For an overview of the OCaml closure memory representation, see this excellent summary by Gbury.
Suppose the free variables captured by the closure are y0, y1, ..., ym
let closure a0 a1 ... an env = <closure body>
transforms to
let closure a0 a1 ... an env =
(* Dup the environment *)
let x0 = dup (field 0 (offset env)) in
let x1 = dup (field 1 (offset env)) in
let xm = dup (field m (offset env)) in
(* Drop the closure *)
drop env ;
(* Execute the closure *)
<closure body>[x0/y0][x1/y1]...[xm/ym]
env : closure_block_addr
is the field implicitly passed by the OCaml compiler that points to the start of the closure block in memoryoffset : closure_block_addr -> env_addr
returns the address of the start of the closure environment given the start of the closure block.