Releases: crocs-muni/sec-certs
Releases · crocs-muni/sec-certs
What's Changed
- Docs: upload to web on tag revision by @adamjanovsky in #230
Full Changelog: 0.0.8...0.0.9
What's Changed
- Add document hashes. by @J08nY in #221
- Don't guess next release version with setuptools_scm by @adamjanovsky in #222
- Add more rules. by @J08nY in #224
- Fix PyPi build by @adamjanovsky in #226
Full Changelog: 0.0.7...0.0.8
What's Changed
- Improve CPE matching (again) and add SAR processing by @adamjanovsky in #188
- build(deps): bump pypdf2 from 1.26.0 to 1.27.5 in /requirements by @dependabot in #202
- fix empty raise, more detailed info about badly parsed html by @adamjanovsky in #204
- allow empty dataset constructors by @adamjanovsky in #205
- populate init for packages by @adamjanovsky in #206
- warn user on missing poppler, graphviz by @adamjanovsky in #209
- docs: Documentation for DependecyFinder and DependencyVulnerabilityFi… by @GeorgeFI in #215
- Docs by @adamjanovsky in #196
- Actions: fix draft release by @adamjanovsky in #217
- Issue/216 binder fix build by @adamjanovsky in #218
Full Changelog: 0.0.5...0.0.7
What's Changed
- update release info in readme by @adamjanovsky in #164
- release action only on publishing a release by @adamjanovsky in #165
- Regex expand by @GeorgeFI in #166
- Leftover work with mypy and some random fixes by @adamjanovsky in #168
- Fix storage of PDF metadata. by @J08nY in #172
- Fix cpe matching inconsistencies by @adamjanovsky in #171
- [WIP] Unify handling of references in CC & FIPS. by @J08nY in #177
- fix: Fixed normalization to broken PDFs by @GeorgeFI in #178
- build(deps): bump pillow from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 by @dependabot in #179
- Explicitly terminate the Thread or Process pool. by @J08nY in #181
- Fix issue with MIP download due to change in FIPS site. by @J08nY in #182
- fix: Matching anssi certs with recertification, removed regex for tur… by @GeorgeFI in #184
- Refactor/pdftotext as library by @adamjanovsky in #183
- Refactor/better requirements by @adamjanovsky in #186
Full Changelog: 0.0.3...0.0.4
Full Changelog: v0.0.2...0.0.3
What's Changed
- Add and Travis CI. by @J08nY in #2
- Add and fix some regex rules. by @J08nY in #3
- Add a proper setup, move into a package. by @J08nY in #4
- Fix path building by @J08nY in #5
- Add CLI by @J08nY in #6
- Move downloading to python. by @J08nY in #7
- fips basic functionality by @mmstanone in #8
- Fips - bs4, added parsing by @mmstanone in #9
- Dataset classes by @adamjanovsky in #10
- Dataset classes by @adamjanovsky in #11
- Cc oop tests by @adamjanovsky in #12
- simplified (de)serialization using explicit _type attribute by @adamjanovsky in #13
- oop working by @mmstanone in #15
- Repalce relative imports with absolute imports by @adamjanovsky in #17
- Fix to_dict() copies, inherit serialization by @adamjanovsky in #16
- Cc download extract pdf by @adamjanovsky in #19
- bugfixes and graph creation by @mmstanone in #18
- Parsing of algorithms, less false positives by @mmstanone in #20
- parallel processing, separated parts, continuous addition of certs by @mmstanone in #21
- Petrs/fix legacy version by @petrs in #23
- Petrs/add jcconstants by @petrs in #24
- Petrs/add jcconstants by @petrs in #25
- Petrs/remove fipsspecific by @petrs in #26
- Petrs/find affected certs by @petrs in #27
- add processing of data extracted from fips certificates, stacked graphs by @petrs in #28
- Petrs/find affected keywords by @petrs in #29
- History, web/pdf/processed, common/fips keyword matching by @mmstanone in #30
- Cc extract certs by @adamjanovsky in #32
- Add explicit certificate status active/archived by @adamjanovsky in #34
- Introduce state variable of CCDataset by @adamjanovsky in #35
- Adds fault tolerant data extraction by @adamjanovsky in #36
- more cautious exception handling by @adamjanovsky in #37
- Serialize digest of the certificate by @adamjanovsky in #38
- dgst is serialized as a field in certificate by @adamjanovsky in #39
- Error messages of certificate are now serialized by @adamjanovsky in #40
- adds implicit dataset serialization by @adamjanovsky in #41
- Cc cpe fuzzy matching by @adamjanovsky in #42
- Algorithm matching + saner usage by @mmstanone in #43
- Petrs/analyze affecting by @petrs in #31
- CPE matching by @adamjanovsky in #50
- Bump lxml from 4.6.1 to 4.6.3 by @dependabot in #57
- Bump pillow from 8.0.1 to 8.1.1 by @dependabot in #58
- Bump pikepdf from 2.0.0 to 2.10.0 by @dependabot in #60
- Bump pikepdf from 2.0.0 to 2.10.0 by @dependabot in #64
- Switching from Travis CI to GitHub Actions by @KeleranV in #61
- Adding a workflow file to publish a packaged version on PyPI on push on master by @KeleranV in #62
- [WIP] Add Dockerfile by @KeleranV in #55
- test manual dispatch of GitHub Actions by @adamjanovsky in #65
- Docker cd by @adamjanovsky in #66
- Adding the instruction on how to "export" data out of the container by @KeleranV in #69
- Fixing PyPI package building by @KeleranV in #70
- Changes in CAVP webpages parsing, fixed bugs, tests, and everything from the last PR by @mmstanone in #75
- [WIP] CC: One PR to rule them all -- feature parity with old API by @adamjanovsky in #59
- Cc serialization by @adamjanovsky in #83
- cc fix state handleling, merge extract and heuristics public methods by @adamjanovsky in #84
- simplify serialization by @adamjanovsky in #85
- Cc bugfixes by @adamjanovsky in #87
- Cc bugfixes label studio by @adamjanovsky in #88
- Workaround for MyBinder by @KeleranV in #90
- Cc exploratory notebook by @adamjanovsky in #91
- Bump urllib3 from 1.25.11 to 1.26.5 by @dependabot in #92
- Bump pillow from 8.1.1 to 8.2.0 by @dependabot in #93
- Cc CVE cpe notebook by @adamjanovsky in #96
- CLI, MyBinder, and web snapshot for FIPS by @mmstanone in #97
- Fips cpe by @adamjanovsky in #98
- better label for label studio labeling by @adamjanovsky in #99
- Bump pillow from 8.2.0 to 8.3.2 by @dependabot in #101
- Add related certs CVE dataset by @adamjanovsky in #102
- Settings sanitization by @mmstanone in #100
- get_certs_from_web() calls web_scan() by @mmstanone in #113
- Compute dependencies by @GeorgeFI in #110
- CVE matching by @adamjanovsky in #108
- Pandas unification, closes 107 by @adamjanovsky in #114
- Fix "maintainance" -> "maintenance". by @J08nY in #118
- Bump numpy to 1.21.4 to get rid of weird error. by @J08nY in #119
- Fix bad config path load in by @J08nY in #120
- Unify logging uses. by @J08nY in #122
- Fix #121 and #123 by @J08nY in #124
- Fix csv html parsing, closes #126 by @adamjanovsky in #127
- Bump lxml from 4.6.3 to 4.6.5 by @dependabot in #132
- Typehints by @mmstanone in #133
- Fix mypy errors by @adamjanovsky in #138
- Add configuration switch to enable/disable tqdm. by @J08nY in #134
- Use thread/process pools from concurrent.futures. by @J08nY in #135
- Mypy in CI/CD by @mmstanone in #136
- Mypy fix cpe matching by @adamjanovsky in #139
- Use billiard instead of concurrent.futures by @J08nY in #141
- Add more keyword rules. by @J08nY in #142
- Fix CCHeuristics attribute lookup. by @J08nY in #143
- Black, Flake8, isort linters: Closes-#106 by @adamjanovsky in #144
- Fix #145. by @J08nY in #149
- Use dgst field for FIPS instead of cert_id. by @J08nY in #148
- Add parsing of FIPS MIP and IUT lists by @J08nY in #45
- Lookup latest results from by @J08nY in #151
- Add slots to CPE and CVE classes. by @J08nY in #150
- FIPS - datetime, validation dates and dgsts by @mmstanone in #154
- Fix broken serialization of CVE and CPE objects. by @J08nY in #153
- Keep ordering of version matches in heuristics. by @J08nY in #152
- update requirements.txt with newer versions by @mmstanone in #155
- Fix from_dict ordering issue. by...