- 1000000 (340b8c8)
- fate dice: impl fate mod value (4dcbfa4)
- err in find point function (da42868)
- format problem in fate dice (b83d800)
- shrink call from cq function (1d00433)
- some bugs in fate roll (03f2dd5)
- some err luking, im trying to catch the moon (67bd538)
- standardized template writing (bc058cd)
- help protocol: register_help should return a value (e500049)
- there is no need to catch so much things now (1c8aaf8)
- uint is not size_t in 64bit (f64f9aa)
- unicode is a bad boy (351e599)
- update sdk (a7a86b8)
- use warning instead (35c426a)
- utf8 needed (a8ae91c)
- when in no db mode, some err may occur (57f8e37)
- dice protocols: help message and stand alone cmd def (63d0bb5)
- some help message (7bf76af)
- protocol: help message for every protocols (fa036c5)
1.6.0 (2019-01-22)
- nickname protocol: Nickname doesnt work in discuss (72e63e6)
- number: Remove zeroes after double outputs (2ade551)
1.5.0 (2018-12-22)
- cqsdk: Reduce warnings. (bc59dbc)
- dice protocol: remove useless spaces (73bf7bf)
- dice protocol: Upper case error, 1D20 is resolved as 1 (0cbe6d4)
- dice roller: dnd roll cant recognize dice without dice count. (6e612ed)
- dice roller: Fix ouput format err in roll_coc (79caede)
- diceroll: The bottom limit of dice command is wrong. (ed4c90d)
- main: dicebot was not responding to group message. (3ac803e)
- main: Syntax err (13838ac)
- manual dice: Fix manual dice issues (35930ab)
- wod_dice: delete an unused pointer in destructor (dac9bce)
- wod dice: A dice dedicated for world of darkness trpg (48ee9f8)
- wod dice: Bonus and penalty (baaec0f)
- wod dice: NWOD and OWOD (e223b41)
- dice_roller: Optimize dice roller (63480cd)