- PR #43 - Add pytest-benchmarks tests
- PR #48 - Addition of decimate for FIR ftypes
- PR #49 - Add CuPy Module for convolve2d and correlate2d
- PR #51 - Add CuPy Module for lombscargle, along with tests/benchmarks
- PR #40 - Ability to specify time/freq domain for resample.
- PR #45 - Refactor
to use new Numba/CuPy framework - PR #50 - Update README to reorganize install instructions
- PR #55 - Update notebooks to use timeit instead of time
- PR #44 - Fix issues in pytests
- PR #6 - Added Simple WFM Demodulation, Jupyter Notebook with SoapySDR integration
- PR #17 - Add conda recipe and gpuCI scripts
- PR #22 - Addition of real and complex cepstrum for speech/acoustic signal processing
- PR #25 - Raw CuPy Module for upfirdn
- PR #5 - Update cuSignal install directions for Windows OS.
- PR #9 - Update cuSignal documentation and Conda install ymls to better support Jetson Devices and prune dependencies
- PR #11 - Update cuSignal structure to match other RAPIDS projects
- PR #20 - Updated conda environment and README file
- PR #26 - Cache raw CuPy kernels in upfirdn
- PR #28 - Add use_numba documentation in upfirdn and resample_poly; remove int support
- PR #29 - Fix typos in README
- PR #30 - Add Apache 2.0 license header to acoustics.py
- PR #31 - Adding stream support and additional data types to upfirdn
- PR #32 - Enable filter coefficient reuse across multiple calls to resample_poly and performance bug fixes
- PR #34 - Implement CuPy kernels as module object and templating
- PR #35 - Make upfirdn's kernel caching more generic; support 2D
- PR #36 - Set default upfirdn/resample_poly behavior to use Raw CuPy CUDA kernel rather than Numba; Doc updates
- PR #4 - Direct method convolution isn't supported in CuPy, defaulting to NumPy [Examine in future for performance]
- PR #33 - Removes the conda test phase
- PR #37 - Fix docs to include all cuSignal modules
- PR #38 - Fix version in docs configuration
Initial commit of cuSignal featuring support for:
- Convolution
- convolve - all methods other than direct
- correlate - all methods other than direct
- convolve2d
- correlate2d
- fftconvolve
- choose_conv_method
- B-splines
- cubic
- quadratic
- gauss_spline
- Filtering
- wiener
- lfiltic
- hilbert
- hilbert2
- resample
- resample_poly
- upfirdn
- Filter Design
- bilinear_zpk
- firwin
- iirfilter
- cmplx_sort
- Waveforms
- chirp
- gausspulse
- max_len_seq
- square
- Window Functions
- get_window
- barthann
- bartlett
- blackman
- blackmanharris
- bohman
- boxcar
- chebwin
- cosine
- exponential
- flattop
- gaussian
- general_cosine
- general_gaussian
- general_hamming
- hamming
- hann
- kaiser
- nuttall
- triang
- tukey
- Wavelets
- morlet
- ricker
- cwt
- Peak Finding
- argrelmin
- argrelmax
- rgrelextrema
- Spectral Analysis
- periodogram
- welch
- csd
- coherence
- spectrogram
- vectorstrength
- stft
- lombscargle
- Extensions of Scipy Signal
- freq_shift - Frequency shift signal