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Releases: dideler/toggle-youtube-comments

Fix position of button

11 Sep 20:16
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Fix position of 'Show comments' button when 'Show more' button is hidden.

Changes: v2.0.4...v2.0.5

Content updates

11 Sep 20:15
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Improves the copy of the README and extension metadata.

Changes: v2.0.3...v2.0.4

Vertically align "Show comments" button

02 Sep 23:32
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The "Show comments" button is now vertically aligned with the "Show more" button in the video's info panel.

Changes: v2.0.2...v2.0.3

Reduce excessive injection

02 Sep 22:08
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Only inject the HTML and CSS needed to toggle comments when we're on a video page.

Because we're listening for a generic event which fires for many different targets, it can also fire on non-video pages. No need to inject on a non-video page since it doesn't have comments!

Changes: v2.0.1...v2.0.2

Fix toggle button not loading on new YouTube

02 Sep 22:05
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The button to toggle comments should now also show when navigating to a video page from an index page (e.g. search results).

Changes: v2.0.0...v2.0.1

Compatibility with YouTube's Material UI

01 Sep 23:31
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YouTube has a new UI ✨

YouTube started rolling out their new Material UI on 2 May 2017 as a preview.

At the end of August 2017 they released it to everyone.

TYC v2 is compatible with the new UI and maintains backwards compatibility with the old UI.

Note the new UI is built with Polymer and no longer uses SPF events which affects injection logic.

Changes: v1.0.1...v2.0.0

Fix "Show more" for comments

01 Sep 19:48
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Fix for long comments missing the "Show more" button.

Changes: 318696b...v1.0.1

Hello World

03 Aug 21:25
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The first released version of toggle-youtube-comments.

Changes: 318696b