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TwitterFontana is a backchannel visualisation solution for the Twitter Search API v1.1.

The Twitter API connection backend is written in Python & Flask and the Fontana visualisation frontend is written in CoffeeScript and has CSS animations through Compass & SASS.

The HTML for the website is generated using Jade and styling & layout is achieved (mostly) through use of Twitter's Bootstrap 3 framework. The additional theme's are provided by Bootswatch.

Getting started

Alright, so there's some initial preparation and setup to perform to get the project up and running.


First of all, your development machine should be equipped with Python 2.6+ and preferably virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper. This should be no problem on most Linux distributions, fairly easy on OS X and might be somewhat challenging on Windows (I have no experience with Python on Windows).

If you want to be able to edit the CoffeeScript, Jade & SASS files you will also need nodejs + npm, Grunt and Ruby, RubyGems & Bundler to be available.


In order to use the Twitter API v1.1 you will need to create a "application" at

Also load up a browser tab with, we are going to need a random secret key soon.


With that out of the way, you can now "install" the project in a virtualenv:

$ mkvirtualenv twitterfontana
$ workon twitterfontana
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

For the frontend requirements also run:

$ npm install
$ bundle install

Then you'll need to create a config file, let's save it as backend/var/conf/fontana.conf.

In this file, enter the credentials for the Twitter application you've created and one of the random "Ft. Knox Passwords":

    'consumer-key': 'mYc0nsUm3rK3y',
    'consumer-secret': 'xtH1s1sSuP3rs3cREtX'

SECRET_KEY = '%S#cR3T$(~4re>Aws0me{;?='


Now everything should be set up and configured. We can confirm this by trying to sign in with Twitter.

First start the development server:

$ python backend/src/ backend/var/conf/fontana.conf
> * Running on

Now go to http://localhost:5000/api/twitter/session/new/.

If everything is working correctly you will be redirected to and asked to "Authorize your application to use your account".

After confirming access you will be redirected back to a page on the development server with the plain text string "OK".

If you've also installed the frontend requirements you can verify if everything is in working condition by running grunt. You should see some output like this:

$ grunt
> Running "watch" task
> Waiting...


Cool, you got the initial set up out of the way. Luckily you don't need to do all of this each time you want to work on TwitterFontana. From now on just run these commands to get a development server:

$ workon twitterfontana
$ python backend/src/ backend/var/conf/fontana.conf
> * Running on

And in another terminal window you can keep running Grunt:

$ grunt
> Running "watch" task
> Waiting...