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Configuring DS Replication with PKI Tools

Endi S. Dewata edited this page Dec 12, 2023 · 21 revisions


This page describes the process to configure bi-directional replication between two DS instances using PKI tools.


  • Install primary DS

  • Import data into primary DS

  • Install secondary DS

Preparing DS Backend (Not Yet Implemented)

Enabling Replication (Not Yet Implemented)

To enable replication on the primary DS:

$ pki-server ca-db-repl-enable \
    --url ldap:// \
    --bind-dn "cn=Directory Manager" \
    --bind-password Secret.123 \
    --replica-bind-dn "cn=Replication Manager,cn=config" \
    --replica-bind-password Secret.123 \
    --replica-id=1 \
    --suffix dc=ca,dc=pki,dc=example,dc=com

To enable replication on the secondary DS:

$ pki-server ca-db-repl-enable \
    --url ldap:// \
    --bind-dn "cn=Directory Manager" \
    --bind-password Secret.123 \
    --replica-bind-dn "cn=Replication Manager,cn=config" \
    --replica-bind-password Secret.123 \
    --replica-id=2 \
    --suffix dc=ca,dc=pki,dc=example,dc=com

Creating Replication Agreements

To create replication agreement on the primary DS:

$ pki-server ca-db-repl-agmt-add \
    --url ldap:// \
    --bind-dn "cn=Directory Manager" \
    --bind-password Secret.123 \
    --replica-url ldap:// \
    --replica-bind-dn "cn=Replication Manager,cn=config" \
    --replica-bind-password Secret.123 \
    --suffix dc=ca,dc=pki,dc=example,dc=com \

To create replication agreement on the secondary DS:

$ pki-server ca-db-repl-agmt-add \
    --url ldap:// \
    --bind-dn "cn=Directory Manager" \
    --bind-password Secret.123 \
    --replica-url ldap:// \
    --replica-bind-dn "cn=Replication Manager,cn=config" \
    --replica-bind-password Secret.123 \
    --suffix dc=ca,dc=pki,dc=example,dc=com \

Available: Since PKI 11.5

Initializing Replication Agreement

To initialize the replication agreement on the primary DS:

$ pki-server ca-db-repl-agmt-init \
    --url ldap:// \
    --bind-dn "cn=Directory Manager" \
    --bind-password Secret.123 \
    --suffix dc=ca,dc=pki,dc=example,dc=com \

Available: Since PKI 11.5