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A Saga is a special type of event listener: one that manages a business transaction. Some transactions could be running for days or even weeks, while others are completed within a few milliseconds. In Axon, each instance of a Saga is responsible for managing a single business transaction. That means a Saga maintains state necessary to manage that transaction, continuing it or taking compensating actions to roll back any actions already taken. Typically, and contrary to regular event listeners, a saga has a starting point and an end, both triggered by events. While the starting point of a saga is usually very clear, there could be many ways for a saga to end.

In Axon, sagas are classes that define one or more @SagaEventHandler methods. Unlike regular event handlers, multiple instances of a saga may exist at any time. Sagas are managed by a single event processor (Tracking or Subscribing), which is dedicated to dealing with events for that specific saga type.

Life cycle

A single Saga instance is responsible for managing a single transaction. That means you need to be able to indicate the start and end of a saga's life cycle.

In a saga, event handlers are annotated with @SagaEventHandler. If a specific event signifies the start of a transaction, add another annotation to that same method: @StartSaga. This annotation will create a new saga and invoke its event handler method when a matching event is published.

By default, a new saga is only started if no suitable existing saga (of the same type) can be found. You can also force the creation of a new saga instance by setting the forceNew property on the @StartSaga annotation to true.

Ending a saga can be done in two ways. If a certain event always indicates the end of a saga its life cycle, annotate that event handler on the saga with @EndSaga. The saga its life cycle will be ended after the invocation of the handler. Alternatively, you can call SagaLifecycle.end() from inside the saga to end the life cycle. This allows you to conditionally end the saga.

Event handling

Event handling in a saga is quite comparable to that of a regular event listener. The same rules for method and parameter resolution are valid here. There is one major difference, though. While there is a single instance of an event listener that deals with all incoming events, multiple instances of a saga may exist, each interested in different events. For example, a saga that manages a transaction around an Order with Id "1" will not be interested in events regarding Order "2", and vice versa.

Instead of publishing all events to all saga instances (which would be a complete waste of resources), Axon will only publish events containing properties that the saga has been associated with. This is done using AssociationValues. An AssociationValue consists of a key and a value. The key represents the type of identifier used, for example "orderId" or "order". The value represents the corresponding value, "1" or "2" in the previous example.

The order in which @SagaEventHandler annotated methods are evaluated is identical to that of @EventHandler methods (see Annotated event handler). A method matches if the parameters of the handler method match the incoming event, and if the saga has an association with the property defined on the handler method.

The @SagaEventHandler annotation has two attributes, of which associationProperty is the most important one. This is the name of the property on the incoming event that should be used to find associated sagas. The key of the association value is the name of the property. The value is the value returned by property its getter method.

For example, consider an incoming Event with a method String getOrderId(), which returns "123". If a method accepting this event is annotated with @SagaEventHandler(associationProperty="orderId"), this Event is routed to all Sagas that have been associated with an AssociationValue with key "orderId" and value "123". This may either be exactly one, more than one, or even none at all.

Sometimes, the name of the property you want to associate with is not the name of the association you want to use. For example, you have a Saga that matches "Sell orders" against "Buy orders", you could have a transaction object that contains the "buyOrderId" and a "sellOrderId". If you want the saga to associate the "sellOrderId" value as "orderId", you can define a different keyName in the @SagaEventHandler annotation. It would then become @SagaEventHandler(associationProperty="sellOrderId", keyName="orderId")

Injecting Resources

Sagas generally do more than just maintaining state based on events. They interact with external components. To do so, they need access to the resources necessary to address to components. Usually, these resources aren't really part of the saga and its state and these resources should not be persisted as such. However, once a saga is reconstructed, these resources must be injected before an event is routed to that instance.

For that purpose, there is the ResourceInjector. It is used by the SagaRepository to inject resources into a saga. Axon provides a SpringResourceInjector, which injects annotated fields and methods with resources from the Application Context. Axon also provides a SimpleResourceInjector, which injects resources that have been registered with it into @Inject annotated methods and fields.


Since resources should not be persisted with the saga, make sure to add the transient keyword to those fields. This will prevent the serialization mechanism to attempt to write the contents of these fields to the repository. The repository will automatically re-inject the required resources after a saga has been deserialized.

The SimpleResourceInjector allows for a pre-specified collection of resources to be injected. It scans the (setter) methods and fields of a Saga to find ones that are annotated with @Inject.

When using the Configuration API, Axon will default to the ConfigurationResourceInjector. It will inject any resource available in the configuration. Components like the EventBus, EventStore, CommandBus and CommandGateway are available by default. You can also register your own components using configurer.registerComponent().

The SpringResourceInjector uses Spring's dependency injection mechanism to inject resources into a Saga. This means you can use setter injection or direct field injection if you require. The method or field to be injected needs to be annotated in order for Spring to recognize it as a dependency, for example with @Autowired.

Saga Infrastructure

Events need to be redirected to the appropriate saga instances. To do so, some infrastructure classes are required. The most important components are the SagaManager and the SagaRepository.

Saga Manager

Like any component that handles events, the processing is done by an Event Processor. However, Sagas are not singleton instances handling events. They have individual life cycles that need to be managed.

Axon supports life cycle management through the AnnotatedSagaManager, which is provided to an Event Processor to perform the actual invocation of handlers. It is initialized using the type of the Saga to manage, as well as a SagaRepository where Sagas of that type can be stored and retrieved. A single AnnotatedSagaManager can only manage a single Saga type.

Saga repository and saga store

The SagaRepository is responsible for storing and retrieving sagas, for use by the SagaManager. It is capable of retrieving specific saga instances by their identifier as well as by their association values.

There are some special requirements, however. Since concurrency handling in sagas is a very delicate procedure, the repository must ensure that for each conceptual saga instance (with an equal identifier) only a single instance exists in the JVM.

Axon provides the AnnotatedSagaRepository implementation, which allows the lookup of saga instances while guaranteeing that only a single instance of the saga may be accessed at the same time. It uses a SagaStore to perform the actual persistence of saga instances.

The choice for the implementation to use depends mainly on the storage engine used by the application. Axon provides the JdbcSagaStore, InMemorySagaStore, JpaSagaStore and MongoSagaStore.

In some cases, applications benefit from caching saga instances. In that case, there is a CachingSagaStore which wraps another implementation to add caching behavior. Note that the CachingSagaStore is a write-through cache, which means save operations are always immediately forwarded to the backing Store, to ensure data safety.


The JpaSagaStore uses JPA to store the state and association values of sagas. Sagas themselves do not need any JPA annotations; Axon will serialize the sagas using a Serializer (similar to event serialization, you can choose between an XStreamSerializer or JacksonSerializer, which can be set by configuring the default Serializer in your application. For more details, see Serializers.

The JpaSagaStore is configured with an EntityManagerProvider, which provides access to an EntityManager instance to use. This abstraction allows for the use of both application managed and container managed EntityManagers. Optionally, you can define the serializer to serialize the Saga instances with. Axon defaults to the XStreamSerializer.


The JdbcSagaStore uses plain JDBC to store stage instances and their association values. Similar to the JpaSagaStore, saga instances do not need to be aware of how they are stored. They are serialized using a serializer.

The JdbcSagaStore is initialized with either a DataSource or a ConnectionProvider. While not required, when initializing with a ConnectionProvider, it is recommended to wrap the implementation in a UnitOfWorkAwareConnectionProviderWrapper. It will check the current Unit of Work for an already open database connection, to ensure that all activity within a unit of work is done on a single connection.

Unlike JPA, the JdbcSagaRepository uses plain SQL statements to store and retrieve information. This may mean that some operations depend on the database specific SQL dialect. It may also be the case that certain database vendors provide non-standard features that you would like to use. To allow for this, you can provide your own SagaSqlSchema. The SagaSqlSchema is an interface that defines all the operations the repository needs to perform on the underlying database. It allows you to customize the SQL statement executed for each operation. The default is the GenericSagaSqlSchema. Other implementations available are PostgresSagaSqlSchema, Oracle11SagaSqlSchema and HsqlSagaSchema.


The MongoSagaStore stores the saga instances and their associations in a MongoDB database. The MongoSagaStore stores all sagas in a single collection in a MongoDB database. For each saga instance, a single document is created.

The MongoSagaStore also ensures that at any time, only a single Saga instance exists for any unique Saga in a single JVM. This ensures that no state changes are lost due to concurrency issues.

The MongoSagaStore is initialized using a MongoTemplate and optionally a Serializer. The MongoTemplate provides a reference to the collection to store the sagas in. Axon provides the DefaultMongoTemplate, which takes a MongoClient instance as well as the database name and name of the collection to store the sagas in. The database name and collection name may be omitted. In that case, they default to "axonframework" and "sagas", respectively.


If a database backed saga storage is used, saving and loading saga instances may be a relatively expensive operation. In situations where the same saga instance is invoked multiple times within a short time span, a cache can be especially beneficial to the application's performance.

Axon provides the CachingSagaStore implementation. It is a SagaStore that wraps another one, which does the actual storage. When loading sagas or association values, the CachingSagaStore will first consult its caches, before delegating to the wrapped repository. When storing information, all calls are always delegated to ensure that the backing storage always has a consistent view on the saga's state.

To configure caching, simply wrap any SagaStore in a CachingSagaStore. The constructor of the CachingSagaStore takes three parameters: 1. The SagaStore to wrap 2. The cache to use for association values 3. The cache to use for saga instances

The latter two arguments may refer to the same cache, or to different ones. This depends on the eviction requirements of your specific application.

Configuring a Saga

Although a Saga requires a manager, repository / store and wiring to the right message busses, configuring a Saga is straightforward. When using the Configuration API, Axon will use sensible defaults for most components.

As a specific type of Event Handling Component, configuration of a Saga is closely related to the configuration of Event Processors. Due to this, configuring a processor will impact the behaviour of a Saga, albeit on a non-functional level. The configuration of error handling or processor assignment rules, for example, are thus equally valid for Sagas as long as the right processor name is used during configuration.

Default Saga Processor name

As a Saga is a type of event handler, it is part of an Event Processor. Without defining any assignment rules, a Saga's processor name equals the Saga name appended with "Processor",

With a Saga called MySaga, that would mean the processor is called MySagaProcessor.

Internally, Axon uses a SagaConfigurer to construct the Saga, Saga Manager, Saga Repository and Saga Store. A default configuration for a Saga called MySaga would look as follows:

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Axon Configuration API" %} As a specific type of event handler, registering a Saga is done through the EventProcessingConfigurer:

class AxonConfig {

    void configureMySaga(EventProcessingConfigurer eventProcessingConfigurer) {

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Spring Boot AutoConfiguration" %} In a Spring environment, the Saga implementation should be annotated with @Saga to auto-configure it:

import org.axonframework.spring.stereotype.Saga;

class MySaga {
    // saga implementation left out...

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Although the defaults lead us to a working Saga environment, it is recommended to define the SagaStore to use. The SagaStore represents the mechanism that 'physically' stores the Saga instances, for which it uses the AnnotatedSagaRepository (the default) to store and retrieve Saga instances. If no SagaStore is configured Axon defaults an InMemorySagaStore, thus not persisting the Saga on shutdown. To configure a SagaStore for MySaga consider the following snippet:

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Axon Configuration API" %} To define a custom SagaStore, the SagaConfigurer should be used through the EventProcessingConfigurer#registerSaga(Class<T>, Consumer<SagaConfigurer<T>>) method:

class AxonConfig {

    void configureMySaga(EventProcessingConfigurer eventProcessingConfigurer,
                         EntityManagerProvider entityManagerProvider) {
                sagaConfigurer -> sagaConfigurer.configureSagaStore(
                        c -> JpaSagaStore.builder()

Alternatively, a default store can be defined through EventProcessingConfigurer#registerSagaStore(Function<Configuration, SagaStore>) method. {% endtab %}

{% tab title="Spring Boot AutoConfiguration" %} When Spring Boot is used and JPA or JDBC is on the classpath, then Axon auto-configures a JpaSagaStore or JdbcSagaStore respectively. To provide a custom SagaStore, providing a bean to the application context and defining the bean name on the @Saga annotation suffices:

import org.axonframework.spring.stereotype.Saga;

@Saga(sagaStore = "mySagaStore")
public class MySaga {
    // saga implementation left out...

class AxonConfig {

    public SagaStore mySagaStore(DataSource dataSource) {
        return JdbcSagaStore.builder()

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}