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2 Loading & Saving a Program

d1ddle edited this page Jun 13, 2021 · 1 revision

Once your disk is loaded (see Disk Management), and you have a list of files on the disk, take note of the name of the write program from my provided .ssd (releases page) (WRITET2).

Next, type into BeebEm LOAD "<filename>" where <filename> is the name of the program.

In this case, LOAD "WRITET2". This'll load the program into memory.

Next type in LIST, which prints the program. Here you can see the BASIC commands in the program.

This isn't neccesary to run, but still cool.

Next type into BeebEm RUN which, shocker, runs the program.

BeebEm Running WRITET2

The above should appear. The numbers printed are being read from the DATA statements on lines 160 and 170, and written to the file specified earlier in WRITET2.

If the BBC prints all of the numbers but still hangs, make sure File>Disk Options>Write Protect 0/1 are UNTICKED.

Now, we're going to edit this program and re-save it onto the disk.

To edit a line, type into BeebEm the line number, and then the following BASIC commands you want to execute.

For example, type in:


Which replaces line 160 with DATA HELLO HAYDEN

Rerun (RUN) the program and HELLO HAYDEN should print.

To save this, type SAVE "<filename>" where <filename> is WRITET2: SAVE "WRITET2".

If you get an error Disk is read only, make sure File>Disk Options>Write Protect 0/1 are UNTICKED.

Congratulations! You have:

  • Loaded a disk
  • Loaded and Executed a program from disk
  • Reprogrammed the program
  • Saved the reprogrammed program to disk

Continue to Using BBC Micro Save N Load