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This repository contains the Adverbs in Recipes (AIR) dataset and the code for the CVPR 23 paper:

Learning Action Changes by Measuring Verb-Adverb Textual Relationships


If you find our work useful, please cite our CVPR 23 paper:

author = {Moltisanti, Davide and Keller, Frank and Bilen, Hakan and Sevilla-Lara, Laura},
title = {{Learning Action Changes by Measuring Verb-Adverb Textual Relationships}},
journal = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = {2023}}

You can read our paper on arXiv.


All authors are at the University of Edinburgh.


The AIR (Adverbs in Recipes) dataset

Adverbs in Recipes (AIR) is our new dataset specifically collected for adverb recognition. AIR is a subset of HowTo100M where recipe videos show actions performed in ways that change according to an adverb (e.g. chop thinly/coarsely). AIR was carefully reviewed to ensure reliable annotations. Below are some properties of AIR:

Property Value
Videos 7003
Verbs 48
Adverbs 10
Pairs 186
Avg. video duration 8.4s

AIR is organised in three CSV files, which you will find under the ./air folder of this repository:

  • antonyms.csv: lists the 10 adverbs and the respective antonyms
  • test_df.csv: test split of the dataset
  • train_df.csv: train split of the dataset

The train and test CSV files contain the following columns:

Column name Explanation
seg_id unique ID of the trimmed video segment
youtube_id YouTube ID of the untrimmed video
sentence parsed caption sentence aligned with the segment
verb_pre_mapping the parsed verb before clustering
adverb_pre_mapping the parsed adverb before clustering
clustered_verb the parsed verb after clustering
clustered_adverb the parsed adverb after clustering
start_time start time in seconds, relative to the untrimmed video
end_time end time in seconds, relative to the untrimmed video
duration duration of the segment in seconds
rgb_frames number of frames in the segment (extracted with original FPS)
verb_label numeric verb label
adverb_label numeric adverb label

AIR video samples

You can watch our short video on YouTube to have a look at a few samples from AIR.

S3D features

We provide pre-extracted S3D features here.

These were obtained with stack size equal to 16 frames and stride equal to 1 second (as specified in the paper).

Features are stored as PyTorch dictionaries with the following structure:

  • features:
    • ${seg_id}:
      • s3d_features: Tx1024 PyTorch tensor, where T is the number of stacks. These are the video features named mixed_5c in S3D
      • video_embedding_joint_space: Tx512 PyTorch tensor, where T is the same as above. These are the video-text joint embeddings named video_embedding in S3D
  • metadata:
    • ${seg_id}:
      • start_time: start time of the segment (in seconds)
      • end_time: end time of the segment (in seconds)
      • clustered_verb: verb associated with the segment
      • clustered_adverb: adverb associated with the segment
      • frame_samples: frame indices (relative to the trimmed video) sampled to extract the features


You can use the Python script to try our method. Usage below:

usage: [-h] [--train_batch TRAIN_BATCH] [--train_workers TRAIN_WORKERS] [--test_batch TEST_BATCH] [--test_workers TEST_WORKERS] [--lr LR] [--dropout DROPOUT] [--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--run_tags RUN_TAGS] [--tag TAG] [--test_frequency TEST_FREQUENCY] [--hidden_units HIDDEN_UNITS]
              [--s3d_init_folder S3D_INIT_FOLDER] [--no_antonyms] [--fixed_d] [--cls_variant]
              train_df_path test_df_path antonyms_df features_path output_path

Code to run the model presented in the CVPR 23 paper "Learning Action Changes by Measuring Verb-Adverb Textual Relationships"

positional arguments:
  train_df_path         Path to the datasets train set
  test_df_path          Path to the datasets test set
  antonyms_df           Path to the datasets antonyms csv
  features_path         Path to the pre-extracted S3D features
  output_path           Where you want to save logs, checkpoints and results

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --train_batch TRAIN_BATCH
                        Training batch size
  --train_workers TRAIN_WORKERS
                        Number of workers for the training data loader
  --test_batch TEST_BATCH
                        Testing batch size
  --test_workers TEST_WORKERS
                        Number of workers for the testing data loader
  --lr LR               Learning rate
  --dropout DROPOUT     Dropout for the model
  --weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
                        Weight decay for the optimiser
  --epochs EPOCHS       Number of training epochs
  --run_tags RUN_TAGS   What arguments should be used to create a run id, i.e. an output folder name
  --tag TAG             Any additional tag to be added to the run id
  --test_frequency TEST_FREQUENCY
                        How often the model should be evaluated on the test set
  --hidden_units HIDDEN_UNITS
                        Number of layers and hidden units for the models MLP, to be specified as a string of comma-separated integers. For example, 512,512,512 will create 3 hidden layers, each with 512 hidden units
  --s3d_init_folder S3D_INIT_FOLDER
                        Path to the S3D checkpoint. This will be downloaded automatically if you run setup.bash. Otherwise, you can download them from
  --no_antonyms         Whether you want to discard antonyms. See paper for more details
  --fixed_d             Runs the regression variant with fixed delta equal to 1. See paper for more details
  --cls_variant         Runs the classification variant. See paper for more details

We provide the following bash training scripts to run the variants of the method:

  • scripts/train_cls.bash: classification variant, trains the model with Cross Entropy
  • scripts/train_reg.bash: regression variant, trains the model with MSE with delta calculated measuring verb-adverb textual relationships
  • scripts/train_reg_fixed_d.bash: regression variant, trains the model with MSE with fixed delta=1
  • scripts/train_reg_no_ant.bash: like REG, but discards antonyms.

See the paper for more details.


You can set up your environment with bash setup.bash. This will use conda to install the necessary dependencies, which you can find below and in the environment.yaml file:

name: air_adverbs_cvpr23
  - defaults
  - pytorch::pytorch
  - pytorch::torchvision
  - nvidia::cudatoolkit=11
  - numpy
  - pip
  - scikit-learn
  - tqdm
  - pandas
  - tensorboard
  - pip:
    - opencv-python
    - yt-dlp

The setup script will also download AIR's S3D features and S3D's weights.

Output files

The code will save the following files at the specified output location:

├── logs
│   └── events.out.tfevents.1678189879.your_pc.1005191.0
├── model_output
│   ├── best_test_acc_a.pth
│   ├── best_test_map_m.pth
│   └── best_test_map_w.pth
├── model_state
│   ├── best_test_acc_a.pth
│   ├── best_test_map_m.pth
│   └── best_test_map_w.pth
├── summary.csv

Details about each file:

  • logs: contains Tensorboard log files
  • model_output: contains the output of the model (as a PyTorch dictionary)
    • one file for the best version of the model for each of the 3 main metrics
  • model_state: contains the model parameters (as a PyTorch dictionary)
    • one file for the best version of the model for each of the 3 main metrics
  • summary_csv: CSV file containing training and testing information for each epoch:
    • train_loss: average training loss
    • test_loss: average test loss
    • test_map_w: mAP W, i.e. mean average precision with weighted averaging
    • test_map_m: mAP M, i.e. mean average precision with macro averaging
    • test_acc_a: Acc-A, i.e. binary accuracy of the GT adverbs versus its antonym
    • test_no_act_gt_map_w: mAP W calculated discarding the GT verb action label
    • test_no_act_gt_map_m: mAP M calculated discarding the GT verb action label
    • test_no_act_gt_acc_a: Acc-A calculated discarding the GT verb action label


We release our code, annotations and features under the MIT license.

Other repositories

Some small bits of code come from:

These bits are clearly marked in the code.

Pre-processing AIR

You don't need to download videos, extract frames or S3D features to use our code.

Nevertheless, we provide our pre-processing scripts in this repository. You can learn how to use these scripts below.

Download videos

You can download and trim the videos from YouTube using the Python script Usage below:

usage: [-h] [--n_proc N_PROC] [--use_youtube_dl] train_df_path test_df_path output_path yt_cookies_path

Download and trims videos from YouTube using either youtube-dlp or yt-dl (which you should install yourself). It uses 
multiprocessing to speed up downloading and trimming

positional arguments:
  train_df_path     Path to the train sets csv file
  test_df_path      Path to the test sets csv file
  output_path       Where you want to save the videos
  yt_cookies_path   Path to a txt file storing your YT cookies. This is needed to download some age-restricted videos. You can use to store cookies in a text file
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --n_proc N_PROC   How many process you want to run in parallel to download videos
  --use_youtube_dl  Use youtube-dl instead of the default yt-dlp (not recommended as yt-dlp is now deprecated in favour of youtube-dl)

you can also refer to the bash script located at scripts/download_air_clips.bash.

Extract RGB frames

To extract RGB frames from the video (e.g. if you want to then extract features yourself) you can use the Python script Usage below:

usage: [-h] [--frame_height FRAME_HEIGHT] [--quality QUALITY] [--ext EXT] [--cuda] train_df_path test_df_path videos_path output_path

Extract RGB frames from videos using ffmpeg. If you have an ffmpeg compiled with cuda specify --cuda. You might need to deactivate the conda environment to call the cuda-enabled ffmpeg

positional arguments:
  train_df_path         Path to the train sets csv file
  test_df_path          Path to the test sets csv file
  videos_path           Path to the videos
  output_path           Where you want to save the frames

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --frame_height FRAME_HEIGHT
                        Height of the frame for resizing, in pixels
  --quality QUALITY     ffmpeg quality of the extracted image
  --ext EXT             Video file extension
  --cuda                Use ffmpeg with cuda hardware acceleration. If you have an ffmpeg compiled with cuda specify --cuda. You might need to deactivate the conda environment to call the cuda-enabled ffmpeg

you can also refer to the bash script located at scripts/extract_air_rgb_frames.bash.

Extract S3D features

In case you want to extract features yourself you can use the Python script Usage below:

usage: [-h] [--stack_size STACK_SIZE] [--stride STRIDE] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--workers WORKERS] [--jpg_digits JPG_DIGITS] [--jpg_prefix JPG_PREFIX] [--rgb_height RGB_HEIGHT] [--crop_size CROP_SIZE] train_df_path test_df_path frames_path output_path s3d_init_folder

Extract S3D features

positional arguments:
  train_df_path         Path to the train sets csv file
  test_df_path          Path to the test sets csv file
  frames_path           Path to the extracted frames
  output_path           Where you want to save the features
  s3d_init_folder       Path to the S3D checkpoint folder. You can find the model weights at

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --stack_size STACK_SIZE
                        Number of frames to be stacked as input to S3D
  --stride STRIDE       Stride in seconds
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size to extract features in parallel
  --workers WORKERS     Number of workers for the data loader
  --jpg_digits JPG_DIGITS
                        Number of digits in the JPG frames file name
  --jpg_prefix JPG_PREFIX
                        Prefix of the JPG frames file name
  --rgb_height RGB_HEIGHT
                        Height of the frame, in pixels
  --crop_size CROP_SIZE
                        Size of the central crop to be fed to S3D, in pixels

You will need to download the S3D weights from the original repository.

You can also refer to the bash script located at scripts/extract_air_s3d_features.bash, which will download S3D's weights automatically.

Bash scripts

All bash scripts should be run from the repository's root, e.g. bash ./scripts/train_reg.bash.


If you need help don't hesitate to open a GitHub issue!

Errata 09/05/2023

We found out that there was an issue with our experiments on AIR, ActivityNet Adverbs and MSR-VTT Adverbs. These datasets have videos with variable duration, thus we used zero-padding to pack the pre-extracted S3D video features. The problem was that we were not masking the padding elements during attention, so the model was allowed to look at padding 0 elements. This caused the model to learn some spurious correlation, and caused results to also depend on the batch size and order during testing.

We updated the code on 09/05/2023, so experiments run before this date will suffer from this issue. Please update the code by pulling the repository and retrain your model.

You can find the new results with attention masking here. We will also update our paper on arXiv with the new results.