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App Setup

Expected Results:

  • Build images via dockerfile
  • Push images to ACR - Azure Container Registry
  • Deploy producer and consumer apps via Helm-Charts

1. Running Applications Locally

Initialize DAPR locally

dapr init

Running consumer app

dapr run --app-id consumer1 --app-protocol http --dapr-http-port 3500 --app-port 8080  --resources-path .dapr/resources -- go run ./cmd/consumer

Running producer app

dapr run --app-id producer1 --app-protocol http --dapr-http-port 3501 --resources-path .dapr/resources -- go run ./cmd/producer

or you can run on unique terminal

dapr run -f ./dapr.yaml

You can also initialize DAPR on the provisioned AKS cluster (just for debugging purpose)

dapr init --kubernetes --wait
dapr status -k

2. Deploy applications to AKS

Building images

az acr login --name $ContainerRegistryName
docker build -t "$" -f cmd/consumer/dockerfile .
docker build -t "$" -f cmd/producer/dockerfile .

Pushing images to ACR

docker push "$" 
docker push "$" 

2. Setup DAPR and KEDA Dependencies

helm upgrade --install app .helmcharts/app -n tree --create-namespace

Verify if pods are running:

kubectl get pods -n tree

3. Testing the application

# Reviewing Logs
kubectl logs -f -l app=consumer1 --all-containers=true -n tree

# Create a port
kubectl port-forward pod/producer1 8081 8081 -n tree

# Send post to producer app
- POST -> http://localhost:8081/plant
- Json Body: {"numberOfTrees":100}

# Review pod instances and status
kubectl get pod -l app=consumer1 -n tree

4. Clean-up

helm uninstall app -n tree