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A meta-implementation of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model in Neo4j, using neomodel.

This package implements the CRM by dynamically creating model classes from the CRM RDF specification. This limits code maintenance, and makes it easy to switch among versions of the model (although migration is not yet addressed). There's actually no obvious reason why this couldn't be used with any semantic model expressed in RDF/XML, I just haven't tried it yet. Perhaps you will?

I included a subclass of neomodel.core.StructuredNode that implements a method called downcast, which re-instantiates a node instances using the most derivative class, or a target class that is a child of the node's current class. Combined with the fact that neomodel applies all tags in a class hierarchy to node instances and uses those labels to enforce relationship definitions, the result is a full implementation of heritable relationships (CRM properties). Oh, and now there's upcast, too. See below.


Write me at [email protected], or file an issue.

Loading the models

If you need to specify database configuration, you should do that before importing from this package.

>>> from neomodel import config
>>> config.DATABASE_URL = 'bolt://neo4j:neo4j@localhost:7687'
>>> schema_location = 'http://..../path/to/schema.rdfs.xml'
>>> from crm import models    # The correct way!
>>> models.build_models(schema_location)    # Download and implement.

This might take a few moments, since the package will download and parse the RDF specification for CRM at this point. This is fine for the intended use-cases of this package, e.g. loading models once at application start. You can reduce the overhead of this procedure by storing a copy of the RDF in a more proximate location.

Note that schema_location can be anything that is valid for the source parameter in rdflib.Graph.parse (e.g. a local document).

The models namespace should now be populated with CRM class and property instances.

>>> joe = model.E21Person(value='Joe Bloggs')
<E21Person: {'id': 33, 'value': 'Joe Bloggs'}>

>>> tempe = model.E53Place(value='Tempe, Arizona')
<E53Place: {'id': 34, 'value': 'Tempe, Arizona'}>

>>> joe.P74_has_current_or_former_residence.connect(tempe)
<neomodel.relationship.P74HasCurrentOrFormerResidence at 0x109800250>

Model consistency is enforced, with mindfulness of inheritance!

neomodel already allows sub-classes to inherit the powers of their superiors, so for example:

>>> class SomeModel(StructuredNode):
...     likes = RelationshipTo('AnotherModel')
>>> class SomeSubModel(SomeModel):
...     pass
>>> class AnotherModel(StructuredNode):
...     pass
>>> class ChildModel(AnotherModel):
...     pass
>>> child = ChildModel()
>>> something = SomeSubModel()
>>> something.likes.connect(child)

So we get property-inheritance in the CRM for free. For example, even though P2 has type is a property of E1 CRM Entity, we can use it on a E21 Person (who inherits from E1):

>>> joe = models.E21Person(value='Joe Bloggs')
>>> joe.P2_has_type.connect(a_type_object)

We are also prevented from doing things that are prevented by the CRM:

>>> jane = models.E21Person(value='Jane Doe')
>>> joe.P74_has_current_or_former_residence.connect(jane)
ValueError: Expected node of class E53Place

Retrieving node data as instances of derivative classes

The one problem that neomodel doesn't solve for us is how we get those child classes back out again when we're using properties (relations) that belong to higher-level classes. For example, suppose I'm modeling participants in an event of some kind:

>>> event = models.E5Event(value='Some cool happening')
>>> event.P11_had_participant.connect(joe)
<neomodel.relationship.P11HadParticipant at 0x105c82fd0>

So great, no complaints. But P11 had participant targets E39 Actor; since our Joe an E21 Person is also an E39 Actor our relation is valid, but when we go to retrieve targets of that relation we won't know that Joe was originally instantiated as E21 Person (the more derivative class).

>>> for target in event.P11_had_participant.all():
...     print target, type(target)
{'id': 39, 'value': u'Joe Bloggs'} <class 'neomodel.core.E39Actor'>

Since all models in this package subclass HeritableStructuredNode, they have a method called downcast() that solves this problem. For example:

>>> for target in event.P11_had_participant.all():
...     original_target = target.downcast()
...     print original_target, type(original_target)
{'id': 39, 'value': u'Joe Bloggs'} <class 'neomodel.core.E21Person'>

We can also downcast() to a specific derivative class, and/or upcast() to a specific super-class:

>>> actor = event.P11_had_participant.single()
>>> actor
<E39Actor: {'id': 54, 'value': u'Joe Bloggs'}>
>>> actor.downcast('E21Person')
<E21Person: {'id': 54, 'value': u'Joe Bloggs'}>
>>> actor.downcast('E21Person').upcast(models.E18PhysicalThing)
<E18PhysicalThing: {'id': 54, 'value': u'Joe Bloggs'}>

But we run into trouble (as we should) if we try to do things that violate the CRM:

>>> actor.downcast('E21Person').upcast('E18PhysicalThing').downcast('E28ConceptualObject')
ValueError: E28ConceptualObject is not a sub-class of E18PhysicalThing

>>> actor.upcast('E7Activity')
ValueError: E7Activity is not a super-class of E39Actor

Specify fields for nodes and relations

You can specify fields for nodes and relations by passing fields and/or rel_fields to build_models(). These should be dicts; keys should be valid property names, and values should be callable objects that return instances. For example:

>>> node_fields = {
...     'bob': neomodel.StringProperty,
...     'foo': lambda: neomodel.StringProperty(index=True)
... }
>>> build_models(schema_location, fields=node_fields)
>>> models.E1CrmEntity(bob='dole', foo='bar').save()
<E1CrmEntity: {'bob': 'dole', 'foo': 'bar', 'id': 11}>
>>> theNode = models.E1CrmEntity(id=11)
>>> theNode.refresh()
>>> theNode.bob,
(u'dole', u'bar')