Doorkeeper provides helpers for the Grape framework >= 0.10.
One of them is doorkeeper_authorize!
that can be used in a similar way as an example above to protect
your API with OAuth. Note that you have to use require 'doorkeeper/grape/helpers'
helpers Doorkeeper::Grape::Helpers
in your Grape API class.
require 'doorkeeper/grape/helpers'
module API
module V1
class Users < Grape::API
helpers Doorkeeper::Grape::Helpers
before do
# For old versions of Grape:
# route_setting :scopes, ['user:email']
get :me, scopes: [:user, :read] do
# ...
The sample app is a Rails 4 template with everything necessary to create an autodocumented, secured API in Grape with doorkeeper.
There is also a wiki page with details for how to add this to an existing application.
grape a REST-like API micro-framework for Ruby. Makes building APIs easier and faster.
grape swagger The grape-swagger gem provides autogenerated swagger documentation (it's magical).
swagger ui rails The swagger-ui_rails gem provides asset pipeline assets for swagger-ui - beautiful, interactive documentation.
wine_bouncer The wine_bouncer gem protects grape with Doorkeeper, documents it in swagger, and permits scoping-based protection.