + + + throw if is null + throw if the does not exist + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + not used + the type of repository to create, must implement + the repository created + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + If the is null then the + default repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Create a new repository for the repository specified + + the repository to associate with the + the type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is null then the default repository type is used. + the repository created + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + If the named repository already exists an exception will be thrown. + + + If is null then the default + repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + throw if is null + throw if the already exists + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the CompactRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has been created + + The repository that has been created + + + Raises the LoggerRepositoryCreatedEvent + event. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + The default implementation of the interface. + + + + Uses attributes defined on the calling assembly to determine how to + configure the hierarchy for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates a new repository selector. + + The type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + is . + does not implement . + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly use to lookup the . + + + The type of the created and the repository + to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the . + + + The default values are to use the + implementation of the interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically configured using + any attributes defined on + the . + + + The for the assembly + is . + + + + Gets the for the specified repository. + + The repository to use to lookup the . + The for the specified repository. + + + Returns the named repository. If is null + a is thrown. If the repository + does not exist a is thrown. + + + Use to create a repository. + + + is . + does not exist. + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The name to assign to the created repository + Set to true to read and apply the assembly attributes + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the specified repository. + + The repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is then the default repository type is used. + The new repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + is . + already exists. + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Aliases a repository to an existing repository. + + The repository to alias. + The repository that the repository is aliased to. + + + The repository specified will be aliased to the repository when created. + The repository must not already exist. + + + When the repository is created it must utilize the same repository type as + the repository it is aliased to, otherwise the aliasing will fail. + + + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Notifies the registered listeners that the repository has been created. + + The repository that has been created. + + + Raises the event. + + + + + + Gets the repository name and repository type for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that has a . + in/out param to hold the repository name to use for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + in/out param to hold the type of the repository to create for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + is . + + + + Configures the repository using information from the assembly. + + The assembly containing + attributes which define the configuration for the repository. + The repository to configure. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined plugins on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to add the plugins to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined aliases on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to alias to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DefaultRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Defined error codes that can be passed to the method. + + + + Values passed to the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + A general error + + + + + Error while writing output + + + + + Failed to flush file + + + + + Failed to close file + + + + + Unable to open output file + + + + + No layout specified + + + + + Failed to parse address + + + + + An evaluator that triggers on an Exception type + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the type of the Exception + passed to + is equal to a Type in . /// + + + Drew Schaeffer + + + + Test if an triggers an action + + + + Implementations of this interface allow certain appenders to decide + when to perform an appender specific action. + + + The action or behavior triggered is defined by the implementation. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Test if this event triggers the action + + The event to check + true if this event triggers the action, otherwise false + + + Return true if this event triggers the action + + + + + + The type that causes the trigger to fire. + + + + + Causes subclasses of to cause the trigger to fire. + + + + + Default ctor to allow dynamic creation through a configurator. + + + + + Constructs an evaluator and initializes to trigger on + + the type that triggers this evaluator. + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the logging event Exception + Type is . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the Exception Type of the event + passed to + is . + + + + + + The type that triggers this evaluator. + + + + + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + + Appenders may delegate their error handling to an . + + + + Error handling is a particularly tedious to get right because by + definition errors are hard to predict and to reproduce. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + The error code associated with the error. + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + + + See . + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + + + See . + + + + + + Interface for objects that require fixing. + + + + Interface that indicates that the object requires fixing before it + can be taken outside the context of the appender's + method. + + + When objects that implement this interface are stored + in the context properties maps + and + are fixed + (see ) the + method will be called. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a portable instance object that represents the current + state of this object. The portable object can be stored + and logged from any thread with identical results. + + + + + + Interface that all loggers implement + + + + This interface supports logging events and testing if a level + is enabled for logging. + + + These methods will not throw exceptions. Note to implementor, ensure + that the implementation of these methods cannot allow an exception + to be thrown to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + the exception to log, including its stack trace. Pass null to not log an exception. + + + Generates a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Base interface for all wrappers + + + + Base interface for all wrappers. + + + All wrappers must implement this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that in implementing this object. + + + + The object that in implementing this + object. The Logger object may not + be the same object as this object because of logger decorators. + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications + + The which created the repository. + The event args + that holds the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A + event is raised every time a is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Construct instance using specified + + the that has been created + + + Construct instance using specified + + + + + + The that has been created + + + The that has been created + + + + The that has been created + + + + + + Defines the default set of levels recognized by the system. + + + + Each has an associated . + + + Levels have a numeric that defines the relative + ordering between levels. Two Levels with the same + are deemed to be equivalent. + + + The levels that are recognized by log4net are set for each + and each repository can have different levels defined. The levels are stored + in the on the repository. Levels are + looked up by name from the . + + + When logging at level INFO the actual level used is not but + the value of LoggerRepository.LevelMap["INFO"]. The default value for this is + , but this can be changed by reconfiguring the level map. + + + Each level has a in addition to its . The + is the string that is written into the output log. By default + the display name is the same as the level name, but this can be used to alias levels + or to localize the log output. + + + Some of the predefined levels recognized by the system are: + + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + The display name for this level. This may be localized or otherwise different from the name + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Returns the representation of the current + . + + + A representation of the current . + + + + Returns the level . + + + + + + Compares levels. + + The object to compare against. + true if the objects are equal. + + + Compares the levels of instances, and + defers to base class if the target object is not a + instance. + + + + + + Returns a hash code + + A hash code for the current . + + + Returns a hash code suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data + structures like a hash table. + + + Returns the hash code of the level . + + + + + + Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an + indication of their relative values. + + A instance or to compare with this instance. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + This instance is less than . + + + Zero + This instance is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + + This instance is greater than . + -or- + is . + + + + + + + must be an instance of + or ; otherwise, an exception is thrown. + + + is not a . + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have the same value. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is the same as the + value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have different values. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is different from + the value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Compares two specified instances. + + The first to compare. + The second to compare. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + two values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + is less than . + + + Zero + is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + is greater than . + + + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + The level designates a higher level than all the rest. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events + that will presumably lead the application to abort. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Take immediate action, alerts. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Critical condition, critical. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + + + + + The level designates error events that might + still allow the application to continue running. + + + + + The level designates potentially harmful + situations. + + + + + The level designates informational messages + that highlight the progress of the application at the highest level. + + + + + The level designates informational messages that + highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates the lowest level possible. + + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + The name of this level. + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + The value of this level. + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + The display name of this level. + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a LevelCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A LevelCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new LevelCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the LevelCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the LevelCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the LevelCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the LevelCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the LevelCollection. + + The to locate in the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire LevelCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the LevelCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the LevelCollection. + + The to remove from the LevelCollection. + + The specified was not found in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the LevelCollection. + + An for the entire LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another LevelCollection to the current LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current LevelCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current LevelCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the LevelCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + An evaluator that triggers at a threshold level + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The threshold for triggering + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + the threshold to trigger at + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the event level + is equal or higher than the . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + the threshold to trigger at + + + The that will cause this evaluator to trigger + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Mapping between string name and Level object + + + + Mapping between string name and object. + This mapping is held separately for each . + The level name is case insensitive. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Mapping from level name to Level object. The + level name is case insensitive + + + + + Construct the level map + + + + Construct the level map. + + + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + the display name to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + Add a Level to the map + + the Level to add + + + Add a Level to the map + + + + + + Lookup a named level from the map + + the name of the level to lookup is taken from this level. + If the level is not set on the map then this level is added + the level in the map with the name specified + + + Lookup a named level from the map. The name of the level to lookup is taken + from the property of the + argument. + + + If no level with the specified name is found then the + argument is added to the level map + and returned. + + + + + + Lookup a by name + + The name of the Level to lookup + a Level from the map with the name specified + + + Returns the from the + map with the name specified. If the no level is + found then null is returned. + + + + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + all possible levels as a list of Level objects + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + + + + + The internal representation of caller location information. + + + + This class uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + Constructor + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class based on the current thread. + + + + + + Constructor + + The fully qualified class name. + The method name. + The file name. + The line number of the method within the file. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class with the specified data. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LocationInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + Gets the stack frames from the stack trace of the caller making the log request + + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + This class is used by the wrapper managers (e.g. ) + to provide access to the objects. + + + This manager also holds the that is used to + lookup and create repositories. The selector can be set either programmatically using + the property, or by setting the log4net.RepositorySelector + AppSetting in the applications config file to the fully qualified type name of the + selector to use. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + + + Hook the shutdown event + + + + On the full .NET runtime, the static constructor hooks up the + AppDomain.ProcessExit and AppDomain.DomainUnload> events. + These are used to shutdown the log4net system as the application exits. + + + + + + Register for ProcessExit and DomainUnload events on the AppDomain + + + + This needs to be in a separate method because the events make + a LinkDemand for the ControlAppDomain SecurityPermission. Because + this is a LinkDemand it is demanded at JIT time. Therefore we cannot + catch the exception in the method itself, we have to catch it in the + caller. + + + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + Returns the default instance. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified assembly's repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified assembly's repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + The repository to lookup in. + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + the assembly to use to lookup the repository + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The repository to shutdown. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + An array of all the known objects. + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + + + + Internal method to get pertinent version info. + + A string of version info. + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerManager class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initialize the default repository selector + + + + + Gets or sets the repository selector used by the . + + + The repository selector used by the . + + + + The repository selector () is used by + the to create and select repositories + (). + + + The caller to supplies either a string name + or an assembly (if not supplied the assembly is inferred using + ). + + + This context is used by the selector to lookup a specific repository. + + + For the full .NET Framework, the default repository is DefaultRepositorySelector; + for the .NET Compact Framework CompactRepositorySelector is the default + repository. + + + + + + Implementation of the interface. + + + + This class should be used as the base for all wrapper implementations. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + The logger that this object is wrapping + + + + + Gets the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that this object is implementing. + + + + The Logger object may not be the same object as this object + because of logger decorators. + + + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The logger name. + + + + The logger name. + + + + + + Level of logging event. + + + + Level of logging event. Level cannot be Serializable + because it is a flyweight. Due to its special serialization it + cannot be declared final either. + + + + + + The application supplied message. + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + + The name of thread + + + + The name of thread in which this logging event was generated + + + + + + The time the event was logged + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + + + String representation of the user + + + + String representation of the user's windows name, + like DOMAIN\username + + + + + + String representation of the identity. + + + + String representation of the current thread's principal identity. + + + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Fix the MDC + + + + + Fix the NDC + + + + + Fix the rendered message + + + + + Fix the thread name + + + + + Fix the callers location information + + + CAUTION: Very slow to generate + + + + + Fix the callers windows user name + + + CAUTION: Slow to generate + + + + + Fix the domain friendly name + + + + + Fix the callers principal name + + + CAUTION: May be slow to generate + + + + + Fix the exception text + + + + + Fix the event properties. Active properties must implement in order to be eligible for fixing. + + + + + No fields fixed + + + + + All fields fixed + + + + + Partial fields fixed + + + + This set of partial fields gives good performance. The following fields are fixed: + + + + + + + + + + + + + The internal representation of logging events. + + + + When an affirmative decision is made to log then a + instance is created. This instance + is passed around to the different log4net components. + + + This class is of concern to those wishing to extend log4net. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + The key into the Properties map for the host name value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the thread identity value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the user name value. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + from the supplied parameters. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + The name of the logger of this event. + The level of this event. + The message of this event. + The exception for this event. + + + Except , and , + all fields of LoggingEvent are filled when actually needed. Call + to cache all data locally + to prevent inconsistencies. + + This method is called by the log4net framework + to create a logging event. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + The fields in the struct that have already been fixed. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + The parameter should be used to specify which fields in the + struct have been preset. Fields not specified in the + will be captured from the environment if requested or fixed. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Ensure that the repository is set. + + the value for the repository + + + + Write the rendered message to a TextWriter + + the writer to write the message to + + + Unlike the property this method + does store the message data in the internal cache. Therefore + if called only once this method should be faster than the + property, however if the message is + to be accessed multiple times then the property will be more efficient. + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + The data in this event must be fixed before it can be serialized. + + + The method must be called during the + method call if this event + is to be used outside that method. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + Does a fix of the data + in the logging event before returning the event data. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The set of data to ensure is fixed in the LoggingEventData + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + + + + Fix instance fields that hold volatile data. + + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Calling is equivalent to + calling passing the parameter + false. + + + See for more + information. + + + + + + Fixes instance fields that hold volatile data. + + Set to true to not fix data that takes a long time to fix. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + The param controls the data that + is fixed. Some of the data that can be fixed takes a long time to + generate, therefore if you do not require those settings to be fixed + they can be ignored by setting the param + to true. This setting will ignore the + and settings. + + + Set to false to ensure that all + settings are fixed. + + + + + + Fix the fields specified by the parameter + + the fields to fix + + + Only fields specified in the will be fixed. + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Lookup a composite property in this event + + the key for the property to lookup + the value for the property + + + This event has composite properties that combine together properties from + several different contexts in the following order: + + + this events properties + + This event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + + Get all the composite properties in this event + + the containing all the properties + + + See for details of the composite properties + stored by the event. + + + This method returns a single containing all the + properties defined for this event. + + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The fully qualified Type of the calling + logger class in the stack frame (i.e. the declaring type of the method). + + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + The exception that was thrown. + + + This is not serialized. The string representation + is serialized instead. + + + + + The repository that generated the logging event + + + This is not serialized. + + + + + The fix state for this event + + + These flags indicate which fields have been fixed. + Not serialized. + + + + + Indicated that the internal cache is updateable (ie not fixed) + + + This is a seperate flag to m_fixFlags as it allows incrementel fixing and simpler + changes in the caching strategy. + + + + + Gets the time when the current process started. + + + This is the time when this process started. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + Tries to get the start time for the current process. + Failing that it returns the time of the first call to + this property. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating and therefore + without the process start time being reset. + + + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + The of the logging event. + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + + + + Gets the time of the logging event. + + + The time of the logging event. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + The name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + + + Gets the location information for this logging event. + + + The location information for this logging event. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + See the class for more information on + supported frameworks and the different behavior in Debug and + Release builds. + + + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + + + The message object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid message object. + If the event is serialized the message object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the message the + property must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined message object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + + + The exception object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid exception object. + If the event is serialized the exception object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the exception the + method must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined exception object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + + + Gets the message, rendered through the . + + + The message rendered through the . + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current thread. + + + The name of the current thread, or the thread ID when + the name is not available. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current user. + + + The name of the current user, or NOT AVAILABLE when the + underlying runtime has no support for retrieving the name of the + current user. + + + + Calls WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name to get the name of + the current windows user. + + + To improve performance, we could cache the string representation of + the name, and reuse that as long as the identity stayed constant. + Once the identity changed, we would need to re-assign and re-render + the string. + + + However, the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() call seems to + return different objects every time, so the current implementation + doesn't do this type of caching. + + + Timing for these operations: + + + + Method + Results + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() + 10000 loops, 00:00:00.2031250 seconds + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + 10000 loops, 00:00:08.0468750 seconds + + + + This means we could speed things up almost 40 times by caching the + value of the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name property, since + this takes (8.04-0.20) = 7.84375 seconds. + + + + + + Gets the identity of the current thread principal. + + + The string name of the identity of the current thread principal. + + + + Calls System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name to get + the name of the current thread principal. + + + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + The AppDomain friendly name. + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + This property is for events that have been added directly to + this event. The aggregate properties (which include these + event properties) can be retrieved using + and . + + + Once the properties have been fixed this property + returns the combined cached properties. This ensures that updates to + this property are always reflected in the underlying storage. When + returning the combined properties there may be more keys in the + Dictionary than expected. + + + + + + The fixed fields in this event + + + The set of fields that are fixed in this event + + + + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Implementation of wrapper interface. + + + + This implementation of the interface + forwards to the held by the base class. + + + This logger has methods to allow the caller to log at the following + levels: + + + + DEBUG + + The and methods log messages + at the DEBUG level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + INFO + + The and methods log messages + at the INFO level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + WARN + + The and methods log messages + at the WARN level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + ERROR + + The and methods log messages + at the ERROR level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + FATAL + + The and methods log messages + at the FATAL level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + + The values for these levels and their semantic meanings can be changed by + configuring the for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The ILog interface is use by application to log messages into + the log4net framework. + + + + Use the to obtain logger instances + that implement this interface. The + static method is used to get logger instances. + + + This class contains methods for logging at different levels and also + has properties for determining if those logging levels are + enabled in the current configuration. + + + This interface can be implemented in different ways. This documentation + specifies reasonable behavior that a caller can expect from the actual + implementation, however different implementations reserve the right to + do things differently. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + For some ILog interface log, when you write: + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, string construction and concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed (who isn't), then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in and once in + the . This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. This is the preferred style of logging. + + Alternatively if your logger is available statically then the is debug + enabled state can be stored in a static variable like this: + + + private static readonly bool isDebugEnabled = log.IsDebugEnabled; + + + Then when you come to log you can write: + + + if (isDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way the debug enabled state is only queried once + when the class is loaded. Using a private static readonly + variable is the most efficient because it is a run time constant + and can be heavily optimized by the JIT compiler. + + + Of course if you use a static readonly variable to + hold the enabled state of the logger then you cannot + change the enabled state at runtime to vary the logging + that is produced. You have to decide if you need absolute + speed or runtime flexibility. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + the repository holding the levels + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + DEBUG level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + INFO level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level. + + the message object to log + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + WARN level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + ERROR level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + FATAL level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Event handler for the event + + the repository + Empty + + + + The fully qualified name of this declaring type not the type of any subclass. + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the DEBUG + level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for DEBUG events, + false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + + For some log Logger object, when you write: + + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed, then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled()) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in IsDebugEnabled and once in + the Debug. This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the INFO level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for INFO events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the WARN level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for WARN events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the ERROR level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for ERROR events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the FATAL level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for FATAL events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + provides method information without actually referencing a System.Reflection.MethodBase + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + constructs a method item for an unknown method. + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method. + + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method and its parameters. + + + + + + + constructs a method item from a method base by determining the method name and its parameters. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + The method parameters of the caller making + the logging request + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + for example with operating system services. This can be used to impersonate + a principal that has been granted privileges on the system resources. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + An instance that will + revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext, or null + + + Impersonate this security context. Further calls on the current + thread should now be made in the security context provided + by this object. When the result + method is called the security + context of the thread should be reverted to the state it was in + before was called. + + + + + + The providers default instances. + + + + A configured component that interacts with potentially protected system + resources uses a to provide the elevated + privileges required. If the object has + been not been explicitly provided to the component then the component + will request one from this . + + + By default the is + an instance of which returns only + objects. This is a reasonable default + where the privileges required are not know by the system. + + + This default behavior can be overridden by subclassing the + and overriding the method to return + the desired objects. The default provider + can be replaced by programmatically setting the value of the + property. + + + An alternative is to use the log4net.Config.SecurityContextProviderAttribute + This attribute can be applied to an assembly in the same way as the + log4net.Config.XmlConfiguratorAttribute". The attribute takes + the type to use as the as an argument. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The default provider + + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + + + Create a SecurityContext for a consumer + + The consumer requesting the SecurityContext + An impersonation context + + + The default implementation is to return a . + + + Subclasses should override this method to provide their own + behavior. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default SecurityContextProvider + + + The default SecurityContextProvider + + + + The default provider is used by configured components that + require a and have not had one + given to them. + + + By default this is an instance of + that returns objects. + + + The default provider can be set programmatically by setting + the value of this property to a sub class of + that has the desired behavior. + + + + + + provides stack frame information without actually referencing a System.Diagnostics.StackFrame + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + returns a stack frame item from a stack frame. This + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + An evaluator that triggers after specified number of seconds. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + Robert Sevcik + + + + The default time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time of last check. This gets updated when the object is created and when the evaluator triggers. + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the specified time period + has passed since last check.. + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. This delegate + is called from the + method to construct the wrapper for the specified logger. + + + The delegate to use is supplied to the + constructor. + + + + + + Maps between logger objects and wrapper objects. + + + + This class maintains a mapping between objects and + objects. Use the method to + lookup the for the specified . + + + New wrapper instances are created by the + method. The default behavior is for this method to delegate construction + of the wrapper to the delegate supplied + to the constructor. This allows specialization of the behavior without + requiring subclassing of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + + The handler to use to create the wrapper objects. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified handler to create the wrapper objects. + + + + + + Gets the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The wrapper object for the specified logger + + + If the logger is null then the corresponding wrapper is null. + + + Looks up the wrapper it it has previously been requested and + returns it. If the wrapper has never been requested before then + the virtual method is + called. + + + + + + Creates the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + The wrapper object for the logger. + + + This implementation uses the + passed to the constructor to create the wrapper. This method + can be overridden in a subclass. + + + + + + Called when a monitored repository shutdown event is received. + + The that is shutting down + + + This method is called when a that this + is holding loggers for has signaled its shutdown + event . The default + behavior of this method is to release the references to the loggers + and their wrappers generated for this repository. + + + + + + Event handler for repository shutdown event. + + The sender of the event. + The event args. + + + + Map of logger repositories to hashtables of ILogger to ILoggerWrapper mappings + + + + + The handler to use to create the extension wrapper objects. + + + + + Internal reference to the delegate used to register for repository shutdown events. + + + + + Gets the map of logger repositories. + + + Map of logger repositories. + + + + Gets the hashtable that is keyed on . The + values are hashtables keyed on with the + value being the corresponding . + + + + + + Formats a as "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats a in the format "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render a as a string. + + + + Interface to abstract the rendering of a + instance into a string. + + + The method is used to render the + date to a text writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats the specified date as a string. + + The date to format. + The writer to write to. + + + Format the as a string and write it + to the provided. + + + + + + String constant used to specify AbsoluteTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is ABSOLUTE. + + + + + String constant used to specify DateTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is DATE. + + + + + String constant used to specify ISO8601DateFormat in layouts. Current value is ISO8601. + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss". + + The date to render into a string. + The string builder to write to. + + + Subclasses should override this method to render the date + into a string using a precision up to the second. This method + will be called at most once per second and the result will be + reused if it is needed again during the same second. + + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + The date to render into a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the method to generate the + time string up to the seconds and then appends the current + milliseconds. The results from are + cached and is called at most once + per second. + + + Sub classes should override + rather than . + + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Formats a as "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" + + + + Formats a in the format + "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, + "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Angelika Schnagl + + + + Default constructor. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats a DateTime in the format "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" + for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + The format info for the invariant culture. + + + + + Formats the as "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats the specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats the date specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The format string. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified format string. + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + Formats the date using . + + The date to convert to a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the date format string supplied to the constructor to call + the method to format the date. + + + + + + The format string used to format the . + + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + This filter drops all . + + + + You can add this filter to the end of a filter chain to + switch from the default "accept all unless instructed otherwise" + filtering behavior to a "deny all unless instructed otherwise" + behavior. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Subclass this type to implement customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should extend this class to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface to provide customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should implement this interface to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Decide if the logging event should be logged through an appender. + + The LoggingEvent to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Points to the next filter in the filter chain. + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Initialize the filter with the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Typically filter's options become active immediately on set, + however this method must still be called. + + + + + + Decide if the should be logged through an appender. + + The to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + This method is marked abstract and must be implemented + in a subclass. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Always returns the integer constant + + the LoggingEvent to filter + Always returns + + + Ignores the event being logged and just returns + . This can be used to change the default filter + chain behavior from to . This filter + should only be used as the last filter in the chain + as any further filters will be ignored! + + + + + + The return result from + + + + The return result from + + + + + + The log event must be dropped immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This filter is neutral with respect to the log event. + The remaining filters, if any, should be consulted for a final decision. + + + + + The log event must be logged immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This is a very simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits two options and + . If there is an exact match between the value + of the option and the of the + , then the method returns in + case the option value is set + to true, if it is false then + is returned. If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + flag to indicate if the filter should on a match + + + + + the to match against + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Tests if the of the logging event matches that of the filter + + the event to filter + see remarks + + + If the of the event matches the level of the + filter then the result of the function depends on the + value of . If it is true then + the function will return , it it is false then it + will return . If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + The level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + This is a simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits three options and + that determine the range of priorities that are matched, and + . If there is a match between the range + of priorities and the of the , then the + method returns in case the + option value is set to true, if it is false + then is returned. If there is no match, is returned. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when matching a + + + + + the minimum value to match + + + + + the maximum value to match + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if the event should be logged. + + the logging event to check + see remarks + + + If the of the logging event is outside the range + matched by this filter then + is returned. If the is matched then the value of + is checked. If it is true then + is returned, otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching and + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Set the minimum matched + + + + The minimum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Sets the maximum matched + + + + The maximum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the event's logger name. + + + + The works very similar to the . It admits two + options and . If the + of the starts + with the value of the option, then the + method returns in + case the option value is set to true, + if it is false then is returned. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The logger name string to substring match against the event + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the equals the beginning of + the incoming () + then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + This filter will attempt to match this value against logger name in + the following way. The match will be done against the beginning of the + logger name (using ). The match is + case sensitive. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with layered properties the + should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Simple filter to match a string an event property + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the value for a + specific event property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The string to substring match against the message + + + + + A string regex to match + + + + + A regex object to match (generated from m_stringRegexToMatch) + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Initialize and precompile the Regex if required + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the message then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching or + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Sets the static string to match + + + + The string that will be substring matched against + the rendered message. If the message contains this + string then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + Sets the regular expression to match + + + + The regular expression pattern that will be matched against + the rendered message. If the message matches this + pattern then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + The key to use to lookup the string from the event properties + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The event property for the is matched against + the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the property value then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + The key to lookup in the event properties and then match against. + + + + The key name to use to lookup in the properties map of the + . The match will be performed against + the value of this property if it exists. + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with named stacks stored in the + properties collections the should + be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Sets the to "NDC". + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Protected constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Evaluate this pattern converter and write the output to a writer. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the appropriate way. + + + + + + Set the next pattern converter in the chains + + the pattern converter that should follow this converter in the chain + the next converter + + + The PatternConverter can merge with its neighbor during this method (or a sub class). + Therefore the return value may or may not be the value of the argument passed in. + + + + + + Write the pattern converter to the writer with appropriate formatting + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + This method calls to allow the subclass to perform + appropriate conversion of the pattern converter. If formatting options have + been specified via the then this method will + apply those formattings before writing the output. + + + + + + Fast space padding method. + + to which the spaces will be appended. + The number of spaces to be padded. + + + Fast space padding method. + + + + + + The option string to the converter + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an object to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the Object to a writer. If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the object to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + The formatting info for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + The option for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles exceptions + + + false if this converter handles exceptions + + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles the logging event exception + + false if this converter handles the logging event exception + + + If this converter handles the exception object contained within + , then this property should be set to + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the property should be set to true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this converter does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output . + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Abstract class that provides access to the current HttpContext () that + derived classes need. + + + This class handles the case when HttpContext.Current is null by writing + to the writer. + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. If no property has been set, all key value pairs from the Cache will + be written to the output. + + + + + + Converter for items in the . + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net HttpContext item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. If no property has been set, all key value pairs from the Session will + be written to the output. + + + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + + Render the to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,yyyy" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter pattern based on the property. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert the pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception or the exception property specified + by the Option value does not exist then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Recognized values for the Option parameter are: + + + + Message + + + Source + + + StackTrace + + + TargetSite + + + HelpLink + + + + + + + Writes the caller location file name to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location file name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + + + Writes the value of the to + the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the + to + the output . + + + + + + Write the event level to the output + + + + Writes the display name of the event + to the writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event level to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the of the + to the . + + + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Converter for logger name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Converter to output and truncate '.' separated strings + + + + This abstract class supports truncating a '.' separated string + to show a specified number of elements from the right hand side. + This is used to truncate class names that are fully qualified. + + + Subclasses should override the method to + return the fully qualified string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Get the fully qualified string data + + the event being logged + the fully qualified name + + + Overridden by subclasses to get the fully qualified name before the + precision is applied to it. + + + Return the fully qualified '.' (dot/period) separated string. + + + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + Render the to the precision + specified by the property. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the NamedPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the logger + + the event being logged + The fully qualified logger name + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + + + + Write the method name to the output + + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the method name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + + + + Converter to include event NDC + + + + Outputs the value of the event property named NDC. + + + The should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event NDC to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + As the thread context stacks are now stored in named event properties + this converter simply looks up the value of the NDC property. + + + The should be used instead. + + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + Converter to output the relative time of the event + + + + Converter to output the time of the event relative to the start of the program. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the relative time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the relative time of the event in milliseconds. + That is the number of milliseconds between the event + and the . + + + + + + Helper method to get the time difference between two DateTime objects + + start time (in the current local time zone) + end time (in the current local time zone) + the time difference in milliseconds + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + Adam Davies + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + Michael Cromwell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the strack frames to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Returns the Name of the method + + + This method was created, so this class could be used as a base class for StackTraceDetailPatternConverter + string + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTracePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTraceDetailPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Converter to include event thread name + + + + Writes the to the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the ThreadName to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the . + + + + + + Pattern converter for the class name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the class + + the event being logged + The fully qualified type name for the caller location + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Converter to include event user name + + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + Uses a to format the + in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone, this is converted + to Universal time before it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string that re-evaluates on each call. + + + This class is built on and provides all the + features and capabilities of PatternLayout. PatternLayout is a 'static' class + in that its layout is done once at configuration time. This class will recreate + the layout on each reference. + One important difference between PatternLayout and DynamicPatternLayout is the + treatment of the Header and Footer parameters in the configuration. The Header and Footer + parameters for DynamicPatternLayout must be syntactically in the form of a PatternString, + but should not be marked as type log4net.Util.PatternString. Doing so causes the + pattern to be statically converted at configuration time and causes DynamicPatternLayout + to perform the same as PatternLayout. + Please see for complete documentation. + + <layout type="log4net.Layout.DynamicPatternLayout"> + <param name="Header" value="%newline**** Trace Opened Local: %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} UTC: %utcdate{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + <param name="Footer" value="**** Trace Closed %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + </layout> + + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string. + + + + The goal of this class is to a + as a string. The results + depend on the conversion pattern. + + + The conversion pattern is closely related to the conversion + pattern of the printf function in C. A conversion pattern is + composed of literal text and format control expressions called + conversion specifiers. + + + You are free to insert any literal text within the conversion + pattern. + + + Each conversion specifier starts with a percent sign (%) and is + followed by optional format modifiers and a conversion + pattern name. The conversion pattern name specifies the type of + data, e.g. logger, level, date, thread name. The format + modifiers control such things as field width, padding, left and + right justification. The following is a simple example. + + + Let the conversion pattern be "%-5level [%thread]: %message%newline" and assume + that the log4net environment was set to use a PatternLayout. Then the + statements + + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TestApp)); + log.Debug("Message 1"); + log.Warn("Message 2"); + + would yield the output + + DEBUG [main]: Message 1 + WARN [main]: Message 2 + + + Note that there is no explicit separator between text and + conversion specifiers. The pattern parser knows when it has reached + the end of a conversion specifier when it reads a conversion + character. In the example above the conversion specifier + %-5level means the level of the logging event should be left + justified to a width of five characters. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + a + Equivalent to appdomain + + + appdomain + + Used to output the friendly name of the AppDomain where the + logging event was generated. + + + + aspnet-cache + + + Used to output all cache items in the case of %aspnet-cache or just one named item if used as %aspnet-cache{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-context + + + Used to output all context items in the case of %aspnet-context or just one named item if used as %aspnet-context{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-request + + + Used to output all request parameters in the case of %aspnet-request or just one named param if used as %aspnet-request{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-session + + + Used to output all session items in the case of %aspnet-session or just one named item if used as %aspnet-session{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + c + Equivalent to logger + + + C + Equivalent to type + + + class + Equivalent to type + + + d + Equivalent to date + + + date + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + exception + + + Used to output the exception passed in with the log message. + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + + + F + Equivalent to file + + + file + + + Used to output the file name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + WARNING Generating caller information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + l + Equivalent to location + + + L + Equivalent to line + + + location + + + Used to output location information of the caller which generated + the logging event. + + + The location information depends on the CLI implementation but + usually consists of the fully qualified name of the calling + method followed by the callers source the file name and line + number between parentheses. + + + The location information can be very useful. However, its + generation is extremely slow. Its use should be avoided + unless execution speed is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + level + + + Used to output the level of the logging event. + + + + + line + + + Used to output the line number from where the logging request + was issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + logger + + + Used to output the logger of the logging event. The + logger conversion specifier can be optionally followed by + precision specifier, that is a decimal constant in + brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the logger name will be + printed. By default the logger name is printed in full. + + + For example, for the logger name "a.b.c" the pattern + %logger{2} will output "b.c". + + + + + m + Equivalent to message + + + M + Equivalent to method + + + message + + + Used to output the application supplied message associated with + the logging event. + + + + + mdc + + + The MDC (old name for the ThreadContext.Properties) is now part of the + combined event properties. This pattern is supported for compatibility + but is equivalent to property. + + + + + method + + + Used to output the method name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + n + Equivalent to newline + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + ndc + + + Used to output the NDC (nested diagnostic context) associated + with the thread that generated the logging event. + + + + + p + Equivalent to level + + + P + Equivalent to property + + + properties + Equivalent to property + + + property + + + Used to output the an event specific property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are added to events by loggers or appenders. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the event properties + + The event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + r + Equivalent to timestamp + + + stacktrace + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktrace{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + stacktracedetail + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktracedetail{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + t + Equivalent to thread + + + timestamp + + + Used to output the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start + of the application until the creation of the logging event. + + + + + thread + + + Used to output the name of the thread that generated the + logging event. Uses the thread number if no name is available. + + + + + type + + + Used to output the fully qualified type name of the caller + issuing the logging request. This conversion specifier + can be optionally followed by precision specifier, that + is a decimal constant in brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the class name will be + printed. By default the class name is output in fully qualified form. + + + For example, for the class name "log4net.Layout.PatternLayout", the + pattern %type{1} will output "PatternLayout". + + + WARNING Generating the caller class information is + slow. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is + not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + u + Equivalent to identity + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + WARNING Generating caller WindowsIdentity information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + w + Equivalent to username + + + x + Equivalent to ndc + + + X + Equivalent to mdc + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + The single letter patterns are deprecated in favor of the + longer more descriptive pattern names. + + + By default the relevant information is output as is. However, + with the aid of format modifiers it is possible to change the + minimum field width, the maximum field width and justification. + + + The optional format modifier is placed between the percent sign + and the conversion pattern name. + + + The first optional format modifier is the left justification + flag which is just the minus (-) character. Then comes the + optional minimum field width modifier. This is a decimal + constant that represents the minimum number of characters to + output. If the data item requires fewer characters, it is padded on + either the left or the right until the minimum width is + reached. The default is to pad on the left (right justify) but you + can specify right padding with the left justification flag. The + padding character is space. If the data item is larger than the + minimum field width, the field is expanded to accommodate the + data. The value is never truncated. + + + This behavior can be changed using the maximum field + width modifier which is designated by a period followed by a + decimal constant. If the data item is longer than the maximum + field, then the extra characters are removed from the + beginning of the data item and not from the end. For + example, it the maximum field width is eight and the data item is + ten characters long, then the first two characters of the data item + are dropped. This behavior deviates from the printf function in C + where truncation is done from the end. + + + Below are various format modifier examples for the logger + conversion specifier. + +
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Format modifierleft justifyminimum widthmaximum widthcomment
    %20loggerfalse20none + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is less than 20 + characters long. + +
    %-20loggertrue20none + + Right pad with spaces if the logger + name is less than 20 characters long. + +
    %.30loggerNAnone30 + + Truncate from the beginning if the logger + name is longer than 30 characters. + +
    %20.30loggerfalse2030 + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
    %-20.30loggertrue2030 + + Right pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
    + + Note about caller location information.
    + The following patterns %type %file %line %method %location %class %C %F %L %l %M + all generate caller location information. + Location information uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. +
    + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using the method. + +
    + + This is a more detailed pattern. + %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline + + + A similar pattern except that the relative time is + right padded if less than 6 digits, thread name is right padded if + less than 15 characters and truncated if longer and the logger + name is left padded if shorter than 30 characters and truncated if + longer. + %-6timestamp [%15.15thread] %-5level %30.30logger %ndc - %message%newline + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino +
    + + + Extend this abstract class to create your own log layout format. + + + + This is the base implementation of the + interface. Most layout objects should extend this class. + + + + + + Subclasses must implement the + method. + + + Subclasses should set the in their default + constructor. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by layout objects + + + + An object is used to format a + as text. The method is called by an + appender to transform the into a string. + + + The layout can also supply and + text that is appender before any events and after all the events respectively. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text and output to a writer. + + + If the caller does not have a and prefers the + event to be formatted as a then the following + code can be used to format the event into a . + + + StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); + Layout.Format(writer, loggingEvent); + string formattedEvent = writer.ToString(); + + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This is a MIME type e.g. "text/plain". + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handle exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + + + + The header text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The footer text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This method must be implemented by the subclass. + + + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text. + + + + + + Convenience method for easily formatting the logging event into a string variable. + + + + Creates a new StringWriter instance to store the formatted logging event. + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type is "text/plain" + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This base class uses the value "text/plain". + To change this value a subclass must override this + property. + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this layout does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + Currently set to the string "%message%newline" + which just prints the application supplied message. + + + + + + A detailed conversion pattern + + + + A conversion pattern which includes Time, Thread, Logger, and Nested Context. + Current value is %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline. + + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + This static map is overridden by the m_converterRegistry instance map + + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternLayout only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + Defines the builtin global rules. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + As per the contract the + method must be called after the properties on this object have been + configured. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + When using this constructor the method + need not be called. This may not be the case when using a subclass. + + + + + + Create the pattern parser instance + + the pattern to parse + The that will format the event + + + Creates the used to parse the conversion string. Sets the + global and instance rules on the . + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Parse the using the patter format + specified in the property. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a named pattern converter to this instance. This + converter will be used in the formatting of the event. + This method must be called before . + + + The specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + The header PatternString + + + + + The footer PatternString + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event. + + + This Layout should only be used with appenders that utilize multiple + layouts (e.g. ). + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Constructs a ExceptionLayout + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + Part of the component activation + framework. + + + This method does nothing as options become effective immediately. + + + + + + Gets the exception text from the logging event + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + the event being logged + + + Write the exception string to the . + The exception string is retrieved from . + + + + + + Interface for raw layout objects + + + + Interface used to format a + to an object. + + + This interface should not be confused with the + interface. This interface is used in + only certain specialized situations where a raw object is + required rather than a formatted string. The + is not generally useful than this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + + + + + Adapts any to a + + + + Where an is required this adapter + allows a to be specified. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The layout to adapt + + + + + Construct a new adapter + + the layout to adapt + + + Create the adapter for the specified . + + + + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + + Uses the object supplied to + the constructor to perform the formatting. + + + + + + Type converter for the interface + + + + Used to convert objects to the interface. + Supports converting from the interface to + the interface using the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from arbitrary types + to a single target type. See . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the can be converted to the + type supported by this converter. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Converts the to the type supported + by this converter. + + + + + + Can the sourceType be converted to an + + the source to be to be converted + true if the source type can be converted to + + + Test if the can be converted to a + . Only is supported + as the . + + + + + + Convert the value to a object + + the value to convert + the object + + + Convert the object to a + object. If the object + is a then the + is used to adapt between the two interfaces, otherwise an + exception is thrown. + + + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructs a RawPropertyLayout + + + + + Lookup the property for + + The event to format + returns property value + + + Looks up and returns the object value of the property + named . If there is no property defined + with than name then null will be returned. + + + + + + The name of the value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection. + + + Value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection + + + + String name of the property to lookup in the . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in local time. To format the time stamp + in universal time use . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawUtcTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in universal time. To format the time stamp + in local time use . + + + + + + A very simple layout + + + + SimpleLayout consists of the level of the log statement, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. For example, + + DEBUG - Hello world + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a SimpleLayout + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a simple formatted output. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Formats the event as the level of the even, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. The + output is terminated by a newline. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + The output of the consists of a series of + log4net:event elements. It does not output a complete well-formed XML + file. The output is designed to be included as an external entity + in a separate file to form a correct XML file. + + + For example, if abc is the name of the file where + the output goes, then a well-formed XML file would + be: + + + <?xml version="1.0" ?> + + <!DOCTYPE log4net:events SYSTEM "log4net-events.dtd" [<!ENTITY data SYSTEM "abc">]> + <log4net:events version="1.2" xmlns:log4net="> + &data; + </log4net:events> + + + This approach enforces the independence of the + and the appender where it is embedded. + + + The version attribute helps components to correctly + interpret output generated by . The value of + this attribute should be "1.2" for release 1.2 and later. + + + Alternatively the Header and Footer properties can be + configured to output the correct XML header, open tag and close tag. + When setting the Header and Footer properties it is essential + that the underlying data store not be appendable otherwise the data + will become invalid XML. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + This is an abstract class that must be subclassed by an implementation + to conform to a specific schema. + + + Deriving classes must implement the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with no location info. + + + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + The parameter determines whether + location information will be output by the layout. If + is set to true, then the + file name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string. + + The event being logged. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the and write it to the . + + + This method creates an that writes to the + . The is passed + to the method. Subclasses should override the + method rather than this method. + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Subclasses should override this method to format + the as XML. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if location information should be included in + the XML events. + + + + + The string to replace invalid chars with + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether to include location information in + the XML events. + + + true if location information should be included in the XML + events; otherwise, false. + + + + If is set to true, then the file + name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + The string to replace characters that can not be expressed in XML with. + + + Not all characters may be expressed in XML. This property contains the + string to replace those that can not with. This defaults to a ?. Set it + to the empty string to simply remove offending characters. For more + details on the allowed character ranges see + Character replacement will occur in the log message, the property names + and the property values. + + + + + + + Gets the content type output by this layout. + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SmtpAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Builds a cache of the element names + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Override the base class method + to write the to the . + + + + + + The prefix to use for all generated element names + + + + + The prefix to use for all element names + + + + The default prefix is log4net. Set this property + to change the prefix. If the prefix is set to an empty string + then no prefix will be written. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the message. + + + + By default the log message will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when the message contains binary + data. By setting this to true the contents of the message will be + base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the log message. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the property values. + + + + By default the properties will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when one or more properties contain + binary data. By setting this to true the values of the properties + will be base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the property values. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements compatible with the log4j schema + + + + Formats the log events according to the schema. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Actually do the writing of the xml + + the writer to use + the event to write + + + Generate XML that is compatible with the log4j schema. + + + + + + The version of the log4j schema to use. + + + + Only version 1.2 of the log4j schema is supported. + + + + + + The default object Renderer. + + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects and collections to strings. + + + See the method for details of the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface in order to render objects as strings + + + + Certain types require special case conversion to + string form. This conversion is done by an object renderer. + Object renderers implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a + string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects to strings as follows: + + + + Value + Rendered String + + + null + + "(null)" + + + + + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + , & + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: {a, b, c}. + + + All collection classes that implement its subclasses, + or generic equivalents all implement the interface. + + + + + + + + Rendered as the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). + + + For example: key=value. + + + + + other + + Object.ToString() + + + + + + + + Render the array argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the array to render + The writer to render to + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + + Render the enumerator argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the enumerator to render + The writer to render to + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + {a, b, c}. + + + + + + Render the DictionaryEntry argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the DictionaryEntry to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). For example: key=value. + + + + + + Map class objects to an . + + + + Maintains a mapping between types that require special + rendering and the that + is used to render them. + + + The method is used to render an + object using the appropriate renderers defined in this map. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + the object rendered as a string + + + This is a convenience method used to render an object to a string. + The alternative method + should be used when streaming output to a . + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + The writer to render to + + + Find the appropriate renderer for the type of the + parameter. This is accomplished by calling the + method. Once a renderer is found, it is + applied on the object and the result is returned + as a . + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type + + the object to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type. + + + Syntactic sugar method that calls + with the type of the object parameter. + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified type + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + Returns the renderer for the specified type. + If no specific renderer has been defined the + will be returned. + + + + + + Internal function to recursively search interfaces + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + + Clear the map of renderers + + + + Clear the custom renderers defined by using + . The + cannot be removed. + + + + + + Register an for . + + the type that will be rendered by + the renderer for + + + Register an object renderer for a specific source type. + This renderer will be returned from a call to + specifying the same as an argument. + + + + + + Get the default renderer instance + + the default renderer + + + Get the default renderer + + + + + + Interface implemented by logger repository plugins. + + + + Plugins define additional behavior that can be associated + with a . + The held by the + property is used to store the plugins for a repository. + + + The log4net.Config.PluginAttribute can be used to + attach plugins to repositories created using configuration + attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches the plugin to the specified . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + Gets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a PluginCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A PluginCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new PluginCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the PluginCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the PluginCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the PluginCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the PluginCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the PluginCollection. + + The to locate in the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire PluginCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the PluginCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the PluginCollection. + + The to remove from the PluginCollection. + + The specified was not found in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the PluginCollection. + + An for the entire PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another PluginCollection to the current PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current PluginCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current PluginCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + + The at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + The number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + The current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + Map of repository plugins. + + + + This class is a name keyed map of the plugins that are + attached to a repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + Initialize a new instance of the class with a + repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + + + + Adds a to the map. + + The to add to the map. + + + The will be attached to the repository when added. + + + If there already exists a plugin with the same name + attached to the repository then the old plugin will + be and replaced with + the new plugin. + + + + + + Removes a from the map. + + The to remove from the map. + + + Remove a specific plugin from this map. + + + + + + Gets a by name. + + The name of the to lookup. + + The from the map with the name specified, or + null if no plugin is found. + + + + Lookup a plugin by name. If the plugin is not found null + will be returned. + + + + + + Gets all possible plugins as a list of objects. + + All possible plugins as a list of objects. + + + Get a collection of all the plugins defined in this map. + + + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the + interface. This base class can be used by implementors + of the interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + the name of the plugin + + Initializes a new Plugin with the specified name. + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + The name of this plugin. + + + + + The repository this plugin is attached to. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + The name of the plugin must not change one the + plugin has been attached to a repository. + + + + + + The repository for this plugin + + + The that this plugin is attached to. + + + + Gets or sets the that this plugin is + attached to. + + + + + + Plugin that listens for events from the + + + + This plugin publishes an instance of + on a specified . This listens for logging events delivered from + a remote . + + + When an event is received it is relogged within the attached repository + as if it had been raised locally. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The property must be set. + + + + + + Construct with sink Uri. + + The name to publish the sink under in the remoting infrastructure. + See for more details. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with specified name. + + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + When the plugin is shutdown the remote logging + sink is disconnected. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RemoteLoggingServerPlugin class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the URI of this sink. + + + The URI of this sink. + + + + This is the name under which the object is marshaled. + + + + + + + Delivers objects to a remote sink. + + + + Internal class used to listen for logging events + and deliver them to the local repository. + + + + + + Constructor + + The repository to log to. + + + Initializes a new instance of the for the + specified . + + + + + + Logs the events to the repository. + + The events to log. + + + The events passed are logged to the + + + + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. + + null to indicate that this instance should live forever. + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. This object should live forever + therefore this implementation returns null. + + + + + + The underlying that events should + be logged to. + + + + + Default implementation of + + + + This default implementation of the + interface is used to create the default subclass + of the object. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface abstracts creation of instances + + + + This interface is used by the to + create new objects. + + + The method is called + to create a named . + + + Implement this interface to create new subclasses of . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default internal subclass of + + + + This subclass has no additional behavior over the + class but does allow instances + to be created. + + + + + + Implementation of used by + + + + Internal class used to provide implementation of + interface. Applications should use to get + logger instances. + + + This is one of the central classes in the log4net implementation. One of the + distinctive features of log4net are hierarchical loggers and their + evaluation. The organizes the + instances into a rooted tree hierarchy. + + + The class is abstract. Only concrete subclasses of + can be created. The + is used to create instances of this type for the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + + + + This constructor created a new instance and + sets its name. + + The name of the . + + + This constructor is protected and designed to be used by + a subclass that is not abstract. + + + Loggers are constructed by + objects. See for the default + logger creator. + + + + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + An appender to add to this logger + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + + If is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Look for the appender named as name + + The name of the appender to lookup + The appender with the name specified, or null. + + + Returns the named appender, or null if the appender is not found. + + + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the named appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Deliver the to the attached appenders. + + The event to log. + + + Call the appenders in the hierarchy starting at + this. If no appenders could be found, emit a + warning. + + + This method calls all the appenders inherited from the + hierarchy circumventing any evaluation of whether to log or not + to log the particular log request. + + + + + + Closes all attached appenders implementing the interface. + + + + Used to ensure that the appenders are correctly shutdown. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method. This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers + + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the . + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generates a logging event and delivers it to the attached + appenders. + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The event being logged. + + + Delivers the logging event to the attached appenders. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Logger class. + + + + + The name of this logger. + + + + + The assigned level of this logger. + + + + The level variable need not be + assigned a value in which case it is inherited + form the hierarchy. + + + + + + The parent of this logger. + + + + The parent of this logger. + All loggers have at least one ancestor which is the root logger. + + + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + The hierarchy that this logger is a member of is stored + here. + + + + + + Helper implementation of the interface + + + + + Flag indicating if child loggers inherit their parents appenders + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Lock to protect AppenderAttachedImpl variable m_appenderAttachedImpl + + + + + Gets or sets the parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + The parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + + Part of the Composite pattern that makes the hierarchy. + The hierarchy is parent linked rather than child linked. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + true if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Gets the effective level for this logger. + + The nearest level in the logger hierarchy. + + + Starting from this logger, searches the logger hierarchy for a + non-null level and returns it. Otherwise, returns the level of the + root logger. + + The Logger class is designed so that this method executes as + quickly as possible. + + + + + Gets or sets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + The hierarchy that this logger belongs to. + + + This logger must be attached to a single . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned , if any, for this Logger. + + + The of this logger. + + + + The assigned can be null. + + + + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . + + A collection of the appenders in this logger + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . If no appenders + can be found, then a is returned. + + + + + + Gets the logger name. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Construct a new Logger + + the name of the logger + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + The in which the has been created. + The event args that hold the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A event is raised every time a + is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Constructor + + The that has been created. + + + Initializes a new instance of the event argument + class,with the specified . + + + + + + Gets the that has been created. + + + The that has been created. + + + + The that has been created. + + + + + + Hierarchical organization of loggers + + + + The casual user should not have to deal with this class + directly. + + + This class is specialized in retrieving loggers by name and + also maintaining the logger hierarchy. Implements the + interface. + + + The structure of the logger hierarchy is maintained by the + method. The hierarchy is such that children + link to their parent but parents do not have any references to their + children. Moreover, loggers can be instantiated in any order, in + particular descendant before ancestor. + + + In case a descendant is created before a particular ancestor, + then it creates a provision node for the ancestor and adds itself + to the provision node. Other descendants of the same ancestor add + themselves to the previously created provision node. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the interface. + + + Skeleton implementation of the interface. + All types can extend this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by logger repositories. + + + + This interface is implemented by logger repositories. e.g. + . + + + This interface is used by the + to obtain interfaces. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + If the names logger exists it is returned, otherwise + null is returned. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + + + + + Returns a named logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Returns a named logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + Shutting down a repository will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The name of the repository + + + + The name of the repository. + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Collection of internal messages captured during the most + recent configuration process. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis. + + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes the repository with default (empty) properties. + + + + + + Construct the repository using specific properties + + the properties to set for this repository + + + Initializes the repository with specified properties. + + + + + + Test if logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository as an Array. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Return a new logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + + Shutdown the repository. Can be overridden in a subclass. + This base class implementation notifies the + listeners and all attached plugins of the shutdown event. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerRepositorySkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + The type that will be rendered by the renderer supplied. + The object renderer used to render the object. + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository is shutting down + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository is shutting down. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration reset + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has been reset. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration changed + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has changed. + + + + + + Raise a configuration changed event on this repository + + EventArgs.Empty + + + Applications that programmatically change the configuration of the repository should + raise this event notification to notify listeners. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The string name of the repository + + + + The name of this repository. The name is + used to store and lookup the repositories + stored by the . + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Contains a list of internal messages captures during the + last configuration. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis + + + + + Basic Configurator interface for repositories + + + + Interface used by basic configurator to configure a + with a default . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appender. + + + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appenders. + + + + + + Configure repository using XML + + + + Interface used by Xml configurator to configure a . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + The schema for the XML configuration data is defined by + the implementation. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with properties + + The properties to pass to this repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with a logger factory + + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Construct with properties and a logger factory + + The properties to pass to this repository. + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Test if a logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the hierarchy. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array. + The root logger is not included in the returned + enumeration. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The Shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their default. + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their + default. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this hierarchy. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are currently configured + + An array containing all the currently configured appenders + + + Returns all the instances that are currently configured. + All the loggers are searched for appenders. The appenders may also be containers + for appenders and these are also searched for additional loggers. + + + The list returned is unordered but does not contain duplicates. + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an . + The appender may also be a container. + + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an container + + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Test if this hierarchy is disabled for the specified . + + The level to check against. + + true if the repository is disabled for the level argument, false otherwise. + + + + If this hierarchy has not been configured then this method will + always return true. + + + This method will return true if this repository is + disabled for level object passed as parameter and + false otherwise. + + + See also the property. + + + + + + Clear all logger definitions from the internal hashtable + + + + This call will clear all logger definitions from the internal + hashtable. Invoking this method will irrevocably mess up the + logger hierarchy. + + + You should really know what you are doing before + invoking this method. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + . + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The factory that will make the new logger instance + The logger object with the name specified + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated by the + parameter and linked with its existing + ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Sends a logger creation event to all registered listeners + + The newly created logger + + Raises the logger creation event. + + + + + Updates all the parents of the specified logger + + The logger to update the parents for + + + This method loops through all the potential parents of + . There 3 possible cases: + + + + No entry for the potential parent of exists + + We create a ProvisionNode for this potential + parent and insert in that provision node. + + + + The entry is of type Logger for the potential parent. + + The entry is 's nearest existing parent. We + update 's parent field with this entry. We also break from + he loop because updating our parent's parent is our parent's + responsibility. + + + + The entry is of type ProvisionNode for this potential parent. + + We add to the list of children for this + potential parent. + + + + + + + + Replace a with a in the hierarchy. + + + + + + We update the links for all the children that placed themselves + in the provision node 'pn'. The second argument 'log' is a + reference for the newly created Logger, parent of all the + children in 'pn'. + + + We loop on all the children 'c' in 'pn'. + + + If the child 'c' has been already linked to a child of + 'log' then there is no need to update 'c'. + + + Otherwise, we set log's parent field to c's parent and set + c's parent field to log. + + + + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + the level values + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + + Supports setting levels via the configuration file. + + + + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument + + the property value + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument. + + + Supports setting property values via the configuration file. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Hierarchy class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event used to notify that a logger has been created. + + + + Event raised when a logger is created. + + + + + + Has no appender warning been emitted + + + + Flag to indicate if we have already issued a warning + about not having an appender warning. + + + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default instance. + + The default + + + The logger factory is used to create logger instances. + + + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Value of the level + + + + If the value is not set (defaults to -1) the value will be looked + up for the current level with the same name. + + + + + + Name of the level + + + The name of the level + + + + The name of the level. + + + + + + Display name for the level + + + The display name of the level + + + + The display name of the level. + + + + + + Used internally to accelerate hash table searches. + + + + Internal class used to improve performance of + string keyed hashtables. + + + The hashcode of the string is cached for reuse. + The string is stored as an interned value. + When comparing two objects for equality + the reference equality of the interned strings is compared. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct key with string name + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + Stores the hashcode of the string and interns + the string key to optimize comparisons. + + + The Compact Framework 1.0 the + method does not work. On the Compact Framework + the string keys are not interned nor are they + compared by reference. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + Returns a hash code for the current instance. + + A hash code for the current instance. + + + Returns the cached hashcode. + + + + + + Determines whether two instances + are equal. + + The to compare with the current . + + true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares the references of the interned strings. + + + + + + Provision nodes are used where no logger instance has been specified + + + + instances are used in the + when there is no specified + for that node. + + + A provision node holds a list of child loggers on behalf of + a logger that does not exist. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new provision node with child node + + A child logger to add to this node. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified child logger. + + + + + + The sits at the root of the logger hierarchy tree. + + + + The is a regular except + that it provides several guarantees. + + + First, it cannot be assigned a null + level. Second, since the root logger cannot have a parent, the + property always returns the value of the + level field without walking the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct a + + The level to assign to the root logger. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified logging level. + + + The root logger names itself as "root". However, the root + logger cannot be retrieved by name. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RootLogger class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + The assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + + Because the root logger cannot have a parent and its level + must not be null this property just returns the + value of . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned for the root logger. + + + The of the root logger. + + + + Setting the level of the root logger to a null reference + may have catastrophic results. We prevent this here. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net environment using an XML DOM. + + + + Configures a using an XML DOM. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct the configurator for a hierarchy + + The hierarchy to build. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + + + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + The root element to parse. + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + + + + + Parse appenders by IDREF. + + The appender ref element. + The instance of the appender that the ref refers to. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender. + + + + + + Parses an appender element. + + The appender element. + The appender instance or null when parsing failed. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender instance. + + + + + + Parses a logger element. + + The logger element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a logger. + + + + + + Parses the root logger element. + + The root element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents the root logger. + + + + + + Parses the children of a logger element. + + The category element. + The logger instance. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse the child elements of a <logger> element. + + + + + + Parses an object renderer. + + The renderer element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a renderer. + + + + + + Parses a level element. + + The level element. + The logger object to set the level on. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a level. + + + + + + Sets a parameter on an object. + + The parameter element. + The object to set the parameter on. + + The parameter name must correspond to a writable property + on the object. The value of the parameter is a string, + therefore this function will attempt to set a string + property first. If unable to set a string property it + will inspect the property and its argument type. It will + attempt to call a static method called Parse on the + type of the property. This method will take a single + string argument and return a value that can be used to + set the property. + + + + + Test if an element has no attributes or child elements + + the element to inspect + true if the element has any attributes or child elements, false otherwise + + + + Test if a is constructible with Activator.CreateInstance. + + the type to inspect + true if the type is creatable using a default constructor, false otherwise + + + + Look for a method on the that matches the supplied + + the type that has the method + the name of the method + the method info found + + + The method must be a public instance method on the . + The method must be named or "Add" followed by . + The method must take a single parameter. + + + + + + Converts a string value to a target type. + + The type of object to convert the string to. + The string value to use as the value of the object. + + + An object of type with value or + null when the conversion could not be performed. + + + + + + Creates an object as specified in XML. + + The XML element that contains the definition of the object. + The object type to use if not explicitly specified. + The type that the returned object must be or must inherit from. + The object or null + + + Parse an XML element and create an object instance based on the configuration + data. + + + The type of the instance may be specified in the XML. If not + specified then the is used + as the type. However the type is specified it must support the + type. + + + + + + key: appenderName, value: appender. + + + + + The Hierarchy being configured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlHierarchyConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications + + The that is shutting down. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications + + The that has had its configuration reset. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + The that has had its configuration changed. + Empty event arguments. + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes name of the current AppDomain to the output . + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The date and time is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date and time passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an folder path to the output + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + should be a value in the enumeration. + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the special path environment folder path to the output . + The name of the special path environment folder path to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentFolderPathPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + + + Write an environment variable to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the environment variable to the output . + The name of the environment variable to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the current thread identity to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the IdentityPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Pattern converter for literal string instances in the pattern + + + + Writes the literal string value specified in the + property to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Set the next converter in the chain + + The next pattern converter in the chain + The next pattern converter + + + Special case the building of the pattern converter chain + for instances. Two adjacent + literals in the pattern can be represented by a single combined + pattern converter. This implementation detects when a + is added to the chain + after this converter and combines its value with this converter's + literal value. + + + + + + Write the literal to the output + + the writer to write to + null, not set + + + Override the formatting behavior to ignore the FormattingInfo + because we have a literal instead. + + + Writes the value of + to the output . + + + + + + Convert this pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, not set + + + This method is not used. + + + + + + Writes a newline to the output + + + + Writes the system dependent line terminator to the output. + This behavior can be overridden by setting the : + + + + Option Value + Output + + + DOS + DOS or Windows line terminator "\r\n" + + + UNIX + UNIX line terminator "\n" + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + + + Write the current process ID to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current process ID to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ProcessIdPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + This pattern converter reads the thread and global properties. + The thread properties take priority over global properties. + See for details of the + thread properties. See for + details of the global properties. + + + If the is specified then that will be used to + lookup a single property. If no is specified + then all properties will be dumped as a list of key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + A Pattern converter that generates a string of random characters + + + + The converter generates a string of random characters. By default + the string is length 4. This can be changed by setting the + to the string value of the length required. + + + The random characters in the string are limited to uppercase letters + and numbers only. + + + The random number generator used by this class is not cryptographically secure. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Shared random number generator + + + + + Length of random string to generate. Default length 4. + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write a randoim string to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write a randoim string to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RandomStringPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + + + Write the current threads username to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current threads username to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UserNamePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the UTC date time to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current date and time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date is in Universal time when it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Type converter for Boolean. + + + + Supports conversion from string to bool type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Exception base type for conversion errors. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + A nested exception to include. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Register of type converters for specific types. + + + + Maintains a registry of type converters used to convert between + types. + + + Use the and + methods to register new converters. + The and methods + lookup appropriate converters to use. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Static constructor. + + + + This constructor defines the intrinsic type converters. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter instance for a specific type. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type of the type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted from. + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Lookups the type converter to use as specified by the attributes on the + destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + + Creates the instance of the type converter. + + The type of the type converter. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + The type specified for the type converter must implement + the or interfaces + and must have a public default (no argument) constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ConverterRegistry class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Mapping from to type converter. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an encoding + the encoding + + + Uses the method to + convert the argument to an . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from a single type to arbitrary types. + See . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type + + A Type that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the type supported by this converter can be converted to the + . + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Converts the (which must be of the type supported + by this converter) to the specified.. + + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an IPAddress + the IPAddress + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to an . + If that fails then the string is resolved as a DNS hostname. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Valid characters in an IPv4 or IPv6 address string. (Does not support subnets) + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternLayout + the PatternLayout + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Convert between string and + + + + Supports conversion from string to type, + and from a type to a string. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the target type be converted to the type supported by this object + + A that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + assignable from a type. + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + . To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternString + the PatternString + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a Type + the Type + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + Additional effort is made to locate partially specified types + by searching the loaded assemblies. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Attribute used to associate a type converter + + + + Class and Interface level attribute that specifies a type converter + to use with the associated type. + + + To associate a type converter with a target type apply a + TypeConverterAttribute to the target type. Specify the + type of the type converter on the attribute. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type name + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type + + The type of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + A straightforward implementation of the interface. + + + + This is the default implementation of the + interface. Implementors of the interface + should aggregate an instance of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The event being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The array of events being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Calls the DoAppende method on the with + the objects supplied. + + The appender + The events + + + If the supports the + interface then the will be passed + through using that interface. Otherwise the + objects in the array will be passed one at a time. + + + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + If the appender is already in the list it won't be added again. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Lookup an attached appender by name. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + List of appenders + + + + + Array of appenders, used to cache the m_appenderList + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderAttachedImpl class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders, or null if there + are no attached appenders. + + + + The read only collection of all currently attached appenders. + + + + + + This class aggregates several PropertiesDictionary collections together. + + + + Provides a dictionary style lookup over an ordered list of + collections. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Add a Properties Dictionary to this composite collection + + the properties to add + + + Properties dictionaries added first take precedence over dictionaries added + later. + + + + + + Flatten this composite collection into a single properties dictionary + + the flattened dictionary + + + Reduces the collection of ordered dictionaries to a single dictionary + containing the resultant values for the keys. + + + + + + Gets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Looks up the value for the specified. + The collections are searched + in the order in which they were added to this collection. The value + returned is the value held by the first collection that contains + the specified key. + + + If none of the collections contain the specified key then + null is returned. + + + + + + Base class for Context Properties implementations + + + + This class defines a basic property get set accessor + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Wrapper class used to map converter names to converter types + + + + Pattern converter info class used during configuration by custom + PatternString and PatternLayer converters. + + + + + + default constructor + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the conversion pattern + + + + The name of the pattern in the format string + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the converter + + + + The value specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + + + + + + Subclass of that maintains a count of + the number of bytes written. + + + + This writer counts the number of bytes written. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + that does not leak exceptions + + + + does not throw exceptions when things go wrong. + Instead, it delegates error handling to its . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The writer to forward messages to + + + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + The to forward to + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + + + + + Closes the writer and releases any system resources associated with the writer + + + + + + + + + Dispose this writer + + flag indicating if we are being disposed + + + Dispose this writer + + + + + + Flushes any buffered output + + + + Clears all buffers for the writer and causes any buffered data to be written + to the underlying device + + + + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + the data buffer + the start index + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + The + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + The format provider + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + The line terminator to use + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + the error handler to report error to + + + Create a new QuietTextWriter using a writer and error handler + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + the char to write + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a string to the output. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Writes a string to the output. + + + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + + + The error handler instance to pass all errors to + + + + + Flag to indicate if this writer is closed + + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + The error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + true if this writer is closed, otherwise false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + + + + Constructor + + The to actually write to. + The to report errors to. + + + Creates a new instance of the class + with the specified and . + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the char to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a string to the output and counts the number of bytes written. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Total number of bytes written. + + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + The total number of bytes written. + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + + + + A fixed size rolling buffer of logging events. + + + + An array backed fixed size leaky bucket. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The maximum number of logging events in the buffer. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified maximum number of buffered logging events. + + + The argument is not a positive integer. + + + + Appends a to the buffer. + + The event to append to the buffer. + The event discarded from the buffer, if the buffer is full, otherwise null. + + + Append an event to the buffer. If the buffer still contains free space then + null is returned. If the buffer is full then an event will be dropped + to make space for the new event, the event dropped is returned. + + + + + + Get and remove the oldest event in the buffer. + + The oldest logging event in the buffer + + + Gets the oldest (first) logging event in the buffer and removes it + from the buffer. + + + + + + Pops all the logging events from the buffer into an array. + + An array of all the logging events in the buffer. + + + Get all the events in the buffer and clear the buffer. + + + + + + Clear the buffer + + + + Clear the buffer of all events. The events in the buffer are lost. + + + + + + Gets the th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + The th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + + If is outside the range 0 to the number of events + currently in the buffer, then null is returned. + + + + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer. + + The maximum size of the buffer. + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer + + + + + + Gets the number of logging events in the buffer. + + The number of logging events in the buffer. + + + This number is guaranteed to be in the range 0 to + (inclusive). + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the . + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Adds an element with the provided key and value to the + . + + The to use as the key of the element to add. + The to use as the value of the element to add. + + + As the collection is empty no new values can be added. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Removes all elements from the . + + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Determines whether the contains an element + with the specified key. + + The key to locate in the . + false + + + As the collection is empty the method always returns false. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Removes the element with the specified key from the . + + The key of the element to remove. + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + The singleton instance of the empty dictionary. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the has a fixed size. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets an containing the keys of the . + + An containing the keys of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets an containing the values of the . + + An containing the values of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets or sets the element with the specified key. + + The key of the element to get or set. + null + + + As the collection is empty no values can be looked up or stored. + If the index getter is called then null is returned. + A is thrown if the setter is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Contain the information obtained when parsing formatting modifiers + in conversion modifiers. + + + + Holds the formatting information extracted from the format string by + the . This is used by the + objects when rendering the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Defaut Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified parameters. + + + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + The minimum value. + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + The maximum value. + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled + or not. + + + A flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + This class implements a properties collection that is thread safe and supports both + storing properties and capturing a read only copy of the current propertied. + + + This class is optimized to the scenario where the properties are read frequently + and are modified infrequently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The read only copy of the properties. + + + + This variable is declared volatile to prevent the compiler and JIT from + reordering reads and writes of this thread performed on different threads. + + + + + + Lock object used to synchronize updates within this instance + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property from the global context + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Removing an entry from the global context properties is relatively expensive compared + with reading a value. + + + + + + Clear the global context properties + + + + + Get a readonly immutable copy of the properties + + the current global context properties + + + This implementation is fast because the GlobalContextProperties class + stores a readonly copy of the properties. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Reading the value for a key is faster than setting the value. + When the value is written a new read only copy of + the properties is created. + + + + + + Manages a mapping from levels to + + + + Manages an ordered mapping from instances + to subclasses. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialise a new instance of . + + + + + + Add a to this mapping + + the entry to add + + + If a has previously been added + for the same then that entry will be + overwritten. + + + + + + Lookup the mapping for the specified level + + the level to lookup + the for the level or null if no mapping found + + + Lookup the value for the specified level. Finds the nearest + mapping value for the level that is equal to or less than the + specified. + + + If no mapping could be found then null is returned. + + + + + + Initialize options + + + + Caches the sorted list of in an array + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + This class stores its properties in a slot on the named + log4net.Util.LogicalThreadContextProperties. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Flag used to disable this context if we don't have permission to access the CallContext. + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the value for the specified from the context. + + + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary stored in the LocalDataStoreSlot for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if is does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doings so. + + + + + + Gets the call context get data. + + The peroperties dictionary stored in the call context + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + Sets the call context data. + + The properties. + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LogicalThreadContextProperties class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Get or set the property value for the specified. + + + + + + + + + + + + + Outputs log statements from within the log4net assembly. + + + + Log4net components cannot make log4net logging calls. However, it is + sometimes useful for the user to learn about what log4net is + doing. + + + All log4net internal debug calls go to the standard output stream + whereas internal error messages are sent to the standard error output + stream. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats Prefix, Source, and Message in the same format as the value + sent to Console.Out and Trace.Write. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + + + + Static constructor that initializes logging by reading + settings from the application configuration file. + + + + The log4net.Internal.Debug application setting + controls internal debugging. This setting should be set + to true to enable debugging. + + + The log4net.Internal.Quiet application setting + suppresses all internal logging including error messages. + This setting should be set to true to enable message + suppression. + + + + + + Raises the LogReceived event when an internal messages is received. + + + + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + + The message to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal error messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes output to the standard output stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Out and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Writes output to the standard error stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Error and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Default debug level + + + + + In quietMode not even errors generate any output. + + + + + The event raised when an internal message has been received. + + + + + The Type that generated the internal message. + + + + + The DateTime stamp of when the internal message was received. + + + + + A string indicating the severity of the internal message. + + + "log4net: ", + "log4net:ERROR ", + "log4net:WARN " + + + + + The internal log message. + + + + + The Exception related to the message. + + + Optional. Will be null if no Exception was passed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net internal logging + is enabled or disabled. + + + true if log4net internal logging is enabled, otherwise + false. + + + + When set to true, internal debug level logging will be + displayed. + + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Debug in the application configuration + file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. debugging is + disabled. + + + + + The following example enables internal debugging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net should generate no output + from internal logging, not even for errors. + + + true if log4net should generate no output at all from internal + logging, otherwise false. + + + + When set to true will cause internal logging at all levels to be + suppressed. This means that no warning or error reports will be logged. + This option overrides the setting and + disables all debug also. + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Quiet in the application configuration file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. internal logging is not + disabled. + + + + The following example disables internal logging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + true if Debug is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + true if Warn is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + true if Error is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + + + + Subscribes to the LogLog.LogReceived event and stores messages + to the supplied IList instance. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Represents a native error code and message. + + + + Represents a Win32 platform native error. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + The number of the native error. + The message of the native error. + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class for the last Windows error. + + + An instance of the class for the last windows error. + + + + The message for the error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class. + + the error number for the native error + + An instance of the class for the specified + error number. + + + + The message for the specified error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Retrieves the message corresponding with a Win32 message identifier. + + Message identifier for the requested message. + + The message corresponding with the specified message identifier. + + + + The message will be searched for in system message-table resource(s) + using the native FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Return error information string + + error information string + + + Return error information string + + + + + + Formats a message string. + + Formatting options, and how to interpret the parameter. + Location of the message definition. + Message identifier for the requested message. + Language identifier for the requested message. + If includes FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, the function allocates a buffer using the LocalAlloc function, and places the pointer to the buffer at the address specified in . + If the FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER flag is not set, this parameter specifies the maximum number of TCHARs that can be stored in the output buffer. If FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER is set, this parameter specifies the minimum number of TCHARs to allocate for an output buffer. + Pointer to an array of values that are used as insert values in the formatted message. + + + The function requires a message definition as input. The message definition can come from a + buffer passed into the function. It can come from a message table resource in an + already-loaded module. Or the caller can ask the function to search the system's message + table resource(s) for the message definition. The function finds the message definition + in a message table resource based on a message identifier and a language identifier. + The function copies the formatted message text to an output buffer, processing any embedded + insert sequences if requested. + + + To prevent the usage of unsafe code, this stub does not support inserting values in the formatted message. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of TCHARs stored in the output + buffer, excluding the terminating null character. + + + If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, + call . + + + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + The number of the native error. + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + The message of the native error. + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance. + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current key from the enumerator. + + + Throws an exception because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current value from the enumerator. + + The current value from the enumerator. + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current entry from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current entry. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Get the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + A SecurityContext used when a SecurityContext is not required + + + + The is a no-op implementation of the + base class. It is used where a + is required but one has not been provided. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + + + Private constructor + + + + Private constructor for singleton pattern. + + + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + null + + + No impersonation is done and null is always returned. + + + + + + Implements log4net's default error handling policy which consists + of emitting a message for the first error in an appender and + ignoring all subsequent errors. + + + + The error message is processed using the LogLog sub-system by default. + + + This policy aims at protecting an otherwise working application + from being flooded with error messages when logging fails. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + The prefix to use for each message. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified prefix. + + + + + + Reset the error handler back to its initial disabled state. + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log the very first error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Sends the error information to 's Error method. + + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log an error + + The error message. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + The date the error was recorded. + + + + + Flag to indicate if it is the first error + + + + + The message recorded during the first error. + + + + + The exception recorded during the first error. + + + + + The error code recorded during the first error. + + + + + String to prefix each message with + + + + + The fully qualified type of the OnlyOnceErrorHandler class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Is error logging enabled + + + + Is error logging enabled. Logging is only enabled for the + first error delivered to the . + + + + + + The date the first error that trigged this error handler occured. + + + + + The message from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + + + The exception from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + May be . + + + + + The error code from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + Defaults to + + + + + A convenience class to convert property values to specific types. + + + + Utility functions for converting types and parsing values. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Converts a string to a value. + + String to convert. + The default value. + The value of . + + + If is "true", then true is returned. + If is "false", then false is returned. + Otherwise, is returned. + + + + + + Parses a file size into a number. + + String to parse. + The default value. + The value of . + + + Parses a file size of the form: number[KB|MB|GB] into a + long value. It is scaled with the appropriate multiplier. + + + is returned when + cannot be converted to a value. + + + + + + Converts a string to an object. + + The target type to convert to. + The string to convert to an object. + + The object converted from a string or null when the + conversion failed. + + + + Converts a string to an object. Uses the converter registry to try + to convert the string value into the specified target type. + + + + + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + The type to convert from. + The type to convert to. + true if there is a conversion from the source type to the target type. + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + + + + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + The object to convert to the target type. + The type to convert to. + The converted object. + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + + + + + Instantiates an object given a class name. + + The fully qualified class name of the object to instantiate. + The class to which the new object should belong. + The object to return in case of non-fulfillment. + + An instance of the or + if the object could not be instantiated. + + + + Checks that the is a subclass of + . If that test fails or the object could + not be instantiated, then is returned. + + + + + + Performs variable substitution in string from the + values of keys found in . + + The string on which variable substitution is performed. + The dictionary to use to lookup variables. + The result of the substitutions. + + + The variable substitution delimiters are ${ and }. + + + For example, if props contains key=value, then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of key is ${key}."); + + + + will set the variable s to "Value of key is value.". + + + If no value could be found for the specified key, then substitution + defaults to an empty string. + + + For example, if system properties contains no value for the key + "nonExistentKey", then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of nonExistentKey is [${nonExistentKey}]"); + + + + will set s to "Value of nonExistentKey is []". + + + An Exception is thrown if contains a start + delimiter "${" which is not balanced by a stop delimiter "}". + + + + + + Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or + more enumerated constants to an equivalent enumerated object. + + The type to convert to. + The enum string value. + If true, ignore case; otherwise, regard case. + An object of type whose value is represented by . + + + + The fully qualified type of the OptionConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Most of the work of the class + is delegated to the PatternParser class. + + + + The PatternParser processes a pattern string and + returns a chain of objects. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The pattern to parse. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified pattern string. + + + + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + The head of a chain of pattern converters. + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + + + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + the list of all the converter names + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + + + + + Internal method to parse the specified pattern to find specified matches + + the pattern to parse + the converter names to match in the pattern + + + The matches param must be sorted such that longer strings come before shorter ones. + + + + + + Process a parsed literal + + the literal text + + + + Process a parsed converter pattern + + the name of the converter + the optional option for the converter + the formatting info for the converter + + + + Resets the internal state of the parser and adds the specified pattern converter + to the chain. + + The pattern converter to add. + + + + The first pattern converter in the chain + + + + + the last pattern converter in the chain + + + + + The pattern + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types + + + + This map overrides the static s_globalRulesRegistry map. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the PatternParser class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + The converter registry used by this parser + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + + + + Sort strings by length + + + + that orders strings by string length. + The longest strings are placed first + + + + + + This class implements a patterned string. + + + + This string has embedded patterns that are resolved and expanded + when the string is formatted. + + + This class functions similarly to the + in that it accepts a pattern and renders it to a string. Unlike the + however the PatternString + does not render the properties of a specific but + of the process in general. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + appdomain + + + Used to output the friendly name of the current AppDomain. + + + + + date + + + Used to output the current date and time in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + env + + + Used to output the a specific environment variable. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %env{COMPUTERNAME} would include the value + of the COMPUTERNAME environment variable. + + + The env pattern is not supported on the .NET Compact Framework. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern name offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + processid + + + Used to output the system process ID for the current process. + + + + + property + + + Used to output a specific context property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are stored in logging contexts. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + random + + + Used to output a random string of characters. The string is made up of + uppercase letters and numbers. By default the string is 4 characters long. + The length of the string can be specified within braces directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %random{8} would output an 8 character string. + + + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using or + . + + + See the for details on the + format modifiers supported by the patterns. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternString only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialize a new instance of + + + + + + Constructs a PatternString + + The pattern to use with this PatternString + + + Initialize a new instance of with the pattern specified. + + + + + + Initialize object options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create the used to parse the pattern + + the pattern to parse + The + + + Returns PatternParser used to parse the conversion string. Subclasses + may override this to return a subclass of PatternParser which recognize + custom conversion pattern name. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the pattern to the . + + + + + + Format the pattern as a string + + the pattern formatted as a string + + + Format the pattern to a string. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + + + + + Gets or sets the pattern formatting string + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + String keyed object map. + + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + String keyed object map that is read only. + + + + This collection is readonly and cannot be modified. + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The Hashtable used to store the properties data + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Copy Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Deserialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Gets the key names. + + An array of all the keys. + + + Gets the key names. + + + + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + the key to look for + true if the dictionary contains the specified key + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + + See + + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + The internal collection used to store the properties + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + The number of properties in this collection + + + + + See + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Because this class is sealed the serialization constructor is private. + + + + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + an enumerator + + + Returns a over the contest of this collection. + + + + + + See + + the key to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + the key to lookup in the collection + true if the collection contains the specified key + + + Test if this collection contains a specified key. + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + + See + + the key + the value to store for the key + + + Store a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + See + + + false + + + + This collection is modifiable. This property always + returns false. + + + + + + See + + + The value for the key specified. + + + + Get or set a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Property Key + + + Property Key + + + + Property Key. + + + + + + Property Value + + + Property Value + + + + Property Value. + + + + + + A that ignores the message + + + + This writer is used in special cases where it is necessary + to protect a writer from being closed by a client. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + + + Create a new ProtectCloseTextWriter using a writer + + + + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + the writer to attach to + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + This method does nothing. + + + + + + Defines a lock that supports single writers and multiple readers + + + + ReaderWriterLock is used to synchronize access to a resource. + At any given time, it allows either concurrent read access for + multiple threads, or write access for a single thread. In a + situation where a resource is changed infrequently, a + ReaderWriterLock provides better throughput than a simple + one-at-a-time lock, such as . + + + If a platform does not support a System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock + implementation then all readers and writers are serialized. Therefore + the caller must not rely on multiple simultaneous readers. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Acquires a reader lock + + + + blocks if a different thread has the writer + lock, or if at least one thread is waiting for the writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count + + + + decrements the lock count. When the count + reaches zero, the lock is released. + + + + + + Acquires the writer lock + + + + This method blocks if another thread has a reader lock or writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count on the writer lock + + + + ReleaseWriterLock decrements the writer lock count. + When the count reaches zero, the writer lock is released. + + + + + + A that can be and reused + + + + A that can be and reused. + This uses a single buffer for string operations. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Create an instance of + + the format provider to use + + + Create an instance of + + + + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + flag + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + + + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + + the maximum buffer capacity before it is trimmed + the default size to make the buffer + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + The internal buffers are cleared and reset. + + + + + + Utility class for system specific information. + + + + Utility class of static methods for system specific information. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Alexey Solofnenko + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Initialize default values for private static fields. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Gets the assembly location path for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to get the location for. + The location of the assembly. + + + This method does not guarantee to return the correct path + to the assembly. If only tries to give an indication as to + where the assembly was loaded from. + + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the , including + the name of the assembly from which the was + loaded. + + The to get the fully qualified name for. + The fully qualified name for the . + + + This is equivalent to the Type.AssemblyQualifiedName property, + but this method works on the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 as well as + the full .NET runtime. + + + + + + Gets the short name of the . + + The to get the name for. + The short name of the . + + + The short name of the assembly is the + without the version, culture, or public key. i.e. it is just the + assembly's file name without the extension. + + + Use this rather than Assembly.GetName().Name because that + is not available on the Compact Framework. + + + Because of a FileIOPermission security demand we cannot do + the obvious Assembly.GetName().Name. We are allowed to get + the of the assembly so we + start from there and strip out just the assembly name. + + + + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + The to get the file name for. + The file name of the assembly. + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + A sibling type to use to load the type. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified, it will be loaded from the assembly + containing the specified relative type. If the type is not found in the assembly + then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the + assembly that is directly calling this method. If the type is not found + in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + An assembly to load the type from. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the specified + assembly. If the type is not found in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies + will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Generate a new guid + + A new Guid + + + Generate a new guid + + + + + + Create an + + The name of the parameter that caused the exception + The value of the argument that causes this exception + The message that describes the error + the ArgumentOutOfRangeException object + + + Create a new instance of the class + with a specified error message, the parameter name, and the value + of the argument. + + + The Compact Framework does not support the 3 parameter constructor for the + type. This method provides an + implementation that works for all platforms. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Lookup an application setting + + the application settings key to lookup + the value for the key, or null + + + Configuration APIs are not supported under the Compact Framework + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified local file path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + The path specified must be a local file path, a URI is not supported. + + + + + + Creates a new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity. + + A new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity + + + The new Hashtable instance uses the default load factor, the CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider, and the CaseInsensitiveComparer. + + + + + + Gets an empty array of types. + + + + The Type.EmptyTypes field is not available on + the .NET Compact Framework 1.0. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Cache the host name for the current machine + + + + + Cache the application friendly name + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + + Start time for the current process. + + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + The system dependent line terminator. + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + The base directory path for the current . + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the configuration file for the current . + + The path to the configuration file for the current . + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not have a concept of a configuration + file. For this runtime, we use the entry assembly location as the root for + the configuration file name. + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + The path to the entry assembly. + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + + + + + Gets the ID of the current thread. + + The ID of the current thread. + + + On the .NET framework, the AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId method + is used to obtain the thread ID for the current thread. This is the + operating system ID for the thread. + + + On the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 it is not possible to get the + operating system thread ID for the current thread. The native method + GetCurrentThreadId is implemented inline in a header file + and cannot be called. + + + On the .NET Framework 2.0 the Thread.ManagedThreadId is used as this + gives a stable id unrelated to the operating system thread ID which may + change if the runtime is using fibers. + + + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The hostname or machine name + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The host name () or + the machine name (Environment.MachineName) for + the current machine, or if neither of these are available + then NOT AVAILABLE is returned. + + + + + + Get this application's friendly name + + + The friendly name of this application as a string + + + + If available the name of the application is retrieved from + the AppDomain using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName. + + + Otherwise the file name of the entry assembly is used. + + + + + + Get the start time for the current process. + + + + This is the time at which the log4net library was loaded into the + AppDomain. Due to reports of a hang in the call to System.Diagnostics.Process.StartTime + this is not the start time for the current process. + + + The log4net library should be loaded by an application early during its + startup, therefore this start time should be a good approximation for + the actual start time. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating, however this start time + will be set per AppDomain. + + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + Use this value to indicate a null has been encountered while + outputting a string representation of an item. + + + The default value is (null). This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NullText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + Use this value when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + The default value is NOT AVAILABLE. This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NotAvailableText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialise the + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + + + Format the string and arguments + + the formatted string + + + + Replaces the format item in a specified with the text equivalent + of the value of a corresponding instance in a specified array. + A specified parameter supplies culture-specific formatting information. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + A copy of format in which the format items have been replaced by the + equivalent of the corresponding instances of in args. + + + + This method does not throw exceptions. If an exception thrown while formatting the result the + exception and arguments are returned in the result string. + + + + + + Process an error during StringFormat + + + + + Dump the contents of an array into a string builder + + + + + Dump an object to a string + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemStringFormat class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Each thread will automatically have its instance. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove a property + + + + + + Get the keys stored in the properties. + + + Gets the keys stored in the properties. + + a set of the defined keys + + + + Clear all properties + + + + Clear all properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doing so. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The stack store. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + Only call this if you think that this tread is being reused after + a previous call execution which may not have completed correctly. + You do not need to use this method if you always guarantee to call + the method of the + returned from even in exceptional circumstances, + for example by using the using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + syntax. + + + + + + Removes the top context from this stack. + + The message in the context that was removed from the top of this stack. + + + Remove the top context from this stack, and return + it to the caller. If this stack is empty then an + empty string (not ) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message into this stack. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up the context stack. + + + + Pushes a new context onto this stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up this stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an ThreadContext Stack message"); + } + + + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + The current context information. + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + Gets the current context information + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a cross thread portable version of this object + + + + + + The number of messages in the stack + + + The current number of messages in the stack + + + + The current number of messages in the stack. That is + the number of times has been called + minus the number of times has been called. + + + + + + Gets and sets the internal stack used by this + + The internal storage stack + + + This property is provided only to support backward compatability + of the . Tytpically the internal stack should not + be modified. + + + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + + + Constructor + + The message for this context. + The parent context in the chain. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and parent context. + + + + + + Get the message. + + The message. + + + Get the message. + + + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + The full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + + + Struct returned from the method. + + + + This struct implements the and is designed to be used + with the pattern to remove the stack frame at the end of the scope. + + + + + + The ThreadContextStack internal stack + + + + + The depth to trim the stack to when this instance is disposed + + + + + Constructor + + The internal stack used by the ThreadContextStack. + The depth to return the stack to when this object is disposed. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified stack and return depth. + + + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ThreadContextStacks class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + The named stack + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Write a string to an + + the writer to write to + the string to write + The string to replace non XML compliant chars with + + + The test is escaped either using XML escape entities + or using CDATA sections. + + + + + + Replace invalid XML characters in text string + + the XML text input string + the string to use in place of invalid characters + A string that does not contain invalid XML characters. + + + Certain Unicode code points are not allowed in the XML InfoSet, for + details see: + + + This method replaces any illegal characters in the input string + with the mask string specified. + + + + + + Count the number of times that the substring occurs in the text + + the text to search + the substring to find + the number of times the substring occurs in the text + + + The substring is assumed to be non repeating within itself. + + + + + + Characters illegal in XML 1.0 + + + + + Impersonate a Windows Account + + + + This impersonates a Windows account. + + + How the impersonation is done depends on the value of . + This allows the context to either impersonate a set of user credentials specified + using username, domain name and password or to revert to the process credentials. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Initialize the SecurityContext based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The security context will try to Logon the specified user account and + capture a primary token for impersonation. + + + The required , + or properties were not specified. + + + + Impersonate the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + caller provided state + + An instance that will revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext + + + + Depending on the property either + impersonate a user using credentials supplied or revert + to the process credentials. + + + + + + Create a given the userName, domainName and password. + + the user name + the domain name + the password + the for the account specified + + + Uses the Windows API call LogonUser to get a principal token for the account. This + token is used to initialize the WindowsIdentity. + + + + + + Gets or sets the impersonation mode for this security context + + + The impersonation mode for this security context + + + + Impersonate either a user with user credentials or + revert this thread to the credentials of the process. + The value is one of the + enum. + + + The default value is + + + When the mode is set to + the user's credentials are established using the + , and + values. + + + When the mode is set to + no other properties need to be set. If the calling thread is + impersonating then it will be reverted back to the process credentials. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows username for this security context + + + The Windows username for this security context + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows domain name for this security context + + + The Windows domain name for this security context + + + + The default value for is the local machine name + taken from the property. + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Sets the password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + The password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + The impersonation modes for the + + + + See the property for + details. + + + + + + Impersonate a user using the credentials supplied + + + + + Revert this the thread to the credentials of the process + + + + + Adds to + + + + Helper class to expose the + through the interface. + + + + + + Constructor + + the impersonation context being wrapped + + + Constructor + + + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + + + The log4net Global Context. + + + + The GlobalContext provides a location for global debugging + information to be stored. + + + The global context has a properties map and these properties can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputing these properties. + + + By default the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of + the current machine. + + + + + GlobalContext.Properties["hostname"] = Environment.MachineName; + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + The global context properties instance + + + + + The global properties map. + + + The global properties map. + + + + The global properties map. + + + + + + Provides information about the environment the assembly has + been built for. + + + + Version of the assembly + + + Version of the framework targeted + + + Type of framework targeted + + + Does it target a client profile? + + + + Identifies the version and target for this assembly. + + + + + The log4net Logical Thread Context. + + + + The LogicalThreadContext provides a location for specific debugging + information to be stored. + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any or + properties with the same name. + + + The Logical Thread Context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Logical Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current call context. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Logical Thread Context is managed on a per basis. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + LogicalThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(LogicalThreadContext.Stacks["LDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any + or properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The logical thread stacks. + + + + + + This class is used by client applications to request logger instances. + + + + This class has static methods that are used by a client to request + a logger instance. The method is + used to retrieve a logger. + + + See the interface for more details. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the default repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns null. + + + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + The logger found, or null if no logger could be found. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + repository. + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the repository for the specified assembly) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + assembly's repository. + + + + Get the currently defined loggers. + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the default repository. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + Get or create a logger. + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Get the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The repository to lookup in. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + Shutdown a logger repository. + + Shuts down the default repository. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + default repository. + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The repository to shutdown. + + + + Shuts down the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Reset the configuration of a repository + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The repository to reset. + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Get the logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Get a logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Create a domain + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + Create a logger repository. + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Gets the list of currently defined repositories. + + + + Get an array of all the objects that have been created. + + + An array of all the known objects. + + + + Looks up the wrapper object for the logger specified. + + The logger to get the wrapper for. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + Looks up the wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + The loggers to get the wrappers for. + The wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + + + Create the objects used by + this manager. + + The logger to wrap. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + The wrapper map to use to hold the objects. + + + + + Implementation of Mapped Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + The MDC class is similar to the class except that it is + based on a map instead of a stack. It provides mapped + diagnostic contexts. A Mapped Diagnostic Context, or + MDC in short, is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The MDC is managed on a per thread basis. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Gets the context value identified by the parameter. + + The key to lookup in the MDC. + The string value held for the key, or a null reference if no corresponding value is found. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + If the parameter does not look up to a + previously defined context then null will be returned. + + + + + + Add an entry to the MDC + + The key to store the value under. + The value to store. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Puts a context value (the parameter) as identified + with the parameter into the current thread's + context map. + + + If a value is already defined for the + specified then the value will be replaced. If the + is specified as null then the key value mapping will be removed. + + + + + + Removes the key value mapping for the key specified. + + The key to remove. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove the specified entry from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Clear all entries in the MDC + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove all the entries from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Implementation of Nested Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + A Nested Diagnostic Context, or NDC in short, is an instrument + to distinguish interleaved log output from different sources. Log + output is typically interleaved when a server handles multiple + clients near-simultaneously. + + + Interleaved log output can still be meaningful if each log entry + from different contexts had a distinctive stamp. This is where NDCs + come into play. + + + Note that NDCs are managed on a per thread basis. The NDC class + is made up of static methods that operate on the context of the + calling thread. + + + How to push a message into the context + + using(NDC.Push("my context message")) + { + ... all log calls will have 'my context message' included ... + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically removed + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held on the current thread. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Clears the stack of NDC data held on the current thread. + + + + + + Creates a clone of the stack of context information. + + A clone of the context info for this thread. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The results of this method can be passed to the + method to allow child threads to inherit the context of their + parent thread. + + + + + + Inherits the contextual information from another thread. + + The context stack to inherit. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This thread will use the context information from the stack + supplied. This can be used to initialize child threads with + the same contextual information as their parent threads. These + contexts will NOT be shared. Any further contexts that + are pushed onto the stack will not be visible to the other. + Call to obtain a stack to pass to + this method. + + + + + + Removes the top context from the stack. + + + The message in the context that was removed from the top + of the stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Remove the top context from the stack, and return + it to the caller. If the stack is empty then an + empty string (not null) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up + the context stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Pushes a new context onto the context stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up the context stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.NDC.Push("NDC_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an NDC message"); + } + + + + + + Removes the context information for this thread. It is + not required to call this method. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This method is not implemented. + + + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + + The maximum depth of the stack + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + This may truncate the head of the stack. This only affects the + stack in the current thread. Also it does not prevent it from + growing, it only sets the maximum depth at the time of the + call. This can be used to return to a known context depth. + + + + + + Gets the current context depth. + + The current context depth. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The number of context values pushed onto the context stack. + + + Used to record the current depth of the context. This can then + be restored using the method. + + + + + + + The log4net Thread Context. + + + + The ThreadContext provides a location for thread specific debugging + information to be stored. + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + The thread context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current thread. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Thread Context is managed on a per thread basis. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + ThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The thread local stacks. + + + + + diff --git a/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net11-full/log4net.xml b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net11-full/log4net.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..689e817 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net11-full/log4net.xml @@ -0,0 +1,30548 @@ + + + + log4net + + + + + Appender that logs to a database. + + + + appends logging events to a table within a + database. The appender can be configured to specify the connection + string by setting the property. + The connection type (provider) can be specified by setting the + property. For more information on database connection strings for + your specific database see + + + Records are written into the database either using a prepared + statement or a stored procedure. The property + is set to (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify a prepared statement + or to (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify a stored + procedure. + + + The prepared statement text or the name of the stored procedure + must be set in the property. + + + The prepared statement or stored procedure can take a number + of parameters. Parameters are added using the + method. This adds a single to the + ordered list of parameters. The + type may be subclassed if required to provide database specific + functionality. The specifies + the parameter name, database type, size, and how the value should + be generated using a . + + + + An example of a SQL Server table that could be logged to: + + CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Log] ( + [ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , + [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL , + [Thread] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Level] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL , + [Logger] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Message] [varchar] (4000) NOT NULL + ) ON [PRIMARY] + + + + An example configuration to log to the above table: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Lance Nehring + + + + Abstract base class implementation of that + buffers events in a fixed size buffer. + + + + This base class should be used by appenders that need to buffer a + number of events before logging them. For example the + buffers events and then submits the entire contents of the buffer to + the underlying database in one go. + + + Subclasses should override the + method to deliver the buffered events. + + The BufferingAppenderSkeleton maintains a fixed size cyclic + buffer of events. The size of the buffer is set using + the property. + + A is used to inspect + each event as it arrives in the appender. If the + triggers, then the current buffer is sent immediately + (see ). Otherwise the event + is stored in the buffer. For example, an evaluator can be used to + deliver the events immediately when an ERROR event arrives. + + + The buffering appender can be configured in a mode. + By default the appender is NOT lossy. When the buffer is full all + the buffered events are sent with . + If the property is set to true then the + buffer will not be sent when it is full, and new events arriving + in the appender will overwrite the oldest event in the buffer. + In lossy mode the buffer will only be sent when the + triggers. This can be useful behavior when you need to know about + ERROR events but not about events with a lower level, configure an + evaluator that will trigger when an ERROR event arrives, the whole + buffer will be sent which gives a history of events leading up to + the ERROR event. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Abstract base class implementation of . + + + + This class provides the code for common functionality, such + as support for threshold filtering and support for general filters. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface for your own strategies for printing log statements. + + + + Implementors should consider extending the + class which provides a default implementation of this interface. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Log the logging event in Appender specific way. + + The event to log + + + This method is called to log a message into this appender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + Interface for appenders that support bulk logging. + + + + This interface extends the interface to + support bulk logging of objects. Appenders + should only implement this interface if they can bulk log efficiently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Log the array of logging events in Appender specific way. + + The events to log + + + This method is called to log an array of events into this appender. + + + + + + Interface used to delay activate a configured object. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then the method + must be called by the container after its all the configured properties have been set + and before the component can be used. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Activate the options that were previously set with calls to properties. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then this method must be called + after its properties have been set before the component can be used. + + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Default constructor + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + Finalizes this appender by calling the implementation's + method. + + + + If this appender has not been closed then the Finalize method + will call . + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Closes the appender and release resources. + + + + Release any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + This method cannot be overridden by subclasses. This method + delegates the closing of the appender to the + method which must be overridden in the subclass. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The event to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the abstract method. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the method. + + + + + + Test if the logging event should we output by this appender + + the event to test + true if the event should be output, false if the event should be ignored + + + This method checks the logging event against the threshold level set + on this appender and also against the filters specified on this + appender. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + + + + + Adds a filter to the end of the filter chain. + + the filter to add to this appender + + + The Filters are organized in a linked list. + + + Setting this property causes the new filter to be pushed onto the + back of the filter chain. + + + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + + + Checks if the message level is below this appender's threshold. + + to test against. + + + If there is no threshold set, then the return value is always true. + + + + true if the meets the + requirements of this appender. + + + + + Is called when the appender is closed. Derived classes should override + this method if resources need to be released. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Subclasses of should implement this method + to perform actual logging. + + The event to append. + + + A subclass must implement this method to perform + logging of the . + + This method will be called by + if all the conditions listed for that method are met. + + + To restrict the logging of events in the appender + override the method. + + + + + + Append a bulk array of logging events. + + the array of logging events + + + This base class implementation calls the + method for each element in the bulk array. + + + A sub class that can better process a bulk array of events should + override this method in addition to . + + + + + + Called before as a precondition. + + + + This method is called by + before the call to the abstract method. + + + This method can be overridden in a subclass to extend the checks + made before the event is passed to the method. + + + A subclass should ensure that they delegate this call to + this base class if it is overridden. + + + true if the call to should proceed. + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The event rendered as a string. + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Where possible use the alternative version of this method + . + That method streams the rendering onto an existing Writer + which can give better performance if the caller already has + a open and ready for writing. + + + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Use this method in preference to + where possible. If, however, the caller needs to render the event + to a string then does + provide an efficient mechanism for doing so. + + + + + + The layout of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The name of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The level threshold of this appender. + + + + There is no level threshold filtering by default. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The first filter in the filter chain. + + + + Set to null initially. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The last filter in the filter chain. + + + See for more information. + + + + + Flag indicating if this appender is closed. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The guard prevents an appender from repeatedly calling its own DoAppend method + + + + + StringWriter used to render events + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderSkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the threshold of this appender. + + + The threshold of the appender. + + + + All log events with lower level than the threshold level are ignored + by the appender. + + + In configuration files this option is specified by setting the + value of the option to a level + string, such as "DEBUG", "INFO" and so on. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The of the appender + + + The provides a default + implementation for the property. + + + + + + The filter chain. + + The head of the filter chain filter chain. + + + Returns the head Filter. The Filters are organized in a linked list + and so all Filters on this Appender are available through the result. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The layout of the appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + + Tests if this appender requires a to be set. + + + + In the rather exceptional case, where the appender + implementation admits a layout but can also work without it, + then the appender should return true. + + + This default implementation always returns false. + + + + true if the appender requires a layout object, otherwise false. + + + + + The default buffer size. + + + The default size of the cyclic buffer used to store events. + This is set to 512 by default. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + the events passed through this appender must be + fixed by the time that they arrive in the derived class' SendBuffer method. + + + Protected constructor to allow subclassing. + + + The should be set if the subclass + expects the events delivered to be fixed even if the + is set to zero, i.e. when no buffering occurs. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + + + Flushes any events that have been buffered. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will NOT be flushed to the appender. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + set to true to flush the buffer of lossy events + + + Flushes events that have been buffered. If is + false then events will only be flushed if this buffer is non-lossy mode. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will only be flushed if is true. + In this case the contents of the buffer will be tested against the + and if triggering will be output. All other buffered + events will be discarded. + + + If is true then the buffer will always + be emptied by calling this method. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. + + + + Close this appender instance. If this appender is marked + as not then the remaining events in + the buffer must be sent when the appender is closed. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + + Stores the in the cyclic buffer. + + + The buffer will be sent (i.e. passed to the + method) if one of the following conditions is met: + + + + The cyclic buffer is full and this appender is + marked as not lossy (see ) + + + An is set and + it is triggered for the + specified. + + + + Before the event is stored in the buffer it is fixed + (see ) to ensure that + any data referenced by the event will be valid when the buffer + is processed. + + + + + + Sends the contents of the buffer. + + The first logging event. + The buffer containing the events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override . + + + + + + Sends the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override this method to process the buffered events. + + + + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + Set to by default. + + + + + The cyclic buffer used to store the logging events. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator that causes the buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event causes the entire + buffer to be sent immediately. This field can be null, which + indicates that event triggering is not to be done. The evaluator + can be set using the property. If this appender + has the ( property) set to + true then an must be set. + + + + + Indicates if the appender should overwrite events in the cyclic buffer + when it becomes full, or if the buffer should be flushed when the + buffer is full. + + + If this field is set to true then an must + be set. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator filters discarded events. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event that is discarded should + really be discarded or if it should be sent to the appenders. + This field can be null, which indicates that all discarded events will + be discarded. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + The events delivered to the subclass must be fixed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender is lossy. + + + true if the appender is lossy, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + This appender uses a buffer to store logging events before + delivering them. A triggering event causes the whole buffer + to be send to the remote sink. If the buffer overruns before + a triggering event then logging events could be lost. Set + to false to prevent logging events + from being lost. + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the + logging events. + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + + The option takes a positive integer + representing the maximum number of logging events to collect in + a cyclic buffer. When the is reached, + oldest events are deleted as new events are added to the + buffer. By default the size of the cyclic buffer is 512 events. + + + If the is set to a value less than + or equal to 1 then no buffering will occur. The logging event + will be delivered synchronously (depending on the + and properties). Otherwise the event will + be buffered. + + + + + + Gets or sets the that causes the + buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The that causes the buffer to be + sent immediately. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is appended to this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will + immediately be sent (see ). + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the to use. + + + The value of the to use. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is discarded from this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will immediately + be sent (see ). + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if only part of the logging event data + should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the + event data to be fixed and serialized. This will improve performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets a the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + The event fields that will be fixed before the event is buffered + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Public default constructor to initialize a new instance of this class. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Override the parent method to close the database + + + + Closes the database command and database connection. + + + + + + Inserts the events into the database. + + The events to insert into the database. + + + Insert all the events specified in the + array into the database. + + + + + + Adds a parameter to the command. + + The parameter to add to the command. + + + Adds a parameter to the ordered list of command parameters. + + + + + + Writes the events to the database using the transaction specified. + + The transaction that the events will be executed under. + The array of events to insert into the database. + + + The transaction argument can be null if the appender has been + configured not to use transactions. See + property for more information. + + + + + + Formats the log message into database statement text. + + The event being logged. + + This method can be overridden by subclasses to provide + more control over the format of the database statement. + + + Text that can be passed to a . + + + + + Creates an instance used to connect to the database. + + + This method is called whenever a new IDbConnection is needed (i.e. when a reconnect is necessary). + + The of the object. + The connectionString output from the ResolveConnectionString method. + An instance with a valid connection string. + + + + Resolves the connection string from the ConnectionString, ConnectionStringName, or AppSettingsKey + property. + + + ConnectiongStringName is only supported on .NET 2.0 and higher. + + Additional information describing the connection string. + A connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + Retrieves the class type of the ADO.NET provider. + + + + Gets the Type of the ADO.NET provider to use to connect to the + database. This method resolves the type specified in the + property. + + + Subclasses can override this method to return a different type + if necessary. + + + The of the ADO.NET provider + + + + Prepares the database command and initialize the parameters. + + + + + Connects to the database. + + + + + Cleanup the existing command. + + + If true, a message will be written using LogLog.Warn if an exception is encountered when calling Dispose. + + + + + Cleanup the existing connection. + + + Calls the IDbConnection's method. + + + + + Flag to indicate if we are using a command object + + + + Set to true when the appender is to use a prepared + statement or stored procedure to insert into the database. + + + + + + The list of objects. + + + + The list of objects. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The that will be used + to insert logging events into a database. + + + + + The database command. + + + + + Database connection string. + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + String type name of the type name. + + + + + The text of the command. + + + + + The command type. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AdoNetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the database connection string that is used to connect to + the database. + + + The database connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + The connections string is specific to the connection type. + See for more information. + + + Connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "DSN=MS Access Database;UID=admin;PWD=;SystemDB=C:\data\System.mdw;SafeTransactions = 0;FIL=MS Access;DriverID = 25;DBQ=C:\data\train33.mdb" + + Another connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;UID=;PWD=;" + + Connection string for MS Access via OLE DB: + "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;User Id=;Password=;" + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + Gets or sets the type name of the connection + that should be created. + + + The type name of the connection. + + + + The type name of the ADO.NET provider to use. + + + The default is to use the OLE DB provider. + + + Use the OLE DB Provider. This is the default value. + System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the MS SQL Server Provider. + System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the ODBC Provider. + Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection,Microsoft.Data.Odbc,version=1.0.3300.0,publicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089,culture=neutral + This is an optional package that you can download from + + search for ODBC .NET Data Provider. + + Use the Oracle Provider. + System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection, System.Data.OracleClient, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + This is an optional package that you can download from + + search for .NET Managed Provider for Oracle. + + + + + Gets or sets the command text that is used to insert logging events + into the database. + + + The command text used to insert logging events into the database. + + + + Either the text of the prepared statement or the + name of the stored procedure to execute to write into + the database. + + + The property determines if + this text is a prepared statement or a stored procedure. + + + + + + Gets or sets the command type to execute. + + + The command type to execute. + + + + This value may be either (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify + that the is a prepared statement to execute, + or (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify that the + property is the name of a stored procedure + to execute. + + + The default value is (System.Data.CommandType.Text). + + + + + + Should transactions be used to insert logging events in the database. + + + true if transactions should be used to insert logging events in + the database, otherwise false. The default value is true. + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether transactions should be used + to insert logging events in the database. + + + When set a single transaction will be used to insert the buffered events + into the database. Otherwise each event will be inserted without using + an explicit transaction. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Should this appender try to reconnect to the database on error. + + + true if the appender should try to reconnect to the database after an + error has occurred, otherwise false. The default value is false, + i.e. not to try to reconnect. + + + + The default behaviour is for the appender not to try to reconnect to the + database if an error occurs. Subsequent logging events are discarded. + + + To force the appender to attempt to reconnect to the database set this + property to true. + + + When the appender attempts to connect to the database there may be a + delay of up to the connection timeout specified in the connection string. + This delay will block the calling application's thread. + Until the connection can be reestablished this potential delay may occur multiple times. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to insert + logging events into a database. Classes deriving from + can use this property to get or set this . Use the + underlying returned from if + you require access beyond that which provides. + + + + + Parameter type used by the . + + + + This class provides the basic database parameter properties + as defined by the interface. + + This type can be subclassed to provide database specific + functionality. The two methods that are called externally are + and . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Default constructor for the AdoNetAppenderParameter class. + + + + + Prepare the specified database command object. + + The command to prepare. + + + Prepares the database command object by adding + this parameter to its collection of parameters. + + + + + + Renders the logging event and set the parameter value in the command. + + The command containing the parameter. + The event to be rendered. + + + Renders the logging event using this parameters layout + object. Sets the value of the parameter on the command object. + + + + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + + Flag to infer type rather than use the DbType + + + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + + The to use to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this parameter. + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + The name of this parameter. The parameter name + must match up to a named parameter to the SQL stored procedure + or prepared statement. + + + + + + Gets or sets the database type for this parameter. + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + The database type for this parameter. This property should + be set to the database type from the + enumeration. See . + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the type from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the precision for this parameter. + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + The maximum number of digits used to represent the Value. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the precision from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the scale for this parameter. + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + The number of decimal places to which Value is resolved. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the scale from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the size for this parameter. + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + The maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the size from the value. + + + For BLOB data types like VARCHAR(max) it may be impossible to infer the value automatically, use -1 as the size in this case. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the to use to + render the logging event into an object for this + parameter. + + + The used to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + The that renders the value for this + parameter. + + + The can be used to adapt + any into a + for use in the property. + + + + + + Appends logging events to the terminal using ANSI color escape sequences. + + + + AnsiColorTerminalAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific level of message to be set. + + + This appender expects the terminal to understand the VT100 control set + in order to interpret the color codes. If the terminal or console does not + understand the control codes the behavior is not defined. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + When configuring the ANSI colored terminal appender, a mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + + These color values cannot be combined together to make new colors. + + + The attributes can be any combination of the following: + + Brightforeground is brighter + Dimforeground is dimmer + Underscoremessage is underlined + Blinkforeground is blinking (does not work on all terminals) + Reverseforeground and background are reversed + Hiddenoutput is hidden + Strikethroughmessage has a line through it + + While any of these attributes may be combined together not all combinations + work well together, for example setting both Bright and Dim attributes makes + no sense. + + + Patrick Wagstrom + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Ansi code to reset terminal + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colours + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible display attributes + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the ANSI color attributes. + + + + + + + text is bright + + + + + text is dim + + + + + text is underlined + + + + + text is blinking + + + Not all terminals support this attribute + + + + + text and background colors are reversed + + + + + text is hidden + + + + + text is displayed with a strikethrough + + + + + text color is light + + + + + The enum of possible foreground or background color values for + use with the color mapping method + + + + The output can be in one for the following ANSI colors. + + + + + + + color is black + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is magenta + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is white + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + An entry in the + + + + This is an abstract base class for types that are stored in the + object. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + + + Initialize any options defined on this entry + + + + Should be overridden by any classes that need to initialise based on their options + + + + + + The level that is the key for this mapping + + + The that is the key for this mapping + + + + Get or set the that is the key for this + mapping subclass. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together + and append the attributes. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + + + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + + + The combined , and + suitable for setting the ansi terminal color. + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a AppenderCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + An AppenderCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + An empty readonly static AppenderCollection + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new AppenderCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the AppenderCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the AppenderCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the AppenderCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the AppenderCollection. + + The to locate in the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire AppenderCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the AppenderCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the AppenderCollection. + + The to remove from the AppenderCollection. + + The specified was not found in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the AppenderCollection. + + An for the entire AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another AppenderCollection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current AppenderCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + Return the collection elements as an array + + the array + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the AppenderCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + + Appends log events to the ASP.NET system. + + + + + Diagnostic information and tracing messages that you specify are appended to the output + of the page that is sent to the requesting browser. Optionally, you can view this information + from a separate trace viewer (Trace.axd) that displays trace information for every page in a + given application. + + + Trace statements are processed and displayed only when tracing is enabled. You can control + whether tracing is displayed to a page, to the trace viewer, or both. + + + The logging event is passed to the or + method depending on the level of the logging event. + The event's logger name is the default value for the category parameter of the Write/Warn method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Write the logging event to the ASP.NET trace + + the event to log + + + Write the logging event to the ASP.NET trace + HttpContext.Current.Trace + (). + + + + + + Defaults to %logger + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The category parameter sent to the Trace method. + + + + Defaults to %logger which will use the logger name of the current + as the category parameter. + + + + + + + + Buffers events and then forwards them to attached appenders. + + + + The events are buffered in this appender until conditions are + met to allow the appender to deliver the events to the attached + appenders. See for the + conditions that cause the buffer to be sent. + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different + thresholds and filters for the same appender at different locations + within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface for attaching appenders to objects. + + + + Interface for attaching, removing and retrieving appenders. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + Add the specified appender. The implementation may + choose to allow or deny duplicate appenders. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Returns an attached appender with the specified. + If no appender with the specified name is found null will be + returned. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders. + + + + Gets a collection of attached appenders. + If there are no attached appenders the + implementation should return an empty + collection rather than null. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Send the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + Forwards the events to the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this buffering appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ColoredConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific type of message to be set. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes directly to the application's attached console + not to the System.Console.Out or System.Console.Error TextWriter. + The System.Console.Out and System.Console.Error streams can be + programmatically redirected (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). + This appender will ignore these redirections because it needs to use Win32 + API calls to colorize the output. To respect these redirections the + must be used. + + + When configuring the colored console appender, mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + combination of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + HighIntensity + + + + Rick Hobbs + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colors + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + The console output stream writer to write to + + + + This writer is not thread safe. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible color values for use with the color mapping method + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the colors. + + + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is white + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is purple + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is intensified + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level. + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level. + + + + + + The combined and suitable for + setting the console color. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + debug system. + + + Events are written using the + method. The event's logger name is passed as the value for the category name to the Write method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + If is true then the + is called. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Writes events to the system event log. + + + + The appender will fail if you try to write using an event source that doesn't exist unless it is running with local administrator privileges. + See also + + + The EventID of the event log entry can be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + + + The Category of the event log entry can be + set using the Category property () + on the . + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + When configuring the EventLogAppender a mapping can be + specified to map a logging level to an event log entry type. For example: + + + <mapping> + <level value="ERROR" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Error" /> + </mapping> + <mapping> + <level value="DEBUG" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Information" /> + </mapping> + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and eventLogEntryType can be any value + from the enum, i.e.: + + Erroran error event + Warninga warning event + Informationan informational event + + + + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Thomas Voss + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + The to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Add a mapping of level to - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the event log entry type for a level. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create an event log source + + + Uses different API calls under NET_2_0 + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + the event to log + + Writes the event to the system event log using the + . + + If the event has an EventID property (see ) + set then this integer will be used as the event log event id. + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + + + + Get the equivalent for a + + the Level to convert to an EventLogEntryType + The equivalent for a + + Because there are fewer applicable + values to use in logging levels than there are in the + this is a one way mapping. There is + a loss of information during the conversion. + + + + + The log name is the section in the event logs where the messages + are stored. + + + + + Name of the application to use when logging. This appears in the + application column of the event log named by . + + + + + The name of the machine which holds the event log. This is + currently only allowed to be '.' i.e. the current machine. + + + + + Mapping from level object to EventLogEntryType + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The event ID to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The event category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EventLogAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The maximum size supported by default. + + + + The 32766 documented max size is two bytes shy of 32K (I'm assuming 32766 + may leave space for a two byte null terminator of #0#0). The 32766 max + length is what the .NET 4.0 source code checks for, but this is WRONG! + Strings with a length > 31839 on Windows Vista or higher can CORRUPT + the event log! See: System.Diagnostics.EventLogInternal.InternalWriteEvent() + for the use of the 32766 max size. + + + + + The maximum size supported by a windows operating system that is vista + or newer. + + + See ReportEvent API: + + ReportEvent's lpStrings parameter: + "A pointer to a buffer containing an array of + null-terminated strings that are merged into the message before Event Viewer + displays the string to the user. This parameter must be a valid pointer + (or NULL), even if wNumStrings is zero. Each string is limited to 31,839 characters." + + Going beyond the size of 31839 will (at some point) corrupt the event log on Windows + Vista or higher! It may succeed for a while...but you will eventually run into the + error: "System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception : A device attached to the system is + not functioning", and the event log will then be corrupt (I was able to corrupt + an event log using a length of 31877 on Windows 7). + + The max size for Windows Vista or higher is documented here: + + Going over this size may succeed a few times but the buffer will overrun and + eventually corrupt the log (based on testing). + + The maxEventMsgSize size is based on the max buffer size of the lpStrings parameter of the ReportEvent API. + The documented max size for EventLog.WriteEntry for Windows Vista and higher is 31839, but I'm leaving room for a + terminator of #0#0, as we cannot see the source of ReportEvent (though we could use an API monitor to examine the + buffer, given enough time). + + + + + The maximum size that the operating system supports for + a event log message. + + + Used to determine the maximum string length that can be written + to the operating system event log and eventually truncate a string + that exceeds the limits. + + + + + This method determines the maximum event log message size allowed for + the current environment. + + + + + + The name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + The string name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + This is the name of the log as it appears in the Event Viewer + tree. The default value is to log into the Application + log, this is where most applications write their events. However + if you need a separate log for your application (or applications) + then you should set the appropriately. + This should not be used to distinguish your event log messages + from those of other applications, the + property should be used to distinguish events. This property should be + used to group together events into a single log. + + + + + + Property used to set the Application name. This appears in the + event logs when logging. + + + The string used to distinguish events from different sources. + + + Sets the event log source property. + + + + + This property is used to return the name of the computer to use + when accessing the event logs. Currently, this is the current + computer, denoted by a dot "." + + + The string name of the machine holding the event log that + will be logged into. + + + This property cannot be changed. It is currently set to '.' + i.e. the local machine. This may be changed in future. + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the EventLog. + + + The used to write to the EventLog. + + + + The system security context used to write to the EventLog. + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the EventId to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The EventID of the event log entry will normally be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The Category of the event log entry will normally be + set using the Category property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and its event log entry type. + + + + + + The for this entry + + + + Required property. + The for this entry + + + + + + Appends logging events to a file. + + + + Logging events are sent to the file specified by + the property. + + + The file can be opened in either append or overwrite mode + by specifying the property. + If the file path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. The file encoding can be + specified by setting the property. + + + The layout's and + values will be written each time the file is opened and closed + respectively. If the property is + then the file may contain multiple copies of the header and footer. + + + This appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + The supports pluggable file locking models via + the property. + The default behavior, implemented by + is to obtain an exclusive write lock on the file until this appender is closed. + The alternative models only hold a + write lock while the appender is writing a logging event () + or synchronize by using a named system wide Mutex (). + + + All locking strategies have issues and you should seriously consider using a different strategy that + avoids having multiple processes logging to the same file. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Rodrigo B. de Oliveira + Douglas de la Torre + Niall Daley + + + + Sends logging events to a . + + + + An Appender that writes to a . + + + This appender may be used stand alone if initialized with an appropriate + writer, however it is typically used as a base class for an appender that + can open a to write to. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and + sets the output destination to a new initialized + with the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender. + The to output to. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and sets + the output destination to the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender + The to output to + + The must have been previously opened. + + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + This method determines if there is a sense in attempting to append. + + + + This method checks if an output target has been set and if a + layout has been set. + + + false if any of the preconditions fail. + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method writes all the bulk logged events to the output writer + before flushing the stream. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. The underlying stream or writer is also closed. + + + Closed appenders cannot be reused. + + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Clears internal references to the underlying + and other variables. + + + + Subclasses can override this method for an alternate closing behavior. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Called to allow a subclass to lazily initialize the writer + + + + This method is called when an event is logged and the or + have not been set. This allows a subclass to + attempt to initialize the writer multiple times. + + + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying + or output stream will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logging events are not actually persisted if and when the application + crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TextWriterAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or set whether the appender will flush at the end + of each append operation. + + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + append operation. + + + If this option is set to false, then the underlying + stream can defer persisting the logging event to a later + time. + + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results in + a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + Sets the where the log output will go. + + + + The specified must be open and writable. + + + The will be closed when the appender + instance is closed. + + + Note: Logging to an unopened will fail. + + + + + + Gets or set the and the underlying + , if any, for this appender. + + + The for this appender. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Gets or sets the where logging events + will be written to. + + + The where logging events are written. + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout, file and append mode. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + flag to indicate if the file should be appended to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout and file specified. + The file will be appended to. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Activate the options on the file appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This will cause the file to be opened. + + + + + + Closes any previously opened file and calls the parent's . + + + + Resets the filename and the file stream. + + + + + + Called to initialize the file writer + + + + Will be called for each logged message until the file is + successfully opened. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + Acquires the output file locks once before writing all the events to + the stream. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the previously opened file. + + + + Writes the to the file and then + closes the file. + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + Calls but guarantees not to throw an exception. + Errors are passed to the . + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + If there was already an opened file, then the previous file + is closed first. + + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer used for file output + + the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This implementation of creates a + over the and passes it to the + method. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to wrap the + in some way, for example to encrypt the output + data using a System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + the writer over the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to + wrap the in some way. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if we should append to the file + or overwrite the file. The default is to append. + + + + + The name of the log file. + + + + + The encoding to use for the file stream. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The stream to log to. Has added locking semantics + + + + + The locking model to use + + + + + The fully qualified type of the FileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + The path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + + If the path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether the file should be + appended to or overwritten. + + + Indicates whether the file should be appended to or overwritten. + + + + If the value is set to false then the file will be overwritten, if + it is set to true then the file will be appended to. + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + The default encoding set is + which is the encoding for the system's current ANSI code page. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + The used to lock the file. + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + There are three built in locking models, , and . + The first locks the file from the start of logging to the end, the + second locks only for the minimal amount of time when logging each message + and the last synchronizes processes using a named system wide Mutex. + + + The default locking model is the . + + + + + + Write only that uses the + to manage access to an underlying resource. + + + + + True asynchronous writes are not supported, the implementation forces a synchronous write. + + + + + Exception base type for log4net. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Locking model base class + + + + Base class for the locking models available to the derived loggers. + + + + + + Open the output file + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Helper method that creates a FileStream under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + + Typically called during OpenFile or AcquireLock. + + + If the directory portion of the does not exist, it is created + via Directory.CreateDirecctory. + + + + + + + + + + Helper method to close under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + Does not set to null. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this LockingModel + + + The for this LockingModel + + + + The file appender this locking model is attached to and working on + behalf of. + + + The file appender is used to locate the security context and the error handler to use. + + + The value of this property will be set before is + called. + + + + + + Hold an exclusive lock on the output file + + + + Open the file once for writing and hold it open until is called. + Maintains an exclusive lock on the file during this time. + + + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Does nothing. The lock will be released when the file is closed. + + + + + + Acquires the file lock for each write + + + + Opens the file once for each / cycle, + thus holding the lock for the minimal amount of time. This method of locking + is considerably slower than but allows + other processes to move/delete the log file whilst logging continues. + + + + + + Prepares to open the file when the first message is logged. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Provides cross-process file locking. + + Ron Grabowski + Steve Wranovsky + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + - and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + + + + + + This appender forwards logging events to attached appenders. + + + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different thresholds + and filters for the same appender at different locations within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Forward the logging event to the attached appenders + + The event to log. + + + Delivers the logging event to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Forward the logging events to the attached appenders + + The array of events to log. + + + Delivers the logging events to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Logs events to a local syslog service. + + + + This appender uses the POSIX libc library functions openlog, syslog, and closelog. + If these functions are not available on the local system then this appender will not work! + + + The functions openlog, syslog, and closelog are specified in SUSv2 and + POSIX 1003.1-2001 standards. These are used to log messages to the local syslog service. + + + This appender talks to a local syslog service. If you need to log to a remote syslog + daemon and you cannot configure your local syslog service to do this you may be + able to use the to log via UDP. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a local syslog service. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Adds a to this appender. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Marshaled handle to the identity string. We have to hold on to the + string as the openlog and syslog APIs just hold the + pointer to the ident and dereference it for each log message. + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Open connection to system logger. + + + + + Generate a log message. + + + + The libc syslog method takes a format string and a variable argument list similar + to the classic printf function. As this type of vararg list is not supported + by C# we need to specify the arguments explicitly. Here we have specified the + format string with a single message argument. The caller must set the format + string to "%s". + + + + + + Close descriptor used to write to system logger. + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The log4net Level maps to a syslog severity using the + method and the + class. The severity is set on . + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facility defines which subsystem the logging comes from. + This is set on the property. + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Stores logging events in an array. + + + + The memory appender stores all the logging events + that are appended in an in-memory array. + + + Use the method to get + the current list of events that have been appended. + + + Use the method to clear the + current list of events. + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + The events that have been logged + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + Stores the in the events list. + + + + + Clear the list of events + + + Clear the list of events + + + + + The list of events that have been appended. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether only part of the logging event + data should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the event + data to be fixed and stored in the appender, hereby improving performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + Logs entries by sending network messages using the + native function. + + + + You can send messages only to names that are active + on the network. If you send the message to a user name, + that user must be logged on and running the Messenger + service to receive the message. + + + The receiver will get a top most window displaying the + messages one at a time, therefore this appender should + not be used to deliver a high volume of messages. + + + The following table lists some possible uses for this appender : + + + + + Action + Property Value(s) + + + Send a message to a user account on the local machine + + + = <name of the local machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a user account on a remote machine + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a domain user account + + + = <name of a domain controller | uninitialized> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to all the names in a workgroup or domain + + + = <workgroup name | domain name>* + + + + + Send a message from the local machine to a remote machine + + + = <name of the local machine | uninitialized> + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + + + + + Note : security restrictions apply for sending + network messages, see + for more information. + + + + + An example configuration section to log information + using this appender from the local machine, named + LOCAL_PC, to machine OPERATOR_PC : + + + + + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + + + + + The sender of the network message. + + + + + The message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Initializes the appender. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using a network message. + + + + + + Sends a buffer of information to a registered message alias. + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + The message alias to which the message buffer should be sent + The originator of the message. + The message text. + The length, in bytes, of the message text. + + + The following restrictions apply for sending network messages: + + + + + Platform + Requirements + + + Windows NT + + + No special group membership is required to send a network message. + + + Admin, Accounts, Print, or Server Operator group membership is required to + successfully send a network message on a remote server. + + + + + Windows 2000 or later + + + If you send a message on a domain controller that is running Active Directory, + access is allowed or denied based on the access control list (ACL) for the securable + object. The default ACL permits only Domain Admins and Account Operators to send a network message. + + + On a member server or workstation, only Administrators and Server Operators can send a network message. + + + + + + + For more information see Security Requirements for the Network Management Functions. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. + + + + + + Gets or sets the sender of the message. + + + The sender of the message. + + + If this property is not specified, the message is sent from the local computer. + + + + + Gets or sets the message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + The recipient of the message. + + + This property should always be specified in order to send a message. + + + + + Gets or sets the DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + + For Windows NT 4.0 and earlier, the string should begin with \\. + + + If this property is not specified, the local computer is used. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the OutputDebugString system. + + + + OutputDebugStringAppender appends log events to the + OutputDebugString system. + + + The string is passed to the native OutputDebugString + function. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + the event to log + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + + + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + the string to output + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Logs events to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + The BSD syslog protocol is used to remotely log to + a syslog daemon. The syslogd listens for for messages + on UDP port 514. + + + The syslog UDP protocol is not authenticated. Most syslog daemons + do not accept remote log messages because of the security implications. + You may be able to use the LocalSyslogAppender to talk to a local + syslog service. + + + There is an RFC 3164 that claims to document the BSD Syslog Protocol. + This RFC can be seen here: + This appender generates what the RFC calls an "Original Device Message", + i.e. does not include the TIMESTAMP or HOSTNAME fields. By observation + this format of message will be accepted by all current syslog daemon + implementations. The daemon will attach the current time and the source + hostname or IP address to any messages received. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Sends logging events as connectionless UDP datagrams to a remote host or a + multicast group using an . + + + + UDP guarantees neither that messages arrive, nor that they arrive in the correct order. + + + To view the logging results, a custom application can be developed that listens for logging + events. + + + When decoding events send via this appender remember to use the same encoding + to decode the events as was used to send the events. See the + property to specify the encoding to use. + + + + This example shows how to log receive logging events that are sent + on IP address and port 8080 to the console. The event is + encoded in the packet as a unicode string and it is decoded as such. + + IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); + UdpClient udpClient; + byte[] buffer; + string loggingEvent; + + try + { + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080); + + while(true) + { + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint); + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer); + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent); + } + } + catch(Exception e) + { + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); + } + + + Dim remoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint + Dim udpClient as UdpClient + Dim buffer as Byte() + Dim loggingEvent as String + + Try + remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0) + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080) + While True + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ByRef remoteEndPoint) + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer) + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent) + Wend + Catch e As Exception + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()) + End Try + + + An example configuration section to log information using this appender to the + IP on port 8080: + + + + + + + + + + Gert Driesen + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified or + an invalid remote or local TCP port number was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + The TCP port number assigned to or is less than or greater than . + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using an UDP datagram. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + Closes the UDP connection and releases all resources associated with + this instance. + + + + Disables the underlying and releases all managed + and unmanaged resources associated with the . + + + + + + Initializes the underlying connection. + + + + The underlying is initialized and binds to the + port number from which you intend to communicate. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to + which the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number from which the will communicate. + + + + + The instance that will be used for sending the + logging events. + + + + + The encoding to use for the packet. + + + + + Gets or sets the IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + + Multicast addresses are identified by IP class D addresses (in the range to + Multicast packets can pass across different networks through routers, so + it is possible to use multicasts in an Internet scenario as long as your network provider + supports multicasting. + + + Hosts that want to receive particular multicast messages must register their interest by joining + the multicast group. Multicast messages are not sent to networks where no host has joined + the multicast group. Class D IP addresses are used for multicast groups, to differentiate + them from normal host addresses, allowing nodes to easily detect if a message is of interest. + + + Static multicast addresses that are needed globally are assigned by IANA. A few examples are listed in the table below: + + + + + IP Address + Description + + + + + + Sends a message to all system on the subnet. + + + + + + + + Sends a message to all routers on the subnet. + + + + + + + + The DHCP server answers messages on the IP address, but only on a subnet. + + + + + + + A complete list of actually reserved multicast addresses and their owners in the ranges + defined by RFC 3171 can be found at the IANA web site. + + + The address range to is reserved for administrative scope-relative + addresses. These addresses can be reused with other local groups. Routers are typically + configured with filters to prevent multicast traffic in this range from flowing outside + of the local network. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + The underlying will send messages to this TCP port number + on the remote host or multicast group. + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + + The underlying will bind to this port for sending messages. + + + Setting the value to 0 (the default) will cause the udp client not to bind to + a local port. + + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets used to write the packets. + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to send logging events + over a network. Classes deriving from can use this + property to get or set this . Use the underlying + returned from if you require access beyond that which + provides. + + + + + Gets or sets the cached remote endpoint to which the logging events should be sent. + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + The method will initialize the remote endpoint + with the values of the and + properties. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Syslog port 514 + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to syslog severity mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The syslog severities. + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facilities + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Delivers logging events to a remote logging sink. + + + + This Appender is designed to deliver events to a remote sink. + That is any object that implements the + interface. It delivers the events using .NET remoting. The + object to deliver events to is specified by setting the + appenders property. + + The RemotingAppender buffers events before sending them. This allows it to + make more efficient use of the remoting infrastructure. + + Once the buffer is full the events are still not sent immediately. + They are scheduled to be sent using a pool thread. The effect is that + the send occurs asynchronously. This is very important for a + number of non obvious reasons. The remoting infrastructure will + flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + Because the events are sent asynchronously using pool threads it is possible to close + this appender before all the queued events have been sent. + When closing the appender attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but + this will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If this appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. If the runtime terminates the threads before + the queued events have been sent then they will be lost. To ensure that all events + are sent the appender must be closed before the application exits. See + for details on how to shutdown + log4net programmatically. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + The events are not sent immediately. They are scheduled to be sent + using a pool thread. The effect is that the send occurs asynchronously. + This is very important for a number of non obvious reasons. The remoting + infrastructure will flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + The events to send. + + + + Override base class close. + + + + This method waits while there are queued work items. The events are + sent asynchronously using work items. These items + will be sent once a thread pool thread is available to send them, therefore + it is possible to close the appender before all the queued events have been + sent. + + This method attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but this + method will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If the appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. + + + + + A work item is being queued into the thread pool + + + + + A work item from the thread pool has completed + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + This method is designed to be used with the . + This method expects to be passed an array of + objects in the state param. + + the logging events to send + + + + The URL of the remote sink. + + + + + The local proxy (.NET remoting) for the remote logging sink. + + + + + The number of queued callbacks currently waiting or executing + + + + + Event used to signal when there are no queued work items + + + This event is set when there are no queued work items. In this + state it is safe to close the appender. + + + + + Gets or sets the URL of the well-known object that will accept + the logging events. + + + The well-known URL of the remote sink. + + + + The URL of the remoting sink that will accept logging events. + The sink must implement the + interface. + + + + + + Interface used to deliver objects to a remote sink. + + + This interface must be implemented by a remoting sink + if the is to be used + to deliver logging events to the sink. + + + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + Array of events to log. + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + + + + + Appender that rolls log files based on size or date or both. + + + + RollingFileAppender can roll log files based on size or date or both + depending on the setting of the property. + When set to the log file will be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled + once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed. + When set to the log file will be + rolled once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed, but within a date boundary the file will also be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled when + the appender is configured. This effectively means that the log file can be + rolled once per program execution. + + + A of few additional optional features have been added: + + Attach date pattern for current log file + Backup number increments for newer files + Infinite number of backups by file size + + + + + + For large or infinite numbers of backup files a + greater than zero is highly recommended, otherwise all the backup files need + to be renamed each time a new backup is created. + + + When Date/Time based rolling is used setting + to will reduce the number of file renamings to few or none. + + + + + + Changing or without clearing + the log file directory of backup files will cause unexpected and unwanted side effects. + + + + + If Date/Time based rolling is enabled this appender will attempt to roll existing files + in the directory without a Date/Time tag based on the last write date of the base log file. + The appender only rolls the log file when a message is logged. If Date/Time based rolling + is enabled then the appender will not roll the log file at the Date/Time boundary but + at the point when the next message is logged after the boundary has been crossed. + + + + The extends the and + has the same behavior when opening the log file. + The appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + When rolling a backup file necessitates deleting an older backup file the + file to be deleted is moved to a temporary name before being deleted. + + + + + A maximum number of backup files when rolling on date/time boundaries is not supported. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Edward Smit + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RollingFileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes. + + the writer to set + + + + Write out a logging event. + + the event to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Write out an array of logging events. + + the events to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Performs any required rolling before outputting the next event + + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Creates and opens the file for logging. If + is false then the fully qualified name is determined and used. + + the name of the file to open + true to append to existing file + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + Get the current output file name + + the base file name + the output file name + + The output file name is based on the base fileName specified. + If is set then the output + file name is the same as the base file passed in. Otherwise + the output file depends on the date pattern, on the count + direction or both. + + + + + Determines curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + + + + + Generates a wildcard pattern that can be used to find all files + that are similar to the base file name. + + + + + + + Builds a list of filenames for all files matching the base filename plus a file + pattern. + + + + + + + Initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + The following is done + + determine curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + + + Does the work of bumping the 'current' file counter higher + to the highest count when an incremental file name is seen. + The highest count is either the first file (when count direction + is greater than 0) or the last file (when count direction less than 0). + In either case, we want to know the highest count that is present. + + + + + + + Attempts to extract a number from the end of the file name that indicates + the number of the times the file has been rolled over. + + + Certain date pattern extensions like yyyyMMdd will be parsed as valid backup indexes. + + + + + + + Takes a list of files and a base file name, and looks for + 'incremented' versions of the base file. Bumps the max + count up to the highest count seen. + + + + + + + Calculates the RollPoint for the datePattern supplied. + + the date pattern to calculate the check period for + The RollPoint that is most accurate for the date pattern supplied + + Essentially the date pattern is examined to determine what the + most suitable roll point is. The roll point chosen is the roll point + with the smallest period that can be detected using the date pattern + supplied. i.e. if the date pattern only outputs the year, month, day + and hour then the smallest roll point that can be detected would be + and hourly roll point as minutes could not be detected. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Sets initial conditions including date/time roll over information, first check, + scheduledFilename, and calls to initialize + the current number of backups. + + + + + + + + + .1, .2, .3, etc. + + + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + + set to true if the file to be rolled is currently open + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + Resets curSizeRollBackups. + If fileIsOpen is set then the new file is opened (through SafeOpenFile). + + + + + + Renames file to file . + + Name of existing file to roll. + New name for file. + + + Renames file to file . It + also checks for existence of target file and deletes if it does. + + + + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + the path to the file + true if the file exists + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + + + + + Deletes the specified file if it exists. + + The file to delete. + + + Delete a file if is exists. + The file is first moved to a new filename then deleted. + This allows the file to be removed even when it cannot + be deleted, but it still can be moved. + + + + + + Implements file roll base on file size. + + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. Moreover, File is + renamed File.1 and closed. + + + A new file is created to receive further log output. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + + + + Implements file roll. + + the base name to rename + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + This is called by to rename the files. + + + + + + Get the start time of the next window for the current rollpoint + + the current date + the type of roll point we are working with + the start time for the next roll point an interval after the currentDateTime date + + + Returns the date of the next roll point after the currentDateTime date passed to the method. + + + The basic strategy is to subtract the time parts that are less significant + than the rollpoint from the current time. This should roll the time back to + the start of the time window for the current rollpoint. Then we add 1 window + worth of time and get the start time of the next window for the rollpoint. + + + + + + This object supplies the current date/time. Allows test code to plug in + a method to control this class when testing date/time based rolling. The default + implementation uses the underlying value of DateTime.Now. + + + + + The date pattern. By default, the pattern is set to ".yyyy-MM-dd" + meaning daily rollover. + + + + + The actual formatted filename that is currently being written to + or will be the file transferred to on roll over + (based on staticLogFileName). + + + + + The timestamp when we shall next recompute the filename. + + + + + Holds date of last roll over + + + + + The type of rolling done + + + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB + + + + + There is zero backup files by default + + + + + How many sized based backups have been made so far + + + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + + The rolling mode used in this appender. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by date. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by size. + + + + + Value indicating whether to always log to the same file. + + + + + Value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + + + FileName provided in configuration. Used for rolling properly + + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Gets or sets the strategy for determining the current date and time. The default + implementation is to use LocalDateTime which internally calls through to DateTime.Now. + DateTime.UtcNow may be used on frameworks newer than .NET 1.0 by specifying + . + + + An implementation of the interface which returns the current date and time. + + + + Gets or sets the used to return the current date and time. + + + There are two built strategies for determining the current date and time, + + and . + + + The default strategy is . + + + + + + Gets or sets the date pattern to be used for generating file names + when rolling over on date. + + + The date pattern to be used for generating file names when rolling + over on date. + + + + Takes a string in the same format as expected by + . + + + This property determines the rollover schedule when rolling over + on date. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum number of backup files that are kept before + the oldest is erased. + + + The maximum number of backup files that are kept before the oldest is + erased. + + + + If set to zero, then there will be no backup files and the log file + will be truncated when it reaches . + + + If a negative number is supplied then no deletions will be made. Note + that this could result in very slow performance as a large number of + files are rolled over unless is used. + + + The maximum applies to each time based group of files and + not the total. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size in bytes that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property is equivalent to except + that it is required for differentiating the setter taking a + argument from the setter taking a + argument. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB (10*1024*1024). + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property allows you to specify the maximum size with the + suffixes "KB", "MB" or "GB" so that the size is interpreted being + expressed respectively in kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. + + + For example, the value "10KB" will be interpreted as 10240 bytes. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB. + + + If you have the option to set the maximum file size programmatically + consider using the property instead as this + allows you to set the size in bytes as a . + + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling file count direction. + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + Indicates if the current file is the lowest numbered file or the + highest numbered file. + + + By default newer files have lower numbers ( < 0), + i.e. log.1 is most recent, log.5 is the 5th backup, etc... + + + >= 0 does the opposite i.e. + log.1 is the first backup made, log.5 is the 5th backup made, etc. + For infinite backups use >= 0 to reduce + rollover costs. + + The default file count direction is -1. + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling style. + + The rolling style. + + + The default rolling style is . + + + When set to this appender's + property is set to false, otherwise + the appender would append to a single file rather than rolling + the file each time it is opened. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + true if the file name extension should be preserved. + + + + By default file.log is rolled to file.log.yyyy-MM-dd or file.log.curSizeRollBackup. + However, under Windows the new file name will loose any program associations as the + extension is changed. Optionally file.log can be renamed to file.yyyy-MM-dd.log or + file.curSizeRollBackup.log to maintain any program associations. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always log to + the same file. + + + true if always should be logged to the same file, otherwise false. + + + + By default file.log is always the current file. Optionally + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd for current formatted datePattern can by the currently + logging file (or file.log.curSizeRollBackup or even + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd.curSizeRollBackup). + + + This will make time based rollovers with a large number of backups + much faster as the appender it won't have to rename all the backups! + + + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + + + Roll files once per program execution + + + + Roll files once per program execution. + Well really once each time this appender is + configured. + + + Setting this option also sets AppendToFile to + false on the RollingFileAppender, otherwise + this appender would just be a normal file appender. + + + + + + Roll files based only on the size of the file + + + + + Roll files based only on the date + + + + + Roll files based on both the size and date of the file + + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + + + Roll the log not based on the date + + + + + Roll the log for each minute + + + + + Roll the log for each hour + + + + + Roll the log twice a day (midday and midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each day (midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each week + + + + + Roll the log each month + + + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + Used primarily to allow test classes to plug themselves in so they can + supply test date/times. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Default implementation of that returns the current time. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Implementation of that returns the current time as the coordinated universal time (UTC). + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Send an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. + + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Authentication and setting the server Port are only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + For these features to be enabled you need to ensure that you are using a version of + the log4net assembly that is built against the MS .NET 1.1 framework and that you are + running the your application on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. On all other platforms only sending + unauthenticated messages to a server listening on port 25 (the default) is supported. + + + Authentication is supported by setting the property to + either or . + If using authentication then the + and properties must also be set. + + + To set the SMTP server port use the property. The default port is 25. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + + Send the email message + + the body text to include in the mail + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be carbon copied (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be blind carbon copied. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the SMTP relay mail server to use to send + the e-mail messages. + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + + + Obsolete + + + Use the BufferingAppenderSkeleton Fix methods instead + + + + Obsolete property. + + + + + + The mode to use to authentication with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + Valid Authentication mode values are: , + , and . + The default value is . When using + you must specify the + and to use to authenticate. + When using the Windows credentials for the current + thread, if impersonating, or the process will be used to authenticate. + + + + + + The username to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the username will be ignored. + + + + + + The password to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the password will be ignored. + + + + + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening + + + Server Port is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening. The default + port is 25. The Port can only be changed when running on + the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + + + + + Gets or sets the priority of the e-mail message + + + One of the values. + + + + Sets the priority of the e-mails generated by this + appender. The default priority is . + + + If you are using this appender to report errors then + you may want to set the priority to . + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + Gets or sets the body encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Values for the property. + + + + SMTP authentication modes. + + + + + + No authentication + + + + + Basic authentication. + + + Requires a username and password to be supplied + + + + + Integrated authentication + + + Uses the Windows credentials from the current thread or process to authenticate. + + + + + Send an email when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. Rather than sending via smtp it writes a file into the + directory specified by . This allows services such + as the IIS SMTP agent to manage sending the messages. + + + + The configuration for this appender is identical to that of the SMTPAppender, + except that instead of specifying the SMTPAppender.SMTPHost you specify + . + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Niall Daley + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + + + + + Activate the options on this appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. This should be the same + as that used by the agent sending the messages. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the pickup directory. + + + The used to write to the pickup directory. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appender that allows clients to connect via Telnet to receive log messages + + + + The TelnetAppender accepts socket connections and streams logging messages + back to the client. + The output is provided in a telnet-friendly way so that a log can be monitored + over a TCP/IP socket. + This allows simple remote monitoring of application logging. + + + The default is 23 (the telnet port). + + + Keith Long + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TelnetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Overrides the parent method to close the socket handler + + + + Closes all the outstanding connections. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Create the socket handler and wait for connections + + + + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + + The default value is 23 (the telnet port). + + + The value specified is less than + or greater than . + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Helper class to manage connected clients + + + + The SocketHandler class is used to accept connections from + clients. It is threaded so that clients can connect/disconnect + asynchronously. + + + + + + Opens a new server port on + + the local port to listen on for connections + + + Creates a socket handler on the specified local server port. + + + + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + the text to send + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + + + + + Add a client to the internal clients list + + client to add + + + + Remove a client from the internal clients list + + client to remove + + + + Callback used to accept a connection on the server socket + + The result of the asynchronous operation + + + On connection adds to the list of connections + if there are two many open connections you will be disconnected + + + + + + Close all network connections + + + + Make sure we close all network connections + + + + + + Test if this handler has active connections + + + true if this handler has active connections + + + + This property will be true while this handler has + active connections, that is at least one connection that + the handler will attempt to send a message to. + + + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + + + Create this for the specified + + the client's socket + + + Opens a stream writer on the socket. + + + + + + Write a string to the client + + string to send + + + Write a string to the client + + + + + + Cleanup the clients connection + + + + Close the socket connection. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + trace system. + + + Events are written using the System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(string,string) + method. The event's logger name is the default value for the category parameter + of the Write method. + + + Compact Framework
    + The Compact Framework does not support the + class for any operation except Assert. When using the Compact Framework this + appender will write to the system rather than + the Trace system. This appender will therefore behave like the . +
    + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski +
    + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Defaults to %logger + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + The category parameter sent to the Trace method. + + + + Defaults to %logger which will use the logger name of the current + as the category parameter. + + + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's domain to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required domains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's repository to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required repositories. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + The name of the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The domain to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Obsolete. Use instead of . + + + + + + Use this class to quickly configure a . + + + + Allows very simple programmatic configuration of log4net. + + + Only one appender can be configured using this configurator. + The appender is set at the root of the hierarchy and all logging + events will be delivered to that appender. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The fully qualified type of the BasicConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system with a default configuration. + + + + Initializes the log4net logging system using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + + + + + Initializes the with a default configuration. + + The repository to configure. + + + Initializes the specified repository using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + The repository to configure. + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appenders. + + The repository to configure. + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Base class for all log4net configuration attributes. + + + This is an abstract class that must be extended by + specific configurators. This attribute allows the + configurator to be parameterized by an assembly level + attribute. + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor used by subclasses. + + the ordering priority for this configurator + + + The is used to order the configurator + attributes before they are invoked. Higher priority configurators are executed + before lower priority ones. + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Abstract method implemented by a subclass. When this method is called + the subclass should configure the . + + + + + + Compare this instance to another ConfiguratorAttribute + + the object to compare to + see + + + Compares the priorities of the two instances. + Sorts by priority in descending order. Objects with the same priority are + randomly ordered. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging domain for the assembly. + + + + DomainAttribute is obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging domains. Each domain has its own + logging repository. This attribute specified on the assembly controls + the configuration of the domain. The property specifies the name + of the domain that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the repository objects to create for the domain. If + this attribute is not specified and a is not specified + then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging repository for the assembly. + + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging repository. This attribute specified + on the assembly controls + the configuration of the repository. The property specifies the name + of the repository that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the object + to create for the assembly. If this attribute is not specified or a + is not specified then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the repository. + + The name of the repository. + + + Initialize the attribute with the name for the assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the logging repository. + + + The string name to use as the name of the repository associated with this + assembly. + + + + This value does not have to be unique. Several assemblies can share the + same repository. They will share the logging configuration of the repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + The type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + + The type of the repository to create for the assembly. + The type must implement the + interface. + + + This will be the type of repository created when + the repository is created. If multiple assemblies reference the + same repository then the repository is only created once using the + of the first assembly to call into the + repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the domain. + + The name of the domain. + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + If neither of the or + properties are set the configuration is loaded from the application's .config file. + If set the property takes priority over the + property. The property + specifies a path to a file to load the config from. The path is relative to the + application's base directory; . + The property is used as a postfix to the assembly file name. + The config file must be located in the application's base directory; . + For example in a console application setting the to + config has the same effect as not specifying the or + properties. + + + The property can be set to cause the + to watch the configuration file for changes. + + + + Log4net will only look for assembly level configuration attributes once. + When using the log4net assembly level attributes to control the configuration + of log4net you must ensure that the first call to any of the + methods is made from the assembly with the configuration + attributes. + + + If you cannot guarantee the order in which log4net calls will be made from + different assemblies you must use programmatic configuration instead, i.e. + call the method directly. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Configure the repository using the . + The specified must extend the + class otherwise the will not be able to + configure it. + + + The does not extend . + + + + Attempt to load configuration from the local file system + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + Configure the specified repository using a + + The repository to configure. + the FileInfo pointing to the config file + + + + Attempt to load configuration from a URI + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfiguratorAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the filename of the configuration file. + + + The filename of the configuration file. + + + + If specified, this is the name of the configuration file to use with + the . This file path is relative to the + application base directory (). + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets the extension of the configuration file. + + + The extension of the configuration file. + + + + If specified this is the extension for the configuration file. + The path to the config file is built by using the application + base directory (), + the assembly file name and the config file extension. + + + If the is set to MyExt then + possible config file names would be: MyConsoleApp.exe.MyExt or + MyClassLibrary.dll.MyExt. + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to watch the configuration file. + + + true if the configuration should be watched, false otherwise. + + + + If this flag is specified and set to true then the framework + will watch the configuration file and will reload the config each time + the file is modified. + + + The config file can only be watched if it is loaded from local disk. + In a No-Touch (Smart Client) deployment where the application is downloaded + from a web server the config file may not reside on the local disk + and therefore it may not be able to watch it. + + + Watching configuration is not supported on the SSCLI. + + + + + + Class to register for the log4net section of the configuration file + + + The log4net section of the configuration file needs to have a section + handler registered. This is the section handler used. It simply returns + the XML element that is the root of the section. + + + Example of registering the log4net section handler : + + + +
    + + + log4net configuration XML goes here + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Parses the configuration section. + + The configuration settings in a corresponding parent configuration section. + The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and is a null reference. + The for the log4net section. + The for the log4net section. + + + Returns the containing the configuration data, + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a plugin to attach to + the repository. + + + + Specifies the type of a plugin to create and attach to the + assembly's repository. The plugin type must implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface used to create plugins. + + + + Interface used to create a plugin. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates the plugin object. + + the new plugin instance + + + Create and return a new plugin instance. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type name of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + Where possible use the constructor that takes a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + + + + Creates the plugin object defined by this attribute. + + + + Creates the instance of the object as + specified by this attribute. + + + The plugin object. + + + + Returns a representation of the properties of this object. + + + + Overrides base class method to + return a representation of the properties of this object. + + + A representation of the properties of this object + + + + Gets or sets the type for the plugin. + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type name for the plugin. + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + Where possible use the property instead. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Construct provider attribute with type specified + + the type of the provider to use + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Configures the SecurityContextProvider + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Creates a provider instance from the specified. + Sets this as the default security context provider . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SecurityContextProviderAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the provider to use. + + + the type of the provider to use. + + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
    + + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration URI. + + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration data stream. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
    + + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + URI. + + The repository to configure. + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the specified repository using a log4net element. + + The hierarchy to configure. + The element to parse. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + This method is ultimately called by one of the Configure methods + to load the configuration from an . + + + + + + Maps repository names to ConfigAndWatchHandler instances to allow a particular + ConfigAndWatchHandler to dispose of its FileSystemWatcher when a repository is + reconfigured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Class used to watch config files. + + + + Uses the to monitor + changes to a specified file. Because multiple change notifications + may be raised when the file is modified, a timer is used to + compress the notifications into a single event. The timer + waits for time before delivering + the event notification. If any further + change notifications arrive while the timer is waiting it + is reset and waits again for to + elapse. + + + + + + The default amount of time to wait after receiving notification + before reloading the config file. + + + + + Holds the FileInfo used to configure the XmlConfigurator + + + + + Holds the repository being configured. + + + + + The timer used to compress the notification events. + + + + + Watches file for changes. This object should be disposed when no longer + needed to free system handles on the watched resources. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class to + watch a specified config file used to configure a repository. + + The repository to configure. + The configuration file to watch. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Called by the timer when the configuration has been updated. + + null + + + + Release the handles held by the watcher and timer. + + + + + The implementation of the interface suitable + for use with the compact framework + + + + This implementation is a simple + mapping between repository name and + object. + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not support retrieving assembly + level attributes therefore unlike the DefaultRepositorySelector + this selector does not examine the calling assembly for attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Interface used by the to select the . + + + + The uses a + to specify the policy for selecting the correct + to return to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to use to lookup to the + The for the assembly. + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. The results of this method must be repeatable, i.e. + when called again with the same arguments the result must be the + save value. + + + + + + Gets the named . + + The name to use to lookup to the . + The named + + Lookup a named . This is the repository created by + calling . + + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + The assembly to use to create the domain to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the domain + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. + + + + + + Creates a new repository with the name specified. + + The name to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the name + specified such that a call to with the + same name will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + An array of the instances created by + this . + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Create a new repository selector + + the type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new compact repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + throw if is null + throw if does not implement + + + + Get the for the specified assembly + + not used + The default + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Get the named + + the name of the repository to lookup + The named + + + Get the named . The default + repository is log4net-default-repository. Other repositories + must be created using the . + If the named repository does not exist an exception is thrown. + + + throw if is null + throw if the does not exist + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + not used + the type of repository to create, must implement + the repository created + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + If the is null then the + default repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Create a new repository for the repository specified + + the repository to associate with the + the type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is null then the default repository type is used. + the repository created + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + If the named repository already exists an exception will be thrown. + + + If is null then the default + repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + throw if is null + throw if the already exists + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the CompactRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has been created + + The repository that has been created + + + Raises the LoggerRepositoryCreatedEvent + event. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + The default implementation of the interface. + + + + Uses attributes defined on the calling assembly to determine how to + configure the hierarchy for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates a new repository selector. + + The type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + is . + does not implement . + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly use to lookup the . + + + The type of the created and the repository + to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the . + + + The default values are to use the + implementation of the interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically configured using + any attributes defined on + the . + + + The for the assembly + is . + + + + Gets the for the specified repository. + + The repository to use to lookup the . + The for the specified repository. + + + Returns the named repository. If is null + a is thrown. If the repository + does not exist a is thrown. + + + Use to create a repository. + + + is . + does not exist. + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The name to assign to the created repository + Set to true to read and apply the assembly attributes + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the specified repository. + + The repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is then the default repository type is used. + The new repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + is . + already exists. + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Aliases a repository to an existing repository. + + The repository to alias. + The repository that the repository is aliased to. + + + The repository specified will be aliased to the repository when created. + The repository must not already exist. + + + When the repository is created it must utilize the same repository type as + the repository it is aliased to, otherwise the aliasing will fail. + + + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Notifies the registered listeners that the repository has been created. + + The repository that has been created. + + + Raises the event. + + + + + + Gets the repository name and repository type for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that has a . + in/out param to hold the repository name to use for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + in/out param to hold the type of the repository to create for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + is . + + + + Configures the repository using information from the assembly. + + The assembly containing + attributes which define the configuration for the repository. + The repository to configure. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined plugins on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to add the plugins to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined aliases on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to alias to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DefaultRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Defined error codes that can be passed to the method. + + + + Values passed to the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + A general error + + + + + Error while writing output + + + + + Failed to flush file + + + + + Failed to close file + + + + + Unable to open output file + + + + + No layout specified + + + + + Failed to parse address + + + + + An evaluator that triggers on an Exception type + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the type of the Exception + passed to + is equal to a Type in . /// + + + Drew Schaeffer + + + + Test if an triggers an action + + + + Implementations of this interface allow certain appenders to decide + when to perform an appender specific action. + + + The action or behavior triggered is defined by the implementation. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Test if this event triggers the action + + The event to check + true if this event triggers the action, otherwise false + + + Return true if this event triggers the action + + + + + + The type that causes the trigger to fire. + + + + + Causes subclasses of to cause the trigger to fire. + + + + + Default ctor to allow dynamic creation through a configurator. + + + + + Constructs an evaluator and initializes to trigger on + + the type that triggers this evaluator. + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the logging event Exception + Type is . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the Exception Type of the event + passed to + is . + + + + + + The type that triggers this evaluator. + + + + + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + + Appenders may delegate their error handling to an . + + + + Error handling is a particularly tedious to get right because by + definition errors are hard to predict and to reproduce. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + The error code associated with the error. + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + + + See . + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + + + See . + + + + + + Interface for objects that require fixing. + + + + Interface that indicates that the object requires fixing before it + can be taken outside the context of the appender's + method. + + + When objects that implement this interface are stored + in the context properties maps + and + are fixed + (see ) the + method will be called. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a portable instance object that represents the current + state of this object. The portable object can be stored + and logged from any thread with identical results. + + + + + + Interface that all loggers implement + + + + This interface supports logging events and testing if a level + is enabled for logging. + + + These methods will not throw exceptions. Note to implementor, ensure + that the implementation of these methods cannot allow an exception + to be thrown to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + the exception to log, including its stack trace. Pass null to not log an exception. + + + Generates a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Base interface for all wrappers + + + + Base interface for all wrappers. + + + All wrappers must implement this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that in implementing this object. + + + + The object that in implementing this + object. The Logger object may not + be the same object as this object because of logger decorators. + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications + + The which created the repository. + The event args + that holds the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A + event is raised every time a is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Construct instance using specified + + the that has been created + + + Construct instance using specified + + + + + + The that has been created + + + The that has been created + + + + The that has been created + + + + + + Defines the default set of levels recognized by the system. + + + + Each has an associated . + + + Levels have a numeric that defines the relative + ordering between levels. Two Levels with the same + are deemed to be equivalent. + + + The levels that are recognized by log4net are set for each + and each repository can have different levels defined. The levels are stored + in the on the repository. Levels are + looked up by name from the . + + + When logging at level INFO the actual level used is not but + the value of LoggerRepository.LevelMap["INFO"]. The default value for this is + , but this can be changed by reconfiguring the level map. + + + Each level has a in addition to its . The + is the string that is written into the output log. By default + the display name is the same as the level name, but this can be used to alias levels + or to localize the log output. + + + Some of the predefined levels recognized by the system are: + + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + The display name for this level. This may be localized or otherwise different from the name + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Returns the representation of the current + . + + + A representation of the current . + + + + Returns the level . + + + + + + Compares levels. + + The object to compare against. + true if the objects are equal. + + + Compares the levels of instances, and + defers to base class if the target object is not a + instance. + + + + + + Returns a hash code + + A hash code for the current . + + + Returns a hash code suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data + structures like a hash table. + + + Returns the hash code of the level . + + + + + + Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an + indication of their relative values. + + A instance or to compare with this instance. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + This instance is less than . + + + Zero + This instance is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + + This instance is greater than . + -or- + is . + + + + + + + must be an instance of + or ; otherwise, an exception is thrown. + + + is not a . + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have the same value. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is the same as the + value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have different values. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is different from + the value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Compares two specified instances. + + The first to compare. + The second to compare. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + two values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + is less than . + + + Zero + is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + is greater than . + + + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + The level designates a higher level than all the rest. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events + that will presumably lead the application to abort. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Take immediate action, alerts. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Critical condition, critical. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + + + + + The level designates error events that might + still allow the application to continue running. + + + + + The level designates potentially harmful + situations. + + + + + The level designates informational messages + that highlight the progress of the application at the highest level. + + + + + The level designates informational messages that + highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates the lowest level possible. + + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + The name of this level. + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + The value of this level. + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + The display name of this level. + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a LevelCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A LevelCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new LevelCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the LevelCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the LevelCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the LevelCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the LevelCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the LevelCollection. + + The to locate in the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire LevelCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the LevelCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the LevelCollection. + + The to remove from the LevelCollection. + + The specified was not found in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the LevelCollection. + + An for the entire LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another LevelCollection to the current LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current LevelCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current LevelCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the LevelCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + An evaluator that triggers at a threshold level + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The threshold for triggering + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + the threshold to trigger at + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the event level + is equal or higher than the . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + the threshold to trigger at + + + The that will cause this evaluator to trigger + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Mapping between string name and Level object + + + + Mapping between string name and object. + This mapping is held separately for each . + The level name is case insensitive. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Mapping from level name to Level object. The + level name is case insensitive + + + + + Construct the level map + + + + Construct the level map. + + + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + the display name to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + Add a Level to the map + + the Level to add + + + Add a Level to the map + + + + + + Lookup a named level from the map + + the name of the level to lookup is taken from this level. + If the level is not set on the map then this level is added + the level in the map with the name specified + + + Lookup a named level from the map. The name of the level to lookup is taken + from the property of the + argument. + + + If no level with the specified name is found then the + argument is added to the level map + and returned. + + + + + + Lookup a by name + + The name of the Level to lookup + a Level from the map with the name specified + + + Returns the from the + map with the name specified. If the no level is + found then null is returned. + + + + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + all possible levels as a list of Level objects + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + + + + + The internal representation of caller location information. + + + + This class uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + Constructor + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class based on the current thread. + + + + + + Constructor + + The fully qualified class name. + The method name. + The file name. + The line number of the method within the file. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class with the specified data. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LocationInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + Gets the stack frames from the stack trace of the caller making the log request + + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + This class is used by the wrapper managers (e.g. ) + to provide access to the objects. + + + This manager also holds the that is used to + lookup and create repositories. The selector can be set either programmatically using + the property, or by setting the log4net.RepositorySelector + AppSetting in the applications config file to the fully qualified type name of the + selector to use. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + + + Hook the shutdown event + + + + On the full .NET runtime, the static constructor hooks up the + AppDomain.ProcessExit and AppDomain.DomainUnload> events. + These are used to shutdown the log4net system as the application exits. + + + + + + Register for ProcessExit and DomainUnload events on the AppDomain + + + + This needs to be in a separate method because the events make + a LinkDemand for the ControlAppDomain SecurityPermission. Because + this is a LinkDemand it is demanded at JIT time. Therefore we cannot + catch the exception in the method itself, we have to catch it in the + caller. + + + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + Returns the default instance. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified assembly's repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified assembly's repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + The repository to lookup in. + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + the assembly to use to lookup the repository + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The repository to shutdown. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + An array of all the known objects. + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + + + + Internal method to get pertinent version info. + + A string of version info. + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerManager class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initialize the default repository selector + + + + + Gets or sets the repository selector used by the . + + + The repository selector used by the . + + + + The repository selector () is used by + the to create and select repositories + (). + + + The caller to supplies either a string name + or an assembly (if not supplied the assembly is inferred using + ). + + + This context is used by the selector to lookup a specific repository. + + + For the full .NET Framework, the default repository is DefaultRepositorySelector; + for the .NET Compact Framework CompactRepositorySelector is the default + repository. + + + + + + Implementation of the interface. + + + + This class should be used as the base for all wrapper implementations. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + The logger that this object is wrapping + + + + + Gets the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that this object is implementing. + + + + The Logger object may not be the same object as this object + because of logger decorators. + + + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The logger name. + + + + The logger name. + + + + + + Level of logging event. + + + + Level of logging event. Level cannot be Serializable + because it is a flyweight. Due to its special serialization it + cannot be declared final either. + + + + + + The application supplied message. + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + + The name of thread + + + + The name of thread in which this logging event was generated + + + + + + The time the event was logged + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + + + String representation of the user + + + + String representation of the user's windows name, + like DOMAIN\username + + + + + + String representation of the identity. + + + + String representation of the current thread's principal identity. + + + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Fix the MDC + + + + + Fix the NDC + + + + + Fix the rendered message + + + + + Fix the thread name + + + + + Fix the callers location information + + + CAUTION: Very slow to generate + + + + + Fix the callers windows user name + + + CAUTION: Slow to generate + + + + + Fix the domain friendly name + + + + + Fix the callers principal name + + + CAUTION: May be slow to generate + + + + + Fix the exception text + + + + + Fix the event properties. Active properties must implement in order to be eligible for fixing. + + + + + No fields fixed + + + + + All fields fixed + + + + + Partial fields fixed + + + + This set of partial fields gives good performance. The following fields are fixed: + + + + + + + + + + + + + The internal representation of logging events. + + + + When an affirmative decision is made to log then a + instance is created. This instance + is passed around to the different log4net components. + + + This class is of concern to those wishing to extend log4net. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + The key into the Properties map for the host name value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the thread identity value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the user name value. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + from the supplied parameters. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + The name of the logger of this event. + The level of this event. + The message of this event. + The exception for this event. + + + Except , and , + all fields of LoggingEvent are filled when actually needed. Call + to cache all data locally + to prevent inconsistencies. + + This method is called by the log4net framework + to create a logging event. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + The fields in the struct that have already been fixed. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + The parameter should be used to specify which fields in the + struct have been preset. Fields not specified in the + will be captured from the environment if requested or fixed. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Ensure that the repository is set. + + the value for the repository + + + + Write the rendered message to a TextWriter + + the writer to write the message to + + + Unlike the property this method + does store the message data in the internal cache. Therefore + if called only once this method should be faster than the + property, however if the message is + to be accessed multiple times then the property will be more efficient. + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + The data in this event must be fixed before it can be serialized. + + + The method must be called during the + method call if this event + is to be used outside that method. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + Does a fix of the data + in the logging event before returning the event data. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The set of data to ensure is fixed in the LoggingEventData + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + + + + Fix instance fields that hold volatile data. + + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Calling is equivalent to + calling passing the parameter + false. + + + See for more + information. + + + + + + Fixes instance fields that hold volatile data. + + Set to true to not fix data that takes a long time to fix. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + The param controls the data that + is fixed. Some of the data that can be fixed takes a long time to + generate, therefore if you do not require those settings to be fixed + they can be ignored by setting the param + to true. This setting will ignore the + and settings. + + + Set to false to ensure that all + settings are fixed. + + + + + + Fix the fields specified by the parameter + + the fields to fix + + + Only fields specified in the will be fixed. + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Lookup a composite property in this event + + the key for the property to lookup + the value for the property + + + This event has composite properties that combine together properties from + several different contexts in the following order: + + + this events properties + + This event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + + Get all the composite properties in this event + + the containing all the properties + + + See for details of the composite properties + stored by the event. + + + This method returns a single containing all the + properties defined for this event. + + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The fully qualified Type of the calling + logger class in the stack frame (i.e. the declaring type of the method). + + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + The exception that was thrown. + + + This is not serialized. The string representation + is serialized instead. + + + + + The repository that generated the logging event + + + This is not serialized. + + + + + The fix state for this event + + + These flags indicate which fields have been fixed. + Not serialized. + + + + + Indicated that the internal cache is updateable (ie not fixed) + + + This is a seperate flag to m_fixFlags as it allows incrementel fixing and simpler + changes in the caching strategy. + + + + + Gets the time when the current process started. + + + This is the time when this process started. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + Tries to get the start time for the current process. + Failing that it returns the time of the first call to + this property. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating and therefore + without the process start time being reset. + + + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + The of the logging event. + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + + + + Gets the time of the logging event. + + + The time of the logging event. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + The name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + + + Gets the location information for this logging event. + + + The location information for this logging event. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + See the class for more information on + supported frameworks and the different behavior in Debug and + Release builds. + + + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + + + The message object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid message object. + If the event is serialized the message object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the message the + property must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined message object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + + + The exception object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid exception object. + If the event is serialized the exception object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the exception the + method must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined exception object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + + + Gets the message, rendered through the . + + + The message rendered through the . + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current thread. + + + The name of the current thread, or the thread ID when + the name is not available. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current user. + + + The name of the current user, or NOT AVAILABLE when the + underlying runtime has no support for retrieving the name of the + current user. + + + + Calls WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name to get the name of + the current windows user. + + + To improve performance, we could cache the string representation of + the name, and reuse that as long as the identity stayed constant. + Once the identity changed, we would need to re-assign and re-render + the string. + + + However, the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() call seems to + return different objects every time, so the current implementation + doesn't do this type of caching. + + + Timing for these operations: + + + + Method + Results + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() + 10000 loops, 00:00:00.2031250 seconds + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + 10000 loops, 00:00:08.0468750 seconds + + + + This means we could speed things up almost 40 times by caching the + value of the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name property, since + this takes (8.04-0.20) = 7.84375 seconds. + + + + + + Gets the identity of the current thread principal. + + + The string name of the identity of the current thread principal. + + + + Calls System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name to get + the name of the current thread principal. + + + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + The AppDomain friendly name. + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + This property is for events that have been added directly to + this event. The aggregate properties (which include these + event properties) can be retrieved using + and . + + + Once the properties have been fixed this property + returns the combined cached properties. This ensures that updates to + this property are always reflected in the underlying storage. When + returning the combined properties there may be more keys in the + Dictionary than expected. + + + + + + The fixed fields in this event + + + The set of fields that are fixed in this event + + + + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Implementation of wrapper interface. + + + + This implementation of the interface + forwards to the held by the base class. + + + This logger has methods to allow the caller to log at the following + levels: + + + + DEBUG + + The and methods log messages + at the DEBUG level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + INFO + + The and methods log messages + at the INFO level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + WARN + + The and methods log messages + at the WARN level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + ERROR + + The and methods log messages + at the ERROR level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + FATAL + + The and methods log messages + at the FATAL level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + + The values for these levels and their semantic meanings can be changed by + configuring the for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The ILog interface is use by application to log messages into + the log4net framework. + + + + Use the to obtain logger instances + that implement this interface. The + static method is used to get logger instances. + + + This class contains methods for logging at different levels and also + has properties for determining if those logging levels are + enabled in the current configuration. + + + This interface can be implemented in different ways. This documentation + specifies reasonable behavior that a caller can expect from the actual + implementation, however different implementations reserve the right to + do things differently. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + For some ILog interface log, when you write: + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, string construction and concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed (who isn't), then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in and once in + the . This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. This is the preferred style of logging. + + Alternatively if your logger is available statically then the is debug + enabled state can be stored in a static variable like this: + + + private static readonly bool isDebugEnabled = log.IsDebugEnabled; + + + Then when you come to log you can write: + + + if (isDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way the debug enabled state is only queried once + when the class is loaded. Using a private static readonly + variable is the most efficient because it is a run time constant + and can be heavily optimized by the JIT compiler. + + + Of course if you use a static readonly variable to + hold the enabled state of the logger then you cannot + change the enabled state at runtime to vary the logging + that is produced. You have to decide if you need absolute + speed or runtime flexibility. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + the repository holding the levels + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + DEBUG level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + INFO level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level. + + the message object to log + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + WARN level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + ERROR level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + FATAL level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Event handler for the event + + the repository + Empty + + + + The fully qualified name of this declaring type not the type of any subclass. + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the DEBUG + level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for DEBUG events, + false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + + For some log Logger object, when you write: + + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed, then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled()) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in IsDebugEnabled and once in + the Debug. This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the INFO level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for INFO events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the WARN level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for WARN events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the ERROR level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for ERROR events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the FATAL level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for FATAL events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + provides method information without actually referencing a System.Reflection.MethodBase + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + constructs a method item for an unknown method. + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method. + + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method and its parameters. + + + + + + + constructs a method item from a method base by determining the method name and its parameters. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + The method parameters of the caller making + the logging request + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + for example with operating system services. This can be used to impersonate + a principal that has been granted privileges on the system resources. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + An instance that will + revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext, or null + + + Impersonate this security context. Further calls on the current + thread should now be made in the security context provided + by this object. When the result + method is called the security + context of the thread should be reverted to the state it was in + before was called. + + + + + + The providers default instances. + + + + A configured component that interacts with potentially protected system + resources uses a to provide the elevated + privileges required. If the object has + been not been explicitly provided to the component then the component + will request one from this . + + + By default the is + an instance of which returns only + objects. This is a reasonable default + where the privileges required are not know by the system. + + + This default behavior can be overridden by subclassing the + and overriding the method to return + the desired objects. The default provider + can be replaced by programmatically setting the value of the + property. + + + An alternative is to use the log4net.Config.SecurityContextProviderAttribute + This attribute can be applied to an assembly in the same way as the + log4net.Config.XmlConfiguratorAttribute". The attribute takes + the type to use as the as an argument. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The default provider + + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + + + Create a SecurityContext for a consumer + + The consumer requesting the SecurityContext + An impersonation context + + + The default implementation is to return a . + + + Subclasses should override this method to provide their own + behavior. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default SecurityContextProvider + + + The default SecurityContextProvider + + + + The default provider is used by configured components that + require a and have not had one + given to them. + + + By default this is an instance of + that returns objects. + + + The default provider can be set programmatically by setting + the value of this property to a sub class of + that has the desired behavior. + + + + + + provides stack frame information without actually referencing a System.Diagnostics.StackFrame + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + returns a stack frame item from a stack frame. This + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + An evaluator that triggers after specified number of seconds. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + Robert Sevcik + + + + The default time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time of last check. This gets updated when the object is created and when the evaluator triggers. + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the specified time period + has passed since last check.. + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. This delegate + is called from the + method to construct the wrapper for the specified logger. + + + The delegate to use is supplied to the + constructor. + + + + + + Maps between logger objects and wrapper objects. + + + + This class maintains a mapping between objects and + objects. Use the method to + lookup the for the specified . + + + New wrapper instances are created by the + method. The default behavior is for this method to delegate construction + of the wrapper to the delegate supplied + to the constructor. This allows specialization of the behavior without + requiring subclassing of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + + The handler to use to create the wrapper objects. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified handler to create the wrapper objects. + + + + + + Gets the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The wrapper object for the specified logger + + + If the logger is null then the corresponding wrapper is null. + + + Looks up the wrapper it it has previously been requested and + returns it. If the wrapper has never been requested before then + the virtual method is + called. + + + + + + Creates the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + The wrapper object for the logger. + + + This implementation uses the + passed to the constructor to create the wrapper. This method + can be overridden in a subclass. + + + + + + Called when a monitored repository shutdown event is received. + + The that is shutting down + + + This method is called when a that this + is holding loggers for has signaled its shutdown + event . The default + behavior of this method is to release the references to the loggers + and their wrappers generated for this repository. + + + + + + Event handler for repository shutdown event. + + The sender of the event. + The event args. + + + + Map of logger repositories to hashtables of ILogger to ILoggerWrapper mappings + + + + + The handler to use to create the extension wrapper objects. + + + + + Internal reference to the delegate used to register for repository shutdown events. + + + + + Gets the map of logger repositories. + + + Map of logger repositories. + + + + Gets the hashtable that is keyed on . The + values are hashtables keyed on with the + value being the corresponding . + + + + + + Formats a as "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats a in the format "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render a as a string. + + + + Interface to abstract the rendering of a + instance into a string. + + + The method is used to render the + date to a text writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats the specified date as a string. + + The date to format. + The writer to write to. + + + Format the as a string and write it + to the provided. + + + + + + String constant used to specify AbsoluteTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is ABSOLUTE. + + + + + String constant used to specify DateTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is DATE. + + + + + String constant used to specify ISO8601DateFormat in layouts. Current value is ISO8601. + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss". + + The date to render into a string. + The string builder to write to. + + + Subclasses should override this method to render the date + into a string using a precision up to the second. This method + will be called at most once per second and the result will be + reused if it is needed again during the same second. + + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + The date to render into a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the method to generate the + time string up to the seconds and then appends the current + milliseconds. The results from are + cached and is called at most once + per second. + + + Sub classes should override + rather than . + + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Formats a as "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" + + + + Formats a in the format + "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, + "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Angelika Schnagl + + + + Default constructor. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats a DateTime in the format "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" + for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + The format info for the invariant culture. + + + + + Formats the as "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats the specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats the date specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The format string. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified format string. + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + Formats the date using . + + The date to convert to a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the date format string supplied to the constructor to call + the method to format the date. + + + + + + The format string used to format the . + + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + This filter drops all . + + + + You can add this filter to the end of a filter chain to + switch from the default "accept all unless instructed otherwise" + filtering behavior to a "deny all unless instructed otherwise" + behavior. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Subclass this type to implement customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should extend this class to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface to provide customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should implement this interface to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Decide if the logging event should be logged through an appender. + + The LoggingEvent to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Points to the next filter in the filter chain. + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Initialize the filter with the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Typically filter's options become active immediately on set, + however this method must still be called. + + + + + + Decide if the should be logged through an appender. + + The to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + This method is marked abstract and must be implemented + in a subclass. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Always returns the integer constant + + the LoggingEvent to filter + Always returns + + + Ignores the event being logged and just returns + . This can be used to change the default filter + chain behavior from to . This filter + should only be used as the last filter in the chain + as any further filters will be ignored! + + + + + + The return result from + + + + The return result from + + + + + + The log event must be dropped immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This filter is neutral with respect to the log event. + The remaining filters, if any, should be consulted for a final decision. + + + + + The log event must be logged immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This is a very simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits two options and + . If there is an exact match between the value + of the option and the of the + , then the method returns in + case the option value is set + to true, if it is false then + is returned. If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + flag to indicate if the filter should on a match + + + + + the to match against + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Tests if the of the logging event matches that of the filter + + the event to filter + see remarks + + + If the of the event matches the level of the + filter then the result of the function depends on the + value of . If it is true then + the function will return , it it is false then it + will return . If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + The level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + This is a simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits three options and + that determine the range of priorities that are matched, and + . If there is a match between the range + of priorities and the of the , then the + method returns in case the + option value is set to true, if it is false + then is returned. If there is no match, is returned. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when matching a + + + + + the minimum value to match + + + + + the maximum value to match + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if the event should be logged. + + the logging event to check + see remarks + + + If the of the logging event is outside the range + matched by this filter then + is returned. If the is matched then the value of + is checked. If it is true then + is returned, otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching and + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Set the minimum matched + + + + The minimum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Sets the maximum matched + + + + The maximum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the event's logger name. + + + + The works very similar to the . It admits two + options and . If the + of the starts + with the value of the option, then the + method returns in + case the option value is set to true, + if it is false then is returned. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The logger name string to substring match against the event + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the equals the beginning of + the incoming () + then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + This filter will attempt to match this value against logger name in + the following way. The match will be done against the beginning of the + logger name (using ). The match is + case sensitive. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with layered properties the + should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Simple filter to match a string an event property + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the value for a + specific event property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The string to substring match against the message + + + + + A string regex to match + + + + + A regex object to match (generated from m_stringRegexToMatch) + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Initialize and precompile the Regex if required + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the message then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching or + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Sets the static string to match + + + + The string that will be substring matched against + the rendered message. If the message contains this + string then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + Sets the regular expression to match + + + + The regular expression pattern that will be matched against + the rendered message. If the message matches this + pattern then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + The key to use to lookup the string from the event properties + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The event property for the is matched against + the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the property value then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + The key to lookup in the event properties and then match against. + + + + The key name to use to lookup in the properties map of the + . The match will be performed against + the value of this property if it exists. + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with named stacks stored in the + properties collections the should + be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Sets the to "NDC". + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Protected constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Evaluate this pattern converter and write the output to a writer. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the appropriate way. + + + + + + Set the next pattern converter in the chains + + the pattern converter that should follow this converter in the chain + the next converter + + + The PatternConverter can merge with its neighbor during this method (or a sub class). + Therefore the return value may or may not be the value of the argument passed in. + + + + + + Write the pattern converter to the writer with appropriate formatting + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + This method calls to allow the subclass to perform + appropriate conversion of the pattern converter. If formatting options have + been specified via the then this method will + apply those formattings before writing the output. + + + + + + Fast space padding method. + + to which the spaces will be appended. + The number of spaces to be padded. + + + Fast space padding method. + + + + + + The option string to the converter + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an object to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the Object to a writer. If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the object to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + The formatting info for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + The option for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles exceptions + + + false if this converter handles exceptions + + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles the logging event exception + + false if this converter handles the logging event exception + + + If this converter handles the exception object contained within + , then this property should be set to + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the property should be set to true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this converter does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output . + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Abstract class that provides access to the current HttpContext () that + derived classes need. + + + This class handles the case when HttpContext.Current is null by writing + to the writer. + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. If no property has been set, all key value pairs from the Cache will + be written to the output. + + + + + + Converter for items in the . + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net HttpContext item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. If no property has been set, all key value pairs from the Session will + be written to the output. + + + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + + Render the to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,yyyy" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter pattern based on the property. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert the pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception or the exception property specified + by the Option value does not exist then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Recognized values for the Option parameter are: + + + + Message + + + Source + + + StackTrace + + + TargetSite + + + HelpLink + + + + + + + Writes the caller location file name to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location file name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + + + Writes the value of the to + the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the + to + the output . + + + + + + Write the event level to the output + + + + Writes the display name of the event + to the writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event level to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the of the + to the . + + + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Converter for logger name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Converter to output and truncate '.' separated strings + + + + This abstract class supports truncating a '.' separated string + to show a specified number of elements from the right hand side. + This is used to truncate class names that are fully qualified. + + + Subclasses should override the method to + return the fully qualified string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Get the fully qualified string data + + the event being logged + the fully qualified name + + + Overridden by subclasses to get the fully qualified name before the + precision is applied to it. + + + Return the fully qualified '.' (dot/period) separated string. + + + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + Render the to the precision + specified by the property. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the NamedPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the logger + + the event being logged + The fully qualified logger name + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + + + + Write the method name to the output + + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the method name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + + + + Converter to include event NDC + + + + Outputs the value of the event property named NDC. + + + The should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event NDC to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + As the thread context stacks are now stored in named event properties + this converter simply looks up the value of the NDC property. + + + The should be used instead. + + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + Converter to output the relative time of the event + + + + Converter to output the time of the event relative to the start of the program. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the relative time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the relative time of the event in milliseconds. + That is the number of milliseconds between the event + and the . + + + + + + Helper method to get the time difference between two DateTime objects + + start time (in the current local time zone) + end time (in the current local time zone) + the time difference in milliseconds + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + Adam Davies + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + Michael Cromwell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the strack frames to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Returns the Name of the method + + + This method was created, so this class could be used as a base class for StackTraceDetailPatternConverter + string + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTracePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTraceDetailPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Converter to include event thread name + + + + Writes the to the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the ThreadName to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the . + + + + + + Pattern converter for the class name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the class + + the event being logged + The fully qualified type name for the caller location + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Converter to include event user name + + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + Uses a to format the + in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone, this is converted + to Universal time before it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string that re-evaluates on each call. + + + This class is built on and provides all the + features and capabilities of PatternLayout. PatternLayout is a 'static' class + in that its layout is done once at configuration time. This class will recreate + the layout on each reference. + One important difference between PatternLayout and DynamicPatternLayout is the + treatment of the Header and Footer parameters in the configuration. The Header and Footer + parameters for DynamicPatternLayout must be syntactically in the form of a PatternString, + but should not be marked as type log4net.Util.PatternString. Doing so causes the + pattern to be statically converted at configuration time and causes DynamicPatternLayout + to perform the same as PatternLayout. + Please see for complete documentation. + + <layout type="log4net.Layout.DynamicPatternLayout"> + <param name="Header" value="%newline**** Trace Opened Local: %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} UTC: %utcdate{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + <param name="Footer" value="**** Trace Closed %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + </layout> + + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string. + + + + The goal of this class is to a + as a string. The results + depend on the conversion pattern. + + + The conversion pattern is closely related to the conversion + pattern of the printf function in C. A conversion pattern is + composed of literal text and format control expressions called + conversion specifiers. + + + You are free to insert any literal text within the conversion + pattern. + + + Each conversion specifier starts with a percent sign (%) and is + followed by optional format modifiers and a conversion + pattern name. The conversion pattern name specifies the type of + data, e.g. logger, level, date, thread name. The format + modifiers control such things as field width, padding, left and + right justification. The following is a simple example. + + + Let the conversion pattern be "%-5level [%thread]: %message%newline" and assume + that the log4net environment was set to use a PatternLayout. Then the + statements + + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TestApp)); + log.Debug("Message 1"); + log.Warn("Message 2"); + + would yield the output + + DEBUG [main]: Message 1 + WARN [main]: Message 2 + + + Note that there is no explicit separator between text and + conversion specifiers. The pattern parser knows when it has reached + the end of a conversion specifier when it reads a conversion + character. In the example above the conversion specifier + %-5level means the level of the logging event should be left + justified to a width of five characters. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + a + Equivalent to appdomain + + + appdomain + + Used to output the friendly name of the AppDomain where the + logging event was generated. + + + + aspnet-cache + + + Used to output all cache items in the case of %aspnet-cache or just one named item if used as %aspnet-cache{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-context + + + Used to output all context items in the case of %aspnet-context or just one named item if used as %aspnet-context{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-request + + + Used to output all request parameters in the case of %aspnet-request or just one named param if used as %aspnet-request{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-session + + + Used to output all session items in the case of %aspnet-session or just one named item if used as %aspnet-session{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + c + Equivalent to logger + + + C + Equivalent to type + + + class + Equivalent to type + + + d + Equivalent to date + + + date + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + exception + + + Used to output the exception passed in with the log message. + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + + + F + Equivalent to file + + + file + + + Used to output the file name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + WARNING Generating caller information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + l + Equivalent to location + + + L + Equivalent to line + + + location + + + Used to output location information of the caller which generated + the logging event. + + + The location information depends on the CLI implementation but + usually consists of the fully qualified name of the calling + method followed by the callers source the file name and line + number between parentheses. + + + The location information can be very useful. However, its + generation is extremely slow. Its use should be avoided + unless execution speed is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + level + + + Used to output the level of the logging event. + + + + + line + + + Used to output the line number from where the logging request + was issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + logger + + + Used to output the logger of the logging event. The + logger conversion specifier can be optionally followed by + precision specifier, that is a decimal constant in + brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the logger name will be + printed. By default the logger name is printed in full. + + + For example, for the logger name "a.b.c" the pattern + %logger{2} will output "b.c". + + + + + m + Equivalent to message + + + M + Equivalent to method + + + message + + + Used to output the application supplied message associated with + the logging event. + + + + + mdc + + + The MDC (old name for the ThreadContext.Properties) is now part of the + combined event properties. This pattern is supported for compatibility + but is equivalent to property. + + + + + method + + + Used to output the method name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + n + Equivalent to newline + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + ndc + + + Used to output the NDC (nested diagnostic context) associated + with the thread that generated the logging event. + + + + + p + Equivalent to level + + + P + Equivalent to property + + + properties + Equivalent to property + + + property + + + Used to output the an event specific property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are added to events by loggers or appenders. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the event properties + + The event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + r + Equivalent to timestamp + + + stacktrace + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktrace{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + stacktracedetail + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktracedetail{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + t + Equivalent to thread + + + timestamp + + + Used to output the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start + of the application until the creation of the logging event. + + + + + thread + + + Used to output the name of the thread that generated the + logging event. Uses the thread number if no name is available. + + + + + type + + + Used to output the fully qualified type name of the caller + issuing the logging request. This conversion specifier + can be optionally followed by precision specifier, that + is a decimal constant in brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the class name will be + printed. By default the class name is output in fully qualified form. + + + For example, for the class name "log4net.Layout.PatternLayout", the + pattern %type{1} will output "PatternLayout". + + + WARNING Generating the caller class information is + slow. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is + not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + u + Equivalent to identity + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + WARNING Generating caller WindowsIdentity information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + w + Equivalent to username + + + x + Equivalent to ndc + + + X + Equivalent to mdc + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + The single letter patterns are deprecated in favor of the + longer more descriptive pattern names. + + + By default the relevant information is output as is. However, + with the aid of format modifiers it is possible to change the + minimum field width, the maximum field width and justification. + + + The optional format modifier is placed between the percent sign + and the conversion pattern name. + + + The first optional format modifier is the left justification + flag which is just the minus (-) character. Then comes the + optional minimum field width modifier. This is a decimal + constant that represents the minimum number of characters to + output. If the data item requires fewer characters, it is padded on + either the left or the right until the minimum width is + reached. The default is to pad on the left (right justify) but you + can specify right padding with the left justification flag. The + padding character is space. If the data item is larger than the + minimum field width, the field is expanded to accommodate the + data. The value is never truncated. + + + This behavior can be changed using the maximum field + width modifier which is designated by a period followed by a + decimal constant. If the data item is longer than the maximum + field, then the extra characters are removed from the + beginning of the data item and not from the end. For + example, it the maximum field width is eight and the data item is + ten characters long, then the first two characters of the data item + are dropped. This behavior deviates from the printf function in C + where truncation is done from the end. + + + Below are various format modifier examples for the logger + conversion specifier. + +
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Format modifierleft justifyminimum widthmaximum widthcomment
    %20loggerfalse20none + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is less than 20 + characters long. + +
    %-20loggertrue20none + + Right pad with spaces if the logger + name is less than 20 characters long. + +
    %.30loggerNAnone30 + + Truncate from the beginning if the logger + name is longer than 30 characters. + +
    %20.30loggerfalse2030 + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
    %-20.30loggertrue2030 + + Right pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
    + + Note about caller location information.
    + The following patterns %type %file %line %method %location %class %C %F %L %l %M + all generate caller location information. + Location information uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. +
    + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using the method. + +
    + + This is a more detailed pattern. + %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline + + + A similar pattern except that the relative time is + right padded if less than 6 digits, thread name is right padded if + less than 15 characters and truncated if longer and the logger + name is left padded if shorter than 30 characters and truncated if + longer. + %-6timestamp [%15.15thread] %-5level %30.30logger %ndc - %message%newline + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino +
    + + + Extend this abstract class to create your own log layout format. + + + + This is the base implementation of the + interface. Most layout objects should extend this class. + + + + + + Subclasses must implement the + method. + + + Subclasses should set the in their default + constructor. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by layout objects + + + + An object is used to format a + as text. The method is called by an + appender to transform the into a string. + + + The layout can also supply and + text that is appender before any events and after all the events respectively. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text and output to a writer. + + + If the caller does not have a and prefers the + event to be formatted as a then the following + code can be used to format the event into a . + + + StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); + Layout.Format(writer, loggingEvent); + string formattedEvent = writer.ToString(); + + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This is a MIME type e.g. "text/plain". + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handle exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + + + + The header text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The footer text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This method must be implemented by the subclass. + + + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text. + + + + + + Convenience method for easily formatting the logging event into a string variable. + + + + Creates a new StringWriter instance to store the formatted logging event. + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type is "text/plain" + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This base class uses the value "text/plain". + To change this value a subclass must override this + property. + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this layout does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + Currently set to the string "%message%newline" + which just prints the application supplied message. + + + + + + A detailed conversion pattern + + + + A conversion pattern which includes Time, Thread, Logger, and Nested Context. + Current value is %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline. + + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + This static map is overridden by the m_converterRegistry instance map + + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternLayout only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + Defines the builtin global rules. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + As per the contract the + method must be called after the properties on this object have been + configured. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + When using this constructor the method + need not be called. This may not be the case when using a subclass. + + + + + + Create the pattern parser instance + + the pattern to parse + The that will format the event + + + Creates the used to parse the conversion string. Sets the + global and instance rules on the . + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Parse the using the patter format + specified in the property. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a named pattern converter to this instance. This + converter will be used in the formatting of the event. + This method must be called before . + + + The specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + The header PatternString + + + + + The footer PatternString + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event. + + + This Layout should only be used with appenders that utilize multiple + layouts (e.g. ). + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Constructs a ExceptionLayout + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + Part of the component activation + framework. + + + This method does nothing as options become effective immediately. + + + + + + Gets the exception text from the logging event + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + the event being logged + + + Write the exception string to the . + The exception string is retrieved from . + + + + + + Interface for raw layout objects + + + + Interface used to format a + to an object. + + + This interface should not be confused with the + interface. This interface is used in + only certain specialized situations where a raw object is + required rather than a formatted string. The + is not generally useful than this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + + + + + Adapts any to a + + + + Where an is required this adapter + allows a to be specified. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The layout to adapt + + + + + Construct a new adapter + + the layout to adapt + + + Create the adapter for the specified . + + + + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + + Uses the object supplied to + the constructor to perform the formatting. + + + + + + Type converter for the interface + + + + Used to convert objects to the interface. + Supports converting from the interface to + the interface using the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from arbitrary types + to a single target type. See . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the can be converted to the + type supported by this converter. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Converts the to the type supported + by this converter. + + + + + + Can the sourceType be converted to an + + the source to be to be converted + true if the source type can be converted to + + + Test if the can be converted to a + . Only is supported + as the . + + + + + + Convert the value to a object + + the value to convert + the object + + + Convert the object to a + object. If the object + is a then the + is used to adapt between the two interfaces, otherwise an + exception is thrown. + + + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructs a RawPropertyLayout + + + + + Lookup the property for + + The event to format + returns property value + + + Looks up and returns the object value of the property + named . If there is no property defined + with than name then null will be returned. + + + + + + The name of the value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection. + + + Value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection + + + + String name of the property to lookup in the . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in local time. To format the time stamp + in universal time use . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawUtcTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in universal time. To format the time stamp + in local time use . + + + + + + A very simple layout + + + + SimpleLayout consists of the level of the log statement, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. For example, + + DEBUG - Hello world + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a SimpleLayout + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a simple formatted output. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Formats the event as the level of the even, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. The + output is terminated by a newline. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + The output of the consists of a series of + log4net:event elements. It does not output a complete well-formed XML + file. The output is designed to be included as an external entity + in a separate file to form a correct XML file. + + + For example, if abc is the name of the file where + the output goes, then a well-formed XML file would + be: + + + <?xml version="1.0" ?> + + <!DOCTYPE log4net:events SYSTEM "log4net-events.dtd" [<!ENTITY data SYSTEM "abc">]> + <log4net:events version="1.2" xmlns:log4net="> + &data; + </log4net:events> + + + This approach enforces the independence of the + and the appender where it is embedded. + + + The version attribute helps components to correctly + interpret output generated by . The value of + this attribute should be "1.2" for release 1.2 and later. + + + Alternatively the Header and Footer properties can be + configured to output the correct XML header, open tag and close tag. + When setting the Header and Footer properties it is essential + that the underlying data store not be appendable otherwise the data + will become invalid XML. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + This is an abstract class that must be subclassed by an implementation + to conform to a specific schema. + + + Deriving classes must implement the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with no location info. + + + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + The parameter determines whether + location information will be output by the layout. If + is set to true, then the + file name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string. + + The event being logged. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the and write it to the . + + + This method creates an that writes to the + . The is passed + to the method. Subclasses should override the + method rather than this method. + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Subclasses should override this method to format + the as XML. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if location information should be included in + the XML events. + + + + + The string to replace invalid chars with + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether to include location information in + the XML events. + + + true if location information should be included in the XML + events; otherwise, false. + + + + If is set to true, then the file + name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + The string to replace characters that can not be expressed in XML with. + + + Not all characters may be expressed in XML. This property contains the + string to replace those that can not with. This defaults to a ?. Set it + to the empty string to simply remove offending characters. For more + details on the allowed character ranges see + Character replacement will occur in the log message, the property names + and the property values. + + + + + + + Gets the content type output by this layout. + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SmtpAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Builds a cache of the element names + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Override the base class method + to write the to the . + + + + + + The prefix to use for all generated element names + + + + + The prefix to use for all element names + + + + The default prefix is log4net. Set this property + to change the prefix. If the prefix is set to an empty string + then no prefix will be written. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the message. + + + + By default the log message will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when the message contains binary + data. By setting this to true the contents of the message will be + base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the log message. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the property values. + + + + By default the properties will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when one or more properties contain + binary data. By setting this to true the values of the properties + will be base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the property values. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements compatible with the log4j schema + + + + Formats the log events according to the schema. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Actually do the writing of the xml + + the writer to use + the event to write + + + Generate XML that is compatible with the log4j schema. + + + + + + The version of the log4j schema to use. + + + + Only version 1.2 of the log4j schema is supported. + + + + + + The default object Renderer. + + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects and collections to strings. + + + See the method for details of the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface in order to render objects as strings + + + + Certain types require special case conversion to + string form. This conversion is done by an object renderer. + Object renderers implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a + string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects to strings as follows: + + + + Value + Rendered String + + + null + + "(null)" + + + + + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + , & + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: {a, b, c}. + + + All collection classes that implement its subclasses, + or generic equivalents all implement the interface. + + + + + + + + Rendered as the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). + + + For example: key=value. + + + + + other + + Object.ToString() + + + + + + + + Render the array argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the array to render + The writer to render to + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + + Render the enumerator argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the enumerator to render + The writer to render to + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + {a, b, c}. + + + + + + Render the DictionaryEntry argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the DictionaryEntry to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). For example: key=value. + + + + + + Map class objects to an . + + + + Maintains a mapping between types that require special + rendering and the that + is used to render them. + + + The method is used to render an + object using the appropriate renderers defined in this map. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + the object rendered as a string + + + This is a convenience method used to render an object to a string. + The alternative method + should be used when streaming output to a . + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + The writer to render to + + + Find the appropriate renderer for the type of the + parameter. This is accomplished by calling the + method. Once a renderer is found, it is + applied on the object and the result is returned + as a . + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type + + the object to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type. + + + Syntactic sugar method that calls + with the type of the object parameter. + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified type + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + Returns the renderer for the specified type. + If no specific renderer has been defined the + will be returned. + + + + + + Internal function to recursively search interfaces + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + + Clear the map of renderers + + + + Clear the custom renderers defined by using + . The + cannot be removed. + + + + + + Register an for . + + the type that will be rendered by + the renderer for + + + Register an object renderer for a specific source type. + This renderer will be returned from a call to + specifying the same as an argument. + + + + + + Get the default renderer instance + + the default renderer + + + Get the default renderer + + + + + + Interface implemented by logger repository plugins. + + + + Plugins define additional behavior that can be associated + with a . + The held by the + property is used to store the plugins for a repository. + + + The log4net.Config.PluginAttribute can be used to + attach plugins to repositories created using configuration + attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches the plugin to the specified . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + Gets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a PluginCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A PluginCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new PluginCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the PluginCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the PluginCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the PluginCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the PluginCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the PluginCollection. + + The to locate in the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire PluginCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the PluginCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the PluginCollection. + + The to remove from the PluginCollection. + + The specified was not found in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the PluginCollection. + + An for the entire PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another PluginCollection to the current PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current PluginCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current PluginCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + + The at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + The number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + The current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + Map of repository plugins. + + + + This class is a name keyed map of the plugins that are + attached to a repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + Initialize a new instance of the class with a + repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + + + + Adds a to the map. + + The to add to the map. + + + The will be attached to the repository when added. + + + If there already exists a plugin with the same name + attached to the repository then the old plugin will + be and replaced with + the new plugin. + + + + + + Removes a from the map. + + The to remove from the map. + + + Remove a specific plugin from this map. + + + + + + Gets a by name. + + The name of the to lookup. + + The from the map with the name specified, or + null if no plugin is found. + + + + Lookup a plugin by name. If the plugin is not found null + will be returned. + + + + + + Gets all possible plugins as a list of objects. + + All possible plugins as a list of objects. + + + Get a collection of all the plugins defined in this map. + + + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the + interface. This base class can be used by implementors + of the interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + the name of the plugin + + Initializes a new Plugin with the specified name. + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + The name of this plugin. + + + + + The repository this plugin is attached to. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + The name of the plugin must not change one the + plugin has been attached to a repository. + + + + + + The repository for this plugin + + + The that this plugin is attached to. + + + + Gets or sets the that this plugin is + attached to. + + + + + + Plugin that listens for events from the + + + + This plugin publishes an instance of + on a specified . This listens for logging events delivered from + a remote . + + + When an event is received it is relogged within the attached repository + as if it had been raised locally. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The property must be set. + + + + + + Construct with sink Uri. + + The name to publish the sink under in the remoting infrastructure. + See for more details. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with specified name. + + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + When the plugin is shutdown the remote logging + sink is disconnected. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RemoteLoggingServerPlugin class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the URI of this sink. + + + The URI of this sink. + + + + This is the name under which the object is marshaled. + + + + + + + Delivers objects to a remote sink. + + + + Internal class used to listen for logging events + and deliver them to the local repository. + + + + + + Constructor + + The repository to log to. + + + Initializes a new instance of the for the + specified . + + + + + + Logs the events to the repository. + + The events to log. + + + The events passed are logged to the + + + + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. + + null to indicate that this instance should live forever. + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. This object should live forever + therefore this implementation returns null. + + + + + + The underlying that events should + be logged to. + + + + + Default implementation of + + + + This default implementation of the + interface is used to create the default subclass + of the object. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface abstracts creation of instances + + + + This interface is used by the to + create new objects. + + + The method is called + to create a named . + + + Implement this interface to create new subclasses of . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default internal subclass of + + + + This subclass has no additional behavior over the + class but does allow instances + to be created. + + + + + + Implementation of used by + + + + Internal class used to provide implementation of + interface. Applications should use to get + logger instances. + + + This is one of the central classes in the log4net implementation. One of the + distinctive features of log4net are hierarchical loggers and their + evaluation. The organizes the + instances into a rooted tree hierarchy. + + + The class is abstract. Only concrete subclasses of + can be created. The + is used to create instances of this type for the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + + + + This constructor created a new instance and + sets its name. + + The name of the . + + + This constructor is protected and designed to be used by + a subclass that is not abstract. + + + Loggers are constructed by + objects. See for the default + logger creator. + + + + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + An appender to add to this logger + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + + If is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Look for the appender named as name + + The name of the appender to lookup + The appender with the name specified, or null. + + + Returns the named appender, or null if the appender is not found. + + + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the named appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Deliver the to the attached appenders. + + The event to log. + + + Call the appenders in the hierarchy starting at + this. If no appenders could be found, emit a + warning. + + + This method calls all the appenders inherited from the + hierarchy circumventing any evaluation of whether to log or not + to log the particular log request. + + + + + + Closes all attached appenders implementing the interface. + + + + Used to ensure that the appenders are correctly shutdown. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method. This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers + + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the . + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generates a logging event and delivers it to the attached + appenders. + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The event being logged. + + + Delivers the logging event to the attached appenders. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Logger class. + + + + + The name of this logger. + + + + + The assigned level of this logger. + + + + The level variable need not be + assigned a value in which case it is inherited + form the hierarchy. + + + + + + The parent of this logger. + + + + The parent of this logger. + All loggers have at least one ancestor which is the root logger. + + + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + The hierarchy that this logger is a member of is stored + here. + + + + + + Helper implementation of the interface + + + + + Flag indicating if child loggers inherit their parents appenders + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Lock to protect AppenderAttachedImpl variable m_appenderAttachedImpl + + + + + Gets or sets the parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + The parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + + Part of the Composite pattern that makes the hierarchy. + The hierarchy is parent linked rather than child linked. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + true if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Gets the effective level for this logger. + + The nearest level in the logger hierarchy. + + + Starting from this logger, searches the logger hierarchy for a + non-null level and returns it. Otherwise, returns the level of the + root logger. + + The Logger class is designed so that this method executes as + quickly as possible. + + + + + Gets or sets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + The hierarchy that this logger belongs to. + + + This logger must be attached to a single . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned , if any, for this Logger. + + + The of this logger. + + + + The assigned can be null. + + + + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . + + A collection of the appenders in this logger + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . If no appenders + can be found, then a is returned. + + + + + + Gets the logger name. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Construct a new Logger + + the name of the logger + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + The in which the has been created. + The event args that hold the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A event is raised every time a + is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Constructor + + The that has been created. + + + Initializes a new instance of the event argument + class,with the specified . + + + + + + Gets the that has been created. + + + The that has been created. + + + + The that has been created. + + + + + + Hierarchical organization of loggers + + + + The casual user should not have to deal with this class + directly. + + + This class is specialized in retrieving loggers by name and + also maintaining the logger hierarchy. Implements the + interface. + + + The structure of the logger hierarchy is maintained by the + method. The hierarchy is such that children + link to their parent but parents do not have any references to their + children. Moreover, loggers can be instantiated in any order, in + particular descendant before ancestor. + + + In case a descendant is created before a particular ancestor, + then it creates a provision node for the ancestor and adds itself + to the provision node. Other descendants of the same ancestor add + themselves to the previously created provision node. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the interface. + + + Skeleton implementation of the interface. + All types can extend this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by logger repositories. + + + + This interface is implemented by logger repositories. e.g. + . + + + This interface is used by the + to obtain interfaces. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + If the names logger exists it is returned, otherwise + null is returned. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + + + + + Returns a named logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Returns a named logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + Shutting down a repository will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The name of the repository + + + + The name of the repository. + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Collection of internal messages captured during the most + recent configuration process. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis. + + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes the repository with default (empty) properties. + + + + + + Construct the repository using specific properties + + the properties to set for this repository + + + Initializes the repository with specified properties. + + + + + + Test if logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository as an Array. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Return a new logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + + Shutdown the repository. Can be overridden in a subclass. + This base class implementation notifies the + listeners and all attached plugins of the shutdown event. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerRepositorySkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + The type that will be rendered by the renderer supplied. + The object renderer used to render the object. + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository is shutting down + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository is shutting down. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration reset + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has been reset. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration changed + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has changed. + + + + + + Raise a configuration changed event on this repository + + EventArgs.Empty + + + Applications that programmatically change the configuration of the repository should + raise this event notification to notify listeners. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The string name of the repository + + + + The name of this repository. The name is + used to store and lookup the repositories + stored by the . + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Contains a list of internal messages captures during the + last configuration. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis + + + + + Basic Configurator interface for repositories + + + + Interface used by basic configurator to configure a + with a default . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appender. + + + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appenders. + + + + + + Configure repository using XML + + + + Interface used by Xml configurator to configure a . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + The schema for the XML configuration data is defined by + the implementation. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with properties + + The properties to pass to this repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with a logger factory + + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Construct with properties and a logger factory + + The properties to pass to this repository. + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Test if a logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the hierarchy. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array. + The root logger is not included in the returned + enumeration. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The Shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their default. + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their + default. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this hierarchy. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are currently configured + + An array containing all the currently configured appenders + + + Returns all the instances that are currently configured. + All the loggers are searched for appenders. The appenders may also be containers + for appenders and these are also searched for additional loggers. + + + The list returned is unordered but does not contain duplicates. + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an . + The appender may also be a container. + + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an container + + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Test if this hierarchy is disabled for the specified . + + The level to check against. + + true if the repository is disabled for the level argument, false otherwise. + + + + If this hierarchy has not been configured then this method will + always return true. + + + This method will return true if this repository is + disabled for level object passed as parameter and + false otherwise. + + + See also the property. + + + + + + Clear all logger definitions from the internal hashtable + + + + This call will clear all logger definitions from the internal + hashtable. Invoking this method will irrevocably mess up the + logger hierarchy. + + + You should really know what you are doing before + invoking this method. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + . + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The factory that will make the new logger instance + The logger object with the name specified + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated by the + parameter and linked with its existing + ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Sends a logger creation event to all registered listeners + + The newly created logger + + Raises the logger creation event. + + + + + Updates all the parents of the specified logger + + The logger to update the parents for + + + This method loops through all the potential parents of + . There 3 possible cases: + + + + No entry for the potential parent of exists + + We create a ProvisionNode for this potential + parent and insert in that provision node. + + + + The entry is of type Logger for the potential parent. + + The entry is 's nearest existing parent. We + update 's parent field with this entry. We also break from + he loop because updating our parent's parent is our parent's + responsibility. + + + + The entry is of type ProvisionNode for this potential parent. + + We add to the list of children for this + potential parent. + + + + + + + + Replace a with a in the hierarchy. + + + + + + We update the links for all the children that placed themselves + in the provision node 'pn'. The second argument 'log' is a + reference for the newly created Logger, parent of all the + children in 'pn'. + + + We loop on all the children 'c' in 'pn'. + + + If the child 'c' has been already linked to a child of + 'log' then there is no need to update 'c'. + + + Otherwise, we set log's parent field to c's parent and set + c's parent field to log. + + + + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + the level values + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + + Supports setting levels via the configuration file. + + + + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument + + the property value + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument. + + + Supports setting property values via the configuration file. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Hierarchy class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event used to notify that a logger has been created. + + + + Event raised when a logger is created. + + + + + + Has no appender warning been emitted + + + + Flag to indicate if we have already issued a warning + about not having an appender warning. + + + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default instance. + + The default + + + The logger factory is used to create logger instances. + + + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Value of the level + + + + If the value is not set (defaults to -1) the value will be looked + up for the current level with the same name. + + + + + + Name of the level + + + The name of the level + + + + The name of the level. + + + + + + Display name for the level + + + The display name of the level + + + + The display name of the level. + + + + + + Used internally to accelerate hash table searches. + + + + Internal class used to improve performance of + string keyed hashtables. + + + The hashcode of the string is cached for reuse. + The string is stored as an interned value. + When comparing two objects for equality + the reference equality of the interned strings is compared. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct key with string name + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + Stores the hashcode of the string and interns + the string key to optimize comparisons. + + + The Compact Framework 1.0 the + method does not work. On the Compact Framework + the string keys are not interned nor are they + compared by reference. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + Returns a hash code for the current instance. + + A hash code for the current instance. + + + Returns the cached hashcode. + + + + + + Determines whether two instances + are equal. + + The to compare with the current . + + true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares the references of the interned strings. + + + + + + Provision nodes are used where no logger instance has been specified + + + + instances are used in the + when there is no specified + for that node. + + + A provision node holds a list of child loggers on behalf of + a logger that does not exist. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new provision node with child node + + A child logger to add to this node. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified child logger. + + + + + + The sits at the root of the logger hierarchy tree. + + + + The is a regular except + that it provides several guarantees. + + + First, it cannot be assigned a null + level. Second, since the root logger cannot have a parent, the + property always returns the value of the + level field without walking the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct a + + The level to assign to the root logger. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified logging level. + + + The root logger names itself as "root". However, the root + logger cannot be retrieved by name. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RootLogger class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + The assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + + Because the root logger cannot have a parent and its level + must not be null this property just returns the + value of . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned for the root logger. + + + The of the root logger. + + + + Setting the level of the root logger to a null reference + may have catastrophic results. We prevent this here. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net environment using an XML DOM. + + + + Configures a using an XML DOM. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct the configurator for a hierarchy + + The hierarchy to build. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + + + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + The root element to parse. + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + + + + + Parse appenders by IDREF. + + The appender ref element. + The instance of the appender that the ref refers to. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender. + + + + + + Parses an appender element. + + The appender element. + The appender instance or null when parsing failed. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender instance. + + + + + + Parses a logger element. + + The logger element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a logger. + + + + + + Parses the root logger element. + + The root element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents the root logger. + + + + + + Parses the children of a logger element. + + The category element. + The logger instance. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse the child elements of a <logger> element. + + + + + + Parses an object renderer. + + The renderer element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a renderer. + + + + + + Parses a level element. + + The level element. + The logger object to set the level on. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a level. + + + + + + Sets a parameter on an object. + + The parameter element. + The object to set the parameter on. + + The parameter name must correspond to a writable property + on the object. The value of the parameter is a string, + therefore this function will attempt to set a string + property first. If unable to set a string property it + will inspect the property and its argument type. It will + attempt to call a static method called Parse on the + type of the property. This method will take a single + string argument and return a value that can be used to + set the property. + + + + + Test if an element has no attributes or child elements + + the element to inspect + true if the element has any attributes or child elements, false otherwise + + + + Test if a is constructible with Activator.CreateInstance. + + the type to inspect + true if the type is creatable using a default constructor, false otherwise + + + + Look for a method on the that matches the supplied + + the type that has the method + the name of the method + the method info found + + + The method must be a public instance method on the . + The method must be named or "Add" followed by . + The method must take a single parameter. + + + + + + Converts a string value to a target type. + + The type of object to convert the string to. + The string value to use as the value of the object. + + + An object of type with value or + null when the conversion could not be performed. + + + + + + Creates an object as specified in XML. + + The XML element that contains the definition of the object. + The object type to use if not explicitly specified. + The type that the returned object must be or must inherit from. + The object or null + + + Parse an XML element and create an object instance based on the configuration + data. + + + The type of the instance may be specified in the XML. If not + specified then the is used + as the type. However the type is specified it must support the + type. + + + + + + key: appenderName, value: appender. + + + + + The Hierarchy being configured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlHierarchyConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications + + The that is shutting down. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications + + The that has had its configuration reset. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + The that has had its configuration changed. + Empty event arguments. + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes name of the current AppDomain to the output . + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The date and time is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date and time passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an folder path to the output + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + should be a value in the enumeration. + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the special path environment folder path to the output . + The name of the special path environment folder path to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentFolderPathPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + + + Write an environment variable to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the environment variable to the output . + The name of the environment variable to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the current thread identity to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the IdentityPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Pattern converter for literal string instances in the pattern + + + + Writes the literal string value specified in the + property to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Set the next converter in the chain + + The next pattern converter in the chain + The next pattern converter + + + Special case the building of the pattern converter chain + for instances. Two adjacent + literals in the pattern can be represented by a single combined + pattern converter. This implementation detects when a + is added to the chain + after this converter and combines its value with this converter's + literal value. + + + + + + Write the literal to the output + + the writer to write to + null, not set + + + Override the formatting behavior to ignore the FormattingInfo + because we have a literal instead. + + + Writes the value of + to the output . + + + + + + Convert this pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, not set + + + This method is not used. + + + + + + Writes a newline to the output + + + + Writes the system dependent line terminator to the output. + This behavior can be overridden by setting the : + + + + Option Value + Output + + + DOS + DOS or Windows line terminator "\r\n" + + + UNIX + UNIX line terminator "\n" + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + + + Write the current process ID to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current process ID to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ProcessIdPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + This pattern converter reads the thread and global properties. + The thread properties take priority over global properties. + See for details of the + thread properties. See for + details of the global properties. + + + If the is specified then that will be used to + lookup a single property. If no is specified + then all properties will be dumped as a list of key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + A Pattern converter that generates a string of random characters + + + + The converter generates a string of random characters. By default + the string is length 4. This can be changed by setting the + to the string value of the length required. + + + The random characters in the string are limited to uppercase letters + and numbers only. + + + The random number generator used by this class is not cryptographically secure. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Shared random number generator + + + + + Length of random string to generate. Default length 4. + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write a randoim string to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write a randoim string to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RandomStringPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + + + Write the current threads username to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current threads username to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UserNamePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the UTC date time to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current date and time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date is in Universal time when it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Type converter for Boolean. + + + + Supports conversion from string to bool type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Exception base type for conversion errors. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + A nested exception to include. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Register of type converters for specific types. + + + + Maintains a registry of type converters used to convert between + types. + + + Use the and + methods to register new converters. + The and methods + lookup appropriate converters to use. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Static constructor. + + + + This constructor defines the intrinsic type converters. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter instance for a specific type. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type of the type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted from. + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Lookups the type converter to use as specified by the attributes on the + destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + + Creates the instance of the type converter. + + The type of the type converter. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + The type specified for the type converter must implement + the or interfaces + and must have a public default (no argument) constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ConverterRegistry class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Mapping from to type converter. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an encoding + the encoding + + + Uses the method to + convert the argument to an . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from a single type to arbitrary types. + See . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type + + A Type that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the type supported by this converter can be converted to the + . + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Converts the (which must be of the type supported + by this converter) to the specified.. + + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an IPAddress + the IPAddress + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to an . + If that fails then the string is resolved as a DNS hostname. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Valid characters in an IPv4 or IPv6 address string. (Does not support subnets) + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternLayout + the PatternLayout + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Convert between string and + + + + Supports conversion from string to type, + and from a type to a string. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the target type be converted to the type supported by this object + + A that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + assignable from a type. + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + . To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternString + the PatternString + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a Type + the Type + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + Additional effort is made to locate partially specified types + by searching the loaded assemblies. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Attribute used to associate a type converter + + + + Class and Interface level attribute that specifies a type converter + to use with the associated type. + + + To associate a type converter with a target type apply a + TypeConverterAttribute to the target type. Specify the + type of the type converter on the attribute. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type name + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type + + The type of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + A straightforward implementation of the interface. + + + + This is the default implementation of the + interface. Implementors of the interface + should aggregate an instance of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The event being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The array of events being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Calls the DoAppende method on the with + the objects supplied. + + The appender + The events + + + If the supports the + interface then the will be passed + through using that interface. Otherwise the + objects in the array will be passed one at a time. + + + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + If the appender is already in the list it won't be added again. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Lookup an attached appender by name. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + List of appenders + + + + + Array of appenders, used to cache the m_appenderList + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderAttachedImpl class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders, or null if there + are no attached appenders. + + + + The read only collection of all currently attached appenders. + + + + + + This class aggregates several PropertiesDictionary collections together. + + + + Provides a dictionary style lookup over an ordered list of + collections. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Add a Properties Dictionary to this composite collection + + the properties to add + + + Properties dictionaries added first take precedence over dictionaries added + later. + + + + + + Flatten this composite collection into a single properties dictionary + + the flattened dictionary + + + Reduces the collection of ordered dictionaries to a single dictionary + containing the resultant values for the keys. + + + + + + Gets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Looks up the value for the specified. + The collections are searched + in the order in which they were added to this collection. The value + returned is the value held by the first collection that contains + the specified key. + + + If none of the collections contain the specified key then + null is returned. + + + + + + Base class for Context Properties implementations + + + + This class defines a basic property get set accessor + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Wrapper class used to map converter names to converter types + + + + Pattern converter info class used during configuration by custom + PatternString and PatternLayer converters. + + + + + + default constructor + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the conversion pattern + + + + The name of the pattern in the format string + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the converter + + + + The value specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + + + + + + Subclass of that maintains a count of + the number of bytes written. + + + + This writer counts the number of bytes written. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + that does not leak exceptions + + + + does not throw exceptions when things go wrong. + Instead, it delegates error handling to its . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The writer to forward messages to + + + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + The to forward to + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + + + + + Closes the writer and releases any system resources associated with the writer + + + + + + + + + Dispose this writer + + flag indicating if we are being disposed + + + Dispose this writer + + + + + + Flushes any buffered output + + + + Clears all buffers for the writer and causes any buffered data to be written + to the underlying device + + + + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + the data buffer + the start index + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + The + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + The format provider + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + The line terminator to use + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + the error handler to report error to + + + Create a new QuietTextWriter using a writer and error handler + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + the char to write + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a string to the output. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Writes a string to the output. + + + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + + + The error handler instance to pass all errors to + + + + + Flag to indicate if this writer is closed + + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + The error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + true if this writer is closed, otherwise false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + + + + Constructor + + The to actually write to. + The to report errors to. + + + Creates a new instance of the class + with the specified and . + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the char to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a string to the output and counts the number of bytes written. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Total number of bytes written. + + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + The total number of bytes written. + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + + + + A fixed size rolling buffer of logging events. + + + + An array backed fixed size leaky bucket. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The maximum number of logging events in the buffer. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified maximum number of buffered logging events. + + + The argument is not a positive integer. + + + + Appends a to the buffer. + + The event to append to the buffer. + The event discarded from the buffer, if the buffer is full, otherwise null. + + + Append an event to the buffer. If the buffer still contains free space then + null is returned. If the buffer is full then an event will be dropped + to make space for the new event, the event dropped is returned. + + + + + + Get and remove the oldest event in the buffer. + + The oldest logging event in the buffer + + + Gets the oldest (first) logging event in the buffer and removes it + from the buffer. + + + + + + Pops all the logging events from the buffer into an array. + + An array of all the logging events in the buffer. + + + Get all the events in the buffer and clear the buffer. + + + + + + Clear the buffer + + + + Clear the buffer of all events. The events in the buffer are lost. + + + + + + Gets the th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + The th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + + If is outside the range 0 to the number of events + currently in the buffer, then null is returned. + + + + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer. + + The maximum size of the buffer. + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer + + + + + + Gets the number of logging events in the buffer. + + The number of logging events in the buffer. + + + This number is guaranteed to be in the range 0 to + (inclusive). + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the . + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Adds an element with the provided key and value to the + . + + The to use as the key of the element to add. + The to use as the value of the element to add. + + + As the collection is empty no new values can be added. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Removes all elements from the . + + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Determines whether the contains an element + with the specified key. + + The key to locate in the . + false + + + As the collection is empty the method always returns false. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Removes the element with the specified key from the . + + The key of the element to remove. + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + The singleton instance of the empty dictionary. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the has a fixed size. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets an containing the keys of the . + + An containing the keys of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets an containing the values of the . + + An containing the values of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets or sets the element with the specified key. + + The key of the element to get or set. + null + + + As the collection is empty no values can be looked up or stored. + If the index getter is called then null is returned. + A is thrown if the setter is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Contain the information obtained when parsing formatting modifiers + in conversion modifiers. + + + + Holds the formatting information extracted from the format string by + the . This is used by the + objects when rendering the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Defaut Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified parameters. + + + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + The minimum value. + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + The maximum value. + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled + or not. + + + A flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + This class implements a properties collection that is thread safe and supports both + storing properties and capturing a read only copy of the current propertied. + + + This class is optimized to the scenario where the properties are read frequently + and are modified infrequently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The read only copy of the properties. + + + + This variable is declared volatile to prevent the compiler and JIT from + reordering reads and writes of this thread performed on different threads. + + + + + + Lock object used to synchronize updates within this instance + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property from the global context + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Removing an entry from the global context properties is relatively expensive compared + with reading a value. + + + + + + Clear the global context properties + + + + + Get a readonly immutable copy of the properties + + the current global context properties + + + This implementation is fast because the GlobalContextProperties class + stores a readonly copy of the properties. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Reading the value for a key is faster than setting the value. + When the value is written a new read only copy of + the properties is created. + + + + + + Manages a mapping from levels to + + + + Manages an ordered mapping from instances + to subclasses. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialise a new instance of . + + + + + + Add a to this mapping + + the entry to add + + + If a has previously been added + for the same then that entry will be + overwritten. + + + + + + Lookup the mapping for the specified level + + the level to lookup + the for the level or null if no mapping found + + + Lookup the value for the specified level. Finds the nearest + mapping value for the level that is equal to or less than the + specified. + + + If no mapping could be found then null is returned. + + + + + + Initialize options + + + + Caches the sorted list of in an array + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + This class stores its properties in a slot on the named + log4net.Util.LogicalThreadContextProperties. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Flag used to disable this context if we don't have permission to access the CallContext. + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the value for the specified from the context. + + + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary stored in the LocalDataStoreSlot for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if is does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doings so. + + + + + + Gets the call context get data. + + The peroperties dictionary stored in the call context + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + Sets the call context data. + + The properties. + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LogicalThreadContextProperties class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Get or set the property value for the specified. + + + + + + + + + + + + + Outputs log statements from within the log4net assembly. + + + + Log4net components cannot make log4net logging calls. However, it is + sometimes useful for the user to learn about what log4net is + doing. + + + All log4net internal debug calls go to the standard output stream + whereas internal error messages are sent to the standard error output + stream. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats Prefix, Source, and Message in the same format as the value + sent to Console.Out and Trace.Write. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + + + + Static constructor that initializes logging by reading + settings from the application configuration file. + + + + The log4net.Internal.Debug application setting + controls internal debugging. This setting should be set + to true to enable debugging. + + + The log4net.Internal.Quiet application setting + suppresses all internal logging including error messages. + This setting should be set to true to enable message + suppression. + + + + + + Raises the LogReceived event when an internal messages is received. + + + + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + + The message to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal error messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes output to the standard output stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Out and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Writes output to the standard error stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Error and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Default debug level + + + + + In quietMode not even errors generate any output. + + + + + The event raised when an internal message has been received. + + + + + The Type that generated the internal message. + + + + + The DateTime stamp of when the internal message was received. + + + + + A string indicating the severity of the internal message. + + + "log4net: ", + "log4net:ERROR ", + "log4net:WARN " + + + + + The internal log message. + + + + + The Exception related to the message. + + + Optional. Will be null if no Exception was passed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net internal logging + is enabled or disabled. + + + true if log4net internal logging is enabled, otherwise + false. + + + + When set to true, internal debug level logging will be + displayed. + + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Debug in the application configuration + file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. debugging is + disabled. + + + + + The following example enables internal debugging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net should generate no output + from internal logging, not even for errors. + + + true if log4net should generate no output at all from internal + logging, otherwise false. + + + + When set to true will cause internal logging at all levels to be + suppressed. This means that no warning or error reports will be logged. + This option overrides the setting and + disables all debug also. + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Quiet in the application configuration file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. internal logging is not + disabled. + + + + The following example disables internal logging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + true if Debug is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + true if Warn is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + true if Error is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + + + + Subscribes to the LogLog.LogReceived event and stores messages + to the supplied IList instance. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Represents a native error code and message. + + + + Represents a Win32 platform native error. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + The number of the native error. + The message of the native error. + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class for the last Windows error. + + + An instance of the class for the last windows error. + + + + The message for the error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class. + + the error number for the native error + + An instance of the class for the specified + error number. + + + + The message for the specified error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Retrieves the message corresponding with a Win32 message identifier. + + Message identifier for the requested message. + + The message corresponding with the specified message identifier. + + + + The message will be searched for in system message-table resource(s) + using the native FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Return error information string + + error information string + + + Return error information string + + + + + + Formats a message string. + + Formatting options, and how to interpret the parameter. + Location of the message definition. + Message identifier for the requested message. + Language identifier for the requested message. + If includes FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, the function allocates a buffer using the LocalAlloc function, and places the pointer to the buffer at the address specified in . + If the FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER flag is not set, this parameter specifies the maximum number of TCHARs that can be stored in the output buffer. If FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER is set, this parameter specifies the minimum number of TCHARs to allocate for an output buffer. + Pointer to an array of values that are used as insert values in the formatted message. + + + The function requires a message definition as input. The message definition can come from a + buffer passed into the function. It can come from a message table resource in an + already-loaded module. Or the caller can ask the function to search the system's message + table resource(s) for the message definition. The function finds the message definition + in a message table resource based on a message identifier and a language identifier. + The function copies the formatted message text to an output buffer, processing any embedded + insert sequences if requested. + + + To prevent the usage of unsafe code, this stub does not support inserting values in the formatted message. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of TCHARs stored in the output + buffer, excluding the terminating null character. + + + If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, + call . + + + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + The number of the native error. + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + The message of the native error. + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance. + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current key from the enumerator. + + + Throws an exception because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current value from the enumerator. + + The current value from the enumerator. + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current entry from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current entry. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Get the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + A SecurityContext used when a SecurityContext is not required + + + + The is a no-op implementation of the + base class. It is used where a + is required but one has not been provided. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + + + Private constructor + + + + Private constructor for singleton pattern. + + + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + null + + + No impersonation is done and null is always returned. + + + + + + Implements log4net's default error handling policy which consists + of emitting a message for the first error in an appender and + ignoring all subsequent errors. + + + + The error message is processed using the LogLog sub-system by default. + + + This policy aims at protecting an otherwise working application + from being flooded with error messages when logging fails. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + The prefix to use for each message. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified prefix. + + + + + + Reset the error handler back to its initial disabled state. + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log the very first error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Sends the error information to 's Error method. + + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log an error + + The error message. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + The date the error was recorded. + + + + + Flag to indicate if it is the first error + + + + + The message recorded during the first error. + + + + + The exception recorded during the first error. + + + + + The error code recorded during the first error. + + + + + String to prefix each message with + + + + + The fully qualified type of the OnlyOnceErrorHandler class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Is error logging enabled + + + + Is error logging enabled. Logging is only enabled for the + first error delivered to the . + + + + + + The date the first error that trigged this error handler occured. + + + + + The message from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + + + The exception from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + May be . + + + + + The error code from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + Defaults to + + + + + A convenience class to convert property values to specific types. + + + + Utility functions for converting types and parsing values. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Converts a string to a value. + + String to convert. + The default value. + The value of . + + + If is "true", then true is returned. + If is "false", then false is returned. + Otherwise, is returned. + + + + + + Parses a file size into a number. + + String to parse. + The default value. + The value of . + + + Parses a file size of the form: number[KB|MB|GB] into a + long value. It is scaled with the appropriate multiplier. + + + is returned when + cannot be converted to a value. + + + + + + Converts a string to an object. + + The target type to convert to. + The string to convert to an object. + + The object converted from a string or null when the + conversion failed. + + + + Converts a string to an object. Uses the converter registry to try + to convert the string value into the specified target type. + + + + + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + The type to convert from. + The type to convert to. + true if there is a conversion from the source type to the target type. + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + + + + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + The object to convert to the target type. + The type to convert to. + The converted object. + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + + + + + Instantiates an object given a class name. + + The fully qualified class name of the object to instantiate. + The class to which the new object should belong. + The object to return in case of non-fulfillment. + + An instance of the or + if the object could not be instantiated. + + + + Checks that the is a subclass of + . If that test fails or the object could + not be instantiated, then is returned. + + + + + + Performs variable substitution in string from the + values of keys found in . + + The string on which variable substitution is performed. + The dictionary to use to lookup variables. + The result of the substitutions. + + + The variable substitution delimiters are ${ and }. + + + For example, if props contains key=value, then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of key is ${key}."); + + + + will set the variable s to "Value of key is value.". + + + If no value could be found for the specified key, then substitution + defaults to an empty string. + + + For example, if system properties contains no value for the key + "nonExistentKey", then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of nonExistentKey is [${nonExistentKey}]"); + + + + will set s to "Value of nonExistentKey is []". + + + An Exception is thrown if contains a start + delimiter "${" which is not balanced by a stop delimiter "}". + + + + + + Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or + more enumerated constants to an equivalent enumerated object. + + The type to convert to. + The enum string value. + If true, ignore case; otherwise, regard case. + An object of type whose value is represented by . + + + + The fully qualified type of the OptionConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Most of the work of the class + is delegated to the PatternParser class. + + + + The PatternParser processes a pattern string and + returns a chain of objects. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The pattern to parse. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified pattern string. + + + + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + The head of a chain of pattern converters. + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + + + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + the list of all the converter names + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + + + + + Internal method to parse the specified pattern to find specified matches + + the pattern to parse + the converter names to match in the pattern + + + The matches param must be sorted such that longer strings come before shorter ones. + + + + + + Process a parsed literal + + the literal text + + + + Process a parsed converter pattern + + the name of the converter + the optional option for the converter + the formatting info for the converter + + + + Resets the internal state of the parser and adds the specified pattern converter + to the chain. + + The pattern converter to add. + + + + The first pattern converter in the chain + + + + + the last pattern converter in the chain + + + + + The pattern + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types + + + + This map overrides the static s_globalRulesRegistry map. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the PatternParser class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + The converter registry used by this parser + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + + + + Sort strings by length + + + + that orders strings by string length. + The longest strings are placed first + + + + + + This class implements a patterned string. + + + + This string has embedded patterns that are resolved and expanded + when the string is formatted. + + + This class functions similarly to the + in that it accepts a pattern and renders it to a string. Unlike the + however the PatternString + does not render the properties of a specific but + of the process in general. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + appdomain + + + Used to output the friendly name of the current AppDomain. + + + + + date + + + Used to output the current date and time in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + env + + + Used to output the a specific environment variable. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %env{COMPUTERNAME} would include the value + of the COMPUTERNAME environment variable. + + + The env pattern is not supported on the .NET Compact Framework. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern name offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + processid + + + Used to output the system process ID for the current process. + + + + + property + + + Used to output a specific context property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are stored in logging contexts. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + random + + + Used to output a random string of characters. The string is made up of + uppercase letters and numbers. By default the string is 4 characters long. + The length of the string can be specified within braces directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %random{8} would output an 8 character string. + + + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using or + . + + + See the for details on the + format modifiers supported by the patterns. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternString only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialize a new instance of + + + + + + Constructs a PatternString + + The pattern to use with this PatternString + + + Initialize a new instance of with the pattern specified. + + + + + + Initialize object options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create the used to parse the pattern + + the pattern to parse + The + + + Returns PatternParser used to parse the conversion string. Subclasses + may override this to return a subclass of PatternParser which recognize + custom conversion pattern name. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the pattern to the . + + + + + + Format the pattern as a string + + the pattern formatted as a string + + + Format the pattern to a string. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + + + + + Gets or sets the pattern formatting string + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + String keyed object map. + + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + String keyed object map that is read only. + + + + This collection is readonly and cannot be modified. + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The Hashtable used to store the properties data + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Copy Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Deserialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Gets the key names. + + An array of all the keys. + + + Gets the key names. + + + + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + the key to look for + true if the dictionary contains the specified key + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + + See + + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + The internal collection used to store the properties + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + The number of properties in this collection + + + + + See + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Because this class is sealed the serialization constructor is private. + + + + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + an enumerator + + + Returns a over the contest of this collection. + + + + + + See + + the key to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + the key to lookup in the collection + true if the collection contains the specified key + + + Test if this collection contains a specified key. + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + + See + + the key + the value to store for the key + + + Store a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + See + + + false + + + + This collection is modifiable. This property always + returns false. + + + + + + See + + + The value for the key specified. + + + + Get or set a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Property Key + + + Property Key + + + + Property Key. + + + + + + Property Value + + + Property Value + + + + Property Value. + + + + + + A that ignores the message + + + + This writer is used in special cases where it is necessary + to protect a writer from being closed by a client. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + + + Create a new ProtectCloseTextWriter using a writer + + + + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + the writer to attach to + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + This method does nothing. + + + + + + Defines a lock that supports single writers and multiple readers + + + + ReaderWriterLock is used to synchronize access to a resource. + At any given time, it allows either concurrent read access for + multiple threads, or write access for a single thread. In a + situation where a resource is changed infrequently, a + ReaderWriterLock provides better throughput than a simple + one-at-a-time lock, such as . + + + If a platform does not support a System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock + implementation then all readers and writers are serialized. Therefore + the caller must not rely on multiple simultaneous readers. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Acquires a reader lock + + + + blocks if a different thread has the writer + lock, or if at least one thread is waiting for the writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count + + + + decrements the lock count. When the count + reaches zero, the lock is released. + + + + + + Acquires the writer lock + + + + This method blocks if another thread has a reader lock or writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count on the writer lock + + + + ReleaseWriterLock decrements the writer lock count. + When the count reaches zero, the writer lock is released. + + + + + + A that can be and reused + + + + A that can be and reused. + This uses a single buffer for string operations. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Create an instance of + + the format provider to use + + + Create an instance of + + + + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + flag + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + + + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + + the maximum buffer capacity before it is trimmed + the default size to make the buffer + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + The internal buffers are cleared and reset. + + + + + + Utility class for system specific information. + + + + Utility class of static methods for system specific information. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Alexey Solofnenko + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Initialize default values for private static fields. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Gets the assembly location path for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to get the location for. + The location of the assembly. + + + This method does not guarantee to return the correct path + to the assembly. If only tries to give an indication as to + where the assembly was loaded from. + + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the , including + the name of the assembly from which the was + loaded. + + The to get the fully qualified name for. + The fully qualified name for the . + + + This is equivalent to the Type.AssemblyQualifiedName property, + but this method works on the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 as well as + the full .NET runtime. + + + + + + Gets the short name of the . + + The to get the name for. + The short name of the . + + + The short name of the assembly is the + without the version, culture, or public key. i.e. it is just the + assembly's file name without the extension. + + + Use this rather than Assembly.GetName().Name because that + is not available on the Compact Framework. + + + Because of a FileIOPermission security demand we cannot do + the obvious Assembly.GetName().Name. We are allowed to get + the of the assembly so we + start from there and strip out just the assembly name. + + + + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + The to get the file name for. + The file name of the assembly. + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + A sibling type to use to load the type. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified, it will be loaded from the assembly + containing the specified relative type. If the type is not found in the assembly + then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the + assembly that is directly calling this method. If the type is not found + in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + An assembly to load the type from. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the specified + assembly. If the type is not found in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies + will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Generate a new guid + + A new Guid + + + Generate a new guid + + + + + + Create an + + The name of the parameter that caused the exception + The value of the argument that causes this exception + The message that describes the error + the ArgumentOutOfRangeException object + + + Create a new instance of the class + with a specified error message, the parameter name, and the value + of the argument. + + + The Compact Framework does not support the 3 parameter constructor for the + type. This method provides an + implementation that works for all platforms. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Lookup an application setting + + the application settings key to lookup + the value for the key, or null + + + Configuration APIs are not supported under the Compact Framework + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified local file path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + The path specified must be a local file path, a URI is not supported. + + + + + + Creates a new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity. + + A new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity + + + The new Hashtable instance uses the default load factor, the CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider, and the CaseInsensitiveComparer. + + + + + + Gets an empty array of types. + + + + The Type.EmptyTypes field is not available on + the .NET Compact Framework 1.0. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Cache the host name for the current machine + + + + + Cache the application friendly name + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + + Start time for the current process. + + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + The system dependent line terminator. + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + The base directory path for the current . + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the configuration file for the current . + + The path to the configuration file for the current . + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not have a concept of a configuration + file. For this runtime, we use the entry assembly location as the root for + the configuration file name. + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + The path to the entry assembly. + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + + + + + Gets the ID of the current thread. + + The ID of the current thread. + + + On the .NET framework, the AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId method + is used to obtain the thread ID for the current thread. This is the + operating system ID for the thread. + + + On the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 it is not possible to get the + operating system thread ID for the current thread. The native method + GetCurrentThreadId is implemented inline in a header file + and cannot be called. + + + On the .NET Framework 2.0 the Thread.ManagedThreadId is used as this + gives a stable id unrelated to the operating system thread ID which may + change if the runtime is using fibers. + + + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The hostname or machine name + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The host name () or + the machine name (Environment.MachineName) for + the current machine, or if neither of these are available + then NOT AVAILABLE is returned. + + + + + + Get this application's friendly name + + + The friendly name of this application as a string + + + + If available the name of the application is retrieved from + the AppDomain using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName. + + + Otherwise the file name of the entry assembly is used. + + + + + + Get the start time for the current process. + + + + This is the time at which the log4net library was loaded into the + AppDomain. Due to reports of a hang in the call to System.Diagnostics.Process.StartTime + this is not the start time for the current process. + + + The log4net library should be loaded by an application early during its + startup, therefore this start time should be a good approximation for + the actual start time. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating, however this start time + will be set per AppDomain. + + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + Use this value to indicate a null has been encountered while + outputting a string representation of an item. + + + The default value is (null). This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NullText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + Use this value when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + The default value is NOT AVAILABLE. This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NotAvailableText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialise the + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + + + Format the string and arguments + + the formatted string + + + + Replaces the format item in a specified with the text equivalent + of the value of a corresponding instance in a specified array. + A specified parameter supplies culture-specific formatting information. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + A copy of format in which the format items have been replaced by the + equivalent of the corresponding instances of in args. + + + + This method does not throw exceptions. If an exception thrown while formatting the result the + exception and arguments are returned in the result string. + + + + + + Process an error during StringFormat + + + + + Dump the contents of an array into a string builder + + + + + Dump an object to a string + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemStringFormat class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Each thread will automatically have its instance. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove a property + + + + + + Get the keys stored in the properties. + + + Gets the keys stored in the properties. + + a set of the defined keys + + + + Clear all properties + + + + Clear all properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doing so. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The stack store. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + Only call this if you think that this tread is being reused after + a previous call execution which may not have completed correctly. + You do not need to use this method if you always guarantee to call + the method of the + returned from even in exceptional circumstances, + for example by using the using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + syntax. + + + + + + Removes the top context from this stack. + + The message in the context that was removed from the top of this stack. + + + Remove the top context from this stack, and return + it to the caller. If this stack is empty then an + empty string (not ) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message into this stack. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up the context stack. + + + + Pushes a new context onto this stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up this stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an ThreadContext Stack message"); + } + + + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + The current context information. + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + Gets the current context information + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a cross thread portable version of this object + + + + + + The number of messages in the stack + + + The current number of messages in the stack + + + + The current number of messages in the stack. That is + the number of times has been called + minus the number of times has been called. + + + + + + Gets and sets the internal stack used by this + + The internal storage stack + + + This property is provided only to support backward compatability + of the . Tytpically the internal stack should not + be modified. + + + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + + + Constructor + + The message for this context. + The parent context in the chain. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and parent context. + + + + + + Get the message. + + The message. + + + Get the message. + + + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + The full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + + + Struct returned from the method. + + + + This struct implements the and is designed to be used + with the pattern to remove the stack frame at the end of the scope. + + + + + + The ThreadContextStack internal stack + + + + + The depth to trim the stack to when this instance is disposed + + + + + Constructor + + The internal stack used by the ThreadContextStack. + The depth to return the stack to when this object is disposed. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified stack and return depth. + + + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ThreadContextStacks class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + The named stack + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Write a string to an + + the writer to write to + the string to write + The string to replace non XML compliant chars with + + + The test is escaped either using XML escape entities + or using CDATA sections. + + + + + + Replace invalid XML characters in text string + + the XML text input string + the string to use in place of invalid characters + A string that does not contain invalid XML characters. + + + Certain Unicode code points are not allowed in the XML InfoSet, for + details see: + + + This method replaces any illegal characters in the input string + with the mask string specified. + + + + + + Count the number of times that the substring occurs in the text + + the text to search + the substring to find + the number of times the substring occurs in the text + + + The substring is assumed to be non repeating within itself. + + + + + + Characters illegal in XML 1.0 + + + + + Impersonate a Windows Account + + + + This impersonates a Windows account. + + + How the impersonation is done depends on the value of . + This allows the context to either impersonate a set of user credentials specified + using username, domain name and password or to revert to the process credentials. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Initialize the SecurityContext based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The security context will try to Logon the specified user account and + capture a primary token for impersonation. + + + The required , + or properties were not specified. + + + + Impersonate the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + caller provided state + + An instance that will revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext + + + + Depending on the property either + impersonate a user using credentials supplied or revert + to the process credentials. + + + + + + Create a given the userName, domainName and password. + + the user name + the domain name + the password + the for the account specified + + + Uses the Windows API call LogonUser to get a principal token for the account. This + token is used to initialize the WindowsIdentity. + + + + + + Gets or sets the impersonation mode for this security context + + + The impersonation mode for this security context + + + + Impersonate either a user with user credentials or + revert this thread to the credentials of the process. + The value is one of the + enum. + + + The default value is + + + When the mode is set to + the user's credentials are established using the + , and + values. + + + When the mode is set to + no other properties need to be set. If the calling thread is + impersonating then it will be reverted back to the process credentials. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows username for this security context + + + The Windows username for this security context + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows domain name for this security context + + + The Windows domain name for this security context + + + + The default value for is the local machine name + taken from the property. + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Sets the password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + The password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + The impersonation modes for the + + + + See the property for + details. + + + + + + Impersonate a user using the credentials supplied + + + + + Revert this the thread to the credentials of the process + + + + + Adds to + + + + Helper class to expose the + through the interface. + + + + + + Constructor + + the impersonation context being wrapped + + + Constructor + + + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + + + The log4net Global Context. + + + + The GlobalContext provides a location for global debugging + information to be stored. + + + The global context has a properties map and these properties can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputing these properties. + + + By default the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of + the current machine. + + + + + GlobalContext.Properties["hostname"] = Environment.MachineName; + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + The global context properties instance + + + + + The global properties map. + + + The global properties map. + + + + The global properties map. + + + + + + Provides information about the environment the assembly has + been built for. + + + + Version of the assembly + + + Version of the framework targeted + + + Type of framework targeted + + + Does it target a client profile? + + + + Identifies the version and target for this assembly. + + + + + The log4net Logical Thread Context. + + + + The LogicalThreadContext provides a location for specific debugging + information to be stored. + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any or + properties with the same name. + + + The Logical Thread Context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Logical Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current call context. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Logical Thread Context is managed on a per basis. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + LogicalThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(LogicalThreadContext.Stacks["LDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any + or properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The logical thread stacks. + + + + + + This class is used by client applications to request logger instances. + + + + This class has static methods that are used by a client to request + a logger instance. The method is + used to retrieve a logger. + + + See the interface for more details. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the default repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns null. + + + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + The logger found, or null if no logger could be found. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + repository. + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the repository for the specified assembly) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + assembly's repository. + + + + Get the currently defined loggers. + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the default repository. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + Get or create a logger. + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Get the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The repository to lookup in. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + Shutdown a logger repository. + + Shuts down the default repository. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + default repository. + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The repository to shutdown. + + + + Shuts down the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Reset the configuration of a repository + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The repository to reset. + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Get the logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Get a logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Create a domain + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + Create a logger repository. + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Gets the list of currently defined repositories. + + + + Get an array of all the objects that have been created. + + + An array of all the known objects. + + + + Looks up the wrapper object for the logger specified. + + The logger to get the wrapper for. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + Looks up the wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + The loggers to get the wrappers for. + The wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + + + Create the objects used by + this manager. + + The logger to wrap. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + The wrapper map to use to hold the objects. + + + + + Implementation of Mapped Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + The MDC class is similar to the class except that it is + based on a map instead of a stack. It provides mapped + diagnostic contexts. A Mapped Diagnostic Context, or + MDC in short, is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The MDC is managed on a per thread basis. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Gets the context value identified by the parameter. + + The key to lookup in the MDC. + The string value held for the key, or a null reference if no corresponding value is found. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + If the parameter does not look up to a + previously defined context then null will be returned. + + + + + + Add an entry to the MDC + + The key to store the value under. + The value to store. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Puts a context value (the parameter) as identified + with the parameter into the current thread's + context map. + + + If a value is already defined for the + specified then the value will be replaced. If the + is specified as null then the key value mapping will be removed. + + + + + + Removes the key value mapping for the key specified. + + The key to remove. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove the specified entry from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Clear all entries in the MDC + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove all the entries from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Implementation of Nested Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + A Nested Diagnostic Context, or NDC in short, is an instrument + to distinguish interleaved log output from different sources. Log + output is typically interleaved when a server handles multiple + clients near-simultaneously. + + + Interleaved log output can still be meaningful if each log entry + from different contexts had a distinctive stamp. This is where NDCs + come into play. + + + Note that NDCs are managed on a per thread basis. The NDC class + is made up of static methods that operate on the context of the + calling thread. + + + How to push a message into the context + + using(NDC.Push("my context message")) + { + ... all log calls will have 'my context message' included ... + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically removed + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held on the current thread. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Clears the stack of NDC data held on the current thread. + + + + + + Creates a clone of the stack of context information. + + A clone of the context info for this thread. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The results of this method can be passed to the + method to allow child threads to inherit the context of their + parent thread. + + + + + + Inherits the contextual information from another thread. + + The context stack to inherit. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This thread will use the context information from the stack + supplied. This can be used to initialize child threads with + the same contextual information as their parent threads. These + contexts will NOT be shared. Any further contexts that + are pushed onto the stack will not be visible to the other. + Call to obtain a stack to pass to + this method. + + + + + + Removes the top context from the stack. + + + The message in the context that was removed from the top + of the stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Remove the top context from the stack, and return + it to the caller. If the stack is empty then an + empty string (not null) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up + the context stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Pushes a new context onto the context stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up the context stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.NDC.Push("NDC_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an NDC message"); + } + + + + + + Removes the context information for this thread. It is + not required to call this method. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This method is not implemented. + + + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + + The maximum depth of the stack + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + This may truncate the head of the stack. This only affects the + stack in the current thread. Also it does not prevent it from + growing, it only sets the maximum depth at the time of the + call. This can be used to return to a known context depth. + + + + + + Gets the current context depth. + + The current context depth. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The number of context values pushed onto the context stack. + + + Used to record the current depth of the context. This can then + be restored using the method. + + + + + + + The log4net Thread Context. + + + + The ThreadContext provides a location for thread specific debugging + information to be stored. + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + The thread context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current thread. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Thread Context is managed on a per thread basis. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + ThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The thread local stacks. + + + + + diff --git a/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net20-full/log4net.xml b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net20-full/log4net.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0e318a --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net20-full/log4net.xml @@ -0,0 +1,30771 @@ + + + + log4net + + + + + Appender that logs to a database. + + + + appends logging events to a table within a + database. The appender can be configured to specify the connection + string by setting the property. + The connection type (provider) can be specified by setting the + property. For more information on database connection strings for + your specific database see + + + Records are written into the database either using a prepared + statement or a stored procedure. The property + is set to (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify a prepared statement + or to (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify a stored + procedure. + + + The prepared statement text or the name of the stored procedure + must be set in the property. + + + The prepared statement or stored procedure can take a number + of parameters. Parameters are added using the + method. This adds a single to the + ordered list of parameters. The + type may be subclassed if required to provide database specific + functionality. The specifies + the parameter name, database type, size, and how the value should + be generated using a . + + + + An example of a SQL Server table that could be logged to: + + CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Log] ( + [ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , + [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL , + [Thread] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Level] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL , + [Logger] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Message] [varchar] (4000) NOT NULL + ) ON [PRIMARY] + + + + An example configuration to log to the above table: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Lance Nehring + + + + Abstract base class implementation of that + buffers events in a fixed size buffer. + + + + This base class should be used by appenders that need to buffer a + number of events before logging them. For example the + buffers events and then submits the entire contents of the buffer to + the underlying database in one go. + + + Subclasses should override the + method to deliver the buffered events. + + The BufferingAppenderSkeleton maintains a fixed size cyclic + buffer of events. The size of the buffer is set using + the property. + + A is used to inspect + each event as it arrives in the appender. If the + triggers, then the current buffer is sent immediately + (see ). Otherwise the event + is stored in the buffer. For example, an evaluator can be used to + deliver the events immediately when an ERROR event arrives. + + + The buffering appender can be configured in a mode. + By default the appender is NOT lossy. When the buffer is full all + the buffered events are sent with . + If the property is set to true then the + buffer will not be sent when it is full, and new events arriving + in the appender will overwrite the oldest event in the buffer. + In lossy mode the buffer will only be sent when the + triggers. This can be useful behavior when you need to know about + ERROR events but not about events with a lower level, configure an + evaluator that will trigger when an ERROR event arrives, the whole + buffer will be sent which gives a history of events leading up to + the ERROR event. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Abstract base class implementation of . + + + + This class provides the code for common functionality, such + as support for threshold filtering and support for general filters. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface for your own strategies for printing log statements. + + + + Implementors should consider extending the + class which provides a default implementation of this interface. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Log the logging event in Appender specific way. + + The event to log + + + This method is called to log a message into this appender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + Interface for appenders that support bulk logging. + + + + This interface extends the interface to + support bulk logging of objects. Appenders + should only implement this interface if they can bulk log efficiently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Log the array of logging events in Appender specific way. + + The events to log + + + This method is called to log an array of events into this appender. + + + + + + Interface used to delay activate a configured object. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then the method + must be called by the container after its all the configured properties have been set + and before the component can be used. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Activate the options that were previously set with calls to properties. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then this method must be called + after its properties have been set before the component can be used. + + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Default constructor + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + Finalizes this appender by calling the implementation's + method. + + + + If this appender has not been closed then the Finalize method + will call . + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Closes the appender and release resources. + + + + Release any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + This method cannot be overridden by subclasses. This method + delegates the closing of the appender to the + method which must be overridden in the subclass. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The event to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the abstract method. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the method. + + + + + + Test if the logging event should we output by this appender + + the event to test + true if the event should be output, false if the event should be ignored + + + This method checks the logging event against the threshold level set + on this appender and also against the filters specified on this + appender. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + + + + + Adds a filter to the end of the filter chain. + + the filter to add to this appender + + + The Filters are organized in a linked list. + + + Setting this property causes the new filter to be pushed onto the + back of the filter chain. + + + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + + + Checks if the message level is below this appender's threshold. + + to test against. + + + If there is no threshold set, then the return value is always true. + + + + true if the meets the + requirements of this appender. + + + + + Is called when the appender is closed. Derived classes should override + this method if resources need to be released. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Subclasses of should implement this method + to perform actual logging. + + The event to append. + + + A subclass must implement this method to perform + logging of the . + + This method will be called by + if all the conditions listed for that method are met. + + + To restrict the logging of events in the appender + override the method. + + + + + + Append a bulk array of logging events. + + the array of logging events + + + This base class implementation calls the + method for each element in the bulk array. + + + A sub class that can better process a bulk array of events should + override this method in addition to . + + + + + + Called before as a precondition. + + + + This method is called by + before the call to the abstract method. + + + This method can be overridden in a subclass to extend the checks + made before the event is passed to the method. + + + A subclass should ensure that they delegate this call to + this base class if it is overridden. + + + true if the call to should proceed. + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The event rendered as a string. + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Where possible use the alternative version of this method + . + That method streams the rendering onto an existing Writer + which can give better performance if the caller already has + a open and ready for writing. + + + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Use this method in preference to + where possible. If, however, the caller needs to render the event + to a string then does + provide an efficient mechanism for doing so. + + + + + + The layout of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The name of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The level threshold of this appender. + + + + There is no level threshold filtering by default. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The first filter in the filter chain. + + + + Set to null initially. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The last filter in the filter chain. + + + See for more information. + + + + + Flag indicating if this appender is closed. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The guard prevents an appender from repeatedly calling its own DoAppend method + + + + + StringWriter used to render events + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderSkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the threshold of this appender. + + + The threshold of the appender. + + + + All log events with lower level than the threshold level are ignored + by the appender. + + + In configuration files this option is specified by setting the + value of the option to a level + string, such as "DEBUG", "INFO" and so on. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The of the appender + + + The provides a default + implementation for the property. + + + + + + The filter chain. + + The head of the filter chain filter chain. + + + Returns the head Filter. The Filters are organized in a linked list + and so all Filters on this Appender are available through the result. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The layout of the appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + + Tests if this appender requires a to be set. + + + + In the rather exceptional case, where the appender + implementation admits a layout but can also work without it, + then the appender should return true. + + + This default implementation always returns false. + + + + true if the appender requires a layout object, otherwise false. + + + + + The default buffer size. + + + The default size of the cyclic buffer used to store events. + This is set to 512 by default. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + the events passed through this appender must be + fixed by the time that they arrive in the derived class' SendBuffer method. + + + Protected constructor to allow subclassing. + + + The should be set if the subclass + expects the events delivered to be fixed even if the + is set to zero, i.e. when no buffering occurs. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + + + Flushes any events that have been buffered. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will NOT be flushed to the appender. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + set to true to flush the buffer of lossy events + + + Flushes events that have been buffered. If is + false then events will only be flushed if this buffer is non-lossy mode. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will only be flushed if is true. + In this case the contents of the buffer will be tested against the + and if triggering will be output. All other buffered + events will be discarded. + + + If is true then the buffer will always + be emptied by calling this method. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. + + + + Close this appender instance. If this appender is marked + as not then the remaining events in + the buffer must be sent when the appender is closed. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + + Stores the in the cyclic buffer. + + + The buffer will be sent (i.e. passed to the + method) if one of the following conditions is met: + + + + The cyclic buffer is full and this appender is + marked as not lossy (see ) + + + An is set and + it is triggered for the + specified. + + + + Before the event is stored in the buffer it is fixed + (see ) to ensure that + any data referenced by the event will be valid when the buffer + is processed. + + + + + + Sends the contents of the buffer. + + The first logging event. + The buffer containing the events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override . + + + + + + Sends the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override this method to process the buffered events. + + + + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + Set to by default. + + + + + The cyclic buffer used to store the logging events. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator that causes the buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event causes the entire + buffer to be sent immediately. This field can be null, which + indicates that event triggering is not to be done. The evaluator + can be set using the property. If this appender + has the ( property) set to + true then an must be set. + + + + + Indicates if the appender should overwrite events in the cyclic buffer + when it becomes full, or if the buffer should be flushed when the + buffer is full. + + + If this field is set to true then an must + be set. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator filters discarded events. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event that is discarded should + really be discarded or if it should be sent to the appenders. + This field can be null, which indicates that all discarded events will + be discarded. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + The events delivered to the subclass must be fixed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender is lossy. + + + true if the appender is lossy, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + This appender uses a buffer to store logging events before + delivering them. A triggering event causes the whole buffer + to be send to the remote sink. If the buffer overruns before + a triggering event then logging events could be lost. Set + to false to prevent logging events + from being lost. + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the + logging events. + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + + The option takes a positive integer + representing the maximum number of logging events to collect in + a cyclic buffer. When the is reached, + oldest events are deleted as new events are added to the + buffer. By default the size of the cyclic buffer is 512 events. + + + If the is set to a value less than + or equal to 1 then no buffering will occur. The logging event + will be delivered synchronously (depending on the + and properties). Otherwise the event will + be buffered. + + + + + + Gets or sets the that causes the + buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The that causes the buffer to be + sent immediately. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is appended to this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will + immediately be sent (see ). + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the to use. + + + The value of the to use. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is discarded from this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will immediately + be sent (see ). + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if only part of the logging event data + should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the + event data to be fixed and serialized. This will improve performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets a the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + The event fields that will be fixed before the event is buffered + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Public default constructor to initialize a new instance of this class. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Override the parent method to close the database + + + + Closes the database command and database connection. + + + + + + Inserts the events into the database. + + The events to insert into the database. + + + Insert all the events specified in the + array into the database. + + + + + + Adds a parameter to the command. + + The parameter to add to the command. + + + Adds a parameter to the ordered list of command parameters. + + + + + + Writes the events to the database using the transaction specified. + + The transaction that the events will be executed under. + The array of events to insert into the database. + + + The transaction argument can be null if the appender has been + configured not to use transactions. See + property for more information. + + + + + + Formats the log message into database statement text. + + The event being logged. + + This method can be overridden by subclasses to provide + more control over the format of the database statement. + + + Text that can be passed to a . + + + + + Creates an instance used to connect to the database. + + + This method is called whenever a new IDbConnection is needed (i.e. when a reconnect is necessary). + + The of the object. + The connectionString output from the ResolveConnectionString method. + An instance with a valid connection string. + + + + Resolves the connection string from the ConnectionString, ConnectionStringName, or AppSettingsKey + property. + + + ConnectiongStringName is only supported on .NET 2.0 and higher. + + Additional information describing the connection string. + A connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + Retrieves the class type of the ADO.NET provider. + + + + Gets the Type of the ADO.NET provider to use to connect to the + database. This method resolves the type specified in the + property. + + + Subclasses can override this method to return a different type + if necessary. + + + The of the ADO.NET provider + + + + Prepares the database command and initialize the parameters. + + + + + Connects to the database. + + + + + Cleanup the existing command. + + + If true, a message will be written using LogLog.Warn if an exception is encountered when calling Dispose. + + + + + Cleanup the existing connection. + + + Calls the IDbConnection's method. + + + + + Flag to indicate if we are using a command object + + + + Set to true when the appender is to use a prepared + statement or stored procedure to insert into the database. + + + + + + The list of objects. + + + + The list of objects. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The that will be used + to insert logging events into a database. + + + + + The database command. + + + + + Database connection string. + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + String type name of the type name. + + + + + The text of the command. + + + + + The command type. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AdoNetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the database connection string that is used to connect to + the database. + + + The database connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + The connections string is specific to the connection type. + See for more information. + + + Connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "DSN=MS Access Database;UID=admin;PWD=;SystemDB=C:\data\System.mdw;SafeTransactions = 0;FIL=MS Access;DriverID = 25;DBQ=C:\data\train33.mdb" + + Another connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;UID=;PWD=;" + + Connection string for MS Access via OLE DB: + "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;User Id=;Password=;" + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + This property requires at least .NET 2.0. + + + + + Gets or sets the type name of the connection + that should be created. + + + The type name of the connection. + + + + The type name of the ADO.NET provider to use. + + + The default is to use the OLE DB provider. + + + Use the OLE DB Provider. This is the default value. + System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the MS SQL Server Provider. + System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the ODBC Provider. + Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection,Microsoft.Data.Odbc,version=1.0.3300.0,publicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089,culture=neutral + This is an optional package that you can download from + + search for ODBC .NET Data Provider. + + Use the Oracle Provider. + System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection, System.Data.OracleClient, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + This is an optional package that you can download from + + search for .NET Managed Provider for Oracle. + + + + + Gets or sets the command text that is used to insert logging events + into the database. + + + The command text used to insert logging events into the database. + + + + Either the text of the prepared statement or the + name of the stored procedure to execute to write into + the database. + + + The property determines if + this text is a prepared statement or a stored procedure. + + + + + + Gets or sets the command type to execute. + + + The command type to execute. + + + + This value may be either (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify + that the is a prepared statement to execute, + or (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify that the + property is the name of a stored procedure + to execute. + + + The default value is (System.Data.CommandType.Text). + + + + + + Should transactions be used to insert logging events in the database. + + + true if transactions should be used to insert logging events in + the database, otherwise false. The default value is true. + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether transactions should be used + to insert logging events in the database. + + + When set a single transaction will be used to insert the buffered events + into the database. Otherwise each event will be inserted without using + an explicit transaction. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Should this appender try to reconnect to the database on error. + + + true if the appender should try to reconnect to the database after an + error has occurred, otherwise false. The default value is false, + i.e. not to try to reconnect. + + + + The default behaviour is for the appender not to try to reconnect to the + database if an error occurs. Subsequent logging events are discarded. + + + To force the appender to attempt to reconnect to the database set this + property to true. + + + When the appender attempts to connect to the database there may be a + delay of up to the connection timeout specified in the connection string. + This delay will block the calling application's thread. + Until the connection can be reestablished this potential delay may occur multiple times. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to insert + logging events into a database. Classes deriving from + can use this property to get or set this . Use the + underlying returned from if + you require access beyond that which provides. + + + + + Parameter type used by the . + + + + This class provides the basic database parameter properties + as defined by the interface. + + This type can be subclassed to provide database specific + functionality. The two methods that are called externally are + and . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Default constructor for the AdoNetAppenderParameter class. + + + + + Prepare the specified database command object. + + The command to prepare. + + + Prepares the database command object by adding + this parameter to its collection of parameters. + + + + + + Renders the logging event and set the parameter value in the command. + + The command containing the parameter. + The event to be rendered. + + + Renders the logging event using this parameters layout + object. Sets the value of the parameter on the command object. + + + + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + + Flag to infer type rather than use the DbType + + + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + + The to use to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this parameter. + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + The name of this parameter. The parameter name + must match up to a named parameter to the SQL stored procedure + or prepared statement. + + + + + + Gets or sets the database type for this parameter. + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + The database type for this parameter. This property should + be set to the database type from the + enumeration. See . + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the type from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the precision for this parameter. + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + The maximum number of digits used to represent the Value. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the precision from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the scale for this parameter. + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + The number of decimal places to which Value is resolved. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the scale from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the size for this parameter. + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + The maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the size from the value. + + + For BLOB data types like VARCHAR(max) it may be impossible to infer the value automatically, use -1 as the size in this case. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the to use to + render the logging event into an object for this + parameter. + + + The used to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + The that renders the value for this + parameter. + + + The can be used to adapt + any into a + for use in the property. + + + + + + Appends logging events to the terminal using ANSI color escape sequences. + + + + AnsiColorTerminalAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific level of message to be set. + + + This appender expects the terminal to understand the VT100 control set + in order to interpret the color codes. If the terminal or console does not + understand the control codes the behavior is not defined. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + When configuring the ANSI colored terminal appender, a mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + + These color values cannot be combined together to make new colors. + + + The attributes can be any combination of the following: + + Brightforeground is brighter + Dimforeground is dimmer + Underscoremessage is underlined + Blinkforeground is blinking (does not work on all terminals) + Reverseforeground and background are reversed + Hiddenoutput is hidden + Strikethroughmessage has a line through it + + While any of these attributes may be combined together not all combinations + work well together, for example setting both Bright and Dim attributes makes + no sense. + + + Patrick Wagstrom + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Ansi code to reset terminal + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colours + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible display attributes + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the ANSI color attributes. + + + + + + + text is bright + + + + + text is dim + + + + + text is underlined + + + + + text is blinking + + + Not all terminals support this attribute + + + + + text and background colors are reversed + + + + + text is hidden + + + + + text is displayed with a strikethrough + + + + + text color is light + + + + + The enum of possible foreground or background color values for + use with the color mapping method + + + + The output can be in one for the following ANSI colors. + + + + + + + color is black + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is magenta + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is white + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + An entry in the + + + + This is an abstract base class for types that are stored in the + object. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + + + Initialize any options defined on this entry + + + + Should be overridden by any classes that need to initialise based on their options + + + + + + The level that is the key for this mapping + + + The that is the key for this mapping + + + + Get or set the that is the key for this + mapping subclass. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together + and append the attributes. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + + + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + + + The combined , and + suitable for setting the ansi terminal color. + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a AppenderCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + An AppenderCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + An empty readonly static AppenderCollection + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new AppenderCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the AppenderCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the AppenderCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the AppenderCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the AppenderCollection. + + The to locate in the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire AppenderCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the AppenderCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the AppenderCollection. + + The to remove from the AppenderCollection. + + The specified was not found in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the AppenderCollection. + + An for the entire AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another AppenderCollection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current AppenderCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + Return the collection elements as an array + + the array + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the AppenderCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + + Appends log events to the ASP.NET system. + + + + + Diagnostic information and tracing messages that you specify are appended to the output + of the page that is sent to the requesting browser. Optionally, you can view this information + from a separate trace viewer (Trace.axd) that displays trace information for every page in a + given application. + + + Trace statements are processed and displayed only when tracing is enabled. You can control + whether tracing is displayed to a page, to the trace viewer, or both. + + + The logging event is passed to the or + method depending on the level of the logging event. + The event's logger name is the default value for the category parameter of the Write/Warn method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Write the logging event to the ASP.NET trace + + the event to log + + + Write the logging event to the ASP.NET trace + HttpContext.Current.Trace + (). + + + + + + Defaults to %logger + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The category parameter sent to the Trace method. + + + + Defaults to %logger which will use the logger name of the current + as the category parameter. + + + + + + + + Buffers events and then forwards them to attached appenders. + + + + The events are buffered in this appender until conditions are + met to allow the appender to deliver the events to the attached + appenders. See for the + conditions that cause the buffer to be sent. + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different + thresholds and filters for the same appender at different locations + within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface for attaching appenders to objects. + + + + Interface for attaching, removing and retrieving appenders. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + Add the specified appender. The implementation may + choose to allow or deny duplicate appenders. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Returns an attached appender with the specified. + If no appender with the specified name is found null will be + returned. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders. + + + + Gets a collection of attached appenders. + If there are no attached appenders the + implementation should return an empty + collection rather than null. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Send the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + Forwards the events to the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this buffering appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ColoredConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific type of message to be set. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes directly to the application's attached console + not to the System.Console.Out or System.Console.Error TextWriter. + The System.Console.Out and System.Console.Error streams can be + programmatically redirected (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). + This appender will ignore these redirections because it needs to use Win32 + API calls to colorize the output. To respect these redirections the + must be used. + + + When configuring the colored console appender, mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + combination of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + HighIntensity + + + + Rick Hobbs + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colors + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + The console output stream writer to write to + + + + This writer is not thread safe. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible color values for use with the color mapping method + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the colors. + + + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is white + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is purple + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is intensified + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level. + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level. + + + + + + The combined and suitable for + setting the console color. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + debug system. + + + Events are written using the + method. The event's logger name is passed as the value for the category name to the Write method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + If is true then the + is called. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Writes events to the system event log. + + + + The appender will fail if you try to write using an event source that doesn't exist unless it is running with local administrator privileges. + See also + + + The EventID of the event log entry can be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + + + The Category of the event log entry can be + set using the Category property () + on the . + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + When configuring the EventLogAppender a mapping can be + specified to map a logging level to an event log entry type. For example: + + + <mapping> + <level value="ERROR" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Error" /> + </mapping> + <mapping> + <level value="DEBUG" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Information" /> + </mapping> + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and eventLogEntryType can be any value + from the enum, i.e.: + + Erroran error event + Warninga warning event + Informationan informational event + + + + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Thomas Voss + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + The to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Add a mapping of level to - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the event log entry type for a level. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create an event log source + + + Uses different API calls under NET_2_0 + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + the event to log + + Writes the event to the system event log using the + . + + If the event has an EventID property (see ) + set then this integer will be used as the event log event id. + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + + + + Get the equivalent for a + + the Level to convert to an EventLogEntryType + The equivalent for a + + Because there are fewer applicable + values to use in logging levels than there are in the + this is a one way mapping. There is + a loss of information during the conversion. + + + + + The log name is the section in the event logs where the messages + are stored. + + + + + Name of the application to use when logging. This appears in the + application column of the event log named by . + + + + + The name of the machine which holds the event log. This is + currently only allowed to be '.' i.e. the current machine. + + + + + Mapping from level object to EventLogEntryType + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The event ID to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The event category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EventLogAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The maximum size supported by default. + + + + The 32766 documented max size is two bytes shy of 32K (I'm assuming 32766 + may leave space for a two byte null terminator of #0#0). The 32766 max + length is what the .NET 4.0 source code checks for, but this is WRONG! + Strings with a length > 31839 on Windows Vista or higher can CORRUPT + the event log! See: System.Diagnostics.EventLogInternal.InternalWriteEvent() + for the use of the 32766 max size. + + + + + The maximum size supported by a windows operating system that is vista + or newer. + + + See ReportEvent API: + + ReportEvent's lpStrings parameter: + "A pointer to a buffer containing an array of + null-terminated strings that are merged into the message before Event Viewer + displays the string to the user. This parameter must be a valid pointer + (or NULL), even if wNumStrings is zero. Each string is limited to 31,839 characters." + + Going beyond the size of 31839 will (at some point) corrupt the event log on Windows + Vista or higher! It may succeed for a while...but you will eventually run into the + error: "System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception : A device attached to the system is + not functioning", and the event log will then be corrupt (I was able to corrupt + an event log using a length of 31877 on Windows 7). + + The max size for Windows Vista or higher is documented here: + + Going over this size may succeed a few times but the buffer will overrun and + eventually corrupt the log (based on testing). + + The maxEventMsgSize size is based on the max buffer size of the lpStrings parameter of the ReportEvent API. + The documented max size for EventLog.WriteEntry for Windows Vista and higher is 31839, but I'm leaving room for a + terminator of #0#0, as we cannot see the source of ReportEvent (though we could use an API monitor to examine the + buffer, given enough time). + + + + + The maximum size that the operating system supports for + a event log message. + + + Used to determine the maximum string length that can be written + to the operating system event log and eventually truncate a string + that exceeds the limits. + + + + + This method determines the maximum event log message size allowed for + the current environment. + + + + + + The name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + The string name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + This is the name of the log as it appears in the Event Viewer + tree. The default value is to log into the Application + log, this is where most applications write their events. However + if you need a separate log for your application (or applications) + then you should set the appropriately. + This should not be used to distinguish your event log messages + from those of other applications, the + property should be used to distinguish events. This property should be + used to group together events into a single log. + + + + + + Property used to set the Application name. This appears in the + event logs when logging. + + + The string used to distinguish events from different sources. + + + Sets the event log source property. + + + + + This property is used to return the name of the computer to use + when accessing the event logs. Currently, this is the current + computer, denoted by a dot "." + + + The string name of the machine holding the event log that + will be logged into. + + + This property cannot be changed. It is currently set to '.' + i.e. the local machine. This may be changed in future. + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the EventLog. + + + The used to write to the EventLog. + + + + The system security context used to write to the EventLog. + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the EventId to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The EventID of the event log entry will normally be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The Category of the event log entry will normally be + set using the Category property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and its event log entry type. + + + + + + The for this entry + + + + Required property. + The for this entry + + + + + + Appends logging events to a file. + + + + Logging events are sent to the file specified by + the property. + + + The file can be opened in either append or overwrite mode + by specifying the property. + If the file path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. The file encoding can be + specified by setting the property. + + + The layout's and + values will be written each time the file is opened and closed + respectively. If the property is + then the file may contain multiple copies of the header and footer. + + + This appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + The supports pluggable file locking models via + the property. + The default behavior, implemented by + is to obtain an exclusive write lock on the file until this appender is closed. + The alternative models only hold a + write lock while the appender is writing a logging event () + or synchronize by using a named system wide Mutex (). + + + All locking strategies have issues and you should seriously consider using a different strategy that + avoids having multiple processes logging to the same file. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Rodrigo B. de Oliveira + Douglas de la Torre + Niall Daley + + + + Sends logging events to a . + + + + An Appender that writes to a . + + + This appender may be used stand alone if initialized with an appropriate + writer, however it is typically used as a base class for an appender that + can open a to write to. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and + sets the output destination to a new initialized + with the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender. + The to output to. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and sets + the output destination to the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender + The to output to + + The must have been previously opened. + + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + This method determines if there is a sense in attempting to append. + + + + This method checks if an output target has been set and if a + layout has been set. + + + false if any of the preconditions fail. + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method writes all the bulk logged events to the output writer + before flushing the stream. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. The underlying stream or writer is also closed. + + + Closed appenders cannot be reused. + + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Clears internal references to the underlying + and other variables. + + + + Subclasses can override this method for an alternate closing behavior. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Called to allow a subclass to lazily initialize the writer + + + + This method is called when an event is logged and the or + have not been set. This allows a subclass to + attempt to initialize the writer multiple times. + + + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying + or output stream will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logging events are not actually persisted if and when the application + crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TextWriterAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or set whether the appender will flush at the end + of each append operation. + + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + append operation. + + + If this option is set to false, then the underlying + stream can defer persisting the logging event to a later + time. + + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results in + a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + Sets the where the log output will go. + + + + The specified must be open and writable. + + + The will be closed when the appender + instance is closed. + + + Note: Logging to an unopened will fail. + + + + + + Gets or set the and the underlying + , if any, for this appender. + + + The for this appender. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Gets or sets the where logging events + will be written to. + + + The where logging events are written. + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout, file and append mode. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + flag to indicate if the file should be appended to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout and file specified. + The file will be appended to. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Activate the options on the file appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This will cause the file to be opened. + + + + + + Closes any previously opened file and calls the parent's . + + + + Resets the filename and the file stream. + + + + + + Called to initialize the file writer + + + + Will be called for each logged message until the file is + successfully opened. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + Acquires the output file locks once before writing all the events to + the stream. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the previously opened file. + + + + Writes the to the file and then + closes the file. + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + Calls but guarantees not to throw an exception. + Errors are passed to the . + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + If there was already an opened file, then the previous file + is closed first. + + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer used for file output + + the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This implementation of creates a + over the and passes it to the + method. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to wrap the + in some way, for example to encrypt the output + data using a System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + the writer over the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to + wrap the in some way. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if we should append to the file + or overwrite the file. The default is to append. + + + + + The name of the log file. + + + + + The encoding to use for the file stream. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The stream to log to. Has added locking semantics + + + + + The locking model to use + + + + + The fully qualified type of the FileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + The path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + + If the path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether the file should be + appended to or overwritten. + + + Indicates whether the file should be appended to or overwritten. + + + + If the value is set to false then the file will be overwritten, if + it is set to true then the file will be appended to. + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + The default encoding set is + which is the encoding for the system's current ANSI code page. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + The used to lock the file. + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + There are three built in locking models, , and . + The first locks the file from the start of logging to the end, the + second locks only for the minimal amount of time when logging each message + and the last synchronizes processes using a named system wide Mutex. + + + The default locking model is the . + + + + + + Write only that uses the + to manage access to an underlying resource. + + + + + True asynchronous writes are not supported, the implementation forces a synchronous write. + + + + + Exception base type for log4net. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Locking model base class + + + + Base class for the locking models available to the derived loggers. + + + + + + Open the output file + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Helper method that creates a FileStream under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + + Typically called during OpenFile or AcquireLock. + + + If the directory portion of the does not exist, it is created + via Directory.CreateDirecctory. + + + + + + + + + + Helper method to close under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + Does not set to null. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this LockingModel + + + The for this LockingModel + + + + The file appender this locking model is attached to and working on + behalf of. + + + The file appender is used to locate the security context and the error handler to use. + + + The value of this property will be set before is + called. + + + + + + Hold an exclusive lock on the output file + + + + Open the file once for writing and hold it open until is called. + Maintains an exclusive lock on the file during this time. + + + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Does nothing. The lock will be released when the file is closed. + + + + + + Acquires the file lock for each write + + + + Opens the file once for each / cycle, + thus holding the lock for the minimal amount of time. This method of locking + is considerably slower than but allows + other processes to move/delete the log file whilst logging continues. + + + + + + Prepares to open the file when the first message is logged. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Provides cross-process file locking. + + Ron Grabowski + Steve Wranovsky + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + - and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + + + + + + This appender forwards logging events to attached appenders. + + + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different thresholds + and filters for the same appender at different locations within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Forward the logging event to the attached appenders + + The event to log. + + + Delivers the logging event to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Forward the logging events to the attached appenders + + The array of events to log. + + + Delivers the logging events to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Logs events to a local syslog service. + + + + This appender uses the POSIX libc library functions openlog, syslog, and closelog. + If these functions are not available on the local system then this appender will not work! + + + The functions openlog, syslog, and closelog are specified in SUSv2 and + POSIX 1003.1-2001 standards. These are used to log messages to the local syslog service. + + + This appender talks to a local syslog service. If you need to log to a remote syslog + daemon and you cannot configure your local syslog service to do this you may be + able to use the to log via UDP. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a local syslog service. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Adds a to this appender. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Marshaled handle to the identity string. We have to hold on to the + string as the openlog and syslog APIs just hold the + pointer to the ident and dereference it for each log message. + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Open connection to system logger. + + + + + Generate a log message. + + + + The libc syslog method takes a format string and a variable argument list similar + to the classic printf function. As this type of vararg list is not supported + by C# we need to specify the arguments explicitly. Here we have specified the + format string with a single message argument. The caller must set the format + string to "%s". + + + + + + Close descriptor used to write to system logger. + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The log4net Level maps to a syslog severity using the + method and the + class. The severity is set on . + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facility defines which subsystem the logging comes from. + This is set on the property. + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Appends colorful logging events to the console, using the .NET 2 + built-in capabilities. + + + + ManagedColoredConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific type of message to be set. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + When configuring the colored console appender, mappings should be + specified to map logging levels to colors. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level while + ForeColor and BackColor are the values of + enumeration. + + + Based on the ColoredConsoleAppender + + + Rick Hobbs + Nicko Cadell + Pavlos Touboulidis + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colors + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level. + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level. + + + + + + Stores logging events in an array. + + + + The memory appender stores all the logging events + that are appended in an in-memory array. + + + Use the method to get + the current list of events that have been appended. + + + Use the method to clear the + current list of events. + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + The events that have been logged + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + Stores the in the events list. + + + + + Clear the list of events + + + Clear the list of events + + + + + The list of events that have been appended. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether only part of the logging event + data should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the event + data to be fixed and stored in the appender, hereby improving performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + Logs entries by sending network messages using the + native function. + + + + You can send messages only to names that are active + on the network. If you send the message to a user name, + that user must be logged on and running the Messenger + service to receive the message. + + + The receiver will get a top most window displaying the + messages one at a time, therefore this appender should + not be used to deliver a high volume of messages. + + + The following table lists some possible uses for this appender : + + + + + Action + Property Value(s) + + + Send a message to a user account on the local machine + + + = <name of the local machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a user account on a remote machine + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a domain user account + + + = <name of a domain controller | uninitialized> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to all the names in a workgroup or domain + + + = <workgroup name | domain name>* + + + + + Send a message from the local machine to a remote machine + + + = <name of the local machine | uninitialized> + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + + + + + Note : security restrictions apply for sending + network messages, see + for more information. + + + + + An example configuration section to log information + using this appender from the local machine, named + LOCAL_PC, to machine OPERATOR_PC : + + + + + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + + + + + The sender of the network message. + + + + + The message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Initializes the appender. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using a network message. + + + + + + Sends a buffer of information to a registered message alias. + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + The message alias to which the message buffer should be sent + The originator of the message. + The message text. + The length, in bytes, of the message text. + + + The following restrictions apply for sending network messages: + + + + + Platform + Requirements + + + Windows NT + + + No special group membership is required to send a network message. + + + Admin, Accounts, Print, or Server Operator group membership is required to + successfully send a network message on a remote server. + + + + + Windows 2000 or later + + + If you send a message on a domain controller that is running Active Directory, + access is allowed or denied based on the access control list (ACL) for the securable + object. The default ACL permits only Domain Admins and Account Operators to send a network message. + + + On a member server or workstation, only Administrators and Server Operators can send a network message. + + + + + + + For more information see Security Requirements for the Network Management Functions. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. + + + + + + Gets or sets the sender of the message. + + + The sender of the message. + + + If this property is not specified, the message is sent from the local computer. + + + + + Gets or sets the message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + The recipient of the message. + + + This property should always be specified in order to send a message. + + + + + Gets or sets the DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + + For Windows NT 4.0 and earlier, the string should begin with \\. + + + If this property is not specified, the local computer is used. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the OutputDebugString system. + + + + OutputDebugStringAppender appends log events to the + OutputDebugString system. + + + The string is passed to the native OutputDebugString + function. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + the event to log + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + + + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + the string to output + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Logs events to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + The BSD syslog protocol is used to remotely log to + a syslog daemon. The syslogd listens for for messages + on UDP port 514. + + + The syslog UDP protocol is not authenticated. Most syslog daemons + do not accept remote log messages because of the security implications. + You may be able to use the LocalSyslogAppender to talk to a local + syslog service. + + + There is an RFC 3164 that claims to document the BSD Syslog Protocol. + This RFC can be seen here: + This appender generates what the RFC calls an "Original Device Message", + i.e. does not include the TIMESTAMP or HOSTNAME fields. By observation + this format of message will be accepted by all current syslog daemon + implementations. The daemon will attach the current time and the source + hostname or IP address to any messages received. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Sends logging events as connectionless UDP datagrams to a remote host or a + multicast group using an . + + + + UDP guarantees neither that messages arrive, nor that they arrive in the correct order. + + + To view the logging results, a custom application can be developed that listens for logging + events. + + + When decoding events send via this appender remember to use the same encoding + to decode the events as was used to send the events. See the + property to specify the encoding to use. + + + + This example shows how to log receive logging events that are sent + on IP address and port 8080 to the console. The event is + encoded in the packet as a unicode string and it is decoded as such. + + IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); + UdpClient udpClient; + byte[] buffer; + string loggingEvent; + + try + { + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080); + + while(true) + { + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint); + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer); + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent); + } + } + catch(Exception e) + { + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); + } + + + Dim remoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint + Dim udpClient as UdpClient + Dim buffer as Byte() + Dim loggingEvent as String + + Try + remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0) + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080) + + While True + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ByRef remoteEndPoint) + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer) + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent) + Wend + Catch e As Exception + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()) + End Try + + + An example configuration section to log information using this appender to the + IP on port 8080: + + + + + + + + + + Gert Driesen + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified or + an invalid remote or local TCP port number was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + The TCP port number assigned to or is less than or greater than . + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using an UDP datagram. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + Closes the UDP connection and releases all resources associated with + this instance. + + + + Disables the underlying and releases all managed + and unmanaged resources associated with the . + + + + + + Initializes the underlying connection. + + + + The underlying is initialized and binds to the + port number from which you intend to communicate. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to + which the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number from which the will communicate. + + + + + The instance that will be used for sending the + logging events. + + + + + The encoding to use for the packet. + + + + + Gets or sets the IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + + Multicast addresses are identified by IP class D addresses (in the range to + Multicast packets can pass across different networks through routers, so + it is possible to use multicasts in an Internet scenario as long as your network provider + supports multicasting. + + + Hosts that want to receive particular multicast messages must register their interest by joining + the multicast group. Multicast messages are not sent to networks where no host has joined + the multicast group. Class D IP addresses are used for multicast groups, to differentiate + them from normal host addresses, allowing nodes to easily detect if a message is of interest. + + + Static multicast addresses that are needed globally are assigned by IANA. A few examples are listed in the table below: + + + + + IP Address + Description + + + + + + Sends a message to all system on the subnet. + + + + + + + + Sends a message to all routers on the subnet. + + + + + + + + The DHCP server answers messages on the IP address, but only on a subnet. + + + + + + + A complete list of actually reserved multicast addresses and their owners in the ranges + defined by RFC 3171 can be found at the IANA web site. + + + The address range to is reserved for administrative scope-relative + addresses. These addresses can be reused with other local groups. Routers are typically + configured with filters to prevent multicast traffic in this range from flowing outside + of the local network. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + The underlying will send messages to this TCP port number + on the remote host or multicast group. + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + + The underlying will bind to this port for sending messages. + + + Setting the value to 0 (the default) will cause the udp client not to bind to + a local port. + + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets used to write the packets. + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to send logging events + over a network. Classes deriving from can use this + property to get or set this . Use the underlying + returned from if you require access beyond that which + provides. + + + + + Gets or sets the cached remote endpoint to which the logging events should be sent. + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + The method will initialize the remote endpoint + with the values of the and + properties. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Syslog port 514 + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to syslog severity mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The syslog severities. + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facilities + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Delivers logging events to a remote logging sink. + + + + This Appender is designed to deliver events to a remote sink. + That is any object that implements the + interface. It delivers the events using .NET remoting. The + object to deliver events to is specified by setting the + appenders property. + + The RemotingAppender buffers events before sending them. This allows it to + make more efficient use of the remoting infrastructure. + + Once the buffer is full the events are still not sent immediately. + They are scheduled to be sent using a pool thread. The effect is that + the send occurs asynchronously. This is very important for a + number of non obvious reasons. The remoting infrastructure will + flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + Because the events are sent asynchronously using pool threads it is possible to close + this appender before all the queued events have been sent. + When closing the appender attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but + this will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If this appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. If the runtime terminates the threads before + the queued events have been sent then they will be lost. To ensure that all events + are sent the appender must be closed before the application exits. See + for details on how to shutdown + log4net programmatically. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + The events are not sent immediately. They are scheduled to be sent + using a pool thread. The effect is that the send occurs asynchronously. + This is very important for a number of non obvious reasons. The remoting + infrastructure will flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + The events to send. + + + + Override base class close. + + + + This method waits while there are queued work items. The events are + sent asynchronously using work items. These items + will be sent once a thread pool thread is available to send them, therefore + it is possible to close the appender before all the queued events have been + sent. + + This method attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but this + method will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If the appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. + + + + + A work item is being queued into the thread pool + + + + + A work item from the thread pool has completed + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + This method is designed to be used with the . + This method expects to be passed an array of + objects in the state param. + + the logging events to send + + + + The URL of the remote sink. + + + + + The local proxy (.NET remoting) for the remote logging sink. + + + + + The number of queued callbacks currently waiting or executing + + + + + Event used to signal when there are no queued work items + + + This event is set when there are no queued work items. In this + state it is safe to close the appender. + + + + + Gets or sets the URL of the well-known object that will accept + the logging events. + + + The well-known URL of the remote sink. + + + + The URL of the remoting sink that will accept logging events. + The sink must implement the + interface. + + + + + + Interface used to deliver objects to a remote sink. + + + This interface must be implemented by a remoting sink + if the is to be used + to deliver logging events to the sink. + + + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + Array of events to log. + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + + + + + Appender that rolls log files based on size or date or both. + + + + RollingFileAppender can roll log files based on size or date or both + depending on the setting of the property. + When set to the log file will be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled + once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed. + When set to the log file will be + rolled once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed, but within a date boundary the file will also be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled when + the appender is configured. This effectively means that the log file can be + rolled once per program execution. + + + A of few additional optional features have been added: + + Attach date pattern for current log file + Backup number increments for newer files + Infinite number of backups by file size + + + + + + For large or infinite numbers of backup files a + greater than zero is highly recommended, otherwise all the backup files need + to be renamed each time a new backup is created. + + + When Date/Time based rolling is used setting + to will reduce the number of file renamings to few or none. + + + + + + Changing or without clearing + the log file directory of backup files will cause unexpected and unwanted side effects. + + + + + If Date/Time based rolling is enabled this appender will attempt to roll existing files + in the directory without a Date/Time tag based on the last write date of the base log file. + The appender only rolls the log file when a message is logged. If Date/Time based rolling + is enabled then the appender will not roll the log file at the Date/Time boundary but + at the point when the next message is logged after the boundary has been crossed. + + + + The extends the and + has the same behavior when opening the log file. + The appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + When rolling a backup file necessitates deleting an older backup file the + file to be deleted is moved to a temporary name before being deleted. + + + + + A maximum number of backup files when rolling on date/time boundaries is not supported. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Edward Smit + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RollingFileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes. + + the writer to set + + + + Write out a logging event. + + the event to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Write out an array of logging events. + + the events to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Performs any required rolling before outputting the next event + + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Creates and opens the file for logging. If + is false then the fully qualified name is determined and used. + + the name of the file to open + true to append to existing file + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + Get the current output file name + + the base file name + the output file name + + The output file name is based on the base fileName specified. + If is set then the output + file name is the same as the base file passed in. Otherwise + the output file depends on the date pattern, on the count + direction or both. + + + + + Determines curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + + + + + Generates a wildcard pattern that can be used to find all files + that are similar to the base file name. + + + + + + + Builds a list of filenames for all files matching the base filename plus a file + pattern. + + + + + + + Initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + The following is done + + determine curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + + + Does the work of bumping the 'current' file counter higher + to the highest count when an incremental file name is seen. + The highest count is either the first file (when count direction + is greater than 0) or the last file (when count direction less than 0). + In either case, we want to know the highest count that is present. + + + + + + + Attempts to extract a number from the end of the file name that indicates + the number of the times the file has been rolled over. + + + Certain date pattern extensions like yyyyMMdd will be parsed as valid backup indexes. + + + + + + + Takes a list of files and a base file name, and looks for + 'incremented' versions of the base file. Bumps the max + count up to the highest count seen. + + + + + + + Calculates the RollPoint for the datePattern supplied. + + the date pattern to calculate the check period for + The RollPoint that is most accurate for the date pattern supplied + + Essentially the date pattern is examined to determine what the + most suitable roll point is. The roll point chosen is the roll point + with the smallest period that can be detected using the date pattern + supplied. i.e. if the date pattern only outputs the year, month, day + and hour then the smallest roll point that can be detected would be + and hourly roll point as minutes could not be detected. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Sets initial conditions including date/time roll over information, first check, + scheduledFilename, and calls to initialize + the current number of backups. + + + + + + + + + .1, .2, .3, etc. + + + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + + set to true if the file to be rolled is currently open + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + Resets curSizeRollBackups. + If fileIsOpen is set then the new file is opened (through SafeOpenFile). + + + + + + Renames file to file . + + Name of existing file to roll. + New name for file. + + + Renames file to file . It + also checks for existence of target file and deletes if it does. + + + + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + the path to the file + true if the file exists + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + + + + + Deletes the specified file if it exists. + + The file to delete. + + + Delete a file if is exists. + The file is first moved to a new filename then deleted. + This allows the file to be removed even when it cannot + be deleted, but it still can be moved. + + + + + + Implements file roll base on file size. + + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. Moreover, File is + renamed File.1 and closed. + + + A new file is created to receive further log output. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + + + + Implements file roll. + + the base name to rename + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + This is called by to rename the files. + + + + + + Get the start time of the next window for the current rollpoint + + the current date + the type of roll point we are working with + the start time for the next roll point an interval after the currentDateTime date + + + Returns the date of the next roll point after the currentDateTime date passed to the method. + + + The basic strategy is to subtract the time parts that are less significant + than the rollpoint from the current time. This should roll the time back to + the start of the time window for the current rollpoint. Then we add 1 window + worth of time and get the start time of the next window for the rollpoint. + + + + + + This object supplies the current date/time. Allows test code to plug in + a method to control this class when testing date/time based rolling. The default + implementation uses the underlying value of DateTime.Now. + + + + + The date pattern. By default, the pattern is set to ".yyyy-MM-dd" + meaning daily rollover. + + + + + The actual formatted filename that is currently being written to + or will be the file transferred to on roll over + (based on staticLogFileName). + + + + + The timestamp when we shall next recompute the filename. + + + + + Holds date of last roll over + + + + + The type of rolling done + + + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB + + + + + There is zero backup files by default + + + + + How many sized based backups have been made so far + + + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + + The rolling mode used in this appender. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by date. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by size. + + + + + Value indicating whether to always log to the same file. + + + + + Value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + + + FileName provided in configuration. Used for rolling properly + + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Gets or sets the strategy for determining the current date and time. The default + implementation is to use LocalDateTime which internally calls through to DateTime.Now. + DateTime.UtcNow may be used on frameworks newer than .NET 1.0 by specifying + . + + + An implementation of the interface which returns the current date and time. + + + + Gets or sets the used to return the current date and time. + + + There are two built strategies for determining the current date and time, + + and . + + + The default strategy is . + + + + + + Gets or sets the date pattern to be used for generating file names + when rolling over on date. + + + The date pattern to be used for generating file names when rolling + over on date. + + + + Takes a string in the same format as expected by + . + + + This property determines the rollover schedule when rolling over + on date. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum number of backup files that are kept before + the oldest is erased. + + + The maximum number of backup files that are kept before the oldest is + erased. + + + + If set to zero, then there will be no backup files and the log file + will be truncated when it reaches . + + + If a negative number is supplied then no deletions will be made. Note + that this could result in very slow performance as a large number of + files are rolled over unless is used. + + + The maximum applies to each time based group of files and + not the total. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size in bytes that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property is equivalent to except + that it is required for differentiating the setter taking a + argument from the setter taking a + argument. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB (10*1024*1024). + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property allows you to specify the maximum size with the + suffixes "KB", "MB" or "GB" so that the size is interpreted being + expressed respectively in kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. + + + For example, the value "10KB" will be interpreted as 10240 bytes. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB. + + + If you have the option to set the maximum file size programmatically + consider using the property instead as this + allows you to set the size in bytes as a . + + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling file count direction. + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + Indicates if the current file is the lowest numbered file or the + highest numbered file. + + + By default newer files have lower numbers ( < 0), + i.e. log.1 is most recent, log.5 is the 5th backup, etc... + + + >= 0 does the opposite i.e. + log.1 is the first backup made, log.5 is the 5th backup made, etc. + For infinite backups use >= 0 to reduce + rollover costs. + + The default file count direction is -1. + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling style. + + The rolling style. + + + The default rolling style is . + + + When set to this appender's + property is set to false, otherwise + the appender would append to a single file rather than rolling + the file each time it is opened. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + true if the file name extension should be preserved. + + + + By default file.log is rolled to file.log.yyyy-MM-dd or file.log.curSizeRollBackup. + However, under Windows the new file name will loose any program associations as the + extension is changed. Optionally file.log can be renamed to file.yyyy-MM-dd.log or + file.curSizeRollBackup.log to maintain any program associations. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always log to + the same file. + + + true if always should be logged to the same file, otherwise false. + + + + By default file.log is always the current file. Optionally + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd for current formatted datePattern can by the currently + logging file (or file.log.curSizeRollBackup or even + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd.curSizeRollBackup). + + + This will make time based rollovers with a large number of backups + much faster as the appender it won't have to rename all the backups! + + + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + + + Roll files once per program execution + + + + Roll files once per program execution. + Well really once each time this appender is + configured. + + + Setting this option also sets AppendToFile to + false on the RollingFileAppender, otherwise + this appender would just be a normal file appender. + + + + + + Roll files based only on the size of the file + + + + + Roll files based only on the date + + + + + Roll files based on both the size and date of the file + + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + + + Roll the log not based on the date + + + + + Roll the log for each minute + + + + + Roll the log for each hour + + + + + Roll the log twice a day (midday and midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each day (midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each week + + + + + Roll the log each month + + + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + Used primarily to allow test classes to plug themselves in so they can + supply test date/times. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Default implementation of that returns the current time. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Implementation of that returns the current time as the coordinated universal time (UTC). + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Send an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. + + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Authentication and setting the server Port are only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + For these features to be enabled you need to ensure that you are using a version of + the log4net assembly that is built against the MS .NET 1.1 framework and that you are + running the your application on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. On all other platforms only sending + unauthenticated messages to a server listening on port 25 (the default) is supported. + + + Authentication is supported by setting the property to + either or . + If using authentication then the + and properties must also be set. + + + To set the SMTP server port use the property. The default port is 25. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + + Send the email message + + the body text to include in the mail + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be carbon copied (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be blind carbon copied. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the SMTP relay mail server to use to send + the e-mail messages. + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + + + Obsolete + + + Use the BufferingAppenderSkeleton Fix methods instead + + + + Obsolete property. + + + + + + The mode to use to authentication with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + Valid Authentication mode values are: , + , and . + The default value is . When using + you must specify the + and to use to authenticate. + When using the Windows credentials for the current + thread, if impersonating, or the process will be used to authenticate. + + + + + + The username to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the username will be ignored. + + + + + + The password to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the password will be ignored. + + + + + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening + + + Server Port is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening. The default + port is 25. The Port can only be changed when running on + the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + + + + + Gets or sets the priority of the e-mail message + + + One of the values. + + + + Sets the priority of the e-mails generated by this + appender. The default priority is . + + + If you are using this appender to report errors then + you may want to set the priority to . + + + + + + Enable or disable use of SSL when sending e-mail message + + + This is available on MS .NET 2.0 runtime and higher + + + + + Gets or sets the reply-to e-mail address. + + + This is available on MS .NET 2.0 runtime and higher + + + + + Gets or sets the subject encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + Gets or sets the body encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Values for the property. + + + + SMTP authentication modes. + + + + + + No authentication + + + + + Basic authentication. + + + Requires a username and password to be supplied + + + + + Integrated authentication + + + Uses the Windows credentials from the current thread or process to authenticate. + + + + + Send an email when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. Rather than sending via smtp it writes a file into the + directory specified by . This allows services such + as the IIS SMTP agent to manage sending the messages. + + + + The configuration for this appender is identical to that of the SMTPAppender, + except that instead of specifying the SMTPAppender.SMTPHost you specify + . + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Niall Daley + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + + + + + Activate the options on this appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. This should be the same + as that used by the agent sending the messages. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the pickup directory. + + + The used to write to the pickup directory. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appender that allows clients to connect via Telnet to receive log messages + + + + The TelnetAppender accepts socket connections and streams logging messages + back to the client. + The output is provided in a telnet-friendly way so that a log can be monitored + over a TCP/IP socket. + This allows simple remote monitoring of application logging. + + + The default is 23 (the telnet port). + + + Keith Long + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TelnetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Overrides the parent method to close the socket handler + + + + Closes all the outstanding connections. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Create the socket handler and wait for connections + + + + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + + The default value is 23 (the telnet port). + + + The value specified is less than + or greater than . + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Helper class to manage connected clients + + + + The SocketHandler class is used to accept connections from + clients. It is threaded so that clients can connect/disconnect + asynchronously. + + + + + + Opens a new server port on + + the local port to listen on for connections + + + Creates a socket handler on the specified local server port. + + + + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + the text to send + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + + + + + Add a client to the internal clients list + + client to add + + + + Remove a client from the internal clients list + + client to remove + + + + Callback used to accept a connection on the server socket + + The result of the asynchronous operation + + + On connection adds to the list of connections + if there are two many open connections you will be disconnected + + + + + + Close all network connections + + + + Make sure we close all network connections + + + + + + Test if this handler has active connections + + + true if this handler has active connections + + + + This property will be true while this handler has + active connections, that is at least one connection that + the handler will attempt to send a message to. + + + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + + + Create this for the specified + + the client's socket + + + Opens a stream writer on the socket. + + + + + + Write a string to the client + + string to send + + + Write a string to the client + + + + + + Cleanup the clients connection + + + + Close the socket connection. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + trace system. + + + Events are written using the System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(string,string) + method. The event's logger name is the default value for the category parameter + of the Write method. + + + Compact Framework
    + The Compact Framework does not support the + class for any operation except Assert. When using the Compact Framework this + appender will write to the system rather than + the Trace system. This appender will therefore behave like the . +
    + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski +
    + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Defaults to %logger + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + The category parameter sent to the Trace method. + + + + Defaults to %logger which will use the logger name of the current + as the category parameter. + + + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's domain to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required domains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's repository to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required repositories. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + The name of the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The domain to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Obsolete. Use instead of . + + + + + + Use this class to quickly configure a . + + + + Allows very simple programmatic configuration of log4net. + + + Only one appender can be configured using this configurator. + The appender is set at the root of the hierarchy and all logging + events will be delivered to that appender. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The fully qualified type of the BasicConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system with a default configuration. + + + + Initializes the log4net logging system using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + + + + + Initializes the with a default configuration. + + The repository to configure. + + + Initializes the specified repository using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + The repository to configure. + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appenders. + + The repository to configure. + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Base class for all log4net configuration attributes. + + + This is an abstract class that must be extended by + specific configurators. This attribute allows the + configurator to be parameterized by an assembly level + attribute. + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor used by subclasses. + + the ordering priority for this configurator + + + The is used to order the configurator + attributes before they are invoked. Higher priority configurators are executed + before lower priority ones. + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Abstract method implemented by a subclass. When this method is called + the subclass should configure the . + + + + + + Compare this instance to another ConfiguratorAttribute + + the object to compare to + see + + + Compares the priorities of the two instances. + Sorts by priority in descending order. Objects with the same priority are + randomly ordered. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging domain for the assembly. + + + + DomainAttribute is obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging domains. Each domain has its own + logging repository. This attribute specified on the assembly controls + the configuration of the domain. The property specifies the name + of the domain that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the repository objects to create for the domain. If + this attribute is not specified and a is not specified + then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging repository for the assembly. + + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging repository. This attribute specified + on the assembly controls + the configuration of the repository. The property specifies the name + of the repository that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the object + to create for the assembly. If this attribute is not specified or a + is not specified then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the repository. + + The name of the repository. + + + Initialize the attribute with the name for the assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the logging repository. + + + The string name to use as the name of the repository associated with this + assembly. + + + + This value does not have to be unique. Several assemblies can share the + same repository. They will share the logging configuration of the repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + The type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + + The type of the repository to create for the assembly. + The type must implement the + interface. + + + This will be the type of repository created when + the repository is created. If multiple assemblies reference the + same repository then the repository is only created once using the + of the first assembly to call into the + repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the domain. + + The name of the domain. + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + If neither of the or + properties are set the configuration is loaded from the application's .config file. + If set the property takes priority over the + property. The property + specifies a path to a file to load the config from. The path is relative to the + application's base directory; . + The property is used as a postfix to the assembly file name. + The config file must be located in the application's base directory; . + For example in a console application setting the to + config has the same effect as not specifying the or + properties. + + + The property can be set to cause the + to watch the configuration file for changes. + + + + Log4net will only look for assembly level configuration attributes once. + When using the log4net assembly level attributes to control the configuration + of log4net you must ensure that the first call to any of the + methods is made from the assembly with the configuration + attributes. + + + If you cannot guarantee the order in which log4net calls will be made from + different assemblies you must use programmatic configuration instead, i.e. + call the method directly. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Configure the repository using the . + The specified must extend the + class otherwise the will not be able to + configure it. + + + The does not extend . + + + + Attempt to load configuration from the local file system + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + Configure the specified repository using a + + The repository to configure. + the FileInfo pointing to the config file + + + + Attempt to load configuration from a URI + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfiguratorAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the filename of the configuration file. + + + The filename of the configuration file. + + + + If specified, this is the name of the configuration file to use with + the . This file path is relative to the + application base directory (). + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets the extension of the configuration file. + + + The extension of the configuration file. + + + + If specified this is the extension for the configuration file. + The path to the config file is built by using the application + base directory (), + the assembly file name and the config file extension. + + + If the is set to MyExt then + possible config file names would be: MyConsoleApp.exe.MyExt or + MyClassLibrary.dll.MyExt. + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to watch the configuration file. + + + true if the configuration should be watched, false otherwise. + + + + If this flag is specified and set to true then the framework + will watch the configuration file and will reload the config each time + the file is modified. + + + The config file can only be watched if it is loaded from local disk. + In a No-Touch (Smart Client) deployment where the application is downloaded + from a web server the config file may not reside on the local disk + and therefore it may not be able to watch it. + + + Watching configuration is not supported on the SSCLI. + + + + + + Class to register for the log4net section of the configuration file + + + The log4net section of the configuration file needs to have a section + handler registered. This is the section handler used. It simply returns + the XML element that is the root of the section. + + + Example of registering the log4net section handler : + + + +
    + + + log4net configuration XML goes here + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Parses the configuration section. + + The configuration settings in a corresponding parent configuration section. + The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and is a null reference. + The for the log4net section. + The for the log4net section. + + + Returns the containing the configuration data, + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a plugin to attach to + the repository. + + + + Specifies the type of a plugin to create and attach to the + assembly's repository. The plugin type must implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface used to create plugins. + + + + Interface used to create a plugin. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates the plugin object. + + the new plugin instance + + + Create and return a new plugin instance. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type name of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + Where possible use the constructor that takes a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + + + + Creates the plugin object defined by this attribute. + + + + Creates the instance of the object as + specified by this attribute. + + + The plugin object. + + + + Returns a representation of the properties of this object. + + + + Overrides base class method to + return a representation of the properties of this object. + + + A representation of the properties of this object + + + + Gets or sets the type for the plugin. + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type name for the plugin. + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + Where possible use the property instead. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Construct provider attribute with type specified + + the type of the provider to use + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Configures the SecurityContextProvider + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Creates a provider instance from the specified. + Sets this as the default security context provider . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SecurityContextProviderAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the provider to use. + + + the type of the provider to use. + + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
    + + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration URI. + + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration data stream. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
    + + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + URI. + + The repository to configure. + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the specified repository using a log4net element. + + The hierarchy to configure. + The element to parse. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + This method is ultimately called by one of the Configure methods + to load the configuration from an . + + + + + + Maps repository names to ConfigAndWatchHandler instances to allow a particular + ConfigAndWatchHandler to dispose of its FileSystemWatcher when a repository is + reconfigured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Class used to watch config files. + + + + Uses the to monitor + changes to a specified file. Because multiple change notifications + may be raised when the file is modified, a timer is used to + compress the notifications into a single event. The timer + waits for time before delivering + the event notification. If any further + change notifications arrive while the timer is waiting it + is reset and waits again for to + elapse. + + + + + + The default amount of time to wait after receiving notification + before reloading the config file. + + + + + Holds the FileInfo used to configure the XmlConfigurator + + + + + Holds the repository being configured. + + + + + The timer used to compress the notification events. + + + + + Watches file for changes. This object should be disposed when no longer + needed to free system handles on the watched resources. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class to + watch a specified config file used to configure a repository. + + The repository to configure. + The configuration file to watch. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Called by the timer when the configuration has been updated. + + null + + + + Release the handles held by the watcher and timer. + + + + + The implementation of the interface suitable + for use with the compact framework + + + + This implementation is a simple + mapping between repository name and + object. + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not support retrieving assembly + level attributes therefore unlike the DefaultRepositorySelector + this selector does not examine the calling assembly for attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Interface used by the to select the . + + + + The uses a + to specify the policy for selecting the correct + to return to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to use to lookup to the + The for the assembly. + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. The results of this method must be repeatable, i.e. + when called again with the same arguments the result must be the + save value. + + + + + + Gets the named . + + The name to use to lookup to the . + The named + + Lookup a named . This is the repository created by + calling . + + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + The assembly to use to create the domain to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the domain + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. + + + + + + Creates a new repository with the name specified. + + The name to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the name + specified such that a call to with the + same name will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + An array of the instances created by + this . + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Create a new repository selector + + the type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new compact repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + throw if is null + throw if does not implement + + + + Get the for the specified assembly + + not used + The default + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Get the named + + the name of the repository to lookup + The named + + + Get the named . The default + repository is log4net-default-repository. Other repositories + must be created using the . + If the named repository does not exist an exception is thrown. + + + throw if is null + throw if the does not exist + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + not used + the type of repository to create, must implement + the repository created + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + If the is null then the + default repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Create a new repository for the repository specified + + the repository to associate with the + the type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is null then the default repository type is used. + the repository created + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + If the named repository already exists an exception will be thrown. + + + If is null then the default + repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + throw if is null + throw if the already exists + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the CompactRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has been created + + The repository that has been created + + + Raises the LoggerRepositoryCreatedEvent + event. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + The default implementation of the interface. + + + + Uses attributes defined on the calling assembly to determine how to + configure the hierarchy for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates a new repository selector. + + The type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + is . + does not implement . + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly use to lookup the . + + + The type of the created and the repository + to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the . + + + The default values are to use the + implementation of the interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically configured using + any attributes defined on + the . + + + The for the assembly + is . + + + + Gets the for the specified repository. + + The repository to use to lookup the . + The for the specified repository. + + + Returns the named repository. If is null + a is thrown. If the repository + does not exist a is thrown. + + + Use to create a repository. + + + is . + does not exist. + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The name to assign to the created repository + Set to true to read and apply the assembly attributes + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the specified repository. + + The repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is then the default repository type is used. + The new repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + is . + already exists. + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Aliases a repository to an existing repository. + + The repository to alias. + The repository that the repository is aliased to. + + + The repository specified will be aliased to the repository when created. + The repository must not already exist. + + + When the repository is created it must utilize the same repository type as + the repository it is aliased to, otherwise the aliasing will fail. + + + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Notifies the registered listeners that the repository has been created. + + The repository that has been created. + + + Raises the event. + + + + + + Gets the repository name and repository type for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that has a . + in/out param to hold the repository name to use for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + in/out param to hold the type of the repository to create for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + is . + + + + Configures the repository using information from the assembly. + + The assembly containing + attributes which define the configuration for the repository. + The repository to configure. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined plugins on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to add the plugins to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined aliases on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to alias to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DefaultRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Defined error codes that can be passed to the method. + + + + Values passed to the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + A general error + + + + + Error while writing output + + + + + Failed to flush file + + + + + Failed to close file + + + + + Unable to open output file + + + + + No layout specified + + + + + Failed to parse address + + + + + An evaluator that triggers on an Exception type + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the type of the Exception + passed to + is equal to a Type in . /// + + + Drew Schaeffer + + + + Test if an triggers an action + + + + Implementations of this interface allow certain appenders to decide + when to perform an appender specific action. + + + The action or behavior triggered is defined by the implementation. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Test if this event triggers the action + + The event to check + true if this event triggers the action, otherwise false + + + Return true if this event triggers the action + + + + + + The type that causes the trigger to fire. + + + + + Causes subclasses of to cause the trigger to fire. + + + + + Default ctor to allow dynamic creation through a configurator. + + + + + Constructs an evaluator and initializes to trigger on + + the type that triggers this evaluator. + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the logging event Exception + Type is . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the Exception Type of the event + passed to + is . + + + + + + The type that triggers this evaluator. + + + + + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + + Appenders may delegate their error handling to an . + + + + Error handling is a particularly tedious to get right because by + definition errors are hard to predict and to reproduce. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + The error code associated with the error. + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + + + See . + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + + + See . + + + + + + Interface for objects that require fixing. + + + + Interface that indicates that the object requires fixing before it + can be taken outside the context of the appender's + method. + + + When objects that implement this interface are stored + in the context properties maps + and + are fixed + (see ) the + method will be called. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a portable instance object that represents the current + state of this object. The portable object can be stored + and logged from any thread with identical results. + + + + + + Interface that all loggers implement + + + + This interface supports logging events and testing if a level + is enabled for logging. + + + These methods will not throw exceptions. Note to implementor, ensure + that the implementation of these methods cannot allow an exception + to be thrown to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + the exception to log, including its stack trace. Pass null to not log an exception. + + + Generates a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Base interface for all wrappers + + + + Base interface for all wrappers. + + + All wrappers must implement this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that in implementing this object. + + + + The object that in implementing this + object. The Logger object may not + be the same object as this object because of logger decorators. + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications + + The which created the repository. + The event args + that holds the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A + event is raised every time a is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Construct instance using specified + + the that has been created + + + Construct instance using specified + + + + + + The that has been created + + + The that has been created + + + + The that has been created + + + + + + Defines the default set of levels recognized by the system. + + + + Each has an associated . + + + Levels have a numeric that defines the relative + ordering between levels. Two Levels with the same + are deemed to be equivalent. + + + The levels that are recognized by log4net are set for each + and each repository can have different levels defined. The levels are stored + in the on the repository. Levels are + looked up by name from the . + + + When logging at level INFO the actual level used is not but + the value of LoggerRepository.LevelMap["INFO"]. The default value for this is + , but this can be changed by reconfiguring the level map. + + + Each level has a in addition to its . The + is the string that is written into the output log. By default + the display name is the same as the level name, but this can be used to alias levels + or to localize the log output. + + + Some of the predefined levels recognized by the system are: + + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + The display name for this level. This may be localized or otherwise different from the name + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Returns the representation of the current + . + + + A representation of the current . + + + + Returns the level . + + + + + + Compares levels. + + The object to compare against. + true if the objects are equal. + + + Compares the levels of instances, and + defers to base class if the target object is not a + instance. + + + + + + Returns a hash code + + A hash code for the current . + + + Returns a hash code suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data + structures like a hash table. + + + Returns the hash code of the level . + + + + + + Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an + indication of their relative values. + + A instance or to compare with this instance. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + This instance is less than . + + + Zero + This instance is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + + This instance is greater than . + -or- + is . + + + + + + + must be an instance of + or ; otherwise, an exception is thrown. + + + is not a . + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have the same value. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is the same as the + value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have different values. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is different from + the value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Compares two specified instances. + + The first to compare. + The second to compare. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + two values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + is less than . + + + Zero + is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + is greater than . + + + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + The level designates a higher level than all the rest. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events + that will presumably lead the application to abort. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Take immediate action, alerts. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Critical condition, critical. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + + + + + The level designates error events that might + still allow the application to continue running. + + + + + The level designates potentially harmful + situations. + + + + + The level designates informational messages + that highlight the progress of the application at the highest level. + + + + + The level designates informational messages that + highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates the lowest level possible. + + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + The name of this level. + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + The value of this level. + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + The display name of this level. + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a LevelCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A LevelCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new LevelCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the LevelCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the LevelCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the LevelCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the LevelCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the LevelCollection. + + The to locate in the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire LevelCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the LevelCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the LevelCollection. + + The to remove from the LevelCollection. + + The specified was not found in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the LevelCollection. + + An for the entire LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another LevelCollection to the current LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current LevelCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current LevelCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the LevelCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + An evaluator that triggers at a threshold level + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The threshold for triggering + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + the threshold to trigger at + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the event level + is equal or higher than the . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + the threshold to trigger at + + + The that will cause this evaluator to trigger + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Mapping between string name and Level object + + + + Mapping between string name and object. + This mapping is held separately for each . + The level name is case insensitive. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Mapping from level name to Level object. The + level name is case insensitive + + + + + Construct the level map + + + + Construct the level map. + + + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + the display name to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + Add a Level to the map + + the Level to add + + + Add a Level to the map + + + + + + Lookup a named level from the map + + the name of the level to lookup is taken from this level. + If the level is not set on the map then this level is added + the level in the map with the name specified + + + Lookup a named level from the map. The name of the level to lookup is taken + from the property of the + argument. + + + If no level with the specified name is found then the + argument is added to the level map + and returned. + + + + + + Lookup a by name + + The name of the Level to lookup + a Level from the map with the name specified + + + Returns the from the + map with the name specified. If the no level is + found then null is returned. + + + + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + all possible levels as a list of Level objects + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + + + + + The internal representation of caller location information. + + + + This class uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + Constructor + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class based on the current thread. + + + + + + Constructor + + The fully qualified class name. + The method name. + The file name. + The line number of the method within the file. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class with the specified data. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LocationInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + Gets the stack frames from the stack trace of the caller making the log request + + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + This class is used by the wrapper managers (e.g. ) + to provide access to the objects. + + + This manager also holds the that is used to + lookup and create repositories. The selector can be set either programmatically using + the property, or by setting the log4net.RepositorySelector + AppSetting in the applications config file to the fully qualified type name of the + selector to use. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + + + Hook the shutdown event + + + + On the full .NET runtime, the static constructor hooks up the + AppDomain.ProcessExit and AppDomain.DomainUnload> events. + These are used to shutdown the log4net system as the application exits. + + + + + + Register for ProcessExit and DomainUnload events on the AppDomain + + + + This needs to be in a separate method because the events make + a LinkDemand for the ControlAppDomain SecurityPermission. Because + this is a LinkDemand it is demanded at JIT time. Therefore we cannot + catch the exception in the method itself, we have to catch it in the + caller. + + + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + Returns the default instance. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified assembly's repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified assembly's repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + The repository to lookup in. + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + the assembly to use to lookup the repository + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The repository to shutdown. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + An array of all the known objects. + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + + + + Internal method to get pertinent version info. + + A string of version info. + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerManager class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initialize the default repository selector + + + + + Gets or sets the repository selector used by the . + + + The repository selector used by the . + + + + The repository selector () is used by + the to create and select repositories + (). + + + The caller to supplies either a string name + or an assembly (if not supplied the assembly is inferred using + ). + + + This context is used by the selector to lookup a specific repository. + + + For the full .NET Framework, the default repository is DefaultRepositorySelector; + for the .NET Compact Framework CompactRepositorySelector is the default + repository. + + + + + + Implementation of the interface. + + + + This class should be used as the base for all wrapper implementations. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + The logger that this object is wrapping + + + + + Gets the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that this object is implementing. + + + + The Logger object may not be the same object as this object + because of logger decorators. + + + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The logger name. + + + + The logger name. + + + + + + Level of logging event. + + + + Level of logging event. Level cannot be Serializable + because it is a flyweight. Due to its special serialization it + cannot be declared final either. + + + + + + The application supplied message. + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + + The name of thread + + + + The name of thread in which this logging event was generated + + + + + + The time the event was logged + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + + + String representation of the user + + + + String representation of the user's windows name, + like DOMAIN\username + + + + + + String representation of the identity. + + + + String representation of the current thread's principal identity. + + + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Fix the MDC + + + + + Fix the NDC + + + + + Fix the rendered message + + + + + Fix the thread name + + + + + Fix the callers location information + + + CAUTION: Very slow to generate + + + + + Fix the callers windows user name + + + CAUTION: Slow to generate + + + + + Fix the domain friendly name + + + + + Fix the callers principal name + + + CAUTION: May be slow to generate + + + + + Fix the exception text + + + + + Fix the event properties. Active properties must implement in order to be eligible for fixing. + + + + + No fields fixed + + + + + All fields fixed + + + + + Partial fields fixed + + + + This set of partial fields gives good performance. The following fields are fixed: + + + + + + + + + + + + + The internal representation of logging events. + + + + When an affirmative decision is made to log then a + instance is created. This instance + is passed around to the different log4net components. + + + This class is of concern to those wishing to extend log4net. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + The key into the Properties map for the host name value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the thread identity value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the user name value. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + from the supplied parameters. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + The name of the logger of this event. + The level of this event. + The message of this event. + The exception for this event. + + + Except , and , + all fields of LoggingEvent are filled when actually needed. Call + to cache all data locally + to prevent inconsistencies. + + This method is called by the log4net framework + to create a logging event. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + The fields in the struct that have already been fixed. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + The parameter should be used to specify which fields in the + struct have been preset. Fields not specified in the + will be captured from the environment if requested or fixed. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Ensure that the repository is set. + + the value for the repository + + + + Write the rendered message to a TextWriter + + the writer to write the message to + + + Unlike the property this method + does store the message data in the internal cache. Therefore + if called only once this method should be faster than the + property, however if the message is + to be accessed multiple times then the property will be more efficient. + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + The data in this event must be fixed before it can be serialized. + + + The method must be called during the + method call if this event + is to be used outside that method. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + Does a fix of the data + in the logging event before returning the event data. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The set of data to ensure is fixed in the LoggingEventData + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + + + + Fix instance fields that hold volatile data. + + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Calling is equivalent to + calling passing the parameter + false. + + + See for more + information. + + + + + + Fixes instance fields that hold volatile data. + + Set to true to not fix data that takes a long time to fix. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + The param controls the data that + is fixed. Some of the data that can be fixed takes a long time to + generate, therefore if you do not require those settings to be fixed + they can be ignored by setting the param + to true. This setting will ignore the + and settings. + + + Set to false to ensure that all + settings are fixed. + + + + + + Fix the fields specified by the parameter + + the fields to fix + + + Only fields specified in the will be fixed. + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Lookup a composite property in this event + + the key for the property to lookup + the value for the property + + + This event has composite properties that combine together properties from + several different contexts in the following order: + + + this events properties + + This event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + + Get all the composite properties in this event + + the containing all the properties + + + See for details of the composite properties + stored by the event. + + + This method returns a single containing all the + properties defined for this event. + + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The fully qualified Type of the calling + logger class in the stack frame (i.e. the declaring type of the method). + + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + The exception that was thrown. + + + This is not serialized. The string representation + is serialized instead. + + + + + The repository that generated the logging event + + + This is not serialized. + + + + + The fix state for this event + + + These flags indicate which fields have been fixed. + Not serialized. + + + + + Indicated that the internal cache is updateable (ie not fixed) + + + This is a seperate flag to m_fixFlags as it allows incrementel fixing and simpler + changes in the caching strategy. + + + + + Gets the time when the current process started. + + + This is the time when this process started. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + Tries to get the start time for the current process. + Failing that it returns the time of the first call to + this property. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating and therefore + without the process start time being reset. + + + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + The of the logging event. + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + + + + Gets the time of the logging event. + + + The time of the logging event. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + The name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + + + Gets the location information for this logging event. + + + The location information for this logging event. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + See the class for more information on + supported frameworks and the different behavior in Debug and + Release builds. + + + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + + + The message object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid message object. + If the event is serialized the message object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the message the + property must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined message object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + + + The exception object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid exception object. + If the event is serialized the exception object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the exception the + method must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined exception object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + + + Gets the message, rendered through the . + + + The message rendered through the . + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current thread. + + + The name of the current thread, or the thread ID when + the name is not available. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current user. + + + The name of the current user, or NOT AVAILABLE when the + underlying runtime has no support for retrieving the name of the + current user. + + + + Calls WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name to get the name of + the current windows user. + + + To improve performance, we could cache the string representation of + the name, and reuse that as long as the identity stayed constant. + Once the identity changed, we would need to re-assign and re-render + the string. + + + However, the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() call seems to + return different objects every time, so the current implementation + doesn't do this type of caching. + + + Timing for these operations: + + + + Method + Results + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() + 10000 loops, 00:00:00.2031250 seconds + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + 10000 loops, 00:00:08.0468750 seconds + + + + This means we could speed things up almost 40 times by caching the + value of the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name property, since + this takes (8.04-0.20) = 7.84375 seconds. + + + + + + Gets the identity of the current thread principal. + + + The string name of the identity of the current thread principal. + + + + Calls System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name to get + the name of the current thread principal. + + + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + The AppDomain friendly name. + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + This property is for events that have been added directly to + this event. The aggregate properties (which include these + event properties) can be retrieved using + and . + + + Once the properties have been fixed this property + returns the combined cached properties. This ensures that updates to + this property are always reflected in the underlying storage. When + returning the combined properties there may be more keys in the + Dictionary than expected. + + + + + + The fixed fields in this event + + + The set of fields that are fixed in this event + + + + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Implementation of wrapper interface. + + + + This implementation of the interface + forwards to the held by the base class. + + + This logger has methods to allow the caller to log at the following + levels: + + + + DEBUG + + The and methods log messages + at the DEBUG level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + INFO + + The and methods log messages + at the INFO level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + WARN + + The and methods log messages + at the WARN level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + ERROR + + The and methods log messages + at the ERROR level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + FATAL + + The and methods log messages + at the FATAL level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + + The values for these levels and their semantic meanings can be changed by + configuring the for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The ILog interface is use by application to log messages into + the log4net framework. + + + + Use the to obtain logger instances + that implement this interface. The + static method is used to get logger instances. + + + This class contains methods for logging at different levels and also + has properties for determining if those logging levels are + enabled in the current configuration. + + + This interface can be implemented in different ways. This documentation + specifies reasonable behavior that a caller can expect from the actual + implementation, however different implementations reserve the right to + do things differently. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + For some ILog interface log, when you write: + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, string construction and concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed (who isn't), then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in and once in + the . This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. This is the preferred style of logging. + + Alternatively if your logger is available statically then the is debug + enabled state can be stored in a static variable like this: + + + private static readonly bool isDebugEnabled = log.IsDebugEnabled; + + + Then when you come to log you can write: + + + if (isDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way the debug enabled state is only queried once + when the class is loaded. Using a private static readonly + variable is the most efficient because it is a run time constant + and can be heavily optimized by the JIT compiler. + + + Of course if you use a static readonly variable to + hold the enabled state of the logger then you cannot + change the enabled state at runtime to vary the logging + that is produced. You have to decide if you need absolute + speed or runtime flexibility. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + the repository holding the levels + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + DEBUG level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + INFO level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level. + + the message object to log + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + WARN level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + ERROR level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + FATAL level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Event handler for the event + + the repository + Empty + + + + The fully qualified name of this declaring type not the type of any subclass. + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the DEBUG + level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for DEBUG events, + false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + + For some log Logger object, when you write: + + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed, then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled()) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in IsDebugEnabled and once in + the Debug. This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the INFO level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for INFO events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the WARN level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for WARN events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the ERROR level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for ERROR events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the FATAL level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for FATAL events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + provides method information without actually referencing a System.Reflection.MethodBase + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + constructs a method item for an unknown method. + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method. + + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method and its parameters. + + + + + + + constructs a method item from a method base by determining the method name and its parameters. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + The method parameters of the caller making + the logging request + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + for example with operating system services. This can be used to impersonate + a principal that has been granted privileges on the system resources. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + An instance that will + revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext, or null + + + Impersonate this security context. Further calls on the current + thread should now be made in the security context provided + by this object. When the result + method is called the security + context of the thread should be reverted to the state it was in + before was called. + + + + + + The providers default instances. + + + + A configured component that interacts with potentially protected system + resources uses a to provide the elevated + privileges required. If the object has + been not been explicitly provided to the component then the component + will request one from this . + + + By default the is + an instance of which returns only + objects. This is a reasonable default + where the privileges required are not know by the system. + + + This default behavior can be overridden by subclassing the + and overriding the method to return + the desired objects. The default provider + can be replaced by programmatically setting the value of the + property. + + + An alternative is to use the log4net.Config.SecurityContextProviderAttribute + This attribute can be applied to an assembly in the same way as the + log4net.Config.XmlConfiguratorAttribute". The attribute takes + the type to use as the as an argument. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The default provider + + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + + + Create a SecurityContext for a consumer + + The consumer requesting the SecurityContext + An impersonation context + + + The default implementation is to return a . + + + Subclasses should override this method to provide their own + behavior. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default SecurityContextProvider + + + The default SecurityContextProvider + + + + The default provider is used by configured components that + require a and have not had one + given to them. + + + By default this is an instance of + that returns objects. + + + The default provider can be set programmatically by setting + the value of this property to a sub class of + that has the desired behavior. + + + + + + provides stack frame information without actually referencing a System.Diagnostics.StackFrame + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + returns a stack frame item from a stack frame. This + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + An evaluator that triggers after specified number of seconds. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + Robert Sevcik + + + + The default time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time of last check. This gets updated when the object is created and when the evaluator triggers. + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the specified time period + has passed since last check.. + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. This delegate + is called from the + method to construct the wrapper for the specified logger. + + + The delegate to use is supplied to the + constructor. + + + + + + Maps between logger objects and wrapper objects. + + + + This class maintains a mapping between objects and + objects. Use the method to + lookup the for the specified . + + + New wrapper instances are created by the + method. The default behavior is for this method to delegate construction + of the wrapper to the delegate supplied + to the constructor. This allows specialization of the behavior without + requiring subclassing of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + + The handler to use to create the wrapper objects. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified handler to create the wrapper objects. + + + + + + Gets the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The wrapper object for the specified logger + + + If the logger is null then the corresponding wrapper is null. + + + Looks up the wrapper it it has previously been requested and + returns it. If the wrapper has never been requested before then + the virtual method is + called. + + + + + + Creates the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + The wrapper object for the logger. + + + This implementation uses the + passed to the constructor to create the wrapper. This method + can be overridden in a subclass. + + + + + + Called when a monitored repository shutdown event is received. + + The that is shutting down + + + This method is called when a that this + is holding loggers for has signaled its shutdown + event . The default + behavior of this method is to release the references to the loggers + and their wrappers generated for this repository. + + + + + + Event handler for repository shutdown event. + + The sender of the event. + The event args. + + + + Map of logger repositories to hashtables of ILogger to ILoggerWrapper mappings + + + + + The handler to use to create the extension wrapper objects. + + + + + Internal reference to the delegate used to register for repository shutdown events. + + + + + Gets the map of logger repositories. + + + Map of logger repositories. + + + + Gets the hashtable that is keyed on . The + values are hashtables keyed on with the + value being the corresponding . + + + + + + Formats a as "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats a in the format "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render a as a string. + + + + Interface to abstract the rendering of a + instance into a string. + + + The method is used to render the + date to a text writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats the specified date as a string. + + The date to format. + The writer to write to. + + + Format the as a string and write it + to the provided. + + + + + + String constant used to specify AbsoluteTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is ABSOLUTE. + + + + + String constant used to specify DateTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is DATE. + + + + + String constant used to specify ISO8601DateFormat in layouts. Current value is ISO8601. + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss". + + The date to render into a string. + The string builder to write to. + + + Subclasses should override this method to render the date + into a string using a precision up to the second. This method + will be called at most once per second and the result will be + reused if it is needed again during the same second. + + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + The date to render into a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the method to generate the + time string up to the seconds and then appends the current + milliseconds. The results from are + cached and is called at most once + per second. + + + Sub classes should override + rather than . + + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Formats a as "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" + + + + Formats a in the format + "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, + "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Angelika Schnagl + + + + Default constructor. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats a DateTime in the format "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" + for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + The format info for the invariant culture. + + + + + Formats the as "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats the specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats the date specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The format string. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified format string. + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + Formats the date using . + + The date to convert to a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the date format string supplied to the constructor to call + the method to format the date. + + + + + + The format string used to format the . + + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + This filter drops all . + + + + You can add this filter to the end of a filter chain to + switch from the default "accept all unless instructed otherwise" + filtering behavior to a "deny all unless instructed otherwise" + behavior. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Subclass this type to implement customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should extend this class to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface to provide customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should implement this interface to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Decide if the logging event should be logged through an appender. + + The LoggingEvent to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Points to the next filter in the filter chain. + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Initialize the filter with the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Typically filter's options become active immediately on set, + however this method must still be called. + + + + + + Decide if the should be logged through an appender. + + The to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + This method is marked abstract and must be implemented + in a subclass. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Always returns the integer constant + + the LoggingEvent to filter + Always returns + + + Ignores the event being logged and just returns + . This can be used to change the default filter + chain behavior from to . This filter + should only be used as the last filter in the chain + as any further filters will be ignored! + + + + + + The return result from + + + + The return result from + + + + + + The log event must be dropped immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This filter is neutral with respect to the log event. + The remaining filters, if any, should be consulted for a final decision. + + + + + The log event must be logged immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This is a very simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits two options and + . If there is an exact match between the value + of the option and the of the + , then the method returns in + case the option value is set + to true, if it is false then + is returned. If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + flag to indicate if the filter should on a match + + + + + the to match against + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Tests if the of the logging event matches that of the filter + + the event to filter + see remarks + + + If the of the event matches the level of the + filter then the result of the function depends on the + value of . If it is true then + the function will return , it it is false then it + will return . If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + The level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + This is a simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits three options and + that determine the range of priorities that are matched, and + . If there is a match between the range + of priorities and the of the , then the + method returns in case the + option value is set to true, if it is false + then is returned. If there is no match, is returned. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when matching a + + + + + the minimum value to match + + + + + the maximum value to match + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if the event should be logged. + + the logging event to check + see remarks + + + If the of the logging event is outside the range + matched by this filter then + is returned. If the is matched then the value of + is checked. If it is true then + is returned, otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching and + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Set the minimum matched + + + + The minimum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Sets the maximum matched + + + + The maximum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the event's logger name. + + + + The works very similar to the . It admits two + options and . If the + of the starts + with the value of the option, then the + method returns in + case the option value is set to true, + if it is false then is returned. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The logger name string to substring match against the event + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the equals the beginning of + the incoming () + then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + This filter will attempt to match this value against logger name in + the following way. The match will be done against the beginning of the + logger name (using ). The match is + case sensitive. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with layered properties the + should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Simple filter to match a string an event property + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the value for a + specific event property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The string to substring match against the message + + + + + A string regex to match + + + + + A regex object to match (generated from m_stringRegexToMatch) + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Initialize and precompile the Regex if required + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the message then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching or + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Sets the static string to match + + + + The string that will be substring matched against + the rendered message. If the message contains this + string then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + Sets the regular expression to match + + + + The regular expression pattern that will be matched against + the rendered message. If the message matches this + pattern then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + The key to use to lookup the string from the event properties + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The event property for the is matched against + the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the property value then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + The key to lookup in the event properties and then match against. + + + + The key name to use to lookup in the properties map of the + . The match will be performed against + the value of this property if it exists. + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with named stacks stored in the + properties collections the should + be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Sets the to "NDC". + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Protected constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Evaluate this pattern converter and write the output to a writer. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the appropriate way. + + + + + + Set the next pattern converter in the chains + + the pattern converter that should follow this converter in the chain + the next converter + + + The PatternConverter can merge with its neighbor during this method (or a sub class). + Therefore the return value may or may not be the value of the argument passed in. + + + + + + Write the pattern converter to the writer with appropriate formatting + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + This method calls to allow the subclass to perform + appropriate conversion of the pattern converter. If formatting options have + been specified via the then this method will + apply those formattings before writing the output. + + + + + + Fast space padding method. + + to which the spaces will be appended. + The number of spaces to be padded. + + + Fast space padding method. + + + + + + The option string to the converter + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an object to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the Object to a writer. If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the object to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + The formatting info for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + The option for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles exceptions + + + false if this converter handles exceptions + + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles the logging event exception + + false if this converter handles the logging event exception + + + If this converter handles the exception object contained within + , then this property should be set to + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the property should be set to true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this converter does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output . + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Abstract class that provides access to the current HttpContext () that + derived classes need. + + + This class handles the case when HttpContext.Current is null by writing + to the writer. + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. If no property has been set, all key value pairs from the Cache will + be written to the output. + + + + + + Converter for items in the . + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net HttpContext item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. If no property has been set, all key value pairs from the Session will + be written to the output. + + + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + + Render the to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,yyyy" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter pattern based on the property. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert the pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception or the exception property specified + by the Option value does not exist then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Recognized values for the Option parameter are: + + + + Message + + + Source + + + StackTrace + + + TargetSite + + + HelpLink + + + + + + + Writes the caller location file name to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location file name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + + + Writes the value of the to + the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the + to + the output . + + + + + + Write the event level to the output + + + + Writes the display name of the event + to the writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event level to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the of the + to the . + + + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Converter for logger name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Converter to output and truncate '.' separated strings + + + + This abstract class supports truncating a '.' separated string + to show a specified number of elements from the right hand side. + This is used to truncate class names that are fully qualified. + + + Subclasses should override the method to + return the fully qualified string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Get the fully qualified string data + + the event being logged + the fully qualified name + + + Overridden by subclasses to get the fully qualified name before the + precision is applied to it. + + + Return the fully qualified '.' (dot/period) separated string. + + + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + Render the to the precision + specified by the property. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the NamedPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the logger + + the event being logged + The fully qualified logger name + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + + + + Write the method name to the output + + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the method name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + + + + Converter to include event NDC + + + + Outputs the value of the event property named NDC. + + + The should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event NDC to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + As the thread context stacks are now stored in named event properties + this converter simply looks up the value of the NDC property. + + + The should be used instead. + + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + Converter to output the relative time of the event + + + + Converter to output the time of the event relative to the start of the program. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the relative time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the relative time of the event in milliseconds. + That is the number of milliseconds between the event + and the . + + + + + + Helper method to get the time difference between two DateTime objects + + start time (in the current local time zone) + end time (in the current local time zone) + the time difference in milliseconds + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + Adam Davies + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + Michael Cromwell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the strack frames to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Returns the Name of the method + + + This method was created, so this class could be used as a base class for StackTraceDetailPatternConverter + string + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTracePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTraceDetailPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Converter to include event thread name + + + + Writes the to the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the ThreadName to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the . + + + + + + Pattern converter for the class name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the class + + the event being logged + The fully qualified type name for the caller location + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Converter to include event user name + + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + Uses a to format the + in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone, this is converted + to Universal time before it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string that re-evaluates on each call. + + + This class is built on and provides all the + features and capabilities of PatternLayout. PatternLayout is a 'static' class + in that its layout is done once at configuration time. This class will recreate + the layout on each reference. + One important difference between PatternLayout and DynamicPatternLayout is the + treatment of the Header and Footer parameters in the configuration. The Header and Footer + parameters for DynamicPatternLayout must be syntactically in the form of a PatternString, + but should not be marked as type log4net.Util.PatternString. Doing so causes the + pattern to be statically converted at configuration time and causes DynamicPatternLayout + to perform the same as PatternLayout. + Please see for complete documentation. + + <layout type="log4net.Layout.DynamicPatternLayout"> + <param name="Header" value="%newline**** Trace Opened Local: %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} UTC: %utcdate{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + <param name="Footer" value="**** Trace Closed %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + </layout> + + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string. + + + + The goal of this class is to a + as a string. The results + depend on the conversion pattern. + + + The conversion pattern is closely related to the conversion + pattern of the printf function in C. A conversion pattern is + composed of literal text and format control expressions called + conversion specifiers. + + + You are free to insert any literal text within the conversion + pattern. + + + Each conversion specifier starts with a percent sign (%) and is + followed by optional format modifiers and a conversion + pattern name. The conversion pattern name specifies the type of + data, e.g. logger, level, date, thread name. The format + modifiers control such things as field width, padding, left and + right justification. The following is a simple example. + + + Let the conversion pattern be "%-5level [%thread]: %message%newline" and assume + that the log4net environment was set to use a PatternLayout. Then the + statements + + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TestApp)); + log.Debug("Message 1"); + log.Warn("Message 2"); + + would yield the output + + DEBUG [main]: Message 1 + WARN [main]: Message 2 + + + Note that there is no explicit separator between text and + conversion specifiers. The pattern parser knows when it has reached + the end of a conversion specifier when it reads a conversion + character. In the example above the conversion specifier + %-5level means the level of the logging event should be left + justified to a width of five characters. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + a + Equivalent to appdomain + + + appdomain + + Used to output the friendly name of the AppDomain where the + logging event was generated. + + + + aspnet-cache + + + Used to output all cache items in the case of %aspnet-cache or just one named item if used as %aspnet-cache{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-context + + + Used to output all context items in the case of %aspnet-context or just one named item if used as %aspnet-context{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-request + + + Used to output all request parameters in the case of %aspnet-request or just one named param if used as %aspnet-request{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-session + + + Used to output all session items in the case of %aspnet-session or just one named item if used as %aspnet-session{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + c + Equivalent to logger + + + C + Equivalent to type + + + class + Equivalent to type + + + d + Equivalent to date + + + date + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + exception + + + Used to output the exception passed in with the log message. + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + + + F + Equivalent to file + + + file + + + Used to output the file name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + WARNING Generating caller information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + l + Equivalent to location + + + L + Equivalent to line + + + location + + + Used to output location information of the caller which generated + the logging event. + + + The location information depends on the CLI implementation but + usually consists of the fully qualified name of the calling + method followed by the callers source the file name and line + number between parentheses. + + + The location information can be very useful. However, its + generation is extremely slow. Its use should be avoided + unless execution speed is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + level + + + Used to output the level of the logging event. + + + + + line + + + Used to output the line number from where the logging request + was issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + logger + + + Used to output the logger of the logging event. The + logger conversion specifier can be optionally followed by + precision specifier, that is a decimal constant in + brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the logger name will be + printed. By default the logger name is printed in full. + + + For example, for the logger name "a.b.c" the pattern + %logger{2} will output "b.c". + + + + + m + Equivalent to message + + + M + Equivalent to method + + + message + + + Used to output the application supplied message associated with + the logging event. + + + + + mdc + + + The MDC (old name for the ThreadContext.Properties) is now part of the + combined event properties. This pattern is supported for compatibility + but is equivalent to property. + + + + + method + + + Used to output the method name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + n + Equivalent to newline + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + ndc + + + Used to output the NDC (nested diagnostic context) associated + with the thread that generated the logging event. + + + + + p + Equivalent to level + + + P + Equivalent to property + + + properties + Equivalent to property + + + property + + + Used to output the an event specific property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are added to events by loggers or appenders. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the event properties + + The event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + r + Equivalent to timestamp + + + stacktrace + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktrace{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + stacktracedetail + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktracedetail{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + t + Equivalent to thread + + + timestamp + + + Used to output the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start + of the application until the creation of the logging event. + + + + + thread + + + Used to output the name of the thread that generated the + logging event. Uses the thread number if no name is available. + + + + + type + + + Used to output the fully qualified type name of the caller + issuing the logging request. This conversion specifier + can be optionally followed by precision specifier, that + is a decimal constant in brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the class name will be + printed. By default the class name is output in fully qualified form. + + + For example, for the class name "log4net.Layout.PatternLayout", the + pattern %type{1} will output "PatternLayout". + + + WARNING Generating the caller class information is + slow. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is + not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + u + Equivalent to identity + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + WARNING Generating caller WindowsIdentity information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + w + Equivalent to username + + + x + Equivalent to ndc + + + X + Equivalent to mdc + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + The single letter patterns are deprecated in favor of the + longer more descriptive pattern names. + + + By default the relevant information is output as is. However, + with the aid of format modifiers it is possible to change the + minimum field width, the maximum field width and justification. + + + The optional format modifier is placed between the percent sign + and the conversion pattern name. + + + The first optional format modifier is the left justification + flag which is just the minus (-) character. Then comes the + optional minimum field width modifier. This is a decimal + constant that represents the minimum number of characters to + output. If the data item requires fewer characters, it is padded on + either the left or the right until the minimum width is + reached. The default is to pad on the left (right justify) but you + can specify right padding with the left justification flag. The + padding character is space. If the data item is larger than the + minimum field width, the field is expanded to accommodate the + data. The value is never truncated. + + + This behavior can be changed using the maximum field + width modifier which is designated by a period followed by a + decimal constant. If the data item is longer than the maximum + field, then the extra characters are removed from the + beginning of the data item and not from the end. For + example, it the maximum field width is eight and the data item is + ten characters long, then the first two characters of the data item + are dropped. This behavior deviates from the printf function in C + where truncation is done from the end. + + + Below are various format modifier examples for the logger + conversion specifier. + +
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Format modifierleft justifyminimum widthmaximum widthcomment
    %20loggerfalse20none + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is less than 20 + characters long. + +
    %-20loggertrue20none + + Right pad with spaces if the logger + name is less than 20 characters long. + +
    %.30loggerNAnone30 + + Truncate from the beginning if the logger + name is longer than 30 characters. + +
    %20.30loggerfalse2030 + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
    %-20.30loggertrue2030 + + Right pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
    + + Note about caller location information.
    + The following patterns %type %file %line %method %location %class %C %F %L %l %M + all generate caller location information. + Location information uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. +
    + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using the method. + +
    + + This is a more detailed pattern. + %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline + + + A similar pattern except that the relative time is + right padded if less than 6 digits, thread name is right padded if + less than 15 characters and truncated if longer and the logger + name is left padded if shorter than 30 characters and truncated if + longer. + %-6timestamp [%15.15thread] %-5level %30.30logger %ndc - %message%newline + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino +
    + + + Extend this abstract class to create your own log layout format. + + + + This is the base implementation of the + interface. Most layout objects should extend this class. + + + + + + Subclasses must implement the + method. + + + Subclasses should set the in their default + constructor. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by layout objects + + + + An object is used to format a + as text. The method is called by an + appender to transform the into a string. + + + The layout can also supply and + text that is appender before any events and after all the events respectively. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text and output to a writer. + + + If the caller does not have a and prefers the + event to be formatted as a then the following + code can be used to format the event into a . + + + StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); + Layout.Format(writer, loggingEvent); + string formattedEvent = writer.ToString(); + + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This is a MIME type e.g. "text/plain". + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handle exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + + + + The header text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The footer text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This method must be implemented by the subclass. + + + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text. + + + + + + Convenience method for easily formatting the logging event into a string variable. + + + + Creates a new StringWriter instance to store the formatted logging event. + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type is "text/plain" + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This base class uses the value "text/plain". + To change this value a subclass must override this + property. + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this layout does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + Currently set to the string "%message%newline" + which just prints the application supplied message. + + + + + + A detailed conversion pattern + + + + A conversion pattern which includes Time, Thread, Logger, and Nested Context. + Current value is %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline. + + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + This static map is overridden by the m_converterRegistry instance map + + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternLayout only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + Defines the builtin global rules. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + As per the contract the + method must be called after the properties on this object have been + configured. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + When using this constructor the method + need not be called. This may not be the case when using a subclass. + + + + + + Create the pattern parser instance + + the pattern to parse + The that will format the event + + + Creates the used to parse the conversion string. Sets the + global and instance rules on the . + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Parse the using the patter format + specified in the property. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a named pattern converter to this instance. This + converter will be used in the formatting of the event. + This method must be called before . + + + The specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + The header PatternString + + + + + The footer PatternString + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event. + + + This Layout should only be used with appenders that utilize multiple + layouts (e.g. ). + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Constructs a ExceptionLayout + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + Part of the component activation + framework. + + + This method does nothing as options become effective immediately. + + + + + + Gets the exception text from the logging event + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + the event being logged + + + Write the exception string to the . + The exception string is retrieved from . + + + + + + Interface for raw layout objects + + + + Interface used to format a + to an object. + + + This interface should not be confused with the + interface. This interface is used in + only certain specialized situations where a raw object is + required rather than a formatted string. The + is not generally useful than this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + + + + + Adapts any to a + + + + Where an is required this adapter + allows a to be specified. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The layout to adapt + + + + + Construct a new adapter + + the layout to adapt + + + Create the adapter for the specified . + + + + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + + Uses the object supplied to + the constructor to perform the formatting. + + + + + + Type converter for the interface + + + + Used to convert objects to the interface. + Supports converting from the interface to + the interface using the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from arbitrary types + to a single target type. See . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the can be converted to the + type supported by this converter. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Converts the to the type supported + by this converter. + + + + + + Can the sourceType be converted to an + + the source to be to be converted + true if the source type can be converted to + + + Test if the can be converted to a + . Only is supported + as the . + + + + + + Convert the value to a object + + the value to convert + the object + + + Convert the object to a + object. If the object + is a then the + is used to adapt between the two interfaces, otherwise an + exception is thrown. + + + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructs a RawPropertyLayout + + + + + Lookup the property for + + The event to format + returns property value + + + Looks up and returns the object value of the property + named . If there is no property defined + with than name then null will be returned. + + + + + + The name of the value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection. + + + Value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection + + + + String name of the property to lookup in the . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in local time. To format the time stamp + in universal time use . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawUtcTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in universal time. To format the time stamp + in local time use . + + + + + + A very simple layout + + + + SimpleLayout consists of the level of the log statement, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. For example, + + DEBUG - Hello world + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a SimpleLayout + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a simple formatted output. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Formats the event as the level of the even, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. The + output is terminated by a newline. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + The output of the consists of a series of + log4net:event elements. It does not output a complete well-formed XML + file. The output is designed to be included as an external entity + in a separate file to form a correct XML file. + + + For example, if abc is the name of the file where + the output goes, then a well-formed XML file would + be: + + + <?xml version="1.0" ?> + + <!DOCTYPE log4net:events SYSTEM "log4net-events.dtd" [<!ENTITY data SYSTEM "abc">]> + + <log4net:events version="1.2" xmlns:log4net="> + &data; + </log4net:events> + + + This approach enforces the independence of the + and the appender where it is embedded. + + + The version attribute helps components to correctly + interpret output generated by . The value of + this attribute should be "1.2" for release 1.2 and later. + + + Alternatively the Header and Footer properties can be + configured to output the correct XML header, open tag and close tag. + When setting the Header and Footer properties it is essential + that the underlying data store not be appendable otherwise the data + will become invalid XML. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + This is an abstract class that must be subclassed by an implementation + to conform to a specific schema. + + + Deriving classes must implement the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with no location info. + + + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + The parameter determines whether + location information will be output by the layout. If + is set to true, then the + file name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string. + + The event being logged. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the and write it to the . + + + This method creates an that writes to the + . The is passed + to the method. Subclasses should override the + method rather than this method. + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Subclasses should override this method to format + the as XML. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if location information should be included in + the XML events. + + + + + The string to replace invalid chars with + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether to include location information in + the XML events. + + + true if location information should be included in the XML + events; otherwise, false. + + + + If is set to true, then the file + name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + The string to replace characters that can not be expressed in XML with. + + + Not all characters may be expressed in XML. This property contains the + string to replace those that can not with. This defaults to a ?. Set it + to the empty string to simply remove offending characters. For more + details on the allowed character ranges see + Character replacement will occur in the log message, the property names + and the property values. + + + + + + + Gets the content type output by this layout. + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SmtpAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Builds a cache of the element names + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Override the base class method + to write the to the . + + + + + + The prefix to use for all generated element names + + + + + The prefix to use for all element names + + + + The default prefix is log4net. Set this property + to change the prefix. If the prefix is set to an empty string + then no prefix will be written. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the message. + + + + By default the log message will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when the message contains binary + data. By setting this to true the contents of the message will be + base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the log message. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the property values. + + + + By default the properties will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when one or more properties contain + binary data. By setting this to true the values of the properties + will be base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the property values. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements compatible with the log4j schema + + + + Formats the log events according to the schema. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Actually do the writing of the xml + + the writer to use + the event to write + + + Generate XML that is compatible with the log4j schema. + + + + + + The version of the log4j schema to use. + + + + Only version 1.2 of the log4j schema is supported. + + + + + + The default object Renderer. + + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects and collections to strings. + + + See the method for details of the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface in order to render objects as strings + + + + Certain types require special case conversion to + string form. This conversion is done by an object renderer. + Object renderers implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a + string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects to strings as follows: + + + + Value + Rendered String + + + null + + "(null)" + + + + + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + , & + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: {a, b, c}. + + + All collection classes that implement its subclasses, + or generic equivalents all implement the interface. + + + + + + + + Rendered as the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). + + + For example: key=value. + + + + + other + + Object.ToString() + + + + + + + + Render the array argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the array to render + The writer to render to + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + + Render the enumerator argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the enumerator to render + The writer to render to + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + {a, b, c}. + + + + + + Render the DictionaryEntry argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the DictionaryEntry to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). For example: key=value. + + + + + + Map class objects to an . + + + + Maintains a mapping between types that require special + rendering and the that + is used to render them. + + + The method is used to render an + object using the appropriate renderers defined in this map. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + the object rendered as a string + + + This is a convenience method used to render an object to a string. + The alternative method + should be used when streaming output to a . + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + The writer to render to + + + Find the appropriate renderer for the type of the + parameter. This is accomplished by calling the + method. Once a renderer is found, it is + applied on the object and the result is returned + as a . + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type + + the object to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type. + + + Syntactic sugar method that calls + with the type of the object parameter. + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified type + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + Returns the renderer for the specified type. + If no specific renderer has been defined the + will be returned. + + + + + + Internal function to recursively search interfaces + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + + Clear the map of renderers + + + + Clear the custom renderers defined by using + . The + cannot be removed. + + + + + + Register an for . + + the type that will be rendered by + the renderer for + + + Register an object renderer for a specific source type. + This renderer will be returned from a call to + specifying the same as an argument. + + + + + + Get the default renderer instance + + the default renderer + + + Get the default renderer + + + + + + Interface implemented by logger repository plugins. + + + + Plugins define additional behavior that can be associated + with a . + The held by the + property is used to store the plugins for a repository. + + + The log4net.Config.PluginAttribute can be used to + attach plugins to repositories created using configuration + attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches the plugin to the specified . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + Gets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a PluginCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A PluginCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new PluginCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the PluginCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the PluginCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the PluginCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the PluginCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the PluginCollection. + + The to locate in the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire PluginCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the PluginCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the PluginCollection. + + The to remove from the PluginCollection. + + The specified was not found in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the PluginCollection. + + An for the entire PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another PluginCollection to the current PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current PluginCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current PluginCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + + The at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + The number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + The current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + Map of repository plugins. + + + + This class is a name keyed map of the plugins that are + attached to a repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + Initialize a new instance of the class with a + repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + + + + Adds a to the map. + + The to add to the map. + + + The will be attached to the repository when added. + + + If there already exists a plugin with the same name + attached to the repository then the old plugin will + be and replaced with + the new plugin. + + + + + + Removes a from the map. + + The to remove from the map. + + + Remove a specific plugin from this map. + + + + + + Gets a by name. + + The name of the to lookup. + + The from the map with the name specified, or + null if no plugin is found. + + + + Lookup a plugin by name. If the plugin is not found null + will be returned. + + + + + + Gets all possible plugins as a list of objects. + + All possible plugins as a list of objects. + + + Get a collection of all the plugins defined in this map. + + + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the + interface. This base class can be used by implementors + of the interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + the name of the plugin + + Initializes a new Plugin with the specified name. + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + The name of this plugin. + + + + + The repository this plugin is attached to. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + The name of the plugin must not change one the + plugin has been attached to a repository. + + + + + + The repository for this plugin + + + The that this plugin is attached to. + + + + Gets or sets the that this plugin is + attached to. + + + + + + Plugin that listens for events from the + + + + This plugin publishes an instance of + on a specified . This listens for logging events delivered from + a remote . + + + When an event is received it is relogged within the attached repository + as if it had been raised locally. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The property must be set. + + + + + + Construct with sink Uri. + + The name to publish the sink under in the remoting infrastructure. + See for more details. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with specified name. + + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + When the plugin is shutdown the remote logging + sink is disconnected. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RemoteLoggingServerPlugin class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the URI of this sink. + + + The URI of this sink. + + + + This is the name under which the object is marshaled. + + + + + + + Delivers objects to a remote sink. + + + + Internal class used to listen for logging events + and deliver them to the local repository. + + + + + + Constructor + + The repository to log to. + + + Initializes a new instance of the for the + specified . + + + + + + Logs the events to the repository. + + The events to log. + + + The events passed are logged to the + + + + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. + + null to indicate that this instance should live forever. + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. This object should live forever + therefore this implementation returns null. + + + + + + The underlying that events should + be logged to. + + + + + Default implementation of + + + + This default implementation of the + interface is used to create the default subclass + of the object. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface abstracts creation of instances + + + + This interface is used by the to + create new objects. + + + The method is called + to create a named . + + + Implement this interface to create new subclasses of . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default internal subclass of + + + + This subclass has no additional behavior over the + class but does allow instances + to be created. + + + + + + Implementation of used by + + + + Internal class used to provide implementation of + interface. Applications should use to get + logger instances. + + + This is one of the central classes in the log4net implementation. One of the + distinctive features of log4net are hierarchical loggers and their + evaluation. The organizes the + instances into a rooted tree hierarchy. + + + The class is abstract. Only concrete subclasses of + can be created. The + is used to create instances of this type for the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + + + + This constructor created a new instance and + sets its name. + + The name of the . + + + This constructor is protected and designed to be used by + a subclass that is not abstract. + + + Loggers are constructed by + objects. See for the default + logger creator. + + + + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + An appender to add to this logger + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + + If is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Look for the appender named as name + + The name of the appender to lookup + The appender with the name specified, or null. + + + Returns the named appender, or null if the appender is not found. + + + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the named appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Deliver the to the attached appenders. + + The event to log. + + + Call the appenders in the hierarchy starting at + this. If no appenders could be found, emit a + warning. + + + This method calls all the appenders inherited from the + hierarchy circumventing any evaluation of whether to log or not + to log the particular log request. + + + + + + Closes all attached appenders implementing the interface. + + + + Used to ensure that the appenders are correctly shutdown. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method. This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers + + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the . + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generates a logging event and delivers it to the attached + appenders. + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The event being logged. + + + Delivers the logging event to the attached appenders. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Logger class. + + + + + The name of this logger. + + + + + The assigned level of this logger. + + + + The level variable need not be + assigned a value in which case it is inherited + form the hierarchy. + + + + + + The parent of this logger. + + + + The parent of this logger. + All loggers have at least one ancestor which is the root logger. + + + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + The hierarchy that this logger is a member of is stored + here. + + + + + + Helper implementation of the interface + + + + + Flag indicating if child loggers inherit their parents appenders + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Lock to protect AppenderAttachedImpl variable m_appenderAttachedImpl + + + + + Gets or sets the parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + The parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + + Part of the Composite pattern that makes the hierarchy. + The hierarchy is parent linked rather than child linked. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + true if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Gets the effective level for this logger. + + The nearest level in the logger hierarchy. + + + Starting from this logger, searches the logger hierarchy for a + non-null level and returns it. Otherwise, returns the level of the + root logger. + + The Logger class is designed so that this method executes as + quickly as possible. + + + + + Gets or sets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + The hierarchy that this logger belongs to. + + + This logger must be attached to a single . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned , if any, for this Logger. + + + The of this logger. + + + + The assigned can be null. + + + + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . + + A collection of the appenders in this logger + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . If no appenders + can be found, then a is returned. + + + + + + Gets the logger name. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Construct a new Logger + + the name of the logger + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + The in which the has been created. + The event args that hold the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A event is raised every time a + is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Constructor + + The that has been created. + + + Initializes a new instance of the event argument + class,with the specified . + + + + + + Gets the that has been created. + + + The that has been created. + + + + The that has been created. + + + + + + Hierarchical organization of loggers + + + + The casual user should not have to deal with this class + directly. + + + This class is specialized in retrieving loggers by name and + also maintaining the logger hierarchy. Implements the + interface. + + + The structure of the logger hierarchy is maintained by the + method. The hierarchy is such that children + link to their parent but parents do not have any references to their + children. Moreover, loggers can be instantiated in any order, in + particular descendant before ancestor. + + + In case a descendant is created before a particular ancestor, + then it creates a provision node for the ancestor and adds itself + to the provision node. Other descendants of the same ancestor add + themselves to the previously created provision node. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the interface. + + + Skeleton implementation of the interface. + All types can extend this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by logger repositories. + + + + This interface is implemented by logger repositories. e.g. + . + + + This interface is used by the + to obtain interfaces. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + If the names logger exists it is returned, otherwise + null is returned. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + + + + + Returns a named logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Returns a named logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + Shutting down a repository will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The name of the repository + + + + The name of the repository. + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Collection of internal messages captured during the most + recent configuration process. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis. + + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes the repository with default (empty) properties. + + + + + + Construct the repository using specific properties + + the properties to set for this repository + + + Initializes the repository with specified properties. + + + + + + Test if logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository as an Array. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Return a new logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + + Shutdown the repository. Can be overridden in a subclass. + This base class implementation notifies the + listeners and all attached plugins of the shutdown event. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerRepositorySkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + The type that will be rendered by the renderer supplied. + The object renderer used to render the object. + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository is shutting down + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository is shutting down. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration reset + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has been reset. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration changed + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has changed. + + + + + + Raise a configuration changed event on this repository + + EventArgs.Empty + + + Applications that programmatically change the configuration of the repository should + raise this event notification to notify listeners. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The string name of the repository + + + + The name of this repository. The name is + used to store and lookup the repositories + stored by the . + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Contains a list of internal messages captures during the + last configuration. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis + + + + + Basic Configurator interface for repositories + + + + Interface used by basic configurator to configure a + with a default . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appender. + + + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appenders. + + + + + + Configure repository using XML + + + + Interface used by Xml configurator to configure a . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + The schema for the XML configuration data is defined by + the implementation. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with properties + + The properties to pass to this repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with a logger factory + + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Construct with properties and a logger factory + + The properties to pass to this repository. + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Test if a logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the hierarchy. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array. + The root logger is not included in the returned + enumeration. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The Shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their default. + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their + default. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this hierarchy. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are currently configured + + An array containing all the currently configured appenders + + + Returns all the instances that are currently configured. + All the loggers are searched for appenders. The appenders may also be containers + for appenders and these are also searched for additional loggers. + + + The list returned is unordered but does not contain duplicates. + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an . + The appender may also be a container. + + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an container + + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Test if this hierarchy is disabled for the specified . + + The level to check against. + + true if the repository is disabled for the level argument, false otherwise. + + + + If this hierarchy has not been configured then this method will + always return true. + + + This method will return true if this repository is + disabled for level object passed as parameter and + false otherwise. + + + See also the property. + + + + + + Clear all logger definitions from the internal hashtable + + + + This call will clear all logger definitions from the internal + hashtable. Invoking this method will irrevocably mess up the + logger hierarchy. + + + You should really know what you are doing before + invoking this method. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + . + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The factory that will make the new logger instance + The logger object with the name specified + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated by the + parameter and linked with its existing + ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Sends a logger creation event to all registered listeners + + The newly created logger + + Raises the logger creation event. + + + + + Updates all the parents of the specified logger + + The logger to update the parents for + + + This method loops through all the potential parents of + . There 3 possible cases: + + + + No entry for the potential parent of exists + + We create a ProvisionNode for this potential + parent and insert in that provision node. + + + + The entry is of type Logger for the potential parent. + + The entry is 's nearest existing parent. We + update 's parent field with this entry. We also break from + he loop because updating our parent's parent is our parent's + responsibility. + + + + The entry is of type ProvisionNode for this potential parent. + + We add to the list of children for this + potential parent. + + + + + + + + Replace a with a in the hierarchy. + + + + + + We update the links for all the children that placed themselves + in the provision node 'pn'. The second argument 'log' is a + reference for the newly created Logger, parent of all the + children in 'pn'. + + + We loop on all the children 'c' in 'pn'. + + + If the child 'c' has been already linked to a child of + 'log' then there is no need to update 'c'. + + + Otherwise, we set log's parent field to c's parent and set + c's parent field to log. + + + + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + the level values + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + + Supports setting levels via the configuration file. + + + + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument + + the property value + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument. + + + Supports setting property values via the configuration file. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Hierarchy class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event used to notify that a logger has been created. + + + + Event raised when a logger is created. + + + + + + Has no appender warning been emitted + + + + Flag to indicate if we have already issued a warning + about not having an appender warning. + + + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default instance. + + The default + + + The logger factory is used to create logger instances. + + + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Value of the level + + + + If the value is not set (defaults to -1) the value will be looked + up for the current level with the same name. + + + + + + Name of the level + + + The name of the level + + + + The name of the level. + + + + + + Display name for the level + + + The display name of the level + + + + The display name of the level. + + + + + + Used internally to accelerate hash table searches. + + + + Internal class used to improve performance of + string keyed hashtables. + + + The hashcode of the string is cached for reuse. + The string is stored as an interned value. + When comparing two objects for equality + the reference equality of the interned strings is compared. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct key with string name + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + Stores the hashcode of the string and interns + the string key to optimize comparisons. + + + The Compact Framework 1.0 the + method does not work. On the Compact Framework + the string keys are not interned nor are they + compared by reference. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + Returns a hash code for the current instance. + + A hash code for the current instance. + + + Returns the cached hashcode. + + + + + + Determines whether two instances + are equal. + + The to compare with the current . + + true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares the references of the interned strings. + + + + + + Provision nodes are used where no logger instance has been specified + + + + instances are used in the + when there is no specified + for that node. + + + A provision node holds a list of child loggers on behalf of + a logger that does not exist. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new provision node with child node + + A child logger to add to this node. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified child logger. + + + + + + The sits at the root of the logger hierarchy tree. + + + + The is a regular except + that it provides several guarantees. + + + First, it cannot be assigned a null + level. Second, since the root logger cannot have a parent, the + property always returns the value of the + level field without walking the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct a + + The level to assign to the root logger. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified logging level. + + + The root logger names itself as "root". However, the root + logger cannot be retrieved by name. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RootLogger class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + The assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + + Because the root logger cannot have a parent and its level + must not be null this property just returns the + value of . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned for the root logger. + + + The of the root logger. + + + + Setting the level of the root logger to a null reference + may have catastrophic results. We prevent this here. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net environment using an XML DOM. + + + + Configures a using an XML DOM. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct the configurator for a hierarchy + + The hierarchy to build. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + + + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + The root element to parse. + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + + + + + Parse appenders by IDREF. + + The appender ref element. + The instance of the appender that the ref refers to. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender. + + + + + + Parses an appender element. + + The appender element. + The appender instance or null when parsing failed. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender instance. + + + + + + Parses a logger element. + + The logger element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a logger. + + + + + + Parses the root logger element. + + The root element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents the root logger. + + + + + + Parses the children of a logger element. + + The category element. + The logger instance. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse the child elements of a <logger> element. + + + + + + Parses an object renderer. + + The renderer element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a renderer. + + + + + + Parses a level element. + + The level element. + The logger object to set the level on. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a level. + + + + + + Sets a parameter on an object. + + The parameter element. + The object to set the parameter on. + + The parameter name must correspond to a writable property + on the object. The value of the parameter is a string, + therefore this function will attempt to set a string + property first. If unable to set a string property it + will inspect the property and its argument type. It will + attempt to call a static method called Parse on the + type of the property. This method will take a single + string argument and return a value that can be used to + set the property. + + + + + Test if an element has no attributes or child elements + + the element to inspect + true if the element has any attributes or child elements, false otherwise + + + + Test if a is constructible with Activator.CreateInstance. + + the type to inspect + true if the type is creatable using a default constructor, false otherwise + + + + Look for a method on the that matches the supplied + + the type that has the method + the name of the method + the method info found + + + The method must be a public instance method on the . + The method must be named or "Add" followed by . + The method must take a single parameter. + + + + + + Converts a string value to a target type. + + The type of object to convert the string to. + The string value to use as the value of the object. + + + An object of type with value or + null when the conversion could not be performed. + + + + + + Creates an object as specified in XML. + + The XML element that contains the definition of the object. + The object type to use if not explicitly specified. + The type that the returned object must be or must inherit from. + The object or null + + + Parse an XML element and create an object instance based on the configuration + data. + + + The type of the instance may be specified in the XML. If not + specified then the is used + as the type. However the type is specified it must support the + type. + + + + + + key: appenderName, value: appender. + + + + + The Hierarchy being configured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlHierarchyConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications + + The that is shutting down. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications + + The that has had its configuration reset. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + The that has had its configuration changed. + Empty event arguments. + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes name of the current AppDomain to the output . + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The date and time is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date and time passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an folder path to the output + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + should be a value in the enumeration. + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the special path environment folder path to the output . + The name of the special path environment folder path to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentFolderPathPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + + + Write an environment variable to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the environment variable to the output . + The name of the environment variable to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the current thread identity to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the IdentityPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Pattern converter for literal string instances in the pattern + + + + Writes the literal string value specified in the + property to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Set the next converter in the chain + + The next pattern converter in the chain + The next pattern converter + + + Special case the building of the pattern converter chain + for instances. Two adjacent + literals in the pattern can be represented by a single combined + pattern converter. This implementation detects when a + is added to the chain + after this converter and combines its value with this converter's + literal value. + + + + + + Write the literal to the output + + the writer to write to + null, not set + + + Override the formatting behavior to ignore the FormattingInfo + because we have a literal instead. + + + Writes the value of + to the output . + + + + + + Convert this pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, not set + + + This method is not used. + + + + + + Writes a newline to the output + + + + Writes the system dependent line terminator to the output. + This behavior can be overridden by setting the : + + + + Option Value + Output + + + DOS + DOS or Windows line terminator "\r\n" + + + UNIX + UNIX line terminator "\n" + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + + + Write the current process ID to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current process ID to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ProcessIdPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + This pattern converter reads the thread and global properties. + The thread properties take priority over global properties. + See for details of the + thread properties. See for + details of the global properties. + + + If the is specified then that will be used to + lookup a single property. If no is specified + then all properties will be dumped as a list of key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + A Pattern converter that generates a string of random characters + + + + The converter generates a string of random characters. By default + the string is length 4. This can be changed by setting the + to the string value of the length required. + + + The random characters in the string are limited to uppercase letters + and numbers only. + + + The random number generator used by this class is not cryptographically secure. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Shared random number generator + + + + + Length of random string to generate. Default length 4. + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write a randoim string to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write a randoim string to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RandomStringPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + + + Write the current threads username to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current threads username to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UserNamePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the UTC date time to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current date and time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date is in Universal time when it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Type converter for Boolean. + + + + Supports conversion from string to bool type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Exception base type for conversion errors. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + A nested exception to include. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Register of type converters for specific types. + + + + Maintains a registry of type converters used to convert between + types. + + + Use the and + methods to register new converters. + The and methods + lookup appropriate converters to use. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Static constructor. + + + + This constructor defines the intrinsic type converters. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter instance for a specific type. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type of the type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted from. + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Lookups the type converter to use as specified by the attributes on the + destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + + Creates the instance of the type converter. + + The type of the type converter. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + The type specified for the type converter must implement + the or interfaces + and must have a public default (no argument) constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ConverterRegistry class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Mapping from to type converter. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an encoding + the encoding + + + Uses the method to + convert the argument to an . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from a single type to arbitrary types. + See . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type + + A Type that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the type supported by this converter can be converted to the + . + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Converts the (which must be of the type supported + by this converter) to the specified.. + + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an IPAddress + the IPAddress + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to an . + If that fails then the string is resolved as a DNS hostname. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Valid characters in an IPv4 or IPv6 address string. (Does not support subnets) + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternLayout + the PatternLayout + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Convert between string and + + + + Supports conversion from string to type, + and from a type to a string. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the target type be converted to the type supported by this object + + A that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + assignable from a type. + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + . To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternString + the PatternString + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a Type + the Type + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + Additional effort is made to locate partially specified types + by searching the loaded assemblies. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Attribute used to associate a type converter + + + + Class and Interface level attribute that specifies a type converter + to use with the associated type. + + + To associate a type converter with a target type apply a + TypeConverterAttribute to the target type. Specify the + type of the type converter on the attribute. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type name + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type + + The type of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + A straightforward implementation of the interface. + + + + This is the default implementation of the + interface. Implementors of the interface + should aggregate an instance of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The event being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The array of events being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Calls the DoAppende method on the with + the objects supplied. + + The appender + The events + + + If the supports the + interface then the will be passed + through using that interface. Otherwise the + objects in the array will be passed one at a time. + + + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + If the appender is already in the list it won't be added again. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Lookup an attached appender by name. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + List of appenders + + + + + Array of appenders, used to cache the m_appenderList + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderAttachedImpl class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders, or null if there + are no attached appenders. + + + + The read only collection of all currently attached appenders. + + + + + + This class aggregates several PropertiesDictionary collections together. + + + + Provides a dictionary style lookup over an ordered list of + collections. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Add a Properties Dictionary to this composite collection + + the properties to add + + + Properties dictionaries added first take precedence over dictionaries added + later. + + + + + + Flatten this composite collection into a single properties dictionary + + the flattened dictionary + + + Reduces the collection of ordered dictionaries to a single dictionary + containing the resultant values for the keys. + + + + + + Gets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Looks up the value for the specified. + The collections are searched + in the order in which they were added to this collection. The value + returned is the value held by the first collection that contains + the specified key. + + + If none of the collections contain the specified key then + null is returned. + + + + + + Base class for Context Properties implementations + + + + This class defines a basic property get set accessor + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Wrapper class used to map converter names to converter types + + + + Pattern converter info class used during configuration by custom + PatternString and PatternLayer converters. + + + + + + default constructor + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the conversion pattern + + + + The name of the pattern in the format string + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the converter + + + + The value specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + + + + + + Subclass of that maintains a count of + the number of bytes written. + + + + This writer counts the number of bytes written. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + that does not leak exceptions + + + + does not throw exceptions when things go wrong. + Instead, it delegates error handling to its . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The writer to forward messages to + + + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + The to forward to + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + + + + + Closes the writer and releases any system resources associated with the writer + + + + + + + + + Dispose this writer + + flag indicating if we are being disposed + + + Dispose this writer + + + + + + Flushes any buffered output + + + + Clears all buffers for the writer and causes any buffered data to be written + to the underlying device + + + + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + the data buffer + the start index + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + The + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + The format provider + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + The line terminator to use + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + the error handler to report error to + + + Create a new QuietTextWriter using a writer and error handler + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + the char to write + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a string to the output. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Writes a string to the output. + + + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + + + The error handler instance to pass all errors to + + + + + Flag to indicate if this writer is closed + + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + The error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + true if this writer is closed, otherwise false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + + + + Constructor + + The to actually write to. + The to report errors to. + + + Creates a new instance of the class + with the specified and . + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the char to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a string to the output and counts the number of bytes written. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Total number of bytes written. + + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + The total number of bytes written. + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + + + + A fixed size rolling buffer of logging events. + + + + An array backed fixed size leaky bucket. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The maximum number of logging events in the buffer. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified maximum number of buffered logging events. + + + The argument is not a positive integer. + + + + Appends a to the buffer. + + The event to append to the buffer. + The event discarded from the buffer, if the buffer is full, otherwise null. + + + Append an event to the buffer. If the buffer still contains free space then + null is returned. If the buffer is full then an event will be dropped + to make space for the new event, the event dropped is returned. + + + + + + Get and remove the oldest event in the buffer. + + The oldest logging event in the buffer + + + Gets the oldest (first) logging event in the buffer and removes it + from the buffer. + + + + + + Pops all the logging events from the buffer into an array. + + An array of all the logging events in the buffer. + + + Get all the events in the buffer and clear the buffer. + + + + + + Clear the buffer + + + + Clear the buffer of all events. The events in the buffer are lost. + + + + + + Gets the th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + The th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + + If is outside the range 0 to the number of events + currently in the buffer, then null is returned. + + + + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer. + + The maximum size of the buffer. + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer + + + + + + Gets the number of logging events in the buffer. + + The number of logging events in the buffer. + + + This number is guaranteed to be in the range 0 to + (inclusive). + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the . + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Adds an element with the provided key and value to the + . + + The to use as the key of the element to add. + The to use as the value of the element to add. + + + As the collection is empty no new values can be added. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Removes all elements from the . + + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Determines whether the contains an element + with the specified key. + + The key to locate in the . + false + + + As the collection is empty the method always returns false. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Removes the element with the specified key from the . + + The key of the element to remove. + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + The singleton instance of the empty dictionary. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the has a fixed size. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets an containing the keys of the . + + An containing the keys of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets an containing the values of the . + + An containing the values of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets or sets the element with the specified key. + + The key of the element to get or set. + null + + + As the collection is empty no values can be looked up or stored. + If the index getter is called then null is returned. + A is thrown if the setter is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Contain the information obtained when parsing formatting modifiers + in conversion modifiers. + + + + Holds the formatting information extracted from the format string by + the . This is used by the + objects when rendering the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Defaut Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified parameters. + + + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + The minimum value. + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + The maximum value. + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled + or not. + + + A flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + This class implements a properties collection that is thread safe and supports both + storing properties and capturing a read only copy of the current propertied. + + + This class is optimized to the scenario where the properties are read frequently + and are modified infrequently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The read only copy of the properties. + + + + This variable is declared volatile to prevent the compiler and JIT from + reordering reads and writes of this thread performed on different threads. + + + + + + Lock object used to synchronize updates within this instance + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property from the global context + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Removing an entry from the global context properties is relatively expensive compared + with reading a value. + + + + + + Clear the global context properties + + + + + Get a readonly immutable copy of the properties + + the current global context properties + + + This implementation is fast because the GlobalContextProperties class + stores a readonly copy of the properties. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Reading the value for a key is faster than setting the value. + When the value is written a new read only copy of + the properties is created. + + + + + + Manages a mapping from levels to + + + + Manages an ordered mapping from instances + to subclasses. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialise a new instance of . + + + + + + Add a to this mapping + + the entry to add + + + If a has previously been added + for the same then that entry will be + overwritten. + + + + + + Lookup the mapping for the specified level + + the level to lookup + the for the level or null if no mapping found + + + Lookup the value for the specified level. Finds the nearest + mapping value for the level that is equal to or less than the + specified. + + + If no mapping could be found then null is returned. + + + + + + Initialize options + + + + Caches the sorted list of in an array + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + This class stores its properties in a slot on the named + log4net.Util.LogicalThreadContextProperties. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Flag used to disable this context if we don't have permission to access the CallContext. + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the value for the specified from the context. + + + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary stored in the LocalDataStoreSlot for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if is does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doings so. + + + + + + Gets the call context get data. + + The peroperties dictionary stored in the call context + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + Sets the call context data. + + The properties. + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LogicalThreadContextProperties class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Get or set the property value for the specified. + + + + + + + + + + + + + Outputs log statements from within the log4net assembly. + + + + Log4net components cannot make log4net logging calls. However, it is + sometimes useful for the user to learn about what log4net is + doing. + + + All log4net internal debug calls go to the standard output stream + whereas internal error messages are sent to the standard error output + stream. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats Prefix, Source, and Message in the same format as the value + sent to Console.Out and Trace.Write. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + + + + Static constructor that initializes logging by reading + settings from the application configuration file. + + + + The log4net.Internal.Debug application setting + controls internal debugging. This setting should be set + to true to enable debugging. + + + The log4net.Internal.Quiet application setting + suppresses all internal logging including error messages. + This setting should be set to true to enable message + suppression. + + + + + + Raises the LogReceived event when an internal messages is received. + + + + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + + The message to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal error messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes output to the standard output stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Out and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Writes output to the standard error stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Error and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Default debug level + + + + + In quietMode not even errors generate any output. + + + + + The event raised when an internal message has been received. + + + + + The Type that generated the internal message. + + + + + The DateTime stamp of when the internal message was received. + + + + + A string indicating the severity of the internal message. + + + "log4net: ", + "log4net:ERROR ", + "log4net:WARN " + + + + + The internal log message. + + + + + The Exception related to the message. + + + Optional. Will be null if no Exception was passed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net internal logging + is enabled or disabled. + + + true if log4net internal logging is enabled, otherwise + false. + + + + When set to true, internal debug level logging will be + displayed. + + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Debug in the application configuration + file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. debugging is + disabled. + + + + + The following example enables internal debugging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net should generate no output + from internal logging, not even for errors. + + + true if log4net should generate no output at all from internal + logging, otherwise false. + + + + When set to true will cause internal logging at all levels to be + suppressed. This means that no warning or error reports will be logged. + This option overrides the setting and + disables all debug also. + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Quiet in the application configuration file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. internal logging is not + disabled. + + + + The following example disables internal logging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + true if Debug is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + true if Warn is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + true if Error is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + + + + Subscribes to the LogLog.LogReceived event and stores messages + to the supplied IList instance. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Represents a native error code and message. + + + + Represents a Win32 platform native error. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + The number of the native error. + The message of the native error. + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class for the last Windows error. + + + An instance of the class for the last windows error. + + + + The message for the error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class. + + the error number for the native error + + An instance of the class for the specified + error number. + + + + The message for the specified error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Retrieves the message corresponding with a Win32 message identifier. + + Message identifier for the requested message. + + The message corresponding with the specified message identifier. + + + + The message will be searched for in system message-table resource(s) + using the native FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Return error information string + + error information string + + + Return error information string + + + + + + Formats a message string. + + Formatting options, and how to interpret the parameter. + Location of the message definition. + Message identifier for the requested message. + Language identifier for the requested message. + If includes FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, the function allocates a buffer using the LocalAlloc function, and places the pointer to the buffer at the address specified in . + If the FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER flag is not set, this parameter specifies the maximum number of TCHARs that can be stored in the output buffer. If FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER is set, this parameter specifies the minimum number of TCHARs to allocate for an output buffer. + Pointer to an array of values that are used as insert values in the formatted message. + + + The function requires a message definition as input. The message definition can come from a + buffer passed into the function. It can come from a message table resource in an + already-loaded module. Or the caller can ask the function to search the system's message + table resource(s) for the message definition. The function finds the message definition + in a message table resource based on a message identifier and a language identifier. + The function copies the formatted message text to an output buffer, processing any embedded + insert sequences if requested. + + + To prevent the usage of unsafe code, this stub does not support inserting values in the formatted message. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of TCHARs stored in the output + buffer, excluding the terminating null character. + + + If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, + call . + + + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + The number of the native error. + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + The message of the native error. + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance. + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current key from the enumerator. + + + Throws an exception because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current value from the enumerator. + + The current value from the enumerator. + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current entry from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current entry. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Get the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + A SecurityContext used when a SecurityContext is not required + + + + The is a no-op implementation of the + base class. It is used where a + is required but one has not been provided. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + + + Private constructor + + + + Private constructor for singleton pattern. + + + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + null + + + No impersonation is done and null is always returned. + + + + + + Implements log4net's default error handling policy which consists + of emitting a message for the first error in an appender and + ignoring all subsequent errors. + + + + The error message is processed using the LogLog sub-system by default. + + + This policy aims at protecting an otherwise working application + from being flooded with error messages when logging fails. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + The prefix to use for each message. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified prefix. + + + + + + Reset the error handler back to its initial disabled state. + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log the very first error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Sends the error information to 's Error method. + + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log an error + + The error message. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + The date the error was recorded. + + + + + Flag to indicate if it is the first error + + + + + The message recorded during the first error. + + + + + The exception recorded during the first error. + + + + + The error code recorded during the first error. + + + + + String to prefix each message with + + + + + The fully qualified type of the OnlyOnceErrorHandler class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Is error logging enabled + + + + Is error logging enabled. Logging is only enabled for the + first error delivered to the . + + + + + + The date the first error that trigged this error handler occured. + + + + + The message from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + + + The exception from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + May be . + + + + + The error code from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + Defaults to + + + + + A convenience class to convert property values to specific types. + + + + Utility functions for converting types and parsing values. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Converts a string to a value. + + String to convert. + The default value. + The value of . + + + If is "true", then true is returned. + If is "false", then false is returned. + Otherwise, is returned. + + + + + + Parses a file size into a number. + + String to parse. + The default value. + The value of . + + + Parses a file size of the form: number[KB|MB|GB] into a + long value. It is scaled with the appropriate multiplier. + + + is returned when + cannot be converted to a value. + + + + + + Converts a string to an object. + + The target type to convert to. + The string to convert to an object. + + The object converted from a string or null when the + conversion failed. + + + + Converts a string to an object. Uses the converter registry to try + to convert the string value into the specified target type. + + + + + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + The type to convert from. + The type to convert to. + true if there is a conversion from the source type to the target type. + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + + + + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + The object to convert to the target type. + The type to convert to. + The converted object. + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + + + + + Instantiates an object given a class name. + + The fully qualified class name of the object to instantiate. + The class to which the new object should belong. + The object to return in case of non-fulfillment. + + An instance of the or + if the object could not be instantiated. + + + + Checks that the is a subclass of + . If that test fails or the object could + not be instantiated, then is returned. + + + + + + Performs variable substitution in string from the + values of keys found in . + + The string on which variable substitution is performed. + The dictionary to use to lookup variables. + The result of the substitutions. + + + The variable substitution delimiters are ${ and }. + + + For example, if props contains key=value, then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of key is ${key}."); + + + + will set the variable s to "Value of key is value.". + + + If no value could be found for the specified key, then substitution + defaults to an empty string. + + + For example, if system properties contains no value for the key + "nonExistentKey", then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of nonExistentKey is [${nonExistentKey}]"); + + + + will set s to "Value of nonExistentKey is []". + + + An Exception is thrown if contains a start + delimiter "${" which is not balanced by a stop delimiter "}". + + + + + + Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or + more enumerated constants to an equivalent enumerated object. + + The type to convert to. + The enum string value. + If true, ignore case; otherwise, regard case. + An object of type whose value is represented by . + + + + The fully qualified type of the OptionConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Most of the work of the class + is delegated to the PatternParser class. + + + + The PatternParser processes a pattern string and + returns a chain of objects. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The pattern to parse. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified pattern string. + + + + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + The head of a chain of pattern converters. + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + + + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + the list of all the converter names + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + + + + + Internal method to parse the specified pattern to find specified matches + + the pattern to parse + the converter names to match in the pattern + + + The matches param must be sorted such that longer strings come before shorter ones. + + + + + + Process a parsed literal + + the literal text + + + + Process a parsed converter pattern + + the name of the converter + the optional option for the converter + the formatting info for the converter + + + + Resets the internal state of the parser and adds the specified pattern converter + to the chain. + + The pattern converter to add. + + + + The first pattern converter in the chain + + + + + the last pattern converter in the chain + + + + + The pattern + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types + + + + This map overrides the static s_globalRulesRegistry map. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the PatternParser class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + The converter registry used by this parser + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + + + + Sort strings by length + + + + that orders strings by string length. + The longest strings are placed first + + + + + + This class implements a patterned string. + + + + This string has embedded patterns that are resolved and expanded + when the string is formatted. + + + This class functions similarly to the + in that it accepts a pattern and renders it to a string. Unlike the + however the PatternString + does not render the properties of a specific but + of the process in general. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + appdomain + + + Used to output the friendly name of the current AppDomain. + + + + + date + + + Used to output the current date and time in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + env + + + Used to output the a specific environment variable. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %env{COMPUTERNAME} would include the value + of the COMPUTERNAME environment variable. + + + The env pattern is not supported on the .NET Compact Framework. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern name offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + processid + + + Used to output the system process ID for the current process. + + + + + property + + + Used to output a specific context property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are stored in logging contexts. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + random + + + Used to output a random string of characters. The string is made up of + uppercase letters and numbers. By default the string is 4 characters long. + The length of the string can be specified within braces directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %random{8} would output an 8 character string. + + + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using or + . + + + See the for details on the + format modifiers supported by the patterns. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternString only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialize a new instance of + + + + + + Constructs a PatternString + + The pattern to use with this PatternString + + + Initialize a new instance of with the pattern specified. + + + + + + Initialize object options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create the used to parse the pattern + + the pattern to parse + The + + + Returns PatternParser used to parse the conversion string. Subclasses + may override this to return a subclass of PatternParser which recognize + custom conversion pattern name. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the pattern to the . + + + + + + Format the pattern as a string + + the pattern formatted as a string + + + Format the pattern to a string. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + + + + + Gets or sets the pattern formatting string + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + String keyed object map. + + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + String keyed object map that is read only. + + + + This collection is readonly and cannot be modified. + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The Hashtable used to store the properties data + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Copy Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Deserialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Gets the key names. + + An array of all the keys. + + + Gets the key names. + + + + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + the key to look for + true if the dictionary contains the specified key + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + + See + + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + The internal collection used to store the properties + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + The number of properties in this collection + + + + + See + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Because this class is sealed the serialization constructor is private. + + + + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + an enumerator + + + Returns a over the contest of this collection. + + + + + + See + + the key to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + the key to lookup in the collection + true if the collection contains the specified key + + + Test if this collection contains a specified key. + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + + See + + the key + the value to store for the key + + + Store a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + See + + + false + + + + This collection is modifiable. This property always + returns false. + + + + + + See + + + The value for the key specified. + + + + Get or set a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Property Key + + + Property Key + + + + Property Key. + + + + + + Property Value + + + Property Value + + + + Property Value. + + + + + + A that ignores the message + + + + This writer is used in special cases where it is necessary + to protect a writer from being closed by a client. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + + + Create a new ProtectCloseTextWriter using a writer + + + + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + the writer to attach to + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + This method does nothing. + + + + + + Defines a lock that supports single writers and multiple readers + + + + ReaderWriterLock is used to synchronize access to a resource. + At any given time, it allows either concurrent read access for + multiple threads, or write access for a single thread. In a + situation where a resource is changed infrequently, a + ReaderWriterLock provides better throughput than a simple + one-at-a-time lock, such as . + + + If a platform does not support a System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock + implementation then all readers and writers are serialized. Therefore + the caller must not rely on multiple simultaneous readers. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Acquires a reader lock + + + + blocks if a different thread has the writer + lock, or if at least one thread is waiting for the writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count + + + + decrements the lock count. When the count + reaches zero, the lock is released. + + + + + + Acquires the writer lock + + + + This method blocks if another thread has a reader lock or writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count on the writer lock + + + + ReleaseWriterLock decrements the writer lock count. + When the count reaches zero, the writer lock is released. + + + + + + A that can be and reused + + + + A that can be and reused. + This uses a single buffer for string operations. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Create an instance of + + the format provider to use + + + Create an instance of + + + + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + flag + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + + + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + + the maximum buffer capacity before it is trimmed + the default size to make the buffer + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + The internal buffers are cleared and reset. + + + + + + Utility class for system specific information. + + + + Utility class of static methods for system specific information. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Alexey Solofnenko + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Initialize default values for private static fields. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Gets the assembly location path for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to get the location for. + The location of the assembly. + + + This method does not guarantee to return the correct path + to the assembly. If only tries to give an indication as to + where the assembly was loaded from. + + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the , including + the name of the assembly from which the was + loaded. + + The to get the fully qualified name for. + The fully qualified name for the . + + + This is equivalent to the Type.AssemblyQualifiedName property, + but this method works on the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 as well as + the full .NET runtime. + + + + + + Gets the short name of the . + + The to get the name for. + The short name of the . + + + The short name of the assembly is the + without the version, culture, or public key. i.e. it is just the + assembly's file name without the extension. + + + Use this rather than Assembly.GetName().Name because that + is not available on the Compact Framework. + + + Because of a FileIOPermission security demand we cannot do + the obvious Assembly.GetName().Name. We are allowed to get + the of the assembly so we + start from there and strip out just the assembly name. + + + + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + The to get the file name for. + The file name of the assembly. + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + A sibling type to use to load the type. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified, it will be loaded from the assembly + containing the specified relative type. If the type is not found in the assembly + then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the + assembly that is directly calling this method. If the type is not found + in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + An assembly to load the type from. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the specified + assembly. If the type is not found in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies + will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Generate a new guid + + A new Guid + + + Generate a new guid + + + + + + Create an + + The name of the parameter that caused the exception + The value of the argument that causes this exception + The message that describes the error + the ArgumentOutOfRangeException object + + + Create a new instance of the class + with a specified error message, the parameter name, and the value + of the argument. + + + The Compact Framework does not support the 3 parameter constructor for the + type. This method provides an + implementation that works for all platforms. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Lookup an application setting + + the application settings key to lookup + the value for the key, or null + + + Configuration APIs are not supported under the Compact Framework + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified local file path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + The path specified must be a local file path, a URI is not supported. + + + + + + Creates a new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity. + + A new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity + + + The new Hashtable instance uses the default load factor, the CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider, and the CaseInsensitiveComparer. + + + + + + Gets an empty array of types. + + + + The Type.EmptyTypes field is not available on + the .NET Compact Framework 1.0. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Cache the host name for the current machine + + + + + Cache the application friendly name + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + + Start time for the current process. + + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + The system dependent line terminator. + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + The base directory path for the current . + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the configuration file for the current . + + The path to the configuration file for the current . + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not have a concept of a configuration + file. For this runtime, we use the entry assembly location as the root for + the configuration file name. + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + The path to the entry assembly. + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + + + + + Gets the ID of the current thread. + + The ID of the current thread. + + + On the .NET framework, the AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId method + is used to obtain the thread ID for the current thread. This is the + operating system ID for the thread. + + + On the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 it is not possible to get the + operating system thread ID for the current thread. The native method + GetCurrentThreadId is implemented inline in a header file + and cannot be called. + + + On the .NET Framework 2.0 the Thread.ManagedThreadId is used as this + gives a stable id unrelated to the operating system thread ID which may + change if the runtime is using fibers. + + + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The hostname or machine name + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The host name () or + the machine name (Environment.MachineName) for + the current machine, or if neither of these are available + then NOT AVAILABLE is returned. + + + + + + Get this application's friendly name + + + The friendly name of this application as a string + + + + If available the name of the application is retrieved from + the AppDomain using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName. + + + Otherwise the file name of the entry assembly is used. + + + + + + Get the start time for the current process. + + + + This is the time at which the log4net library was loaded into the + AppDomain. Due to reports of a hang in the call to System.Diagnostics.Process.StartTime + this is not the start time for the current process. + + + The log4net library should be loaded by an application early during its + startup, therefore this start time should be a good approximation for + the actual start time. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating, however this start time + will be set per AppDomain. + + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + Use this value to indicate a null has been encountered while + outputting a string representation of an item. + + + The default value is (null). This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NullText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + Use this value when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + The default value is NOT AVAILABLE. This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NotAvailableText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialise the + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + + + Format the string and arguments + + the formatted string + + + + Replaces the format item in a specified with the text equivalent + of the value of a corresponding instance in a specified array. + A specified parameter supplies culture-specific formatting information. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + A copy of format in which the format items have been replaced by the + equivalent of the corresponding instances of in args. + + + + This method does not throw exceptions. If an exception thrown while formatting the result the + exception and arguments are returned in the result string. + + + + + + Process an error during StringFormat + + + + + Dump the contents of an array into a string builder + + + + + Dump an object to a string + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemStringFormat class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Each thread will automatically have its instance. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove a property + + + + + + Get the keys stored in the properties. + + + Gets the keys stored in the properties. + + a set of the defined keys + + + + Clear all properties + + + + Clear all properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doing so. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The stack store. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + Only call this if you think that this tread is being reused after + a previous call execution which may not have completed correctly. + You do not need to use this method if you always guarantee to call + the method of the + returned from even in exceptional circumstances, + for example by using the using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + syntax. + + + + + + Removes the top context from this stack. + + The message in the context that was removed from the top of this stack. + + + Remove the top context from this stack, and return + it to the caller. If this stack is empty then an + empty string (not ) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message into this stack. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up the context stack. + + + + Pushes a new context onto this stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up this stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an ThreadContext Stack message"); + } + + + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + The current context information. + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + Gets the current context information + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a cross thread portable version of this object + + + + + + The number of messages in the stack + + + The current number of messages in the stack + + + + The current number of messages in the stack. That is + the number of times has been called + minus the number of times has been called. + + + + + + Gets and sets the internal stack used by this + + The internal storage stack + + + This property is provided only to support backward compatability + of the . Tytpically the internal stack should not + be modified. + + + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + + + Constructor + + The message for this context. + The parent context in the chain. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and parent context. + + + + + + Get the message. + + The message. + + + Get the message. + + + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + The full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + + + Struct returned from the method. + + + + This struct implements the and is designed to be used + with the pattern to remove the stack frame at the end of the scope. + + + + + + The ThreadContextStack internal stack + + + + + The depth to trim the stack to when this instance is disposed + + + + + Constructor + + The internal stack used by the ThreadContextStack. + The depth to return the stack to when this object is disposed. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified stack and return depth. + + + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ThreadContextStacks class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + The named stack + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Write a string to an + + the writer to write to + the string to write + The string to replace non XML compliant chars with + + + The test is escaped either using XML escape entities + or using CDATA sections. + + + + + + Replace invalid XML characters in text string + + the XML text input string + the string to use in place of invalid characters + A string that does not contain invalid XML characters. + + + Certain Unicode code points are not allowed in the XML InfoSet, for + details see: + + + This method replaces any illegal characters in the input string + with the mask string specified. + + + + + + Count the number of times that the substring occurs in the text + + the text to search + the substring to find + the number of times the substring occurs in the text + + + The substring is assumed to be non repeating within itself. + + + + + + Characters illegal in XML 1.0 + + + + + Impersonate a Windows Account + + + + This impersonates a Windows account. + + + How the impersonation is done depends on the value of . + This allows the context to either impersonate a set of user credentials specified + using username, domain name and password or to revert to the process credentials. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Initialize the SecurityContext based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The security context will try to Logon the specified user account and + capture a primary token for impersonation. + + + The required , + or properties were not specified. + + + + Impersonate the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + caller provided state + + An instance that will revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext + + + + Depending on the property either + impersonate a user using credentials supplied or revert + to the process credentials. + + + + + + Create a given the userName, domainName and password. + + the user name + the domain name + the password + the for the account specified + + + Uses the Windows API call LogonUser to get a principal token for the account. This + token is used to initialize the WindowsIdentity. + + + + + + Gets or sets the impersonation mode for this security context + + + The impersonation mode for this security context + + + + Impersonate either a user with user credentials or + revert this thread to the credentials of the process. + The value is one of the + enum. + + + The default value is + + + When the mode is set to + the user's credentials are established using the + , and + values. + + + When the mode is set to + no other properties need to be set. If the calling thread is + impersonating then it will be reverted back to the process credentials. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows username for this security context + + + The Windows username for this security context + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows domain name for this security context + + + The Windows domain name for this security context + + + + The default value for is the local machine name + taken from the property. + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Sets the password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + The password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + The impersonation modes for the + + + + See the property for + details. + + + + + + Impersonate a user using the credentials supplied + + + + + Revert this the thread to the credentials of the process + + + + + Adds to + + + + Helper class to expose the + through the interface. + + + + + + Constructor + + the impersonation context being wrapped + + + Constructor + + + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + + + The log4net Global Context. + + + + The GlobalContext provides a location for global debugging + information to be stored. + + + The global context has a properties map and these properties can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputing these properties. + + + By default the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of + the current machine. + + + + + GlobalContext.Properties["hostname"] = Environment.MachineName; + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + The global context properties instance + + + + + The global properties map. + + + The global properties map. + + + + The global properties map. + + + + + + Provides information about the environment the assembly has + been built for. + + + + Version of the assembly + + + Version of the framework targeted + + + Type of framework targeted + + + Does it target a client profile? + + + + Identifies the version and target for this assembly. + + + + + The log4net Logical Thread Context. + + + + The LogicalThreadContext provides a location for specific debugging + information to be stored. + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any or + properties with the same name. + + + The Logical Thread Context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Logical Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current call context. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Logical Thread Context is managed on a per basis. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + LogicalThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(LogicalThreadContext.Stacks["LDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any + or properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The logical thread stacks. + + + + + + This class is used by client applications to request logger instances. + + + + This class has static methods that are used by a client to request + a logger instance. The method is + used to retrieve a logger. + + + See the interface for more details. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the default repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns null. + + + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + The logger found, or null if no logger could be found. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + repository. + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the repository for the specified assembly) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + assembly's repository. + + + + Get the currently defined loggers. + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the default repository. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + Get or create a logger. + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Get the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The repository to lookup in. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + Shutdown a logger repository. + + Shuts down the default repository. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + default repository. + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The repository to shutdown. + + + + Shuts down the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Reset the configuration of a repository + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The repository to reset. + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Get the logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Get a logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Create a domain + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + Create a logger repository. + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Gets the list of currently defined repositories. + + + + Get an array of all the objects that have been created. + + + An array of all the known objects. + + + + Looks up the wrapper object for the logger specified. + + The logger to get the wrapper for. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + Looks up the wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + The loggers to get the wrappers for. + The wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + + + Create the objects used by + this manager. + + The logger to wrap. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + The wrapper map to use to hold the objects. + + + + + Implementation of Mapped Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + The MDC class is similar to the class except that it is + based on a map instead of a stack. It provides mapped + diagnostic contexts. A Mapped Diagnostic Context, or + MDC in short, is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The MDC is managed on a per thread basis. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Gets the context value identified by the parameter. + + The key to lookup in the MDC. + The string value held for the key, or a null reference if no corresponding value is found. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + If the parameter does not look up to a + previously defined context then null will be returned. + + + + + + Add an entry to the MDC + + The key to store the value under. + The value to store. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Puts a context value (the parameter) as identified + with the parameter into the current thread's + context map. + + + If a value is already defined for the + specified then the value will be replaced. If the + is specified as null then the key value mapping will be removed. + + + + + + Removes the key value mapping for the key specified. + + The key to remove. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove the specified entry from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Clear all entries in the MDC + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove all the entries from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Implementation of Nested Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + A Nested Diagnostic Context, or NDC in short, is an instrument + to distinguish interleaved log output from different sources. Log + output is typically interleaved when a server handles multiple + clients near-simultaneously. + + + Interleaved log output can still be meaningful if each log entry + from different contexts had a distinctive stamp. This is where NDCs + come into play. + + + Note that NDCs are managed on a per thread basis. The NDC class + is made up of static methods that operate on the context of the + calling thread. + + + How to push a message into the context + + using(NDC.Push("my context message")) + { + ... all log calls will have 'my context message' included ... + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically removed + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held on the current thread. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Clears the stack of NDC data held on the current thread. + + + + + + Creates a clone of the stack of context information. + + A clone of the context info for this thread. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The results of this method can be passed to the + method to allow child threads to inherit the context of their + parent thread. + + + + + + Inherits the contextual information from another thread. + + The context stack to inherit. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This thread will use the context information from the stack + supplied. This can be used to initialize child threads with + the same contextual information as their parent threads. These + contexts will NOT be shared. Any further contexts that + are pushed onto the stack will not be visible to the other. + Call to obtain a stack to pass to + this method. + + + + + + Removes the top context from the stack. + + + The message in the context that was removed from the top + of the stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Remove the top context from the stack, and return + it to the caller. If the stack is empty then an + empty string (not null) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up + the context stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Pushes a new context onto the context stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up the context stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.NDC.Push("NDC_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an NDC message"); + } + + + + + + Removes the context information for this thread. It is + not required to call this method. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This method is not implemented. + + + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + + The maximum depth of the stack + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + This may truncate the head of the stack. This only affects the + stack in the current thread. Also it does not prevent it from + growing, it only sets the maximum depth at the time of the + call. This can be used to return to a known context depth. + + + + + + Gets the current context depth. + + The current context depth. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The number of context values pushed onto the context stack. + + + Used to record the current depth of the context. This can then + be restored using the method. + + + + + + + The log4net Thread Context. + + + + The ThreadContext provides a location for thread specific debugging + information to be stored. + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + The thread context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current thread. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Thread Context is managed on a per thread basis. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + ThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The thread local stacks. + + + + + diff --git a/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net35-client/log4net.xml b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net35-client/log4net.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2f2bae --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net35-client/log4net.xml @@ -0,0 +1,31609 @@ + + + + log4net + + + + + Appender that logs to a database. + + + + appends logging events to a table within a + database. The appender can be configured to specify the connection + string by setting the property. + The connection type (provider) can be specified by setting the + property. For more information on database connection strings for + your specific database see + + + Records are written into the database either using a prepared + statement or a stored procedure. The property + is set to (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify a prepared statement + or to (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify a stored + procedure. + + + The prepared statement text or the name of the stored procedure + must be set in the property. + + + The prepared statement or stored procedure can take a number + of parameters. Parameters are added using the + method. This adds a single to the + ordered list of parameters. The + type may be subclassed if required to provide database specific + functionality. The specifies + the parameter name, database type, size, and how the value should + be generated using a . + + + + An example of a SQL Server table that could be logged to: + + CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Log] ( + [ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , + [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL , + [Thread] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Level] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL , + [Logger] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Message] [varchar] (4000) NOT NULL + ) ON [PRIMARY] + + + + An example configuration to log to the above table: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Lance Nehring + + + + Abstract base class implementation of that + buffers events in a fixed size buffer. + + + + This base class should be used by appenders that need to buffer a + number of events before logging them. For example the + buffers events and then submits the entire contents of the buffer to + the underlying database in one go. + + + Subclasses should override the + method to deliver the buffered events. + + The BufferingAppenderSkeleton maintains a fixed size cyclic + buffer of events. The size of the buffer is set using + the property. + + A is used to inspect + each event as it arrives in the appender. If the + triggers, then the current buffer is sent immediately + (see ). Otherwise the event + is stored in the buffer. For example, an evaluator can be used to + deliver the events immediately when an ERROR event arrives. + + + The buffering appender can be configured in a mode. + By default the appender is NOT lossy. When the buffer is full all + the buffered events are sent with . + If the property is set to true then the + buffer will not be sent when it is full, and new events arriving + in the appender will overwrite the oldest event in the buffer. + In lossy mode the buffer will only be sent when the + triggers. This can be useful behavior when you need to know about + ERROR events but not about events with a lower level, configure an + evaluator that will trigger when an ERROR event arrives, the whole + buffer will be sent which gives a history of events leading up to + the ERROR event. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Abstract base class implementation of . + + + + This class provides the code for common functionality, such + as support for threshold filtering and support for general filters. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface for your own strategies for printing log statements. + + + + Implementors should consider extending the + class which provides a default implementation of this interface. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Log the logging event in Appender specific way. + + The event to log + + + This method is called to log a message into this appender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + Interface for appenders that support bulk logging. + + + + This interface extends the interface to + support bulk logging of objects. Appenders + should only implement this interface if they can bulk log efficiently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Log the array of logging events in Appender specific way. + + The events to log + + + This method is called to log an array of events into this appender. + + + + + + Interface used to delay activate a configured object. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then the method + must be called by the container after its all the configured properties have been set + and before the component can be used. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Activate the options that were previously set with calls to properties. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then this method must be called + after its properties have been set before the component can be used. + + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Default constructor + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + Finalizes this appender by calling the implementation's + method. + + + + If this appender has not been closed then the Finalize method + will call . + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Closes the appender and release resources. + + + + Release any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + This method cannot be overridden by subclasses. This method + delegates the closing of the appender to the + method which must be overridden in the subclass. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The event to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the abstract method. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the method. + + + + + + Test if the logging event should we output by this appender + + the event to test + true if the event should be output, false if the event should be ignored + + + This method checks the logging event against the threshold level set + on this appender and also against the filters specified on this + appender. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + + + + + Adds a filter to the end of the filter chain. + + the filter to add to this appender + + + The Filters are organized in a linked list. + + + Setting this property causes the new filter to be pushed onto the + back of the filter chain. + + + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + + + Checks if the message level is below this appender's threshold. + + to test against. + + + If there is no threshold set, then the return value is always true. + + + + true if the meets the + requirements of this appender. + + + + + Is called when the appender is closed. Derived classes should override + this method if resources need to be released. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Subclasses of should implement this method + to perform actual logging. + + The event to append. + + + A subclass must implement this method to perform + logging of the . + + This method will be called by + if all the conditions listed for that method are met. + + + To restrict the logging of events in the appender + override the method. + + + + + + Append a bulk array of logging events. + + the array of logging events + + + This base class implementation calls the + method for each element in the bulk array. + + + A sub class that can better process a bulk array of events should + override this method in addition to . + + + + + + Called before as a precondition. + + + + This method is called by + before the call to the abstract method. + + + This method can be overridden in a subclass to extend the checks + made before the event is passed to the method. + + + A subclass should ensure that they delegate this call to + this base class if it is overridden. + + + true if the call to should proceed. + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The event rendered as a string. + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Where possible use the alternative version of this method + . + That method streams the rendering onto an existing Writer + which can give better performance if the caller already has + a open and ready for writing. + + + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Use this method in preference to + where possible. If, however, the caller needs to render the event + to a string then does + provide an efficient mechanism for doing so. + + + + + + The layout of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The name of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The level threshold of this appender. + + + + There is no level threshold filtering by default. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The first filter in the filter chain. + + + + Set to null initially. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The last filter in the filter chain. + + + See for more information. + + + + + Flag indicating if this appender is closed. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The guard prevents an appender from repeatedly calling its own DoAppend method + + + + + StringWriter used to render events + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderSkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the threshold of this appender. + + + The threshold of the appender. + + + + All log events with lower level than the threshold level are ignored + by the appender. + + + In configuration files this option is specified by setting the + value of the option to a level + string, such as "DEBUG", "INFO" and so on. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The of the appender + + + The provides a default + implementation for the property. + + + + + + The filter chain. + + The head of the filter chain filter chain. + + + Returns the head Filter. The Filters are organized in a linked list + and so all Filters on this Appender are available through the result. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The layout of the appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + + Tests if this appender requires a to be set. + + + + In the rather exceptional case, where the appender + implementation admits a layout but can also work without it, + then the appender should return true. + + + This default implementation always returns false. + + + + true if the appender requires a layout object, otherwise false. + + + + + The default buffer size. + + + The default size of the cyclic buffer used to store events. + This is set to 512 by default. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + the events passed through this appender must be + fixed by the time that they arrive in the derived class' SendBuffer method. + + + Protected constructor to allow subclassing. + + + The should be set if the subclass + expects the events delivered to be fixed even if the + is set to zero, i.e. when no buffering occurs. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + + + Flushes any events that have been buffered. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will NOT be flushed to the appender. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + set to true to flush the buffer of lossy events + + + Flushes events that have been buffered. If is + false then events will only be flushed if this buffer is non-lossy mode. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will only be flushed if is true. + In this case the contents of the buffer will be tested against the + and if triggering will be output. All other buffered + events will be discarded. + + + If is true then the buffer will always + be emptied by calling this method. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. + + + + Close this appender instance. If this appender is marked + as not then the remaining events in + the buffer must be sent when the appender is closed. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + + Stores the in the cyclic buffer. + + + The buffer will be sent (i.e. passed to the + method) if one of the following conditions is met: + + + + The cyclic buffer is full and this appender is + marked as not lossy (see ) + + + An is set and + it is triggered for the + specified. + + + + Before the event is stored in the buffer it is fixed + (see ) to ensure that + any data referenced by the event will be valid when the buffer + is processed. + + + + + + Sends the contents of the buffer. + + The first logging event. + The buffer containing the events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override . + + + + + + Sends the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override this method to process the buffered events. + + + + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + Set to by default. + + + + + The cyclic buffer used to store the logging events. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator that causes the buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event causes the entire + buffer to be sent immediately. This field can be null, which + indicates that event triggering is not to be done. The evaluator + can be set using the property. If this appender + has the ( property) set to + true then an must be set. + + + + + Indicates if the appender should overwrite events in the cyclic buffer + when it becomes full, or if the buffer should be flushed when the + buffer is full. + + + If this field is set to true then an must + be set. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator filters discarded events. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event that is discarded should + really be discarded or if it should be sent to the appenders. + This field can be null, which indicates that all discarded events will + be discarded. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + The events delivered to the subclass must be fixed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender is lossy. + + + true if the appender is lossy, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + This appender uses a buffer to store logging events before + delivering them. A triggering event causes the whole buffer + to be send to the remote sink. If the buffer overruns before + a triggering event then logging events could be lost. Set + to false to prevent logging events + from being lost. + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the + logging events. + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + + The option takes a positive integer + representing the maximum number of logging events to collect in + a cyclic buffer. When the is reached, + oldest events are deleted as new events are added to the + buffer. By default the size of the cyclic buffer is 512 events. + + + If the is set to a value less than + or equal to 1 then no buffering will occur. The logging event + will be delivered synchronously (depending on the + and properties). Otherwise the event will + be buffered. + + + + + + Gets or sets the that causes the + buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The that causes the buffer to be + sent immediately. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is appended to this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will + immediately be sent (see ). + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the to use. + + + The value of the to use. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is discarded from this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will immediately + be sent (see ). + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if only part of the logging event data + should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the + event data to be fixed and serialized. This will improve performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets a the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + The event fields that will be fixed before the event is buffered + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Public default constructor to initialize a new instance of this class. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Override the parent method to close the database + + + + Closes the database command and database connection. + + + + + + Inserts the events into the database. + + The events to insert into the database. + + + Insert all the events specified in the + array into the database. + + + + + + Adds a parameter to the command. + + The parameter to add to the command. + + + Adds a parameter to the ordered list of command parameters. + + + + + + Writes the events to the database using the transaction specified. + + The transaction that the events will be executed under. + The array of events to insert into the database. + + + The transaction argument can be null if the appender has been + configured not to use transactions. See + property for more information. + + + + + + Formats the log message into database statement text. + + The event being logged. + + This method can be overridden by subclasses to provide + more control over the format of the database statement. + + + Text that can be passed to a . + + + + + Creates an instance used to connect to the database. + + + This method is called whenever a new IDbConnection is needed (i.e. when a reconnect is necessary). + + The of the object. + The connectionString output from the ResolveConnectionString method. + An instance with a valid connection string. + + + + Resolves the connection string from the ConnectionString, ConnectionStringName, or AppSettingsKey + property. + + + ConnectiongStringName is only supported on .NET 2.0 and higher. + + Additional information describing the connection string. + A connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + Retrieves the class type of the ADO.NET provider. + + + + Gets the Type of the ADO.NET provider to use to connect to the + database. This method resolves the type specified in the + property. + + + Subclasses can override this method to return a different type + if necessary. + + + The of the ADO.NET provider + + + + Prepares the database command and initialize the parameters. + + + + + Connects to the database. + + + + + Cleanup the existing command. + + + If true, a message will be written using LogLog.Warn if an exception is encountered when calling Dispose. + + + + + Cleanup the existing connection. + + + Calls the IDbConnection's method. + + + + + Flag to indicate if we are using a command object + + + + Set to true when the appender is to use a prepared + statement or stored procedure to insert into the database. + + + + + + The list of objects. + + + + The list of objects. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The that will be used + to insert logging events into a database. + + + + + The database command. + + + + + Database connection string. + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + String type name of the type name. + + + + + The text of the command. + + + + + The command type. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AdoNetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the database connection string that is used to connect to + the database. + + + The database connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + The connections string is specific to the connection type. + See for more information. + + + Connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "DSN=MS Access Database;UID=admin;PWD=;SystemDB=C:\data\System.mdw;SafeTransactions = 0;FIL=MS Access;DriverID = 25;DBQ=C:\data\train33.mdb" + + Another connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;UID=;PWD=;" + + Connection string for MS Access via OLE DB: + "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;User Id=;Password=;" + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + This property requires at least .NET 2.0. + + + + + Gets or sets the type name of the connection + that should be created. + + + The type name of the connection. + + + + The type name of the ADO.NET provider to use. + + + The default is to use the OLE DB provider. + + + Use the OLE DB Provider. This is the default value. + System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the MS SQL Server Provider. + System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the ODBC Provider. + Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection,Microsoft.Data.Odbc,version=1.0.3300.0,publicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089,culture=neutral + This is an optional package that you can download from + + search for ODBC .NET Data Provider. + + Use the Oracle Provider. + System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection, System.Data.OracleClient, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + This is an optional package that you can download from + + search for .NET Managed Provider for Oracle. + + + + + Gets or sets the command text that is used to insert logging events + into the database. + + + The command text used to insert logging events into the database. + + + + Either the text of the prepared statement or the + name of the stored procedure to execute to write into + the database. + + + The property determines if + this text is a prepared statement or a stored procedure. + + + + + + Gets or sets the command type to execute. + + + The command type to execute. + + + + This value may be either (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify + that the is a prepared statement to execute, + or (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify that the + property is the name of a stored procedure + to execute. + + + The default value is (System.Data.CommandType.Text). + + + + + + Should transactions be used to insert logging events in the database. + + + true if transactions should be used to insert logging events in + the database, otherwise false. The default value is true. + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether transactions should be used + to insert logging events in the database. + + + When set a single transaction will be used to insert the buffered events + into the database. Otherwise each event will be inserted without using + an explicit transaction. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Should this appender try to reconnect to the database on error. + + + true if the appender should try to reconnect to the database after an + error has occurred, otherwise false. The default value is false, + i.e. not to try to reconnect. + + + + The default behaviour is for the appender not to try to reconnect to the + database if an error occurs. Subsequent logging events are discarded. + + + To force the appender to attempt to reconnect to the database set this + property to true. + + + When the appender attempts to connect to the database there may be a + delay of up to the connection timeout specified in the connection string. + This delay will block the calling application's thread. + Until the connection can be reestablished this potential delay may occur multiple times. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to insert + logging events into a database. Classes deriving from + can use this property to get or set this . Use the + underlying returned from if + you require access beyond that which provides. + + + + + Parameter type used by the . + + + + This class provides the basic database parameter properties + as defined by the interface. + + This type can be subclassed to provide database specific + functionality. The two methods that are called externally are + and . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Default constructor for the AdoNetAppenderParameter class. + + + + + Prepare the specified database command object. + + The command to prepare. + + + Prepares the database command object by adding + this parameter to its collection of parameters. + + + + + + Renders the logging event and set the parameter value in the command. + + The command containing the parameter. + The event to be rendered. + + + Renders the logging event using this parameters layout + object. Sets the value of the parameter on the command object. + + + + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + + Flag to infer type rather than use the DbType + + + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + + The to use to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this parameter. + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + The name of this parameter. The parameter name + must match up to a named parameter to the SQL stored procedure + or prepared statement. + + + + + + Gets or sets the database type for this parameter. + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + The database type for this parameter. This property should + be set to the database type from the + enumeration. See . + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the type from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the precision for this parameter. + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + The maximum number of digits used to represent the Value. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the precision from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the scale for this parameter. + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + The number of decimal places to which Value is resolved. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the scale from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the size for this parameter. + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + The maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the size from the value. + + + For BLOB data types like VARCHAR(max) it may be impossible to infer the value automatically, use -1 as the size in this case. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the to use to + render the logging event into an object for this + parameter. + + + The used to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + The that renders the value for this + parameter. + + + The can be used to adapt + any into a + for use in the property. + + + + + + Appends logging events to the terminal using ANSI color escape sequences. + + + + AnsiColorTerminalAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific level of message to be set. + + + This appender expects the terminal to understand the VT100 control set + in order to interpret the color codes. If the terminal or console does not + understand the control codes the behavior is not defined. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + When configuring the ANSI colored terminal appender, a mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + + These color values cannot be combined together to make new colors. + + + The attributes can be any combination of the following: + + Brightforeground is brighter + Dimforeground is dimmer + Underscoremessage is underlined + Blinkforeground is blinking (does not work on all terminals) + Reverseforeground and background are reversed + Hiddenoutput is hidden + Strikethroughmessage has a line through it + + While any of these attributes may be combined together not all combinations + work well together, for example setting both Bright and Dim attributes makes + no sense. + + + Patrick Wagstrom + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Ansi code to reset terminal + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colours + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible display attributes + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the ANSI color attributes. + + + + + + + text is bright + + + + + text is dim + + + + + text is underlined + + + + + text is blinking + + + Not all terminals support this attribute + + + + + text and background colors are reversed + + + + + text is hidden + + + + + text is displayed with a strikethrough + + + + + text color is light + + + + + The enum of possible foreground or background color values for + use with the color mapping method + + + + The output can be in one for the following ANSI colors. + + + + + + + color is black + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is magenta + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is white + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + An entry in the + + + + This is an abstract base class for types that are stored in the + object. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + + + Initialize any options defined on this entry + + + + Should be overridden by any classes that need to initialise based on their options + + + + + + The level that is the key for this mapping + + + The that is the key for this mapping + + + + Get or set the that is the key for this + mapping subclass. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together + and append the attributes. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + + + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + + + The combined , and + suitable for setting the ansi terminal color. + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a AppenderCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + An AppenderCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + An empty readonly static AppenderCollection + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new AppenderCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the AppenderCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the AppenderCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the AppenderCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the AppenderCollection. + + The to locate in the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire AppenderCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the AppenderCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the AppenderCollection. + + The to remove from the AppenderCollection. + + The specified was not found in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the AppenderCollection. + + An for the entire AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another AppenderCollection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current AppenderCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + Return the collection elements as an array + + the array + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the AppenderCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + Buffers events and then forwards them to attached appenders. + + + + The events are buffered in this appender until conditions are + met to allow the appender to deliver the events to the attached + appenders. See for the + conditions that cause the buffer to be sent. + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different + thresholds and filters for the same appender at different locations + within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface for attaching appenders to objects. + + + + Interface for attaching, removing and retrieving appenders. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + Add the specified appender. The implementation may + choose to allow or deny duplicate appenders. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Returns an attached appender with the specified. + If no appender with the specified name is found null will be + returned. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders. + + + + Gets a collection of attached appenders. + If there are no attached appenders the + implementation should return an empty + collection rather than null. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Send the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + Forwards the events to the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this buffering appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ColoredConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific type of message to be set. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes directly to the application's attached console + not to the System.Console.Out or System.Console.Error TextWriter. + The System.Console.Out and System.Console.Error streams can be + programmatically redirected (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). + This appender will ignore these redirections because it needs to use Win32 + API calls to colorize the output. To respect these redirections the + must be used. + + + When configuring the colored console appender, mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + combination of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + HighIntensity + + + + Rick Hobbs + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colors + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + The console output stream writer to write to + + + + This writer is not thread safe. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible color values for use with the color mapping method + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the colors. + + + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is white + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is purple + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is intensified + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level. + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level. + + + + + + The combined and suitable for + setting the console color. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + debug system. + + + Events are written using the + method. The event's logger name is passed as the value for the category name to the Write method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + If is true then the + is called. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Writes events to the system event log. + + + + The appender will fail if you try to write using an event source that doesn't exist unless it is running with local administrator privileges. + See also + + + The EventID of the event log entry can be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + + + The Category of the event log entry can be + set using the Category property () + on the . + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + When configuring the EventLogAppender a mapping can be + specified to map a logging level to an event log entry type. For example: + + + <mapping> + <level value="ERROR" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Error" /> + </mapping> + <mapping> + <level value="DEBUG" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Information" /> + </mapping> + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and eventLogEntryType can be any value + from the enum, i.e.: + + Erroran error event + Warninga warning event + Informationan informational event + + + + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Thomas Voss + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + The to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Add a mapping of level to - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the event log entry type for a level. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create an event log source + + + Uses different API calls under NET_2_0 + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + the event to log + + Writes the event to the system event log using the + . + + If the event has an EventID property (see ) + set then this integer will be used as the event log event id. + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + + + + Get the equivalent for a + + the Level to convert to an EventLogEntryType + The equivalent for a + + Because there are fewer applicable + values to use in logging levels than there are in the + this is a one way mapping. There is + a loss of information during the conversion. + + + + + The log name is the section in the event logs where the messages + are stored. + + + + + Name of the application to use when logging. This appears in the + application column of the event log named by . + + + + + The name of the machine which holds the event log. This is + currently only allowed to be '.' i.e. the current machine. + + + + + Mapping from level object to EventLogEntryType + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The event ID to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The event category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EventLogAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The maximum size supported by default. + + + + The 32766 documented max size is two bytes shy of 32K (I'm assuming 32766 + may leave space for a two byte null terminator of #0#0). The 32766 max + length is what the .NET 4.0 source code checks for, but this is WRONG! + Strings with a length > 31839 on Windows Vista or higher can CORRUPT + the event log! See: System.Diagnostics.EventLogInternal.InternalWriteEvent() + for the use of the 32766 max size. + + + + + The maximum size supported by a windows operating system that is vista + or newer. + + + See ReportEvent API: + + ReportEvent's lpStrings parameter: + "A pointer to a buffer containing an array of + null-terminated strings that are merged into the message before Event Viewer + displays the string to the user. This parameter must be a valid pointer + (or NULL), even if wNumStrings is zero. Each string is limited to 31,839 characters." + + Going beyond the size of 31839 will (at some point) corrupt the event log on Windows + Vista or higher! It may succeed for a while...but you will eventually run into the + error: "System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception : A device attached to the system is + not functioning", and the event log will then be corrupt (I was able to corrupt + an event log using a length of 31877 on Windows 7). + + The max size for Windows Vista or higher is documented here: + + Going over this size may succeed a few times but the buffer will overrun and + eventually corrupt the log (based on testing). + + The maxEventMsgSize size is based on the max buffer size of the lpStrings parameter of the ReportEvent API. + The documented max size for EventLog.WriteEntry for Windows Vista and higher is 31839, but I'm leaving room for a + terminator of #0#0, as we cannot see the source of ReportEvent (though we could use an API monitor to examine the + buffer, given enough time). + + + + + The maximum size that the operating system supports for + a event log message. + + + Used to determine the maximum string length that can be written + to the operating system event log and eventually truncate a string + that exceeds the limits. + + + + + This method determines the maximum event log message size allowed for + the current environment. + + + + + + The name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + The string name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + This is the name of the log as it appears in the Event Viewer + tree. The default value is to log into the Application + log, this is where most applications write their events. However + if you need a separate log for your application (or applications) + then you should set the appropriately. + This should not be used to distinguish your event log messages + from those of other applications, the + property should be used to distinguish events. This property should be + used to group together events into a single log. + + + + + + Property used to set the Application name. This appears in the + event logs when logging. + + + The string used to distinguish events from different sources. + + + Sets the event log source property. + + + + + This property is used to return the name of the computer to use + when accessing the event logs. Currently, this is the current + computer, denoted by a dot "." + + + The string name of the machine holding the event log that + will be logged into. + + + This property cannot be changed. It is currently set to '.' + i.e. the local machine. This may be changed in future. + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the EventLog. + + + The used to write to the EventLog. + + + + The system security context used to write to the EventLog. + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the EventId to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The EventID of the event log entry will normally be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The Category of the event log entry will normally be + set using the Category property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and its event log entry type. + + + + + + The for this entry + + + + Required property. + The for this entry + + + + + + Appends logging events to a file. + + + + Logging events are sent to the file specified by + the property. + + + The file can be opened in either append or overwrite mode + by specifying the property. + If the file path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. The file encoding can be + specified by setting the property. + + + The layout's and + values will be written each time the file is opened and closed + respectively. If the property is + then the file may contain multiple copies of the header and footer. + + + This appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + The supports pluggable file locking models via + the property. + The default behavior, implemented by + is to obtain an exclusive write lock on the file until this appender is closed. + The alternative models only hold a + write lock while the appender is writing a logging event () + or synchronize by using a named system wide Mutex (). + + + All locking strategies have issues and you should seriously consider using a different strategy that + avoids having multiple processes logging to the same file. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Rodrigo B. de Oliveira + Douglas de la Torre + Niall Daley + + + + Sends logging events to a . + + + + An Appender that writes to a . + + + This appender may be used stand alone if initialized with an appropriate + writer, however it is typically used as a base class for an appender that + can open a to write to. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and + sets the output destination to a new initialized + with the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender. + The to output to. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and sets + the output destination to the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender + The to output to + + The must have been previously opened. + + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + This method determines if there is a sense in attempting to append. + + + + This method checks if an output target has been set and if a + layout has been set. + + + false if any of the preconditions fail. + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method writes all the bulk logged events to the output writer + before flushing the stream. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. The underlying stream or writer is also closed. + + + Closed appenders cannot be reused. + + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Clears internal references to the underlying + and other variables. + + + + Subclasses can override this method for an alternate closing behavior. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Called to allow a subclass to lazily initialize the writer + + + + This method is called when an event is logged and the or + have not been set. This allows a subclass to + attempt to initialize the writer multiple times. + + + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying + or output stream will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logging events are not actually persisted if and when the application + crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TextWriterAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or set whether the appender will flush at the end + of each append operation. + + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + append operation. + + + If this option is set to false, then the underlying + stream can defer persisting the logging event to a later + time. + + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results in + a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + Sets the where the log output will go. + + + + The specified must be open and writable. + + + The will be closed when the appender + instance is closed. + + + Note: Logging to an unopened will fail. + + + + + + Gets or set the and the underlying + , if any, for this appender. + + + The for this appender. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Gets or sets the where logging events + will be written to. + + + The where logging events are written. + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout, file and append mode. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + flag to indicate if the file should be appended to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout and file specified. + The file will be appended to. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Activate the options on the file appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This will cause the file to be opened. + + + + + + Closes any previously opened file and calls the parent's . + + + + Resets the filename and the file stream. + + + + + + Called to initialize the file writer + + + + Will be called for each logged message until the file is + successfully opened. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + Acquires the output file locks once before writing all the events to + the stream. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the previously opened file. + + + + Writes the to the file and then + closes the file. + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + Calls but guarantees not to throw an exception. + Errors are passed to the . + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + If there was already an opened file, then the previous file + is closed first. + + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer used for file output + + the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This implementation of creates a + over the and passes it to the + method. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to wrap the + in some way, for example to encrypt the output + data using a System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + the writer over the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to + wrap the in some way. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if we should append to the file + or overwrite the file. The default is to append. + + + + + The name of the log file. + + + + + The encoding to use for the file stream. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The stream to log to. Has added locking semantics + + + + + The locking model to use + + + + + The fully qualified type of the FileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + The path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + + If the path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether the file should be + appended to or overwritten. + + + Indicates whether the file should be appended to or overwritten. + + + + If the value is set to false then the file will be overwritten, if + it is set to true then the file will be appended to. + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + The default encoding set is + which is the encoding for the system's current ANSI code page. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + The used to lock the file. + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + There are three built in locking models, , and . + The first locks the file from the start of logging to the end, the + second locks only for the minimal amount of time when logging each message + and the last synchronizes processes using a named system wide Mutex. + + + The default locking model is the . + + + + + + Write only that uses the + to manage access to an underlying resource. + + + + + True asynchronous writes are not supported, the implementation forces a synchronous write. + + + + + Exception base type for log4net. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Locking model base class + + + + Base class for the locking models available to the derived loggers. + + + + + + Open the output file + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Helper method that creates a FileStream under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + + Typically called during OpenFile or AcquireLock. + + + If the directory portion of the does not exist, it is created + via Directory.CreateDirecctory. + + + + + + + + + + Helper method to close under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + Does not set to null. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this LockingModel + + + The for this LockingModel + + + + The file appender this locking model is attached to and working on + behalf of. + + + The file appender is used to locate the security context and the error handler to use. + + + The value of this property will be set before is + called. + + + + + + Hold an exclusive lock on the output file + + + + Open the file once for writing and hold it open until is called. + Maintains an exclusive lock on the file during this time. + + + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Does nothing. The lock will be released when the file is closed. + + + + + + Acquires the file lock for each write + + + + Opens the file once for each / cycle, + thus holding the lock for the minimal amount of time. This method of locking + is considerably slower than but allows + other processes to move/delete the log file whilst logging continues. + + + + + + Prepares to open the file when the first message is logged. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Provides cross-process file locking. + + Ron Grabowski + Steve Wranovsky + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + - and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + + + + + + This appender forwards logging events to attached appenders. + + + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different thresholds + and filters for the same appender at different locations within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Forward the logging event to the attached appenders + + The event to log. + + + Delivers the logging event to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Forward the logging events to the attached appenders + + The array of events to log. + + + Delivers the logging events to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Logs events to a local syslog service. + + + + This appender uses the POSIX libc library functions openlog, syslog, and closelog. + If these functions are not available on the local system then this appender will not work! + + + The functions openlog, syslog, and closelog are specified in SUSv2 and + POSIX 1003.1-2001 standards. These are used to log messages to the local syslog service. + + + This appender talks to a local syslog service. If you need to log to a remote syslog + daemon and you cannot configure your local syslog service to do this you may be + able to use the to log via UDP. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a local syslog service. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Adds a to this appender. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Marshaled handle to the identity string. We have to hold on to the + string as the openlog and syslog APIs just hold the + pointer to the ident and dereference it for each log message. + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Open connection to system logger. + + + + + Generate a log message. + + + + The libc syslog method takes a format string and a variable argument list similar + to the classic printf function. As this type of vararg list is not supported + by C# we need to specify the arguments explicitly. Here we have specified the + format string with a single message argument. The caller must set the format + string to "%s". + + + + + + Close descriptor used to write to system logger. + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The log4net Level maps to a syslog severity using the + method and the + class. The severity is set on . + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facility defines which subsystem the logging comes from. + This is set on the property. + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Appends colorful logging events to the console, using the .NET 2 + built-in capabilities. + + + + ManagedColoredConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific type of message to be set. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + When configuring the colored console appender, mappings should be + specified to map logging levels to colors. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level while + ForeColor and BackColor are the values of + enumeration. + + + Based on the ColoredConsoleAppender + + + Rick Hobbs + Nicko Cadell + Pavlos Touboulidis + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colors + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level. + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level. + + + + + + Stores logging events in an array. + + + + The memory appender stores all the logging events + that are appended in an in-memory array. + + + Use the method to get + the current list of events that have been appended. + + + Use the method to clear the + current list of events. + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + The events that have been logged + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + Stores the in the events list. + + + + + Clear the list of events + + + Clear the list of events + + + + + The list of events that have been appended. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether only part of the logging event + data should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the event + data to be fixed and stored in the appender, hereby improving performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + Logs entries by sending network messages using the + native function. + + + + You can send messages only to names that are active + on the network. If you send the message to a user name, + that user must be logged on and running the Messenger + service to receive the message. + + + The receiver will get a top most window displaying the + messages one at a time, therefore this appender should + not be used to deliver a high volume of messages. + + + The following table lists some possible uses for this appender : + + + + + Action + Property Value(s) + + + Send a message to a user account on the local machine + + + = <name of the local machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a user account on a remote machine + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a domain user account + + + = <name of a domain controller | uninitialized> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to all the names in a workgroup or domain + + + = <workgroup name | domain name>* + + + + + Send a message from the local machine to a remote machine + + + = <name of the local machine | uninitialized> + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + + + + + Note : security restrictions apply for sending + network messages, see + for more information. + + + + + An example configuration section to log information + using this appender from the local machine, named + LOCAL_PC, to machine OPERATOR_PC : + + + + + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + + + + + The sender of the network message. + + + + + The message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Initializes the appender. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using a network message. + + + + + + Sends a buffer of information to a registered message alias. + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + The message alias to which the message buffer should be sent + The originator of the message. + The message text. + The length, in bytes, of the message text. + + + The following restrictions apply for sending network messages: + + + + + Platform + Requirements + + + Windows NT + + + No special group membership is required to send a network message. + + + Admin, Accounts, Print, or Server Operator group membership is required to + successfully send a network message on a remote server. + + + + + Windows 2000 or later + + + If you send a message on a domain controller that is running Active Directory, + access is allowed or denied based on the access control list (ACL) for the securable + object. The default ACL permits only Domain Admins and Account Operators to send a network message. + + + On a member server or workstation, only Administrators and Server Operators can send a network message. + + + + + + + For more information see Security Requirements for the Network Management Functions. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. + + + + + + Gets or sets the sender of the message. + + + The sender of the message. + + + If this property is not specified, the message is sent from the local computer. + + + + + Gets or sets the message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + The recipient of the message. + + + This property should always be specified in order to send a message. + + + + + Gets or sets the DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + + For Windows NT 4.0 and earlier, the string should begin with \\. + + + If this property is not specified, the local computer is used. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the OutputDebugString system. + + + + OutputDebugStringAppender appends log events to the + OutputDebugString system. + + + The string is passed to the native OutputDebugString + function. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + the event to log + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + + + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + the string to output + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Logs events to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + The BSD syslog protocol is used to remotely log to + a syslog daemon. The syslogd listens for for messages + on UDP port 514. + + + The syslog UDP protocol is not authenticated. Most syslog daemons + do not accept remote log messages because of the security implications. + You may be able to use the LocalSyslogAppender to talk to a local + syslog service. + + + There is an RFC 3164 that claims to document the BSD Syslog Protocol. + This RFC can be seen here: + This appender generates what the RFC calls an "Original Device Message", + i.e. does not include the TIMESTAMP or HOSTNAME fields. By observation + this format of message will be accepted by all current syslog daemon + implementations. The daemon will attach the current time and the source + hostname or IP address to any messages received. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Sends logging events as connectionless UDP datagrams to a remote host or a + multicast group using an . + + + + UDP guarantees neither that messages arrive, nor that they arrive in the correct order. + + + To view the logging results, a custom application can be developed that listens for logging + events. + + + When decoding events send via this appender remember to use the same encoding + to decode the events as was used to send the events. See the + property to specify the encoding to use. + + + + This example shows how to log receive logging events that are sent + on IP address and port 8080 to the console. The event is + encoded in the packet as a unicode string and it is decoded as such. + + IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); + UdpClient udpClient; + byte[] buffer; + string loggingEvent; + + try + { + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080); + + while(true) + { + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint); + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer); + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent); + } + } + catch(Exception e) + { + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); + } + + + Dim remoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint + Dim udpClient as UdpClient + Dim buffer as Byte() + Dim loggingEvent as String + + Try + remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0) + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080) + + While True + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ByRef remoteEndPoint) + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer) + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent) + Wend + Catch e As Exception + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()) + End Try + + + An example configuration section to log information using this appender to the + IP on port 8080: + + + + + + + + + + Gert Driesen + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified or + an invalid remote or local TCP port number was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + The TCP port number assigned to or is less than or greater than . + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using an UDP datagram. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + Closes the UDP connection and releases all resources associated with + this instance. + + + + Disables the underlying and releases all managed + and unmanaged resources associated with the . + + + + + + Initializes the underlying connection. + + + + The underlying is initialized and binds to the + port number from which you intend to communicate. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to + which the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number from which the will communicate. + + + + + The instance that will be used for sending the + logging events. + + + + + The encoding to use for the packet. + + + + + Gets or sets the IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + + Multicast addresses are identified by IP class D addresses (in the range to + Multicast packets can pass across different networks through routers, so + it is possible to use multicasts in an Internet scenario as long as your network provider + supports multicasting. + + + Hosts that want to receive particular multicast messages must register their interest by joining + the multicast group. Multicast messages are not sent to networks where no host has joined + the multicast group. Class D IP addresses are used for multicast groups, to differentiate + them from normal host addresses, allowing nodes to easily detect if a message is of interest. + + + Static multicast addresses that are needed globally are assigned by IANA. A few examples are listed in the table below: + + + + + IP Address + Description + + + + + + Sends a message to all system on the subnet. + + + + + + + + Sends a message to all routers on the subnet. + + + + + + + + The DHCP server answers messages on the IP address, but only on a subnet. + + + + + + + A complete list of actually reserved multicast addresses and their owners in the ranges + defined by RFC 3171 can be found at the IANA web site. + + + The address range to is reserved for administrative scope-relative + addresses. These addresses can be reused with other local groups. Routers are typically + configured with filters to prevent multicast traffic in this range from flowing outside + of the local network. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + The underlying will send messages to this TCP port number + on the remote host or multicast group. + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + + The underlying will bind to this port for sending messages. + + + Setting the value to 0 (the default) will cause the udp client not to bind to + a local port. + + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets used to write the packets. + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to send logging events + over a network. Classes deriving from can use this + property to get or set this . Use the underlying + returned from if you require access beyond that which + provides. + + + + + Gets or sets the cached remote endpoint to which the logging events should be sent. + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + The method will initialize the remote endpoint + with the values of the and + properties. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Syslog port 514 + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to syslog severity mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The syslog severities. + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facilities + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Delivers logging events to a remote logging sink. + + + + This Appender is designed to deliver events to a remote sink. + That is any object that implements the + interface. It delivers the events using .NET remoting. The + object to deliver events to is specified by setting the + appenders property. + + The RemotingAppender buffers events before sending them. This allows it to + make more efficient use of the remoting infrastructure. + + Once the buffer is full the events are still not sent immediately. + They are scheduled to be sent using a pool thread. The effect is that + the send occurs asynchronously. This is very important for a + number of non obvious reasons. The remoting infrastructure will + flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + Because the events are sent asynchronously using pool threads it is possible to close + this appender before all the queued events have been sent. + When closing the appender attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but + this will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If this appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. If the runtime terminates the threads before + the queued events have been sent then they will be lost. To ensure that all events + are sent the appender must be closed before the application exits. See + for details on how to shutdown + log4net programmatically. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + The events are not sent immediately. They are scheduled to be sent + using a pool thread. The effect is that the send occurs asynchronously. + This is very important for a number of non obvious reasons. The remoting + infrastructure will flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + The events to send. + + + + Override base class close. + + + + This method waits while there are queued work items. The events are + sent asynchronously using work items. These items + will be sent once a thread pool thread is available to send them, therefore + it is possible to close the appender before all the queued events have been + sent. + + This method attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but this + method will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If the appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. + + + + + A work item is being queued into the thread pool + + + + + A work item from the thread pool has completed + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + This method is designed to be used with the . + This method expects to be passed an array of + objects in the state param. + + the logging events to send + + + + The URL of the remote sink. + + + + + The local proxy (.NET remoting) for the remote logging sink. + + + + + The number of queued callbacks currently waiting or executing + + + + + Event used to signal when there are no queued work items + + + This event is set when there are no queued work items. In this + state it is safe to close the appender. + + + + + Gets or sets the URL of the well-known object that will accept + the logging events. + + + The well-known URL of the remote sink. + + + + The URL of the remoting sink that will accept logging events. + The sink must implement the + interface. + + + + + + Interface used to deliver objects to a remote sink. + + + This interface must be implemented by a remoting sink + if the is to be used + to deliver logging events to the sink. + + + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + Array of events to log. + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + + + + + Appender that rolls log files based on size or date or both. + + + + RollingFileAppender can roll log files based on size or date or both + depending on the setting of the property. + When set to the log file will be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled + once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed. + When set to the log file will be + rolled once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed, but within a date boundary the file will also be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled when + the appender is configured. This effectively means that the log file can be + rolled once per program execution. + + + A of few additional optional features have been added: + + Attach date pattern for current log file + Backup number increments for newer files + Infinite number of backups by file size + + + + + + For large or infinite numbers of backup files a + greater than zero is highly recommended, otherwise all the backup files need + to be renamed each time a new backup is created. + + + When Date/Time based rolling is used setting + to will reduce the number of file renamings to few or none. + + + + + + Changing or without clearing + the log file directory of backup files will cause unexpected and unwanted side effects. + + + + + If Date/Time based rolling is enabled this appender will attempt to roll existing files + in the directory without a Date/Time tag based on the last write date of the base log file. + The appender only rolls the log file when a message is logged. If Date/Time based rolling + is enabled then the appender will not roll the log file at the Date/Time boundary but + at the point when the next message is logged after the boundary has been crossed. + + + + The extends the and + has the same behavior when opening the log file. + The appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + When rolling a backup file necessitates deleting an older backup file the + file to be deleted is moved to a temporary name before being deleted. + + + + + A maximum number of backup files when rolling on date/time boundaries is not supported. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Edward Smit + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RollingFileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes. + + the writer to set + + + + Write out a logging event. + + the event to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Write out an array of logging events. + + the events to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Performs any required rolling before outputting the next event + + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Creates and opens the file for logging. If + is false then the fully qualified name is determined and used. + + the name of the file to open + true to append to existing file + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + Get the current output file name + + the base file name + the output file name + + The output file name is based on the base fileName specified. + If is set then the output + file name is the same as the base file passed in. Otherwise + the output file depends on the date pattern, on the count + direction or both. + + + + + Determines curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + + + + + Generates a wildcard pattern that can be used to find all files + that are similar to the base file name. + + + + + + + Builds a list of filenames for all files matching the base filename plus a file + pattern. + + + + + + + Initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + The following is done + + determine curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + + + Does the work of bumping the 'current' file counter higher + to the highest count when an incremental file name is seen. + The highest count is either the first file (when count direction + is greater than 0) or the last file (when count direction less than 0). + In either case, we want to know the highest count that is present. + + + + + + + Attempts to extract a number from the end of the file name that indicates + the number of the times the file has been rolled over. + + + Certain date pattern extensions like yyyyMMdd will be parsed as valid backup indexes. + + + + + + + Takes a list of files and a base file name, and looks for + 'incremented' versions of the base file. Bumps the max + count up to the highest count seen. + + + + + + + Calculates the RollPoint for the datePattern supplied. + + the date pattern to calculate the check period for + The RollPoint that is most accurate for the date pattern supplied + + Essentially the date pattern is examined to determine what the + most suitable roll point is. The roll point chosen is the roll point + with the smallest period that can be detected using the date pattern + supplied. i.e. if the date pattern only outputs the year, month, day + and hour then the smallest roll point that can be detected would be + and hourly roll point as minutes could not be detected. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Sets initial conditions including date/time roll over information, first check, + scheduledFilename, and calls to initialize + the current number of backups. + + + + + + + + + .1, .2, .3, etc. + + + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + + set to true if the file to be rolled is currently open + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + Resets curSizeRollBackups. + If fileIsOpen is set then the new file is opened (through SafeOpenFile). + + + + + + Renames file to file . + + Name of existing file to roll. + New name for file. + + + Renames file to file . It + also checks for existence of target file and deletes if it does. + + + + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + the path to the file + true if the file exists + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + + + + + Deletes the specified file if it exists. + + The file to delete. + + + Delete a file if is exists. + The file is first moved to a new filename then deleted. + This allows the file to be removed even when it cannot + be deleted, but it still can be moved. + + + + + + Implements file roll base on file size. + + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. Moreover, File is + renamed File.1 and closed. + + + A new file is created to receive further log output. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + + + + Implements file roll. + + the base name to rename + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + This is called by to rename the files. + + + + + + Get the start time of the next window for the current rollpoint + + the current date + the type of roll point we are working with + the start time for the next roll point an interval after the currentDateTime date + + + Returns the date of the next roll point after the currentDateTime date passed to the method. + + + The basic strategy is to subtract the time parts that are less significant + than the rollpoint from the current time. This should roll the time back to + the start of the time window for the current rollpoint. Then we add 1 window + worth of time and get the start time of the next window for the rollpoint. + + + + + + This object supplies the current date/time. Allows test code to plug in + a method to control this class when testing date/time based rolling. The default + implementation uses the underlying value of DateTime.Now. + + + + + The date pattern. By default, the pattern is set to ".yyyy-MM-dd" + meaning daily rollover. + + + + + The actual formatted filename that is currently being written to + or will be the file transferred to on roll over + (based on staticLogFileName). + + + + + The timestamp when we shall next recompute the filename. + + + + + Holds date of last roll over + + + + + The type of rolling done + + + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB + + + + + There is zero backup files by default + + + + + How many sized based backups have been made so far + + + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + + The rolling mode used in this appender. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by date. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by size. + + + + + Value indicating whether to always log to the same file. + + + + + Value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + + + FileName provided in configuration. Used for rolling properly + + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Gets or sets the strategy for determining the current date and time. The default + implementation is to use LocalDateTime which internally calls through to DateTime.Now. + DateTime.UtcNow may be used on frameworks newer than .NET 1.0 by specifying + . + + + An implementation of the interface which returns the current date and time. + + + + Gets or sets the used to return the current date and time. + + + There are two built strategies for determining the current date and time, + + and . + + + The default strategy is . + + + + + + Gets or sets the date pattern to be used for generating file names + when rolling over on date. + + + The date pattern to be used for generating file names when rolling + over on date. + + + + Takes a string in the same format as expected by + . + + + This property determines the rollover schedule when rolling over + on date. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum number of backup files that are kept before + the oldest is erased. + + + The maximum number of backup files that are kept before the oldest is + erased. + + + + If set to zero, then there will be no backup files and the log file + will be truncated when it reaches . + + + If a negative number is supplied then no deletions will be made. Note + that this could result in very slow performance as a large number of + files are rolled over unless is used. + + + The maximum applies to each time based group of files and + not the total. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size in bytes that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property is equivalent to except + that it is required for differentiating the setter taking a + argument from the setter taking a + argument. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB (10*1024*1024). + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property allows you to specify the maximum size with the + suffixes "KB", "MB" or "GB" so that the size is interpreted being + expressed respectively in kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. + + + For example, the value "10KB" will be interpreted as 10240 bytes. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB. + + + If you have the option to set the maximum file size programmatically + consider using the property instead as this + allows you to set the size in bytes as a . + + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling file count direction. + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + Indicates if the current file is the lowest numbered file or the + highest numbered file. + + + By default newer files have lower numbers ( < 0), + i.e. log.1 is most recent, log.5 is the 5th backup, etc... + + + >= 0 does the opposite i.e. + log.1 is the first backup made, log.5 is the 5th backup made, etc. + For infinite backups use >= 0 to reduce + rollover costs. + + The default file count direction is -1. + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling style. + + The rolling style. + + + The default rolling style is . + + + When set to this appender's + property is set to false, otherwise + the appender would append to a single file rather than rolling + the file each time it is opened. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + true if the file name extension should be preserved. + + + + By default file.log is rolled to file.log.yyyy-MM-dd or file.log.curSizeRollBackup. + However, under Windows the new file name will loose any program associations as the + extension is changed. Optionally file.log can be renamed to file.yyyy-MM-dd.log or + file.curSizeRollBackup.log to maintain any program associations. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always log to + the same file. + + + true if always should be logged to the same file, otherwise false. + + + + By default file.log is always the current file. Optionally + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd for current formatted datePattern can by the currently + logging file (or file.log.curSizeRollBackup or even + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd.curSizeRollBackup). + + + This will make time based rollovers with a large number of backups + much faster as the appender it won't have to rename all the backups! + + + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + + + Roll files once per program execution + + + + Roll files once per program execution. + Well really once each time this appender is + configured. + + + Setting this option also sets AppendToFile to + false on the RollingFileAppender, otherwise + this appender would just be a normal file appender. + + + + + + Roll files based only on the size of the file + + + + + Roll files based only on the date + + + + + Roll files based on both the size and date of the file + + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + + + Roll the log not based on the date + + + + + Roll the log for each minute + + + + + Roll the log for each hour + + + + + Roll the log twice a day (midday and midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each day (midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each week + + + + + Roll the log each month + + + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + Used primarily to allow test classes to plug themselves in so they can + supply test date/times. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Default implementation of that returns the current time. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Implementation of that returns the current time as the coordinated universal time (UTC). + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Send an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. + + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Authentication and setting the server Port are only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + For these features to be enabled you need to ensure that you are using a version of + the log4net assembly that is built against the MS .NET 1.1 framework and that you are + running the your application on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. On all other platforms only sending + unauthenticated messages to a server listening on port 25 (the default) is supported. + + + Authentication is supported by setting the property to + either or . + If using authentication then the + and properties must also be set. + + + To set the SMTP server port use the property. The default port is 25. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + + Send the email message + + the body text to include in the mail + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be carbon copied (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be blind carbon copied. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the SMTP relay mail server to use to send + the e-mail messages. + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + + + Obsolete + + + Use the BufferingAppenderSkeleton Fix methods instead + + + + Obsolete property. + + + + + + The mode to use to authentication with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + Valid Authentication mode values are: , + , and . + The default value is . When using + you must specify the + and to use to authenticate. + When using the Windows credentials for the current + thread, if impersonating, or the process will be used to authenticate. + + + + + + The username to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the username will be ignored. + + + + + + The password to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the password will be ignored. + + + + + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening + + + Server Port is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening. The default + port is 25. The Port can only be changed when running on + the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + + + + + Gets or sets the priority of the e-mail message + + + One of the values. + + + + Sets the priority of the e-mails generated by this + appender. The default priority is . + + + If you are using this appender to report errors then + you may want to set the priority to . + + + + + + Enable or disable use of SSL when sending e-mail message + + + This is available on MS .NET 2.0 runtime and higher + + + + + Gets or sets the reply-to e-mail address. + + + This is available on MS .NET 2.0 runtime and higher + + + + + Gets or sets the subject encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + Gets or sets the body encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Values for the property. + + + + SMTP authentication modes. + + + + + + No authentication + + + + + Basic authentication. + + + Requires a username and password to be supplied + + + + + Integrated authentication + + + Uses the Windows credentials from the current thread or process to authenticate. + + + + + Send an email when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. Rather than sending via smtp it writes a file into the + directory specified by . This allows services such + as the IIS SMTP agent to manage sending the messages. + + + + The configuration for this appender is identical to that of the SMTPAppender, + except that instead of specifying the SMTPAppender.SMTPHost you specify + . + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Niall Daley + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + + + + + Activate the options on this appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. This should be the same + as that used by the agent sending the messages. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the pickup directory. + + + The used to write to the pickup directory. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appender that allows clients to connect via Telnet to receive log messages + + + + The TelnetAppender accepts socket connections and streams logging messages + back to the client. + The output is provided in a telnet-friendly way so that a log can be monitored + over a TCP/IP socket. + This allows simple remote monitoring of application logging. + + + The default is 23 (the telnet port). + + + Keith Long + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TelnetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Overrides the parent method to close the socket handler + + + + Closes all the outstanding connections. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Create the socket handler and wait for connections + + + + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + + The default value is 23 (the telnet port). + + + The value specified is less than + or greater than . + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Helper class to manage connected clients + + + + The SocketHandler class is used to accept connections from + clients. It is threaded so that clients can connect/disconnect + asynchronously. + + + + + + Opens a new server port on + + the local port to listen on for connections + + + Creates a socket handler on the specified local server port. + + + + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + the text to send + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + + + + + Add a client to the internal clients list + + client to add + + + + Remove a client from the internal clients list + + client to remove + + + + Callback used to accept a connection on the server socket + + The result of the asynchronous operation + + + On connection adds to the list of connections + if there are two many open connections you will be disconnected + + + + + + Close all network connections + + + + Make sure we close all network connections + + + + + + Test if this handler has active connections + + + true if this handler has active connections + + + + This property will be true while this handler has + active connections, that is at least one connection that + the handler will attempt to send a message to. + + + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + + + Create this for the specified + + the client's socket + + + Opens a stream writer on the socket. + + + + + + Write a string to the client + + string to send + + + Write a string to the client + + + + + + Cleanup the clients connection + + + + Close the socket connection. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + trace system. + + + Events are written using the System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(string,string) + method. The event's logger name is the default value for the category parameter + of the Write method. + + + Compact Framework
    + The Compact Framework does not support the + class for any operation except Assert. When using the Compact Framework this + appender will write to the system rather than + the Trace system. This appender will therefore behave like the . +
    + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski +
    + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Defaults to %logger + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + The category parameter sent to the Trace method. + + + + Defaults to %logger which will use the logger name of the current + as the category parameter. + + + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's domain to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required domains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's repository to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required repositories. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + The name of the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The domain to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Obsolete. Use instead of . + + + + + + Use this class to quickly configure a . + + + + Allows very simple programmatic configuration of log4net. + + + Only one appender can be configured using this configurator. + The appender is set at the root of the hierarchy and all logging + events will be delivered to that appender. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The fully qualified type of the BasicConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system with a default configuration. + + + + Initializes the log4net logging system using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + + + + + Initializes the with a default configuration. + + The repository to configure. + + + Initializes the specified repository using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + The repository to configure. + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appenders. + + The repository to configure. + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Base class for all log4net configuration attributes. + + + This is an abstract class that must be extended by + specific configurators. This attribute allows the + configurator to be parameterized by an assembly level + attribute. + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor used by subclasses. + + the ordering priority for this configurator + + + The is used to order the configurator + attributes before they are invoked. Higher priority configurators are executed + before lower priority ones. + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Abstract method implemented by a subclass. When this method is called + the subclass should configure the . + + + + + + Compare this instance to another ConfiguratorAttribute + + the object to compare to + see + + + Compares the priorities of the two instances. + Sorts by priority in descending order. Objects with the same priority are + randomly ordered. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging domain for the assembly. + + + + DomainAttribute is obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging domains. Each domain has its own + logging repository. This attribute specified on the assembly controls + the configuration of the domain. The property specifies the name + of the domain that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the repository objects to create for the domain. If + this attribute is not specified and a is not specified + then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging repository for the assembly. + + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging repository. This attribute specified + on the assembly controls + the configuration of the repository. The property specifies the name + of the repository that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the object + to create for the assembly. If this attribute is not specified or a + is not specified then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the repository. + + The name of the repository. + + + Initialize the attribute with the name for the assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the logging repository. + + + The string name to use as the name of the repository associated with this + assembly. + + + + This value does not have to be unique. Several assemblies can share the + same repository. They will share the logging configuration of the repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + The type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + + The type of the repository to create for the assembly. + The type must implement the + interface. + + + This will be the type of repository created when + the repository is created. If multiple assemblies reference the + same repository then the repository is only created once using the + of the first assembly to call into the + repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the domain. + + The name of the domain. + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + If neither of the or + properties are set the configuration is loaded from the application's .config file. + If set the property takes priority over the + property. The property + specifies a path to a file to load the config from. The path is relative to the + application's base directory; . + The property is used as a postfix to the assembly file name. + The config file must be located in the application's base directory; . + For example in a console application setting the to + config has the same effect as not specifying the or + properties. + + + The property can be set to cause the + to watch the configuration file for changes. + + + + Log4net will only look for assembly level configuration attributes once. + When using the log4net assembly level attributes to control the configuration + of log4net you must ensure that the first call to any of the + methods is made from the assembly with the configuration + attributes. + + + If you cannot guarantee the order in which log4net calls will be made from + different assemblies you must use programmatic configuration instead, i.e. + call the method directly. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Configure the repository using the . + The specified must extend the + class otherwise the will not be able to + configure it. + + + The does not extend . + + + + Attempt to load configuration from the local file system + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + Configure the specified repository using a + + The repository to configure. + the FileInfo pointing to the config file + + + + Attempt to load configuration from a URI + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfiguratorAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the filename of the configuration file. + + + The filename of the configuration file. + + + + If specified, this is the name of the configuration file to use with + the . This file path is relative to the + application base directory (). + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets the extension of the configuration file. + + + The extension of the configuration file. + + + + If specified this is the extension for the configuration file. + The path to the config file is built by using the application + base directory (), + the assembly file name and the config file extension. + + + If the is set to MyExt then + possible config file names would be: MyConsoleApp.exe.MyExt or + MyClassLibrary.dll.MyExt. + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to watch the configuration file. + + + true if the configuration should be watched, false otherwise. + + + + If this flag is specified and set to true then the framework + will watch the configuration file and will reload the config each time + the file is modified. + + + The config file can only be watched if it is loaded from local disk. + In a No-Touch (Smart Client) deployment where the application is downloaded + from a web server the config file may not reside on the local disk + and therefore it may not be able to watch it. + + + Watching configuration is not supported on the SSCLI. + + + + + + Class to register for the log4net section of the configuration file + + + The log4net section of the configuration file needs to have a section + handler registered. This is the section handler used. It simply returns + the XML element that is the root of the section. + + + Example of registering the log4net section handler : + + + +
    + + + log4net configuration XML goes here + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Parses the configuration section. + + The configuration settings in a corresponding parent configuration section. + The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and is a null reference. + The for the log4net section. + The for the log4net section. + + + Returns the containing the configuration data, + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a plugin to attach to + the repository. + + + + Specifies the type of a plugin to create and attach to the + assembly's repository. The plugin type must implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface used to create plugins. + + + + Interface used to create a plugin. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates the plugin object. + + the new plugin instance + + + Create and return a new plugin instance. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type name of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + Where possible use the constructor that takes a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + + + + Creates the plugin object defined by this attribute. + + + + Creates the instance of the object as + specified by this attribute. + + + The plugin object. + + + + Returns a representation of the properties of this object. + + + + Overrides base class method to + return a representation of the properties of this object. + + + A representation of the properties of this object + + + + Gets or sets the type for the plugin. + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type name for the plugin. + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + Where possible use the property instead. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Construct provider attribute with type specified + + the type of the provider to use + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Configures the SecurityContextProvider + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Creates a provider instance from the specified. + Sets this as the default security context provider . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SecurityContextProviderAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the provider to use. + + + the type of the provider to use. + + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
    + + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration URI. + + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration data stream. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
    + + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + URI. + + The repository to configure. + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the specified repository using a log4net element. + + The hierarchy to configure. + The element to parse. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + This method is ultimately called by one of the Configure methods + to load the configuration from an . + + + + + + Maps repository names to ConfigAndWatchHandler instances to allow a particular + ConfigAndWatchHandler to dispose of its FileSystemWatcher when a repository is + reconfigured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Class used to watch config files. + + + + Uses the to monitor + changes to a specified file. Because multiple change notifications + may be raised when the file is modified, a timer is used to + compress the notifications into a single event. The timer + waits for time before delivering + the event notification. If any further + change notifications arrive while the timer is waiting it + is reset and waits again for to + elapse. + + + + + + The default amount of time to wait after receiving notification + before reloading the config file. + + + + + Holds the FileInfo used to configure the XmlConfigurator + + + + + Holds the repository being configured. + + + + + The timer used to compress the notification events. + + + + + Watches file for changes. This object should be disposed when no longer + needed to free system handles on the watched resources. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class to + watch a specified config file used to configure a repository. + + The repository to configure. + The configuration file to watch. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Called by the timer when the configuration has been updated. + + null + + + + Release the handles held by the watcher and timer. + + + + + The implementation of the interface suitable + for use with the compact framework + + + + This implementation is a simple + mapping between repository name and + object. + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not support retrieving assembly + level attributes therefore unlike the DefaultRepositorySelector + this selector does not examine the calling assembly for attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Interface used by the to select the . + + + + The uses a + to specify the policy for selecting the correct + to return to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to use to lookup to the + The for the assembly. + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. The results of this method must be repeatable, i.e. + when called again with the same arguments the result must be the + save value. + + + + + + Gets the named . + + The name to use to lookup to the . + The named + + Lookup a named . This is the repository created by + calling . + + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + The assembly to use to create the domain to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the domain + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. + + + + + + Creates a new repository with the name specified. + + The name to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the name + specified such that a call to with the + same name will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + An array of the instances created by + this . + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Create a new repository selector + + the type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new compact repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + throw if is null + throw if does not implement + + + + Get the for the specified assembly + + not used + The default + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Get the named + + the name of the repository to lookup + The named + + + Get the named . The default + repository is log4net-default-repository. Other repositories + must be created using the . + If the named repository does not exist an exception is thrown. + + + throw if is null + throw if the does not exist + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + not used + the type of repository to create, must implement + the repository created + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + If the is null then the + default repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Create a new repository for the repository specified + + the repository to associate with the + the type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is null then the default repository type is used. + the repository created + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + If the named repository already exists an exception will be thrown. + + + If is null then the default + repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + throw if is null + throw if the already exists + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the CompactRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has been created + + The repository that has been created + + + Raises the LoggerRepositoryCreatedEvent + event. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + The default implementation of the interface. + + + + Uses attributes defined on the calling assembly to determine how to + configure the hierarchy for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates a new repository selector. + + The type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + is . + does not implement . + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly use to lookup the . + + + The type of the created and the repository + to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the . + + + The default values are to use the + implementation of the interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically configured using + any attributes defined on + the . + + + The for the assembly + is . + + + + Gets the for the specified repository. + + The repository to use to lookup the . + The for the specified repository. + + + Returns the named repository. If is null + a is thrown. If the repository + does not exist a is thrown. + + + Use to create a repository. + + + is . + does not exist. + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The name to assign to the created repository + Set to true to read and apply the assembly attributes + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the specified repository. + + The repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is then the default repository type is used. + The new repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + is . + already exists. + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Aliases a repository to an existing repository. + + The repository to alias. + The repository that the repository is aliased to. + + + The repository specified will be aliased to the repository when created. + The repository must not already exist. + + + When the repository is created it must utilize the same repository type as + the repository it is aliased to, otherwise the aliasing will fail. + + + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Notifies the registered listeners that the repository has been created. + + The repository that has been created. + + + Raises the event. + + + + + + Gets the repository name and repository type for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that has a . + in/out param to hold the repository name to use for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + in/out param to hold the type of the repository to create for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + is . + + + + Configures the repository using information from the assembly. + + The assembly containing + attributes which define the configuration for the repository. + The repository to configure. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined plugins on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to add the plugins to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined aliases on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to alias to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DefaultRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Defined error codes that can be passed to the method. + + + + Values passed to the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + A general error + + + + + Error while writing output + + + + + Failed to flush file + + + + + Failed to close file + + + + + Unable to open output file + + + + + No layout specified + + + + + Failed to parse address + + + + + An evaluator that triggers on an Exception type + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the type of the Exception + passed to + is equal to a Type in . /// + + + Drew Schaeffer + + + + Test if an triggers an action + + + + Implementations of this interface allow certain appenders to decide + when to perform an appender specific action. + + + The action or behavior triggered is defined by the implementation. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Test if this event triggers the action + + The event to check + true if this event triggers the action, otherwise false + + + Return true if this event triggers the action + + + + + + The type that causes the trigger to fire. + + + + + Causes subclasses of to cause the trigger to fire. + + + + + Default ctor to allow dynamic creation through a configurator. + + + + + Constructs an evaluator and initializes to trigger on + + the type that triggers this evaluator. + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the logging event Exception + Type is . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the Exception Type of the event + passed to + is . + + + + + + The type that triggers this evaluator. + + + + + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + + Appenders may delegate their error handling to an . + + + + Error handling is a particularly tedious to get right because by + definition errors are hard to predict and to reproduce. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + The error code associated with the error. + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + + + See . + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + + + See . + + + + + + Interface for objects that require fixing. + + + + Interface that indicates that the object requires fixing before it + can be taken outside the context of the appender's + method. + + + When objects that implement this interface are stored + in the context properties maps + and + are fixed + (see ) the + method will be called. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a portable instance object that represents the current + state of this object. The portable object can be stored + and logged from any thread with identical results. + + + + + + Interface that all loggers implement + + + + This interface supports logging events and testing if a level + is enabled for logging. + + + These methods will not throw exceptions. Note to implementor, ensure + that the implementation of these methods cannot allow an exception + to be thrown to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + the exception to log, including its stack trace. Pass null to not log an exception. + + + Generates a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Base interface for all wrappers + + + + Base interface for all wrappers. + + + All wrappers must implement this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that in implementing this object. + + + + The object that in implementing this + object. The Logger object may not + be the same object as this object because of logger decorators. + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications + + The which created the repository. + The event args + that holds the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A + event is raised every time a is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Construct instance using specified + + the that has been created + + + Construct instance using specified + + + + + + The that has been created + + + The that has been created + + + + The that has been created + + + + + + Defines the default set of levels recognized by the system. + + + + Each has an associated . + + + Levels have a numeric that defines the relative + ordering between levels. Two Levels with the same + are deemed to be equivalent. + + + The levels that are recognized by log4net are set for each + and each repository can have different levels defined. The levels are stored + in the on the repository. Levels are + looked up by name from the . + + + When logging at level INFO the actual level used is not but + the value of LoggerRepository.LevelMap["INFO"]. The default value for this is + , but this can be changed by reconfiguring the level map. + + + Each level has a in addition to its . The + is the string that is written into the output log. By default + the display name is the same as the level name, but this can be used to alias levels + or to localize the log output. + + + Some of the predefined levels recognized by the system are: + + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + The display name for this level. This may be localized or otherwise different from the name + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Returns the representation of the current + . + + + A representation of the current . + + + + Returns the level . + + + + + + Compares levels. + + The object to compare against. + true if the objects are equal. + + + Compares the levels of instances, and + defers to base class if the target object is not a + instance. + + + + + + Returns a hash code + + A hash code for the current . + + + Returns a hash code suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data + structures like a hash table. + + + Returns the hash code of the level . + + + + + + Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an + indication of their relative values. + + A instance or to compare with this instance. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + This instance is less than . + + + Zero + This instance is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + + This instance is greater than . + -or- + is . + + + + + + + must be an instance of + or ; otherwise, an exception is thrown. + + + is not a . + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have the same value. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is the same as the + value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have different values. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is different from + the value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Compares two specified instances. + + The first to compare. + The second to compare. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + two values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + is less than . + + + Zero + is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + is greater than . + + + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + The level designates a higher level than all the rest. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events + that will presumably lead the application to abort. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Take immediate action, alerts. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Critical condition, critical. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + + + + + The level designates error events that might + still allow the application to continue running. + + + + + The level designates potentially harmful + situations. + + + + + The level designates informational messages + that highlight the progress of the application at the highest level. + + + + + The level designates informational messages that + highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates the lowest level possible. + + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + The name of this level. + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + The value of this level. + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + The display name of this level. + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a LevelCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A LevelCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new LevelCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the LevelCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the LevelCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the LevelCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the LevelCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the LevelCollection. + + The to locate in the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire LevelCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the LevelCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the LevelCollection. + + The to remove from the LevelCollection. + + The specified was not found in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the LevelCollection. + + An for the entire LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another LevelCollection to the current LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current LevelCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current LevelCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the LevelCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + An evaluator that triggers at a threshold level + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The threshold for triggering + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + the threshold to trigger at + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the event level + is equal or higher than the . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + the threshold to trigger at + + + The that will cause this evaluator to trigger + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Mapping between string name and Level object + + + + Mapping between string name and object. + This mapping is held separately for each . + The level name is case insensitive. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Mapping from level name to Level object. The + level name is case insensitive + + + + + Construct the level map + + + + Construct the level map. + + + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + the display name to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + Add a Level to the map + + the Level to add + + + Add a Level to the map + + + + + + Lookup a named level from the map + + the name of the level to lookup is taken from this level. + If the level is not set on the map then this level is added + the level in the map with the name specified + + + Lookup a named level from the map. The name of the level to lookup is taken + from the property of the + argument. + + + If no level with the specified name is found then the + argument is added to the level map + and returned. + + + + + + Lookup a by name + + The name of the Level to lookup + a Level from the map with the name specified + + + Returns the from the + map with the name specified. If the no level is + found then null is returned. + + + + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + all possible levels as a list of Level objects + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + + + + + The internal representation of caller location information. + + + + This class uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + Constructor + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class based on the current thread. + + + + + + Constructor + + The fully qualified class name. + The method name. + The file name. + The line number of the method within the file. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class with the specified data. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LocationInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + Gets the stack frames from the stack trace of the caller making the log request + + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + This class is used by the wrapper managers (e.g. ) + to provide access to the objects. + + + This manager also holds the that is used to + lookup and create repositories. The selector can be set either programmatically using + the property, or by setting the log4net.RepositorySelector + AppSetting in the applications config file to the fully qualified type name of the + selector to use. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + + + Hook the shutdown event + + + + On the full .NET runtime, the static constructor hooks up the + AppDomain.ProcessExit and AppDomain.DomainUnload> events. + These are used to shutdown the log4net system as the application exits. + + + + + + Register for ProcessExit and DomainUnload events on the AppDomain + + + + This needs to be in a separate method because the events make + a LinkDemand for the ControlAppDomain SecurityPermission. Because + this is a LinkDemand it is demanded at JIT time. Therefore we cannot + catch the exception in the method itself, we have to catch it in the + caller. + + + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + Returns the default instance. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified assembly's repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified assembly's repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + The repository to lookup in. + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + the assembly to use to lookup the repository + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The repository to shutdown. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + An array of all the known objects. + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + + + + Internal method to get pertinent version info. + + A string of version info. + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerManager class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initialize the default repository selector + + + + + Gets or sets the repository selector used by the . + + + The repository selector used by the . + + + + The repository selector () is used by + the to create and select repositories + (). + + + The caller to supplies either a string name + or an assembly (if not supplied the assembly is inferred using + ). + + + This context is used by the selector to lookup a specific repository. + + + For the full .NET Framework, the default repository is DefaultRepositorySelector; + for the .NET Compact Framework CompactRepositorySelector is the default + repository. + + + + + + Implementation of the interface. + + + + This class should be used as the base for all wrapper implementations. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + The logger that this object is wrapping + + + + + Gets the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that this object is implementing. + + + + The Logger object may not be the same object as this object + because of logger decorators. + + + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The logger name. + + + + The logger name. + + + + + + Level of logging event. + + + + Level of logging event. Level cannot be Serializable + because it is a flyweight. Due to its special serialization it + cannot be declared final either. + + + + + + The application supplied message. + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + + The name of thread + + + + The name of thread in which this logging event was generated + + + + + + The time the event was logged + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + + + String representation of the user + + + + String representation of the user's windows name, + like DOMAIN\username + + + + + + String representation of the identity. + + + + String representation of the current thread's principal identity. + + + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Fix the MDC + + + + + Fix the NDC + + + + + Fix the rendered message + + + + + Fix the thread name + + + + + Fix the callers location information + + + CAUTION: Very slow to generate + + + + + Fix the callers windows user name + + + CAUTION: Slow to generate + + + + + Fix the domain friendly name + + + + + Fix the callers principal name + + + CAUTION: May be slow to generate + + + + + Fix the exception text + + + + + Fix the event properties. Active properties must implement in order to be eligible for fixing. + + + + + No fields fixed + + + + + All fields fixed + + + + + Partial fields fixed + + + + This set of partial fields gives good performance. The following fields are fixed: + + + + + + + + + + + + + The internal representation of logging events. + + + + When an affirmative decision is made to log then a + instance is created. This instance + is passed around to the different log4net components. + + + This class is of concern to those wishing to extend log4net. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + The key into the Properties map for the host name value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the thread identity value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the user name value. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + from the supplied parameters. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + The name of the logger of this event. + The level of this event. + The message of this event. + The exception for this event. + + + Except , and , + all fields of LoggingEvent are filled when actually needed. Call + to cache all data locally + to prevent inconsistencies. + + This method is called by the log4net framework + to create a logging event. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + The fields in the struct that have already been fixed. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + The parameter should be used to specify which fields in the + struct have been preset. Fields not specified in the + will be captured from the environment if requested or fixed. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Ensure that the repository is set. + + the value for the repository + + + + Write the rendered message to a TextWriter + + the writer to write the message to + + + Unlike the property this method + does store the message data in the internal cache. Therefore + if called only once this method should be faster than the + property, however if the message is + to be accessed multiple times then the property will be more efficient. + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + The data in this event must be fixed before it can be serialized. + + + The method must be called during the + method call if this event + is to be used outside that method. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + Does a fix of the data + in the logging event before returning the event data. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The set of data to ensure is fixed in the LoggingEventData + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + + + + Fix instance fields that hold volatile data. + + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Calling is equivalent to + calling passing the parameter + false. + + + See for more + information. + + + + + + Fixes instance fields that hold volatile data. + + Set to true to not fix data that takes a long time to fix. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + The param controls the data that + is fixed. Some of the data that can be fixed takes a long time to + generate, therefore if you do not require those settings to be fixed + they can be ignored by setting the param + to true. This setting will ignore the + and settings. + + + Set to false to ensure that all + settings are fixed. + + + + + + Fix the fields specified by the parameter + + the fields to fix + + + Only fields specified in the will be fixed. + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Lookup a composite property in this event + + the key for the property to lookup + the value for the property + + + This event has composite properties that combine together properties from + several different contexts in the following order: + + + this events properties + + This event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + + Get all the composite properties in this event + + the containing all the properties + + + See for details of the composite properties + stored by the event. + + + This method returns a single containing all the + properties defined for this event. + + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The fully qualified Type of the calling + logger class in the stack frame (i.e. the declaring type of the method). + + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + The exception that was thrown. + + + This is not serialized. The string representation + is serialized instead. + + + + + The repository that generated the logging event + + + This is not serialized. + + + + + The fix state for this event + + + These flags indicate which fields have been fixed. + Not serialized. + + + + + Indicated that the internal cache is updateable (ie not fixed) + + + This is a seperate flag to m_fixFlags as it allows incrementel fixing and simpler + changes in the caching strategy. + + + + + Gets the time when the current process started. + + + This is the time when this process started. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + Tries to get the start time for the current process. + Failing that it returns the time of the first call to + this property. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating and therefore + without the process start time being reset. + + + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + The of the logging event. + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + + + + Gets the time of the logging event. + + + The time of the logging event. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + The name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + + + Gets the location information for this logging event. + + + The location information for this logging event. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + See the class for more information on + supported frameworks and the different behavior in Debug and + Release builds. + + + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + + + The message object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid message object. + If the event is serialized the message object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the message the + property must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined message object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + + + The exception object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid exception object. + If the event is serialized the exception object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the exception the + method must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined exception object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + + + Gets the message, rendered through the . + + + The message rendered through the . + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current thread. + + + The name of the current thread, or the thread ID when + the name is not available. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current user. + + + The name of the current user, or NOT AVAILABLE when the + underlying runtime has no support for retrieving the name of the + current user. + + + + Calls WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name to get the name of + the current windows user. + + + To improve performance, we could cache the string representation of + the name, and reuse that as long as the identity stayed constant. + Once the identity changed, we would need to re-assign and re-render + the string. + + + However, the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() call seems to + return different objects every time, so the current implementation + doesn't do this type of caching. + + + Timing for these operations: + + + + Method + Results + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() + 10000 loops, 00:00:00.2031250 seconds + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + 10000 loops, 00:00:08.0468750 seconds + + + + This means we could speed things up almost 40 times by caching the + value of the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name property, since + this takes (8.04-0.20) = 7.84375 seconds. + + + + + + Gets the identity of the current thread principal. + + + The string name of the identity of the current thread principal. + + + + Calls System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name to get + the name of the current thread principal. + + + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + The AppDomain friendly name. + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + This property is for events that have been added directly to + this event. The aggregate properties (which include these + event properties) can be retrieved using + and . + + + Once the properties have been fixed this property + returns the combined cached properties. This ensures that updates to + this property are always reflected in the underlying storage. When + returning the combined properties there may be more keys in the + Dictionary than expected. + + + + + + The fixed fields in this event + + + The set of fields that are fixed in this event + + + + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Implementation of wrapper interface. + + + + This implementation of the interface + forwards to the held by the base class. + + + This logger has methods to allow the caller to log at the following + levels: + + + + DEBUG + + The and methods log messages + at the DEBUG level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + INFO + + The and methods log messages + at the INFO level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + WARN + + The and methods log messages + at the WARN level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + ERROR + + The and methods log messages + at the ERROR level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + FATAL + + The and methods log messages + at the FATAL level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + + The values for these levels and their semantic meanings can be changed by + configuring the for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The ILog interface is use by application to log messages into + the log4net framework. + + + + Use the to obtain logger instances + that implement this interface. The + static method is used to get logger instances. + + + This class contains methods for logging at different levels and also + has properties for determining if those logging levels are + enabled in the current configuration. + + + This interface can be implemented in different ways. This documentation + specifies reasonable behavior that a caller can expect from the actual + implementation, however different implementations reserve the right to + do things differently. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + For some ILog interface log, when you write: + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, string construction and concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed (who isn't), then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in and once in + the . This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. This is the preferred style of logging. + + Alternatively if your logger is available statically then the is debug + enabled state can be stored in a static variable like this: + + + private static readonly bool isDebugEnabled = log.IsDebugEnabled; + + + Then when you come to log you can write: + + + if (isDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way the debug enabled state is only queried once + when the class is loaded. Using a private static readonly + variable is the most efficient because it is a run time constant + and can be heavily optimized by the JIT compiler. + + + Of course if you use a static readonly variable to + hold the enabled state of the logger then you cannot + change the enabled state at runtime to vary the logging + that is produced. You have to decide if you need absolute + speed or runtime flexibility. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + the repository holding the levels + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + DEBUG level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + INFO level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level. + + the message object to log + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + WARN level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + ERROR level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + FATAL level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Event handler for the event + + the repository + Empty + + + + The fully qualified name of this declaring type not the type of any subclass. + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the DEBUG + level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for DEBUG events, + false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + + For some log Logger object, when you write: + + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed, then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled()) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in IsDebugEnabled and once in + the Debug. This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the INFO level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for INFO events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the WARN level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for WARN events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the ERROR level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for ERROR events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the FATAL level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for FATAL events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + provides method information without actually referencing a System.Reflection.MethodBase + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + constructs a method item for an unknown method. + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method. + + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method and its parameters. + + + + + + + constructs a method item from a method base by determining the method name and its parameters. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + The method parameters of the caller making + the logging request + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + for example with operating system services. This can be used to impersonate + a principal that has been granted privileges on the system resources. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + An instance that will + revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext, or null + + + Impersonate this security context. Further calls on the current + thread should now be made in the security context provided + by this object. When the result + method is called the security + context of the thread should be reverted to the state it was in + before was called. + + + + + + The providers default instances. + + + + A configured component that interacts with potentially protected system + resources uses a to provide the elevated + privileges required. If the object has + been not been explicitly provided to the component then the component + will request one from this . + + + By default the is + an instance of which returns only + objects. This is a reasonable default + where the privileges required are not know by the system. + + + This default behavior can be overridden by subclassing the + and overriding the method to return + the desired objects. The default provider + can be replaced by programmatically setting the value of the + property. + + + An alternative is to use the log4net.Config.SecurityContextProviderAttribute + This attribute can be applied to an assembly in the same way as the + log4net.Config.XmlConfiguratorAttribute". The attribute takes + the type to use as the as an argument. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The default provider + + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + + + Create a SecurityContext for a consumer + + The consumer requesting the SecurityContext + An impersonation context + + + The default implementation is to return a . + + + Subclasses should override this method to provide their own + behavior. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default SecurityContextProvider + + + The default SecurityContextProvider + + + + The default provider is used by configured components that + require a and have not had one + given to them. + + + By default this is an instance of + that returns objects. + + + The default provider can be set programmatically by setting + the value of this property to a sub class of + that has the desired behavior. + + + + + + provides stack frame information without actually referencing a System.Diagnostics.StackFrame + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + returns a stack frame item from a stack frame. This + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + An evaluator that triggers after specified number of seconds. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + Robert Sevcik + + + + The default time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time of last check. This gets updated when the object is created and when the evaluator triggers. + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the specified time period + has passed since last check.. + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. This delegate + is called from the + method to construct the wrapper for the specified logger. + + + The delegate to use is supplied to the + constructor. + + + + + + Maps between logger objects and wrapper objects. + + + + This class maintains a mapping between objects and + objects. Use the method to + lookup the for the specified . + + + New wrapper instances are created by the + method. The default behavior is for this method to delegate construction + of the wrapper to the delegate supplied + to the constructor. This allows specialization of the behavior without + requiring subclassing of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + + The handler to use to create the wrapper objects. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified handler to create the wrapper objects. + + + + + + Gets the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The wrapper object for the specified logger + + + If the logger is null then the corresponding wrapper is null. + + + Looks up the wrapper it it has previously been requested and + returns it. If the wrapper has never been requested before then + the virtual method is + called. + + + + + + Creates the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + The wrapper object for the logger. + + + This implementation uses the + passed to the constructor to create the wrapper. This method + can be overridden in a subclass. + + + + + + Called when a monitored repository shutdown event is received. + + The that is shutting down + + + This method is called when a that this + is holding loggers for has signaled its shutdown + event . The default + behavior of this method is to release the references to the loggers + and their wrappers generated for this repository. + + + + + + Event handler for repository shutdown event. + + The sender of the event. + The event args. + + + + Map of logger repositories to hashtables of ILogger to ILoggerWrapper mappings + + + + + The handler to use to create the extension wrapper objects. + + + + + Internal reference to the delegate used to register for repository shutdown events. + + + + + Gets the map of logger repositories. + + + Map of logger repositories. + + + + Gets the hashtable that is keyed on . The + values are hashtables keyed on with the + value being the corresponding . + + + + + + Formats a as "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats a in the format "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render a as a string. + + + + Interface to abstract the rendering of a + instance into a string. + + + The method is used to render the + date to a text writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats the specified date as a string. + + The date to format. + The writer to write to. + + + Format the as a string and write it + to the provided. + + + + + + String constant used to specify AbsoluteTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is ABSOLUTE. + + + + + String constant used to specify DateTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is DATE. + + + + + String constant used to specify ISO8601DateFormat in layouts. Current value is ISO8601. + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss". + + The date to render into a string. + The string builder to write to. + + + Subclasses should override this method to render the date + into a string using a precision up to the second. This method + will be called at most once per second and the result will be + reused if it is needed again during the same second. + + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + The date to render into a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the method to generate the + time string up to the seconds and then appends the current + milliseconds. The results from are + cached and is called at most once + per second. + + + Sub classes should override + rather than . + + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Formats a as "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" + + + + Formats a in the format + "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, + "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Angelika Schnagl + + + + Default constructor. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats a DateTime in the format "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" + for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + The format info for the invariant culture. + + + + + Formats the as "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats the specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats the date specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The format string. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified format string. + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + Formats the date using . + + The date to convert to a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the date format string supplied to the constructor to call + the method to format the date. + + + + + + The format string used to format the . + + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + This filter drops all . + + + + You can add this filter to the end of a filter chain to + switch from the default "accept all unless instructed otherwise" + filtering behavior to a "deny all unless instructed otherwise" + behavior. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Subclass this type to implement customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should extend this class to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface to provide customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should implement this interface to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Decide if the logging event should be logged through an appender. + + The LoggingEvent to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Points to the next filter in the filter chain. + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Initialize the filter with the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Typically filter's options become active immediately on set, + however this method must still be called. + + + + + + Decide if the should be logged through an appender. + + The to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + This method is marked abstract and must be implemented + in a subclass. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Always returns the integer constant + + the LoggingEvent to filter + Always returns + + + Ignores the event being logged and just returns + . This can be used to change the default filter + chain behavior from to . This filter + should only be used as the last filter in the chain + as any further filters will be ignored! + + + + + + The return result from + + + + The return result from + + + + + + The log event must be dropped immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This filter is neutral with respect to the log event. + The remaining filters, if any, should be consulted for a final decision. + + + + + The log event must be logged immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This is a very simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits two options and + . If there is an exact match between the value + of the option and the of the + , then the method returns in + case the option value is set + to true, if it is false then + is returned. If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + flag to indicate if the filter should on a match + + + + + the to match against + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Tests if the of the logging event matches that of the filter + + the event to filter + see remarks + + + If the of the event matches the level of the + filter then the result of the function depends on the + value of . If it is true then + the function will return , it it is false then it + will return . If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + The level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + This is a simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits three options and + that determine the range of priorities that are matched, and + . If there is a match between the range + of priorities and the of the , then the + method returns in case the + option value is set to true, if it is false + then is returned. If there is no match, is returned. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when matching a + + + + + the minimum value to match + + + + + the maximum value to match + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if the event should be logged. + + the logging event to check + see remarks + + + If the of the logging event is outside the range + matched by this filter then + is returned. If the is matched then the value of + is checked. If it is true then + is returned, otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching and + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Set the minimum matched + + + + The minimum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Sets the maximum matched + + + + The maximum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the event's logger name. + + + + The works very similar to the . It admits two + options and . If the + of the starts + with the value of the option, then the + method returns in + case the option value is set to true, + if it is false then is returned. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The logger name string to substring match against the event + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the equals the beginning of + the incoming () + then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + This filter will attempt to match this value against logger name in + the following way. The match will be done against the beginning of the + logger name (using ). The match is + case sensitive. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with layered properties the + should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Simple filter to match a string an event property + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the value for a + specific event property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The string to substring match against the message + + + + + A string regex to match + + + + + A regex object to match (generated from m_stringRegexToMatch) + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Initialize and precompile the Regex if required + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the message then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching or + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Sets the static string to match + + + + The string that will be substring matched against + the rendered message. If the message contains this + string then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + Sets the regular expression to match + + + + The regular expression pattern that will be matched against + the rendered message. If the message matches this + pattern then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + The key to use to lookup the string from the event properties + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The event property for the is matched against + the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the property value then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + The key to lookup in the event properties and then match against. + + + + The key name to use to lookup in the properties map of the + . The match will be performed against + the value of this property if it exists. + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with named stacks stored in the + properties collections the should + be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Sets the to "NDC". + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Protected constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Evaluate this pattern converter and write the output to a writer. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the appropriate way. + + + + + + Set the next pattern converter in the chains + + the pattern converter that should follow this converter in the chain + the next converter + + + The PatternConverter can merge with its neighbor during this method (or a sub class). + Therefore the return value may or may not be the value of the argument passed in. + + + + + + Write the pattern converter to the writer with appropriate formatting + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + This method calls to allow the subclass to perform + appropriate conversion of the pattern converter. If formatting options have + been specified via the then this method will + apply those formattings before writing the output. + + + + + + Fast space padding method. + + to which the spaces will be appended. + The number of spaces to be padded. + + + Fast space padding method. + + + + + + The option string to the converter + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an object to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the Object to a writer. If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the object to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + The formatting info for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + The option for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles exceptions + + + false if this converter handles exceptions + + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles the logging event exception + + false if this converter handles the logging event exception + + + If this converter handles the exception object contained within + , then this property should be set to + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the property should be set to true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this converter does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output . + + + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + + Render the to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,yyyy" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter pattern based on the property. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert the pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception or the exception property specified + by the Option value does not exist then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Recognized values for the Option parameter are: + + + + Message + + + Source + + + StackTrace + + + TargetSite + + + HelpLink + + + + + + + Writes the caller location file name to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location file name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + + + Writes the value of the to + the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the + to + the output . + + + + + + Write the event level to the output + + + + Writes the display name of the event + to the writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event level to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the of the + to the . + + + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Converter for logger name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Converter to output and truncate '.' separated strings + + + + This abstract class supports truncating a '.' separated string + to show a specified number of elements from the right hand side. + This is used to truncate class names that are fully qualified. + + + Subclasses should override the method to + return the fully qualified string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Get the fully qualified string data + + the event being logged + the fully qualified name + + + Overridden by subclasses to get the fully qualified name before the + precision is applied to it. + + + Return the fully qualified '.' (dot/period) separated string. + + + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + Render the to the precision + specified by the property. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the NamedPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the logger + + the event being logged + The fully qualified logger name + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + + + + Write the method name to the output + + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the method name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + + + + Converter to include event NDC + + + + Outputs the value of the event property named NDC. + + + The should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event NDC to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + As the thread context stacks are now stored in named event properties + this converter simply looks up the value of the NDC property. + + + The should be used instead. + + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + Converter to output the relative time of the event + + + + Converter to output the time of the event relative to the start of the program. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the relative time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the relative time of the event in milliseconds. + That is the number of milliseconds between the event + and the . + + + + + + Helper method to get the time difference between two DateTime objects + + start time (in the current local time zone) + end time (in the current local time zone) + the time difference in milliseconds + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + Adam Davies + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + Michael Cromwell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the strack frames to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Returns the Name of the method + + + This method was created, so this class could be used as a base class for StackTraceDetailPatternConverter + string + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTracePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTraceDetailPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Converter to include event thread name + + + + Writes the to the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the ThreadName to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the . + + + + + + Pattern converter for the class name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the class + + the event being logged + The fully qualified type name for the caller location + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Converter to include event user name + + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + Uses a to format the + in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone, this is converted + to Universal time before it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string that re-evaluates on each call. + + + This class is built on and provides all the + features and capabilities of PatternLayout. PatternLayout is a 'static' class + in that its layout is done once at configuration time. This class will recreate + the layout on each reference. + One important difference between PatternLayout and DynamicPatternLayout is the + treatment of the Header and Footer parameters in the configuration. The Header and Footer + parameters for DynamicPatternLayout must be syntactically in the form of a PatternString, + but should not be marked as type log4net.Util.PatternString. Doing so causes the + pattern to be statically converted at configuration time and causes DynamicPatternLayout + to perform the same as PatternLayout. + Please see for complete documentation. + + <layout type="log4net.Layout.DynamicPatternLayout"> + <param name="Header" value="%newline**** Trace Opened Local: %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} UTC: %utcdate{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + <param name="Footer" value="**** Trace Closed %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + </layout> + + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string. + + + + The goal of this class is to a + as a string. The results + depend on the conversion pattern. + + + The conversion pattern is closely related to the conversion + pattern of the printf function in C. A conversion pattern is + composed of literal text and format control expressions called + conversion specifiers. + + + You are free to insert any literal text within the conversion + pattern. + + + Each conversion specifier starts with a percent sign (%) and is + followed by optional format modifiers and a conversion + pattern name. The conversion pattern name specifies the type of + data, e.g. logger, level, date, thread name. The format + modifiers control such things as field width, padding, left and + right justification. The following is a simple example. + + + Let the conversion pattern be "%-5level [%thread]: %message%newline" and assume + that the log4net environment was set to use a PatternLayout. Then the + statements + + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TestApp)); + log.Debug("Message 1"); + log.Warn("Message 2"); + + would yield the output + + DEBUG [main]: Message 1 + WARN [main]: Message 2 + + + Note that there is no explicit separator between text and + conversion specifiers. The pattern parser knows when it has reached + the end of a conversion specifier when it reads a conversion + character. In the example above the conversion specifier + %-5level means the level of the logging event should be left + justified to a width of five characters. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + a + Equivalent to appdomain + + + appdomain + + Used to output the friendly name of the AppDomain where the + logging event was generated. + + + + aspnet-cache + + + Used to output all cache items in the case of %aspnet-cache or just one named item if used as %aspnet-cache{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-context + + + Used to output all context items in the case of %aspnet-context or just one named item if used as %aspnet-context{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-request + + + Used to output all request parameters in the case of %aspnet-request or just one named param if used as %aspnet-request{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-session + + + Used to output all session items in the case of %aspnet-session or just one named item if used as %aspnet-session{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + c + Equivalent to logger + + + C + Equivalent to type + + + class + Equivalent to type + + + d + Equivalent to date + + + date + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + exception + + + Used to output the exception passed in with the log message. + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + + + F + Equivalent to file + + + file + + + Used to output the file name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + WARNING Generating caller information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + l + Equivalent to location + + + L + Equivalent to line + + + location + + + Used to output location information of the caller which generated + the logging event. + + + The location information depends on the CLI implementation but + usually consists of the fully qualified name of the calling + method followed by the callers source the file name and line + number between parentheses. + + + The location information can be very useful. However, its + generation is extremely slow. Its use should be avoided + unless execution speed is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + level + + + Used to output the level of the logging event. + + + + + line + + + Used to output the line number from where the logging request + was issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + logger + + + Used to output the logger of the logging event. The + logger conversion specifier can be optionally followed by + precision specifier, that is a decimal constant in + brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the logger name will be + printed. By default the logger name is printed in full. + + + For example, for the logger name "a.b.c" the pattern + %logger{2} will output "b.c". + + + + + m + Equivalent to message + + + M + Equivalent to method + + + message + + + Used to output the application supplied message associated with + the logging event. + + + + + mdc + + + The MDC (old name for the ThreadContext.Properties) is now part of the + combined event properties. This pattern is supported for compatibility + but is equivalent to property. + + + + + method + + + Used to output the method name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + n + Equivalent to newline + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + ndc + + + Used to output the NDC (nested diagnostic context) associated + with the thread that generated the logging event. + + + + + p + Equivalent to level + + + P + Equivalent to property + + + properties + Equivalent to property + + + property + + + Used to output the an event specific property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are added to events by loggers or appenders. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the event properties + + The event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + r + Equivalent to timestamp + + + stacktrace + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktrace{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + stacktracedetail + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktracedetail{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + t + Equivalent to thread + + + timestamp + + + Used to output the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start + of the application until the creation of the logging event. + + + + + thread + + + Used to output the name of the thread that generated the + logging event. Uses the thread number if no name is available. + + + + + type + + + Used to output the fully qualified type name of the caller + issuing the logging request. This conversion specifier + can be optionally followed by precision specifier, that + is a decimal constant in brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the class name will be + printed. By default the class name is output in fully qualified form. + + + For example, for the class name "log4net.Layout.PatternLayout", the + pattern %type{1} will output "PatternLayout". + + + WARNING Generating the caller class information is + slow. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is + not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + u + Equivalent to identity + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + WARNING Generating caller WindowsIdentity information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + w + Equivalent to username + + + x + Equivalent to ndc + + + X + Equivalent to mdc + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + The single letter patterns are deprecated in favor of the + longer more descriptive pattern names. + + + By default the relevant information is output as is. However, + with the aid of format modifiers it is possible to change the + minimum field width, the maximum field width and justification. + + + The optional format modifier is placed between the percent sign + and the conversion pattern name. + + + The first optional format modifier is the left justification + flag which is just the minus (-) character. Then comes the + optional minimum field width modifier. This is a decimal + constant that represents the minimum number of characters to + output. If the data item requires fewer characters, it is padded on + either the left or the right until the minimum width is + reached. The default is to pad on the left (right justify) but you + can specify right padding with the left justification flag. The + padding character is space. If the data item is larger than the + minimum field width, the field is expanded to accommodate the + data. The value is never truncated. + + + This behavior can be changed using the maximum field + width modifier which is designated by a period followed by a + decimal constant. If the data item is longer than the maximum + field, then the extra characters are removed from the + beginning of the data item and not from the end. For + example, it the maximum field width is eight and the data item is + ten characters long, then the first two characters of the data item + are dropped. This behavior deviates from the printf function in C + where truncation is done from the end. + + + Below are various format modifier examples for the logger + conversion specifier. + +
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Format modifierleft justifyminimum widthmaximum widthcomment
    %20loggerfalse20none + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is less than 20 + characters long. + +
    %-20loggertrue20none + + Right pad with spaces if the logger + name is less than 20 characters long. + +
    %.30loggerNAnone30 + + Truncate from the beginning if the logger + name is longer than 30 characters. + +
    %20.30loggerfalse2030 + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
    %-20.30loggertrue2030 + + Right pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
    + + Note about caller location information.
    + The following patterns %type %file %line %method %location %class %C %F %L %l %M + all generate caller location information. + Location information uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. +
    + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using the method. + +
    + + This is a more detailed pattern. + %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline + + + A similar pattern except that the relative time is + right padded if less than 6 digits, thread name is right padded if + less than 15 characters and truncated if longer and the logger + name is left padded if shorter than 30 characters and truncated if + longer. + %-6timestamp [%15.15thread] %-5level %30.30logger %ndc - %message%newline + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino +
    + + + Extend this abstract class to create your own log layout format. + + + + This is the base implementation of the + interface. Most layout objects should extend this class. + + + + + + Subclasses must implement the + method. + + + Subclasses should set the in their default + constructor. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by layout objects + + + + An object is used to format a + as text. The method is called by an + appender to transform the into a string. + + + The layout can also supply and + text that is appender before any events and after all the events respectively. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text and output to a writer. + + + If the caller does not have a and prefers the + event to be formatted as a then the following + code can be used to format the event into a . + + + StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); + Layout.Format(writer, loggingEvent); + string formattedEvent = writer.ToString(); + + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This is a MIME type e.g. "text/plain". + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handle exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + + + + The header text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The footer text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This method must be implemented by the subclass. + + + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text. + + + + + + Convenience method for easily formatting the logging event into a string variable. + + + + Creates a new StringWriter instance to store the formatted logging event. + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type is "text/plain" + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This base class uses the value "text/plain". + To change this value a subclass must override this + property. + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this layout does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + Currently set to the string "%message%newline" + which just prints the application supplied message. + + + + + + A detailed conversion pattern + + + + A conversion pattern which includes Time, Thread, Logger, and Nested Context. + Current value is %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline. + + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + This static map is overridden by the m_converterRegistry instance map + + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternLayout only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + Defines the builtin global rules. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + As per the contract the + method must be called after the properties on this object have been + configured. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + When using this constructor the method + need not be called. This may not be the case when using a subclass. + + + + + + Create the pattern parser instance + + the pattern to parse + The that will format the event + + + Creates the used to parse the conversion string. Sets the + global and instance rules on the . + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Parse the using the patter format + specified in the property. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a named pattern converter to this instance. This + converter will be used in the formatting of the event. + This method must be called before . + + + The specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + The header PatternString + + + + + The footer PatternString + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event. + + + This Layout should only be used with appenders that utilize multiple + layouts (e.g. ). + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Constructs a ExceptionLayout + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + Part of the component activation + framework. + + + This method does nothing as options become effective immediately. + + + + + + Gets the exception text from the logging event + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + the event being logged + + + Write the exception string to the . + The exception string is retrieved from . + + + + + + Interface for raw layout objects + + + + Interface used to format a + to an object. + + + This interface should not be confused with the + interface. This interface is used in + only certain specialized situations where a raw object is + required rather than a formatted string. The + is not generally useful than this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + + + + + Adapts any to a + + + + Where an is required this adapter + allows a to be specified. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The layout to adapt + + + + + Construct a new adapter + + the layout to adapt + + + Create the adapter for the specified . + + + + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + + Uses the object supplied to + the constructor to perform the formatting. + + + + + + Type converter for the interface + + + + Used to convert objects to the interface. + Supports converting from the interface to + the interface using the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from arbitrary types + to a single target type. See . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the can be converted to the + type supported by this converter. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Converts the to the type supported + by this converter. + + + + + + Can the sourceType be converted to an + + the source to be to be converted + true if the source type can be converted to + + + Test if the can be converted to a + . Only is supported + as the . + + + + + + Convert the value to a object + + the value to convert + the object + + + Convert the object to a + object. If the object + is a then the + is used to adapt between the two interfaces, otherwise an + exception is thrown. + + + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructs a RawPropertyLayout + + + + + Lookup the property for + + The event to format + returns property value + + + Looks up and returns the object value of the property + named . If there is no property defined + with than name then null will be returned. + + + + + + The name of the value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection. + + + Value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection + + + + String name of the property to lookup in the . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in local time. To format the time stamp + in universal time use . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawUtcTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in universal time. To format the time stamp + in local time use . + + + + + + A very simple layout + + + + SimpleLayout consists of the level of the log statement, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. For example, + + DEBUG - Hello world + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a SimpleLayout + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a simple formatted output. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Formats the event as the level of the even, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. The + output is terminated by a newline. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + The output of the consists of a series of + log4net:event elements. It does not output a complete well-formed XML + file. The output is designed to be included as an external entity + in a separate file to form a correct XML file. + + + For example, if abc is the name of the file where + the output goes, then a well-formed XML file would + be: + + + <?xml version="1.0" ?> + + <!DOCTYPE log4net:events SYSTEM "log4net-events.dtd" [<!ENTITY data SYSTEM "abc">]> + + <log4net:events version="1.2" xmlns:log4net="> + &data; + </log4net:events> + + + This approach enforces the independence of the + and the appender where it is embedded. + + + The version attribute helps components to correctly + interpret output generated by . The value of + this attribute should be "1.2" for release 1.2 and later. + + + Alternatively the Header and Footer properties can be + configured to output the correct XML header, open tag and close tag. + When setting the Header and Footer properties it is essential + that the underlying data store not be appendable otherwise the data + will become invalid XML. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + This is an abstract class that must be subclassed by an implementation + to conform to a specific schema. + + + Deriving classes must implement the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with no location info. + + + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + The parameter determines whether + location information will be output by the layout. If + is set to true, then the + file name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string. + + The event being logged. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the and write it to the . + + + This method creates an that writes to the + . The is passed + to the method. Subclasses should override the + method rather than this method. + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Subclasses should override this method to format + the as XML. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if location information should be included in + the XML events. + + + + + The string to replace invalid chars with + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether to include location information in + the XML events. + + + true if location information should be included in the XML + events; otherwise, false. + + + + If is set to true, then the file + name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + The string to replace characters that can not be expressed in XML with. + + + Not all characters may be expressed in XML. This property contains the + string to replace those that can not with. This defaults to a ?. Set it + to the empty string to simply remove offending characters. For more + details on the allowed character ranges see + Character replacement will occur in the log message, the property names + and the property values. + + + + + + + Gets the content type output by this layout. + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SmtpAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Builds a cache of the element names + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Override the base class method + to write the to the . + + + + + + The prefix to use for all generated element names + + + + + The prefix to use for all element names + + + + The default prefix is log4net. Set this property + to change the prefix. If the prefix is set to an empty string + then no prefix will be written. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the message. + + + + By default the log message will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when the message contains binary + data. By setting this to true the contents of the message will be + base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the log message. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the property values. + + + + By default the properties will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when one or more properties contain + binary data. By setting this to true the values of the properties + will be base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the property values. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements compatible with the log4j schema + + + + Formats the log events according to the schema. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Actually do the writing of the xml + + the writer to use + the event to write + + + Generate XML that is compatible with the log4j schema. + + + + + + The version of the log4j schema to use. + + + + Only version 1.2 of the log4j schema is supported. + + + + + + The default object Renderer. + + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects and collections to strings. + + + See the method for details of the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface in order to render objects as strings + + + + Certain types require special case conversion to + string form. This conversion is done by an object renderer. + Object renderers implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a + string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects to strings as follows: + + + + Value + Rendered String + + + null + + "(null)" + + + + + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + , & + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: {a, b, c}. + + + All collection classes that implement its subclasses, + or generic equivalents all implement the interface. + + + + + + + + Rendered as the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). + + + For example: key=value. + + + + + other + + Object.ToString() + + + + + + + + Render the array argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the array to render + The writer to render to + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + + Render the enumerator argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the enumerator to render + The writer to render to + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + {a, b, c}. + + + + + + Render the DictionaryEntry argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the DictionaryEntry to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). For example: key=value. + + + + + + Map class objects to an . + + + + Maintains a mapping between types that require special + rendering and the that + is used to render them. + + + The method is used to render an + object using the appropriate renderers defined in this map. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + the object rendered as a string + + + This is a convenience method used to render an object to a string. + The alternative method + should be used when streaming output to a . + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + The writer to render to + + + Find the appropriate renderer for the type of the + parameter. This is accomplished by calling the + method. Once a renderer is found, it is + applied on the object and the result is returned + as a . + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type + + the object to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type. + + + Syntactic sugar method that calls + with the type of the object parameter. + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified type + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + Returns the renderer for the specified type. + If no specific renderer has been defined the + will be returned. + + + + + + Internal function to recursively search interfaces + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + + Clear the map of renderers + + + + Clear the custom renderers defined by using + . The + cannot be removed. + + + + + + Register an for . + + the type that will be rendered by + the renderer for + + + Register an object renderer for a specific source type. + This renderer will be returned from a call to + specifying the same as an argument. + + + + + + Get the default renderer instance + + the default renderer + + + Get the default renderer + + + + + + Interface implemented by logger repository plugins. + + + + Plugins define additional behavior that can be associated + with a . + The held by the + property is used to store the plugins for a repository. + + + The log4net.Config.PluginAttribute can be used to + attach plugins to repositories created using configuration + attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches the plugin to the specified . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + Gets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a PluginCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A PluginCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new PluginCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the PluginCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the PluginCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the PluginCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the PluginCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the PluginCollection. + + The to locate in the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire PluginCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the PluginCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the PluginCollection. + + The to remove from the PluginCollection. + + The specified was not found in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the PluginCollection. + + An for the entire PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another PluginCollection to the current PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current PluginCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current PluginCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + + The at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + The number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + The current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + Map of repository plugins. + + + + This class is a name keyed map of the plugins that are + attached to a repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + Initialize a new instance of the class with a + repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + + + + Adds a to the map. + + The to add to the map. + + + The will be attached to the repository when added. + + + If there already exists a plugin with the same name + attached to the repository then the old plugin will + be and replaced with + the new plugin. + + + + + + Removes a from the map. + + The to remove from the map. + + + Remove a specific plugin from this map. + + + + + + Gets a by name. + + The name of the to lookup. + + The from the map with the name specified, or + null if no plugin is found. + + + + Lookup a plugin by name. If the plugin is not found null + will be returned. + + + + + + Gets all possible plugins as a list of objects. + + All possible plugins as a list of objects. + + + Get a collection of all the plugins defined in this map. + + + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the + interface. This base class can be used by implementors + of the interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + the name of the plugin + + Initializes a new Plugin with the specified name. + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + The name of this plugin. + + + + + The repository this plugin is attached to. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + The name of the plugin must not change one the + plugin has been attached to a repository. + + + + + + The repository for this plugin + + + The that this plugin is attached to. + + + + Gets or sets the that this plugin is + attached to. + + + + + + Plugin that listens for events from the + + + + This plugin publishes an instance of + on a specified . This listens for logging events delivered from + a remote . + + + When an event is received it is relogged within the attached repository + as if it had been raised locally. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The property must be set. + + + + + + Construct with sink Uri. + + The name to publish the sink under in the remoting infrastructure. + See for more details. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with specified name. + + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + When the plugin is shutdown the remote logging + sink is disconnected. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RemoteLoggingServerPlugin class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the URI of this sink. + + + The URI of this sink. + + + + This is the name under which the object is marshaled. + + + + + + + Delivers objects to a remote sink. + + + + Internal class used to listen for logging events + and deliver them to the local repository. + + + + + + Constructor + + The repository to log to. + + + Initializes a new instance of the for the + specified . + + + + + + Logs the events to the repository. + + The events to log. + + + The events passed are logged to the + + + + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. + + null to indicate that this instance should live forever. + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. This object should live forever + therefore this implementation returns null. + + + + + + The underlying that events should + be logged to. + + + + + Default implementation of + + + + This default implementation of the + interface is used to create the default subclass + of the object. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface abstracts creation of instances + + + + This interface is used by the to + create new objects. + + + The method is called + to create a named . + + + Implement this interface to create new subclasses of . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default internal subclass of + + + + This subclass has no additional behavior over the + class but does allow instances + to be created. + + + + + + Implementation of used by + + + + Internal class used to provide implementation of + interface. Applications should use to get + logger instances. + + + This is one of the central classes in the log4net implementation. One of the + distinctive features of log4net are hierarchical loggers and their + evaluation. The organizes the + instances into a rooted tree hierarchy. + + + The class is abstract. Only concrete subclasses of + can be created. The + is used to create instances of this type for the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + + + + This constructor created a new instance and + sets its name. + + The name of the . + + + This constructor is protected and designed to be used by + a subclass that is not abstract. + + + Loggers are constructed by + objects. See for the default + logger creator. + + + + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + An appender to add to this logger + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + + If is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Look for the appender named as name + + The name of the appender to lookup + The appender with the name specified, or null. + + + Returns the named appender, or null if the appender is not found. + + + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the named appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Deliver the to the attached appenders. + + The event to log. + + + Call the appenders in the hierarchy starting at + this. If no appenders could be found, emit a + warning. + + + This method calls all the appenders inherited from the + hierarchy circumventing any evaluation of whether to log or not + to log the particular log request. + + + + + + Closes all attached appenders implementing the interface. + + + + Used to ensure that the appenders are correctly shutdown. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method. This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers + + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the . + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generates a logging event and delivers it to the attached + appenders. + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The event being logged. + + + Delivers the logging event to the attached appenders. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Logger class. + + + + + The name of this logger. + + + + + The assigned level of this logger. + + + + The level variable need not be + assigned a value in which case it is inherited + form the hierarchy. + + + + + + The parent of this logger. + + + + The parent of this logger. + All loggers have at least one ancestor which is the root logger. + + + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + The hierarchy that this logger is a member of is stored + here. + + + + + + Helper implementation of the interface + + + + + Flag indicating if child loggers inherit their parents appenders + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Lock to protect AppenderAttachedImpl variable m_appenderAttachedImpl + + + + + Gets or sets the parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + The parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + + Part of the Composite pattern that makes the hierarchy. + The hierarchy is parent linked rather than child linked. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + true if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Gets the effective level for this logger. + + The nearest level in the logger hierarchy. + + + Starting from this logger, searches the logger hierarchy for a + non-null level and returns it. Otherwise, returns the level of the + root logger. + + The Logger class is designed so that this method executes as + quickly as possible. + + + + + Gets or sets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + The hierarchy that this logger belongs to. + + + This logger must be attached to a single . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned , if any, for this Logger. + + + The of this logger. + + + + The assigned can be null. + + + + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . + + A collection of the appenders in this logger + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . If no appenders + can be found, then a is returned. + + + + + + Gets the logger name. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Construct a new Logger + + the name of the logger + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + The in which the has been created. + The event args that hold the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A event is raised every time a + is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Constructor + + The that has been created. + + + Initializes a new instance of the event argument + class,with the specified . + + + + + + Gets the that has been created. + + + The that has been created. + + + + The that has been created. + + + + + + Hierarchical organization of loggers + + + + The casual user should not have to deal with this class + directly. + + + This class is specialized in retrieving loggers by name and + also maintaining the logger hierarchy. Implements the + interface. + + + The structure of the logger hierarchy is maintained by the + method. The hierarchy is such that children + link to their parent but parents do not have any references to their + children. Moreover, loggers can be instantiated in any order, in + particular descendant before ancestor. + + + In case a descendant is created before a particular ancestor, + then it creates a provision node for the ancestor and adds itself + to the provision node. Other descendants of the same ancestor add + themselves to the previously created provision node. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the interface. + + + Skeleton implementation of the interface. + All types can extend this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by logger repositories. + + + + This interface is implemented by logger repositories. e.g. + . + + + This interface is used by the + to obtain interfaces. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + If the names logger exists it is returned, otherwise + null is returned. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + + + + + Returns a named logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Returns a named logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + Shutting down a repository will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The name of the repository + + + + The name of the repository. + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Collection of internal messages captured during the most + recent configuration process. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis. + + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes the repository with default (empty) properties. + + + + + + Construct the repository using specific properties + + the properties to set for this repository + + + Initializes the repository with specified properties. + + + + + + Test if logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository as an Array. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Return a new logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + + Shutdown the repository. Can be overridden in a subclass. + This base class implementation notifies the + listeners and all attached plugins of the shutdown event. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerRepositorySkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + The type that will be rendered by the renderer supplied. + The object renderer used to render the object. + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository is shutting down + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository is shutting down. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration reset + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has been reset. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration changed + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has changed. + + + + + + Raise a configuration changed event on this repository + + EventArgs.Empty + + + Applications that programmatically change the configuration of the repository should + raise this event notification to notify listeners. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The string name of the repository + + + + The name of this repository. The name is + used to store and lookup the repositories + stored by the . + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Contains a list of internal messages captures during the + last configuration. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis + + + + + Basic Configurator interface for repositories + + + + Interface used by basic configurator to configure a + with a default . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appender. + + + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appenders. + + + + + + Configure repository using XML + + + + Interface used by Xml configurator to configure a . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + The schema for the XML configuration data is defined by + the implementation. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with properties + + The properties to pass to this repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with a logger factory + + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Construct with properties and a logger factory + + The properties to pass to this repository. + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Test if a logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the hierarchy. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array. + The root logger is not included in the returned + enumeration. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The Shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their default. + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their + default. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this hierarchy. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are currently configured + + An array containing all the currently configured appenders + + + Returns all the instances that are currently configured. + All the loggers are searched for appenders. The appenders may also be containers + for appenders and these are also searched for additional loggers. + + + The list returned is unordered but does not contain duplicates. + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an . + The appender may also be a container. + + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an container + + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Test if this hierarchy is disabled for the specified . + + The level to check against. + + true if the repository is disabled for the level argument, false otherwise. + + + + If this hierarchy has not been configured then this method will + always return true. + + + This method will return true if this repository is + disabled for level object passed as parameter and + false otherwise. + + + See also the property. + + + + + + Clear all logger definitions from the internal hashtable + + + + This call will clear all logger definitions from the internal + hashtable. Invoking this method will irrevocably mess up the + logger hierarchy. + + + You should really know what you are doing before + invoking this method. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + . + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The factory that will make the new logger instance + The logger object with the name specified + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated by the + parameter and linked with its existing + ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Sends a logger creation event to all registered listeners + + The newly created logger + + Raises the logger creation event. + + + + + Updates all the parents of the specified logger + + The logger to update the parents for + + + This method loops through all the potential parents of + . There 3 possible cases: + + + + No entry for the potential parent of exists + + We create a ProvisionNode for this potential + parent and insert in that provision node. + + + + The entry is of type Logger for the potential parent. + + The entry is 's nearest existing parent. We + update 's parent field with this entry. We also break from + he loop because updating our parent's parent is our parent's + responsibility. + + + + The entry is of type ProvisionNode for this potential parent. + + We add to the list of children for this + potential parent. + + + + + + + + Replace a with a in the hierarchy. + + + + + + We update the links for all the children that placed themselves + in the provision node 'pn'. The second argument 'log' is a + reference for the newly created Logger, parent of all the + children in 'pn'. + + + We loop on all the children 'c' in 'pn'. + + + If the child 'c' has been already linked to a child of + 'log' then there is no need to update 'c'. + + + Otherwise, we set log's parent field to c's parent and set + c's parent field to log. + + + + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + the level values + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + + Supports setting levels via the configuration file. + + + + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument + + the property value + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument. + + + Supports setting property values via the configuration file. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Hierarchy class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event used to notify that a logger has been created. + + + + Event raised when a logger is created. + + + + + + Has no appender warning been emitted + + + + Flag to indicate if we have already issued a warning + about not having an appender warning. + + + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default instance. + + The default + + + The logger factory is used to create logger instances. + + + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Value of the level + + + + If the value is not set (defaults to -1) the value will be looked + up for the current level with the same name. + + + + + + Name of the level + + + The name of the level + + + + The name of the level. + + + + + + Display name for the level + + + The display name of the level + + + + The display name of the level. + + + + + + Used internally to accelerate hash table searches. + + + + Internal class used to improve performance of + string keyed hashtables. + + + The hashcode of the string is cached for reuse. + The string is stored as an interned value. + When comparing two objects for equality + the reference equality of the interned strings is compared. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct key with string name + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + Stores the hashcode of the string and interns + the string key to optimize comparisons. + + + The Compact Framework 1.0 the + method does not work. On the Compact Framework + the string keys are not interned nor are they + compared by reference. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + Returns a hash code for the current instance. + + A hash code for the current instance. + + + Returns the cached hashcode. + + + + + + Determines whether two instances + are equal. + + The to compare with the current . + + true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares the references of the interned strings. + + + + + + Provision nodes are used where no logger instance has been specified + + + + instances are used in the + when there is no specified + for that node. + + + A provision node holds a list of child loggers on behalf of + a logger that does not exist. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new provision node with child node + + A child logger to add to this node. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified child logger. + + + + + + The sits at the root of the logger hierarchy tree. + + + + The is a regular except + that it provides several guarantees. + + + First, it cannot be assigned a null + level. Second, since the root logger cannot have a parent, the + property always returns the value of the + level field without walking the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct a + + The level to assign to the root logger. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified logging level. + + + The root logger names itself as "root". However, the root + logger cannot be retrieved by name. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RootLogger class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + The assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + + Because the root logger cannot have a parent and its level + must not be null this property just returns the + value of . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned for the root logger. + + + The of the root logger. + + + + Setting the level of the root logger to a null reference + may have catastrophic results. We prevent this here. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net environment using an XML DOM. + + + + Configures a using an XML DOM. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct the configurator for a hierarchy + + The hierarchy to build. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + + + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + The root element to parse. + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + + + + + Parse appenders by IDREF. + + The appender ref element. + The instance of the appender that the ref refers to. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender. + + + + + + Parses an appender element. + + The appender element. + The appender instance or null when parsing failed. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender instance. + + + + + + Parses a logger element. + + The logger element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a logger. + + + + + + Parses the root logger element. + + The root element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents the root logger. + + + + + + Parses the children of a logger element. + + The category element. + The logger instance. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse the child elements of a <logger> element. + + + + + + Parses an object renderer. + + The renderer element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a renderer. + + + + + + Parses a level element. + + The level element. + The logger object to set the level on. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a level. + + + + + + Sets a parameter on an object. + + The parameter element. + The object to set the parameter on. + + The parameter name must correspond to a writable property + on the object. The value of the parameter is a string, + therefore this function will attempt to set a string + property first. If unable to set a string property it + will inspect the property and its argument type. It will + attempt to call a static method called Parse on the + type of the property. This method will take a single + string argument and return a value that can be used to + set the property. + + + + + Test if an element has no attributes or child elements + + the element to inspect + true if the element has any attributes or child elements, false otherwise + + + + Test if a is constructible with Activator.CreateInstance. + + the type to inspect + true if the type is creatable using a default constructor, false otherwise + + + + Look for a method on the that matches the supplied + + the type that has the method + the name of the method + the method info found + + + The method must be a public instance method on the . + The method must be named or "Add" followed by . + The method must take a single parameter. + + + + + + Converts a string value to a target type. + + The type of object to convert the string to. + The string value to use as the value of the object. + + + An object of type with value or + null when the conversion could not be performed. + + + + + + Creates an object as specified in XML. + + The XML element that contains the definition of the object. + The object type to use if not explicitly specified. + The type that the returned object must be or must inherit from. + The object or null + + + Parse an XML element and create an object instance based on the configuration + data. + + + The type of the instance may be specified in the XML. If not + specified then the is used + as the type. However the type is specified it must support the + type. + + + + + + key: appenderName, value: appender. + + + + + The Hierarchy being configured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlHierarchyConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications + + The that is shutting down. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications + + The that has had its configuration reset. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + The that has had its configuration changed. + Empty event arguments. + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes name of the current AppDomain to the output . + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The date and time is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date and time passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an folder path to the output + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + should be a value in the enumeration. + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the special path environment folder path to the output . + The name of the special path environment folder path to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentFolderPathPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + + + Write an environment variable to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the environment variable to the output . + The name of the environment variable to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the current thread identity to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the IdentityPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Pattern converter for literal string instances in the pattern + + + + Writes the literal string value specified in the + property to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Set the next converter in the chain + + The next pattern converter in the chain + The next pattern converter + + + Special case the building of the pattern converter chain + for instances. Two adjacent + literals in the pattern can be represented by a single combined + pattern converter. This implementation detects when a + is added to the chain + after this converter and combines its value with this converter's + literal value. + + + + + + Write the literal to the output + + the writer to write to + null, not set + + + Override the formatting behavior to ignore the FormattingInfo + because we have a literal instead. + + + Writes the value of + to the output . + + + + + + Convert this pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, not set + + + This method is not used. + + + + + + Writes a newline to the output + + + + Writes the system dependent line terminator to the output. + This behavior can be overridden by setting the : + + + + Option Value + Output + + + DOS + DOS or Windows line terminator "\r\n" + + + UNIX + UNIX line terminator "\n" + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + + + Write the current process ID to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current process ID to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ProcessIdPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + This pattern converter reads the thread and global properties. + The thread properties take priority over global properties. + See for details of the + thread properties. See for + details of the global properties. + + + If the is specified then that will be used to + lookup a single property. If no is specified + then all properties will be dumped as a list of key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + A Pattern converter that generates a string of random characters + + + + The converter generates a string of random characters. By default + the string is length 4. This can be changed by setting the + to the string value of the length required. + + + The random characters in the string are limited to uppercase letters + and numbers only. + + + The random number generator used by this class is not cryptographically secure. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Shared random number generator + + + + + Length of random string to generate. Default length 4. + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write a randoim string to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write a randoim string to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RandomStringPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + + + Write the current threads username to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current threads username to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UserNamePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the UTC date time to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current date and time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date is in Universal time when it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Type converter for Boolean. + + + + Supports conversion from string to bool type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Exception base type for conversion errors. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + A nested exception to include. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Register of type converters for specific types. + + + + Maintains a registry of type converters used to convert between + types. + + + Use the and + methods to register new converters. + The and methods + lookup appropriate converters to use. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Static constructor. + + + + This constructor defines the intrinsic type converters. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter instance for a specific type. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type of the type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted from. + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Lookups the type converter to use as specified by the attributes on the + destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + + Creates the instance of the type converter. + + The type of the type converter. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + The type specified for the type converter must implement + the or interfaces + and must have a public default (no argument) constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ConverterRegistry class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Mapping from to type converter. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an encoding + the encoding + + + Uses the method to + convert the argument to an . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from a single type to arbitrary types. + See . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type + + A Type that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the type supported by this converter can be converted to the + . + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Converts the (which must be of the type supported + by this converter) to the specified.. + + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an IPAddress + the IPAddress + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to an . + If that fails then the string is resolved as a DNS hostname. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Valid characters in an IPv4 or IPv6 address string. (Does not support subnets) + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternLayout + the PatternLayout + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Convert between string and + + + + Supports conversion from string to type, + and from a type to a string. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the target type be converted to the type supported by this object + + A that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + assignable from a type. + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + . To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternString + the PatternString + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a Type + the Type + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + Additional effort is made to locate partially specified types + by searching the loaded assemblies. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Attribute used to associate a type converter + + + + Class and Interface level attribute that specifies a type converter + to use with the associated type. + + + To associate a type converter with a target type apply a + TypeConverterAttribute to the target type. Specify the + type of the type converter on the attribute. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type name + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type + + The type of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + A straightforward implementation of the interface. + + + + This is the default implementation of the + interface. Implementors of the interface + should aggregate an instance of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The event being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The array of events being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Calls the DoAppende method on the with + the objects supplied. + + The appender + The events + + + If the supports the + interface then the will be passed + through using that interface. Otherwise the + objects in the array will be passed one at a time. + + + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + If the appender is already in the list it won't be added again. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Lookup an attached appender by name. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + List of appenders + + + + + Array of appenders, used to cache the m_appenderList + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderAttachedImpl class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders, or null if there + are no attached appenders. + + + + The read only collection of all currently attached appenders. + + + + + + This class aggregates several PropertiesDictionary collections together. + + + + Provides a dictionary style lookup over an ordered list of + collections. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Add a Properties Dictionary to this composite collection + + the properties to add + + + Properties dictionaries added first take precedence over dictionaries added + later. + + + + + + Flatten this composite collection into a single properties dictionary + + the flattened dictionary + + + Reduces the collection of ordered dictionaries to a single dictionary + containing the resultant values for the keys. + + + + + + Gets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Looks up the value for the specified. + The collections are searched + in the order in which they were added to this collection. The value + returned is the value held by the first collection that contains + the specified key. + + + If none of the collections contain the specified key then + null is returned. + + + + + + Base class for Context Properties implementations + + + + This class defines a basic property get set accessor + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Wrapper class used to map converter names to converter types + + + + Pattern converter info class used during configuration by custom + PatternString and PatternLayer converters. + + + + + + default constructor + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the conversion pattern + + + + The name of the pattern in the format string + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the converter + + + + The value specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + + + + + + Subclass of that maintains a count of + the number of bytes written. + + + + This writer counts the number of bytes written. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + that does not leak exceptions + + + + does not throw exceptions when things go wrong. + Instead, it delegates error handling to its . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The writer to forward messages to + + + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + The to forward to + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + + + + + Closes the writer and releases any system resources associated with the writer + + + + + + + + + Dispose this writer + + flag indicating if we are being disposed + + + Dispose this writer + + + + + + Flushes any buffered output + + + + Clears all buffers for the writer and causes any buffered data to be written + to the underlying device + + + + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + the data buffer + the start index + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + The + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + The format provider + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + The line terminator to use + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + the error handler to report error to + + + Create a new QuietTextWriter using a writer and error handler + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + the char to write + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a string to the output. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Writes a string to the output. + + + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + + + The error handler instance to pass all errors to + + + + + Flag to indicate if this writer is closed + + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + The error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + true if this writer is closed, otherwise false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + + + + Constructor + + The to actually write to. + The to report errors to. + + + Creates a new instance of the class + with the specified and . + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the char to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a string to the output and counts the number of bytes written. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Total number of bytes written. + + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + The total number of bytes written. + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + + + + A fixed size rolling buffer of logging events. + + + + An array backed fixed size leaky bucket. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The maximum number of logging events in the buffer. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified maximum number of buffered logging events. + + + The argument is not a positive integer. + + + + Appends a to the buffer. + + The event to append to the buffer. + The event discarded from the buffer, if the buffer is full, otherwise null. + + + Append an event to the buffer. If the buffer still contains free space then + null is returned. If the buffer is full then an event will be dropped + to make space for the new event, the event dropped is returned. + + + + + + Get and remove the oldest event in the buffer. + + The oldest logging event in the buffer + + + Gets the oldest (first) logging event in the buffer and removes it + from the buffer. + + + + + + Pops all the logging events from the buffer into an array. + + An array of all the logging events in the buffer. + + + Get all the events in the buffer and clear the buffer. + + + + + + Clear the buffer + + + + Clear the buffer of all events. The events in the buffer are lost. + + + + + + Gets the th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + The th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + + If is outside the range 0 to the number of events + currently in the buffer, then null is returned. + + + + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer. + + The maximum size of the buffer. + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer + + + + + + Gets the number of logging events in the buffer. + + The number of logging events in the buffer. + + + This number is guaranteed to be in the range 0 to + (inclusive). + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the . + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Adds an element with the provided key and value to the + . + + The to use as the key of the element to add. + The to use as the value of the element to add. + + + As the collection is empty no new values can be added. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Removes all elements from the . + + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Determines whether the contains an element + with the specified key. + + The key to locate in the . + false + + + As the collection is empty the method always returns false. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Removes the element with the specified key from the . + + The key of the element to remove. + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + The singleton instance of the empty dictionary. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the has a fixed size. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets an containing the keys of the . + + An containing the keys of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets an containing the values of the . + + An containing the values of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets or sets the element with the specified key. + + The key of the element to get or set. + null + + + As the collection is empty no values can be looked up or stored. + If the index getter is called then null is returned. + A is thrown if the setter is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Contain the information obtained when parsing formatting modifiers + in conversion modifiers. + + + + Holds the formatting information extracted from the format string by + the . This is used by the + objects when rendering the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Defaut Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified parameters. + + + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + The minimum value. + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + The maximum value. + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled + or not. + + + A flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + This class implements a properties collection that is thread safe and supports both + storing properties and capturing a read only copy of the current propertied. + + + This class is optimized to the scenario where the properties are read frequently + and are modified infrequently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The read only copy of the properties. + + + + This variable is declared volatile to prevent the compiler and JIT from + reordering reads and writes of this thread performed on different threads. + + + + + + Lock object used to synchronize updates within this instance + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property from the global context + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Removing an entry from the global context properties is relatively expensive compared + with reading a value. + + + + + + Clear the global context properties + + + + + Get a readonly immutable copy of the properties + + the current global context properties + + + This implementation is fast because the GlobalContextProperties class + stores a readonly copy of the properties. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Reading the value for a key is faster than setting the value. + When the value is written a new read only copy of + the properties is created. + + + + + + The static class ILogExtensions contains a set of widely used + methods that ease the interaction with the ILog interface implementations. + + + + This class contains methods for logging at different levels and checks the + properties for determining if those logging levels are enabled in the current + configuration. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + using log4net.Util; + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.InfoExt("Application Start"); + log.DebugExt("This is a debug message"); + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Logger class. + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is WARN enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is WARN enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is ERROR enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is ERROR enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is FATAL enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is FATAL enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Manages a mapping from levels to + + + + Manages an ordered mapping from instances + to subclasses. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialise a new instance of . + + + + + + Add a to this mapping + + the entry to add + + + If a has previously been added + for the same then that entry will be + overwritten. + + + + + + Lookup the mapping for the specified level + + the level to lookup + the for the level or null if no mapping found + + + Lookup the value for the specified level. Finds the nearest + mapping value for the level that is equal to or less than the + specified. + + + If no mapping could be found then null is returned. + + + + + + Initialize options + + + + Caches the sorted list of in an array + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + This class stores its properties in a slot on the named + log4net.Util.LogicalThreadContextProperties. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Flag used to disable this context if we don't have permission to access the CallContext. + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the value for the specified from the context. + + + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary stored in the LocalDataStoreSlot for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if is does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doings so. + + + + + + Gets the call context get data. + + The peroperties dictionary stored in the call context + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + Sets the call context data. + + The properties. + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LogicalThreadContextProperties class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Get or set the property value for the specified. + + + + + + + + + + + + + Outputs log statements from within the log4net assembly. + + + + Log4net components cannot make log4net logging calls. However, it is + sometimes useful for the user to learn about what log4net is + doing. + + + All log4net internal debug calls go to the standard output stream + whereas internal error messages are sent to the standard error output + stream. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats Prefix, Source, and Message in the same format as the value + sent to Console.Out and Trace.Write. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + + + + Static constructor that initializes logging by reading + settings from the application configuration file. + + + + The log4net.Internal.Debug application setting + controls internal debugging. This setting should be set + to true to enable debugging. + + + The log4net.Internal.Quiet application setting + suppresses all internal logging including error messages. + This setting should be set to true to enable message + suppression. + + + + + + Raises the LogReceived event when an internal messages is received. + + + + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + + The message to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal error messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes output to the standard output stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Out and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Writes output to the standard error stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Error and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Default debug level + + + + + In quietMode not even errors generate any output. + + + + + The event raised when an internal message has been received. + + + + + The Type that generated the internal message. + + + + + The DateTime stamp of when the internal message was received. + + + + + A string indicating the severity of the internal message. + + + "log4net: ", + "log4net:ERROR ", + "log4net:WARN " + + + + + The internal log message. + + + + + The Exception related to the message. + + + Optional. Will be null if no Exception was passed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net internal logging + is enabled or disabled. + + + true if log4net internal logging is enabled, otherwise + false. + + + + When set to true, internal debug level logging will be + displayed. + + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Debug in the application configuration + file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. debugging is + disabled. + + + + + The following example enables internal debugging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net should generate no output + from internal logging, not even for errors. + + + true if log4net should generate no output at all from internal + logging, otherwise false. + + + + When set to true will cause internal logging at all levels to be + suppressed. This means that no warning or error reports will be logged. + This option overrides the setting and + disables all debug also. + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Quiet in the application configuration file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. internal logging is not + disabled. + + + + The following example disables internal logging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + true if Debug is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + true if Warn is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + true if Error is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + + + + Subscribes to the LogLog.LogReceived event and stores messages + to the supplied IList instance. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Represents a native error code and message. + + + + Represents a Win32 platform native error. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + The number of the native error. + The message of the native error. + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class for the last Windows error. + + + An instance of the class for the last windows error. + + + + The message for the error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class. + + the error number for the native error + + An instance of the class for the specified + error number. + + + + The message for the specified error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Retrieves the message corresponding with a Win32 message identifier. + + Message identifier for the requested message. + + The message corresponding with the specified message identifier. + + + + The message will be searched for in system message-table resource(s) + using the native FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Return error information string + + error information string + + + Return error information string + + + + + + Formats a message string. + + Formatting options, and how to interpret the parameter. + Location of the message definition. + Message identifier for the requested message. + Language identifier for the requested message. + If includes FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, the function allocates a buffer using the LocalAlloc function, and places the pointer to the buffer at the address specified in . + If the FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER flag is not set, this parameter specifies the maximum number of TCHARs that can be stored in the output buffer. If FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER is set, this parameter specifies the minimum number of TCHARs to allocate for an output buffer. + Pointer to an array of values that are used as insert values in the formatted message. + + + The function requires a message definition as input. The message definition can come from a + buffer passed into the function. It can come from a message table resource in an + already-loaded module. Or the caller can ask the function to search the system's message + table resource(s) for the message definition. The function finds the message definition + in a message table resource based on a message identifier and a language identifier. + The function copies the formatted message text to an output buffer, processing any embedded + insert sequences if requested. + + + To prevent the usage of unsafe code, this stub does not support inserting values in the formatted message. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of TCHARs stored in the output + buffer, excluding the terminating null character. + + + If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, + call . + + + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + The number of the native error. + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + The message of the native error. + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance. + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current key from the enumerator. + + + Throws an exception because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current value from the enumerator. + + The current value from the enumerator. + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current entry from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current entry. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Get the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + A SecurityContext used when a SecurityContext is not required + + + + The is a no-op implementation of the + base class. It is used where a + is required but one has not been provided. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + + + Private constructor + + + + Private constructor for singleton pattern. + + + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + null + + + No impersonation is done and null is always returned. + + + + + + Implements log4net's default error handling policy which consists + of emitting a message for the first error in an appender and + ignoring all subsequent errors. + + + + The error message is processed using the LogLog sub-system by default. + + + This policy aims at protecting an otherwise working application + from being flooded with error messages when logging fails. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + The prefix to use for each message. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified prefix. + + + + + + Reset the error handler back to its initial disabled state. + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log the very first error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Sends the error information to 's Error method. + + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log an error + + The error message. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + The date the error was recorded. + + + + + Flag to indicate if it is the first error + + + + + The message recorded during the first error. + + + + + The exception recorded during the first error. + + + + + The error code recorded during the first error. + + + + + String to prefix each message with + + + + + The fully qualified type of the OnlyOnceErrorHandler class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Is error logging enabled + + + + Is error logging enabled. Logging is only enabled for the + first error delivered to the . + + + + + + The date the first error that trigged this error handler occured. + + + + + The message from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + + + The exception from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + May be . + + + + + The error code from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + Defaults to + + + + + A convenience class to convert property values to specific types. + + + + Utility functions for converting types and parsing values. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Converts a string to a value. + + String to convert. + The default value. + The value of . + + + If is "true", then true is returned. + If is "false", then false is returned. + Otherwise, is returned. + + + + + + Parses a file size into a number. + + String to parse. + The default value. + The value of . + + + Parses a file size of the form: number[KB|MB|GB] into a + long value. It is scaled with the appropriate multiplier. + + + is returned when + cannot be converted to a value. + + + + + + Converts a string to an object. + + The target type to convert to. + The string to convert to an object. + + The object converted from a string or null when the + conversion failed. + + + + Converts a string to an object. Uses the converter registry to try + to convert the string value into the specified target type. + + + + + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + The type to convert from. + The type to convert to. + true if there is a conversion from the source type to the target type. + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + + + + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + The object to convert to the target type. + The type to convert to. + The converted object. + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + + + + + Instantiates an object given a class name. + + The fully qualified class name of the object to instantiate. + The class to which the new object should belong. + The object to return in case of non-fulfillment. + + An instance of the or + if the object could not be instantiated. + + + + Checks that the is a subclass of + . If that test fails or the object could + not be instantiated, then is returned. + + + + + + Performs variable substitution in string from the + values of keys found in . + + The string on which variable substitution is performed. + The dictionary to use to lookup variables. + The result of the substitutions. + + + The variable substitution delimiters are ${ and }. + + + For example, if props contains key=value, then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of key is ${key}."); + + + + will set the variable s to "Value of key is value.". + + + If no value could be found for the specified key, then substitution + defaults to an empty string. + + + For example, if system properties contains no value for the key + "nonExistentKey", then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of nonExistentKey is [${nonExistentKey}]"); + + + + will set s to "Value of nonExistentKey is []". + + + An Exception is thrown if contains a start + delimiter "${" which is not balanced by a stop delimiter "}". + + + + + + Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or + more enumerated constants to an equivalent enumerated object. + + The type to convert to. + The enum string value. + If true, ignore case; otherwise, regard case. + An object of type whose value is represented by . + + + + The fully qualified type of the OptionConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Most of the work of the class + is delegated to the PatternParser class. + + + + The PatternParser processes a pattern string and + returns a chain of objects. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The pattern to parse. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified pattern string. + + + + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + The head of a chain of pattern converters. + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + + + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + the list of all the converter names + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + + + + + Internal method to parse the specified pattern to find specified matches + + the pattern to parse + the converter names to match in the pattern + + + The matches param must be sorted such that longer strings come before shorter ones. + + + + + + Process a parsed literal + + the literal text + + + + Process a parsed converter pattern + + the name of the converter + the optional option for the converter + the formatting info for the converter + + + + Resets the internal state of the parser and adds the specified pattern converter + to the chain. + + The pattern converter to add. + + + + The first pattern converter in the chain + + + + + the last pattern converter in the chain + + + + + The pattern + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types + + + + This map overrides the static s_globalRulesRegistry map. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the PatternParser class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + The converter registry used by this parser + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + + + + Sort strings by length + + + + that orders strings by string length. + The longest strings are placed first + + + + + + This class implements a patterned string. + + + + This string has embedded patterns that are resolved and expanded + when the string is formatted. + + + This class functions similarly to the + in that it accepts a pattern and renders it to a string. Unlike the + however the PatternString + does not render the properties of a specific but + of the process in general. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + appdomain + + + Used to output the friendly name of the current AppDomain. + + + + + date + + + Used to output the current date and time in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + env + + + Used to output the a specific environment variable. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %env{COMPUTERNAME} would include the value + of the COMPUTERNAME environment variable. + + + The env pattern is not supported on the .NET Compact Framework. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern name offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + processid + + + Used to output the system process ID for the current process. + + + + + property + + + Used to output a specific context property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are stored in logging contexts. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + random + + + Used to output a random string of characters. The string is made up of + uppercase letters and numbers. By default the string is 4 characters long. + The length of the string can be specified within braces directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %random{8} would output an 8 character string. + + + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using or + . + + + See the for details on the + format modifiers supported by the patterns. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternString only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialize a new instance of + + + + + + Constructs a PatternString + + The pattern to use with this PatternString + + + Initialize a new instance of with the pattern specified. + + + + + + Initialize object options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create the used to parse the pattern + + the pattern to parse + The + + + Returns PatternParser used to parse the conversion string. Subclasses + may override this to return a subclass of PatternParser which recognize + custom conversion pattern name. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the pattern to the . + + + + + + Format the pattern as a string + + the pattern formatted as a string + + + Format the pattern to a string. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + + + + + Gets or sets the pattern formatting string + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + String keyed object map. + + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + String keyed object map that is read only. + + + + This collection is readonly and cannot be modified. + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The Hashtable used to store the properties data + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Copy Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Deserialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Gets the key names. + + An array of all the keys. + + + Gets the key names. + + + + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + the key to look for + true if the dictionary contains the specified key + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + + See + + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + The internal collection used to store the properties + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + The number of properties in this collection + + + + + See + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Because this class is sealed the serialization constructor is private. + + + + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + an enumerator + + + Returns a over the contest of this collection. + + + + + + See + + the key to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + the key to lookup in the collection + true if the collection contains the specified key + + + Test if this collection contains a specified key. + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + + See + + the key + the value to store for the key + + + Store a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + See + + + false + + + + This collection is modifiable. This property always + returns false. + + + + + + See + + + The value for the key specified. + + + + Get or set a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Property Key + + + Property Key + + + + Property Key. + + + + + + Property Value + + + Property Value + + + + Property Value. + + + + + + A that ignores the message + + + + This writer is used in special cases where it is necessary + to protect a writer from being closed by a client. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + + + Create a new ProtectCloseTextWriter using a writer + + + + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + the writer to attach to + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + This method does nothing. + + + + + + Defines a lock that supports single writers and multiple readers + + + + ReaderWriterLock is used to synchronize access to a resource. + At any given time, it allows either concurrent read access for + multiple threads, or write access for a single thread. In a + situation where a resource is changed infrequently, a + ReaderWriterLock provides better throughput than a simple + one-at-a-time lock, such as . + + + If a platform does not support a System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock + implementation then all readers and writers are serialized. Therefore + the caller must not rely on multiple simultaneous readers. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Acquires a reader lock + + + + blocks if a different thread has the writer + lock, or if at least one thread is waiting for the writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count + + + + decrements the lock count. When the count + reaches zero, the lock is released. + + + + + + Acquires the writer lock + + + + This method blocks if another thread has a reader lock or writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count on the writer lock + + + + ReleaseWriterLock decrements the writer lock count. + When the count reaches zero, the writer lock is released. + + + + + + A that can be and reused + + + + A that can be and reused. + This uses a single buffer for string operations. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Create an instance of + + the format provider to use + + + Create an instance of + + + + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + flag + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + + + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + + the maximum buffer capacity before it is trimmed + the default size to make the buffer + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + The internal buffers are cleared and reset. + + + + + + Utility class for system specific information. + + + + Utility class of static methods for system specific information. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Alexey Solofnenko + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Initialize default values for private static fields. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Gets the assembly location path for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to get the location for. + The location of the assembly. + + + This method does not guarantee to return the correct path + to the assembly. If only tries to give an indication as to + where the assembly was loaded from. + + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the , including + the name of the assembly from which the was + loaded. + + The to get the fully qualified name for. + The fully qualified name for the . + + + This is equivalent to the Type.AssemblyQualifiedName property, + but this method works on the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 as well as + the full .NET runtime. + + + + + + Gets the short name of the . + + The to get the name for. + The short name of the . + + + The short name of the assembly is the + without the version, culture, or public key. i.e. it is just the + assembly's file name without the extension. + + + Use this rather than Assembly.GetName().Name because that + is not available on the Compact Framework. + + + Because of a FileIOPermission security demand we cannot do + the obvious Assembly.GetName().Name. We are allowed to get + the of the assembly so we + start from there and strip out just the assembly name. + + + + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + The to get the file name for. + The file name of the assembly. + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + A sibling type to use to load the type. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified, it will be loaded from the assembly + containing the specified relative type. If the type is not found in the assembly + then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the + assembly that is directly calling this method. If the type is not found + in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + An assembly to load the type from. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the specified + assembly. If the type is not found in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies + will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Generate a new guid + + A new Guid + + + Generate a new guid + + + + + + Create an + + The name of the parameter that caused the exception + The value of the argument that causes this exception + The message that describes the error + the ArgumentOutOfRangeException object + + + Create a new instance of the class + with a specified error message, the parameter name, and the value + of the argument. + + + The Compact Framework does not support the 3 parameter constructor for the + type. This method provides an + implementation that works for all platforms. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Lookup an application setting + + the application settings key to lookup + the value for the key, or null + + + Configuration APIs are not supported under the Compact Framework + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified local file path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + The path specified must be a local file path, a URI is not supported. + + + + + + Creates a new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity. + + A new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity + + + The new Hashtable instance uses the default load factor, the CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider, and the CaseInsensitiveComparer. + + + + + + Gets an empty array of types. + + + + The Type.EmptyTypes field is not available on + the .NET Compact Framework 1.0. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Cache the host name for the current machine + + + + + Cache the application friendly name + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + + Start time for the current process. + + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + The system dependent line terminator. + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + The base directory path for the current . + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the configuration file for the current . + + The path to the configuration file for the current . + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not have a concept of a configuration + file. For this runtime, we use the entry assembly location as the root for + the configuration file name. + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + The path to the entry assembly. + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + + + + + Gets the ID of the current thread. + + The ID of the current thread. + + + On the .NET framework, the AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId method + is used to obtain the thread ID for the current thread. This is the + operating system ID for the thread. + + + On the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 it is not possible to get the + operating system thread ID for the current thread. The native method + GetCurrentThreadId is implemented inline in a header file + and cannot be called. + + + On the .NET Framework 2.0 the Thread.ManagedThreadId is used as this + gives a stable id unrelated to the operating system thread ID which may + change if the runtime is using fibers. + + + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The hostname or machine name + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The host name () or + the machine name (Environment.MachineName) for + the current machine, or if neither of these are available + then NOT AVAILABLE is returned. + + + + + + Get this application's friendly name + + + The friendly name of this application as a string + + + + If available the name of the application is retrieved from + the AppDomain using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName. + + + Otherwise the file name of the entry assembly is used. + + + + + + Get the start time for the current process. + + + + This is the time at which the log4net library was loaded into the + AppDomain. Due to reports of a hang in the call to System.Diagnostics.Process.StartTime + this is not the start time for the current process. + + + The log4net library should be loaded by an application early during its + startup, therefore this start time should be a good approximation for + the actual start time. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating, however this start time + will be set per AppDomain. + + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + Use this value to indicate a null has been encountered while + outputting a string representation of an item. + + + The default value is (null). This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NullText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + Use this value when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + The default value is NOT AVAILABLE. This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NotAvailableText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialise the + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + + + Format the string and arguments + + the formatted string + + + + Replaces the format item in a specified with the text equivalent + of the value of a corresponding instance in a specified array. + A specified parameter supplies culture-specific formatting information. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + A copy of format in which the format items have been replaced by the + equivalent of the corresponding instances of in args. + + + + This method does not throw exceptions. If an exception thrown while formatting the result the + exception and arguments are returned in the result string. + + + + + + Process an error during StringFormat + + + + + Dump the contents of an array into a string builder + + + + + Dump an object to a string + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemStringFormat class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Each thread will automatically have its instance. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove a property + + + + + + Get the keys stored in the properties. + + + Gets the keys stored in the properties. + + a set of the defined keys + + + + Clear all properties + + + + Clear all properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doing so. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The stack store. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + Only call this if you think that this tread is being reused after + a previous call execution which may not have completed correctly. + You do not need to use this method if you always guarantee to call + the method of the + returned from even in exceptional circumstances, + for example by using the using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + syntax. + + + + + + Removes the top context from this stack. + + The message in the context that was removed from the top of this stack. + + + Remove the top context from this stack, and return + it to the caller. If this stack is empty then an + empty string (not ) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message into this stack. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up the context stack. + + + + Pushes a new context onto this stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up this stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an ThreadContext Stack message"); + } + + + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + The current context information. + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + Gets the current context information + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a cross thread portable version of this object + + + + + + The number of messages in the stack + + + The current number of messages in the stack + + + + The current number of messages in the stack. That is + the number of times has been called + minus the number of times has been called. + + + + + + Gets and sets the internal stack used by this + + The internal storage stack + + + This property is provided only to support backward compatability + of the . Tytpically the internal stack should not + be modified. + + + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + + + Constructor + + The message for this context. + The parent context in the chain. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and parent context. + + + + + + Get the message. + + The message. + + + Get the message. + + + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + The full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + + + Struct returned from the method. + + + + This struct implements the and is designed to be used + with the pattern to remove the stack frame at the end of the scope. + + + + + + The ThreadContextStack internal stack + + + + + The depth to trim the stack to when this instance is disposed + + + + + Constructor + + The internal stack used by the ThreadContextStack. + The depth to return the stack to when this object is disposed. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified stack and return depth. + + + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ThreadContextStacks class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + The named stack + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Write a string to an + + the writer to write to + the string to write + The string to replace non XML compliant chars with + + + The test is escaped either using XML escape entities + or using CDATA sections. + + + + + + Replace invalid XML characters in text string + + the XML text input string + the string to use in place of invalid characters + A string that does not contain invalid XML characters. + + + Certain Unicode code points are not allowed in the XML InfoSet, for + details see: + + + This method replaces any illegal characters in the input string + with the mask string specified. + + + + + + Count the number of times that the substring occurs in the text + + the text to search + the substring to find + the number of times the substring occurs in the text + + + The substring is assumed to be non repeating within itself. + + + + + + Characters illegal in XML 1.0 + + + + + Impersonate a Windows Account + + + + This impersonates a Windows account. + + + How the impersonation is done depends on the value of . + This allows the context to either impersonate a set of user credentials specified + using username, domain name and password or to revert to the process credentials. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Initialize the SecurityContext based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The security context will try to Logon the specified user account and + capture a primary token for impersonation. + + + The required , + or properties were not specified. + + + + Impersonate the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + caller provided state + + An instance that will revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext + + + + Depending on the property either + impersonate a user using credentials supplied or revert + to the process credentials. + + + + + + Create a given the userName, domainName and password. + + the user name + the domain name + the password + the for the account specified + + + Uses the Windows API call LogonUser to get a principal token for the account. This + token is used to initialize the WindowsIdentity. + + + + + + Gets or sets the impersonation mode for this security context + + + The impersonation mode for this security context + + + + Impersonate either a user with user credentials or + revert this thread to the credentials of the process. + The value is one of the + enum. + + + The default value is + + + When the mode is set to + the user's credentials are established using the + , and + values. + + + When the mode is set to + no other properties need to be set. If the calling thread is + impersonating then it will be reverted back to the process credentials. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows username for this security context + + + The Windows username for this security context + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows domain name for this security context + + + The Windows domain name for this security context + + + + The default value for is the local machine name + taken from the property. + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Sets the password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + The password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + The impersonation modes for the + + + + See the property for + details. + + + + + + Impersonate a user using the credentials supplied + + + + + Revert this the thread to the credentials of the process + + + + + Adds to + + + + Helper class to expose the + through the interface. + + + + + + Constructor + + the impersonation context being wrapped + + + Constructor + + + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + + + The log4net Global Context. + + + + The GlobalContext provides a location for global debugging + information to be stored. + + + The global context has a properties map and these properties can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputing these properties. + + + By default the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of + the current machine. + + + + + GlobalContext.Properties["hostname"] = Environment.MachineName; + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + The global context properties instance + + + + + The global properties map. + + + The global properties map. + + + + The global properties map. + + + + + + Provides information about the environment the assembly has + been built for. + + + + Version of the assembly + + + Version of the framework targeted + + + Type of framework targeted + + + Does it target a client profile? + + + + Identifies the version and target for this assembly. + + + + + The log4net Logical Thread Context. + + + + The LogicalThreadContext provides a location for specific debugging + information to be stored. + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any or + properties with the same name. + + + The Logical Thread Context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Logical Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current call context. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Logical Thread Context is managed on a per basis. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + LogicalThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(LogicalThreadContext.Stacks["LDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any + or properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The logical thread stacks. + + + + + + This class is used by client applications to request logger instances. + + + + This class has static methods that are used by a client to request + a logger instance. The method is + used to retrieve a logger. + + + See the interface for more details. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the default repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns null. + + + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + The logger found, or null if no logger could be found. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + repository. + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the repository for the specified assembly) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + assembly's repository. + + + + Get the currently defined loggers. + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the default repository. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + Get or create a logger. + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Get the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The repository to lookup in. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + Shutdown a logger repository. + + Shuts down the default repository. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + default repository. + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The repository to shutdown. + + + + Shuts down the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Reset the configuration of a repository + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The repository to reset. + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Get the logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Get a logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Create a domain + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + Create a logger repository. + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Gets the list of currently defined repositories. + + + + Get an array of all the objects that have been created. + + + An array of all the known objects. + + + + Looks up the wrapper object for the logger specified. + + The logger to get the wrapper for. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + Looks up the wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + The loggers to get the wrappers for. + The wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + + + Create the objects used by + this manager. + + The logger to wrap. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + The wrapper map to use to hold the objects. + + + + + Implementation of Mapped Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + The MDC class is similar to the class except that it is + based on a map instead of a stack. It provides mapped + diagnostic contexts. A Mapped Diagnostic Context, or + MDC in short, is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The MDC is managed on a per thread basis. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Gets the context value identified by the parameter. + + The key to lookup in the MDC. + The string value held for the key, or a null reference if no corresponding value is found. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + If the parameter does not look up to a + previously defined context then null will be returned. + + + + + + Add an entry to the MDC + + The key to store the value under. + The value to store. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Puts a context value (the parameter) as identified + with the parameter into the current thread's + context map. + + + If a value is already defined for the + specified then the value will be replaced. If the + is specified as null then the key value mapping will be removed. + + + + + + Removes the key value mapping for the key specified. + + The key to remove. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove the specified entry from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Clear all entries in the MDC + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove all the entries from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Implementation of Nested Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + A Nested Diagnostic Context, or NDC in short, is an instrument + to distinguish interleaved log output from different sources. Log + output is typically interleaved when a server handles multiple + clients near-simultaneously. + + + Interleaved log output can still be meaningful if each log entry + from different contexts had a distinctive stamp. This is where NDCs + come into play. + + + Note that NDCs are managed on a per thread basis. The NDC class + is made up of static methods that operate on the context of the + calling thread. + + + How to push a message into the context + + using(NDC.Push("my context message")) + { + ... all log calls will have 'my context message' included ... + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically removed + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held on the current thread. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Clears the stack of NDC data held on the current thread. + + + + + + Creates a clone of the stack of context information. + + A clone of the context info for this thread. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The results of this method can be passed to the + method to allow child threads to inherit the context of their + parent thread. + + + + + + Inherits the contextual information from another thread. + + The context stack to inherit. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This thread will use the context information from the stack + supplied. This can be used to initialize child threads with + the same contextual information as their parent threads. These + contexts will NOT be shared. Any further contexts that + are pushed onto the stack will not be visible to the other. + Call to obtain a stack to pass to + this method. + + + + + + Removes the top context from the stack. + + + The message in the context that was removed from the top + of the stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Remove the top context from the stack, and return + it to the caller. If the stack is empty then an + empty string (not null) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up + the context stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Pushes a new context onto the context stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up the context stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.NDC.Push("NDC_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an NDC message"); + } + + + + + + Removes the context information for this thread. It is + not required to call this method. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This method is not implemented. + + + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + + The maximum depth of the stack + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + This may truncate the head of the stack. This only affects the + stack in the current thread. Also it does not prevent it from + growing, it only sets the maximum depth at the time of the + call. This can be used to return to a known context depth. + + + + + + Gets the current context depth. + + The current context depth. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The number of context values pushed onto the context stack. + + + Used to record the current depth of the context. This can then + be restored using the method. + + + + + + + The log4net Thread Context. + + + + The ThreadContext provides a location for thread specific debugging + information to be stored. + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + The thread context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current thread. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Thread Context is managed on a per thread basis. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + ThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The thread local stacks. + + + + + diff --git a/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net35-full/log4net.xml b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net35-full/log4net.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55a19f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net35-full/log4net.xml @@ -0,0 +1,31814 @@ + + + + log4net + + + + + Appender that logs to a database. + + + + appends logging events to a table within a + database. The appender can be configured to specify the connection + string by setting the property. + The connection type (provider) can be specified by setting the + property. For more information on database connection strings for + your specific database see + + + Records are written into the database either using a prepared + statement or a stored procedure. The property + is set to (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify a prepared statement + or to (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify a stored + procedure. + + + The prepared statement text or the name of the stored procedure + must be set in the property. + + + The prepared statement or stored procedure can take a number + of parameters. Parameters are added using the + method. This adds a single to the + ordered list of parameters. The + type may be subclassed if required to provide database specific + functionality. The specifies + the parameter name, database type, size, and how the value should + be generated using a . + + + + An example of a SQL Server table that could be logged to: + + CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Log] ( + [ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , + [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL , + [Thread] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Level] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL , + [Logger] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Message] [varchar] (4000) NOT NULL + ) ON [PRIMARY] + + + + An example configuration to log to the above table: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Lance Nehring + + + + Abstract base class implementation of that + buffers events in a fixed size buffer. + + + + This base class should be used by appenders that need to buffer a + number of events before logging them. For example the + buffers events and then submits the entire contents of the buffer to + the underlying database in one go. + + + Subclasses should override the + method to deliver the buffered events. + + The BufferingAppenderSkeleton maintains a fixed size cyclic + buffer of events. The size of the buffer is set using + the property. + + A is used to inspect + each event as it arrives in the appender. If the + triggers, then the current buffer is sent immediately + (see ). Otherwise the event + is stored in the buffer. For example, an evaluator can be used to + deliver the events immediately when an ERROR event arrives. + + + The buffering appender can be configured in a mode. + By default the appender is NOT lossy. When the buffer is full all + the buffered events are sent with . + If the property is set to true then the + buffer will not be sent when it is full, and new events arriving + in the appender will overwrite the oldest event in the buffer. + In lossy mode the buffer will only be sent when the + triggers. This can be useful behavior when you need to know about + ERROR events but not about events with a lower level, configure an + evaluator that will trigger when an ERROR event arrives, the whole + buffer will be sent which gives a history of events leading up to + the ERROR event. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Abstract base class implementation of . + + + + This class provides the code for common functionality, such + as support for threshold filtering and support for general filters. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface for your own strategies for printing log statements. + + + + Implementors should consider extending the + class which provides a default implementation of this interface. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Log the logging event in Appender specific way. + + The event to log + + + This method is called to log a message into this appender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + Interface for appenders that support bulk logging. + + + + This interface extends the interface to + support bulk logging of objects. Appenders + should only implement this interface if they can bulk log efficiently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Log the array of logging events in Appender specific way. + + The events to log + + + This method is called to log an array of events into this appender. + + + + + + Interface used to delay activate a configured object. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then the method + must be called by the container after its all the configured properties have been set + and before the component can be used. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Activate the options that were previously set with calls to properties. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then this method must be called + after its properties have been set before the component can be used. + + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Default constructor + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + Finalizes this appender by calling the implementation's + method. + + + + If this appender has not been closed then the Finalize method + will call . + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Closes the appender and release resources. + + + + Release any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + This method cannot be overridden by subclasses. This method + delegates the closing of the appender to the + method which must be overridden in the subclass. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The event to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the abstract method. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the method. + + + + + + Test if the logging event should we output by this appender + + the event to test + true if the event should be output, false if the event should be ignored + + + This method checks the logging event against the threshold level set + on this appender and also against the filters specified on this + appender. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + + + + + Adds a filter to the end of the filter chain. + + the filter to add to this appender + + + The Filters are organized in a linked list. + + + Setting this property causes the new filter to be pushed onto the + back of the filter chain. + + + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + + + Checks if the message level is below this appender's threshold. + + to test against. + + + If there is no threshold set, then the return value is always true. + + + + true if the meets the + requirements of this appender. + + + + + Is called when the appender is closed. Derived classes should override + this method if resources need to be released. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Subclasses of should implement this method + to perform actual logging. + + The event to append. + + + A subclass must implement this method to perform + logging of the . + + This method will be called by + if all the conditions listed for that method are met. + + + To restrict the logging of events in the appender + override the method. + + + + + + Append a bulk array of logging events. + + the array of logging events + + + This base class implementation calls the + method for each element in the bulk array. + + + A sub class that can better process a bulk array of events should + override this method in addition to . + + + + + + Called before as a precondition. + + + + This method is called by + before the call to the abstract method. + + + This method can be overridden in a subclass to extend the checks + made before the event is passed to the method. + + + A subclass should ensure that they delegate this call to + this base class if it is overridden. + + + true if the call to should proceed. + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The event rendered as a string. + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Where possible use the alternative version of this method + . + That method streams the rendering onto an existing Writer + which can give better performance if the caller already has + a open and ready for writing. + + + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Use this method in preference to + where possible. If, however, the caller needs to render the event + to a string then does + provide an efficient mechanism for doing so. + + + + + + The layout of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The name of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The level threshold of this appender. + + + + There is no level threshold filtering by default. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The first filter in the filter chain. + + + + Set to null initially. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The last filter in the filter chain. + + + See for more information. + + + + + Flag indicating if this appender is closed. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The guard prevents an appender from repeatedly calling its own DoAppend method + + + + + StringWriter used to render events + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderSkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the threshold of this appender. + + + The threshold of the appender. + + + + All log events with lower level than the threshold level are ignored + by the appender. + + + In configuration files this option is specified by setting the + value of the option to a level + string, such as "DEBUG", "INFO" and so on. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The of the appender + + + The provides a default + implementation for the property. + + + + + + The filter chain. + + The head of the filter chain filter chain. + + + Returns the head Filter. The Filters are organized in a linked list + and so all Filters on this Appender are available through the result. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The layout of the appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + + Tests if this appender requires a to be set. + + + + In the rather exceptional case, where the appender + implementation admits a layout but can also work without it, + then the appender should return true. + + + This default implementation always returns false. + + + + true if the appender requires a layout object, otherwise false. + + + + + The default buffer size. + + + The default size of the cyclic buffer used to store events. + This is set to 512 by default. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + the events passed through this appender must be + fixed by the time that they arrive in the derived class' SendBuffer method. + + + Protected constructor to allow subclassing. + + + The should be set if the subclass + expects the events delivered to be fixed even if the + is set to zero, i.e. when no buffering occurs. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + + + Flushes any events that have been buffered. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will NOT be flushed to the appender. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + set to true to flush the buffer of lossy events + + + Flushes events that have been buffered. If is + false then events will only be flushed if this buffer is non-lossy mode. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will only be flushed if is true. + In this case the contents of the buffer will be tested against the + and if triggering will be output. All other buffered + events will be discarded. + + + If is true then the buffer will always + be emptied by calling this method. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. + + + + Close this appender instance. If this appender is marked + as not then the remaining events in + the buffer must be sent when the appender is closed. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + + Stores the in the cyclic buffer. + + + The buffer will be sent (i.e. passed to the + method) if one of the following conditions is met: + + + + The cyclic buffer is full and this appender is + marked as not lossy (see ) + + + An is set and + it is triggered for the + specified. + + + + Before the event is stored in the buffer it is fixed + (see ) to ensure that + any data referenced by the event will be valid when the buffer + is processed. + + + + + + Sends the contents of the buffer. + + The first logging event. + The buffer containing the events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override . + + + + + + Sends the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override this method to process the buffered events. + + + + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + Set to by default. + + + + + The cyclic buffer used to store the logging events. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator that causes the buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event causes the entire + buffer to be sent immediately. This field can be null, which + indicates that event triggering is not to be done. The evaluator + can be set using the property. If this appender + has the ( property) set to + true then an must be set. + + + + + Indicates if the appender should overwrite events in the cyclic buffer + when it becomes full, or if the buffer should be flushed when the + buffer is full. + + + If this field is set to true then an must + be set. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator filters discarded events. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event that is discarded should + really be discarded or if it should be sent to the appenders. + This field can be null, which indicates that all discarded events will + be discarded. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + The events delivered to the subclass must be fixed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender is lossy. + + + true if the appender is lossy, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + This appender uses a buffer to store logging events before + delivering them. A triggering event causes the whole buffer + to be send to the remote sink. If the buffer overruns before + a triggering event then logging events could be lost. Set + to false to prevent logging events + from being lost. + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the + logging events. + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + + The option takes a positive integer + representing the maximum number of logging events to collect in + a cyclic buffer. When the is reached, + oldest events are deleted as new events are added to the + buffer. By default the size of the cyclic buffer is 512 events. + + + If the is set to a value less than + or equal to 1 then no buffering will occur. The logging event + will be delivered synchronously (depending on the + and properties). Otherwise the event will + be buffered. + + + + + + Gets or sets the that causes the + buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The that causes the buffer to be + sent immediately. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is appended to this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will + immediately be sent (see ). + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the to use. + + + The value of the to use. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is discarded from this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will immediately + be sent (see ). + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if only part of the logging event data + should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the + event data to be fixed and serialized. This will improve performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets a the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + The event fields that will be fixed before the event is buffered + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Public default constructor to initialize a new instance of this class. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Override the parent method to close the database + + + + Closes the database command and database connection. + + + + + + Inserts the events into the database. + + The events to insert into the database. + + + Insert all the events specified in the + array into the database. + + + + + + Adds a parameter to the command. + + The parameter to add to the command. + + + Adds a parameter to the ordered list of command parameters. + + + + + + Writes the events to the database using the transaction specified. + + The transaction that the events will be executed under. + The array of events to insert into the database. + + + The transaction argument can be null if the appender has been + configured not to use transactions. See + property for more information. + + + + + + Formats the log message into database statement text. + + The event being logged. + + This method can be overridden by subclasses to provide + more control over the format of the database statement. + + + Text that can be passed to a . + + + + + Creates an instance used to connect to the database. + + + This method is called whenever a new IDbConnection is needed (i.e. when a reconnect is necessary). + + The of the object. + The connectionString output from the ResolveConnectionString method. + An instance with a valid connection string. + + + + Resolves the connection string from the ConnectionString, ConnectionStringName, or AppSettingsKey + property. + + + ConnectiongStringName is only supported on .NET 2.0 and higher. + + Additional information describing the connection string. + A connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + Retrieves the class type of the ADO.NET provider. + + + + Gets the Type of the ADO.NET provider to use to connect to the + database. This method resolves the type specified in the + property. + + + Subclasses can override this method to return a different type + if necessary. + + + The of the ADO.NET provider + + + + Prepares the database command and initialize the parameters. + + + + + Connects to the database. + + + + + Cleanup the existing command. + + + If true, a message will be written using LogLog.Warn if an exception is encountered when calling Dispose. + + + + + Cleanup the existing connection. + + + Calls the IDbConnection's method. + + + + + Flag to indicate if we are using a command object + + + + Set to true when the appender is to use a prepared + statement or stored procedure to insert into the database. + + + + + + The list of objects. + + + + The list of objects. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The that will be used + to insert logging events into a database. + + + + + The database command. + + + + + Database connection string. + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + String type name of the type name. + + + + + The text of the command. + + + + + The command type. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AdoNetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the database connection string that is used to connect to + the database. + + + The database connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + The connections string is specific to the connection type. + See for more information. + + + Connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "DSN=MS Access Database;UID=admin;PWD=;SystemDB=C:\data\System.mdw;SafeTransactions = 0;FIL=MS Access;DriverID = 25;DBQ=C:\data\train33.mdb" + + Another connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;UID=;PWD=;" + + Connection string for MS Access via OLE DB: + "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;User Id=;Password=;" + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + This property requires at least .NET 2.0. + + + + + Gets or sets the type name of the connection + that should be created. + + + The type name of the connection. + + + + The type name of the ADO.NET provider to use. + + + The default is to use the OLE DB provider. + + + Use the OLE DB Provider. This is the default value. + System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the MS SQL Server Provider. + System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the ODBC Provider. + Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection,Microsoft.Data.Odbc,version=1.0.3300.0,publicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089,culture=neutral + This is an optional package that you can download from + + search for ODBC .NET Data Provider. + + Use the Oracle Provider. + System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection, System.Data.OracleClient, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + This is an optional package that you can download from + + search for .NET Managed Provider for Oracle. + + + + + Gets or sets the command text that is used to insert logging events + into the database. + + + The command text used to insert logging events into the database. + + + + Either the text of the prepared statement or the + name of the stored procedure to execute to write into + the database. + + + The property determines if + this text is a prepared statement or a stored procedure. + + + + + + Gets or sets the command type to execute. + + + The command type to execute. + + + + This value may be either (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify + that the is a prepared statement to execute, + or (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify that the + property is the name of a stored procedure + to execute. + + + The default value is (System.Data.CommandType.Text). + + + + + + Should transactions be used to insert logging events in the database. + + + true if transactions should be used to insert logging events in + the database, otherwise false. The default value is true. + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether transactions should be used + to insert logging events in the database. + + + When set a single transaction will be used to insert the buffered events + into the database. Otherwise each event will be inserted without using + an explicit transaction. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Should this appender try to reconnect to the database on error. + + + true if the appender should try to reconnect to the database after an + error has occurred, otherwise false. The default value is false, + i.e. not to try to reconnect. + + + + The default behaviour is for the appender not to try to reconnect to the + database if an error occurs. Subsequent logging events are discarded. + + + To force the appender to attempt to reconnect to the database set this + property to true. + + + When the appender attempts to connect to the database there may be a + delay of up to the connection timeout specified in the connection string. + This delay will block the calling application's thread. + Until the connection can be reestablished this potential delay may occur multiple times. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to insert + logging events into a database. Classes deriving from + can use this property to get or set this . Use the + underlying returned from if + you require access beyond that which provides. + + + + + Parameter type used by the . + + + + This class provides the basic database parameter properties + as defined by the interface. + + This type can be subclassed to provide database specific + functionality. The two methods that are called externally are + and . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Default constructor for the AdoNetAppenderParameter class. + + + + + Prepare the specified database command object. + + The command to prepare. + + + Prepares the database command object by adding + this parameter to its collection of parameters. + + + + + + Renders the logging event and set the parameter value in the command. + + The command containing the parameter. + The event to be rendered. + + + Renders the logging event using this parameters layout + object. Sets the value of the parameter on the command object. + + + + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + + Flag to infer type rather than use the DbType + + + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + + The to use to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this parameter. + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + The name of this parameter. The parameter name + must match up to a named parameter to the SQL stored procedure + or prepared statement. + + + + + + Gets or sets the database type for this parameter. + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + The database type for this parameter. This property should + be set to the database type from the + enumeration. See . + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the type from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the precision for this parameter. + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + The maximum number of digits used to represent the Value. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the precision from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the scale for this parameter. + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + The number of decimal places to which Value is resolved. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the scale from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the size for this parameter. + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + The maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the size from the value. + + + For BLOB data types like VARCHAR(max) it may be impossible to infer the value automatically, use -1 as the size in this case. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the to use to + render the logging event into an object for this + parameter. + + + The used to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + The that renders the value for this + parameter. + + + The can be used to adapt + any into a + for use in the property. + + + + + + Appends logging events to the terminal using ANSI color escape sequences. + + + + AnsiColorTerminalAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific level of message to be set. + + + This appender expects the terminal to understand the VT100 control set + in order to interpret the color codes. If the terminal or console does not + understand the control codes the behavior is not defined. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + When configuring the ANSI colored terminal appender, a mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + + These color values cannot be combined together to make new colors. + + + The attributes can be any combination of the following: + + Brightforeground is brighter + Dimforeground is dimmer + Underscoremessage is underlined + Blinkforeground is blinking (does not work on all terminals) + Reverseforeground and background are reversed + Hiddenoutput is hidden + Strikethroughmessage has a line through it + + While any of these attributes may be combined together not all combinations + work well together, for example setting both Bright and Dim attributes makes + no sense. + + + Patrick Wagstrom + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Ansi code to reset terminal + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colours + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible display attributes + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the ANSI color attributes. + + + + + + + text is bright + + + + + text is dim + + + + + text is underlined + + + + + text is blinking + + + Not all terminals support this attribute + + + + + text and background colors are reversed + + + + + text is hidden + + + + + text is displayed with a strikethrough + + + + + text color is light + + + + + The enum of possible foreground or background color values for + use with the color mapping method + + + + The output can be in one for the following ANSI colors. + + + + + + + color is black + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is magenta + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is white + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + An entry in the + + + + This is an abstract base class for types that are stored in the + object. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + + + Initialize any options defined on this entry + + + + Should be overridden by any classes that need to initialise based on their options + + + + + + The level that is the key for this mapping + + + The that is the key for this mapping + + + + Get or set the that is the key for this + mapping subclass. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together + and append the attributes. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + + + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + + + The combined , and + suitable for setting the ansi terminal color. + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a AppenderCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + An AppenderCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + An empty readonly static AppenderCollection + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new AppenderCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the AppenderCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the AppenderCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the AppenderCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the AppenderCollection. + + The to locate in the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire AppenderCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the AppenderCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the AppenderCollection. + + The to remove from the AppenderCollection. + + The specified was not found in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the AppenderCollection. + + An for the entire AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another AppenderCollection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current AppenderCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + Return the collection elements as an array + + the array + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the AppenderCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + + Appends log events to the ASP.NET system. + + + + + Diagnostic information and tracing messages that you specify are appended to the output + of the page that is sent to the requesting browser. Optionally, you can view this information + from a separate trace viewer (Trace.axd) that displays trace information for every page in a + given application. + + + Trace statements are processed and displayed only when tracing is enabled. You can control + whether tracing is displayed to a page, to the trace viewer, or both. + + + The logging event is passed to the or + method depending on the level of the logging event. + The event's logger name is the default value for the category parameter of the Write/Warn method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Write the logging event to the ASP.NET trace + + the event to log + + + Write the logging event to the ASP.NET trace + HttpContext.Current.Trace + (). + + + + + + Defaults to %logger + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The category parameter sent to the Trace method. + + + + Defaults to %logger which will use the logger name of the current + as the category parameter. + + + + + + + + Buffers events and then forwards them to attached appenders. + + + + The events are buffered in this appender until conditions are + met to allow the appender to deliver the events to the attached + appenders. See for the + conditions that cause the buffer to be sent. + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different + thresholds and filters for the same appender at different locations + within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface for attaching appenders to objects. + + + + Interface for attaching, removing and retrieving appenders. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + Add the specified appender. The implementation may + choose to allow or deny duplicate appenders. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Returns an attached appender with the specified. + If no appender with the specified name is found null will be + returned. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders. + + + + Gets a collection of attached appenders. + If there are no attached appenders the + implementation should return an empty + collection rather than null. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Send the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + Forwards the events to the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this buffering appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ColoredConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific type of message to be set. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes directly to the application's attached console + not to the System.Console.Out or System.Console.Error TextWriter. + The System.Console.Out and System.Console.Error streams can be + programmatically redirected (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). + This appender will ignore these redirections because it needs to use Win32 + API calls to colorize the output. To respect these redirections the + must be used. + + + When configuring the colored console appender, mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + combination of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + HighIntensity + + + + Rick Hobbs + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colors + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + The console output stream writer to write to + + + + This writer is not thread safe. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible color values for use with the color mapping method + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the colors. + + + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is white + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is purple + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is intensified + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level. + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level. + + + + + + The combined and suitable for + setting the console color. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + debug system. + + + Events are written using the + method. The event's logger name is passed as the value for the category name to the Write method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + If is true then the + is called. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Writes events to the system event log. + + + + The appender will fail if you try to write using an event source that doesn't exist unless it is running with local administrator privileges. + See also + + + The EventID of the event log entry can be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + + + The Category of the event log entry can be + set using the Category property () + on the . + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + When configuring the EventLogAppender a mapping can be + specified to map a logging level to an event log entry type. For example: + + + <mapping> + <level value="ERROR" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Error" /> + </mapping> + <mapping> + <level value="DEBUG" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Information" /> + </mapping> + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and eventLogEntryType can be any value + from the enum, i.e.: + + Erroran error event + Warninga warning event + Informationan informational event + + + + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Thomas Voss + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + The to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Add a mapping of level to - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the event log entry type for a level. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create an event log source + + + Uses different API calls under NET_2_0 + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + the event to log + + Writes the event to the system event log using the + . + + If the event has an EventID property (see ) + set then this integer will be used as the event log event id. + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + + + + Get the equivalent for a + + the Level to convert to an EventLogEntryType + The equivalent for a + + Because there are fewer applicable + values to use in logging levels than there are in the + this is a one way mapping. There is + a loss of information during the conversion. + + + + + The log name is the section in the event logs where the messages + are stored. + + + + + Name of the application to use when logging. This appears in the + application column of the event log named by . + + + + + The name of the machine which holds the event log. This is + currently only allowed to be '.' i.e. the current machine. + + + + + Mapping from level object to EventLogEntryType + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The event ID to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The event category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EventLogAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The maximum size supported by default. + + + + The 32766 documented max size is two bytes shy of 32K (I'm assuming 32766 + may leave space for a two byte null terminator of #0#0). The 32766 max + length is what the .NET 4.0 source code checks for, but this is WRONG! + Strings with a length > 31839 on Windows Vista or higher can CORRUPT + the event log! See: System.Diagnostics.EventLogInternal.InternalWriteEvent() + for the use of the 32766 max size. + + + + + The maximum size supported by a windows operating system that is vista + or newer. + + + See ReportEvent API: + + ReportEvent's lpStrings parameter: + "A pointer to a buffer containing an array of + null-terminated strings that are merged into the message before Event Viewer + displays the string to the user. This parameter must be a valid pointer + (or NULL), even if wNumStrings is zero. Each string is limited to 31,839 characters." + + Going beyond the size of 31839 will (at some point) corrupt the event log on Windows + Vista or higher! It may succeed for a while...but you will eventually run into the + error: "System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception : A device attached to the system is + not functioning", and the event log will then be corrupt (I was able to corrupt + an event log using a length of 31877 on Windows 7). + + The max size for Windows Vista or higher is documented here: + + Going over this size may succeed a few times but the buffer will overrun and + eventually corrupt the log (based on testing). + + The maxEventMsgSize size is based on the max buffer size of the lpStrings parameter of the ReportEvent API. + The documented max size for EventLog.WriteEntry for Windows Vista and higher is 31839, but I'm leaving room for a + terminator of #0#0, as we cannot see the source of ReportEvent (though we could use an API monitor to examine the + buffer, given enough time). + + + + + The maximum size that the operating system supports for + a event log message. + + + Used to determine the maximum string length that can be written + to the operating system event log and eventually truncate a string + that exceeds the limits. + + + + + This method determines the maximum event log message size allowed for + the current environment. + + + + + + The name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + The string name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + This is the name of the log as it appears in the Event Viewer + tree. The default value is to log into the Application + log, this is where most applications write their events. However + if you need a separate log for your application (or applications) + then you should set the appropriately. + This should not be used to distinguish your event log messages + from those of other applications, the + property should be used to distinguish events. This property should be + used to group together events into a single log. + + + + + + Property used to set the Application name. This appears in the + event logs when logging. + + + The string used to distinguish events from different sources. + + + Sets the event log source property. + + + + + This property is used to return the name of the computer to use + when accessing the event logs. Currently, this is the current + computer, denoted by a dot "." + + + The string name of the machine holding the event log that + will be logged into. + + + This property cannot be changed. It is currently set to '.' + i.e. the local machine. This may be changed in future. + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the EventLog. + + + The used to write to the EventLog. + + + + The system security context used to write to the EventLog. + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the EventId to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The EventID of the event log entry will normally be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The Category of the event log entry will normally be + set using the Category property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and its event log entry type. + + + + + + The for this entry + + + + Required property. + The for this entry + + + + + + Appends logging events to a file. + + + + Logging events are sent to the file specified by + the property. + + + The file can be opened in either append or overwrite mode + by specifying the property. + If the file path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. The file encoding can be + specified by setting the property. + + + The layout's and + values will be written each time the file is opened and closed + respectively. If the property is + then the file may contain multiple copies of the header and footer. + + + This appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + The supports pluggable file locking models via + the property. + The default behavior, implemented by + is to obtain an exclusive write lock on the file until this appender is closed. + The alternative models only hold a + write lock while the appender is writing a logging event () + or synchronize by using a named system wide Mutex (). + + + All locking strategies have issues and you should seriously consider using a different strategy that + avoids having multiple processes logging to the same file. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Rodrigo B. de Oliveira + Douglas de la Torre + Niall Daley + + + + Sends logging events to a . + + + + An Appender that writes to a . + + + This appender may be used stand alone if initialized with an appropriate + writer, however it is typically used as a base class for an appender that + can open a to write to. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and + sets the output destination to a new initialized + with the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender. + The to output to. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and sets + the output destination to the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender + The to output to + + The must have been previously opened. + + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + This method determines if there is a sense in attempting to append. + + + + This method checks if an output target has been set and if a + layout has been set. + + + false if any of the preconditions fail. + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method writes all the bulk logged events to the output writer + before flushing the stream. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. The underlying stream or writer is also closed. + + + Closed appenders cannot be reused. + + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Clears internal references to the underlying + and other variables. + + + + Subclasses can override this method for an alternate closing behavior. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Called to allow a subclass to lazily initialize the writer + + + + This method is called when an event is logged and the or + have not been set. This allows a subclass to + attempt to initialize the writer multiple times. + + + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying + or output stream will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logging events are not actually persisted if and when the application + crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TextWriterAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or set whether the appender will flush at the end + of each append operation. + + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + append operation. + + + If this option is set to false, then the underlying + stream can defer persisting the logging event to a later + time. + + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results in + a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + Sets the where the log output will go. + + + + The specified must be open and writable. + + + The will be closed when the appender + instance is closed. + + + Note: Logging to an unopened will fail. + + + + + + Gets or set the and the underlying + , if any, for this appender. + + + The for this appender. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Gets or sets the where logging events + will be written to. + + + The where logging events are written. + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout, file and append mode. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + flag to indicate if the file should be appended to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout and file specified. + The file will be appended to. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Activate the options on the file appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This will cause the file to be opened. + + + + + + Closes any previously opened file and calls the parent's . + + + + Resets the filename and the file stream. + + + + + + Called to initialize the file writer + + + + Will be called for each logged message until the file is + successfully opened. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + Acquires the output file locks once before writing all the events to + the stream. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the previously opened file. + + + + Writes the to the file and then + closes the file. + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + Calls but guarantees not to throw an exception. + Errors are passed to the . + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + If there was already an opened file, then the previous file + is closed first. + + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer used for file output + + the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This implementation of creates a + over the and passes it to the + method. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to wrap the + in some way, for example to encrypt the output + data using a System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + the writer over the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to + wrap the in some way. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if we should append to the file + or overwrite the file. The default is to append. + + + + + The name of the log file. + + + + + The encoding to use for the file stream. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The stream to log to. Has added locking semantics + + + + + The locking model to use + + + + + The fully qualified type of the FileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + The path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + + If the path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether the file should be + appended to or overwritten. + + + Indicates whether the file should be appended to or overwritten. + + + + If the value is set to false then the file will be overwritten, if + it is set to true then the file will be appended to. + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + The default encoding set is + which is the encoding for the system's current ANSI code page. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + The used to lock the file. + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + There are three built in locking models, , and . + The first locks the file from the start of logging to the end, the + second locks only for the minimal amount of time when logging each message + and the last synchronizes processes using a named system wide Mutex. + + + The default locking model is the . + + + + + + Write only that uses the + to manage access to an underlying resource. + + + + + True asynchronous writes are not supported, the implementation forces a synchronous write. + + + + + Exception base type for log4net. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Locking model base class + + + + Base class for the locking models available to the derived loggers. + + + + + + Open the output file + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Helper method that creates a FileStream under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + + Typically called during OpenFile or AcquireLock. + + + If the directory portion of the does not exist, it is created + via Directory.CreateDirecctory. + + + + + + + + + + Helper method to close under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + Does not set to null. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this LockingModel + + + The for this LockingModel + + + + The file appender this locking model is attached to and working on + behalf of. + + + The file appender is used to locate the security context and the error handler to use. + + + The value of this property will be set before is + called. + + + + + + Hold an exclusive lock on the output file + + + + Open the file once for writing and hold it open until is called. + Maintains an exclusive lock on the file during this time. + + + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Does nothing. The lock will be released when the file is closed. + + + + + + Acquires the file lock for each write + + + + Opens the file once for each / cycle, + thus holding the lock for the minimal amount of time. This method of locking + is considerably slower than but allows + other processes to move/delete the log file whilst logging continues. + + + + + + Prepares to open the file when the first message is logged. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Provides cross-process file locking. + + Ron Grabowski + Steve Wranovsky + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + - and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + + + + + + This appender forwards logging events to attached appenders. + + + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different thresholds + and filters for the same appender at different locations within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Forward the logging event to the attached appenders + + The event to log. + + + Delivers the logging event to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Forward the logging events to the attached appenders + + The array of events to log. + + + Delivers the logging events to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Logs events to a local syslog service. + + + + This appender uses the POSIX libc library functions openlog, syslog, and closelog. + If these functions are not available on the local system then this appender will not work! + + + The functions openlog, syslog, and closelog are specified in SUSv2 and + POSIX 1003.1-2001 standards. These are used to log messages to the local syslog service. + + + This appender talks to a local syslog service. If you need to log to a remote syslog + daemon and you cannot configure your local syslog service to do this you may be + able to use the to log via UDP. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a local syslog service. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Adds a to this appender. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Marshaled handle to the identity string. We have to hold on to the + string as the openlog and syslog APIs just hold the + pointer to the ident and dereference it for each log message. + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Open connection to system logger. + + + + + Generate a log message. + + + + The libc syslog method takes a format string and a variable argument list similar + to the classic printf function. As this type of vararg list is not supported + by C# we need to specify the arguments explicitly. Here we have specified the + format string with a single message argument. The caller must set the format + string to "%s". + + + + + + Close descriptor used to write to system logger. + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The log4net Level maps to a syslog severity using the + method and the + class. The severity is set on . + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facility defines which subsystem the logging comes from. + This is set on the property. + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Appends colorful logging events to the console, using the .NET 2 + built-in capabilities. + + + + ManagedColoredConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific type of message to be set. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + When configuring the colored console appender, mappings should be + specified to map logging levels to colors. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level while + ForeColor and BackColor are the values of + enumeration. + + + Based on the ColoredConsoleAppender + + + Rick Hobbs + Nicko Cadell + Pavlos Touboulidis + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colors + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level. + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level. + + + + + + Stores logging events in an array. + + + + The memory appender stores all the logging events + that are appended in an in-memory array. + + + Use the method to get + the current list of events that have been appended. + + + Use the method to clear the + current list of events. + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + The events that have been logged + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + Stores the in the events list. + + + + + Clear the list of events + + + Clear the list of events + + + + + The list of events that have been appended. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether only part of the logging event + data should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the event + data to be fixed and stored in the appender, hereby improving performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + Logs entries by sending network messages using the + native function. + + + + You can send messages only to names that are active + on the network. If you send the message to a user name, + that user must be logged on and running the Messenger + service to receive the message. + + + The receiver will get a top most window displaying the + messages one at a time, therefore this appender should + not be used to deliver a high volume of messages. + + + The following table lists some possible uses for this appender : + + + + + Action + Property Value(s) + + + Send a message to a user account on the local machine + + + = <name of the local machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a user account on a remote machine + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a domain user account + + + = <name of a domain controller | uninitialized> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to all the names in a workgroup or domain + + + = <workgroup name | domain name>* + + + + + Send a message from the local machine to a remote machine + + + = <name of the local machine | uninitialized> + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + + + + + Note : security restrictions apply for sending + network messages, see + for more information. + + + + + An example configuration section to log information + using this appender from the local machine, named + LOCAL_PC, to machine OPERATOR_PC : + + + + + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + + + + + The sender of the network message. + + + + + The message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Initializes the appender. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using a network message. + + + + + + Sends a buffer of information to a registered message alias. + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + The message alias to which the message buffer should be sent + The originator of the message. + The message text. + The length, in bytes, of the message text. + + + The following restrictions apply for sending network messages: + + + + + Platform + Requirements + + + Windows NT + + + No special group membership is required to send a network message. + + + Admin, Accounts, Print, or Server Operator group membership is required to + successfully send a network message on a remote server. + + + + + Windows 2000 or later + + + If you send a message on a domain controller that is running Active Directory, + access is allowed or denied based on the access control list (ACL) for the securable + object. The default ACL permits only Domain Admins and Account Operators to send a network message. + + + On a member server or workstation, only Administrators and Server Operators can send a network message. + + + + + + + For more information see Security Requirements for the Network Management Functions. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. + + + + + + Gets or sets the sender of the message. + + + The sender of the message. + + + If this property is not specified, the message is sent from the local computer. + + + + + Gets or sets the message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + The recipient of the message. + + + This property should always be specified in order to send a message. + + + + + Gets or sets the DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + + For Windows NT 4.0 and earlier, the string should begin with \\. + + + If this property is not specified, the local computer is used. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the OutputDebugString system. + + + + OutputDebugStringAppender appends log events to the + OutputDebugString system. + + + The string is passed to the native OutputDebugString + function. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + the event to log + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + + + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + the string to output + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Logs events to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + The BSD syslog protocol is used to remotely log to + a syslog daemon. The syslogd listens for for messages + on UDP port 514. + + + The syslog UDP protocol is not authenticated. Most syslog daemons + do not accept remote log messages because of the security implications. + You may be able to use the LocalSyslogAppender to talk to a local + syslog service. + + + There is an RFC 3164 that claims to document the BSD Syslog Protocol. + This RFC can be seen here: + This appender generates what the RFC calls an "Original Device Message", + i.e. does not include the TIMESTAMP or HOSTNAME fields. By observation + this format of message will be accepted by all current syslog daemon + implementations. The daemon will attach the current time and the source + hostname or IP address to any messages received. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Sends logging events as connectionless UDP datagrams to a remote host or a + multicast group using an . + + + + UDP guarantees neither that messages arrive, nor that they arrive in the correct order. + + + To view the logging results, a custom application can be developed that listens for logging + events. + + + When decoding events send via this appender remember to use the same encoding + to decode the events as was used to send the events. See the + property to specify the encoding to use. + + + + This example shows how to log receive logging events that are sent + on IP address and port 8080 to the console. The event is + encoded in the packet as a unicode string and it is decoded as such. + + IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); + UdpClient udpClient; + byte[] buffer; + string loggingEvent; + + try + { + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080); + + while(true) + { + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint); + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer); + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent); + } + } + catch(Exception e) + { + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); + } + + + Dim remoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint + Dim udpClient as UdpClient + Dim buffer as Byte() + Dim loggingEvent as String + + Try + remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0) + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080) + + While True + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ByRef remoteEndPoint) + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer) + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent) + Wend + Catch e As Exception + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()) + End Try + + + An example configuration section to log information using this appender to the + IP on port 8080: + + + + + + + + + + Gert Driesen + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified or + an invalid remote or local TCP port number was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + The TCP port number assigned to or is less than or greater than . + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using an UDP datagram. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + Closes the UDP connection and releases all resources associated with + this instance. + + + + Disables the underlying and releases all managed + and unmanaged resources associated with the . + + + + + + Initializes the underlying connection. + + + + The underlying is initialized and binds to the + port number from which you intend to communicate. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to + which the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number from which the will communicate. + + + + + The instance that will be used for sending the + logging events. + + + + + The encoding to use for the packet. + + + + + Gets or sets the IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + + Multicast addresses are identified by IP class D addresses (in the range to + Multicast packets can pass across different networks through routers, so + it is possible to use multicasts in an Internet scenario as long as your network provider + supports multicasting. + + + Hosts that want to receive particular multicast messages must register their interest by joining + the multicast group. Multicast messages are not sent to networks where no host has joined + the multicast group. Class D IP addresses are used for multicast groups, to differentiate + them from normal host addresses, allowing nodes to easily detect if a message is of interest. + + + Static multicast addresses that are needed globally are assigned by IANA. A few examples are listed in the table below: + + + + + IP Address + Description + + + + + + Sends a message to all system on the subnet. + + + + + + + + Sends a message to all routers on the subnet. + + + + + + + + The DHCP server answers messages on the IP address, but only on a subnet. + + + + + + + A complete list of actually reserved multicast addresses and their owners in the ranges + defined by RFC 3171 can be found at the IANA web site. + + + The address range to is reserved for administrative scope-relative + addresses. These addresses can be reused with other local groups. Routers are typically + configured with filters to prevent multicast traffic in this range from flowing outside + of the local network. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + The underlying will send messages to this TCP port number + on the remote host or multicast group. + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + + The underlying will bind to this port for sending messages. + + + Setting the value to 0 (the default) will cause the udp client not to bind to + a local port. + + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets used to write the packets. + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to send logging events + over a network. Classes deriving from can use this + property to get or set this . Use the underlying + returned from if you require access beyond that which + provides. + + + + + Gets or sets the cached remote endpoint to which the logging events should be sent. + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + The method will initialize the remote endpoint + with the values of the and + properties. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Syslog port 514 + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to syslog severity mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The syslog severities. + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facilities + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Delivers logging events to a remote logging sink. + + + + This Appender is designed to deliver events to a remote sink. + That is any object that implements the + interface. It delivers the events using .NET remoting. The + object to deliver events to is specified by setting the + appenders property. + + The RemotingAppender buffers events before sending them. This allows it to + make more efficient use of the remoting infrastructure. + + Once the buffer is full the events are still not sent immediately. + They are scheduled to be sent using a pool thread. The effect is that + the send occurs asynchronously. This is very important for a + number of non obvious reasons. The remoting infrastructure will + flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + Because the events are sent asynchronously using pool threads it is possible to close + this appender before all the queued events have been sent. + When closing the appender attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but + this will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If this appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. If the runtime terminates the threads before + the queued events have been sent then they will be lost. To ensure that all events + are sent the appender must be closed before the application exits. See + for details on how to shutdown + log4net programmatically. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + The events are not sent immediately. They are scheduled to be sent + using a pool thread. The effect is that the send occurs asynchronously. + This is very important for a number of non obvious reasons. The remoting + infrastructure will flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + The events to send. + + + + Override base class close. + + + + This method waits while there are queued work items. The events are + sent asynchronously using work items. These items + will be sent once a thread pool thread is available to send them, therefore + it is possible to close the appender before all the queued events have been + sent. + + This method attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but this + method will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If the appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. + + + + + A work item is being queued into the thread pool + + + + + A work item from the thread pool has completed + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + This method is designed to be used with the . + This method expects to be passed an array of + objects in the state param. + + the logging events to send + + + + The URL of the remote sink. + + + + + The local proxy (.NET remoting) for the remote logging sink. + + + + + The number of queued callbacks currently waiting or executing + + + + + Event used to signal when there are no queued work items + + + This event is set when there are no queued work items. In this + state it is safe to close the appender. + + + + + Gets or sets the URL of the well-known object that will accept + the logging events. + + + The well-known URL of the remote sink. + + + + The URL of the remoting sink that will accept logging events. + The sink must implement the + interface. + + + + + + Interface used to deliver objects to a remote sink. + + + This interface must be implemented by a remoting sink + if the is to be used + to deliver logging events to the sink. + + + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + Array of events to log. + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + + + + + Appender that rolls log files based on size or date or both. + + + + RollingFileAppender can roll log files based on size or date or both + depending on the setting of the property. + When set to the log file will be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled + once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed. + When set to the log file will be + rolled once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed, but within a date boundary the file will also be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled when + the appender is configured. This effectively means that the log file can be + rolled once per program execution. + + + A of few additional optional features have been added: + + Attach date pattern for current log file + Backup number increments for newer files + Infinite number of backups by file size + + + + + + For large or infinite numbers of backup files a + greater than zero is highly recommended, otherwise all the backup files need + to be renamed each time a new backup is created. + + + When Date/Time based rolling is used setting + to will reduce the number of file renamings to few or none. + + + + + + Changing or without clearing + the log file directory of backup files will cause unexpected and unwanted side effects. + + + + + If Date/Time based rolling is enabled this appender will attempt to roll existing files + in the directory without a Date/Time tag based on the last write date of the base log file. + The appender only rolls the log file when a message is logged. If Date/Time based rolling + is enabled then the appender will not roll the log file at the Date/Time boundary but + at the point when the next message is logged after the boundary has been crossed. + + + + The extends the and + has the same behavior when opening the log file. + The appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + When rolling a backup file necessitates deleting an older backup file the + file to be deleted is moved to a temporary name before being deleted. + + + + + A maximum number of backup files when rolling on date/time boundaries is not supported. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Edward Smit + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RollingFileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes. + + the writer to set + + + + Write out a logging event. + + the event to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Write out an array of logging events. + + the events to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Performs any required rolling before outputting the next event + + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Creates and opens the file for logging. If + is false then the fully qualified name is determined and used. + + the name of the file to open + true to append to existing file + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + Get the current output file name + + the base file name + the output file name + + The output file name is based on the base fileName specified. + If is set then the output + file name is the same as the base file passed in. Otherwise + the output file depends on the date pattern, on the count + direction or both. + + + + + Determines curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + + + + + Generates a wildcard pattern that can be used to find all files + that are similar to the base file name. + + + + + + + Builds a list of filenames for all files matching the base filename plus a file + pattern. + + + + + + + Initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + The following is done + + determine curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + + + Does the work of bumping the 'current' file counter higher + to the highest count when an incremental file name is seen. + The highest count is either the first file (when count direction + is greater than 0) or the last file (when count direction less than 0). + In either case, we want to know the highest count that is present. + + + + + + + Attempts to extract a number from the end of the file name that indicates + the number of the times the file has been rolled over. + + + Certain date pattern extensions like yyyyMMdd will be parsed as valid backup indexes. + + + + + + + Takes a list of files and a base file name, and looks for + 'incremented' versions of the base file. Bumps the max + count up to the highest count seen. + + + + + + + Calculates the RollPoint for the datePattern supplied. + + the date pattern to calculate the check period for + The RollPoint that is most accurate for the date pattern supplied + + Essentially the date pattern is examined to determine what the + most suitable roll point is. The roll point chosen is the roll point + with the smallest period that can be detected using the date pattern + supplied. i.e. if the date pattern only outputs the year, month, day + and hour then the smallest roll point that can be detected would be + and hourly roll point as minutes could not be detected. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Sets initial conditions including date/time roll over information, first check, + scheduledFilename, and calls to initialize + the current number of backups. + + + + + + + + + .1, .2, .3, etc. + + + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + + set to true if the file to be rolled is currently open + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + Resets curSizeRollBackups. + If fileIsOpen is set then the new file is opened (through SafeOpenFile). + + + + + + Renames file to file . + + Name of existing file to roll. + New name for file. + + + Renames file to file . It + also checks for existence of target file and deletes if it does. + + + + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + the path to the file + true if the file exists + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + + + + + Deletes the specified file if it exists. + + The file to delete. + + + Delete a file if is exists. + The file is first moved to a new filename then deleted. + This allows the file to be removed even when it cannot + be deleted, but it still can be moved. + + + + + + Implements file roll base on file size. + + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. Moreover, File is + renamed File.1 and closed. + + + A new file is created to receive further log output. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + + + + Implements file roll. + + the base name to rename + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + This is called by to rename the files. + + + + + + Get the start time of the next window for the current rollpoint + + the current date + the type of roll point we are working with + the start time for the next roll point an interval after the currentDateTime date + + + Returns the date of the next roll point after the currentDateTime date passed to the method. + + + The basic strategy is to subtract the time parts that are less significant + than the rollpoint from the current time. This should roll the time back to + the start of the time window for the current rollpoint. Then we add 1 window + worth of time and get the start time of the next window for the rollpoint. + + + + + + This object supplies the current date/time. Allows test code to plug in + a method to control this class when testing date/time based rolling. The default + implementation uses the underlying value of DateTime.Now. + + + + + The date pattern. By default, the pattern is set to ".yyyy-MM-dd" + meaning daily rollover. + + + + + The actual formatted filename that is currently being written to + or will be the file transferred to on roll over + (based on staticLogFileName). + + + + + The timestamp when we shall next recompute the filename. + + + + + Holds date of last roll over + + + + + The type of rolling done + + + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB + + + + + There is zero backup files by default + + + + + How many sized based backups have been made so far + + + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + + The rolling mode used in this appender. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by date. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by size. + + + + + Value indicating whether to always log to the same file. + + + + + Value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + + + FileName provided in configuration. Used for rolling properly + + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Gets or sets the strategy for determining the current date and time. The default + implementation is to use LocalDateTime which internally calls through to DateTime.Now. + DateTime.UtcNow may be used on frameworks newer than .NET 1.0 by specifying + . + + + An implementation of the interface which returns the current date and time. + + + + Gets or sets the used to return the current date and time. + + + There are two built strategies for determining the current date and time, + + and . + + + The default strategy is . + + + + + + Gets or sets the date pattern to be used for generating file names + when rolling over on date. + + + The date pattern to be used for generating file names when rolling + over on date. + + + + Takes a string in the same format as expected by + . + + + This property determines the rollover schedule when rolling over + on date. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum number of backup files that are kept before + the oldest is erased. + + + The maximum number of backup files that are kept before the oldest is + erased. + + + + If set to zero, then there will be no backup files and the log file + will be truncated when it reaches . + + + If a negative number is supplied then no deletions will be made. Note + that this could result in very slow performance as a large number of + files are rolled over unless is used. + + + The maximum applies to each time based group of files and + not the total. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size in bytes that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property is equivalent to except + that it is required for differentiating the setter taking a + argument from the setter taking a + argument. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB (10*1024*1024). + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property allows you to specify the maximum size with the + suffixes "KB", "MB" or "GB" so that the size is interpreted being + expressed respectively in kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. + + + For example, the value "10KB" will be interpreted as 10240 bytes. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB. + + + If you have the option to set the maximum file size programmatically + consider using the property instead as this + allows you to set the size in bytes as a . + + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling file count direction. + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + Indicates if the current file is the lowest numbered file or the + highest numbered file. + + + By default newer files have lower numbers ( < 0), + i.e. log.1 is most recent, log.5 is the 5th backup, etc... + + + >= 0 does the opposite i.e. + log.1 is the first backup made, log.5 is the 5th backup made, etc. + For infinite backups use >= 0 to reduce + rollover costs. + + The default file count direction is -1. + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling style. + + The rolling style. + + + The default rolling style is . + + + When set to this appender's + property is set to false, otherwise + the appender would append to a single file rather than rolling + the file each time it is opened. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + true if the file name extension should be preserved. + + + + By default file.log is rolled to file.log.yyyy-MM-dd or file.log.curSizeRollBackup. + However, under Windows the new file name will loose any program associations as the + extension is changed. Optionally file.log can be renamed to file.yyyy-MM-dd.log or + file.curSizeRollBackup.log to maintain any program associations. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always log to + the same file. + + + true if always should be logged to the same file, otherwise false. + + + + By default file.log is always the current file. Optionally + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd for current formatted datePattern can by the currently + logging file (or file.log.curSizeRollBackup or even + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd.curSizeRollBackup). + + + This will make time based rollovers with a large number of backups + much faster as the appender it won't have to rename all the backups! + + + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + + + Roll files once per program execution + + + + Roll files once per program execution. + Well really once each time this appender is + configured. + + + Setting this option also sets AppendToFile to + false on the RollingFileAppender, otherwise + this appender would just be a normal file appender. + + + + + + Roll files based only on the size of the file + + + + + Roll files based only on the date + + + + + Roll files based on both the size and date of the file + + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + + + Roll the log not based on the date + + + + + Roll the log for each minute + + + + + Roll the log for each hour + + + + + Roll the log twice a day (midday and midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each day (midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each week + + + + + Roll the log each month + + + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + Used primarily to allow test classes to plug themselves in so they can + supply test date/times. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Default implementation of that returns the current time. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Implementation of that returns the current time as the coordinated universal time (UTC). + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Send an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. + + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Authentication and setting the server Port are only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + For these features to be enabled you need to ensure that you are using a version of + the log4net assembly that is built against the MS .NET 1.1 framework and that you are + running the your application on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. On all other platforms only sending + unauthenticated messages to a server listening on port 25 (the default) is supported. + + + Authentication is supported by setting the property to + either or . + If using authentication then the + and properties must also be set. + + + To set the SMTP server port use the property. The default port is 25. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + + Send the email message + + the body text to include in the mail + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be carbon copied (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be blind carbon copied. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the SMTP relay mail server to use to send + the e-mail messages. + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + + + Obsolete + + + Use the BufferingAppenderSkeleton Fix methods instead + + + + Obsolete property. + + + + + + The mode to use to authentication with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + Valid Authentication mode values are: , + , and . + The default value is . When using + you must specify the + and to use to authenticate. + When using the Windows credentials for the current + thread, if impersonating, or the process will be used to authenticate. + + + + + + The username to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the username will be ignored. + + + + + + The password to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the password will be ignored. + + + + + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening + + + Server Port is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening. The default + port is 25. The Port can only be changed when running on + the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + + + + + Gets or sets the priority of the e-mail message + + + One of the values. + + + + Sets the priority of the e-mails generated by this + appender. The default priority is . + + + If you are using this appender to report errors then + you may want to set the priority to . + + + + + + Enable or disable use of SSL when sending e-mail message + + + This is available on MS .NET 2.0 runtime and higher + + + + + Gets or sets the reply-to e-mail address. + + + This is available on MS .NET 2.0 runtime and higher + + + + + Gets or sets the subject encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + Gets or sets the body encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Values for the property. + + + + SMTP authentication modes. + + + + + + No authentication + + + + + Basic authentication. + + + Requires a username and password to be supplied + + + + + Integrated authentication + + + Uses the Windows credentials from the current thread or process to authenticate. + + + + + Send an email when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. Rather than sending via smtp it writes a file into the + directory specified by . This allows services such + as the IIS SMTP agent to manage sending the messages. + + + + The configuration for this appender is identical to that of the SMTPAppender, + except that instead of specifying the SMTPAppender.SMTPHost you specify + . + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Niall Daley + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + + + + + Activate the options on this appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. This should be the same + as that used by the agent sending the messages. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the pickup directory. + + + The used to write to the pickup directory. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appender that allows clients to connect via Telnet to receive log messages + + + + The TelnetAppender accepts socket connections and streams logging messages + back to the client. + The output is provided in a telnet-friendly way so that a log can be monitored + over a TCP/IP socket. + This allows simple remote monitoring of application logging. + + + The default is 23 (the telnet port). + + + Keith Long + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TelnetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Overrides the parent method to close the socket handler + + + + Closes all the outstanding connections. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Create the socket handler and wait for connections + + + + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + + The default value is 23 (the telnet port). + + + The value specified is less than + or greater than . + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Helper class to manage connected clients + + + + The SocketHandler class is used to accept connections from + clients. It is threaded so that clients can connect/disconnect + asynchronously. + + + + + + Opens a new server port on + + the local port to listen on for connections + + + Creates a socket handler on the specified local server port. + + + + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + the text to send + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + + + + + Add a client to the internal clients list + + client to add + + + + Remove a client from the internal clients list + + client to remove + + + + Callback used to accept a connection on the server socket + + The result of the asynchronous operation + + + On connection adds to the list of connections + if there are two many open connections you will be disconnected + + + + + + Close all network connections + + + + Make sure we close all network connections + + + + + + Test if this handler has active connections + + + true if this handler has active connections + + + + This property will be true while this handler has + active connections, that is at least one connection that + the handler will attempt to send a message to. + + + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + + + Create this for the specified + + the client's socket + + + Opens a stream writer on the socket. + + + + + + Write a string to the client + + string to send + + + Write a string to the client + + + + + + Cleanup the clients connection + + + + Close the socket connection. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + trace system. + + + Events are written using the System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(string,string) + method. The event's logger name is the default value for the category parameter + of the Write method. + + + Compact Framework
    + The Compact Framework does not support the + class for any operation except Assert. When using the Compact Framework this + appender will write to the system rather than + the Trace system. This appender will therefore behave like the . +
    + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski +
    + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Defaults to %logger + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + The category parameter sent to the Trace method. + + + + Defaults to %logger which will use the logger name of the current + as the category parameter. + + + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's domain to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required domains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's repository to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required repositories. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + The name of the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The domain to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Obsolete. Use instead of . + + + + + + Use this class to quickly configure a . + + + + Allows very simple programmatic configuration of log4net. + + + Only one appender can be configured using this configurator. + The appender is set at the root of the hierarchy and all logging + events will be delivered to that appender. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The fully qualified type of the BasicConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system with a default configuration. + + + + Initializes the log4net logging system using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + + + + + Initializes the with a default configuration. + + The repository to configure. + + + Initializes the specified repository using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + The repository to configure. + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appenders. + + The repository to configure. + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Base class for all log4net configuration attributes. + + + This is an abstract class that must be extended by + specific configurators. This attribute allows the + configurator to be parameterized by an assembly level + attribute. + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor used by subclasses. + + the ordering priority for this configurator + + + The is used to order the configurator + attributes before they are invoked. Higher priority configurators are executed + before lower priority ones. + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Abstract method implemented by a subclass. When this method is called + the subclass should configure the . + + + + + + Compare this instance to another ConfiguratorAttribute + + the object to compare to + see + + + Compares the priorities of the two instances. + Sorts by priority in descending order. Objects with the same priority are + randomly ordered. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging domain for the assembly. + + + + DomainAttribute is obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging domains. Each domain has its own + logging repository. This attribute specified on the assembly controls + the configuration of the domain. The property specifies the name + of the domain that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the repository objects to create for the domain. If + this attribute is not specified and a is not specified + then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging repository for the assembly. + + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging repository. This attribute specified + on the assembly controls + the configuration of the repository. The property specifies the name + of the repository that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the object + to create for the assembly. If this attribute is not specified or a + is not specified then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the repository. + + The name of the repository. + + + Initialize the attribute with the name for the assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the logging repository. + + + The string name to use as the name of the repository associated with this + assembly. + + + + This value does not have to be unique. Several assemblies can share the + same repository. They will share the logging configuration of the repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + The type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + + The type of the repository to create for the assembly. + The type must implement the + interface. + + + This will be the type of repository created when + the repository is created. If multiple assemblies reference the + same repository then the repository is only created once using the + of the first assembly to call into the + repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the domain. + + The name of the domain. + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + If neither of the or + properties are set the configuration is loaded from the application's .config file. + If set the property takes priority over the + property. The property + specifies a path to a file to load the config from. The path is relative to the + application's base directory; . + The property is used as a postfix to the assembly file name. + The config file must be located in the application's base directory; . + For example in a console application setting the to + config has the same effect as not specifying the or + properties. + + + The property can be set to cause the + to watch the configuration file for changes. + + + + Log4net will only look for assembly level configuration attributes once. + When using the log4net assembly level attributes to control the configuration + of log4net you must ensure that the first call to any of the + methods is made from the assembly with the configuration + attributes. + + + If you cannot guarantee the order in which log4net calls will be made from + different assemblies you must use programmatic configuration instead, i.e. + call the method directly. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Configure the repository using the . + The specified must extend the + class otherwise the will not be able to + configure it. + + + The does not extend . + + + + Attempt to load configuration from the local file system + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + Configure the specified repository using a + + The repository to configure. + the FileInfo pointing to the config file + + + + Attempt to load configuration from a URI + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfiguratorAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the filename of the configuration file. + + + The filename of the configuration file. + + + + If specified, this is the name of the configuration file to use with + the . This file path is relative to the + application base directory (). + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets the extension of the configuration file. + + + The extension of the configuration file. + + + + If specified this is the extension for the configuration file. + The path to the config file is built by using the application + base directory (), + the assembly file name and the config file extension. + + + If the is set to MyExt then + possible config file names would be: MyConsoleApp.exe.MyExt or + MyClassLibrary.dll.MyExt. + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to watch the configuration file. + + + true if the configuration should be watched, false otherwise. + + + + If this flag is specified and set to true then the framework + will watch the configuration file and will reload the config each time + the file is modified. + + + The config file can only be watched if it is loaded from local disk. + In a No-Touch (Smart Client) deployment where the application is downloaded + from a web server the config file may not reside on the local disk + and therefore it may not be able to watch it. + + + Watching configuration is not supported on the SSCLI. + + + + + + Class to register for the log4net section of the configuration file + + + The log4net section of the configuration file needs to have a section + handler registered. This is the section handler used. It simply returns + the XML element that is the root of the section. + + + Example of registering the log4net section handler : + + + +
    + + + log4net configuration XML goes here + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Parses the configuration section. + + The configuration settings in a corresponding parent configuration section. + The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and is a null reference. + The for the log4net section. + The for the log4net section. + + + Returns the containing the configuration data, + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a plugin to attach to + the repository. + + + + Specifies the type of a plugin to create and attach to the + assembly's repository. The plugin type must implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface used to create plugins. + + + + Interface used to create a plugin. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates the plugin object. + + the new plugin instance + + + Create and return a new plugin instance. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type name of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + Where possible use the constructor that takes a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + + + + Creates the plugin object defined by this attribute. + + + + Creates the instance of the object as + specified by this attribute. + + + The plugin object. + + + + Returns a representation of the properties of this object. + + + + Overrides base class method to + return a representation of the properties of this object. + + + A representation of the properties of this object + + + + Gets or sets the type for the plugin. + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type name for the plugin. + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + Where possible use the property instead. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Construct provider attribute with type specified + + the type of the provider to use + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Configures the SecurityContextProvider + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Creates a provider instance from the specified. + Sets this as the default security context provider . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SecurityContextProviderAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the provider to use. + + + the type of the provider to use. + + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
    + + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration URI. + + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration data stream. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
    + + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + URI. + + The repository to configure. + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the specified repository using a log4net element. + + The hierarchy to configure. + The element to parse. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + This method is ultimately called by one of the Configure methods + to load the configuration from an . + + + + + + Maps repository names to ConfigAndWatchHandler instances to allow a particular + ConfigAndWatchHandler to dispose of its FileSystemWatcher when a repository is + reconfigured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Class used to watch config files. + + + + Uses the to monitor + changes to a specified file. Because multiple change notifications + may be raised when the file is modified, a timer is used to + compress the notifications into a single event. The timer + waits for time before delivering + the event notification. If any further + change notifications arrive while the timer is waiting it + is reset and waits again for to + elapse. + + + + + + The default amount of time to wait after receiving notification + before reloading the config file. + + + + + Holds the FileInfo used to configure the XmlConfigurator + + + + + Holds the repository being configured. + + + + + The timer used to compress the notification events. + + + + + Watches file for changes. This object should be disposed when no longer + needed to free system handles on the watched resources. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class to + watch a specified config file used to configure a repository. + + The repository to configure. + The configuration file to watch. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Called by the timer when the configuration has been updated. + + null + + + + Release the handles held by the watcher and timer. + + + + + The implementation of the interface suitable + for use with the compact framework + + + + This implementation is a simple + mapping between repository name and + object. + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not support retrieving assembly + level attributes therefore unlike the DefaultRepositorySelector + this selector does not examine the calling assembly for attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Interface used by the to select the . + + + + The uses a + to specify the policy for selecting the correct + to return to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to use to lookup to the + The for the assembly. + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. The results of this method must be repeatable, i.e. + when called again with the same arguments the result must be the + save value. + + + + + + Gets the named . + + The name to use to lookup to the . + The named + + Lookup a named . This is the repository created by + calling . + + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + The assembly to use to create the domain to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the domain + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. + + + + + + Creates a new repository with the name specified. + + The name to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the name + specified such that a call to with the + same name will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + An array of the instances created by + this . + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Create a new repository selector + + the type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new compact repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + throw if is null + throw if does not implement + + + + Get the for the specified assembly + + not used + The default + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Get the named + + the name of the repository to lookup + The named + + + Get the named . The default + repository is log4net-default-repository. Other repositories + must be created using the . + If the named repository does not exist an exception is thrown. + + + throw if is null + throw if the does not exist + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + not used + the type of repository to create, must implement + the repository created + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + If the is null then the + default repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Create a new repository for the repository specified + + the repository to associate with the + the type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is null then the default repository type is used. + the repository created + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + If the named repository already exists an exception will be thrown. + + + If is null then the default + repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + throw if is null + throw if the already exists + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the CompactRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has been created + + The repository that has been created + + + Raises the LoggerRepositoryCreatedEvent + event. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + The default implementation of the interface. + + + + Uses attributes defined on the calling assembly to determine how to + configure the hierarchy for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates a new repository selector. + + The type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + is . + does not implement . + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly use to lookup the . + + + The type of the created and the repository + to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the . + + + The default values are to use the + implementation of the interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically configured using + any attributes defined on + the . + + + The for the assembly + is . + + + + Gets the for the specified repository. + + The repository to use to lookup the . + The for the specified repository. + + + Returns the named repository. If is null + a is thrown. If the repository + does not exist a is thrown. + + + Use to create a repository. + + + is . + does not exist. + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The name to assign to the created repository + Set to true to read and apply the assembly attributes + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the specified repository. + + The repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is then the default repository type is used. + The new repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + is . + already exists. + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Aliases a repository to an existing repository. + + The repository to alias. + The repository that the repository is aliased to. + + + The repository specified will be aliased to the repository when created. + The repository must not already exist. + + + When the repository is created it must utilize the same repository type as + the repository it is aliased to, otherwise the aliasing will fail. + + + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Notifies the registered listeners that the repository has been created. + + The repository that has been created. + + + Raises the event. + + + + + + Gets the repository name and repository type for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that has a . + in/out param to hold the repository name to use for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + in/out param to hold the type of the repository to create for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + is . + + + + Configures the repository using information from the assembly. + + The assembly containing + attributes which define the configuration for the repository. + The repository to configure. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined plugins on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to add the plugins to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined aliases on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to alias to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DefaultRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Defined error codes that can be passed to the method. + + + + Values passed to the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + A general error + + + + + Error while writing output + + + + + Failed to flush file + + + + + Failed to close file + + + + + Unable to open output file + + + + + No layout specified + + + + + Failed to parse address + + + + + An evaluator that triggers on an Exception type + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the type of the Exception + passed to + is equal to a Type in . /// + + + Drew Schaeffer + + + + Test if an triggers an action + + + + Implementations of this interface allow certain appenders to decide + when to perform an appender specific action. + + + The action or behavior triggered is defined by the implementation. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Test if this event triggers the action + + The event to check + true if this event triggers the action, otherwise false + + + Return true if this event triggers the action + + + + + + The type that causes the trigger to fire. + + + + + Causes subclasses of to cause the trigger to fire. + + + + + Default ctor to allow dynamic creation through a configurator. + + + + + Constructs an evaluator and initializes to trigger on + + the type that triggers this evaluator. + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the logging event Exception + Type is . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the Exception Type of the event + passed to + is . + + + + + + The type that triggers this evaluator. + + + + + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + + Appenders may delegate their error handling to an . + + + + Error handling is a particularly tedious to get right because by + definition errors are hard to predict and to reproduce. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + The error code associated with the error. + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + + + See . + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + + + See . + + + + + + Interface for objects that require fixing. + + + + Interface that indicates that the object requires fixing before it + can be taken outside the context of the appender's + method. + + + When objects that implement this interface are stored + in the context properties maps + and + are fixed + (see ) the + method will be called. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a portable instance object that represents the current + state of this object. The portable object can be stored + and logged from any thread with identical results. + + + + + + Interface that all loggers implement + + + + This interface supports logging events and testing if a level + is enabled for logging. + + + These methods will not throw exceptions. Note to implementor, ensure + that the implementation of these methods cannot allow an exception + to be thrown to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + the exception to log, including its stack trace. Pass null to not log an exception. + + + Generates a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Base interface for all wrappers + + + + Base interface for all wrappers. + + + All wrappers must implement this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that in implementing this object. + + + + The object that in implementing this + object. The Logger object may not + be the same object as this object because of logger decorators. + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications + + The which created the repository. + The event args + that holds the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A + event is raised every time a is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Construct instance using specified + + the that has been created + + + Construct instance using specified + + + + + + The that has been created + + + The that has been created + + + + The that has been created + + + + + + Defines the default set of levels recognized by the system. + + + + Each has an associated . + + + Levels have a numeric that defines the relative + ordering between levels. Two Levels with the same + are deemed to be equivalent. + + + The levels that are recognized by log4net are set for each + and each repository can have different levels defined. The levels are stored + in the on the repository. Levels are + looked up by name from the . + + + When logging at level INFO the actual level used is not but + the value of LoggerRepository.LevelMap["INFO"]. The default value for this is + , but this can be changed by reconfiguring the level map. + + + Each level has a in addition to its . The + is the string that is written into the output log. By default + the display name is the same as the level name, but this can be used to alias levels + or to localize the log output. + + + Some of the predefined levels recognized by the system are: + + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + The display name for this level. This may be localized or otherwise different from the name + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Returns the representation of the current + . + + + A representation of the current . + + + + Returns the level . + + + + + + Compares levels. + + The object to compare against. + true if the objects are equal. + + + Compares the levels of instances, and + defers to base class if the target object is not a + instance. + + + + + + Returns a hash code + + A hash code for the current . + + + Returns a hash code suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data + structures like a hash table. + + + Returns the hash code of the level . + + + + + + Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an + indication of their relative values. + + A instance or to compare with this instance. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + This instance is less than . + + + Zero + This instance is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + + This instance is greater than . + -or- + is . + + + + + + + must be an instance of + or ; otherwise, an exception is thrown. + + + is not a . + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have the same value. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is the same as the + value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have different values. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is different from + the value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Compares two specified instances. + + The first to compare. + The second to compare. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + two values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + is less than . + + + Zero + is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + is greater than . + + + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + The level designates a higher level than all the rest. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events + that will presumably lead the application to abort. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Take immediate action, alerts. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Critical condition, critical. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + + + + + The level designates error events that might + still allow the application to continue running. + + + + + The level designates potentially harmful + situations. + + + + + The level designates informational messages + that highlight the progress of the application at the highest level. + + + + + The level designates informational messages that + highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates the lowest level possible. + + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + The name of this level. + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + The value of this level. + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + The display name of this level. + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a LevelCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A LevelCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new LevelCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the LevelCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the LevelCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the LevelCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the LevelCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the LevelCollection. + + The to locate in the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire LevelCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the LevelCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the LevelCollection. + + The to remove from the LevelCollection. + + The specified was not found in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the LevelCollection. + + An for the entire LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another LevelCollection to the current LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current LevelCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current LevelCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the LevelCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + An evaluator that triggers at a threshold level + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The threshold for triggering + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + the threshold to trigger at + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the event level + is equal or higher than the . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + the threshold to trigger at + + + The that will cause this evaluator to trigger + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Mapping between string name and Level object + + + + Mapping between string name and object. + This mapping is held separately for each . + The level name is case insensitive. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Mapping from level name to Level object. The + level name is case insensitive + + + + + Construct the level map + + + + Construct the level map. + + + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + the display name to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + Add a Level to the map + + the Level to add + + + Add a Level to the map + + + + + + Lookup a named level from the map + + the name of the level to lookup is taken from this level. + If the level is not set on the map then this level is added + the level in the map with the name specified + + + Lookup a named level from the map. The name of the level to lookup is taken + from the property of the + argument. + + + If no level with the specified name is found then the + argument is added to the level map + and returned. + + + + + + Lookup a by name + + The name of the Level to lookup + a Level from the map with the name specified + + + Returns the from the + map with the name specified. If the no level is + found then null is returned. + + + + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + all possible levels as a list of Level objects + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + + + + + The internal representation of caller location information. + + + + This class uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + Constructor + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class based on the current thread. + + + + + + Constructor + + The fully qualified class name. + The method name. + The file name. + The line number of the method within the file. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class with the specified data. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LocationInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + Gets the stack frames from the stack trace of the caller making the log request + + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + This class is used by the wrapper managers (e.g. ) + to provide access to the objects. + + + This manager also holds the that is used to + lookup and create repositories. The selector can be set either programmatically using + the property, or by setting the log4net.RepositorySelector + AppSetting in the applications config file to the fully qualified type name of the + selector to use. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + + + Hook the shutdown event + + + + On the full .NET runtime, the static constructor hooks up the + AppDomain.ProcessExit and AppDomain.DomainUnload> events. + These are used to shutdown the log4net system as the application exits. + + + + + + Register for ProcessExit and DomainUnload events on the AppDomain + + + + This needs to be in a separate method because the events make + a LinkDemand for the ControlAppDomain SecurityPermission. Because + this is a LinkDemand it is demanded at JIT time. Therefore we cannot + catch the exception in the method itself, we have to catch it in the + caller. + + + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + Returns the default instance. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified assembly's repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified assembly's repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + The repository to lookup in. + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + the assembly to use to lookup the repository + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The repository to shutdown. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + An array of all the known objects. + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + + + + Internal method to get pertinent version info. + + A string of version info. + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerManager class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initialize the default repository selector + + + + + Gets or sets the repository selector used by the . + + + The repository selector used by the . + + + + The repository selector () is used by + the to create and select repositories + (). + + + The caller to supplies either a string name + or an assembly (if not supplied the assembly is inferred using + ). + + + This context is used by the selector to lookup a specific repository. + + + For the full .NET Framework, the default repository is DefaultRepositorySelector; + for the .NET Compact Framework CompactRepositorySelector is the default + repository. + + + + + + Implementation of the interface. + + + + This class should be used as the base for all wrapper implementations. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + The logger that this object is wrapping + + + + + Gets the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that this object is implementing. + + + + The Logger object may not be the same object as this object + because of logger decorators. + + + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The logger name. + + + + The logger name. + + + + + + Level of logging event. + + + + Level of logging event. Level cannot be Serializable + because it is a flyweight. Due to its special serialization it + cannot be declared final either. + + + + + + The application supplied message. + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + + The name of thread + + + + The name of thread in which this logging event was generated + + + + + + The time the event was logged + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + + + String representation of the user + + + + String representation of the user's windows name, + like DOMAIN\username + + + + + + String representation of the identity. + + + + String representation of the current thread's principal identity. + + + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Fix the MDC + + + + + Fix the NDC + + + + + Fix the rendered message + + + + + Fix the thread name + + + + + Fix the callers location information + + + CAUTION: Very slow to generate + + + + + Fix the callers windows user name + + + CAUTION: Slow to generate + + + + + Fix the domain friendly name + + + + + Fix the callers principal name + + + CAUTION: May be slow to generate + + + + + Fix the exception text + + + + + Fix the event properties. Active properties must implement in order to be eligible for fixing. + + + + + No fields fixed + + + + + All fields fixed + + + + + Partial fields fixed + + + + This set of partial fields gives good performance. The following fields are fixed: + + + + + + + + + + + + + The internal representation of logging events. + + + + When an affirmative decision is made to log then a + instance is created. This instance + is passed around to the different log4net components. + + + This class is of concern to those wishing to extend log4net. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + The key into the Properties map for the host name value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the thread identity value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the user name value. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + from the supplied parameters. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + The name of the logger of this event. + The level of this event. + The message of this event. + The exception for this event. + + + Except , and , + all fields of LoggingEvent are filled when actually needed. Call + to cache all data locally + to prevent inconsistencies. + + This method is called by the log4net framework + to create a logging event. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + The fields in the struct that have already been fixed. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + The parameter should be used to specify which fields in the + struct have been preset. Fields not specified in the + will be captured from the environment if requested or fixed. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Ensure that the repository is set. + + the value for the repository + + + + Write the rendered message to a TextWriter + + the writer to write the message to + + + Unlike the property this method + does store the message data in the internal cache. Therefore + if called only once this method should be faster than the + property, however if the message is + to be accessed multiple times then the property will be more efficient. + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + The data in this event must be fixed before it can be serialized. + + + The method must be called during the + method call if this event + is to be used outside that method. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + Does a fix of the data + in the logging event before returning the event data. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The set of data to ensure is fixed in the LoggingEventData + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + + + + Fix instance fields that hold volatile data. + + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Calling is equivalent to + calling passing the parameter + false. + + + See for more + information. + + + + + + Fixes instance fields that hold volatile data. + + Set to true to not fix data that takes a long time to fix. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + The param controls the data that + is fixed. Some of the data that can be fixed takes a long time to + generate, therefore if you do not require those settings to be fixed + they can be ignored by setting the param + to true. This setting will ignore the + and settings. + + + Set to false to ensure that all + settings are fixed. + + + + + + Fix the fields specified by the parameter + + the fields to fix + + + Only fields specified in the will be fixed. + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Lookup a composite property in this event + + the key for the property to lookup + the value for the property + + + This event has composite properties that combine together properties from + several different contexts in the following order: + + + this events properties + + This event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + + Get all the composite properties in this event + + the containing all the properties + + + See for details of the composite properties + stored by the event. + + + This method returns a single containing all the + properties defined for this event. + + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The fully qualified Type of the calling + logger class in the stack frame (i.e. the declaring type of the method). + + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + The exception that was thrown. + + + This is not serialized. The string representation + is serialized instead. + + + + + The repository that generated the logging event + + + This is not serialized. + + + + + The fix state for this event + + + These flags indicate which fields have been fixed. + Not serialized. + + + + + Indicated that the internal cache is updateable (ie not fixed) + + + This is a seperate flag to m_fixFlags as it allows incrementel fixing and simpler + changes in the caching strategy. + + + + + Gets the time when the current process started. + + + This is the time when this process started. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + Tries to get the start time for the current process. + Failing that it returns the time of the first call to + this property. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating and therefore + without the process start time being reset. + + + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + The of the logging event. + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + + + + Gets the time of the logging event. + + + The time of the logging event. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + The name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + + + Gets the location information for this logging event. + + + The location information for this logging event. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + See the class for more information on + supported frameworks and the different behavior in Debug and + Release builds. + + + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + + + The message object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid message object. + If the event is serialized the message object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the message the + property must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined message object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + + + The exception object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid exception object. + If the event is serialized the exception object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the exception the + method must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined exception object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + + + Gets the message, rendered through the . + + + The message rendered through the . + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current thread. + + + The name of the current thread, or the thread ID when + the name is not available. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current user. + + + The name of the current user, or NOT AVAILABLE when the + underlying runtime has no support for retrieving the name of the + current user. + + + + Calls WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name to get the name of + the current windows user. + + + To improve performance, we could cache the string representation of + the name, and reuse that as long as the identity stayed constant. + Once the identity changed, we would need to re-assign and re-render + the string. + + + However, the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() call seems to + return different objects every time, so the current implementation + doesn't do this type of caching. + + + Timing for these operations: + + + + Method + Results + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() + 10000 loops, 00:00:00.2031250 seconds + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + 10000 loops, 00:00:08.0468750 seconds + + + + This means we could speed things up almost 40 times by caching the + value of the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name property, since + this takes (8.04-0.20) = 7.84375 seconds. + + + + + + Gets the identity of the current thread principal. + + + The string name of the identity of the current thread principal. + + + + Calls System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name to get + the name of the current thread principal. + + + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + The AppDomain friendly name. + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + This property is for events that have been added directly to + this event. The aggregate properties (which include these + event properties) can be retrieved using + and . + + + Once the properties have been fixed this property + returns the combined cached properties. This ensures that updates to + this property are always reflected in the underlying storage. When + returning the combined properties there may be more keys in the + Dictionary than expected. + + + + + + The fixed fields in this event + + + The set of fields that are fixed in this event + + + + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Implementation of wrapper interface. + + + + This implementation of the interface + forwards to the held by the base class. + + + This logger has methods to allow the caller to log at the following + levels: + + + + DEBUG + + The and methods log messages + at the DEBUG level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + INFO + + The and methods log messages + at the INFO level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + WARN + + The and methods log messages + at the WARN level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + ERROR + + The and methods log messages + at the ERROR level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + FATAL + + The and methods log messages + at the FATAL level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + + The values for these levels and their semantic meanings can be changed by + configuring the for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The ILog interface is use by application to log messages into + the log4net framework. + + + + Use the to obtain logger instances + that implement this interface. The + static method is used to get logger instances. + + + This class contains methods for logging at different levels and also + has properties for determining if those logging levels are + enabled in the current configuration. + + + This interface can be implemented in different ways. This documentation + specifies reasonable behavior that a caller can expect from the actual + implementation, however different implementations reserve the right to + do things differently. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + For some ILog interface log, when you write: + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, string construction and concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed (who isn't), then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in and once in + the . This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. This is the preferred style of logging. + + Alternatively if your logger is available statically then the is debug + enabled state can be stored in a static variable like this: + + + private static readonly bool isDebugEnabled = log.IsDebugEnabled; + + + Then when you come to log you can write: + + + if (isDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way the debug enabled state is only queried once + when the class is loaded. Using a private static readonly + variable is the most efficient because it is a run time constant + and can be heavily optimized by the JIT compiler. + + + Of course if you use a static readonly variable to + hold the enabled state of the logger then you cannot + change the enabled state at runtime to vary the logging + that is produced. You have to decide if you need absolute + speed or runtime flexibility. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + the repository holding the levels + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + DEBUG level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + INFO level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level. + + the message object to log + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + WARN level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + ERROR level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + FATAL level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Event handler for the event + + the repository + Empty + + + + The fully qualified name of this declaring type not the type of any subclass. + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the DEBUG + level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for DEBUG events, + false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + + For some log Logger object, when you write: + + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed, then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled()) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in IsDebugEnabled and once in + the Debug. This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the INFO level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for INFO events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the WARN level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for WARN events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the ERROR level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for ERROR events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the FATAL level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for FATAL events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + provides method information without actually referencing a System.Reflection.MethodBase + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + constructs a method item for an unknown method. + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method. + + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method and its parameters. + + + + + + + constructs a method item from a method base by determining the method name and its parameters. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + The method parameters of the caller making + the logging request + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + for example with operating system services. This can be used to impersonate + a principal that has been granted privileges on the system resources. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + An instance that will + revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext, or null + + + Impersonate this security context. Further calls on the current + thread should now be made in the security context provided + by this object. When the result + method is called the security + context of the thread should be reverted to the state it was in + before was called. + + + + + + The providers default instances. + + + + A configured component that interacts with potentially protected system + resources uses a to provide the elevated + privileges required. If the object has + been not been explicitly provided to the component then the component + will request one from this . + + + By default the is + an instance of which returns only + objects. This is a reasonable default + where the privileges required are not know by the system. + + + This default behavior can be overridden by subclassing the + and overriding the method to return + the desired objects. The default provider + can be replaced by programmatically setting the value of the + property. + + + An alternative is to use the log4net.Config.SecurityContextProviderAttribute + This attribute can be applied to an assembly in the same way as the + log4net.Config.XmlConfiguratorAttribute". The attribute takes + the type to use as the as an argument. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The default provider + + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + + + Create a SecurityContext for a consumer + + The consumer requesting the SecurityContext + An impersonation context + + + The default implementation is to return a . + + + Subclasses should override this method to provide their own + behavior. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default SecurityContextProvider + + + The default SecurityContextProvider + + + + The default provider is used by configured components that + require a and have not had one + given to them. + + + By default this is an instance of + that returns objects. + + + The default provider can be set programmatically by setting + the value of this property to a sub class of + that has the desired behavior. + + + + + + provides stack frame information without actually referencing a System.Diagnostics.StackFrame + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + returns a stack frame item from a stack frame. This + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + An evaluator that triggers after specified number of seconds. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + Robert Sevcik + + + + The default time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time of last check. This gets updated when the object is created and when the evaluator triggers. + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the specified time period + has passed since last check.. + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. This delegate + is called from the + method to construct the wrapper for the specified logger. + + + The delegate to use is supplied to the + constructor. + + + + + + Maps between logger objects and wrapper objects. + + + + This class maintains a mapping between objects and + objects. Use the method to + lookup the for the specified . + + + New wrapper instances are created by the + method. The default behavior is for this method to delegate construction + of the wrapper to the delegate supplied + to the constructor. This allows specialization of the behavior without + requiring subclassing of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + + The handler to use to create the wrapper objects. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified handler to create the wrapper objects. + + + + + + Gets the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The wrapper object for the specified logger + + + If the logger is null then the corresponding wrapper is null. + + + Looks up the wrapper it it has previously been requested and + returns it. If the wrapper has never been requested before then + the virtual method is + called. + + + + + + Creates the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + The wrapper object for the logger. + + + This implementation uses the + passed to the constructor to create the wrapper. This method + can be overridden in a subclass. + + + + + + Called when a monitored repository shutdown event is received. + + The that is shutting down + + + This method is called when a that this + is holding loggers for has signaled its shutdown + event . The default + behavior of this method is to release the references to the loggers + and their wrappers generated for this repository. + + + + + + Event handler for repository shutdown event. + + The sender of the event. + The event args. + + + + Map of logger repositories to hashtables of ILogger to ILoggerWrapper mappings + + + + + The handler to use to create the extension wrapper objects. + + + + + Internal reference to the delegate used to register for repository shutdown events. + + + + + Gets the map of logger repositories. + + + Map of logger repositories. + + + + Gets the hashtable that is keyed on . The + values are hashtables keyed on with the + value being the corresponding . + + + + + + Formats a as "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats a in the format "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render a as a string. + + + + Interface to abstract the rendering of a + instance into a string. + + + The method is used to render the + date to a text writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats the specified date as a string. + + The date to format. + The writer to write to. + + + Format the as a string and write it + to the provided. + + + + + + String constant used to specify AbsoluteTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is ABSOLUTE. + + + + + String constant used to specify DateTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is DATE. + + + + + String constant used to specify ISO8601DateFormat in layouts. Current value is ISO8601. + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss". + + The date to render into a string. + The string builder to write to. + + + Subclasses should override this method to render the date + into a string using a precision up to the second. This method + will be called at most once per second and the result will be + reused if it is needed again during the same second. + + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + The date to render into a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the method to generate the + time string up to the seconds and then appends the current + milliseconds. The results from are + cached and is called at most once + per second. + + + Sub classes should override + rather than . + + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Formats a as "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" + + + + Formats a in the format + "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, + "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Angelika Schnagl + + + + Default constructor. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats a DateTime in the format "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" + for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + The format info for the invariant culture. + + + + + Formats the as "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats the specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats the date specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The format string. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified format string. + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + Formats the date using . + + The date to convert to a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the date format string supplied to the constructor to call + the method to format the date. + + + + + + The format string used to format the . + + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + This filter drops all . + + + + You can add this filter to the end of a filter chain to + switch from the default "accept all unless instructed otherwise" + filtering behavior to a "deny all unless instructed otherwise" + behavior. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Subclass this type to implement customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should extend this class to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface to provide customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should implement this interface to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Decide if the logging event should be logged through an appender. + + The LoggingEvent to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Points to the next filter in the filter chain. + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Initialize the filter with the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Typically filter's options become active immediately on set, + however this method must still be called. + + + + + + Decide if the should be logged through an appender. + + The to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + This method is marked abstract and must be implemented + in a subclass. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Always returns the integer constant + + the LoggingEvent to filter + Always returns + + + Ignores the event being logged and just returns + . This can be used to change the default filter + chain behavior from to . This filter + should only be used as the last filter in the chain + as any further filters will be ignored! + + + + + + The return result from + + + + The return result from + + + + + + The log event must be dropped immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This filter is neutral with respect to the log event. + The remaining filters, if any, should be consulted for a final decision. + + + + + The log event must be logged immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This is a very simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits two options and + . If there is an exact match between the value + of the option and the of the + , then the method returns in + case the option value is set + to true, if it is false then + is returned. If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + flag to indicate if the filter should on a match + + + + + the to match against + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Tests if the of the logging event matches that of the filter + + the event to filter + see remarks + + + If the of the event matches the level of the + filter then the result of the function depends on the + value of . If it is true then + the function will return , it it is false then it + will return . If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + The level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + This is a simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits three options and + that determine the range of priorities that are matched, and + . If there is a match between the range + of priorities and the of the , then the + method returns in case the + option value is set to true, if it is false + then is returned. If there is no match, is returned. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when matching a + + + + + the minimum value to match + + + + + the maximum value to match + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if the event should be logged. + + the logging event to check + see remarks + + + If the of the logging event is outside the range + matched by this filter then + is returned. If the is matched then the value of + is checked. If it is true then + is returned, otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching and + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Set the minimum matched + + + + The minimum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Sets the maximum matched + + + + The maximum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the event's logger name. + + + + The works very similar to the . It admits two + options and . If the + of the starts + with the value of the option, then the + method returns in + case the option value is set to true, + if it is false then is returned. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The logger name string to substring match against the event + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the equals the beginning of + the incoming () + then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + This filter will attempt to match this value against logger name in + the following way. The match will be done against the beginning of the + logger name (using ). The match is + case sensitive. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with layered properties the + should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Simple filter to match a string an event property + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the value for a + specific event property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The string to substring match against the message + + + + + A string regex to match + + + + + A regex object to match (generated from m_stringRegexToMatch) + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Initialize and precompile the Regex if required + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the message then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching or + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Sets the static string to match + + + + The string that will be substring matched against + the rendered message. If the message contains this + string then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + Sets the regular expression to match + + + + The regular expression pattern that will be matched against + the rendered message. If the message matches this + pattern then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + The key to use to lookup the string from the event properties + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The event property for the is matched against + the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the property value then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + The key to lookup in the event properties and then match against. + + + + The key name to use to lookup in the properties map of the + . The match will be performed against + the value of this property if it exists. + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with named stacks stored in the + properties collections the should + be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Sets the to "NDC". + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Protected constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Evaluate this pattern converter and write the output to a writer. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the appropriate way. + + + + + + Set the next pattern converter in the chains + + the pattern converter that should follow this converter in the chain + the next converter + + + The PatternConverter can merge with its neighbor during this method (or a sub class). + Therefore the return value may or may not be the value of the argument passed in. + + + + + + Write the pattern converter to the writer with appropriate formatting + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + This method calls to allow the subclass to perform + appropriate conversion of the pattern converter. If formatting options have + been specified via the then this method will + apply those formattings before writing the output. + + + + + + Fast space padding method. + + to which the spaces will be appended. + The number of spaces to be padded. + + + Fast space padding method. + + + + + + The option string to the converter + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an object to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the Object to a writer. If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the object to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + The formatting info for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + The option for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles exceptions + + + false if this converter handles exceptions + + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles the logging event exception + + false if this converter handles the logging event exception + + + If this converter handles the exception object contained within + , then this property should be set to + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the property should be set to true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this converter does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output . + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Abstract class that provides access to the current HttpContext () that + derived classes need. + + + This class handles the case when HttpContext.Current is null by writing + to the writer. + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. If no property has been set, all key value pairs from the Cache will + be written to the output. + + + + + + Converter for items in the . + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net HttpContext item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. If no property has been set, all key value pairs from the Session will + be written to the output. + + + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + + Render the to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,yyyy" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter pattern based on the property. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert the pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception or the exception property specified + by the Option value does not exist then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Recognized values for the Option parameter are: + + + + Message + + + Source + + + StackTrace + + + TargetSite + + + HelpLink + + + + + + + Writes the caller location file name to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location file name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + + + Writes the value of the to + the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the + to + the output . + + + + + + Write the event level to the output + + + + Writes the display name of the event + to the writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event level to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the of the + to the . + + + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Converter for logger name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Converter to output and truncate '.' separated strings + + + + This abstract class supports truncating a '.' separated string + to show a specified number of elements from the right hand side. + This is used to truncate class names that are fully qualified. + + + Subclasses should override the method to + return the fully qualified string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Get the fully qualified string data + + the event being logged + the fully qualified name + + + Overridden by subclasses to get the fully qualified name before the + precision is applied to it. + + + Return the fully qualified '.' (dot/period) separated string. + + + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + Render the to the precision + specified by the property. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the NamedPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the logger + + the event being logged + The fully qualified logger name + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + + + + Write the method name to the output + + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the method name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + + + + Converter to include event NDC + + + + Outputs the value of the event property named NDC. + + + The should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event NDC to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + As the thread context stacks are now stored in named event properties + this converter simply looks up the value of the NDC property. + + + The should be used instead. + + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + Converter to output the relative time of the event + + + + Converter to output the time of the event relative to the start of the program. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the relative time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the relative time of the event in milliseconds. + That is the number of milliseconds between the event + and the . + + + + + + Helper method to get the time difference between two DateTime objects + + start time (in the current local time zone) + end time (in the current local time zone) + the time difference in milliseconds + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + Adam Davies + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + Michael Cromwell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the strack frames to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Returns the Name of the method + + + This method was created, so this class could be used as a base class for StackTraceDetailPatternConverter + string + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTracePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTraceDetailPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Converter to include event thread name + + + + Writes the to the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the ThreadName to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the . + + + + + + Pattern converter for the class name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the class + + the event being logged + The fully qualified type name for the caller location + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Converter to include event user name + + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + Uses a to format the + in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone, this is converted + to Universal time before it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string that re-evaluates on each call. + + + This class is built on and provides all the + features and capabilities of PatternLayout. PatternLayout is a 'static' class + in that its layout is done once at configuration time. This class will recreate + the layout on each reference. + One important difference between PatternLayout and DynamicPatternLayout is the + treatment of the Header and Footer parameters in the configuration. The Header and Footer + parameters for DynamicPatternLayout must be syntactically in the form of a PatternString, + but should not be marked as type log4net.Util.PatternString. Doing so causes the + pattern to be statically converted at configuration time and causes DynamicPatternLayout + to perform the same as PatternLayout. + Please see for complete documentation. + + <layout type="log4net.Layout.DynamicPatternLayout"> + <param name="Header" value="%newline**** Trace Opened Local: %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} UTC: %utcdate{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + <param name="Footer" value="**** Trace Closed %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + </layout> + + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string. + + + + The goal of this class is to a + as a string. The results + depend on the conversion pattern. + + + The conversion pattern is closely related to the conversion + pattern of the printf function in C. A conversion pattern is + composed of literal text and format control expressions called + conversion specifiers. + + + You are free to insert any literal text within the conversion + pattern. + + + Each conversion specifier starts with a percent sign (%) and is + followed by optional format modifiers and a conversion + pattern name. The conversion pattern name specifies the type of + data, e.g. logger, level, date, thread name. The format + modifiers control such things as field width, padding, left and + right justification. The following is a simple example. + + + Let the conversion pattern be "%-5level [%thread]: %message%newline" and assume + that the log4net environment was set to use a PatternLayout. Then the + statements + + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TestApp)); + log.Debug("Message 1"); + log.Warn("Message 2"); + + would yield the output + + DEBUG [main]: Message 1 + WARN [main]: Message 2 + + + Note that there is no explicit separator between text and + conversion specifiers. The pattern parser knows when it has reached + the end of a conversion specifier when it reads a conversion + character. In the example above the conversion specifier + %-5level means the level of the logging event should be left + justified to a width of five characters. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + a + Equivalent to appdomain + + + appdomain + + Used to output the friendly name of the AppDomain where the + logging event was generated. + + + + aspnet-cache + + + Used to output all cache items in the case of %aspnet-cache or just one named item if used as %aspnet-cache{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-context + + + Used to output all context items in the case of %aspnet-context or just one named item if used as %aspnet-context{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-request + + + Used to output all request parameters in the case of %aspnet-request or just one named param if used as %aspnet-request{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-session + + + Used to output all session items in the case of %aspnet-session or just one named item if used as %aspnet-session{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + c + Equivalent to logger + + + C + Equivalent to type + + + class + Equivalent to type + + + d + Equivalent to date + + + date + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + exception + + + Used to output the exception passed in with the log message. + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + + + F + Equivalent to file + + + file + + + Used to output the file name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + WARNING Generating caller information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + l + Equivalent to location + + + L + Equivalent to line + + + location + + + Used to output location information of the caller which generated + the logging event. + + + The location information depends on the CLI implementation but + usually consists of the fully qualified name of the calling + method followed by the callers source the file name and line + number between parentheses. + + + The location information can be very useful. However, its + generation is extremely slow. Its use should be avoided + unless execution speed is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + level + + + Used to output the level of the logging event. + + + + + line + + + Used to output the line number from where the logging request + was issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + logger + + + Used to output the logger of the logging event. The + logger conversion specifier can be optionally followed by + precision specifier, that is a decimal constant in + brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the logger name will be + printed. By default the logger name is printed in full. + + + For example, for the logger name "a.b.c" the pattern + %logger{2} will output "b.c". + + + + + m + Equivalent to message + + + M + Equivalent to method + + + message + + + Used to output the application supplied message associated with + the logging event. + + + + + mdc + + + The MDC (old name for the ThreadContext.Properties) is now part of the + combined event properties. This pattern is supported for compatibility + but is equivalent to property. + + + + + method + + + Used to output the method name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + n + Equivalent to newline + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + ndc + + + Used to output the NDC (nested diagnostic context) associated + with the thread that generated the logging event. + + + + + p + Equivalent to level + + + P + Equivalent to property + + + properties + Equivalent to property + + + property + + + Used to output the an event specific property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are added to events by loggers or appenders. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the event properties + + The event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + r + Equivalent to timestamp + + + stacktrace + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktrace{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + stacktracedetail + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktracedetail{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + t + Equivalent to thread + + + timestamp + + + Used to output the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start + of the application until the creation of the logging event. + + + + + thread + + + Used to output the name of the thread that generated the + logging event. Uses the thread number if no name is available. + + + + + type + + + Used to output the fully qualified type name of the caller + issuing the logging request. This conversion specifier + can be optionally followed by precision specifier, that + is a decimal constant in brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the class name will be + printed. By default the class name is output in fully qualified form. + + + For example, for the class name "log4net.Layout.PatternLayout", the + pattern %type{1} will output "PatternLayout". + + + WARNING Generating the caller class information is + slow. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is + not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + u + Equivalent to identity + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + WARNING Generating caller WindowsIdentity information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + w + Equivalent to username + + + x + Equivalent to ndc + + + X + Equivalent to mdc + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + The single letter patterns are deprecated in favor of the + longer more descriptive pattern names. + + + By default the relevant information is output as is. However, + with the aid of format modifiers it is possible to change the + minimum field width, the maximum field width and justification. + + + The optional format modifier is placed between the percent sign + and the conversion pattern name. + + + The first optional format modifier is the left justification + flag which is just the minus (-) character. Then comes the + optional minimum field width modifier. This is a decimal + constant that represents the minimum number of characters to + output. If the data item requires fewer characters, it is padded on + either the left or the right until the minimum width is + reached. The default is to pad on the left (right justify) but you + can specify right padding with the left justification flag. The + padding character is space. If the data item is larger than the + minimum field width, the field is expanded to accommodate the + data. The value is never truncated. + + + This behavior can be changed using the maximum field + width modifier which is designated by a period followed by a + decimal constant. If the data item is longer than the maximum + field, then the extra characters are removed from the + beginning of the data item and not from the end. For + example, it the maximum field width is eight and the data item is + ten characters long, then the first two characters of the data item + are dropped. This behavior deviates from the printf function in C + where truncation is done from the end. + + + Below are various format modifier examples for the logger + conversion specifier. + +
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Format modifierleft justifyminimum widthmaximum widthcomment
    %20loggerfalse20none + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is less than 20 + characters long. + +
    %-20loggertrue20none + + Right pad with spaces if the logger + name is less than 20 characters long. + +
    %.30loggerNAnone30 + + Truncate from the beginning if the logger + name is longer than 30 characters. + +
    %20.30loggerfalse2030 + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
    %-20.30loggertrue2030 + + Right pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
    + + Note about caller location information.
    + The following patterns %type %file %line %method %location %class %C %F %L %l %M + all generate caller location information. + Location information uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. +
    + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using the method. + +
    + + This is a more detailed pattern. + %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline + + + A similar pattern except that the relative time is + right padded if less than 6 digits, thread name is right padded if + less than 15 characters and truncated if longer and the logger + name is left padded if shorter than 30 characters and truncated if + longer. + %-6timestamp [%15.15thread] %-5level %30.30logger %ndc - %message%newline + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino +
    + + + Extend this abstract class to create your own log layout format. + + + + This is the base implementation of the + interface. Most layout objects should extend this class. + + + + + + Subclasses must implement the + method. + + + Subclasses should set the in their default + constructor. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by layout objects + + + + An object is used to format a + as text. The method is called by an + appender to transform the into a string. + + + The layout can also supply and + text that is appender before any events and after all the events respectively. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text and output to a writer. + + + If the caller does not have a and prefers the + event to be formatted as a then the following + code can be used to format the event into a . + + + StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); + Layout.Format(writer, loggingEvent); + string formattedEvent = writer.ToString(); + + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This is a MIME type e.g. "text/plain". + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handle exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + + + + The header text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The footer text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This method must be implemented by the subclass. + + + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text. + + + + + + Convenience method for easily formatting the logging event into a string variable. + + + + Creates a new StringWriter instance to store the formatted logging event. + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type is "text/plain" + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This base class uses the value "text/plain". + To change this value a subclass must override this + property. + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this layout does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + Currently set to the string "%message%newline" + which just prints the application supplied message. + + + + + + A detailed conversion pattern + + + + A conversion pattern which includes Time, Thread, Logger, and Nested Context. + Current value is %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline. + + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + This static map is overridden by the m_converterRegistry instance map + + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternLayout only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + Defines the builtin global rules. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + As per the contract the + method must be called after the properties on this object have been + configured. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + When using this constructor the method + need not be called. This may not be the case when using a subclass. + + + + + + Create the pattern parser instance + + the pattern to parse + The that will format the event + + + Creates the used to parse the conversion string. Sets the + global and instance rules on the . + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Parse the using the patter format + specified in the property. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a named pattern converter to this instance. This + converter will be used in the formatting of the event. + This method must be called before . + + + The specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + The header PatternString + + + + + The footer PatternString + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event. + + + This Layout should only be used with appenders that utilize multiple + layouts (e.g. ). + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Constructs a ExceptionLayout + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + Part of the component activation + framework. + + + This method does nothing as options become effective immediately. + + + + + + Gets the exception text from the logging event + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + the event being logged + + + Write the exception string to the . + The exception string is retrieved from . + + + + + + Interface for raw layout objects + + + + Interface used to format a + to an object. + + + This interface should not be confused with the + interface. This interface is used in + only certain specialized situations where a raw object is + required rather than a formatted string. The + is not generally useful than this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + + + + + Adapts any to a + + + + Where an is required this adapter + allows a to be specified. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The layout to adapt + + + + + Construct a new adapter + + the layout to adapt + + + Create the adapter for the specified . + + + + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + + Uses the object supplied to + the constructor to perform the formatting. + + + + + + Type converter for the interface + + + + Used to convert objects to the interface. + Supports converting from the interface to + the interface using the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from arbitrary types + to a single target type. See . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the can be converted to the + type supported by this converter. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Converts the to the type supported + by this converter. + + + + + + Can the sourceType be converted to an + + the source to be to be converted + true if the source type can be converted to + + + Test if the can be converted to a + . Only is supported + as the . + + + + + + Convert the value to a object + + the value to convert + the object + + + Convert the object to a + object. If the object + is a then the + is used to adapt between the two interfaces, otherwise an + exception is thrown. + + + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructs a RawPropertyLayout + + + + + Lookup the property for + + The event to format + returns property value + + + Looks up and returns the object value of the property + named . If there is no property defined + with than name then null will be returned. + + + + + + The name of the value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection. + + + Value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection + + + + String name of the property to lookup in the . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in local time. To format the time stamp + in universal time use . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawUtcTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in universal time. To format the time stamp + in local time use . + + + + + + A very simple layout + + + + SimpleLayout consists of the level of the log statement, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. For example, + + DEBUG - Hello world + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a SimpleLayout + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a simple formatted output. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Formats the event as the level of the even, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. The + output is terminated by a newline. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + The output of the consists of a series of + log4net:event elements. It does not output a complete well-formed XML + file. The output is designed to be included as an external entity + in a separate file to form a correct XML file. + + + For example, if abc is the name of the file where + the output goes, then a well-formed XML file would + be: + + + <?xml version="1.0" ?> + + <!DOCTYPE log4net:events SYSTEM "log4net-events.dtd" [<!ENTITY data SYSTEM "abc">]> + + <log4net:events version="1.2" xmlns:log4net="> + &data; + </log4net:events> + + + This approach enforces the independence of the + and the appender where it is embedded. + + + The version attribute helps components to correctly + interpret output generated by . The value of + this attribute should be "1.2" for release 1.2 and later. + + + Alternatively the Header and Footer properties can be + configured to output the correct XML header, open tag and close tag. + When setting the Header and Footer properties it is essential + that the underlying data store not be appendable otherwise the data + will become invalid XML. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + This is an abstract class that must be subclassed by an implementation + to conform to a specific schema. + + + Deriving classes must implement the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with no location info. + + + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + The parameter determines whether + location information will be output by the layout. If + is set to true, then the + file name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string. + + The event being logged. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the and write it to the . + + + This method creates an that writes to the + . The is passed + to the method. Subclasses should override the + method rather than this method. + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Subclasses should override this method to format + the as XML. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if location information should be included in + the XML events. + + + + + The string to replace invalid chars with + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether to include location information in + the XML events. + + + true if location information should be included in the XML + events; otherwise, false. + + + + If is set to true, then the file + name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + The string to replace characters that can not be expressed in XML with. + + + Not all characters may be expressed in XML. This property contains the + string to replace those that can not with. This defaults to a ?. Set it + to the empty string to simply remove offending characters. For more + details on the allowed character ranges see + Character replacement will occur in the log message, the property names + and the property values. + + + + + + + Gets the content type output by this layout. + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SmtpAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Builds a cache of the element names + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Override the base class method + to write the to the . + + + + + + The prefix to use for all generated element names + + + + + The prefix to use for all element names + + + + The default prefix is log4net. Set this property + to change the prefix. If the prefix is set to an empty string + then no prefix will be written. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the message. + + + + By default the log message will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when the message contains binary + data. By setting this to true the contents of the message will be + base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the log message. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the property values. + + + + By default the properties will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when one or more properties contain + binary data. By setting this to true the values of the properties + will be base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the property values. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements compatible with the log4j schema + + + + Formats the log events according to the schema. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Actually do the writing of the xml + + the writer to use + the event to write + + + Generate XML that is compatible with the log4j schema. + + + + + + The version of the log4j schema to use. + + + + Only version 1.2 of the log4j schema is supported. + + + + + + The default object Renderer. + + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects and collections to strings. + + + See the method for details of the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface in order to render objects as strings + + + + Certain types require special case conversion to + string form. This conversion is done by an object renderer. + Object renderers implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a + string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects to strings as follows: + + + + Value + Rendered String + + + null + + "(null)" + + + + + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + , & + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: {a, b, c}. + + + All collection classes that implement its subclasses, + or generic equivalents all implement the interface. + + + + + + + + Rendered as the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). + + + For example: key=value. + + + + + other + + Object.ToString() + + + + + + + + Render the array argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the array to render + The writer to render to + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + + Render the enumerator argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the enumerator to render + The writer to render to + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + {a, b, c}. + + + + + + Render the DictionaryEntry argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the DictionaryEntry to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). For example: key=value. + + + + + + Map class objects to an . + + + + Maintains a mapping between types that require special + rendering and the that + is used to render them. + + + The method is used to render an + object using the appropriate renderers defined in this map. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + the object rendered as a string + + + This is a convenience method used to render an object to a string. + The alternative method + should be used when streaming output to a . + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + The writer to render to + + + Find the appropriate renderer for the type of the + parameter. This is accomplished by calling the + method. Once a renderer is found, it is + applied on the object and the result is returned + as a . + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type + + the object to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type. + + + Syntactic sugar method that calls + with the type of the object parameter. + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified type + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + Returns the renderer for the specified type. + If no specific renderer has been defined the + will be returned. + + + + + + Internal function to recursively search interfaces + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + + Clear the map of renderers + + + + Clear the custom renderers defined by using + . The + cannot be removed. + + + + + + Register an for . + + the type that will be rendered by + the renderer for + + + Register an object renderer for a specific source type. + This renderer will be returned from a call to + specifying the same as an argument. + + + + + + Get the default renderer instance + + the default renderer + + + Get the default renderer + + + + + + Interface implemented by logger repository plugins. + + + + Plugins define additional behavior that can be associated + with a . + The held by the + property is used to store the plugins for a repository. + + + The log4net.Config.PluginAttribute can be used to + attach plugins to repositories created using configuration + attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches the plugin to the specified . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + Gets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a PluginCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A PluginCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new PluginCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the PluginCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the PluginCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the PluginCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the PluginCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the PluginCollection. + + The to locate in the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire PluginCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the PluginCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the PluginCollection. + + The to remove from the PluginCollection. + + The specified was not found in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the PluginCollection. + + An for the entire PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another PluginCollection to the current PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current PluginCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current PluginCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + + The at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + The number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + The current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + Map of repository plugins. + + + + This class is a name keyed map of the plugins that are + attached to a repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + Initialize a new instance of the class with a + repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + + + + Adds a to the map. + + The to add to the map. + + + The will be attached to the repository when added. + + + If there already exists a plugin with the same name + attached to the repository then the old plugin will + be and replaced with + the new plugin. + + + + + + Removes a from the map. + + The to remove from the map. + + + Remove a specific plugin from this map. + + + + + + Gets a by name. + + The name of the to lookup. + + The from the map with the name specified, or + null if no plugin is found. + + + + Lookup a plugin by name. If the plugin is not found null + will be returned. + + + + + + Gets all possible plugins as a list of objects. + + All possible plugins as a list of objects. + + + Get a collection of all the plugins defined in this map. + + + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the + interface. This base class can be used by implementors + of the interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + the name of the plugin + + Initializes a new Plugin with the specified name. + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + The name of this plugin. + + + + + The repository this plugin is attached to. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + The name of the plugin must not change one the + plugin has been attached to a repository. + + + + + + The repository for this plugin + + + The that this plugin is attached to. + + + + Gets or sets the that this plugin is + attached to. + + + + + + Plugin that listens for events from the + + + + This plugin publishes an instance of + on a specified . This listens for logging events delivered from + a remote . + + + When an event is received it is relogged within the attached repository + as if it had been raised locally. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The property must be set. + + + + + + Construct with sink Uri. + + The name to publish the sink under in the remoting infrastructure. + See for more details. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with specified name. + + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + When the plugin is shutdown the remote logging + sink is disconnected. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RemoteLoggingServerPlugin class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the URI of this sink. + + + The URI of this sink. + + + + This is the name under which the object is marshaled. + + + + + + + Delivers objects to a remote sink. + + + + Internal class used to listen for logging events + and deliver them to the local repository. + + + + + + Constructor + + The repository to log to. + + + Initializes a new instance of the for the + specified . + + + + + + Logs the events to the repository. + + The events to log. + + + The events passed are logged to the + + + + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. + + null to indicate that this instance should live forever. + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. This object should live forever + therefore this implementation returns null. + + + + + + The underlying that events should + be logged to. + + + + + Default implementation of + + + + This default implementation of the + interface is used to create the default subclass + of the object. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface abstracts creation of instances + + + + This interface is used by the to + create new objects. + + + The method is called + to create a named . + + + Implement this interface to create new subclasses of . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default internal subclass of + + + + This subclass has no additional behavior over the + class but does allow instances + to be created. + + + + + + Implementation of used by + + + + Internal class used to provide implementation of + interface. Applications should use to get + logger instances. + + + This is one of the central classes in the log4net implementation. One of the + distinctive features of log4net are hierarchical loggers and their + evaluation. The organizes the + instances into a rooted tree hierarchy. + + + The class is abstract. Only concrete subclasses of + can be created. The + is used to create instances of this type for the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + + + + This constructor created a new instance and + sets its name. + + The name of the . + + + This constructor is protected and designed to be used by + a subclass that is not abstract. + + + Loggers are constructed by + objects. See for the default + logger creator. + + + + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + An appender to add to this logger + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + + If is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Look for the appender named as name + + The name of the appender to lookup + The appender with the name specified, or null. + + + Returns the named appender, or null if the appender is not found. + + + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the named appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Deliver the to the attached appenders. + + The event to log. + + + Call the appenders in the hierarchy starting at + this. If no appenders could be found, emit a + warning. + + + This method calls all the appenders inherited from the + hierarchy circumventing any evaluation of whether to log or not + to log the particular log request. + + + + + + Closes all attached appenders implementing the interface. + + + + Used to ensure that the appenders are correctly shutdown. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method. This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers + + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the . + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generates a logging event and delivers it to the attached + appenders. + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The event being logged. + + + Delivers the logging event to the attached appenders. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Logger class. + + + + + The name of this logger. + + + + + The assigned level of this logger. + + + + The level variable need not be + assigned a value in which case it is inherited + form the hierarchy. + + + + + + The parent of this logger. + + + + The parent of this logger. + All loggers have at least one ancestor which is the root logger. + + + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + The hierarchy that this logger is a member of is stored + here. + + + + + + Helper implementation of the interface + + + + + Flag indicating if child loggers inherit their parents appenders + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Lock to protect AppenderAttachedImpl variable m_appenderAttachedImpl + + + + + Gets or sets the parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + The parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + + Part of the Composite pattern that makes the hierarchy. + The hierarchy is parent linked rather than child linked. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + true if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Gets the effective level for this logger. + + The nearest level in the logger hierarchy. + + + Starting from this logger, searches the logger hierarchy for a + non-null level and returns it. Otherwise, returns the level of the + root logger. + + The Logger class is designed so that this method executes as + quickly as possible. + + + + + Gets or sets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + The hierarchy that this logger belongs to. + + + This logger must be attached to a single . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned , if any, for this Logger. + + + The of this logger. + + + + The assigned can be null. + + + + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . + + A collection of the appenders in this logger + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . If no appenders + can be found, then a is returned. + + + + + + Gets the logger name. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Construct a new Logger + + the name of the logger + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + The in which the has been created. + The event args that hold the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A event is raised every time a + is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Constructor + + The that has been created. + + + Initializes a new instance of the event argument + class,with the specified . + + + + + + Gets the that has been created. + + + The that has been created. + + + + The that has been created. + + + + + + Hierarchical organization of loggers + + + + The casual user should not have to deal with this class + directly. + + + This class is specialized in retrieving loggers by name and + also maintaining the logger hierarchy. Implements the + interface. + + + The structure of the logger hierarchy is maintained by the + method. The hierarchy is such that children + link to their parent but parents do not have any references to their + children. Moreover, loggers can be instantiated in any order, in + particular descendant before ancestor. + + + In case a descendant is created before a particular ancestor, + then it creates a provision node for the ancestor and adds itself + to the provision node. Other descendants of the same ancestor add + themselves to the previously created provision node. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the interface. + + + Skeleton implementation of the interface. + All types can extend this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by logger repositories. + + + + This interface is implemented by logger repositories. e.g. + . + + + This interface is used by the + to obtain interfaces. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + If the names logger exists it is returned, otherwise + null is returned. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + + + + + Returns a named logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Returns a named logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + Shutting down a repository will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The name of the repository + + + + The name of the repository. + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Collection of internal messages captured during the most + recent configuration process. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis. + + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes the repository with default (empty) properties. + + + + + + Construct the repository using specific properties + + the properties to set for this repository + + + Initializes the repository with specified properties. + + + + + + Test if logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository as an Array. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Return a new logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + + Shutdown the repository. Can be overridden in a subclass. + This base class implementation notifies the + listeners and all attached plugins of the shutdown event. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerRepositorySkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + The type that will be rendered by the renderer supplied. + The object renderer used to render the object. + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository is shutting down + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository is shutting down. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration reset + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has been reset. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration changed + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has changed. + + + + + + Raise a configuration changed event on this repository + + EventArgs.Empty + + + Applications that programmatically change the configuration of the repository should + raise this event notification to notify listeners. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The string name of the repository + + + + The name of this repository. The name is + used to store and lookup the repositories + stored by the . + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Contains a list of internal messages captures during the + last configuration. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis + + + + + Basic Configurator interface for repositories + + + + Interface used by basic configurator to configure a + with a default . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appender. + + + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appenders. + + + + + + Configure repository using XML + + + + Interface used by Xml configurator to configure a . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + The schema for the XML configuration data is defined by + the implementation. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with properties + + The properties to pass to this repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with a logger factory + + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Construct with properties and a logger factory + + The properties to pass to this repository. + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Test if a logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the hierarchy. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array. + The root logger is not included in the returned + enumeration. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The Shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their default. + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their + default. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this hierarchy. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are currently configured + + An array containing all the currently configured appenders + + + Returns all the instances that are currently configured. + All the loggers are searched for appenders. The appenders may also be containers + for appenders and these are also searched for additional loggers. + + + The list returned is unordered but does not contain duplicates. + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an . + The appender may also be a container. + + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an container + + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Test if this hierarchy is disabled for the specified . + + The level to check against. + + true if the repository is disabled for the level argument, false otherwise. + + + + If this hierarchy has not been configured then this method will + always return true. + + + This method will return true if this repository is + disabled for level object passed as parameter and + false otherwise. + + + See also the property. + + + + + + Clear all logger definitions from the internal hashtable + + + + This call will clear all logger definitions from the internal + hashtable. Invoking this method will irrevocably mess up the + logger hierarchy. + + + You should really know what you are doing before + invoking this method. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + . + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The factory that will make the new logger instance + The logger object with the name specified + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated by the + parameter and linked with its existing + ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Sends a logger creation event to all registered listeners + + The newly created logger + + Raises the logger creation event. + + + + + Updates all the parents of the specified logger + + The logger to update the parents for + + + This method loops through all the potential parents of + . There 3 possible cases: + + + + No entry for the potential parent of exists + + We create a ProvisionNode for this potential + parent and insert in that provision node. + + + + The entry is of type Logger for the potential parent. + + The entry is 's nearest existing parent. We + update 's parent field with this entry. We also break from + he loop because updating our parent's parent is our parent's + responsibility. + + + + The entry is of type ProvisionNode for this potential parent. + + We add to the list of children for this + potential parent. + + + + + + + + Replace a with a in the hierarchy. + + + + + + We update the links for all the children that placed themselves + in the provision node 'pn'. The second argument 'log' is a + reference for the newly created Logger, parent of all the + children in 'pn'. + + + We loop on all the children 'c' in 'pn'. + + + If the child 'c' has been already linked to a child of + 'log' then there is no need to update 'c'. + + + Otherwise, we set log's parent field to c's parent and set + c's parent field to log. + + + + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + the level values + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + + Supports setting levels via the configuration file. + + + + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument + + the property value + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument. + + + Supports setting property values via the configuration file. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Hierarchy class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event used to notify that a logger has been created. + + + + Event raised when a logger is created. + + + + + + Has no appender warning been emitted + + + + Flag to indicate if we have already issued a warning + about not having an appender warning. + + + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default instance. + + The default + + + The logger factory is used to create logger instances. + + + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Value of the level + + + + If the value is not set (defaults to -1) the value will be looked + up for the current level with the same name. + + + + + + Name of the level + + + The name of the level + + + + The name of the level. + + + + + + Display name for the level + + + The display name of the level + + + + The display name of the level. + + + + + + Used internally to accelerate hash table searches. + + + + Internal class used to improve performance of + string keyed hashtables. + + + The hashcode of the string is cached for reuse. + The string is stored as an interned value. + When comparing two objects for equality + the reference equality of the interned strings is compared. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct key with string name + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + Stores the hashcode of the string and interns + the string key to optimize comparisons. + + + The Compact Framework 1.0 the + method does not work. On the Compact Framework + the string keys are not interned nor are they + compared by reference. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + Returns a hash code for the current instance. + + A hash code for the current instance. + + + Returns the cached hashcode. + + + + + + Determines whether two instances + are equal. + + The to compare with the current . + + true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares the references of the interned strings. + + + + + + Provision nodes are used where no logger instance has been specified + + + + instances are used in the + when there is no specified + for that node. + + + A provision node holds a list of child loggers on behalf of + a logger that does not exist. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new provision node with child node + + A child logger to add to this node. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified child logger. + + + + + + The sits at the root of the logger hierarchy tree. + + + + The is a regular except + that it provides several guarantees. + + + First, it cannot be assigned a null + level. Second, since the root logger cannot have a parent, the + property always returns the value of the + level field without walking the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct a + + The level to assign to the root logger. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified logging level. + + + The root logger names itself as "root". However, the root + logger cannot be retrieved by name. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RootLogger class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + The assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + + Because the root logger cannot have a parent and its level + must not be null this property just returns the + value of . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned for the root logger. + + + The of the root logger. + + + + Setting the level of the root logger to a null reference + may have catastrophic results. We prevent this here. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net environment using an XML DOM. + + + + Configures a using an XML DOM. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct the configurator for a hierarchy + + The hierarchy to build. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + + + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + The root element to parse. + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + + + + + Parse appenders by IDREF. + + The appender ref element. + The instance of the appender that the ref refers to. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender. + + + + + + Parses an appender element. + + The appender element. + The appender instance or null when parsing failed. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender instance. + + + + + + Parses a logger element. + + The logger element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a logger. + + + + + + Parses the root logger element. + + The root element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents the root logger. + + + + + + Parses the children of a logger element. + + The category element. + The logger instance. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse the child elements of a <logger> element. + + + + + + Parses an object renderer. + + The renderer element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a renderer. + + + + + + Parses a level element. + + The level element. + The logger object to set the level on. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a level. + + + + + + Sets a parameter on an object. + + The parameter element. + The object to set the parameter on. + + The parameter name must correspond to a writable property + on the object. The value of the parameter is a string, + therefore this function will attempt to set a string + property first. If unable to set a string property it + will inspect the property and its argument type. It will + attempt to call a static method called Parse on the + type of the property. This method will take a single + string argument and return a value that can be used to + set the property. + + + + + Test if an element has no attributes or child elements + + the element to inspect + true if the element has any attributes or child elements, false otherwise + + + + Test if a is constructible with Activator.CreateInstance. + + the type to inspect + true if the type is creatable using a default constructor, false otherwise + + + + Look for a method on the that matches the supplied + + the type that has the method + the name of the method + the method info found + + + The method must be a public instance method on the . + The method must be named or "Add" followed by . + The method must take a single parameter. + + + + + + Converts a string value to a target type. + + The type of object to convert the string to. + The string value to use as the value of the object. + + + An object of type with value or + null when the conversion could not be performed. + + + + + + Creates an object as specified in XML. + + The XML element that contains the definition of the object. + The object type to use if not explicitly specified. + The type that the returned object must be or must inherit from. + The object or null + + + Parse an XML element and create an object instance based on the configuration + data. + + + The type of the instance may be specified in the XML. If not + specified then the is used + as the type. However the type is specified it must support the + type. + + + + + + key: appenderName, value: appender. + + + + + The Hierarchy being configured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlHierarchyConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications + + The that is shutting down. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications + + The that has had its configuration reset. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + The that has had its configuration changed. + Empty event arguments. + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes name of the current AppDomain to the output . + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The date and time is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date and time passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an folder path to the output + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + should be a value in the enumeration. + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the special path environment folder path to the output . + The name of the special path environment folder path to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentFolderPathPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + + + Write an environment variable to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the environment variable to the output . + The name of the environment variable to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the current thread identity to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the IdentityPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Pattern converter for literal string instances in the pattern + + + + Writes the literal string value specified in the + property to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Set the next converter in the chain + + The next pattern converter in the chain + The next pattern converter + + + Special case the building of the pattern converter chain + for instances. Two adjacent + literals in the pattern can be represented by a single combined + pattern converter. This implementation detects when a + is added to the chain + after this converter and combines its value with this converter's + literal value. + + + + + + Write the literal to the output + + the writer to write to + null, not set + + + Override the formatting behavior to ignore the FormattingInfo + because we have a literal instead. + + + Writes the value of + to the output . + + + + + + Convert this pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, not set + + + This method is not used. + + + + + + Writes a newline to the output + + + + Writes the system dependent line terminator to the output. + This behavior can be overridden by setting the : + + + + Option Value + Output + + + DOS + DOS or Windows line terminator "\r\n" + + + UNIX + UNIX line terminator "\n" + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + + + Write the current process ID to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current process ID to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ProcessIdPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + This pattern converter reads the thread and global properties. + The thread properties take priority over global properties. + See for details of the + thread properties. See for + details of the global properties. + + + If the is specified then that will be used to + lookup a single property. If no is specified + then all properties will be dumped as a list of key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + A Pattern converter that generates a string of random characters + + + + The converter generates a string of random characters. By default + the string is length 4. This can be changed by setting the + to the string value of the length required. + + + The random characters in the string are limited to uppercase letters + and numbers only. + + + The random number generator used by this class is not cryptographically secure. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Shared random number generator + + + + + Length of random string to generate. Default length 4. + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write a randoim string to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write a randoim string to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RandomStringPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + + + Write the current threads username to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current threads username to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UserNamePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the UTC date time to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current date and time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date is in Universal time when it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Type converter for Boolean. + + + + Supports conversion from string to bool type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Exception base type for conversion errors. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + A nested exception to include. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Register of type converters for specific types. + + + + Maintains a registry of type converters used to convert between + types. + + + Use the and + methods to register new converters. + The and methods + lookup appropriate converters to use. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Static constructor. + + + + This constructor defines the intrinsic type converters. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter instance for a specific type. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type of the type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted from. + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Lookups the type converter to use as specified by the attributes on the + destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + + Creates the instance of the type converter. + + The type of the type converter. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + The type specified for the type converter must implement + the or interfaces + and must have a public default (no argument) constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ConverterRegistry class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Mapping from to type converter. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an encoding + the encoding + + + Uses the method to + convert the argument to an . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from a single type to arbitrary types. + See . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type + + A Type that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the type supported by this converter can be converted to the + . + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Converts the (which must be of the type supported + by this converter) to the specified.. + + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an IPAddress + the IPAddress + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to an . + If that fails then the string is resolved as a DNS hostname. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Valid characters in an IPv4 or IPv6 address string. (Does not support subnets) + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternLayout + the PatternLayout + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Convert between string and + + + + Supports conversion from string to type, + and from a type to a string. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the target type be converted to the type supported by this object + + A that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + assignable from a type. + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + . To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternString + the PatternString + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a Type + the Type + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + Additional effort is made to locate partially specified types + by searching the loaded assemblies. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Attribute used to associate a type converter + + + + Class and Interface level attribute that specifies a type converter + to use with the associated type. + + + To associate a type converter with a target type apply a + TypeConverterAttribute to the target type. Specify the + type of the type converter on the attribute. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type name + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type + + The type of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + A straightforward implementation of the interface. + + + + This is the default implementation of the + interface. Implementors of the interface + should aggregate an instance of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The event being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The array of events being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Calls the DoAppende method on the with + the objects supplied. + + The appender + The events + + + If the supports the + interface then the will be passed + through using that interface. Otherwise the + objects in the array will be passed one at a time. + + + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + If the appender is already in the list it won't be added again. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Lookup an attached appender by name. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + List of appenders + + + + + Array of appenders, used to cache the m_appenderList + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderAttachedImpl class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders, or null if there + are no attached appenders. + + + + The read only collection of all currently attached appenders. + + + + + + This class aggregates several PropertiesDictionary collections together. + + + + Provides a dictionary style lookup over an ordered list of + collections. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Add a Properties Dictionary to this composite collection + + the properties to add + + + Properties dictionaries added first take precedence over dictionaries added + later. + + + + + + Flatten this composite collection into a single properties dictionary + + the flattened dictionary + + + Reduces the collection of ordered dictionaries to a single dictionary + containing the resultant values for the keys. + + + + + + Gets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Looks up the value for the specified. + The collections are searched + in the order in which they were added to this collection. The value + returned is the value held by the first collection that contains + the specified key. + + + If none of the collections contain the specified key then + null is returned. + + + + + + Base class for Context Properties implementations + + + + This class defines a basic property get set accessor + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Wrapper class used to map converter names to converter types + + + + Pattern converter info class used during configuration by custom + PatternString and PatternLayer converters. + + + + + + default constructor + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the conversion pattern + + + + The name of the pattern in the format string + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the converter + + + + The value specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + + + + + + Subclass of that maintains a count of + the number of bytes written. + + + + This writer counts the number of bytes written. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + that does not leak exceptions + + + + does not throw exceptions when things go wrong. + Instead, it delegates error handling to its . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The writer to forward messages to + + + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + The to forward to + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + + + + + Closes the writer and releases any system resources associated with the writer + + + + + + + + + Dispose this writer + + flag indicating if we are being disposed + + + Dispose this writer + + + + + + Flushes any buffered output + + + + Clears all buffers for the writer and causes any buffered data to be written + to the underlying device + + + + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + the data buffer + the start index + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + The + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + The format provider + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + The line terminator to use + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + the error handler to report error to + + + Create a new QuietTextWriter using a writer and error handler + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + the char to write + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a string to the output. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Writes a string to the output. + + + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + + + The error handler instance to pass all errors to + + + + + Flag to indicate if this writer is closed + + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + The error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + true if this writer is closed, otherwise false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + + + + Constructor + + The to actually write to. + The to report errors to. + + + Creates a new instance of the class + with the specified and . + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the char to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a string to the output and counts the number of bytes written. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Total number of bytes written. + + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + The total number of bytes written. + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + + + + A fixed size rolling buffer of logging events. + + + + An array backed fixed size leaky bucket. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The maximum number of logging events in the buffer. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified maximum number of buffered logging events. + + + The argument is not a positive integer. + + + + Appends a to the buffer. + + The event to append to the buffer. + The event discarded from the buffer, if the buffer is full, otherwise null. + + + Append an event to the buffer. If the buffer still contains free space then + null is returned. If the buffer is full then an event will be dropped + to make space for the new event, the event dropped is returned. + + + + + + Get and remove the oldest event in the buffer. + + The oldest logging event in the buffer + + + Gets the oldest (first) logging event in the buffer and removes it + from the buffer. + + + + + + Pops all the logging events from the buffer into an array. + + An array of all the logging events in the buffer. + + + Get all the events in the buffer and clear the buffer. + + + + + + Clear the buffer + + + + Clear the buffer of all events. The events in the buffer are lost. + + + + + + Gets the th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + The th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + + If is outside the range 0 to the number of events + currently in the buffer, then null is returned. + + + + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer. + + The maximum size of the buffer. + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer + + + + + + Gets the number of logging events in the buffer. + + The number of logging events in the buffer. + + + This number is guaranteed to be in the range 0 to + (inclusive). + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the . + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Adds an element with the provided key and value to the + . + + The to use as the key of the element to add. + The to use as the value of the element to add. + + + As the collection is empty no new values can be added. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Removes all elements from the . + + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Determines whether the contains an element + with the specified key. + + The key to locate in the . + false + + + As the collection is empty the method always returns false. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Removes the element with the specified key from the . + + The key of the element to remove. + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + The singleton instance of the empty dictionary. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the has a fixed size. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets an containing the keys of the . + + An containing the keys of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets an containing the values of the . + + An containing the values of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets or sets the element with the specified key. + + The key of the element to get or set. + null + + + As the collection is empty no values can be looked up or stored. + If the index getter is called then null is returned. + A is thrown if the setter is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Contain the information obtained when parsing formatting modifiers + in conversion modifiers. + + + + Holds the formatting information extracted from the format string by + the . This is used by the + objects when rendering the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Defaut Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified parameters. + + + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + The minimum value. + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + The maximum value. + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled + or not. + + + A flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + This class implements a properties collection that is thread safe and supports both + storing properties and capturing a read only copy of the current propertied. + + + This class is optimized to the scenario where the properties are read frequently + and are modified infrequently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The read only copy of the properties. + + + + This variable is declared volatile to prevent the compiler and JIT from + reordering reads and writes of this thread performed on different threads. + + + + + + Lock object used to synchronize updates within this instance + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property from the global context + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Removing an entry from the global context properties is relatively expensive compared + with reading a value. + + + + + + Clear the global context properties + + + + + Get a readonly immutable copy of the properties + + the current global context properties + + + This implementation is fast because the GlobalContextProperties class + stores a readonly copy of the properties. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Reading the value for a key is faster than setting the value. + When the value is written a new read only copy of + the properties is created. + + + + + + The static class ILogExtensions contains a set of widely used + methods that ease the interaction with the ILog interface implementations. + + + + This class contains methods for logging at different levels and checks the + properties for determining if those logging levels are enabled in the current + configuration. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + using log4net.Util; + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.InfoExt("Application Start"); + log.DebugExt("This is a debug message"); + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Logger class. + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is WARN enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is WARN enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is ERROR enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is ERROR enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is FATAL enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is FATAL enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Manages a mapping from levels to + + + + Manages an ordered mapping from instances + to subclasses. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialise a new instance of . + + + + + + Add a to this mapping + + the entry to add + + + If a has previously been added + for the same then that entry will be + overwritten. + + + + + + Lookup the mapping for the specified level + + the level to lookup + the for the level or null if no mapping found + + + Lookup the value for the specified level. Finds the nearest + mapping value for the level that is equal to or less than the + specified. + + + If no mapping could be found then null is returned. + + + + + + Initialize options + + + + Caches the sorted list of in an array + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + This class stores its properties in a slot on the named + log4net.Util.LogicalThreadContextProperties. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Flag used to disable this context if we don't have permission to access the CallContext. + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the value for the specified from the context. + + + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary stored in the LocalDataStoreSlot for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if is does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doings so. + + + + + + Gets the call context get data. + + The peroperties dictionary stored in the call context + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + Sets the call context data. + + The properties. + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LogicalThreadContextProperties class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Get or set the property value for the specified. + + + + + + + + + + + + + Outputs log statements from within the log4net assembly. + + + + Log4net components cannot make log4net logging calls. However, it is + sometimes useful for the user to learn about what log4net is + doing. + + + All log4net internal debug calls go to the standard output stream + whereas internal error messages are sent to the standard error output + stream. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats Prefix, Source, and Message in the same format as the value + sent to Console.Out and Trace.Write. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + + + + Static constructor that initializes logging by reading + settings from the application configuration file. + + + + The log4net.Internal.Debug application setting + controls internal debugging. This setting should be set + to true to enable debugging. + + + The log4net.Internal.Quiet application setting + suppresses all internal logging including error messages. + This setting should be set to true to enable message + suppression. + + + + + + Raises the LogReceived event when an internal messages is received. + + + + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + + The message to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal error messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes output to the standard output stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Out and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Writes output to the standard error stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Error and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Default debug level + + + + + In quietMode not even errors generate any output. + + + + + The event raised when an internal message has been received. + + + + + The Type that generated the internal message. + + + + + The DateTime stamp of when the internal message was received. + + + + + A string indicating the severity of the internal message. + + + "log4net: ", + "log4net:ERROR ", + "log4net:WARN " + + + + + The internal log message. + + + + + The Exception related to the message. + + + Optional. Will be null if no Exception was passed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net internal logging + is enabled or disabled. + + + true if log4net internal logging is enabled, otherwise + false. + + + + When set to true, internal debug level logging will be + displayed. + + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Debug in the application configuration + file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. debugging is + disabled. + + + + + The following example enables internal debugging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net should generate no output + from internal logging, not even for errors. + + + true if log4net should generate no output at all from internal + logging, otherwise false. + + + + When set to true will cause internal logging at all levels to be + suppressed. This means that no warning or error reports will be logged. + This option overrides the setting and + disables all debug also. + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Quiet in the application configuration file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. internal logging is not + disabled. + + + + The following example disables internal logging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + true if Debug is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + true if Warn is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + true if Error is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + + + + Subscribes to the LogLog.LogReceived event and stores messages + to the supplied IList instance. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Represents a native error code and message. + + + + Represents a Win32 platform native error. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + The number of the native error. + The message of the native error. + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class for the last Windows error. + + + An instance of the class for the last windows error. + + + + The message for the error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class. + + the error number for the native error + + An instance of the class for the specified + error number. + + + + The message for the specified error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Retrieves the message corresponding with a Win32 message identifier. + + Message identifier for the requested message. + + The message corresponding with the specified message identifier. + + + + The message will be searched for in system message-table resource(s) + using the native FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Return error information string + + error information string + + + Return error information string + + + + + + Formats a message string. + + Formatting options, and how to interpret the parameter. + Location of the message definition. + Message identifier for the requested message. + Language identifier for the requested message. + If includes FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, the function allocates a buffer using the LocalAlloc function, and places the pointer to the buffer at the address specified in . + If the FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER flag is not set, this parameter specifies the maximum number of TCHARs that can be stored in the output buffer. If FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER is set, this parameter specifies the minimum number of TCHARs to allocate for an output buffer. + Pointer to an array of values that are used as insert values in the formatted message. + + + The function requires a message definition as input. The message definition can come from a + buffer passed into the function. It can come from a message table resource in an + already-loaded module. Or the caller can ask the function to search the system's message + table resource(s) for the message definition. The function finds the message definition + in a message table resource based on a message identifier and a language identifier. + The function copies the formatted message text to an output buffer, processing any embedded + insert sequences if requested. + + + To prevent the usage of unsafe code, this stub does not support inserting values in the formatted message. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of TCHARs stored in the output + buffer, excluding the terminating null character. + + + If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, + call . + + + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + The number of the native error. + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + The message of the native error. + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance. + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current key from the enumerator. + + + Throws an exception because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current value from the enumerator. + + The current value from the enumerator. + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current entry from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current entry. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Get the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + A SecurityContext used when a SecurityContext is not required + + + + The is a no-op implementation of the + base class. It is used where a + is required but one has not been provided. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + + + Private constructor + + + + Private constructor for singleton pattern. + + + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + null + + + No impersonation is done and null is always returned. + + + + + + Implements log4net's default error handling policy which consists + of emitting a message for the first error in an appender and + ignoring all subsequent errors. + + + + The error message is processed using the LogLog sub-system by default. + + + This policy aims at protecting an otherwise working application + from being flooded with error messages when logging fails. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + The prefix to use for each message. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified prefix. + + + + + + Reset the error handler back to its initial disabled state. + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log the very first error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Sends the error information to 's Error method. + + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log an error + + The error message. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + The date the error was recorded. + + + + + Flag to indicate if it is the first error + + + + + The message recorded during the first error. + + + + + The exception recorded during the first error. + + + + + The error code recorded during the first error. + + + + + String to prefix each message with + + + + + The fully qualified type of the OnlyOnceErrorHandler class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Is error logging enabled + + + + Is error logging enabled. Logging is only enabled for the + first error delivered to the . + + + + + + The date the first error that trigged this error handler occured. + + + + + The message from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + + + The exception from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + May be . + + + + + The error code from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + Defaults to + + + + + A convenience class to convert property values to specific types. + + + + Utility functions for converting types and parsing values. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Converts a string to a value. + + String to convert. + The default value. + The value of . + + + If is "true", then true is returned. + If is "false", then false is returned. + Otherwise, is returned. + + + + + + Parses a file size into a number. + + String to parse. + The default value. + The value of . + + + Parses a file size of the form: number[KB|MB|GB] into a + long value. It is scaled with the appropriate multiplier. + + + is returned when + cannot be converted to a value. + + + + + + Converts a string to an object. + + The target type to convert to. + The string to convert to an object. + + The object converted from a string or null when the + conversion failed. + + + + Converts a string to an object. Uses the converter registry to try + to convert the string value into the specified target type. + + + + + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + The type to convert from. + The type to convert to. + true if there is a conversion from the source type to the target type. + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + + + + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + The object to convert to the target type. + The type to convert to. + The converted object. + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + + + + + Instantiates an object given a class name. + + The fully qualified class name of the object to instantiate. + The class to which the new object should belong. + The object to return in case of non-fulfillment. + + An instance of the or + if the object could not be instantiated. + + + + Checks that the is a subclass of + . If that test fails or the object could + not be instantiated, then is returned. + + + + + + Performs variable substitution in string from the + values of keys found in . + + The string on which variable substitution is performed. + The dictionary to use to lookup variables. + The result of the substitutions. + + + The variable substitution delimiters are ${ and }. + + + For example, if props contains key=value, then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of key is ${key}."); + + + + will set the variable s to "Value of key is value.". + + + If no value could be found for the specified key, then substitution + defaults to an empty string. + + + For example, if system properties contains no value for the key + "nonExistentKey", then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of nonExistentKey is [${nonExistentKey}]"); + + + + will set s to "Value of nonExistentKey is []". + + + An Exception is thrown if contains a start + delimiter "${" which is not balanced by a stop delimiter "}". + + + + + + Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or + more enumerated constants to an equivalent enumerated object. + + The type to convert to. + The enum string value. + If true, ignore case; otherwise, regard case. + An object of type whose value is represented by . + + + + The fully qualified type of the OptionConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Most of the work of the class + is delegated to the PatternParser class. + + + + The PatternParser processes a pattern string and + returns a chain of objects. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The pattern to parse. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified pattern string. + + + + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + The head of a chain of pattern converters. + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + + + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + the list of all the converter names + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + + + + + Internal method to parse the specified pattern to find specified matches + + the pattern to parse + the converter names to match in the pattern + + + The matches param must be sorted such that longer strings come before shorter ones. + + + + + + Process a parsed literal + + the literal text + + + + Process a parsed converter pattern + + the name of the converter + the optional option for the converter + the formatting info for the converter + + + + Resets the internal state of the parser and adds the specified pattern converter + to the chain. + + The pattern converter to add. + + + + The first pattern converter in the chain + + + + + the last pattern converter in the chain + + + + + The pattern + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types + + + + This map overrides the static s_globalRulesRegistry map. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the PatternParser class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + The converter registry used by this parser + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + + + + Sort strings by length + + + + that orders strings by string length. + The longest strings are placed first + + + + + + This class implements a patterned string. + + + + This string has embedded patterns that are resolved and expanded + when the string is formatted. + + + This class functions similarly to the + in that it accepts a pattern and renders it to a string. Unlike the + however the PatternString + does not render the properties of a specific but + of the process in general. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + appdomain + + + Used to output the friendly name of the current AppDomain. + + + + + date + + + Used to output the current date and time in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + env + + + Used to output the a specific environment variable. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %env{COMPUTERNAME} would include the value + of the COMPUTERNAME environment variable. + + + The env pattern is not supported on the .NET Compact Framework. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern name offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + processid + + + Used to output the system process ID for the current process. + + + + + property + + + Used to output a specific context property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are stored in logging contexts. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + random + + + Used to output a random string of characters. The string is made up of + uppercase letters and numbers. By default the string is 4 characters long. + The length of the string can be specified within braces directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %random{8} would output an 8 character string. + + + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using or + . + + + See the for details on the + format modifiers supported by the patterns. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternString only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialize a new instance of + + + + + + Constructs a PatternString + + The pattern to use with this PatternString + + + Initialize a new instance of with the pattern specified. + + + + + + Initialize object options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create the used to parse the pattern + + the pattern to parse + The + + + Returns PatternParser used to parse the conversion string. Subclasses + may override this to return a subclass of PatternParser which recognize + custom conversion pattern name. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the pattern to the . + + + + + + Format the pattern as a string + + the pattern formatted as a string + + + Format the pattern to a string. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + + + + + Gets or sets the pattern formatting string + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + String keyed object map. + + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + String keyed object map that is read only. + + + + This collection is readonly and cannot be modified. + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The Hashtable used to store the properties data + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Copy Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Deserialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Gets the key names. + + An array of all the keys. + + + Gets the key names. + + + + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + the key to look for + true if the dictionary contains the specified key + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + + See + + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + The internal collection used to store the properties + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + The number of properties in this collection + + + + + See + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Because this class is sealed the serialization constructor is private. + + + + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + an enumerator + + + Returns a over the contest of this collection. + + + + + + See + + the key to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + the key to lookup in the collection + true if the collection contains the specified key + + + Test if this collection contains a specified key. + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + + See + + the key + the value to store for the key + + + Store a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + See + + + false + + + + This collection is modifiable. This property always + returns false. + + + + + + See + + + The value for the key specified. + + + + Get or set a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Property Key + + + Property Key + + + + Property Key. + + + + + + Property Value + + + Property Value + + + + Property Value. + + + + + + A that ignores the message + + + + This writer is used in special cases where it is necessary + to protect a writer from being closed by a client. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + + + Create a new ProtectCloseTextWriter using a writer + + + + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + the writer to attach to + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + This method does nothing. + + + + + + Defines a lock that supports single writers and multiple readers + + + + ReaderWriterLock is used to synchronize access to a resource. + At any given time, it allows either concurrent read access for + multiple threads, or write access for a single thread. In a + situation where a resource is changed infrequently, a + ReaderWriterLock provides better throughput than a simple + one-at-a-time lock, such as . + + + If a platform does not support a System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock + implementation then all readers and writers are serialized. Therefore + the caller must not rely on multiple simultaneous readers. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Acquires a reader lock + + + + blocks if a different thread has the writer + lock, or if at least one thread is waiting for the writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count + + + + decrements the lock count. When the count + reaches zero, the lock is released. + + + + + + Acquires the writer lock + + + + This method blocks if another thread has a reader lock or writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count on the writer lock + + + + ReleaseWriterLock decrements the writer lock count. + When the count reaches zero, the writer lock is released. + + + + + + A that can be and reused + + + + A that can be and reused. + This uses a single buffer for string operations. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Create an instance of + + the format provider to use + + + Create an instance of + + + + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + flag + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + + + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + + the maximum buffer capacity before it is trimmed + the default size to make the buffer + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + The internal buffers are cleared and reset. + + + + + + Utility class for system specific information. + + + + Utility class of static methods for system specific information. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Alexey Solofnenko + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Initialize default values for private static fields. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Gets the assembly location path for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to get the location for. + The location of the assembly. + + + This method does not guarantee to return the correct path + to the assembly. If only tries to give an indication as to + where the assembly was loaded from. + + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the , including + the name of the assembly from which the was + loaded. + + The to get the fully qualified name for. + The fully qualified name for the . + + + This is equivalent to the Type.AssemblyQualifiedName property, + but this method works on the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 as well as + the full .NET runtime. + + + + + + Gets the short name of the . + + The to get the name for. + The short name of the . + + + The short name of the assembly is the + without the version, culture, or public key. i.e. it is just the + assembly's file name without the extension. + + + Use this rather than Assembly.GetName().Name because that + is not available on the Compact Framework. + + + Because of a FileIOPermission security demand we cannot do + the obvious Assembly.GetName().Name. We are allowed to get + the of the assembly so we + start from there and strip out just the assembly name. + + + + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + The to get the file name for. + The file name of the assembly. + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + A sibling type to use to load the type. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified, it will be loaded from the assembly + containing the specified relative type. If the type is not found in the assembly + then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the + assembly that is directly calling this method. If the type is not found + in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + An assembly to load the type from. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the specified + assembly. If the type is not found in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies + will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Generate a new guid + + A new Guid + + + Generate a new guid + + + + + + Create an + + The name of the parameter that caused the exception + The value of the argument that causes this exception + The message that describes the error + the ArgumentOutOfRangeException object + + + Create a new instance of the class + with a specified error message, the parameter name, and the value + of the argument. + + + The Compact Framework does not support the 3 parameter constructor for the + type. This method provides an + implementation that works for all platforms. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Lookup an application setting + + the application settings key to lookup + the value for the key, or null + + + Configuration APIs are not supported under the Compact Framework + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified local file path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + The path specified must be a local file path, a URI is not supported. + + + + + + Creates a new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity. + + A new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity + + + The new Hashtable instance uses the default load factor, the CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider, and the CaseInsensitiveComparer. + + + + + + Gets an empty array of types. + + + + The Type.EmptyTypes field is not available on + the .NET Compact Framework 1.0. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Cache the host name for the current machine + + + + + Cache the application friendly name + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + + Start time for the current process. + + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + The system dependent line terminator. + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + The base directory path for the current . + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the configuration file for the current . + + The path to the configuration file for the current . + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not have a concept of a configuration + file. For this runtime, we use the entry assembly location as the root for + the configuration file name. + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + The path to the entry assembly. + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + + + + + Gets the ID of the current thread. + + The ID of the current thread. + + + On the .NET framework, the AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId method + is used to obtain the thread ID for the current thread. This is the + operating system ID for the thread. + + + On the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 it is not possible to get the + operating system thread ID for the current thread. The native method + GetCurrentThreadId is implemented inline in a header file + and cannot be called. + + + On the .NET Framework 2.0 the Thread.ManagedThreadId is used as this + gives a stable id unrelated to the operating system thread ID which may + change if the runtime is using fibers. + + + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The hostname or machine name + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The host name () or + the machine name (Environment.MachineName) for + the current machine, or if neither of these are available + then NOT AVAILABLE is returned. + + + + + + Get this application's friendly name + + + The friendly name of this application as a string + + + + If available the name of the application is retrieved from + the AppDomain using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName. + + + Otherwise the file name of the entry assembly is used. + + + + + + Get the start time for the current process. + + + + This is the time at which the log4net library was loaded into the + AppDomain. Due to reports of a hang in the call to System.Diagnostics.Process.StartTime + this is not the start time for the current process. + + + The log4net library should be loaded by an application early during its + startup, therefore this start time should be a good approximation for + the actual start time. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating, however this start time + will be set per AppDomain. + + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + Use this value to indicate a null has been encountered while + outputting a string representation of an item. + + + The default value is (null). This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NullText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + Use this value when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + The default value is NOT AVAILABLE. This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NotAvailableText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialise the + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + + + Format the string and arguments + + the formatted string + + + + Replaces the format item in a specified with the text equivalent + of the value of a corresponding instance in a specified array. + A specified parameter supplies culture-specific formatting information. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + A copy of format in which the format items have been replaced by the + equivalent of the corresponding instances of in args. + + + + This method does not throw exceptions. If an exception thrown while formatting the result the + exception and arguments are returned in the result string. + + + + + + Process an error during StringFormat + + + + + Dump the contents of an array into a string builder + + + + + Dump an object to a string + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemStringFormat class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Each thread will automatically have its instance. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove a property + + + + + + Get the keys stored in the properties. + + + Gets the keys stored in the properties. + + a set of the defined keys + + + + Clear all properties + + + + Clear all properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doing so. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The stack store. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + Only call this if you think that this tread is being reused after + a previous call execution which may not have completed correctly. + You do not need to use this method if you always guarantee to call + the method of the + returned from even in exceptional circumstances, + for example by using the using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + syntax. + + + + + + Removes the top context from this stack. + + The message in the context that was removed from the top of this stack. + + + Remove the top context from this stack, and return + it to the caller. If this stack is empty then an + empty string (not ) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message into this stack. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up the context stack. + + + + Pushes a new context onto this stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up this stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an ThreadContext Stack message"); + } + + + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + The current context information. + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + Gets the current context information + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a cross thread portable version of this object + + + + + + The number of messages in the stack + + + The current number of messages in the stack + + + + The current number of messages in the stack. That is + the number of times has been called + minus the number of times has been called. + + + + + + Gets and sets the internal stack used by this + + The internal storage stack + + + This property is provided only to support backward compatability + of the . Tytpically the internal stack should not + be modified. + + + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + + + Constructor + + The message for this context. + The parent context in the chain. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and parent context. + + + + + + Get the message. + + The message. + + + Get the message. + + + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + The full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + + + Struct returned from the method. + + + + This struct implements the and is designed to be used + with the pattern to remove the stack frame at the end of the scope. + + + + + + The ThreadContextStack internal stack + + + + + The depth to trim the stack to when this instance is disposed + + + + + Constructor + + The internal stack used by the ThreadContextStack. + The depth to return the stack to when this object is disposed. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified stack and return depth. + + + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ThreadContextStacks class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + The named stack + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Write a string to an + + the writer to write to + the string to write + The string to replace non XML compliant chars with + + + The test is escaped either using XML escape entities + or using CDATA sections. + + + + + + Replace invalid XML characters in text string + + the XML text input string + the string to use in place of invalid characters + A string that does not contain invalid XML characters. + + + Certain Unicode code points are not allowed in the XML InfoSet, for + details see: + + + This method replaces any illegal characters in the input string + with the mask string specified. + + + + + + Count the number of times that the substring occurs in the text + + the text to search + the substring to find + the number of times the substring occurs in the text + + + The substring is assumed to be non repeating within itself. + + + + + + Characters illegal in XML 1.0 + + + + + Impersonate a Windows Account + + + + This impersonates a Windows account. + + + How the impersonation is done depends on the value of . + This allows the context to either impersonate a set of user credentials specified + using username, domain name and password or to revert to the process credentials. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Initialize the SecurityContext based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The security context will try to Logon the specified user account and + capture a primary token for impersonation. + + + The required , + or properties were not specified. + + + + Impersonate the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + caller provided state + + An instance that will revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext + + + + Depending on the property either + impersonate a user using credentials supplied or revert + to the process credentials. + + + + + + Create a given the userName, domainName and password. + + the user name + the domain name + the password + the for the account specified + + + Uses the Windows API call LogonUser to get a principal token for the account. This + token is used to initialize the WindowsIdentity. + + + + + + Gets or sets the impersonation mode for this security context + + + The impersonation mode for this security context + + + + Impersonate either a user with user credentials or + revert this thread to the credentials of the process. + The value is one of the + enum. + + + The default value is + + + When the mode is set to + the user's credentials are established using the + , and + values. + + + When the mode is set to + no other properties need to be set. If the calling thread is + impersonating then it will be reverted back to the process credentials. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows username for this security context + + + The Windows username for this security context + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows domain name for this security context + + + The Windows domain name for this security context + + + + The default value for is the local machine name + taken from the property. + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Sets the password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + The password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + The impersonation modes for the + + + + See the property for + details. + + + + + + Impersonate a user using the credentials supplied + + + + + Revert this the thread to the credentials of the process + + + + + Adds to + + + + Helper class to expose the + through the interface. + + + + + + Constructor + + the impersonation context being wrapped + + + Constructor + + + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + + + The log4net Global Context. + + + + The GlobalContext provides a location for global debugging + information to be stored. + + + The global context has a properties map and these properties can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputing these properties. + + + By default the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of + the current machine. + + + + + GlobalContext.Properties["hostname"] = Environment.MachineName; + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + The global context properties instance + + + + + The global properties map. + + + The global properties map. + + + + The global properties map. + + + + + + Provides information about the environment the assembly has + been built for. + + + + Version of the assembly + + + Version of the framework targeted + + + Type of framework targeted + + + Does it target a client profile? + + + + Identifies the version and target for this assembly. + + + + + The log4net Logical Thread Context. + + + + The LogicalThreadContext provides a location for specific debugging + information to be stored. + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any or + properties with the same name. + + + The Logical Thread Context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Logical Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current call context. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Logical Thread Context is managed on a per basis. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + LogicalThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(LogicalThreadContext.Stacks["LDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any + or properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The logical thread stacks. + + + + + + This class is used by client applications to request logger instances. + + + + This class has static methods that are used by a client to request + a logger instance. The method is + used to retrieve a logger. + + + See the interface for more details. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the default repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns null. + + + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + The logger found, or null if no logger could be found. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + repository. + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the repository for the specified assembly) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + assembly's repository. + + + + Get the currently defined loggers. + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the default repository. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + Get or create a logger. + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Get the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The repository to lookup in. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + Shutdown a logger repository. + + Shuts down the default repository. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + default repository. + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The repository to shutdown. + + + + Shuts down the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Reset the configuration of a repository + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The repository to reset. + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Get the logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Get a logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Create a domain + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + Create a logger repository. + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Gets the list of currently defined repositories. + + + + Get an array of all the objects that have been created. + + + An array of all the known objects. + + + + Looks up the wrapper object for the logger specified. + + The logger to get the wrapper for. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + Looks up the wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + The loggers to get the wrappers for. + The wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + + + Create the objects used by + this manager. + + The logger to wrap. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + The wrapper map to use to hold the objects. + + + + + Implementation of Mapped Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + The MDC class is similar to the class except that it is + based on a map instead of a stack. It provides mapped + diagnostic contexts. A Mapped Diagnostic Context, or + MDC in short, is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The MDC is managed on a per thread basis. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Gets the context value identified by the parameter. + + The key to lookup in the MDC. + The string value held for the key, or a null reference if no corresponding value is found. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + If the parameter does not look up to a + previously defined context then null will be returned. + + + + + + Add an entry to the MDC + + The key to store the value under. + The value to store. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Puts a context value (the parameter) as identified + with the parameter into the current thread's + context map. + + + If a value is already defined for the + specified then the value will be replaced. If the + is specified as null then the key value mapping will be removed. + + + + + + Removes the key value mapping for the key specified. + + The key to remove. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove the specified entry from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Clear all entries in the MDC + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove all the entries from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Implementation of Nested Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + A Nested Diagnostic Context, or NDC in short, is an instrument + to distinguish interleaved log output from different sources. Log + output is typically interleaved when a server handles multiple + clients near-simultaneously. + + + Interleaved log output can still be meaningful if each log entry + from different contexts had a distinctive stamp. This is where NDCs + come into play. + + + Note that NDCs are managed on a per thread basis. The NDC class + is made up of static methods that operate on the context of the + calling thread. + + + How to push a message into the context + + using(NDC.Push("my context message")) + { + ... all log calls will have 'my context message' included ... + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically removed + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held on the current thread. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Clears the stack of NDC data held on the current thread. + + + + + + Creates a clone of the stack of context information. + + A clone of the context info for this thread. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The results of this method can be passed to the + method to allow child threads to inherit the context of their + parent thread. + + + + + + Inherits the contextual information from another thread. + + The context stack to inherit. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This thread will use the context information from the stack + supplied. This can be used to initialize child threads with + the same contextual information as their parent threads. These + contexts will NOT be shared. Any further contexts that + are pushed onto the stack will not be visible to the other. + Call to obtain a stack to pass to + this method. + + + + + + Removes the top context from the stack. + + + The message in the context that was removed from the top + of the stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Remove the top context from the stack, and return + it to the caller. If the stack is empty then an + empty string (not null) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up + the context stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Pushes a new context onto the context stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up the context stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.NDC.Push("NDC_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an NDC message"); + } + + + + + + Removes the context information for this thread. It is + not required to call this method. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This method is not implemented. + + + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + + The maximum depth of the stack + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + This may truncate the head of the stack. This only affects the + stack in the current thread. Also it does not prevent it from + growing, it only sets the maximum depth at the time of the + call. This can be used to return to a known context depth. + + + + + + Gets the current context depth. + + The current context depth. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The number of context values pushed onto the context stack. + + + Used to record the current depth of the context. This can then + be restored using the method. + + + + + + + The log4net Thread Context. + + + + The ThreadContext provides a location for thread specific debugging + information to be stored. + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + The thread context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current thread. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Thread Context is managed on a per thread basis. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + ThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The thread local stacks. + + + + + diff --git a/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net40-client/log4net.xml b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net40-client/log4net.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2f2bae --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net40-client/log4net.xml @@ -0,0 +1,31609 @@ + + + + log4net + + + + + Appender that logs to a database. + + + + appends logging events to a table within a + database. The appender can be configured to specify the connection + string by setting the property. + The connection type (provider) can be specified by setting the + property. For more information on database connection strings for + your specific database see + + + Records are written into the database either using a prepared + statement or a stored procedure. The property + is set to (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify a prepared statement + or to (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify a stored + procedure. + + + The prepared statement text or the name of the stored procedure + must be set in the property. + + + The prepared statement or stored procedure can take a number + of parameters. Parameters are added using the + method. This adds a single to the + ordered list of parameters. The + type may be subclassed if required to provide database specific + functionality. The specifies + the parameter name, database type, size, and how the value should + be generated using a . + + + + An example of a SQL Server table that could be logged to: + + CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Log] ( + [ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , + [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL , + [Thread] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Level] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL , + [Logger] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Message] [varchar] (4000) NOT NULL + ) ON [PRIMARY] + + + + An example configuration to log to the above table: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Lance Nehring + + + + Abstract base class implementation of that + buffers events in a fixed size buffer. + + + + This base class should be used by appenders that need to buffer a + number of events before logging them. For example the + buffers events and then submits the entire contents of the buffer to + the underlying database in one go. + + + Subclasses should override the + method to deliver the buffered events. + + The BufferingAppenderSkeleton maintains a fixed size cyclic + buffer of events. The size of the buffer is set using + the property. + + A is used to inspect + each event as it arrives in the appender. If the + triggers, then the current buffer is sent immediately + (see ). Otherwise the event + is stored in the buffer. For example, an evaluator can be used to + deliver the events immediately when an ERROR event arrives. + + + The buffering appender can be configured in a mode. + By default the appender is NOT lossy. When the buffer is full all + the buffered events are sent with . + If the property is set to true then the + buffer will not be sent when it is full, and new events arriving + in the appender will overwrite the oldest event in the buffer. + In lossy mode the buffer will only be sent when the + triggers. This can be useful behavior when you need to know about + ERROR events but not about events with a lower level, configure an + evaluator that will trigger when an ERROR event arrives, the whole + buffer will be sent which gives a history of events leading up to + the ERROR event. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Abstract base class implementation of . + + + + This class provides the code for common functionality, such + as support for threshold filtering and support for general filters. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface for your own strategies for printing log statements. + + + + Implementors should consider extending the + class which provides a default implementation of this interface. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Log the logging event in Appender specific way. + + The event to log + + + This method is called to log a message into this appender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + Interface for appenders that support bulk logging. + + + + This interface extends the interface to + support bulk logging of objects. Appenders + should only implement this interface if they can bulk log efficiently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Log the array of logging events in Appender specific way. + + The events to log + + + This method is called to log an array of events into this appender. + + + + + + Interface used to delay activate a configured object. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then the method + must be called by the container after its all the configured properties have been set + and before the component can be used. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Activate the options that were previously set with calls to properties. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then this method must be called + after its properties have been set before the component can be used. + + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Default constructor + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + Finalizes this appender by calling the implementation's + method. + + + + If this appender has not been closed then the Finalize method + will call . + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Closes the appender and release resources. + + + + Release any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + This method cannot be overridden by subclasses. This method + delegates the closing of the appender to the + method which must be overridden in the subclass. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The event to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the abstract method. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the method. + + + + + + Test if the logging event should we output by this appender + + the event to test + true if the event should be output, false if the event should be ignored + + + This method checks the logging event against the threshold level set + on this appender and also against the filters specified on this + appender. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + + + + + Adds a filter to the end of the filter chain. + + the filter to add to this appender + + + The Filters are organized in a linked list. + + + Setting this property causes the new filter to be pushed onto the + back of the filter chain. + + + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + + + Checks if the message level is below this appender's threshold. + + to test against. + + + If there is no threshold set, then the return value is always true. + + + + true if the meets the + requirements of this appender. + + + + + Is called when the appender is closed. Derived classes should override + this method if resources need to be released. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Subclasses of should implement this method + to perform actual logging. + + The event to append. + + + A subclass must implement this method to perform + logging of the . + + This method will be called by + if all the conditions listed for that method are met. + + + To restrict the logging of events in the appender + override the method. + + + + + + Append a bulk array of logging events. + + the array of logging events + + + This base class implementation calls the + method for each element in the bulk array. + + + A sub class that can better process a bulk array of events should + override this method in addition to . + + + + + + Called before as a precondition. + + + + This method is called by + before the call to the abstract method. + + + This method can be overridden in a subclass to extend the checks + made before the event is passed to the method. + + + A subclass should ensure that they delegate this call to + this base class if it is overridden. + + + true if the call to should proceed. + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The event rendered as a string. + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Where possible use the alternative version of this method + . + That method streams the rendering onto an existing Writer + which can give better performance if the caller already has + a open and ready for writing. + + + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Use this method in preference to + where possible. If, however, the caller needs to render the event + to a string then does + provide an efficient mechanism for doing so. + + + + + + The layout of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The name of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The level threshold of this appender. + + + + There is no level threshold filtering by default. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The first filter in the filter chain. + + + + Set to null initially. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The last filter in the filter chain. + + + See for more information. + + + + + Flag indicating if this appender is closed. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The guard prevents an appender from repeatedly calling its own DoAppend method + + + + + StringWriter used to render events + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderSkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the threshold of this appender. + + + The threshold of the appender. + + + + All log events with lower level than the threshold level are ignored + by the appender. + + + In configuration files this option is specified by setting the + value of the option to a level + string, such as "DEBUG", "INFO" and so on. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The of the appender + + + The provides a default + implementation for the property. + + + + + + The filter chain. + + The head of the filter chain filter chain. + + + Returns the head Filter. The Filters are organized in a linked list + and so all Filters on this Appender are available through the result. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The layout of the appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + + Tests if this appender requires a to be set. + + + + In the rather exceptional case, where the appender + implementation admits a layout but can also work without it, + then the appender should return true. + + + This default implementation always returns false. + + + + true if the appender requires a layout object, otherwise false. + + + + + The default buffer size. + + + The default size of the cyclic buffer used to store events. + This is set to 512 by default. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + the events passed through this appender must be + fixed by the time that they arrive in the derived class' SendBuffer method. + + + Protected constructor to allow subclassing. + + + The should be set if the subclass + expects the events delivered to be fixed even if the + is set to zero, i.e. when no buffering occurs. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + + + Flushes any events that have been buffered. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will NOT be flushed to the appender. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + set to true to flush the buffer of lossy events + + + Flushes events that have been buffered. If is + false then events will only be flushed if this buffer is non-lossy mode. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will only be flushed if is true. + In this case the contents of the buffer will be tested against the + and if triggering will be output. All other buffered + events will be discarded. + + + If is true then the buffer will always + be emptied by calling this method. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. + + + + Close this appender instance. If this appender is marked + as not then the remaining events in + the buffer must be sent when the appender is closed. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + + Stores the in the cyclic buffer. + + + The buffer will be sent (i.e. passed to the + method) if one of the following conditions is met: + + + + The cyclic buffer is full and this appender is + marked as not lossy (see ) + + + An is set and + it is triggered for the + specified. + + + + Before the event is stored in the buffer it is fixed + (see ) to ensure that + any data referenced by the event will be valid when the buffer + is processed. + + + + + + Sends the contents of the buffer. + + The first logging event. + The buffer containing the events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override . + + + + + + Sends the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override this method to process the buffered events. + + + + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + Set to by default. + + + + + The cyclic buffer used to store the logging events. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator that causes the buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event causes the entire + buffer to be sent immediately. This field can be null, which + indicates that event triggering is not to be done. The evaluator + can be set using the property. If this appender + has the ( property) set to + true then an must be set. + + + + + Indicates if the appender should overwrite events in the cyclic buffer + when it becomes full, or if the buffer should be flushed when the + buffer is full. + + + If this field is set to true then an must + be set. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator filters discarded events. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event that is discarded should + really be discarded or if it should be sent to the appenders. + This field can be null, which indicates that all discarded events will + be discarded. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + The events delivered to the subclass must be fixed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender is lossy. + + + true if the appender is lossy, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + This appender uses a buffer to store logging events before + delivering them. A triggering event causes the whole buffer + to be send to the remote sink. If the buffer overruns before + a triggering event then logging events could be lost. Set + to false to prevent logging events + from being lost. + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the + logging events. + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + + The option takes a positive integer + representing the maximum number of logging events to collect in + a cyclic buffer. When the is reached, + oldest events are deleted as new events are added to the + buffer. By default the size of the cyclic buffer is 512 events. + + + If the is set to a value less than + or equal to 1 then no buffering will occur. The logging event + will be delivered synchronously (depending on the + and properties). Otherwise the event will + be buffered. + + + + + + Gets or sets the that causes the + buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The that causes the buffer to be + sent immediately. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is appended to this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will + immediately be sent (see ). + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the to use. + + + The value of the to use. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is discarded from this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will immediately + be sent (see ). + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if only part of the logging event data + should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the + event data to be fixed and serialized. This will improve performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets a the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + The event fields that will be fixed before the event is buffered + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Public default constructor to initialize a new instance of this class. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Override the parent method to close the database + + + + Closes the database command and database connection. + + + + + + Inserts the events into the database. + + The events to insert into the database. + + + Insert all the events specified in the + array into the database. + + + + + + Adds a parameter to the command. + + The parameter to add to the command. + + + Adds a parameter to the ordered list of command parameters. + + + + + + Writes the events to the database using the transaction specified. + + The transaction that the events will be executed under. + The array of events to insert into the database. + + + The transaction argument can be null if the appender has been + configured not to use transactions. See + property for more information. + + + + + + Formats the log message into database statement text. + + The event being logged. + + This method can be overridden by subclasses to provide + more control over the format of the database statement. + + + Text that can be passed to a . + + + + + Creates an instance used to connect to the database. + + + This method is called whenever a new IDbConnection is needed (i.e. when a reconnect is necessary). + + The of the object. + The connectionString output from the ResolveConnectionString method. + An instance with a valid connection string. + + + + Resolves the connection string from the ConnectionString, ConnectionStringName, or AppSettingsKey + property. + + + ConnectiongStringName is only supported on .NET 2.0 and higher. + + Additional information describing the connection string. + A connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + Retrieves the class type of the ADO.NET provider. + + + + Gets the Type of the ADO.NET provider to use to connect to the + database. This method resolves the type specified in the + property. + + + Subclasses can override this method to return a different type + if necessary. + + + The of the ADO.NET provider + + + + Prepares the database command and initialize the parameters. + + + + + Connects to the database. + + + + + Cleanup the existing command. + + + If true, a message will be written using LogLog.Warn if an exception is encountered when calling Dispose. + + + + + Cleanup the existing connection. + + + Calls the IDbConnection's method. + + + + + Flag to indicate if we are using a command object + + + + Set to true when the appender is to use a prepared + statement or stored procedure to insert into the database. + + + + + + The list of objects. + + + + The list of objects. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The that will be used + to insert logging events into a database. + + + + + The database command. + + + + + Database connection string. + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + String type name of the type name. + + + + + The text of the command. + + + + + The command type. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AdoNetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the database connection string that is used to connect to + the database. + + + The database connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + The connections string is specific to the connection type. + See for more information. + + + Connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "DSN=MS Access Database;UID=admin;PWD=;SystemDB=C:\data\System.mdw;SafeTransactions = 0;FIL=MS Access;DriverID = 25;DBQ=C:\data\train33.mdb" + + Another connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;UID=;PWD=;" + + Connection string for MS Access via OLE DB: + "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;User Id=;Password=;" + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + This property requires at least .NET 2.0. + + + + + Gets or sets the type name of the connection + that should be created. + + + The type name of the connection. + + + + The type name of the ADO.NET provider to use. + + + The default is to use the OLE DB provider. + + + Use the OLE DB Provider. This is the default value. + System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the MS SQL Server Provider. + System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the ODBC Provider. + Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection,Microsoft.Data.Odbc,version=1.0.3300.0,publicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089,culture=neutral + This is an optional package that you can download from + + search for ODBC .NET Data Provider. + + Use the Oracle Provider. + System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection, System.Data.OracleClient, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + This is an optional package that you can download from + + search for .NET Managed Provider for Oracle. + + + + + Gets or sets the command text that is used to insert logging events + into the database. + + + The command text used to insert logging events into the database. + + + + Either the text of the prepared statement or the + name of the stored procedure to execute to write into + the database. + + + The property determines if + this text is a prepared statement or a stored procedure. + + + + + + Gets or sets the command type to execute. + + + The command type to execute. + + + + This value may be either (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify + that the is a prepared statement to execute, + or (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify that the + property is the name of a stored procedure + to execute. + + + The default value is (System.Data.CommandType.Text). + + + + + + Should transactions be used to insert logging events in the database. + + + true if transactions should be used to insert logging events in + the database, otherwise false. The default value is true. + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether transactions should be used + to insert logging events in the database. + + + When set a single transaction will be used to insert the buffered events + into the database. Otherwise each event will be inserted without using + an explicit transaction. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Should this appender try to reconnect to the database on error. + + + true if the appender should try to reconnect to the database after an + error has occurred, otherwise false. The default value is false, + i.e. not to try to reconnect. + + + + The default behaviour is for the appender not to try to reconnect to the + database if an error occurs. Subsequent logging events are discarded. + + + To force the appender to attempt to reconnect to the database set this + property to true. + + + When the appender attempts to connect to the database there may be a + delay of up to the connection timeout specified in the connection string. + This delay will block the calling application's thread. + Until the connection can be reestablished this potential delay may occur multiple times. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to insert + logging events into a database. Classes deriving from + can use this property to get or set this . Use the + underlying returned from if + you require access beyond that which provides. + + + + + Parameter type used by the . + + + + This class provides the basic database parameter properties + as defined by the interface. + + This type can be subclassed to provide database specific + functionality. The two methods that are called externally are + and . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Default constructor for the AdoNetAppenderParameter class. + + + + + Prepare the specified database command object. + + The command to prepare. + + + Prepares the database command object by adding + this parameter to its collection of parameters. + + + + + + Renders the logging event and set the parameter value in the command. + + The command containing the parameter. + The event to be rendered. + + + Renders the logging event using this parameters layout + object. Sets the value of the parameter on the command object. + + + + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + + Flag to infer type rather than use the DbType + + + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + + The to use to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this parameter. + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + The name of this parameter. The parameter name + must match up to a named parameter to the SQL stored procedure + or prepared statement. + + + + + + Gets or sets the database type for this parameter. + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + The database type for this parameter. This property should + be set to the database type from the + enumeration. See . + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the type from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the precision for this parameter. + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + The maximum number of digits used to represent the Value. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the precision from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the scale for this parameter. + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + The number of decimal places to which Value is resolved. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the scale from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the size for this parameter. + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + The maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the size from the value. + + + For BLOB data types like VARCHAR(max) it may be impossible to infer the value automatically, use -1 as the size in this case. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the to use to + render the logging event into an object for this + parameter. + + + The used to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + The that renders the value for this + parameter. + + + The can be used to adapt + any into a + for use in the property. + + + + + + Appends logging events to the terminal using ANSI color escape sequences. + + + + AnsiColorTerminalAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific level of message to be set. + + + This appender expects the terminal to understand the VT100 control set + in order to interpret the color codes. If the terminal or console does not + understand the control codes the behavior is not defined. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + When configuring the ANSI colored terminal appender, a mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + + These color values cannot be combined together to make new colors. + + + The attributes can be any combination of the following: + + Brightforeground is brighter + Dimforeground is dimmer + Underscoremessage is underlined + Blinkforeground is blinking (does not work on all terminals) + Reverseforeground and background are reversed + Hiddenoutput is hidden + Strikethroughmessage has a line through it + + While any of these attributes may be combined together not all combinations + work well together, for example setting both Bright and Dim attributes makes + no sense. + + + Patrick Wagstrom + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Ansi code to reset terminal + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colours + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible display attributes + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the ANSI color attributes. + + + + + + + text is bright + + + + + text is dim + + + + + text is underlined + + + + + text is blinking + + + Not all terminals support this attribute + + + + + text and background colors are reversed + + + + + text is hidden + + + + + text is displayed with a strikethrough + + + + + text color is light + + + + + The enum of possible foreground or background color values for + use with the color mapping method + + + + The output can be in one for the following ANSI colors. + + + + + + + color is black + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is magenta + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is white + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + An entry in the + + + + This is an abstract base class for types that are stored in the + object. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + + + Initialize any options defined on this entry + + + + Should be overridden by any classes that need to initialise based on their options + + + + + + The level that is the key for this mapping + + + The that is the key for this mapping + + + + Get or set the that is the key for this + mapping subclass. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together + and append the attributes. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + + + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + + + The combined , and + suitable for setting the ansi terminal color. + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a AppenderCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + An AppenderCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + An empty readonly static AppenderCollection + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new AppenderCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the AppenderCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the AppenderCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the AppenderCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the AppenderCollection. + + The to locate in the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire AppenderCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the AppenderCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the AppenderCollection. + + The to remove from the AppenderCollection. + + The specified was not found in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the AppenderCollection. + + An for the entire AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another AppenderCollection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current AppenderCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + Return the collection elements as an array + + the array + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the AppenderCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + Buffers events and then forwards them to attached appenders. + + + + The events are buffered in this appender until conditions are + met to allow the appender to deliver the events to the attached + appenders. See for the + conditions that cause the buffer to be sent. + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different + thresholds and filters for the same appender at different locations + within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface for attaching appenders to objects. + + + + Interface for attaching, removing and retrieving appenders. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + Add the specified appender. The implementation may + choose to allow or deny duplicate appenders. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Returns an attached appender with the specified. + If no appender with the specified name is found null will be + returned. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders. + + + + Gets a collection of attached appenders. + If there are no attached appenders the + implementation should return an empty + collection rather than null. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Send the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + Forwards the events to the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this buffering appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ColoredConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific type of message to be set. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes directly to the application's attached console + not to the System.Console.Out or System.Console.Error TextWriter. + The System.Console.Out and System.Console.Error streams can be + programmatically redirected (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). + This appender will ignore these redirections because it needs to use Win32 + API calls to colorize the output. To respect these redirections the + must be used. + + + When configuring the colored console appender, mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + combination of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + HighIntensity + + + + Rick Hobbs + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colors + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + The console output stream writer to write to + + + + This writer is not thread safe. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible color values for use with the color mapping method + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the colors. + + + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is white + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is purple + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is intensified + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level. + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level. + + + + + + The combined and suitable for + setting the console color. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + debug system. + + + Events are written using the + method. The event's logger name is passed as the value for the category name to the Write method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + If is true then the + is called. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Writes events to the system event log. + + + + The appender will fail if you try to write using an event source that doesn't exist unless it is running with local administrator privileges. + See also + + + The EventID of the event log entry can be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + + + The Category of the event log entry can be + set using the Category property () + on the . + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + When configuring the EventLogAppender a mapping can be + specified to map a logging level to an event log entry type. For example: + + + <mapping> + <level value="ERROR" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Error" /> + </mapping> + <mapping> + <level value="DEBUG" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Information" /> + </mapping> + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and eventLogEntryType can be any value + from the enum, i.e.: + + Erroran error event + Warninga warning event + Informationan informational event + + + + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Thomas Voss + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + The to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Add a mapping of level to - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the event log entry type for a level. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create an event log source + + + Uses different API calls under NET_2_0 + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + the event to log + + Writes the event to the system event log using the + . + + If the event has an EventID property (see ) + set then this integer will be used as the event log event id. + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + + + + Get the equivalent for a + + the Level to convert to an EventLogEntryType + The equivalent for a + + Because there are fewer applicable + values to use in logging levels than there are in the + this is a one way mapping. There is + a loss of information during the conversion. + + + + + The log name is the section in the event logs where the messages + are stored. + + + + + Name of the application to use when logging. This appears in the + application column of the event log named by . + + + + + The name of the machine which holds the event log. This is + currently only allowed to be '.' i.e. the current machine. + + + + + Mapping from level object to EventLogEntryType + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The event ID to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The event category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EventLogAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The maximum size supported by default. + + + + The 32766 documented max size is two bytes shy of 32K (I'm assuming 32766 + may leave space for a two byte null terminator of #0#0). The 32766 max + length is what the .NET 4.0 source code checks for, but this is WRONG! + Strings with a length > 31839 on Windows Vista or higher can CORRUPT + the event log! See: System.Diagnostics.EventLogInternal.InternalWriteEvent() + for the use of the 32766 max size. + + + + + The maximum size supported by a windows operating system that is vista + or newer. + + + See ReportEvent API: + + ReportEvent's lpStrings parameter: + "A pointer to a buffer containing an array of + null-terminated strings that are merged into the message before Event Viewer + displays the string to the user. This parameter must be a valid pointer + (or NULL), even if wNumStrings is zero. Each string is limited to 31,839 characters." + + Going beyond the size of 31839 will (at some point) corrupt the event log on Windows + Vista or higher! It may succeed for a while...but you will eventually run into the + error: "System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception : A device attached to the system is + not functioning", and the event log will then be corrupt (I was able to corrupt + an event log using a length of 31877 on Windows 7). + + The max size for Windows Vista or higher is documented here: + + Going over this size may succeed a few times but the buffer will overrun and + eventually corrupt the log (based on testing). + + The maxEventMsgSize size is based on the max buffer size of the lpStrings parameter of the ReportEvent API. + The documented max size for EventLog.WriteEntry for Windows Vista and higher is 31839, but I'm leaving room for a + terminator of #0#0, as we cannot see the source of ReportEvent (though we could use an API monitor to examine the + buffer, given enough time). + + + + + The maximum size that the operating system supports for + a event log message. + + + Used to determine the maximum string length that can be written + to the operating system event log and eventually truncate a string + that exceeds the limits. + + + + + This method determines the maximum event log message size allowed for + the current environment. + + + + + + The name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + The string name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + This is the name of the log as it appears in the Event Viewer + tree. The default value is to log into the Application + log, this is where most applications write their events. However + if you need a separate log for your application (or applications) + then you should set the appropriately. + This should not be used to distinguish your event log messages + from those of other applications, the + property should be used to distinguish events. This property should be + used to group together events into a single log. + + + + + + Property used to set the Application name. This appears in the + event logs when logging. + + + The string used to distinguish events from different sources. + + + Sets the event log source property. + + + + + This property is used to return the name of the computer to use + when accessing the event logs. Currently, this is the current + computer, denoted by a dot "." + + + The string name of the machine holding the event log that + will be logged into. + + + This property cannot be changed. It is currently set to '.' + i.e. the local machine. This may be changed in future. + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the EventLog. + + + The used to write to the EventLog. + + + + The system security context used to write to the EventLog. + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the EventId to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The EventID of the event log entry will normally be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The Category of the event log entry will normally be + set using the Category property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and its event log entry type. + + + + + + The for this entry + + + + Required property. + The for this entry + + + + + + Appends logging events to a file. + + + + Logging events are sent to the file specified by + the property. + + + The file can be opened in either append or overwrite mode + by specifying the property. + If the file path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. The file encoding can be + specified by setting the property. + + + The layout's and + values will be written each time the file is opened and closed + respectively. If the property is + then the file may contain multiple copies of the header and footer. + + + This appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + The supports pluggable file locking models via + the property. + The default behavior, implemented by + is to obtain an exclusive write lock on the file until this appender is closed. + The alternative models only hold a + write lock while the appender is writing a logging event () + or synchronize by using a named system wide Mutex (). + + + All locking strategies have issues and you should seriously consider using a different strategy that + avoids having multiple processes logging to the same file. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Rodrigo B. de Oliveira + Douglas de la Torre + Niall Daley + + + + Sends logging events to a . + + + + An Appender that writes to a . + + + This appender may be used stand alone if initialized with an appropriate + writer, however it is typically used as a base class for an appender that + can open a to write to. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and + sets the output destination to a new initialized + with the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender. + The to output to. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and sets + the output destination to the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender + The to output to + + The must have been previously opened. + + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + This method determines if there is a sense in attempting to append. + + + + This method checks if an output target has been set and if a + layout has been set. + + + false if any of the preconditions fail. + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method writes all the bulk logged events to the output writer + before flushing the stream. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. The underlying stream or writer is also closed. + + + Closed appenders cannot be reused. + + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Clears internal references to the underlying + and other variables. + + + + Subclasses can override this method for an alternate closing behavior. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Called to allow a subclass to lazily initialize the writer + + + + This method is called when an event is logged and the or + have not been set. This allows a subclass to + attempt to initialize the writer multiple times. + + + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying + or output stream will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logging events are not actually persisted if and when the application + crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TextWriterAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or set whether the appender will flush at the end + of each append operation. + + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + append operation. + + + If this option is set to false, then the underlying + stream can defer persisting the logging event to a later + time. + + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results in + a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + Sets the where the log output will go. + + + + The specified must be open and writable. + + + The will be closed when the appender + instance is closed. + + + Note: Logging to an unopened will fail. + + + + + + Gets or set the and the underlying + , if any, for this appender. + + + The for this appender. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Gets or sets the where logging events + will be written to. + + + The where logging events are written. + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout, file and append mode. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + flag to indicate if the file should be appended to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout and file specified. + The file will be appended to. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Activate the options on the file appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This will cause the file to be opened. + + + + + + Closes any previously opened file and calls the parent's . + + + + Resets the filename and the file stream. + + + + + + Called to initialize the file writer + + + + Will be called for each logged message until the file is + successfully opened. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + Acquires the output file locks once before writing all the events to + the stream. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the previously opened file. + + + + Writes the to the file and then + closes the file. + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + Calls but guarantees not to throw an exception. + Errors are passed to the . + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + If there was already an opened file, then the previous file + is closed first. + + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer used for file output + + the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This implementation of creates a + over the and passes it to the + method. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to wrap the + in some way, for example to encrypt the output + data using a System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + the writer over the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to + wrap the in some way. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if we should append to the file + or overwrite the file. The default is to append. + + + + + The name of the log file. + + + + + The encoding to use for the file stream. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The stream to log to. Has added locking semantics + + + + + The locking model to use + + + + + The fully qualified type of the FileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + The path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + + If the path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether the file should be + appended to or overwritten. + + + Indicates whether the file should be appended to or overwritten. + + + + If the value is set to false then the file will be overwritten, if + it is set to true then the file will be appended to. + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + The default encoding set is + which is the encoding for the system's current ANSI code page. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + The used to lock the file. + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + There are three built in locking models, , and . + The first locks the file from the start of logging to the end, the + second locks only for the minimal amount of time when logging each message + and the last synchronizes processes using a named system wide Mutex. + + + The default locking model is the . + + + + + + Write only that uses the + to manage access to an underlying resource. + + + + + True asynchronous writes are not supported, the implementation forces a synchronous write. + + + + + Exception base type for log4net. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Locking model base class + + + + Base class for the locking models available to the derived loggers. + + + + + + Open the output file + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Helper method that creates a FileStream under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + + Typically called during OpenFile or AcquireLock. + + + If the directory portion of the does not exist, it is created + via Directory.CreateDirecctory. + + + + + + + + + + Helper method to close under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + Does not set to null. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this LockingModel + + + The for this LockingModel + + + + The file appender this locking model is attached to and working on + behalf of. + + + The file appender is used to locate the security context and the error handler to use. + + + The value of this property will be set before is + called. + + + + + + Hold an exclusive lock on the output file + + + + Open the file once for writing and hold it open until is called. + Maintains an exclusive lock on the file during this time. + + + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Does nothing. The lock will be released when the file is closed. + + + + + + Acquires the file lock for each write + + + + Opens the file once for each / cycle, + thus holding the lock for the minimal amount of time. This method of locking + is considerably slower than but allows + other processes to move/delete the log file whilst logging continues. + + + + + + Prepares to open the file when the first message is logged. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Provides cross-process file locking. + + Ron Grabowski + Steve Wranovsky + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + - and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + + + + + + This appender forwards logging events to attached appenders. + + + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different thresholds + and filters for the same appender at different locations within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Forward the logging event to the attached appenders + + The event to log. + + + Delivers the logging event to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Forward the logging events to the attached appenders + + The array of events to log. + + + Delivers the logging events to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Logs events to a local syslog service. + + + + This appender uses the POSIX libc library functions openlog, syslog, and closelog. + If these functions are not available on the local system then this appender will not work! + + + The functions openlog, syslog, and closelog are specified in SUSv2 and + POSIX 1003.1-2001 standards. These are used to log messages to the local syslog service. + + + This appender talks to a local syslog service. If you need to log to a remote syslog + daemon and you cannot configure your local syslog service to do this you may be + able to use the to log via UDP. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a local syslog service. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Adds a to this appender. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Marshaled handle to the identity string. We have to hold on to the + string as the openlog and syslog APIs just hold the + pointer to the ident and dereference it for each log message. + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Open connection to system logger. + + + + + Generate a log message. + + + + The libc syslog method takes a format string and a variable argument list similar + to the classic printf function. As this type of vararg list is not supported + by C# we need to specify the arguments explicitly. Here we have specified the + format string with a single message argument. The caller must set the format + string to "%s". + + + + + + Close descriptor used to write to system logger. + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The log4net Level maps to a syslog severity using the + method and the + class. The severity is set on . + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facility defines which subsystem the logging comes from. + This is set on the property. + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Appends colorful logging events to the console, using the .NET 2 + built-in capabilities. + + + + ManagedColoredConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific type of message to be set. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + When configuring the colored console appender, mappings should be + specified to map logging levels to colors. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level while + ForeColor and BackColor are the values of + enumeration. + + + Based on the ColoredConsoleAppender + + + Rick Hobbs + Nicko Cadell + Pavlos Touboulidis + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colors + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level. + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level. + + + + + + Stores logging events in an array. + + + + The memory appender stores all the logging events + that are appended in an in-memory array. + + + Use the method to get + the current list of events that have been appended. + + + Use the method to clear the + current list of events. + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + The events that have been logged + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + Stores the in the events list. + + + + + Clear the list of events + + + Clear the list of events + + + + + The list of events that have been appended. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether only part of the logging event + data should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the event + data to be fixed and stored in the appender, hereby improving performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + Logs entries by sending network messages using the + native function. + + + + You can send messages only to names that are active + on the network. If you send the message to a user name, + that user must be logged on and running the Messenger + service to receive the message. + + + The receiver will get a top most window displaying the + messages one at a time, therefore this appender should + not be used to deliver a high volume of messages. + + + The following table lists some possible uses for this appender : + + + + + Action + Property Value(s) + + + Send a message to a user account on the local machine + + + = <name of the local machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a user account on a remote machine + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a domain user account + + + = <name of a domain controller | uninitialized> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to all the names in a workgroup or domain + + + = <workgroup name | domain name>* + + + + + Send a message from the local machine to a remote machine + + + = <name of the local machine | uninitialized> + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + + + + + Note : security restrictions apply for sending + network messages, see + for more information. + + + + + An example configuration section to log information + using this appender from the local machine, named + LOCAL_PC, to machine OPERATOR_PC : + + + + + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + + + + + The sender of the network message. + + + + + The message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Initializes the appender. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using a network message. + + + + + + Sends a buffer of information to a registered message alias. + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + The message alias to which the message buffer should be sent + The originator of the message. + The message text. + The length, in bytes, of the message text. + + + The following restrictions apply for sending network messages: + + + + + Platform + Requirements + + + Windows NT + + + No special group membership is required to send a network message. + + + Admin, Accounts, Print, or Server Operator group membership is required to + successfully send a network message on a remote server. + + + + + Windows 2000 or later + + + If you send a message on a domain controller that is running Active Directory, + access is allowed or denied based on the access control list (ACL) for the securable + object. The default ACL permits only Domain Admins and Account Operators to send a network message. + + + On a member server or workstation, only Administrators and Server Operators can send a network message. + + + + + + + For more information see Security Requirements for the Network Management Functions. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. + + + + + + Gets or sets the sender of the message. + + + The sender of the message. + + + If this property is not specified, the message is sent from the local computer. + + + + + Gets or sets the message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + The recipient of the message. + + + This property should always be specified in order to send a message. + + + + + Gets or sets the DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + + For Windows NT 4.0 and earlier, the string should begin with \\. + + + If this property is not specified, the local computer is used. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the OutputDebugString system. + + + + OutputDebugStringAppender appends log events to the + OutputDebugString system. + + + The string is passed to the native OutputDebugString + function. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + the event to log + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + + + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + the string to output + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Logs events to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + The BSD syslog protocol is used to remotely log to + a syslog daemon. The syslogd listens for for messages + on UDP port 514. + + + The syslog UDP protocol is not authenticated. Most syslog daemons + do not accept remote log messages because of the security implications. + You may be able to use the LocalSyslogAppender to talk to a local + syslog service. + + + There is an RFC 3164 that claims to document the BSD Syslog Protocol. + This RFC can be seen here: + This appender generates what the RFC calls an "Original Device Message", + i.e. does not include the TIMESTAMP or HOSTNAME fields. By observation + this format of message will be accepted by all current syslog daemon + implementations. The daemon will attach the current time and the source + hostname or IP address to any messages received. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Sends logging events as connectionless UDP datagrams to a remote host or a + multicast group using an . + + + + UDP guarantees neither that messages arrive, nor that they arrive in the correct order. + + + To view the logging results, a custom application can be developed that listens for logging + events. + + + When decoding events send via this appender remember to use the same encoding + to decode the events as was used to send the events. See the + property to specify the encoding to use. + + + + This example shows how to log receive logging events that are sent + on IP address and port 8080 to the console. The event is + encoded in the packet as a unicode string and it is decoded as such. + + IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); + UdpClient udpClient; + byte[] buffer; + string loggingEvent; + + try + { + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080); + + while(true) + { + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint); + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer); + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent); + } + } + catch(Exception e) + { + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); + } + + + Dim remoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint + Dim udpClient as UdpClient + Dim buffer as Byte() + Dim loggingEvent as String + + Try + remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0) + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080) + + While True + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ByRef remoteEndPoint) + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer) + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent) + Wend + Catch e As Exception + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()) + End Try + + + An example configuration section to log information using this appender to the + IP on port 8080: + + + + + + + + + + Gert Driesen + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified or + an invalid remote or local TCP port number was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + The TCP port number assigned to or is less than or greater than . + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using an UDP datagram. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + Closes the UDP connection and releases all resources associated with + this instance. + + + + Disables the underlying and releases all managed + and unmanaged resources associated with the . + + + + + + Initializes the underlying connection. + + + + The underlying is initialized and binds to the + port number from which you intend to communicate. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to + which the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number from which the will communicate. + + + + + The instance that will be used for sending the + logging events. + + + + + The encoding to use for the packet. + + + + + Gets or sets the IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + + Multicast addresses are identified by IP class D addresses (in the range to + Multicast packets can pass across different networks through routers, so + it is possible to use multicasts in an Internet scenario as long as your network provider + supports multicasting. + + + Hosts that want to receive particular multicast messages must register their interest by joining + the multicast group. Multicast messages are not sent to networks where no host has joined + the multicast group. Class D IP addresses are used for multicast groups, to differentiate + them from normal host addresses, allowing nodes to easily detect if a message is of interest. + + + Static multicast addresses that are needed globally are assigned by IANA. A few examples are listed in the table below: + + + + + IP Address + Description + + + + + + Sends a message to all system on the subnet. + + + + + + + + Sends a message to all routers on the subnet. + + + + + + + + The DHCP server answers messages on the IP address, but only on a subnet. + + + + + + + A complete list of actually reserved multicast addresses and their owners in the ranges + defined by RFC 3171 can be found at the IANA web site. + + + The address range to is reserved for administrative scope-relative + addresses. These addresses can be reused with other local groups. Routers are typically + configured with filters to prevent multicast traffic in this range from flowing outside + of the local network. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + The underlying will send messages to this TCP port number + on the remote host or multicast group. + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + + The underlying will bind to this port for sending messages. + + + Setting the value to 0 (the default) will cause the udp client not to bind to + a local port. + + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets used to write the packets. + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to send logging events + over a network. Classes deriving from can use this + property to get or set this . Use the underlying + returned from if you require access beyond that which + provides. + + + + + Gets or sets the cached remote endpoint to which the logging events should be sent. + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + The method will initialize the remote endpoint + with the values of the and + properties. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Syslog port 514 + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to syslog severity mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The syslog severities. + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facilities + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Delivers logging events to a remote logging sink. + + + + This Appender is designed to deliver events to a remote sink. + That is any object that implements the + interface. It delivers the events using .NET remoting. The + object to deliver events to is specified by setting the + appenders property. + + The RemotingAppender buffers events before sending them. This allows it to + make more efficient use of the remoting infrastructure. + + Once the buffer is full the events are still not sent immediately. + They are scheduled to be sent using a pool thread. The effect is that + the send occurs asynchronously. This is very important for a + number of non obvious reasons. The remoting infrastructure will + flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + Because the events are sent asynchronously using pool threads it is possible to close + this appender before all the queued events have been sent. + When closing the appender attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but + this will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If this appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. If the runtime terminates the threads before + the queued events have been sent then they will be lost. To ensure that all events + are sent the appender must be closed before the application exits. See + for details on how to shutdown + log4net programmatically. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + The events are not sent immediately. They are scheduled to be sent + using a pool thread. The effect is that the send occurs asynchronously. + This is very important for a number of non obvious reasons. The remoting + infrastructure will flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + The events to send. + + + + Override base class close. + + + + This method waits while there are queued work items. The events are + sent asynchronously using work items. These items + will be sent once a thread pool thread is available to send them, therefore + it is possible to close the appender before all the queued events have been + sent. + + This method attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but this + method will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If the appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. + + + + + A work item is being queued into the thread pool + + + + + A work item from the thread pool has completed + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + This method is designed to be used with the . + This method expects to be passed an array of + objects in the state param. + + the logging events to send + + + + The URL of the remote sink. + + + + + The local proxy (.NET remoting) for the remote logging sink. + + + + + The number of queued callbacks currently waiting or executing + + + + + Event used to signal when there are no queued work items + + + This event is set when there are no queued work items. In this + state it is safe to close the appender. + + + + + Gets or sets the URL of the well-known object that will accept + the logging events. + + + The well-known URL of the remote sink. + + + + The URL of the remoting sink that will accept logging events. + The sink must implement the + interface. + + + + + + Interface used to deliver objects to a remote sink. + + + This interface must be implemented by a remoting sink + if the is to be used + to deliver logging events to the sink. + + + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + Array of events to log. + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + + + + + Appender that rolls log files based on size or date or both. + + + + RollingFileAppender can roll log files based on size or date or both + depending on the setting of the property. + When set to the log file will be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled + once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed. + When set to the log file will be + rolled once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed, but within a date boundary the file will also be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled when + the appender is configured. This effectively means that the log file can be + rolled once per program execution. + + + A of few additional optional features have been added: + + Attach date pattern for current log file + Backup number increments for newer files + Infinite number of backups by file size + + + + + + For large or infinite numbers of backup files a + greater than zero is highly recommended, otherwise all the backup files need + to be renamed each time a new backup is created. + + + When Date/Time based rolling is used setting + to will reduce the number of file renamings to few or none. + + + + + + Changing or without clearing + the log file directory of backup files will cause unexpected and unwanted side effects. + + + + + If Date/Time based rolling is enabled this appender will attempt to roll existing files + in the directory without a Date/Time tag based on the last write date of the base log file. + The appender only rolls the log file when a message is logged. If Date/Time based rolling + is enabled then the appender will not roll the log file at the Date/Time boundary but + at the point when the next message is logged after the boundary has been crossed. + + + + The extends the and + has the same behavior when opening the log file. + The appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + When rolling a backup file necessitates deleting an older backup file the + file to be deleted is moved to a temporary name before being deleted. + + + + + A maximum number of backup files when rolling on date/time boundaries is not supported. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Edward Smit + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RollingFileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes. + + the writer to set + + + + Write out a logging event. + + the event to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Write out an array of logging events. + + the events to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Performs any required rolling before outputting the next event + + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Creates and opens the file for logging. If + is false then the fully qualified name is determined and used. + + the name of the file to open + true to append to existing file + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + Get the current output file name + + the base file name + the output file name + + The output file name is based on the base fileName specified. + If is set then the output + file name is the same as the base file passed in. Otherwise + the output file depends on the date pattern, on the count + direction or both. + + + + + Determines curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + + + + + Generates a wildcard pattern that can be used to find all files + that are similar to the base file name. + + + + + + + Builds a list of filenames for all files matching the base filename plus a file + pattern. + + + + + + + Initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + The following is done + + determine curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + + + Does the work of bumping the 'current' file counter higher + to the highest count when an incremental file name is seen. + The highest count is either the first file (when count direction + is greater than 0) or the last file (when count direction less than 0). + In either case, we want to know the highest count that is present. + + + + + + + Attempts to extract a number from the end of the file name that indicates + the number of the times the file has been rolled over. + + + Certain date pattern extensions like yyyyMMdd will be parsed as valid backup indexes. + + + + + + + Takes a list of files and a base file name, and looks for + 'incremented' versions of the base file. Bumps the max + count up to the highest count seen. + + + + + + + Calculates the RollPoint for the datePattern supplied. + + the date pattern to calculate the check period for + The RollPoint that is most accurate for the date pattern supplied + + Essentially the date pattern is examined to determine what the + most suitable roll point is. The roll point chosen is the roll point + with the smallest period that can be detected using the date pattern + supplied. i.e. if the date pattern only outputs the year, month, day + and hour then the smallest roll point that can be detected would be + and hourly roll point as minutes could not be detected. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Sets initial conditions including date/time roll over information, first check, + scheduledFilename, and calls to initialize + the current number of backups. + + + + + + + + + .1, .2, .3, etc. + + + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + + set to true if the file to be rolled is currently open + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + Resets curSizeRollBackups. + If fileIsOpen is set then the new file is opened (through SafeOpenFile). + + + + + + Renames file to file . + + Name of existing file to roll. + New name for file. + + + Renames file to file . It + also checks for existence of target file and deletes if it does. + + + + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + the path to the file + true if the file exists + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + + + + + Deletes the specified file if it exists. + + The file to delete. + + + Delete a file if is exists. + The file is first moved to a new filename then deleted. + This allows the file to be removed even when it cannot + be deleted, but it still can be moved. + + + + + + Implements file roll base on file size. + + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. Moreover, File is + renamed File.1 and closed. + + + A new file is created to receive further log output. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + + + + Implements file roll. + + the base name to rename + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + This is called by to rename the files. + + + + + + Get the start time of the next window for the current rollpoint + + the current date + the type of roll point we are working with + the start time for the next roll point an interval after the currentDateTime date + + + Returns the date of the next roll point after the currentDateTime date passed to the method. + + + The basic strategy is to subtract the time parts that are less significant + than the rollpoint from the current time. This should roll the time back to + the start of the time window for the current rollpoint. Then we add 1 window + worth of time and get the start time of the next window for the rollpoint. + + + + + + This object supplies the current date/time. Allows test code to plug in + a method to control this class when testing date/time based rolling. The default + implementation uses the underlying value of DateTime.Now. + + + + + The date pattern. By default, the pattern is set to ".yyyy-MM-dd" + meaning daily rollover. + + + + + The actual formatted filename that is currently being written to + or will be the file transferred to on roll over + (based on staticLogFileName). + + + + + The timestamp when we shall next recompute the filename. + + + + + Holds date of last roll over + + + + + The type of rolling done + + + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB + + + + + There is zero backup files by default + + + + + How many sized based backups have been made so far + + + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + + The rolling mode used in this appender. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by date. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by size. + + + + + Value indicating whether to always log to the same file. + + + + + Value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + + + FileName provided in configuration. Used for rolling properly + + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Gets or sets the strategy for determining the current date and time. The default + implementation is to use LocalDateTime which internally calls through to DateTime.Now. + DateTime.UtcNow may be used on frameworks newer than .NET 1.0 by specifying + . + + + An implementation of the interface which returns the current date and time. + + + + Gets or sets the used to return the current date and time. + + + There are two built strategies for determining the current date and time, + + and . + + + The default strategy is . + + + + + + Gets or sets the date pattern to be used for generating file names + when rolling over on date. + + + The date pattern to be used for generating file names when rolling + over on date. + + + + Takes a string in the same format as expected by + . + + + This property determines the rollover schedule when rolling over + on date. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum number of backup files that are kept before + the oldest is erased. + + + The maximum number of backup files that are kept before the oldest is + erased. + + + + If set to zero, then there will be no backup files and the log file + will be truncated when it reaches . + + + If a negative number is supplied then no deletions will be made. Note + that this could result in very slow performance as a large number of + files are rolled over unless is used. + + + The maximum applies to each time based group of files and + not the total. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size in bytes that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property is equivalent to except + that it is required for differentiating the setter taking a + argument from the setter taking a + argument. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB (10*1024*1024). + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property allows you to specify the maximum size with the + suffixes "KB", "MB" or "GB" so that the size is interpreted being + expressed respectively in kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. + + + For example, the value "10KB" will be interpreted as 10240 bytes. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB. + + + If you have the option to set the maximum file size programmatically + consider using the property instead as this + allows you to set the size in bytes as a . + + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling file count direction. + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + Indicates if the current file is the lowest numbered file or the + highest numbered file. + + + By default newer files have lower numbers ( < 0), + i.e. log.1 is most recent, log.5 is the 5th backup, etc... + + + >= 0 does the opposite i.e. + log.1 is the first backup made, log.5 is the 5th backup made, etc. + For infinite backups use >= 0 to reduce + rollover costs. + + The default file count direction is -1. + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling style. + + The rolling style. + + + The default rolling style is . + + + When set to this appender's + property is set to false, otherwise + the appender would append to a single file rather than rolling + the file each time it is opened. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + true if the file name extension should be preserved. + + + + By default file.log is rolled to file.log.yyyy-MM-dd or file.log.curSizeRollBackup. + However, under Windows the new file name will loose any program associations as the + extension is changed. Optionally file.log can be renamed to file.yyyy-MM-dd.log or + file.curSizeRollBackup.log to maintain any program associations. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always log to + the same file. + + + true if always should be logged to the same file, otherwise false. + + + + By default file.log is always the current file. Optionally + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd for current formatted datePattern can by the currently + logging file (or file.log.curSizeRollBackup or even + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd.curSizeRollBackup). + + + This will make time based rollovers with a large number of backups + much faster as the appender it won't have to rename all the backups! + + + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + + + Roll files once per program execution + + + + Roll files once per program execution. + Well really once each time this appender is + configured. + + + Setting this option also sets AppendToFile to + false on the RollingFileAppender, otherwise + this appender would just be a normal file appender. + + + + + + Roll files based only on the size of the file + + + + + Roll files based only on the date + + + + + Roll files based on both the size and date of the file + + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + + + Roll the log not based on the date + + + + + Roll the log for each minute + + + + + Roll the log for each hour + + + + + Roll the log twice a day (midday and midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each day (midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each week + + + + + Roll the log each month + + + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + Used primarily to allow test classes to plug themselves in so they can + supply test date/times. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Default implementation of that returns the current time. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Implementation of that returns the current time as the coordinated universal time (UTC). + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Send an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. + + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Authentication and setting the server Port are only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + For these features to be enabled you need to ensure that you are using a version of + the log4net assembly that is built against the MS .NET 1.1 framework and that you are + running the your application on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. On all other platforms only sending + unauthenticated messages to a server listening on port 25 (the default) is supported. + + + Authentication is supported by setting the property to + either or . + If using authentication then the + and properties must also be set. + + + To set the SMTP server port use the property. The default port is 25. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + + Send the email message + + the body text to include in the mail + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be carbon copied (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be blind carbon copied. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the SMTP relay mail server to use to send + the e-mail messages. + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + + + Obsolete + + + Use the BufferingAppenderSkeleton Fix methods instead + + + + Obsolete property. + + + + + + The mode to use to authentication with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + Valid Authentication mode values are: , + , and . + The default value is . When using + you must specify the + and to use to authenticate. + When using the Windows credentials for the current + thread, if impersonating, or the process will be used to authenticate. + + + + + + The username to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the username will be ignored. + + + + + + The password to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the password will be ignored. + + + + + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening + + + Server Port is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening. The default + port is 25. The Port can only be changed when running on + the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + + + + + Gets or sets the priority of the e-mail message + + + One of the values. + + + + Sets the priority of the e-mails generated by this + appender. The default priority is . + + + If you are using this appender to report errors then + you may want to set the priority to . + + + + + + Enable or disable use of SSL when sending e-mail message + + + This is available on MS .NET 2.0 runtime and higher + + + + + Gets or sets the reply-to e-mail address. + + + This is available on MS .NET 2.0 runtime and higher + + + + + Gets or sets the subject encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + Gets or sets the body encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Values for the property. + + + + SMTP authentication modes. + + + + + + No authentication + + + + + Basic authentication. + + + Requires a username and password to be supplied + + + + + Integrated authentication + + + Uses the Windows credentials from the current thread or process to authenticate. + + + + + Send an email when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. Rather than sending via smtp it writes a file into the + directory specified by . This allows services such + as the IIS SMTP agent to manage sending the messages. + + + + The configuration for this appender is identical to that of the SMTPAppender, + except that instead of specifying the SMTPAppender.SMTPHost you specify + . + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Niall Daley + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + + + + + Activate the options on this appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. This should be the same + as that used by the agent sending the messages. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the pickup directory. + + + The used to write to the pickup directory. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appender that allows clients to connect via Telnet to receive log messages + + + + The TelnetAppender accepts socket connections and streams logging messages + back to the client. + The output is provided in a telnet-friendly way so that a log can be monitored + over a TCP/IP socket. + This allows simple remote monitoring of application logging. + + + The default is 23 (the telnet port). + + + Keith Long + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TelnetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Overrides the parent method to close the socket handler + + + + Closes all the outstanding connections. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Create the socket handler and wait for connections + + + + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + + The default value is 23 (the telnet port). + + + The value specified is less than + or greater than . + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Helper class to manage connected clients + + + + The SocketHandler class is used to accept connections from + clients. It is threaded so that clients can connect/disconnect + asynchronously. + + + + + + Opens a new server port on + + the local port to listen on for connections + + + Creates a socket handler on the specified local server port. + + + + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + the text to send + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + + + + + Add a client to the internal clients list + + client to add + + + + Remove a client from the internal clients list + + client to remove + + + + Callback used to accept a connection on the server socket + + The result of the asynchronous operation + + + On connection adds to the list of connections + if there are two many open connections you will be disconnected + + + + + + Close all network connections + + + + Make sure we close all network connections + + + + + + Test if this handler has active connections + + + true if this handler has active connections + + + + This property will be true while this handler has + active connections, that is at least one connection that + the handler will attempt to send a message to. + + + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + + + Create this for the specified + + the client's socket + + + Opens a stream writer on the socket. + + + + + + Write a string to the client + + string to send + + + Write a string to the client + + + + + + Cleanup the clients connection + + + + Close the socket connection. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + trace system. + + + Events are written using the System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(string,string) + method. The event's logger name is the default value for the category parameter + of the Write method. + + + Compact Framework
    + The Compact Framework does not support the + class for any operation except Assert. When using the Compact Framework this + appender will write to the system rather than + the Trace system. This appender will therefore behave like the . +
    + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski +
    + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Defaults to %logger + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + The category parameter sent to the Trace method. + + + + Defaults to %logger which will use the logger name of the current + as the category parameter. + + + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's domain to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required domains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's repository to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required repositories. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + The name of the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The domain to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Obsolete. Use instead of . + + + + + + Use this class to quickly configure a . + + + + Allows very simple programmatic configuration of log4net. + + + Only one appender can be configured using this configurator. + The appender is set at the root of the hierarchy and all logging + events will be delivered to that appender. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The fully qualified type of the BasicConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system with a default configuration. + + + + Initializes the log4net logging system using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + + + + + Initializes the with a default configuration. + + The repository to configure. + + + Initializes the specified repository using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + The repository to configure. + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appenders. + + The repository to configure. + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Base class for all log4net configuration attributes. + + + This is an abstract class that must be extended by + specific configurators. This attribute allows the + configurator to be parameterized by an assembly level + attribute. + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor used by subclasses. + + the ordering priority for this configurator + + + The is used to order the configurator + attributes before they are invoked. Higher priority configurators are executed + before lower priority ones. + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Abstract method implemented by a subclass. When this method is called + the subclass should configure the . + + + + + + Compare this instance to another ConfiguratorAttribute + + the object to compare to + see + + + Compares the priorities of the two instances. + Sorts by priority in descending order. Objects with the same priority are + randomly ordered. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging domain for the assembly. + + + + DomainAttribute is obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging domains. Each domain has its own + logging repository. This attribute specified on the assembly controls + the configuration of the domain. The property specifies the name + of the domain that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the repository objects to create for the domain. If + this attribute is not specified and a is not specified + then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging repository for the assembly. + + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging repository. This attribute specified + on the assembly controls + the configuration of the repository. The property specifies the name + of the repository that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the object + to create for the assembly. If this attribute is not specified or a + is not specified then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the repository. + + The name of the repository. + + + Initialize the attribute with the name for the assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the logging repository. + + + The string name to use as the name of the repository associated with this + assembly. + + + + This value does not have to be unique. Several assemblies can share the + same repository. They will share the logging configuration of the repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + The type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + + The type of the repository to create for the assembly. + The type must implement the + interface. + + + This will be the type of repository created when + the repository is created. If multiple assemblies reference the + same repository then the repository is only created once using the + of the first assembly to call into the + repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the domain. + + The name of the domain. + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + If neither of the or + properties are set the configuration is loaded from the application's .config file. + If set the property takes priority over the + property. The property + specifies a path to a file to load the config from. The path is relative to the + application's base directory; . + The property is used as a postfix to the assembly file name. + The config file must be located in the application's base directory; . + For example in a console application setting the to + config has the same effect as not specifying the or + properties. + + + The property can be set to cause the + to watch the configuration file for changes. + + + + Log4net will only look for assembly level configuration attributes once. + When using the log4net assembly level attributes to control the configuration + of log4net you must ensure that the first call to any of the + methods is made from the assembly with the configuration + attributes. + + + If you cannot guarantee the order in which log4net calls will be made from + different assemblies you must use programmatic configuration instead, i.e. + call the method directly. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Configure the repository using the . + The specified must extend the + class otherwise the will not be able to + configure it. + + + The does not extend . + + + + Attempt to load configuration from the local file system + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + Configure the specified repository using a + + The repository to configure. + the FileInfo pointing to the config file + + + + Attempt to load configuration from a URI + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfiguratorAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the filename of the configuration file. + + + The filename of the configuration file. + + + + If specified, this is the name of the configuration file to use with + the . This file path is relative to the + application base directory (). + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets the extension of the configuration file. + + + The extension of the configuration file. + + + + If specified this is the extension for the configuration file. + The path to the config file is built by using the application + base directory (), + the assembly file name and the config file extension. + + + If the is set to MyExt then + possible config file names would be: MyConsoleApp.exe.MyExt or + MyClassLibrary.dll.MyExt. + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to watch the configuration file. + + + true if the configuration should be watched, false otherwise. + + + + If this flag is specified and set to true then the framework + will watch the configuration file and will reload the config each time + the file is modified. + + + The config file can only be watched if it is loaded from local disk. + In a No-Touch (Smart Client) deployment where the application is downloaded + from a web server the config file may not reside on the local disk + and therefore it may not be able to watch it. + + + Watching configuration is not supported on the SSCLI. + + + + + + Class to register for the log4net section of the configuration file + + + The log4net section of the configuration file needs to have a section + handler registered. This is the section handler used. It simply returns + the XML element that is the root of the section. + + + Example of registering the log4net section handler : + + + +
    + + + log4net configuration XML goes here + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Parses the configuration section. + + The configuration settings in a corresponding parent configuration section. + The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and is a null reference. + The for the log4net section. + The for the log4net section. + + + Returns the containing the configuration data, + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a plugin to attach to + the repository. + + + + Specifies the type of a plugin to create and attach to the + assembly's repository. The plugin type must implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface used to create plugins. + + + + Interface used to create a plugin. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates the plugin object. + + the new plugin instance + + + Create and return a new plugin instance. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type name of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + Where possible use the constructor that takes a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + + + + Creates the plugin object defined by this attribute. + + + + Creates the instance of the object as + specified by this attribute. + + + The plugin object. + + + + Returns a representation of the properties of this object. + + + + Overrides base class method to + return a representation of the properties of this object. + + + A representation of the properties of this object + + + + Gets or sets the type for the plugin. + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type name for the plugin. + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + Where possible use the property instead. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Construct provider attribute with type specified + + the type of the provider to use + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Configures the SecurityContextProvider + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Creates a provider instance from the specified. + Sets this as the default security context provider . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SecurityContextProviderAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the provider to use. + + + the type of the provider to use. + + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
    + + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration URI. + + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration data stream. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
    + + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + URI. + + The repository to configure. + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the specified repository using a log4net element. + + The hierarchy to configure. + The element to parse. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + This method is ultimately called by one of the Configure methods + to load the configuration from an . + + + + + + Maps repository names to ConfigAndWatchHandler instances to allow a particular + ConfigAndWatchHandler to dispose of its FileSystemWatcher when a repository is + reconfigured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Class used to watch config files. + + + + Uses the to monitor + changes to a specified file. Because multiple change notifications + may be raised when the file is modified, a timer is used to + compress the notifications into a single event. The timer + waits for time before delivering + the event notification. If any further + change notifications arrive while the timer is waiting it + is reset and waits again for to + elapse. + + + + + + The default amount of time to wait after receiving notification + before reloading the config file. + + + + + Holds the FileInfo used to configure the XmlConfigurator + + + + + Holds the repository being configured. + + + + + The timer used to compress the notification events. + + + + + Watches file for changes. This object should be disposed when no longer + needed to free system handles on the watched resources. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class to + watch a specified config file used to configure a repository. + + The repository to configure. + The configuration file to watch. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Called by the timer when the configuration has been updated. + + null + + + + Release the handles held by the watcher and timer. + + + + + The implementation of the interface suitable + for use with the compact framework + + + + This implementation is a simple + mapping between repository name and + object. + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not support retrieving assembly + level attributes therefore unlike the DefaultRepositorySelector + this selector does not examine the calling assembly for attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Interface used by the to select the . + + + + The uses a + to specify the policy for selecting the correct + to return to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to use to lookup to the + The for the assembly. + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. The results of this method must be repeatable, i.e. + when called again with the same arguments the result must be the + save value. + + + + + + Gets the named . + + The name to use to lookup to the . + The named + + Lookup a named . This is the repository created by + calling . + + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + The assembly to use to create the domain to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the domain + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. + + + + + + Creates a new repository with the name specified. + + The name to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the name + specified such that a call to with the + same name will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + An array of the instances created by + this . + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Create a new repository selector + + the type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new compact repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + throw if is null + throw if does not implement + + + + Get the for the specified assembly + + not used + The default + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Get the named + + the name of the repository to lookup + The named + + + Get the named . The default + repository is log4net-default-repository. Other repositories + must be created using the . + If the named repository does not exist an exception is thrown. + + + throw if is null + throw if the does not exist + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + not used + the type of repository to create, must implement + the repository created + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + If the is null then the + default repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Create a new repository for the repository specified + + the repository to associate with the + the type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is null then the default repository type is used. + the repository created + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + If the named repository already exists an exception will be thrown. + + + If is null then the default + repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + throw if is null + throw if the already exists + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the CompactRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has been created + + The repository that has been created + + + Raises the LoggerRepositoryCreatedEvent + event. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + The default implementation of the interface. + + + + Uses attributes defined on the calling assembly to determine how to + configure the hierarchy for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates a new repository selector. + + The type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + is . + does not implement . + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly use to lookup the . + + + The type of the created and the repository + to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the . + + + The default values are to use the + implementation of the interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically configured using + any attributes defined on + the . + + + The for the assembly + is . + + + + Gets the for the specified repository. + + The repository to use to lookup the . + The for the specified repository. + + + Returns the named repository. If is null + a is thrown. If the repository + does not exist a is thrown. + + + Use to create a repository. + + + is . + does not exist. + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The name to assign to the created repository + Set to true to read and apply the assembly attributes + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the specified repository. + + The repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is then the default repository type is used. + The new repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + is . + already exists. + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Aliases a repository to an existing repository. + + The repository to alias. + The repository that the repository is aliased to. + + + The repository specified will be aliased to the repository when created. + The repository must not already exist. + + + When the repository is created it must utilize the same repository type as + the repository it is aliased to, otherwise the aliasing will fail. + + + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Notifies the registered listeners that the repository has been created. + + The repository that has been created. + + + Raises the event. + + + + + + Gets the repository name and repository type for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that has a . + in/out param to hold the repository name to use for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + in/out param to hold the type of the repository to create for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + is . + + + + Configures the repository using information from the assembly. + + The assembly containing + attributes which define the configuration for the repository. + The repository to configure. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined plugins on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to add the plugins to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined aliases on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to alias to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DefaultRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Defined error codes that can be passed to the method. + + + + Values passed to the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + A general error + + + + + Error while writing output + + + + + Failed to flush file + + + + + Failed to close file + + + + + Unable to open output file + + + + + No layout specified + + + + + Failed to parse address + + + + + An evaluator that triggers on an Exception type + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the type of the Exception + passed to + is equal to a Type in . /// + + + Drew Schaeffer + + + + Test if an triggers an action + + + + Implementations of this interface allow certain appenders to decide + when to perform an appender specific action. + + + The action or behavior triggered is defined by the implementation. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Test if this event triggers the action + + The event to check + true if this event triggers the action, otherwise false + + + Return true if this event triggers the action + + + + + + The type that causes the trigger to fire. + + + + + Causes subclasses of to cause the trigger to fire. + + + + + Default ctor to allow dynamic creation through a configurator. + + + + + Constructs an evaluator and initializes to trigger on + + the type that triggers this evaluator. + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the logging event Exception + Type is . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the Exception Type of the event + passed to + is . + + + + + + The type that triggers this evaluator. + + + + + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + + Appenders may delegate their error handling to an . + + + + Error handling is a particularly tedious to get right because by + definition errors are hard to predict and to reproduce. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + The error code associated with the error. + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + + + See . + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + + + See . + + + + + + Interface for objects that require fixing. + + + + Interface that indicates that the object requires fixing before it + can be taken outside the context of the appender's + method. + + + When objects that implement this interface are stored + in the context properties maps + and + are fixed + (see ) the + method will be called. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a portable instance object that represents the current + state of this object. The portable object can be stored + and logged from any thread with identical results. + + + + + + Interface that all loggers implement + + + + This interface supports logging events and testing if a level + is enabled for logging. + + + These methods will not throw exceptions. Note to implementor, ensure + that the implementation of these methods cannot allow an exception + to be thrown to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + the exception to log, including its stack trace. Pass null to not log an exception. + + + Generates a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Base interface for all wrappers + + + + Base interface for all wrappers. + + + All wrappers must implement this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that in implementing this object. + + + + The object that in implementing this + object. The Logger object may not + be the same object as this object because of logger decorators. + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications + + The which created the repository. + The event args + that holds the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A + event is raised every time a is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Construct instance using specified + + the that has been created + + + Construct instance using specified + + + + + + The that has been created + + + The that has been created + + + + The that has been created + + + + + + Defines the default set of levels recognized by the system. + + + + Each has an associated . + + + Levels have a numeric that defines the relative + ordering between levels. Two Levels with the same + are deemed to be equivalent. + + + The levels that are recognized by log4net are set for each + and each repository can have different levels defined. The levels are stored + in the on the repository. Levels are + looked up by name from the . + + + When logging at level INFO the actual level used is not but + the value of LoggerRepository.LevelMap["INFO"]. The default value for this is + , but this can be changed by reconfiguring the level map. + + + Each level has a in addition to its . The + is the string that is written into the output log. By default + the display name is the same as the level name, but this can be used to alias levels + or to localize the log output. + + + Some of the predefined levels recognized by the system are: + + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + The display name for this level. This may be localized or otherwise different from the name + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Returns the representation of the current + . + + + A representation of the current . + + + + Returns the level . + + + + + + Compares levels. + + The object to compare against. + true if the objects are equal. + + + Compares the levels of instances, and + defers to base class if the target object is not a + instance. + + + + + + Returns a hash code + + A hash code for the current . + + + Returns a hash code suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data + structures like a hash table. + + + Returns the hash code of the level . + + + + + + Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an + indication of their relative values. + + A instance or to compare with this instance. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + This instance is less than . + + + Zero + This instance is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + + This instance is greater than . + -or- + is . + + + + + + + must be an instance of + or ; otherwise, an exception is thrown. + + + is not a . + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have the same value. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is the same as the + value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have different values. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is different from + the value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Compares two specified instances. + + The first to compare. + The second to compare. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + two values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + is less than . + + + Zero + is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + is greater than . + + + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + The level designates a higher level than all the rest. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events + that will presumably lead the application to abort. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Take immediate action, alerts. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Critical condition, critical. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + + + + + The level designates error events that might + still allow the application to continue running. + + + + + The level designates potentially harmful + situations. + + + + + The level designates informational messages + that highlight the progress of the application at the highest level. + + + + + The level designates informational messages that + highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates the lowest level possible. + + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + The name of this level. + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + The value of this level. + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + The display name of this level. + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a LevelCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A LevelCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new LevelCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the LevelCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the LevelCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the LevelCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the LevelCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the LevelCollection. + + The to locate in the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire LevelCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the LevelCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the LevelCollection. + + The to remove from the LevelCollection. + + The specified was not found in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the LevelCollection. + + An for the entire LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another LevelCollection to the current LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current LevelCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current LevelCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the LevelCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + An evaluator that triggers at a threshold level + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The threshold for triggering + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + the threshold to trigger at + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the event level + is equal or higher than the . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + the threshold to trigger at + + + The that will cause this evaluator to trigger + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Mapping between string name and Level object + + + + Mapping between string name and object. + This mapping is held separately for each . + The level name is case insensitive. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Mapping from level name to Level object. The + level name is case insensitive + + + + + Construct the level map + + + + Construct the level map. + + + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + the display name to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + Add a Level to the map + + the Level to add + + + Add a Level to the map + + + + + + Lookup a named level from the map + + the name of the level to lookup is taken from this level. + If the level is not set on the map then this level is added + the level in the map with the name specified + + + Lookup a named level from the map. The name of the level to lookup is taken + from the property of the + argument. + + + If no level with the specified name is found then the + argument is added to the level map + and returned. + + + + + + Lookup a by name + + The name of the Level to lookup + a Level from the map with the name specified + + + Returns the from the + map with the name specified. If the no level is + found then null is returned. + + + + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + all possible levels as a list of Level objects + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + + + + + The internal representation of caller location information. + + + + This class uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + Constructor + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class based on the current thread. + + + + + + Constructor + + The fully qualified class name. + The method name. + The file name. + The line number of the method within the file. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class with the specified data. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LocationInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + Gets the stack frames from the stack trace of the caller making the log request + + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + This class is used by the wrapper managers (e.g. ) + to provide access to the objects. + + + This manager also holds the that is used to + lookup and create repositories. The selector can be set either programmatically using + the property, or by setting the log4net.RepositorySelector + AppSetting in the applications config file to the fully qualified type name of the + selector to use. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + + + Hook the shutdown event + + + + On the full .NET runtime, the static constructor hooks up the + AppDomain.ProcessExit and AppDomain.DomainUnload> events. + These are used to shutdown the log4net system as the application exits. + + + + + + Register for ProcessExit and DomainUnload events on the AppDomain + + + + This needs to be in a separate method because the events make + a LinkDemand for the ControlAppDomain SecurityPermission. Because + this is a LinkDemand it is demanded at JIT time. Therefore we cannot + catch the exception in the method itself, we have to catch it in the + caller. + + + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + Returns the default instance. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified assembly's repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified assembly's repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + The repository to lookup in. + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + the assembly to use to lookup the repository + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The repository to shutdown. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + An array of all the known objects. + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + + + + Internal method to get pertinent version info. + + A string of version info. + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerManager class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initialize the default repository selector + + + + + Gets or sets the repository selector used by the . + + + The repository selector used by the . + + + + The repository selector () is used by + the to create and select repositories + (). + + + The caller to supplies either a string name + or an assembly (if not supplied the assembly is inferred using + ). + + + This context is used by the selector to lookup a specific repository. + + + For the full .NET Framework, the default repository is DefaultRepositorySelector; + for the .NET Compact Framework CompactRepositorySelector is the default + repository. + + + + + + Implementation of the interface. + + + + This class should be used as the base for all wrapper implementations. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + The logger that this object is wrapping + + + + + Gets the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that this object is implementing. + + + + The Logger object may not be the same object as this object + because of logger decorators. + + + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The logger name. + + + + The logger name. + + + + + + Level of logging event. + + + + Level of logging event. Level cannot be Serializable + because it is a flyweight. Due to its special serialization it + cannot be declared final either. + + + + + + The application supplied message. + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + + The name of thread + + + + The name of thread in which this logging event was generated + + + + + + The time the event was logged + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + + + String representation of the user + + + + String representation of the user's windows name, + like DOMAIN\username + + + + + + String representation of the identity. + + + + String representation of the current thread's principal identity. + + + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Fix the MDC + + + + + Fix the NDC + + + + + Fix the rendered message + + + + + Fix the thread name + + + + + Fix the callers location information + + + CAUTION: Very slow to generate + + + + + Fix the callers windows user name + + + CAUTION: Slow to generate + + + + + Fix the domain friendly name + + + + + Fix the callers principal name + + + CAUTION: May be slow to generate + + + + + Fix the exception text + + + + + Fix the event properties. Active properties must implement in order to be eligible for fixing. + + + + + No fields fixed + + + + + All fields fixed + + + + + Partial fields fixed + + + + This set of partial fields gives good performance. The following fields are fixed: + + + + + + + + + + + + + The internal representation of logging events. + + + + When an affirmative decision is made to log then a + instance is created. This instance + is passed around to the different log4net components. + + + This class is of concern to those wishing to extend log4net. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + The key into the Properties map for the host name value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the thread identity value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the user name value. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + from the supplied parameters. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + The name of the logger of this event. + The level of this event. + The message of this event. + The exception for this event. + + + Except , and , + all fields of LoggingEvent are filled when actually needed. Call + to cache all data locally + to prevent inconsistencies. + + This method is called by the log4net framework + to create a logging event. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + The fields in the struct that have already been fixed. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + The parameter should be used to specify which fields in the + struct have been preset. Fields not specified in the + will be captured from the environment if requested or fixed. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Ensure that the repository is set. + + the value for the repository + + + + Write the rendered message to a TextWriter + + the writer to write the message to + + + Unlike the property this method + does store the message data in the internal cache. Therefore + if called only once this method should be faster than the + property, however if the message is + to be accessed multiple times then the property will be more efficient. + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + The data in this event must be fixed before it can be serialized. + + + The method must be called during the + method call if this event + is to be used outside that method. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + Does a fix of the data + in the logging event before returning the event data. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The set of data to ensure is fixed in the LoggingEventData + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + + + + Fix instance fields that hold volatile data. + + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Calling is equivalent to + calling passing the parameter + false. + + + See for more + information. + + + + + + Fixes instance fields that hold volatile data. + + Set to true to not fix data that takes a long time to fix. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + The param controls the data that + is fixed. Some of the data that can be fixed takes a long time to + generate, therefore if you do not require those settings to be fixed + they can be ignored by setting the param + to true. This setting will ignore the + and settings. + + + Set to false to ensure that all + settings are fixed. + + + + + + Fix the fields specified by the parameter + + the fields to fix + + + Only fields specified in the will be fixed. + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Lookup a composite property in this event + + the key for the property to lookup + the value for the property + + + This event has composite properties that combine together properties from + several different contexts in the following order: + + + this events properties + + This event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + + Get all the composite properties in this event + + the containing all the properties + + + See for details of the composite properties + stored by the event. + + + This method returns a single containing all the + properties defined for this event. + + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The fully qualified Type of the calling + logger class in the stack frame (i.e. the declaring type of the method). + + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + The exception that was thrown. + + + This is not serialized. The string representation + is serialized instead. + + + + + The repository that generated the logging event + + + This is not serialized. + + + + + The fix state for this event + + + These flags indicate which fields have been fixed. + Not serialized. + + + + + Indicated that the internal cache is updateable (ie not fixed) + + + This is a seperate flag to m_fixFlags as it allows incrementel fixing and simpler + changes in the caching strategy. + + + + + Gets the time when the current process started. + + + This is the time when this process started. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + Tries to get the start time for the current process. + Failing that it returns the time of the first call to + this property. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating and therefore + without the process start time being reset. + + + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + The of the logging event. + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + + + + Gets the time of the logging event. + + + The time of the logging event. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + The name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + + + Gets the location information for this logging event. + + + The location information for this logging event. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + See the class for more information on + supported frameworks and the different behavior in Debug and + Release builds. + + + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + + + The message object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid message object. + If the event is serialized the message object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the message the + property must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined message object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + + + The exception object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid exception object. + If the event is serialized the exception object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the exception the + method must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined exception object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + + + Gets the message, rendered through the . + + + The message rendered through the . + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current thread. + + + The name of the current thread, or the thread ID when + the name is not available. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current user. + + + The name of the current user, or NOT AVAILABLE when the + underlying runtime has no support for retrieving the name of the + current user. + + + + Calls WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name to get the name of + the current windows user. + + + To improve performance, we could cache the string representation of + the name, and reuse that as long as the identity stayed constant. + Once the identity changed, we would need to re-assign and re-render + the string. + + + However, the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() call seems to + return different objects every time, so the current implementation + doesn't do this type of caching. + + + Timing for these operations: + + + + Method + Results + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() + 10000 loops, 00:00:00.2031250 seconds + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + 10000 loops, 00:00:08.0468750 seconds + + + + This means we could speed things up almost 40 times by caching the + value of the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name property, since + this takes (8.04-0.20) = 7.84375 seconds. + + + + + + Gets the identity of the current thread principal. + + + The string name of the identity of the current thread principal. + + + + Calls System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name to get + the name of the current thread principal. + + + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + The AppDomain friendly name. + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + This property is for events that have been added directly to + this event. The aggregate properties (which include these + event properties) can be retrieved using + and . + + + Once the properties have been fixed this property + returns the combined cached properties. This ensures that updates to + this property are always reflected in the underlying storage. When + returning the combined properties there may be more keys in the + Dictionary than expected. + + + + + + The fixed fields in this event + + + The set of fields that are fixed in this event + + + + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Implementation of wrapper interface. + + + + This implementation of the interface + forwards to the held by the base class. + + + This logger has methods to allow the caller to log at the following + levels: + + + + DEBUG + + The and methods log messages + at the DEBUG level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + INFO + + The and methods log messages + at the INFO level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + WARN + + The and methods log messages + at the WARN level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + ERROR + + The and methods log messages + at the ERROR level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + FATAL + + The and methods log messages + at the FATAL level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + + The values for these levels and their semantic meanings can be changed by + configuring the for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The ILog interface is use by application to log messages into + the log4net framework. + + + + Use the to obtain logger instances + that implement this interface. The + static method is used to get logger instances. + + + This class contains methods for logging at different levels and also + has properties for determining if those logging levels are + enabled in the current configuration. + + + This interface can be implemented in different ways. This documentation + specifies reasonable behavior that a caller can expect from the actual + implementation, however different implementations reserve the right to + do things differently. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + For some ILog interface log, when you write: + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, string construction and concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed (who isn't), then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in and once in + the . This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. This is the preferred style of logging. + + Alternatively if your logger is available statically then the is debug + enabled state can be stored in a static variable like this: + + + private static readonly bool isDebugEnabled = log.IsDebugEnabled; + + + Then when you come to log you can write: + + + if (isDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way the debug enabled state is only queried once + when the class is loaded. Using a private static readonly + variable is the most efficient because it is a run time constant + and can be heavily optimized by the JIT compiler. + + + Of course if you use a static readonly variable to + hold the enabled state of the logger then you cannot + change the enabled state at runtime to vary the logging + that is produced. You have to decide if you need absolute + speed or runtime flexibility. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + the repository holding the levels + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + DEBUG level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + INFO level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level. + + the message object to log + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + WARN level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + ERROR level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + FATAL level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Event handler for the event + + the repository + Empty + + + + The fully qualified name of this declaring type not the type of any subclass. + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the DEBUG + level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for DEBUG events, + false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + + For some log Logger object, when you write: + + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed, then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled()) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in IsDebugEnabled and once in + the Debug. This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the INFO level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for INFO events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the WARN level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for WARN events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the ERROR level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for ERROR events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the FATAL level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for FATAL events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + provides method information without actually referencing a System.Reflection.MethodBase + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + constructs a method item for an unknown method. + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method. + + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method and its parameters. + + + + + + + constructs a method item from a method base by determining the method name and its parameters. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + The method parameters of the caller making + the logging request + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + for example with operating system services. This can be used to impersonate + a principal that has been granted privileges on the system resources. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + An instance that will + revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext, or null + + + Impersonate this security context. Further calls on the current + thread should now be made in the security context provided + by this object. When the result + method is called the security + context of the thread should be reverted to the state it was in + before was called. + + + + + + The providers default instances. + + + + A configured component that interacts with potentially protected system + resources uses a to provide the elevated + privileges required. If the object has + been not been explicitly provided to the component then the component + will request one from this . + + + By default the is + an instance of which returns only + objects. This is a reasonable default + where the privileges required are not know by the system. + + + This default behavior can be overridden by subclassing the + and overriding the method to return + the desired objects. The default provider + can be replaced by programmatically setting the value of the + property. + + + An alternative is to use the log4net.Config.SecurityContextProviderAttribute + This attribute can be applied to an assembly in the same way as the + log4net.Config.XmlConfiguratorAttribute". The attribute takes + the type to use as the as an argument. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The default provider + + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + + + Create a SecurityContext for a consumer + + The consumer requesting the SecurityContext + An impersonation context + + + The default implementation is to return a . + + + Subclasses should override this method to provide their own + behavior. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default SecurityContextProvider + + + The default SecurityContextProvider + + + + The default provider is used by configured components that + require a and have not had one + given to them. + + + By default this is an instance of + that returns objects. + + + The default provider can be set programmatically by setting + the value of this property to a sub class of + that has the desired behavior. + + + + + + provides stack frame information without actually referencing a System.Diagnostics.StackFrame + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + returns a stack frame item from a stack frame. This + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + An evaluator that triggers after specified number of seconds. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + Robert Sevcik + + + + The default time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time of last check. This gets updated when the object is created and when the evaluator triggers. + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the specified time period + has passed since last check.. + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. This delegate + is called from the + method to construct the wrapper for the specified logger. + + + The delegate to use is supplied to the + constructor. + + + + + + Maps between logger objects and wrapper objects. + + + + This class maintains a mapping between objects and + objects. Use the method to + lookup the for the specified . + + + New wrapper instances are created by the + method. The default behavior is for this method to delegate construction + of the wrapper to the delegate supplied + to the constructor. This allows specialization of the behavior without + requiring subclassing of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + + The handler to use to create the wrapper objects. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified handler to create the wrapper objects. + + + + + + Gets the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The wrapper object for the specified logger + + + If the logger is null then the corresponding wrapper is null. + + + Looks up the wrapper it it has previously been requested and + returns it. If the wrapper has never been requested before then + the virtual method is + called. + + + + + + Creates the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + The wrapper object for the logger. + + + This implementation uses the + passed to the constructor to create the wrapper. This method + can be overridden in a subclass. + + + + + + Called when a monitored repository shutdown event is received. + + The that is shutting down + + + This method is called when a that this + is holding loggers for has signaled its shutdown + event . The default + behavior of this method is to release the references to the loggers + and their wrappers generated for this repository. + + + + + + Event handler for repository shutdown event. + + The sender of the event. + The event args. + + + + Map of logger repositories to hashtables of ILogger to ILoggerWrapper mappings + + + + + The handler to use to create the extension wrapper objects. + + + + + Internal reference to the delegate used to register for repository shutdown events. + + + + + Gets the map of logger repositories. + + + Map of logger repositories. + + + + Gets the hashtable that is keyed on . The + values are hashtables keyed on with the + value being the corresponding . + + + + + + Formats a as "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats a in the format "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render a as a string. + + + + Interface to abstract the rendering of a + instance into a string. + + + The method is used to render the + date to a text writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats the specified date as a string. + + The date to format. + The writer to write to. + + + Format the as a string and write it + to the provided. + + + + + + String constant used to specify AbsoluteTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is ABSOLUTE. + + + + + String constant used to specify DateTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is DATE. + + + + + String constant used to specify ISO8601DateFormat in layouts. Current value is ISO8601. + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss". + + The date to render into a string. + The string builder to write to. + + + Subclasses should override this method to render the date + into a string using a precision up to the second. This method + will be called at most once per second and the result will be + reused if it is needed again during the same second. + + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + The date to render into a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the method to generate the + time string up to the seconds and then appends the current + milliseconds. The results from are + cached and is called at most once + per second. + + + Sub classes should override + rather than . + + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Formats a as "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" + + + + Formats a in the format + "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, + "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Angelika Schnagl + + + + Default constructor. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats a DateTime in the format "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" + for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + The format info for the invariant culture. + + + + + Formats the as "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats the specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats the date specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The format string. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified format string. + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + Formats the date using . + + The date to convert to a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the date format string supplied to the constructor to call + the method to format the date. + + + + + + The format string used to format the . + + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + This filter drops all . + + + + You can add this filter to the end of a filter chain to + switch from the default "accept all unless instructed otherwise" + filtering behavior to a "deny all unless instructed otherwise" + behavior. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Subclass this type to implement customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should extend this class to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface to provide customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should implement this interface to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Decide if the logging event should be logged through an appender. + + The LoggingEvent to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Points to the next filter in the filter chain. + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Initialize the filter with the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Typically filter's options become active immediately on set, + however this method must still be called. + + + + + + Decide if the should be logged through an appender. + + The to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + This method is marked abstract and must be implemented + in a subclass. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Always returns the integer constant + + the LoggingEvent to filter + Always returns + + + Ignores the event being logged and just returns + . This can be used to change the default filter + chain behavior from to . This filter + should only be used as the last filter in the chain + as any further filters will be ignored! + + + + + + The return result from + + + + The return result from + + + + + + The log event must be dropped immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This filter is neutral with respect to the log event. + The remaining filters, if any, should be consulted for a final decision. + + + + + The log event must be logged immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This is a very simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits two options and + . If there is an exact match between the value + of the option and the of the + , then the method returns in + case the option value is set + to true, if it is false then + is returned. If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + flag to indicate if the filter should on a match + + + + + the to match against + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Tests if the of the logging event matches that of the filter + + the event to filter + see remarks + + + If the of the event matches the level of the + filter then the result of the function depends on the + value of . If it is true then + the function will return , it it is false then it + will return . If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + The level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + This is a simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits three options and + that determine the range of priorities that are matched, and + . If there is a match between the range + of priorities and the of the , then the + method returns in case the + option value is set to true, if it is false + then is returned. If there is no match, is returned. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when matching a + + + + + the minimum value to match + + + + + the maximum value to match + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if the event should be logged. + + the logging event to check + see remarks + + + If the of the logging event is outside the range + matched by this filter then + is returned. If the is matched then the value of + is checked. If it is true then + is returned, otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching and + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Set the minimum matched + + + + The minimum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Sets the maximum matched + + + + The maximum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the event's logger name. + + + + The works very similar to the . It admits two + options and . If the + of the starts + with the value of the option, then the + method returns in + case the option value is set to true, + if it is false then is returned. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The logger name string to substring match against the event + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the equals the beginning of + the incoming () + then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + This filter will attempt to match this value against logger name in + the following way. The match will be done against the beginning of the + logger name (using ). The match is + case sensitive. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with layered properties the + should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Simple filter to match a string an event property + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the value for a + specific event property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The string to substring match against the message + + + + + A string regex to match + + + + + A regex object to match (generated from m_stringRegexToMatch) + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Initialize and precompile the Regex if required + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the message then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching or + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Sets the static string to match + + + + The string that will be substring matched against + the rendered message. If the message contains this + string then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + Sets the regular expression to match + + + + The regular expression pattern that will be matched against + the rendered message. If the message matches this + pattern then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + The key to use to lookup the string from the event properties + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The event property for the is matched against + the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the property value then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + The key to lookup in the event properties and then match against. + + + + The key name to use to lookup in the properties map of the + . The match will be performed against + the value of this property if it exists. + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with named stacks stored in the + properties collections the should + be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Sets the to "NDC". + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Protected constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Evaluate this pattern converter and write the output to a writer. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the appropriate way. + + + + + + Set the next pattern converter in the chains + + the pattern converter that should follow this converter in the chain + the next converter + + + The PatternConverter can merge with its neighbor during this method (or a sub class). + Therefore the return value may or may not be the value of the argument passed in. + + + + + + Write the pattern converter to the writer with appropriate formatting + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + This method calls to allow the subclass to perform + appropriate conversion of the pattern converter. If formatting options have + been specified via the then this method will + apply those formattings before writing the output. + + + + + + Fast space padding method. + + to which the spaces will be appended. + The number of spaces to be padded. + + + Fast space padding method. + + + + + + The option string to the converter + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an object to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the Object to a writer. If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the object to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + The formatting info for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + The option for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles exceptions + + + false if this converter handles exceptions + + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles the logging event exception + + false if this converter handles the logging event exception + + + If this converter handles the exception object contained within + , then this property should be set to + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the property should be set to true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this converter does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output . + + + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + + Render the to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,yyyy" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter pattern based on the property. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert the pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception or the exception property specified + by the Option value does not exist then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Recognized values for the Option parameter are: + + + + Message + + + Source + + + StackTrace + + + TargetSite + + + HelpLink + + + + + + + Writes the caller location file name to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location file name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + + + Writes the value of the to + the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the + to + the output . + + + + + + Write the event level to the output + + + + Writes the display name of the event + to the writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event level to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the of the + to the . + + + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Converter for logger name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Converter to output and truncate '.' separated strings + + + + This abstract class supports truncating a '.' separated string + to show a specified number of elements from the right hand side. + This is used to truncate class names that are fully qualified. + + + Subclasses should override the method to + return the fully qualified string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Get the fully qualified string data + + the event being logged + the fully qualified name + + + Overridden by subclasses to get the fully qualified name before the + precision is applied to it. + + + Return the fully qualified '.' (dot/period) separated string. + + + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + Render the to the precision + specified by the property. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the NamedPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the logger + + the event being logged + The fully qualified logger name + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + + + + Write the method name to the output + + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the method name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + + + + Converter to include event NDC + + + + Outputs the value of the event property named NDC. + + + The should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event NDC to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + As the thread context stacks are now stored in named event properties + this converter simply looks up the value of the NDC property. + + + The should be used instead. + + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + Converter to output the relative time of the event + + + + Converter to output the time of the event relative to the start of the program. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the relative time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the relative time of the event in milliseconds. + That is the number of milliseconds between the event + and the . + + + + + + Helper method to get the time difference between two DateTime objects + + start time (in the current local time zone) + end time (in the current local time zone) + the time difference in milliseconds + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + Adam Davies + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + Michael Cromwell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the strack frames to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Returns the Name of the method + + + This method was created, so this class could be used as a base class for StackTraceDetailPatternConverter + string + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTracePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTraceDetailPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Converter to include event thread name + + + + Writes the to the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the ThreadName to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the . + + + + + + Pattern converter for the class name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the class + + the event being logged + The fully qualified type name for the caller location + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Converter to include event user name + + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + Uses a to format the + in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone, this is converted + to Universal time before it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string that re-evaluates on each call. + + + This class is built on and provides all the + features and capabilities of PatternLayout. PatternLayout is a 'static' class + in that its layout is done once at configuration time. This class will recreate + the layout on each reference. + One important difference between PatternLayout and DynamicPatternLayout is the + treatment of the Header and Footer parameters in the configuration. The Header and Footer + parameters for DynamicPatternLayout must be syntactically in the form of a PatternString, + but should not be marked as type log4net.Util.PatternString. Doing so causes the + pattern to be statically converted at configuration time and causes DynamicPatternLayout + to perform the same as PatternLayout. + Please see for complete documentation. + + <layout type="log4net.Layout.DynamicPatternLayout"> + <param name="Header" value="%newline**** Trace Opened Local: %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} UTC: %utcdate{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + <param name="Footer" value="**** Trace Closed %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + </layout> + + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string. + + + + The goal of this class is to a + as a string. The results + depend on the conversion pattern. + + + The conversion pattern is closely related to the conversion + pattern of the printf function in C. A conversion pattern is + composed of literal text and format control expressions called + conversion specifiers. + + + You are free to insert any literal text within the conversion + pattern. + + + Each conversion specifier starts with a percent sign (%) and is + followed by optional format modifiers and a conversion + pattern name. The conversion pattern name specifies the type of + data, e.g. logger, level, date, thread name. The format + modifiers control such things as field width, padding, left and + right justification. The following is a simple example. + + + Let the conversion pattern be "%-5level [%thread]: %message%newline" and assume + that the log4net environment was set to use a PatternLayout. Then the + statements + + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TestApp)); + log.Debug("Message 1"); + log.Warn("Message 2"); + + would yield the output + + DEBUG [main]: Message 1 + WARN [main]: Message 2 + + + Note that there is no explicit separator between text and + conversion specifiers. The pattern parser knows when it has reached + the end of a conversion specifier when it reads a conversion + character. In the example above the conversion specifier + %-5level means the level of the logging event should be left + justified to a width of five characters. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + a + Equivalent to appdomain + + + appdomain + + Used to output the friendly name of the AppDomain where the + logging event was generated. + + + + aspnet-cache + + + Used to output all cache items in the case of %aspnet-cache or just one named item if used as %aspnet-cache{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-context + + + Used to output all context items in the case of %aspnet-context or just one named item if used as %aspnet-context{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-request + + + Used to output all request parameters in the case of %aspnet-request or just one named param if used as %aspnet-request{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-session + + + Used to output all session items in the case of %aspnet-session or just one named item if used as %aspnet-session{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + c + Equivalent to logger + + + C + Equivalent to type + + + class + Equivalent to type + + + d + Equivalent to date + + + date + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + exception + + + Used to output the exception passed in with the log message. + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + + + F + Equivalent to file + + + file + + + Used to output the file name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + WARNING Generating caller information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + l + Equivalent to location + + + L + Equivalent to line + + + location + + + Used to output location information of the caller which generated + the logging event. + + + The location information depends on the CLI implementation but + usually consists of the fully qualified name of the calling + method followed by the callers source the file name and line + number between parentheses. + + + The location information can be very useful. However, its + generation is extremely slow. Its use should be avoided + unless execution speed is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + level + + + Used to output the level of the logging event. + + + + + line + + + Used to output the line number from where the logging request + was issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + logger + + + Used to output the logger of the logging event. The + logger conversion specifier can be optionally followed by + precision specifier, that is a decimal constant in + brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the logger name will be + printed. By default the logger name is printed in full. + + + For example, for the logger name "a.b.c" the pattern + %logger{2} will output "b.c". + + + + + m + Equivalent to message + + + M + Equivalent to method + + + message + + + Used to output the application supplied message associated with + the logging event. + + + + + mdc + + + The MDC (old name for the ThreadContext.Properties) is now part of the + combined event properties. This pattern is supported for compatibility + but is equivalent to property. + + + + + method + + + Used to output the method name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + n + Equivalent to newline + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + ndc + + + Used to output the NDC (nested diagnostic context) associated + with the thread that generated the logging event. + + + + + p + Equivalent to level + + + P + Equivalent to property + + + properties + Equivalent to property + + + property + + + Used to output the an event specific property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are added to events by loggers or appenders. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the event properties + + The event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + r + Equivalent to timestamp + + + stacktrace + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktrace{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + stacktracedetail + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktracedetail{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + t + Equivalent to thread + + + timestamp + + + Used to output the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start + of the application until the creation of the logging event. + + + + + thread + + + Used to output the name of the thread that generated the + logging event. Uses the thread number if no name is available. + + + + + type + + + Used to output the fully qualified type name of the caller + issuing the logging request. This conversion specifier + can be optionally followed by precision specifier, that + is a decimal constant in brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the class name will be + printed. By default the class name is output in fully qualified form. + + + For example, for the class name "log4net.Layout.PatternLayout", the + pattern %type{1} will output "PatternLayout". + + + WARNING Generating the caller class information is + slow. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is + not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + u + Equivalent to identity + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + WARNING Generating caller WindowsIdentity information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + w + Equivalent to username + + + x + Equivalent to ndc + + + X + Equivalent to mdc + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + The single letter patterns are deprecated in favor of the + longer more descriptive pattern names. + + + By default the relevant information is output as is. However, + with the aid of format modifiers it is possible to change the + minimum field width, the maximum field width and justification. + + + The optional format modifier is placed between the percent sign + and the conversion pattern name. + + + The first optional format modifier is the left justification + flag which is just the minus (-) character. Then comes the + optional minimum field width modifier. This is a decimal + constant that represents the minimum number of characters to + output. If the data item requires fewer characters, it is padded on + either the left or the right until the minimum width is + reached. The default is to pad on the left (right justify) but you + can specify right padding with the left justification flag. The + padding character is space. If the data item is larger than the + minimum field width, the field is expanded to accommodate the + data. The value is never truncated. + + + This behavior can be changed using the maximum field + width modifier which is designated by a period followed by a + decimal constant. If the data item is longer than the maximum + field, then the extra characters are removed from the + beginning of the data item and not from the end. For + example, it the maximum field width is eight and the data item is + ten characters long, then the first two characters of the data item + are dropped. This behavior deviates from the printf function in C + where truncation is done from the end. + + + Below are various format modifier examples for the logger + conversion specifier. + +
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Format modifierleft justifyminimum widthmaximum widthcomment
    %20loggerfalse20none + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is less than 20 + characters long. + +
    %-20loggertrue20none + + Right pad with spaces if the logger + name is less than 20 characters long. + +
    %.30loggerNAnone30 + + Truncate from the beginning if the logger + name is longer than 30 characters. + +
    %20.30loggerfalse2030 + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
    %-20.30loggertrue2030 + + Right pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
    + + Note about caller location information.
    + The following patterns %type %file %line %method %location %class %C %F %L %l %M + all generate caller location information. + Location information uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. +
    + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using the method. + +
    + + This is a more detailed pattern. + %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline + + + A similar pattern except that the relative time is + right padded if less than 6 digits, thread name is right padded if + less than 15 characters and truncated if longer and the logger + name is left padded if shorter than 30 characters and truncated if + longer. + %-6timestamp [%15.15thread] %-5level %30.30logger %ndc - %message%newline + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino +
    + + + Extend this abstract class to create your own log layout format. + + + + This is the base implementation of the + interface. Most layout objects should extend this class. + + + + + + Subclasses must implement the + method. + + + Subclasses should set the in their default + constructor. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by layout objects + + + + An object is used to format a + as text. The method is called by an + appender to transform the into a string. + + + The layout can also supply and + text that is appender before any events and after all the events respectively. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text and output to a writer. + + + If the caller does not have a and prefers the + event to be formatted as a then the following + code can be used to format the event into a . + + + StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); + Layout.Format(writer, loggingEvent); + string formattedEvent = writer.ToString(); + + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This is a MIME type e.g. "text/plain". + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handle exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + + + + The header text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The footer text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This method must be implemented by the subclass. + + + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text. + + + + + + Convenience method for easily formatting the logging event into a string variable. + + + + Creates a new StringWriter instance to store the formatted logging event. + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type is "text/plain" + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This base class uses the value "text/plain". + To change this value a subclass must override this + property. + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this layout does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + Currently set to the string "%message%newline" + which just prints the application supplied message. + + + + + + A detailed conversion pattern + + + + A conversion pattern which includes Time, Thread, Logger, and Nested Context. + Current value is %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline. + + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + This static map is overridden by the m_converterRegistry instance map + + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternLayout only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + Defines the builtin global rules. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + As per the contract the + method must be called after the properties on this object have been + configured. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + When using this constructor the method + need not be called. This may not be the case when using a subclass. + + + + + + Create the pattern parser instance + + the pattern to parse + The that will format the event + + + Creates the used to parse the conversion string. Sets the + global and instance rules on the . + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Parse the using the patter format + specified in the property. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a named pattern converter to this instance. This + converter will be used in the formatting of the event. + This method must be called before . + + + The specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + The header PatternString + + + + + The footer PatternString + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event. + + + This Layout should only be used with appenders that utilize multiple + layouts (e.g. ). + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Constructs a ExceptionLayout + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + Part of the component activation + framework. + + + This method does nothing as options become effective immediately. + + + + + + Gets the exception text from the logging event + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + the event being logged + + + Write the exception string to the . + The exception string is retrieved from . + + + + + + Interface for raw layout objects + + + + Interface used to format a + to an object. + + + This interface should not be confused with the + interface. This interface is used in + only certain specialized situations where a raw object is + required rather than a formatted string. The + is not generally useful than this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + + + + + Adapts any to a + + + + Where an is required this adapter + allows a to be specified. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The layout to adapt + + + + + Construct a new adapter + + the layout to adapt + + + Create the adapter for the specified . + + + + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + + Uses the object supplied to + the constructor to perform the formatting. + + + + + + Type converter for the interface + + + + Used to convert objects to the interface. + Supports converting from the interface to + the interface using the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from arbitrary types + to a single target type. See . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the can be converted to the + type supported by this converter. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Converts the to the type supported + by this converter. + + + + + + Can the sourceType be converted to an + + the source to be to be converted + true if the source type can be converted to + + + Test if the can be converted to a + . Only is supported + as the . + + + + + + Convert the value to a object + + the value to convert + the object + + + Convert the object to a + object. If the object + is a then the + is used to adapt between the two interfaces, otherwise an + exception is thrown. + + + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructs a RawPropertyLayout + + + + + Lookup the property for + + The event to format + returns property value + + + Looks up and returns the object value of the property + named . If there is no property defined + with than name then null will be returned. + + + + + + The name of the value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection. + + + Value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection + + + + String name of the property to lookup in the . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in local time. To format the time stamp + in universal time use . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawUtcTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in universal time. To format the time stamp + in local time use . + + + + + + A very simple layout + + + + SimpleLayout consists of the level of the log statement, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. For example, + + DEBUG - Hello world + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a SimpleLayout + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a simple formatted output. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Formats the event as the level of the even, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. The + output is terminated by a newline. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + The output of the consists of a series of + log4net:event elements. It does not output a complete well-formed XML + file. The output is designed to be included as an external entity + in a separate file to form a correct XML file. + + + For example, if abc is the name of the file where + the output goes, then a well-formed XML file would + be: + + + <?xml version="1.0" ?> + + <!DOCTYPE log4net:events SYSTEM "log4net-events.dtd" [<!ENTITY data SYSTEM "abc">]> + + <log4net:events version="1.2" xmlns:log4net="> + &data; + </log4net:events> + + + This approach enforces the independence of the + and the appender where it is embedded. + + + The version attribute helps components to correctly + interpret output generated by . The value of + this attribute should be "1.2" for release 1.2 and later. + + + Alternatively the Header and Footer properties can be + configured to output the correct XML header, open tag and close tag. + When setting the Header and Footer properties it is essential + that the underlying data store not be appendable otherwise the data + will become invalid XML. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + This is an abstract class that must be subclassed by an implementation + to conform to a specific schema. + + + Deriving classes must implement the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with no location info. + + + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + The parameter determines whether + location information will be output by the layout. If + is set to true, then the + file name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string. + + The event being logged. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the and write it to the . + + + This method creates an that writes to the + . The is passed + to the method. Subclasses should override the + method rather than this method. + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Subclasses should override this method to format + the as XML. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if location information should be included in + the XML events. + + + + + The string to replace invalid chars with + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether to include location information in + the XML events. + + + true if location information should be included in the XML + events; otherwise, false. + + + + If is set to true, then the file + name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + The string to replace characters that can not be expressed in XML with. + + + Not all characters may be expressed in XML. This property contains the + string to replace those that can not with. This defaults to a ?. Set it + to the empty string to simply remove offending characters. For more + details on the allowed character ranges see + Character replacement will occur in the log message, the property names + and the property values. + + + + + + + Gets the content type output by this layout. + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SmtpAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Builds a cache of the element names + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Override the base class method + to write the to the . + + + + + + The prefix to use for all generated element names + + + + + The prefix to use for all element names + + + + The default prefix is log4net. Set this property + to change the prefix. If the prefix is set to an empty string + then no prefix will be written. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the message. + + + + By default the log message will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when the message contains binary + data. By setting this to true the contents of the message will be + base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the log message. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the property values. + + + + By default the properties will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when one or more properties contain + binary data. By setting this to true the values of the properties + will be base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the property values. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements compatible with the log4j schema + + + + Formats the log events according to the schema. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Actually do the writing of the xml + + the writer to use + the event to write + + + Generate XML that is compatible with the log4j schema. + + + + + + The version of the log4j schema to use. + + + + Only version 1.2 of the log4j schema is supported. + + + + + + The default object Renderer. + + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects and collections to strings. + + + See the method for details of the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface in order to render objects as strings + + + + Certain types require special case conversion to + string form. This conversion is done by an object renderer. + Object renderers implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a + string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects to strings as follows: + + + + Value + Rendered String + + + null + + "(null)" + + + + + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + , & + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: {a, b, c}. + + + All collection classes that implement its subclasses, + or generic equivalents all implement the interface. + + + + + + + + Rendered as the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). + + + For example: key=value. + + + + + other + + Object.ToString() + + + + + + + + Render the array argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the array to render + The writer to render to + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + + Render the enumerator argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the enumerator to render + The writer to render to + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + {a, b, c}. + + + + + + Render the DictionaryEntry argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the DictionaryEntry to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). For example: key=value. + + + + + + Map class objects to an . + + + + Maintains a mapping between types that require special + rendering and the that + is used to render them. + + + The method is used to render an + object using the appropriate renderers defined in this map. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + the object rendered as a string + + + This is a convenience method used to render an object to a string. + The alternative method + should be used when streaming output to a . + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + The writer to render to + + + Find the appropriate renderer for the type of the + parameter. This is accomplished by calling the + method. Once a renderer is found, it is + applied on the object and the result is returned + as a . + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type + + the object to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type. + + + Syntactic sugar method that calls + with the type of the object parameter. + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified type + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + Returns the renderer for the specified type. + If no specific renderer has been defined the + will be returned. + + + + + + Internal function to recursively search interfaces + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + + Clear the map of renderers + + + + Clear the custom renderers defined by using + . The + cannot be removed. + + + + + + Register an for . + + the type that will be rendered by + the renderer for + + + Register an object renderer for a specific source type. + This renderer will be returned from a call to + specifying the same as an argument. + + + + + + Get the default renderer instance + + the default renderer + + + Get the default renderer + + + + + + Interface implemented by logger repository plugins. + + + + Plugins define additional behavior that can be associated + with a . + The held by the + property is used to store the plugins for a repository. + + + The log4net.Config.PluginAttribute can be used to + attach plugins to repositories created using configuration + attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches the plugin to the specified . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + Gets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a PluginCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A PluginCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new PluginCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the PluginCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the PluginCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the PluginCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the PluginCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the PluginCollection. + + The to locate in the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire PluginCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the PluginCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the PluginCollection. + + The to remove from the PluginCollection. + + The specified was not found in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the PluginCollection. + + An for the entire PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another PluginCollection to the current PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current PluginCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current PluginCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + + The at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + The number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + The current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + Map of repository plugins. + + + + This class is a name keyed map of the plugins that are + attached to a repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + Initialize a new instance of the class with a + repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + + + + Adds a to the map. + + The to add to the map. + + + The will be attached to the repository when added. + + + If there already exists a plugin with the same name + attached to the repository then the old plugin will + be and replaced with + the new plugin. + + + + + + Removes a from the map. + + The to remove from the map. + + + Remove a specific plugin from this map. + + + + + + Gets a by name. + + The name of the to lookup. + + The from the map with the name specified, or + null if no plugin is found. + + + + Lookup a plugin by name. If the plugin is not found null + will be returned. + + + + + + Gets all possible plugins as a list of objects. + + All possible plugins as a list of objects. + + + Get a collection of all the plugins defined in this map. + + + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the + interface. This base class can be used by implementors + of the interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + the name of the plugin + + Initializes a new Plugin with the specified name. + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + The name of this plugin. + + + + + The repository this plugin is attached to. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + The name of the plugin must not change one the + plugin has been attached to a repository. + + + + + + The repository for this plugin + + + The that this plugin is attached to. + + + + Gets or sets the that this plugin is + attached to. + + + + + + Plugin that listens for events from the + + + + This plugin publishes an instance of + on a specified . This listens for logging events delivered from + a remote . + + + When an event is received it is relogged within the attached repository + as if it had been raised locally. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The property must be set. + + + + + + Construct with sink Uri. + + The name to publish the sink under in the remoting infrastructure. + See for more details. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with specified name. + + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + When the plugin is shutdown the remote logging + sink is disconnected. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RemoteLoggingServerPlugin class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the URI of this sink. + + + The URI of this sink. + + + + This is the name under which the object is marshaled. + + + + + + + Delivers objects to a remote sink. + + + + Internal class used to listen for logging events + and deliver them to the local repository. + + + + + + Constructor + + The repository to log to. + + + Initializes a new instance of the for the + specified . + + + + + + Logs the events to the repository. + + The events to log. + + + The events passed are logged to the + + + + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. + + null to indicate that this instance should live forever. + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. This object should live forever + therefore this implementation returns null. + + + + + + The underlying that events should + be logged to. + + + + + Default implementation of + + + + This default implementation of the + interface is used to create the default subclass + of the object. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface abstracts creation of instances + + + + This interface is used by the to + create new objects. + + + The method is called + to create a named . + + + Implement this interface to create new subclasses of . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default internal subclass of + + + + This subclass has no additional behavior over the + class but does allow instances + to be created. + + + + + + Implementation of used by + + + + Internal class used to provide implementation of + interface. Applications should use to get + logger instances. + + + This is one of the central classes in the log4net implementation. One of the + distinctive features of log4net are hierarchical loggers and their + evaluation. The organizes the + instances into a rooted tree hierarchy. + + + The class is abstract. Only concrete subclasses of + can be created. The + is used to create instances of this type for the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + + + + This constructor created a new instance and + sets its name. + + The name of the . + + + This constructor is protected and designed to be used by + a subclass that is not abstract. + + + Loggers are constructed by + objects. See for the default + logger creator. + + + + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + An appender to add to this logger + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + + If is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Look for the appender named as name + + The name of the appender to lookup + The appender with the name specified, or null. + + + Returns the named appender, or null if the appender is not found. + + + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the named appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Deliver the to the attached appenders. + + The event to log. + + + Call the appenders in the hierarchy starting at + this. If no appenders could be found, emit a + warning. + + + This method calls all the appenders inherited from the + hierarchy circumventing any evaluation of whether to log or not + to log the particular log request. + + + + + + Closes all attached appenders implementing the interface. + + + + Used to ensure that the appenders are correctly shutdown. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method. This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers + + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the . + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generates a logging event and delivers it to the attached + appenders. + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The event being logged. + + + Delivers the logging event to the attached appenders. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Logger class. + + + + + The name of this logger. + + + + + The assigned level of this logger. + + + + The level variable need not be + assigned a value in which case it is inherited + form the hierarchy. + + + + + + The parent of this logger. + + + + The parent of this logger. + All loggers have at least one ancestor which is the root logger. + + + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + The hierarchy that this logger is a member of is stored + here. + + + + + + Helper implementation of the interface + + + + + Flag indicating if child loggers inherit their parents appenders + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Lock to protect AppenderAttachedImpl variable m_appenderAttachedImpl + + + + + Gets or sets the parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + The parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + + Part of the Composite pattern that makes the hierarchy. + The hierarchy is parent linked rather than child linked. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + true if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Gets the effective level for this logger. + + The nearest level in the logger hierarchy. + + + Starting from this logger, searches the logger hierarchy for a + non-null level and returns it. Otherwise, returns the level of the + root logger. + + The Logger class is designed so that this method executes as + quickly as possible. + + + + + Gets or sets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + The hierarchy that this logger belongs to. + + + This logger must be attached to a single . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned , if any, for this Logger. + + + The of this logger. + + + + The assigned can be null. + + + + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . + + A collection of the appenders in this logger + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . If no appenders + can be found, then a is returned. + + + + + + Gets the logger name. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Construct a new Logger + + the name of the logger + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + The in which the has been created. + The event args that hold the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A event is raised every time a + is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Constructor + + The that has been created. + + + Initializes a new instance of the event argument + class,with the specified . + + + + + + Gets the that has been created. + + + The that has been created. + + + + The that has been created. + + + + + + Hierarchical organization of loggers + + + + The casual user should not have to deal with this class + directly. + + + This class is specialized in retrieving loggers by name and + also maintaining the logger hierarchy. Implements the + interface. + + + The structure of the logger hierarchy is maintained by the + method. The hierarchy is such that children + link to their parent but parents do not have any references to their + children. Moreover, loggers can be instantiated in any order, in + particular descendant before ancestor. + + + In case a descendant is created before a particular ancestor, + then it creates a provision node for the ancestor and adds itself + to the provision node. Other descendants of the same ancestor add + themselves to the previously created provision node. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the interface. + + + Skeleton implementation of the interface. + All types can extend this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by logger repositories. + + + + This interface is implemented by logger repositories. e.g. + . + + + This interface is used by the + to obtain interfaces. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + If the names logger exists it is returned, otherwise + null is returned. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + + + + + Returns a named logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Returns a named logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + Shutting down a repository will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The name of the repository + + + + The name of the repository. + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Collection of internal messages captured during the most + recent configuration process. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis. + + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes the repository with default (empty) properties. + + + + + + Construct the repository using specific properties + + the properties to set for this repository + + + Initializes the repository with specified properties. + + + + + + Test if logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository as an Array. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Return a new logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + + Shutdown the repository. Can be overridden in a subclass. + This base class implementation notifies the + listeners and all attached plugins of the shutdown event. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerRepositorySkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + The type that will be rendered by the renderer supplied. + The object renderer used to render the object. + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository is shutting down + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository is shutting down. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration reset + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has been reset. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration changed + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has changed. + + + + + + Raise a configuration changed event on this repository + + EventArgs.Empty + + + Applications that programmatically change the configuration of the repository should + raise this event notification to notify listeners. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The string name of the repository + + + + The name of this repository. The name is + used to store and lookup the repositories + stored by the . + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Contains a list of internal messages captures during the + last configuration. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis + + + + + Basic Configurator interface for repositories + + + + Interface used by basic configurator to configure a + with a default . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appender. + + + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appenders. + + + + + + Configure repository using XML + + + + Interface used by Xml configurator to configure a . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + The schema for the XML configuration data is defined by + the implementation. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with properties + + The properties to pass to this repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with a logger factory + + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Construct with properties and a logger factory + + The properties to pass to this repository. + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Test if a logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the hierarchy. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array. + The root logger is not included in the returned + enumeration. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The Shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their default. + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their + default. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this hierarchy. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are currently configured + + An array containing all the currently configured appenders + + + Returns all the instances that are currently configured. + All the loggers are searched for appenders. The appenders may also be containers + for appenders and these are also searched for additional loggers. + + + The list returned is unordered but does not contain duplicates. + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an . + The appender may also be a container. + + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an container + + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Test if this hierarchy is disabled for the specified . + + The level to check against. + + true if the repository is disabled for the level argument, false otherwise. + + + + If this hierarchy has not been configured then this method will + always return true. + + + This method will return true if this repository is + disabled for level object passed as parameter and + false otherwise. + + + See also the property. + + + + + + Clear all logger definitions from the internal hashtable + + + + This call will clear all logger definitions from the internal + hashtable. Invoking this method will irrevocably mess up the + logger hierarchy. + + + You should really know what you are doing before + invoking this method. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + . + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The factory that will make the new logger instance + The logger object with the name specified + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated by the + parameter and linked with its existing + ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Sends a logger creation event to all registered listeners + + The newly created logger + + Raises the logger creation event. + + + + + Updates all the parents of the specified logger + + The logger to update the parents for + + + This method loops through all the potential parents of + . There 3 possible cases: + + + + No entry for the potential parent of exists + + We create a ProvisionNode for this potential + parent and insert in that provision node. + + + + The entry is of type Logger for the potential parent. + + The entry is 's nearest existing parent. We + update 's parent field with this entry. We also break from + he loop because updating our parent's parent is our parent's + responsibility. + + + + The entry is of type ProvisionNode for this potential parent. + + We add to the list of children for this + potential parent. + + + + + + + + Replace a with a in the hierarchy. + + + + + + We update the links for all the children that placed themselves + in the provision node 'pn'. The second argument 'log' is a + reference for the newly created Logger, parent of all the + children in 'pn'. + + + We loop on all the children 'c' in 'pn'. + + + If the child 'c' has been already linked to a child of + 'log' then there is no need to update 'c'. + + + Otherwise, we set log's parent field to c's parent and set + c's parent field to log. + + + + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + the level values + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + + Supports setting levels via the configuration file. + + + + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument + + the property value + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument. + + + Supports setting property values via the configuration file. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Hierarchy class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event used to notify that a logger has been created. + + + + Event raised when a logger is created. + + + + + + Has no appender warning been emitted + + + + Flag to indicate if we have already issued a warning + about not having an appender warning. + + + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default instance. + + The default + + + The logger factory is used to create logger instances. + + + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Value of the level + + + + If the value is not set (defaults to -1) the value will be looked + up for the current level with the same name. + + + + + + Name of the level + + + The name of the level + + + + The name of the level. + + + + + + Display name for the level + + + The display name of the level + + + + The display name of the level. + + + + + + Used internally to accelerate hash table searches. + + + + Internal class used to improve performance of + string keyed hashtables. + + + The hashcode of the string is cached for reuse. + The string is stored as an interned value. + When comparing two objects for equality + the reference equality of the interned strings is compared. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct key with string name + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + Stores the hashcode of the string and interns + the string key to optimize comparisons. + + + The Compact Framework 1.0 the + method does not work. On the Compact Framework + the string keys are not interned nor are they + compared by reference. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + Returns a hash code for the current instance. + + A hash code for the current instance. + + + Returns the cached hashcode. + + + + + + Determines whether two instances + are equal. + + The to compare with the current . + + true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares the references of the interned strings. + + + + + + Provision nodes are used where no logger instance has been specified + + + + instances are used in the + when there is no specified + for that node. + + + A provision node holds a list of child loggers on behalf of + a logger that does not exist. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new provision node with child node + + A child logger to add to this node. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified child logger. + + + + + + The sits at the root of the logger hierarchy tree. + + + + The is a regular except + that it provides several guarantees. + + + First, it cannot be assigned a null + level. Second, since the root logger cannot have a parent, the + property always returns the value of the + level field without walking the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct a + + The level to assign to the root logger. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified logging level. + + + The root logger names itself as "root". However, the root + logger cannot be retrieved by name. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RootLogger class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + The assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + + Because the root logger cannot have a parent and its level + must not be null this property just returns the + value of . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned for the root logger. + + + The of the root logger. + + + + Setting the level of the root logger to a null reference + may have catastrophic results. We prevent this here. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net environment using an XML DOM. + + + + Configures a using an XML DOM. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct the configurator for a hierarchy + + The hierarchy to build. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + + + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + The root element to parse. + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + + + + + Parse appenders by IDREF. + + The appender ref element. + The instance of the appender that the ref refers to. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender. + + + + + + Parses an appender element. + + The appender element. + The appender instance or null when parsing failed. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender instance. + + + + + + Parses a logger element. + + The logger element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a logger. + + + + + + Parses the root logger element. + + The root element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents the root logger. + + + + + + Parses the children of a logger element. + + The category element. + The logger instance. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse the child elements of a <logger> element. + + + + + + Parses an object renderer. + + The renderer element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a renderer. + + + + + + Parses a level element. + + The level element. + The logger object to set the level on. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a level. + + + + + + Sets a parameter on an object. + + The parameter element. + The object to set the parameter on. + + The parameter name must correspond to a writable property + on the object. The value of the parameter is a string, + therefore this function will attempt to set a string + property first. If unable to set a string property it + will inspect the property and its argument type. It will + attempt to call a static method called Parse on the + type of the property. This method will take a single + string argument and return a value that can be used to + set the property. + + + + + Test if an element has no attributes or child elements + + the element to inspect + true if the element has any attributes or child elements, false otherwise + + + + Test if a is constructible with Activator.CreateInstance. + + the type to inspect + true if the type is creatable using a default constructor, false otherwise + + + + Look for a method on the that matches the supplied + + the type that has the method + the name of the method + the method info found + + + The method must be a public instance method on the . + The method must be named or "Add" followed by . + The method must take a single parameter. + + + + + + Converts a string value to a target type. + + The type of object to convert the string to. + The string value to use as the value of the object. + + + An object of type with value or + null when the conversion could not be performed. + + + + + + Creates an object as specified in XML. + + The XML element that contains the definition of the object. + The object type to use if not explicitly specified. + The type that the returned object must be or must inherit from. + The object or null + + + Parse an XML element and create an object instance based on the configuration + data. + + + The type of the instance may be specified in the XML. If not + specified then the is used + as the type. However the type is specified it must support the + type. + + + + + + key: appenderName, value: appender. + + + + + The Hierarchy being configured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlHierarchyConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications + + The that is shutting down. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications + + The that has had its configuration reset. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + The that has had its configuration changed. + Empty event arguments. + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes name of the current AppDomain to the output . + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The date and time is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date and time passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an folder path to the output + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + should be a value in the enumeration. + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the special path environment folder path to the output . + The name of the special path environment folder path to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentFolderPathPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + + + Write an environment variable to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the environment variable to the output . + The name of the environment variable to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the current thread identity to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the IdentityPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Pattern converter for literal string instances in the pattern + + + + Writes the literal string value specified in the + property to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Set the next converter in the chain + + The next pattern converter in the chain + The next pattern converter + + + Special case the building of the pattern converter chain + for instances. Two adjacent + literals in the pattern can be represented by a single combined + pattern converter. This implementation detects when a + is added to the chain + after this converter and combines its value with this converter's + literal value. + + + + + + Write the literal to the output + + the writer to write to + null, not set + + + Override the formatting behavior to ignore the FormattingInfo + because we have a literal instead. + + + Writes the value of + to the output . + + + + + + Convert this pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, not set + + + This method is not used. + + + + + + Writes a newline to the output + + + + Writes the system dependent line terminator to the output. + This behavior can be overridden by setting the : + + + + Option Value + Output + + + DOS + DOS or Windows line terminator "\r\n" + + + UNIX + UNIX line terminator "\n" + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + + + Write the current process ID to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current process ID to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ProcessIdPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + This pattern converter reads the thread and global properties. + The thread properties take priority over global properties. + See for details of the + thread properties. See for + details of the global properties. + + + If the is specified then that will be used to + lookup a single property. If no is specified + then all properties will be dumped as a list of key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + A Pattern converter that generates a string of random characters + + + + The converter generates a string of random characters. By default + the string is length 4. This can be changed by setting the + to the string value of the length required. + + + The random characters in the string are limited to uppercase letters + and numbers only. + + + The random number generator used by this class is not cryptographically secure. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Shared random number generator + + + + + Length of random string to generate. Default length 4. + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write a randoim string to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write a randoim string to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RandomStringPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + + + Write the current threads username to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current threads username to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UserNamePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the UTC date time to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current date and time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date is in Universal time when it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Type converter for Boolean. + + + + Supports conversion from string to bool type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Exception base type for conversion errors. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + A nested exception to include. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Register of type converters for specific types. + + + + Maintains a registry of type converters used to convert between + types. + + + Use the and + methods to register new converters. + The and methods + lookup appropriate converters to use. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Static constructor. + + + + This constructor defines the intrinsic type converters. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter instance for a specific type. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type of the type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted from. + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Lookups the type converter to use as specified by the attributes on the + destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + + Creates the instance of the type converter. + + The type of the type converter. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + The type specified for the type converter must implement + the or interfaces + and must have a public default (no argument) constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ConverterRegistry class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Mapping from to type converter. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an encoding + the encoding + + + Uses the method to + convert the argument to an . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from a single type to arbitrary types. + See . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type + + A Type that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the type supported by this converter can be converted to the + . + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Converts the (which must be of the type supported + by this converter) to the specified.. + + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an IPAddress + the IPAddress + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to an . + If that fails then the string is resolved as a DNS hostname. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Valid characters in an IPv4 or IPv6 address string. (Does not support subnets) + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternLayout + the PatternLayout + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Convert between string and + + + + Supports conversion from string to type, + and from a type to a string. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the target type be converted to the type supported by this object + + A that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + assignable from a type. + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + . To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternString + the PatternString + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a Type + the Type + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + Additional effort is made to locate partially specified types + by searching the loaded assemblies. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Attribute used to associate a type converter + + + + Class and Interface level attribute that specifies a type converter + to use with the associated type. + + + To associate a type converter with a target type apply a + TypeConverterAttribute to the target type. Specify the + type of the type converter on the attribute. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type name + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type + + The type of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + A straightforward implementation of the interface. + + + + This is the default implementation of the + interface. Implementors of the interface + should aggregate an instance of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The event being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The array of events being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Calls the DoAppende method on the with + the objects supplied. + + The appender + The events + + + If the supports the + interface then the will be passed + through using that interface. Otherwise the + objects in the array will be passed one at a time. + + + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + If the appender is already in the list it won't be added again. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Lookup an attached appender by name. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + List of appenders + + + + + Array of appenders, used to cache the m_appenderList + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderAttachedImpl class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders, or null if there + are no attached appenders. + + + + The read only collection of all currently attached appenders. + + + + + + This class aggregates several PropertiesDictionary collections together. + + + + Provides a dictionary style lookup over an ordered list of + collections. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Add a Properties Dictionary to this composite collection + + the properties to add + + + Properties dictionaries added first take precedence over dictionaries added + later. + + + + + + Flatten this composite collection into a single properties dictionary + + the flattened dictionary + + + Reduces the collection of ordered dictionaries to a single dictionary + containing the resultant values for the keys. + + + + + + Gets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Looks up the value for the specified. + The collections are searched + in the order in which they were added to this collection. The value + returned is the value held by the first collection that contains + the specified key. + + + If none of the collections contain the specified key then + null is returned. + + + + + + Base class for Context Properties implementations + + + + This class defines a basic property get set accessor + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Wrapper class used to map converter names to converter types + + + + Pattern converter info class used during configuration by custom + PatternString and PatternLayer converters. + + + + + + default constructor + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the conversion pattern + + + + The name of the pattern in the format string + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the converter + + + + The value specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + + + + + + Subclass of that maintains a count of + the number of bytes written. + + + + This writer counts the number of bytes written. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + that does not leak exceptions + + + + does not throw exceptions when things go wrong. + Instead, it delegates error handling to its . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The writer to forward messages to + + + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + The to forward to + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + + + + + Closes the writer and releases any system resources associated with the writer + + + + + + + + + Dispose this writer + + flag indicating if we are being disposed + + + Dispose this writer + + + + + + Flushes any buffered output + + + + Clears all buffers for the writer and causes any buffered data to be written + to the underlying device + + + + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + the data buffer + the start index + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + The + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + The format provider + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + The line terminator to use + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + the error handler to report error to + + + Create a new QuietTextWriter using a writer and error handler + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + the char to write + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a string to the output. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Writes a string to the output. + + + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + + + The error handler instance to pass all errors to + + + + + Flag to indicate if this writer is closed + + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + The error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + true if this writer is closed, otherwise false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + + + + Constructor + + The to actually write to. + The to report errors to. + + + Creates a new instance of the class + with the specified and . + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the char to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a string to the output and counts the number of bytes written. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Total number of bytes written. + + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + The total number of bytes written. + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + + + + A fixed size rolling buffer of logging events. + + + + An array backed fixed size leaky bucket. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The maximum number of logging events in the buffer. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified maximum number of buffered logging events. + + + The argument is not a positive integer. + + + + Appends a to the buffer. + + The event to append to the buffer. + The event discarded from the buffer, if the buffer is full, otherwise null. + + + Append an event to the buffer. If the buffer still contains free space then + null is returned. If the buffer is full then an event will be dropped + to make space for the new event, the event dropped is returned. + + + + + + Get and remove the oldest event in the buffer. + + The oldest logging event in the buffer + + + Gets the oldest (first) logging event in the buffer and removes it + from the buffer. + + + + + + Pops all the logging events from the buffer into an array. + + An array of all the logging events in the buffer. + + + Get all the events in the buffer and clear the buffer. + + + + + + Clear the buffer + + + + Clear the buffer of all events. The events in the buffer are lost. + + + + + + Gets the th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + The th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + + If is outside the range 0 to the number of events + currently in the buffer, then null is returned. + + + + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer. + + The maximum size of the buffer. + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer + + + + + + Gets the number of logging events in the buffer. + + The number of logging events in the buffer. + + + This number is guaranteed to be in the range 0 to + (inclusive). + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the . + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Adds an element with the provided key and value to the + . + + The to use as the key of the element to add. + The to use as the value of the element to add. + + + As the collection is empty no new values can be added. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Removes all elements from the . + + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Determines whether the contains an element + with the specified key. + + The key to locate in the . + false + + + As the collection is empty the method always returns false. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Removes the element with the specified key from the . + + The key of the element to remove. + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + The singleton instance of the empty dictionary. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the has a fixed size. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets an containing the keys of the . + + An containing the keys of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets an containing the values of the . + + An containing the values of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets or sets the element with the specified key. + + The key of the element to get or set. + null + + + As the collection is empty no values can be looked up or stored. + If the index getter is called then null is returned. + A is thrown if the setter is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Contain the information obtained when parsing formatting modifiers + in conversion modifiers. + + + + Holds the formatting information extracted from the format string by + the . This is used by the + objects when rendering the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Defaut Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified parameters. + + + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + The minimum value. + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + The maximum value. + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled + or not. + + + A flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + This class implements a properties collection that is thread safe and supports both + storing properties and capturing a read only copy of the current propertied. + + + This class is optimized to the scenario where the properties are read frequently + and are modified infrequently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The read only copy of the properties. + + + + This variable is declared volatile to prevent the compiler and JIT from + reordering reads and writes of this thread performed on different threads. + + + + + + Lock object used to synchronize updates within this instance + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property from the global context + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Removing an entry from the global context properties is relatively expensive compared + with reading a value. + + + + + + Clear the global context properties + + + + + Get a readonly immutable copy of the properties + + the current global context properties + + + This implementation is fast because the GlobalContextProperties class + stores a readonly copy of the properties. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Reading the value for a key is faster than setting the value. + When the value is written a new read only copy of + the properties is created. + + + + + + The static class ILogExtensions contains a set of widely used + methods that ease the interaction with the ILog interface implementations. + + + + This class contains methods for logging at different levels and checks the + properties for determining if those logging levels are enabled in the current + configuration. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + using log4net.Util; + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.InfoExt("Application Start"); + log.DebugExt("This is a debug message"); + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Logger class. + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is WARN enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is WARN enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is ERROR enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is ERROR enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is FATAL enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is FATAL enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Manages a mapping from levels to + + + + Manages an ordered mapping from instances + to subclasses. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialise a new instance of . + + + + + + Add a to this mapping + + the entry to add + + + If a has previously been added + for the same then that entry will be + overwritten. + + + + + + Lookup the mapping for the specified level + + the level to lookup + the for the level or null if no mapping found + + + Lookup the value for the specified level. Finds the nearest + mapping value for the level that is equal to or less than the + specified. + + + If no mapping could be found then null is returned. + + + + + + Initialize options + + + + Caches the sorted list of in an array + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + This class stores its properties in a slot on the named + log4net.Util.LogicalThreadContextProperties. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Flag used to disable this context if we don't have permission to access the CallContext. + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the value for the specified from the context. + + + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary stored in the LocalDataStoreSlot for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if is does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doings so. + + + + + + Gets the call context get data. + + The peroperties dictionary stored in the call context + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + Sets the call context data. + + The properties. + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LogicalThreadContextProperties class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Get or set the property value for the specified. + + + + + + + + + + + + + Outputs log statements from within the log4net assembly. + + + + Log4net components cannot make log4net logging calls. However, it is + sometimes useful for the user to learn about what log4net is + doing. + + + All log4net internal debug calls go to the standard output stream + whereas internal error messages are sent to the standard error output + stream. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats Prefix, Source, and Message in the same format as the value + sent to Console.Out and Trace.Write. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + + + + Static constructor that initializes logging by reading + settings from the application configuration file. + + + + The log4net.Internal.Debug application setting + controls internal debugging. This setting should be set + to true to enable debugging. + + + The log4net.Internal.Quiet application setting + suppresses all internal logging including error messages. + This setting should be set to true to enable message + suppression. + + + + + + Raises the LogReceived event when an internal messages is received. + + + + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + + The message to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal error messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes output to the standard output stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Out and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Writes output to the standard error stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Error and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Default debug level + + + + + In quietMode not even errors generate any output. + + + + + The event raised when an internal message has been received. + + + + + The Type that generated the internal message. + + + + + The DateTime stamp of when the internal message was received. + + + + + A string indicating the severity of the internal message. + + + "log4net: ", + "log4net:ERROR ", + "log4net:WARN " + + + + + The internal log message. + + + + + The Exception related to the message. + + + Optional. Will be null if no Exception was passed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net internal logging + is enabled or disabled. + + + true if log4net internal logging is enabled, otherwise + false. + + + + When set to true, internal debug level logging will be + displayed. + + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Debug in the application configuration + file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. debugging is + disabled. + + + + + The following example enables internal debugging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net should generate no output + from internal logging, not even for errors. + + + true if log4net should generate no output at all from internal + logging, otherwise false. + + + + When set to true will cause internal logging at all levels to be + suppressed. This means that no warning or error reports will be logged. + This option overrides the setting and + disables all debug also. + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Quiet in the application configuration file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. internal logging is not + disabled. + + + + The following example disables internal logging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + true if Debug is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + true if Warn is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + true if Error is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + + + + Subscribes to the LogLog.LogReceived event and stores messages + to the supplied IList instance. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Represents a native error code and message. + + + + Represents a Win32 platform native error. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + The number of the native error. + The message of the native error. + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class for the last Windows error. + + + An instance of the class for the last windows error. + + + + The message for the error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class. + + the error number for the native error + + An instance of the class for the specified + error number. + + + + The message for the specified error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Retrieves the message corresponding with a Win32 message identifier. + + Message identifier for the requested message. + + The message corresponding with the specified message identifier. + + + + The message will be searched for in system message-table resource(s) + using the native FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Return error information string + + error information string + + + Return error information string + + + + + + Formats a message string. + + Formatting options, and how to interpret the parameter. + Location of the message definition. + Message identifier for the requested message. + Language identifier for the requested message. + If includes FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, the function allocates a buffer using the LocalAlloc function, and places the pointer to the buffer at the address specified in . + If the FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER flag is not set, this parameter specifies the maximum number of TCHARs that can be stored in the output buffer. If FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER is set, this parameter specifies the minimum number of TCHARs to allocate for an output buffer. + Pointer to an array of values that are used as insert values in the formatted message. + + + The function requires a message definition as input. The message definition can come from a + buffer passed into the function. It can come from a message table resource in an + already-loaded module. Or the caller can ask the function to search the system's message + table resource(s) for the message definition. The function finds the message definition + in a message table resource based on a message identifier and a language identifier. + The function copies the formatted message text to an output buffer, processing any embedded + insert sequences if requested. + + + To prevent the usage of unsafe code, this stub does not support inserting values in the formatted message. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of TCHARs stored in the output + buffer, excluding the terminating null character. + + + If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, + call . + + + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + The number of the native error. + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + The message of the native error. + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance. + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current key from the enumerator. + + + Throws an exception because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current value from the enumerator. + + The current value from the enumerator. + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current entry from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current entry. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Get the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + A SecurityContext used when a SecurityContext is not required + + + + The is a no-op implementation of the + base class. It is used where a + is required but one has not been provided. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + + + Private constructor + + + + Private constructor for singleton pattern. + + + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + null + + + No impersonation is done and null is always returned. + + + + + + Implements log4net's default error handling policy which consists + of emitting a message for the first error in an appender and + ignoring all subsequent errors. + + + + The error message is processed using the LogLog sub-system by default. + + + This policy aims at protecting an otherwise working application + from being flooded with error messages when logging fails. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + The prefix to use for each message. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified prefix. + + + + + + Reset the error handler back to its initial disabled state. + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log the very first error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Sends the error information to 's Error method. + + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log an error + + The error message. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + The date the error was recorded. + + + + + Flag to indicate if it is the first error + + + + + The message recorded during the first error. + + + + + The exception recorded during the first error. + + + + + The error code recorded during the first error. + + + + + String to prefix each message with + + + + + The fully qualified type of the OnlyOnceErrorHandler class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Is error logging enabled + + + + Is error logging enabled. Logging is only enabled for the + first error delivered to the . + + + + + + The date the first error that trigged this error handler occured. + + + + + The message from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + + + The exception from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + May be . + + + + + The error code from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + Defaults to + + + + + A convenience class to convert property values to specific types. + + + + Utility functions for converting types and parsing values. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Converts a string to a value. + + String to convert. + The default value. + The value of . + + + If is "true", then true is returned. + If is "false", then false is returned. + Otherwise, is returned. + + + + + + Parses a file size into a number. + + String to parse. + The default value. + The value of . + + + Parses a file size of the form: number[KB|MB|GB] into a + long value. It is scaled with the appropriate multiplier. + + + is returned when + cannot be converted to a value. + + + + + + Converts a string to an object. + + The target type to convert to. + The string to convert to an object. + + The object converted from a string or null when the + conversion failed. + + + + Converts a string to an object. Uses the converter registry to try + to convert the string value into the specified target type. + + + + + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + The type to convert from. + The type to convert to. + true if there is a conversion from the source type to the target type. + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + + + + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + The object to convert to the target type. + The type to convert to. + The converted object. + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + + + + + Instantiates an object given a class name. + + The fully qualified class name of the object to instantiate. + The class to which the new object should belong. + The object to return in case of non-fulfillment. + + An instance of the or + if the object could not be instantiated. + + + + Checks that the is a subclass of + . If that test fails or the object could + not be instantiated, then is returned. + + + + + + Performs variable substitution in string from the + values of keys found in . + + The string on which variable substitution is performed. + The dictionary to use to lookup variables. + The result of the substitutions. + + + The variable substitution delimiters are ${ and }. + + + For example, if props contains key=value, then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of key is ${key}."); + + + + will set the variable s to "Value of key is value.". + + + If no value could be found for the specified key, then substitution + defaults to an empty string. + + + For example, if system properties contains no value for the key + "nonExistentKey", then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of nonExistentKey is [${nonExistentKey}]"); + + + + will set s to "Value of nonExistentKey is []". + + + An Exception is thrown if contains a start + delimiter "${" which is not balanced by a stop delimiter "}". + + + + + + Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or + more enumerated constants to an equivalent enumerated object. + + The type to convert to. + The enum string value. + If true, ignore case; otherwise, regard case. + An object of type whose value is represented by . + + + + The fully qualified type of the OptionConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Most of the work of the class + is delegated to the PatternParser class. + + + + The PatternParser processes a pattern string and + returns a chain of objects. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The pattern to parse. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified pattern string. + + + + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + The head of a chain of pattern converters. + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + + + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + the list of all the converter names + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + + + + + Internal method to parse the specified pattern to find specified matches + + the pattern to parse + the converter names to match in the pattern + + + The matches param must be sorted such that longer strings come before shorter ones. + + + + + + Process a parsed literal + + the literal text + + + + Process a parsed converter pattern + + the name of the converter + the optional option for the converter + the formatting info for the converter + + + + Resets the internal state of the parser and adds the specified pattern converter + to the chain. + + The pattern converter to add. + + + + The first pattern converter in the chain + + + + + the last pattern converter in the chain + + + + + The pattern + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types + + + + This map overrides the static s_globalRulesRegistry map. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the PatternParser class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + The converter registry used by this parser + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + + + + Sort strings by length + + + + that orders strings by string length. + The longest strings are placed first + + + + + + This class implements a patterned string. + + + + This string has embedded patterns that are resolved and expanded + when the string is formatted. + + + This class functions similarly to the + in that it accepts a pattern and renders it to a string. Unlike the + however the PatternString + does not render the properties of a specific but + of the process in general. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + appdomain + + + Used to output the friendly name of the current AppDomain. + + + + + date + + + Used to output the current date and time in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + env + + + Used to output the a specific environment variable. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %env{COMPUTERNAME} would include the value + of the COMPUTERNAME environment variable. + + + The env pattern is not supported on the .NET Compact Framework. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern name offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + processid + + + Used to output the system process ID for the current process. + + + + + property + + + Used to output a specific context property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are stored in logging contexts. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + random + + + Used to output a random string of characters. The string is made up of + uppercase letters and numbers. By default the string is 4 characters long. + The length of the string can be specified within braces directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %random{8} would output an 8 character string. + + + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using or + . + + + See the for details on the + format modifiers supported by the patterns. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternString only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialize a new instance of + + + + + + Constructs a PatternString + + The pattern to use with this PatternString + + + Initialize a new instance of with the pattern specified. + + + + + + Initialize object options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create the used to parse the pattern + + the pattern to parse + The + + + Returns PatternParser used to parse the conversion string. Subclasses + may override this to return a subclass of PatternParser which recognize + custom conversion pattern name. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the pattern to the . + + + + + + Format the pattern as a string + + the pattern formatted as a string + + + Format the pattern to a string. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + + + + + Gets or sets the pattern formatting string + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + String keyed object map. + + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + String keyed object map that is read only. + + + + This collection is readonly and cannot be modified. + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The Hashtable used to store the properties data + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Copy Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Deserialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Gets the key names. + + An array of all the keys. + + + Gets the key names. + + + + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + the key to look for + true if the dictionary contains the specified key + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + + See + + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + The internal collection used to store the properties + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + The number of properties in this collection + + + + + See + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Because this class is sealed the serialization constructor is private. + + + + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + an enumerator + + + Returns a over the contest of this collection. + + + + + + See + + the key to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + the key to lookup in the collection + true if the collection contains the specified key + + + Test if this collection contains a specified key. + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + + See + + the key + the value to store for the key + + + Store a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + See + + + false + + + + This collection is modifiable. This property always + returns false. + + + + + + See + + + The value for the key specified. + + + + Get or set a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Property Key + + + Property Key + + + + Property Key. + + + + + + Property Value + + + Property Value + + + + Property Value. + + + + + + A that ignores the message + + + + This writer is used in special cases where it is necessary + to protect a writer from being closed by a client. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + + + Create a new ProtectCloseTextWriter using a writer + + + + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + the writer to attach to + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + This method does nothing. + + + + + + Defines a lock that supports single writers and multiple readers + + + + ReaderWriterLock is used to synchronize access to a resource. + At any given time, it allows either concurrent read access for + multiple threads, or write access for a single thread. In a + situation where a resource is changed infrequently, a + ReaderWriterLock provides better throughput than a simple + one-at-a-time lock, such as . + + + If a platform does not support a System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock + implementation then all readers and writers are serialized. Therefore + the caller must not rely on multiple simultaneous readers. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Acquires a reader lock + + + + blocks if a different thread has the writer + lock, or if at least one thread is waiting for the writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count + + + + decrements the lock count. When the count + reaches zero, the lock is released. + + + + + + Acquires the writer lock + + + + This method blocks if another thread has a reader lock or writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count on the writer lock + + + + ReleaseWriterLock decrements the writer lock count. + When the count reaches zero, the writer lock is released. + + + + + + A that can be and reused + + + + A that can be and reused. + This uses a single buffer for string operations. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Create an instance of + + the format provider to use + + + Create an instance of + + + + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + flag + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + + + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + + the maximum buffer capacity before it is trimmed + the default size to make the buffer + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + The internal buffers are cleared and reset. + + + + + + Utility class for system specific information. + + + + Utility class of static methods for system specific information. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Alexey Solofnenko + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Initialize default values for private static fields. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Gets the assembly location path for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to get the location for. + The location of the assembly. + + + This method does not guarantee to return the correct path + to the assembly. If only tries to give an indication as to + where the assembly was loaded from. + + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the , including + the name of the assembly from which the was + loaded. + + The to get the fully qualified name for. + The fully qualified name for the . + + + This is equivalent to the Type.AssemblyQualifiedName property, + but this method works on the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 as well as + the full .NET runtime. + + + + + + Gets the short name of the . + + The to get the name for. + The short name of the . + + + The short name of the assembly is the + without the version, culture, or public key. i.e. it is just the + assembly's file name without the extension. + + + Use this rather than Assembly.GetName().Name because that + is not available on the Compact Framework. + + + Because of a FileIOPermission security demand we cannot do + the obvious Assembly.GetName().Name. We are allowed to get + the of the assembly so we + start from there and strip out just the assembly name. + + + + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + The to get the file name for. + The file name of the assembly. + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + A sibling type to use to load the type. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified, it will be loaded from the assembly + containing the specified relative type. If the type is not found in the assembly + then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the + assembly that is directly calling this method. If the type is not found + in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + An assembly to load the type from. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the specified + assembly. If the type is not found in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies + will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Generate a new guid + + A new Guid + + + Generate a new guid + + + + + + Create an + + The name of the parameter that caused the exception + The value of the argument that causes this exception + The message that describes the error + the ArgumentOutOfRangeException object + + + Create a new instance of the class + with a specified error message, the parameter name, and the value + of the argument. + + + The Compact Framework does not support the 3 parameter constructor for the + type. This method provides an + implementation that works for all platforms. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Lookup an application setting + + the application settings key to lookup + the value for the key, or null + + + Configuration APIs are not supported under the Compact Framework + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified local file path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + The path specified must be a local file path, a URI is not supported. + + + + + + Creates a new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity. + + A new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity + + + The new Hashtable instance uses the default load factor, the CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider, and the CaseInsensitiveComparer. + + + + + + Gets an empty array of types. + + + + The Type.EmptyTypes field is not available on + the .NET Compact Framework 1.0. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Cache the host name for the current machine + + + + + Cache the application friendly name + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + + Start time for the current process. + + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + The system dependent line terminator. + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + The base directory path for the current . + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the configuration file for the current . + + The path to the configuration file for the current . + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not have a concept of a configuration + file. For this runtime, we use the entry assembly location as the root for + the configuration file name. + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + The path to the entry assembly. + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + + + + + Gets the ID of the current thread. + + The ID of the current thread. + + + On the .NET framework, the AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId method + is used to obtain the thread ID for the current thread. This is the + operating system ID for the thread. + + + On the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 it is not possible to get the + operating system thread ID for the current thread. The native method + GetCurrentThreadId is implemented inline in a header file + and cannot be called. + + + On the .NET Framework 2.0 the Thread.ManagedThreadId is used as this + gives a stable id unrelated to the operating system thread ID which may + change if the runtime is using fibers. + + + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The hostname or machine name + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The host name () or + the machine name (Environment.MachineName) for + the current machine, or if neither of these are available + then NOT AVAILABLE is returned. + + + + + + Get this application's friendly name + + + The friendly name of this application as a string + + + + If available the name of the application is retrieved from + the AppDomain using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName. + + + Otherwise the file name of the entry assembly is used. + + + + + + Get the start time for the current process. + + + + This is the time at which the log4net library was loaded into the + AppDomain. Due to reports of a hang in the call to System.Diagnostics.Process.StartTime + this is not the start time for the current process. + + + The log4net library should be loaded by an application early during its + startup, therefore this start time should be a good approximation for + the actual start time. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating, however this start time + will be set per AppDomain. + + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + Use this value to indicate a null has been encountered while + outputting a string representation of an item. + + + The default value is (null). This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NullText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + Use this value when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + The default value is NOT AVAILABLE. This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NotAvailableText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialise the + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + + + Format the string and arguments + + the formatted string + + + + Replaces the format item in a specified with the text equivalent + of the value of a corresponding instance in a specified array. + A specified parameter supplies culture-specific formatting information. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + A copy of format in which the format items have been replaced by the + equivalent of the corresponding instances of in args. + + + + This method does not throw exceptions. If an exception thrown while formatting the result the + exception and arguments are returned in the result string. + + + + + + Process an error during StringFormat + + + + + Dump the contents of an array into a string builder + + + + + Dump an object to a string + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemStringFormat class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Each thread will automatically have its instance. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove a property + + + + + + Get the keys stored in the properties. + + + Gets the keys stored in the properties. + + a set of the defined keys + + + + Clear all properties + + + + Clear all properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doing so. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The stack store. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + Only call this if you think that this tread is being reused after + a previous call execution which may not have completed correctly. + You do not need to use this method if you always guarantee to call + the method of the + returned from even in exceptional circumstances, + for example by using the using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + syntax. + + + + + + Removes the top context from this stack. + + The message in the context that was removed from the top of this stack. + + + Remove the top context from this stack, and return + it to the caller. If this stack is empty then an + empty string (not ) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message into this stack. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up the context stack. + + + + Pushes a new context onto this stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up this stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an ThreadContext Stack message"); + } + + + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + The current context information. + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + Gets the current context information + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a cross thread portable version of this object + + + + + + The number of messages in the stack + + + The current number of messages in the stack + + + + The current number of messages in the stack. That is + the number of times has been called + minus the number of times has been called. + + + + + + Gets and sets the internal stack used by this + + The internal storage stack + + + This property is provided only to support backward compatability + of the . Tytpically the internal stack should not + be modified. + + + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + + + Constructor + + The message for this context. + The parent context in the chain. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and parent context. + + + + + + Get the message. + + The message. + + + Get the message. + + + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + The full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + + + Struct returned from the method. + + + + This struct implements the and is designed to be used + with the pattern to remove the stack frame at the end of the scope. + + + + + + The ThreadContextStack internal stack + + + + + The depth to trim the stack to when this instance is disposed + + + + + Constructor + + The internal stack used by the ThreadContextStack. + The depth to return the stack to when this object is disposed. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified stack and return depth. + + + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ThreadContextStacks class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + The named stack + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Write a string to an + + the writer to write to + the string to write + The string to replace non XML compliant chars with + + + The test is escaped either using XML escape entities + or using CDATA sections. + + + + + + Replace invalid XML characters in text string + + the XML text input string + the string to use in place of invalid characters + A string that does not contain invalid XML characters. + + + Certain Unicode code points are not allowed in the XML InfoSet, for + details see: + + + This method replaces any illegal characters in the input string + with the mask string specified. + + + + + + Count the number of times that the substring occurs in the text + + the text to search + the substring to find + the number of times the substring occurs in the text + + + The substring is assumed to be non repeating within itself. + + + + + + Characters illegal in XML 1.0 + + + + + Impersonate a Windows Account + + + + This impersonates a Windows account. + + + How the impersonation is done depends on the value of . + This allows the context to either impersonate a set of user credentials specified + using username, domain name and password or to revert to the process credentials. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Initialize the SecurityContext based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The security context will try to Logon the specified user account and + capture a primary token for impersonation. + + + The required , + or properties were not specified. + + + + Impersonate the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + caller provided state + + An instance that will revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext + + + + Depending on the property either + impersonate a user using credentials supplied or revert + to the process credentials. + + + + + + Create a given the userName, domainName and password. + + the user name + the domain name + the password + the for the account specified + + + Uses the Windows API call LogonUser to get a principal token for the account. This + token is used to initialize the WindowsIdentity. + + + + + + Gets or sets the impersonation mode for this security context + + + The impersonation mode for this security context + + + + Impersonate either a user with user credentials or + revert this thread to the credentials of the process. + The value is one of the + enum. + + + The default value is + + + When the mode is set to + the user's credentials are established using the + , and + values. + + + When the mode is set to + no other properties need to be set. If the calling thread is + impersonating then it will be reverted back to the process credentials. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows username for this security context + + + The Windows username for this security context + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows domain name for this security context + + + The Windows domain name for this security context + + + + The default value for is the local machine name + taken from the property. + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Sets the password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + The password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + The impersonation modes for the + + + + See the property for + details. + + + + + + Impersonate a user using the credentials supplied + + + + + Revert this the thread to the credentials of the process + + + + + Adds to + + + + Helper class to expose the + through the interface. + + + + + + Constructor + + the impersonation context being wrapped + + + Constructor + + + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + + + The log4net Global Context. + + + + The GlobalContext provides a location for global debugging + information to be stored. + + + The global context has a properties map and these properties can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputing these properties. + + + By default the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of + the current machine. + + + + + GlobalContext.Properties["hostname"] = Environment.MachineName; + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + The global context properties instance + + + + + The global properties map. + + + The global properties map. + + + + The global properties map. + + + + + + Provides information about the environment the assembly has + been built for. + + + + Version of the assembly + + + Version of the framework targeted + + + Type of framework targeted + + + Does it target a client profile? + + + + Identifies the version and target for this assembly. + + + + + The log4net Logical Thread Context. + + + + The LogicalThreadContext provides a location for specific debugging + information to be stored. + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any or + properties with the same name. + + + The Logical Thread Context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Logical Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current call context. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Logical Thread Context is managed on a per basis. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + LogicalThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(LogicalThreadContext.Stacks["LDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any + or properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The logical thread stacks. + + + + + + This class is used by client applications to request logger instances. + + + + This class has static methods that are used by a client to request + a logger instance. The method is + used to retrieve a logger. + + + See the interface for more details. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the default repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns null. + + + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + The logger found, or null if no logger could be found. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + repository. + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the repository for the specified assembly) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + assembly's repository. + + + + Get the currently defined loggers. + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the default repository. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + Get or create a logger. + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Get the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The repository to lookup in. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + Shutdown a logger repository. + + Shuts down the default repository. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + default repository. + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The repository to shutdown. + + + + Shuts down the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Reset the configuration of a repository + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The repository to reset. + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Get the logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Get a logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Create a domain + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + Create a logger repository. + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Gets the list of currently defined repositories. + + + + Get an array of all the objects that have been created. + + + An array of all the known objects. + + + + Looks up the wrapper object for the logger specified. + + The logger to get the wrapper for. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + Looks up the wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + The loggers to get the wrappers for. + The wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + + + Create the objects used by + this manager. + + The logger to wrap. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + The wrapper map to use to hold the objects. + + + + + Implementation of Mapped Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + The MDC class is similar to the class except that it is + based on a map instead of a stack. It provides mapped + diagnostic contexts. A Mapped Diagnostic Context, or + MDC in short, is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The MDC is managed on a per thread basis. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Gets the context value identified by the parameter. + + The key to lookup in the MDC. + The string value held for the key, or a null reference if no corresponding value is found. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + If the parameter does not look up to a + previously defined context then null will be returned. + + + + + + Add an entry to the MDC + + The key to store the value under. + The value to store. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Puts a context value (the parameter) as identified + with the parameter into the current thread's + context map. + + + If a value is already defined for the + specified then the value will be replaced. If the + is specified as null then the key value mapping will be removed. + + + + + + Removes the key value mapping for the key specified. + + The key to remove. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove the specified entry from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Clear all entries in the MDC + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove all the entries from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Implementation of Nested Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + A Nested Diagnostic Context, or NDC in short, is an instrument + to distinguish interleaved log output from different sources. Log + output is typically interleaved when a server handles multiple + clients near-simultaneously. + + + Interleaved log output can still be meaningful if each log entry + from different contexts had a distinctive stamp. This is where NDCs + come into play. + + + Note that NDCs are managed on a per thread basis. The NDC class + is made up of static methods that operate on the context of the + calling thread. + + + How to push a message into the context + + using(NDC.Push("my context message")) + { + ... all log calls will have 'my context message' included ... + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically removed + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held on the current thread. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Clears the stack of NDC data held on the current thread. + + + + + + Creates a clone of the stack of context information. + + A clone of the context info for this thread. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The results of this method can be passed to the + method to allow child threads to inherit the context of their + parent thread. + + + + + + Inherits the contextual information from another thread. + + The context stack to inherit. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This thread will use the context information from the stack + supplied. This can be used to initialize child threads with + the same contextual information as their parent threads. These + contexts will NOT be shared. Any further contexts that + are pushed onto the stack will not be visible to the other. + Call to obtain a stack to pass to + this method. + + + + + + Removes the top context from the stack. + + + The message in the context that was removed from the top + of the stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Remove the top context from the stack, and return + it to the caller. If the stack is empty then an + empty string (not null) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up + the context stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Pushes a new context onto the context stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up the context stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.NDC.Push("NDC_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an NDC message"); + } + + + + + + Removes the context information for this thread. It is + not required to call this method. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This method is not implemented. + + + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + + The maximum depth of the stack + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + This may truncate the head of the stack. This only affects the + stack in the current thread. Also it does not prevent it from + growing, it only sets the maximum depth at the time of the + call. This can be used to return to a known context depth. + + + + + + Gets the current context depth. + + The current context depth. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The number of context values pushed onto the context stack. + + + Used to record the current depth of the context. This can then + be restored using the method. + + + + + + + The log4net Thread Context. + + + + The ThreadContext provides a location for thread specific debugging + information to be stored. + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + The thread context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current thread. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Thread Context is managed on a per thread basis. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + ThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The thread local stacks. + + + + + diff --git a/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net40-full/log4net.xml b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net40-full/log4net.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55a19f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/lib/net40-full/log4net.xml @@ -0,0 +1,31814 @@ + + + + log4net + + + + + Appender that logs to a database. + + + + appends logging events to a table within a + database. The appender can be configured to specify the connection + string by setting the property. + The connection type (provider) can be specified by setting the + property. For more information on database connection strings for + your specific database see + + + Records are written into the database either using a prepared + statement or a stored procedure. The property + is set to (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify a prepared statement + or to (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify a stored + procedure. + + + The prepared statement text or the name of the stored procedure + must be set in the property. + + + The prepared statement or stored procedure can take a number + of parameters. Parameters are added using the + method. This adds a single to the + ordered list of parameters. The + type may be subclassed if required to provide database specific + functionality. The specifies + the parameter name, database type, size, and how the value should + be generated using a . + + + + An example of a SQL Server table that could be logged to: + + CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Log] ( + [ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , + [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL , + [Thread] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Level] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL , + [Logger] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Message] [varchar] (4000) NOT NULL + ) ON [PRIMARY] + + + + An example configuration to log to the above table: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Lance Nehring + + + + Abstract base class implementation of that + buffers events in a fixed size buffer. + + + + This base class should be used by appenders that need to buffer a + number of events before logging them. For example the + buffers events and then submits the entire contents of the buffer to + the underlying database in one go. + + + Subclasses should override the + method to deliver the buffered events. + + The BufferingAppenderSkeleton maintains a fixed size cyclic + buffer of events. The size of the buffer is set using + the property. + + A is used to inspect + each event as it arrives in the appender. If the + triggers, then the current buffer is sent immediately + (see ). Otherwise the event + is stored in the buffer. For example, an evaluator can be used to + deliver the events immediately when an ERROR event arrives. + + + The buffering appender can be configured in a mode. + By default the appender is NOT lossy. When the buffer is full all + the buffered events are sent with . + If the property is set to true then the + buffer will not be sent when it is full, and new events arriving + in the appender will overwrite the oldest event in the buffer. + In lossy mode the buffer will only be sent when the + triggers. This can be useful behavior when you need to know about + ERROR events but not about events with a lower level, configure an + evaluator that will trigger when an ERROR event arrives, the whole + buffer will be sent which gives a history of events leading up to + the ERROR event. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Abstract base class implementation of . + + + + This class provides the code for common functionality, such + as support for threshold filtering and support for general filters. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface for your own strategies for printing log statements. + + + + Implementors should consider extending the + class which provides a default implementation of this interface. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Log the logging event in Appender specific way. + + The event to log + + + This method is called to log a message into this appender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + Interface for appenders that support bulk logging. + + + + This interface extends the interface to + support bulk logging of objects. Appenders + should only implement this interface if they can bulk log efficiently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Log the array of logging events in Appender specific way. + + The events to log + + + This method is called to log an array of events into this appender. + + + + + + Interface used to delay activate a configured object. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then the method + must be called by the container after its all the configured properties have been set + and before the component can be used. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Activate the options that were previously set with calls to properties. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then this method must be called + after its properties have been set before the component can be used. + + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Default constructor + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + Finalizes this appender by calling the implementation's + method. + + + + If this appender has not been closed then the Finalize method + will call . + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Closes the appender and release resources. + + + + Release any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + This method cannot be overridden by subclasses. This method + delegates the closing of the appender to the + method which must be overridden in the subclass. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The event to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the abstract method. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the method. + + + + + + Test if the logging event should we output by this appender + + the event to test + true if the event should be output, false if the event should be ignored + + + This method checks the logging event against the threshold level set + on this appender and also against the filters specified on this + appender. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + + + + + Adds a filter to the end of the filter chain. + + the filter to add to this appender + + + The Filters are organized in a linked list. + + + Setting this property causes the new filter to be pushed onto the + back of the filter chain. + + + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + + + Checks if the message level is below this appender's threshold. + + to test against. + + + If there is no threshold set, then the return value is always true. + + + + true if the meets the + requirements of this appender. + + + + + Is called when the appender is closed. Derived classes should override + this method if resources need to be released. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Subclasses of should implement this method + to perform actual logging. + + The event to append. + + + A subclass must implement this method to perform + logging of the . + + This method will be called by + if all the conditions listed for that method are met. + + + To restrict the logging of events in the appender + override the method. + + + + + + Append a bulk array of logging events. + + the array of logging events + + + This base class implementation calls the + method for each element in the bulk array. + + + A sub class that can better process a bulk array of events should + override this method in addition to . + + + + + + Called before as a precondition. + + + + This method is called by + before the call to the abstract method. + + + This method can be overridden in a subclass to extend the checks + made before the event is passed to the method. + + + A subclass should ensure that they delegate this call to + this base class if it is overridden. + + + true if the call to should proceed. + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The event rendered as a string. + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Where possible use the alternative version of this method + . + That method streams the rendering onto an existing Writer + which can give better performance if the caller already has + a open and ready for writing. + + + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Use this method in preference to + where possible. If, however, the caller needs to render the event + to a string then does + provide an efficient mechanism for doing so. + + + + + + The layout of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The name of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The level threshold of this appender. + + + + There is no level threshold filtering by default. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The first filter in the filter chain. + + + + Set to null initially. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The last filter in the filter chain. + + + See for more information. + + + + + Flag indicating if this appender is closed. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The guard prevents an appender from repeatedly calling its own DoAppend method + + + + + StringWriter used to render events + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderSkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the threshold of this appender. + + + The threshold of the appender. + + + + All log events with lower level than the threshold level are ignored + by the appender. + + + In configuration files this option is specified by setting the + value of the option to a level + string, such as "DEBUG", "INFO" and so on. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The of the appender + + + The provides a default + implementation for the property. + + + + + + The filter chain. + + The head of the filter chain filter chain. + + + Returns the head Filter. The Filters are organized in a linked list + and so all Filters on this Appender are available through the result. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The layout of the appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + + Tests if this appender requires a to be set. + + + + In the rather exceptional case, where the appender + implementation admits a layout but can also work without it, + then the appender should return true. + + + This default implementation always returns false. + + + + true if the appender requires a layout object, otherwise false. + + + + + The default buffer size. + + + The default size of the cyclic buffer used to store events. + This is set to 512 by default. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + the events passed through this appender must be + fixed by the time that they arrive in the derived class' SendBuffer method. + + + Protected constructor to allow subclassing. + + + The should be set if the subclass + expects the events delivered to be fixed even if the + is set to zero, i.e. when no buffering occurs. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + + + Flushes any events that have been buffered. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will NOT be flushed to the appender. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + set to true to flush the buffer of lossy events + + + Flushes events that have been buffered. If is + false then events will only be flushed if this buffer is non-lossy mode. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will only be flushed if is true. + In this case the contents of the buffer will be tested against the + and if triggering will be output. All other buffered + events will be discarded. + + + If is true then the buffer will always + be emptied by calling this method. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. + + + + Close this appender instance. If this appender is marked + as not then the remaining events in + the buffer must be sent when the appender is closed. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + + Stores the in the cyclic buffer. + + + The buffer will be sent (i.e. passed to the + method) if one of the following conditions is met: + + + + The cyclic buffer is full and this appender is + marked as not lossy (see ) + + + An is set and + it is triggered for the + specified. + + + + Before the event is stored in the buffer it is fixed + (see ) to ensure that + any data referenced by the event will be valid when the buffer + is processed. + + + + + + Sends the contents of the buffer. + + The first logging event. + The buffer containing the events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override . + + + + + + Sends the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override this method to process the buffered events. + + + + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + Set to by default. + + + + + The cyclic buffer used to store the logging events. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator that causes the buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event causes the entire + buffer to be sent immediately. This field can be null, which + indicates that event triggering is not to be done. The evaluator + can be set using the property. If this appender + has the ( property) set to + true then an must be set. + + + + + Indicates if the appender should overwrite events in the cyclic buffer + when it becomes full, or if the buffer should be flushed when the + buffer is full. + + + If this field is set to true then an must + be set. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator filters discarded events. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event that is discarded should + really be discarded or if it should be sent to the appenders. + This field can be null, which indicates that all discarded events will + be discarded. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + The events delivered to the subclass must be fixed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender is lossy. + + + true if the appender is lossy, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + This appender uses a buffer to store logging events before + delivering them. A triggering event causes the whole buffer + to be send to the remote sink. If the buffer overruns before + a triggering event then logging events could be lost. Set + to false to prevent logging events + from being lost. + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the + logging events. + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + + The option takes a positive integer + representing the maximum number of logging events to collect in + a cyclic buffer. When the is reached, + oldest events are deleted as new events are added to the + buffer. By default the size of the cyclic buffer is 512 events. + + + If the is set to a value less than + or equal to 1 then no buffering will occur. The logging event + will be delivered synchronously (depending on the + and properties). Otherwise the event will + be buffered. + + + + + + Gets or sets the that causes the + buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The that causes the buffer to be + sent immediately. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is appended to this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will + immediately be sent (see ). + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the to use. + + + The value of the to use. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is discarded from this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will immediately + be sent (see ). + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if only part of the logging event data + should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the + event data to be fixed and serialized. This will improve performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets a the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + The event fields that will be fixed before the event is buffered + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Public default constructor to initialize a new instance of this class. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Override the parent method to close the database + + + + Closes the database command and database connection. + + + + + + Inserts the events into the database. + + The events to insert into the database. + + + Insert all the events specified in the + array into the database. + + + + + + Adds a parameter to the command. + + The parameter to add to the command. + + + Adds a parameter to the ordered list of command parameters. + + + + + + Writes the events to the database using the transaction specified. + + The transaction that the events will be executed under. + The array of events to insert into the database. + + + The transaction argument can be null if the appender has been + configured not to use transactions. See + property for more information. + + + + + + Formats the log message into database statement text. + + The event being logged. + + This method can be overridden by subclasses to provide + more control over the format of the database statement. + + + Text that can be passed to a . + + + + + Creates an instance used to connect to the database. + + + This method is called whenever a new IDbConnection is needed (i.e. when a reconnect is necessary). + + The of the object. + The connectionString output from the ResolveConnectionString method. + An instance with a valid connection string. + + + + Resolves the connection string from the ConnectionString, ConnectionStringName, or AppSettingsKey + property. + + + ConnectiongStringName is only supported on .NET 2.0 and higher. + + Additional information describing the connection string. + A connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + Retrieves the class type of the ADO.NET provider. + + + + Gets the Type of the ADO.NET provider to use to connect to the + database. This method resolves the type specified in the + property. + + + Subclasses can override this method to return a different type + if necessary. + + + The of the ADO.NET provider + + + + Prepares the database command and initialize the parameters. + + + + + Connects to the database. + + + + + Cleanup the existing command. + + + If true, a message will be written using LogLog.Warn if an exception is encountered when calling Dispose. + + + + + Cleanup the existing connection. + + + Calls the IDbConnection's method. + + + + + Flag to indicate if we are using a command object + + + + Set to true when the appender is to use a prepared + statement or stored procedure to insert into the database. + + + + + + The list of objects. + + + + The list of objects. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The that will be used + to insert logging events into a database. + + + + + The database command. + + + + + Database connection string. + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + String type name of the type name. + + + + + The text of the command. + + + + + The command type. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AdoNetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the database connection string that is used to connect to + the database. + + + The database connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + The connections string is specific to the connection type. + See for more information. + + + Connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "DSN=MS Access Database;UID=admin;PWD=;SystemDB=C:\data\System.mdw;SafeTransactions = 0;FIL=MS Access;DriverID = 25;DBQ=C:\data\train33.mdb" + + Another connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;UID=;PWD=;" + + Connection string for MS Access via OLE DB: + "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;User Id=;Password=;" + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + This property requires at least .NET 2.0. + + + + + Gets or sets the type name of the connection + that should be created. + + + The type name of the connection. + + + + The type name of the ADO.NET provider to use. + + + The default is to use the OLE DB provider. + + + Use the OLE DB Provider. This is the default value. + System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the MS SQL Server Provider. + System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the ODBC Provider. + Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection,Microsoft.Data.Odbc,version=1.0.3300.0,publicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089,culture=neutral + This is an optional package that you can download from + + search for ODBC .NET Data Provider. + + Use the Oracle Provider. + System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection, System.Data.OracleClient, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + This is an optional package that you can download from + + search for .NET Managed Provider for Oracle. + + + + + Gets or sets the command text that is used to insert logging events + into the database. + + + The command text used to insert logging events into the database. + + + + Either the text of the prepared statement or the + name of the stored procedure to execute to write into + the database. + + + The property determines if + this text is a prepared statement or a stored procedure. + + + + + + Gets or sets the command type to execute. + + + The command type to execute. + + + + This value may be either (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify + that the is a prepared statement to execute, + or (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify that the + property is the name of a stored procedure + to execute. + + + The default value is (System.Data.CommandType.Text). + + + + + + Should transactions be used to insert logging events in the database. + + + true if transactions should be used to insert logging events in + the database, otherwise false. The default value is true. + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether transactions should be used + to insert logging events in the database. + + + When set a single transaction will be used to insert the buffered events + into the database. Otherwise each event will be inserted without using + an explicit transaction. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Should this appender try to reconnect to the database on error. + + + true if the appender should try to reconnect to the database after an + error has occurred, otherwise false. The default value is false, + i.e. not to try to reconnect. + + + + The default behaviour is for the appender not to try to reconnect to the + database if an error occurs. Subsequent logging events are discarded. + + + To force the appender to attempt to reconnect to the database set this + property to true. + + + When the appender attempts to connect to the database there may be a + delay of up to the connection timeout specified in the connection string. + This delay will block the calling application's thread. + Until the connection can be reestablished this potential delay may occur multiple times. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to insert + logging events into a database. Classes deriving from + can use this property to get or set this . Use the + underlying returned from if + you require access beyond that which provides. + + + + + Parameter type used by the . + + + + This class provides the basic database parameter properties + as defined by the interface. + + This type can be subclassed to provide database specific + functionality. The two methods that are called externally are + and . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Default constructor for the AdoNetAppenderParameter class. + + + + + Prepare the specified database command object. + + The command to prepare. + + + Prepares the database command object by adding + this parameter to its collection of parameters. + + + + + + Renders the logging event and set the parameter value in the command. + + The command containing the parameter. + The event to be rendered. + + + Renders the logging event using this parameters layout + object. Sets the value of the parameter on the command object. + + + + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + + Flag to infer type rather than use the DbType + + + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + + The to use to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this parameter. + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + The name of this parameter. The parameter name + must match up to a named parameter to the SQL stored procedure + or prepared statement. + + + + + + Gets or sets the database type for this parameter. + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + The database type for this parameter. This property should + be set to the database type from the + enumeration. See . + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the type from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the precision for this parameter. + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + The maximum number of digits used to represent the Value. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the precision from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the scale for this parameter. + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + The number of decimal places to which Value is resolved. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the scale from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the size for this parameter. + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + The maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the size from the value. + + + For BLOB data types like VARCHAR(max) it may be impossible to infer the value automatically, use -1 as the size in this case. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the to use to + render the logging event into an object for this + parameter. + + + The used to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + The that renders the value for this + parameter. + + + The can be used to adapt + any into a + for use in the property. + + + + + + Appends logging events to the terminal using ANSI color escape sequences. + + + + AnsiColorTerminalAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific level of message to be set. + + + This appender expects the terminal to understand the VT100 control set + in order to interpret the color codes. If the terminal or console does not + understand the control codes the behavior is not defined. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + When configuring the ANSI colored terminal appender, a mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + + These color values cannot be combined together to make new colors. + + + The attributes can be any combination of the following: + + Brightforeground is brighter + Dimforeground is dimmer + Underscoremessage is underlined + Blinkforeground is blinking (does not work on all terminals) + Reverseforeground and background are reversed + Hiddenoutput is hidden + Strikethroughmessage has a line through it + + While any of these attributes may be combined together not all combinations + work well together, for example setting both Bright and Dim attributes makes + no sense. + + + Patrick Wagstrom + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Ansi code to reset terminal + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colours + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible display attributes + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the ANSI color attributes. + + + + + + + text is bright + + + + + text is dim + + + + + text is underlined + + + + + text is blinking + + + Not all terminals support this attribute + + + + + text and background colors are reversed + + + + + text is hidden + + + + + text is displayed with a strikethrough + + + + + text color is light + + + + + The enum of possible foreground or background color values for + use with the color mapping method + + + + The output can be in one for the following ANSI colors. + + + + + + + color is black + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is magenta + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is white + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + An entry in the + + + + This is an abstract base class for types that are stored in the + object. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + + + Initialize any options defined on this entry + + + + Should be overridden by any classes that need to initialise based on their options + + + + + + The level that is the key for this mapping + + + The that is the key for this mapping + + + + Get or set the that is the key for this + mapping subclass. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together + and append the attributes. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + + + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + + + The combined , and + suitable for setting the ansi terminal color. + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a AppenderCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + An AppenderCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + An empty readonly static AppenderCollection + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new AppenderCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the AppenderCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the AppenderCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the AppenderCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the AppenderCollection. + + The to locate in the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire AppenderCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the AppenderCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the AppenderCollection. + + The to remove from the AppenderCollection. + + The specified was not found in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the AppenderCollection. + + An for the entire AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another AppenderCollection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current AppenderCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + Return the collection elements as an array + + the array + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the AppenderCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + + Appends log events to the ASP.NET system. + + + + + Diagnostic information and tracing messages that you specify are appended to the output + of the page that is sent to the requesting browser. Optionally, you can view this information + from a separate trace viewer (Trace.axd) that displays trace information for every page in a + given application. + + + Trace statements are processed and displayed only when tracing is enabled. You can control + whether tracing is displayed to a page, to the trace viewer, or both. + + + The logging event is passed to the or + method depending on the level of the logging event. + The event's logger name is the default value for the category parameter of the Write/Warn method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Write the logging event to the ASP.NET trace + + the event to log + + + Write the logging event to the ASP.NET trace + HttpContext.Current.Trace + (). + + + + + + Defaults to %logger + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The category parameter sent to the Trace method. + + + + Defaults to %logger which will use the logger name of the current + as the category parameter. + + + + + + + + Buffers events and then forwards them to attached appenders. + + + + The events are buffered in this appender until conditions are + met to allow the appender to deliver the events to the attached + appenders. See for the + conditions that cause the buffer to be sent. + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different + thresholds and filters for the same appender at different locations + within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface for attaching appenders to objects. + + + + Interface for attaching, removing and retrieving appenders. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + Add the specified appender. The implementation may + choose to allow or deny duplicate appenders. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Returns an attached appender with the specified. + If no appender with the specified name is found null will be + returned. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders. + + + + Gets a collection of attached appenders. + If there are no attached appenders the + implementation should return an empty + collection rather than null. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Send the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + Forwards the events to the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this buffering appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ColoredConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific type of message to be set. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes directly to the application's attached console + not to the System.Console.Out or System.Console.Error TextWriter. + The System.Console.Out and System.Console.Error streams can be + programmatically redirected (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). + This appender will ignore these redirections because it needs to use Win32 + API calls to colorize the output. To respect these redirections the + must be used. + + + When configuring the colored console appender, mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + combination of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + HighIntensity + + + + Rick Hobbs + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colors + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + The console output stream writer to write to + + + + This writer is not thread safe. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible color values for use with the color mapping method + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the colors. + + + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is white + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is purple + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is intensified + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level. + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level. + + + + + + The combined and suitable for + setting the console color. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + debug system. + + + Events are written using the + method. The event's logger name is passed as the value for the category name to the Write method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + If is true then the + is called. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Writes events to the system event log. + + + + The appender will fail if you try to write using an event source that doesn't exist unless it is running with local administrator privileges. + See also + + + The EventID of the event log entry can be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + + + The Category of the event log entry can be + set using the Category property () + on the . + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + When configuring the EventLogAppender a mapping can be + specified to map a logging level to an event log entry type. For example: + + + <mapping> + <level value="ERROR" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Error" /> + </mapping> + <mapping> + <level value="DEBUG" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Information" /> + </mapping> + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and eventLogEntryType can be any value + from the enum, i.e.: + + Erroran error event + Warninga warning event + Informationan informational event + + + + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Thomas Voss + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + The to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Add a mapping of level to - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the event log entry type for a level. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create an event log source + + + Uses different API calls under NET_2_0 + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + the event to log + + Writes the event to the system event log using the + . + + If the event has an EventID property (see ) + set then this integer will be used as the event log event id. + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + + + + Get the equivalent for a + + the Level to convert to an EventLogEntryType + The equivalent for a + + Because there are fewer applicable + values to use in logging levels than there are in the + this is a one way mapping. There is + a loss of information during the conversion. + + + + + The log name is the section in the event logs where the messages + are stored. + + + + + Name of the application to use when logging. This appears in the + application column of the event log named by . + + + + + The name of the machine which holds the event log. This is + currently only allowed to be '.' i.e. the current machine. + + + + + Mapping from level object to EventLogEntryType + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The event ID to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The event category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EventLogAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The maximum size supported by default. + + + + The 32766 documented max size is two bytes shy of 32K (I'm assuming 32766 + may leave space for a two byte null terminator of #0#0). The 32766 max + length is what the .NET 4.0 source code checks for, but this is WRONG! + Strings with a length > 31839 on Windows Vista or higher can CORRUPT + the event log! See: System.Diagnostics.EventLogInternal.InternalWriteEvent() + for the use of the 32766 max size. + + + + + The maximum size supported by a windows operating system that is vista + or newer. + + + See ReportEvent API: + + ReportEvent's lpStrings parameter: + "A pointer to a buffer containing an array of + null-terminated strings that are merged into the message before Event Viewer + displays the string to the user. This parameter must be a valid pointer + (or NULL), even if wNumStrings is zero. Each string is limited to 31,839 characters." + + Going beyond the size of 31839 will (at some point) corrupt the event log on Windows + Vista or higher! It may succeed for a while...but you will eventually run into the + error: "System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception : A device attached to the system is + not functioning", and the event log will then be corrupt (I was able to corrupt + an event log using a length of 31877 on Windows 7). + + The max size for Windows Vista or higher is documented here: + + Going over this size may succeed a few times but the buffer will overrun and + eventually corrupt the log (based on testing). + + The maxEventMsgSize size is based on the max buffer size of the lpStrings parameter of the ReportEvent API. + The documented max size for EventLog.WriteEntry for Windows Vista and higher is 31839, but I'm leaving room for a + terminator of #0#0, as we cannot see the source of ReportEvent (though we could use an API monitor to examine the + buffer, given enough time). + + + + + The maximum size that the operating system supports for + a event log message. + + + Used to determine the maximum string length that can be written + to the operating system event log and eventually truncate a string + that exceeds the limits. + + + + + This method determines the maximum event log message size allowed for + the current environment. + + + + + + The name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + The string name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + This is the name of the log as it appears in the Event Viewer + tree. The default value is to log into the Application + log, this is where most applications write their events. However + if you need a separate log for your application (or applications) + then you should set the appropriately. + This should not be used to distinguish your event log messages + from those of other applications, the + property should be used to distinguish events. This property should be + used to group together events into a single log. + + + + + + Property used to set the Application name. This appears in the + event logs when logging. + + + The string used to distinguish events from different sources. + + + Sets the event log source property. + + + + + This property is used to return the name of the computer to use + when accessing the event logs. Currently, this is the current + computer, denoted by a dot "." + + + The string name of the machine holding the event log that + will be logged into. + + + This property cannot be changed. It is currently set to '.' + i.e. the local machine. This may be changed in future. + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the EventLog. + + + The used to write to the EventLog. + + + + The system security context used to write to the EventLog. + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the EventId to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The EventID of the event log entry will normally be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The Category of the event log entry will normally be + set using the Category property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and its event log entry type. + + + + + + The for this entry + + + + Required property. + The for this entry + + + + + + Appends logging events to a file. + + + + Logging events are sent to the file specified by + the property. + + + The file can be opened in either append or overwrite mode + by specifying the property. + If the file path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. The file encoding can be + specified by setting the property. + + + The layout's and + values will be written each time the file is opened and closed + respectively. If the property is + then the file may contain multiple copies of the header and footer. + + + This appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + The supports pluggable file locking models via + the property. + The default behavior, implemented by + is to obtain an exclusive write lock on the file until this appender is closed. + The alternative models only hold a + write lock while the appender is writing a logging event () + or synchronize by using a named system wide Mutex (). + + + All locking strategies have issues and you should seriously consider using a different strategy that + avoids having multiple processes logging to the same file. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Rodrigo B. de Oliveira + Douglas de la Torre + Niall Daley + + + + Sends logging events to a . + + + + An Appender that writes to a . + + + This appender may be used stand alone if initialized with an appropriate + writer, however it is typically used as a base class for an appender that + can open a to write to. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and + sets the output destination to a new initialized + with the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender. + The to output to. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and sets + the output destination to the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender + The to output to + + The must have been previously opened. + + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + This method determines if there is a sense in attempting to append. + + + + This method checks if an output target has been set and if a + layout has been set. + + + false if any of the preconditions fail. + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method writes all the bulk logged events to the output writer + before flushing the stream. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. The underlying stream or writer is also closed. + + + Closed appenders cannot be reused. + + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Clears internal references to the underlying + and other variables. + + + + Subclasses can override this method for an alternate closing behavior. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Called to allow a subclass to lazily initialize the writer + + + + This method is called when an event is logged and the or + have not been set. This allows a subclass to + attempt to initialize the writer multiple times. + + + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying + or output stream will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logging events are not actually persisted if and when the application + crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TextWriterAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or set whether the appender will flush at the end + of each append operation. + + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + append operation. + + + If this option is set to false, then the underlying + stream can defer persisting the logging event to a later + time. + + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results in + a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + Sets the where the log output will go. + + + + The specified must be open and writable. + + + The will be closed when the appender + instance is closed. + + + Note: Logging to an unopened will fail. + + + + + + Gets or set the and the underlying + , if any, for this appender. + + + The for this appender. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Gets or sets the where logging events + will be written to. + + + The where logging events are written. + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout, file and append mode. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + flag to indicate if the file should be appended to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout and file specified. + The file will be appended to. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Activate the options on the file appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This will cause the file to be opened. + + + + + + Closes any previously opened file and calls the parent's . + + + + Resets the filename and the file stream. + + + + + + Called to initialize the file writer + + + + Will be called for each logged message until the file is + successfully opened. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + Acquires the output file locks once before writing all the events to + the stream. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the previously opened file. + + + + Writes the to the file and then + closes the file. + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + Calls but guarantees not to throw an exception. + Errors are passed to the . + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + If there was already an opened file, then the previous file + is closed first. + + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer used for file output + + the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This implementation of creates a + over the and passes it to the + method. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to wrap the + in some way, for example to encrypt the output + data using a System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + the writer over the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to + wrap the in some way. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if we should append to the file + or overwrite the file. The default is to append. + + + + + The name of the log file. + + + + + The encoding to use for the file stream. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The stream to log to. Has added locking semantics + + + + + The locking model to use + + + + + The fully qualified type of the FileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + The path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + + If the path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether the file should be + appended to or overwritten. + + + Indicates whether the file should be appended to or overwritten. + + + + If the value is set to false then the file will be overwritten, if + it is set to true then the file will be appended to. + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + The default encoding set is + which is the encoding for the system's current ANSI code page. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + The used to lock the file. + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + There are three built in locking models, , and . + The first locks the file from the start of logging to the end, the + second locks only for the minimal amount of time when logging each message + and the last synchronizes processes using a named system wide Mutex. + + + The default locking model is the . + + + + + + Write only that uses the + to manage access to an underlying resource. + + + + + True asynchronous writes are not supported, the implementation forces a synchronous write. + + + + + Exception base type for log4net. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Locking model base class + + + + Base class for the locking models available to the derived loggers. + + + + + + Open the output file + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Helper method that creates a FileStream under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + + Typically called during OpenFile or AcquireLock. + + + If the directory portion of the does not exist, it is created + via Directory.CreateDirecctory. + + + + + + + + + + Helper method to close under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + Does not set to null. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this LockingModel + + + The for this LockingModel + + + + The file appender this locking model is attached to and working on + behalf of. + + + The file appender is used to locate the security context and the error handler to use. + + + The value of this property will be set before is + called. + + + + + + Hold an exclusive lock on the output file + + + + Open the file once for writing and hold it open until is called. + Maintains an exclusive lock on the file during this time. + + + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Does nothing. The lock will be released when the file is closed. + + + + + + Acquires the file lock for each write + + + + Opens the file once for each / cycle, + thus holding the lock for the minimal amount of time. This method of locking + is considerably slower than but allows + other processes to move/delete the log file whilst logging continues. + + + + + + Prepares to open the file when the first message is logged. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Provides cross-process file locking. + + Ron Grabowski + Steve Wranovsky + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + - and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + + + + + + This appender forwards logging events to attached appenders. + + + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different thresholds + and filters for the same appender at different locations within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Forward the logging event to the attached appenders + + The event to log. + + + Delivers the logging event to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Forward the logging events to the attached appenders + + The array of events to log. + + + Delivers the logging events to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Logs events to a local syslog service. + + + + This appender uses the POSIX libc library functions openlog, syslog, and closelog. + If these functions are not available on the local system then this appender will not work! + + + The functions openlog, syslog, and closelog are specified in SUSv2 and + POSIX 1003.1-2001 standards. These are used to log messages to the local syslog service. + + + This appender talks to a local syslog service. If you need to log to a remote syslog + daemon and you cannot configure your local syslog service to do this you may be + able to use the to log via UDP. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a local syslog service. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Adds a to this appender. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Marshaled handle to the identity string. We have to hold on to the + string as the openlog and syslog APIs just hold the + pointer to the ident and dereference it for each log message. + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Open connection to system logger. + + + + + Generate a log message. + + + + The libc syslog method takes a format string and a variable argument list similar + to the classic printf function. As this type of vararg list is not supported + by C# we need to specify the arguments explicitly. Here we have specified the + format string with a single message argument. The caller must set the format + string to "%s". + + + + + + Close descriptor used to write to system logger. + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The log4net Level maps to a syslog severity using the + method and the + class. The severity is set on . + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facility defines which subsystem the logging comes from. + This is set on the property. + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Appends colorful logging events to the console, using the .NET 2 + built-in capabilities. + + + + ManagedColoredConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific type of message to be set. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + When configuring the colored console appender, mappings should be + specified to map logging levels to colors. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level while + ForeColor and BackColor are the values of + enumeration. + + + Based on the ColoredConsoleAppender + + + Rick Hobbs + Nicko Cadell + Pavlos Touboulidis + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colors + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level. + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level. + + + + + + Stores logging events in an array. + + + + The memory appender stores all the logging events + that are appended in an in-memory array. + + + Use the method to get + the current list of events that have been appended. + + + Use the method to clear the + current list of events. + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + The events that have been logged + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + Stores the in the events list. + + + + + Clear the list of events + + + Clear the list of events + + + + + The list of events that have been appended. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether only part of the logging event + data should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the event + data to be fixed and stored in the appender, hereby improving performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + Logs entries by sending network messages using the + native function. + + + + You can send messages only to names that are active + on the network. If you send the message to a user name, + that user must be logged on and running the Messenger + service to receive the message. + + + The receiver will get a top most window displaying the + messages one at a time, therefore this appender should + not be used to deliver a high volume of messages. + + + The following table lists some possible uses for this appender : + + + + + Action + Property Value(s) + + + Send a message to a user account on the local machine + + + = <name of the local machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a user account on a remote machine + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a domain user account + + + = <name of a domain controller | uninitialized> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to all the names in a workgroup or domain + + + = <workgroup name | domain name>* + + + + + Send a message from the local machine to a remote machine + + + = <name of the local machine | uninitialized> + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + + + + + Note : security restrictions apply for sending + network messages, see + for more information. + + + + + An example configuration section to log information + using this appender from the local machine, named + LOCAL_PC, to machine OPERATOR_PC : + + + + + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + + + + + The sender of the network message. + + + + + The message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Initializes the appender. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using a network message. + + + + + + Sends a buffer of information to a registered message alias. + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + The message alias to which the message buffer should be sent + The originator of the message. + The message text. + The length, in bytes, of the message text. + + + The following restrictions apply for sending network messages: + + + + + Platform + Requirements + + + Windows NT + + + No special group membership is required to send a network message. + + + Admin, Accounts, Print, or Server Operator group membership is required to + successfully send a network message on a remote server. + + + + + Windows 2000 or later + + + If you send a message on a domain controller that is running Active Directory, + access is allowed or denied based on the access control list (ACL) for the securable + object. The default ACL permits only Domain Admins and Account Operators to send a network message. + + + On a member server or workstation, only Administrators and Server Operators can send a network message. + + + + + + + For more information see Security Requirements for the Network Management Functions. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. + + + + + + Gets or sets the sender of the message. + + + The sender of the message. + + + If this property is not specified, the message is sent from the local computer. + + + + + Gets or sets the message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + The recipient of the message. + + + This property should always be specified in order to send a message. + + + + + Gets or sets the DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + + For Windows NT 4.0 and earlier, the string should begin with \\. + + + If this property is not specified, the local computer is used. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the OutputDebugString system. + + + + OutputDebugStringAppender appends log events to the + OutputDebugString system. + + + The string is passed to the native OutputDebugString + function. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + the event to log + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + + + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + the string to output + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Logs events to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + The BSD syslog protocol is used to remotely log to + a syslog daemon. The syslogd listens for for messages + on UDP port 514. + + + The syslog UDP protocol is not authenticated. Most syslog daemons + do not accept remote log messages because of the security implications. + You may be able to use the LocalSyslogAppender to talk to a local + syslog service. + + + There is an RFC 3164 that claims to document the BSD Syslog Protocol. + This RFC can be seen here: + This appender generates what the RFC calls an "Original Device Message", + i.e. does not include the TIMESTAMP or HOSTNAME fields. By observation + this format of message will be accepted by all current syslog daemon + implementations. The daemon will attach the current time and the source + hostname or IP address to any messages received. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Sends logging events as connectionless UDP datagrams to a remote host or a + multicast group using an . + + + + UDP guarantees neither that messages arrive, nor that they arrive in the correct order. + + + To view the logging results, a custom application can be developed that listens for logging + events. + + + When decoding events send via this appender remember to use the same encoding + to decode the events as was used to send the events. See the + property to specify the encoding to use. + + + + This example shows how to log receive logging events that are sent + on IP address and port 8080 to the console. The event is + encoded in the packet as a unicode string and it is decoded as such. + + IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); + UdpClient udpClient; + byte[] buffer; + string loggingEvent; + + try + { + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080); + + while(true) + { + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint); + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer); + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent); + } + } + catch(Exception e) + { + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); + } + + + Dim remoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint + Dim udpClient as UdpClient + Dim buffer as Byte() + Dim loggingEvent as String + + Try + remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0) + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080) + + While True + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ByRef remoteEndPoint) + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer) + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent) + Wend + Catch e As Exception + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()) + End Try + + + An example configuration section to log information using this appender to the + IP on port 8080: + + + + + + + + + + Gert Driesen + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified or + an invalid remote or local TCP port number was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + The TCP port number assigned to or is less than or greater than . + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using an UDP datagram. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + Closes the UDP connection and releases all resources associated with + this instance. + + + + Disables the underlying and releases all managed + and unmanaged resources associated with the . + + + + + + Initializes the underlying connection. + + + + The underlying is initialized and binds to the + port number from which you intend to communicate. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to + which the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number from which the will communicate. + + + + + The instance that will be used for sending the + logging events. + + + + + The encoding to use for the packet. + + + + + Gets or sets the IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + + Multicast addresses are identified by IP class D addresses (in the range to + Multicast packets can pass across different networks through routers, so + it is possible to use multicasts in an Internet scenario as long as your network provider + supports multicasting. + + + Hosts that want to receive particular multicast messages must register their interest by joining + the multicast group. Multicast messages are not sent to networks where no host has joined + the multicast group. Class D IP addresses are used for multicast groups, to differentiate + them from normal host addresses, allowing nodes to easily detect if a message is of interest. + + + Static multicast addresses that are needed globally are assigned by IANA. A few examples are listed in the table below: + + + + + IP Address + Description + + + + + + Sends a message to all system on the subnet. + + + + + + + + Sends a message to all routers on the subnet. + + + + + + + + The DHCP server answers messages on the IP address, but only on a subnet. + + + + + + + A complete list of actually reserved multicast addresses and their owners in the ranges + defined by RFC 3171 can be found at the IANA web site. + + + The address range to is reserved for administrative scope-relative + addresses. These addresses can be reused with other local groups. Routers are typically + configured with filters to prevent multicast traffic in this range from flowing outside + of the local network. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + The underlying will send messages to this TCP port number + on the remote host or multicast group. + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + + The underlying will bind to this port for sending messages. + + + Setting the value to 0 (the default) will cause the udp client not to bind to + a local port. + + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets used to write the packets. + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to send logging events + over a network. Classes deriving from can use this + property to get or set this . Use the underlying + returned from if you require access beyond that which + provides. + + + + + Gets or sets the cached remote endpoint to which the logging events should be sent. + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + The method will initialize the remote endpoint + with the values of the and + properties. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Syslog port 514 + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to syslog severity mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The syslog severities. + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facilities + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Delivers logging events to a remote logging sink. + + + + This Appender is designed to deliver events to a remote sink. + That is any object that implements the + interface. It delivers the events using .NET remoting. The + object to deliver events to is specified by setting the + appenders property. + + The RemotingAppender buffers events before sending them. This allows it to + make more efficient use of the remoting infrastructure. + + Once the buffer is full the events are still not sent immediately. + They are scheduled to be sent using a pool thread. The effect is that + the send occurs asynchronously. This is very important for a + number of non obvious reasons. The remoting infrastructure will + flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + Because the events are sent asynchronously using pool threads it is possible to close + this appender before all the queued events have been sent. + When closing the appender attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but + this will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If this appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. If the runtime terminates the threads before + the queued events have been sent then they will be lost. To ensure that all events + are sent the appender must be closed before the application exits. See + for details on how to shutdown + log4net programmatically. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + The events are not sent immediately. They are scheduled to be sent + using a pool thread. The effect is that the send occurs asynchronously. + This is very important for a number of non obvious reasons. The remoting + infrastructure will flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + The events to send. + + + + Override base class close. + + + + This method waits while there are queued work items. The events are + sent asynchronously using work items. These items + will be sent once a thread pool thread is available to send them, therefore + it is possible to close the appender before all the queued events have been + sent. + + This method attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but this + method will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If the appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. + + + + + A work item is being queued into the thread pool + + + + + A work item from the thread pool has completed + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + This method is designed to be used with the . + This method expects to be passed an array of + objects in the state param. + + the logging events to send + + + + The URL of the remote sink. + + + + + The local proxy (.NET remoting) for the remote logging sink. + + + + + The number of queued callbacks currently waiting or executing + + + + + Event used to signal when there are no queued work items + + + This event is set when there are no queued work items. In this + state it is safe to close the appender. + + + + + Gets or sets the URL of the well-known object that will accept + the logging events. + + + The well-known URL of the remote sink. + + + + The URL of the remoting sink that will accept logging events. + The sink must implement the + interface. + + + + + + Interface used to deliver objects to a remote sink. + + + This interface must be implemented by a remoting sink + if the is to be used + to deliver logging events to the sink. + + + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + Array of events to log. + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + + + + + Appender that rolls log files based on size or date or both. + + + + RollingFileAppender can roll log files based on size or date or both + depending on the setting of the property. + When set to the log file will be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled + once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed. + When set to the log file will be + rolled once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed, but within a date boundary the file will also be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled when + the appender is configured. This effectively means that the log file can be + rolled once per program execution. + + + A of few additional optional features have been added: + + Attach date pattern for current log file + Backup number increments for newer files + Infinite number of backups by file size + + + + + + For large or infinite numbers of backup files a + greater than zero is highly recommended, otherwise all the backup files need + to be renamed each time a new backup is created. + + + When Date/Time based rolling is used setting + to will reduce the number of file renamings to few or none. + + + + + + Changing or without clearing + the log file directory of backup files will cause unexpected and unwanted side effects. + + + + + If Date/Time based rolling is enabled this appender will attempt to roll existing files + in the directory without a Date/Time tag based on the last write date of the base log file. + The appender only rolls the log file when a message is logged. If Date/Time based rolling + is enabled then the appender will not roll the log file at the Date/Time boundary but + at the point when the next message is logged after the boundary has been crossed. + + + + The extends the and + has the same behavior when opening the log file. + The appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + When rolling a backup file necessitates deleting an older backup file the + file to be deleted is moved to a temporary name before being deleted. + + + + + A maximum number of backup files when rolling on date/time boundaries is not supported. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Edward Smit + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RollingFileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes. + + the writer to set + + + + Write out a logging event. + + the event to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Write out an array of logging events. + + the events to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Performs any required rolling before outputting the next event + + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Creates and opens the file for logging. If + is false then the fully qualified name is determined and used. + + the name of the file to open + true to append to existing file + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + Get the current output file name + + the base file name + the output file name + + The output file name is based on the base fileName specified. + If is set then the output + file name is the same as the base file passed in. Otherwise + the output file depends on the date pattern, on the count + direction or both. + + + + + Determines curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + + + + + Generates a wildcard pattern that can be used to find all files + that are similar to the base file name. + + + + + + + Builds a list of filenames for all files matching the base filename plus a file + pattern. + + + + + + + Initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + The following is done + + determine curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + + + Does the work of bumping the 'current' file counter higher + to the highest count when an incremental file name is seen. + The highest count is either the first file (when count direction + is greater than 0) or the last file (when count direction less than 0). + In either case, we want to know the highest count that is present. + + + + + + + Attempts to extract a number from the end of the file name that indicates + the number of the times the file has been rolled over. + + + Certain date pattern extensions like yyyyMMdd will be parsed as valid backup indexes. + + + + + + + Takes a list of files and a base file name, and looks for + 'incremented' versions of the base file. Bumps the max + count up to the highest count seen. + + + + + + + Calculates the RollPoint for the datePattern supplied. + + the date pattern to calculate the check period for + The RollPoint that is most accurate for the date pattern supplied + + Essentially the date pattern is examined to determine what the + most suitable roll point is. The roll point chosen is the roll point + with the smallest period that can be detected using the date pattern + supplied. i.e. if the date pattern only outputs the year, month, day + and hour then the smallest roll point that can be detected would be + and hourly roll point as minutes could not be detected. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Sets initial conditions including date/time roll over information, first check, + scheduledFilename, and calls to initialize + the current number of backups. + + + + + + + + + .1, .2, .3, etc. + + + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + + set to true if the file to be rolled is currently open + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + Resets curSizeRollBackups. + If fileIsOpen is set then the new file is opened (through SafeOpenFile). + + + + + + Renames file to file . + + Name of existing file to roll. + New name for file. + + + Renames file to file . It + also checks for existence of target file and deletes if it does. + + + + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + the path to the file + true if the file exists + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + + + + + Deletes the specified file if it exists. + + The file to delete. + + + Delete a file if is exists. + The file is first moved to a new filename then deleted. + This allows the file to be removed even when it cannot + be deleted, but it still can be moved. + + + + + + Implements file roll base on file size. + + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. Moreover, File is + renamed File.1 and closed. + + + A new file is created to receive further log output. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + + + + Implements file roll. + + the base name to rename + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + This is called by to rename the files. + + + + + + Get the start time of the next window for the current rollpoint + + the current date + the type of roll point we are working with + the start time for the next roll point an interval after the currentDateTime date + + + Returns the date of the next roll point after the currentDateTime date passed to the method. + + + The basic strategy is to subtract the time parts that are less significant + than the rollpoint from the current time. This should roll the time back to + the start of the time window for the current rollpoint. Then we add 1 window + worth of time and get the start time of the next window for the rollpoint. + + + + + + This object supplies the current date/time. Allows test code to plug in + a method to control this class when testing date/time based rolling. The default + implementation uses the underlying value of DateTime.Now. + + + + + The date pattern. By default, the pattern is set to ".yyyy-MM-dd" + meaning daily rollover. + + + + + The actual formatted filename that is currently being written to + or will be the file transferred to on roll over + (based on staticLogFileName). + + + + + The timestamp when we shall next recompute the filename. + + + + + Holds date of last roll over + + + + + The type of rolling done + + + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB + + + + + There is zero backup files by default + + + + + How many sized based backups have been made so far + + + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + + The rolling mode used in this appender. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by date. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by size. + + + + + Value indicating whether to always log to the same file. + + + + + Value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + + + FileName provided in configuration. Used for rolling properly + + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Gets or sets the strategy for determining the current date and time. The default + implementation is to use LocalDateTime which internally calls through to DateTime.Now. + DateTime.UtcNow may be used on frameworks newer than .NET 1.0 by specifying + . + + + An implementation of the interface which returns the current date and time. + + + + Gets or sets the used to return the current date and time. + + + There are two built strategies for determining the current date and time, + + and . + + + The default strategy is . + + + + + + Gets or sets the date pattern to be used for generating file names + when rolling over on date. + + + The date pattern to be used for generating file names when rolling + over on date. + + + + Takes a string in the same format as expected by + . + + + This property determines the rollover schedule when rolling over + on date. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum number of backup files that are kept before + the oldest is erased. + + + The maximum number of backup files that are kept before the oldest is + erased. + + + + If set to zero, then there will be no backup files and the log file + will be truncated when it reaches . + + + If a negative number is supplied then no deletions will be made. Note + that this could result in very slow performance as a large number of + files are rolled over unless is used. + + + The maximum applies to each time based group of files and + not the total. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size in bytes that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property is equivalent to except + that it is required for differentiating the setter taking a + argument from the setter taking a + argument. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB (10*1024*1024). + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property allows you to specify the maximum size with the + suffixes "KB", "MB" or "GB" so that the size is interpreted being + expressed respectively in kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. + + + For example, the value "10KB" will be interpreted as 10240 bytes. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB. + + + If you have the option to set the maximum file size programmatically + consider using the property instead as this + allows you to set the size in bytes as a . + + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling file count direction. + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + Indicates if the current file is the lowest numbered file or the + highest numbered file. + + + By default newer files have lower numbers ( < 0), + i.e. log.1 is most recent, log.5 is the 5th backup, etc... + + + >= 0 does the opposite i.e. + log.1 is the first backup made, log.5 is the 5th backup made, etc. + For infinite backups use >= 0 to reduce + rollover costs. + + The default file count direction is -1. + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling style. + + The rolling style. + + + The default rolling style is . + + + When set to this appender's + property is set to false, otherwise + the appender would append to a single file rather than rolling + the file each time it is opened. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + true if the file name extension should be preserved. + + + + By default file.log is rolled to file.log.yyyy-MM-dd or file.log.curSizeRollBackup. + However, under Windows the new file name will loose any program associations as the + extension is changed. Optionally file.log can be renamed to file.yyyy-MM-dd.log or + file.curSizeRollBackup.log to maintain any program associations. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always log to + the same file. + + + true if always should be logged to the same file, otherwise false. + + + + By default file.log is always the current file. Optionally + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd for current formatted datePattern can by the currently + logging file (or file.log.curSizeRollBackup or even + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd.curSizeRollBackup). + + + This will make time based rollovers with a large number of backups + much faster as the appender it won't have to rename all the backups! + + + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + + + Roll files once per program execution + + + + Roll files once per program execution. + Well really once each time this appender is + configured. + + + Setting this option also sets AppendToFile to + false on the RollingFileAppender, otherwise + this appender would just be a normal file appender. + + + + + + Roll files based only on the size of the file + + + + + Roll files based only on the date + + + + + Roll files based on both the size and date of the file + + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + + + Roll the log not based on the date + + + + + Roll the log for each minute + + + + + Roll the log for each hour + + + + + Roll the log twice a day (midday and midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each day (midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each week + + + + + Roll the log each month + + + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + Used primarily to allow test classes to plug themselves in so they can + supply test date/times. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Default implementation of that returns the current time. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Implementation of that returns the current time as the coordinated universal time (UTC). + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Send an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. + + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Authentication and setting the server Port are only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + For these features to be enabled you need to ensure that you are using a version of + the log4net assembly that is built against the MS .NET 1.1 framework and that you are + running the your application on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. On all other platforms only sending + unauthenticated messages to a server listening on port 25 (the default) is supported. + + + Authentication is supported by setting the property to + either or . + If using authentication then the + and properties must also be set. + + + To set the SMTP server port use the property. The default port is 25. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + + Send the email message + + the body text to include in the mail + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be carbon copied (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be blind carbon copied. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the SMTP relay mail server to use to send + the e-mail messages. + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + + + Obsolete + + + Use the BufferingAppenderSkeleton Fix methods instead + + + + Obsolete property. + + + + + + The mode to use to authentication with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + Valid Authentication mode values are: , + , and . + The default value is . When using + you must specify the + and to use to authenticate. + When using the Windows credentials for the current + thread, if impersonating, or the process will be used to authenticate. + + + + + + The username to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the username will be ignored. + + + + + + The password to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the password will be ignored. + + + + + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening + + + Server Port is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening. The default + port is 25. The Port can only be changed when running on + the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + + + + + Gets or sets the priority of the e-mail message + + + One of the values. + + + + Sets the priority of the e-mails generated by this + appender. The default priority is . + + + If you are using this appender to report errors then + you may want to set the priority to . + + + + + + Enable or disable use of SSL when sending e-mail message + + + This is available on MS .NET 2.0 runtime and higher + + + + + Gets or sets the reply-to e-mail address. + + + This is available on MS .NET 2.0 runtime and higher + + + + + Gets or sets the subject encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + Gets or sets the body encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Values for the property. + + + + SMTP authentication modes. + + + + + + No authentication + + + + + Basic authentication. + + + Requires a username and password to be supplied + + + + + Integrated authentication + + + Uses the Windows credentials from the current thread or process to authenticate. + + + + + Send an email when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. Rather than sending via smtp it writes a file into the + directory specified by . This allows services such + as the IIS SMTP agent to manage sending the messages. + + + + The configuration for this appender is identical to that of the SMTPAppender, + except that instead of specifying the SMTPAppender.SMTPHost you specify + . + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Niall Daley + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + + + + + Activate the options on this appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. This should be the same + as that used by the agent sending the messages. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the pickup directory. + + + The used to write to the pickup directory. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appender that allows clients to connect via Telnet to receive log messages + + + + The TelnetAppender accepts socket connections and streams logging messages + back to the client. + The output is provided in a telnet-friendly way so that a log can be monitored + over a TCP/IP socket. + This allows simple remote monitoring of application logging. + + + The default is 23 (the telnet port). + + + Keith Long + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TelnetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Overrides the parent method to close the socket handler + + + + Closes all the outstanding connections. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Create the socket handler and wait for connections + + + + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + + The default value is 23 (the telnet port). + + + The value specified is less than + or greater than . + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Helper class to manage connected clients + + + + The SocketHandler class is used to accept connections from + clients. It is threaded so that clients can connect/disconnect + asynchronously. + + + + + + Opens a new server port on + + the local port to listen on for connections + + + Creates a socket handler on the specified local server port. + + + + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + the text to send + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + + + + + Add a client to the internal clients list + + client to add + + + + Remove a client from the internal clients list + + client to remove + + + + Callback used to accept a connection on the server socket + + The result of the asynchronous operation + + + On connection adds to the list of connections + if there are two many open connections you will be disconnected + + + + + + Close all network connections + + + + Make sure we close all network connections + + + + + + Test if this handler has active connections + + + true if this handler has active connections + + + + This property will be true while this handler has + active connections, that is at least one connection that + the handler will attempt to send a message to. + + + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + + + Create this for the specified + + the client's socket + + + Opens a stream writer on the socket. + + + + + + Write a string to the client + + string to send + + + Write a string to the client + + + + + + Cleanup the clients connection + + + + Close the socket connection. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + trace system. + + + Events are written using the System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(string,string) + method. The event's logger name is the default value for the category parameter + of the Write method. + + + Compact Framework
    + The Compact Framework does not support the + class for any operation except Assert. When using the Compact Framework this + appender will write to the system rather than + the Trace system. This appender will therefore behave like the . +
    + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski +
    + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Defaults to %logger + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + The category parameter sent to the Trace method. + + + + Defaults to %logger which will use the logger name of the current + as the category parameter. + + + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's domain to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required domains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's repository to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required repositories. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + The name of the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The domain to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Obsolete. Use instead of . + + + + + + Use this class to quickly configure a . + + + + Allows very simple programmatic configuration of log4net. + + + Only one appender can be configured using this configurator. + The appender is set at the root of the hierarchy and all logging + events will be delivered to that appender. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The fully qualified type of the BasicConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system with a default configuration. + + + + Initializes the log4net logging system using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + + + + + Initializes the with a default configuration. + + The repository to configure. + + + Initializes the specified repository using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + The repository to configure. + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appenders. + + The repository to configure. + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Base class for all log4net configuration attributes. + + + This is an abstract class that must be extended by + specific configurators. This attribute allows the + configurator to be parameterized by an assembly level + attribute. + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor used by subclasses. + + the ordering priority for this configurator + + + The is used to order the configurator + attributes before they are invoked. Higher priority configurators are executed + before lower priority ones. + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Abstract method implemented by a subclass. When this method is called + the subclass should configure the . + + + + + + Compare this instance to another ConfiguratorAttribute + + the object to compare to + see + + + Compares the priorities of the two instances. + Sorts by priority in descending order. Objects with the same priority are + randomly ordered. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging domain for the assembly. + + + + DomainAttribute is obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging domains. Each domain has its own + logging repository. This attribute specified on the assembly controls + the configuration of the domain. The property specifies the name + of the domain that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the repository objects to create for the domain. If + this attribute is not specified and a is not specified + then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging repository for the assembly. + + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging repository. This attribute specified + on the assembly controls + the configuration of the repository. The property specifies the name + of the repository that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the object + to create for the assembly. If this attribute is not specified or a + is not specified then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the repository. + + The name of the repository. + + + Initialize the attribute with the name for the assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the logging repository. + + + The string name to use as the name of the repository associated with this + assembly. + + + + This value does not have to be unique. Several assemblies can share the + same repository. They will share the logging configuration of the repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + The type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + + The type of the repository to create for the assembly. + The type must implement the + interface. + + + This will be the type of repository created when + the repository is created. If multiple assemblies reference the + same repository then the repository is only created once using the + of the first assembly to call into the + repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the domain. + + The name of the domain. + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + If neither of the or + properties are set the configuration is loaded from the application's .config file. + If set the property takes priority over the + property. The property + specifies a path to a file to load the config from. The path is relative to the + application's base directory; . + The property is used as a postfix to the assembly file name. + The config file must be located in the application's base directory; . + For example in a console application setting the to + config has the same effect as not specifying the or + properties. + + + The property can be set to cause the + to watch the configuration file for changes. + + + + Log4net will only look for assembly level configuration attributes once. + When using the log4net assembly level attributes to control the configuration + of log4net you must ensure that the first call to any of the + methods is made from the assembly with the configuration + attributes. + + + If you cannot guarantee the order in which log4net calls will be made from + different assemblies you must use programmatic configuration instead, i.e. + call the method directly. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Configure the repository using the . + The specified must extend the + class otherwise the will not be able to + configure it. + + + The does not extend . + + + + Attempt to load configuration from the local file system + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + Configure the specified repository using a + + The repository to configure. + the FileInfo pointing to the config file + + + + Attempt to load configuration from a URI + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfiguratorAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the filename of the configuration file. + + + The filename of the configuration file. + + + + If specified, this is the name of the configuration file to use with + the . This file path is relative to the + application base directory (). + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets the extension of the configuration file. + + + The extension of the configuration file. + + + + If specified this is the extension for the configuration file. + The path to the config file is built by using the application + base directory (), + the assembly file name and the config file extension. + + + If the is set to MyExt then + possible config file names would be: MyConsoleApp.exe.MyExt or + MyClassLibrary.dll.MyExt. + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to watch the configuration file. + + + true if the configuration should be watched, false otherwise. + + + + If this flag is specified and set to true then the framework + will watch the configuration file and will reload the config each time + the file is modified. + + + The config file can only be watched if it is loaded from local disk. + In a No-Touch (Smart Client) deployment where the application is downloaded + from a web server the config file may not reside on the local disk + and therefore it may not be able to watch it. + + + Watching configuration is not supported on the SSCLI. + + + + + + Class to register for the log4net section of the configuration file + + + The log4net section of the configuration file needs to have a section + handler registered. This is the section handler used. It simply returns + the XML element that is the root of the section. + + + Example of registering the log4net section handler : + + + +
    + + + log4net configuration XML goes here + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Parses the configuration section. + + The configuration settings in a corresponding parent configuration section. + The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and is a null reference. + The for the log4net section. + The for the log4net section. + + + Returns the containing the configuration data, + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a plugin to attach to + the repository. + + + + Specifies the type of a plugin to create and attach to the + assembly's repository. The plugin type must implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface used to create plugins. + + + + Interface used to create a plugin. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates the plugin object. + + the new plugin instance + + + Create and return a new plugin instance. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type name of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + Where possible use the constructor that takes a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + + + + Creates the plugin object defined by this attribute. + + + + Creates the instance of the object as + specified by this attribute. + + + The plugin object. + + + + Returns a representation of the properties of this object. + + + + Overrides base class method to + return a representation of the properties of this object. + + + A representation of the properties of this object + + + + Gets or sets the type for the plugin. + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type name for the plugin. + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + Where possible use the property instead. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Construct provider attribute with type specified + + the type of the provider to use + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Configures the SecurityContextProvider + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Creates a provider instance from the specified. + Sets this as the default security context provider . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SecurityContextProviderAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the provider to use. + + + the type of the provider to use. + + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
    + + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration URI. + + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration data stream. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
    + + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + URI. + + The repository to configure. + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the specified repository using a log4net element. + + The hierarchy to configure. + The element to parse. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + This method is ultimately called by one of the Configure methods + to load the configuration from an . + + + + + + Maps repository names to ConfigAndWatchHandler instances to allow a particular + ConfigAndWatchHandler to dispose of its FileSystemWatcher when a repository is + reconfigured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Class used to watch config files. + + + + Uses the to monitor + changes to a specified file. Because multiple change notifications + may be raised when the file is modified, a timer is used to + compress the notifications into a single event. The timer + waits for time before delivering + the event notification. If any further + change notifications arrive while the timer is waiting it + is reset and waits again for to + elapse. + + + + + + The default amount of time to wait after receiving notification + before reloading the config file. + + + + + Holds the FileInfo used to configure the XmlConfigurator + + + + + Holds the repository being configured. + + + + + The timer used to compress the notification events. + + + + + Watches file for changes. This object should be disposed when no longer + needed to free system handles on the watched resources. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class to + watch a specified config file used to configure a repository. + + The repository to configure. + The configuration file to watch. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Called by the timer when the configuration has been updated. + + null + + + + Release the handles held by the watcher and timer. + + + + + The implementation of the interface suitable + for use with the compact framework + + + + This implementation is a simple + mapping between repository name and + object. + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not support retrieving assembly + level attributes therefore unlike the DefaultRepositorySelector + this selector does not examine the calling assembly for attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Interface used by the to select the . + + + + The uses a + to specify the policy for selecting the correct + to return to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to use to lookup to the + The for the assembly. + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. The results of this method must be repeatable, i.e. + when called again with the same arguments the result must be the + save value. + + + + + + Gets the named . + + The name to use to lookup to the . + The named + + Lookup a named . This is the repository created by + calling . + + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + The assembly to use to create the domain to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the domain + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. + + + + + + Creates a new repository with the name specified. + + The name to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the name + specified such that a call to with the + same name will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + An array of the instances created by + this . + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Create a new repository selector + + the type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new compact repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + throw if is null + throw if does not implement + + + + Get the for the specified assembly + + not used + The default + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Get the named + + the name of the repository to lookup + The named + + + Get the named . The default + repository is log4net-default-repository. Other repositories + must be created using the . + If the named repository does not exist an exception is thrown. + + + throw if is null + throw if the does not exist + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + not used + the type of repository to create, must implement + the repository created + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + If the is null then the + default repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Create a new repository for the repository specified + + the repository to associate with the + the type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is null then the default repository type is used. + the repository created + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + If the named repository already exists an exception will be thrown. + + + If is null then the default + repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + throw if is null + throw if the already exists + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the CompactRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has been created + + The repository that has been created + + + Raises the LoggerRepositoryCreatedEvent + event. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + The default implementation of the interface. + + + + Uses attributes defined on the calling assembly to determine how to + configure the hierarchy for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates a new repository selector. + + The type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + is . + does not implement . + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly use to lookup the . + + + The type of the created and the repository + to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the . + + + The default values are to use the + implementation of the interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically configured using + any attributes defined on + the . + + + The for the assembly + is . + + + + Gets the for the specified repository. + + The repository to use to lookup the . + The for the specified repository. + + + Returns the named repository. If is null + a is thrown. If the repository + does not exist a is thrown. + + + Use to create a repository. + + + is . + does not exist. + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The name to assign to the created repository + Set to true to read and apply the assembly attributes + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the specified repository. + + The repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is then the default repository type is used. + The new repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + is . + already exists. + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Aliases a repository to an existing repository. + + The repository to alias. + The repository that the repository is aliased to. + + + The repository specified will be aliased to the repository when created. + The repository must not already exist. + + + When the repository is created it must utilize the same repository type as + the repository it is aliased to, otherwise the aliasing will fail. + + + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Notifies the registered listeners that the repository has been created. + + The repository that has been created. + + + Raises the event. + + + + + + Gets the repository name and repository type for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that has a . + in/out param to hold the repository name to use for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + in/out param to hold the type of the repository to create for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + is . + + + + Configures the repository using information from the assembly. + + The assembly containing + attributes which define the configuration for the repository. + The repository to configure. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined plugins on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to add the plugins to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined aliases on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to alias to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DefaultRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Defined error codes that can be passed to the method. + + + + Values passed to the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + A general error + + + + + Error while writing output + + + + + Failed to flush file + + + + + Failed to close file + + + + + Unable to open output file + + + + + No layout specified + + + + + Failed to parse address + + + + + An evaluator that triggers on an Exception type + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the type of the Exception + passed to + is equal to a Type in . /// + + + Drew Schaeffer + + + + Test if an triggers an action + + + + Implementations of this interface allow certain appenders to decide + when to perform an appender specific action. + + + The action or behavior triggered is defined by the implementation. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Test if this event triggers the action + + The event to check + true if this event triggers the action, otherwise false + + + Return true if this event triggers the action + + + + + + The type that causes the trigger to fire. + + + + + Causes subclasses of to cause the trigger to fire. + + + + + Default ctor to allow dynamic creation through a configurator. + + + + + Constructs an evaluator and initializes to trigger on + + the type that triggers this evaluator. + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the logging event Exception + Type is . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the Exception Type of the event + passed to + is . + + + + + + The type that triggers this evaluator. + + + + + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + + Appenders may delegate their error handling to an . + + + + Error handling is a particularly tedious to get right because by + definition errors are hard to predict and to reproduce. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + The error code associated with the error. + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + + + See . + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + + + See . + + + + + + Interface for objects that require fixing. + + + + Interface that indicates that the object requires fixing before it + can be taken outside the context of the appender's + method. + + + When objects that implement this interface are stored + in the context properties maps + and + are fixed + (see ) the + method will be called. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a portable instance object that represents the current + state of this object. The portable object can be stored + and logged from any thread with identical results. + + + + + + Interface that all loggers implement + + + + This interface supports logging events and testing if a level + is enabled for logging. + + + These methods will not throw exceptions. Note to implementor, ensure + that the implementation of these methods cannot allow an exception + to be thrown to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + the exception to log, including its stack trace. Pass null to not log an exception. + + + Generates a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Base interface for all wrappers + + + + Base interface for all wrappers. + + + All wrappers must implement this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that in implementing this object. + + + + The object that in implementing this + object. The Logger object may not + be the same object as this object because of logger decorators. + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications + + The which created the repository. + The event args + that holds the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A + event is raised every time a is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Construct instance using specified + + the that has been created + + + Construct instance using specified + + + + + + The that has been created + + + The that has been created + + + + The that has been created + + + + + + Defines the default set of levels recognized by the system. + + + + Each has an associated . + + + Levels have a numeric that defines the relative + ordering between levels. Two Levels with the same + are deemed to be equivalent. + + + The levels that are recognized by log4net are set for each + and each repository can have different levels defined. The levels are stored + in the on the repository. Levels are + looked up by name from the . + + + When logging at level INFO the actual level used is not but + the value of LoggerRepository.LevelMap["INFO"]. The default value for this is + , but this can be changed by reconfiguring the level map. + + + Each level has a in addition to its . The + is the string that is written into the output log. By default + the display name is the same as the level name, but this can be used to alias levels + or to localize the log output. + + + Some of the predefined levels recognized by the system are: + + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + The display name for this level. This may be localized or otherwise different from the name + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Returns the representation of the current + . + + + A representation of the current . + + + + Returns the level . + + + + + + Compares levels. + + The object to compare against. + true if the objects are equal. + + + Compares the levels of instances, and + defers to base class if the target object is not a + instance. + + + + + + Returns a hash code + + A hash code for the current . + + + Returns a hash code suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data + structures like a hash table. + + + Returns the hash code of the level . + + + + + + Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an + indication of their relative values. + + A instance or to compare with this instance. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + This instance is less than . + + + Zero + This instance is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + + This instance is greater than . + -or- + is . + + + + + + + must be an instance of + or ; otherwise, an exception is thrown. + + + is not a . + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have the same value. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is the same as the + value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have different values. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is different from + the value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Compares two specified instances. + + The first to compare. + The second to compare. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + two values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + is less than . + + + Zero + is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + is greater than . + + + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + The level designates a higher level than all the rest. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events + that will presumably lead the application to abort. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Take immediate action, alerts. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Critical condition, critical. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + + + + + The level designates error events that might + still allow the application to continue running. + + + + + The level designates potentially harmful + situations. + + + + + The level designates informational messages + that highlight the progress of the application at the highest level. + + + + + The level designates informational messages that + highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates the lowest level possible. + + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + The name of this level. + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + The value of this level. + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + The display name of this level. + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a LevelCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A LevelCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new LevelCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the LevelCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the LevelCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the LevelCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the LevelCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the LevelCollection. + + The to locate in the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire LevelCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the LevelCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the LevelCollection. + + The to remove from the LevelCollection. + + The specified was not found in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the LevelCollection. + + An for the entire LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another LevelCollection to the current LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current LevelCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current LevelCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the LevelCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + An evaluator that triggers at a threshold level + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The threshold for triggering + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + the threshold to trigger at + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the event level + is equal or higher than the . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + the threshold to trigger at + + + The that will cause this evaluator to trigger + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Mapping between string name and Level object + + + + Mapping between string name and object. + This mapping is held separately for each . + The level name is case insensitive. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Mapping from level name to Level object. The + level name is case insensitive + + + + + Construct the level map + + + + Construct the level map. + + + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + the display name to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + Add a Level to the map + + the Level to add + + + Add a Level to the map + + + + + + Lookup a named level from the map + + the name of the level to lookup is taken from this level. + If the level is not set on the map then this level is added + the level in the map with the name specified + + + Lookup a named level from the map. The name of the level to lookup is taken + from the property of the + argument. + + + If no level with the specified name is found then the + argument is added to the level map + and returned. + + + + + + Lookup a by name + + The name of the Level to lookup + a Level from the map with the name specified + + + Returns the from the + map with the name specified. If the no level is + found then null is returned. + + + + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + all possible levels as a list of Level objects + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + + + + + The internal representation of caller location information. + + + + This class uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + Constructor + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class based on the current thread. + + + + + + Constructor + + The fully qualified class name. + The method name. + The file name. + The line number of the method within the file. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class with the specified data. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LocationInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + Gets the stack frames from the stack trace of the caller making the log request + + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + This class is used by the wrapper managers (e.g. ) + to provide access to the objects. + + + This manager also holds the that is used to + lookup and create repositories. The selector can be set either programmatically using + the property, or by setting the log4net.RepositorySelector + AppSetting in the applications config file to the fully qualified type name of the + selector to use. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + + + Hook the shutdown event + + + + On the full .NET runtime, the static constructor hooks up the + AppDomain.ProcessExit and AppDomain.DomainUnload> events. + These are used to shutdown the log4net system as the application exits. + + + + + + Register for ProcessExit and DomainUnload events on the AppDomain + + + + This needs to be in a separate method because the events make + a LinkDemand for the ControlAppDomain SecurityPermission. Because + this is a LinkDemand it is demanded at JIT time. Therefore we cannot + catch the exception in the method itself, we have to catch it in the + caller. + + + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + Returns the default instance. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified assembly's repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified assembly's repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + The repository to lookup in. + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + the assembly to use to lookup the repository + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The repository to shutdown. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + An array of all the known objects. + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + + + + Internal method to get pertinent version info. + + A string of version info. + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerManager class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initialize the default repository selector + + + + + Gets or sets the repository selector used by the . + + + The repository selector used by the . + + + + The repository selector () is used by + the to create and select repositories + (). + + + The caller to supplies either a string name + or an assembly (if not supplied the assembly is inferred using + ). + + + This context is used by the selector to lookup a specific repository. + + + For the full .NET Framework, the default repository is DefaultRepositorySelector; + for the .NET Compact Framework CompactRepositorySelector is the default + repository. + + + + + + Implementation of the interface. + + + + This class should be used as the base for all wrapper implementations. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + The logger that this object is wrapping + + + + + Gets the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that this object is implementing. + + + + The Logger object may not be the same object as this object + because of logger decorators. + + + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The logger name. + + + + The logger name. + + + + + + Level of logging event. + + + + Level of logging event. Level cannot be Serializable + because it is a flyweight. Due to its special serialization it + cannot be declared final either. + + + + + + The application supplied message. + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + + The name of thread + + + + The name of thread in which this logging event was generated + + + + + + The time the event was logged + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + + + String representation of the user + + + + String representation of the user's windows name, + like DOMAIN\username + + + + + + String representation of the identity. + + + + String representation of the current thread's principal identity. + + + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Fix the MDC + + + + + Fix the NDC + + + + + Fix the rendered message + + + + + Fix the thread name + + + + + Fix the callers location information + + + CAUTION: Very slow to generate + + + + + Fix the callers windows user name + + + CAUTION: Slow to generate + + + + + Fix the domain friendly name + + + + + Fix the callers principal name + + + CAUTION: May be slow to generate + + + + + Fix the exception text + + + + + Fix the event properties. Active properties must implement in order to be eligible for fixing. + + + + + No fields fixed + + + + + All fields fixed + + + + + Partial fields fixed + + + + This set of partial fields gives good performance. The following fields are fixed: + + + + + + + + + + + + + The internal representation of logging events. + + + + When an affirmative decision is made to log then a + instance is created. This instance + is passed around to the different log4net components. + + + This class is of concern to those wishing to extend log4net. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + The key into the Properties map for the host name value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the thread identity value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the user name value. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + from the supplied parameters. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + The name of the logger of this event. + The level of this event. + The message of this event. + The exception for this event. + + + Except , and , + all fields of LoggingEvent are filled when actually needed. Call + to cache all data locally + to prevent inconsistencies. + + This method is called by the log4net framework + to create a logging event. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + The fields in the struct that have already been fixed. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + The parameter should be used to specify which fields in the + struct have been preset. Fields not specified in the + will be captured from the environment if requested or fixed. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Ensure that the repository is set. + + the value for the repository + + + + Write the rendered message to a TextWriter + + the writer to write the message to + + + Unlike the property this method + does store the message data in the internal cache. Therefore + if called only once this method should be faster than the + property, however if the message is + to be accessed multiple times then the property will be more efficient. + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + The data in this event must be fixed before it can be serialized. + + + The method must be called during the + method call if this event + is to be used outside that method. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + Does a fix of the data + in the logging event before returning the event data. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The set of data to ensure is fixed in the LoggingEventData + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + + + + Fix instance fields that hold volatile data. + + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Calling is equivalent to + calling passing the parameter + false. + + + See for more + information. + + + + + + Fixes instance fields that hold volatile data. + + Set to true to not fix data that takes a long time to fix. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + The param controls the data that + is fixed. Some of the data that can be fixed takes a long time to + generate, therefore if you do not require those settings to be fixed + they can be ignored by setting the param + to true. This setting will ignore the + and settings. + + + Set to false to ensure that all + settings are fixed. + + + + + + Fix the fields specified by the parameter + + the fields to fix + + + Only fields specified in the will be fixed. + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Lookup a composite property in this event + + the key for the property to lookup + the value for the property + + + This event has composite properties that combine together properties from + several different contexts in the following order: + + + this events properties + + This event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + + Get all the composite properties in this event + + the containing all the properties + + + See for details of the composite properties + stored by the event. + + + This method returns a single containing all the + properties defined for this event. + + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The fully qualified Type of the calling + logger class in the stack frame (i.e. the declaring type of the method). + + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + The exception that was thrown. + + + This is not serialized. The string representation + is serialized instead. + + + + + The repository that generated the logging event + + + This is not serialized. + + + + + The fix state for this event + + + These flags indicate which fields have been fixed. + Not serialized. + + + + + Indicated that the internal cache is updateable (ie not fixed) + + + This is a seperate flag to m_fixFlags as it allows incrementel fixing and simpler + changes in the caching strategy. + + + + + Gets the time when the current process started. + + + This is the time when this process started. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + Tries to get the start time for the current process. + Failing that it returns the time of the first call to + this property. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating and therefore + without the process start time being reset. + + + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + The of the logging event. + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + + + + Gets the time of the logging event. + + + The time of the logging event. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + The name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + + + Gets the location information for this logging event. + + + The location information for this logging event. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + See the class for more information on + supported frameworks and the different behavior in Debug and + Release builds. + + + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + + + The message object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid message object. + If the event is serialized the message object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the message the + property must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined message object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + + + The exception object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid exception object. + If the event is serialized the exception object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the exception the + method must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined exception object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + + + Gets the message, rendered through the . + + + The message rendered through the . + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current thread. + + + The name of the current thread, or the thread ID when + the name is not available. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current user. + + + The name of the current user, or NOT AVAILABLE when the + underlying runtime has no support for retrieving the name of the + current user. + + + + Calls WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name to get the name of + the current windows user. + + + To improve performance, we could cache the string representation of + the name, and reuse that as long as the identity stayed constant. + Once the identity changed, we would need to re-assign and re-render + the string. + + + However, the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() call seems to + return different objects every time, so the current implementation + doesn't do this type of caching. + + + Timing for these operations: + + + + Method + Results + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() + 10000 loops, 00:00:00.2031250 seconds + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + 10000 loops, 00:00:08.0468750 seconds + + + + This means we could speed things up almost 40 times by caching the + value of the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name property, since + this takes (8.04-0.20) = 7.84375 seconds. + + + + + + Gets the identity of the current thread principal. + + + The string name of the identity of the current thread principal. + + + + Calls System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name to get + the name of the current thread principal. + + + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + The AppDomain friendly name. + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + This property is for events that have been added directly to + this event. The aggregate properties (which include these + event properties) can be retrieved using + and . + + + Once the properties have been fixed this property + returns the combined cached properties. This ensures that updates to + this property are always reflected in the underlying storage. When + returning the combined properties there may be more keys in the + Dictionary than expected. + + + + + + The fixed fields in this event + + + The set of fields that are fixed in this event + + + + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Implementation of wrapper interface. + + + + This implementation of the interface + forwards to the held by the base class. + + + This logger has methods to allow the caller to log at the following + levels: + + + + DEBUG + + The and methods log messages + at the DEBUG level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + INFO + + The and methods log messages + at the INFO level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + WARN + + The and methods log messages + at the WARN level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + ERROR + + The and methods log messages + at the ERROR level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + FATAL + + The and methods log messages + at the FATAL level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + + The values for these levels and their semantic meanings can be changed by + configuring the for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The ILog interface is use by application to log messages into + the log4net framework. + + + + Use the to obtain logger instances + that implement this interface. The + static method is used to get logger instances. + + + This class contains methods for logging at different levels and also + has properties for determining if those logging levels are + enabled in the current configuration. + + + This interface can be implemented in different ways. This documentation + specifies reasonable behavior that a caller can expect from the actual + implementation, however different implementations reserve the right to + do things differently. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + For some ILog interface log, when you write: + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, string construction and concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed (who isn't), then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in and once in + the . This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. This is the preferred style of logging. + + Alternatively if your logger is available statically then the is debug + enabled state can be stored in a static variable like this: + + + private static readonly bool isDebugEnabled = log.IsDebugEnabled; + + + Then when you come to log you can write: + + + if (isDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way the debug enabled state is only queried once + when the class is loaded. Using a private static readonly + variable is the most efficient because it is a run time constant + and can be heavily optimized by the JIT compiler. + + + Of course if you use a static readonly variable to + hold the enabled state of the logger then you cannot + change the enabled state at runtime to vary the logging + that is produced. You have to decide if you need absolute + speed or runtime flexibility. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + the repository holding the levels + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + DEBUG level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + INFO level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level. + + the message object to log + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + WARN level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + ERROR level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + FATAL level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Event handler for the event + + the repository + Empty + + + + The fully qualified name of this declaring type not the type of any subclass. + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the DEBUG + level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for DEBUG events, + false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + + For some log Logger object, when you write: + + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed, then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled()) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in IsDebugEnabled and once in + the Debug. This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the INFO level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for INFO events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the WARN level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for WARN events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the ERROR level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for ERROR events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the FATAL level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for FATAL events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + provides method information without actually referencing a System.Reflection.MethodBase + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + constructs a method item for an unknown method. + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method. + + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method and its parameters. + + + + + + + constructs a method item from a method base by determining the method name and its parameters. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + The method parameters of the caller making + the logging request + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + for example with operating system services. This can be used to impersonate + a principal that has been granted privileges on the system resources. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + An instance that will + revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext, or null + + + Impersonate this security context. Further calls on the current + thread should now be made in the security context provided + by this object. When the result + method is called the security + context of the thread should be reverted to the state it was in + before was called. + + + + + + The providers default instances. + + + + A configured component that interacts with potentially protected system + resources uses a to provide the elevated + privileges required. If the object has + been not been explicitly provided to the component then the component + will request one from this . + + + By default the is + an instance of which returns only + objects. This is a reasonable default + where the privileges required are not know by the system. + + + This default behavior can be overridden by subclassing the + and overriding the method to return + the desired objects. The default provider + can be replaced by programmatically setting the value of the + property. + + + An alternative is to use the log4net.Config.SecurityContextProviderAttribute + This attribute can be applied to an assembly in the same way as the + log4net.Config.XmlConfiguratorAttribute". The attribute takes + the type to use as the as an argument. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The default provider + + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + + + Create a SecurityContext for a consumer + + The consumer requesting the SecurityContext + An impersonation context + + + The default implementation is to return a . + + + Subclasses should override this method to provide their own + behavior. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default SecurityContextProvider + + + The default SecurityContextProvider + + + + The default provider is used by configured components that + require a and have not had one + given to them. + + + By default this is an instance of + that returns objects. + + + The default provider can be set programmatically by setting + the value of this property to a sub class of + that has the desired behavior. + + + + + + provides stack frame information without actually referencing a System.Diagnostics.StackFrame + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + returns a stack frame item from a stack frame. This + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + An evaluator that triggers after specified number of seconds. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + Robert Sevcik + + + + The default time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time of last check. This gets updated when the object is created and when the evaluator triggers. + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the specified time period + has passed since last check.. + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. This delegate + is called from the + method to construct the wrapper for the specified logger. + + + The delegate to use is supplied to the + constructor. + + + + + + Maps between logger objects and wrapper objects. + + + + This class maintains a mapping between objects and + objects. Use the method to + lookup the for the specified . + + + New wrapper instances are created by the + method. The default behavior is for this method to delegate construction + of the wrapper to the delegate supplied + to the constructor. This allows specialization of the behavior without + requiring subclassing of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + + The handler to use to create the wrapper objects. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified handler to create the wrapper objects. + + + + + + Gets the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The wrapper object for the specified logger + + + If the logger is null then the corresponding wrapper is null. + + + Looks up the wrapper it it has previously been requested and + returns it. If the wrapper has never been requested before then + the virtual method is + called. + + + + + + Creates the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + The wrapper object for the logger. + + + This implementation uses the + passed to the constructor to create the wrapper. This method + can be overridden in a subclass. + + + + + + Called when a monitored repository shutdown event is received. + + The that is shutting down + + + This method is called when a that this + is holding loggers for has signaled its shutdown + event . The default + behavior of this method is to release the references to the loggers + and their wrappers generated for this repository. + + + + + + Event handler for repository shutdown event. + + The sender of the event. + The event args. + + + + Map of logger repositories to hashtables of ILogger to ILoggerWrapper mappings + + + + + The handler to use to create the extension wrapper objects. + + + + + Internal reference to the delegate used to register for repository shutdown events. + + + + + Gets the map of logger repositories. + + + Map of logger repositories. + + + + Gets the hashtable that is keyed on . The + values are hashtables keyed on with the + value being the corresponding . + + + + + + Formats a as "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats a in the format "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render a as a string. + + + + Interface to abstract the rendering of a + instance into a string. + + + The method is used to render the + date to a text writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats the specified date as a string. + + The date to format. + The writer to write to. + + + Format the as a string and write it + to the provided. + + + + + + String constant used to specify AbsoluteTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is ABSOLUTE. + + + + + String constant used to specify DateTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is DATE. + + + + + String constant used to specify ISO8601DateFormat in layouts. Current value is ISO8601. + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss". + + The date to render into a string. + The string builder to write to. + + + Subclasses should override this method to render the date + into a string using a precision up to the second. This method + will be called at most once per second and the result will be + reused if it is needed again during the same second. + + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + The date to render into a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the method to generate the + time string up to the seconds and then appends the current + milliseconds. The results from are + cached and is called at most once + per second. + + + Sub classes should override + rather than . + + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Formats a as "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" + + + + Formats a in the format + "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, + "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Angelika Schnagl + + + + Default constructor. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats a DateTime in the format "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" + for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + The format info for the invariant culture. + + + + + Formats the as "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats the specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats the date specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The format string. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified format string. + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + Formats the date using . + + The date to convert to a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the date format string supplied to the constructor to call + the method to format the date. + + + + + + The format string used to format the . + + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + This filter drops all . + + + + You can add this filter to the end of a filter chain to + switch from the default "accept all unless instructed otherwise" + filtering behavior to a "deny all unless instructed otherwise" + behavior. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Subclass this type to implement customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should extend this class to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface to provide customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should implement this interface to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Decide if the logging event should be logged through an appender. + + The LoggingEvent to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Points to the next filter in the filter chain. + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Initialize the filter with the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Typically filter's options become active immediately on set, + however this method must still be called. + + + + + + Decide if the should be logged through an appender. + + The to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + This method is marked abstract and must be implemented + in a subclass. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Always returns the integer constant + + the LoggingEvent to filter + Always returns + + + Ignores the event being logged and just returns + . This can be used to change the default filter + chain behavior from to . This filter + should only be used as the last filter in the chain + as any further filters will be ignored! + + + + + + The return result from + + + + The return result from + + + + + + The log event must be dropped immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This filter is neutral with respect to the log event. + The remaining filters, if any, should be consulted for a final decision. + + + + + The log event must be logged immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This is a very simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits two options and + . If there is an exact match between the value + of the option and the of the + , then the method returns in + case the option value is set + to true, if it is false then + is returned. If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + flag to indicate if the filter should on a match + + + + + the to match against + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Tests if the of the logging event matches that of the filter + + the event to filter + see remarks + + + If the of the event matches the level of the + filter then the result of the function depends on the + value of . If it is true then + the function will return , it it is false then it + will return . If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + The level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + This is a simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits three options and + that determine the range of priorities that are matched, and + . If there is a match between the range + of priorities and the of the , then the + method returns in case the + option value is set to true, if it is false + then is returned. If there is no match, is returned. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when matching a + + + + + the minimum value to match + + + + + the maximum value to match + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if the event should be logged. + + the logging event to check + see remarks + + + If the of the logging event is outside the range + matched by this filter then + is returned. If the is matched then the value of + is checked. If it is true then + is returned, otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching and + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Set the minimum matched + + + + The minimum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Sets the maximum matched + + + + The maximum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the event's logger name. + + + + The works very similar to the . It admits two + options and . If the + of the starts + with the value of the option, then the + method returns in + case the option value is set to true, + if it is false then is returned. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The logger name string to substring match against the event + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the equals the beginning of + the incoming () + then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + This filter will attempt to match this value against logger name in + the following way. The match will be done against the beginning of the + logger name (using ). The match is + case sensitive. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with layered properties the + should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Simple filter to match a string an event property + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the value for a + specific event property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The string to substring match against the message + + + + + A string regex to match + + + + + A regex object to match (generated from m_stringRegexToMatch) + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Initialize and precompile the Regex if required + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the message then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching or + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Sets the static string to match + + + + The string that will be substring matched against + the rendered message. If the message contains this + string then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + Sets the regular expression to match + + + + The regular expression pattern that will be matched against + the rendered message. If the message matches this + pattern then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + The key to use to lookup the string from the event properties + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The event property for the is matched against + the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the property value then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + The key to lookup in the event properties and then match against. + + + + The key name to use to lookup in the properties map of the + . The match will be performed against + the value of this property if it exists. + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with named stacks stored in the + properties collections the should + be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Sets the to "NDC". + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Protected constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Evaluate this pattern converter and write the output to a writer. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the appropriate way. + + + + + + Set the next pattern converter in the chains + + the pattern converter that should follow this converter in the chain + the next converter + + + The PatternConverter can merge with its neighbor during this method (or a sub class). + Therefore the return value may or may not be the value of the argument passed in. + + + + + + Write the pattern converter to the writer with appropriate formatting + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + This method calls to allow the subclass to perform + appropriate conversion of the pattern converter. If formatting options have + been specified via the then this method will + apply those formattings before writing the output. + + + + + + Fast space padding method. + + to which the spaces will be appended. + The number of spaces to be padded. + + + Fast space padding method. + + + + + + The option string to the converter + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an object to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the Object to a writer. If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the object to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + The formatting info for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + The option for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles exceptions + + + false if this converter handles exceptions + + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles the logging event exception + + false if this converter handles the logging event exception + + + If this converter handles the exception object contained within + , then this property should be set to + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the property should be set to true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this converter does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output . + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Abstract class that provides access to the current HttpContext () that + derived classes need. + + + This class handles the case when HttpContext.Current is null by writing + to the writer. + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. If no property has been set, all key value pairs from the Cache will + be written to the output. + + + + + + Converter for items in the . + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net HttpContext item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. If no property has been set, all key value pairs from the Session will + be written to the output. + + + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + + Render the to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,yyyy" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter pattern based on the property. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert the pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception or the exception property specified + by the Option value does not exist then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Recognized values for the Option parameter are: + + + + Message + + + Source + + + StackTrace + + + TargetSite + + + HelpLink + + + + + + + Writes the caller location file name to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location file name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + + + Writes the value of the to + the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the + to + the output . + + + + + + Write the event level to the output + + + + Writes the display name of the event + to the writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event level to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the of the + to the . + + + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Converter for logger name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Converter to output and truncate '.' separated strings + + + + This abstract class supports truncating a '.' separated string + to show a specified number of elements from the right hand side. + This is used to truncate class names that are fully qualified. + + + Subclasses should override the method to + return the fully qualified string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Get the fully qualified string data + + the event being logged + the fully qualified name + + + Overridden by subclasses to get the fully qualified name before the + precision is applied to it. + + + Return the fully qualified '.' (dot/period) separated string. + + + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + Render the to the precision + specified by the property. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the NamedPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the logger + + the event being logged + The fully qualified logger name + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + + + + Write the method name to the output + + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the method name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + + + + Converter to include event NDC + + + + Outputs the value of the event property named NDC. + + + The should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event NDC to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + As the thread context stacks are now stored in named event properties + this converter simply looks up the value of the NDC property. + + + The should be used instead. + + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + Converter to output the relative time of the event + + + + Converter to output the time of the event relative to the start of the program. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the relative time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the relative time of the event in milliseconds. + That is the number of milliseconds between the event + and the . + + + + + + Helper method to get the time difference between two DateTime objects + + start time (in the current local time zone) + end time (in the current local time zone) + the time difference in milliseconds + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + Adam Davies + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + Michael Cromwell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the strack frames to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Returns the Name of the method + + + This method was created, so this class could be used as a base class for StackTraceDetailPatternConverter + string + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTracePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTraceDetailPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Converter to include event thread name + + + + Writes the to the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the ThreadName to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the . + + + + + + Pattern converter for the class name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the class + + the event being logged + The fully qualified type name for the caller location + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Converter to include event user name + + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + Uses a to format the + in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone, this is converted + to Universal time before it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string that re-evaluates on each call. + + + This class is built on and provides all the + features and capabilities of PatternLayout. PatternLayout is a 'static' class + in that its layout is done once at configuration time. This class will recreate + the layout on each reference. + One important difference between PatternLayout and DynamicPatternLayout is the + treatment of the Header and Footer parameters in the configuration. The Header and Footer + parameters for DynamicPatternLayout must be syntactically in the form of a PatternString, + but should not be marked as type log4net.Util.PatternString. Doing so causes the + pattern to be statically converted at configuration time and causes DynamicPatternLayout + to perform the same as PatternLayout. + Please see for complete documentation. + + <layout type="log4net.Layout.DynamicPatternLayout"> + <param name="Header" value="%newline**** Trace Opened Local: %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} UTC: %utcdate{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + <param name="Footer" value="**** Trace Closed %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + </layout> + + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string. + + + + The goal of this class is to a + as a string. The results + depend on the conversion pattern. + + + The conversion pattern is closely related to the conversion + pattern of the printf function in C. A conversion pattern is + composed of literal text and format control expressions called + conversion specifiers. + + + You are free to insert any literal text within the conversion + pattern. + + + Each conversion specifier starts with a percent sign (%) and is + followed by optional format modifiers and a conversion + pattern name. The conversion pattern name specifies the type of + data, e.g. logger, level, date, thread name. The format + modifiers control such things as field width, padding, left and + right justification. The following is a simple example. + + + Let the conversion pattern be "%-5level [%thread]: %message%newline" and assume + that the log4net environment was set to use a PatternLayout. Then the + statements + + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TestApp)); + log.Debug("Message 1"); + log.Warn("Message 2"); + + would yield the output + + DEBUG [main]: Message 1 + WARN [main]: Message 2 + + + Note that there is no explicit separator between text and + conversion specifiers. The pattern parser knows when it has reached + the end of a conversion specifier when it reads a conversion + character. In the example above the conversion specifier + %-5level means the level of the logging event should be left + justified to a width of five characters. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + a + Equivalent to appdomain + + + appdomain + + Used to output the friendly name of the AppDomain where the + logging event was generated. + + + + aspnet-cache + + + Used to output all cache items in the case of %aspnet-cache or just one named item if used as %aspnet-cache{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-context + + + Used to output all context items in the case of %aspnet-context or just one named item if used as %aspnet-context{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-request + + + Used to output all request parameters in the case of %aspnet-request or just one named param if used as %aspnet-request{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-session + + + Used to output all session items in the case of %aspnet-session or just one named item if used as %aspnet-session{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + c + Equivalent to logger + + + C + Equivalent to type + + + class + Equivalent to type + + + d + Equivalent to date + + + date + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + exception + + + Used to output the exception passed in with the log message. + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + + + F + Equivalent to file + + + file + + + Used to output the file name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + WARNING Generating caller information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + l + Equivalent to location + + + L + Equivalent to line + + + location + + + Used to output location information of the caller which generated + the logging event. + + + The location information depends on the CLI implementation but + usually consists of the fully qualified name of the calling + method followed by the callers source the file name and line + number between parentheses. + + + The location information can be very useful. However, its + generation is extremely slow. Its use should be avoided + unless execution speed is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + level + + + Used to output the level of the logging event. + + + + + line + + + Used to output the line number from where the logging request + was issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + logger + + + Used to output the logger of the logging event. The + logger conversion specifier can be optionally followed by + precision specifier, that is a decimal constant in + brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the logger name will be + printed. By default the logger name is printed in full. + + + For example, for the logger name "a.b.c" the pattern + %logger{2} will output "b.c". + + + + + m + Equivalent to message + + + M + Equivalent to method + + + message + + + Used to output the application supplied message associated with + the logging event. + + + + + mdc + + + The MDC (old name for the ThreadContext.Properties) is now part of the + combined event properties. This pattern is supported for compatibility + but is equivalent to property. + + + + + method + + + Used to output the method name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + n + Equivalent to newline + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + ndc + + + Used to output the NDC (nested diagnostic context) associated + with the thread that generated the logging event. + + + + + p + Equivalent to level + + + P + Equivalent to property + + + properties + Equivalent to property + + + property + + + Used to output the an event specific property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are added to events by loggers or appenders. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the event properties + + The event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + r + Equivalent to timestamp + + + stacktrace + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktrace{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + stacktracedetail + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktracedetail{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + t + Equivalent to thread + + + timestamp + + + Used to output the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start + of the application until the creation of the logging event. + + + + + thread + + + Used to output the name of the thread that generated the + logging event. Uses the thread number if no name is available. + + + + + type + + + Used to output the fully qualified type name of the caller + issuing the logging request. This conversion specifier + can be optionally followed by precision specifier, that + is a decimal constant in brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the class name will be + printed. By default the class name is output in fully qualified form. + + + For example, for the class name "log4net.Layout.PatternLayout", the + pattern %type{1} will output "PatternLayout". + + + WARNING Generating the caller class information is + slow. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is + not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + u + Equivalent to identity + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + WARNING Generating caller WindowsIdentity information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + w + Equivalent to username + + + x + Equivalent to ndc + + + X + Equivalent to mdc + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + The single letter patterns are deprecated in favor of the + longer more descriptive pattern names. + + + By default the relevant information is output as is. However, + with the aid of format modifiers it is possible to change the + minimum field width, the maximum field width and justification. + + + The optional format modifier is placed between the percent sign + and the conversion pattern name. + + + The first optional format modifier is the left justification + flag which is just the minus (-) character. Then comes the + optional minimum field width modifier. This is a decimal + constant that represents the minimum number of characters to + output. If the data item requires fewer characters, it is padded on + either the left or the right until the minimum width is + reached. The default is to pad on the left (right justify) but you + can specify right padding with the left justification flag. The + padding character is space. If the data item is larger than the + minimum field width, the field is expanded to accommodate the + data. The value is never truncated. + + + This behavior can be changed using the maximum field + width modifier which is designated by a period followed by a + decimal constant. If the data item is longer than the maximum + field, then the extra characters are removed from the + beginning of the data item and not from the end. For + example, it the maximum field width is eight and the data item is + ten characters long, then the first two characters of the data item + are dropped. This behavior deviates from the printf function in C + where truncation is done from the end. + + + Below are various format modifier examples for the logger + conversion specifier. + +
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Format modifierleft justifyminimum widthmaximum widthcomment
    %20loggerfalse20none + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is less than 20 + characters long. + +
    %-20loggertrue20none + + Right pad with spaces if the logger + name is less than 20 characters long. + +
    %.30loggerNAnone30 + + Truncate from the beginning if the logger + name is longer than 30 characters. + +
    %20.30loggerfalse2030 + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
    %-20.30loggertrue2030 + + Right pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
    + + Note about caller location information.
    + The following patterns %type %file %line %method %location %class %C %F %L %l %M + all generate caller location information. + Location information uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. +
    + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using the method. + +
    + + This is a more detailed pattern. + %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline + + + A similar pattern except that the relative time is + right padded if less than 6 digits, thread name is right padded if + less than 15 characters and truncated if longer and the logger + name is left padded if shorter than 30 characters and truncated if + longer. + %-6timestamp [%15.15thread] %-5level %30.30logger %ndc - %message%newline + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino +
    + + + Extend this abstract class to create your own log layout format. + + + + This is the base implementation of the + interface. Most layout objects should extend this class. + + + + + + Subclasses must implement the + method. + + + Subclasses should set the in their default + constructor. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by layout objects + + + + An object is used to format a + as text. The method is called by an + appender to transform the into a string. + + + The layout can also supply and + text that is appender before any events and after all the events respectively. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text and output to a writer. + + + If the caller does not have a and prefers the + event to be formatted as a then the following + code can be used to format the event into a . + + + StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); + Layout.Format(writer, loggingEvent); + string formattedEvent = writer.ToString(); + + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This is a MIME type e.g. "text/plain". + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handle exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + + + + The header text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The footer text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This method must be implemented by the subclass. + + + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text. + + + + + + Convenience method for easily formatting the logging event into a string variable. + + + + Creates a new StringWriter instance to store the formatted logging event. + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type is "text/plain" + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This base class uses the value "text/plain". + To change this value a subclass must override this + property. + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this layout does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + Currently set to the string "%message%newline" + which just prints the application supplied message. + + + + + + A detailed conversion pattern + + + + A conversion pattern which includes Time, Thread, Logger, and Nested Context. + Current value is %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline. + + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + This static map is overridden by the m_converterRegistry instance map + + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternLayout only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + Defines the builtin global rules. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + As per the contract the + method must be called after the properties on this object have been + configured. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + When using this constructor the method + need not be called. This may not be the case when using a subclass. + + + + + + Create the pattern parser instance + + the pattern to parse + The that will format the event + + + Creates the used to parse the conversion string. Sets the + global and instance rules on the . + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Parse the using the patter format + specified in the property. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a named pattern converter to this instance. This + converter will be used in the formatting of the event. + This method must be called before . + + + The specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + The header PatternString + + + + + The footer PatternString + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event. + + + This Layout should only be used with appenders that utilize multiple + layouts (e.g. ). + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Constructs a ExceptionLayout + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + Part of the component activation + framework. + + + This method does nothing as options become effective immediately. + + + + + + Gets the exception text from the logging event + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + the event being logged + + + Write the exception string to the . + The exception string is retrieved from . + + + + + + Interface for raw layout objects + + + + Interface used to format a + to an object. + + + This interface should not be confused with the + interface. This interface is used in + only certain specialized situations where a raw object is + required rather than a formatted string. The + is not generally useful than this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + + + + + Adapts any to a + + + + Where an is required this adapter + allows a to be specified. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The layout to adapt + + + + + Construct a new adapter + + the layout to adapt + + + Create the adapter for the specified . + + + + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + + Uses the object supplied to + the constructor to perform the formatting. + + + + + + Type converter for the interface + + + + Used to convert objects to the interface. + Supports converting from the interface to + the interface using the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from arbitrary types + to a single target type. See . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the can be converted to the + type supported by this converter. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Converts the to the type supported + by this converter. + + + + + + Can the sourceType be converted to an + + the source to be to be converted + true if the source type can be converted to + + + Test if the can be converted to a + . Only is supported + as the . + + + + + + Convert the value to a object + + the value to convert + the object + + + Convert the object to a + object. If the object + is a then the + is used to adapt between the two interfaces, otherwise an + exception is thrown. + + + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructs a RawPropertyLayout + + + + + Lookup the property for + + The event to format + returns property value + + + Looks up and returns the object value of the property + named . If there is no property defined + with than name then null will be returned. + + + + + + The name of the value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection. + + + Value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection + + + + String name of the property to lookup in the . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in local time. To format the time stamp + in universal time use . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawUtcTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in universal time. To format the time stamp + in local time use . + + + + + + A very simple layout + + + + SimpleLayout consists of the level of the log statement, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. For example, + + DEBUG - Hello world + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a SimpleLayout + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a simple formatted output. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Formats the event as the level of the even, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. The + output is terminated by a newline. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + The output of the consists of a series of + log4net:event elements. It does not output a complete well-formed XML + file. The output is designed to be included as an external entity + in a separate file to form a correct XML file. + + + For example, if abc is the name of the file where + the output goes, then a well-formed XML file would + be: + + + <?xml version="1.0" ?> + + <!DOCTYPE log4net:events SYSTEM "log4net-events.dtd" [<!ENTITY data SYSTEM "abc">]> + + <log4net:events version="1.2" xmlns:log4net="> + &data; + </log4net:events> + + + This approach enforces the independence of the + and the appender where it is embedded. + + + The version attribute helps components to correctly + interpret output generated by . The value of + this attribute should be "1.2" for release 1.2 and later. + + + Alternatively the Header and Footer properties can be + configured to output the correct XML header, open tag and close tag. + When setting the Header and Footer properties it is essential + that the underlying data store not be appendable otherwise the data + will become invalid XML. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + This is an abstract class that must be subclassed by an implementation + to conform to a specific schema. + + + Deriving classes must implement the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with no location info. + + + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + The parameter determines whether + location information will be output by the layout. If + is set to true, then the + file name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string. + + The event being logged. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the and write it to the . + + + This method creates an that writes to the + . The is passed + to the method. Subclasses should override the + method rather than this method. + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Subclasses should override this method to format + the as XML. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if location information should be included in + the XML events. + + + + + The string to replace invalid chars with + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether to include location information in + the XML events. + + + true if location information should be included in the XML + events; otherwise, false. + + + + If is set to true, then the file + name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + The string to replace characters that can not be expressed in XML with. + + + Not all characters may be expressed in XML. This property contains the + string to replace those that can not with. This defaults to a ?. Set it + to the empty string to simply remove offending characters. For more + details on the allowed character ranges see + Character replacement will occur in the log message, the property names + and the property values. + + + + + + + Gets the content type output by this layout. + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SmtpAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Builds a cache of the element names + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Override the base class method + to write the to the . + + + + + + The prefix to use for all generated element names + + + + + The prefix to use for all element names + + + + The default prefix is log4net. Set this property + to change the prefix. If the prefix is set to an empty string + then no prefix will be written. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the message. + + + + By default the log message will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when the message contains binary + data. By setting this to true the contents of the message will be + base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the log message. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the property values. + + + + By default the properties will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when one or more properties contain + binary data. By setting this to true the values of the properties + will be base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the property values. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements compatible with the log4j schema + + + + Formats the log events according to the schema. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Actually do the writing of the xml + + the writer to use + the event to write + + + Generate XML that is compatible with the log4j schema. + + + + + + The version of the log4j schema to use. + + + + Only version 1.2 of the log4j schema is supported. + + + + + + The default object Renderer. + + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects and collections to strings. + + + See the method for details of the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface in order to render objects as strings + + + + Certain types require special case conversion to + string form. This conversion is done by an object renderer. + Object renderers implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a + string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects to strings as follows: + + + + Value + Rendered String + + + null + + "(null)" + + + + + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + , & + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: {a, b, c}. + + + All collection classes that implement its subclasses, + or generic equivalents all implement the interface. + + + + + + + + Rendered as the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). + + + For example: key=value. + + + + + other + + Object.ToString() + + + + + + + + Render the array argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the array to render + The writer to render to + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + + Render the enumerator argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the enumerator to render + The writer to render to + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + {a, b, c}. + + + + + + Render the DictionaryEntry argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the DictionaryEntry to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). For example: key=value. + + + + + + Map class objects to an . + + + + Maintains a mapping between types that require special + rendering and the that + is used to render them. + + + The method is used to render an + object using the appropriate renderers defined in this map. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + the object rendered as a string + + + This is a convenience method used to render an object to a string. + The alternative method + should be used when streaming output to a . + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + The writer to render to + + + Find the appropriate renderer for the type of the + parameter. This is accomplished by calling the + method. Once a renderer is found, it is + applied on the object and the result is returned + as a . + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type + + the object to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type. + + + Syntactic sugar method that calls + with the type of the object parameter. + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified type + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + Returns the renderer for the specified type. + If no specific renderer has been defined the + will be returned. + + + + + + Internal function to recursively search interfaces + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + + Clear the map of renderers + + + + Clear the custom renderers defined by using + . The + cannot be removed. + + + + + + Register an for . + + the type that will be rendered by + the renderer for + + + Register an object renderer for a specific source type. + This renderer will be returned from a call to + specifying the same as an argument. + + + + + + Get the default renderer instance + + the default renderer + + + Get the default renderer + + + + + + Interface implemented by logger repository plugins. + + + + Plugins define additional behavior that can be associated + with a . + The held by the + property is used to store the plugins for a repository. + + + The log4net.Config.PluginAttribute can be used to + attach plugins to repositories created using configuration + attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches the plugin to the specified . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + Gets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a PluginCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A PluginCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new PluginCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the PluginCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the PluginCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the PluginCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the PluginCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the PluginCollection. + + The to locate in the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire PluginCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the PluginCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the PluginCollection. + + The to remove from the PluginCollection. + + The specified was not found in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the PluginCollection. + + An for the entire PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another PluginCollection to the current PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current PluginCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current PluginCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + + The at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + The number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + The current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + Map of repository plugins. + + + + This class is a name keyed map of the plugins that are + attached to a repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + Initialize a new instance of the class with a + repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + + + + Adds a to the map. + + The to add to the map. + + + The will be attached to the repository when added. + + + If there already exists a plugin with the same name + attached to the repository then the old plugin will + be and replaced with + the new plugin. + + + + + + Removes a from the map. + + The to remove from the map. + + + Remove a specific plugin from this map. + + + + + + Gets a by name. + + The name of the to lookup. + + The from the map with the name specified, or + null if no plugin is found. + + + + Lookup a plugin by name. If the plugin is not found null + will be returned. + + + + + + Gets all possible plugins as a list of objects. + + All possible plugins as a list of objects. + + + Get a collection of all the plugins defined in this map. + + + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the + interface. This base class can be used by implementors + of the interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + the name of the plugin + + Initializes a new Plugin with the specified name. + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + The name of this plugin. + + + + + The repository this plugin is attached to. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + The name of the plugin must not change one the + plugin has been attached to a repository. + + + + + + The repository for this plugin + + + The that this plugin is attached to. + + + + Gets or sets the that this plugin is + attached to. + + + + + + Plugin that listens for events from the + + + + This plugin publishes an instance of + on a specified . This listens for logging events delivered from + a remote . + + + When an event is received it is relogged within the attached repository + as if it had been raised locally. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The property must be set. + + + + + + Construct with sink Uri. + + The name to publish the sink under in the remoting infrastructure. + See for more details. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with specified name. + + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + When the plugin is shutdown the remote logging + sink is disconnected. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RemoteLoggingServerPlugin class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the URI of this sink. + + + The URI of this sink. + + + + This is the name under which the object is marshaled. + + + + + + + Delivers objects to a remote sink. + + + + Internal class used to listen for logging events + and deliver them to the local repository. + + + + + + Constructor + + The repository to log to. + + + Initializes a new instance of the for the + specified . + + + + + + Logs the events to the repository. + + The events to log. + + + The events passed are logged to the + + + + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. + + null to indicate that this instance should live forever. + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. This object should live forever + therefore this implementation returns null. + + + + + + The underlying that events should + be logged to. + + + + + Default implementation of + + + + This default implementation of the + interface is used to create the default subclass + of the object. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface abstracts creation of instances + + + + This interface is used by the to + create new objects. + + + The method is called + to create a named . + + + Implement this interface to create new subclasses of . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default internal subclass of + + + + This subclass has no additional behavior over the + class but does allow instances + to be created. + + + + + + Implementation of used by + + + + Internal class used to provide implementation of + interface. Applications should use to get + logger instances. + + + This is one of the central classes in the log4net implementation. One of the + distinctive features of log4net are hierarchical loggers and their + evaluation. The organizes the + instances into a rooted tree hierarchy. + + + The class is abstract. Only concrete subclasses of + can be created. The + is used to create instances of this type for the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + + + + This constructor created a new instance and + sets its name. + + The name of the . + + + This constructor is protected and designed to be used by + a subclass that is not abstract. + + + Loggers are constructed by + objects. See for the default + logger creator. + + + + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + An appender to add to this logger + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + + If is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Look for the appender named as name + + The name of the appender to lookup + The appender with the name specified, or null. + + + Returns the named appender, or null if the appender is not found. + + + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the named appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Deliver the to the attached appenders. + + The event to log. + + + Call the appenders in the hierarchy starting at + this. If no appenders could be found, emit a + warning. + + + This method calls all the appenders inherited from the + hierarchy circumventing any evaluation of whether to log or not + to log the particular log request. + + + + + + Closes all attached appenders implementing the interface. + + + + Used to ensure that the appenders are correctly shutdown. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method. This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers + + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the . + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generates a logging event and delivers it to the attached + appenders. + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The event being logged. + + + Delivers the logging event to the attached appenders. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Logger class. + + + + + The name of this logger. + + + + + The assigned level of this logger. + + + + The level variable need not be + assigned a value in which case it is inherited + form the hierarchy. + + + + + + The parent of this logger. + + + + The parent of this logger. + All loggers have at least one ancestor which is the root logger. + + + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + The hierarchy that this logger is a member of is stored + here. + + + + + + Helper implementation of the interface + + + + + Flag indicating if child loggers inherit their parents appenders + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Lock to protect AppenderAttachedImpl variable m_appenderAttachedImpl + + + + + Gets or sets the parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + The parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + + Part of the Composite pattern that makes the hierarchy. + The hierarchy is parent linked rather than child linked. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + true if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Gets the effective level for this logger. + + The nearest level in the logger hierarchy. + + + Starting from this logger, searches the logger hierarchy for a + non-null level and returns it. Otherwise, returns the level of the + root logger. + + The Logger class is designed so that this method executes as + quickly as possible. + + + + + Gets or sets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + The hierarchy that this logger belongs to. + + + This logger must be attached to a single . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned , if any, for this Logger. + + + The of this logger. + + + + The assigned can be null. + + + + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . + + A collection of the appenders in this logger + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . If no appenders + can be found, then a is returned. + + + + + + Gets the logger name. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Construct a new Logger + + the name of the logger + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + The in which the has been created. + The event args that hold the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A event is raised every time a + is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Constructor + + The that has been created. + + + Initializes a new instance of the event argument + class,with the specified . + + + + + + Gets the that has been created. + + + The that has been created. + + + + The that has been created. + + + + + + Hierarchical organization of loggers + + + + The casual user should not have to deal with this class + directly. + + + This class is specialized in retrieving loggers by name and + also maintaining the logger hierarchy. Implements the + interface. + + + The structure of the logger hierarchy is maintained by the + method. The hierarchy is such that children + link to their parent but parents do not have any references to their + children. Moreover, loggers can be instantiated in any order, in + particular descendant before ancestor. + + + In case a descendant is created before a particular ancestor, + then it creates a provision node for the ancestor and adds itself + to the provision node. Other descendants of the same ancestor add + themselves to the previously created provision node. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the interface. + + + Skeleton implementation of the interface. + All types can extend this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by logger repositories. + + + + This interface is implemented by logger repositories. e.g. + . + + + This interface is used by the + to obtain interfaces. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + If the names logger exists it is returned, otherwise + null is returned. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + + + + + Returns a named logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Returns a named logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + Shutting down a repository will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The name of the repository + + + + The name of the repository. + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Collection of internal messages captured during the most + recent configuration process. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis. + + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes the repository with default (empty) properties. + + + + + + Construct the repository using specific properties + + the properties to set for this repository + + + Initializes the repository with specified properties. + + + + + + Test if logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository as an Array. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Return a new logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + + Shutdown the repository. Can be overridden in a subclass. + This base class implementation notifies the + listeners and all attached plugins of the shutdown event. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerRepositorySkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + The type that will be rendered by the renderer supplied. + The object renderer used to render the object. + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository is shutting down + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository is shutting down. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration reset + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has been reset. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration changed + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has changed. + + + + + + Raise a configuration changed event on this repository + + EventArgs.Empty + + + Applications that programmatically change the configuration of the repository should + raise this event notification to notify listeners. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The string name of the repository + + + + The name of this repository. The name is + used to store and lookup the repositories + stored by the . + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Contains a list of internal messages captures during the + last configuration. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis + + + + + Basic Configurator interface for repositories + + + + Interface used by basic configurator to configure a + with a default . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appender. + + + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appenders. + + + + + + Configure repository using XML + + + + Interface used by Xml configurator to configure a . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + The schema for the XML configuration data is defined by + the implementation. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with properties + + The properties to pass to this repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with a logger factory + + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Construct with properties and a logger factory + + The properties to pass to this repository. + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Test if a logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the hierarchy. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array. + The root logger is not included in the returned + enumeration. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The Shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their default. + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their + default. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this hierarchy. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are currently configured + + An array containing all the currently configured appenders + + + Returns all the instances that are currently configured. + All the loggers are searched for appenders. The appenders may also be containers + for appenders and these are also searched for additional loggers. + + + The list returned is unordered but does not contain duplicates. + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an . + The appender may also be a container. + + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an container + + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Test if this hierarchy is disabled for the specified . + + The level to check against. + + true if the repository is disabled for the level argument, false otherwise. + + + + If this hierarchy has not been configured then this method will + always return true. + + + This method will return true if this repository is + disabled for level object passed as parameter and + false otherwise. + + + See also the property. + + + + + + Clear all logger definitions from the internal hashtable + + + + This call will clear all logger definitions from the internal + hashtable. Invoking this method will irrevocably mess up the + logger hierarchy. + + + You should really know what you are doing before + invoking this method. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + . + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The factory that will make the new logger instance + The logger object with the name specified + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated by the + parameter and linked with its existing + ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Sends a logger creation event to all registered listeners + + The newly created logger + + Raises the logger creation event. + + + + + Updates all the parents of the specified logger + + The logger to update the parents for + + + This method loops through all the potential parents of + . There 3 possible cases: + + + + No entry for the potential parent of exists + + We create a ProvisionNode for this potential + parent and insert in that provision node. + + + + The entry is of type Logger for the potential parent. + + The entry is 's nearest existing parent. We + update 's parent field with this entry. We also break from + he loop because updating our parent's parent is our parent's + responsibility. + + + + The entry is of type ProvisionNode for this potential parent. + + We add to the list of children for this + potential parent. + + + + + + + + Replace a with a in the hierarchy. + + + + + + We update the links for all the children that placed themselves + in the provision node 'pn'. The second argument 'log' is a + reference for the newly created Logger, parent of all the + children in 'pn'. + + + We loop on all the children 'c' in 'pn'. + + + If the child 'c' has been already linked to a child of + 'log' then there is no need to update 'c'. + + + Otherwise, we set log's parent field to c's parent and set + c's parent field to log. + + + + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + the level values + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + + Supports setting levels via the configuration file. + + + + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument + + the property value + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument. + + + Supports setting property values via the configuration file. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Hierarchy class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event used to notify that a logger has been created. + + + + Event raised when a logger is created. + + + + + + Has no appender warning been emitted + + + + Flag to indicate if we have already issued a warning + about not having an appender warning. + + + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default instance. + + The default + + + The logger factory is used to create logger instances. + + + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Value of the level + + + + If the value is not set (defaults to -1) the value will be looked + up for the current level with the same name. + + + + + + Name of the level + + + The name of the level + + + + The name of the level. + + + + + + Display name for the level + + + The display name of the level + + + + The display name of the level. + + + + + + Used internally to accelerate hash table searches. + + + + Internal class used to improve performance of + string keyed hashtables. + + + The hashcode of the string is cached for reuse. + The string is stored as an interned value. + When comparing two objects for equality + the reference equality of the interned strings is compared. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct key with string name + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + Stores the hashcode of the string and interns + the string key to optimize comparisons. + + + The Compact Framework 1.0 the + method does not work. On the Compact Framework + the string keys are not interned nor are they + compared by reference. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + Returns a hash code for the current instance. + + A hash code for the current instance. + + + Returns the cached hashcode. + + + + + + Determines whether two instances + are equal. + + The to compare with the current . + + true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares the references of the interned strings. + + + + + + Provision nodes are used where no logger instance has been specified + + + + instances are used in the + when there is no specified + for that node. + + + A provision node holds a list of child loggers on behalf of + a logger that does not exist. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new provision node with child node + + A child logger to add to this node. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified child logger. + + + + + + The sits at the root of the logger hierarchy tree. + + + + The is a regular except + that it provides several guarantees. + + + First, it cannot be assigned a null + level. Second, since the root logger cannot have a parent, the + property always returns the value of the + level field without walking the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct a + + The level to assign to the root logger. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified logging level. + + + The root logger names itself as "root". However, the root + logger cannot be retrieved by name. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RootLogger class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + The assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + + Because the root logger cannot have a parent and its level + must not be null this property just returns the + value of . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned for the root logger. + + + The of the root logger. + + + + Setting the level of the root logger to a null reference + may have catastrophic results. We prevent this here. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net environment using an XML DOM. + + + + Configures a using an XML DOM. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct the configurator for a hierarchy + + The hierarchy to build. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + + + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + The root element to parse. + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + + + + + Parse appenders by IDREF. + + The appender ref element. + The instance of the appender that the ref refers to. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender. + + + + + + Parses an appender element. + + The appender element. + The appender instance or null when parsing failed. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender instance. + + + + + + Parses a logger element. + + The logger element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a logger. + + + + + + Parses the root logger element. + + The root element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents the root logger. + + + + + + Parses the children of a logger element. + + The category element. + The logger instance. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse the child elements of a <logger> element. + + + + + + Parses an object renderer. + + The renderer element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a renderer. + + + + + + Parses a level element. + + The level element. + The logger object to set the level on. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a level. + + + + + + Sets a parameter on an object. + + The parameter element. + The object to set the parameter on. + + The parameter name must correspond to a writable property + on the object. The value of the parameter is a string, + therefore this function will attempt to set a string + property first. If unable to set a string property it + will inspect the property and its argument type. It will + attempt to call a static method called Parse on the + type of the property. This method will take a single + string argument and return a value that can be used to + set the property. + + + + + Test if an element has no attributes or child elements + + the element to inspect + true if the element has any attributes or child elements, false otherwise + + + + Test if a is constructible with Activator.CreateInstance. + + the type to inspect + true if the type is creatable using a default constructor, false otherwise + + + + Look for a method on the that matches the supplied + + the type that has the method + the name of the method + the method info found + + + The method must be a public instance method on the . + The method must be named or "Add" followed by . + The method must take a single parameter. + + + + + + Converts a string value to a target type. + + The type of object to convert the string to. + The string value to use as the value of the object. + + + An object of type with value or + null when the conversion could not be performed. + + + + + + Creates an object as specified in XML. + + The XML element that contains the definition of the object. + The object type to use if not explicitly specified. + The type that the returned object must be or must inherit from. + The object or null + + + Parse an XML element and create an object instance based on the configuration + data. + + + The type of the instance may be specified in the XML. If not + specified then the is used + as the type. However the type is specified it must support the + type. + + + + + + key: appenderName, value: appender. + + + + + The Hierarchy being configured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlHierarchyConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications + + The that is shutting down. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications + + The that has had its configuration reset. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + The that has had its configuration changed. + Empty event arguments. + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes name of the current AppDomain to the output . + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The date and time is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date and time passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an folder path to the output + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + should be a value in the enumeration. + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the special path environment folder path to the output . + The name of the special path environment folder path to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentFolderPathPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + + + Write an environment variable to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the environment variable to the output . + The name of the environment variable to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the current thread identity to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the IdentityPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Pattern converter for literal string instances in the pattern + + + + Writes the literal string value specified in the + property to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Set the next converter in the chain + + The next pattern converter in the chain + The next pattern converter + + + Special case the building of the pattern converter chain + for instances. Two adjacent + literals in the pattern can be represented by a single combined + pattern converter. This implementation detects when a + is added to the chain + after this converter and combines its value with this converter's + literal value. + + + + + + Write the literal to the output + + the writer to write to + null, not set + + + Override the formatting behavior to ignore the FormattingInfo + because we have a literal instead. + + + Writes the value of + to the output . + + + + + + Convert this pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, not set + + + This method is not used. + + + + + + Writes a newline to the output + + + + Writes the system dependent line terminator to the output. + This behavior can be overridden by setting the : + + + + Option Value + Output + + + DOS + DOS or Windows line terminator "\r\n" + + + UNIX + UNIX line terminator "\n" + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + + + Write the current process ID to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current process ID to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ProcessIdPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + This pattern converter reads the thread and global properties. + The thread properties take priority over global properties. + See for details of the + thread properties. See for + details of the global properties. + + + If the is specified then that will be used to + lookup a single property. If no is specified + then all properties will be dumped as a list of key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + A Pattern converter that generates a string of random characters + + + + The converter generates a string of random characters. By default + the string is length 4. This can be changed by setting the + to the string value of the length required. + + + The random characters in the string are limited to uppercase letters + and numbers only. + + + The random number generator used by this class is not cryptographically secure. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Shared random number generator + + + + + Length of random string to generate. Default length 4. + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write a randoim string to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write a randoim string to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RandomStringPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + + + Write the current threads username to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current threads username to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UserNamePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the UTC date time to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current date and time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date is in Universal time when it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Type converter for Boolean. + + + + Supports conversion from string to bool type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Exception base type for conversion errors. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + A nested exception to include. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Register of type converters for specific types. + + + + Maintains a registry of type converters used to convert between + types. + + + Use the and + methods to register new converters. + The and methods + lookup appropriate converters to use. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Static constructor. + + + + This constructor defines the intrinsic type converters. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter instance for a specific type. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type of the type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted from. + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Lookups the type converter to use as specified by the attributes on the + destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + + Creates the instance of the type converter. + + The type of the type converter. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + The type specified for the type converter must implement + the or interfaces + and must have a public default (no argument) constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ConverterRegistry class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Mapping from to type converter. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an encoding + the encoding + + + Uses the method to + convert the argument to an . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from a single type to arbitrary types. + See . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type + + A Type that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the type supported by this converter can be converted to the + . + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Converts the (which must be of the type supported + by this converter) to the specified.. + + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an IPAddress + the IPAddress + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to an . + If that fails then the string is resolved as a DNS hostname. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Valid characters in an IPv4 or IPv6 address string. (Does not support subnets) + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternLayout + the PatternLayout + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Convert between string and + + + + Supports conversion from string to type, + and from a type to a string. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the target type be converted to the type supported by this object + + A that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + assignable from a type. + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + . To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternString + the PatternString + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a Type + the Type + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + Additional effort is made to locate partially specified types + by searching the loaded assemblies. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Attribute used to associate a type converter + + + + Class and Interface level attribute that specifies a type converter + to use with the associated type. + + + To associate a type converter with a target type apply a + TypeConverterAttribute to the target type. Specify the + type of the type converter on the attribute. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type name + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type + + The type of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + A straightforward implementation of the interface. + + + + This is the default implementation of the + interface. Implementors of the interface + should aggregate an instance of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The event being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The array of events being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Calls the DoAppende method on the with + the objects supplied. + + The appender + The events + + + If the supports the + interface then the will be passed + through using that interface. Otherwise the + objects in the array will be passed one at a time. + + + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + If the appender is already in the list it won't be added again. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Lookup an attached appender by name. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + List of appenders + + + + + Array of appenders, used to cache the m_appenderList + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderAttachedImpl class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders, or null if there + are no attached appenders. + + + + The read only collection of all currently attached appenders. + + + + + + This class aggregates several PropertiesDictionary collections together. + + + + Provides a dictionary style lookup over an ordered list of + collections. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Add a Properties Dictionary to this composite collection + + the properties to add + + + Properties dictionaries added first take precedence over dictionaries added + later. + + + + + + Flatten this composite collection into a single properties dictionary + + the flattened dictionary + + + Reduces the collection of ordered dictionaries to a single dictionary + containing the resultant values for the keys. + + + + + + Gets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Looks up the value for the specified. + The collections are searched + in the order in which they were added to this collection. The value + returned is the value held by the first collection that contains + the specified key. + + + If none of the collections contain the specified key then + null is returned. + + + + + + Base class for Context Properties implementations + + + + This class defines a basic property get set accessor + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Wrapper class used to map converter names to converter types + + + + Pattern converter info class used during configuration by custom + PatternString and PatternLayer converters. + + + + + + default constructor + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the conversion pattern + + + + The name of the pattern in the format string + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the converter + + + + The value specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + + + + + + Subclass of that maintains a count of + the number of bytes written. + + + + This writer counts the number of bytes written. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + that does not leak exceptions + + + + does not throw exceptions when things go wrong. + Instead, it delegates error handling to its . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The writer to forward messages to + + + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + The to forward to + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + + + + + Closes the writer and releases any system resources associated with the writer + + + + + + + + + Dispose this writer + + flag indicating if we are being disposed + + + Dispose this writer + + + + + + Flushes any buffered output + + + + Clears all buffers for the writer and causes any buffered data to be written + to the underlying device + + + + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + the data buffer + the start index + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + The + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + The format provider + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + The line terminator to use + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + the error handler to report error to + + + Create a new QuietTextWriter using a writer and error handler + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + the char to write + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a string to the output. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Writes a string to the output. + + + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + + + The error handler instance to pass all errors to + + + + + Flag to indicate if this writer is closed + + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + The error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + true if this writer is closed, otherwise false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + + + + Constructor + + The to actually write to. + The to report errors to. + + + Creates a new instance of the class + with the specified and . + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the char to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a string to the output and counts the number of bytes written. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Total number of bytes written. + + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + The total number of bytes written. + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + + + + A fixed size rolling buffer of logging events. + + + + An array backed fixed size leaky bucket. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The maximum number of logging events in the buffer. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified maximum number of buffered logging events. + + + The argument is not a positive integer. + + + + Appends a to the buffer. + + The event to append to the buffer. + The event discarded from the buffer, if the buffer is full, otherwise null. + + + Append an event to the buffer. If the buffer still contains free space then + null is returned. If the buffer is full then an event will be dropped + to make space for the new event, the event dropped is returned. + + + + + + Get and remove the oldest event in the buffer. + + The oldest logging event in the buffer + + + Gets the oldest (first) logging event in the buffer and removes it + from the buffer. + + + + + + Pops all the logging events from the buffer into an array. + + An array of all the logging events in the buffer. + + + Get all the events in the buffer and clear the buffer. + + + + + + Clear the buffer + + + + Clear the buffer of all events. The events in the buffer are lost. + + + + + + Gets the th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + The th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + + If is outside the range 0 to the number of events + currently in the buffer, then null is returned. + + + + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer. + + The maximum size of the buffer. + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer + + + + + + Gets the number of logging events in the buffer. + + The number of logging events in the buffer. + + + This number is guaranteed to be in the range 0 to + (inclusive). + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the . + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Adds an element with the provided key and value to the + . + + The to use as the key of the element to add. + The to use as the value of the element to add. + + + As the collection is empty no new values can be added. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Removes all elements from the . + + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Determines whether the contains an element + with the specified key. + + The key to locate in the . + false + + + As the collection is empty the method always returns false. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Removes the element with the specified key from the . + + The key of the element to remove. + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + The singleton instance of the empty dictionary. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the has a fixed size. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets an containing the keys of the . + + An containing the keys of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets an containing the values of the . + + An containing the values of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets or sets the element with the specified key. + + The key of the element to get or set. + null + + + As the collection is empty no values can be looked up or stored. + If the index getter is called then null is returned. + A is thrown if the setter is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Contain the information obtained when parsing formatting modifiers + in conversion modifiers. + + + + Holds the formatting information extracted from the format string by + the . This is used by the + objects when rendering the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Defaut Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified parameters. + + + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + The minimum value. + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + The maximum value. + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled + or not. + + + A flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + This class implements a properties collection that is thread safe and supports both + storing properties and capturing a read only copy of the current propertied. + + + This class is optimized to the scenario where the properties are read frequently + and are modified infrequently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The read only copy of the properties. + + + + This variable is declared volatile to prevent the compiler and JIT from + reordering reads and writes of this thread performed on different threads. + + + + + + Lock object used to synchronize updates within this instance + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property from the global context + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Removing an entry from the global context properties is relatively expensive compared + with reading a value. + + + + + + Clear the global context properties + + + + + Get a readonly immutable copy of the properties + + the current global context properties + + + This implementation is fast because the GlobalContextProperties class + stores a readonly copy of the properties. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Reading the value for a key is faster than setting the value. + When the value is written a new read only copy of + the properties is created. + + + + + + The static class ILogExtensions contains a set of widely used + methods that ease the interaction with the ILog interface implementations. + + + + This class contains methods for logging at different levels and checks the + properties for determining if those logging levels are enabled in the current + configuration. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + using log4net.Util; + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.InfoExt("Application Start"); + log.DebugExt("This is a debug message"); + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Logger class. + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is WARN enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is WARN enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is ERROR enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is ERROR enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is FATAL enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is FATAL enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Manages a mapping from levels to + + + + Manages an ordered mapping from instances + to subclasses. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialise a new instance of . + + + + + + Add a to this mapping + + the entry to add + + + If a has previously been added + for the same then that entry will be + overwritten. + + + + + + Lookup the mapping for the specified level + + the level to lookup + the for the level or null if no mapping found + + + Lookup the value for the specified level. Finds the nearest + mapping value for the level that is equal to or less than the + specified. + + + If no mapping could be found then null is returned. + + + + + + Initialize options + + + + Caches the sorted list of in an array + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + This class stores its properties in a slot on the named + log4net.Util.LogicalThreadContextProperties. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Flag used to disable this context if we don't have permission to access the CallContext. + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the value for the specified from the context. + + + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary stored in the LocalDataStoreSlot for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if is does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doings so. + + + + + + Gets the call context get data. + + The peroperties dictionary stored in the call context + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + Sets the call context data. + + The properties. + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LogicalThreadContextProperties class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Get or set the property value for the specified. + + + + + + + + + + + + + Outputs log statements from within the log4net assembly. + + + + Log4net components cannot make log4net logging calls. However, it is + sometimes useful for the user to learn about what log4net is + doing. + + + All log4net internal debug calls go to the standard output stream + whereas internal error messages are sent to the standard error output + stream. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats Prefix, Source, and Message in the same format as the value + sent to Console.Out and Trace.Write. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + + + + Static constructor that initializes logging by reading + settings from the application configuration file. + + + + The log4net.Internal.Debug application setting + controls internal debugging. This setting should be set + to true to enable debugging. + + + The log4net.Internal.Quiet application setting + suppresses all internal logging including error messages. + This setting should be set to true to enable message + suppression. + + + + + + Raises the LogReceived event when an internal messages is received. + + + + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + + The message to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal error messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes output to the standard output stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Out and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Writes output to the standard error stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Error and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Default debug level + + + + + In quietMode not even errors generate any output. + + + + + The event raised when an internal message has been received. + + + + + The Type that generated the internal message. + + + + + The DateTime stamp of when the internal message was received. + + + + + A string indicating the severity of the internal message. + + + "log4net: ", + "log4net:ERROR ", + "log4net:WARN " + + + + + The internal log message. + + + + + The Exception related to the message. + + + Optional. Will be null if no Exception was passed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net internal logging + is enabled or disabled. + + + true if log4net internal logging is enabled, otherwise + false. + + + + When set to true, internal debug level logging will be + displayed. + + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Debug in the application configuration + file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. debugging is + disabled. + + + + + The following example enables internal debugging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net should generate no output + from internal logging, not even for errors. + + + true if log4net should generate no output at all from internal + logging, otherwise false. + + + + When set to true will cause internal logging at all levels to be + suppressed. This means that no warning or error reports will be logged. + This option overrides the setting and + disables all debug also. + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Quiet in the application configuration file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. internal logging is not + disabled. + + + + The following example disables internal logging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + true if Debug is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + true if Warn is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + true if Error is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + + + + Subscribes to the LogLog.LogReceived event and stores messages + to the supplied IList instance. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Represents a native error code and message. + + + + Represents a Win32 platform native error. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + The number of the native error. + The message of the native error. + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class for the last Windows error. + + + An instance of the class for the last windows error. + + + + The message for the error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class. + + the error number for the native error + + An instance of the class for the specified + error number. + + + + The message for the specified error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Retrieves the message corresponding with a Win32 message identifier. + + Message identifier for the requested message. + + The message corresponding with the specified message identifier. + + + + The message will be searched for in system message-table resource(s) + using the native FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Return error information string + + error information string + + + Return error information string + + + + + + Formats a message string. + + Formatting options, and how to interpret the parameter. + Location of the message definition. + Message identifier for the requested message. + Language identifier for the requested message. + If includes FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, the function allocates a buffer using the LocalAlloc function, and places the pointer to the buffer at the address specified in . + If the FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER flag is not set, this parameter specifies the maximum number of TCHARs that can be stored in the output buffer. If FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER is set, this parameter specifies the minimum number of TCHARs to allocate for an output buffer. + Pointer to an array of values that are used as insert values in the formatted message. + + + The function requires a message definition as input. The message definition can come from a + buffer passed into the function. It can come from a message table resource in an + already-loaded module. Or the caller can ask the function to search the system's message + table resource(s) for the message definition. The function finds the message definition + in a message table resource based on a message identifier and a language identifier. + The function copies the formatted message text to an output buffer, processing any embedded + insert sequences if requested. + + + To prevent the usage of unsafe code, this stub does not support inserting values in the formatted message. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of TCHARs stored in the output + buffer, excluding the terminating null character. + + + If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, + call . + + + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + The number of the native error. + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + The message of the native error. + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance. + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current key from the enumerator. + + + Throws an exception because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current value from the enumerator. + + The current value from the enumerator. + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current entry from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current entry. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Get the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + A SecurityContext used when a SecurityContext is not required + + + + The is a no-op implementation of the + base class. It is used where a + is required but one has not been provided. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + + + Private constructor + + + + Private constructor for singleton pattern. + + + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + null + + + No impersonation is done and null is always returned. + + + + + + Implements log4net's default error handling policy which consists + of emitting a message for the first error in an appender and + ignoring all subsequent errors. + + + + The error message is processed using the LogLog sub-system by default. + + + This policy aims at protecting an otherwise working application + from being flooded with error messages when logging fails. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + The prefix to use for each message. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified prefix. + + + + + + Reset the error handler back to its initial disabled state. + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log the very first error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Sends the error information to 's Error method. + + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log an error + + The error message. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + The date the error was recorded. + + + + + Flag to indicate if it is the first error + + + + + The message recorded during the first error. + + + + + The exception recorded during the first error. + + + + + The error code recorded during the first error. + + + + + String to prefix each message with + + + + + The fully qualified type of the OnlyOnceErrorHandler class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Is error logging enabled + + + + Is error logging enabled. Logging is only enabled for the + first error delivered to the . + + + + + + The date the first error that trigged this error handler occured. + + + + + The message from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + + + The exception from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + May be . + + + + + The error code from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + Defaults to + + + + + A convenience class to convert property values to specific types. + + + + Utility functions for converting types and parsing values. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Converts a string to a value. + + String to convert. + The default value. + The value of . + + + If is "true", then true is returned. + If is "false", then false is returned. + Otherwise, is returned. + + + + + + Parses a file size into a number. + + String to parse. + The default value. + The value of . + + + Parses a file size of the form: number[KB|MB|GB] into a + long value. It is scaled with the appropriate multiplier. + + + is returned when + cannot be converted to a value. + + + + + + Converts a string to an object. + + The target type to convert to. + The string to convert to an object. + + The object converted from a string or null when the + conversion failed. + + + + Converts a string to an object. Uses the converter registry to try + to convert the string value into the specified target type. + + + + + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + The type to convert from. + The type to convert to. + true if there is a conversion from the source type to the target type. + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + + + + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + The object to convert to the target type. + The type to convert to. + The converted object. + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + + + + + Instantiates an object given a class name. + + The fully qualified class name of the object to instantiate. + The class to which the new object should belong. + The object to return in case of non-fulfillment. + + An instance of the or + if the object could not be instantiated. + + + + Checks that the is a subclass of + . If that test fails or the object could + not be instantiated, then is returned. + + + + + + Performs variable substitution in string from the + values of keys found in . + + The string on which variable substitution is performed. + The dictionary to use to lookup variables. + The result of the substitutions. + + + The variable substitution delimiters are ${ and }. + + + For example, if props contains key=value, then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of key is ${key}."); + + + + will set the variable s to "Value of key is value.". + + + If no value could be found for the specified key, then substitution + defaults to an empty string. + + + For example, if system properties contains no value for the key + "nonExistentKey", then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of nonExistentKey is [${nonExistentKey}]"); + + + + will set s to "Value of nonExistentKey is []". + + + An Exception is thrown if contains a start + delimiter "${" which is not balanced by a stop delimiter "}". + + + + + + Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or + more enumerated constants to an equivalent enumerated object. + + The type to convert to. + The enum string value. + If true, ignore case; otherwise, regard case. + An object of type whose value is represented by . + + + + The fully qualified type of the OptionConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Most of the work of the class + is delegated to the PatternParser class. + + + + The PatternParser processes a pattern string and + returns a chain of objects. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The pattern to parse. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified pattern string. + + + + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + The head of a chain of pattern converters. + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + + + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + the list of all the converter names + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + + + + + Internal method to parse the specified pattern to find specified matches + + the pattern to parse + the converter names to match in the pattern + + + The matches param must be sorted such that longer strings come before shorter ones. + + + + + + Process a parsed literal + + the literal text + + + + Process a parsed converter pattern + + the name of the converter + the optional option for the converter + the formatting info for the converter + + + + Resets the internal state of the parser and adds the specified pattern converter + to the chain. + + The pattern converter to add. + + + + The first pattern converter in the chain + + + + + the last pattern converter in the chain + + + + + The pattern + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types + + + + This map overrides the static s_globalRulesRegistry map. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the PatternParser class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + The converter registry used by this parser + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + + + + Sort strings by length + + + + that orders strings by string length. + The longest strings are placed first + + + + + + This class implements a patterned string. + + + + This string has embedded patterns that are resolved and expanded + when the string is formatted. + + + This class functions similarly to the + in that it accepts a pattern and renders it to a string. Unlike the + however the PatternString + does not render the properties of a specific but + of the process in general. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + appdomain + + + Used to output the friendly name of the current AppDomain. + + + + + date + + + Used to output the current date and time in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + env + + + Used to output the a specific environment variable. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %env{COMPUTERNAME} would include the value + of the COMPUTERNAME environment variable. + + + The env pattern is not supported on the .NET Compact Framework. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern name offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + processid + + + Used to output the system process ID for the current process. + + + + + property + + + Used to output a specific context property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are stored in logging contexts. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + random + + + Used to output a random string of characters. The string is made up of + uppercase letters and numbers. By default the string is 4 characters long. + The length of the string can be specified within braces directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %random{8} would output an 8 character string. + + + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using or + . + + + See the for details on the + format modifiers supported by the patterns. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternString only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialize a new instance of + + + + + + Constructs a PatternString + + The pattern to use with this PatternString + + + Initialize a new instance of with the pattern specified. + + + + + + Initialize object options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create the used to parse the pattern + + the pattern to parse + The + + + Returns PatternParser used to parse the conversion string. Subclasses + may override this to return a subclass of PatternParser which recognize + custom conversion pattern name. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the pattern to the . + + + + + + Format the pattern as a string + + the pattern formatted as a string + + + Format the pattern to a string. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + + + + + Gets or sets the pattern formatting string + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + String keyed object map. + + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + String keyed object map that is read only. + + + + This collection is readonly and cannot be modified. + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The Hashtable used to store the properties data + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Copy Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Deserialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Gets the key names. + + An array of all the keys. + + + Gets the key names. + + + + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + the key to look for + true if the dictionary contains the specified key + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + + See + + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + The internal collection used to store the properties + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + The number of properties in this collection + + + + + See + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Because this class is sealed the serialization constructor is private. + + + + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + an enumerator + + + Returns a over the contest of this collection. + + + + + + See + + the key to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + the key to lookup in the collection + true if the collection contains the specified key + + + Test if this collection contains a specified key. + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + + See + + the key + the value to store for the key + + + Store a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + See + + + false + + + + This collection is modifiable. This property always + returns false. + + + + + + See + + + The value for the key specified. + + + + Get or set a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Property Key + + + Property Key + + + + Property Key. + + + + + + Property Value + + + Property Value + + + + Property Value. + + + + + + A that ignores the message + + + + This writer is used in special cases where it is necessary + to protect a writer from being closed by a client. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + + + Create a new ProtectCloseTextWriter using a writer + + + + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + the writer to attach to + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + This method does nothing. + + + + + + Defines a lock that supports single writers and multiple readers + + + + ReaderWriterLock is used to synchronize access to a resource. + At any given time, it allows either concurrent read access for + multiple threads, or write access for a single thread. In a + situation where a resource is changed infrequently, a + ReaderWriterLock provides better throughput than a simple + one-at-a-time lock, such as . + + + If a platform does not support a System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock + implementation then all readers and writers are serialized. Therefore + the caller must not rely on multiple simultaneous readers. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Acquires a reader lock + + + + blocks if a different thread has the writer + lock, or if at least one thread is waiting for the writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count + + + + decrements the lock count. When the count + reaches zero, the lock is released. + + + + + + Acquires the writer lock + + + + This method blocks if another thread has a reader lock or writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count on the writer lock + + + + ReleaseWriterLock decrements the writer lock count. + When the count reaches zero, the writer lock is released. + + + + + + A that can be and reused + + + + A that can be and reused. + This uses a single buffer for string operations. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Create an instance of + + the format provider to use + + + Create an instance of + + + + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + flag + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + + + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + + the maximum buffer capacity before it is trimmed + the default size to make the buffer + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + The internal buffers are cleared and reset. + + + + + + Utility class for system specific information. + + + + Utility class of static methods for system specific information. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Alexey Solofnenko + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Initialize default values for private static fields. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Gets the assembly location path for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to get the location for. + The location of the assembly. + + + This method does not guarantee to return the correct path + to the assembly. If only tries to give an indication as to + where the assembly was loaded from. + + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the , including + the name of the assembly from which the was + loaded. + + The to get the fully qualified name for. + The fully qualified name for the . + + + This is equivalent to the Type.AssemblyQualifiedName property, + but this method works on the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 as well as + the full .NET runtime. + + + + + + Gets the short name of the . + + The to get the name for. + The short name of the . + + + The short name of the assembly is the + without the version, culture, or public key. i.e. it is just the + assembly's file name without the extension. + + + Use this rather than Assembly.GetName().Name because that + is not available on the Compact Framework. + + + Because of a FileIOPermission security demand we cannot do + the obvious Assembly.GetName().Name. We are allowed to get + the of the assembly so we + start from there and strip out just the assembly name. + + + + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + The to get the file name for. + The file name of the assembly. + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + A sibling type to use to load the type. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified, it will be loaded from the assembly + containing the specified relative type. If the type is not found in the assembly + then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the + assembly that is directly calling this method. If the type is not found + in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + An assembly to load the type from. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the specified + assembly. If the type is not found in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies + will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Generate a new guid + + A new Guid + + + Generate a new guid + + + + + + Create an + + The name of the parameter that caused the exception + The value of the argument that causes this exception + The message that describes the error + the ArgumentOutOfRangeException object + + + Create a new instance of the class + with a specified error message, the parameter name, and the value + of the argument. + + + The Compact Framework does not support the 3 parameter constructor for the + type. This method provides an + implementation that works for all platforms. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Lookup an application setting + + the application settings key to lookup + the value for the key, or null + + + Configuration APIs are not supported under the Compact Framework + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified local file path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + The path specified must be a local file path, a URI is not supported. + + + + + + Creates a new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity. + + A new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity + + + The new Hashtable instance uses the default load factor, the CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider, and the CaseInsensitiveComparer. + + + + + + Gets an empty array of types. + + + + The Type.EmptyTypes field is not available on + the .NET Compact Framework 1.0. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Cache the host name for the current machine + + + + + Cache the application friendly name + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + + Start time for the current process. + + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + The system dependent line terminator. + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + The base directory path for the current . + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the configuration file for the current . + + The path to the configuration file for the current . + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not have a concept of a configuration + file. For this runtime, we use the entry assembly location as the root for + the configuration file name. + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + The path to the entry assembly. + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + + + + + Gets the ID of the current thread. + + The ID of the current thread. + + + On the .NET framework, the AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId method + is used to obtain the thread ID for the current thread. This is the + operating system ID for the thread. + + + On the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 it is not possible to get the + operating system thread ID for the current thread. The native method + GetCurrentThreadId is implemented inline in a header file + and cannot be called. + + + On the .NET Framework 2.0 the Thread.ManagedThreadId is used as this + gives a stable id unrelated to the operating system thread ID which may + change if the runtime is using fibers. + + + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The hostname or machine name + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The host name () or + the machine name (Environment.MachineName) for + the current machine, or if neither of these are available + then NOT AVAILABLE is returned. + + + + + + Get this application's friendly name + + + The friendly name of this application as a string + + + + If available the name of the application is retrieved from + the AppDomain using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName. + + + Otherwise the file name of the entry assembly is used. + + + + + + Get the start time for the current process. + + + + This is the time at which the log4net library was loaded into the + AppDomain. Due to reports of a hang in the call to System.Diagnostics.Process.StartTime + this is not the start time for the current process. + + + The log4net library should be loaded by an application early during its + startup, therefore this start time should be a good approximation for + the actual start time. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating, however this start time + will be set per AppDomain. + + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + Use this value to indicate a null has been encountered while + outputting a string representation of an item. + + + The default value is (null). This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NullText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + Use this value when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + The default value is NOT AVAILABLE. This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NotAvailableText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialise the + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + + + Format the string and arguments + + the formatted string + + + + Replaces the format item in a specified with the text equivalent + of the value of a corresponding instance in a specified array. + A specified parameter supplies culture-specific formatting information. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + A copy of format in which the format items have been replaced by the + equivalent of the corresponding instances of in args. + + + + This method does not throw exceptions. If an exception thrown while formatting the result the + exception and arguments are returned in the result string. + + + + + + Process an error during StringFormat + + + + + Dump the contents of an array into a string builder + + + + + Dump an object to a string + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemStringFormat class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Each thread will automatically have its instance. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove a property + + + + + + Get the keys stored in the properties. + + + Gets the keys stored in the properties. + + a set of the defined keys + + + + Clear all properties + + + + Clear all properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doing so. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The stack store. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + Only call this if you think that this tread is being reused after + a previous call execution which may not have completed correctly. + You do not need to use this method if you always guarantee to call + the method of the + returned from even in exceptional circumstances, + for example by using the using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + syntax. + + + + + + Removes the top context from this stack. + + The message in the context that was removed from the top of this stack. + + + Remove the top context from this stack, and return + it to the caller. If this stack is empty then an + empty string (not ) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message into this stack. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up the context stack. + + + + Pushes a new context onto this stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up this stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an ThreadContext Stack message"); + } + + + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + The current context information. + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + Gets the current context information + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a cross thread portable version of this object + + + + + + The number of messages in the stack + + + The current number of messages in the stack + + + + The current number of messages in the stack. That is + the number of times has been called + minus the number of times has been called. + + + + + + Gets and sets the internal stack used by this + + The internal storage stack + + + This property is provided only to support backward compatability + of the . Tytpically the internal stack should not + be modified. + + + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + + + Constructor + + The message for this context. + The parent context in the chain. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and parent context. + + + + + + Get the message. + + The message. + + + Get the message. + + + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + The full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + + + Struct returned from the method. + + + + This struct implements the and is designed to be used + with the pattern to remove the stack frame at the end of the scope. + + + + + + The ThreadContextStack internal stack + + + + + The depth to trim the stack to when this instance is disposed + + + + + Constructor + + The internal stack used by the ThreadContextStack. + The depth to return the stack to when this object is disposed. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified stack and return depth. + + + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ThreadContextStacks class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + The named stack + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Write a string to an + + the writer to write to + the string to write + The string to replace non XML compliant chars with + + + The test is escaped either using XML escape entities + or using CDATA sections. + + + + + + Replace invalid XML characters in text string + + the XML text input string + the string to use in place of invalid characters + A string that does not contain invalid XML characters. + + + Certain Unicode code points are not allowed in the XML InfoSet, for + details see: + + + This method replaces any illegal characters in the input string + with the mask string specified. + + + + + + Count the number of times that the substring occurs in the text + + the text to search + the substring to find + the number of times the substring occurs in the text + + + The substring is assumed to be non repeating within itself. + + + + + + Characters illegal in XML 1.0 + + + + + Impersonate a Windows Account + + + + This impersonates a Windows account. + + + How the impersonation is done depends on the value of . + This allows the context to either impersonate a set of user credentials specified + using username, domain name and password or to revert to the process credentials. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Initialize the SecurityContext based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The security context will try to Logon the specified user account and + capture a primary token for impersonation. + + + The required , + or properties were not specified. + + + + Impersonate the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + caller provided state + + An instance that will revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext + + + + Depending on the property either + impersonate a user using credentials supplied or revert + to the process credentials. + + + + + + Create a given the userName, domainName and password. + + the user name + the domain name + the password + the for the account specified + + + Uses the Windows API call LogonUser to get a principal token for the account. This + token is used to initialize the WindowsIdentity. + + + + + + Gets or sets the impersonation mode for this security context + + + The impersonation mode for this security context + + + + Impersonate either a user with user credentials or + revert this thread to the credentials of the process. + The value is one of the + enum. + + + The default value is + + + When the mode is set to + the user's credentials are established using the + , and + values. + + + When the mode is set to + no other properties need to be set. If the calling thread is + impersonating then it will be reverted back to the process credentials. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows username for this security context + + + The Windows username for this security context + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows domain name for this security context + + + The Windows domain name for this security context + + + + The default value for is the local machine name + taken from the property. + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Sets the password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + The password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + The impersonation modes for the + + + + See the property for + details. + + + + + + Impersonate a user using the credentials supplied + + + + + Revert this the thread to the credentials of the process + + + + + Adds to + + + + Helper class to expose the + through the interface. + + + + + + Constructor + + the impersonation context being wrapped + + + Constructor + + + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + + + The log4net Global Context. + + + + The GlobalContext provides a location for global debugging + information to be stored. + + + The global context has a properties map and these properties can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputing these properties. + + + By default the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of + the current machine. + + + + + GlobalContext.Properties["hostname"] = Environment.MachineName; + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + The global context properties instance + + + + + The global properties map. + + + The global properties map. + + + + The global properties map. + + + + + + Provides information about the environment the assembly has + been built for. + + + + Version of the assembly + + + Version of the framework targeted + + + Type of framework targeted + + + Does it target a client profile? + + + + Identifies the version and target for this assembly. + + + + + The log4net Logical Thread Context. + + + + The LogicalThreadContext provides a location for specific debugging + information to be stored. + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any or + properties with the same name. + + + The Logical Thread Context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Logical Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current call context. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Logical Thread Context is managed on a per basis. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + LogicalThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(LogicalThreadContext.Stacks["LDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any + or properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The logical thread stacks. + + + + + + This class is used by client applications to request logger instances. + + + + This class has static methods that are used by a client to request + a logger instance. The method is + used to retrieve a logger. + + + See the interface for more details. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the default repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns null. + + + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + The logger found, or null if no logger could be found. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + repository. + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the repository for the specified assembly) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + assembly's repository. + + + + Get the currently defined loggers. + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the default repository. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + Get or create a logger. + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Get the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The repository to lookup in. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + Shutdown a logger repository. + + Shuts down the default repository. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + default repository. + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The repository to shutdown. + + + + Shuts down the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Reset the configuration of a repository + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The repository to reset. + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Get the logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Get a logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Create a domain + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + Create a logger repository. + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Gets the list of currently defined repositories. + + + + Get an array of all the objects that have been created. + + + An array of all the known objects. + + + + Looks up the wrapper object for the logger specified. + + The logger to get the wrapper for. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + Looks up the wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + The loggers to get the wrappers for. + The wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + + + Create the objects used by + this manager. + + The logger to wrap. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + The wrapper map to use to hold the objects. + + + + + Implementation of Mapped Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + The MDC class is similar to the class except that it is + based on a map instead of a stack. It provides mapped + diagnostic contexts. A Mapped Diagnostic Context, or + MDC in short, is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The MDC is managed on a per thread basis. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Gets the context value identified by the parameter. + + The key to lookup in the MDC. + The string value held for the key, or a null reference if no corresponding value is found. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + If the parameter does not look up to a + previously defined context then null will be returned. + + + + + + Add an entry to the MDC + + The key to store the value under. + The value to store. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Puts a context value (the parameter) as identified + with the parameter into the current thread's + context map. + + + If a value is already defined for the + specified then the value will be replaced. If the + is specified as null then the key value mapping will be removed. + + + + + + Removes the key value mapping for the key specified. + + The key to remove. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove the specified entry from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Clear all entries in the MDC + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove all the entries from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Implementation of Nested Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + A Nested Diagnostic Context, or NDC in short, is an instrument + to distinguish interleaved log output from different sources. Log + output is typically interleaved when a server handles multiple + clients near-simultaneously. + + + Interleaved log output can still be meaningful if each log entry + from different contexts had a distinctive stamp. This is where NDCs + come into play. + + + Note that NDCs are managed on a per thread basis. The NDC class + is made up of static methods that operate on the context of the + calling thread. + + + How to push a message into the context + + using(NDC.Push("my context message")) + { + ... all log calls will have 'my context message' included ... + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically removed + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held on the current thread. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Clears the stack of NDC data held on the current thread. + + + + + + Creates a clone of the stack of context information. + + A clone of the context info for this thread. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The results of this method can be passed to the + method to allow child threads to inherit the context of their + parent thread. + + + + + + Inherits the contextual information from another thread. + + The context stack to inherit. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This thread will use the context information from the stack + supplied. This can be used to initialize child threads with + the same contextual information as their parent threads. These + contexts will NOT be shared. Any further contexts that + are pushed onto the stack will not be visible to the other. + Call to obtain a stack to pass to + this method. + + + + + + Removes the top context from the stack. + + + The message in the context that was removed from the top + of the stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Remove the top context from the stack, and return + it to the caller. If the stack is empty then an + empty string (not null) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up + the context stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Pushes a new context onto the context stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up the context stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.NDC.Push("NDC_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an NDC message"); + } + + + + + + Removes the context information for this thread. It is + not required to call this method. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This method is not implemented. + + + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + + The maximum depth of the stack + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + This may truncate the head of the stack. This only affects the + stack in the current thread. Also it does not prevent it from + growing, it only sets the maximum depth at the time of the + call. This can be used to return to a known context depth. + + + + + + Gets the current context depth. + + The current context depth. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The number of context values pushed onto the context stack. + + + Used to record the current depth of the context. This can then + be restored using the method. + + + + + + + The log4net Thread Context. + + + + The ThreadContext provides a location for thread specific debugging + information to be stored. + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + The thread context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current thread. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Thread Context is managed on a per thread basis. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + ThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The thread local stacks. + + + + + diff --git a/packages/log4net.2.0.3/log4net.2.0.3.nupkg b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/log4net.2.0.3.nupkg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..14dc7db7417de0a6baea3aa01acd37deba5873cb GIT binary patch literal 1931465 zcmb5V18`=+(>EI1wl=nHY&N!SJ>e7Eww>%o8{4+6ePU;0Ti^cQ`Yzs!ukM|y(`Qbd z>7MR6zwW8()1xd0355XmpBAa?Au)5qJ8=#U2KJu|5sV1T$i)HxWMTdfCHsX3Mq7yW zUqk<|{-5TamXW~Csra4>T;w{fr%qHuGyWa6a|5f)Un0GPP` z8v(SoaRQS4V{rfqQCPdWI`Olx0L`o|>`j2oj!qU1|K3VsSDtvoo=> zU}0xvl;Bq6UN#t14S-ReLz7Q42w)MB;lwuEuZy?-)YwX@|c6YCig{n=&s7Y2c-Yr zkIE(-BpI?{cD!+1D(cQPiKO_jA2EmJ!j z8%h)(O@mk5G#P(7HFxV$t+bj@vXNBVEPYfS1G9~&(wp}7Pw}uNBz!F+Y1h2f@4>;J zmT9g~v}^84r^VFMkMDomKP~1L{!p&$yn-&KArY6KE{P;S+lm~Ci-(&XJdg^UTej^_ z{bsUHrE-_-@Bi_M?C(qcwLgjFRxMlD$B2IqU;E2GnvjA@%ix4h3){3dnqQ-Dxo>90 z_R5-^(Cj%f{41_X)8|?o?PgID-Ds1|h#=&fonzfelY(|-@5tl}PD&J~rG$IBDg-i7 zaGD6-TzsGD&x6Y%ca(3TQKL~}*NNI3{P(%++JkZNpM*A zQW?e)f`N~PqbgHbZ!S=ra$`}QHYQ64QBqq zCYGqM`D0t3#MtxV*wE@S9Yan_wFxPF--N z`fHNY%X7pQbrWwHh6S}}Jo^}-2?2>a#Wrk-e7W=}S3TusaBO=)6%xB+qlgcMM|a+F zI**AK{=FCuvxj=LSIc~l+p4HO}X!KXF79VI%B#_ zcWa$O~{O^&-902%V`O|qfY$nn0JnIIgyXB%xE3UgzN6IB7xs7Wl!wID_ z1w47Mn0TZoMO3U5K|M`UynrOicZd{pYIq`6K14IKI`Fd9?_J!AeL>%59^aAyb-QO3 zrUye(Qh@S2Q4>ZKYcCxhjIf3#S7gw^RF7U zce8|?wYkL2@5S|34zWz^jE_aL1}z2hPsrS+`ZG>=0?BI2Qg!8idwy{WOZ`6I=BKr< z&1e6>ef)Nz@VcL;8NLb8R5ng=vQM&Lst=ON@ zA1+wGWSMX)CZ>)}=5?{Hu60KWkX~DX%T05Ka}@sKX?EWj7nYtv%tm)qfO70#!8%Oo zRr(Zuc{{lJf9iaFeQ`a`tZ#8uond*jAE@jN|ErWf^g z*nfpskqTQBcm%xP8eQF$0y;i3XE)4*S`A(<275OR{dQ`4{f|d$Umbm4&sM8?s(c=L zUCNkspAU)bIct%HB2xo!BQZ%$FEAH zvWe+s$7N;8=fu6V6WBv3k#ETU0#Rhw1D;o_OHPdS1?ZTeTqWA6SJUK{#6nIIj-oQD zs#K~a8w5*cti1}E9S@Xn7bk5_G)8iS%O=V<(bUR6S>z4#MzcQ1xUhkLmGc=85)W~` zawmQ)l0quY81)j{`nzZrKcXlN+-wK_olb$O+B9aMlj2Ur`SpC7coq$Tw+>MvQ0E-c zm@YHM|LIR)cf=AtzWvmZ`3K6P>%PJozx4q1`C1_SP9+x=nV*!}As)3>2q_DbLABP8 zL^zUgr32fq>!(GdW}^W>F>Msmy}XrA;|KP+8-r!n-g8$M z$aEH}f6#pq>Wz@O`H! 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Wpu(#g0s;~ImjhmzLZCG8SN{hAmG4*p literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/packages/log4net.2.0.3/log4net.2.0.3.nuspec b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/log4net.2.0.3.nuspec new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f41efb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/log4net.2.0.3/log4net.2.0.3.nuspec @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + + + log4net + 2.0.3 + log4net [1.2.13] + Apache Software Foundation + Apache Software Foundation + + + false + log4net is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets. In case of problems with an application, it is helpful to enable logging so that the problem can be located. With log4net it is possible to enable logging at runtime without modifying the application binary. The log4net package is designed so that log statements can remain in shipped code without incurring a high performance cost. It follows that the speed of logging (or rather not logging) is crucial. + +At the same time, log output can be so voluminous that it quickly becomes overwhelming. One of the distinctive features of log4net is the notion of hierarchical loggers. Using these loggers it is possible to selectively control which log statements are output at arbitrary granularity. + +log4net is designed with two distinct goals in mind: speed and flexibility +

    The Apache log4net library is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets. + logging log tracing logfiles + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/repositories.config b/packages/repositories.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de4a1cd --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/repositories.config @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file

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