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Directional confusability protection & allowing script mixing in iden…
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…tifiers when separated by underscores (#13693)

* update support for uts39 from unicode 15

* follow uts39's recco that it's not necessary to require
  idents to be single-script (they call out proglang idents,
  reference the new uts55-5). We use a heuristic derived from
  the concept of identifier chunks from uts55-5, to allow
  idents like foo_bar_baz where each chunk around the _ can be

* provide directional confusability detection, by reversing
  spans of direction-changed chars in idents for bidi_skeleton,
  see issue #12929
  • Loading branch information
mrluc authored Jul 2, 2024
1 parent bd99dcc commit c83334e
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Showing 5 changed files with 214 additions and 20 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
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Expand Up @@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ unicode: $(UNICODE)
$(UNICODE): lib/elixir/unicode/*
@ echo "==> unicode (compile)";
$(Q) $(ELIXIRC) lib/elixir/unicode/unicode.ex -o lib/elixir/ebin;
$(Q) $(ELIXIRC) lib/elixir/unicode/security.ex -o lib/elixir/ebin;
$(Q) $(ELIXIRC) lib/elixir/unicode/tokenizer.ex -o lib/elixir/ebin;
$(Q) $(ELIXIRC) lib/elixir/unicode/security.ex -o lib/elixir/ebin;

$(eval $(call APP_TEMPLATE,ex_unit,ExUnit))
$(eval $(call APP_TEMPLATE,logger,Logger))
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion lib/elixir/pages/references/
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Expand Up @@ -136,10 +136,12 @@ Elixir will not warn on confusability for identifiers made up exclusively of cha

### C3. Mixed Script Detection

Elixir will not allow tokenization of mixed-script identifiers unless the mixing is one of the exceptions defined in UTS 39 5.2, 'Highly Restrictive'. We use the means described in Section 5.1, Mixed-Script Detection, to determine if script mixing is occurring, with the modification documented in the section 'Additional Normalizations', below.
Elixir will not allow tokenization of mixed-script identifiers unless it is via chunks separated by an underscore, like `http_сервер`, or unless the mixing within each of those chunks is one of the exceptions defined in UTS 39 5.2, 'Highly Restrictive'. We use the means described in Section 5.1, Mixed-Script Detection, to determine if script mixing is occurring, with the modification documented in the section 'Additional Normalizations', below.

Examples: Elixir allows an identifiers like `幻ㄒㄧㄤ`, even though it includes characters from multiple 'scripts', because those scripts all 'resolve' to Japanese when applying the resolution rules from UTS 39 5.1. It also allows an atom like `:Tシャツ`, the Japanese word for 't-shirt', which incorporates a Latin capital T, because {Latn, Jpan} is one of the allowed script mixing in the definition of 'Highly Restrictive' in UTS 39 5.2, and it 'covers' the string.

Elixir does allow an identifier like `http_сервер`, where the identifier chunks on each side of the `_` are individually single-script.

However, Elixir would prevent tokenization in code like `if аdmin, do: :ok, else: :err`, where the scriptset for the 'a' character is {Cyrillic} but all other characters have scriptsets of {Latin}. The scriptsets fail to resolve, and the scriptsets from the definition of 'Highly Restrictive' in UTS 39 5.2 do not cover the string either, so a descriptive error is shown.

### C4, C5 (inapplicable)
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72 changes: 71 additions & 1 deletion lib/elixir/test/elixir/kernel/warning_test.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,6 +139,70 @@ defmodule Kernel.WarningTest do
"confusable identifier: 'a' looks like 'а' on line 1"

test "warns on LTR-confusables" do
# warning outputs in byte order (vs bidi algo display order, uax9), mentions presence of rtl
["nofile:1:9", "'_1א' looks like '_א1'", "right-to-left characters"],
"_א1 and _1א"

"'a_1א' includes right-to-left characters",
"\\u0061 a ltr",
"\\u005F _ neutral",
"\\u0031 1 weak_number",
"\\u05D0 א rtl",
"'a_א1' includes right-to-left characters:",
"\\u0061 a ltr",
"\\u005F _ neutral",
"\\u05D0 א rtl",
"\\u0031 1 weak_number"
"a_א1 or a_1א"

# test that the implementation of String.Tokenizer.Security.unbidify/1 agrees
# w/Unicode Bidi Algo (UAX9) for these (identifier-specific, no-bracket) examples
# you can create new examples with:
# inspired by (none of these are directly usable for our idents):
# there's a spurious ;A; after the identifier, because the semicolon is dir-neutral, and
# deleting it makes these examples hard to read in many/most editors!
foo;A;0066 006F 006F;0 1 2
_foo_ ;A;005F 0066 006F 006F 005F;0 1 2 3 4
__foo__ ;A;005F 005F 0066 006F 006F 005F 005F;0 1 2 3 4 5 6
لامدا_foo ;A;0644 0627 0645 062F 0627 005F 0066 006F 006F;4 3 2 1 0 5 6 7 8
foo_لامدا_baz ;A;0066 006F 006F 005F 0644 0627 0645 062F 0627 005F 0062 0061 007A;0 1 2 3 8 7 6 5 4 9 10 11 12
foo_لامدا ;A;0066 006F 006F 005F 0644 0627 0645 062F 0627;0 1 2 3 8 7 6 5 4
foo_لامدا1 ;A;0066 006F 006F 005F 0644 0627 0645 062F 0627 0031;0 1 2 3 9 8 7 6 5 4
foo_لامدا_حدد ;A;0066 006F 006F 005F 0644 0627 0645 062F 0627 005F 062D 062F 062F;0 1 2 3 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
foo_لامدا_حدد1 ;A;0066 006F 006F 005F 0644 0627 0645 062F 0627 005F 062D 062F 062F 0031;0 1 2 3 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
foo_لامدا_حدد1_bar ;A; 0066 006F 006F 005F 0644 0627 0645 062F 0627 005F 062D 062F 062F 0031 005F 0062 0061 0072;0 1 2 3 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 14 15 16 17
foo_لامدا_حدد1_bar1 ;A;0066 006F 006F 005F 0644 0627 0645 062F 0627 005F 062D 062F 062F 0031 005F 0062 0061 0072 0031;0 1 2 3 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 14 15 16 17 18
|> String.split("\n", trim: true)
|>, ";", trim: true))
|> Enum.each(fn
[ident, _, bytes, indices | _rest] ->
bytes = String.split(bytes, " ", trim: true) |>, 16))
indices = String.split(indices, " ", trim: true) |>
display_ordered = for i <- indices, do:, i)
unbidified = String.Tokenizer.Security.unbidify(bytes)

assert(display_ordered == unbidified, """
Failing String.Tokenizer.Security.unbidify/1 case for: '#{ident}'
bytes : #{bytes |>, 16)) |> Enum.join(" ")}
byte order : #{bytes |> Enum.intersperse(32)}
uax9 order : #{display_ordered |> Enum.intersperse(32)}
uax9 indices : #{indices |> Enum.join(" ")}
unbidify/1 : #{unbidified |> Enum.intersperse(32)}

test "prevents unsafe script mixing in identifiers" do
exception =
assert_raise SyntaxError, fn ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,7 +236,9 @@ defmodule Kernel.WarningTest do
assert_raise SyntaxError, ~r/mixed/, fn -> Code.string_to_quoted!("[аdmin: 1]") end
assert_raise SyntaxError, ~r/mixed/, fn -> Code.string_to_quoted!("[{:аdmin, 1}]") end
assert_raise SyntaxError, ~r/mixed/, fn -> Code.string_to_quoted!("quote do: аdmin(1)") end
assert_raise SyntaxError, ~r/mixed/, fn -> Code.string_to_quoted!("рос_api = 1") end

# c is Latin
assert_raise SyntaxError, ~r/mixed/, fn -> Code.string_to_quoted!("http_cервер = 1") end

# T is in cyrillic
assert_raise SyntaxError, ~r/mixed/, fn -> Code.string_to_quoted!("[Тシャツ: 1]") end
Expand All @@ -190,6 +256,10 @@ defmodule Kernel.WarningTest do
# elixir's normalizations combine scriptsets of the 'from' and 'to' characters,
# ex: {Common} MICRO => {Greek} MU == {Common, Greek}; Common intersects w/all
assert capture_quoted("μs") == ""

# allows mixed scripts if the chunks are all single-script or highly restrictive
assert capture_eval("http_сервер = 1") == ""
assert capture_eval("сервер_http = 1") == ""

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83 changes: 81 additions & 2 deletions lib/elixir/unicode/security.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ defmodule String.Tokenizer.Security do
{line, _, previous_name} when name != previous_name ->
"confusable identifier: '#{name}' looks like '#{previous_name}' on line #{line}, " <>
"but they are written using different characters"}
"but they are written using different characters" <> dir_compare(name, previous_name)}

_ ->
{:ok, Map.put(skeletons, skeleton, info)}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,7 +106,86 @@ defmodule String.Tokenizer.Security do
# the specified data, producing a string of exemplar characters.
# - Reapply NFD." (UTS 39 section 4, skeleton definition)
|> bidi_skeleton()
|> :unicode.characters_to_nfd_list()

# unicode 15 adds bidiSkeleton because, w/RTL codepoints, idents that
# aren't confusable LTR *are* confusable in most places human review
# occurs (editors/browsers, thanks to bidi algo, UAX9).
# The solution is to detect spans with reversed visual direction,
# and reverse those, so that the input we check for confusability
# matches the perceived sequence instead of the byte sequence.
# (we need this regardless of script mixing, because direction-neutral
# chars like _ or 0..9 can mix w/RTL chars).
def bidi_skeleton(s) do
# UTS39-28 4:
# 'Bidirectional confusability is costlier to check than
# confusability, as [unicode bidi algo] must be applied.
# [...] a fast path can be used: [...] if X has no characters
# w/bidi classes R or AL, bidiSkeleton(X) = skeleton(X)
if match?([_, _ | _], s) and any_rtl?(s) do
unbidify(s) |>
else, &confusable_prototype/1)

import String.Tokenizer, only: [dir: 1]

defp any_rtl?(s), do: Enum.any?(s, &(:rtl == dir(&1)))

defp dir_compare(a, b) do
#{if any_rtl?(a), do: "\n\n" <> dir_breakdown(a)}
#{if any_rtl?(b), do: dir_breakdown(b)}

defp dir_breakdown(s) do
init = "'#{s}' includes right-to-left characters:\n"

for codepoint <- s, into: init do
hex = :io_lib.format(~c"~4.16.0B", [codepoint])
" \\u#{hex} #{[codepoint]} #{dir(codepoint)}\n"

# make charlist match visual order by reversing spans of {rtl, neutral}
# and attaching neutral characters and weak number types according to uax9
# UTS39-28 4: '[...] if the strings are known not to contain explicit
# directional formatting characters[...], the algorithm can
# be drastically simplified, [...], obviating the need for
# the [...] stack of the [unicode bidi algo]'
def unbidify(chars) when is_list(chars) do
{neutrals, direction, last_part, acc} =
|>{&1, dir(&1)})
|> Enum.reduce({[], :ltr, [], []}, fn
{head, :weak_number}, {neutrals, part_dir, part, acc} ->
{[], part_dir, [head] ++ neutrals ++ part, acc}

{head, :neutral}, {neutrals, part_dir, part, acc} ->
{[head | neutrals], part_dir, part, acc}

{head, part_dir}, {neutrals, part_dir, part, acc} ->
{[], part_dir, [head | neutrals] ++ part, acc}

{head, :ltr = head_dir}, {neutrals, :rtl, part, acc} ->
{[], head_dir, [head | neutrals], maybe_reverse(:rtl, part) ++ acc}

{head, :rtl = head_dir}, {neutrals, :ltr, part, acc} ->
{[], head_dir, [head], maybe_reverse(:ltr, neutrals ++ part) ++ acc}

Enum.reverse(maybe_reverse(direction, neutrals ++ last_part) ++ acc)

defp maybe_reverse(:rtl, part), do: Enum.reverse(part)
defp maybe_reverse(:ltr, part), do: part
73 changes: 58 additions & 15 deletions lib/elixir/unicode/tokenizer.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,15 +28,19 @@ defmodule String.Tokenizer do

{letter_uptitlecase, start, continue, _} =
{letter_uptitlecase, start, continue, dir_rtls, dir_neutrals, _} =
Path.join(__DIR__, "UnicodeData.txt")
|> String.split(["\r\n", "\n"], trim: true)
|> Enum.reduce({[], [], [], nil}, fn line, acc ->
{letter_uptitlecase, start, continue, first} = acc
|> Enum.reduce({[], [], [], [], [], nil}, fn line, acc ->
{letter_uptitlecase, start, continue, rtls, neutrals, first} = acc

[codepoint, line] = :binary.split(line, ";")
[name, line] = :binary.split(line, ";")
[category, _] = :binary.split(line, ";")
[category, line] = :binary.split(line, ";")
[_canonical_combining, line] = :binary.split(line, ";")
[bidi, _] = :binary.split(line, ";")

{codepoints, first} =
case name do
Expand All @@ -52,18 +56,25 @@ defmodule String.Tokenizer do
{[String.to_integer(codepoint, 16)], nil}

{rtls, neutrals} =
cond do
bidi in ~w(R AL)s -> {codepoints ++ rtls, neutrals}
bidi in ~w(WS ON CS EN ES ET NSM)s -> {rtls, codepoints ++ neutrals}
true -> {rtls, neutrals}

cond do
category in ~w(Lu Lt) ->
{codepoints ++ letter_uptitlecase, start, continue, first}
{codepoints ++ letter_uptitlecase, start, continue, rtls, neutrals, first}

category in ~w(Ll Lm Lo Nl) ->
{letter_uptitlecase, codepoints ++ start, continue, first}
{letter_uptitlecase, codepoints ++ start, continue, rtls, neutrals, first}

category in ~w(Mn Mc Nd Pc) ->
{letter_uptitlecase, start, codepoints ++ continue, first}
{letter_uptitlecase, start, codepoints ++ continue, rtls, neutrals, first}

true ->
{letter_uptitlecase, start, continue, first}
{letter_uptitlecase, start, continue, rtls, neutrals, first}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,6 +338,28 @@ defmodule String.Tokenizer do

defp unicode_continue(_), do: @bottom

# subset of direction-changing/neutral characters valid in idents
id_all = id_upper ++ id_start ++ id_continue
dir_rtls = for c <- dir_rtls, c in id_all, do: {c, :rtl}
dir_neutrals = for c <- dir_neutrals, c not in 48..57, c in id_all, do: {c, :neutral}
dir_ranges = rangify.(dir_rtls) ++ rangify.(dir_neutrals)

# direction of a codepoint. (rtl, neutral, weak, ltr fallback)
# weaks are pulled towards previous directional spans,
# but the only weaks allowed in idents are numbers 0..9
def dir(i) when i in 48..57, do: :weak_number

for {first, last, direction} <- dir_ranges do
if first == last do
def dir(unquote(first)), do: unquote(direction)
def dir(i) when i in unquote(first)..unquote(last), do: unquote(direction)

def dir(i) when is_integer(i), do: :ltr
def dir(_), do: {:error, :codepoint_must_be_integer}

# Hard-coded normalizations. Also split by upper, start, continue.

for {from, to} <- start_normalizations do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -448,7 +481,7 @@ defmodule String.Tokenizer do
[:nfkc | List.delete(special, :nfkc)]

if scriptset != @bottom or highly_restrictive?(acc) do
if scriptset != @bottom or chunks_single_or_highly_restrictive?(acc) do
{kind, acc, rest, length, false, special}
breakdown =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -477,24 +510,34 @@ defmodule String.Tokenizer do
Mixed-script identifiers are not supported for security reasons. \
'#{acc}' is made of the following scripts:\n
All characters in the identifier should resolve to a single script, \
or use a highly restrictive set of scripts.
All characters in identifier chunks should resolve to a single script, \
or a highly restrictive set of scripts.

{:error, {:not_highly_restrictive, acc, {prefix, suffix}}}

defp highly_restrictive?(acc) do
defp chunks_single_or_highly_restrictive?(acc) do
# support script mixing via chunked identifiers (UTS 55-5's strong recco)
# each chunk in an ident like foo_bar_baz should pass checks
|> :string.tokens([?_])
|> Enum.all?(&single_or_highly_restrictive?/1)

defp single_or_highly_restrictive?(acc) do
scriptsets =, &codepoint_to_scriptset/1)
is_single_script = @bottom != Enum.reduce(scriptsets, @top, &ss_intersect/2)

# 'A set of scripts is defined to cover a string if the intersection of
# that set with the augmented script sets of all characters in the string
# is nonempty; in other words, if every character in the string shares at
# least one script with the cover set.'
Enum.any?(@highly_restrictive, fn restrictive ->
Enum.all?(scriptsets, &(ss_intersect(&1, restrictive) != @bottom))
is_single_script or
Enum.any?(@highly_restrictive, fn restrictive ->
Enum.all?(scriptsets, &(ss_intersect(&1, restrictive) != @bottom))

defp codepoint_to_scriptset(head) do
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