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The GEDCOM data format |
2019-12-31 |
GEDCOM stands for “GEnealogy Data COMmunciation”. It is a file-format used to transfer genealogy data from one application to another. It was created by the Church Of Latter Day Saints and has since become a standard format used by almost all genealogy applications.
Version 5.5.1 was draft for over 20 years before being finally issued.
webtrees aims to follow the 5.5.1 standard, while also supporting some of the more common extensions that were created by other applications.
- [GEDCOM 5.5.1]({% link downloads/gedcom-551.pdf %}) - 2019-11-15
- [GEDCOM 5.5.1 (draft)]({% link downloads/gedcom-551-draft.pdf %}) - 1999-10-02
- [GEDCOM 5.5]({% link downloads/gedcom-55.pdf %}) - 1995-12-11
- [GEDCOM 5.4 (draft)]({% link downloads/gedcom-54.pdf %}) - 1995-08-21
- [GEDCOM 5.3 (draft)]({% link downloads/gedcom-53.pdf %}) - 1993-11-04
- GEDCOM 5.2 (draft) -
- GEDCOM 5.1 (draft) - 1992-09-18
- GEDCOM 5.0 - 1991-09-25
- GEDCOM 4.0 - 1989-08-04
- GEDCOM 3.0 - 1987-10-09
- GEDCOM 2.1 - 1987-02
- GEDCOM 2.0 - 1985-12
- GEDCOM 1.0 - 1984
The GEDCOM specification is Copyright 1987, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1999, 2019 by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This document may be copied for purposes of review or programming of genealogical software, provided this notice is included. All other rights reserved.
- [Event GEDCOM 1.0]({% link downloads/eged10ww.pdf %}) - Created by Commsoft, based on GEDCOM 5.3.
- [GEDCOM-L]({% link downloads/gedcom-l.pdf %}) - Created by Computer Genealogy Society of Germany, based on GEDCOM 5.5.1.
- GEDCOM 5.5EL (available in English and German) - An extension which includes locations as first-class entities.
- [The FamilySearch GEDCOM 5.5.1 Specification Annotated Edition]({% link downloads/TFG551SAE_Rev1_2018-07-05.pdf %}) - Revision 1, 2018-07-05), created by Tamura Jones
- [GEDCOM 5.5.5]({% link downloads/gedcom-555.pdf %}) - Based on the 5.5.1 annotated edition by Tamura Jones
- [GedXML 5.6]({% link downloads/gedxml-56.pdf %})
- [GedXML 6.0]({% link downloads/gedxml-60.pdf %})