Name | Description | Version | Release |
Authentication by Cognito | Integrate with Cognito to provide authentication service. | v1.0.0 | Progress |
Authentication by native library | Integrate the native library, in this case using C library and include file, which's acting authentication function. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Adding security header | Add security header into reponse after successful authentication, this function will add 'strict-transport-security' to force browser using HTTPS. | v1.0.0 | Progress |
Name | Description | Version | Release |
Validating token | Validate token from HTTP header by MD5 in order to prevent violent access. | v1.0.0 | Progress |
Name | Description | Version | Release |
Rewrite URL by cookie | Rewrite URL by cookie information when a viewer requests the address. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Rewrite URL by geolocation | Rewrite URL by the geolocation of reuquest when a viewer requests the address. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Rewrite URL by USER-AGENT | Rewrite URL by USER-AGENT from HTTP header when a viewer requests the address. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Name | Description | Version | Release |
Redirect URL by device | Redirect to the different version of an object based on the type of device that the user is using. | v1.0.0 | Progress |
Redirect URL by USER-AGENT | Generate a HTTP redirect response with specific URL regarding to USER-AGENT in the header. | v1.0.0 | Progress |
Name | Description | Version | Release |
Standardize query string | Standardize the query string before CloudFront forwards requests to your origin, so that improve the cache hit ratio. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Convert query string | Convert the query string to key & value pairs and add into header. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Format key & value | Format key & value pairs from POST request into specific form. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Name | Description | Version | Release |
Convert response status code | Convert response status code to specific code, such as 200 to 206, based on configured parameter. | v1.0.0 | Progress |
Modify response header | Modify response header as per configuration. | v1.0.0 | Done |
Modify error reponse to 302 reponse | Modify error response to 302 response as per configuration. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Response status code : 200 with zero sized body | Special feature to support heartbeat function, any request will return HTTP 200 with zero sized body. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Generate static content | Return generated static content based on configured parameter. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Name | Description | Version | Release |
Access origin by geolocation | Forward request to the nearest PoP as per geolocation. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Access origin by customized service | Access origin by calling customized service to get real origin address. | v1.0.0 | Progress |
Access origin by weight rate | Forward request to multiple origin regarding to pre-configured weight for each origin. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Failover to alternative origin | Failover to alternative IP from pre-configured list, return from success IP otherwise retry until last one. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Access origin by MD5 checksum | To prevent accessing the origin site multiple times for the same video file, perform MD5 checksum for the video file and determine when return to the origin. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Support 302 from origin | Process 302 response from origin, then access the redirected URL and return the response. | v1.0.0 | Progress |
Name | Description | Version | Release |
Pre-warm cache from specified origin | Load objects from configuration list into specific PoP in order to accelerate access. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Resize the picture | Resize the picture to lower qualitied picture before return a viewer. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Change the picture format | Resize the picture to lower qualitied picture before return a viewer. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Dynamic reloading content from primary origin | Dynamic reloading content from primary origin as per defined policy, such as certain hot data regarding to metrics. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Name | Description | Version | Release |
Anti-leeching | Validate the referer in the header to avoid hotlinking. | v1.0.0 | Todo |
Anti-theft-chain | Customers can verify access requests with anti-theft chains either through Referer or non-symmetric key encryption. | v1.0.0 | Todo |