- Fixed issue with saving photos
- Fixed issue with other tab enlarging photos
- Small refactoring
- Added ability to add multiple photos to road segments
- Fixed maximizing screen when viewing enlarged image
- Completely redesigned the road analysis tool
- Added a sheeting information guide for signs
- TAMS projects openned from the project file should open directly now
- Added ability to toggle the visibility of shape layers
- Unsaved changes for signs and landmarks with prompt a warning when changing selection
- Added a warning when changing road surface for multiple roads
- The mount height number box now increments by 0.1 in.
- Added 'Name,' 'From Address,' and 'To Address' to roads with sidewalks report
- Added surface property to sidewalks
- Certain fault values will autofill the sidewalk recommendations
- Photos for different objects can now be stored in separate folders which are specified by the user
- Photo file names are now present in reports
- Fixed highlighting results on map for custom reports
- Map snapshot captures the actual dimentions of the map window
- Adding new sign supports and landmarks is now toggled on/off
- Deleting sign support option is disabled if no supports are selected
- After panning when curront mode is moving a sign support/landmark the current mode returns to moving
- Landmark reports now work as expected
- Landmark reports can now be imported
- Added sign supports to the custom report builder
- Added landmarks to the custom report builder
- Sign reports now work as expected
- Sign reports can now be imported
- Sign descriptions and sign panel options are now capitalized
- Separated recommendations for signs and sign supports
- Exported files now open immediatly
- Added the ability to move posts and landmarks on the map
- Added default favorite signs
- Added signs to the custom report builder
- Fixed symbols of sign posts not loading correctly
- Selecting survey date in signs no longer crashes TAMS
- Improved functionality of the search feature in the main window tool bar
- New setting to toggle zooming to selection on the map
- Added various keyboard shortcuts
- Custom report has a new option to select roads on the map
- Keys in the legend can be selected to display only selected colors on the map
- Fixed legend not repositioning when shrinking the map
- Saving changes when editing/ importing a table is much faster
- Sorting tables by numeric values now sorts as expected
- Added a loading splash animation when building a new project. This may also be used in other places in the future
- A legend is present in the bottom right corner of the map
- Roads can be colored by treatment
- There is a display option under the "Project" dropdown (replacing the theme option) that allows users to change display settings
- Warning prevents users from accidentally changing surface type
- For projects made after this release, changes in shape field settings are reflected in road database
- Exported csv files no longer have a space before every entry
- Changes made to a report opened with TAMS can be saved
- New advanced option for csv files to be imported and overwrite datatables in TAMS
- Panning with right click works again
- Generating a report on selected roads is working
- All reports can be exported as either a CSV or PNG file
- Road "Type" is now "Functional Classification"
- Custom Reports now work
- Added theme settings under "Project" dropdown
- Graph and table data now round to nearest tenth
- Notes in reports now truncate to fit table better
- Fixed issues with histroy reports resizing
- Improved performance when changing sign selection
- Fixed signs not saving all data
- Fixed issues with removing signs and deleting posts
- Fixed bug with two signs with the same description on a post
- Add 'Other' option for road type
- Reordered road type dropdown
- Changed graphs color scheme
- Notes are displayed in a more readable manner in the notes form and general report
- Made windows render in center of screen
- Sign lookup is no longer cut off when rendering on a smaller screen
- Added road type, notes, and distresses to general road report
- Fixed sign height not saving
- Fixes issue where Miscellaneous points were not saved to TAMS file on creation
- Reverts change to drop own buttons. The no longer have a click behavior beyond opening list
- Fixed typos in road module error messages
- Refined column display on some tables
- Adds data view in analysis tool to show actual vs expected maintenance based on rsl
- recommendation box on sidewalks is now a combo box with four options
- and the module panel drop down buttons now open the menu on mouse over
- The add sign/feature buttons can now be directly clicked, and clicking it is the same as clicking click map
- The order of menu items under those buttons was rearranged for clarity
- Guard and error handling
- Refactor & Bug-fix of modules base
- Other bug fixes
- Picturebox bug fixes
- Fixed bug in roads module
- Added Distribution Graphs to Roads Module
- User can make a graph based on Road Type, Surface, Governing Distress, and RSL
- Other Items now correctly show what item is empty rather than "signs"
- Fixed an issue where tams files were incorrectly Identified as 'broken'
- Improved Maintainability
- Updates to generic module. This module is still considered beta quality
- Added new default items for generic module
- Other bug fixes
- Fixes a critical bug in generic module that could have caused loss of data.
- Fixed a bug in the signs module where date selection actually did nothing, now correctly selects the date.
- Refactored table modifacation into its own fuction.
- Function is in the base class project module since it is used by all the modules in TAMS.
- Made refinements to the roads import tool.
- Implemnts Generic module
- generic module behaves the same as the signs module in most reguards
- generic module currently supports 4 specific types and 1 fully generic type.
- generic moudle must create a new shape file when used.
- Changes auto suggestion table to better reflect common treatment reccomenations.
- Database now up to version 8