Closed issues:
- Release to the forge? #86
v0.0.5 (2015-11-23)
v0.0.3 (2015-11-23)
v0.0.2 (2015-11-23)
v0.0.4 (2015-11-23)
v0.0.1 (2015-11-23)
Closed issues:
- possible race condition in check-cluster.rb? #74
- Arbitrary tags in checks #71
- cluster checks don't exclude themselves from the aggregate check #65
- revisit new_check['status'] in monitoring_check::server_side #44
- fix tests the right way #40
- Fix or remove cluster_check tests #34
- Deploy monitoring_check::cluster to a wider net #30
- Build sensu watchdog meta-check #28
- So..... aggregates doesn't work the way I thought they did #26
- Aggregate Timelimits... probably shouldn't exist #25
- Sensu::VERSION is undefined? #24
- CRITICAL: Releasing lock due to error: undefined local variable or method `percent_non_zero' #22
- Cluster checked monitoring_checks should be able to be sent to the aggregate api *and* get handled as normal #21
- cluster_check should ignore checks or hosts that have been silenced #20
- cluster_check should fail with Unknown if deployed to a .12 cluster #19
- cluster_check cannot assume that it has access to the check settings #18
- check_cluster lacks puppet or ruby tests #17
- Return codes for check_cluster.rb never get sent out #15
- cluster_check should emit debug information to stdout if it got a lock and ran the check #14
- Better error message when check is not defined #13
- check-cluster.rb crashes when trying to load sensu/settings #12
- cluster_check should use "undef" as much as possible to reduce default duplication #11
- Make runbook an optional parameter on the cluster_check #10
- monitoring_check depends on annotate() which is not in this module and not open source #9
- Use the params class to allow defaults to be overriden #8
- Rename monitoring_check::check_cluster #7
- Remove config_dir param in cluster check stuff #6
Merged pull requests:
- team override option in fleet check #85 (somic)
- Making this work for windows. #84 (liamjbennett)
- fix api endpoint in fleet check #83 (somic)
- add name to generated event #82 (somic)
- fix more bugs in fleet check #81 (somic)
- fleet_check.rb fixes #80 (somic)
- better compat with sensu-puppet for subdue param #79 (somic)
- Adding support to pass the subdue option into sensu::check #78 (liamjbennett)
- add fleet_check.rb #77 (somic)
- more flexible way to manage how events are handled #76 (somic)
- include number of stale values in cluster check output #75 (somic)
- make source param work with newer sensu-puppet #73 (somic)
- Adding arbitrary tags (FIXED #71) #72 (jaxxstorm)
- Minimum nodes #70 (jaxxstorm)
- Fixing failing host output #69 (jaxxstorm)
- Display hosts in output #68 (jaxxstorm)
- raise meaningful error when no servers found for cluster check #67 (keymone)
- Omit check results with same name as cluster_name FIXES #65 #66 (jaxxstorm)
- If the lock expires sooner than rtt to redis server, return ok #63 (jglukasik)
- Default interval #62 (jglukasik)
- Removing comments on runbook, tip passthru #61 (jglukasik)
- repoint apt in fixtures to proper upstream #60 (somic)
- Debug help #58 (jglukasik)
- add some unit tests for check_sever_side.rb #57 (somic)
- suppress notifications from server-side placeholder #56 (somic)
- Remove cluster name from params, use generic defaults #55 (jglukasik)
- Use a host's region as the default cluster #54 (jglukasik)
- add source parameter to monitoring_check class #52 (Rob-Johnson)
- To spawn no handers, send an empty array in the "handlers" param #51 (jglukasik)
- Make send-test-sensu-alert respect check ttl #50 (solarkennedy)
- Add option to not use handlers for a monitoring check #49 (jglukasik)
- Removed annotation feature #48 (solarkennedy)
- add event_name to server side check #47 (somic)
- several improvements in server side check #46 (somic)
- workaround for bug in upstream - require json in check_server_side.rb #45 (somic)
- Make the teams.json file depend on the sensu package existing #42 (solarkennedy)
- fix tests the quick way #39 (somic)
- monitoring_check::synchronized #37 (somic)
- Fixup docstrings #35 (kmosher)
- Added send-test-sensu-alert script #32 (solarkennedy)
- Remove the ensure option, as monitoring_checks are purged #31 (hashbrowncipher)
- Add override_sensu_checks_to feature #27 (bobtfish)
- Brought in annotation references to make the module depend on less Yelp infrastructure. Closes #9 #23 (solarkennedy)
- Added params class to start potentially handling default cases. Closes #8 #16 (solarkennedy)
- Give each check a timeout by default #5 (hashbrowncipher)
- Better error if we have no teams data #4 (bobtfish)
- Initial stab at monitoring_check::cluster #3 (keymone)
- Added validation to the command if we are running sudo #2 (solarkennedy)
- Add the ability to auto-annotate monitoring_checks #1 (hashbrowncipher)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator