Bulk data can be downloaded from their serviceable if somewhat archaic web+FTP site:
Detailed Files About Candidates, Parties and Other Committees
To get a list of all candidates in this current cycle, look for the listing of Candidate Master File. The 2016 version links to a file that looks like this:
An unzipped version of this file can be found at data/fec/fetched/cn16.txt, but it basically looks like this:
H0AK00097 | COX, JOHN R. | REP | 2014 | AK | H | 00 | C | N | C00525261 | P.O. BOX 1092 | ANCHOR POINT | AK | 99556 | |
H0AL02087 | ROBY, MARTHA | REP | 2016 | AL | H | 02 | I | C | C00462143 | PO BOX 195 | MONTGOMERY | AL | 36101 | |
H0AL02095 | JOHN, ROBERT E JR | IND | 2016 | AL | H | 02 | C | N | 1465 W OVERBROOK RD | MILLBROOK | AL | 36054 | ||
H0AL05049 | CRAMER, ROBERT E "BUD" JR | DEM | 2008 | AL | H | 05 | C | P | C00239038 | PO BOX 2621 | HUNTSVILLE | AL | 35804 |
What do any of those fields mean? The FEC doesn't include them in the actual data file. You have to go to the data dictionary:
Thankfully, the data dictionary has a link to a one-line CSV file that contains the headers:
It looks like as you imagine:
This is a problem that stumps people who don't realize how low-level programming can go.
The zipped data file is pipe-delimited. The headers file is comma-delimited...how are they supposed to mix?
If nothing else, you could do a find-and-replace on the headers file and change commas to pipes. Then copy and paste that line onto the top of the data file. That definitely works, but it's so cumbersome that you'll find yourself losing interest in campaign finance at an even faster pace.
The concept is correct, we just need to implement it in Python.
First step is just to replace the first manual step: clicking and downloading a file. Let's use Requests:
import requests
headers_url = 'http://www.fec.gov/finance/disclosure/metadata/cn_header_file.csv'
resp = requests.get(headers_url)
txt = resp.text
At this point, the variable txt
just holds a string. We need to deserialize it into a list of strings. This actually would work:
headers = txt.split(',')
...but, that's a little too low-level. Not all comma-delimited fields are that easy to separate. So just bring in the csv module and let it do what it does:
import csv
lines = txt.splitlines()
headers = list(csv.reader(lines))[0]
The code above may seem a little confusing to you. You know that the header file has just one line...so why call splitlines()
To get csv.reader()
to parse the raw text correctly, we can't just give it a string of text; we have to give it a list of strings, even if that list is just one line long. Try doing list(csv.reader(txt))
to see what goes wrong.
OK, now that we have headers
, we just have to attach it to the main candidates data file. We'll get to the how of that later. First, we need to programmatically download and unzip the file.
Because the data file is hosted on a FTP server, Requests will not work. We have to use Python's slightly cumbersome -- but built-in -- urllib.request library. I like the urlretrieve method.
Here's one way to use it:
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from shutil import unpack_archive
from os.path import join
from os import makedirs
DATA_DIR = join('tmp', 'cn16')
data_url = 'ftp://ftp.fec.gov/FEC/2016/cn16.zip'
zip_fname = join(DATA_DIR, 'cn16.zip')
urlretrieve(data_url, zip_fname)
# now unzip it
unpack_archive(zip_fname, extract_dir=DATA_DIR)
At the end of that sequence, you'll see that a zipfile exists wherever you pointed unpack_archive
to do its work (via the extract_dir
directory). The unzipped filename is predictable: it's just cn.txt
-- although that is extremely annoying if you ever try to download more than one cycle's worth of data...
But let's just deal with putting together the data file. headers
should already be a list. And when we open the cn.txt
file, we can pass it to csv.reader
...but what about the pipes? We pass in an argument to csv.reader
to tell it to parse the file with pipes instead of commas:
fname = join(DATA_DIR, 'cn.txt')
with open(fname) as rf:
datarows = csv.reader(rf, delimiter='|')
Let's make sure we have the downloading steps correct. Here's all the code in one place:
import csv
import requests
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from shutil import unpack_archive
from os.path import join
from os import makedirs
DATA_DIR = join('tmp', 'cn16')
makedirs(DATA_DIR, exist_ok=True)
headers_url = 'http://www.fec.gov/finance/disclosure/metadata/cn_header_file.csv'
print("Downloading the headers", headers_url)
resp = requests.get(headers_url)
lines = resp.text.splitlines()
headers = list(csv.reader(lines))
# headers is a list of lists, we want the first list:
headers = headers[0]
## download the zip
data_url = 'ftp://ftp.fec.gov/FEC/2016/cn16.zip'
print("Downloading the zip file", data_url)
zip_fname = join(DATA_DIR, 'cn16.zip')
urlretrieve(data_url, zip_fname)
# now unzip it
unpack_archive(zip_fname, extract_dir=DATA_DIR)
fname = join(DATA_DIR, 'cn.txt')
with open(fname) as rf:
datarows = list(csv.reader(rf, delimiter='|'))
How do we combine headers
with datarows
? If you're familiar with zip...well, this is how I would do it to get a list of dicts:
mydata = []
for row in datarows:
d = dict(zip(headers, row))
'CAND_ICI': 'C',
'CAND_ID': 'H0AL06088',
'CAND_PCC': 'C00464222',
'CAND_ST': 'AL',
'CAND_ST2': '',
'CAND_ZIP': '35091'}
However, you'll probably find more utility of saving the combined file...write one script to download and wrangle the data into a form that another script can just pick up:
dest_fname = 'cn16-with-headers.csv'
with open(dest_fname, 'w') as wf:
csvfile = csv.writer(wf)
This is a ton of boilerplate to just download a file and combine it with its headers. But if you have ambitions to do something that scales -- such as downloading all of the candidate data since 1980...or seeing that all of the other data files on the FEC's site can be collected with nearly the same code...then the half hour you may have spent writing code to download a couple of files will make short work of what would normally be a near-impossible manual-data gathering task.
Consider the file pattern for the candidate file for 2016:
The 2014 file looks like this:
So how would we generate all of the URLs for every file since 1980? Just a range and for-loop:
urlbase = 'ftp://ftp.fec.gov/FEC/{year}/cn{yr}.zip'
# we go to 2017 to ensure that 2016 is part of the range
for year in range(1980, 2017, 2):
url = urlbase.format(year=year, yr=str(year)[-2:])
And if you look at the rest of the data catalog, you'll see that every other file follows this simple pattern; to get the 2016 individual contributions data (i.e. every individual contribution over $200), you download this file:
Here's a loop that will generate the URLs for every cycle's worth of candidate, committee, individual contributions, and operating expenditures data:
urlbase = 'ftp://ftp.fec.gov/FEC/{year}/{stub}{yr}.zip'
# we go to 2017 to ensure that 2016 is part of the range
for stub in ['cm', 'cn', 'indiv', 'oppexp']:
for year in range(1980, 2017, 2):
url = urlbase.format(year=year, yr=str(year)[-2:], stub=stub)
Now, instead of just printing each URL, you just need to write the code to download and save them...