Welcome, and thank you for considering contributing to minectl-sdk 🗺. We encourage you to help out by raising issues, improving documentation, fixing bugs, or adding new features
If you're interested in contributing please start by reading this document.
Establishing a development environment typically requires:
- Forking and cloning the repository.
- Installing development dependencies.
To contribute bug fixes or features to minectl-sdk 🗺:
- Communicate your intent.
- Make your changes.
- Test your changes.
- Update documentation and examples.
- Open a Pull Request (PR).
Communicating your intent lets the minectl-sdk 🗺 maintainers know that you intend to contribute, and how. This sets you up for success - you can avoid duplicating an effort that may already be underway, adding a feature that may be rejected, or heading down a path that you would be steered away from at review time. The best way to communicate your intent is via a detailed GitHub issue. Take a look first to see if there's already an issue relating to the thing you'd like to contribute. If there isn't, please raise a new one! Let us know what you'd like to work on, and why.
Be sure to practice good git commit hygiene as you make your changes. All but the smallest changes should be broken up
into a few commits that tell a story. Use your git commits to provide context for the folks who will review PR, and the
folks who will be spelunking the codebase in the months and years to come. Ensure each of your commits is signed-off in
compliance with the Developer Certificate of Origin by using git commit -s
In summary, please:
- Discuss your change in a GitHub issue before you start.
- Use your Git commit messages to communicate your intent to your reviewers.
- Sign-off on all Git commits by running
git commit -s
- Add or update tests for all changes.
- Update all relevant documentation and examples.
- If necessary, tidy up your git commit history once your PR is approved.
Thank you for reading through our contributing guide!