Authentication can be configured per service instance with authentication_required
This is a boolean service class field which defines if the client needs to be
authenticated before accessing the service.
OpenTAXII supports session-less token-based authentication as primary method of authentication with fallback to HTTP Basic Authentication.
If authentication is required, OpenTAXII expects clients to obtain a token first and
send it as Authorization
HTTP header value (formatted as Bearer TOKENVALUE
with every TAXII request.
To obtain a token, client sends a POST
request with username and password to
authentication service running on /management/auth
Request data can be a form-encoded string or a JSON dictionary with username
(venv) $ curl -d 'username=test&password=test' http://localhost:9000/management/auth
(venv) $ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"test","password":"test"}' http://localhost:9000/management/auth
A server will reply with a JSON dictionary that contains a token. For example:
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjoxLCJleHAiOjE0Mjc2MzgyMjN9.oKd43j4KR1Ovu8zOtwFdeaKILys_kpl3fAiECclP7_4"
To query a service with authentication enabled, pass the token in a value of Authorization
HTTP header.
Example request using Cabby library CLI command:
# using raw HTTP header
(venv) $ taxii-poll \
--path http://localhost:9000/services/poll-a \
--collection collection-a \
--header Authorization:'Bearer eyJleHAiOjE0MjY3OTMwOTYsImFsZyI6IkhTMjU2IiwiaWF0IjoxNDI2Nzg1ODk2fQ.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxfQ.YsZIdbrU92dL8j5G8ydVAsdWHXtx371vC0POmXrS3W8'
# using JWT support in Cabby
(venv) $ taxii-poll \
--host localhost \
--port 9000 \
--path /services/poll-a \
--collection collection-a \
--username test \
--password test \
--jwt-auth /management/auth
An alternative to that is to use Basic Authentication: client sends username/password formatted as Basic Authentication header with every TAXII request, OpenTAXII decodes it and passes username/password pair to Auth API for authentication.
The build-in Authentication API implementation uses JWT (JSON Web Token) to create tokens.
Token TTL is set to 60 minutes by default but can be configured with token_ttl_secs
in Auth API
settings in :ref:`custom configuration <custom-configuration>`.
Authentication API needs to be able to identify a client based on the token (method :py:meth:`opentaxii.auth.api.OpenTAXIIAuthAPI.get_account` of the API). The built-in implementation does that by encoding account ID inside the token.
Next steps
Continue to :doc:`Public code-level APIs <../references/public-apis>` page for the details about OpenTAXII APIs.