A curated list of awesome JavaScript frameworks, libraries and software.
- freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp - The https://freeCodeCamp.org open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits.
- twbs/bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- facebook/react - A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- vuejs/vue - A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
- airbnb/javascript - JavaScript Style Guide
- jquery/jquery - jQuery JavaScript Library
- atom/atom -
The hackable text editor
- nodejs/node - Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
- h5bp/html5-boilerplate - A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
- meteor/meteor - Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform
- mrdoob/three.js - JavaScript 3D library.
- reactjs/redux - Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- expressjs/express - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
- moment/moment - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.
- chartjs/Chart.js - Simple HTML5 Charts using the tag
- webpack/webpack - A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows to load parts for the application on demand. Through "loaders," modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.
- callemall/material-ui - React Components that Implement Google's Material Design.
- Dogfalo/materialize - Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design
- axios/axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- adobe/brackets - An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
- yarnpkg/yarn - 📦🐈 Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management.
- lodash/lodash - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
- TryGhost/Ghost - The platform for professional publishers
- nylas/nylas-mail - 💌 An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web. Forks welcome!
- babel/babel - 🐠 Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
- justjavac/free-programming-books-zh_CN - 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
- caolan/async - Async utilities for node and the browser
- jashkenas/underscore - JavaScript's utility _ belt
- Modernizr/Modernizr - Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser.
- select2/select2 - Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
- ecomfe/echarts - A powerful, interactive charting and visualization library for browser
- alvarotrigo/fullPage.js - fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple
- facebook/immutable-js - Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity.
- Leaflet/Leaflet - 🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
- mozilla/pdf.js - PDF Reader in JavaScript
- zeit/hyper - A terminal built on web technologies
- zenorocha/clipboard.js - ✂️ Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 3kb gzipped 📋
- hexojs/hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
- emberjs/ember.js - Ember.js - A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications
- videojs/video.js - Video.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player
- Reactive-Extensions/RxJS - The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript
- hammerjs/hammer.js - A javascript library for multi-touch gestures :// You can touch this
- bevacqua/dragula - 👌 Drag and drop so simple it hurts
- github/fetch - A window.fetch JavaScript polyfill.
- verekia/js-stack-from-scratch - 🛠️⚡ Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack.
- ryanmcdermott/clean-code-javascript - 🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
- pixijs/pixi.js - The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.
- prettier/prettier - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
- kriasoft/react-starter-kit - React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
- juliangarnier/anime - JavaScript Animation Engine
- bower/bower - A package manager for the web
- dimsemenov/PhotoSwipe - JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent
- webtorrent/webtorrent - ⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web
- RocketChat/Rocket.Chat - Have your own Slack like online chat, built with Meteor.
- npm/npm - a package manager for javascript
- standard/standard - 🌟 JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
- kriskowal/q - A promise library for JavaScript
- julianshapiro/velocity - Accelerated JavaScript animation.
- mochajs/mocha - ☕️ simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser
- jlmakes/scrollreveal - Easy scroll animations for web and mobile browsers.
- enyo/dropzone - Dropzone is an easy to use drag'n'drop library. It supports image previews and shows nice progress bars.
- jasmine/jasmine - Simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js
- facebook/jest - 🃏 Delightful JavaScript Testing.
- riot/riot - Simple and elegant component-based UI library
- naptha/tesseract.js - Pure Javascript OCR for 62 Languages 📖🎉🖥
- MostlyAdequate/mostly-adequate-guide - Mostly adequate guide to FP (in javascript)
- oneuijs/You-Dont-Need-jQuery - Examples of how to do query, style, dom, ajax, event etc like jQuery with plain javascript.
- legomushroom/mojs - motion graphics toolbelt for the web
- VincentGarreau/particles.js - A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles
- yangshun/tech-interview-handbook - 💯 Algorithms, front end and behavioral content for rocking your coding interview 🆕 Interview Cheatsheet! 🆕
- Marak/faker.js - generate massive amounts of fake data in Node.js and the browser
- avajs/ava - 🚀 Futuristic JavaScript test runner
- infernojs/inferno - An extremely fast, React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces
- gruntjs/grunt - Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
- sequelize/sequelize - An easy-to-use multi SQL dialect ORM for Node.js
- RubaXa/Sortable - Sortable — is a JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery. Supports Meteor, AngularJS, React, Polymer, Knockout and any CSS library, e.g. Bootstrap.
- wekan/wekan - The open-source Trello-like kanban (built with Meteor)
- mobxjs/mobx - Simple, scalable state management.
- janl/mustache.js - Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript
- yabwe/medium-editor - Medium.com WYSIWYG editor clone. Uses contenteditable API to implement a rich text solution.
- keystonejs/keystone - node.js cms and web app framework
- airbnb/enzyme - JavaScript Testing utilities for React
- requirejs/requirejs - A file and module loader for JavaScript
- isagalaev/highlight.js - Javascript syntax highlighter
- wearehive/project-guidelines - A set of best practices for JavaScript projects
- colebemis/feather - Simply beautiful open source icons
- amazeui/amazeui - Amaze UI, a mobile-first and modular front-end framework.
- vuejs/vuex - Centralized State Management for Vue.js.
- adobe-webplatform/Snap.svg - The JavaScript library for modern SVG graphics.
- alsotang/node-lessons - 📕《Node.js 包教不包会》 by alsotang
- yaronn/blessed-contrib - Build terminal dashboards using ascii/ansi art and javascript
- mysqljs/mysql - A pure node.js JavaScript Client implementing the MySql protocol.
- marcuswestin/store.js - Cross-browser storage for all use cases, used across the web.
- paularmstrong/normalizr - Normalizes nested JSON according to a schema
- facebook/prepack - Prepack is a partial evaluator for JavaScript. Prepack rewrites a JavaScript bundle, resulting in JavaScript code that executes more efficiently.
- benweet/stackedit - In-browser markdown editor
- uxsolutions/bootstrap-datepicker - A datepicker for twitter bootstrap (@twbs)
- localForage/localForage - 💾 Offline storage, improved. Wraps IndexedDB, WebSQL, or localStorage using a simple but powerful API.
- aurelia/framework - The aurelia framework brings together all the required core aurelia libraries into a ready-to-go application-building platform.
- jquery/jquery-ui - The official jQuery user interface library.
- VerbalExpressions/JSVerbalExpressions - JavaScript Regular expressions made easy
- jwagner/smartcrop.js - Content aware image cropping
- sampotts/plyr - A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player
- DrkSephy/es6-cheatsheet - ES2015 [ES6] cheatsheet containing tips, tricks, best practices and code snippets
- browserstate/history.js - History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers. Including continued support for data, titles, replaceState. Supports jQuery, MooTools and Prototype. For HTML5 browsers this means that you can modify the URL directly, without needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the old onhashchange functionality.
- ramda/ramda - 🐏 Practical functional Javascript
- facebook/relay - Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.
- denysdovhan/wtfjs - A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples
- pouchdb/pouchdb - 🐨 - PouchDB is a pocket-sized database.
- niklasvh/html2canvas - Screenshots with JavaScript
- swagger-api/swagger-ui - Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
- grab/front-end-guide - 📚 Study guide and introduction to the modern front end stack.
- DmitryBaranovskiy/raphael - JavaScript Vector Library
- Automattic/wp-calypso - The new JavaScript- and API-powered WordPress.com
- ruanyf/es6tutorial - 《ECMAScript 6入门》是一本开源的 JavaScript 语言教程,全面介绍 ECMAScript 6 新增的语法特性。
- maxwellito/vivus - JavaScript library to make drawing animation on SVG
- MrRio/jsPDF - Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone.
- karma-runner/karma - Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript
- AngularClass/angular-starter - 🎉 An Angular Starter kit featuring Angular 4 (Router, Http, Forms, Services, Tests, E2E, Dev/Prod, HMR, Async/Lazy Routes, AoT via ngc), Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, TypeScript 2, TsLint, Codelyzer, Hot Module Replacement, @types, and Webpack 3 by @AngularClass a @OneSpeed-io company
- janpaepke/ScrollMagic - The javascript library for magical scroll interactions.
- eslint/eslint - A fully pluggable tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript.
- kangax/fabric.js - Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser
- chriso/validator.js - String validation
- handsontable/handsontable - Handsontable Community Edition - JavaScript/HTML5 Spreadsheet Component for Web Apps
- goldfire/howler.js - Javascript audio library for the modern web.
- knockout/knockout - Knockout makes it easier to create rich, responsive UIs with JavaScript
- tmpvar/jsdom - A JavaScript implementation of the WHATWG DOM and HTML standards, for use with node.js
- NUKnightLab/TimelineJS - TimelineJS: A Storytelling Timeline built in JavaScript.
- sentsin/layui - 采用自身模块规范编写的前端UI框架,遵循原生HTML/CSS/JS的书写形式,极低门槛,拿来即用。
- paperjs/paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting – Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas. Created by @lehni & @puckey
- javve/list.js - The perfect library for adding search, sort, filters and flexibility to tables, lists and various HTML elements. Built to be invisible and work on existing HTML.
- Shopify/draggable - The JavaScript Drag & Drop library your grandparents warned you about.
- shichuan/javascript-patterns - JavaScript Patterns
- Netflix/falcor - A JavaScript library for efficient data fetching
- rwaldron/johnny-five - JavaScript Robotics and IoT programming framework, developed at Bocoup.
- jquery-validation/jquery-validation - jQuery Validation Plugin library sources
- graphql/graphql-js - A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript
- karpathy/convnetjs - Deep Learning in Javascript. Train Convolutional Neural Networks (or ordinary ones) in your browser.
- ccampbell/mousetrap - Simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript
- guillaumepotier/Parsley.js - Validate your forms, frontend, without writing a single line of javascript
- MithrilJS/mithril.js - A Javascript Framework for Building Brilliant Applications
- svg/svgo - 🐯 Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files
- harthur/brain - [UNMAINTAINED] Simple feed-forward neural network in JavaScript
- chrisaljoudi/uBlock - uBlock: a fast, lightweight, and lean blocker for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
- NodeBB/NodeBB - Node.js based forum software built for the modern web
- mishoo/UglifyJS - JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier library for NodeJS
- SheetJS/js-xlsx - 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
- feathersjs/feathers - A REST and realtime API layer for modern applications.
- jacomyal/sigma.js - A JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing
- senchalabs/connect - Connect is a middleware layer for Node.js
- jshint/jshint - JSHint is a tool that helps to detect errors and potential problems in your JavaScript code
- google/traceur-compiler - Traceur is a JavaScript.next-to-JavaScript-of-today compiler
- mozilla/BrowserQuest - A HTML5/JavaScript multiplayer game experiment
- CodeSeven/toastr - Simple javascript toast notifications
- js-cookie/js-cookie - A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser cookies
- vuejs/vue-router - The official router for Vue.js.
- mishoo/UglifyJS2 - JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier toolkit
- nightwatchjs/nightwatch - Automated testing and continous integration framework based on node.js and selenium webdriver
- FineUploader/fine-uploader - Multiple file upload plugin with image previews, drag and drop, progress bars. S3 and Azure support, image scaling, form support, chunking, resume, pause, and tons of other features.
- FredrikNoren/ungit - The easiest way to use git. On any platform. Anywhere.
- louischatriot/nedb - The JavaScript Database, for Node.js, nw.js, electron and the browser
- reactide/reactide - Reactide is the first dedicated IDE for React web application development. http://reactide.io
- aFarkas/lazysizes - High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes and more, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without configuration.
- marionettejs/backbone.marionette - The Backbone Framework
- douglascrockford/JSON-js - JSON in JavaScript
- nlp-compromise/compromise - natural language processing, in javascript
- angular/protractor - E2E test framework for Angular apps
- chalk/chalk - 🖍 Terminal string styling done right
- plotly/plotly.js - The open source JavaScript graphing library that powers plotly
- Laverna/laverna - Laverna is a JavaScript note taking application with Markdown editor and encryption support. Consider it like open source alternative to Evernote.
- jsdoc3/jsdoc - An API documentation generator for JavaScript.
- casperjs/casperjs - Navigation scripting and testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS
- tuupola/jquery_lazyload - Vanilla JavaScript plugin for lazyloading images
- gnab/remark - A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.
- pagekit/vue-resource - The HTTP client for Vue.js
- desandro/imagesloaded - 📷 JavaScript is all like "You images done yet or what?"
- highcharts/highcharts - Highcharts JS, the JavaScript charting framework
- Nickersoft/push.js - The world's most versatile desktop notifications framework
- react-community/create-react-native-app - Create a React Native app on any OS with no build config.
- greensock/GreenSock-JS - GreenSock's GSAP JavaScript animation library (including Draggable).
- rethinkdb/horizon - Horizon is a realtime, open-source backend for JavaScript apps.
- shelljs/shelljs - 🐚 Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js
- flightjs/flight - A component-based, event-driven JavaScript framework from Twitter
- jaredreich/pell - 📝 the simplest and smallest (1kB) WYSIWYG text editor for web, with no dependencies
- nfarina/homebridge - HomeKit support for the impatient
- taye/interact.js - JavaScript drag and drop, resizing and multi-touch gestures with inertia and snapping for modern browsers (and also IE8+)
- hyperapp/hyperapp - 1 KB JavaScript library for building frontend applications.
- amark/gun - A realtime, decentralized, offline-first, graph database engine.
- date-fns/date-fns - ⏳ Modern JavaScript date utility library ⌛️
- Microsoft/ChakraCore - ChakraCore is the core part of the Chakra Javascript engine that powers Microsoft Edge
- processing/p5.js - p5.js is a JS client-side library for creating graphic and interactive experiences, based on the core principles of Processing. http://twitter.com/p5xjs —
- JedWatson/classnames - A simple javascript utility for conditionally joining classNames together
- summernote/summernote - Super simple WYSIWYG editor
- websockets/ws - Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested WebSocket client and server for Node.js
- CreateJS/EaselJS - The Easel Javascript library provides a full, hierarchical display list, a core interaction model, and helper classes to make working with the HTML5 Canvas element much easier.
- lovell/sharp - High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library.
- zeroclipboard/zeroclipboard - The ZeroClipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie and a JavaScript interface.
- sbstjn/timesheet.js - JavaScript library for HTML5 & CSS3 time sheets
- lerna/lerna - 🐉 A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
- evilstreak/markdown-js - A Markdown parser for javascript
- material-components/material-components-web - Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for the web
- mleibman/SlickGrid - A lightning fast JavaScript grid/spreadsheet
- brunch/brunch - 🍴 Fast front-end web app build tool with simple declarative config, seamless incremental compilation for rapid development, an opinionated pipeline and workflow, and core support for source maps.
- shutterstock/rickshaw - JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs
- hapijs/joi - Object schema validation
- liabru/matter-js - a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web ▲● ■
- jakiestfu/Snap.js - A Library for creating beautiful mobile shelfs in Javascript (Facebook and Path style side menus)
- es-shims/es5-shim - ECMAScript 5 compatibility shims for legacy (and modern) JavaScript engines
- fengyuanchen/cropper - A simple jQuery image cropping plugin.
- lokesh/color-thief - Grabs the dominant color or a representative color palette from an image. Uses javascript and canvas.
- brave/browser-laptop - Brave browser for Desktop and Laptop computers running Windows, OSX, and Linux
- kimmobrunfeldt/progressbar.js - Responsive and slick progress bars
- angular-fullstack/generator-angular-fullstack - Yeoman generator for AngularJS with an Express server
- wulkano/kap - An open-source screen recorder built with web technology
- yahoo/react-intl - Internationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations.
- aui/art-template - High performance JavaScript templating engine
- vuetifyjs/vuetify - Material Component Framework for Vue.js 2
- pubkey/rxdb - 💻 📱 A reactive Database for Progressive Web Apps and more
- almende/vis - vis.js is a dynamic, browser-based visualization library
- jaredreich/notie - 🔔 a clean and simple notification, input, and selection suite for javascript, with no dependencies
- reactioncommerce/reaction - Reaction is a customizable, real-time reactive, JavaScript commerce platform.
- joemccann/dillinger - The last Markdown editor, ever.
- google/lovefield - Lovefield is a relational database for web apps. Written in JavaScript, works cross-browser. Provides SQL-like APIs that are fast, safe, and easy to use.
- dbushell/Pikaday - A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker — lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS
- needim/noty - Noty is a notification library that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog.
- ianstormtaylor/slate - A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors.
- adamwdraper/Numeral-js - A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers.
- keeweb/keeweb - Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass
- showdownjs/showdown - A Markdown to HTML converter written in Javascript
- flot/flot - Attractive JavaScript charts for jQuery
- OnsenUI/OnsenUI - Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- typicode/lowdb - ⚡ lowdb is a small local JSON database powered by Lodash (supports Node, Electron and the browser)
- tgriesser/knex - A query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3, designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use.
- olton/Metro-UI-CSS - CSS styles for build Windows 8 Metro UI stylable interface
- ExactTarget/fuelux - Extends Twitter Bootstrap with additional lightweight JavaScript controls. Easy to install, customize, update, and optimize. All functionality covered by live documentation and unit tests.
- marko-js/marko - A friendly (and fast!) UI library from eBay that makes building web apps fun
- evolus/pencil - The Pencil Project's unique mission is to build a free and opensource tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use.
- HabitRPG/habitica - A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
- sockjs/sockjs-client - WebSocket emulation - Javascript client
- jonobr1/two.js - A renderer agnostic two-dimensional drawing api for the web.
- utatti/perfect-scrollbar - Minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin
- jscs-dev/node-jscs -
⤴️ JavaScript Code Style checker (unmaintained) - bramp/js-sequence-diagrams - Draws simple SVG sequence diagrams from textual representation of the diagram
- daniel-lundin/snabbt.js - Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms
- krisk/Fuse - Lightweight fuzzy-search, in JavaScript
- beautify-web/js-beautify - Beautifier for javascript
- mattboldt/typed.js - A JavaScript Typing Animation Library
- bpampuch/pdfmake - Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript
- MichMich/MagicMirror - MagicMirror² is an open source modular smart mirror platform. With a growing list of installable modules, the MagicMirror² allows you to convert your hallway or bathroom mirror into your personal assistant.
- visionmedia/debug - A tiny JavaScript debugging utility modelled after Node.js core's debugging technique. Works in Node.js and web browsers
- umdjs/umd - UMD (Universal Module Definition) patterns for JavaScript modules that work everywhere.
- josdejong/mathjs - An extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js
- medialize/URI.js - Javascript URL mutation library
- angular-ui/ui-grid - UI Grid: an Angular Data Grid
- flatiron/director - a tiny and isomorphic URL router for JavaScript
- zalmoxisus/redux-devtools-extension - Redux DevTools extension.
- nzakas/computer-science-in-javascript - Collection of classic computer science paradigms, algorithms, and approaches written in JavaScript.
- davatron5000/Lettering.js - A lightweight, easy to use Javascript injector for radical Web Typography
- STRML/react-grid-layout - A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React.
- sinonjs/sinon - Test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript.
- gpujs/gpu.js - GPU Accelerated JavaScript
- svgdotjs/svg.js - The lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG
- kelektiv/node-uuid - Generate RFC-compliant UUIDs in JavaScript
- you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore - List of JavaScript methods which you can use natively + ESLint Plugin
- tinymce/tinymce - TinyMCE Community Edition - JavaScript rich text editing component for web apps
- tommoor/tinycon - A small library for manipulating the favicon, in particular adding alert bubbles and changing images.
- tweenjs/tween.js - Javascript tweening engine
- mholt/PapaParse - Fast and powerful CSV (delimited text) parser that gracefully handles large files and malformed input
- getify/Functional-Light-JS - A book about functional programming in JavaScript. @FLJSBook on twitter.
- MoOx/postcss-cssnext - 🌀 PostCSS plugin to use tomorrow's CSS syntax, today.
- bitwiseshiftleft/sjcl - Stanford Javascript Crypto Library
- chaijs/chai - BDD / TDD assertion framework for node.js and the browser that can be paired with any testing framework.
- square/cubism - Cubism.js: A JavaScript library for time series visualization.
- oliver-moran/jimp - An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, with zero external or native dependencies.
- auduno/clmtrackr - Javascript library for precise tracking of facial features via Constrained Local Models
- moxiecode/plupload - Plupload is JavaScript API for building file uploaders. It supports multiple file selection, file filtering, chunked upload, client side image downsizing and when necessary can fallback to alternative runtimes, like Flash and Silverlight.
- ankane/chartkick - Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Ruby
- mathjax/MathJax - Beautiful math in all browsers
- syntaxhighlighter/syntaxhighlighter - SyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter developed in JavaScript.
- mrdoob/stats.js - JavaScript Performance Monitor
- OscarGodson/EpicEditor - EpicEditor is an embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor with split fullscreen editing, live previewing, automatic draft saving, offline support, and more. For developers, it offers a robust API, can be easily themed, and allows you to swap out the bundled Markdown parser with anything you throw at it.
- fantasyland/fantasy-land - Specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript
- fabien-d/alertify.js - JavaScript Alert/Notification System
- electron-userland/electron-packager - Customize and package your Electron app with OS-specific bundles (.app, .exe, etc.) via JS or CLI
- meanjs/mean - MEAN.JS - Full-Stack JavaScript Using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js -
- zhukov/webogram - Telegram web application, GPL v3
- angular-translate/angular-translate - Translating your AngularJS 1.x apps
- jquery-form/form - jQuery Form Plugin
- adrai/flowchart.js - Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams from textual representation of the diagram
- SocketCluster/socketcluster - Highly scalable realtime framework
- makeusabrew/bootbox - Wrappers for JavaScript alert(), confirm() and other flexible dialogs using Twitter's bootstrap framework
- Valve/fingerprintjs2 - Modern & flexible browser fingerprinting library
- visionmedia/move.js - CSS3 backed JavaScript animation framework
- idiot/unslider - A very simple jQuery slider.
- MrSwitch/hello.js - A Javascript RESTFUL API library for connecting with OAuth2 services, such as Google+ API, Facebook Graph and Windows Live Connect
- jakesgordon/javascript-state-machine - A javascript finite state machine library
- jakiestfu/Medium.js - A tiny JavaScript library for making contenteditable beautiful (Like Medium's editor)
- prerender/prerender - Node server that uses phantomjs to render a javascript-rendered page as HTML. To be used in conjunction with prerender middleware.
- es-analysis/plato - JavaScript source code visualization, static analysis, and complexity tool
- webtorrent/webtorrent-desktop - ❤️ Streaming torrent app for Mac, Windows, and Linux
- copy/v86 - x86 virtualization in JavaScript, running in your browser and NodeJS
- olistic/warriorjs - Game written in JavaScript for learning JavaScript and artificial intelligence.
- felixge/node-style-guide - A guide for styling your node.js / JavaScript code. Fork & adjust to your taste.
- timuric/Content-generator-sketch-plugin - Sketch app plugin for generating dummy data such as avatars, names, photos, geo data etc
- rtfeldman/seamless-immutable - Immutable data structures for JavaScript which are backwards-compatible with normal JS Arrays and Objects.
- pa7/heatmap.js - 🔥 JavaScript Library for HTML5 canvas based heatmaps
- sparksuite/simplemde-markdown-editor - A simple, beautiful, and embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor. Delightful editing for beginners and experts alike. Features built-in autosaving and spell checking.
- lebab/lebab - Turn your ES5 code into readable ES6 (sugar-syntax). It does the opposite of what Babel does.
- os-js/OS.js - JavaScript Cloud/Web Desktop Platform
- sweet-js/sweet-core - Sweeten your JavaScript.
- Popmotion/popmotion - The JavaScript motion engine. Create unique animations and interactions with tweens, physics and input tracking.
- davidshimjs/qrcodejs - Cross-browser QRCode generator for javascript
- janhuenermann/neurojs - A javascript deep learning and reinforcement learning library.
- camwiegert/in-view - Get notified when a DOM element enters or exits the viewport. 👀
- webslides/WebSlides - Create HTML presentations in seconds —
- shipitjs/shipit - ⛵️ Universal automation and deployment tool written in JavaScript.
- kbrsh/moon - 🌙 ⚡ A minimal, blazing fast UI library.
- peterramsing/lost - LostGrid is a powerful grid system built in PostCSS that works with any preprocessor and even vanilla CSS.
- kripken/sql.js - SQLite compiled to JavaScript through Emscripten
- clappr/clappr - 🎬 An extensible media player for the web.
- bebraw/jswiki - JavaScript wiki. Focuses mainly on JS/HTML5/WebGL related tech.
- jonathantneal/flexibility - A JavaScript polyfill for Flexbox
- GoogleChromeLabs/sw-precache - A node module to generate service worker code that will precache specific resources so they work offline.
- novnc/noVNC - VNC client using HTML5 (Web Sockets, Canvas) with encryption (wss://) support.
- helmetjs/helmet - Help secure Express apps with various HTTP headers
- qunitjs/qunit - An easy-to-use JavaScript Unit Testing framework.
- Soundnode/soundnode-app - Soundnode App is the Soundcloud for desktop. Built with Electron, Angular.js and Soundcloud API.
- techfort/LokiJS - javascript embeddable / in-memory database
- ericdrowell/KineticJS - KineticJS is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications.
- sachinchoolur/lightgallery.js - Full featured JavaScript image & video gallery. No dependencies
- olado/doT - The fastest + concise javascript template engine for nodejs and browsers. Partials, custom delimiters and more.
- muicss/mui - Lightweight CSS framework
- tj/ejs - Embedded JavaScript templates for node
- HospitalRun/hospitalrun-frontend - Ember front end for HospitalRun
- geuis/helium-css - Helium - javascript tool to scan your site and show unused CSS
- cytoscape/cytoscape.js - Graph theory / network library for analysis and visualisation (supports CommonJS/Node.js/Browserify/Webpack, AMD/Require.js, npm, CDNJS, Bower, jspm, Meteor, jQuery, and plain JS/JavaScript)
- Khan/aphrodite - Framework-agnostic CSS-in-JS with support for server-side rendering, browser prefixing, and minimum CSS generation
- ternjs/tern - A JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support
- google/end-to-end - End-To-End is a crypto library to encrypt, decrypt, digital sign, and verify signed messages (implementing OpenPGP and OTR)
- openexchangerates/accounting.js - A lightweight JavaScript library for number, money and currency formatting - fully localisable, zero dependencies.
- dcodeIO/protobuf.js - Protocol Buffers for JavaScript (& TypeScript).
- limonte/sweetalert2 - A beautiful, responsive, customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes. Zero dependencies.
- jonschlinkert/remarkable - Markdown parser, done right. Commonmark support, extensions, syntax plugins, high speed - all in one. Gulp and metalsmith plugins are also available.
- FrontendMasters/front-end-handbook-2017 - 2017 edition of our front-end development guide
- nolanlawson/optimize-js - Optimize a JavaScript file for faster initial load by wrapping eagerly-invoked functions
- airbnb/hypernova - A service for server-side rendering your JavaScript views
- globalizejs/globalize - A JavaScript library for internationalization and localization that leverages the official Unicode CLDR JSON data
- jsbin/jsbin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging App
- scottschiller/SoundManager2 - A JavaScript Sound API supporting MP3, MPEG4 and HTML5 audio + RTMP, providing reliable cross-browser/platform audio control in as little as 12 KB. BSD licensed.
- kolodny/exercises - Some basic javascript coding challenges and interview questions
- subprotocol/verlet-js - A simple Verlet physics engine written in javascript
- aws/aws-sdk-js - AWS SDK for JavaScript in the browser and Node.js
- Stuk/jszip - Create, read and edit .zip files with Javascript
- Tonejs/Tone.js - A Web Audio framework for making interactive music in the browser.
- webdriverio/webdriverio - A Node.js bindings implementation for the W3C WebDriver protocol
- totaljs/framework - Node.js framework
- andrewplummer/Sugar - A Javascript library for working with native objects.
- AlexNisnevich/untrusted - A meta-JavaScript adventure game by Alex Nisnevich and Greg Shuflin.
- jawil/blog - Too young, too simple. Sometimes, naive & stupid 🐌
- auduno/headtrackr - Javascript library for headtracking via webcam and WebRTC/getUserMedia
- deepstreamIO/golden-layout - The ultimate Javascript layout manager
- 23/resumable.js - A JavaScript library for providing multiple simultaneous, stable, fault-tolerant and resumable/restartable uploads via the HTML5 File API.
- primus/primus - ⚡ Primus, the creator god of the transformers & an abstraction layer for real-time to prevent module lock-in.
- spine/spine - Lightweight MVC library for building JavaScript applications
- ai/nanoid - A tiny (179 bytes), secure URL-friendly unique string ID generator for JavaScript
- mycolorway/simditor - An Easy and Fast WYSIWYG Editor (This project is no longer maintained)
- sstephenson/prototype - Prototype JavaScript framework
- brianchirls/Seriously.js - A real-time, node-based video effects compositor for the web built with HTML5, Javascript and WebGL
- mgechev/javascript-algorithms - JavaScript implementation of different computer science algorithms.
- epeli/underscore.string - String manipulation helpers for javascript
- WickyNilliams/enquire.js - Awesome Media Queries in JavaScript
- jxnblk/rebass - Functional React UI component library, built with styled-components
- yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react - React specific linting rules for ESLint
- clauderic/react-sortable-hoc - A set of higher-order components to turn any list into an animated, touch-friendly, sortable list ✌️
- creationix/js-git - A JavaScript implementation of Git.
- mailru/FileAPI - FileAPI — a set of javascript tools for working with files. Multiupload, drag'n'drop and chunked file upload. Images: crop, resize and auto orientation by EXIF.
- ember-cli/ember-cli - The Ember.js command line utility
- semantic-release/semantic-release - 📦🚀 fully automated package publishing
- iSimar/HackerNews-React-Native - Hacker News iOS and Android App - Made with React Native.
- netlify/netlify-cms - A CMS for Static Site Generators
- documentationjs/documentation - 📖 documentation for modern JavaScript
- bda-research/node-crawler - Web Crawler/Spider for NodeJS + server-side jQuery ;-)
- jschr/textillate - A jquery plugin for CSS3 text animations.
- hybridgroup/cylon - JavaScript framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
- wangfupeng1988/wangEditor - wangEditor —— 轻量级web富文本框
- ApoorvSaxena/lozad.js - 🔥 Highly performant, light ~0.7kb and configurable lazy loader in pure JS with no dependencies for responsive images, iframes and more
- ReactTraining/history - Manage session history with JavaScript
- jprichardson/node-fs-extra - Node.js: extra methods for the fs object like copy(), remove(), mkdirs()
- wellcaffeinated/PhysicsJS - A modular, extendable, and easy-to-use physics engine for javascript
- aemkei/jsfuck - Write any JavaScript with 6 Characters: !+
- GoogleChrome/workbox - 📦 Workbox: JavaScript libraries for Offline Caching
- sciactive/pnotify - Beautiful JavaScript notifications with Web Notifications support.
- douglascrockford/JSLint - The JavaScript Code Quality Tool
- codemix/fast.js - Faster user-land reimplementations for several common builtin native JavaScript functions.
- JosephusPaye/Keen-UI - A lightweight collection of essential UI components written with Vue and inspired by Material Design
- mikeric/rivets - Lightweight and powerful data binding.
- kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput - An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 3.x with file preview, multiple selection, and more features.
- video-dev/hls.js - JavaScript HLS client using Media Source Extension
- KartikTalwar/gmail.js - Gmail JavaScript API
- Turfjs/turf - A modular geospatial engine written in JavaScript
- leongersen/noUiSlider - noUiSlider is a lightweight JavaScript range slider library. It offers a wide selection of options and settings, and is compatible with a ton of (touch) devices, including those running iOS, Android, Windows 8/8.1/10, Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows Mobile 10.
- aurajs/aura - A scalable, event-driven JavaScript architecture for developing component-based applications.
- JexCheng/regulex - JavaScript Regular Expression Parser & Visualizer.
- paularmstrong/swig - Take a swig of the best template engine for JavaScript.
- nodegit/nodegit - Native Node bindings to Git.
- amir20/phantomjs-node - PhantomJS integration module for NodeJS
- EmergingTechnologyAdvisors/node-serialport - Node.js package to access serial ports. Linux, OSX and Windows. Welcome your robotic JavaScript overlords. Better yet, program them!
- openlayers/openlayers - OpenLayers
- sindresorhus/xo - ❤️ JavaScript happiness style linter
- playcanvas/engine - JavaScript game engine built on WebGL and WebVR.
- samyk/evercookie - evercookie is a javascript API that produces extremely persistent, respawning cookies in a browser. Its goal is to identify a client even after they've removed standard cookies, Flash cookies (LSOs), HTML5 storage, SilverLight storage, and others.
- devtools-html/debugger.html - The Firefox debugger that works anywhere 💥
- quirkey/sammy - Sammy is a tiny javascript framework built on top of jQuery, It's RESTful Evented Javascript.
- kriasoft/react-static-boilerplate - Boilerplate and tooling for building singe-page web apps (SPA) and static sites with React (ReactJS) and Relay Modern
- Level/levelup - A node.js wrapper for abstract-leveldown compliant stores
- brix/crypto-js - JavaScript library of crypto standards.
- transloadit/uppy - The next open source file uploader for web browsers 🐶
- matthewhudson/device.js - Device.js makes it easy to write conditional CSS and/or JavaScript based on device operating system (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, Firefox OS, MeeGo), orientation (Portrait vs. Landscape), and type (Tablet vs. Mobile).
- svaarala/duktape - Duktape - embeddable Javascript engine with a focus on portability and compact footprint
- davidjbradshaw/iframe-resizer - Keep same and cross domain iFrames sized to their content with support for window/content resizing, in page links, nesting and multiple iFrames.
- deepsyx/home-automation - Raspberry Pi 3 based home automation with NodeJS and React Native.
- stacktracejs/stacktrace.js - Generate, parse, and enhance JavaScript stack traces in all web browsers
- kvz/locutus - All your standard libraries will be assimilated into our JavaScript collective. Resistance is futile.
- jaredpalmer/backpack - 🎒 Backpack is a minimalistic build system for Node.js projects.
- yahoo/gifshot - JavaScript library that can create animated GIFs from media streams, videos, or images
- cferdinandi/smooth-scroll - A lightweight script to animate scrolling to anchor links.
- grevory/angular-local-storage - An AngularJS module that gives you access to the browsers local storage with cookie fallback
- zaach/jison - Bison in JavaScript.
- ternjs/acorn - A small, fast, JavaScript-based JavaScript parser
- GoogleChromeLabs/sw-toolbox - A collection of service worker tools for offlining runtime requests
- hustcc/timeago.js - 🕗 ⌛ timeago.js is a tiny(~2.0kb) library used to format date with
*** time ago
statement. eg: '3 hours ago'. No dependency & localization & tiny. - expressjs/morgan - HTTP request logger middleware for node.js
- astoilkov/jsblocks - Better MV-ish Framework
- reactjs/react-modal - Accessible modal dialog component for React
- azat-co/practicalnode - Practical Node.js, 1st and 2nd Editions [Apress] 📓
- soulwire/sketch.js - Cross-Platform JavaScript Creative Coding Framework
- Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 - A self-contained JavaScript wiki for the browser or Node.js
- Okazari/Rythm.js - A javascript library that makes your page dance.
- hoodiehq/hoodie - 🐶 The Offline First JavaScript Backend
- darsain/sly - JavaScript library for one-directional scrolling with item based navigation support.
- szimek/signature_pad - HTML5 canvas based smooth signature drawing
- benhowdle89/grade - This JavaScript library produces complementary gradients generated from the top 2 dominant colours in supplied images.
- cucumber/cucumber-js - Cucumber for JavaScript
- ccampbell/rainbow - Simple syntax highlighting library written in javascript
- jpillora/xdomain - A pure JavaScript CORS alternative
- shakiba/planck.js - 2D JavaScript Physics Engine
- openpgpjs/openpgpjs - OpenPGP implementation for JavaScript
- testem/testem - Test'em 'Scripts! A test runner that makes Javascript unit testing fun.
- bevacqua/rome - 📆 Customizable date (and time) picker. Opt-in UI, no jQuery!
- mscdex/ssh2 - SSH2 client and server modules written in pure JavaScript for node.js
- kenwheeler/cash - An absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers
- ro31337/libretaxi - LibreTaxi, free and open source Uber/Lyft alternative to connect passengers and drivers.
- igorescobar/jQuery-Mask-Plugin - A jQuery Plugin to make masks on form fields and HTML elements.
- kangax/html-minifier - Javascript-based HTML compressor/minifier (with Node.js support)
- antimatter15/ocrad.js - OCR in Javascript via Emscripten
- expressjs/session - Simple session middleware for Express
- Yomguithereal/baobab - JavaScript persistent and optionally immutable data tree with cursors.
- chancejs/chancejs - Chance - Random generator helper for JavaScript
- babel/babel-sublime - Syntax definitions for ES6 JavaScript with React JSX extensions.
- Bogdan-Lyashenko/Under-the-hood-ReactJS - Entire ReactJS code base explanation by visual block schemes (Stack+Fiber versions)
- easy-mock/easy-mock - A persistent service that generates mock data quickly and provids visualization view.
- haraka/Haraka - A fast, highly extensible, and event driven SMTP server
- felipernb/algorithms.js - Atwood's Law applied to CS101 - Classic algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript
- styled-components/polished - A lightweight toolset for writing styles in JavaScript ✨
- sindresorhus/refined-github - Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
- insin/nwb - A toolkit for React, Preact, Inferno & vanilla JS apps, React libraries and other npm modules for the web, with no configuration (until you need it)
- linkedin/dustjs - Asynchronous Javascript templating for the browser and server
- blueimp/JavaScript-Load-Image - JavaScript Load Image is a library to load images provided as File or Blob objects or via URL. It returns an optionally scaled and/or cropped HTML img or canvas element. It also provides a method to parse image meta data to extract Exif tags and thumbnails and to restore the complete image header after resizing.
- jsonresume/resume-cli - Cli tool to easily setup a new resume 📑
- cssinjs/jss - JSS is an authoring tool for CSS which uses JavaScript as a host language.
- sindresorhus/caprine - Elegant Facebook Messenger desktop app
- mqttjs/MQTT.js - The MQTT client for Node.js and the browser
- facebook/jscodeshift - A JavaScript codemod toolkit.
- phoboslab/jsmpeg - MPEG1 Video Decoder in JavaScript
- hainproject/hain - An 'alt+space' launcher for Windows, built with Electron
- mattdiamond/fuckitjs - The Original Javascript Error Steamroller
- Studio-42/elFinder - Open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery and jQuery UI
- domchristie/to-markdown - An HTML to Markdown converter written in JavaScript
- captbaritone/winamp2-js - A reimplementation of Winamp 2.9 in HTML5 and Javascript
- AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium - An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps 🌎
- parallel-js/parallel.js - Easy multi-core processing with javascript.
- sindresorhus/np - A better
npm publish
- fengyuanchen/cropperjs - JavaScript image cropper.
- markmarkoh/datamaps - Customizable SVG map visualizations for the web in a single Javascript file using D3.js
- clintonwoo/hackernews-react-graphql - Hacker News clone rewritten with universal JavaScript, using React and GraphQL.
- vasanthk/js-bits - ✨ JavaScript concepts with code ✨
- reactstrap/reactstrap - Simple React Bootstrap 4 components
- piskelapp/piskel - A simple web-based tool for Spriting and Pixel art.
- ded/reqwest - browser asynchronous http requests
- stutrek/scrollMonitor - A simple and fast API to monitor elements as you scroll
- CreateJS/SoundJS - A Javascript library for working with Audio. It provides a consistent API for loading and playing audio on different browsers and devices. Currently supports WebAudio, HTML5 Audio, Cordova / PhoneGap, and a Flash fallback.
- pegjs/pegjs - PEG.js: Parser generator for JavaScript
- NekR/offline-plugin - Offline plugin (ServiceWorker, AppCache) for webpack (http://webpack.github.io/)
- trufflesuite/truffle - The most popular Ethereum development framework
- grommet/grommet - Focus on the essential experience
- Countly/countly-server - This is the home for Countly Mobile & Web Analytics and Marketing Platform. Countly helps you collect data and understand insights of your application. Available self-hosted or on private cloud.
- craftyjs/Crafty - JavaScript Game Engine
- airbnb/polyglot.js - Give your JavaScript the ability to speak many languages.
- nodeca/js-yaml - JavaScript YAML parser and dumper. Very fast.
- CreateJS/TweenJS - A simple but powerful tweening / animation library for Javascript. Part of the CreateJS suite of libraries.
- terwanerik/ScrollTrigger - Triggers classes on html elements based on the scroll position. Uses requestAnimationFrame so it doesn't jack the users scroll.
- alexk111/SVG-Morpheus - JavaScript library enabling SVG icons to morph from one to the other. It implements Material Design's Delightful Details transitions. (THIS PROJECT IS NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE)
- HumbleSoftware/Flotr2 - Graphs and Charts for Canvas in JavaScript.
- nadbm/react-datasheet - Excel-like data grid component for react
- angular-ui-tree/angular-ui-tree - A tree component for AngularJS, without jQuery as dependency.
- ded/script.js - Asyncronous JavaScript loader and dependency manager
- kpdecker/jsdiff - A javascript text differencing implementation.
- mikaelbr/node-notifier - A Node.js module for sending notifications on native Mac, Windows and Linux (or Growl as fallback)
- wooorm/franc - Natural language detection
- google/closure-library - Google's common JavaScript library
- anvaka/VivaGraphJS - Graph drawing library for JavaScript
- reactGo/reactGo - Your One-Stop solution for a full-stack universal Redux App!
- lancedikson/bowser - a browser detector
- swagger-api/swagger-node - Swagger module for node.js
- tonytomov/jqGrid - jQuery grid plugin
- kciter/qart.js - Generate artistic QR code. 🎨
- thomasdavis/backbonetutorials - As single page apps and large scale javascript applications become more prominent on the web, useful resources for those developers who are jumping the ship are crucial.
- paulmillr/es6-shim - ECMAScript 6 compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
- claudiajs/claudia - Deploy Node.js projects to AWS Lambda and API Gateway easily
- faisalman/ua-parser-js - UAParser.js - JavaScript library to identify browser, engine, OS, CPU, and device type/model. Supports browser & node.js environment. Also available as jQuery/Zepto plugin, Bower/Meteor package, RequireJS/AMD module, & CLI tool.
- taskrabbit/elasticsearch-dump - Import and export tools for elasticsearch
- mongo-express/mongo-express - Web-based MongoDB admin interface, written with Node.js and express
- flowjs/flow.js - A JavaScript library providing multiple simultaneous, stable, fault-tolerant and resumable/restartable file uploads via the HTML5 File API.
- cockpit-project/cockpit - There's code a goin' on
- laurentj/slimerjs - A scriptable browser like PhantomJS, based on Firefox
- directus/directus - Directus is an Open-Source Headless CMS & API for Managing Custom Databases
- tholman/intense-images - A simple library to view large images up close using simple mouse interaction, and the full screen.
- lipka/piecon - A tiny javascript library for generating progress pie charts in your favicon.
- toji/gl-matrix - Javascript Matrix and Vector library for High Performance WebGL apps
- ramon82/zuck.js - A javascript library that lets you add stories EVERYWHERE.
- jnordberg/gif.js - JavaScript GIF encoding library
- philipwalton/html-inspector - HTML Inspector is a code quality tool to help you and your team write better markup. It's written in JavaScript and runs in the browser, so testing your HTML has never been easier.
- RickWong/react-isomorphic-starterkit - Create an isomorphic React app in less than 5 minutes
- yeoman/yo - CLI tool for running Yeoman generators
- fengyuanchen/viewerjs - JavaScript image viewer.
- dataarts/dat.gui - dat.gui is a lightweight controller library for JavaScript.
- skatejs/skatejs - SkateJS is a web component library designed to give you an augmentation of the web component specs focusing on a functional rendering pipeline, clean property / attribute semantics and a small footprint.
- jayphelps/core-decorators - Library of stage-0 JavaScript decorators (aka ES2016/ES7 decorators but not accurate) inspired by languages that come with built-ins like @override, @deprecate, @autobind, @mixin and more. Popular with React/Angular, but is framework agnostic.
- substance/substance - A JavaScript library for web-based content editing.
- clientIO/joint - JavaScript diagramming library
- text-mask/text-mask - Input mask for React, Angular, Ember, Vue, & plain JavaScript
- formly-js/angular-formly - JavaScript powered forms for AngularJS
- expressjs/body-parser - Node.js body parsing middleware
- AudithSoftworks/Uniform - v3.0+ overhauls the file hierarchy of the package. For v2.2 please see branch '2.2'.
- seiyria/bootstrap-slider - A complete rewrite of the original bootstrap-slider by Stefan Petre.
- usablica/progress.js - ProgressJs is a JavaScript and CSS3 library which help developers to create and manage progress bar for every objects on the page.
- mapbox/mapbox-gl-js - Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL
- jedireza/drywall - 🚧 Project moved, see Aqua and Frame
- cocos2d/cocos2d-html5 - cocos2d for Web Browsers. Built using JavaScript
- danvk/dygraphs - Interactive visualizations of time series using JavaScript and the HTML canvas tag
- mdaines/viz.js - A hack to put Graphviz on the web.
- alohaeditor/Aloha-Editor - Aloha Editor is a JavaScript content editing library
- postaljs/postal.js - JavaScript pub/sub library supporting advanced subscription features, and several helpful add-ons.
- jasondavies/d3-cloud - Create word clouds in JavaScript.
- walmik/scribbletune - Generate musical patterns with JavaScript and export as MIDI files using Node.js!
- jaredpalmer/razzle - ✨ Create server-rendered universal JavaScript applications with no configuration
- gritzko/swarm - JavaScript replicated model (M of MVC) library
- oyvindkinsey/easyXDM - A javascript library providing cross-browser, cross-site messaging/method invocation.
- expressjs/cors - Node.js CORS middleware
- kdchang/reactjs101 - 從零開始學 ReactJS(ReactJS 101)是一本希望讓初學者一看就懂的 ReactJS 中文入門教學書,由淺入深學習 ReactJS 生態系 (Flux, Redux, React Router, ImmutableJS, React Native, Relay/GraphQL etc.)。
- Binaryify/NeteaseCloudMusicApi - 网易云音乐nodejs api
- rickharrison/validate.js - Lightweight JavaScript form validation library inspired by CodeIgniter.
- TeehanLax/Hyperlapse.js - JavaScript hyper-lapse utility for Google Street View.
- fnando/i18n-js - It's a small library to provide the I18n translations on the Javascript. It comes with Rails support.
- web-animations/web-animations-js - JavaScript implementation of the Web Animations API
- rtsao/styletron - ⚡ Universal, high-performance JavaScript styles
- Olical/EventEmitter - Evented JavaScript for the browser
- sproutcore/sproutcore - JavaScript Application Framework - JS library only
- slevithan/xregexp - Extended JavaScript regular expressions
- franciscop/cookies.js - 🍪 Interactive and easy cookies from your browser
- chimurai/http-proxy-middleware - ⚡ The one-liner node.js http-proxy middleware for connect, express and browser-sync
- serratus/quaggaJS - An advanced barcode-scanner written in JavaScript
- benjamine/jsondiffpatch - Diff & patch JavaScript objects
- pakastin/deck-of-cards - HTML5 Deck of Cards
- hanzichi/underscore-analysis - Underscore.js 源码解读 & 系列文章(完 ❗)
- reactjs/react-future - Specs & docs for potential future and experimental React APIs and JavaScript syntax.
- LazarSoft/jsqrcode - Javascript QRCode scanner
- Dynalon/mdwiki - CMS/Wiki system using Javascript for 100% client side single page application using Markdown.
- Fooidge/PleaseJS - JavaScript Library for creating random pleasing colors and color schemes
- digitalbazaar/forge - A native implementation of TLS in Javascript and tools to write crypto-based and network-heavy webapps
- facebook/regenerator - Source transformer enabling ECMAScript 6 generator functions in JavaScript-of-today.
- agershun/alasql - AlaSQL.js - JavaScript SQL database for browser and Node.js. Handles both traditional relational tables and nested JSON data (NoSQL). Export, store, and import data from localStorage, IndexedDB, or Excel.
- sintaxi/phonegap - access core functions on Android, iPhone and Blackberry using JavaScript
- CreateJS/PreloadJS - PreloadJS makes preloading assets & getting aggregate progress events easier in JavaScript. It uses XHR2 when available, and falls back to tag-based loading when not.
- dinbror/blazy - Hey, be lazy! bLazy.JS is a lightweight pure JavaScript script for lazy loading and multi-serving images. It's working in all modern browsers including IE7+.
- paulsonnentag/swip - a library to create multi device experiments
- aluxian/Messenger-for-Desktop - Bring messenger.com to your OS X, Windows or Linux desktop.
- inspirit/jsfeat - JavaScript Computer Vision library.
- commitizen/cz-cli - The commitizen command line utility.
- cowbell/sharedrop - HTML5 clone of Apple's AirDrop - easy P2P file transfer powered by WebRTC
- cloudflare/backgrid - Finally, an easily stylable semantic HTML data grid widget with a Javascript API that doesn't suck.
- hsnaydd/moveTo - A lightweight scroll animation javascript library without any dependency
- jxcore/jxcore - Evented IO for ChakraCore, SpiderMonkey & V8 JavaScript
- macbre/phantomas - PhantomJS-based web performance metrics collector and monitoring tool
- tj/dox - JavaScript documentation generator for node using markdown and jsdoc
- ethereum/web3.js - Ethereum JavaScript API
- mroderick/PubSubJS - Dependency free publish/subscribe for JavaScript
- terrymun/Fluidbox - Replicating and improving the lightbox module seen on Medium with fluid transitions.
- sindresorhus/create-dmg - Create a good-looking DMG for your macOS app in seconds
- cdmedia/cms.js - The Javascript Site Generator
- cyrus-and/chrome-remote-interface - Chrome Debugging Protocol interface for Node.js
- bevacqua/fuzzysearch - 🔮 Tiny and blazing-fast fuzzy search in JavaScript
- ubolonton/js-csp - CSP channels for Javascript (like Clojurescript's core.async, or Go)
- pedant/safe-java-js-webview-bridge - 为WebView中的Java与JavaScript提供【安全可靠】的多样互通方案
- Dash-Industry-Forum/dash.js - A reference client implementation for the playback of MPEG DASH via Javascript and compliant browsers.
- okfn/recline - A simple but powerful library for building data applications in pure Javascript and HTML.
- paypal/accessible-html5-video-player - Accessible HTML5 Video Player
- dleitee/strman - A Javascript string manipulation library.
- Hacker0x01/react-datepicker - A simple and reusable datepicker component for React
- blueimp/JavaScript-MD5 - JavaScript MD5 implementation. Compatible with server-side environments like node.js, module loaders like RequireJS and all web browsers.
- survivejs/webpack-book - From apprentice to master (CC BY-NC-ND)
- LeaVerou/bliss - Blissful JavaScript
- enyojs/enyo - A JavaScript application framework emphasizing modularity and encapsulation
- api-platform/api-platform - Build modern, hypermedia APIs with ease, generate React applications from the API documentation.
- Twipped/Kalendae - A javascript date picker that just works.
- Flotype/now - NowJS makes it easy to build real-time web apps using JavaScript
- Alex-D/Trumbowyg - A lightweight and amazing WYSIWYG JavaScript editor - 20kB only (8kB gzip)
- Robdel12/DropKick - A JavaScript plugin for creating beautiful, accessible, and painless custom dropdowns.
- javierbyte/img2css - Convert any image to pure CSS.
- 0xfe/vexflow - A JavaScript library for rendering music notation and guitar tablature.
- hojberg/cssarrowplease - Generate CSS tooltip arrows
- Wisembly/basil.js - The missing Javascript smart persistent layer
- pgbovine/OnlinePythonTutor - Visualize Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, C, and C++ code execution in your Web browser
- egret-labs/egret-core - Egret is a brand new open mobile game and application engine which allows you to quickly build mobile games and apps on Android,iOS and Windows.
- rikschennink/fitty - Makes text fit perfectly.
- 521dimensions/amplitudejs - Amplitude.js is the HTML5 Audio Player for the modern era. No dependencies required.
- bgrins/TinyColor - Fast, small color manipulation and conversion for JavaScript
- mrdavidlaing/javascript-koans - Koans to learn Javascript
- survivejs/react-book - From apprentice to master (CC BY-NC-ND)
- joewalnes/reconnecting-websocket - A small decorator for the JavaScript WebSocket API that automatically reconnects
- toopay/bootstrap-markdown - Bootstrap plugin for markdown editing
- skulpt/skulpt - Skulpt is a Javascript implementation of the Python programming language
- muicss/loadjs - A tiny async loader / dependency manager for modern browsers (739 bytes)
- ender-js/Ender - the no-library library: open module JavaScript framework
- joehewitt/scrollability - Imitates iOS native scrolling in JavaScript.
- mozilla-neutrino/neutrino-dev - Create and build modern JavaScript applications with zero initial configuration.
- henriquea/minigrid - 📏 Minimal 2kb zero dependency cascading grid layout
- panzerdp/voca - The ultimate JavaScript string library
- pa7/nude.js - Nudity detection with JavaScript and HTMLCanvas
- kolber/audiojs - A cross-browser javascript wrapper for the html5 audio tag
- kbrsh/wade - 🌊 Blazing fast, 1kb search for Javascript
- tobytailor/gordon - An open source Flash™ runtime written in pure JavaScript
- telerik/kendo-ui-core - An HTML5, jQuery-based widget library for building modern web apps.
- mde/ejs - Embedded JavaScript templates -- http://ejs.co
- bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib - Bitcoin-related functions implemented in pure JavaScript
- jcbrand/converse.js - Web-based XMPP/Jabber chat client written in javascript
- BlueSpire/Durandal - A cross-device, cross-platform client framework written in JavaScript and designed to make building Single Page Applications (SPAs) easy to create and maintain.
- samccone/bundle-buddy - A tool to identify bundle duplication across splits.
- lorenzofox3/Smart-Table - Code source of Smart Table module: a table/grid for Angularjs
- hokein/electron-sample-apps - Sample apps for Electron
- bfirsh/jsnes - A JavaScript NES emulator.
- yahoo/fluxible - A pluggable container for universal flux applications
- cure53/DOMPurify - DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. DOMPurify works with a secure default, but offers a lot of configurability and hooks. Demo:
- IonDen/ion.rangeSlider - jQuery only range slider
- getsentry/raven-js - Official Sentry SDK for JavaScript
- JoelOtter/kajero - Interactive JavaScript notebooks with clever graphing
- nodebox/opentype.js - Read and write OpenType fonts using JavaScript.
- naver/billboard.js - 📊 Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3 v4+📈
- keithclark/selectivizr - selectivizr is a JavaScript utility that emulates CSS3 pseudo-classes and attribute selectors in Internet Explorer 6-8.
- schteppe/cannon.js - A lightweight 3D physics engine written in JavaScript.
- leapmotion/leapjs - JavaScript client for the Leap Motion Controller
- evanw/glfx.js - An image effects library for JavaScript using WebGL
- ayojs/ayo - A fork of Node.js. Humans before technology.
- luisvinicius167/ityped - Dead simple Javascript animated typing, with no dependencies.
- ljharb/qs - A querystring parser with nesting support
- pablojim/highcharts-ng - AngularJS directive for Highcharts
- ondras/my-mind - Online Mindmapping Software
- exif-js/exif-js - JavaScript library for reading EXIF image metadata
- websanova/js-url - url() - A simple, lightweight url parser for JavaScript
- gildas-lormeau/zip.js - JavaScript library to zip and unzip files
- punkave/apostrophe - Apostrophe is a CMS framework for Node.js that supports in-context editing, schema-driven content types, flexible widgets, and much more.
- bgrins/spectrum - The No Hassle JavaScript Colorpicker
- sindresorhus/fkill-cli - Fabulously kill processes. Cross-platform.
- wa0x6e/cal-heatmap - Cal-Heatmap is a javascript module to create calendar heatmap to visualize time series data
- actionhero/actionhero - actionhero.js is a multi-transport nodejs API Server with integrated cluster capabilities and delayed tasks
- kern/filepizza - 🍕 Peer-to-peer file transfers in your browser
- travist/jsencrypt - A Javascript library to perform OpenSSL RSA Encryption, Decryption, and Key Generation.
- rdio/jsfmt - For formatting, searching, and rewriting JavaScript.
- emojione/emojify.js - A Javascript module to convert Emoji keywords to images
- typicaljoe/taffydb - TaffyDB - an open source JavaScript Database for your browser
- wojodesign/simplecart-js - A simple javascript shopping cart that easily integrates with your current website.
- coresmart/persistencejs - persistence.js is an asynchronous Javascript database mapper library. You can use it in the browser, as well on the server (and you can share data models between them).
- sutoiku/formula.js - JavaScript implementation of most Microsoft Excel formula functions
- BinaryMuse/fluxxor - 🛠️ Flux architecture tools for React
- Qix-/color - 🌈 Javascript color conversion and manipulation library
- joewalnes/smoothie - Smoothie Charts: smooooooth JavaScript charts for realtime streaming data
- power-assert-js/power-assert - Power Assert in JavaScript. Provides descriptive assertion messages through standard assert interface. No API is the best API.
- ScottHamper/Cookies - JavaScript Client-Side Cookie Manipulation Library
- pickhardt/Guiders-JS - Guiders.js: A Javascript library for guiders.
- esdoc/esdoc - ESDoc - Good Documentation for JavaScript
- buttercup/buttercup-desktop - 🔑 Javascript Password Vault - Multi-Platform Desktop Application
- millermedeiros/js-signals - Custom Event/Messaging system for JavaScript inspired by AS3-Signals
- pump-io/pump.io - Social server with an ActivityStreams API
- rgrove/rawgit - Serves files from raw.githubusercontent.com, but with the correct content types.
- priologic/easyrtc - EasyRTC is a bundle of Open Source WebRTC joy! Our Javascript API hides the differences between Chrome and Firefox browsers and simplifies coding needed for working WebRTC apps. Signalling server using socket.io built on node.js. Tons of free code so you can build WebRTC apps in a few hours that just work. Demos include Instant messaging, Multiparty chatroom, Audio + Video, Screen sharing, Data channel Messaging and File sharing, and more.
- trueinteractions/tint2 - Native Javascript Applications
- pawelgrzybek/siema - Siema - Lightweight and simple carousel in pure JavaScript
- zdhxiong/mdui - MDUI 是一个基于 Material Design 的前端框架。
- webtorrent/instant.io - 🚀 Streaming file transfer over WebTorrent (torrents on the web)
- babel/babel-eslint - 🗼 ESLint using Babel as the parser.
- jpuri/react-draft-wysiwyg - A Wysiwyg editor build on top of ReactJS and DraftJS. https://jpuri.github.io/react-draft-wysiwyg
- regl-project/regl - 👑 Functional WebGL
- tcorral/Design-Patterns-in-Javascript - Design Patterns applied to Javascript code.
- DKirwan/calendar-heatmap - A d3 heatmap for representing time series data similar to github's contribution chart
- gpbl/react-day-picker - Flexible date picker for React
- victorporof/Sublime-HTMLPrettify - HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSON code formatter for Sublime Text 2 and 3 via node.js
- mozilla/task.js - Beautiful concurrency for JavaScript
- pstadler/flightplan - Run sequences of shell commands against local and remote hosts.
- zensh/jsgen - JsGen is a next generation,free, open source web software that you can generate a powerful website, such as blog, forum, etc. It is coded by pure JavaScript, based on Node.js, AngularJS, MongoDB.
- hydrabolt/discord.js - A powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API
- microjs/microjs.com - Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit!
- DavidWells/isomorphic-react-example - ReactJS + NodeJS ( express ) demo tutorial with video. Universal/Isomorphic JS = Shared JavaScript that runs on both the client & server.
- andreruffert/rangeslider.js - HTML5 input range slider element polyfill
- kazupon/vue-i18n - 🌐 Internationalization plugin for Vue.js
- Hardmath123/nearley - 📜🔜🌲 Simple, fast, powerful parser toolkit for JavaScript.
- jonthornton/jquery-timepicker - A javascript timepicker plugin for jQuery inspired by Google Calendar.
- simple-statistics/simple-statistics - simple statistics for node & browser javascript
- boo1ean/casual - Fake data generator for javascript
- Ramotion/aquarelle -
🎨 Aquarelle is a watercolor js effect by @Ramotion
- SVG-Edit/svgedit - Powerful SVG-Editor on your browser
- google/shaka-player - JavaScript player library / DASH client / MSE-EME player
- box/t3js - A minimal component-based JavaScript framework
- benoitvallon/computer-science-in-javascript - Computer science reimplemented in JavaScript
- worseisbetter/galleria - The JavaScript Image Gallery
- worrydream/Tangle - a JavaScript library for reactive documents
- danielstjules/jsinspect - Detect copy-pasted and structurally similar code
- wise9/enchant.js - A simple JavaScript framework for creating games and apps
- ifandelse/machina.js - js ex machina - finite state machines in JavaScript
- strapi/strapi - 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
- igorprado/react-notification-system - A complete and totally customizable component for notifications in React
- videojs/videojs-contrib-hls - HLS library for video.js
- noelboss/featherlight - Featherlight is a very lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin. It's simple yet flexible and easy to use. Featherlight has minimal css and uses no inline styles, everything is name-spaced, it's completely customizable via config object and offers image, ajax and iframe support out of the box. Featherlights small footprint weights about 4kB – in total.
- shouldjs/should.js - BDD style assertions for node.js -- test framework agnostic
- timoxley/functional-javascript-workshop - A functional javascript workshop. No libraries required (i.e. no underscore), just ES5.
- Matterwiki/Matterwiki - A simple and beautiful wiki for teams
- caolan/jam - JavaScript package manager - using a browser-focused and RequireJS compatible repository
- benjamn/recast - JavaScript syntax tree transformer, nondestructive pretty-printer, and automatic source map generator
- NYTimes/ice - track changes with javascript
- pieroxy/lz-string - LZ-based compression algorithm for JavaScript
- jprichardson/string.js - Extra JavaScript string methods.
- canjs/canjs - JavaScript architectural libraries that will continue to get better until the sun dies out.
- workshopper/javascripting - Learn JavaScript by adventuring around in the terminal.
- DemocracyOS/democracyos - DemocracyOS is an online space for deliberation and voting on political proposals. The software aims to stimulate better arguments and come to better rulings.
- zingchart/zingtouch - A JavaScript touch gesture detection library for the modern web
- jshjohnson/Choices - A vanilla JS customisable select box/text input plugin ⚡️
- VictorBjelkholm/ngProgress - ⏳ Angular provider for slim loading bar at the top of the page ( inspired by https://github.com/rstacruz/nprogress )
- awslabs/aws-mobile-react-native-starter - AWS Mobile React Native Starter App https://aws.amazon.com/mobile
- danvk/source-map-explorer - Analyze and debug space usage through source maps
- alexei/sprintf.js - sprintf.js is a complete open source JavaScript sprintf implementation
- lightningtgc/MProgress.js - Material Progress —Google Material Design Progress linear bar. By using CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript.
- dhotson/springy - A force directed graph layout algorithm in JavaScript
- konvajs/konva - Konva.js is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications.
- bchanx/slidr - add some slide effects.
- vitmalina/w2ui - JavaScript UI library for data-driven web applications
- BoxFactura/pulltorefresh.js - A quick and powerful plugin for your pull-to-refresh needs in your webapp.
- apocas/dockerode - Docker + Node = Dockerode (Node.js module for Docker's Remote API)
- montagejs/collections - This package contains JavaScript implementations of common data structures with idiomatic interfaces.
- lmgonzalves/segment - A little JavaScript class (without dependencies) to draw and animate SVG path strokes
- schteppe/p2.js - JavaScript 2D physics library
- mar10/fancytree - jQuery tree view / tree grid plugin with support for keyboard, inline editing, filtering, checkboxes, drag'n'drop, and lazy loading
- caiogondim/fast-memoize.js - 🐇 Fastest possible memoization library
- bevacqua/woofmark - 🐕 Barking up the DOM tree. A modular, progressive, and beautiful Markdown and HTML editor
- RadLikeWhoa/Countable - Add live paragraph-, word- and character-counting to an HTML element.
- ddopson/underscore-cli - Command-line utility-belt for hacking JSON and Javascript.
- monterail/vuelidate - Simple, lightweight model-based validation for Vue.js
- vitaly-t/pg-promise - Promises/A+ interface for PostgreSQL
- xmppjs/xmpp.js - XMPP for JavaScript
- MikeMcl/bignumber.js - A JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic
- maryrosecook/gitlet - Git implemented in JavaScript
- andreaferretti/paths-js - Generate SVG paths for geometric shapes 📊
- simplegeo/polymaps - Polymaps is a free JavaScript library for making dynamic, interactive maps in modern web browsers.
- isaacs/minimatch - a glob matcher in javascript
- toorshia/justgage - JustGage is a handy JavaScript plugin for generating and animating nice & clean dashboard gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing.
- marijnh/Eloquent-JavaScript - The second edition of Eloquent JavaScript
- angus-c/just - A library of dependency-free utilities that do just do one thing.
- MikeMcl/decimal.js - An arbitrary-precision Decimal type for JavaScript
- estools/escodegen - ECMAScript code generator
- kylefox/jquery-modal - The simplest possible modal for jQuery
- gcanti/tcomb - Type checking and DDD for JavaScript
- SAP/openui5 - OpenUI5 lets you build enterprise-ready web applications, responsive to all devices, running on almost any browser of your choice
- stuyam/pressure - 👇💥 JavaScript library for handling Force Touch, 3D Touch, and Pointer Pressure.
- mobxjs/mobx-react - React bindings for MobX
- ashtuchkin/iconv-lite - Convert character encodings in pure javascript.
- numbers/numbers.js - Advanced Mathematics Library for Node.js and JavaScript
- liferay/alloy-ui - AlloyUI is a framework built on top of YUI3 (JavaScript) that uses Bootstrap 3 (HTML/CSS) to provide a simple API for building high scalable applications
- fb55/htmlparser2 - forgiving html and xml parser
- krasimir/deb.js - Minimalistic JavaScript library for debugging in the browser
- sindresorhus/multiline - Multiline strings in JavaScript
- botui/botui - 🤖 A JavaScript framework to create conversational UIs
- node-webot/weixin-robot - 微信公共帐号自动回复机器人 A Node.js robot for wechat.
- JeffreyZhao/wind - Asynchronous flow control in JavaScript, with JavaScript.
- Samsung/iotjs - Platform for Internet of Things with JavaScript http://www.iotjs.net
- ant-design/ant-motion - 🚴 Animate specification and components of Ant Design
- react-native-community/react-native-side-menu - Side menu component for React Native
- jussi-kalliokoski/trine - A utility library for modern JavaScript.
- ivanakimov/hashids.js - A small JavaScript library to generate YouTube-like ids from numbers. Use it when you don't want to expose your database ids to the user.
- lindell/JsBarcode - Barcode generation library written in JavaScript that works in both the browser and on Node.js
- timdown/rangy - A cross-browser JavaScript range and selection library.
- prettymuchbryce/easystarjs - An asynchronous A* pathfinding API written in Javascript.
- wxyyxc1992/Web-Development-And-Engineering-Practices - Web 开发基础、工程实践、应用架构与性能优化、React & Vue.js 实战教程 系列文章
- facebook/rebound-js - Spring dynamics in JavaScript.
- lanceli/cnodejs-ionic - The mobile app of https://cnodejs.org made by Ionic 1.x, web demo http://lanceli.com/cnodejs-ionic
- jejacks0n/teaspoon - Teaspoon: Javascript test runner for Rails. Run tests in the browser or headless with PhantomJS, Selenium WebDriver, Capybara Webkit or with BrowserStack.
- jakejs/jake - JavaScript build tool, similar to Make or Rake. Built to work with Node.js.
- philogb/jit - The JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit provides tools for creating Interactive Data Visualizations for the Web
- openstreetmap/iD - The easy-to-use OpenStreetMap editor in JavaScript.
- thelounge/lounge - 💬 The Lounge — Modern self-hosted web IRC client
- millermedeiros/crossroads.js - JavaScript Routes
- alongubkin/spider - Unsurprising JavaScript
- flitbit/diff - Javascript utility for calculating deep difference, capturing changes, and applying changes across objects; for nodejs and the browser.
- Rafase282/My-FreeCodeCamp-Code - My code from the bootcamp.
- mikeflynn/egg.js - A simple javascript library to add easter eggs to web pages.
- lo-th/Oimo.js - Lightweight 3d physics engine for javascript
- mikeal/roll-call - 📞 Free and reliable audio calls for everyone w/ browser p2p.
- cpettitt/dagre - Directed graph renderer for javascript
- jekyll/jekyll-admin - A Jekyll plugin that provides users with a traditional CMS-style graphical interface to author content and administer Jekyll sites.
- alex-seville/blanket - blanket.js is a simple code coverage library for javascript. Designed to be easy to install and use, for both browser and nodejs.
- canvg/canvg - Javascript SVG parser and renderer on Canvas
- feimosi/baguetteBox.js - ⚡ Simple and easy to use lightbox script written in pure JavaScript
- RobertWHurst/KeyboardJS - A JavaScript library for binding keyboard combos without the pain of key codes and key combo conflicts.
- wellsjo/JSON-Splora - GUI for editing, visualizing, and manipulating JSON
- harthur/kittydar - [UNMAINTAINED] Face detection for cats in JavaScript - demo for a TXJS talk
- antonmedv/monkberry - Monkberry is a JavaScript library for building web user interfaces
- PaulLeCam/react-leaflet - React components for Leaflet maps
- TTLabs/EvaporateJS - Javascript library for browser to S3 multipart resumable uploads
- Caligatio/jsSHA - A JavaScript implementation of the complete Secure Hash Standard family (SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA3-224, SHA-256, SHA3-256, SHA-384, SHA3-384, SHA-512, SHA3-512, SHAKE128, and SHAKE256) as well as HMAC
- Webschool-io/be-mean - 🍺 Curso voltado a ensinar o STACK conhecido como MEAN(MongoDb, Express, Angular e Node.js) e muitas outras tecnologias que utilizam JavaScript. ONde você se formará um desenvolvedor FULLSTACK!!!
- adobe-research/theseus - A pretty darn cool JavaScript debugger for Brackets
- wooorm/retext - Natural language processor powered by plugins
- idflood/ThreeNodes.js - vvvv "clone" in javascript/webgl
- fat/bean - an events api for javascript
- ladjs/lad - 👦 Lad scaffolds a Koa webapp and API framework for Node.js TO BE RELEASED
- js-org/dns.js.org - Providing nice and free domains for GitHub Pages since 2015
- jpillora/notifyjs - Notify.js - A simple, versatile notification library
- tagspaces/tagspaces - Developers resources for TagSpaces
- wix/detox - Gray Box E2E Tests and Automation Library for Mobile Apps
- mpetroff/pannellum - Pannellum is a lightweight, free, and open source panorama viewer for the web.
- invertase/react-native-firebase - A well tested feature rich Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 10+ Firebase modules (including Cloud Firestore) 🔥
- mysticatea/npm-run-all - A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential.
- krasimir/absurd - A JavaScript library with superpowers
- triceam/app-UI - app-UI is a collection of user interface components that may be helpful to web and mobile developers for creating interactive applications using HTML and JavaScript, especially those targeting mobile devices. app-UI is a continual work in progress - it was born out of the necessity to have rich & native-feeling interfaces in HTML/JS experiences, and it works great with PhoneGap applications (http://www.phonegap.com). app-UI can easily be styled/customized using CSS.
- alexandersimoes/d3plus - A javascript library that extends D3.js to enable fast and beautiful visualizations.
- kumailht/responsive-elements - Responsive elements makes it possible for any element to adapt and respond to the area they occupy. It's a tiny javascript library that you can drop into your projects today.
- spikebrehm/isomorphic-tutorial - Tutorial app to demonstrate isomorphic JavaScript concepts.
- js-data/js-data - Give your data the treatment it deserves with a framework-agnostic, datastore-agnostic JavaScript ORM built for ease of use and peace of mind. Works in Node.js and in the Browser. Main Site: http://js-data.io, API Reference Docs: http://api.js-data.io/js-data
- TylerBrock/mongo-hacker - MongoDB Shell Enhancements for Hackers
- RickWong/react-transmit - Relay-inspired library based on Promises instead of GraphQL.
- feross/simple-peer - 📡 Simple WebRTC video/voice and data channels
- Jianru-Lin/lambda-view - A New Tool for Reading JavaScript Code in 2017
- BinaryMuse/planetary.js - 🌎 Awesome interactive globes for the web
- farzher/fuzzysort - Fast SublimeText-like fuzzy search for JavaScript.
- ansman/validate.js - A declarative validation library written javascript
- danlucraft/git.js - pure-Javascript Git implementation
- chjj/term.js - A terminal written in javascript.
- Idered/Editr.js - HTML, CSS and JavaScript playground
- facebookarchive/connect-js - Legacy JavaScript SDK
- candy-chat/candy - JavaScript-based multi-user chat client for XMPP.
- 1995eaton/chromium-vim - Vim bindings for Google Chrome.
- codesuki/react-d3-components - D3 Components for React
- ipfs/js-ipfs - IPFS implementation in JavaScript
- babel/babylon - 📃 A JavaScript parser
- brookhong/Surfingkeys - Map your keys for web surfing, expand your browser with javascript and keyboard.
- ashleydw/lightbox - A lightbox gallery plugin for Bootstrap
- alexkuz/react-input-enhancements - Set of enhancements for input control
- nodeca/pako - high speed zlib port to javascript, works in browser & node.js
- Sirvasile/Typefont - The first open-source library that detects the font of a text in a image.
- react-ga/react-ga - React Google Analytics Module
- google/earthenterprise - Google Earth Enterprise - Open Source
- blueimp/JavaScript-Templates - 1KB lightweight, fast & powerful JavaScript templating engine with zero dependencies. Compatible with server-side environments like node.js, module loaders like RequireJS and all web browsers.
- amwmedia/plop - Micro-generator framework that makes it easy for an entire team to create files with a level of uniformity
- enyo/opentip - Opentip is an open source javascript tooltip based on the protoype framework.
- gajus/redux-immutable - redux-immutable is used to create an equivalent function of Redux combineReducers that works with Immutable.js state.
- BrainJS/brain.js - 🤖 Neural networks in JavaScript
- acidb/mobiscroll - Cross platform UI controls for progressive web and hybrid apps (plain JS, jQuery, Angular and React)
- wanasit/chrono - A natural language date parser in Javascript
- tsayen/dom-to-image - Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas
- swagger-api/swagger-js - Javascript library to connect to swagger-enabled APIs via browser or nodejs
- mayswind/AriaNg - AriaNg, a modern web frontend making aria2 easier to use.
- camwiegert/baffle - A tiny javascript library for obfuscating and revealing text in DOM elements. 😲
- jirikavi/AngularJS-Toaster - AngularJS Toaster is a customized version of "toastr" non-blocking notification javascript library.
- joni2back/angular-filemanager - JavaScript File Manager Material Design Folder Explorer Navigator Browser Manager in AngularJS with CSS3 Responsive (with FTP in PHP / Java / Node)
- openseadragon/openseadragon - An open-source, web-based viewer for zoomable images, implemented in pure JavaScript.
- ReactiveX/learnrx - A series of interactive exercises for learning Microsoft's Reactive Extensions Library for Javascript.
- muaz-khan/RecordRTC - WebRTC JavaScript library for audio/video as well as screen activity recording. It supports Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Android, and Microsoft Edge. Platforms: Linux, Mac and Windows.
- esnext/es6-module-transpiler - Tomorrow’s JavaScript module syntax today
- mathiasbynens/he - A robust HTML entity encoder/decoder written in JavaScript.
- streamlink/streamlink-twitch-gui - A multi platform Twitch.tv browser for Streamlink
- javierbyte/visual-center - Find the visual center of your images.
- cerebral/cerebral - Declarative state and side effects management for popular JavaScript frameworks
- electron-userland/electron-forge - A complete tool for creating, publishing, and installing modern Electron applications
- liammclennan/JavaScript-Koans - javascript koans is an interactive learning environment that uses failing tests to introduce students to aspects of JavaScript in a logical sequence.
- nicolas-t/Chocolat - Chocolat : the lightbox so cool horses use it 🐴
- jmurzy/react-native-foldview - FoldView implemented in JavaScript ⛱
- Easyfood/pageAccelerator - A very light solution to load web pages faster
- photonstorm/phaser-examples - Contains hundreds of source code examples and related media for the Phaser HTML5 Game Framework.
- petethepig/devtools-terminal - Terminal in Chrome Devtools
- xk/node-threads-a-gogo - TAGG :: threads_a_gogo :: Simple and fast JavaScript threads for Node.js
- thisandagain/sentiment - AFINN-based sentiment analysis for Node.js.
- zenoamaro/react-quill - A Quill component for React.
- dankogai/js-base64 - Base64 implementation for JavaScript
- mzabriskie/axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- noraesae/perfect-scrollbar - Minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin
- searchkit/searchkit - React UI components / widgets. The easiest way to build a great search experience with Elasticsearch.
- misoproject/dataset - JavaScript library that makes managing the data behind client-side visualisations easy
- jansmolders86/mediacenterjs - A HTML/CSS/Javascript (NodeJS) based Media center
- mourner/suncalc - A tiny JavaScript library for calculating sun/moon positions and phases.
- stewdio/beep.js - Beep is a JavaScript toolkit for building browser-based synthesizers.
- aserg-ufmg/JSCity - Visualizing JavaScript source code as navigable 3D cities
- walterhiggins/ScriptCraft - Write Minecraft Plugins in JavaScript.
- jsx/JSX - JSX - a faster, safer, easier JavaScript
- redom/redom - Tiny (2 KB) turboboosted JavaScript library for creating user interfaces.
- NUKnightLab/TimelineJS3 - TimelineJS v3: A Storytelling Timeline built in JavaScript. http://timeline.knightlab.com
- taylorhakes/fecha - Javascript Date formatting and parsing
- ondras/wwwsqldesigner - WWW SQL Designer, your online SQL diagramming tool
- ToothlessGear/node-gcm - A NodeJS wrapper library port to send data to Android devices via Google Cloud Messaging
- fkling/astexplorer - A web tool to explore the ASTs generated by various parsers.
- stevenmiller888/mind - A neural network library built in JavaScript
- shakiba/stage.js - 2D JavaScript library for cross-platform HTML5 game development
- t4t5/sweetalert - A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert"
- linnovate/mean - MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) - A Simple, Scalable and Easy starting point for full stack javascript web development - utilizing many of the best practices we've found on the way
- GoogleChrome/sw-precache - A node module to generate service worker code that will precache specific resources so they work offline.
- GoogleChrome/sw-toolbox - A collection of service worker tools for offlining runtime requests
- ChiperSoft/Kalendae - A javascript date picker that just works.
- monkberry/monkberry - Monkberry is a JavaScript library for building web user interfaces
- usablica/widearea - Create expandable textarea and write large amount of text easily.
- jaysalvat/buzz - Buzz is a small but powerful Javascript library that allows you to easily take advantage of the new HTML5 audio element. It tries to degrade silently on non-modern browsers.
- sloisel/numeric - Numerical analysis in Javascript
- messageformat/messageformat.js - ICU MessageFormat for Javascript - i18n Plural and Gender Capable Messages
- pypyjs/pypyjs - PyPy compiled to JavaScript
- mathquill/mathquill - Easily type math in your webapp
- ftlabs/ftscroller - FTScroller is a cross-browser Javascript/CSS library to allow touch, mouse or scrollwheel scrolling within specified elements, with pagination, snapping and bouncing support.
- mbebenita/LLJS - LLJS: Low-Level JavaScript
- mourner/simplify-js - High-performance JavaScript polyline simplification library
- andywer/leakage - 🐛 Memory leak testing for node.
- marioizquierdo/jquery.serializeJSON - Serialize an HTML Form to a JavaScript Object, supporting nested attributes and arrays.
- andyearnshaw/Intl.js - Compatibility implementation of the ECMAScript Internationalization API (ECMA-402) for JavaScript
- getify/You-Dont-Know-JS - A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
- este/este - Starter kit for universal full–fledged React apps
- jayphelps/core-decorators.js - Library of stage-0 JavaScript decorators (aka ES2016/ES7 decorators but not accurate) inspired by languages that come with built-ins like @override, @deprecate, @autobind, @mixin and more. Popular with React/Angular, but is framework agnostic.
- yanhaijing/zepto.fullpage - 专注于移动端的fullPage.js
- crocodilejs/crocodile-node-mvc-framework - 🐊 CrocodileJS is a full-stack Node.js + Koa + ES7 MVC framework for Apps and API’s
- AlloyTeam/JX - JX(Javascript eXtension tools) 是腾讯AlloyTeam推出的模块化、非侵入式Web前端框架,适合构建和组织工业级大规模、高效率的 Web App
- martyjs/marty - A Javascript library for state management in React applications
- corbanbrook/dsp.js - Digital Signal Processing for Javascript
- jairajs89/Touchy.js - A simple light-weight JavaScript library for dealing with touch events
- stealjs/steal - Gets JavaScript
- nicolewhite/algebra.js - Build, display, and solve algebraic equations.
- conditionizr/conditionizr - Conditional JavaScript, CSS, callbacks and classNames for environments.
- bdash-app/bdash - A simple business intelligence application.
- ellisonleao/clumsy-bird - 🐦 🎮 A MelonJS port of the famous Flappy Bird Game
- nexe/nexe - 🎉 create a single executable out of your node.js apps
- palmerhq/backpack - 🎒 Backpack is a minimalistic build system for Node.js projects.
- shift-js/shift-js - Swift to JavaScript transpiler
- Treesaver/treesaver - JavaScript library for creating column and page-based layouts
- ondras/rot.js - ROguelike Toolkit
- jstat/jstat - JavaScript Statistical Library
- cognitect-labs/transducers-js - Transducers for JavaScript
- Indamix/real-shadow - Module that casts photorealistic shadows
- chintanbanugaria/92five - Self hosted project management application
- gwatts/jquery.sparkline - A plugin for the jQuery javascript library to generate small sparkline charts directly in the browser
- paldepind/flyd - The minimalistic but powerful, modular, functional reactive programming library in JavaScript.
- maccman/holla - Holla! - Rich JavaScript Application
- ellisonleao/sharer.js - 🔛 🔖 Create your own social share buttons. No jquery.
- mike-zarandona/PrettyEmbed.js - Prettier embeds for your YouTubes - with nice options like high-res preview images, advanced customization of embed options, and optional FitVids support.
- feross/standard - 🌟 JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
- wbotelhos/raty - 🌟 jQuery Raty - A Star Rating Plugin
- nosir/obelisk.js - JavaScript library for building pixel isometric graphics with HTML5 canvas
- decaffeinate/decaffeinate - Goodbye CoffeeScript, hello JavaScript!
- node-xmpp/node-xmpp - XMPP for JavaScript
- angular-gantt/angular-gantt - Gantt chart component for AngularJS
- DennisSnijder/MakeGithubGreatAgain - Extension for making GitHub great again
- jhlywa/chess.js - A Javascript chess library for chess move generation/validation, piece placement/movement, and check/checkmate/draw detection
- getify/asynquence - Asynchronous flow control (promises, generators, observables, CSP, etc)
- angular-slider/angularjs-slider - Slider directive for AngularJS 1.X. No dependencies and mobile friendly.
- Yomguithereal/mnemonist - Curated collection of data structures for the JavaScript language.
- vimperator/vimperator-labs - Vimperator
- neumino/thinky - JavaScript ORM for RethinkDB
- spy-js/spy-js - spy-js: javascript tracing tool
- BabylonJS/Babylon.js - Babylon.js: a complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML 5 and WebGL
- fuse-box/fuse-box - A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API 🔥
- buttercup/buttercup - 🔑 Javascript Password Vault - Multi-Platform Desktop Application
- NV/chrome-devtools-autosave - Auto-saving CSS and JavaScript changes from the Chrome Developer Tools
- arendjr/selectivity - Modular and light-weight selection library
- stefanerickson/covervid - Make your HTML5 video behave like a background cover image with this lightweight Javascript plugin / jQuery extension
- nrabinowitz/pjscrape - A web-scraping framework written in Javascript, using PhantomJS and jQuery
- Mikhus/canvas-gauges - HTML5 Canvas Gauge
- googlemaps/js-marker-clusterer - A marker clustering library for the Google Maps JavaScript API v3.
- ritz078/embed.js - ✨ A JavaScript plugin that embeds emojis, media, maps, tweets, gists, code, services and markdown. ✨
- ivopetkov/responsively-lazy - Lazy load responsive images
- STRML/strml.net - STRML: Projects & Work
- MaiaVictor/WebMonkeys - Massively parallel GPU programming on JavaScript, simple and clean.
- Selz/plyr - A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player
- SBoudrias/Inquirer.js - A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
- NextStepWebs/simplemde-markdown-editor - A simple, beautiful, and embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor. Delightful editing for beginners and experts alike. Features built-in autosaving and spell checking.
- RobinHerbots/Inputmask - Input Mask plugin
- Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-React - The official Semantic-UI-React integration
- juliandescottes/piskel - A simple web-based tool for Spriting and Pixel art.
- transcranial/keras-js - Run Keras models (tensorflow backend) in the browser, with GPU support
- plasma-umass/browsix - Browsix is a Unix-like operating system for the browser.
- flyjs/fly - A generator & coroutine-based task runner. Fasten your seatbelt. 🚀
- kartograph/kartograph.js - Open source JavaScript renderer for Kartograph SVG maps
- filamentgroup/SocialCount - Simple barebones project to show share counts from various social networks.
- dollarshaveclub/shave - Shave is a zero dependency javascript plugin that truncates text to fit within a html element based on a set max-height ✁
- zhangxinxu/mobilebone - Single Page Switching bone(include page manage, events manage) for mobile web APP, Hybrid APP, Phonegap, PPT, Single-Screen PC page...
- krasimir/cssx - CSS in JavaScript
- VictorBjelkholm/trymodule - ➰ It's never been easier to try nodejs modules!
- mcsoto/LogicJS - Logic programming for JavaScript.
- btmills/geopattern - Generate beautiful SVG patterns
- stolksdorf/Parallaxjs - A Library for Javascript that allows easy page parallaxing
- feross/webtorrent - ⚡ Streaming torrent client for the web
- AngularClass/angular2-webpack-starter - 🎉 An Angular Starter kit featuring Angular 2 and Angular 4 (Router, Http, Forms, Services, Tests, E2E, Dev/Prod, HMR, Async/Lazy Routes, AoT via ngc), Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, TypeScript 2, TsLint, Codelyzer, Hot Module Replacement, @types, and Webpack 2 by @AngularClass
- lhorie/mithril.js - A Javascript Framework for Building Brilliant Applications (development repo)
- sweet-js/sweet.js - Sweeten your JavaScript.
- theintern/intern - A next-generation code testing stack for JavaScript.
- feross/webtorrent-desktop - ❤️ Streaming torrent app for Mac, Windows, and Linux (BitTorrent/WebTorrent)
- feross/instant.io - 🚀 Streaming file transfer over WebTorrent (torrents on the web)
- monterail/vue-multiselect - Universal select/multiselect/tagging component for Vue.js
- jaredpalmer/react-production-starter - React Redux boilerplate with isomorphic rendering, async react-router routes, async redux reducers, async data fetching, and code-splitting.
- paperlesspost/graphiti - An alternate JavaScript and Ruby front-end and graph storage application for the Graphite Real-time graphing engine.
- d0ugal-archive/locache - JavaScript caching framework for client side caching in the browser using localStorage - gracefully degrades when the browser doesn't support localStorage.
- hxgf/smoke.js - framework-agnostic styled alert system for javascript
- Clouda-team/Cloudajs - Clouda Framework - A Realtime Javascript RIA Framework For Mobile WebApp
- mtschirs/js-objectdetect - computer vision in your browser - javascript real-time object detection
- evanw/csg.js - Constructive solid geometry on meshes using BSP trees in JavaScript
- danielemoraschi/maplace.js - A Google Maps Javascript plugin for jQuery.
- Knockout-Contrib/Knockout-Validation - A validation library for Knockout JS
- bevacqua/horsey - 🐴 Progressive and customizable autocomplete component
- Sage/streamlinejs - Asynchronous JavaScript for dummies
- jcoglan/sylvester - Vector, matrix and geometry math JavaScript
- syl22-00/pocketsphinx.js - Speech recognition in JavaScript
- invoiceninja/invoiceninja - Invoicing, expenses & time-tracking built with Laravel
- appetizermonster/hain - An 'alt+space' launcher for Windows, built with Electron
- jamesallardice/Placeholders.js - A JavaScript polyfill for the HTML5 placeholder attribute
- florian/cookie.js - A tiny JavaScript library that simplifies cookies.
- bernii/gauge.js - 100% native and cool looking JavaScript gauge
- williamngan/roll - roll and scroll tracking -- a tiny javascript library
- Microsoft/HoloJS - Provides a framework for creating holographic apps using JavaScript and WebGL.
- madrobby/vapor.js - The World's Smallest & Fastest JavaScript Library
- javascript/augment - The world's smallest and fastest classical JavaScript inheritance pattern.
- hunterloftis/newton - A playful, particle-based physics engine designed from the ground up for JavaScript.
- vvo/lazyload - 🚅 Lazyload images, iframes, widgets with a standalone JavaScript lazyloader
- seaofclouds/tweet - put twitter on your website with tweet, an unobtrusive javascript plugin for jquery
- watilde/beeplay - Write A Song In JavaScript
- mohayonao/timbre.js - JavaScript library for objective sound programming
- lugolabs/circles - A lightweight JavaScript library that generates circular graphs in SVG.
- itsjavi/bootstrap-colorpicker - Simple and customizable colorpicker component for Twitter Bootstrap
- defunctzombie/zuul - multi-framework javascript browser testing
- MikeMcl/big.js - A small, fast JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic.
- vinta/pangu.js - 為什麼你們就是不能加個空格呢?
- codemix/babel-plugin-typecheck - Static and runtime type checking for JavaScript in the form of a Babel plugin.
- xinyu198736/js2image - 一个可以把js源代码压缩成一个ascii字符画的源代码的工具,压缩后的代码仍可运行 (A tool can compress JavaScript code to any ascii image and still run normally )
- mozilla/thimble.mozilla.org - Online code editor geared to people teaching and learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- cemerick/jsdifflib - A javascript library for diffing text and generating corresponding HTML views
- jhu-ep-coursera/fullstack-course4 - Example code for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers Coursera Course
- creationix/haml-js - Haml ported to server-side Javascript. This is a traditional server-side templating language. Tested with node-js
- MohammadYounes/AlertifyJS - A javascript framework for developing pretty browser dialogs and notifications.
- zmmbreeze/lining.js - An easy to use javascript plugin offers you complete DOWN-TO-THE-LINE control for radical web typography.
- datejs/Datejs - A JavaScript Date and Time Library
- andyedinborough/stress-css - JavaScript to test each CSS class on a page and report which are hindering performance
- expressjs/compression - Node.js compression middleware
- Selection-Translator/crx-selection-translate - 让浏览任意语言的网站变得无比轻松的 Chrome 扩展程序。
- cyclejs/cyclejs - A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code
- jlongster/prettier - Prettier is an opinionated JavaScript formatter.
- dailymotion/hls.js - MSE-based HLS client - http://dailymotion.github.io/hls.js/demo
- jsor/jcarousel - Riding carousels with jQuery.
- Aluxian/Messenger-for-Desktop - Bring messenger.com to your OS X, Windows or Linux desktop.
- clauderic/react-infinite-calendar - ✨ Infinite scrolling date-picker built with React, with localization, themes, keyboard support, and more.
- evantahler/actionhero - actionhero.js is a multi-transport nodejs API Server with integrated cluster capabilities and delayed tasks
- simogeo/Filemanager - An open-source file manager released under MIT license. Up-to-date for PHP connector. This package is DEPRECATED. Now, please use RichFileManager available at : https://github.com/servocoder/RichFilemanager.
- oampo/Audiolet - A JavaScript library for real-time audio synthesis and composition from within the browser
- jed/140bytes - A tweet-sized, fork-to-play, community-curated collection of JavaScript.
- zzarcon/microm - 🎵 Beautiful library to convert browser microphone to mp3 in Javascript 🎵
- batiste/sprite.js - An efficient javascript sprite animation framework
- mjackson/mach - HTTP for JavaScript
- medialize/ally.js - JavaScript library to help modern web applications with accessibility concerns
- cujojs/wire - A light, fast, flexible Javascript IOC container
- kogmbh/ViewerJS - ViewerJS: Document Reader in JavaScript
- maxtaco/tamejs - JavaScript code rewriter for taming async-callback-style code
- oakmac/chessboardjs - JavaScript chessboard
- crossbario/autobahn-js - WAMP in JavaScript for Browsers and NodeJS
- caiogondim/logdown.js - 📓 Debug utility with markdown support that runs on browser and server
- kadirahq/lokka - Simple JavaScript Client for GraphQL
- flatiron/plates - Light-weight, logic-less, DSL-free, templates for all javascript environments!
- macek/jquery-serialize-object - Converts HTML form into JavaScript object
- ryanve/response.js - Responsive design toolkit
- skidding/dragdealer - Drag-based JavaScript component, embracing endless UI solutions
- remotestorage/remotestorage.js - JavaScript client library for integrating remoteStorage in apps
- nolanlawson/marky - High-resolution JavaScript timer based on performance.mark() and measure()
- stevenbenner/jquery-powertip - A jQuery plugin that creates hover tooltips.
- cujojs/rest - RESTful HTTP client for JavaScript
- mapbox/pixelmatch - The smallest, simplest and fastest JavaScript pixel-level image comparison library
- wooorm/remark - Markdown processor powered by plugins
- soygul/koan - KOAN (Koa, Angular, Node, Mongo) starter kit for full-stack JavaScript web development.
- claviska/jquery-minicolors - jQuery MiniColors Plugin
- messageformat/Jed - Gettext Style i18n for Modern JavaScript Apps
- LPology/Simple-Ajax-Uploader - Javascript file upload plugin with progress bar support. Works in all major browsers, including IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. No dependencies - use it with or without jQuery.
- GordyD/3ree - An example universal JS application written with the 3REE stack, React + Redux + RethinkDB + Express. A stack for building apps, front and back end, with just Javascript.
- jabbany/CommentCoreLibrary - Javascript Live Comment (Danmaku) Engine Implementation. JS弹幕模块核心,提供从基本骨架到高级弹幕的支持。
- fasterthanlime/jsmad - 🎷 Javascript MPEG-1 Audio Layer III (mp3) and ID3v2 decoder
- jedireza/aqua - 💡 A website and user system starter
- gf3/moment-range - Fancy date ranges for Moment.js
- bloomberg/brisket - Bloomberg's Brisket JavaScript application framework
- heiseonline/shariff - Shariff enables website users to share their favorite content without compromising their privacy.
- blueimp/JavaScript-Canvas-to-Blob - JavaScript Canvas to Blob is a function to convert canvas elements into Blob objects.
- kingdido999/zooming - Image zoom that makes sense.
- sindresorhus/screenfull.js - Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API
- mjackson/history - Manage session history with JavaScript
- natefaubion/matches.js - Powerful pattern matching for Javascript
- alexmic/filtrr - Instagram-like image filters in pure JavaScript.
- jeremyckahn/shifty - A teeny tiny tweening engine in JavaScript. That's all it does.
- kitcambridge/evil.js - A JavaScript library for thwarting hotlinkers.
- dcneiner/Downloadify - A tiny javascript + Flash library that enables the creation and download of text files without server interaction.
- mde/timezone-js - Timezone-enabled JavaScript Date object. Uses Olson zoneinfo files for timezone data.
- adriancooney/voyeur.js - Voyeur is a tiny (1.2kb) Javascript library that lets you traverse and manipulate the DOM the way it should have been.
- IntelLabs/RiverTrail - An API for data parallelism in JavaScript
- DataTables/VisualEvent - Visually show Javascript events on a page
- ankane/chartkick.js - Create beautiful charts with one line of JavaScript
- vkolgi/tuneup_js - A JavaScript library to ease automated iOS UI testing with UIAutomation and Instruments.
- inexorabletash/polyfill - JavaScript Polyfills, Shims and More
- kripken/speak.js - Text-to-Speech in JavaScript using eSpeak
- jseidelin/pixastic - JavaScript Image Processing Library
- higgsjs/Higgs - Higgs JavaScript Virtual Machine
- puffnfresh/roy - Small functional language that compiles to JavaScript.
- pimterry/loglevel - 📒 Minimal lightweight logging for JavaScript, adding reliable log level methods to wrap any available console.log methods
- joewalnes/filtrex - A simple, safe, JavaScript Filter Expression compiler for end-users
- saebekassebil/teoria - Javascript taught Music Theory
- mourner/rbush - RBush — a high-performance JavaScript R-tree-based 2D spatial index for points and rectangles
- facebookarchive/react-page - Easy Application Development with React JavaScript
- fitzgen/wu.js - wu.js is a JavaScript library providing higher order functions for ES6 iterators.
- mout/mout - Modular JavaScript Utilities
- imgix/drift - Easily add "zoom on hover" functionality to your site's images. Lightweight, no-dependency JavaScript.
- felixge/faster-than-c - Talk outline: Faster than C? Parsing binary data in JavaScript.
- RReverser/mpegts - Javascript HTTP Live Streaming realtime converter and player
- clippings/layout-grid - Static responsive grid with pure css. Javascript using native drag-n-drop to reorder for each screen size on desktop and mobile.
- shawnbot/aight - JavaScript shims and shams for making IE8-9 behave reasonably
- versatica/JsSIP - JsSIP, the JavaScript SIP library
- jkbrzt/rrule - JavaScript library for working with recurrence rules for calendar dates.
- oauth-io/oauth-js - OAuth that just works ! This is the JavaScript SDK for OAuth.io
- squizlabs/HTML_CodeSniffer - HTML_CodeSniffer is a client-side JavaScript application that checks a HTML document or source code, and detects violations of a defined coding standard. Comes with standards that cover the three conformance levels of the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 and the U.S. Section 508 legislation.
- ded/klass - a utility for creating expressive classes in JavaScript
- andreypopp/reactify - [DEPRECATED] Browserify transform for JSX (superset of JavaScript used in React library by Facebook)
- marquete/kibo - A simple JavaScript library for handling keyboard events.
- PaulGuo/Juicer - A Light Javascript Templete Engine.
- jasondavies/science.js - Scientific and statistical computing in JavaScript.
- twigkit/tempo - Tempo is an easy, intuitive JavaScript rendering engine that enables you to craft data templates in pure HTML.
- basecamp/wysihat - A WYSIWYG JavaScript framework
- jsverify/jsverify - Property-based testing for JavaScript. Like QuickCheck.
- krausest/js-framework-benchmark - A comparison of the perfomance of a few popular javascript frameworks
- joshaven/string_score - JavaScript string ranking 0 for no match upto 1 for perfect... "String".score("str"); //=> 0.825
- petermichaux/maria - The MVC framework for JavaScript applications. The real MVC. The Smalltalk MVC. The Gang of Four MVC.
- victorjonsson/jQuery-Form-Validator - jQuery plugin that makes it easy to validate user input while keeping your HTML markup clean from javascript code.
- mozilla/narcissus - The Narcissus meta-circular JavaScript interpreter
- tubalmartin/riloadr - Riloadr - A cross-browser framework-independent responsive images loader written in Javascript.
- Thuzi/facebook-node-sdk - Modeled from the (Facebook Javascript SDK), now with the facebook-node-sdk you can now easily write the same code and share between your server (nodejs) and the client (Facebook Javascript SDK).
- jterrace/js.js - js.js: A JavaScript JavaScript interpreter
- pavelk2/social-feed - JavaScript plugin that shows a user feed from the most popular social networks
- winterbe/streamjs - Lazy Object Streaming Pipeline for JavaScript
- mauriciosantos/Buckets-JS - A complete, fully tested and documented data structure library written in pure JavaScript.
- dcodeIO/bcrypt.js - Optimized bcrypt in plain JavaScript with zero dependencies.
- firebase/geofire-js - GeoFire for JavaScript - Realtime location queries with Firebase
- pipwerks/PDFObject - A lightweight JavaScript utility for dynamically embedding PDFs in HTML documents.
- mgechev/jscapture - Screen recording and capturing with pure client-side JavaScript.
- IdeaBlade/Breeze - [WE'VE MOVED] Breeze.js is a JavaScript library for managing data in data rich-client HTML/JS applications.
- bdougherty/BigScreen - A simple library for using the JavaScript Full Screen API.
- GianlucaGuarini/allora - Promisify using es6 Proxies every javascript API with less than 50 lines of code
- krasimir/navigo - A simple vanilla JavaScript router with a fallback for older browsers
- darsain/motio - Small JavaScript library for sprite based animations and panning.
- umbrellajs/umbrella - ☔ Lightweight javascript library for DOM manipulation, events and AJAX -
- moreartyjs/moreartyjs - Morearty.js - centralized state management for React in pure JavaScript
- rikschennink/conditioner - Frizz Free, Environment-aware, JavaScript Modules
- BankFacil/vanilla-masker - VanillaMasker is a pure javascript mask input
- kripken/box2d.js - Port of Box2D to JavaScript using Emscripten
- soundcloud/soundcloud-custom-player - The SoundCloud custom javascript based player
- klei/gulp-inject - A javascript, stylesheet and webcomponent injection plugin for Gulp
- yaronn/GifW00t - A pure javascript web recorder
- pakastin/redom - Tiny turboboosted JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. 100 % test coverage!
- sanctuary-js/sanctuary - 🙈 Refuge from unsafe JavaScript
- buildfirst/buildfirst - 🔨 JavaScript Application Design: A Build First Approach. Code Samples and Snippets
- latentflip/loupe - Visualizing the javascript runtime at runtime
- MahdiF/loud-links - 🔉 A simple tiny Javascript library to add interaction sounds to your website.
- raganwald/javascript-allonge - Markdown source for the book "JavaScript Allongé"
- padolsey-archive/prettyprint.js - An in-browser JavaScript variable dumper, similar in functionality to ColdFusion's cfdump tag.
- remy/inliner - Node utility to inline images, CSS and JavaScript for a web page - useful for mobile sites
- pusher/pusher-js - Pusher Javascript library | owner=@hph
- danmaz74/ABalytics - Simple client-side A/B testing in pure javascript
- andreassolberg/jso - A javascript OAuth 2.0 library
- SimpleStateManager/SimpleStateManager - A responsive state manager which allows you to run different javascript at different browser widths
- reyesr/fullproof - javascript fulltext search engine library
- lightningtgc/material-refresh - Google Material Design swipe(pull) to refresh by using JavaScript and CSS3.
- jasonmayes/Twitter-Post-Fetcher - Fetch your twitter posts without using the new Twitter 1.1 API. Pure JavaScript! By Jason Mayes
- scoumbourdis/grocery-crud - Grocery CRUD is a PHP Codeigniter Framework library that creates a full functional CRUD system without the requirement of extra customisation to the JavaScripts or the CSS to do it so.
- dreamapplehappy/effective-javascript - To be, or not to be, that is a question! 😂 万剑归宗的无名和独霸天下的雄霸
- danigb/tonal - A functional music theory library for Javascript
- azu/promises-book - JavaScript Promiseの本
- subtleGradient/javascript-tools.tmbundle - Essential Tools for developing Javascript in TextMate
- nicoespeon/gitgraph.js - A JavaScript library to draw pretty git graphs in the browser
- ternarylabs/porthole - A proxy to safely communicate to cross-domain iframes in javascript
- wwwtyro/cryptico - An easy-to-use encryption system utilizing RSA and AES for javascript.
- filamentgroup/loadJS - A simple function for asynchronously loading JavaScript files
- angular/dgeni - Flexible JavaScript documentation generator used by AngularJS, Protractor and other JS projects
- use-init/init - INIT extends HTML5 Boilerplate, adds more structure for SCSS and JavaScripts files, includes build tasks and a whole lot more.
- jussi-kalliokoski/audiolib.js - audiolib.js is a powerful audio tools library for javascript.
- ten1seven/jRespond - jRespond is a simple way to globally manage javascript on responsive websites.
- swank-js/swank-js - Swank backend for Node.JS and in-browser JavaScript
- fullscale/elastic.js - A JavaScript implementation of the elasticsearch Query DSL
- krux/postscribe - Asynchronously write javascript, even with document.write.
- cognitect/transit-js - Transit for JavaScript
- appsforartists/ambidex - Effortlessly host your React app on both the client and the server. Some call it isomorphic JavaScript - we call it Ambidex.
- bgrins/javascript-astar - A* Search / Pathfinding Algorithm in Javascript
- jhusain/eslint-plugin-immutable - ESLint plugin to disable all mutation in JavaScript.
- evolvingweb/ajax-solr - A JavaScript framework for creating user interfaces to Solr.
- thlorenz/es6ify - browserify >=v2 transform to compile JavaScript.next (ES6) to JavaScript.current (ES5) on the fly.
- rafaelp/css_browser_selector - A very small javascript library that allows you to create browser specific CSS to be merged into your normal classes. No more hacks or mischievous code in your CSS code.
- MicrosoftEdge/JSBrowser - 🌲 A web browser built with JavaScript as a Windows app
- amasad/debug_utils - Advanced JavaScript Debugging Utility Library
- onaluf/gameQuery - a javascript game engine with jQuery
- tristen/tablesort -
↕️ A small tablesorter in plain JavaScript - metafloor/bwip-js - Barcode Writer in Pure JavaScript
- eleks/js2js - js2js is a revolutionary open-source compiler from Javascript to Javascript
- digitalbazaar/jsonld.js - A JSON-LD Processor and API implementation in JavaScript
- qiniu/js-sdk - 基于七牛 API 开发的前端 JavaScript SDK
- olark/lightningjs - safe, fast, and asynchronous embed code for third-party Javascript delivery
- mixi-inc/JavaScriptTraining - Training course repository for JavaScript
- manavsehgal/reactspeedcoding - 🚀 Learn React with 30 reusable components, 15 chapters, and 3 single page apps. Fast start project with JavaScript ES6. React Hot Loading. React Router. Redux. PostCSS, FlexBox styling. Firebase database. Webpack packaging. Enzyme, Mocha, Chai BDD testing. ESLint and StyleLint. Browsersync.
- fholm/IronJS - IronJS - A JavaScript implementation for .NET
- mark-rolich/Magnifier.js - Javascript library enabling magnifying glass effect on an images
- arshaw/xdate - A Modern JavaScript Date Library
- HumbleSoftware/js-imagediff - JavaScript / Canvas based image diff utility with Jasmine matchers for testing canvas.
- ggomaeng/react-native-card-modal - A pure javascript card modal for React Native framework.
- fschaefer/Stately.js - Stately.js is a JavaScript based finite-state machine (FSM) engine for Node.js and the browser.
- mbostock/protovis - A visualization toolkit for JavaScript using SVG.
- ringo/ringojs - RingoJS is a JavaScript platform built on the JVM and optimized for server-side applications.
- jcoppieters/cody - Javascript Content Management System running on Node.js
- peachananr/purejs-onepage-scroll - The javascript version of the infamous jQuery One Page Scroll without relying on jQuery.
- bytespider/jsOAuth - JavaScript implimentation of the OAuth protocol. Currently supports version 1.0 (RFC5849) of the specification. Node.js & CommonJS compatible.
- itemslide/itemslide.github.io - A simple and beautiful JavaScript touch carousel
- hapticdata/toxiclibsjs - Toxiclibsjs is a library for computational design tasks with JavaScript. This library is a port of http://toxiclibs.org for java and processing.
- garycourt/JSV - A JavaScript implementation of an extendable, fully compliant JSON Schema validator.
- gf3/sandbox - A nifty javascript sandbox for node.js
- fogus/lemonad - a functional programming library for javascript. an experiment in elegant JS.
- davidbau/seedrandom - seeded random number generator for Javascript
- dashersw/pedalboard.js - Open source JavaScript framework for developing audio effects for guitars using the Web Audio API.
- daniellmb/JavaScript-Scope-Context-Coloring - An experiment in switching between syntax highlighting and scope colorizing built on JSLint and CodeMirror.
- paulirish/automated-chrome-profiling - Node.js recipe for automating javascript profiling in Chrome
- clusterinc/skit - skit: A pure JavaScript frontend for building better web clients.
- baryshev/ect - Fastest JavaScript template engine with embedded CoffeeScript syntax
- adityaravishankar/command-and-conquer - Command & Conquer in HTML5/Javascript
- young-steveo/bottlejs - A powerful dependency injection micro container for JavaScript applications
- monmohan/dsjslib - A library implementing several standard data structures and utilities, in JavaScript. Its written and tested using Node.js which is the target platform.
- kig/JSARToolKit - JavaScript port of FLARToolKit
- C2FO/nools - Rete based rules engine written in javascript
- roeierez/infinite-list - Infinite list in javascript that scrolls in 60fps
- IonDen/ion.sound - JavaScript plugin for playing sounds and music in browsers
- yahoo/serialize-javascript - Serialize JavaScript to a superset of JSON that includes regular expressions and functions.
- node-js-libs/load.js - Lazy-load your JavaScript
- maxatwork/form2js - Javascript library for collecting form data
- dionyziz/stream.js - A tiny stand-alone Javascript library for streams
- aredridel/html5 - Event-driven HTML5 Parser in Javascript
- stamen/modestmaps-js - Modest Maps javascript port
- Irrelon/ForerunnerDB - A JavaScript database with mongo-like query language, data-binding support, runs in browsers and hybrid mobile apps as a client-side DB or on the server via Node.js!
- mapstraction/mxn - A Javascript Mapping Abstraction library.
- hustcc/canvas-nest.js - ♋ Interactive Particle / Nest System With JavaScript and Canvas, Do not Depends on jQuery.
- arturadib/agility - Javascript MVC for the "write less, do more" programmer
- bcoin-org/bcoin - Javascript bitcoin library for node.js and browsers
- mumuy/widget - A set of widgets based on jQuery&&javascript. 一套基于jquery或javascript的插件库 - 包含:轮播、标签页、滚动条、下拉框、对话框、搜索提示、城市选择(城市三级联动)、日历等组件
- bjornharrtell/jsts - JavaScript Topology Suite
- azproduction/autopolyfiller - Autopolyfiller — Precise polyfills. This is like Autoprefixer, but for JavaScript polyfills.
- qooxdoo/qooxdoo - qooxdoo - Universal JavaScript Framework
- mher/chartkick.py - Create beautiful Javascript charts with minimal code
- scijs/ndarray - 📈 Multidimensional arrays for JavaScript
- justjavac/ChromeSnifferPlus - 🔍 Sniff web framework and javascript libraries run on browsing website.
- jgallen23/routie - a tiny javascript hash router
- pugjs/react-jade - Compile Jade to React JavaScript
- leebyron/iterall - 🌻 Minimal zero-dependency utilities for using Iterables in all JavaScript environments.
- Ciul/angular-facebook - An Angularjs module to take approach of Facebook javascript sdk.
- Linkurious/linkurious.js - A Javascript toolkit to speed up the development of graph visualization and interaction applications.
- RubyLouvre/mass-Framework - 一个模块化,面向大规模开发的javascript框架
- WP-API/node-wpapi - An isomorphic JavaScript client for the WordPress REST API
- SamyPesse/gitkit-js - Pure javascript implementation of Git (Node.js and Browser)
- ziyasal/scientist.js - 🔬 A JavaScript interpretation of the Ruby library Scientist, a library for carefully refactoring critical paths.
- ericelliott/rtype - Intuitive structural type notation for JavaScript.
- strathausen/dracula - JavaScript layout and representation of connected graphs.
- natefaubion/sparkler - Native pattern matching for JavaScript
- jeremyckahn/rekapi - A keyframe animation library for JavaScript
- kriasoft/aspnet-starter-kit - Cross-platform web development with Visual Studio Code, C#, F#, JavaScript, ASP.NET Core, EF Core, React (ReactJS), Redux, Babel. Single-page application boilerplate.
- olivernn/davis.js - RESTful degradable JavaScript routing using pushState
- satazor/js-spark-md5 - Lightning fast normal and incremental md5 for javascript
- puffnfresh/bilby.js - Serious functional programming library for JavaScript.
- ryanackley/git-html5.js - pure Javascript git implementation for your browser
- rosiejs/rosie - factory for building JavaScript objects, mostly useful for setting up test data. Inspired by factory_girl
- christian-fei/Simple-Jekyll-Search - A JavaScript library to add search functionality to any Jekyll blog.
- Pomax/Font.js - This library adds a new Font() object to the JavaScript toolbox, similar to new Image() for images
- phstc/jquery-dateFormat - jQuery Plugin to format Date outputs using JavaScript
- webismymind/editablegrid - EditableGrid is an open source Javascript library aimed at turning HTML tables into advanced editable components. It focuses on simplicity: only a few lines of code are required to get your first table up and running.
- medikoo/memoizee - Complete memoize/cache solution for JavaScript
- markdalgleish/fathom - Fathom.js - Present JavaScript in its native environment.
- airbnb/react-with-styles - Use CSS-in-JavaScript with themes for React without being tightly coupled to one implementation
- Snugug/eq.js - Lightweight JavaScript powered element queries
- madrobby/emile - emile.js is a no-frills stand-alone CSS animation JavaScript framework, named after Émile Cohl, early animator.
- Rabrennie/anything.js - A javascript library that contains anything.
- martinwells/objects.js - Core class tools and object pooling for high-performance gaming in Javascript
- ParsePlatform/Parse-SDK-JS - Parse SDK for JavaScript
- gorhill/Javascript-Voronoi - A Javascript implementation of Fortune's algorithm to compute Voronoi cells
- maurizzzio/PojoViz - Visualize the object structure of many JavaScript libraries & frameworks
- cthackers/adm-zip - A Javascript implementation of zip for nodejs. Allows user to create or extract zip files both in memory or to/from disk
- kogmbh/WebODF - WebODF - JavaScript Document Engine
- MartinChavez/Javascript - Javascript : Test-Driven Learning
- bbc/peaks.js - JavaScript UI component for interacting with waveforms.
- AnyChart/GraphicsJS - A lightweight JavaScript graphics library with the intuitive API, based on SVG/VML technology.
- stephen-hardy/xlsx.js - XLSX.js is a JavaScript library for converting the data in base64 XLSX files into JavaScript objects - and back! Please note that this library is licensed under the Microsoft Office Extensible File License - a license NOT approved by the OSI. While this license is based off of the MS-PL, which is OSI-approved, there are significant differences.
- kesiev/akihabara - A game engine for making classic arcade style games using Javascript and HTML5. We're starting moving on a re-organized repo here: https://github.com/akihabara
- Spiritdude/OpenJSCAD.org - OpenSCAD + JavaScript = OpenJSCAD, edit locally or remote online, preview in browser direct via WebGL.
- quiet/quiet-js - Transmit data with sound using Web Audio -- Javascript binding for libquiet
- jonathanstark/FastActive - A javascript snippet that makes web apps feel more native.
- eugeneware/debowerify - A browserify transform to enable the easy use of bower components in browserify client javascript projects. This can be used in conjunction with deamdify to require AMD components from bower as well.
- proj4js/proj4js - JavaScript library to transform coordinates from one coordinate system to another, including datum transformations
- marionettejs/backbone.syphon - Serialize a Backbone.View in to a JavaScript object.
- eslint/espree - An Esprima-compatible JavaScript parser
- edspencer/jaml - JavaScript Haml
- leemachin/say-cheese - Minimal javascript library for integrating a webcam and snapshots into your app.
- krasimir/gifffer - A tiny JavaScript library that prevents the autoplaying of the animated Gifs
- FGRibreau/match-when - 🐚 Pattern matching for modern JavaScript
- clarkduvall/jsterm - JavaScript terminal using a JSON pseudo-filesystem.
- tststs/atom-ternjs - JavaScript code intelligence for atom with tern.js and autocomplete-plus
- Foliotek/Croppie - A Javascript Image Cropper
- Widen/fullstack-react - A simple, full-stack JavaScript single page app featuring React, Webpack, and Falcor
- phacility/javelin - Large, bloated Javascript framework with an unintuitive, verbose syntax and very few features. Browsing its inelegant, poorly written source is an unwelcome experience.
- Starcounter-Jack/JSON-Patch - Lean and mean Javascript implementation of the JSON-Patch standard (RFC 6902). Update JSON documents using delta patches.
- blacksonic/angular2-babel-esnext-starter - Angular 2 development and testing examples with Babel in Javascript (ES6/ES7).
- firmata/firmata.js - JavaScript implementation of the Firmata protocol
- koehlma/jaspy - a Python VM written entirely from scratch in JavaScript with some unique features
- keen/keen-js - Keen IO JavaScript SDK
- santoshrajan/lispyscript - A javascript with Lispy syntax and macros
- danielstjules/buddy.js - Magic number detection for JavaScript
- calvinmetcalf/catiline - JavaScript library to take the pain out of web workers.
- brunobar79/J-I-C - J I C is a Javascript Image Compressor using HTML5 Canvas & File API that allows you to compress your jpeg & png images before uploading to the server (100% client-side and no extra libraries required!)
- bearcatjs/bearcat - powered by enhanced javaScript objects
- NV/CSSOM - CSS Object Model implemented in pure JavaScript. It's also a parser!
- bard/mozrepl - Remotely control Firefox and other Mozilla apps with JavaScript. [Orphaned. Looking for maintainers!]
- pazguille/voix - 📢 A JavaScript library to add voice commands to your sites, apps or games.
- alcuadrado/hieroglyphy - Transform any javascript code to an equivalent sequence of ()[]{}!+ characters that runs in the browser!
- open-xml-templating/docxtemplater - Generate docx and pptx (microsoft word documents) from templates, from Node.js, the Browser and the command line / Demo: http://javascript-ninja.fr/docxtemplater/v3/examples/demo.html
- jcoglan/jsclass - Implementation of the core of Ruby's object system in JavaScript.
- mostlyserious/riak-js - Riak client for Javascript
- joelambert/morf - A Javascript work-around for hardware accelerated CSS3 transitions with custom easing functions
- soulwire/WTFEngine - An HTML / CSS / JavaScript template for creating WhatTheFuckIsMyMashup.com style web sites
- jnunemaker/fancy-zoom - [DEAD] Zoomy JavaScript based loosely on Fancy Zoom by Cabel Sasser.
- imaya/zlib.js - compact zlib, deflate, inflate, zip library in JavaScript
- galaxykate/tracery - Tracery: a story-grammar generation library for javascript
- josephg/Chipmunk-js - Port of slembcke/Chipmunk-Physics to Javascript
- prerender/prerender-node - Express middleware for prerendering javascript-rendered pages on the fly for SEO
- liftoff/HumanInput - A JavaScript library for handling keyboard shortcuts and other human-generated events
- benvanik/vr.js - NPAPI plugin to expose fun VR devices to Javascript.
- kennethkufluk/js-mindmap - JavaScript Mindmap
- bramstein/typeset - TeX line breaking algorithm in JavaScript
- polygonplanet/chillout - Reduce CPU usage in JavaScript
- calzoneman/sync - Node.JS Server and JavaScript/HTML Client for synchronizing online media
- Breeze/breeze.js - Breeze for JavaScript clients
- audiocogs/flac.js - FLAC decoder in JavaScript
- julmot/mark.js - JavaScript keyword highlighting. Mark text with with options that fit every application. Also available as jQuery plugin.
- botvs/strategies - quantitative trading with javascript 用Javascript OR Python进行量化交易
- davidaurelio/TouchScroll - TouchScroll is a JavaScript- and CSS 3-based scroller for devices using Webkit Mobile. It is meant to mimic “native” scrolling feeling and behavior as much as possible.
- catfan/Qatrix - A new lightweight JavaScript framework for high performance web application with less code
- ggomaeng/react-native-facebook-ui - Pure javascript UI prototype of iOS Facebook for React Native framework.
- samsonjs/strftime - strftime for JavaScript
- rauchg/weplay - Collaborative gameboy emulation powered 100% by JavaScript
- harthur-org/brain.js - Neural networks in JavaScript
- pybee/batavia - A Javascript implementation of the Python virtual machine.
- joshbuddy/spoiler-alert - SPOILER ALERT! A happy little bit of javascript to hide spoilers on your site.
- azproduction/lmd - LMD - JavaScript Module-Assembler for building better web applications
⚠️ Project is no longer supported⚠️ - JonHMChan/descartes - Descartes | Write CSS in JavaScript
- gre/glsl-transition - render GLSL Transitions effects in JavaScript using WebGL
- maxogden/javascript-for-cats - an introduction to the javascript programming language. intended audience: cats
- filamentgroup/enhance - A JavaScript workflow designed to progressively enhance sites in a qualified manner.
- cwmyers/monet.js - monet.js - Monadic types library for JavaScript
- csnover/TraceKit - Attempts to create stack traces for unhandled JavaScript exceptions in all major browsers.
- GianlucaGuarini/Tocca.js - Super lightweight script (~1kb) to detect via Javascript events like 'tap' 'dbltap' 'swipeup' 'swipedown' 'swipeleft' 'swiperight' on any kind of device.
- eclipsesource/tabris-js - tabris.js - native apps in JavaScript
- slashdotdash/jekyll-lunr-js-search - Jekyll + lunr.js = static websites with powerful full-text search using JavaScript
- maxkueng/victor - A JavaScript 2D vector class with methods for common vector operations
- tcorral/javascript-challenges-book - Challenge yourself learning and understanding the most obscure and tricky parts of Javascript.
- IjzerenHein/autolayout.js - Apple's Auto Layout and Visual Format Language for javascript (using cassowary constraints)
- Gottox/terminal.js - Javascript terminal emulator library that aims to be xterm complaint and is supposed to work in browsers and node.js.
- asciidwango/js-primer - JavaScriptの入門書 📖
- loov/jsfx - Javascript Sound Effect Generator
- kylebarrow/chibi - A tiny JavaScript micro-library
- ccampbell/gator - Event delegation in Javascript
- joyent/node-verror - Rich JavaScript errors
- finscn/The-Best-JS-Game-Framework - This is the best javascript game framework on the earth.
- Miserlou/DirtyShare - Peer to Peer Filesharing in Pure Javascript With Node.js and Socket.io
- joaonuno/tree-model-js - Manipulate and traverse tree-like structures in javascript.
- benfred/venn.js - Area proportional Venn and Euler diagrams in JavaScript
- terebentina/sco.js - Javascript extensions for twitter bootstrap
- softwaretailoring/wheelnav - Animated wheel navigation JavaScript library based on Raphaël.js (SVG/VML). It can be a pie menu (radial menu, circular menu) and many more.
- neyric/wireit - A javascript wiring library to create web wirable interfaces for dataflow applications, visual programming languages or graphical modeling.
- nlp-compromise/nlp_compromise - a cool way to use natural language in javascript
- appcelerator/titanium_mobile - Native iOS-, Android- and Windows Apps with JavaScript
- sebastienros/jint - Javascript Interpreter for .NET
- tunz/js-vuln-db - A collection of JavaScript engine CVEs with PoCs
- busterjs/buster - A powerful suite of automated test tools for JavaScript.
- lautis/uglifier - Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor.
- karlgoldstein/grunt-html2js - Grunt plugin for converting AngularJS templates to JavaScript
- julianlam/tabIndent.js - Javascript object that allows you to enhance a plain old textbox with "tab" behaviour.
- ryanwilliams/cocos2d-javascript - An HTML5 / JavaScript port of the Cocos2D graphics engine
- 43081j/rar.js - Pure-JavaScript RAR reader using AJAX, File API & local access
- trueadm/inferno - An extremely fast, React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces
- hiddentao/squel - 🏢 SQL query string builder for Javascript
- zhongsp/TypeScript - TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output. http://www.typescriptlang.org
- AnyChart/graphicsjs - A lightweight JavaScript graphics library with the intuitive API, based on SVG/VML technology.
- reid/node-jslint - The JavaScript Code Quality Tool — for Node.js.
- douglascrockford/JSDev - A JavaScript Development Tool
- gfranko/amdclean - A build tool that converts AMD code to standard JavaScript
- gloomyson/SC_Js - Classic RTS game using html5 canvas and javascript, only js codes, all copyrighted materials removed
- burakson/sherlogjs - JavaScript error and event tracker application.
- caolan/pithy - An internal DSL for generating HTML in JavaScript
- cowboy/javascript-debug - JavaScript Debug: A simple wrapper for console.log
- wyuenho/backgrid - Finally, an easily stylable semantic HTML data grid widget with a Javascript API that doesn't suck.
- tgdwyer/WebCola - Javascript constraint-based graph layout
- jlongster/css-animations.js - A library to work with CSS3 keyframe animations from javascript
- taitems/Front-End-Development-Guidelines - Front end development guidelines related to best practices in: Accessibility, CSS & CSS3, HTML & HTML5, JavaScript & jQuery.
- runemadsen/rune.js - A JavaScript library for programming graphic design systems with SVG
- jQueryGeo/geo - Small, fast & simple JavaScript mapping and geospatial API as a jQuery plugin
- mortzdk/jsCache - jsCache is a javascript library that enables caching of javascripts, css-stylesheets and images using my localStorage polyfill. This is especially useful when serving your website for mobile phones, which has limited HTTP caching available, but also speeds up your site in an ordinary webbrowser as it saves HTTP requests and loads all files asynchronously.
- blackberry/Alice - AliceJS - (A Lightweight Independent CSS Engine) is a micro JavaScript library. For a demo, click the link below.
- timcharper/calendar_date_select - A popular and flexible JavaScript DatePicker for RubyOnRails (and others)
- ripple/ripple-lib - A JavaScript API for interacting with Ripple in Node.js and the browser
- martinandert/react-inline - Transform inline styles defined in JavaScript modules into static CSS code and class names so they become available to, e.g. the
prop of React elements. - hay/stapes - the Javascript MVC microframework that does just enough
- baseprime/grapnel - The smallest isomorphic JavaScript router with named parameters, HTML5 pushState, and middleware support
- antimatter15/whammy - A real time javascript webm encoder based on a canvas hack
- jquery/qunit - An easy-to-use JavaScript Unit Testing framework.
- broofa/node-uuid - Generate RFC-compliant UUIDs in JavaScript
- jquery/globalize - A JavaScript library for internationalization and localization that leverages the official Unicode CLDR JSON data
- ceolter/ag-grid - Advanced Data Grid / Data Table supporting Javascript / React / AngularJS / Web Components
- Webschool-io/be-mean-instagram - 🍺 Curso voltado a ensinar o STACK conhecido como MEAN(MongoDb, Express, Angular e Node.js) e muitas outras tecnologias que utilizam JavaScript. ONde você se formará um desenvolvedor FULLSTACK!!!
- meandmax/lory - ☀ Touch enabled minimalistic slider written in vanilla JavaScript.
- SlexAxton/Jed - Gettext Style i18n for Modern JavaScript Apps
- ariya/kinetic - Kinetic Scrolling with JavaScript
- viebel/klipse - A simple client-side code evaluator pluggable on any web page: clojure, ruby, javascript, python, scheme
- lamberta/html5-animation - Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript example code and book exercises.
- watusi/jquery-mobile-iscrollview - JQuery Mobile widget plug-in for easy use of the iScroll javascript scroller.
- dexteryy/OzJS - A microkernel for modular javascript, a toolchain for modern front-end, a micro-framework for growable WebApp
- theshock/libcanvas - LibCanvas - Canvas Javascript library
- kanaka/miniMAL - A Lisp implemented in < 1 KB of JavaScript with JSON source, macros, TCO, interop and exception handling.
- jasondavies/bloomfilter.js - JavaScript bloom filter using FNV for fast hashing
- sethvincent/javascripting - Learn JavaScript by adventuring around in the terminal.
- ryanseddon/H5F - a JavaScript library that allows you to use the HTML5 Forms chapters new field input types, attributes and constraint validation API in non-supporting browsers.
- breuleux/earl-grey - Programming language compiling to JavaScript
- bramstein/hypher - A fast and small JavaScript hyphenation engine
- 2gis/makeup - JavaScript tool for comfortable manual testing of markup
- mdp/gibberish-aes - A fully OpenSSL compliant javascript library for AES encryption.
- koggdal/ocanvas - JavaScript library for object-based canvas drawing.
- aadsm/JavaScript-ID3-Reader - ID3 tags reader in JavaScript (ID3v1, ID3v2 and AAC)
- adambom/parallel.js - Parallel.js is a tiny library for multi-core processing in Javascript.
- angular/zone.js - Implements Zones for JavaScript
- gabelerner/canvg - Javascript SVG parser and renderer on Canvas
- cht8687/You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore - Lists of Javascript methods which you can use natively
- jeff-optimizely/Guiders-JS - Optimizely is hiring software engineers in SF Guiders.js: A Javascript library for guiders. Requires jQuery.
- aino/galleria - The JavaScript Image Gallery
- modeset/teaspoon - Teaspoon: Javascript test runner for Rails. Run tests in the browser or headless with PhantomJS, Selenium WebDriver, Capybara Webkit or with BrowserStack.
- jsstyles/jss - A lib for generating CSS from JavaScript.
- SlexAxton/messageformat.js - ICU MessageFormat for Javascript - i18n Plural and Gender Capable Messages
- davidedc/Algebrite - Computer Algebra System in Javascript (Coffeescript)
- bridgedotnet/Bridge - Write modern mobile and web apps in C#. Run them anywhere in JavaScript with Bridge.NET.
- basarat/typescript-book - The definitive guide to TypeScript. Dive into all the details that a JavaScript developer needs to know to be a great TypeScript developer
- JdeH/Transcrypt - Lean and mean Python to JavaScript compiler with multiple inheritance, sourcemaps and selective operator overloading.
- bbcrd/peaks.js - JavaScript UI component for interacting with waveforms.
- tumblr/tumblr.js - JavaScript client for the Tumblr API
- blacksonic/angular2-esnext-starter - Angular 2 development in Javascript with ES6/ES7 syntax powered by Babel.
- brianleroux/xui - A tiny javascript framework for mobile web apps.
- olivernn/augment.js - Modern JavaScript in your IE
- CrowdHailer/fn.js - A JavaScript library built to encourage a functional programming style & strategy. - http://eliperelman.com/fn.js
- rileyjshaw/sweep - 🌈 A JavaScript library for smooth color transitions
- andreasgal/dom.js - Self-hosted JavaScript implementation of a WebIDL-compliant HTML5 DOM.
- arlolra/otr - Off-the-Record Messaging Protocol implemented in JavaScript
- joshje/Responsive-Enhance - Javascript to load a larger image where necessary
- One-com/one-color - An OO-based JavaScript color parser/computation toolkit with support for RGB, HSV, HSL, CMYK, and alpha channels. Conversion between color spaces occurs implicitly, and all methods return new objects rather than mutating existing instances. Works in the browser and node.js.
- pc035860/angular-easyfb - Super easy AngularJS + Facebook JavaScript SDK.
- tjfontaine/node-dns - Replacement dns module in pure javascript for node.js
- karpathy/svmjs - Support Vector Machine in Javascript (SMO algorithm, supports arbitrary kernels) + GUI demo
- uipoet/sublime-jshint - JSHint any JavaScript file in Sublime Text 2
- msgpack/msgpack-javascript - MessagePack serializer implementation for JavaScript / msgpack.org[JavaScript]
- gijsroge/priority-navigation - Javascript implementation for Priority+ Navigation — lightweight, no dependencies
- esnext/esnext - Bring your JavaScript into the future.
- zz85/sparks.js - a lightweight 3d particle engine in javascript, compatible with THREE.js and TWEEN.js
- zenorocha/sublime-javascript-snippets - JavaScript & NodeJS Snippets for Sublime Text 2/3
- ajacksified/Mediator.js - An implementation of the mediator pattern for asynchronous events in Javascript
- joebain/args.js - Create javascript functions with optional, default, grouped and named parameters.
- holidayextras/hxTracer - A dependency-free Javascript Tracer
- mbostock/d3 - A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.
- felixge/node-mysql - A pure node.js JavaScript Client implementing the MySql protocol.
- cyclejs/core - A fully reactive JavaScript framework for Human-Computer Interaction
- imulus/retinajs - JavaScript and LESS helpers for rendering high-resolution image variants
- mozilla/sweet.js - Sweeten your JavaScript.
- RubyLouvre/avalon - A lightweight,high-performance and easy-to-learn javascript MVVM framework
- nicolaskruchten/pivottable - Javascript Pivot Table (aka Pivot Grid, Pivot Chart, Cross-Tab) implementation with drag'n'drop.
- yamartino/pressure - 👇💥 JavaScript library for handling both Force Touch and 3D Touch on the web
- l20n/l20n.js - L20n reinvents software localization. Users should be able to benefit from the entire expressive power of natural languages. L20n keeps simple things simple, and at the same time makes complex things possible. This is the JavaScript implementation of L20n.
- imgix/imgix.js - The Javascript client library for imgix.
- AllThingsSmitty/must-watch-javascript - A useful list of must-watch talks about JavaScript
- kittens/lerna - 🐉 A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
- qatrix/Qatrix - A new lightweight JavaScript framework for high performance web application with less code
- bytecipher/grapnel - The smallest client/server-side JavaScript router with named parameters, HTML5 pushState, and middleware support
- deanm/pre3d - JavaScript 3d rendering engine.
- benpickles/js-model - Work with models in your JavaScript
- jhuckaby/Effect-Games - Classic DHTML JavaScript Game Engine and Web Based IDE
- graue/gentest - Generative testing for JavaScript. Save time and catch more bugs by letting the computer write test cases for you. WIP
- supereggbert/GLGE - A javascript webGL graphics library
- lincolnloop/amygdala - RESTful HTTP client for JavaScript powered web applications
- wayoutmind/gauss - JavaScript statistics, analytics, and data library - Node.js and web browser ready
- nullobject/fkit - A functional programming toolkit for JavaScript.
- CRogers/pun - A small library to enable pattern matching in javascript and coffeescript
- stackp/promisejs - Lightweight javascript implementation of promises.
- jstrace/jstrace - Dynamic tracing for javascript, in javascript (similar dtrace, ktap etc)
- mmanela/chutzpah - Chutzpah is an open source JavaScript test runner which enables you to run unit tests using QUnit, Jasmine, Mocha, CoffeeScript and TypeScript.
- codemirror/CodeMirror-v1 - An editable-iframe based code editor in JavaScript. See https://github.com/marijnh/CodeMirror for the currently maintained version
- ModelN/sDashboard - A simple & light weight dashboard framework in javascript
- kovacsv/JSModeler - A JavaScript framework to create and visualize 3D models.
- aemkei/fishbone.js - A super lightweight (½kb) JavaScript library with automatic method chaining, automatic context binding, event support and simple inheritance. c-{{{-<
- jrburke/requirejs - A file and module loader for JavaScript
- jaredreich/notie.js - A clean and simple notification plugin (alert/growl style) for javascript, with no dependencies.
- cyclejs/cycle-core - A fully reactive JavaScript framework for Human-Computer Interaction
- kvz/phpjs - php.js implements PHP functions in JavaScript
- victorquinn/chancejs - Chance - Random generator helper for JavaScript
- HugoGiraudel/SJSJ - Simplified JavaScript Jargon
- ReactiveX/RxJS - A reactive programming library for JavaScript
- reactjs/history - A minimal, functional history library for JavaScript
- chriso/load.js - Lazy-load your JavaScript
- jgautier/firmata - firmata protocol implemented in javascript
- bryanjos/elixirscript - Converts Elixir to JavaScript
- facebookarchive/facebook-js-sdk - Legacy JavaScript SDK
- tj/haml.js - Faster Haml JavaScript implementation for nodejs
- paulca/eyeballs.js - A lightweight MVC framework for building fast, tidy javascript web apps
- flatiron/resourceful - an isomorphic Resource engine for JavaScript
- ippa/jaws - Jaws - HTML5 canvas javascript 2D Game Framework
- mgenev/nodember - Full Stack Javascript Boilerplate
- jamesyu/gmailr - A Gmail Javascript API
- alexgibson/tap.js - DEPRECATED - A custom 'tap' event JavaScript plugin for touch devices
- mathiasbynens/esrever - A Unicode-aware string reverser written in JavaScript.
- krampstudio/grunt-jsdoc - A grunt plugin to generate javascript doc by running jsdoc3 on your grunt projects.
- medikoo/deferred - Modular and fast Promises implementation for JavaScript
- alexgheorghiu/diagramo - Diagramo - pure HTML5 JavaScript diagram / flowchart editor
- Two9A/jsGB - JavaScript emulation of the GameBoy console
- roshiro/TitleNotifier.js - Lightweight (< 3kb), dependency-free javascript library to dynamically show the number of unread notifications in your webpage title.
- blackberry/bbUI.js - BlackBerry UI look and feel JavaScript toolkit for WebWorks
- mschwartz/SilkJS - V8 Based JavaScript Swiss Army Knife (and HTTP Server!)
- maryrosecook/coquette - A micro framework for JavaScript games
- Studio-42/elRTE - Open-source WYSIWYG HTML-editor written in JavaScript using jQuery UI
- atdt/escapes.js - Render ANSI art using HTML5 / JavaScript
- ynakajima/ttf.js - JavaScript font library for Node.js and browser.
- retro/apitizer - API mocking for the client side JavaScript applications
- gruntjs/grunt-contrib-coffee - Compile CoffeeScript files to JavaScript.
- fzaninotto/CodeFlower - Source code visualization utility written in JavaScript with d3.js. Does your code look beautiful?
- daffl/jquery.dform - A flexible JavaScript Object and JSON to HTML converter with a focus on forms
- yatil/accessifyhtml5.js - While most browsers work all right with the new semantic elements of HTML5, they don’t add the ARIA accessibility attributes that the specification demands. This small JavaScript adds those attributes to enhance accessibility of web sites.
- NeilFraser/JS-Interpreter - A sandboxed JavaScript interpreter in JavaScript.
- GianlucaGuarini/es6-project-starter-kit - Universal Starter Kit to build any javascript ES6 project/library runnable in nodejs and on any browser.
- zedshaw/jzed - Functional Javascript alternative to JQuery.
- toolness/slowmo-js - Execute JavaScript in slow motion.
- rackt/redux - Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- highslide-software/highcharts.com - Highcharts JS, the JavaScript charting framework
- airportyh/testem - Test'em 'Scripts! A test runner that makes Javascript unit testing fun.
- getify/LABjs - Loading And Blocking JavaScript: On-demand parallel loader for JavaScript with execution order dependencies
- i18next/i18next - internationalisation (i18n) with javascript the easy way (incl. jquery plugin)
- mbostock/queue - Yet another asynchronous helper library for JavaScript. 415 bytes minified and gzipped!
- MoOx/color - JavaScript color conversion and manipulation library
- somebee/imba - if Ruby and React had an indentation based lovechild, what would it look like? Imba is a new programming language for the web that compiles to performant and readable JavaScript.
- alexvollmer/tuneup_js - A JavaScript library to ease automated iOS UI testing with UIAutomation and Instruments.
- jasonmoo/t.js - A tiny javascript templating framework in ~400 bytes gzipped
- reactjs/react-page - Easy Application Development with React JavaScript
- btford/zone.js - Implements Zones for JavaScript; main repo over here -->
- rackt/history - A minimal, functional history library for JavaScript
- andersevenrud/OS.js-v2 - JavaScript Cloud/Web Desktop Platform
- princejwesley/Mancy - >_ Electron based Javascript REPL 🙈
- iioinc/iio.js - iio.js is a javascript library that speeds the creation and deployment of HTML5 Canvas applications.
- eliperelman/fn.js - A JavaScript library built to encourage a functional programming style & strategy. - http://eliperelman.com/fn.js
- jadejs/react-jade - Compile Jade to React JavaScript
- douglascrockford/JSCheck - A random property testing tool for JavaScript
- Srirangan/notifer.js - Javascript library for Gnome / Growl type non-blocking notifications
- Joose/Joose - Post-modern object system for JavaScript
- voronianski/melchior.js - Chainable Module Definition (CMD) dependency loader for JavaScript
- tysonmatanich/viewportSize - Get the size of the CSS viewport using JavaScript.
- marijnh/Eloquent-JavaScript-1st-edition - The source for http://eloquentjavascript.net
- aantthony/graph.tk - Javascript Graphing Utility using HTML 5 Canvas
- cho45/jsdeferred - Asynchronous library in JavaScript. Standalone and Compact.
- archan937/templayed.js - The fastest and smallest Mustache compliant Javascript templating library written in 1806 bytes (uncompressed)
- kothic/kothic-js - Kothic JS — a full-featured JavaScript map rendering engine using HTML5 Canvas
- zgrossbart/jslim - It's your favorite JavaScript library, only faster
- deanm/omggif - JavaScript implementation of a GIF 89a encoder and decoder
- SkidX/tweene - JavaScript Animation Proxy
- tonyg/js-nacl - Emscripten-compiled Javascript version of NaCl, the Networking and Cryptography library.
- amark/coalesce - Communication framework for distributed JavaScript.
- nornagon/scrubby - Tweak values in JavaScript without having to reload.
- natevw/fermata - Succinct native REST client, for client-side web apps and node.js. Turns URLs into (optionally: magic!) JavaScript objects.
- RamonGebben/Cquence - A very small javascript animation library
- maryrosecook/littlelisp - A small Lisp interpreter in JavaScript
- alexyoung/turing.js - DailyJS's JavaScript framework
- thinkpixellab/tilesjs - A simple JavaScript library for creating tile-based edge-to-edge layouts. Built on jQuery.
- omphalos/earhorn - JavaScript Execution Logs
- gasman/jasmid - A MIDI file reader and synthesiser in Javascript
- uxder/Radio - Dependency-free Chainable Publish/Subscribe Library for Javascript
- lexandera/Aardwolf - A remote JavaScript debugger for Android/iOS/WindowsPhone7/BlackBerry6. Written in JavaScript.
- ckknight/gorillascript - GorillaScript is a compile-to-JavaScript language designed to empower the user while attempting to prevent some common errors.
- Bishop92/JavaScript-Data-Structures - A library for data structure in JavaScript
- gameclosure/js.io - Javascript Networking Library for building real-time web applications
- kristopolous/TopLevel - A New Way to Javascript Your HTML
- gre/glsl.js - NOT MAINTAINED prefer the use of http://stack.gl – a light Javascript & GLSL library for vizualisation and game purposes (2D or 3D).
- getify/h5ive - A collection of thin facade APIs wrapped around HTML5 JavaScript features.
- bgrins/filereader.js - A lightweight wrapper for the JavaScript FileReader interface
- satazor/SparkMD5 - Lightning fast normal and incremental md5 for javascript
- replit/jsrepl - Multilingual sandboxed REPL engine in JavaScript.
- ironwallaby/delaunay - Fast Delaunay Triangulation in JavaScript.
- evernote/evernote-sdk-js - Evernote SDK for JavaScript
- lucono/xtypejs - Elegant, highly efficient data validation for JavaScript Apps.
- eligrey/l10n.js - Passive localization JavaScript library
- angular/angular.js - HTML enhanced for web apps
- joyent/node - evented I/O for v8 javascript
- impress/impress.js - It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
- hakimel/reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework
- jashkenas/backbone - Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events
- blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload - File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.
- strongloop/express - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
- Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI - Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.
- socketio/socket.io - Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)
- driftyco/ionic - Advanced HTML5 mobile development framework and SDK. Build incredible mobile apps with web technologies you already know and love. Best friends with AngularJS.
- resume/resume.github.com - Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
- facebook/react-native - A framework for building native apps with React.
- nnnick/Chart.js - Simple HTML5 Charts using the tag
- gulpjs/gulp - The streaming build system
- tastejs/todomvc - Helping you select an MV* framework - Todo apps for Backbone.js, Ember.js, AngularJS, and many more
- less/less.js - Leaner CSS
- defunkt/jquery-pjax - pushState + ajax = pjax
- balderdashy/sails - Realtime MVC Framework for Node.js
- kenwheeler/slick - the last carousel you'll ever need
- ajaxorg/ace - Ace (Ajax.org Cloud9 Editor)
- twitter/typeahead.js - typeahead.js is a fast and fully-featured autocomplete library
- designmodo/Flat-UI - Flat UI Free - Design Framework (html/css3/less/js). Flat UI is based on Bootstrap, a comfortable, responsive, and functional framework that simplifies the development of websites.
- ftlabs/fastclick - Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs
- angular/material - Material design for Angular
- angular-ui/bootstrap - Native AngularJS (Angular) directives for Bootstrap. Smaller footprint (20kB gzipped), no 3rd party JS dependencies (jQuery, bootstrap JS) required. Please read the README.md file before submitting an issue!
- photonstorm/phaser - Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
- jquery/jquery-mobile - jQuery Mobile Framework
- rstacruz/nprogress - For slim progress bars like on YouTube, Medium, etc
- usablica/intro.js - A better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide for your website and project.
- GitbookIO/gitbook - Modern book format and toolchain using Git and Markdown
- scottjehl/Respond - A fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more)
- addyosmani/backbone-fundamentals - A creative-commons book on Backbone.js for beginners and advanced users alike
- Unitech/PM2 - Production process manager for Node.js / io.js applications. Perfectly fitted for microservices architecture.
- Shopify/dashing - The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework in Ruby and Coffeescript.
- jadejs/jade - Jade - robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for Node.js
- wagerfield/parallax - Parallax Engine that reacts to the orientation of a smart device
- desandro/masonry - Cascading grid layout library
- enaqx/awesome-react - A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem.
- typicode/json-server - Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
- adam-p/markdown-here - Google Chrome, Firefox, and Thunderbird extension that lets you write email in Markdown and render it before sending.
- etsy/statsd - Simple daemon for easy stats aggregation
- request/request - Simplified HTTP request client.
- peachananr/onepage-scroll - Create an Apple-like one page scroller website (iPhone 5S website) with One Page Scroll plugin
- substack/node-browserify - browser-side require() the node.js way
- angular-ui/ui-router - The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS
- keen/dashboards - Responsive dashboard templates for Bootstrap
- facebook/flux - Application Architecture for Building User Interfaces
- fgnass/spin.js - A spinning activity indicator
- node-inspector/node-inspector - Node.js debugger based on Blink Developer Tools
- petkaantonov/bluebird - Bluebird is a full featured promise library with unmatched performance.
- carhartl/jquery-cookie - A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for reading, writing and deleting cookies
- WickyNilliams/headroom.js - Give your pages some headroom. Hide your header until you need it
- Automattic/mongoose - MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
- scottjehl/picturefill - A responsive image polyfill for
, srcset, sizes, and more - codemirror/CodeMirror - In-browser code editor
- Famous/famous - This repo is being deprecated. Please check out http://github.com/famous/engine
- sdelements/lets-chat - Self-hosted chat app for small teams
- postcss/autoprefixer - Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use
- pockethub/PocketHub - PocketHub Android App
- eternicode/bootstrap-datepicker - A datepicker for @twitter bootstrap forked from Stefan Petre's (of eyecon.ro), improvements by @eternicode
- koajs/koa - Expressive middleware for node.js using generators
- kamens/jQuery-menu-aim - jQuery plugin to fire events when user's cursor aims at particular dropdown menu items. For making responsive mega dropdowns like Amazon's.
- sindresorhus/pageres - Capture website screenshots
- dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup - Light and responsive lightbox script with focus on performance.
- gionkunz/chartist-js - Simple responsive charts
- rstacruz/jquery.transit - Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery
- foreverjs/forever - A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously (i.e. forever)
- knsv/mermaid - Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown
- substack/stream-handbook - how to write node programs with streams
- Flipboard/react-canvas - High performance rendering for React components
- xing/wysihtml5 - Open source rich text editor based on HTML5 and the progressive-enhancement approach. Uses a sophisticated security concept and aims to generate fully valid HTML5 markup by preventing unmaintainable tag soups and inline styles.
- afaqurk/linux-dash - A drop-in, low-overhead monitoring web dashboard for a linux machine.
- jlmakes/scrollReveal.js - Easily reveal elements as they enter the viewport.
- mgonto/restangular - AngularJS service to handle Rest API Restful Resources properly and easily
- grafana/grafana - Gorgeous metric viz, dashboards & editors for Graphite, InfluxDB & OpenTSDB
- metafizzy/isotope - Filter & sort magical layouts
- mailcheck/mailcheck - Reduce user-misspelled email addresses in your forms.
- arasatasaygin/is.js - Micro check library
- cubiq/iscroll - Smooth scrolling for the web
- aFarkas/html5shiv - This script is the defacto way to enable use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer.
- kkga/spacegray - A Hyperminimal UI Theme for Sublime Text
- stylus/stylus - Expressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for nodejs
- cheeriojs/cheerio - Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.
- imakewebthings/waypoints - Waypoints is a library that makes it easy to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element.
- yyx990803/vue - Intuitive, fast & composable MVVM for building interactive interfaces.
- gollum/gollum - A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
- jaredhanson/passport - Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js.
- DrBoolean/mostly-adequate-guide - Mostly adequate guide to FP (in javascript)
- marmelab/gremlins.js - Monkey testing library for web apps and Node.js
- allmobilize/amazeui - Amaze UI, a mobile-first and modular front-end framework.
- jessepollak/card - 💳 make your credit card form better in one line of code
- breach/breach_core - A Browser written in JS. Free. Modular. Hackable.
- rackt/react-router - A complete routing solution for React.js
- remy/nodemon - Monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server - perfect for development
- hpneo/gmaps - the easiest way to use Google Maps
- nolimits4web/Swiper - Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions
- amsul/pickadate.js - The mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight jQuery date & time input picker.
- sahat/satellizer - Token-based AngularJS Authentication
- davatron5000/FitText.js - A jQuery plugin for inflating web type
- purifycss/purifycss - Remove unused CSS. Also works with single-page apps.
- jzaefferer/jquery-validation - jQuery Validation Plugin
- vladikoff/chromeos-apk - Run Android Apps in Chrome OS OR Chrome in OS X, Linux and Windows.
- mgcrea/angular-strap - AngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3.
- ducksboard/gridster.js - gridster.js is a jQuery plugin that makes building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns
- aosabook/500lines - 500 Lines or Less
- mozilla/metrics-graphics - A library optimized for concise, principled data graphics and layouts.
- angular-app/angular-app - Reference application for AngularJS
- mozilla/togetherjs - A service for your website that makes it surprisingly easy to collaborate in real-time.
- tripit/slate - Beautiful static documentation for your API
- NetEase/pomelo - A fast,scalable,distributed game server framework for Node.js.
- qrohlf/trianglify - Algorithmically generated triangle art
- BrowserSync/browser-sync - Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites. http://browsersync.io
- NodeRedis/node_redis - redis client for node
- thebird/Swipe - Swipe is the most accurate touch slider.
- visionmedia/superagent - Ajax with less suck - (and node.js HTTP client to match)
- madrobby/keymaster - A simple micro-library for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts. It has no dependencies.
- ether/etherpad-lite - Etherpad: Really real-time collaborative document editing
- square/crossfilter - Fast n-dimensional filtering and grouping of records.
- loadfive/Knwl.js - Find Dates, Places, Times, and More. A .js library for parsing text for specific information.
- stubbornella/oocss - Object Oriented CSS Framework
- kitematic/kitematic - Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
- nolimits4web/Framework7 - Full Featured HTML Framework For Building iOS & Android Apps
- postcss/postcss - Transforming CSS with JS plugins
- mozilla/localForage - Offline storage, improved. Wraps IndexedDB, WebSQL, or localStorage using a simple but powerful API.
- imakewebthings/deck.js - Modern HTML Presentations
- n1k0/casperjs - Navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS
- masayuki0812/c3 - A D3-based reusable chart library
- backbone-boilerplate/backbone-boilerplate - A workflow for building Backbone.js applications.
- JacksonTian/fks - 前端技能汇总 Frontend Knowledge Structure
- strongloop/loopback - LoopBack is an open source Node.js framework built on top of Express optimized for building APIs for mobile, web, and other devices. Connect to multiple data sources, write business logic in Node.js, glue on top of your existing services and data, connect using JS, iOS & Android SDKs.
- hapijs/hapi - Server Framework for Node.js
- Mango/slideout - A touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web apps.
- arshaw/fullcalendar - Full-sized drag & drop event calendar (jQuery plugin)
- matthieua/WOW - Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page
- aterrien/jQuery-Knob - Nice, downward compatible, touchable, jQuery dial
- andris9/Nodemailer - Send e-mails with Node.JS – easy as cake! E-mail made in Estonia
- alexwolfe/Buttons - A CSS button library built using Sass and Compass
- jschr/bootstrap-modal - Extends the default Bootstrap Modal class. Responsive, stackable, ajax and more.
- maroslaw/rainyday.js - Simulating raindrops falling on a window
- vitalets/x-editable - In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery
- seajs/seajs - A Module Loader for the Web
- nodejitsu/node-http-proxy - A full-featured http proxy for node.js
- segmentio/nightmare - A high level wrapper for Phantomjs.
- Matt-Esch/virtual-dom - A Virtual DOM and diffing algorithm
- unconed/TermKit - Experimental Terminal platform built on WebKit + node.js. Currently only for Mac and Windows, though the prototype works 90% in any WebKit browser.
- componentjs/component - frontend package manager and build tool for modular web applications
- Rich-Harris/ramjet - Morph DOM elements from one state to another with smooth transitions
- ractivejs/ractive - Next-generation DOM manipulation
- dc-js/dc.js - Multi-Dimensional charting built to work natively with crossfilter rendered with d3.js
- imsky/holder - Client-side image placeholders.
- dangrossman/bootstrap-daterangepicker - Date range picker component for Bootstrap
- libreboard/libreboard - An open-source kanban board
- gaearon/redux - Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- bendc/sprint - A tiny, lightning fast jQuery-like library for modern browsers.
- twitter/hogan.js - A compiler for the Mustache templating language
- jackmoore/colorbox - A light-weight, customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery
- tj/commander.js - node.js command-line interfaces made easy
- GoogleChrome/chrome-app-samples - Chrome Apps
- blasten/turn.js - The page flip effect for HTML5
- jquery/sizzle - A sizzlin' hot selector engine.
- novus/nvd3 - A reusable charting library written in d3.js
- mongodb/node-mongodb-native - Mongo DB Native NodeJS Driver
- yeoman/generator-angular - Yeoman generator for AngularJS
- qiao/PathFinding.js - A comprehensive path-finding library for grid based games
- jhollingworth/bootstrap-wysihtml5 - Simple, beautiful wysiwyg editor
- winstonjs/winston - a multi-transport async logging library for node.js
- madebymany/sir-trevor-js - Rich content editing entirely re-imagined for the web
- elastic/kibana - Kibana
- fontello/fontello - Iconic fonts scissors
- danialfarid/ng-file-upload - Lightweight Angular directive to upload files with optional FileAPI shim for cross browser support
- rendrjs/rendr - Render your Backbone.js apps on the client and the server, using Node.js.
- infinite-scroll/infinite-scroll - [Unmaintained] jQuery and Wordpress plugins for infinite scroll
- sergeche/emmet-sublime - Emmet (ex-Zen Coding) for Sublime Text
- filamentgroup/tablesaw - A group of plugins for responsive tables.
- segmentio/myth - A CSS preprocessor that acts like a polyfill for future versions of the spec.
- simplefocus/FlowType.JS - Web typography at its finest: font-size and line-height based on element width.
- Khan/KaTeX - Fast math typesetting for the web.
- dieulot/instantclick - InstantClick makes following links in your website instant.
- derbyjs/derby - MVC framework making it easy to write realtime, collaborative applications that run in both Node.js and browsers
- headjs/headjs - The only script in your HEAD.
- callmecavs/layzr.js - A small, fast, modern, and dependency-free library for lazy loading.
- ngbp/ngbp - A sophisticated build management system for web apps (formerly ng-boilerplate). Created by @joshdmiller
- share/ShareJS - Collaborative editing in any app
- maxogden/dat - 💾 real time replication and versioning for data sets
- zeman/perfmap - Front-end performance heatmap bookmarklet.
- TelescopeJS/Telescope - An open-source social news app built with Meteor
- restify/node-restify - node.js REST framework specifically meant for web service APIs
- kesenhoo/android-training-course-in-chinese - Android官方培训课程中文版
- mitmproxy/mitmproxy - An interactive SSL-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers
- jaws-stack/JAWS - JAWS: The Javascript + AWS Stack – A server-free, webapp boilerplate using bleeding-edge AWS services that redefine how to build massively scalable web applications
- jimhigson/oboe.js - A streaming approach to JSON. Oboe.js speeds up web applications by providing parsed objects before the response completes.
- mathiasbynens/jquery-placeholder - A jQuery plugin that enables HTML5 placeholder behavior for browsers that aren’t trying hard enough yet
- NaturalNode/natural - general natural language facilities for node
- segmentio/metalsmith - An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator.
- maxogden/art-of-node - ❄️ a short introduction to node.js
- square/cube - Cube: A system for time series visualization.
- NeXTs/Clusterize.js - Tiny vanilla JS plugin to display large data sets easily
- HubSpot/tether - A positioning engine to make overlays, tooltips and dropdowns better #hubspot-open-source
- silviomoreto/bootstrap-select - A custom select for @twitter bootstrap using button dropdown
- ConnorAtherton/walkway - An easy way to animate SVG elements.
- twitter/twemoji - Twitter Emoji for Everyone
- equinusocio/material-theme - Material Theme, the most epic theme for Sublime Text 3 by Mattia Astorino
- BBC-News/Imager.js - Responsive images while we wait for srcset to finish cooking
- johndyer/mediaelement - HTML5 or
- tholman/elevator.js - Finally, a "back to top" button that behaves like a real elevator.
- pcottle/learnGitBranching - An interactive git visualization to challenge and educate!
- markdalgleish/bespoke.js - DIY Presentation Micro-Framework
- krakenjs/kraken-js - An express-based Node.js web application bootstrapping module.
- deployd/deployd - a toolkit for building realtime APIs
- tj/co - The ultimate generator based flow-control goodness for nodejs (supports thunks, promises, etc)
- typekit/webfontloader - Web Font Loader gives you added control when using linked fonts via @font-face.
- reflux/refluxjs - A simple library for uni-directional dataflow application architecture with React extensions inspired by Flux
- phonegap/phonegap-start - PhoneGap Hello World app
- systemjs/systemjs - Universal dynamic module loader
- tessalt/echo-chamber-js - Commenting without the comments
- viljamis/responsive-nav.js - Responsive navigation plugin without library dependencies and with fast touch screen support.
- sofish/pen - enjoy live editing (+markdown)
- liftoff/GateOne - Gate One is an HTML5-powered terminal emulator and SSH client
- markdalgleish/stellar.js - Stellar.js - Parallax scrolling made easy
- srobbin/jquery-backstretch - Backstretch is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element. The image will stretch to fit the page/element, and will automatically resize as the window/element size changes.
- scrapinghub/portia - Visual scraping for Scrapy
- chieffancypants/angular-loading-bar - A fully automatic loading / progress bar for your angular apps.
- HubSpot/messenger - Growl-style alerts and messages for your app. #hubspot-open-source
- luis-almeida/unveil - A very lightweight jQuery plugin to lazy load images
- fancyapps/fancyBox - fancyBox is a tool that offers a nice and elegant way to add zooming functionality for images, html content and multi-media on your webpages.
- socketstream/socketstream - A framework for Realtime Web Apps
- duojs/duo - A next-generation package manager for the front-end
- assaf/zombie - Insanely fast, full-stack, headless browser testing using node.js
- google/google-api-nodejs-client - Google's officially supported Node.js client library for accessing Google APIs, it comes with OAuth 2.0 support.
- IonicaBizau/git-stats - 🍀 A GitHub-like contributions calendar, but locally, with all your git commits.
- jariz/vibrant.js - Extract prominent colors from an image. JS port of Android's Palette.
- tholman/zenpen - A minimalist writing zone.
- faye/faye - Simple pub/sub messaging for the web
- kenkeiter/skeuocard - Skeuocard progressively enhances credit card inputs to provide a skeuomorphic interface.
- sintaxi/harp - Static Site Server/Generator with built-in preprocessing
- vega/vega - A visualization grammar.
- Automattic/kue - Kue is a priority job queue backed by redis, built for node.js.
- happyworm/jPlayer - jPlayer : HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
- peers/peerjs - Peer-to-peer data in the browser.
- guardian/scribe - A rich text editor framework for the web platform
- malsup/form - jQuery Form Plugin
- bnoguchi/everyauth - node.js auth package (password, facebook, & more) for Connect and Express apps
- rmm5t/jquery-timeago - Timeago is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. "4 minutes ago").
- yui/yui3 - A library for building richly interactive web applications.
- Huddle/PhantomCSS - Visual/CSS regression testing with PhantomJS
- cdnjs/cdnjs - Our goal is to operate this CDN in a peer reviewed fashion.
- react-bootstrap/react-bootstrap - Bootstrap 3 components built with React
- segmentio/analytics.js - The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any web application.
- densitydesign/raw - The missing link between spreadsheets and vector graphics
- wout/svg.js - A lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG
- socketio/socket.io-client - Realtime application framework (client)
- muaz-khan/WebRTC-Experiment - WebRTC libraries, WebRTC demos, WebRTC experiments, audio, video, screen, conferencing, file sharing, screen sharing, recording, MCU, media stacks, media servers, signaling, SIP, XMPP, XHR, websockets, socket.io, websync, signalR, Translator.js, RecordRTC.js, ffmpeg.js, RTCMultiConnection.js, DataChannel.js, DetectRTC, Meeting.js, MediaRecorder, MediaStreamRecorder, SDP-Serializer, captureStreamUntilEnded, pre-recorded, media streaming, live streaming, mp3 live, desktop sharing, part of screen sharing and everything regarding webrtc i.e. realtime web!
- neilj/Squire - HTML5 rich text editor. Try the demo integration at
- cnodejs/nodeclub - 🐤Nodeclub 是使用 Node.js 和 MongoDB 开发的社区系统
- HabitRPG/habitrpg - A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
- CodeboxIDE/codebox - Open source cloud & desktop IDE
- dtao/lazy.js - Like Underscore, but lazier
- eduardolundgren/tracking.js - A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web
- gotwarlost/istanbul - Yet another JS code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. Supports all JS coverage use cases including unit tests, server side functional tests and browser tests. Built for scale.
- LeaVerou/prefixfree - Break free from CSS prefix hell!
- ruipgil/scraperjs - A complete and versatile web scraper.
- mozbrick/brick - UI Web Components for Modern Web Apps
- olivernn/lunr.js - A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright
- crosbymichael/dockerui - A web interface for docker. http://docker.io
- carrot/share-button - fast, beautiful, and painless social shares:
- Eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker - Date/time picker widget based on twitter bootstrap
- patrickkunka/mixitup - MixItUp - A Filter & Sort Plugin
- giakki/uncss - Remove unused styles from CSS
- blakeembrey/code-problems - Common code and interview problems solved in multiple languages
- rigoneri/syte - A really simple but powerful packaged personal site that has social integrations like twitter, github, dribbble, instagram, foursquare, tumblr, wordpress, linkedin, spotify/last.fm, and much more...
- cjb/GitTorrent - A decentralization of GitHub using BitTorrent and Bitcoin
- CSSLint/csslint - Automated linting of Cascading Stylesheets
- arturadib/shelljs - Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js
- viljamis/ResponsiveSlides.js - Simple & lightweight responsive slider plugin (in 1kb)
- uberVU/grid - Drag and drop library for two-dimensional, resizable and responsive lists
- mnutt/hummingbird - Real time web analytics using node.js and web sockets
- mattbryson/TouchSwipe-Jquery-Plugin - TouchSwipe is a jquery plugin to be used with jQuery on touch input devices such as iPad, iPhone etc.
- stevenwanderski/bxslider-4 - Responsive jQuery content slider
- fzaninotto/uptime - A remote monitoring application using Node.js, MongoDB, and Twitter Bootstrap.
- erming/shout - Shout — The self-hosted web IRC client
- prose/prose - A Content Editor for GitHub.
- substack/browserify-handbook - how to build modular applications with browserify
- visionmedia/page.js - Micro client-side router inspired by the Express router
- rmurphey/js-assessment - A test-driven approach to assessing JS skills
- linkedin/hopscotch - A framework to make it easy for developers to add product tours to their pages.
- JoelBesada/scrollpath - A plugin for defining custom scroll paths.
- kandanapp/kandan - Kandan is an Open Source Alternative to HipChat
- jquery/jquery-mousewheel - A jQuery plugin that adds cross-browser mouse wheel support.
- mesos/chronos - Fault tolerant job scheduler for Mesos which handles dependencies and ISO8601 based schedules
- eligrey/FileSaver.js - An HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementation
- reapp/reapp - Reapp - next gen hybrid apps
- tildeio/rsvp.js - A lightweight library that provides tools for organizing asynchronous code
- Voog/wysihtml - Open source rich text editor for the modern web
- artberri/sidr - Sidr is a jQuery plugin for creating side menus and the easiest way for doing your menu responsive.
- felixge/node-formidable - A node.js module for parsing form data, especially file uploads.
- brianc/node-postgres - PostgreSQL client for node.js.
- BorisMoore/jquery-tmpl - The original official jQuery Templates plugin. This project was maintained by the jQuery team as an official jQuery plugin. It is no longer in active development, and will be superseded by JsRender.
- assemble/assemble - Static site generator for Node.js, Grunt.js, and Yeoman and Gulp. Render templates with Handlebars, Lo-Dash or any template engine. Used by Zurb Foundation, Zurb Ink, Less.js / lesscss.org, Topcoat, Web Experience Toolkit, and hundreds of other projects to build sites, themes, components, documentation, blogs and gh-pages.
- jquery/esprima - ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
- facebook/nuclide - An open IDE for web and native mobile development, built on top of Atom
- dthree/vantage - CLI + SSH + REPL for your live node app
- cujojs/when - A solid, fast Promises/A+ and when() implementation, plus other async goodies.
- mafintosh/peerflix - Streaming torrent client for node.js
- openstf/stf - Control and manage Android devices from your browser.
- gss/engine - GSS engine
- slap-editor/slap - Sublime-like terminal-based text editor
- SlexAxton/yepnope.js - A Script Loader For Your Conditional Builds
- chjj/tty.js - A terminal for your browser, using node/express/socket.io
- airbnb/infinity - UITableViews for the web.
- Aerolab/midnight.js - A jQuery plugin to switch fixed headers on the fly
- kikinteractive/app - Instant mobile web app creation
- appium/appium - Automation for iOS and Android Apps.
- madhums/node-express-mongoose-demo - A simple demo app in node.js using express, mongoose, passport.js for beginners
- Strider-CD/strider - Strider: Open Source Continuous Integration & Deployment Server.
- driftyco/ng-cordova - AngularJS Cordova wrappers for common Cordova plugins.
- mattermost/platform - Open source Slack-alternative in Golang and React
- gwendall/way.js - Simple, lightweight, persistent two-way databinding
- anijs/anijs - A Library to Raise your Web Design without Coding.
- emberjs/data - A data persistence library for Ember.js.
- zynga/scroller - Accelerated panning and zooming for HTML and Canvas
- inorganik/countUp.js - Animates a numerical value by counting to it
- toddmotto/echo - Lazy-loading images with data-* attributes
- balanced/balanced-dashboard - The Balanced dashboard.
- etsy/hound - Lightning fast code searching made easy
- johnpolacek/scrollorama - The jQuery plugin for doing cool scrolly stuff
- kennethcachia/background-check - Automatically switch to a darker or a lighter version of an element depending on the brightness of images behind it.
- fat/zoom.js - Medium's Image Zoom for jQuery
- gaearon/react-hot-loader - Tweak React components in real time.
- mikesall/charted - A charting tool that produces automatic, shareable charts from any data file
- jejacks0n/mercury - Mercury Editor: The Rails HTML5 WYSIWYG editor
- broccolijs/broccoli - Browser compilation library – an asset pipeline for applications that run in the browser
- sunspot/sunspot - Solr-powered search for Ruby objects
- visionmedia/supertest - Super-agent driven library for testing node.js HTTP servers using a fluent API
- aheckmann/gm - GraphicsMagick for node
- graphite-project/graphite-web - A highly scalable real-time graphing system
- PaulUithol/Backbone-relational - Get and set relations (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one) for Backbone models
- adamdbradley/foresight.js - DEPRECATED: Prior to recent developments with the picture element, Foresight.js gaves webpages the ability to tell if the user's device is capable of viewing high-resolution images before the image is requested from the server. Additionally, it judges if the user's device currently has a fast enough network connection for high-resolution images. Depending on device display and network connectivity, foresight.js will request the appropriate image for the webpage.
- Pasvaz/bindonce - Zero watches binding for AngularJs
- NYTimes/pourover - A library for simple, fast filtering and sorting of large collections in the browser.
- angular-ui/angular-ui-OLDREPO - DISCONTINUED REPO: This project has been restructured ->
- zzmp/juliusjs - A speech recognition library for the web
- pgte/nock - HTTP mocking and expectations library
- fraywing/textAngular - A radically powerful Text-Editor/Wysiwyg editor for Angular.js! Create multiple editor instances, two-way-bind HTML content, watch editors for changes and more!
- Freeboard/freeboard - A damn-sexy, open source real-time dashboard builder for IOT and other web mashups. A free open-source alternative to Geckoboard.
- chjj/blessed - A high-level terminal interface library for node.js.
- jipegit/OSXAuditor - OS X Auditor is a free Mac OS X computer forensics tool
- apache/couchdb - Mirror of Apache CouchDB
- reworkcss/rework - Plugin framework for CSS preprocessing in Node.js
- alfajango/jquery-dynatable - A more-fun, semantic, alternative to datatables
- bergie/hallo - Simple rich text editor (contentEditable) for jQuery UI
- trentrichardson/jQuery-Timepicker-Addon - Adds a timepicker to jQueryUI Datepicker
- firstopinion/formatter.js - Format html inputs to match a specified pattern
- bergie/create - Midgard Create, a generic web editing interface for any CMS
- greypants/gulp-starter - Starter gulpfile.js and structure with commonly used tools
- loopj/jquery-tokeninput - Tokeninput is a jQuery plugin which allows your users to select multiple items from a predefined list, using autocompletion as they type to find each item. You may have seen a similar type of text entry when filling in the recipients field sending messages on facebook.
- desandro/draggabilly - Make that shiz draggable
- hakimel/css - Assorted CSS and UI experiments.
- wenzhixin/bootstrap-table - An extended Bootstrap table with radio, checkbox, sort, pagination, and other added features. (supports twitter bootstrap v2 and v3)
- adamschwartz/log - Console.log with style
- jquery-boilerplate/jquery-boilerplate - A jump-start for jQuery plugins development
- Reportr/dashboard - Your life's personal dashboard.
- rails/jquery-ujs - Ruby on Rails unobtrusive scripting adapter for jQuery
- cjohansen/Sinon.JS - Test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript.
- lifesinger/lifesinger.github.com - 岁月如歌
- YePpHa/YouTubeCenter - YouTube Center is a userscript designed to expand the functionality of YouTube. It includes the ability to download the video you're watching, auto selecting your preferred video quality and much more.
- kanaka/noVNC - VNC client using HTML5 (Web Sockets, Canvas) with encryption (wss://) support.
- johnpolacek/superscrollorama - The jQuery plugin for supercool scroll animation
- dularion/streama - It's like Netflix, but self-hosted! http://dularion.github.io/streama/
- wilsonpage/fastdom - Eliminates layout thrashing by batching DOM read/write operations
- aroc/side-comments - An interface component to give your site/app Medium.com style commenting.
- PixelsCommander/HTML-GL - Get as many FPS as you need and amazing effects by rendering HTML/CSS in WebGL
- formvalidation/formvalidation - The best @jquery plugin to validate form fields. Designed to use with Bootstrap + Zurb Foundation + Pure + SemanticUI + UIKit + Your own frameworks.
- lokesh/lightbox2 - The original lightbox script, now on Github!
- TalAter/annyang - A javascript library for adding voice commands to your site, using speech recognition.
- filamentgroup/loadCSS - A function for loading CSS asynchronously
- addyosmani/basket.js - A script and resource loader for caching & loading files with localStorage
- mootools/mootools-core - MooTools Core Repository
- nodejs/node-convergence-archive - Archive for node/io.js convergence work pre-3.0.0
- tgriesser/bookshelf - A simple Node.js ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 built on top of Knex.js
- cameronmcefee/plax - JQuery powered parallaxing
- VodkaBears/Vide - Easy as hell jQuery plugin for video backgrounds.
- arkency/reactjs_koans - Learn basics of React.js making the tests pass
- cryptocat/cryptocat - Easy to use encrypted instant messaging built on modern web technologies.
- substack/dnode - turtles all the way down rpc
- sorccu/cufon - Fast text replacement with canvas and VML - no Flash or images required.
- tj/should.js - BDD style assertions for node.js -- test framework agnostic
- chjj/ttystudio - A terminal-to-gif recorder minus the headaches.
- powmedia/backbone-forms - Form framework for BackboneJS with nested forms, editable lists and validation
- paulkinzett/toolbar - A tooltip style toolbar jQuery plugin
- gimite/web-socket-js - HTML5 Web Socket implementation powered by Flash
- tooling/book-of-modern-frontend-tooling - The Front-end Tooling Book
- substack/node-optimist - Light-weight option parsing for node.js
- vakata/jstree - jquery tree plugin
- HenrikJoreteg/SimpleWebRTC - Simplest WebRTC ever
- arachnys/cabot - Self-hosted, easily-deployable monitoring and alerts service - like a lightweight PagerDuty
- buunguyen/octotree - Browser extension to display GitHub code in tree format
- samizdatco/arbor - a graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery
- jrburke/almond - A minimal AMD API implementation for use after optimized builds
- scoutapp/scout_realtime - Realtime server metrics in your browser
- localtunnel/localtunnel - expose yourself
- posabsolute/jQuery-Validation-Engine - jQuery form validation plugin
- malarkey/320andup - This is the new 320 and Up
- hakimel/Meny - A three dimensional and space effecient menu
- alvarotrigo/pagePiling.js - pagePiling plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create a scrolling pile of sections.
- doublespeakgames/adarkroom - A Dark Room - A Minimalist Text Adventure
- mozilla/nunjucks - A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired)
- indexzero/http-server - a simple zero-configuration command-line http server
- dfcb/BigVideo.js - The jQuery Plugin for Big Background Video (and Images)
- trentm/node-bunyan - a simple and fast JSON logging module for node.js services
- balderdashy/waterline - An adapter-based ORM for Node.js with support for mysql, mongo, postgres, redis, and more
- kbhomes/radiant-player-mac - Turn Google Play Music into a separate, beautiful application that integrates with your Mac.
- swagger-api/swagger-spec - The Swagger Specification Repository
- utom/sketch-measure - A measure tool for measurements & design specs.
- google/tracing-framework - Web Tracing Framework libraries and extensions.
- Swiip/generator-gulp-angular - Yeoman generator for AngularJS with GulpJS
- node-webot/wechat - 微信公共平台消息接口服务中间件
- jamesflorentino/nanoScrollerJS - A jQuery plugin that offers a simplistic way of implementing Lion OS scrollbars.
- brianleroux/lawnchair - A lightweight clientside JSON document store,
- angular/batarang - AngularJS WebInspector Extension for Chrome
- metafizzy/flickity - Touch, responsive, flickable galleries
- jdan/isomer - Simple isometric graphics library for HTML5 canvas
- jackmoore/autosize - Autosize is a small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height to fit text.
- kylestetz/CLNDR - 📆 a jQuery calendar plugin that uses HTML templates
- fians/Waves - Click effect inspired by Google's Material Design
- mozilla-b2g/gaia - Gaia is a HTML5-based Phone UI for the Boot 2 Gecko Project. NOTE: For details of what branches are used for what releases, see
- slate/slate - Slate IRC client
- jrburke/r.js - Runs RequireJS in Node and Rhino, and used to run the RequireJS optimizer
- guillaumepotier/Garlic.js - Automatically persist your forms' text and select field values locally, until the form is submitted.
- defunkt/facebox - Facebook-style lightbox, built in jQuery
- caolan/highland - High-level streams library for Node.js and the browser
- bigspaceship/shine.js - A library for pretty shadows.
- SlexAxton/css-colorguard - Keep a watchful eye on your css colors.
- jasny/bootstrap - The missing components for your favorite front-end framework.
- hipache/hipache - Hipache: a distributed HTTP and websocket proxy
- andrewelkins/Laravel-4-Bootstrap-Starter-Site - Laravel 4 Starter Site is a basic blog application using several nice community packages.
- googlecreativelab/coder - A simple way to make web stuff on Raspberry Pi
- apneadiving/Google-Maps-for-Rails - Enables easy Google map + overlays creation in Ruby apps
- marijnh/tern - A JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support
- creationix/step - An async control-flow library that makes stepping through logic easy.
- Raynos/mercury - A truly modular frontend framework
- sass/node-sass - 🌈 Node.js bindings to libsass
- mcasimir/mobile-angular-ui - Angular.js Mobile UI Framework with Bootstrap 3
- DanielRapp/doppler - 👋 Motion detection using the doppler effect
- nswbmw/N-blog - 使用 Express + MongoDB 搭建多人博客
- jsantell/dancer.js - high-level audio API, designed to make sweet visualizations
- argon/node-apn - Apple Push Notification module for Node.js
- jdan/cleaver - 30-second slideshows for hackers
- jaz303/tipsy - Facebook-style tooltips plugin for jQuery
- Famous/famous-angular - Bring structure to your Famo.us apps with the power of AngularJS. Famo.us/Angular integrates seamlessly with existing Angular and Famo.us apps.
- oklai/koala - Koala is a GUI application for less, sass and coffeescript compilation, to help web developers to the development more efficient.
- gskinner/regexr - RegExr is a HTML/JS based tool for creating, testing, and learning about Regular Expressions.
- jakearchibald/es6-promise - A polyfill for ES6-style Promises
- Khan/tota11y - an accessibility (a11y) visualization toolkit
- likeastore/ngDialog - Modals and popups provider for Angular.js applications
- yhat/rodeo - A data science IDE for Python
- baudehlo/Haraka - An event driven SMTP server
- jquerytools/jquerytools - The missing UI library for the Web
- rc0x03/node-osmosis - Web scraper for NodeJS
- geddy/geddy - Web framework for Node.js
- smashingboxes/OwlCarousel2 - jQuery Responsive Carousel.
- tower/tower - UNMAINTAINED - Small components for building apps, manipulating data, and automating a distributed infrastructure.
- pornel/slip - Slip.js — UI library for manipulating lists via swipe and drag gestures
- mbostock/topojson - An extension to GeoJSON that encodes topology.
- jeromeetienne/jquery-qrcode - qrcode generation standalone (doesn't depend on external services)
- mozilla/popcorn-js - The HTML5 Media Framework
- razorjack/quicksand - jQuery plugin. Reorder and filter items with a nice shuffling animation.
- kissyteam/kissy - A Powerful Collection Of Modules
- leanote/leanote - Not Just A Notepad! (golang + mongodb) http://leanote.org
- ckeditor/ckeditor-dev - The development repository of CKEditor.
- fex-team/webuploader - It's a new file uploader solution!
- metafizzy/packery - Bin-packing layout library
- aui/artTemplate - 性能卓越的 js 模板引擎
- reactjs/react-rails - Ruby gem for automatically transforming JSX and using React in Rails.
- a8m/angular-filter - Bunch of useful filters for AngularJS (with no external dependencies!)
- jeromegn/Backbone.localStorage - A localStorage adapter for Backbone.js
- aehlke/tag-it - A jQuery UI plugin to handle multi-tag fields as well as tag suggestions/autocomplete.
- jdorn/json-editor - JSON Schema Based Editor
- garand/sticky - jQuery Plugin for Sticky Objects
- nervgh/angular-file-upload - Angular File Upload is a module for the AngularJS framework
- goatslacker/alt - Isomorphic flux implementation
- LearnBoost/cluster - Node.JS multi-core server manager with plugins support.
- jspm/jspm-cli - Package management CLI
- binaryjs/binaryjs - Node binary websocket streaming made easy
- badges/shields - Shields badge specification, website and default API server
- rauchg/slackin - Public Slack organizations made easy
- Ghosh/uiGradients - Beautiful colour gradients for design and code
- angular/angular-phonecat - Tutorial on building an angular application.
- javallone/regexper - Regular Expression Visualization Site
- addyosmani/psi - PageSpeed Insights with reporting
- indexzero/nconf - Hierarchical node.js configuration with files, environment variables, command-line arguments, and atomic object merging.
- marmelab/ng-admin - Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API
- soulwire/fit.js - Fit things into other things
- ksky521/nodePPT - 这可能是迄今为止最好的网页版PPT;This is probably the best web presentation tool so far!
- jacoborus/nanobar - Very lightweight progress bars. No jQuery
- tbranyen/backbone.layoutmanager - A layout and template manager for Backbone.js applications.
- allmarkedup/purl - [NO LONGER MAINTAINED] A JS utility for for parsing URLs and extracting information out of them.
- jlord/sheetsee.js - visualize data from a google spreadsheet
- smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker - Both Date and Time picker widget based on twitter bootstrap (supports Bootstrap v2 and v3)
- Umkus/nginx-boilerplate - Awesome Nginx configuration template
- tenXer/xcharts - A D3-based library for building custom charts and graphs.
- hillelcoren/invoice-ninja - An open-source invoicing and time-tracking site built with Laravel
- exercism/exercism.io - Crowd-sourced mentorship.
- firebase/firepad - Collaborative Text Editor Powered by Firebase
- t32k/stylestats - An evaluating tool for writing better CSS.
- GitbookIO/editor-legacy - Legacy editor for writing books using GitBook (for Windows, Mac and Linux)
- dekujs/deku - Functional library for rendering UI
- qTip2/qTip2 - qTip2 - Pretty powerful tooltips
- simsalabim/sisyphus - Gmail-like client-side drafts and bit more. Plugin developed to save html forms data to LocalStorage to restore them after browser crashes, tabs closings and other disasters.
- mozilla/persona - Persona is a secure, distributed, and easy to use identification system.
- esvit/ng-table - Simple table with sorting and filtering on AngularJS
- maccman/juggernaut - [DEPRECATED] Realtime server push with node.js, WebSockets and Comet
- mephux/komanda - The IRC Client For Developers
- josdejong/jsoneditor - A web-based tool to view, edit and format JSON
- indutny/node-spdy - SPDY server on Node.js
- hoodiehq/hoodie.js - hoodie super power to the frontend!
- voronianski/jquery.avgrund.js - Avgrund is a jQuery plugin with new modal concept for popups
- paulirish/memory-stats.js - minimal monitor for JS Heap Size via performance.memory
- velesin/jasmine-jquery - jQuery matchers and fixture loader for Jasmine framework
- paulirish/matchMedia.js - matchMedia polyfill for testing media queries in JS
- luster-io/impulse - Dynamic Physics Interactions for the Mobile Web
- iron-meteor/iron-router - A client and server side router designed specifically for Meteor.
- inuyaksa/jquery.nicescroll - nicescroll plugin for jquery - scrollbars like iphone/ipad
- appcelerator/KitchenSink - Titanium Mobile Kitchen Sink Demo
- rnmp/salvattore - A jQuery Masonry alternative with CSS-driven configuration.
- suprb/Nested - Gap free multi column grid
- 1602/compound - MVC framework. Built on Node.JS. Works on server and browser.
- node-red/node-red - A visual tool for wiring the Internet of Things
- facebook/fb-flo - A Chrome extension that lets you modify running apps without reloading them.
- lepture/editor - A markdown editor. still on development.
- ruanyf/react-demos - a collection of simple demos of React.js
- Marak/colors.js - get colors in your node.js console
- raphaelcruzeiro/jquery-notebook - A modern, simple and elegant WYSIWYG rich text editor.
- sitespeedio/sitespeed.io - Sitespeed.io is an open source tool that helps you analyze and optimize your website speed and performance, based on performance best practices rules and collecting browser metrics using the Navigation Timing API and User Timings.
- addyosmani/tmi - TMI (Too Many Images) - discover your image weight on the web
- unconed/MathBox.js - MathBox is a (work in progress) library for making presentation-quality math diagrams in WebGL.
- jakerella/jquery-mockjax - The jQuery Mockjax Plugin provides a simple and extremely flexible interface for mocking or simulating ajax requests and responses
- onokumus/Bootstrap-Admin-Template - Metis - Twitter Bootstrap Admin Template
- fnakstad/angular-client-side-auth - One way to implement authentication/authorization in Angular applications
- Block8/PHPCI - PHPCI is a free and open source continuous integration tool specifically designed for PHP.
- cssnext/cssnext - Use tomorrow's CSS syntax, today
- ciaranj/node-oauth - OAuth wrapper for node.js
- yahoo/mojito - Yahoo! Mojito Framework
- BorisMoore/jsrender - A lightweight but powerful templating engine, highly extensible, without DOM or jQuery dependency.
- jetpacapp/DeepBeliefSDK - The SDK for Jetpac's iOS Deep Belief image recognition framework
- 1602/jugglingdb - Multi-database ORM: redis, mongodb, mysql, sqlite, postgres, neo4j, memory... Many databases, common API.
- angular-ui/ui-select - AngularJS-native version of Select2 and Selectize
- pheuter/essential-react - A minimal skeleton for building testable React apps using ES6
- FormidableLabs/radium - A toolchain for React component styling.
- murtaugh/HTML5-Reset - A simple set of best practices to get HTML5 projects off on the right foot.
- cliftonc/calipso - Calipso is a simple NodeJS content management system based on Express, Connect & Mongoose.
- caolan/nodeunit - Easy unit testing in node.js and the browser, based on the assert module.
- rauhryan/huboard - Kanban board for github issues
- moose-team/friends - 📺 P2P chat powered by the web.
- Valve/fingerprintjs - Anonymous browser fingerprint
- thedjpetersen/subway - A web based IRC client
- danwrong/restler - REST client library for node.js
- guard/guard-livereload - Guard::LiveReload automatically reload your browser when 'view' files are modified.
- mashery/iodocs - Interactive API documentation system
- jsoma/tabletop - Tabletop.js gives spreadsheets legs
- uxebu/bonsai - BonsaiJS is a graphics library and renderer
- lifo/cramp - Real-time web application framework in Ruby
- Serhioromano/bootstrap-calendar - Full view calendar with year, month, week and day views based on templates with Twitter Bootstrap.
- gruntjs/grunt-contrib-watch - Run tasks whenever watched files change.
- chenglou/react-motion - A spring that solves your animation problems.
- mintchaos/flippant.js - A mini dependancy-less UI lib for flipping over DOM nodes.
- royrusso/elasticsearch-HQ - Monitoring and Management Web Application for ElasticSearch instances and clusters.
- wagerfield/flat-surface-shader - Flat Surface Shader for rendering lit triangles to a number of contexts including WebGL, Canvas 2D and SVG
- documentcloud/visualsearch - A Rich Search Box for Real Data
- urish/angular-moment - Moment.JS directives for Angular.JS (timeago and more)
- bestiejs/benchmark.js - A benchmarking library. As used on jsPerf.com.
- xoxco/jQuery-Tags-Input - Magically convert a simple text input into a cool tag list with this jQuery plugin.
- scripted-editor/scripted - The Scripted code editor