Resource Types:
(Appears on: AbstractVertex, DaemonTemplate, JetStreamBufferService, JobTemplate, NativeRedis)
AbstractPodTemplate provides a template for pod customization in vertices, daemon deployments and so on.
Field | Description |
metadata Metadata |
Metadata sets the pods’s metadata, i.e. annotations and labels |
nodeSelector map\[string\]string |
NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node. Selector which must match a node’s labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node. More info: |
tolerations \[\]Kubernetes core/v1.Toleration |
If specified, the pod’s tolerations. |
securityContext Kubernetes core/v1.PodSecurityContext |
SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings. Optional: Defaults to empty. See type description for default values of each field. |
imagePullSecrets \[\]Kubernetes core/v1.LocalObjectReference |
ImagePullSecrets is an optional list of references to secrets in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images used by this PodSpec. If specified, these secrets will be passed to individual puller implementations for them to use. For example, in the case of docker, only DockerConfig type secrets are honored. More info: |
priorityClassName string |
If specified, indicates the Redis pod’s priority. “system-node-critical” and “system-cluster-critical” are two special keywords which indicate the highest priorities with the former being the highest priority. Any other name must be defined by creating a PriorityClass object with that name. If not specified, the pod priority will be default or zero if there is no default. More info: |
priority int32 |
The priority value. Various system components use this field to find the priority of the Redis pod. When Priority Admission Controller is enabled, it prevents users from setting this field. The admission controller populates this field from PriorityClassName. The higher the value, the higher the priority. More info: |
affinity Kubernetes core/v1.Affinity |
The pod’s scheduling constraints More info: |
serviceAccountName string |
ServiceAccountName applied to the pod |
(Appears on: PipelineSpec, VertexSpec)
Field | Description |
name string |
source Source |
(Optional) |
sink Sink |
(Optional) |
udf UDF |
(Optional) |
containerTemplate ContainerTemplate |
(Optional) |
initContainerTemplate ContainerTemplate |
(Optional) |
AbstractPodTemplate AbstractPodTemplate |
(Members of |
volumes \[\]Kubernetes core/v1.Volume |
(Optional) |
limits VertexLimits |
Limits define the limitations such as buffer read batch size for all the vertices of a pipeline, will override pipeline level settings |
scale Scale |
Settings for autoscaling |
initContainers \[\]Kubernetes core/v1.Container |
List of init containers belonging to the pod. More info: |
sidecars \[\]Kubernetes core/v1.Container |
List of sidecar containers belonging to the pod. |
(Appears on: HTTPSource)
Field | Description |
token Kubernetes core/v1.SecretKeySelector |
A secret selector which contains bearer token To use this, the client needs to add “Authorization: Bearer ” in the header |
(Appears on: Sink)
Blackhole is a sink to emulate /dev/null
Field | Description |
Name string |
Type BufferType |
(Appears on: InterStepBufferServiceStatus)
Field | Description |
redis RedisConfig |
jetstream JetStreamConfig |
(Appears on: Buffer)
ConditionType is a valid value of Condition.Type
Field | Description |
image string |
(Optional) |
command \[\]string |
(Optional) |
args \[\]string |
(Optional) |
env \[\]Kubernetes core/v1.EnvVar |
(Optional) |
volumeMounts \[\]Kubernetes core/v1.VolumeMount |
(Optional) |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: AbstractVertex, DaemonTemplate, JetStreamBufferService, JobTemplate, NativeRedis)
ContainerTemplate defines customized spec for a container
Field | Description |
resources Kubernetes core/v1.ResourceRequirements |
imagePullPolicy Kubernetes core/v1.PullPolicy |
securityContext Kubernetes core/v1.SecurityContext |
env \[\]Kubernetes core/v1.EnvVar |
(Appears on: Templates)
Field | Description |
AbstractPodTemplate AbstractPodTemplate |
(Members of |
replicas int32 |
Replicas is the number of desired replicas of the Deployment. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and unspecified. Defaults to 1. More info: |
containerTemplate ContainerTemplate |
(Optional) |
initContainerTemplate ContainerTemplate |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: PipelineSpec, VertexSpec)
Field | Description |
from string |
to string |
conditions ForwardConditions |
Conditional forwarding, only allowed when “From” is a Sink or UDF. |
limits EdgeLimits |
Limits define the limitations such as buffer read batch size for the edge, will override pipeline level settings. |
parallelism int32 |
Parallelism is only effective when the “to” vertex is a reduce vertex, if it’s provided, the default value is set to “1”. Parallelism is ignored when the “to” vertex is not a reduce vertex. |
(Appears on: Edge)
Field | Description |
bufferMaxLength uint64 |
BufferMaxLength is used to define the max length of a buffer. It overrides the settings from pipeline limits. |
bufferUsageLimit uint32 |
BufferUsageLimit is used to define the percentage of the buffer usage limit, a valid value should be less than 100, for example, 85. It overrides the settings from pipeline limits. |
(Appears on: Window)
FixedWindow describes a fixed window
Field | Description |
length Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
(Appears on: Edge)
Field | Description |
keyIn \[\]string |
(Appears on: UDF)
Field | Description |
name string |
args \[\]string |
(Optional) |
kwargs map\[string\]string |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: Source)
Field | Description |
rpu int64 |
(Optional) |
duration Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
(Optional) |
msgSize int32 |
Size of each generated message |
Field | Description |
ISBSvcType ISBSvcType |
Image string |
PullPolicy Kubernetes core/v1.PullPolicy |
Env \[\]Kubernetes core/v1.EnvVar |
Field | Description |
Labels map\[string\]string |
ClusterPort int32 |
ClientPort int32 |
MonitorPort int32 |
MetricsPort int32 |
Field | Description |
ServiceName string |
Labels map\[string\]string |
NatsImage string |
MetricsExporterImage string |
ConfigReloaderImage string |
ClusterPort int32 |
ClientPort int32 |
MonitorPort int32 |
MetricsPort int32 |
ServerAuthSecretName string |
ServerEncryptionSecretName string |
ConfigMapName string |
PvcNameIfNeeded string |
StartCommand string |
Field | Description |
Labels map\[string\]string |
RedisContainerPort int32 |
SentinelContainerPort int32 |
Field | Description |
ServiceName string |
Labels map\[string\]string |
RedisImage string |
SentinelImage string |
MetricsExporterImage string |
InitContainerImage string |
RedisContainerPort int32 |
SentinelContainerPort int32 |
RedisMetricsContainerPort int32 |
CredentialSecretName string |
TLSEnabled bool |
PvcNameIfNeeded string |
ConfConfigMapName string |
ScriptsConfigMapName string |
HealthConfigMapName string |
Field | Description |
ISBSvcType ISBSvcType |
Image string |
PullPolicy Kubernetes core/v1.PullPolicy |
Env \[\]Kubernetes core/v1.EnvVar |
(Appears on: UDF)
GroupBy indicates it is a reducer UDF
Field | Description |
window Window |
Window describes the windowing strategy. |
keyed bool |
(Optional) |
storage PBQStorage |
Storage is used to define the PBQ storage for a reduce vertex. |
(Appears on: Source)
Field | Description |
auth Authorization |
(Optional) |
service bool |
Whether to create a ClusterIP Service |
(Appears on: InterStepBufferServiceStatus)
(Appears on: GetDaemonDeploymentReq, GetVertexPodSpecReq, InterStepBufferServiceStatus)
Field | Description | ||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec InterStepBufferServiceSpec |
status InterStepBufferServiceStatus |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: InterStepBufferService)
Field | Description |
redis RedisBufferService |
jetstream JetStreamBufferService |
(Appears on: InterStepBufferService)
Field | Description |
Status Status |
(Members of |
phase ISBSvcPhase |
message string |
config BufferServiceConfig |
type ISBSvcType |
(Appears on: InterStepBufferServiceSpec)
Field | Description |
version string |
JetStream version, such as “2.7.1” |
replicas int32 |
Redis StatefulSet size |
containerTemplate ContainerTemplate |
ContainerTemplate contains customized spec for NATS container |
reloaderContainerTemplate ContainerTemplate |
ReloaderContainerTemplate contains customized spec for config reloader container |
metricsContainerTemplate ContainerTemplate |
MetricsContainerTemplate contains customized spec for metrics container |
persistence PersistenceStrategy |
(Optional) |
AbstractPodTemplate AbstractPodTemplate |
(Members of |
settings string |
JetStream configuration, if not specified, global settings in numaflow-controller-config will be used. See Only configure “max_memory_store” or “max_file_store”, do not set “store_dir” as it has been hardcoded. |
startArgs \[\]string |
Optional arguments to start nats-server. For example, “-D” to enable debugging output, “-DV” to enable debugging and tracing. Check for all the available arguments. |
bufferConfig string |
Optional configuration for the streams, consumers and buckets to be created in this JetStream service, if specified, it will be merged with the default configuration in numaflow-controller-config. It accepts a YAML format configuration, it may include 4 sections, “stream”, “consumer”, “otBucket” and “procBucket”. Available fields under “stream” include “retention” (e.g. interest, limits, workerQueue), “maxMsgs”, “maxAge” (e.g. 72h), “replicas” (1, 3, 5), “duplicates” (e.g. 5m). Available fields under “consumer” include “ackWait” (e.g. 60s) Available fields under “otBucket” include “maxValueSize”, “history”, “ttl” (e.g. 72h), “maxBytes”, “replicas” (1, 3, 5). Available fields under “procBucket” include “maxValueSize”, “history”, “ttl” (e.g. 72h), “maxBytes”, “replicas” (1, 3, 5). |
encryption bool |
Whether encrypt the data at rest, defaults to false Enabling encryption might impact the performance, see for the detail Toggling the value will impact encypting/decrypting existing messages. |
tls bool |
Whether enable TLS, defaults to false Enabling TLS might impact the performance |
(Appears on: BufferServiceConfig)
Field | Description |
url string |
JetStream (NATS) URL |
auth NATSAuth |
bufferConfig string |
(Optional) |
tlsEnabled bool |
TLS enabled or not |
(Appears on: Templates)
Field | Description |
AbstractPodTemplate AbstractPodTemplate |
(Members of |
containerTemplate ContainerTemplate |
(Optional) |
ttlSecondsAfterFinished int32 |
ttlSecondsAfterFinished limits the lifetime of a Job that has finished execution (either Complete or Failed). If this field is set, ttlSecondsAfterFinished after the Job finishes, it is eligible to be automatically deleted. When the Job is being deleted, its lifecycle guarantees (e.g. finalizers) will be honored. If this field is unset, the Job won’t be automatically deleted. If this field is set to zero, the Job becomes eligible to be deleted immediately after it finishes. Numaflow defaults to 30 |
backoffLimit int32 |
Specifies the number of retries before marking this job failed. More info: Numaflow defaults to 20 |
(Appears on: Sink)
Field | Description |
brokers \[\]string |
topic string |
tls TLS |
TLS user to configure TLS connection for kafka broker TLS.enable=true default for TLS. |
config string |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: Source)
Field | Description |
brokers \[\]string |
topic string |
consumerGroup string |
tls TLS |
TLS user to configure TLS connection for kafka broker TLS.enable=true default for TLS. |
config string |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: PipelineSpec)
Field | Description |
deleteGracePeriodSeconds int32 |
DeleteGracePeriodSeconds used to delete pipeline gracefully |
desiredPhase PipelinePhase |
DesiredPhase used to bring the pipeline from current phase to desired phase |
(Appears on: Sink)
(Appears on: AbstractPodTemplate)
Field | Description |
annotations map\[string\]string |
labels map\[string\]string |
(Appears on: JetStreamConfig)
Field | Description |
user Kubernetes core/v1.SecretKeySelector |
Secret for auth user |
password Kubernetes core/v1.SecretKeySelector |
Secret for auth password |
(Appears on: RedisBufferService)
Field | Description |
version string |
Redis version, such as “6.0.16” |
replicas int32 |
Redis StatefulSet size |
redisContainerTemplate ContainerTemplate |
RedisContainerTemplate contains customized spec for Redis container |
sentinelContainerTemplate ContainerTemplate |
SentinelContainerTemplate contains customized spec for Redis container |
metricsContainerTemplate ContainerTemplate |
MetricsContainerTemplate contains customized spec for metrics container |
initContainerTemplate ContainerTemplate |
(Optional) |
persistence PersistenceStrategy |
(Optional) |
AbstractPodTemplate AbstractPodTemplate |
(Members of |
settings RedisSettings |
Redis configuration, if not specified, global settings in numaflow-controller-config will be used. |
(Appears on: GroupBy)
PBQStorage defines the persistence configuration for a vertex.
Field | Description |
persistentVolumeClaim PersistenceStrategy |
(Appears on: JetStreamBufferService, NativeRedis, PBQStorage)
PersistenceStrategy defines the strategy of persistence
Field | Description |
storageClassName string |
Name of the StorageClass required by the claim. More info: |
accessMode Kubernetes core/v1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode |
Available access modes such as ReadWriteOnce, ReadWriteMany |
volumeSize |
Volume size, e.g. 50Gi |
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec PipelineSpec |
status PipelineStatus |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: PipelineSpec)
Field | Description |
readBatchSize uint64 |
Read batch size for all the vertices in the pipeline, can be overridden by the vertex’s limit settings |
bufferMaxLength uint64 |
BufferMaxLength is used to define the max length of a buffer Only applies to UDF and Source vertice as only they do buffer write. It can be overridden by the settings in vertex limits. |
bufferUsageLimit uint32 |
BufferUsageLimit is used to define the percentage of the buffer usage limit, a valid value should be less than 100, for example, 85. Only applies to UDF and Source vertice as only they do buffer write. It will be overridden by the settings in vertex limits. |
readTimeout Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
Read timeout for all the vertices in the pipeline, can be overridden by the vertex’s limit settings |
(Appears on: Lifecycle, PipelineStatus)
(Appears on: Pipeline)
Field | Description |
interStepBufferServiceName string |
(Optional) |
vertices \[\]AbstractVertex |
edges \[\]Edge |
Edges define the relationships between vertices |
lifecycle Lifecycle |
Lifecycle define the Lifecycle properties |
limits PipelineLimits |
Limits define the limitations such as buffer read batch size for all the vertices of a pipeline, they could be overridden by each vertex’s settings |
watermark Watermark |
Watermark enables watermark progression across the entire pipeline. |
templates Templates |
Templates is used to customize additional kubernetes resources required for the Pipeline |
(Appears on: Pipeline)
Field | Description |
Status Status |
(Members of |
phase PipelinePhase |
message string |
lastUpdated Kubernetes meta/v1.Time |
vertexCount uint32 |
sourceCount uint32 |
sinkCount uint32 |
udfCount uint32 |
(Appears on: InterStepBufferServiceSpec)
Field | Description |
native NativeRedis |
Native brings up a native Redis service |
external RedisConfig |
External holds an External Redis config |
(Appears on: BufferServiceConfig, RedisBufferService)
Field | Description |
url string |
Redis URL |
sentinelUrl string |
Sentinel URL, will be ignored if Redis URL is provided |
masterName string |
Only required when Sentinel is used |
user string |
Redis user |
password Kubernetes core/v1.SecretKeySelector |
Redis password secret selector |
sentinelPassword Kubernetes core/v1.SecretKeySelector |
Sentinel password secret selector |
(Appears on: NativeRedis)
Field | Description |
redis string |
Redis settings shared by both master and slaves, will override the global settings from controller config |
master string |
Special settings for Redis master node, will override the global settings from controller config |
replica string |
Special settings for Redis replica nodes, will override the global settings from controller config |
sentinel string |
Sentinel settings, will override the global settings from controller config |
(Appears on: AbstractVertex)
Scale defines the parameters for autoscaling.
Field | Description |
disabled bool |
Whether to disable autoscaling. Set to “true” when using Kubernetes HPA or any other 3rd party autoscaling strategies. |
min int32 |
Minimum replicas. |
max int32 |
Maximum replicas. |
lookbackSeconds uint32 |
Lookback seconds to calculate the average pending messages and processing rate. |
cooldownSeconds uint32 |
Cooldown seconds after a scaling operation before another one. |
zeroReplicaSleepSeconds uint32 |
After scaling down to 0, sleep how many seconds before scaling up to peek. |
targetProcessingSeconds uint32 |
TargetProcessingSeconds is used to tune the aggressiveness of autoscaling for source vertices, it measures how fast you want the vertex to process all the pending messages. Typically increasing the value, which leads to lower processing rate, thus less replicas. It’s only effective for source vertices. |
targetBufferUsage uint32 |
TargetBufferUsage is used to define the target percentage of usage of the buffer to be read. A valid and meaningful value should be less than the BufferUsageLimit defined in the Edge spec (or Pipeline spec), for example, 50. It only applies to UDF and Sink vertices as only they have buffers to read. |
replicasPerScale uint32 |
ReplicasPerScale defines maximum replicas can be scaled up or down at once. The is use to prevent too aggressive scaling operations |
(Appears on: AbstractVertex)
Field | Description |
log Log |
kafka KafkaSink |
blackhole Blackhole |
udsink UDSink |
(Appears on: AbstractVertex)
Field | Description |
generator GeneratorSource |
(Optional) |
kafka KafkaSource |
(Optional) |
http HTTPSource |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: InterStepBufferServiceStatus, PipelineStatus)
Status is a common structure which can be used for Status field.
Field | Description |
conditions \[\]Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition |
Conditions are the latest available observations of a resource’s current state. |
(Appears on: KafkaSink, KafkaSource)
Field | Description |
insecureSkipVerify bool |
(Optional) |
caCertSecret Kubernetes core/v1.SecretKeySelector |
CACertSecret refers to the secret that contains the CA cert |
clientCertSecret Kubernetes core/v1.SecretKeySelector |
CertSecret refers to the secret that contains the cert |
clientKeySecret Kubernetes core/v1.SecretKeySelector |
KeySecret refers to the secret that contains the key |
(Appears on: PipelineSpec)
Field | Description |
daemon DaemonTemplate |
DaemonTemplate is used to customize the Daemon Deployment |
job JobTemplate |
JobTemplate is used to customize Jobs |
(Appears on: AbstractVertex)
Field | Description |
container Container |
(Optional) |
builtin Function |
(Optional) |
groupBy GroupBy |
(Optional) |
(Appears on: Sink)
Field | Description |
container Container |
(Appears on: VertexInstance)
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||
metadata Kubernetes meta/v1.ObjectMeta |
Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the
metadata field.
spec VertexSpec |
status VertexStatus |
(Optional) |
VertexInstance is a wrapper of a vertex instance, which contains the vertex spec and the instance information such as hostname and replica index.
Field | Description |
vertex Vertex |
hostname string |
replica int32 |
(Appears on: AbstractVertex)
Field | Description |
readBatchSize uint64 |
Read batch size from the source or buffer. It overrides the settings from pipeline limits. |
readTimeout Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
Read timeout duration from the source or buffer It overrides the settings from pipeline limits. |
(Appears on: VertexStatus)
(Appears on: Vertex)
Field | Description |
AbstractVertex AbstractVertex |
(Members of |
pipelineName string |
interStepBufferServiceName string |
(Optional) |
replicas int32 |
(Optional) |
fromEdges \[\]Edge |
(Optional) |
toEdges \[\]Edge |
(Optional) |
watermark Watermark |
Watermark indicates watermark progression in the vertex, it’s populated from the pipeline watermark settings. |
(Appears on: Vertex)
Field | Description |
phase VertexPhase |
reason string |
message string |
replicas uint32 |
selector string |
lastScaledAt Kubernetes meta/v1.Time |
(Appears on: PipelineSpec, VertexSpec)
Field | Description |
disabled bool |
Disabled toggles the watermark propagation, defaults to false. |
maxDelay Kubernetes meta/v1.Duration |
Maximum delay allowed for watermark calculation, defaults to “0s”, which means no delay. |
(Appears on: GroupBy)
Window describes windowing strategy
Field | Description |
fixed FixedWindow |
(Optional) |
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