sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-virtualenv python3-dev sudo apt-get install ipset
sudo adduser --force-badname 1-1e100
sudo mkdir /opt/1-1e100 sudo mkdir /var/cache/1-1e100 sudo mkdir /var/run/1-1e100 sudo chown 1-1e100: /opt/1-1e100 /var/cache/1-1e100 /var/run/1-1e100 sudo -u 1-1e100 -i cd /opt/1-1e100 git clone . cp config.ini.example config.ini
virtualenv -p python3 venv . venv/bin/activate pip install mitmproxy==3.0.4 pip install configparser
IPTables: Traffic to all Google IP networks for ports 80/443 redirected to All other traffic to Google IPs is rejected.
Reverse Proxy: Listening on Uses basic rules to determine if a request: # should be retrieved, cached, and serviced from cache for all future requests # should be sent straight through # should be ignored and not serviced.