and Vagrantfile
are using for deployment of ready test environment. It consists of one Zabbix 2.0 server and two Zabbix 2.0 clients, running on CentOS 6.8. The number of client can be easy corrected by editing of Vagrantfile
. Please check Vagrantfile
for collisions of IP addresses and ports what might be already provided to other processes on your host system. By default there are used guest IPs, and and ports 2311, 2312, 2313 forwarded to host from guest port 22 (SSH) and 2380 from 80 of the first guest which act as server. You can change the template of guests name in Vagrantfile
(the “hostname” variable). In deploying process downloads JSON processor jq for parsing of JSON Zabbix API requests First of all, you have to install this software:
• Oracle Virtualbox with extension pack (use default installation folder)
• Vagrant (don’t use to install folder with symbols other that latin)
• Vagrant plugin vagrant-hosts ( required to manage static DNS on vagrant guests, to install run in CLI
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hosts)
• Vagrant plugin sahara ( recommended plugin for vagrant that allows you manage a sandbox state, to install run in CLI
vagrant plugin install sahara)
• Vagrant plugin vagrant-vbguest ( recommended vagrant plugin to keep your VirtualBox Guest Additions up to date, to install run in CLI
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest)
Before continue make sure that your host computer has enough disk space (check settings of virtualbox) and RAM for guests. Copy this files to folder, where the guest’s settings will be placed (it will not consume a lot of disk space). Then in CLI go to this folder and run
vagrant up
. After several minutes Zabbix server main page will be accessible by address http://localhost:2380/zabbix in your browser with two connected to it clients. That’s all! Never run system software upgrade on the guest systems, it will destroy it