Here is the Group project for Robotics Assignment 2. For Fetch Robot Recycling
The following package builds on top of the fetch gazebo ros package. Please install all fetch robot packages from ROS
In order to get all the models to gazebo please copy all the folders that are inside the model file. Paste it in the following location
cp -avr ~/catkin_ws/src/fetch_recycle/models/ ~/.gazebo/models
To run the project please run the following commands:
roslaunch fetch_recycle mazeFetch.launch
rosrun fetch_recycle
If you have a camera please start the camera and adjust the launch file based on your camera specifications. Refer to Documentation below.
If you dont have a camera device such as a Intel realsense. Please run the rosbags. These bags are in the correspoding folder. To run the bags. Open Terminal
rosbag play <NAME OF BAG> -l
To move the base of the robot please run:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
Please ensure you have all the following ToolBoxes installed:
- robotics
- optimization
Also please run Peter Corke Toolbox before Running the main.
Note: please Ensure before starting matlab that all the rostopic are running. Once start it please run start on the gui and do all the required motions.
Please add the following folders into your catkin workspace. These file are under People_tracking_depencies
To add install external depencies please run
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-kalman-filter
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-easy-markers
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-face-detector
alternatively, to install all dependencies please run
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Add the human detection package into your workspace
Note: this package was mapped to an Intel RealSense D435i. If you want to use another camera. Please edit the topic or remap the topic from the launch file
roslaunch pal_person_detector_opencv detector.launch
To visualise the detection please run
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/person_detector/debug