On mobile apps common practice was: Usage of one hardcoded client_id and secret for all app installations on any device. By design this kind of client cannot be confidential. Mobile apps can be decompiled. Although there are some techniques to hide the secret and make it harder to reconstruct it — the secret is never really safe.
App A is developed by trusted source. It's redirect uri may be something like: my-own-app://back-from-oauth
It implements the standard authorization code grant. It registers to my-own-app://back-from-oauth
App B is developed by some harmful Hacker who decompiled App A and received client_id and secret. It registers to my-own-app://back-from-oauth, too. Somehow this Hacker gets a user of App A to install App B, too. When the user now starts App A and has to login again - after the redirect App B opens (current Android Versions now ask which app has to be opened - not so for iOS and old Android versions still on the market), gets the authorization code and can do a token request to make a valid access token out of it.
PKCE modifies the standard authorization code grant. Before starting the authorization code grant, a
random string called code_verifier
is generated using the characters: [A-Z], [a-z], [0-9], "-", ".", "_"
and "~", with a minimum length of 43 characters and a maximum length of 128 characters. Additionally to the
a code_challenge
is created. Doorkeeper supports two code_challenge_methods to generate
the code_challenge
. With code_challenge_method
"plain" the code_challenge
is the same as the code_verifier
With code_challenge_method
"S256" the code_challenge
is the SHA256 Hash value of the code_verifier
safe base64 encoded (without trailing "=" compare to: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7636#appendix-A)
Now when the mobile app redirects into the browser to https:///oauth/authorize, add two
parameters. Next to client_id
, redirect_uri
, response_type=code
, scope
or state
, you add now
and code_challenge_method
. Remember: doorkeeper supports the two methods "plain" and
"S256". We do not recommend to use plain.
When your app opens after the redirect to the redirect_uri and the app got the authorization_code
add another parameter to your token request. Next to code
, client_id
or grant_type
, you add the
to your /oauth/token POST request. Doorkeeper will now use the already known
to create its own code_challenge
from code_verifier
— and compare it to
the already stored code_challenge
from /oauth/authorize
request. If they do not match, you get an
error message to have done an invalid_request
If now App B receives the authentication code, it cannot request a token for it, since it cannot know the nonce that was created only for this one request.
If you want to enable PKCE flow for mobile apps, you need to generate another migration:
bundle exec rails generate doorkeeper:pkce
This step is optional and you will be able to add this later if necessary.
If you overrode the doorkeeper/authorizations/new.html.erb
view, make sure that you have the code_challenge
and code_challenge_method
hidden form fields.
Also, in case your client is public (e.g. mobile app, single page app) note that the Doorkeeper::Application
for the client should have confidential: false
. Otherwise Doorkeeper will try to authenticate the client using the client_secret, which the client, being public, shouldn't know about.
Discussion over PKCE flow and refresh tokens you can find here: doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeper#1285