This log is used to keep track of decisions that were made
- Because I could not figure out how use Kubernetes I've decided to use Docker Swarm instead.
- 03/03/2018 - Followed this tutorial:
- There is a script to deploy the functions
- There is a script to gather the information from the yml files
- To get metrics about each of the running functions I used the already available metrics through Prometheus. Available metrics:
- gateway_functions_seconds -
- gateway_functions_seconds_bucket-
- gateway_functions_seconds_sum - Sum of the times of all the invocations
- gateway_functions_seconds_count - Number of invocations of the function (similiar to gateway_function_invocation_total)
- gateway_function_invocation_total - Number of invocations of the function
- gateway_service_count - Number of replicas for each available for each function
- gateway_functions_seconds -
- To keep metrics about functions running on the cloud I've used a MongoDB. Implementation based on this
- To measure the weights based on the duration history of the functions, I've used the Multi-armded bandit with Upper bound