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Lab 2 : Docker Orchestration

Difficulty: Advanced

Time: 30-40 minutes



  • You will be using node-0,node-1,and node-2
  • Ensure that no containers are running on these nodes($ docker rm -f $(docker ps -q))
  • Ensure that Docker engine uses default daemon options( DOCKER_OPTS should be commented out in /etc/default/docker file)
  • Ensure that DOCKER_HOST is unset ( $ unset DOCKER_HOST)
  • Certain TCP ports are only allowed on the private AWS network. Therefore, you would need to use the private network (10.X.X.X) when you substitute the IP of the instance in certain commands/configuration files throughout this lab.
  • Note: Some commands may require sudo.

Getting Started with Docker Compose and Swarm


Docker Compose and Docker Swarm are key elements of the Docker Ecosystem. Docker Compose is an open-source tool to orchestrate building and deploying multi-service,multi-container applications. Compose relies on a configuration YAML file (default name is docker-compose.yml) to build, create, and run containers against a single Docker Engine or Docker Swarm cluster. The YAML configuration file has standard reference commands ( full list here ) that define how the container is created at runtime. Some of the most common commands used are: build, image, command, ports, and links. Compose should be already installed on your machine. To verify, issue the following command on all-nodes and ensure you see the currently installed version.

node-0$ docker-compose version

In this tutorial, you will go through deploying DockChat, the new awesome chat app. First you'll use Docker Compose to deploy it on a single Docker engine. Then you will create a Swarm cluster with staging and production engines. You'll use the Swarm cluster to deploy DockChat. Finally, you'll scale the app using Interlock, the event-driven Docker plugin system.

Task 1: Deploy a Multiservice Application on a single Engine

In this step, you will deploy a multiservice app, DockChat, that is composed of two services : web and db. DockChat is a simple Python+Mongo chat server.

Step 1: First step is to clone the DockChat repo from GitHub on node-0

node-0$ git clone

Step 2: Change directory to dockchat, and examine the list of files in the repo.

node-0:~$ cd dockchat/
node-0:~/dockchat$ tree
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── requirements.txt
├── static
│   └── style.css
├── templates
│   └── form_action.html

2 directories, 7 files

You'll notice a Dockerfile for the 'web' service and a docker-compose.yml that describes the app's service configuration. Take a look at docker-compose.yml file using your favorite text editor:

node-0:~/dockchat$ cat docker-compose.yml
# Mongo DB
  image: mongo
    - 27017
  command: --smallfiles
# Python App
  build: .
    - "5000:5000"
   - db:db

You can see that there are two service descriptions: db and web. Each of them define a service with certain build on runtime parameter:

  • image:{IMAGE_NAME} will specify the name of the image to use. Note: this needs to be an image that has already been built and available either locally, on Docker Trusted Registry, or Docker Hub.
  • build:{DOCKERFILE_DIR} will build an image from the Dockerfile that is specified directory. In this case, it's the current directory. In this example, you will use the 'mongo' image directly from Docker Hub.
  • command:{CMD} will specify the command to run in the container when it's created.
  • ports:{HOST:CONTAINER} will specify any network host-port mapping
  • links:{SERVICE:ALIAS} will specify container linking parameters. Container linking is a mechanism to automatically provide access, network, and environment parameters for one container to discover and communicate with another container. In this example, we are linking the database container 'db' TO the 'web' container and giving it the alias 'db'.
  • expose:{PORT} informs Docker that the container listens on the specified network ports at runtime.

Step 3: Before, running the app, you need to ensure that Docker is running locally and the Docker Compose client can connect to it. To verify, issue the following command and you should expect a similar output:

$ docker-compose ps
Name   Command   State   Ports

Step 4: You now can build and run the app. It is recommended to ensure that all the images that need to be built, be built first before you run them. That is why docker-compose has the following two options :build and up.

The build option builds an image for every service that has a build: parameter in the docker-compose.yml file but doesn't actually create any container from that image. The up option runs the services described in the docker-compose.yml file. The up option WILL build the services' images before it runs them. It is recommended to ensure that you successfully build all the required images before running the containers from them as follows:

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose build
db uses an image, skipping
Building web
Successfully built b858d650581e
node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose up  
Creating dockchat_db_1
Creating dockchat_web_1
Attaching to dockchat_db_1, dockchat_web_1
db_1  | 2015-11-06T19:24:40.698+0000 I JOURNAL  [initandlisten] journal dir=/data/db/journal
db_1  | 2015-11-06T19:24:40.707+0000 I JOURNAL  [initandlisten] recover : no journal files present, no recovery needed
db_1  | 2015-11-06T19:24:41.102+0000 I JOURNAL  [initandlisten] preallocateIsFaster=true 3.02
web_1 |  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
web_1 |  * Restarting with stat

The output means that you have successfully created the two containers. To access the app, go in your web browser to http://{your node-0 public IP address}:5000 . You should see something like this:

Step 5: Stop the app after you confirm it worked by pressing CTRL + C . Then remove the two containers by typing:

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm -f

Task 2: Set Up a Docker Swarm cluster

Docker Swarm is native clustering for Docker. It turns a pool of Docker hosts into a single, virtual host.

Swarm serves the standard Docker API, so any tool which already communicates with a Docker daemon can use Swarm to transparently scale to multiple hosts: Dokku, Compose, Krane, Flynn, Deis, DockerUI, Shipyard, Drone, Jenkins... and, of course, the Docker client itself.

There are multiple ways to create a Swarm cluster full details here. In this exercise you will use the Docker Hub token-based discovery service. You will create a Swarm Cluster with 2 nodes ( node-1 and node-2). The Swarm manager will be a container running on node-0. The two Swarm nodes will be labeled for deployment scheduling and filtering purposes later.

Follow the below steps to create a Swarm cluster:

Step 1: Ensure that Docker Engine on node-1 and node-2 is listening on a TCP port.You can do that by adding the following to /etc/default/docker configuration file followed by restarting Docker daemon. We're also adding the staging and production engine labels that are used by the Swarm scheduler at deployment.

$ sudo nano /etc/default/docker
# Add the following for node-1:

# Use DOCKER_OPTS to modify the daemon startup options
DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --label=environment=staging"
# Add the following for node-2:
DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --label=environment=production"

Step 2: Then restart Docker on node-1 and node-2.

$ sudo service docker restart

Note: if Docker Engine TLS verification is enabled, it is recommended to use TCP port 2376 instead. For the remainder of these exercises, we will not use Docker TLS verification.

Step 3: Create a unique cluster token on from node-0. When you run the container, it will output a unique cluster token. You will use this token for the remainder of the tutorial.

node-0:~$export TOKEN=$(docker run --rm swarm create)

Step 4: Configure the Swarm Manager on node-0. The manager runs in a container and is configured to use a different TCP port (3375) than engine (2375).

node-0:~$docker run -d -p 3375:2375 swarm manage token://$TOKEN

Step 5: Register the Swarm agents to the discovery service. Do this step on node-0. The node’s IP must be accessible from the Swarm Manager. Use the following command and replace with the proper private node_ip to start an agent.

node-0:~$docker run -d swarm join --addr=<node_1_private_ip:2375> token://$TOKEN
node-0:~$docker run -d swarm join --addr=<node_2_private_ip:2375> token://$TOKEN

Please use node-1 and node-2's private IPs (10.x.x.x) and NOT their public IPs. To be safe, simply use their DNS names instead.

Step 6: Confirm that the two nodes are part of the Swarm cluster:

node-0:$ docker -H tcp:// info
Containers: 0
Images: 0
Role: primary
Strategy: spread
Filters: health, port, dependency, affinity, constraint
Nodes: 2
 node-1: ************
  └ Containers: 3
  └ Reserved CPUs: 0 / 1
  └ Reserved Memory: 0 B / 3.859 GiB
  └ Labels: executiondriver=native-0.2, kernelversion=3.19.0-26-generic, operatingsystem=Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS, storagedriver=aufs
 node-2: *****************
  └ Containers: 2
  └ Reserved CPUs: 0 / 1
  └ Reserved Memory: 0 B / 3.859 GiB
  └ Labels: executiondriver=native-0.2, kernelversion=3.19.0-26-generic, operatingsystem=Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS, storagedriver=aufs
CPUs: 2
Total Memory: 7.718 GiB
Name: 5dc162006656

Step 7: Confirm that the Docker server you're talking to is actually Swarm master ( shown in the server version section).

$ docker -H tcp:// version
 Version:      1.9.0
 API version:  1.21
 Go version:   go1.4.2
 Git commit:   76d6bc9
 Built:        Tue Nov  3 17:43:42 UTC 2015
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

 Version:      swarm/1.0.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 API version:  1.21
 Go version:   go1.5.1
 Git commit:   087e245
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

Task 3: Re-deploy DockChat on the Swarm Cluster

Now that we have a Swarm cluster, you can now re-deploy DockChat on the Swarm Cluster.

Step 1 : The first step is to point all Docker client commands at the Swarm manager instead of a single local engine on node-0. To do so, you need to set DOCKER_HOST to point at the Swarm Master's IP and TCP port. Remember that Swarm Master is just a container running and listening on port 3375.

export DOCKER_HOST={node-0-PrivateIP}:3375

Step 2 : Currently, docker-compose does not support build an image across all Swarm nodes. Therefore, you need to first build the image using the Docker client, tag it, push it to Docker Hub, and use that image in docker-compose.yml file.

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker login
WARNING: login credentials saved in /root/.docker/config.json
Login Succeeded
node-0$ docker build -t {Your_Docker_Hub_username}/dockchat:v1 .
Successfully built 40a0a638005a
node-0$ docker push {Your_Docker_Hub_username}/dockchat:v1

You should see something like:

e2a4fb18da48: Image successfully pushed

Step 3 : Now, you would need to change docker-compose.yml file to deploy on Swarm. The first thing to change would be the source of the 'web' image. You would need to change the following using your favorite text editor.

(-) build: .
(+) image: {Your_Docker_Hub_username}/dockchat:v1

Step 4 : We will also use constraints/affinity rules to ensure Swarm selects the right nodes for deployment. Initially, we labeled node 1 as a staging node, and node 2 as s production node. We can specify in the docker-compose.yml file certain constraints to ensure the service is deployed on the environment we specified. Add the following Compose parameters under BOTH the services (db and web)

(+) environment:
(+)   - "constraint:environment==staging"

The final Compose file should look like this :

# Mongo DB
  image: mongo
    - 27017
  command: --smallfiles
   - "constraint:environment==staging"
# Python App
  image: <your_Docker_Hub_username>/dockchat:v1
    - "5000:5000"
   - db:db
   - "constraint:environment==staging"

Step 5: Let's rename the file staging.docker-compose.yml. It is recommended to have unique Docker Compose files for each deployment for better version control and deployment isolation. For example, you can easily integrate a CI/CD workflow that deploys to staging first using the staging.docker-compose.yml then if certain tests succeed deploy to the production nodes.

mv docker-compose.yml staging.docker-compose.yml

Step 6: Now, you need to pull the images on all nodes, and deploy and check the services. But this time need to specify both the custom Docker Compose YAML file and a custom project name for this deployment. This is a requirement to ensure unique configuration file to project mapping.

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose -f staging.docker-compose.yml -p dockchat_staging pull
Pulling db (mongo:latest)...
node-2: Pulling mongo:latest... : downloaded
node-1: Pulling mongo:latest... : downloaded
Pulling web (nicolaka/dockchat:v1)...
node-1: Pulling nicolaka/dockchat:v1... : downloaded
node-2: Pulling nicolaka/dockchat:v1... : downloaded

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose -f staging.docker-compose.yml -p dockchat_staging up -d

Creating dockchatstaging_db_1
Creating dockchatstaging_web_1

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose -f staging.docker-compose.yml -p dockchat_staging ps
        Name                      Command             State             Ports
dockchatstaging_db_1    / --smallfiles   Up      27017/tcp
dockchatstaging_web_1   python              Up>5000/tcp

Using docker ps's NAMES column, you'll notice that both containers were deployed on node-1 (the staging node). This is because we constrained the deployment of both services only on the 'staging' nodes. Also, since the two services are linked, Docker Compose will ensure they are deployed on the same node.

Step 7: Do the same for the production deployment:

node-0:~/dockchat$cp staging.docker-compose.yml production.docker-compose.yml

and change the following in the production.docker-compose.yml:

(-) - "constraint:environment==staging"
(+) - "constraint:environment==production"

Step 8: Deploy again using the production.docker-compose.yml :

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose -f production.docker-compose.yml -p dockchat_production pull
Pulling db (mongo:latest)...
node-2: Pulling mongo:latest... : downloaded
node-1: Pulling mongo:latest... : downloaded
Pulling web (nicolaka/dockchat:v1)...
node-2: Pulling nicolaka/dockchat:v1... : downloaded
node-1: Pulling nicolaka/dockchat:v1... : downloaded

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose -f production.docker-compose.yml -p dockchat_production up -d
Creating dockchatproduction_db_1
Creating dockchatproduction_web_1

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose -f production.docker-compose.yml -p dockchat_production ps
          Name                       Command             State             Ports
dockchatproduction_db_1    / --smallfiles   Up      27017/tcp
dockchatproduction_web_1   python              Up>5000/tcp

Using docker ps's NAMES column, note that now the two containers were deployed on Node 2, which is the production node.

ode-0:~/dockchat$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                  COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                       NAMES
618b949413e4        nicolaka/dockchat:v1   "python"       About a minute ago   Up About a minute>5000/tcp   node-2/dockchatproduction_web_1
30e0105aa493        mongo                  "/ --sma"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   27017/tcp                   node-2/dockchatproduction_db_1,node-2/dockchatproduction_web_1/db,node-2/dockchatproduction_web_1/db_1,node-2/dockchatproduction_web_1/dockchatproduction_db_1
f77b3a038ba8        nicolaka/dockchat:v1   "python"       3 minutes ago        Up 3 minutes>5000/tcp   node-1/dockchatstaging_web_1
e136e52638bd        mongo                  "/ --sma"   3 minutes ago        Up 3 minutes        27017/tcp                   node-1/dockchatstaging_db_1,node-1/dockchatstaging_web_1/db,node-1/dockchatstaging_web_1/db_1,node-1/dockchatstaging_web_1/dockchatstaging_db_1

You can check out the app by going to http://{node-1-PUBLIC IP}:5000 for the staging deployment and to http://{node-2-PUBLIC IP}:5000 for the production deployment.

Task 4: Scale DockChat with Interlock

DockChat is becoming very popular and it's getting a lot of traffic! You need to scale it to accommodate the surge in the traffic. Good news is that you can use Compose to scale the web service to handle more traffic in the production deployment. Scaling a service that does host-port mapping ( web's TCP Port 5000) will not work because you can only have a single service listen on the host's port 5000. Therefore, you will need to remove host-port mapping to avoid this problem. But then how will you direct traffic to the container? Here comes Interlock which is an event-driven plugin that can register new containers to a service.

In this example, you'll use Interlock to dynamically register your web service containers to an HAProxy load-balancing service. This way any container that is part of the web service can receive traffic directed at that service. Interlock can be easily deployed as a service in Compose!

Step 1: Stop the production deployment ( I know that sounds silly :) but it is needed because we need to add certain environment vars to the web service containers.

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose -f production.docker-compose.yml -p dockchat_production stop
Stopping dockchatproduction_web_1 ... done
Stopping dockchatproduction_db_1 ... done

Step 2: Edit the production.docker-compoe.yml to:

  • Add Interlock service using the ehazlett/interlock:latest image.

  • Add an JSON-formatted hostname environment variable inside the web service containers. This is needed for Interlock to discover these services (- INTERLOCK_DATA={"hostname":"","domain":""} ).

  • Remove host-port mapping for the web service ( add "5000" instead of "5000:5000").

Your configuration file should look like:

# Mongo DB
  image: mongo
   - 27017
  command: --smallfiles
   - "constraint:environment==production"
# Python App
  image: nicolaka/dockchat:v1
   - "5000"
   - db:db
   - "constraint:environment==production"
   - INTERLOCK_DATA={"hostname":"","domain":""}
  image: ehazlett/interlock:latest
    - "80:80"
    - /var/lib/docker:/etc/docker
   - "constraint:environment==production"
  command: "--swarm-url tcp://$DOCKER_HOST --debug --plugin haproxy start"

Step 3: Re-deploy the service and check that all containers are up:

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose -f production.docker-compose.yml -p dockchat_production pull
Pulling db (mongo:latest)...
node-2: Pulling mongo:latest... : downloaded
node-1: Pulling mongo:latest... : downloaded
Pulling web (nicolaka/dockchat:v1)...
node-2: Pulling nicolaka/dockchat:v1... : downloaded
node-1: Pulling nicolaka/dockchat:v1... : downloaded
Pulling interlock (ehazlett/interlock:latest)...
node-2: Pulling ehazlett/interlock:latest... : downloaded
node-1: Pulling ehazlett/interlock:latest... : downloaded

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose -f production.docker-compose.yml -p dockchat_production up -d
Creating dockchatproduction_db_1
Creating dockchatproduction_web_1
Creating dockchatproduction_interlock_1

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose -f production.docker-compose.yml -p dockchat_production ps
             Name                           Command               State               Ports
dockchatproduction_db_1          / --smallfiles      Up      27017/tcp
dockchatproduction_interlock_1   /usr/local/bin/interlock - ...   Up      443/tcp,>80/tcp
dockchatproduction_web_1         python                 Up>5000/tcp

Step 4: To test the app from your browser, you need to add a new entry in your local /etc/hosts pointing to as follows:

mylaptop$ vim /etc/hosts


Then go to from your browser and test if it works.

staging Finally, we need to scale the app, and that can be done easily with the docker-compose scale functionality.

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose -f production.docker-compose.yml -p dockchat_production scale web=10

Creating and starting 2 ... done
Creating and starting 3 ... done
Creating and starting 4 ... done
Creating and starting 5 ... done
Creating and starting 6 ... done
Creating and starting 7 ... done
Creating and starting 8 ... done
Creating and starting 9 ... done
Creating and starting 10 ... done

node-0:~/dockchat$ docker-compose -f production.docker-compose.yml -p dockchat_production ps

             Name                           Command               State               Ports
dockchatproduction_db_1          / --smallfiles      Up      27017/tcp
dockchatproduction_interlock_1   /usr/local/bin/interlock - ...   Up      443/tcp,>80/tcp
dockchatproduction_web_1         python                 Up>5000/tcp
dockchatproduction_web_10        python                 Up>5000/tcp
dockchatproduction_web_2         python                 Up>5000/tcp
dockchatproduction_web_3         python                 Up>5000/tcp
dockchatproduction_web_4         python                 Up>5000/tcp
dockchatproduction_web_5         python                 Up>5000/tcp
dockchatproduction_web_6         python                 Up>5000/tcp
dockchatproduction_web_7         python                 Up>5000/tcp
dockchatproduction_web_8         python                 Up>5000/tcp
dockchatproduction_web_9         python                 Up>5000/tcp

Now if you go back to your browser, you'll see that with every refresh you're being served from a different web container.

Note: you can visit and log in with stats/interlock to view the HAProxy stats for each container.


Congrats! You have completed the tutorial!

In this tutorial you used Docker Compose and Docker Swarm to deploy and scale a multi-service app.

Interested in scaling DockChat horizontally across multiple nodes ? You can do that with the new multi-host networking introduced with Docker 1.9. Check out this this repo.

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Clean up

If you plan to do another lab, you need to cleanup your EC2 instances. Cleanup removes any environment variables, configuration changes, Docker images, and running containers. To do a clean up, log into each EC2 instance and run the following:

$ source /home/ubuntu/

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