This package provides a collection of helper functions and classes for PHP and Laravel.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require daikazu/misc-helpers
Formats business hours into a human-readable string.
$hours = [
'monday' => ['open' => '09:00', 'close' => '17:00'],
'tuesday' => ['open' => '09:00', 'close' => '17:00'],
'wednesday' => ['open' => '09:00', 'close' => '17:00']
$formatted = format_business_hours($hours, 'America/New_York');
echo $formatted; // Outputs: Monday - Wednesday 9am-5pm EDT
Calculates the estimated read time for a given HTML content.
$content = '<p>This is a very short text.</p>';
$readTime = calculate_read_time($content);
echo $readTime; // Outputs: 1
Checks if a Blade section is empty.
<p>Section is empty</p>
$isEmpty = is_blade_section_empty('test');
var_dump($isEmpty); // Outputs: bool(false)
Generates initials from a given name.
$name = 'John Doe';
$initials = generate_initials($name);
echo $initials; // Outputs: JD
Cleans a string by removing extra whitespace and optionally converting it to lowercase.
$string = ' Hello World ';
$cleaned = clean_string($string);
echo $cleaned; // Outputs: Hello World
The PruneLogFilesCommand
is a custom Artisan command used to prune old log files from the storage directory.
To run the command, use the following Artisan command:
php artisan log:prune
: The number of days to retain log files. Files older than this will be deleted. Default is 30 days.
To prune log files older than 15 days, run:
php artisan log:prune --days=15
The PhpArrayFormatter class provides functionality to format PHP arrays into a readable string representation.
####Usage To use the PhpArrayFormatter, you can create an instance of the class and call the format method with the array you want to format.
use App\Utilities\PhpArrayFormatter;
$array = [
'name' => 'John Doe',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'roles' => ['admin', 'user']
$formatter = new PhpArrayFormatter();
$formattedArray = $formatter->format($array);
echo $formattedArray;
// Outputs:
// [
// 'name' => 'John Doe',
// 'email' => '[email protected]',
// 'roles' => [
// 'admin',
// 'user'
// ]
// ]
composer test
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