Table definitions for the generic schema. These tables can be used for any protocol.
Transactional data on user level incentives claimed data.
Property | Description | Type |
timestamp | The timestamp of the claim. | timestamp |
chain_id | The standard chain id. | int |
transaction_hash | The hash of the transaction. | string |
log_index | The event log. For transactions that don't emit event, create arbitrary index starting from 0. | bigint |
transaction_signer | The address of the account that signed the transaction. | string |
user_address | The address of the user who claimed the incentives (could be different from the transaction_signer). | string |
claimed_token_address | The smart contract address of the claimed token. | string |
amount | The amount of the token claimed, decimal normalized. | double |
amount_usd | The amount of claimed tokens in USD. | double |
other_incentive_usd | (Optional) Any incentives outside of the claimed token, in this transaction, summed up in USD terms. | double |
Schema for airdrop data.
Property | Description | Type |
airdrop_timestamp | The timestamp the airdrop was given to the user. | timestamp |
user_address | The address of the user claiming the airdrop. | string |
claim_timestamp | The timestamp of when the user claimed the airdrop. | timestamp |
transaction_hash | The hash of the transaction. | string |
log_index | The event log. For transactions that don't emit event, create arbitrary index starting from 0. | bigint |
airdrop_token_address | The smart contract address of the airdropped token. | string |
airdrop_token_symbol | The symbol of the token being airdropped. | string |
token_amount | The amount of each token airdropped, decimal normalized. | double |
amount_usd | The USD value of the airdropped tokens. | double |
APR and APY data at the pool level.
Property | Description | Type |
timestamp | The timestamp of the record. | timestamp |
block_date | The timestamp truncated (ie, YYYY-MM-DD format for daily snapshots and YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00 for hourly snapshots). | date |
chain_id | The standard chain id. | int |
protocol_type | The type of protocol (ie, Lending, CDP, DEX, Gaming, etc). | string |
pool_address | The smart contract address of the pool. | string |
pool_name | The name of the pool (ie, pool() in the smart contract, if it exists). | string |
total_value_locked_usd | The total value locked within this pool in USD. | double |
supply_apr | The annual percentage rate of this pool at the snapshot. | double |
supply_apy | The annual percentage yield of the pool. | double |
Protocol level snapshot focused on incentives and users.
Property | Description | Type |
timestamp | The timestamp of the snapshot. | timestamp |
block_date | The timestamp truncated (ie, YYYY-MM-DD format for daily snapshots and YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00 for hourly snapshots). | date |
chain_id | The standard chain id. | int |
daily_active_users | The number of unique daily active users on this protocol. | bigint |
transaction_count | The number of transactions in this time period. | bigint |
fees_usd | The amount of fees in this given period, decimal normalized. | double |
User level token balance snapshots.
Property | Description | Type |
timestamp | The timestamp of the snapshot. | timestamp |
block_date | The timestamp truncated (ie, YYYY-MM-DD format for daily snapshots and YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00 for hourly snapshots). | date |
chain_id | The standard chain id. | int |
user_address | The address of the user this snapshot activity is based on. | string |
token_address | The smart contract address of the token. | string |
token_symbol | The symbol of the token we are getting the balance of. | string |
token_amount | The amount of the token at the given snapshot timestamp (decimal normalized). | double |
token_amount_usd | The amount of the token in USD. | double |
Generic table at a user and transaction level
Property | Description | Type |
timestamp | The timestamp of the transaction. | timestamp |
block_date | A date representation of the timestamp (ie, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | date |
chain_id | The standard chain id. | int |
block_number | The ordinal block number. | bigint |
signer_address | The transaction signer's address. | string |
transaction_hash | The unique identifier for this transaction. | string |
log_index | The unique identifier for this transaction. | bigint |
event_name | The string name for the event associated with log_index, corresponds to the action taken by the user (ie, deposit, withdrawal, borrow, repay, liquidation, flashloan). | string |
transaction_fee | The total amount of gas used in the transactions occurring in the given snapshot (in the native gas amount). | double |
transaction_fee_usd | (Optional, if possible) The total amount of gas used in USD terms in the given snapshot. | double |
Gas and transaction snapshot data at the user level.
Property | Description | Type |
timestamp | The timestamp of the snapshot. | timestamp |
block_date | The timestamp truncated (ie, YYYY-MM-DD format for daily snapshots and YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00 for hourly snapshots). | date |
chain_id | The standard chain id. | int |
user_address | The address of the user this snapshot activity is based on. | string |
transaction_count | The number of transactions this user has signed in the given snapshot. | bigint |
transaction_fees | The total amount of gas used in the transactions occurring in the given snapshot (in the native gas amount). | double |
transaction_fees_usd | (Optional, if possible) The total amount of gas used in USD terms in the given snapshot. | double |
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