Fetch the deps:
dep ensure
Build the binary:
# agent
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o bin/agent agent/main.go
# server
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o bin/server server/main.go
Run the agent:
sudo ./bin/agent
Run the server:
Make the docker images:
make build-agent
make build-server
Run the image:
make run-agent
make run-server
➜ threatseer git:(master) ✗ make help
help this help
protos generate protos for the agent API
build-agent build the threatseer agent
build-server build the threatseer agent
run-agent run the agent docker image
run-server run the server docker image
run-agent-local run the agent using locally compiled binaries
run-server-local run the agent using locally compiled binaries
build-local build agent and server locally, without docker
clean remove binaries