Value | Description | Default |
replicaCount |
Number of replications which should be created. | 1 |
deploymentStrategy |
Deployment strategy which should be used. | {} |
image.repository |
The repository of the Docker image. | ricoberger/vault-secrets-operator |
image.tag |
The tag of the Docker image which should be used. | 1.14.3 |
image.pullPolicy |
The pull policy for the Docker image, | IfNotPresent |
image.volumeMounts |
Mount additional volumns to the container. | [] |
imagePullSecrets |
Secrets which can be used to pull the Docker image. | [] |
nameOverride |
Expand the name of the chart. | "" |
fullnameOverride |
Override the name of the app. | "" |
environmentVars |
Pass environment variables from a secret to the containers. This must be used if you use the Token auth method of Vault. | [] |
vault.address |
The address where Vault listen on (e.g. ). |
"http://vault:8200" |
vault.authMethod |
The authentication method, which should be used by the operator. Can by token (Token auth method), kubernetes (Kubernetes auth method), or approle (AppRole auth method). |
token |
vault.tokenPath |
Path to file with the Vault token if the used auth method is token . Can be used to read the token from a file and not from the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable. |
"" |
vault.kubernetesPath |
If the Kubernetes auth method is used, this is the path where the Kubernetes auth method is enabled. | auth/kubernetes |
vault.kubernetesRole |
The name of the role which is configured for the Kubernetes auth method. | vault-secrets-operator |
vault.appRolePath |
If the AppRole auth method is used, this is the path where the AppRole auth method is enabled. | auth/approle |
vault.reconciliationTime |
The time after which the reconcile function for the CR is rerun. If the value is 0, automatic reconciliation is skipped. | 0 |
vault.namespaces |
Comma serpareted list of namespaces the operator will watch. If empty the operator will watch all namespaces. | "" |
crd.create |
Create the custom resource definition. | true |
rbac.create |
Create RBAC object, enable (Cluster)Role and (Cluster)Role binding creation. | true |
rbac.createrole |
Finetune RBAC, enable or disable (Cluster)Role creation. NOTE: ignored when rbac.create is not true . |
true |
rbac.namespaced |
Deploy in isolated namespace. Creates RoleBinding instead of a ClusterRoleBinding | false |
serviceAccount.create |
Create the service account. | true | |
The name of the service account, which should be created/used by the operator. | vault-secrets-operator |
podAnnotations |
Annotations for vault-secrets-operator pod(s). | {} |
podSecurityContext : |
Security context policies to add to the operator pod. | {} |
securityContext : |
Security context policies to add to the containers. | {} |
podLabels |
Additional labels for the vault-secrets-operator pod(s). | {} |
testPodAnnotations |
Annotations for vault-secrets-operator-test-connection pod. | {} |
testPodLabels |
Additional labels for the vault-secrets-operator-test-connection pod. | {} |
resources |
Set resources for the operator. | {} |
volumes |
Provide additional volumns for the container. | [] |
nodeSelector |
Set a node selector. | {} |
tolerations |
Set tolerations. | [] |
serviceMonitor.enabled |
Enable the creation of a ServiceMonitor for the Prometheus Operator. | false |
serviceMonitor.labels |
Additional labels which should be set for the ServiceMonitor. | {} |
serviceMonitor.interval |
Scrape interval. | 10s |
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout |
Scrape timeout. | 10s |
serviceMonitor.honorLabels |
Honor labels option. | true |
serviceMonitor.relabelings |
Additional relabeling config for the ServiceMonitor. | [] |
priorityClassName |
Optionally attach priority class to pod spec. | null |
This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 7, 2025. It is now read-only.