| 1 | +# Cobolt - A model-based tool for evaluating topology control algorithms |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | +This repository hosts the code of Cobolt, a model-based tool for the rapid simulative evaluation of topology control algorithms. |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +The Cobolt repository comprises a modified version of the [Simonstrator](https://dev.kom.e-technik.tu-darmstadt.de/simonstrator/) network simulator (version 2.5) and |
| 6 | +a set of of sample topology control algorithms specified using the modeling tool [eMoflon](https://emoflon.org/). |
| 7 | + |
| 8 | +## Setup instructions |
| 9 | + |
| 10 | +1. **Install Eclipse 2018-09 R with Modeling Components Oxygen (or newer)** |
| 11 | + * All Eclipse packages are available here: https://eclipse.org/downloads/ |
| 12 | +1. **Install the Maven 2 Eclipse integration (m2e)** |
| 13 | + 1. Navigate to the *Install* dialog (*Help → Install New Software...*). |
| 14 | + 1. Select the standard Eclipse update site (e.g., http://download.eclipse.org/releases/2018-09 for Eclipse 2018-09) |
| 15 | + 1. Install *General Purpose Tools/m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse* –no need to restart Eclipse afterwards |
| 16 | +1. **Install eMoflon 3.5.1** |
| 17 | + 1. Open the *Install* dialog. |
| 18 | + 1. First, install only *PlantUML 1.1.21* (or above)–no need to restart Eclipse afterwards: https://hallvard.github.io/plantuml/ |
| 19 | + 1. Open the *Install* dialog. |
| 20 | + 1. Paste the following Eclipse update site: https://github.com/eMoflon/eMoflon.github.io/raw/emoflon-tie-updatesite_3.5.1/eclipse-plugin/beta/updatesite |
| 21 | + 1. Select *Manage...*. |
| 22 | + 1. Enable at least the following update sites: |
| 23 | + * https://emoflon.org/eclipse-plugin/beta/updatesite/ (aka. https://emoflon.github.io/eclipse-plugin/beta/updatesite ) |
| 24 | + * http://emoflon.org/emoflon-core-updatesite/stable/updatesite/ |
| 25 | + * "Latest Eclipse release" |
| 26 | + 1. Go back via *Apply and Close*. |
| 27 | + 1. Make sure that the option *Contact all update sites during install to find required software* is enabled. |
| 28 | + 1. Select *eMoflon::TIE-SDM* and complete the installation via *Next* etc. |
| 29 | + * Note: The dependency resolution may take some time... |
| 30 | + 1. Restart Eclipse, open a fresh workspace, and switch to the *eMoflon* perspective. |
| 31 | +1. **Install Enterprise Architect 12 (or later)** |
| 32 | + * A 30-days trial version of Enterprise Architect is available here: https://www.sparxsystems.de/uml/download-trial/ |
| 33 | + * Install the eMoflon 3.5.1 Enterprise Architect addin: https://github.com/eMoflon/eMoflon.github.io/raw/emoflon-tie-updatesite_3.5.1/eclipse-plugin/beta/updatesite/ea-ecore-addin.zip |
| 34 | +1. **Set up Cobolt** |
| 35 | + 1. Right-click in Project Explorer → Import... → Team/Team Project Set |
| 36 | + 1. URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eMoflon/cobolt/master/cobolt.psf |
| 37 | + 1. Let Eclipse check out and build all Cobolt and Simonstrator projects for you |
| 38 | + * Make sure that *Build → Build automatically* is enabled. |
| 39 | + 1. Eclipse complains about the missing Tycho lifecycle plugin (*org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-compiler-plugin:1.0.0:compile*). |
| 40 | + * Use the quick fix (*Ctrl+1* when pointing at the error marker) to discover and install the appropriate m2e connectors. |
| 41 | + 1. Restart Eclipse and let wait until the auto-build has completed. |
| 42 | +1. **Run a sample simulation** |
| 43 | + 1. Navigate to *simonstrator-simrunner/config/dissertation/*. |
| 44 | + 1. Right-click *GuiRunner.launch* and select *Run as... → GuiRunner*. |
| 45 | + 1. Select the simulation configuration file *cobolt.xml* (in the folder *dissertation*). |
| 46 | + * If you wish, you can experiment with different settings |
| 47 | + * *size* configures the number of motes |
| 48 | + * *world_size* configures the side length of the area in meters |
| 49 | + * *topologyControlAlgorithm* configures the active topology control algorithms (e.g., MAXPOWER_TC D_KTC E_KTC LSTAR_KTC GG Yao RNG GMST LMST) |
| 50 | + * *topologyControlIntervalInMinutes* configures the interval between topology control executions in minutes |
| 51 | + 1. Press *Start Simulation*. |
| 52 | + 1. Two windows pop up: the simulation progress view and the topology visualization. |
| 53 | + * The shown blue graph is the virtual topology of the topology control algorithm (by default, kTC with k=1). |
| 54 | + * The topology control algorithm is executed periodically (by default, once every simulated minute). |
| 55 | + * In the Eclipse Console window, you can observe the simulation output. |
| 56 | + * Lines with 'iter#xxx CEH' refer to the context event handling. |
| 57 | + * Lines with 'iter#xxx TCA' refer to the topology control algorithm execution. |
| 58 | + * Lines with 'iter#xxx STAT' refer to the statistics recording. |
| 59 | + * 'xxx' is the iteration counter |
| 60 | + * Additional output is available in *simonstrator-simrunner/output/wsntraces/* |
| 61 | + * The subfolder *log* contains the logfile (similar to the console output) |
| 62 | + * The subfolder *energyConsumptionPerNode* contains statistics about how long each mote was in each state. |
| 63 | + * The subfolder *data* contains the performance data (e.g., execution time, link state modification counts,...) |
| 64 | + * The file *wsntraces_scenarioStatistics.csv* summarizes information about the scenario (e.g., initial topology density). |
| 65 | + |
| 66 | +## Reproducing the evaluation results |
| 67 | + |
| 68 | +Conduct the following steps to reproduce the Cobolt evaluation results. |
| 69 | +1. Install Jupyter: https://jupyter.org/ |
| 70 | +1. Execute the launcher *simonstrator-simrunner/config/dissertation/CoboltEvaluationExecutor.launch* and wait for it to complete |
| 71 | + * This may take several days depending on the hardware platform. |
| 72 | + * **Important:** Abort the batch run using the 'STOP batch run' button, otherwise simulation processes may continue to run in the background. |
| 73 | +1. Concatenate the CSV files in *output/wsntraces/[...]/data* (without repeating the header!) |
| 74 | +2. Place the concatenated file in *jupyter/data/cobolt/dataCollected.csv* |
| 75 | +3. Execute the Jupyter notebook: *jupyter/DissertationEvaluation.ipynb*. |
| 76 | + * This notebook produces all evaluation plots (also for the tool cMoflon). |
| 77 | + |
| 78 | +## Licensing |
| 79 | +GPLv3, see [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt). |
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