This autogenerated website stores all the relevant artifacts produced to document the process of designing the system following a Domain Driven approach as well as the final architecture of the solution.
- Samuele Burattini: [email protected]
- Luca Deluigi: [email protected]
- Francesco Dente: [email protected]
- Simone Magnani: [email protected]
The group is committed to design a microservice system that collects and merge e-scooter related data to create a digital twin of the physical entity. The collected data will be:
- Battery percentage
- Position and speed in real-time
- Activity status (rented, idle, etc.)
- Lock state
- Availability for renting
- Any other relevant data discovered while developing
The goal is to maximize the coverage of the renting service by analyzing users and scooters behaviour to map the more requested areas and which kind of trips the users do most in different areas.
To also make use of the power of the digital twins onto their corresponding physical device a mechanism of battery conservation is put in place to guarantee a long lasting battery life by limiting speed when the battery is too low and a remote locking and disabling mechanism that activates when the scooter is outside of the recovery service area or when the battery is below the minimum threshold to guarantee the device not to turn off.
Monitoring will be made possible through an admin dashboard that show the overall state of all the devices in real-time.
The system will be designed with a domain driven approach. In detail the team will have:
- an initial knowledge crunching session (with fake domain experts)
- the definition, mantain and use of the ubiquitous language
- a requirement analysis, carried out through user stories and use-case diagrams
- bounded context partitioning and definition of a context-map
- domain models for each relevant bounded context
Apart from that the project will follow a development process based on continuos integration & deployment for most of the system components. The tools used will be:
- Dotnet CLI for build automation
- Github Actions for continuous integration
- Github Pages for the hosting of the automatically generated documentation website
- Microsoft Azure as a target platform for the deployment of the whole system
- Quality Assurance tools to be defined during developement (linter, automatic testing etc.)