Unfortunately, on 2022-04-15 the Github administration, without any
warning nor explanation, deleted ReOpenLDAP along with a lot of other
projects, simultaneously blocking access for many developers. Therefore
on 2022-04-21 we have migrated to a reliable trusted infrastructure.
The origin for now is atGitFlic
with backup at ABF by ROSA Лаб.
For the same reason Github is blacklisted forever.
So currently most of the links are broken due to noted malicious Github sabotage.
- reimplement: ITS#8054 add queue time to log (a0cc1d9655da112a4d19cddf821460a4dedeed1c)
- test: test066-autoca
- fix: todo4recovery://erased_by_github//issues/121 and todo4recovery://erased_by_github//issues/102 (seems the same)
- test: use gdb as supervisor