Releases: daniestevez/gr-satellites
gr-satellites v3.9.0
This release adds support for a few new satellites and some minor bug fixes. This release supports GNU Radio 3.8. The equivalent release for GNU Radio 3.9 is gr-satellites v4.2.0.
- Support for CubeSX-HSE in 1k2, 2k4 and 4k8 modes
- Support for CubeSX-Sirius-HSE in 1k2 and 2k4 modes
- Support for OrbicraftZorkiy in 2k4 mode
- Support for KAITUO-1B
- Support for DIY-1
- Support for MIR-SAT1
- Runtime bug in AALTO-1 deframer
- Duplicated printing with --hexdump and unknown telemetry
- Bug in FSK demodulator with IQ mode and high baudrate
gr-satellites v4.1.0
This release adds support for many new satellites and several minor improvements. This release supports GNU Radio 3.9. The equivalent release for GNU Radio 3.8 is gr-satellites v3.8.0
- USP deframer
- Env variable GR_SATELLITES_SUBMIT_TLM to force/disable telemetry submission
- Ability to disable AX100 ASM+Golay scrambler in SatYAML and GRC block
- Support for BCCSAT 1
- Support for CUBE-L
- Support for GRBAlpha
- Support for NanosatC-BR1 and NanosatC-BR2
- Support for SIMBA
- Support for SMOG-1
- Support for SPUTNIX satellites: OrbiCraft-Zorkiy, CubeSX-HSE, CubeSX-Sirius-HSE, KSU CubeSat
- Support for STECCO
- Support for TAUSAT-1 and TSURU
- Support for UNISAT-7
- 2k4 downlink for MEZNSAT
- In gr_satellites, do not disable non-telemetry datasinks in --hexdump mode
- Reformatting of Python code according to PEP8
- RS basis options swapped in CCSDS Reed-Solomon encoder GRC block
gr-satellites v3.8.0
This release adds support for many new satellites and several minor improvements. This release supports GNU Radio 3.8. The equivalent release for GNU Radio 3.9 is gr-satellites v4.1.0
- USP deframer
- Env variable GR_SATELLITES_SUBMIT_TLM to force/disable telemetry submission
- Ability to disable AX100 ASM+Golay scrambler in SatYAML and GRC block
- Support for BCCSAT 1
- Support for CUBE-L
- Support for GRBAlpha
- Support for NanosatC-BR1 and NanosatC-BR2
- Support for SIMBA
- Support for SMOG-1
- Support for SPUTNIX satellites: OrbiCraft-Zorkiy, CubeSX-HSE, CubeSX-Sirius-HSE, KSU CubeSat
- Support for STECCO
- Support for TAUSAT-1 and TSURU
- Support for UNISAT-7
- 2k4 downlink for MEZNSAT
- In gr_satellites, do not disable non-telemetry datasinks in --hexdump mode
- Reformatting of Python code according to PEP8
- RS basis options swapped in CCSDS Reed-Solomon encoder GRC block
gr-satellites v4.0.0
This is the first stable release supporting GNU Radio 3.9. The functionality is almost the same as in v3.7.0, which supports GNU Radio 3.8.
Changelog since v4.0.0-rc1
- Support for DELFI-n3xt
- Final NORAD for UVSQ-Sat
- Document that --wavfile allows OGG/FLAC
gr-satellites v4.0.0-rc1
This release has the same funcitonality as v3.7.0 but supports GNU Radio 3.9 instead of GNU Radio 3.8
gr-satellites v3.7.0
gr-satellites February 2021 monthly release, adding support for
several new launches
- Read sample rate from WAV files automatically
- PDU Length Filter block
- Example decoder for NEXUS 19k2 pi/4-DQPSK telemetry
- Support for AALTO-1 CC1125 mode
- Support for CAPE-3
- Support for DELFI-C3
- Support for EXOCUBE-2
- Support for Grizu-263A
- Support for IDEASSat
- Support for MiTEE-1
- Support for SOMP 2b
- Support for UVSQ-SAT
- Support for YUSAT-1
- Add filter before quadrature demod for IQ input FSK demodulator
- Runtime error when the baudrate is too high for the sample rate
- Errors about wrong Reed-Solomon message size with OPS-SAT deframer
- Bug in SIDS submit URL encoding
- Bug with SatYAML files in platforms not using UTF-8
- Build problems with clang
gr-satellites v3.6.0
gr-satellites December 2020 monthly release. This includes support
for several new satellites and other improvements.
- PDU add metadata block
- PDU Head/Tail block
- Lucky-7 image receiver
- Support for custom SIDS servers
- Support for AISTECHSAT-2 custom protocol
- Support for BOBCAT-1
- Support for BY03
- Support for FossaSat-1B and FossaSat-2
- Support for NEUTRON-1
- Support for SPOC
- Support for TTU-100
- Support for VZLUSAT-2
- Replaced boost::bind() by C++ lambdas
- Refactored Reed-Solomon decoder C++ blocks
- Refactored CCSDS deframer blocks to allow more generality
- Make --clk_limit parameter relative to samples per symbol
- Updated AISTECHSAT-2 transmit frequency
- Definitive NORAD IDs for NETSAT 1-4
- Deprecated Astrocast 9k6 deframer in favour of the new CCSDS Reed-Solomon deframer
- Deprecated CC11xx remove length, Header remover and Strip AX.25 header in favour of PDU Head/Tail
gr-satellites v3.5.2
This is a bugfix release
- Fixed bug in S-NET deframer
gr-satellites v3.5.1
gr-satellites release v3.5.1
This is a small bugfix release.
- Added final NORAD ID for DEKART
- Fixed bug in SALSAT CRC calculation
gr-satellites v3.5.0
gr-satellites release v3.5.0
This release includes support for several of the satellites in the 2020-068 Soyuz launch.
- Option for generating correct recording timestamps by playing back at 1x speed
- Option for listing the supported satellites in gr_satellites
- Mobitex and Mobitex-NX deframer
- Support for SALSAT
- Support for MEZNSAT
- Support for satellites using Mobitex and Mobitex-NX (D-STAR ONE, BEESAT, TECHNOSAT,
AMGU-1, SOKRAT, DEKART) - Support for NETSAT 1, 2, 3, 4
- Support for NORBI
- Support for KAIDUN-1
- Bug with Reed-Solomon decoder that prevented building on i386 since v3.3.0