- Deepcopy crash on very large tournaments
- Id generator doesn't get restored
- Discard default.log if mismatching file format
- Search function
- Model based item view for player list
- Window title should show tournament name, round, log path etc.
- Automatic pairings and standings output
- Clear/Update LOG on restore_ui
- Fix B/W/L output in standings
- Discord handle
- Push notifications
- Start/end round
- Start time of incoming round
- Pairings
- Results submission
- decklist submission
- Discord tags
- Optional commander input/parsed from moxfield
- Improve bye awarding logic (only to bottom standings)
- Implement a dynamic reward system (based on win/draw/loss rates which awards dynamic rewards for outcomes)
- Seat normalization should not be uniform - 1+4 is not equal as 2+3
- Develop a stricter logic for assigning seat order
- Implement top cut functionality
- Develop a league mode option
- Export tournament log in a parsable (json?) format
- Add git/versioning logic so that .log files containt data about commit (and appropriate commit can be loaded to inspect old data)