diff --git a/tests/tex-output/dominican-flats/an--alma_redemptoris--dominican.gabc b/tests/tex-output/dominican-flats/an--alma_redemptoris--dominican.gabc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b31a386 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tex-output/dominican-flats/an--alma_redemptoris--dominican.gabc @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +name:Alma Redemptoris; +office-part:Antiphona; +mode:5; +book:Antiphonarium O.P. (Gillet), 1933, p. 132*; +transcriber:Andrew Hinkley; +%% +(c3) Al(gxdf/ghh::ikkvJIHG//hihh>)ma(fef) (;) Re(h)demp(h)tó(d)ris(ef) Ma(gxgvFEe)ter,(d) (:) quæ(h) pér(i!jkj~)vi(ih)a(gxgh) (;3) caé(hih)li(h) por(de/fg)ta(f) (;3) ma(h//d!e!fg)nes,(f) (;) et(k) stel(jkJIHh)la(g) ma(hiHGFE)ris,(f) (;) suc(d)cúr(gxeg)re(g) ca(g)dén(fee)ti,(d) (;) súr(h)ge(h)re(h) qui(g) cu(hih)rat,(gf) pó(e)pu(f)lo.(f) (:) Tu,(kkvIHik) (;6) quæ(k) ge(j)nu(kl)í(kj)sti,(ih) (;) na(gxgh)tú(hvGF)ra(f) mi(g)rán(fee>)te,(d) (;) tu(d)um(ef) san(f)ctum(fef) Ge(gxgf)ni(ed)tó(e)rem,(d) (:) Vir(kkvJIHhg~)go(h) (;3) pri(hfgFE)us(d) (;) ac(h) po(i!jk)sté(ih)ri(gh)us,(h) (;) Ga(h)bri(h)é(gxhg)lis(f) ab(gh) o(hvGFg)re(ed) (;) su(d)mens(ef) il(gf~)lud(ed) A(egFE)ve,(f) (:) pec(h)ca(g)tó(h)rum(d!ef) mi(gxgf)se(e)ré(d)re.(d) (::) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/tex-output/dominican-flats/dominican-flats.pdf b/tests/tex-output/dominican-flats/dominican-flats.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c92f051 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/tex-output/dominican-flats/dominican-flats.pdf differ diff --git a/tests/tex-output/dominican-flats/dominican-flats.tex b/tests/tex-output/dominican-flats/dominican-flats.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..219da1d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tex-output/dominican-flats/dominican-flats.tex @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +\documentclass{article} +\usepackage[landscape,margin=1in]{geometry} +\usepackage[autocompile]{gregoriotex} + +\usepackage{fontspec} +\usepackage{gregoriotex} + +\setmainfont[ + Path = ../../../fonts/ , + Extension = .otf , + UprightFont = *-Regular , + UprightFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = *SC-Regular } , + BoldFont = *-Bold , + BoldFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = *SC-Bold } , + ItalicFont = *-Italic , + ItalicFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = *SC-Italic } , + BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic , + BoldItalicFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = *SC-BoldItalic } , + Ligatures = TeX +]{Alegreya} + +\begin{document} + +The same score from GregoBase (4971), set at two slightly different widths. On the left, the B's in \emph{Vir-} and \emph{pri-} are flatted under the Dominican convention that a flat extends to the end of the line. But on the right, under the same convention, they are not flatted. + +\bigskip + +\noindent\parbox[t]{4.06in}{\gregorioscore{an--alma_redemptoris--dominican}}% +\hfill +\noindent\parbox[t]{4.07in}{\gregorioscore{an--alma_redemptoris--dominican}} + +\end{document}