Install Numaflow and run a couple of example pipelines.
A Kubernetes cluster is needed to try out Numaflow. A simple way to create a local cluster is using Docker Desktop.
You will also need kubectl
to manage the cluster.
Run the following command lines to install Numaflow and start the Inter-Step Buffer Service that handles communication between vertices.
kubectl create ns numaflow-system
kubectl apply -n numaflow-system -f
kubectl apply -f
Create a simple pipeline
, which contains a source vertex to generate messages, a processing vertex that echos the messages, and a sink vertex that logs the messages.
kubectl apply -f
kubectl get pipeline # or "pl" as a short name
# Wait for pods to be ready
kubectl get pods
isbsvc-default-js-0 3/3 Running 0 19s
isbsvc-default-js-1 3/3 Running 0 19s
isbsvc-default-js-2 3/3 Running 0 19s
simple-pipeline-daemon-78b798fb98-qf4t4 1/1 Running 0 10s
simple-pipeline-out-0-xc0pf 1/1 Running 0 10s
simple-pipeline-cat-0-kqrhy 2/2 Running 0 10s
simple-pipeline-in-0-rhpjm 1/1 Running 0 11s
# Watch the log for the `output` vertex
kubectl logs -f simple-pipeline-out-0-xxxx
2022/08/25 23:59:38 (out) {"Data":"VT+G+/W7Dhc=","Createdts":1661471977707552597}
2022/08/25 23:59:38 (out) {"Data":"0TaH+/W7Dhc=","Createdts":1661471977707615953}
2022/08/25 23:59:38 (out) {"Data":"EEGH+/W7Dhc=","Createdts":1661471977707618576}
2022/08/25 23:59:38 (out) {"Data":"WESH+/W7Dhc=","Createdts":1661471977707619416}
2022/08/25 23:59:38 (out) {"Data":"YEaH+/W7Dhc=","Createdts":1661471977707619936}
2022/08/25 23:59:39 (out) {"Data":"qfomN/a7Dhc=","Createdts":1661471978707942057}
2022/08/25 23:59:39 (out) {"Data":"aUcnN/a7Dhc=","Createdts":1661471978707961705}
2022/08/25 23:59:39 (out) {"Data":"iUonN/a7Dhc=","Createdts":1661471978707962505}
2022/08/25 23:59:39 (out) {"Data":"mkwnN/a7Dhc=","Createdts":1661471978707963034}
2022/08/25 23:59:39 (out) {"Data":"jk4nN/a7Dhc=","Createdts":1661471978707963534}
# Port forward the UI to https://localhost:8443/
kubectl -n numaflow-system port-forward deployment/numaflow-server 8443:8443
The pipeline can be deleted by
kubectl delete -f
In this example, there are five vertices in a pipeline. An HTTP source vertex which serves an HTTP endpoint to receive numbers as source data, a UDF vertex to tag the ingested numbers with the key even
or odd
, three Log sinks, one to print the even
numbers, one to print the odd
numbers, and the other one to print both the even and odd numbers.
Create the even-odd
kubectl apply -f
# Wait for pods to be ready
kubectl get pods
even-odd-daemon-64d65c945d-vjs9f 1/1 Running 0 5m3s
even-odd-even-or-odd-0-pr4ze 2/2 Running 0 30s
even-odd-even-sink-0-unffo 1/1 Running 0 22s
even-odd-in-0-a7iyd 1/1 Running 0 5m3s
even-odd-number-sink-0-zmg2p 1/1 Running 0 7s
even-odd-odd-sink-0-2736r 1/1 Running 0 15s
isbsvc-default-js-0 3/3 Running 0 10m
isbsvc-default-js-1 3/3 Running 0 10m
isbsvc-default-js-2 3/3 Running 0 10m
# Port-forward the HTTP endpoint so we can post data from the laptop
kubectl port-forward even-odd-in-0-xxxx 8444:8443
# Post data to the HTTP endpoint
curl -kq -X POST -d "101" https://localhost:8444/vertices/in
curl -kq -X POST -d "102" https://localhost:8444/vertices/in
curl -kq -X POST -d "103" https://localhost:8444/vertices/in
curl -kq -X POST -d "104" https://localhost:8444/vertices/in
# Watch the log for the even vertex
kubectl logs -f even-odd-even-sink-0-nf2ql
2022/09/07 22:29:40 (even-sink) 102
2022/09/07 22:29:40 (even-sink) 104
# Watch the log for the odd vertex
kubectl logs -f even-odd-odd-sink-0-a6p0n
2022/09/07 22:30:19 (odd-sink) 101
2022/09/07 22:30:19 (odd-sink) 103
View the UI for the advanced pipeline at https://localhost:8443/
The source code of the even-odd
User Defined Function can be found here. You also can replace the Log Sink with some other sinks like Kafka to forward the data to Kafka topics.
The pipeline can be deleted by
kubectl delete -f
Try more examples in the examples
After exploring how Numaflow pipeline run, you can check what data Sources and Sinks Numaflow supports out of the box, or learn how to write User Defined Functions.